> In the Absence of Light... > by Two Sides of the Coin > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: Crimson Sunset > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The late night sky was sparkling brightly, unnaturally so. The stars flickered like tiny night lights while the moon shown down on the land as a giant search light. The bright moon light sung omens of the coming mistress, hunting down the light she despised. Everything seemed to hold its breath as the moon rose into the sky… not a single animal chirped or cried out. The silence held its sway over the land. Fear oozed out of the towns across Equstria as the coming hours of night approached with unrelenting speed. A chill wind flowed across trees, rustling the leaves in loud waves that surged across all forests. Clouds could be seen far in the distance by the high mountains in the east; billowing and flashing light with each strike of lightning. The clouds were dark gray and reaching high into the heavens each moment they came closer to Canterlot. Celestia, having ordered the citizens to stay indoors this night or to be evacuated to the safe shelters, stood on the front steps of Canterlot Castle. Several lines of lanterns could be seen trailing out into the darkness past the old cobble stone streets. Each of those lines was filled with ponies taking what little they could before leaving their homes. Fear held the hearts of her citizens, Celestia could tell by how they fled from their homes. Others cowered in the back-rooms of their homes hoping that the huntress of the night would pass over, leaving them unharmed. All Celestia could do was hang her head against her golden armored chest upon a single purple gem in the shape of a hexagon. Most of her long, flowing, rainbow mane was covered by a golden helmet with a protective neck layer; inscribed with many images of the sun she rose and fell each day. The rest of her lithe form was covered in the same golden armor, all of it covered in the image of the sun. “Why Luna… Why did you do this?” Celestia spoke disdainfully as the river of lights slowly filtered out of the city and into the land far away from Canterlot. She had failed to protect the people her mother and father assigned her but most of all she failed to protect the closest pony to her heart. So blinded by being a princess she had forgotten that she was a sister as well. Celestia closed her eyes, a single tear stung her eyes causing her to grit her teeth together in anger at herself. Why didn’t she ever listen to Luna? Celestia very well knew the answer to that one but all she could do was blame herself for the situation she had created with her own negligence. Had she just been a bit more of a sister then this situation would have been avoided. “You know dearest sister, it is unbecoming of a princess to weep before others.” A voice teased sinfully. Celestia’s eyes widened in despair, her breath catching in her throat, for that one voice would only belong to one alicorn. Swiftly raising her head up Celestia was face to face with her very own sister, fighting over the land of Equstria. Luna’s body had been twisted by the darkness; she was no longer the soft blue but replaced with raven black that absorbed everything like a void of space. Sparking sliver armor encased her form, protecting her chest and head while her armor was covered with images of the white crescent moon. Her pale blue, dragon-like eyes stabbed deep into Celestia’s soul examining each and every moment that past. Celestia couldn’t help or admit but feel a little dread as she stood before her own dark creation. Nightmare Moon strode up the stairs a malicious sneer painted across her face. “I am home finally after all these years. Aren't you happy to see your little sister?” she asked rhetorically as her eyes glazed over the armor of Celestia. The air hung in Celestia's throat choking the will she had to fight her own sister. She had to fight Luna... it was for the best of Equstria. Celestia mustered her will with a stern look of determination painted on her face. “Luna... stop this, please don't make me fight you.” Celestia's voice pleaded for some mercy. Nightmare moon huffed at her comment “Oh now you have resorted to begging? Not much of a princess action to do.” Nightmare took a step forward, closing the distance between her and Celestia. Celestia lowered her horn pointing straight at Nightmare moon. “Please Luna, don't do this... I don't want to hurt you.” Celestia was doing her best to hold back tears as she let the first of her magic form at the tip of her horn. The soft glowing yellow light emanated from her horn. Sparkles flowed down her horn while the orb of light was held causing the area around the two to become lit up. Nightmare Moon continued to advance, her hoof steps interrupt Celestia's thoughts and will. Nightmare Moon stopped just before Celestia the horn prodding against her raven black chest. “Go ahead... shoot your younger sister, show the world what a proud and benevolent ruler you are. Won't your citizens be proud that you vanquished your own sister.” Luna's words struck deep into Celestia's heart. Celestia clenched her teeth, shutting her eyes. She tried to force the ball of light to hit Luna but she couldn't. The will to hurt Luna faded away along with the ball of light. The area faded back into the darkness with the last of the ball disappearing back into the magic confines within her horn. Nightmare moon snickered evilly as she flashed her white fangs. “You are weak... this is why I should rule instead of a weak princess that can't even do what is required.” Nightmare Moon stood right next to Celestia, her face just past Celestia's face. Not even meeting Celestia's eyes Nightmare Moon spat on the ground. “Get out of my way... you are a weak link that needs to be fixed.” Within a few second Celestia fell to the ground, her legs splayed out under her. Celestia's eyes were blurred with tears as soft whimpers echoed through her body but were loud enough for Nightmare Moon to hear out of the corner of her ear. Her ears flickered lightly towards Celestia. “Oh the little princess has her feelings hurt well I have a perfect place for you to think over your decisions.” a evil laugh from Nightmare made Celestia's fur stand up on end, fearing what was going to happen next. "Don't worry... you'll have plenty of time to think things over." With a flash of Nightmare's horn a purple and blue beam struck Celestia in the head. Celestia grunted lightly as her vision became blurry before fading to black.