> The Draconequus of Notre Mare > by Inkquill > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter One: The Bells of Notre Mare. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Draconequus of Notre Mare. By Inkquill. Chapter One: The Bells of Notre Mare. Overture.  Maris, August. 11th, 17― “Come along Button, we mustn't dawdle,” Elaina urged as the streets began to grow more active with the mornings progression. “We have to get a few things here then we can head back home.” The dark brown colt fumbled slightly as he tried to keep pace with his mother while at the same time trying to amuse himself with a pair of marbles he had brought with him during their morning outing. “I'm coming mama," he answered. "I'm coming.” It was early in the morning. The sun just now reaching above the mountainous horizon in east, letting its warmth gently drape itself over the sleeping, somber earth. Streams of sunlight leaked through the early morning cloud cover, like white javelins of heaven. The world began to breath. The birds began to sing, filling the air with humble music. The grass glistened with the morning dew, making the fields and pastures sparkle radiantly as the wind blew softly through the trees. The market place was a bustle of activity. All the shops and street vender and peasantry moved about the narrow streets excitedly; the sounds of the clattering of hooves on cobblestone stone filled the air. But not so great was it that it could drown out the sound of clashing iron. Thundering with great pride, the great bells of the Marisian cathedral of Notre Mare rang out as they always did at this time of day. Every morning and evening, their harmonious music would ring throughout the streets and surrounding countryside of Maris. They could be like the roar of a great storm, or like the soft thrum of the hummingbird's wing. In either case, their music is that of power, sadness, love, and passion. Grand, imposing, beautiful, Notre Mare is truly a sight to behold. The whole structure like one great mural. Thousands of carved statues, depicting both the beautiful and the monstrous decorate it's ornate wall. It's towering gates never failing to strike awe in the eyes of the onlooker; A triumphant monument to pony kind. Adjacent to the Grand Plaza of Notre Mare, the local market square was a bustle of activity. Farmers, millers, blacksmiths, merchants, beggars, ponies returning home from the morning mass, all variety could be found here. Notre Mare may have been the soul of the city, but the market place was Maris’s living heart. Maneuvering through the crowds, Button's mother made her way to one of the local vendors stands. He had just finished with another pony when she approached. “Good morrow mademoiselle,” the elderly stallion said with a smile. “Good morrow to you monsieur,” she kindly replied. "I am in need of some carrots and potatoes. I'm making a stew for some visiting relatives.” The older earth pony chuckled slightly. “Then you are in luck, the harvest has been very plentiful this year.” As his mother conveyed with the older stallion, Button fiddled with the two glass marbles he had brought. They were brand new and vibrantly colored. One red, the other blue. As he played, he could hear the ringing of iron echoing from the dark confines of the cathedrals lofty bell towers. He looked up at the imposing structure, wide eyed and mouth agape. Then suddenly, his ears turned towards the gates of the grand plaza as a new sound rose above the bustling masses. The sound of a female voice, singing. “Morning in Maris, the city awakes To the bells of Notre Mare The fisherman fishes, the baker man bakes To the bells of Notre Mare,” Curiosity had stirred in the young colts mind. Who was that singing in the distance? Looking back at his mother, who was still speaking with the elderly farmer, he turned his focus back towards the plaza's large gate. “To the big bells as loud as the thunder, To the little bells soft as a psalm…” His curiosity besting him, he collected his marbles and ventured towards the plaza's gates. Pushing through the crowd, he eventually found his way into a clearing. There he saw a brightly colored wagon painted purples and greens and stationed just before the plaza. There was an open window on its side, covered by an awning of exotic fabric, in which a brightly colored mare dressed in garments of violet could be seen. A small cluster of foals had congregated around the wagon to listen to the pink gypsy-mare as she continued with her song. “And some say the soul of the city's The toll of the bells The bells of Notre Mare.” “Come one, and come all, brave little pony-folk!” she cheered her juvenile crowd on. “Behold, the great and marvelous stories of Madame Pinkie Pie! Whom, or what, should I enlighten you with today, hmm?” she asked, and one of the colts chimed up; “Oh, oh! Please Madam Pinkie, tell us about the cathedral!” he asked her. Pinkie grinned with joy at the question. “Very well, I shall!” she declared, and held a hoof to her ear, smiling softly. “Listen, they're beautiful, no?” She inquired of her wide eyed audience. The foals all looked a bit confused, but the bells were still ringing loudly. “The bells little ones, the bells! Can’t you hear them? So many colors of sound, so many changing moods. Because you know, they don't ring all by themselves.” Suddenly she held up a small hoof puppet the likeness of herself. “They don’t?” A nasal voice asked in surprise. “No you silly filly.” She replied, shaking her head and chuckling. she unveiled a curtain that would let her look right up at the bell towers. She pointed her hoof towards the lofty halls as she exclaimed, “Up there, high, high in the dark bell tower lives the mysterious bell ringer.” “Who is this creature?” “Who?” “What is he?” “What?” “How did he come to be there?” “How?" “Hush!" She softly scolded, and the foals all giggled a bit as Pinkie continued. “And Pinkie Pie will tell you. It is a tale, a tale of a mare, and a monster,” With an almost wicked grin, Pinkie continued to sing. It was snowing, and cold. The night was as black as the ink that drips from the quill. There was no moon, no stars, just the ever dominating grip of winter and the frigid storm that loomed in the distance. The streets of Maris where empty and desolate, covered in several layers of snow and ice. The usually sprawling city was almost the like of a hollow corpse, the only sounds to be heard were the sharp wailings of the winds and the swaying clatter of the store signs that they buffered. The great river that flowed through the city had been reduced to a slow moving slur of water and ice, like a vein in the body of a slain beast that long ago lost the heat it once retained. But through this blacken cold night, unbeknownst to the sleeping native populace, four weary souls slowly and quietly made their way into the city. Traveling along the icy river flow, the four figures tried their best not to be seen.  Eris shivered, wishing she hadn’t worn out her warm fur-lined leathers. Back in hot Mareseille, heavy clothing had been out of place, but here, in the grip of winter, it was invaluable. Her nose and lungs froze as she took another breath. Frantically, she pulled a portion of her thin scarf up to cover her nose; the air was easier to breathe that way, but her breath fogged her vision. She, as well as her two other companions huddled for warmth in the hull of the small ferryboat, whilst the fourth steered the vessel forward via a long wooden pole. Among her company was a light blue unicorn of decent strength and magical ability from Germaneigh, the other a Pegasus with a tanned coat and long mane from Saddle Arabia, her country of origin.  However, unlike her companions, Eris was not a pony. She was a mare nonetheless, but she was long and slender, with a body similar to that of a serpent, of which she tightly wrapped the dark colored wrapping about. She wore a hood over her head, but her golden eyes and red pupils could still be easily seen. “Dark was the night when our tale was begun,  On the docks near Notre Mare.” As they slowly navigated the frigid waters, the three huddled figures scanned the shore line for any sign of activity. Eris however was more so concerned with the tight bundle she cradled in her arms. Suddenly, a small whimper came up from the trio. “Hush it up, will you,” the male pegasus whispered in concern. There in the strange exotic mare arms, she cradled a tight bundle of furs. It squirmed slightly as she brought it closer to her breast. The male unicorn turned his gaze towards her. “We’ll be spotted!” He followed suit. She nodded as she tried her best to hush the whimpering child in her arms, giving him soft nuzzles and kisses. “Hush little one..” she begged of the child, praying that they would not be found. She knew far too well of the city’s reputation and disliking of foreigners like themselves. And on of that, not only where they foreigners, they were gypsies. Above all, gypsies were the most unwelcomed in the city. They were magic users, and such activities were heavily suppressed and in some cases outlawed within the Marisian walls. “Four frightened gypsies slid silently under The docks near Notre Mare.” They had been traveling for weeks now. They had run out of food and resources. And with winter already in full sway, their options were few, if any at all. Reluctantly, they decided to attempt to enter the walled city. Their goal was slip into the city undetected by the authorities, and eventually reach a safe haven that they knew they would be safe for the time being. They called it, “The Court of Miracles”, and their best hope for survival.  When the boat finally came to a halt, they all quickly stepped off, the blanket and its precious cargo being carried firmly in the mare's maternal embrace; Eris, was the most desperate to reach the hidden “Court”. With the arrival of winter, the cold had brought her illness, and the illness had robbed her of her milk, forcing her to substitute goat's milk it its place. But every time she fed her child, their already limited resources further diminished. If they didn't reach the Court of Miracles, the child would starve. “Four gold Bits for safe passage into Maris.” the ferry-colt demanded. But as the oldest stallion of the three in the company, the teal colored unicorn, prepared to pay the generous stallion for helping them into the town, an arrow shot right into the butt of the ferry-colt's oar, and several armored stallions appeared, wearing the armor of the Marisian Guard and armed with pole-axes and crossbows as they all rushed up to surround and trap the ponies. “But a trap has been laid for the gypsies, And they gazed up in fear and alarm.” “Gypsies!” The captain declared. "You are all under arrest by order of the Queen, under the restriction of trespassing into Maris without permit!” “Without permi... Are you insane?!” the Pegasus demanded as he'd push and struggled to get the pole-axes away from them. “That low some wyrm of a “queen” of yours wouldn't let us in even if Faust all mighty herself ordained it! We are desperate and without food, what harm could we do? Release us!” “Do not dare speak such slander of our Queen, gypsy!” the captain bellowed as he jabbed the butt of his lance on to the colt's throat, making him groan and fall to his hooves, gasping for air.  “How dare you give her such insult! You all are to be taken into custody and interrogated for possible intent of overthrowing the Queen! Any more words uttered, and your sentence shall be wrought upon you two-fold!” “M-Monster's…” the Pegasus groaned in pain, still trying to regain his breath as the other two tried to help him up. “You are all filthy low some…” “Yes, gypsy. What are we?”  Suddenly the trio's eye's shot wide open as the new voice echoed in their ears. Void of emotion and bitter, the voice was soft, but somehow retained a cold harshness to it, like the cold edge of sharpened steel. “At a figure whose clutches, Were iron as much as the bells…” “Queen Chrysalis!” The frighten colt exclaimed. The moment the Pegasus uttered that name, all four of the company froze in instant fear as the tall sinister figure emerged from the shadows. She was slender, yet formed like a goddess, her coat the color of milk, her mane like liquid turquoise and her eye's like faded emeralds. “The bells of Notre Mare…”[/i] Almost hypnotic was her gaze. One could quite easily find himself lost in those clouded jewels. But what he would find in them however, that was a different matter.   Her ornately decorated hooves trampling into the snow covered ground as she approached them, glaring down at each of them with a scornful sneer as her guards proceeded to bind them in chains, all except for the mare. “Queen Chrysalis had longed To purge the world Of vice and sin.” Unable to move from sheer terror it was as if she had frozen to the very snow that blanketed the earth, and she coward as the slender queen strode up to them. “And she saw corruption Everywhere Except within.” “Bring these gypsy vermin to the Palace of Justice.” She said with a jeering tone. Just then, the small being in the cloaked mare’s cradle began to whine anew, bringing up the attention of one of the guards who that grabbed at the cloth. “You there, what're you hiding?!” He demanded and almost ripped the cloth off, but Eris resisted as she pushed the guard off of her.  “Let it be!” she begged, almost demanding of the guard, but instantly she cowered as now, even Chrysalis appeared to be intrigued of what lay wrapped within the cloth. Cocking her head with an angry expression, she eyed the hooded figure before her. Chrysalis could see Eris's un-equine eye's peering through the shade of her cloak, trembling with fear. Shocked and confused at the abnormality of the mares eyes she turned to her guard. “Stolen goods, no doubt…” she declared accusingly. “Take them from her.” Cornered, and with no other option or desire other than to protect her child, Eris made the only decision she could at the moment.   “She ran!” Eruption through the armed guards, the serpentine figure pressed the small bundle close to her breast as she then ran in full gallop.  “After her!” She heard Chrysalis shout to her guards behind her. “Don't let her escape!” Eris could hear the trampling of hoofs behind her, the soldiers were hot on her heels. With incredible speed, Eris flew through the snow covered streets. She felt a bolt from a cross bow fly pass her head and she looked back to see the darkly cladded guards still in hot pursuit. In desperation she raised her claw and in an instant, the very road was shifted from stone and snow to soap and water. The guards were too slow to react and ran straight into the trap; slipping and falling on the ground. She concealed in the shadow of an alley-way, she checked her bearings, peering through the snowy, fog covered streets. Her breath heavy and ragged. Caressing the tightly bound bundle, she hushed lovingly to her child, desperately trying to keep him from crying out. Then suddenly, her ears caught wind of the sound of approaching hooves. She whirled around to her horror to see Queen Chrysalis herself charging straight towards her. Fire burning in her eyes. Frantically, Eris sped her way in the opposite direction of the oncoming mare. Weaving through alley-ways, over fences, stables and even trampling through a frost covered garden, but Chrysalis did not give up her chase on the mare trying to avoid her sentence. Finally, the cloaked figure found a slim entrance too big for the snow colored mare to follow her through, and she slipped right through, as Chrysalis neighed in annoyance and anger as she was forced to seek out an alternate route. Finally, the mare thought, as she then reached the vast, empty Grand Plaza. She sighed in relief as she gazed upon the towering stone parapets of the cathedral of Notre Mare. Almost flying, she bolted straight towards the great doors, her cloth bundle still held tightly in her arms as the crying of an infant could still be heard loudly crying in the night. She knew those who claimed sanctuary within the cathedral were welcomed by the church and could not be touched by the authorities of Maris, not even Chrysalis. She finally reached the reinforced doors, tears of pure fear and desperation welling up in her eyes as her heart beating like thunder, she began to furiously beat against the grand entrance. “Sanctuary! Please, give us sanctuary!” she cried out, begging the higher powers that anypony who would be present would hear her pleas of mercy. “Faust's mercy, please give us sanctuary!” However, the thundering hooves were heard anew, and with a gasping whimper of fear, she could see Chrysalis advancing for her anew, finally catching up with her little escapee as if she grown tired with her games. Justice was inevitable! Chrysalis clamped her teeth upon the cloth wrapping and tried to pull it away from the gypsy-mare. But Eris resisted. She pulled back desperately trying to defend her child, and even rammed the blunt of her hind leg into Alicorn's side, in hopes she would release her grip upon the bundle. A brief struggle ensued between the two, both determined to succeed in the endeavor.  The gypsy-mare gave another tug on the cloth, causing a distressed cry to come from the infant wrapped within. In that instant, Chrysalis raised herself upon her hind legs and in a single movement, struck the slender female square upon her brow. The sharp curve of her hoof digging into the mare's skin. Eris lost her balance, her grip upon her child faltered. She fell back, her head dashing on to the snow covered stone steps; a streak of crimson staining the bleak, pearl-white snow upon the steps of the imposing cathedral, the lifeless form of Eris, defeated in her struggle, now draped upon the cold stone; a pool of vermillion red staining the snow even further. She had stopped moving.  She was dead. With a grim expression, Chrysalis held the bundle and looked down upon the lifeless figure. Everything was still. Almost no sound could be accounted for as Chrysalis stood over the bloodied steps. But then a small whimper came up from the cloth, drawing Chrysalis’ attention. “A baby?” When she unfolded the cloth with her hoof, even she gasped, and folded it up as quickly as she had undone it. “A monster!” she exclaimed, looking frantically around for a way to dispose of such a creature. Finally, her cold, emerald eyes looked upon the only thing in her current vicinity that could destroy such a beast; A well. Trudging up to it, she peered into the half-frozen water below her, the thin veil of ice below would surely break if he tossed the monstrosity down. She dangled it over the gaping maw to its abyssal death, she was about to let it drop and fall down to its certain death… “Stop!” Cried the Archdeacon, Luna. Turning her cold, venom-filled gaze towards the midnight blue pony with and expression of annoyance as she held up the dangling bundle. “This is an unholy demon!” She exclaimed, “I am sending it back to hell where it belongs.” Shocked and bewildered by the scene before her, Luna knelt down to the lifeless form that was draped across the stone steps. Cradling the body in her hooves she looked up at the queen. “See that the innocent blood you have spilt, on the steps of Notre Mare.” Chrysalis dismissed the Archdeacon’s words. “I am guiltless,” she said with a disinterested tone, her eyes half-lidded. “She ran, I pursued.” Luna's expression was now one of anger as the queen strode towards her. “Now you would add this child's blood to your guilt, on the steps of Notre Mare?” Luna continued. “My conscience is clear!” She harshly stated. Luna only frowned at the queen’s disposition; this was a serious matter. “You can lie to yourself and your minions,” she stated. “You can claim that you haven't a qualm, but you never can run from nor hide what you've done from the eye's... the very eyes of Notre Mare!” She raised her hoof towards the cathedral, directing Chrysalis' gaze to the countless statues. Now it was Chrysalis' turn to be frightened. She gazed upon the towering walls of Notre Mare, petrified as the thousands of carved stone eyes bore their way into her soul. If she didn't know any better, she could suspect that these statues were glaring at her in disapproval and accusation. She felt as if she now stood before the holy jury of heaven, one false move and she would face the consequences. Chrysalis grew even more frightened as he spotted a statue of a winged mare cradling a foal. It was the statue of Celestia. The holy mother of the sun and dawn, the first born of the mother, Faust. Her word was of love, wisdom and kindness, and it appeared now that she herself was glaring down upon the Marisian queen. “And for one time her life of power and control, Chrysalis felt a twinge of fear for her immortal soul.” Chrysalis knew then she could not kill the creature she now held, even if she wanted to. “What must I do?” She asked with reluctant concern. Gently, Luna picked up the lifeless body from the cold stone. She would receive a proper burial, not thrown aside into some ditch for the feral dogs to pick clean. After all, even if she was not a pony, she was still a child of the mother, Faust. With sullen eyes, she turned to the queen. “Care for the child,” she stated. “And raise it as your own.” A look of disbelief and disgust spread across Chrysalis' face, her eye's wide and stormy. “What?” She exclaimed, “I am to be settled with misshapen…” she paused, her eyes fixed on the bundle. She was a respected member of the authority and if she were to be seen in the care of this creature, she would lose what she had gained through fear and malice. Of course, she had no other choice. “Very well, but let him live here with you in your church.” Luna looked on in surprise and confusion. “Live here?” She asked, “where?” Chrysalis' eyes wandered. “Anywhere... just so he's locked away where no pony else can see.” Her eyes fell upon the lofty cathedral towers. “The bell tower perhaps? And who knows, our mother works in mysterious ways.” Holding the child closer to her face, a venomous grin traced along her lips. “Even this foul creature may prove one day to be, of use to me.” Coming back to Pinkie and her now spell-charmed fillies and colts, she smirked as she saw them entranced by the story she was giving them of the cathedrals bell ringer, seeing him as a most mysterious of beings. “And Chrysalis gave the foal a cruel name,” she said, as a small shadow play was turned on for the children, using a paper figure of Chrysalis holding the cradled baby and walking up the stairs of the bell tower, but it was soon replaced with a small, horned serpent-like being following her steps. “A name that means chaos and disharmony... Discord!” As the shadow play progressed, the paper figure of this ‘Discord’ was swapped to a slightly older-looking version of him, finally ending with him reaching the top of a tower, pulling a small rope as a little bell began to chime. “Now here is a riddle to guess if you can, sing the bells of Notre Mare…” And as Pinkie brought the story to its end, inside the bell tower, a tall, slender, dragon like creature veiled in shadow, powerfully pulled upon a strong, thick rope, as all the bells thunderously rung and echoed around him, but he dutifully carried out his job. “Who is the monster and who is the mare? Sing the bells, bells, bells, bells, bells, bells, bells, bells Bells of Notre Mare!” Whilst finally letting himself be dragged upwards along the rope's recoil, he swung back and forth between the swinging, thundering bells, the wooden support beams, and numerous ropes hanging around them, and finally landing with a loud 'thud' upon the wooden floor of his dwelling. Madame Pinkie Pie then glanced at her audience. They were silent, wide eyed and mouth agape. Finally one colt broke the silence of the crowd, as he slowly began to clap his hooves together in applause. The rest soon joined, and cheers of joy rose up from the congregation. Button was still among them. With a look of wonder and excitement, he gazed up at the dark bell tower and imagined the creature that dwelled there. But his imagination was interrupted by the sound of his mother voice coming from behind him with a concerned tone. “Button, there you are!” She scolded, “What have I told you about wandering off?” Button was too excited to listen to his mother's banter. “Mama, it was amazing!” He joyfully exclaimed, “with the cathedral and the queen and the bell ringer and…” He was cut off. “Oh Button we don't have time, we have to get home to make dinner!” And with that, she pulled Button by the hood in the direction of their home. But as they departed the scene, Button managed to get one last glance at Notre Mare. The sun arching over its bell towers and the echoing ringing slowly began to fade. A new day had begun. > Chapter Two: A New Day. -Revised- > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Draconequus of Notre Mare. By Inkquill. Chapter Two: The Bells of Notre Mare. The day was calm and tranquil; the sky clear and radiant with the amber light of the sun. A slight mist from the morning prior still lingered near the earth, veiling the horizon in a bluish haze. The air was cool and pleasant as it gently blew through the open fields of wheat that flanked the eastern road to Maris. Along the east to west causeway, a caravan of wagons, dressed in vibrant colors and designs, made its way eastward towards the infamous walled city. A total of three horse drawn wheeled vessels, each pulled by two well-built stallions and accompanied by a congregation of mares and foals, composed the body of the caravan. They were all dressed in loosely fitted garments of multi-colored linens, which allowed for better air circulation during their long marches across the terrain. They decorated themselves with small ordainments of bead or silver, some even sported small bits of gold jewelry that either hung from their cloths or the own body. Carried within the wagons themselves were a multiple assortment of merchant goods. Fine silks, exotic fragrances and art works, as well as a number of different flavored wines and spices filled their hulls. Two figures rode in the middle wagon. One stood towards the front looking out upon the unfolding landscape, while the other remained towards the back of the wagon among the food stores, unsuccessfully trying to feed her pet rabbit. Both individuals were young mares of supple youth. One was a teal blue unicorn dressed in a violet magicians hat and cloak, sporting a number of yellow moons and stars, while the other was a buttermilk colored Pegasus dressed in a simple green linen dress and scarf. Her long, flowing rosé mane cascaded down her shoulders in a rather discontented fashion as she knelt down to the white rabbit before her. She casually moved a dangling lock of hair away from her face as she offered him a bowl of lettuce. "Oh come on Angel," she said in a loving, maternal tone. "Eat up. You haven't even had breakfast yet." With a vex expression, the snow colored hare kicked at the wooden platter with his large feet, sending it flying only to crash into the wagons wooden wall. Surprised at her pet's actions, the distraught mare let out an exhausted sigh. “Oh my…” she quietly exclaimed. Hearing the sudden clatter behind her, the light blue unicorn whirled her head around to see what all the commotion was. “Fluttershy, what was that?" She inquired. “Oh, sorry Trixie,” she replied. “I'm trying to get Angel to eat, but he simply refuses anything I've given him. I've tried radishes, tomatoes, lettuce, nothing worked.” Trixie shook her head with discontent, “That rabbit of yours is just being spoiled!” She firmly stated, “If he's really hungry, he'll eat soon enough.” Fluttershy could see her logic. “I guess you're right. It just worries me, that's all.” Defeated in her endeavor, Fluttershy joined Trixie at the front of the wagon, watching the unfolding tapestry of the land. She saw a doe alongside a small fawn bound across the road to disappear into the forest. A migrating flock of duck and geese flew overhead. The world was vibrant and full of color. Crisp and rejuvenating. 'What a beautiful place', she thought to herself. Growing up among the caravan, Fluttershy was often surrounded by nature, except on the few occasions they would make camp in a town or village. Often she would wander through the foliage of the forest, keeping a safe distance to the campsite mind you. They had been traveling for days on end now. Migrating eastward from their native homeland in search of new opportunities for trade and commerce. Fluttershy had been born and raised in the caravan; her father, a well-built stallion in his early years had been a traveling merchant for several years; traveling along with the gypsies’ caravans and making an honest profit. His name was Autumn Leaf. During his travels, he had met a beautiful young mare and the two fell madly in love. But too much sadness, both her mother and father had since left this world. Their bodies laid into the earth, their spirits to hallowed halls of Faust. Despite this, Fluttershy had never the less had a joyful and pleasant life among the gypsies. In the years after the unfortunate passing of both of her parents, Fluttershy had been taken in by one of the caravans families. They had been close friends with her father, and where more than happy to look after the young Pegasus after his passing. They had daughter of their own named Trixie, and over time, Fluttershy and Trixie had developed a relationship almost to that of sisterhood. Trixie had come from a long line of magicians, and she aspired to carry on the family tradition. Although she could come off as boastful or egocentric, often referring to herself as “The Great and Powerful”, she was a kind mare at heart. “I've been practicing my magic,” she chimed. “Not that I need it that is.” Fluttershy smiled and let out a small laugh at Trixie's demeanor. “Well of course not,” she replied. “I can't wait to get to Maris, I hear it's streets are paved with marble.” Trixie's voice was joyful and excited with anticipation. Tales of the great walled city had traveled far, prompting the caravan to set their sights westward. Trixie dreamed of performing her magic for the cities sprawling masses, earning her the fame and recognition she so dearly desired.  “And the roofs are covered with golden straw,” Trixie continued. “A city of wonders huh?” Fluttershy's soft smile only deepened at her friend's question. “Oh, I don't know. It sounds almost too good to be true, doesn't it?” Trixie was un-stayed by the question; her head was too lost in her daydreams. “And when we get there, I, “The Great and Powerful Trixie' will perform for all the city to see. They will adore me.” “I wouldn't count my duck before they hatch,” a tiny voice piped up. A small, white foal with brown spots hopped up on to the wagon. He wore a small, grey cap on his head; well-worn and tattered, but still not something to throw away. “I hear the Marisian pony-folk don't much like us gypsies. Think we all thieves and witches they do.” “Oh Pipsqueak don't daft,” Trixie scoffed. “That can't possibly be true.” Trixie's tone was condescending and dismissive.  Pipsqueak shook his head in exhaustion. “Nope. I hear they just take ponies like us and throw them in their bloody dungeon,” Pipsqueak stomped his hoof. “I don't know why we're even heading there in the first place.” Fluttershy had been mostly silent throughout their arguing, but now felt the urge to put in her own input. “Perhaps they're just wary of strangers?” She suggested, “I know if somepony just show up and I didn't know who they were, I'd be hesitant too.” Trixie had grown tired of the heavy subject, “Well, in any case, once we finally reach Maris we'll be able to rest, and can demonstrate my power to the masses!” She exclaimed cheerfully. Fluttershy's attentions had drifted away from her step-sisters boasting. Once again the landscape was held idle in her eyes. Her hoof drifted to her neck, around which hung a small, golden locket. Her eyes wandered to the sky and clouds above, the sun illuminating them from behind, giving them the appearance of white fire. She twiddled the small ordainment in her hoof and breathed deeply. It was oval shaped and smooth, a simple decorative pattern cast into the metal. Inside there resided to pictures, one of her mother and the other of her father. She had carried these for as long as she could remember. Memories began to manifest in her mind. She recalled one instance when the caravan had made camp near a small river. Her mother had been a Pegasus but her father had been a proud Earth pony. Through most of her young life, he had been there by her side. Teaching her, protecting her and above all else loving her. She had been just a filly then, free of the worries of life, living in a world of splendor and joy, where no harm could be wrought.   “Papa, those birds are singing to us.” Fluttershy could hear the distant voice of her younger self. “They sound so pretty,” she spoke softly. “Yes they do sweetie, yes they do.” The voice of her father echoed in her mind. fading in and out like the looming fog. A smile graced her face as she remembered how they would talk and play together. He told her that the world is alive, everything has a spirit and a voice. All you have to do is listen. Sometimes, she would stay up in the night and listen for these allusive voices. She would close her eyes and let her ears take hold. Slowly, she could hear it... an almost ghostly music drifting through the air. With tender embrace, the music would surround her, caressing her being with tender care. Slowly, it would build in volume, rising into a great orchestra that would fill her soul with an unearthly warmth. As if her whole body was filled a strange and loving glow so radiant, no one could dream to see it. It appeared to her as if the physical world would fade into obscurity, replaced by a realm of phantom shapes and distant lights. She stood in a vast field of golden wheat, the long strands shifting and swaying in the wind; almost like a sea of liquid gold. The sky the color of ink, yet the sun would be blazing upon its noontime throne, and all around her, a disembodied music would dance about her. It was unearthly, something hard to describe, almost... ethereal? Yes! That's it, ethereal. As the music would grow, strange shapes would begin to appear. Like that of ponies, but somehow... different. Something about them was simply alien, as if they were the music itself. They would dance around her, almost floating above the swaying field. Then, before she realized it, she would be woken by the light of the rising sun. Had she imagined it? Or had she really heard the voices of the world? She didn't know… A light blue hoof waved in front of her face. “Fluttershy? Fluttershy?” Trixie inquired, “Fluttershy, hello? Earth to Fluttershy.” With a slight gasp, Fluttershy returned her attention to the present. Trixie was excited, a wide smile spread across her face. “Fluttershy look!” She pointed her hoof down into the distance. Below in the great river valley it stood. A sprawling, walled metropolis surrounded by farmland and mills. The river flowing through its heart glistened in the sunlight, flowing down from the snow peaked mountains in the east to disappear in the western horizon. “There it is Fluttershy,” Trixie exclaimed excitedly. “The City of Maris!” “Maris…” she whispered. > Chapter Three: The City of Maris. -Revised- > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Draconequus of Notre Mare. By Inkquill. Chapter Three: The City of Maris. A lone Pegasus lieutenant stood on the east wall, just to the left of the massive iron gate. Leaning against the stone parapets of the walls impressive defenses, pole-axe in hoof he gazed out at the vastness of the sky, letting out a disinterested sigh. “Shield Lance, we have movement on the east front,” called Flitterwing from the nearby watchtower. “Looks like a caravan is coming up the eastern road!” “Sound the alarm,” Shield Lance called back. From atop the tower, Flitterwing blew hard upon his horn, it's deep resounding note joined shortly thereafter by the sound of hoof beats and clamoring armor as the Marisian city guard took up their positions. The militiamen hastened to reinforce the guards, arming crossbows as they took up positions on the wall. With striking contrast, the exotically colored band of ponies made their way towards the Marisian gates. Trixie was bountiful with excitement and glee, but managed to hold a quasi-form of regality. First impressions are everything you know. “Halt!” Called on of the city guards perched upon the lofty walls. With a confused jolt, the caravan obeyed his command, coming to a full stop as they looked up at the Marisian native. “Good morrow my good stallion,” the lead gypsy called out with a friendly disposition.  “Why do you stop us?” The Marisian soldier glared down at them through the visor of his iron helmet, lightly shaking his head at their ignorance. “No gypsy can entire Maris without permit or by the queen's consent,” he stated. “It is the law.” The lead stallion looked at the soldier with a vexed confusion. “But why are the others allowed passage?” He was referring to the flocks of ponies he had seen enter the city from afar, just before they had come unto the gates. “They are Marisians,” he scoffed coldly. “You are gypsies, foreigners!” “Foreigners?” He smiled softly with discontent and exhaustion. “You came yesterday, we come today. What difference does it make?” “No gypsy is permitted within these walls without permit. Yours is an evil race, you foul the very soil you tread on, and the queen will not allow your heathen ways to poison the souls of her subjects!” As the two stallions continued to converse and argue, Trixie and Fluttershy were trying to figure out why the caravan had stopped. They were not in ear range and could not hear the argument at the head of the wagon train. “What's going on up there?” Trixie asked. Fluttershy tried to peer ahead of them to get a better view, “I don't know... can't get a good view.” In the back of the wagon, Angel the rabbit rummaged through the food stores with boredom and discontent. Nothing appealed to him it seemed. Agitated and annoyed, he knelt down on an empty wine bottle, propping his head up with his right paw. His long lagomorphic ears laid limp, one coming to rest in front of his face. He blew at it gently, causing it to sway back and forth. A disinterested playfulness. His stomach ached from lack of food, but he was far too stubborn to settle for anything lesser than what his current whim ordained. He yawned and laid his head down upon the wine bottle. Nestling his plush cheeks upon his forearms. Suddenly, one of his ears twitched; raising up involuntarily. The sound of wooden wheels clattering upon the cobblestone arose his curiosity. Hopping up to peer through the gypsy wagon's back window. An elderly farms pony was traveling up the road, the wooden cart he pulled shook and clattered as the wheels rolled over the uneven road. There was a large bag of flour, accompanied by a few stacks of hay and a single sack of potatoes. Angel focused his gaze as he noticed something amongst the assortment; a faint glimpse of orange. As the farm pony drew near, Angel got a better view of the cart's contents. His eyes widened as he saw a collection of fresh carrots wedged between the flour and the potatoes. His mouth watered as the sun glistened off their marigold skin. “Ugh! What is taking so long?” Trixie exclaimed anxiously. Angel looked back at the two mares then back towards the moving cart.  It had passed by and was making its way towards the Marisian gates. He took one more glance back at the two mares towards the front of the wagon then proceeded to pull himself over the windowsill. He let his legs dangle down before letting his grip on the wooden ledge fall limp and hopped down to the road. Eyeing the cart, he began to steadily hop in its direction. Fluttershy had been resting against the wagon's coachman's seat as Trixie continued to inquire of the transpiring at the front of the caravan, but for some reason, she began to feel a strange sensation in the back of her mind. Something wasn't quite right. Trixie perched her head on one of her hind legs and let out an exhausted sigh. She was out of breath and tired of her fruitless questioning. Fluttershy's expression turned to one of concern and curiosity.  Something was missing. She looked about the wagon, everything seemed normal, the fabrics were all in place, the spices all untouched, the food stocks mostly unaltered by Angel's rummaging... “Wait, where's Angel?” She asked. Trixie looked up at Fluttershy's question, then back at the food stores. “I don't know,” she replied. “He probably just scampered off? You know, do whatever rabbits do?” Fluttershy couldn't help but feel concerned. "I'm going to go look for him, be right back." She jumped down from the wagon a started to search for the white lagomorph. “Angel!” She called, “Angel, where are you?” Where had that little troublemaker gone? In her search, she had been wandering further up the caravan, towards the city gates. A group of villagers were entering the city through two small side gates that flanked the primary entrance. Public gates perhaps? As she drew nearer to the head of the caravan she began to hear Playing Cards, the lead stallion, arguing with somepony. Suddenly, she glanced a flash of white amongst the crowd. She saw in the distance an elderly stallion pulling a wooden cart filled with farm goods, and trailing behind, a small pearl-white form in pursuit. “Angel, come back!” She called. It was fruitless. A single guard stood at the public entrance, pole-axe in hoof, stopping everypony who approached before allowing them passage. He stopped the farms pony, but quickly recoiled his weapon and the stallion passed by, unbeknownst to the white rabbit in tow.  Hesitantly, she made her way towards the small city entrance. As she walked, a family of millers crossed her path and unintentionally absorbed her into their group. The family was composed of Unicorns, but there was something strange she noticed about them. On each of the horns there was a piece of iron that had been fashioned to cover the magical appendage. Even the fillies had it, and she found this somewhat peculiar. She and the small group reached the guarded portal as she saw Angel disappear around the corner at the opposite end of the entrance. They were momentarily stopped by the guard, but he soon granted them passage, having not noticed the gypsy-mare amongst them. Fluttershy and the family passed onward through the darkly illuminated tunnel that led into the city. Meanwhile, Playing Cards and the soldier were still arguing. “You will take your heathen filth elsewhere!" He insulted, "You're not welcome here!” “But we bring fine trade goods and exotic spices, surely you would not turn such things down?” “You will not set hoof in this city, and that is final!”  Pipsqueak had been listening to the entire length of the argument, concealed beneath the front wagon's coach's seat. Having heard enough, he jumped down and began heading towards Fluttershy and Trixie's wagon. “You won't believe what those Marisian said about us gypsies!” Pipsqueak said disgustedly.  He hesitated for a moment as he saw Trixie looking around as if in search of something. “What you looking for?” He asked. “Have you seen Fluttershy? She went to look for Angel and she's been gone for a little while.” Meanwhile, Fluttershy was in the midst of the all bustling crowd. The streets were narrow, and the buildings were of several stories’ height, giving an almost canyon-esch effect. Very little sunlight reached the cobblestone streets, causing everything to be dressed in a perpetual shadow. Everypony was shouting and pushing their way around the street. She called out for Angel. No response. Finally, she managed to break free of the chaotic mass and into a far less populated area of the street. She looked around. No sight of him. But what she did see surprised her; all the unicorns had metal plating around their horn. This puzzled her for some reason, it actually made her feel uneasy, but she could not understand why. Suddenly, she spotted a glimpse of white. She could see Angel in the distance, hopping towards some unknown location. “Angel, wait!” She called out as she began her pursuit. Maneuvering through the narrow causeways, she tried to catch up to her beloved pet. But after a few moments, she lost sight of him. Everything seemed so gray here, as if the color of the world had been bled away. Finally, Fluttershy was greeted by the warmth of the sun. It's golden light washing over her skin as she entered a vast, open plaza. There she spotted Angel trying to reach the dangling carrot from the wooden cart.  “Angel!” She exclaimed happily as she picked him up in her hooves, “Why did you run off? You had me worried…” She paused. Her head began to rise, her gaze diverting upward. That's when she saw it. The Great Cathedral of Notre Mare. She gazed up at the towering architectural masterpiece, her breath alluding her as the grotesque, baleful stone gargoyles loomed ominously above her. She was captivated with fascination as she stared at the large rose window, watching as the sun reflected off the glass, causing an aurora of colors to illuminate the cobblestone below. Fluttershy was lost in its wonder, but also she felt a strange shiver run up and down her spine. Was it possible for stone to have eyes? She knew it was a foalish notion, but still... it seemed almost as if the cathedral itself was staring back at her, searching through her very soul. She jumped as she felt a hoof grab at her shoulder and spin her around. “Aye, you!” There were two rather large Marisian city guards standing behind her. One was a well-built Earth pony, the other was a slender, and to all honest, lanky Unicorn. His horn also encased in a tightly bound cast iron casing. “Alright gypsy, where's your permit?!” The Unicorn demanded. Fluttershy retreated back from the imposing stallion. “Um... I'm sorry?” She asked in confusion, clutching Angel close to her. “Your permit wench! Are you deaf? No gypsy is allowed into Maris without a permit or by the queen's consent.” Fluttershy noticed the large barbed lash strapped to the stallion’s side, each of its ghastly metal thorns dangling at each lash end forebodingly. Her eyes widened as she saw the other guard place his hoof on his own lash in preparation. The Earth pony looked down at her and noticed the small gold locket that was dangling from her neck. “Alright, where'd you get that locket gypsy?!” Her free hoof went to her neck. “It's mine, please leave it be.” A smirk came across the guards face. “You hear that? She says it's hers.” The Unicorn laughed slightly. “But you know what I think? I think you stole it.” Fluttershy's eyes widened in disgust at the accusation. “For your information, it was given to me by my father!” The two stallions looked at one another and chuckled, “Ya father eh?” Said the Earth pony, “Well where is ya father sweat filly?” Fluttershy couldn't help but wince at his question, which the guard took clear note of, “My father is… no longer on this earth.” She said calmly in a heavy tone. The stallions however had a much different reaction. “Aww, did you hear that mate? Looks like we have a little orphan on our hooves. Well don't worry sweet filly, ol’ Aspall and Ale here will keep ya safe. Now how about we head to a little inn I know and we show you a good time and we forget this business here eh?” Fluttershy’s eyes went wide in shock at that moment and she began to back away, “Uh.. no, no thank you.” She tried to make out. “Oh come on lass, we’ll all have a great ol’ time. Right Ale?”  “You bet Aspall,” Ale chuckled, “a great ol’ time.” “Gentlecolts, please I must decline—” She was cut off as Aspall reached out with a strong hoof and grabbed at her foreleg. She felt him jerk her towards him. She tried to scream, but found her voice caught in her throat. In the split second, something happened that shocked both her and the two guards; she raised her hoof and brought it across the Earth pony’s face, forcing him to let her go. Aspall felt the sting of her hoof burn on his half shaven cheek. The stallion narrowed his eyes. “Trouble maker eh?” The second guard grabbed at her, “Maybe some time in the stockade would be best! Least I could take a peek at that sweat plot of yours huh?” At that moment, Angel leaped out of Fluttershy's forelegs, planting his large feet square upon the guards brow. This caught the stallion by surprise and caused him to stumble back. The second guard reached out for the white hare, pulling out his lash to strike. “Why you little.. ugh!” He was cut off as the cream mare shoved him to protect her beloved pet. He fell face first into the cobblestone just short of the pearl-white lagomorph.  “Don't you ever touch him!” she exclaimed. She really did hate violence, but when it came to the ones she loved, she would defend them at all costs. Picking up Angel in her hooves, she darted towards the narrow streets as the two guards fumbled to pick themselves up. “Come back here you little gypsy-wench!” They screamed at her. After finally regaining their footing, the two Marisian guards spread out in search of the rosé haired mare and her pet rabbit. They were both hiding behind a stack of barrels, keeping as still and as quiet as possible.  “You find anything?!” Aspall called out. “Nothing yet!” Ale replied. Fluttershy peered out to see where they were and gain her bearings, but unbeknownst to her, she was not alone among barrels. Suddenly, a hoof wrapped around her mouth, pulling her back. She tried to scream, but the hoof upon her mouth was firm. Her eyes met with two light blue orbs, a single curled lock of dark pink hair dangling between them. “Shhhh, no time to explain,” a high pitched feminine voice whispered. “We got to get out of here.” Pushing her hoof aside, she looked up at the unknown mare. She was an Earth pony, completely pink and dressed in exotic violet fabrics. “Who are you?” She asked. “Who me? Oh! Where are my manners? I am La Madame Pinkamena Dian Pie, but you can call Pinkie, but there's no time for that, we got to split!” With that, she grabbed Fluttershy by her wrist and hurriedly led her away. As they exited the scene, a large iron stagecoach flanked by guards pulled up towards the cathedral steps; the royal seal engraved into its side. > Chapter Four: Among Hallowed Halls and Sacred Bells. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Four: Among Hallowed Halls and Sacred Bells. A candle flickered in the darkness of the small stone room. A lone unicorn mare, her mane the likeness of an ever flowing river of liquid violet that would glisten in early light of the dawn, dressed in sullen, ash grey robes sat at a wooden desk, her focus deep in the scripture before her. Taking a spare quill in her hoof, she dabbed into a small flask of ink set beside her. Brushing off the excess, she annotated a section of the worn parchment. "Vhenîn hîm na vianîn emma ir nhet drah tegonor, ir embonor lath aeronor. Hahren lin Ilúvhenan isala hahmîn..." She whispered. As she continued to read, the small wooden door behind her slowly began to turn on its hinges. A rather stout figure appeared in the doorway, dressed in the clothes of a friar, carrying an assortment of scrolls in his claws. "Here we are." He said, "I got those parchments you wanted, Twilight." He entered the room but was taken by surprise as his foot became caught on the length of his robes. He fell, causing the parchments to fly across the small room, accompanied by a large ruckus as an assortment of objects fell to the stone floor. The evening shaded mare became startled by the sudden commotion. Whirling her head back to find the source, her eyes fell upon the petite form of her assistant and steward lying amongst a disorderly assortment of scattered scrolls and books. "Are you alright Spike?" She asked. "Are you hurt?" Spike let out a faint groan in response. "I'm fine," he answered, "just my pride's a little bruised." Removing herself from her stool, Twilight lent out a hoof and help Spike up. He was a young, lilac pigmented individual of the race of Dracona. He stood roughly a meter in height, coming about the height of the mares shoulder. His eyes were a fine clover green, matching the spines that ran up and down his back. "We really must see the local tailor," she said, "you could hurt yourself next time." They both nodded in agreement. "So, what are you reading there?" He asked. "It's a section from the 'Can’t icle of Coltenides', it relates the story of how the mother, Faust bore her first children unto this world." Twilight had always been an adamant student. It was an unsociable thirst to progress and learn. She come to the cathedral as a filly; she hadn't a home, a hearth or even a decent wear of clothing at the time. She had lived her life in the streets for most of her young life, forced to steal her daily bread and drink. She had always told herself that she would repay them, but it was not to be. It had been a dreadful winter of twenty years past when she had come to Notre Mare. She had snuck her way inside seeking warmth and shelter from the storm. However, she was soon discovered by one of the priests as she hid behind one of the many statuettes. But it was not just any priest, it was the Archdeacon herself, Madame Luna. She had initially been frightened, but soon realized that the darkly colored mare did not bear any ill will towards her for her intrusion. She warmly asked her name and she answered 'Twilight Sparkle'. Luna had asked where she had come from, and as soon as the small filly had related her story, Luna immediately offered her a place to sleep for the night. At the time, Twilight had not known how long her stay would last. Luna lead her up to a small room on the cathedrals seconded floor. It wasn't a bedroom, but it was warm and dry. Luna had brought her some fabrics for her to sleep in during her stay. Twilight thanked her for her generosity as they both suddenly heard a thunderous knocking from the main hall. Luna went to investigate. Someone was at the main door. Twilight, in the meanwhile, made a makeshift bed from the blankets.  It had only been until the next morning when she learned what had transpired on the cathedral steps. Luna had spared her of the more grisly details, but having living most of her young life in the Marisian back alleyways, she could make an educated quest of what had happened. Especially when she found out that the queen herself had been involved. Ever since that fateful night, Twilight had found a home within the cathedral. Luna had grown fond of her as time passed, and at this point, Twilight was almost like the daughter Faust had never granted her. Twilight was now a full time student of the church; a nun in training. Several years prior Friar Spike had been appointed by the Archdeacon as her personal steward, of which they soon became close friends. Having decided that she had spent enough time in her scrolls, she and Spike proceeded to clear out the dark reading room. As they walked out, quietly shutting the door behind them, Spike struck up a conversation. "You know, the Feast of Fools is tomorrow," he said, "I don't suppose you'd like to attend? You know, get some fresh air?" A kind smile decorated his face. Twilight looked at him with a hesitant expression. "I don't know Spike... I mean what if something happens back at the cathedral and I'm not there to help?" Spike looked up at her, a brow raising. “Twilight don't be silly; you need to get out and enjoy yourself. Besides, the festival's being held right in front of Notre Mare! If something comes up I'm sure we can get back in time." Spike had a valid point, but Twilight was still hesitant. She had always been a bit reclusive, preferring the warm confines of her study to the crowded masses of the city outside.  Twilight shook off her discomfort, quickly changing the subject. "We'll discuss it later, for now we have to get some extra incense for the evening mass." Suddenly, a large clatter rose up through the halls. Through the mid entrance of the cathedral, a tall, slender figure entered the holy house of Faust. Twilight and Spike were at the far end of the hall, near towards the altar, but they could still distinguish the newcomer. The figure was a mare with a coat as white as snow. Her long, beryl mane cascaded down her elegant, regal neck; her clouded, emerald eyes casting an imposing, sullen glare towards the distant altar. The very air seemed to be stripped of its warmth at the arrival of the pear-colored mare. A sense of baleful discontent and emotional detachment. She held a small, woven basket in her right hoof, covered by a lilac cloth. As was the common tradition for her annual visits to Notre Mare. After taking a calm breath, she began to quietly stride towards the western spiral staircase. Spike and Twilight were motionless the entirety of her time spent in the main hall, as if one false breath could inspire an unpleasant scene. "Come on Spike," Twilight finally spoke out after the slender figure had disappeared up the stone steps.  "Let's go get those incense." Queen Chrysalis had made it a common practice to visit the cathedral regularly. Twilight had been well aware of this since she was young. Not long after coming to live at Notre Mare, she had had the misfortune of accidentally crossing the queens path during the Hearth Warming gathering of twenty years prior. Twilight would never forget those cold, dagger like eyes, staring down at her in a fashion that caused her to tremble, and much to her embarrassment and horror, wet herself. Of course, she was a mere filly then, and having grown up on the street seeing first hoof the atrocities the queen had inflicted on her "lower" subjects, then coming face to face with her, certainly that would have caused some fright. Twilight had once asked Luna why the queen would make a regular pilgrimage up to the lofty bell towers. Luna explained that they were in the care of her "child", and Chrysalis was coming to see him. Twilight's first reaction to this was one of disbelief. The queen had a child? She simply couldn't believe that such a cold mare could have mothered anything, and why was he being kept in the bell tower? These questions plagued Twilight for years. She learned after some time that Chrysalis’ "child" had taken up the role of the cathedral's bell ringer, but in all that time, she had never seen him. Who was this mysterious character? Who was the colt, or perhaps stallion, who called the Queen of Maris mother? Twilight turned her eyes towards the soaring arched roof, as if to peer through the stone to catch a glimpse of the cathedral bell ringer. "Twilight, you coming?" Spike called. With a sigh, Twilight quickened her step to catch up to the small dragon.  The high, dimly light bell tower was silent. The massive, iron instruments hung motionless as streams of light from the noon day sun poured through the open air windows, revealing a spectacle of falling dust that seemed to dance as it passed through the light. The sound of pigeons roosting was the only thing to break the silence. The occasional flapping of wings echoing throughout the tower. But through this realm of shadows, a soul being, dressed in darkness dwelled. Quietly moving about the rafters and ropes, he snaked his way down to the wooden floor. He landed just before an open door that led out the cathedrals upper balcony. The sudden shift in sunlight hurt his golden eye's, but for only a moment, as his long, miss-matched body was bathed in sunlight. His head was that of a stallion, but he sported a pair of cranial coronations. One the likeness of a goat, the other of a deer. Fallowing down the length of his serpentine form, his torso was adorned in brown, downy fur, his right arm that of a lion, the other an eagles claw. The talons ending in a fine point. He sported the right wing of a Thestral and the left of a Pegasus. He supported himself on two digitigrade legs, one a lizards, the other a rams. The rest of his body fallowed into a long serpents tail ending in a white tuff of fur. Everything about him was a "this" or "other" as it seemed. An unorganized ensemble of various animals comprised into one being. A chimera in all definition of the word. Standing among the gargoyles, from a distance, one could mistake him for part of the cathedrals gothic architecture. But he certainly was no cavern slab of rock. As he stood there leaning against the stone parapets, his attention was drawn to a gargoyle perched upon the far right corner. It was a carving of a Pegasus, its wings out splayed behind it. It was reared up with its two forelegs parallel to one another, upon which a nest resided. A single pigeon chick steered in the woven basket of twigs and feathers. The chimera leaned in near to the bird, "Good morning," the fledgling raised his head in surprise, "Oh! My pardons, did I wake you?" With wide eyes, the now awake fledgling's eyes met with the odd being above her. Two golden orbs with crimson pupils started back and a smile decorated the creatures face, a single fang jutting from his lips. Springing to her feet, the small grey pigeon excitedly stood at the edge of her nest. "So what do you think?" He inquired, "Will today be the day? Are you ready to fly" The fledgling nervously cowered at the question. "No?" He asked, scooping up the cowering chick in his claw and cradled it with his paw, "You're sure? Why, if I had to choose a day to fly, this would definitely be it." He gestured to the Grand Plaza far below. "See that? It's the Festival of Fools. All the little pony folk down there, they're all going to be there, there's going to be dancing and music and jugglers and food." His smile slightly dimmed. A large flock of pigeons suddenly appeared from the high bell tower, their wings almost all most close enough to reach out and touch as the flew passed. The chick in his miss-matched hands became excited at their flight. Standing straight, she fluttered her virgin wings happily. In her excitement, she did not feel the removal of his palms from beneath her feet. Suddenly, looking down, she realized that her wings alone where what was keeping her aloft. She looked back to find the chimera leaning against the stone railing by his elbows, his head resting upon the tops of his fingers with a mischievous smile, his eyes half lidded. He chuckled at her surprise. "Go on," he encouraged. "Fly. It's already autumn anyway, you best fly south before the frosts come... besides, nopony wants to be stuck up here forever." With that, the little grey pigeon happily fluttered off into the distance, following her kin, but not before stealing one last glance at the creature that had nurtured her. He sighed as she faded into the distance. "You ok, Discord?" A voiced asked. The Pegasus gargoyle was now looking at him, the nest having fallen from her animated stone hooves. "I'm fine Rainbow Dash," he answered, "I'm fine." Cocking her head, the stone Pegasus looked down at the open square. "So what's going on down there?" She inquired. "A fight? A flogging?" "It's the Festival, Rainbow," a third voice piped up. "Honestly, I would think that you would have guessed that." The new presence was the likeness of a unicorn mare, her flowing locks wrapping around and highlighting her ornate face. Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow, crossing her hooves, "Geez Rarity, I was just asking." Turning back to Discord, she reached out to nudge at his shoulder. "So, it's that time of year again, huh? The Feast of Fools? I guess it's time to break out the wine and cheese?" She grinned an almost mischievous smile. "I suppose so..." He trailed off. Rainbow Dash gave him a perplexed look, "What's the matter Dissy? Tomorrow's the festival, I thought you loved the festival?" "It is quite a treat to watch the colorful activities of the simple pony-folk. I most certainly enjoy it." Rarity added. Discord let a slight grin cross his lips. "Hhm, I remember last year. They brought in an elephant for rides, but it only ended up crushing the watermelon stand!" He let out a laugh at the memory. He had seen it from above of course, and all the ponies beneath him looked like confused ants as the mammoth creature broke free of its holdings. "I remember that," Rainbow replied with a laugh, "it was hysterical! I tell you, there’s nothing better than a front row seat for watching the old 'FOF'." Discord's smile once again dissipated. "Yeah... watching..." a deep exhale of air escaped his nostrils.  "Well would you look at that," he held up his wrist, "time for me to polish the triplets." Rainbow Dash and Rarity both looked at him questioningly as he retreated into the confines of the bell tower. "What's up with him?" Asked Rainbow Dash. "I'm not sure, oh I do hope he isn't coming down with something." "Impossible!" The pair looked farther across the wide causeway bridge that connected the two towers. A third animated statuette was now coming towards the group. She was an Earth pony, crowned by a simple wide brimmed hat. "If twenty years of listen' to ya'lls constant banter ain’t enough to put him under the weather, nothin' is." "But watching the Feast of Fools has always been the highlight of the year for Discord." "Yeah, Dissy loves the festival. I don't know what gives?" She rolled her eyes. "Do ya'll know nothin' about ponies? I mean, what's the point of watchin' somethin' if ya'll never get to be a part of it?" Rainbow Dash and Rarity looked at each other as if they could find the answer from the other. "Ya'll just don't get it, do ya?" She turned in the direction of the bell tower, heading towards the direction of Discord's retreat. "He's not made of stone like us." High up in the rafters, Discord perched himself upon a thick, wooden beam, a rag in claw and bucket of soapy water in the other. It wasn't the most stable looking positions, but he seemed to have no trouble balancing as he finished polishing the third bell in the trio he called "The Triplets". Discord was very thorough in his task. Each bell the likeness of a bronze mirror. He put the final touches on the last of the siblings, causing it to glisten and shine. He knew he had done a good job as he looked back at his smiling reflection. However, as his eyes lingered, his smile slowly faded, replaced by a mask of depression. "Oh come on Dissy... you want to tell your ol' pale Applejack all about it?" The Earth pony was sitting right beside him on her haunches, her hoof caressing and padding his back. "Mmh... I don't know..." Applejack's gave him a sympathetic look, "Ya sure sugar cube? It'll make ya feel better." She insisted. "Hhm... I don't know Applejack, I just... I just don't feel up to it right now." Applejack moved herself closer to him. "You know ya can tell me anythin'? You know that?" Her voice was kind and full of warmth. With a sigh, Discord relinquished his thoughts, "It's the festival..." His fingers began to rub his forehead, "I'm just not feeling all that festive, that's all." "Well... have you ever thought of goin' there instead?" "Sure!.. but I would never fit in out there," his eye's returned to his reflection in the bell, "I'm not... like other ponies." "You're absolutely right!" Discord looked at her in surprise, "It's 'cus you're you, and nopony's like you but you." "Yeah Dissy!" Rainbow chimed in while flying just above them, "I mean what we got to do? Paint you a mural?" "Darling, we can't bear to see you like this," said rarity. "As your friends we must insist you attend the festival." Discord didn't know exactly how to react. He ran his talons through his dark mane as he looked at his friends. Dropping from the beam, he swung his way down to the floor below. "I don't know guy's." "Oh come on Discord!" Rainbow insisted, "I mean the festivals tomorrow, I think you have enough time to prepare." "Yes! But you're all forgetting one very crucial, itty bitty, kind of important factor!" "What?" They all asked in unison. "My Mistress, Chrysalis." The trio's enthusiasm seemed to dissipate. "Oh, right." They said. "She'd be furious if I asked her if I could go!" He shuddered at the thought. He remembered the last time he had asked her to go. He had been only four at the time, but he still remembered the event quite clearly. To say the least, Chrysalis didn't take the request quite too well. "I remember that." Said Rarity, "I had no idea one could throw a chair that hard." Rainbow Dash pondered at this problem, scratching her hoof against her chin. "I got it!" She exclaimed. "You could sneak out!" Discord pulled back from this idea; his eyes wide in surprise. "Are you crazy? I couldn't!" Applejack placed her hoof on his shoulder. "It's just one afternoon sugar cube." "But she'd see me!" "You could wear a disguise." "She'll never know ya was gone." "And if I got caught!" His face lit up with fright. "Better to beg forgiveness than ask permission." Rarity added. "Sugar, take this from an old spectator." Applejack's voice was warm and affectionate, almost nurturing. "Life ain't a spectator's sport. If watchin' life pass by is all ya goin' to do, then you're goin' to watch your life go by without ya. We all love ya Dissy, and we can't stand to see that happen to ya. Besides, nopony wants to be stuck up here forever." "Your right!" He exclaimed happily. "I'll go! I'll get cleaned up. Maybe comb my mane? Get my goatee trimmed? I'll get everything settled. Marched straight down those stairs! Out through the door and..."  His heart dropped as his suddenly connected to two large, emerald orbs. There before him stood the Marisan Queen, Chrysalis. He could quite easily have loomed over her, but wisely kept his head low in respect. His friends then meanwhile seemed to vanish at her arrival. "Good morning, Discord," her words like the cold edge of steel. Discord looked up at her in question.  Leaning in she emphasized her lip movements, "Good, Morning, Discord." She repeated. "G-Good morning, Mistress..." His eyes fell to the floor. He felt her hoof lightly fall upon his brow, then snake down the length of his jaw and brought his eye's once more in contact with hers. "Who were you talking to?" She asked, putting extra emphasis on her lip movements. Years of being subjected to the undiluted, thunderous ringing of the massive, iron bells had long ago robbed Discord of his hearing. All he could make out now was a muffled blur of what could only vaguely be described as echoing fog. Before the loss of his ears, Chrysalis had taught him well how to speak properly, but once he could no longer hear, she resorted to using signs. Over the years, Discord had become a master of lip reading. Discord's breath was shallow and nervous, "My... friends..." he answered. "I see. You know it's quite unseemly for one to talk to oneself," she coldly explained. "Somepony may think you mad." Discord was following her lip movements with great focus, "I-I understand Mistress." A slight smile traced across the queens muzzle, "Good boy." She raised her hoof, gesturing a command.  Discord immediately responded, scrambling to his storage space and retrieving a set of dishware. He quickly prepared a small wooden table, thoroughly dusting it off, placing the plates and goblets down. Chrysalis' ware were of polished silver, well kept by be obedient servant, while Discord's was a simple carved slab of wood with an old tankard as his cup. Chrysalis then held up the basket she had brought and removed the violet cloth covering. Inside was a generous ensemble of freshly baked rolls, a large wedge of Brie and a bottle of wine. After Discord had finished setting the table, she served each of them a single role while placing the cheese on a separate dish and opened the wine. The thick aroma of grapes permeated in the air. They both sat down facing each other. Discord reached out to take the bread, but Chrysalis held up her hoof, "Uh uh. What do we do before we eat?" She asked. "We give thanks?" Chrysalis nodded and gestured towards him. He understood. Bowing his head, Discord recited the customary prayer. "By her hooves we are all fed, give us Mother our daily bread. Please know we are truly grateful, for every cup and ever plateful." Chrysalis smiled, "Amen. Very good Discord. Shall we review your alphabet today?" She asked while pouring the wine. Discord once again looked up at her in question. Seeing this, Chrysalis held up her hooves and signed to him. Discord saw this and immediately realized her question. "Oh, yes Mistress, I would like that very much." He answered. "Very well." She revealed a book from the basket. "Let us begin." Placing the book on the table, she moved her hooves in unison, make slight gestures and signs. "A." Discord identified, "A-Abomination." She signed again. "B. Blasphemy." And again, "C!" He paused, what was C again? "Contrition?" And again, "D. Damnation." Once more, "E. Eternal damnation!" "Good," said Chrysalis. Then came F. "Festival..." He realized his mistake too late. "No! F-f-forgiveness..." He was cut off by the sudden painful sting of Chrysalis' hoof upon his cheek. He flew back from his seat and landing on the floor. With his claw pressed against his red cheek, he looked up at Chrysalis in fear. "You said, Festival!" She yelled. Of course Discord couldn't hear it. "You're thinking of going to the festival again." Her voice dripped with venom. "I-I'm sorry Mistress," he stammered while trying to scramble to his feet. Chrysalis glared at him and turned away. "I-It's just you go to the festival every year and..." "I am a public official, Discord!" She snapped. "I have to attend, but I don't enjoy a moment of it! Thieves, harlots, the dregs of equinity all mixed together in a revolting, shallow, drunken stupor." "I didn't mean to upset you Mistress..." "Discord, can't you understand? When you're heartless mother abandoned you as a child, anypony else would have drowned you! And this is the thanks I get for taking you in and raising you as my son?" "I'm sorry Mistress. I'm sorry..." Discord pleaded. "The world is a very cruel place Discord. The prowling grounds for the wicked and sinful. You are too innocent and naïve to understand." She paused. "But I do. Oh, I do." With his head low, Discord walked up next to his Mistress. He felt a hoof on his shoulder. He looked up at her with wide eyes, "I am your only friend here Discord." She said. "I who keep you, feed you, groom you... I who look upon you without fear." She caressed his jaw. "Oh, my dear, dear boy. How can I protect you unless you always stay in here?" "I'm sorry Mistress... Forgive me." "You are forgiven." Before departing, Chrysalis turned her faded emerald eyes one last time towards the Draconequus. "But remember Discord, this is your only sanctuary..." With that, the slender, pear-white figure of the Marisian queen disappeared down the steps, leaving Discord once again alone. "My sanctuary," he repeated. "My sanctuary..." Discord remained there for a long while after Chrysalis' departure, contemplating her words. His heart was heavy, his muscles felt like lead weights, and the faintest glimmer of a tear traced along his eyelid. Suddenly, he felt a familiar presence with him. He opens his eyes and much to his surprise, there before him stood the little pigeon he had nurtured; she had come back. A slight smile graced his face as he offered out his paw to her. She accepted and he brought to his face. She nuzzled him and chirped happily. Although he couldn't hear her soft melody, he still could feel the joy the notes resonated. He felt something build inside him. A gentle warmth that crept up through his lungs into his throat. A sense of happiness. > Chapter Five: The Courte of Miracles. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Five: The Court of Miracles. Fluttershy and Pinkie made their way through the dimly lit alleyways, Pinkie guiding the rosé maned mare the whole way through. "Um... excuse me but... where are we going?" She asked in a dry tone. They then came upon a small stone arch with iron bars place between the cavity, a slight stream of water, or at least it looked like water, flowed down from the alleyways drainage canal and underneath the arch. The strange, curly maned mare gave her a playful smile and said, "You'll see..." She then proceeded to push open the iron bar restraints, revealing a passage way just big enough for them to walk through, and leading downward. Ducking her head down, Pinkie Pie made her way inside the cramp subterranean passageway. To Fluttershy, the tunnel seemed the likeness of the blackened gullet of some unknown creature, a thick odor rising up from its depths. Fluttershy stood there as Pinkie Pie ventured a short distance in before looking back at her. "Aren't you coming?" She asked cocking an eyebrow. Fluttershy looked at her befuddled, eyes blinking. "Um... what?" "Aren't you gonna follow me?" "Wait! You want me to follow you down there?" She exclaimed. "I don't even know you." A playful smile appeared on the pink mares face. "Oh silly, I already told you, my names Pinkie Pie." "Yes, but that doesn't tell me who you are!" She shook her head, "Look miss... you know I didn't catch your name. Silly me." Fluttershy mentally retreated inwards at this, "I'm Fluttershy..." She whispered. "I'm sorry, what was that?" "I'm... Fluttershy..." She repeated trying to hide her face behind her mane. Seeing that this was going nowhere, Pinkie revealed a large brace hearing aide, from where exactly she had gotten it was a mystery to Fluttershy, it had seemed as if she had pulled it out of thin air. "What was that?" She asked again. "...Fluttershy..." "Okie dokie then. Nice to meet you Flutters." A said with a wide smile across her face. "But anyway, aren't you coming?" Fluttershy was completely befuddled by the situation. A strange mare saves her from two imbecilic guards, in a city she's never been too before, and is asking her to follow her down into some Faust forsaken tunnel! What in the name of Faust was this place? "Look Flutters, either you come with me or stay up here with those guards on your tail, but just remember... I'm not the one with the crossbows and the pole-axes..." Fluttershy paused for a moment. She did have a point there. In any case Angel, who had been keeping pace with the two mares as they had maneuvered through the back alleyways, was the one who took the initiative, bounding in after the odd pony. "Angel..." she began. "I'm sorry it's just that... well... I don't know you and--" She was cut off as Pinkie Pie held out her hoof. It was a simple gesture, but it represented an uneasy decision. "I can't, I have to get back to the caravan. Pipsqueak and Trixie will be worried sick." "Who'er they?" Pinkie inquired. "They're my friends from the caravan I come from. They're like my family." The ever-present smile that had adorned the pink mare face disappeared in this instance. "I'm sorry, but it's not safe now. Ponies here are different from the ones you've probably met on your travels. The guards will be looking for you due to that little skirmish you worked up." "I didn't mean to cause a scene..." "Doesn't matter here. Maris isn't that "welcoming" to foreigners, it be best you lay low for a while. I have a safe place you can stay 'til the fuzz cools down. Because believe me, if you want to see your friends again, you'll follow me." Fluttershy thought on Pinkies words, either jump into an unknown abyss, or into the waiting maw of the wolf, either way, her fate was uncertain. "...o-okay..." With that she followed in after Pinkie into the dark tunnel. After a short time walking, the light of the entrance had seemed to have disappeared. Pinkie had miraculously, and seemingly out of nowhere, obtained a torch to light their way. The tunnel had a vaulted ceiling, with moisture dripping down its moss-laden stone. "So... um, where exactly are we heading?" She asked nervously. "Someplace safe." Pinkie replied. "Um, yes I-I got that but where." "You'll see." It was becoming quite obvious that this strange mare wanted their destination to be a surprise. "So... Pinkie Pie was it?" "Yep, that's me. Madam Pinkaména Diane Pie at your service," she said with a bow, "Jester, storyteller, Queen of the Truands and occasional proprietor of various regional cheeses." Fluttershy blinked in surprise, "Wait... what did you say?" "Oh, I like to collect cheeses, you know like brie, muenster, swiss--" "No no, did you say you were the 'Queen of the Truands'?" "Oh yeah, that. Sure did, why?" "Your a truand?... You're a thief!?" She blurted. "No silly, I'm not thief I'm Pinkie." Fluttershy took a step back, "B-but you said you we're... t-the 'q-queen of the truands'?" With disdain, Pinkie looked back at her, the fire of the torch highlighting her features, "If you think I'm a lonely criminal then you're dreadfully mistakened..." she said. The tone of her voice told Fluttershy that she had struck a sensitive nerve, but how else would she have reacted? "Yes I'm a truand," she spoke up as she began to descend a stone staircase with Fluttershy in tow, "but I am no thief... my kind only take what we need, no more, no less." Fluttershy had heard of truands before, but from what she had heard, the immediate picture that came to mind was a raggedy clothed thief that would rob you blind at first chance; nothing like the rosé manned mare that she had met. With the light of the torch quickly disappearing down the winding stone staircase Fluttershy quickened her pace to catch up. Angle the whole time riding on her back. "So what brings you to Maris?" Pinkie inquired. "We came to trade goods..." answered Fluttershy, "we wanted to open new trade routs." Pinkie looked back at her with an expression of confusion and mild amusement. "That's funny, gypsies don't usually want to come to Maris." "Why is that?" "The Marisians don't take kind to foreigners, especially gypsies." "But, why?" Pinkie stopped in her tracks. "Because they use magic..." Fluttershy became puzzled at this information. The Marisians didn't use magic? "Magic has been outlawed here for some time now. When you were in the streets, didn't you see the bands on every Unicorns horn?" "Y-yes?" "Those are used to prevent anyone from practicing magic. Also, did you see anypony flying around? Anypony?" "N-no, I don't think so." "Well flying is banned here too. From birth, all Pegasi's wings are clipped. Anypony caught disobeying these laws are either beaten, tortured or worse... usually the ladder." "That's awful!" "And we can all thank our "beloved" Queen Chrysalis for it." "Queen Chrysalis?" "She's our ruler. She's the one who's practically bound all of Maris in shackles." Fluttershy was at a loss for words. How was she to respond? "I tell you Flutters. In this town, you’re better off underground. Hey, that rhymed a little!" She giggled. Fluttershy couldn't help but giggle along with her. "You know? It's really amazing." "What is?" Asked Pinkie. "Even with all the subjugation the Chrysalis puts on you, you still manage to keep smiling." "Better to smile at the little things then not at all I always say." "Like what?" Asked Fluttershy. "Oh, you know? The little things. Every day deeds of ordinary ponies. Somepony just lending a hoof where it is needed. If that's not worth smiling for, then I don't know what is." There was so much truth in those words, Fluttershy felt a warm smile grace her face. Ever further they delved into the darkness, the light of the torch glistening of the moistened stone walls. The smoke from the fire stung Fluttershy's eyes and nose, as she would occasionally rub at them. Finally they reached the staircases landing. Suddenly a frightened scream reverberated throughout the underground tunnels. The scream had come from Fluttershy as she beheld her new surroundings. Millions of bones decorated the walls, skulls lining every alternating passageway and corridor. An endless labyrinth of the deceased. "W-what is this place?..." Fluttershy stammered, worry filling her veins. "These are the Marisian Catacombs... some time ago the city was ravaged by illness. I wasn't born then, but I know it wasn't fun... everypony that didn't make it was buried down here, since they ran out of room in the graveyards." "That's... awful!" Fluttershy cried. Pinkie stopped for a moment, as if she was lost in her own thought, "I know... unfortunatly, the Catacombs are still gaining residence... thanks to her majesty." Fluttershy made no response to this. What could one say? They continued their way through the bone strewn halls in silence; rats occasionally scurrying this way and that as they passed. Fluttershy tried to not to pay mind to the uncountable number of skulls that lined the walls, but it was a wasted effort. So many lives lost, hidden away in some dark Faust forsaken cave. She felt tears begin to as the shear number of the deceased began to overwhelm her. She began to think. To think about her father. Memories of him began to come back to her. He had died when she was only a filly, oh how she missed him so. But she also began to think of her mother... She had been a Pegasus in the prime of her youth. She worked as a wine maiden in a small inn along the east to west road. They had met after the caravan had stopped to make camp for the night. But Autumn had decided to rent a room for the night in the local inn due to the ominous storm that could be seen coming up from the south. The tavern had been warm and inviting. There was an open fire pit in the middle of building with several pots of cooking, hearty stews placed over the glowing embers. The smell of mead, spices and pipe smoke filled the air, along side the drunken laughter of stallions. He had taken a seat by the fire pit when he first saw her. She wore the simple garments of the peasent folk, her hair a rich scarlet pink, and carried a metal plater with two tankards of ale. His eyes followed her as she approached a pair of farmhooves who had clearly already had their fair amount of alcohol for the night. As she served them, one of the gruff stallions had reached back and grabbed her buttocks. She gasped and drew back from them as they let out an amused laugh simultaneously. The followed that up but insisting that she join them for the night; giving her smug complements and grabbing at her form. Disgusted by the two, Autumn rose from his place and approached the two. He defended her chivalrously and managed to stay the farmhooves without any form of scuffle. Afterwards, the two properly introduced themselves, and they struck up a conversation. Her name was Scarlet Sunset. Fluttershy had always enjoyed it when her father would tell her about how he and her mother met. Finally Fluttershy could see light up ahead. She could smell the scent of exotic spices, wine and urine in the air, an odor quite familiar to her. They came upon a large archway covered with half-tattered drapes. Streams of light pouring through the many holes. Pinkie Pie reached out her hoof and swiftly pulled them aside. "Welcome to the Court of Miracles." She announced proudly. It was like a miniature kingdom built within the earth, so lively an colorful as laughter resonated throughout the halls. This so called "Courte" reminded her of some of the many fairs she had seen on her travels with the caravan. "This... This is incredible!" Said Fluttershy. "Yeah, it's something." Pinkie said with a prideful smile. "Hey everypony! We have a guest!" Suddenly, Fluttershy was swarmed by a whole mob of strangely gladded ponies, all eager to greet their new visitor. Fluttershy was at a loss for words at the numerous smiling faces that greeted her. This had been the first time since she arrived in Maris that she had received a warm welcome. One individual stood out from the crowed. She was a gray-colored Pegasus with a golden-blond mane, sporting a bright smile on her face. But what really stood out was her eyes. Radiant golden orbs the both of them, but oddly enough they seem to be looking in different directions. "Welcome, welcome." Said the curious wall-eyed mare. "My named Derpy Hooves, but you can call me Derpy." "It's nice to meet you, Derpy." Fluttershy replied. "I'm... F-fluttershy." "Nice to meet you Fluttershy. Listen, if you ever need a bite to eat, I always got a fresh batch of muffins ready for those who want them." "Thank you, I'll keep that in mind." Fluttershy said with a smile. With a joyful smile and a wave, Derpy trotted away. "Ok then, talk to you later." Fluttershy waved back with a smile, for some reason she reminded her of friends on the caravan. Fluttershy's smile dampened at this. Her friends, Pipsqueak and Trixie... She had been gone for quite some time now, they would be worried. She had to get back as soon as possible. Going over to Pinkie, she nudged at her shoulder with her hoof. "Um, Pinkie?" "What can I do ya' for Flutters?" Pinkie said with glee. "Um, well... now that we're here um... how do you suppose I can get back to my friends in the caravan?" "You want to leave? So early? But we have even done our customary song?" Once again Fluttershy was befuddled. "The... what?" "Hit it boys!" At that moment, a trio of marionettes dressed in band wear appeared seemingly out of nowhere and began to play. "Maybe you've heard of a mystical place Where the Truands of Maris Collect in a lair? Maybe you've heard of that mythical place, Called the Court of Miracles?" "Hello, you're there!" "Um, why are we singing?" Fluttershy attempted to ask. "Where the blind can see And the lame can walk Oh, what a wonderful place For just you and just me." "For all of us!" The crowd joined in before Pinkie continued. "Come precious pony-folk, Lend an ear to your queen. Cus' in the Court of Miracles, There's always a joke." "Here in the Courte, We may do what we want Be tricksy, be cunning Be humble, be valiant!" With that, the laughter stricken mob despised, returning to their previous activities. Fluttershy stood there dazed and confused at what had just transpired. "What was that?" Fluttershy asked. "You like it? It's a work in progress, but we'll get it." "It was... lovely..." Fluttershy said meekly. "Coolio. Thank you." "Yes, you're welcome but..." "Right!" Pinkie interrupted, "I know, getting you back to your family. Don't worry I'm all over it, but Lets talk in private." Pinkie gestured to a large pink and purple striped tent, becoming Fluttershy to follow. "Oh... well, ok." "But fear not, Madam Pinkie Pie has a plan!" Fluttershy's ears picked up at this, a smile donning her face. "Really? What is it?" "Do you know what the Feast of Fools is?" Pinkie asked. "N-no." "Well its one of Maris's biggest celebrations of the year. Theres music, dancing, food, drink, anything a pony could want to have fun. My plan is that we sneak you out through the crowds while the guards are distracted with the festival. It's out best option." Fluttershy could help but feel nervous. "Are you sure there's no other way, I'm sorry I'm just... I don't feel sure about this..." "I'm sorry Fluttershy. Our best bet is to sneak you out whilst all the guards are occupied with the festival, only way I can see." Fluttershy lowered her head with a sigh at this news, her ears pinning against her head. "But you're free to stay here for the night." Pinkie offered, trying to raise her spirits. "I... I guess one night couldn't hurt..." She said with a meek smile. "Yay, sleepover!" Pinkie exclaimed as she hurriedly retrieve some spare quilts and a pillow. In no time at all, a perfectly made sleeping space had been fashion, just for Fluttershy. "What's that sound?" She asked. "What, those?" Pinkie replied. "Those are the bells of Notre Mare, the cities great cathedral. Every morning and night the bell ringer plays them." "Bell ringer?" "Yeah. Nopony knows who he is, he never comes out. I hear he's some kind of horrific amalgamation of different pieces and parts sewed together into one being! Neither beast nor pony!" This both intrigued and slightly frightened Fluttershy, from Pinkie Pie's description this "bell ringer" round more like some kind of monster. But on the other hoof, the thought of such a bizarre creature roused her curiosity. What would such a being look like? What would he be like to meet? Would he like animals? What would his favorite food be? All these questions and more buzzed about her brain the more she thought about it. "I know," Pinkie chimed, "weird isn't it?" "Y-yeah..." "Well, it's best we get some sleep. Big day tomorrow, we need to get our rest so we can be expert ninjas!" Pinkie said with a wide grin. With that, Pinkie dimed the lantern illuminating the multicolored tent as Fluttershy climbed into her makeshift bed. The fabrics were warm and comfortably soft, she would make it top priority to thank Pinkie for her hospitality in the morning, but her mind once again drifted to her two friends Pipsqueak and Trixie. How would she explain what had happened? What was certain is that she and her caravan would have to get as far away from Maris as possible. Faust knows what that Queen Chrysalis would do next. As the warm of the quilt and the plush softness of the pillow caressed her, she drifted into an uneasy sleep. Perhaps she would dream of the music again? That gave her comfort. The world was void. A veil of darkness surrounded the whole of the tiny foal. She sat there in the emptiness, alone. Dressed in only a nightgown, she looked about her non-existing environment, clutching small, stuffed animal in her hooves. She shivered as stood up. "Hello? Is anypony there?" Trembling, she began to walk forward, her emerald eyes darting this way and that, trying to find her bearings. "Hello?" Suddenly, she spotted a single point of light in the distance, almost like a candle in a dark room. She moved towards it. As she came ever closer to the light, it seemed to grow in brightness and heat. Her lungs grew heavy. She could smell smoke. Without warning, the tiny flame erupted outward, becoming the likeness of a great pyre. She backed away as something began to form from the flames. Her breath quickened. Her eyes widened as tears began to form, streaking down her pear-white cheeks. Her hooves seemed to have vanished. She tried to run but something was holding her back. It wouldn't let her go. The ghastly flaming apparition drew nearer. It's fire purged skin seemed to liquefy and fall off in horrendous fashions. "Chrysalis...." It called. "Chrysalis, help me!" The filly screamed and sobbed as the monstrous creature loomed above her. It's flesh falling from the bone, it's face was distorted and mangled. Almost like a skull, but with the eyes still remaining. "HELP ME!" Chrysalis' head shot up from her pillow, throwing the covers as she panted in a cold sweat, "MOTHER!" she cried. Frantically Chrysalis brew in breath after heavy breath as she quickly came to realize she was alone in a silent darkened room, pale streams of moonlight reaching across the floor from the windows. The sound of their queen's distressed cries alerted the guards standing watch at her door, as the quickly burst into the room, pole-axes in hoof. "Your majesty are you alright? We heard screaming." She sat their for a moment before collecting herself. "All is well lieutenant. Return to your post." Her tone was dull and unmoved. "Your highness..." The guard began to say before drawing back his tongue for fear of provoking an unwanted outburst. "Leave..." With that the two soldiers bowed and quietly exited the room, leaving the queen once again alone in the dark bed chamber. She sat there for long while after her guards had departed. The lavish royal dorm seemed so desolate and void. The plush silk sheets seemed like brittle papyrus and an icy sting lapped at her skin. Above the vast, king sized bed, a polished steel emblem of a blazing sun with an open eye at it's center loomed. Ever seeing. Ever watchful. As she sat there, the burning image from her night crept once more into her thoughts. It called to her, begging her. A tear streamed down her cheek, turning her fur a light ashen-gray. "I'm sorry Mother..." she whispered. "I'm sorry." > Chapter Six: The Feast of Fools. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Six: The Feast of Fools. The Morning had come. Her highness, Chrysalis sat alone at the massive dining table, quietly eating her customary morning meal. The table was a finely carved piece of hoof carved mahogany, its surface so well polished the Marisian queen could see her reflection. The grand dining halls drapes had been left only partially opened, allowing only a faded aura of sunlight to illuminate the room. Everything was so quiet, the only sound coming from the brief clatter of metal brushing against metal as Chrysalis would dip her spoon into her bowl of warm soup. The slight groaning of the dining halls great oak door disturbed the silence as it slowly opened. Chrysalis set down her spoon and greeted the messenger with a stoic, questioning look.   "Your majesty." He said with a bow, "The commander you sent for has arrived, he awaits an audience with you." Chrysalis withheld her regal coldness, "I will see him. Return to your duties." She replied. The messenger made no hesitation at his instruction, "As you wish, your highness." He said calmly before departing the scene. After returning to her quarters to charge into the proper attire, Chrysalis made her way to the Grand Parlor to greet her requested visitor. Her personal servant followed at her heels and was quick to open the parlor doors for her entry. He was standing there in full uniform awaiting her arrival. His posture was well tuned and alert; a well-trained example of military authority. His mane was a rich, vibrant blue with a faded orange coat that both seemed to complement one another alongside his armor. "Ah, the gallant Captain Flash Sentry home from the wars. Tell me, how goes the fight on the northern front?" "Our forces have suffered heavy losses in the war with the griffons, but we have managed to halt the Griffon Imperium's advances. It is a stalemate." "Ah, I see... Your service record precedes you, Sentry, I expect nothing but the best from a war hero of your caliber." "And you shall have it, your majesty. I assure you." "Yes. You know? My last Captain of the Guard was, how should I say? A bit of a disappointment to me. Well, no matter, I'm sure you will be able to hold your own. Just be sure to heed my words dear Captain." "Always, my queen." "Very good. Follow me." Chrysalis and Flash walked together through the ornate royal halls of the palace, ascending flights of stairs before coming upon a vast open balcony terrace that overlooked the Marisian streets beyond. "You have come to Maris in her darkest hour, Captain," Chrysalis began, "It will take a firm hand to save the weak minded from being so easily mislead." "Mislead, your majesty?" Asked Flash.   "See for yourself, my dear Captain." Chrysalis gestured to the streets below. Looking down, Flash Sentry could see a forms of two strangely cladded individuals playing music and dancing, a small group of ponies collecting about them and occasionally offering them coins. "Gypsies, Captain." Flash look at the Marisian queen with question. "The gypsies exist outside of the normal order; their heathen ways inflame the peoples lowest and most bestial instincts." "Forgive me, your majesty, but am I to understand that I was summoned from the front lines to capture fortune tellers and hoof readers?" "Oh no, no, my dear Captain. The real war, is what you see before you. You must understand that as Queen it is my duty to safeguard the souls of my subjects. In this world and the next. I must be the shepherd to guide them from sin. The souls of Maris are in my hooves, and now, yours as well. The gypsies must be stopped!" "What are we to do about it, my queen?" "For twenty years now, I have been taking care of the gypsies. One by one. And yet, for all my success, they have thrived. More come from the mountains and vales, trying to bleed their way into Maris, to poison its heart. Just yesterday, I received news of one such caravan trying to "open trade routes". I believe that they have a safe haven within the walls of this very city. They call it the "Court of Miracles". Whimsical is it not?" She said with a laugh. Her eyes then befalling upon the towering silhouette of the great cathedral in the distance. "Do you see that, Captain?" "Notre Mare, your majesty?" "All over Equestria, in every city, their stand cathedrals like this one. Triumphant monuments of the past. They tower over the homes of our people like mighty guardians, keeping alive the invincible faith of Faust. Every arch, every column, every statue, is a carved leaf out of our history. A book in stone, glorifying the spirit of Equestria. The cathedrals are the hoof writings of the past, and I would rather bleed upon the holy altar in order to keep their words pure then let the vile tongues of the gypsies corrupt their sanctity." "You make your point quite vividly, your majesty." "You know, I like you, Captain." Chrysalis said with a slight grin, "Shall we?" At that instant, a glorious sound rose up from the distance. The triumphant sound of gilded horns, sounding the beginning of the day’s festivities - the Feast of Fools had begun. Groaning with reluctance, Chrysalis turned to her Captain of the Guard, "Ugh, duty calls. Tell me, Captain, have you ever attended a peasant festival?" "Not as of late, my queen." "Then this should be an experience for you. Come along..."   A large crowd of ponies had condensed in Grand Plaza. Thousands of multi-colored banners had been raised and hung in every possible manner, their bright fabrics dancing in the breeze. The smell of food upon open fires, decorated the air with the scent of fine spices and wines. Dancers and other well skilled performers jostled about the crowd, earning small bits of wealth and laughter as they passed. Music poured from their instruments in vast torrents in response to the performers and commoners that abounded.  All the senses could afford to be gluttonous here. Fluttershy had never seen such a spectacle. Everything seemed so lively, much different to the Maris that she had encountered upon her arrival. She, Pinkie and Angel had maneuvered their way among the populace undetected by any of the city guards and were now inside one of the many decorative tents that stood around the square. "Quite something ain't it?" Pinkie said happily. With a wide smile, Fluttershy turned to the curly maned mare who was in the middle of changing her previous wear to something more "festive" if one could say. It was a colorful arrangement, fitting snugly to her slender form. Decorated with small bells on both the sleeves and the hat, it quite suited the occasion. "Oh yes, I've never seen anything so bright and cheerful." "Biggest party of the year!" Pinkie exclaimed. "And I'm the ring leader." "That must be interesting." "You betcha! Now, do you remember the plan?" Fluttershy nodded her head in response, "I do. You'll conduct everypony’s attention, as festival gets further underway. I'll wait here until you return and then we'll mingle throughout the crowd and make our way to the city gates." "Perfect." Pinkie exclaimed. "It's been short Flutters, but I've enjoyed your company." Fluttershy felt a warm smile spread across her muzzle, as her ears perked up. "But wait!" She paused.  "What if the plan fails? What is somepony sees us and we get separated?" Pinkie pondered for a second, then before long she had an idea. Reaching into her satchel, she pulled out a small necklace of which hung a woven band. "Take this." She said. "What is it?" Asked Fluttershy. "I can't say here, but know that if you ever get lost, this will guide you back the Court." She said,  "Remember, when you wear this woven band, you hold the city in your hoof." "You know that didn't rhyme, right?" Fluttershy asked cheekily.   "Eh, what can you do?" Replied Pinkie in defeat. Fluttershy took the small ornament and inspected it. It was a simple mesh of twig and colorful string, shaped like an oval. The mark of the sun at its center, surrounded by four red beads. She looked up at Pinkie Pie and nodded. "Okei Dokei Lokei. Now, if you'll excuse me, I got a party to put on!" Pinkie said before happily bouncing away. In the distance, a convoy of ponies dressed like monks and wielding banners came marching down the long streets, and as they approached, they began to sing - "Come one, come all! Leave your looms and milking stools, Coop the hens and pen the mules. Come one, come all! Close the churches and the schools It's the day for breaking rules Come and join the feast of ..." In that instant, the elaborately decorated mare burst into the scene. "Fools!" Pinkie laughed happily. She then proceeded to dance around the watching crowd, singing her cheerful song. "Once a year we throw a party here in town, Once a year we turn all Maris upside down, Ev'ry mare's a queen and ev'ry queen's a clown, Once again it's Topsy Turvy Day. It's the day the devil in us gets released, It's the day we mock the prig and shock the priest, Ev'rything is topsy turvy at the Feast of Fools!" As Pinkie continued with her cheerful antics, Fluttershy could help but get excited in the matter. She found herself wander into the crowd to get a better view of the show while Angel stayed behind in the tent; it was magnificent. She was smiling so brightly that the muscles in her face had begun to ache, but she didn't care, everything about her wouldn't let her. "Topsy turvy!" "Beat the drums and blow the trumpets!" "Topsy turvy!" "Streaming in from Chartres to Calais, Scurvy knaves are extra scurvy, On the sixth of "Januervy", All because it's Topsy Turvy Day!" Arriving at the Festival in her customary iron cladded carriage, Chrysalis ascended to her podium overlooking the crowd, with Captain Sentry in tow. "Quite lively if I may say your highness." "Yes... very. Have your men taken up their positions Captain?" "As you ordered my Queen." "Good, can't let things get too wild can we." She said with a sneer. While the queen wallowed in her despise for the festivity, Flash marveled at it, keeping an eye open for trouble all the meanwhile mind you, as a good guard should. It had been many long, war-torn years since he had had the chance to attend the Festival, but he remembered as a colt how his father would take him every year, though he would usually find himself dragging his father home afterwards due to the access of drink would indulge in, much to the disdain of his mother, but never the less, he had always had fond memories of the Festival, and it seemed that they held true, as the spectacle was just as he remembered it. "It's good to be home," he thought to himself.   "I don't know about this, Spike," said Twilight, "are you sure this is ok?" "Don't worry about Twi, everything going to be fine." Spike reassured. With that, the violet colored unicorn mare and young dragon hatchling descended the cathedrals sloping staircase and into the crowd. They stuck close together so not to get separated in the commotion. Everypony in Maris was there. From the bakers to the blacksmiths, from the paupers to the nobility, all came to take pleasure in the Feast of Fools. "Wow!" Twilight exclaimed, "That's a lot of ponies." "Well, what did you expect? It is the Feast of Fools after all." Twilight could see the silliness in her previous statement, "I know, I know. It's just, it's just that I don't really know any of them..." "That tends to happen when you lock yourself away in your room all day reading a book Twi." The dragon hatchling's reason was sound, Twilight had always kept to her studies throughout her life, so much so that she rarely would leave the cathedral walls. This of course had dashed any true form of friendship outside the circle of fellow nuns, or "nuns-in-training" so to say. "So, what would you like to do first?" Asked Spike. "What would you recommend?" Spike smiled, "Personally, I like bobbing for apples the best. But there's also the stone toss, the sack race, the pie eating contest, the list goes on." Twilight decided to play it safe and take up Spikes offer of bobbing for apples. It took her some practice, but after a few 30 tries, Twilight finally managed to catch on of the delicious fruits in her muzzle. Much to her excitement. "Well that was an experience," she said. "Yeah, but now we're out of bits." Twilight could help but feel embarrassed that she had spent all the money they had brought trying to snag an apple. "He he... um, oops.." She said nervously. Although they no longer have any money to buy anything, Twilight and Spike continued their way throughout the crowds, passing jugglers and musicians. Then Twilight's eyes fell upon the Queens royal podium.  Every corner was flanked by guards, armed to the teeth and alert. At first she looked away in discontent, but then looked back as she caught a glimpse of a familiar face. "Flash?"   "That's Flash!" She exclaimed. "Who's Flash?" Asked Spike. "Flash Sentry... the bakers boy. Didn't I tell you about him?" "No." "He was a friend of mine back when I was living on the streets. I was trying to snatch a bit of bread when he caught me. I was so scared he'd turn me over to the guards, but he didn't. He took pity on me and gave me a loaf of bread. I guess you could say we were childhood sweethearts. I still owe him two bits for the bread he gave me." She chuckled. "I haven't seen him in ages. My, has he grown... I wonder if he still remembers me?" "Seems like Twily's got a crush." Spike taunted. "W-what, what no, pfff! Are you kidding? No, I'm just glad to see him after so long." Twilight stammered. A deep blush flooding her face. "Sure, sure..." Spike chuckled. This only caused Twilight's blush to deepen as they moved away from the scene, but not before Twilight could steal one last look at the refined Marisian royal guard. He looked so handsome in his armor, his mane kept neatly in place by the rim of his helmet. "If only I hadn't wasted my coins so quickly." She thought to herself. "Here it is, the moment you've been waiting for, Here it is, you know exactly what's in store, Now's the time we laugh until our sides get sore, Now's the time we crown the King of Fools!" Pinkie was fully engaged in the happenings of the festival. She stood there upon the lofty stage like a composer overseeing an orchestra. "You all remember last year’s King?" She directed the crowds attention to a rather large, hastily dressed Donkey who had clearly had too much ale the required to become completely drunk. "So make a face that's horrible and frightening, Make a face as gruesome as a gargoyle's wing, For the face that's ugliest will be the King of Fools!" With that, several individuals quickly clambered up onto the stage to stand alongside Pinkie. Organizing them in a line, the curly cued mare proceeded to unmask the first pony in line. "How do you like his face?" She called. The crowd responded with a unanimous cry of displeasure. Everypony crying out "boo!" and shaking their hooves in a demanding manner. Meanwhile, Fluttershy had begun to lose herself in the festivities. The music was so intoxicating, her hooves seemed to have a mind of their own as they began to move beneath her, until she was engaged in a passionate dance. Her taught, slender body rhythmically moving to flow of the notes. So enthralled was she in the music and her dancing that she hadn't noticed the crowd that begun to encircle her. The feeling of being watched was what broke her from the music's spell, and she was mortified to see dozens of eyes staring back at her. She shrank back. But then the crowd did something that surprised her, they cheered her on. Some even tossing her bits of coins and flowers. She hesitantly picked up one of the offerings. It was a rose, freshly picked and healthy, small drops of dew still glistening on its petals. She breathed in its humble fragrance. The smell of spring. Like the mountains vales that she and her caravan would pass through each spring. Wait, the caravan!   She had become so enthralled in the festival that she had lost track of what she was doing. She was supposed to wait until Pinkie came back for her in the tent. With that, she jumped to her hooves and began trying to move through the crowd. But suddenly, her progress was halted as her body came into contact with another's. A few short steps backwards and Fluttershy looked down at her assailant. He stood there before her, a young stallion in his prime, a well-groomed coat and mane with a figure that could bring a glimmer to a mare’s eye, but the sight only struck her with horror as she realized he wore the garments of the royal guard. She had literally run directly into the wolf's maw. "Oh, please pardon me, mademoiselle. I didn't see you there." Fluttershy's ears were firmly clamped to the back of her head as she tried to retreat back into the crowd, but found herself unable to move as the armored stallions eyes were looking down upon her. With nervous eyes, she looked up at the guard. She was surprised to find him smiling at her, his rich ultramarine eyes holding a gentle warmth within them. "Oh... I'm, I'm sorry. My mistake, I'll, I'll just be going now..." "No, it ok. I was the one who ran into you miss... may I inquire your name?" Fluttershy hesitated for a moment, not sure how to react. It seemed that this guard was unaware of who she was. "Um, um. It's Fluttershy..." "Well, mademoiselle Fluttershy, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." He said warmly. The kindness in his voice prompted Fluttershy to ask for him name. "And yours, monsieur?" "Captain Flash Sentry of the Marisian Royal Guard." He said proudly. Fluttershy felt her fear return to her in the form a great wave. Not only had she walked into one of the city guards, but the captain of the guards nonetheless! "Oh, well this has been pleasant, but I think I best be on my way--" Fluttershy paused as her cyan eyes spotted something that both surprised and un-eased her, even more so than she had been. The foundation of the stage was composed of a simple arrangement of wooden posts and beams, with several rows of long wood planks evenly spaced between them. However, a few of them had the occasional knot hole, and in one of them, Fluttershy found a large, golden eye and red pupil staring back at her. Seeing her expression of surprise and distress, Flash placed his hoof upon her fair shoulder. "What is it, mademoiselle?" He asked. "T-that eye... staring at me..." She said nervously. Fluttershy's words unintentionally alerted the attention of several other ponies that had been standing nearby. They all look towards the knot hole where Fluttershy had indicated and quickly rushed to investigate. "What's under there?" Somepony called out. "Its an animal!" Cried one mare. "It's a fiend!" Cried another. "Quick, somepony get under there and see what it is!" With great speed, the excited crowd raced about to the small opening in the stages side, built for easy access for the stages builders and dove in after the darkly cloaked figure. Dressed in shadow, the strange figure bolted away as the crowd swarmed in after him. Suddenly, a frightened scream came up from one of the pursuers. "It's Discord!" He screamed. "It's the bell ringer from Notre Mare!" Fluttershy watched as the crowd reemerged from beneath the stage, surrounding their quarry and herding him towards the wooden steps that lead to the raised platform. The crowd obscured Fluttershy's vision of the being they had forced out into the daylight, and she watched them as they tossed the cloaked figure on stage. Slowly, the figure rose from where he had been thrown. Fluttershy watched in amazement and surprise had the tall slender figure, who seemed almost a giant, reached his full height, facing away from the crowd. Slowly, cautiously, he turn to faced his audience. A simultaneous gasp rose up from the crowd as they beheld the strange being. Chrysalis' eyes shot wide open in that instant. Her breath seemingly deserting her. And as she beheld the disharmonious form of her servant, standing there upon the stage for all of Maris to see, she felt a boiling rage build within her throat. "How dare he defies me!" She screamed in her mind, clamping her teeth together with every ounce of strength she held in her jaws. "He's hideous!" One mare cried out. "Let's make him the King!" The crowd seemed to take fast to the suggestion as a thunderous roar of applause and laughter exploded from the masses. Discord on the other hoof only saw their wild movements and gawking faces. All eyes upon him, burning into his flesh. He wanted to run, and he was about to when a colorfully clad mare appeared at his side. "Well, Discord," Pinkie chimed, "We knew you were ugly, but we never knew you were so ugly. We've never been so close to you before. You've always been up in your bell tower, and now we want to make you King of Fools. What do you say?" She asked placing her hoof upon his back. Discord was surprised by the sudden touch of the mares hoof, and his nervous eyes immediately darted to the rosé colored mare. He scanned her face in question. "What's the matter? Are you deaf?" Pinkie asked in confusion. Frightened and unsure of what was transpiring around him, Discord was quick to act upon his first impulse. Quickly darting his eyes about, he lashed out with his only fang, in an attempt to bite at the strange mare. She leaped back in response, dodging the draconequus' lunging maw. "Well to you to! I offer you the King's crown and you bite me." "He's deaf. The bells have made him so." Called out one stallion. "Deaf? Perhaps he's dumb too?" Called out another. "That makes him the perfect King!" Proclaimed Pinkie. "No, he can speak. He just doesn't like too." "Well, what do we do about it?" Asked Pinkie "Show him the crown." Pinkie them held up the comical, belled crown of the fools. Their soft giggles filled the still air as the audience watched in suspense. She held it up to Discords horned head, having to stand on her hind legs and stretch out her forelegs in order to. "By unanimous vote, I now proclaim you, King of Fools." She said as she then place the colorful ornament on his head. Through the entirety of this strange occurrence, Fluttershy Had finally got a good look the mysterious bell ringer for the very first time. Another bright flash appeared and the bales of hay were now giant wads of bright pink cotton candy. Then another bright flash, and the silverware ponies were using to eat suddenly became animated and began to dance about the tables. This greatly surprised the populace as they all retreated back from the strange occurrences. Discord was too enthralled in his joy to notice as the guards began to surround him. "Magic user!" One guards called out, "He's using magic!" In that instant, Discord's joy was cut down as he felt armored hooves grab at his body. His eyes shot open and he saw all the weird happenings that were going on around him. Then he felt the blunt of a spear pole strike him in the back of his head. Sending him tumbling off stage and onto the cold cobblestone. The shock from the impact made Discord's mind spin. So disoriented he was, he didn't even feel the soldiers leap upon him and bind his mismatched arms in shackles. Fluttershy witness the whole thing, and was horrified as she saw the tall, slender being tumble off the stage. Her hooves racing to her mouth to hold back a scream as her eyes began to water. Fluttershy jumped as she felt a hoof land upon her shoulder. She whirled around to find Pinkie and Angel staring back at her with nervous eyes. "What are you doing out here?" She asked. "I, I..." Fluttershy stammered. "Never mind it. We got to go." And with that, Pinkie hastily lead her away from the scene. Chrysalis had seen this as well, but as she watched Discord fall, a slight smile of satisfaction traced across her lips. "Captain!" She called. Flash Sentry, who had been standing nearby immediately turned attentively to his queen. "Yes, your majesty?" "Escorts this creature to the Palace of Justice." Flash hesitated for a moment before responding, "Yes, my queen." Lifting the draconequus to his feet, the guards began to lead him away from the festival. "They can't take away our King!" Exclaimed one bystander. "Everypony stand back! This beast is under arrest for the crime of magic use!" Then all was silent. The populace looking up at the figure that now stood before them. Tall, slender and beautiful, with eyes like razors. They cowered back as the Queen herself loomed over the shackled creature. Discord looked up at his mistress with pleading eyes, but was met only with hollow orbs of emerald. Unfeeling, and unmoved. He hung his head in shame, as the guards proceeded to lead him away. > Chapter Seven: Hail to the King! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Seven: Hail to the King! "Well, that was a disaster!" Exclaimed Pinkie as they strode into subterranean 'Court'. After the Festival had gone awry with the sudden magical outburst and the hostile arrest of, apply named King of Fools, Fluttershy and Pinkie had made a hasty retreat back to the sanctuary of the Court of Miracles.  "You think we were followed?" Fluttershy asked nervously.  "Not a chance," Pinkie replied with a scoff, "with the mayhem our ‘Bell Ringing Friend’ stirred up, everypony will be fumbling around like frightened chickens for hours." Fluttershy laughed at the image, but her laughter was short as the reality of their situation set in. Their escape attempt had been thwarted. Sure they could have tried to escape during the chaos, but the royal guards would be on high alert now, leaving no chance for them to sneak out unseen.  "What are we going to do now?" Fluttershy asked meekly.  "I don't have a single clue." Replied Pinkie as she shrugged her shoulders, "Give me a second to think..." Fluttershy sank back, letting a mournful sigh escape her lips. How would she ever get home? Angel saw her distress and lent a comforting paw as he caressed her foreleg. She looked at him as moisture began to develop in her eyes. He smiled at her, giving a very affectionate look; gentle and comforting. She smiled back at him and sniffled a bit. "Thanks Angel," she said, picking him up in her hooves and placing him above her head, "You know just what to say to make me feel better." Angel responded by warmly hugging her silky, rosé colored mane.  As Pinkie pondered over their predicament, she just so happened to glance over at Fluttershy to find her with the white lagomorph atop her head. She stopped and stared for a moment, inquisitively looking at how the rabbit’s ears draped down over her head. "I got it!" She exclaimed happily.  Fluttershy looked up at her with confusion. She watched as the pink colored mare quickly scrambled to a nearby trunk and rummaged around a bit.  Suddenly, Pinkie Pie pulled out an old, ash-gray cloak and worn wooden pipe. She quickly dashed the cloak over Fluttershy and Angel before they could react and popped the pipe in her muzzle. Fluttershy sat there befuddled as Pinkie stood back to survey her work. Pinkie smiled as she took in the results of her little experiment. With that cloak and pipe, in addition with Angel's long droopy ears, Fluttershy looked like a regular old beggar-mule.  "It’s the perfect disguise!" She proclaimed happily.  Fluttershy looked at her through the cloaks hood and Angels ears, which were in her face. "What is?" She asked curiously.  "With that cloak and pipe, you'll blend in perfectly into the back ground." She said, "Plus with your bunny on your head, his ears make you look like an old mule at first glance. It's perfect, the guards won’t suspect a thing!" Fluttershy thought about it for a moment. Would this really work? "So, what's the plan now?" She asked.  "We're going to get you home." Pinkie replied, "You just follow my lead and we'll get you back to your caravan in not time." Fluttershy paused for a moment, looking at Pinkie with an expression of what could only be described as a mixture of worry and appreciation, "Pinkie..." she said meekly.  "Yes, Flutters?" She replied. "Why are you doing this?"  "What do you mean?" "Why are you even helping me?" Fluttershy asked, "I mean... before yesterday, you didn't even know me... yet you’re going through all this trouble to help me out... why?" Pinkie's expression saddened a little at Fluttershy's question, "Because Fluttershy..." She sighed a bit, "Because since I was a filly, I've seen so much bad in the world... things that no filly should have to see. Why am I helping you? It's because I care... And it breaks my heart whenever there's somepony in need but no pony will help them, I want to bring smiles to fellow ponies. It's what makes my whole life worth wild, and if there's anypony I can help, you bet I'll be there." Fluttershy felt a warm smile trace across her muzzle. "Pinkie... I just don't know what to make of you. But you’re one of the kindest ponies I've met." "Yeah, I know." Pinkie said nonchalantly, polishing her hoof against her wear and smiling as if it was nothing. "Um... Pinkie?"  "Yes, Flutters?" Fluttershy paused for a moment, "I just wanted to say... thank you. Thank you for all that you’re doing... y-you’re... You’re a good friend." Pinkie's expression turned to one of happiness and affection. "You’re welcome Fluttershy..." she said. "Now, how about we get you something to eat huh? Derpy’s making dinner tonight and she's really good with pastries." Fluttershy smiled and began to follow the pink mare, "That would be lovely." She said with a smile.  The air was cold and still. The night had cast its veil upon the earth, and the city had fallen into its slumber. Nothing stirred. No sound of any notice, except for the slight sound of falling water droplets as they trickled from the roof of Discord's stone cell. The Draconequus was huddled in the far corner of his prison, after the incident at the festival, the guards had bound him in chains and dragged him off to, the applied named "Palace of Justice". An almost ghastly, stone prison located at the far end of the city.  Discord had often seen the Palace's towering spires from his lofty bell tower. To him, they almost looked like the claws or fangs of some great indolent cat. Now he was a prisoner there.  There was hardly any light, the only source originating from down the halls were Discord supposed the guards who had brought him here had retired too. What had happened? What had happened at the festival? Was he the cause of that chaos? Discord pondered these questions as he sat there in his corner.  He knew of magic, his Mistress, Chrysalis had taught him about it. She had said that it was an evil practice... something that existed beyond the natural world of order and discipline. He had never seen magic for himself, but... what happened when he was on the stage... that was something he couldn't understand. Was he capable of magic?  Did that mean he was... evil? He didn't know what to think. Everything was going so wonderfully. For the first time in his life, he had been amongst the ponies that he had for so long gazed down upon from his bell tower on high. He had danced with them, laughed with them, marry-made with them. They even gave him the crown of the fair. Making him King of Fools... Discord looked down at the comical crown in his mismatched hands. He managed to keep hold of it despite his imprisonment.  He toyed with the little bells that dangled from each of the crowns five triangular points. The gentle sound of the bells echoed through the stone cell, but Discord of course heard them not. His expression turned to one of frustration and anger as he held up the colorful crown. With great anger and sadness, the lonely Draconequus threw the crown against the far wall of the prison cell, letting out a cry of distress. The crown struck the stone and fell to the floor, which was haphazardly lined with straw. His breath evened out as Discord stared at it once again. It looked so pitiful... half beaten and worn. He reach over and retrieved it. He then once again placed it upon his brow.  "King of the Fools, King of the Fools," he sang to himself, "all hail Discord, King of the... fools..." He then burrowed his face into his arms and began to weep. Suddenly, Discord looked up as he felt a tender hoof fall upon his back. His tear stained eyes came to meet with those of one of his good companions; her expression was one of sympathy and sadness. "I'm sorry, sugar cube..." Applejack said, "This is all our fault." "Yeah, Dissy," Rainbow Dash added in, "If we hadn't pushed you so hard to go to the festival, none of this would have happened." Using a handkerchief, Rarity tried to wipe the tears from his stained cheeks, "Oh dear. Darling, we can't bear to see you like this..." "Please don't cry sugar... we're here for ya, everythin' will be alright. You'll see." Discord breathed as he looked up at his three companions, "It's... it's not your fault." He said, "It... it's no pony’s fault." The trio was taken aback by their friend's words. They glanced at each other, not saying a word. Rainbow Dash then flew over to the huddled chimera. She hesitated for a moment, but then she gently wrapped her forelegs around his slender neck, pulling him into a warm, comforting hug.  The other two quickly followed the Pegasus’ example and tenderly wrapped him in their embrace. Discord graciously accepted their warmth and reciprocated their gesture. He felt his tears begin to dry as they held each other in their silence.  Suddenly, a loud clatter rose up and Discord looked up. Four armed guards were at the prison cell door, beckoning him forth. He looked around for his friends, but they had seemingly vanished with the guards’ arrival.  Sighing heavily, Discord rose to his feet and followed the soldiers. They bound him in shackles and proceeded to escort him down the long corridor. With the four armed guards at his side, Discord reluctantly followed as they led him into a large room with a high ceiling. There were tapestries and lanterns hung about. Several other guards stood stationary against the four walls, crossbows at the ready.  At the far end of the room, there was a tall wooden podium of carven oak. However, it was clear that the wood had been weathered. Scrolls and other documents laid spread across its surface, and a rather elderly looking unicorn stallion sat there as Discord was brought forth.  There were a few other ponies present who were chattering about the strangeness of the draconequus's appearance, but were hushed as the elder stallion spoke up. "Q-quiet! Quiet!" The wrinkled equine groaned.  Another stallion sat next to him, a quill and parchment at the ready, "Speak up prisoner, the judge is deaf." He said to Discord. The draconequus, of course, did not hear the scribe’s commands, nor did he catch what his lips had mouthed, so he remained silent as the judge continued. Looking at his list, the old judge began his questioning.  "Your name?" He began.  Discord was silent. "Y-your age?" No response. The scribe look about in confusion. Why wasn't the prisoner answering? "Your profession?" Still silence. It was at this time that some of the other ponies present giggle at the judge’s obliviousness to the draconequus's lack of answers.  The judge then turned to his scribe, "Do you have all the prisoner’s answers down?" At that, the assembly in the room seemed to simultaneously burst into laughter. Even a few of the guards seem to chuckle, which Discord found rather surprising.  He looked about and saw everyponys’ giggling faces and couldn't help but laugh with them. But after a moment, the laughter ceased, and the judge made eye contact with Discord.  "You..." he began as he looked through his papers, "are accused of disturbing the peace, of using magic, and resisting the Queen's Guard. What is your defense? Quick, and to the point." "Discord!" The draconequus suddenly burst out. The judge eyed him, "So, you plead guilty?" "25, next month!" "For that, you shall be whipped." Stated the judge. "Bell ringer at Notre Mare!" The scribe, having realized the situation, stood up and went over to the judge, "Your honor, the prisoner is deaf." The scribe said directly into the judge’s weary ears, "He hears nothing." The elder stallion looked Discord over once more, "For that incidence, you shall spend another hour on the pillory. " With that, the court was adjourned, and Discord was escorted back to his cold prison cell.  The plaza was abuzz with activity. The following day had come from Discord's condemning sentencing, and a large crowd had gathered around the pillory. Bound by rope and shackle, Discord was led through the crowd towards the wooden steps; all the way the simple pony folk laughed and shouted at him. He saw their faces and hung his head low.  Chrysalis had made it her top priority to be present during the punishment, having a canopied podium erected for her so that she could observe in comfort. She watched as the lowly chimera was shuffled through the assembly of commoner ponies and brought before the scaffold.  "More wine, your radiance?" Her servant asked, holding out a semi-translucent green bottle. "No more for now. We can't let ourselves be gluttonous ,can we? Don't you agree, Captain Flash?" She inquired of the regal captain of the guards standing attentive nearby. The young stallion turned his head to face his queen, "Yes, quite, your majesty." He replied. Chrysalis' emerald eyes lingered on the young stallion for a while. She looked him over with an inquisitive eye, noting his well-toned form. However, her attention was cut short as the sound of trumpets blared out to signal the beginning of the day’s event. She turned her head and breathed in a heavy breath. "On second thought.... I do believe a small bit more wouldn't hurt." She said to the servant with a huff.  With blade at his back, the Draconequus ascended the steps to his shameful pedestal and was forced to kneel. A Pegasus stallion, dressed in the official wear of the justice system then held up his hoof and the crowd was silenced. Removing a scroll from his satchel, he loudly read out the proclamation.  "We here by announce, that Discord, the Bell Ringer of Notre Mare, is too receive 50 strokes with a Cat o' nine tails, having committed the crime of sorcery, there after, he will be exposed for one hour for public disgrace." He said as Discord was bound to the pedestal. A loud ruckus rose up from the crowd. Scornful boos and insults so foul, that they would burn the heart of any soul. Discord only knelt there in his fixed point in silence as his captures checked to make sure his bounds were secure; All the while, unbeknownst the masses or authorities, two other notable equines had decided to attend the spectacle.  An old beggar mule sat there on the cathedral's stone steps, accompanied by a vibrant, rosé colored mare. "And to think... just only yesterday on the same spot they crowned him their king." Pinkie noted.  Hidden beneath the clever ruse, Fluttershy watched as the strange bell ringer was put on display. Angel held firm to her silky hair, trying to keep balance so he would not fall off. She felt sadness build inside her as the hurtful cries from the crowd range out through the air. She could tell that they were not out of true hatred, but more so of simple arrogance. One would do it and the rest would follow blindly.  "Oh look! Here comes Maximus!" Called out one elderly mare. A large, well defined and muscular stallion then stood up on the scaffold. He was dressed in gray and black garments with the royal insignia in crested upon them. The crowd cheered as he stood above them and turned to retrieve his tool from a nearby chest. Opening it, he revealed a rack of many different kinds of whips, some more ghastly then others, having been embroidered with barbs and bits of metal.  He reached in and pulled out one of the more modest whips. A long cluster of nine rawhide laces, each finely made and polished - the Cat o' nine tails. Maximus spit into his hoof for added grip, and laced his wrist through the noose before taking his position behind the Draconequus. He raised his whip, and in one swift motion, brought it down upon Discord's bare flesh. He gasped in shock and pain as the lash lapped at his skin, but he did not scream, for he had lost his breath. "One!"  The crowd apparently found his pain amusing, and so laughed as he attempted to move away from the assault, only to fail. The whip came down again. Sending another wave of laughter through the audience.  "Two!"  And again. "Three!" And again. "Four!" The crowd then began to count.  "Six!"  "Stop!" Exclaimed the Queen.  The grimly dressed stallion immediately ceased his assault on the bound Draconequus and attentively faced his monarch. "Yes, your majesty?" He asked.  "Wait between lashes," she said, her tongue like cold silver, "Otherwise the old sting will doubt him to the new." Her words stung Discord's ears, even worse than the lash that lapped at his bare flesh. The tears that had welled up in his gleaming eyes flowed no more, as her words had robbed them of any meaning. His breath ragged, he stared emotionless at his Mistress, as she sat there upon her pedestal, watching with discontent as her loyal servant suffered by her law.  He had not ever used his powers until then, and furthermore, the sudden outburst of magic from his had been unintentional. This wasn't his fault... was it? Fluttershy watched in horror as the strange bell ringer was mercilessly flogged, wincing each time the lash lapped at his skin. "Oh, Pinkie Pie, I can’t stand this!" Pinkie Pie then turned to the shuttering Pegasus, "I think it’s safe to say you've never been whipped once?" Fluttershy looked up at Pinkie, "Have you?"  "Twice... now I buy protection." "From who?" Pinkie smiled mischievously, "Nobility..." Fluttershy couldn't help but laugh at this, "The guardians of the ‘old and holy’ tradition..." "The very same." Pinkie replied, "They buy it from Ol' Queen Chryssi over there and sell it to those beneath... not a bad trade. You see... after the war, which mind you lasted a hundred years, thousands of us, me included, went from door to door asking for honest work, and we were whipped for begging! The nobles didn't say ‘work or starve,’ they said, ‘starve for thou shall not work’." Fluttershy was left speechless.  "And I starved..." "Thousands did... leaving quite a many an orphan. Til' I organized the Court of Miracles. True, we're not great thieves like the nobles, our quarry is petty compared to the wholesale plunder of the land. Yes... and one day, I will tell the world the truth of the art of beggary." Fluttershy then turned again to look at the Draconequus. Discord had closed his eyes and calmly took each of his lashes, having lost sensation all together, even though his back was now bleeding. "Yes, Pinkie... but we must do something to stop the whipping of that poor pony..." Pinkie laughed, "No pony is he... but you are right. If only we could... I'm sorry, but I can do nothing here." "29, 30, 31..." The official called out. Maximus had begun to sweat now, his foreleg growing tired from wielding the lash. He wiped his forehead with his spare hoof before returning to his task. "32!" "Ah, that's no whipping," called out one bystander, "He hasn't shed a tear!" "Those that close to the devil never do." Replied one mare. "It's the whipper's fault!" Called out an earth pony stallion. Some of his fellow bystanders turned to him in surprise, "What do you mean?!" "Our whipper would make him cry!" He proclaimed. "You mean you have a better whipper in Mareseille then we have in Maris?!" The stallion grinned, "Yeah! That's right..." In that instance, the crowd then started grabbing at him in anger as the stallion tried to move away for his insult. All the while the flogging continued. Eventually, the whip had to be exchanged for a new one, as the old was now covered in the bell ringer's blood. Maximus turned it over and took up a new one, as a by standing squire wiped off the old one. He then continued to the flogging.  Twilight looked on through the window. Far below her, she could see the masses that had congregated in the Grand Plaza. Her head hung low; she watched in dismay as the mysterious bell ringer she had heard so often about was continuously beaten. She jumped when she felt a hoof fall upon her shoulder, and she turned to face her visitor. "Mother Luna!" she said.  The tall Alicorn looked down on the violet unicorn with comforting, yet concerned eyes, "Are you alright, my dear?" She asked softly. Twilight once again turned to look out the window, "I do not understand..." She said. "You do not understand what?"  "How can her majesty do this? Allowing her own... ‘child’... to be beaten like this?" Luna collected herself and looked out at the Grand Plaza, "Her majesty is a symbol of authority. It is she who keeps the law, and must uphold it. No matter who it is...." Twilight looked up at Luna, "But he belongs to the world of the church!? Is there nothing we can do?"  "He does, but if he is to venture beyond these hallowed walls and into the outside world, he must answerer to its laws. But know this my child, if Discord's punishment seems unjust, there is a higher power that watches... and avenges." "49, 50!" The official then ordered for Maximus to hold his lash, "The Prisoner is to remain one full hour on the Pillory..." Discord remained silent as the sting of the whip began to subside. He could feel the air brush against the open wounds, causing them to burn. A pony then covered his back with what appeared to be a damp cloak, which fitted around his neck. Another pony underneath the pillory then began to crank a large wheel which in turn caused the pillory to rotate.  Discord was caught off guard as a half-eaten apple struck him across the cheek bone, followed by an onion, then a cabbage, each one being either rotten or half eaten. A great bombardment of fouled food then fell upon the Draconequus. Covering him in filth and leaving deep bruises, he cried out in a mixture of pain and anger. From the on-lookers point of view, Discord almost resembled a chained dog foals would torment for amusement as it tried to lash out, biting and snarling at the air.  "Hail to the King!" They bellowed. "Hail to the bloody King of Fools!" Time passed. The sands of the hourglass fell slowly. Discord was silent as he watched each granule fall with eager anticipation for his release. The sun had risen to its noonday throne upon the sky and beat heavily down upon his brow. The crowd had stopped assaulting him with rotten food and had resided to simply watch him marooned on the pillory. Beneath her canopy, Chrysalis enjoyed a light snack of cheese and grape, keeping a vigilant eye on Discord should any other "mishaps" occur. But that was less than likely.  She sighed as she gazed upon her beaten steward, "Oh, my dear boy," she whispered, "Why didn't you simply listen to me?"  Discord felt an overwhelming pain in his throat; an arid fire that burned his lips and scratched at his tongue. His breath heaved and cracked in the hot, dry wind.  "Water!" He cried. "Water!" A roar of laughter then rose up from the crowd. "Water! W-water!" Discord forced out through his dried throat. The crowd only continued to laugh and mock him as he pleaded for liquid relief.  "Water! Water! Please... water…" At this point, the crowd had begun to call back at the pleading Draconequus,  "Water! Water!" They mocked. Fluttershy all the while looked on in horror. How could these ponies be so cruel? "Water!" "Water!" "Water!" A raggedy cladded stallion who had hidden beneath the pillory then picked up a discarded piece of cloth. Draping it through a puddle of unknown fluid nearby, he then hoped up and flung it at Discords face. "There's your water!" He laughed. The foul smelling, wet cloth became snagged on Discords antlers, preventing him from shaking it completely off. Flash sentry turned to his Queen, "Your radiance, permission to stop this cruelty?" He asked.  "No, my dear captain," She replied, "A lesion needs to be learned here. Our friend here brought this upon himself..." Suddenly, the hideous laughter and mockery of the masses died off: a ghostly silence loomed over the Grand Plaza. Chrysalis and Flash both looked outward to see what was transpiring.  Discord held his head low, the filth and grim thrown at him irritated his skin, and his sweat dripped down his brow. Suddenly, he opened is bright yellow eyes, having sensed a change in his surroundings. He saw the crowd, which had once been in an uproar, was now still and quite. He felt a new presence beside him... Slowly, the bound draconequus looked up, the sun glared in his eyes as a silhouette appeared. He breathed softly as the figure drew closer; his sight meeting with two orbs of azure... He could tell she was a Pegasus mare with a light cream coat and rosé hair. She slowly approached him, her rich cyan eyes holding him spellbound. She wore a cloak that kept her flowing mane mostly concealed. He noticed that she had a small, white rabbit stored away in the hood. "That is rather peculiar", he thought to himself.  She lifted her hoof and slowly reached out to him, but he drew away, his eyes filled with confusion and fear.  "I-Its ok..." she whispered, "I won’t hurt you..." She then looked up at the filthy rag caught on his antler. Discord had watched her lips, and even though he could not hear her voice, he could feel her gentle words caress him, and he relaxed. Fluttershy then reached up and removed the dirty cloth from his antler, tossing it aside. "I'm sorry..." She soothed.  Discords breath was calm and steady.  Fluttershy then lifted up a small flask and showed it to Discord. The Draconequus eyed the vessel eagerly, desperately in need of its replenishing liquid sustenance.  She popped open the flask and brought it to his parched lips, and Discord gratefully suckled down the cool drink.  Fluttershy could see the relief in his eyes as he drank down the flask. She smiled tenderly as their eyes met once more.  "Thank you", is all he said.  Suddenly, their exchange was interrupted by a loud thundering voice. "You there! Beggar mule! Get down from there at once!"  Fluttershy quickly straightened out her disguise and turned to face the Marisian queen. "Oh, um, Ugh-hem! Uh, yes your majesty." Fluttershy said in a gruff voice, as to hide her femininity. "Just as soon as this poor creature finishes drinking." "You will descend the pillory at once!" Chrysalis shouted.  Suddenly, Fluttershy felt a hoof pull at her cloak, "Aye! You heard the Queen, get off the blooming thing!" Called on gruff guard.  Fluttershy tugged back at him in a brief struggle, with each pulling back and forth with increasing force. Then, the guard gave one last powerful tug at the cloak, causing Fluttershy to fall over onto the wooden platform and send the guard flying back as the cloth was pulled off the Pegasus mare's body.  Chrysalis's eyes shot open as she beheld the newly revealed Pegasus and the crowd gasped. "A gypsy...." Chrysalis hissed, her eyes glaring at Fluttershy like daggers. "Gypsy-Mare! You will remove yourself from that platform immediately, or you will be removed forcefully!"  Staggering to her hooves, Fluttershy looked directly at Chrysalis, matching her glare. "With all due respect, your Majesty, I must refuse. I cannot idly stand by as such cruelty is displayed." "Cruelty?! This is justice, wench! My word is the law, and the law must be enforced! Something that your fowl, pagan kind wouldn’t know! Now, step down!" "You mistreat this creature the same way you mistreat these ponies! You speak of justice, yet you are cruel to those who truly need your help!" Fluttershy shouted. All the while, Discord watched in astonishment as the young mare held herself against Chrysalis.  "Silence!" Chrysalis declared.  "JUSTICE!" Responded Fluttershy.  The young pegasus then proceeded to snatch up a nearby guard’s pole-axe and cut the Draconequus's bounds, accidentally causing him to lurch forward as his body fell limp. Fluttershy saw this and bit her lips, "Oh dear, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to--" "How DARE you defy me!" Chrysalis bellowed. "Guards, seize her!" Captain Flash then motioned to his guards to move into action.  The reality of the situation then came down on Fluttershy with great force, as she was surrounded by a multitude of armed ponies.  "Oh dear..."  Pinkie Pie felt fear grip her heart as the young Pegasus was surrounded. She had watched dumbfounded as Fluttershy had stood her ground against the queen, but that had now faded, and she bit her hoof. "Faust, damn it, Fluttershy!" Pinkie thought to herself, unable to help her friend. "Mark my words, Pegasus! You will pay for your insolence!" Fluttershy felt herself shrink as the soldiers drew nearer, baring their pole-axes and swords. The fire that had once spurred her heart in defiance was now quenched with fear.  They were almost upon her when she felt a strange tingling sensation spread through her body. It felt almost like a menagerie of quills dancing on her skin, and in one single instant, a bright light enveloped her. The soldiers had to cover their eyes as the bright flash enveloped the cream colored Pegasus.  After the light had subsided, a great gasp arose from the spectators. The guards looked to find that the gypsy-mare had vanished into thin air. Chrysalis' eyes widened at this, "Witch craft...." "CAPTAIN!" She called. "Yes, your majesty?" "I want that gypsy found, immediately!" Flash saluted his queen, "Yes, your majesty, at once." Chrysalis then turned her gaze to the draconequus who was standing there motionless upon the pillory. Discord could see the anger and fire in her eyes and it burned him to his core. He shrank back in fear. Hesitantly, he descended the pillory and into the crowd. His back ached and screamed at him as he made the effort to move, blood still trickling from the wounds. The commoner ponies shrank back from him as he shuffled towards the great cathedral and covered his face in shame.  Eventually, he had made his way to the great doors and pried them open, the iron hinges groaning in protest. Discord's breath was heavy as he turned his head to catch one more glimpse of the Grand Plaza. The sky had begun to fill with clouds and a light rain had begun to fall, forcing the crowd to disperse. With that, Discord pushed against the great iron door and shut it.  "Now behold, my little pony folk. Marvel at the Great and Powerful Trixie, as she performs the most spectacular feats of magic ever witnessed by pony eyes!" Exclaimed the pale blue Unicorn.  "Eh shut up!" Called out one farmer.  Trixie's performance hadn't gone at all well with the locals. After they were refused by the Marisian officials to enter the city, the gypsy caravan had decided to make camp near the gates.  "Business sure is booming..." A meek but assertive voice piped up sarcastically.  "Oh Pip, must you rub more salt in the wound?" Trixie protested.  Pipsqueak let out a sigh and picked up the small hat they had set aside to gather coins in. But all they had received were two coppers and buttons. "Sorry love... I'm just not in the best of moods at the moment." "With the lack of money or the fact that Fluttershy has just simply vanished?"  Pipsqueak cocked an eyebrow, "What do you think?" Trixie removed her sorcerer’s hat and set it aside. "I know, Pip... I miss her too... but just where in the hay could that mare have gone?"  Suddenly, a new voice chimed in, "The Courte of Miracles." The two then turned to find a gray Pegasus mare with a golden mane standing before them. She wore a simple dress and carried a wicker basket in her hooves, they smelled the scent of freshly baked muffins emanating from the basket. But the main thing that stood out about her was her eyes. They seemed to be staring in different directions? "What did you say?" Trixie inquired. "Your friend, Fluttershy. She's at the Courte of Miracles." The Pegasus mare replied. "It's a little hide away inside the city, but don't tell anypony about it... it's a secret." Pipsqueak and Trixie looked at each other in confusion, "You've seen Fluttershy? Is she alright?" They both inquired.  "Haven't seen her since this morning," she answered, "but I think they she should be back by now?" "Can you take us to her?!" They exclaimed.  "Well, of course, but we need to be sneaky about it, the guards don't like outsiders."  "As we've noticed." Said Pip. The walled eyed Pegasus then turned and gestured them to follow. "Ok then, follow me." > Chapter Eight: The Halls of Faust. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Draconequus of Notre Mare. By Inkquill. Chapter Eight: The Halls of Faust. Fluttershy opened her eyes after the light had dissipated. Her body felt numb, with an almost tickling sensation coursing through her skin. She looked about to find that she was no longer up top on the pillory, but was now in a vast, almost cavernous, and dimly lit hall. A great pillar of carven stone stood to her left; one of a many lined up in a row in order to hold up a lofty vaulted roof. Through the shadow's, Fluttershy could see tapestries and ornate carvings. The smell of incense permeated the air and the low, almost haunting sound of distant singing echoed throughout the halls. Angel rubbed his temple lobe as the cream colored Pegasus rose to her hooves and slowly ventured forth. Wide cyan eyes drifted upward and gawked at the sheer height of the roof. At the far end of the great hall was an enormous circular stain glass window, embroidered with the emblem of the sun. Candles flickered along the way towards the altar, giving an ominous yet peaceful aura. Slowly, she advanced towards the altar, her eyes star-filled in its splendor. In her aw struck state, she did not notice the light sound of hooves approaching from behind her. "Um.. excuse me, miss?" A voice spoke out, to which Fluttershy immediately tensed up and let out a surprised squeal. She was met by two rich violet eyes that seemed to be in as much surprise as she was. It was a unicorn mare dressed in a grey cloak, and satchel of books upon her back. Flustered and confused, Fluttershy backed away stammering. "Oh! Oh my goodness. Um.. uh, hello. I'm sorry, am I intruding?" "Whoa, whoa, it’s ok," Twilight interrupted, trying to calm the cream colored Pegasus down. "You’re not intruding, Everything's fine. My name is Twilight Sparkle. I'm a nun here at Notre Mare, well at least, I'm studying to be." Fluttershy found herself caught off guard by the last statement, "Excuse me, but did you say 'Notre Mare'?" "Y-yes?" Twilight answered, cocking her head to the side. The daunting realization dawn on Fluttershy with those words. She must be in the Marisian cathedral. But… how? All she could remember was that white flash of light... magic! Somepony must have teleported her here. But… who? "And what is your name? If I may ask?" Twilight said with a smile. "I'm.. Fluttershy." Twilight smiled softly, "Well, miss Fluttershy, welcome to Notre Mare. Have you come seeking peace? Or Guidance? Or refuge?" "Refuge!" Fluttershy suddenly blurted out before her hooves could seal her mouth shut. Twilight blinked slightly at the sudden frightened outburst from her company, but smiled and nodded her head, "Oh. Well, in that case, I shall go get the archdeacon. She'll know what to do. I'll run fetch her, and you stay here and relax. You seem a bit on edge at the moment," Twilight said as she began towards the far end of the cathedral. "One moment please." Fluttershy watched in silence as the grey-cloaked unicorn trotted off to her destination and disappeared out of sight. She took in a deep breath and collected herself. First to get her baring's. She was in the Marisian cathedral, somepony had teleported her, and now the cathedrals archdeacon was coming to.. do whatever, but the thing that still bothered her was what had gone on prior; the guards, the pillory, and that poor creature... she remembered the sadness she had scene in his eyes. Those pleading eyes... She was cut off guard when she felt a hoof fall upon her shoulder; something then snapped in her brain, a mod of self-defense, and to both her and her new company, what came next was a great surprise. In self-defense, Fluttershy suddenly grabbed at the foreign hoof and pulled it forward. Bending her head down, she brought the figure off his hooves and over her head to go hurtling in front of her to land against a nearby pillar as she quickly grabbed a candle holder and brought it to arms like a spear towards her assailant.  Flash Sentry placed a hoof to his forehead after the rough rattle he had gotten by the spooked Pegasus. Rubbing his temple, he looked up to find three burning candles pointed directly at him, wielded by said Pegasus, and a white rabbit at her side holding up his front paws like fists. "Well then," he began. "Nicely done mademoiselle. Few have gotten the drop on me." Fluttershy kept her guard up and breathed in steadily. "Now, take it easy," Flash said as he tried to stand. "Listen-" "No, you listen!" Fluttershy blurted, "I've been tossed around in every which direction these past few days and I'm a bit tense, so if you're here to arrest me you've got another thing coming, buster!" "Woah, woah, easy. Fluttershy was it?" Flash said trying to calm the over excited mare. "You’re okay. I'm not here to arrest you." "Excuse me?" Fluttershy ask in confusion. "You're not going to arrest me?" "Not as long as you're in here," Flash replied as he got to his hooves. "I can't." Fluttershy lowered her makeshift trident. "Well, if you're not going to arrest me... then what do you want?" "Perhaps I just want to talk." "Talk?" Replied Fluttershy. "Yes... You know that was a very brave thing you did back there. Giving that creature water." "You saw what they were doing to him," Fluttershy said, throwing her hooves in the air in frustration, but Flash managed to pick up a hint of sadness to her words. "I couldn't just stand there and let him suffer." "Your right. You couldn't." Flash agreed. "I'll admit.. I don't agree with the harshness of the law, but it is my duty to enforce it... regretfully." "You're not like the other guards." "Why thank you." He replied. They shared a slight chuckle and the tension in the air subsided. However, it was short lived when a sudden loud clatter rose up in the hall; the sound of the clashing iron of the great cathedral doors that disrupted the peaceful silence. "Good work, captain," Chrysalis said in her imposing regal tone. "Now, arrest her." Flash turned to Fluttershy and looked her straight in her eyes, "Claim sanctuary." He whispered. "W-what?" "Say it!" "Captain?" Chrysalis urged. "I'm sorry, your majesty, she claimed sanctuary. There's nothing I can do." "Then drag her out and th-" She was suddenly interrupted by an all too familiar voice. One that burned her ears and made her bite her tongue. "Chrysalis! You shall not touch her!" They all turned to see the tall, slender form of the archdeacon herself approaching the congregation. She strode with large steps, keeping her head high and her presence imposing as she stared down the Marisian queen, accompanied by Twilight, who stood at her side.  “Madam Luna..." Chrysalis replied in an almost viperous tone while at the same time retaining her regal disposition. "Do not try to interfere, this pegasus is under arrest for the crime of sorcery." "The power of the law ends at that threshold." She said, pointing to the great iron doors. She then turned to the young Pegasus and with tender eyes and tongue said, "Don't worry, my child, her Majesty learned long ago to respect the sanctity of the church." Chrysalis only stared at Luna with spurning eyes, as if she were suddenly pounce upon her like a furious jungle-cat, but Luna held her ground.  As the two stared each other down, Twilight has trying to maintain as low a presence as possible. When she had saw that Flash was present, she had thought to perhaps stay behind, but that would be unprofessional. She stood there in her grey garments as her superior conversed with Chrysalis, casually glancing over to Flash every now and then. Flash wasn't sure what to do at the moment. The very air seemed to feel as if one false move would cause a disastrous episode that nopony wanted to be present for, so he kept quiet as his Queen and the archdeacon squared off. However, something caught his eye that intrigued him; a lock of violet and pink hair. Next to Luna was a sister of the Church, dressed in the grey attire of a fryer. She had her hood up, but that wasn't enough to hide her flowing mane.  "Good marrow, Sister." Flash greeted, causing Twilight to flash her rich violet eyes at him. "Oh.. eh, hello, Flash." Twilight awkwardly replied with a nervous smile.  "I see you've managed yourself quite nicely," Twilight smiled. "A nun I presume?" Twilight blushed. "Oh no... not yet. Just... still in training." "Well, I still must congratulate you." An awkward silence was then held between the two, each unsure of what to say until Flash spoke up, "You know, you still own me those two bits for the bread." He said with a smile. "Oh! Oh, yes. Yes I remember," Twilight said as she started to pat herself down, "let me see if I have it on me-" "No, no that's alright," Flash interrupted with a tender smile. "Pay when you’re ready, that was the deal..." "Oh.. yes. Of.. of course." "I missed you, Twilight." Said Flash. Twilight nodded in response. "I did too, Flash." For a while, they simply looked at each other with varying emotions, each of their cheeks burning bright red. But the awkwardness was cut short as the Queen's voice rose up.  "Very well." She said before turning back towards the great cathedral doors.  Flash turned to Fluttershy, who was holding Angel in her hooves protectively and bowed his head, "I must take my leave now." He said softly. He then turned to Twilight and gave her a soft smile. "I hope to see you again."  Twilight blushed, "Yes… yes, me too." Luna then took him by the shoulder and pulled him away, leading him towards the door along with his fellow guards ponies.  As the soldiers departed the great halls, Chrysalis managed to slip away from Luna's sight, concealing herself behind a nearby pillar that hence forth dressed her in shadow. After she escorted the Captain of the Guard to the exit, Luna returned her attention to the cream colored Pegasus. Slowly, the Archdeacon approached her wide-eyed guest. Fluttershy backed away slightly as Luna approached, still holding Angel in her hooves. "Don't be afraid... you are safe here." She said. Fluttershy only could make brief glances at the holy mare. "What have you done? Why are they after you?" "I... I-I'm a gypsy..." Fluttershy managed to say.  Luna smiled with tender, soothing eyes. "That's not your fault, it was the will of Faust." Fluttershy in response looked up at her as if to speak, but no words formed on her lips. "There is no need to have fear here. You are safe. Come, Sister Twilight will attend to you." With that, Twilight gestured for Fluttershy to follow her and the two departed from the archdeacons company. With Angel directly behind them, Fluttershy and Twilight proceeded down the long corridor of the cathedral. Fluttershy noted in silence the detailed carvings and statues that dotted the architecture, until one in particular caught her eye.  "Who's that?" Fluttershy inquire, pointing to a nearby statuette. "The Virgin Celestia, First born of the mother, Faust." Twilight replied softly. Twilight smiled. "If we open our hearts to her with faith, she comforts us." "How can I speak to her?" Fluttershy asked; her eyes wide and star-filled. "Kneel down and pray," answered Twilight. "As the others are doing." Twilight gestured to the assembly that was present near the altar. Mares, gentlecolts and fillies were all knelt down in silent prayer before the great altar of Faust. "I leave you too your own then," Twilight said. "But if you need anything, search me out." Fluttershy nodded and Twilight turned to depart, her head lowered in silence. Fluttershy then approached the statue of Celestia and knelt down respectively beneath it. Her hooves in her lap, she whispered her prayer. "I have never prayed before, but Sister Twilight told me you help all those who are in need... I don't know if you can hear me, or if You're even there. I don't know if you would listen to a gypsy’s prayer. Yes, I know I'm just an outcast, I shouldn't speak to you. Still I see your face and wonder... Were you once an outcast too?" Fluttershy paused for a moment. "Take all that I have, but please help my people... they need you... Faust help the outcasts; hungry from birth. Show them the mercy, they don't find on earth. Faust help my people; we look to You still. Faust help the outcasts... or nopony will..." Fluttershy was cut off when she felt a looming presence approach from behind her. She turned her head to her terror to be met with the faded emerald eyes of the Marisian monarch.  Chrysalis stared at the cream colored Pegasus with an expression of both confusion and resentment. "What are you doing?" She asked in an emotionless, deadpan tone. Fluttershy stared back at her, unsure of what to do. "I.. I'm praying." She replied. "You cannot pray here; you are a heathen." "You’re not a priest, and you do not rule me." Fluttershy held her ground. "I am what I wish to be," Chrysalis replied once again in her deadpan tone. "Get up. You desecrate the very stones upon which you kneel." "I will not." "Get up!" Chrysalis commanded, reaching out with her hoof to grab Fluttershy's foreleg. "No! You bare the mark of Tartarus on your hooves," she turned back towards the statue of Celestia. "Daughter of Faust, please don't let her hang me. Protect me! Protect me!" "Praying won’t help you. You come from an evil race." Fluttershy turned to face Chrysalis, now baring anger in her eyes. "You know nothing of my people." "Only that you are bound by witchcraft and magic." To this, Fluttershy stood, although she was still dwarfed by the pearl-white alicorn. "If we really are so fiendish with our magic, do you think we would allow ourselves to live as outcasts? Surely we'd use it to our aid." "You gypsies should be destroyed by fire and sword." Chrysalis' tone was now becoming more noticeably venomous. "You should not speak such things. The first born of Faust is listening." Fluttershy said facing down the Marisian Queen. "I'm a gypsy and never in all my life could I have an evil thought. Never speak... just be here." She turned to one of the loft stain glass windows, "Look, that window up there glowing red and blue, with the sunset break through; and how all the light floats around. There like the high pines in the forest. So quiet and peaceful here... almost quieter than the woods, and the birds chatter and sing when I call. You know the birds and deer eat out of my hoof. They're not shy at all when you're kind to them." Chrysalis was speechless for a moment; her breath steady in her breast. "I know..." Fluttershy's eyes widened at this, "You like animals?" "Yes..." Chrysalis answered in a soft, somber tone. "You say that... you... then you cannot hate as much as you pretend too. Somewhere in your heart there must be love... I know... I see it. In your eyes." A silence was held in the air for what seemed like an eternity afterwards, both bodies unsure of what to do. Finally, Chrysalis turned away from Fluttershy and started towards the cathedral doors. Before departing, she turned to face the gypsy mare one last time, once again baring her unreadable, emotionless mask. "Such a clever witch... be warned gypsy, you have claim yourself a magnificent prison, but it is a prison nonetheless... and if you step outside those doors..." She didn't finish. She simply turned and departed through the great iron doors, leaving Fluttershy in silence. Fluttershy knelt down and breathed in slowly. This whole day had been nothing but a chaotic mess.  Now she was even worse off. Trapped within the stone walls of the house of the mother; Chrysalis' words echo in her ears. 'You have claim yourself a magnificent prison, but it is a prison nonetheless.' She felt like a trapped bird in a cage. She doubted even Pinkie Pie would do anything to aid her. Truly, everything seemed to have fallen just perfectly into all the wrong places; and she curled up under the statue of Faust. Her face buried in her forelegs. "It's hopeless..." she whispered as a tear ran down her cheek.  Suddenly, she felt something different. Slowly, she looked up. There was nopony there...  She looked about. She could feel a pair of eyes upon her skin. Her sight then fell upon a darkened stairwell doorway to her right. A shadow dressed in heavily as the light of the setting sun poured through the large circular window overhead.  She looked closely and there in the darkness, she made out the shape of a figure, with two, large golden eyes staring back at her. She made eye contact.  Suddenly, the figure turned and darted back into the darkness of the stairwell, and Fluttershy got to her hooves and followed in pursuit.  "Wait!" She called.  Trying to keep up with the figure, she flew up the stairwell calling to him, "Wait! Don't run, I just want to talk to you. Wait!" After several minutes of flying, Fluttershy came upon a landing to the upper reaches of the cathedral. She looked around for any sign of the specter. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw what looked to be the end of a tail dart up another flight of steps; this time made of wood. Leading up to the rafters on the lofty bell tower. "Wait!" She dashed up the stairs as quick as her wings could carry her, "I know it was you that saved me on the pillory. I just wanted to thank you."  Finally, she found herself in the very bell tower itself. High above her, she could see countless iron bells of all shapes and sizes suspended from thick wooden beams. Ropes hung down from them for easy access, but there was no sign of her specter.  She looked around trying to find anything of him, but to no avail. Then, she came across something that intrigued her. It was a bed, a large, half worn blanket and quilt covering hay, with books upon stacks of books pilled all around it.  She went beside it and felt it.  "Hello? Is anypony here?" By this time, she was becoming quite frustrated. Crossing her hooves, she sat down on the surprisingly soft bed and called out, "I'm not leaving until you come out where I can see you, so I can thank you properly."  Nothing. No response. So Fluttershy sat there, hooves crossed, waiting for her company to show himself, unaware of the two eyes peering down from her from high up in the rafters.  Discord looked down upon the stranger who was sitting on his bed. Unsure what to do. Nopony besides Chrysalis ever ventured up here. Who was this mare? She had given him water whilst he was bound to the pillory, and the air brushing against his still untended wounds kept the memory fresh.  Knowing nothing else to do, he simply remained perched where he was, careful not to alert his guest of his presence. For now he would watch, and observe.  It was now well into the night, and Fluttershy had since passed out from exhaustion on the soft mattress, sleeping soundly, completely unaware of the new presence beside her.  Discord had descended from his perch after she had fallen asleep. He sat there watching her. He noted every last detail of her face and figure. Her long, flowing rose mane, her radiant face and sloping shoulders. His eyes traveled up and down her body as she slept. She looked so peaceful... It was then that Discord felt a sudden impulse come over him. He reached out with his eagle claw and gently touched one of her stray locks of hair. He caressed it in his fingers. It felt so silky and soft. She stirred a bit and he retracted his claw, not wanting to wake her up.  He looked at his fingers where her hair had once been and rubbed them together as if to feel the texture again. His breath was steady and gentile.  He heard her moan in her sleep and she shifted her body slightly. With this, Discord moved away from the bed and climbed back into the rafters.  Fluttershy awoke sometime later. She could hear the sound of rain beating against the stone walls. It was pitch black outside, and even shower was pouring down outside. She tried to sit up, but noticed something was different. She looked down to find that somepony had placed a blanket on top of her.  Wrapping the warm covering around her, she got up from the worn bed and look about. "Hello?" She called.  After a few minutes, she let a sigh escape her lips and turned back towards the bed. However, her ear twitched as something caught her ear.  "I.. I hide my light inside a cloak of night, Among hallowed halls and sacred bells." "Singing?" She thought to herself. Taking wing, she followed the singing into the rafters. She looked around a bit, and there she saw him. The strange chimera from the pillory, perched upon a large wooden beam, singing to himself. "The pearl of my heart locked within a shell too afraid to let it go, To let it show, And all the headlines read for the whole wide world to see, A Monster in Marié. I fall apart, I fall apart, apparently, I appeared beneath the light yes it was me, A Monster in Marié. I hide my pain inside a melody, As if the bells I ring can set me free, I keep all my dreams under a lock and key, So afraid that they will fly, away from me, A Monster in Marié A Monster in Marié A Monster in Marié" As Discord finished his song, he lowered his head and looked out at the rain falling outside. He then jumped a little when he felt a hoof fall on his shoulder. He whirled around to find none other than the cream-colored Pegasus flapping her wings steadily as to keep hovering next to him. She smiled as his large golden eyes peered back to hers. "Good evening," she began. "Monsieur..." > Chapter Nine: Memories in the Garden. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Draconequus of Notre Mare. By Inkquill. Chapter Nine: Memories in the Garden. "Your tea, your majesty," announced a unicorn mare dressed in royal servant garb. Chrysalis sat there at her balcony window quietly; a small circular table stood there covered with a white embroidered tablecloth and set with plates of fine ceramic. She looked at her servant maid with acknowledgement and indifference.  "Thank you, Miss Ginger Snap," she said in a calm voice.  "Will there be anything else, my Queen?" Asked Ginger. "No, that will be all," Chrysalis replied, pouring some sugar into her hot tea. "Attend to your other duties." With that, the young unicorn turned and departed from the Queen's presence, leaving her to enjoy her morning tea. Bringing it to her lips, the Marisian queen sipped the steaming hot morning beverage. It smelled heavily of jasmine and the flavor cascaded over Chrysalis' taste buds.  After savoring the flavor for a while, Chrysalis set the tea cup on its platter and reached for a biscuit. She looked out on the grand garden bellow her; the leaves having lost their vibrant green where now a vibrant array or reds, yellows and oranges. Autumn was setting in.  One single tree stood out to her however. A tall autumn cherry tree in the middle of the garden decorated with soft, rosy petals. She stared at it in silence. A slight breeze blew through the garden walkways and caused the already fallen leaves to rise up and dance in the air, but Chrysalis only looked on at the cherry tree in remembrance.  "The Leaves are dancing for us, Chrysalis." "They're beautiful, Mama," a young Chrysalis said as she and her mother watched the falling autumn leaves. "Winter must be close." "Very close," the elder alicorn mare replied as her long brown hair was blown into her face. She moved it aside, "I feel a nip in the air."  Chrysalis and her mother continued on through the garden, the sound of leaves crunching beneath their hooves filled the air. Everything was so peaceful. Chrysalis could hear the wind blowing through the garden alongside the distant sound of peasants going about their daily routine. She walked alongside her mother as they followed the main path, eventually coming upon a circular courtyard, and at its center stood a single cherry tree.  "That's strange..." said Chrysalis. "What's strange, my love?" asked her mother. Chrysalis raised a hoof and pointed to the blossoming tree, "It's almost winter, but the tree looks like it’s in spring, Mama."  "Oh, that's not strange at all, my darling," she chuckled in her throat, "It's only itself. It’s an Eastern Redbud, and its flowers bloom in the autumn instead of the spring." Chrysalis stared at the tree in confusion then back to her mother, "But that's not right." She said eventually, "Plants bloom in the spring and go to sleep in the autumn. That's how it works." At hearing this, Chrysalis' mother couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness. She made her way closer to the tree and knelt herself down under its shaded branches; gesturing for Chrysalis to join her. The young alicorn accepted her mother's invitation and moved over to lay at her mother's side. She knew she had said something wrong. "Chrysalis, I'm going to tell you something my mother told me. There are many things in this world that are strange to us, many things are different. What we may be accustomed too may not be the same to somepony else in the world, and the world is much too big for us to truly understand it all. But no matter how strange something or somepony is, they are still beautiful in their own way." She said softly in her maternal voice. "Do you understand what I'm saying, sweetheart?" Chrysalis thought for a moment, then looked back at her mother, "I… I think so." she answered. "Good, sweetie," Her mother replied, kissing her forehead. However, unbeknownst to the two mares in the garden, from the upper windows of the palace, another figure, dressed in shadow, watched them with sullen eyes.  Chrysalis began to feel an uneasy sensation deep in her stomach and she looked towards the great stone walls of the marisian palace. Her jade eyes fell upon the bay window and she could make out the outline of a pony standing there, looking at her. She couldn't see his eyes, but she felt as if she were meeting them directly, and they felt cold.  Later that evening, when all the activities of the day had settled down, and the denizens of the city had returned to their homes, Chrysalis and her mother where doing the same. Chrysalis jumped into the bed with an excited giggle and covered herself with the sheets, popping her head out to look at her mother, "Look, Mama, I'm a turtle." She giggled.  Playing along, her mother put on an expression of confusion and curiosity. "Oh, well, where did my little baby go?" She said, "There seems to be only a little turtle here?" She moved over to the bed and started to prod at the covers with her hooves. "Is she.. here?!" she pounced, tickling at the "turtle" under the covers and causing Chrysalis to burst out laughing as she rolled on her side. "Tell me, Mr. turtle, where's my daughter," she said playfully, "Tell me. Tell me." When Chrysalis could catch her breath, she popped her head up and blurted out, "It's me Mommy! I'm the turtle!" she giggled. "Well, oh my goodness!" He mother exclaimed with foe surprise, "Chrysalis, you had me fooled, you silly little magician." They laughed together for some time as Chrysalis' mother settled her into her bed. "Mommy, could you sing me a bedtime song, please?" Her mother smiled softly and sat down by her daughter's side, "Oh course, sweetie." She thought for a moment, then drawing in some breaths, she began her melody... "Lavender's blue, dilly, dilly, lavender's green," she sang; her voice soft and tender. "When I am king, dilly, dilly, you shall be queen. Who told you so, dilly, dilly, who told you so? 'Twas my own heart, dilly, dilly, that told me so. Call up your men, dilly, dilly, set them to work, Some to the plough, dilly, dilly, some to the fork, some to make hay, dilly, dilly, some to cut corn, while you and I, dilly, dilly, keep ourselves warm." It was then that Chrysalis began to sing, "Lavender's green, dilly, dilly, Lavender's blue, if you love me, dilly, dilly, I will love you. Let the birds sing, dilly, dilly, And the lambs play; We shall be safe, dilly, dilly, out of harm's way. I love to dance, dilly, dilly, I love to sing; When I am queen, dilly, dilly, you’ll be my king. Who told me so, dilly, dilly, who told me so? I told myself, dilly, dilly, I told me so." With that, Chrysalis' mother kissed her on the forehead and doused her bedside candles, "Goodnight, my love," she said. "Goodnight, Mama." Replied Chrysalis, "I love you." "I love you too, sweet heart." And with that, her mother disappeared down the hallway.  "Your majesty?" A seemingly distant voice called. Chrysalis shook herself back to awareness and found Ginger Snap looking at her with concern, "Are you alright today, your majesty?" She asked, "You looked troubled?" Chrysalis turned to her servant maid and set her tea on the table, "I'm alright. Miss Snap, and I do believe I said you should return to your duties?" "Yes, my Queen, my apologies." Said Ginger Snap as she headed back inside the palace, leaving the marisian Queen alone.  Chrysalis sighed and looked into her tea. She could see herself in its amber reflection, and she rolled her tongue in her mouth as if she were trying to remember a distant thought. After a few minutes, she sipped her tea again and looked out onto the garden, "Lavender's blue, dilly, dilly, lavender's green," she sang; her voice soft and tender. "When I am king, dilly, dilly, you shall be queen." With great speed and agility, Discord swung himself from rafter to rafter, disturbing a pigeon here and there but none the less his happiness was sure. On his back, he carried a sack of items that had been left for him by the cathedral ponies down below. Food, drinks, and the occasional toys, it was the regular thing for this time of month.  Moving to an upper platform, he snaked his way onto it where a petite cream Pegasus waited on his makeshift bed, surrounded by books.  She was kind of surprised to see him clamor up from over the ledge, but she smiled and watched him as he laid the sack down in front of her and undid the loose knot at the end. "This stuff, the church ponies leave me it. Down by the staircase. Nopony ever comes up here though, except my Mistress. But she hasn't come up lately." Discord said rather quickly; excitement and nervousness clouding his head. Opening the bag, he revealed several loafs of fresh bread, a few wedges of cheese, three books and something that even surprise Discord, a piece of chocolate. That was rare he'd get something like that. Fluttershy watched him in silence as he talk and showed her his little trove of treasures. She had the blanket he had given her wrapped tightly around her body. It still felt a little drafty in the bell tower, but then again, winter was fast approaching, so a cold breeze should be expected.  She watched as Discord dashed over to the little wooden table and set down the cloth over it, before placing two plates down on it, followed by two glasses. He then tore a piece of bread in half and broke the chocolate. He looked over to her with a smile and gestured for her to come join him. She did and sat herself down at the little table. "This is really good," he said, shoving his piece of chocolate into his bread. "Try it." He handed her the other piece. Taking the chocolate in hoof, she followed Discord's example and pressed the sweet in between the warm bread. Discord smiled and took a bite of his. Fluttershy did the same and her eyes opened as the mix of buttery warm bread and sweet chocolate danced on her tongue.  "This taste delicious," she said, "Thank you." Discord cocked his head, having not caught what his petite guest's lips had formed. "I, I-I'm deaf you know. You would think that, that there w-would be nothing more wrong with me. But, but I'm deaf too." He bent his head down. "It's horrible..." Fluttershy was surprised by this sudden change in his mood and felt as if she should say something, but nothing escaped her tongue.  Discord shifted his thumbs together, "I never realized just how... ugly I am. B-because y-your so... so beautiful." He sighed, "I'm not a pony. I'm not a beast... I'm, ha! I'm, I make as much sense as the mare in the moon." he laughed deep in his throat, though to Fluttershy, it almost sounded like crying.  "Oh ah, I-um. I'm deaf you know... Bu-but you can speak to me, using the um, the signs..." Fluttershy hesitated for a moment. She knew a few signs. She had picked them up with her father on their travels. "What is your name?" She said, both speaking and signing. "Oh, you asked me what my name is... Discord. My name is Discord." "D-discord..." She replied. The Draconequus once again looked down to his feet, "T-the day I was on the pillory... you, you gave me a drink of water... why?" Using the best sign language in her capability, Fluttershy tried to explain to him her reasoning. "I couldn’t just stand there and watch another suffer..." Discord read her signs and lips carefully, and her words struck him deep in his chest. He looked at her with a mix of concern and fear, "You, you must never leave the, the church. You mustn't leave Notre Mare. They... they'll kill you." An uneasy silence drifted between them. "But... they'll have to kill me, first!" Fluttershy was speechless at this. What could one say? There wasn't much. At least, not that she could come up with. She sat there in silence, waiting to see what he'd say next. He then looked up at her with his old excited smile, "but, but we're safe here. The bell tower is high. Come, come see!" Discord then dashed over to the open bell tower windows and leaned his head outward. "See? We're up high." He said, pointing down. Fluttershy joined him as she looked down. The height was making her feel dizzy as she drew back slightly. "Little ponies..." Discord continued watching the pedestrians far below. He then pulled himself back into the bell tower and hung himself by a wooden beam, "And, and look, up there, friends!" He exclaimed pointing the multitude of bells. Climbing up to them, he singled several out, "This, this is Little Sofia." He said with a smile. "And these are Jean Mari, Ann Mari and Louise Mari. There, there triplets, you know?" Fluttershy flew up to meet him. "And, who's this?" She asked, pointing to one of the larger bells. "Big Mari." Said Discord as he hopped down to her, "She uh, she made me deaf, you know?" Rubbing his claw over the bell for a moment, he held tight to the massive iron instruments rope. He then crashed his knuckle against its side, "I can hear my friends. Shall, shall I play them for you?" Full of excitement, he didn't wait for her answer. Taking hold of the thick rope, he let his body fall, pulling it down, and forcing the iron bell to swing back and forth. The loud music quickly following suit.  The sound was deep, thunderous, and Fluttershy covered her ears as it beat against her eardrums. She felt the bells power reverberate in her chest and slowly began to lower herself down to the floor. Discord all the while laughed and hollered as he pulled harder and harder on the thick rope. Each echoing thrum of the bells sent ripples through his frame, giving him an exhilaration of power, spurring him on.  After a moment, he let go of the rope and leaped onto the bell itself, and began to ride it like a mad bull. He laughed and bellowed in delight as he swung with the bell back and forth, but then he noticed that Fluttershy had retreated to the lower floor. He looked down and saw she was covering her ears in pain; and he realized that she wasn't accustomed to the bells. He slapped himself mentally. He should have known better. Leaping off the bell, he made his way down to her. The bell slowly began to grow softer and he stood there by her side waiting for her to remove her hooves from her ears.  After a few minutes, the bell grew silent and Fluttershy unshielded her ears. Opening her eyes, she found the chimera sitting next to her with concern. She looked at him as if to say something, but Discord spoke first, "Sorry." He said. She smiled at him warmly, "It's okay... Discord." This caused Discord to smile in relief.  She then had an idea. Fluttershy took his paw in her hoof and pressed it to her muzzle. This caught Discord off guard for a moment, but he didn't pull away.  "My name is Fluttershy." She said into his paw. Discord felt the different rhythms of her voice on his skin.  "F-Flutter-shy..." He managed. > Chapter Ten: Heaven's Light. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Draconequus of Notre Mare. By Inkquill. Chapter Ten: Heaven's Light. “So, what's today's schedule, Twilight?” Spike asked, holding a quill and parchment. Walking alongside the violet unicorn, the two of them made their way down the long corridor of the church towards the three doorways. “Well, Mother Luna asked me to help collect a few things for the evening's sermon, so we need to hurry. We need texts, incense, Holy water-" Twilight cut herself off. Something was off. She stood there for a moment while Spike turned to her in confusion. “Twilight?” He spoke. “Something seems off…” she said. “I feel like something's missing.” She brought her hoof to her chin and thought for a moment. She couldn't place it, but something was missing, but what? It was then it dawned on her. “The bells!” “The bells? What about them?” Spike asked. “Listen.” She replied. She fell silent and raised her ear. “They're not ringing. They should have been rung by now!” Spike thought for a moment and realized that Twilight did have a point. “Yeah... your right! I wonder what could be keeping them?” Twilight looked towards the high, vaulted ceiling, “I don't know, but I'm going to find out.” She said as she began trotting over towards the spiral staircase. She hesitated for a moment, looking up into the dark winding passageway. She looked back towards Spike, “You coming, Spike?” Spike looked at her, he had remained in place as Twilight went over to the staircase, but now he sprang forward to her side saying, “Yeah! I'm with you, Twilight.” And with that, the two of them began their ascent up the spiral staircase. “Oh! Hey Spike... could you?” Spike nodded and pulled a candle out from his satchel. Holding it in front of himself, he let his fiery breath stream out from between his lips, lighting the small wick to illuminate their way. “Perfect.” Said Twilight with a smile. Fluttershy gently moved about the rafters, her wings keeping her aloft as Discord lead her upwards. He turned to her for a moment and said, “Come on, Fluttershy, come one," he called out with excitement. “I have someponies for you to meet!” Fluttershy was a little confused, however, she followed on as Discord continued to ascend up the bell tower. He hadn't specified exactly who he was taking her to meet. He had woken her in a state of excitement, telling her that she had to come and meet some very special friends of his. Fluttershy was understandably surprised and honestly a little confused by this, but nonetheless, she let him lead her upwards to where his friends apparently were, carrying Angel in her hooves.  After Discord had finally reached the summit, he placed his mismatched hands on the ceiling and began to feel around as if he was looking for something. Fluttershy had landed next to him on a large suspension beam from which several large bells hung from. After a few moments of prodding, Discord finally located what he was looking for: a small seam between the stones. Wedging his claw between the gap, he pried it out of place and lifted it upwards, allowing light to stream in. He looked back to Fluttershy and gestured for her to follow. Following close behind the draconequus, Fluttershy stepped out into the light. It was late in the day and the sun was beginning to set, but it was not excessively dark. After her eyes had adjusted to the dim light of sunset, her eyes were met with open sky. Cool air gently blew past her cheek and rustled her mane slightly. She looked around, and to her awe, found that they were standing atop the left bell tower of the cathedral. She went over to the railing and looked out, seeing the vast city far below. “I bet the Queen herself doesn't have a view like this.” She said with chuckle. She could see bakers and millers moving about the streets with their wives and fillies. In the distance, she could see the river and its many vast bridges. However, one sight took her most off guard. It was the vague outline of a camp just beyond the city walls. She could see the smoke of campfires rising up into the air. “The caravan…” She whispered to herself. Seeing it again brought both happiness and sadness to her heart. It was in her sight, but so far out of reach. She wondered if perhaps Pip and Trixie were there, and somehow were staring at the cathedral wondering about her. But her thoughts were cut off when she felt a claw fall on her shoulder. “Is that your caravan?” Discord asked. Fluttershy looked at him and nodded. “You can't really see it from here? Can you?” Fluttershy sighed and shook her head, “No... You really can't. It's funny. I can almost smell Old Mamma Turtle Lilly's cooking. That's probably her cooking at the campfire.” She said with a smile. “She always makes the food a little too spicy, but it's never bad. I usually help with the ingredients…” Fluttershy began to trail off. Discord saw the joy in her face drain away. Discord was quick to react though, “Oh, well hey! How about I introduce you to my friends?” He said with a sympathetic smile. Fluttershy nodded and smiled at him. Discord then rather excitedly raced over to the far end of the rooftop to where three gargoyles stood. Fluttershy took note of the statues and saw that they were carvings of the three different kinds of ponies; one a Pegasus, the other a unicorn and the last an earth pony. Discord had gone over to the Pegasus first and said, “Okay! This here, this is Rainbow Dash. She's one of my oldest friends, and quite the speed demon she is, right, Rainbow?” He asked the statue. Fluttershy looked at him a little confused at first, but soon realized what the truth of the matter was. Discord then burst out into laughter as if he had just heard a joke. "Oh Rainbow, you're too modest," he said before turning to Fluttershy and whispering, “She's really not.”  This caused Fluttershy to giggle. He then went over to the Unicorn, “And this is Rarity, she adores fashion, you know? She helps me when I have those rough mornings. You know? When you wake up and your mane's a mess and everything just feels a little out of place? Yeah, she knows just what to do to fix me up.” After that, he moved over to the final statue in the line. The earth pony who had seemed to have been molded after the classic farm workers of the rural regions. “And this. This here is Applejack.” “She’s quite lovely,” Fluttershy replied with a smile.  “She’s often the voice of reason among us.” Discord replied, “She says that she’s glad to meet you.” “Well, I’m happy to meet you to Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash. You all are quite lovely. Aren't they, Angel bunny?” Fluttershy inquired on the small rabbit. Angel, however, gave no response and simply stared at the chimera and his statues with an expression of concern.  With a wide smile on his face, Discord hopped over to Fluttershy's side, “Do you like them?” Fluttershy looked at him with a smile, “Oh yes, their… wonderful.” “Their my best friends, and they can be yours too. We’ll all get along splendidly, the six of us.” Fluttershy was silent. She didn't know what she could say. “You know, this is a very nice place, and the view is beautiful. I could stay here forever.” “You could, you know?” Fluttershy sighed and shook her head, “No... I couldn't…” “Oh! But yes, you have sanctuary.” “But not freedom... this isn't the place. Not my home.” She said sorrowfully. “My home is with the gypsy caravan. With my friends, Trixie and Pip... and the forest. Oh, how it would be wonderful to see the forests again. The birds singing in the tree, the deer playing in the meadows. The flowers in full bloom.” “B-b-but, you're not like other gypsies! They are... evil.” “Who told you that?” “My Mistress, her majesty the Queen. She raised me.” “How could such a cruel mare have raised someone like you?” “Cruel!? Oh no! She saved my life. She took me in when no one would. I am a monster, you know?” “And who told you that?” He gestured to himself, “Well, look at me.” Fluttershy looked at him for a moment. “Give me your paw.” She said, taking his lion feline paw in her hooves, catching him off guard. His breath was caught in his throat and he looked down at her with surprise.  “What are you doing?” “Just watch.” She said as she studied his paw, “Hmm... a long lifeline. Oh! And this line means your shy.” “How are you reading that?” “My father showed me... hmm. That's funny.”  “What?” “I don't see any...” “Don't see any what?!” “Monster lines. Not a single one.” Discord pulled his paw back and observed it closely. He wondered if he had perhaps read her lips wrong? No, that couldn't be it. He had seen the honesty in her eyes and the truth on her lips.  She then held out her hoof to him. “Now look at me. Do you think I'm evil?” “No!" He exclaimed, taking her hoof in his palms, "No, you are kind and gentle and good—” “And a gypsy. Maybe Chrysalis is wrong about both of us?” Discord sighed and looked away. Fluttershy saw this and sat down next to him, slightly leaning up against his warm, serpentine form. She could hear his heart in his chest for a split second before he tensed up. Discord felt her body against his. He returned his gaze towards her. “You’re a good person, Discord. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise...” she said, wrapping her foreleg around his waist. Discord was breathless. He was unsure how to react. But after a moment of hesitating, he followed her example. Reaching around with his lion's paw, he returned her gesture and held her in his arm. It felt so strange to him... he wasn't quite sure how to feel, but he knew something was certain. He knew that he liked this.  “Fluttershy?” said Discord. “Yes, Discord?” “What were your parents like?” This caught Fluttershy off guard a little, “It's a long story...” She had been a Pegasus in the prime of her youth. She worked as a wine maiden in a small inn along the east to west road. They had met after the caravan had stopped to make camp for the night. But Autumn had decided to rent a room for the night in the local inn due to the ominous storm that could be seen coming up from the south. The tavern had been warm and inviting. There was an open fire pit in the middle of the building with several pots of cooking, hardy stews placed over the glowing embers. The smell of mead, spices and pipe smoke filled the air, alongside the drunken laughter of stallions.  He had taken a seat by the fire pit when he first saw her. She wore the simple garments of the peasant folk, her hair a rich scarlet pink, and carried a metal plate with two tankards of ale. His eyes followed her as she approached a pair of farm hooves who had clearly already had their fair amount of alcohol for the night. As she served them, one of the gruff stallions had reached back and grabbed her buttocks.  She gasped and drew back from them as they let out an amused laugh simultaneously. They followed that up, but insisting that she join them for the night; giving her smug complements and gabbing at her form. Disgusted by the two, Autumn rose from his place and approached the two.  He defended her chivalrously and managed to stay the farm hooves without any form of scuffle. Afterwards, the two properly introduced themselves, and they struck up a conversation. Her name was Scarlet Sunset; she thanked him for defending her and asked where he was going. He told her about his profession as a traveling merchant and of the many places he had visited throughout his carrier. Scarlet had longed to travel the land, but never had found the money or courage to do so.  For the next few days, Autumn and Scarlet became close friends. He introduced her to the members of the caravan and before long, she had been practically intergraded into the small traveling band. Autumn would sometimes entertain the idea that she could join them on their travels. But she simply dismissed them as distant fantasies, her home was here, in the village.  Eventually, the gypsy caravan finally set out again upon the road. Autumn and Scarlet gave one final goodbye before they departed, but promised her that one day he would return. A year passed before he finally did return to the road side inn. He was surprised when he was greeted by the young mare. Apparently, over the last year, she had been saving up and had managed to by a wagon of her own. Along with all the necessities needed for the long travel.  From that point on, Autumn and Scarlet were inseparable. They had grown extremely fond of each other, and before long, they had fallen in love. They were married by a village priest and made their lives along the caravan a happy one. As it is usually the case, not long after their union, Scarlet became pregnant with Autumn's child. The two could not have been happier.  But as the time came for the child to be born, so did the winter. It had been an excruciatingly devastating frost that year, and the caravan had become stranded in the snow. Scarlet had grown weak from cold, causing great concern from Autumn, but she reassured him that she would be fine.  It was the night of Hearths Warming Eve when the time had come. Scarlet had gone into labor as the sun began to set and the snow began to fall. It was now close to midnight, and she was in dire distress as she desperately tried to deliver the child. The gypsy-mares of the caravan tried to help, but made extraordinarily slow progress; and the while Scarlet's strength was rapidly depleting from her. Autumn had been there the entire time, holding her hoof and comforting her; giving her reassuring words and kisses.   Finally, after several agonizing hours of labor, Scarlet finally managed to give birth to a beautiful, healthy baby girl.  One of the gypsy-mares that had help in the birthing presented the tiny filly to the exhausted couple. With a somber, joy filled smile, Autumn took the filly in his hooves and showed her to Scarlet. Tears of happiness streamed from the weary mares eyes as her hoof caressed the tiny being. Autumn looked at her with a warm smile, holding her and the filly close to himself. "Name your child." He whispered.  Her eyes closed and her breathing became ragged. "Her name... is Fluttershy...." She was silent after that. Autumn looked at his wife with concern, shaking her slightly to gain her attention. "Scarlet?" He said with worried eyes, "Scarlet, can you hear me?" She did not respond.  A sudden realization dawned upon the Pegasus. His eyes widened and his heart sank as his beautiful wife laid limp in his arms. His lips quivered and his eyes filled with tears; his breath became heavy as he looked at his wife then to the newly born filly. He remained at her side for hours, cradling both wife and daughter in his arms, staining the sheets with his tears. Finally, after what seemed an eternity, the sun peaked above the lofty crown of the distant mountains.  Scarlet Sunset was buried atop a high reaching hill overlooking a vast forested area crowned by a single oak. A slab of natural stone had been erected to mark the grave site, and into it were etched these words: "FROM DAWN TO DUSK, UNDER FAUSTS MERCY WE SHALL CONTINUE THE FLOWER WITHERS, THE SEASONS CHANGE, BUT ALLWAYS LOVE SHALL REMAIN." Autumn Leaf was the last to linger at the grave. In his arms, he held the sleeping form of their daughter, Fluttershy. "I'm sorry," he said. "I'm so sorry, Scarlet. I feel so lost. I don't know what do." He was almost choking on his words. "But I promise you, Scarlet," he continued. "Their shall not be a day that our daughter will not know love."  In the several years that followed, Autumn Leaf would certainly hold true to his promise. There was a day when Fluttershy did know what was love. She and her father traveled far and wide across the land; trading the bounties of vine and vale, a life peace and prosperity. And while some would examine Fluttershy's humble upbringing with disdain, Fluttershy wouldn't have had it any other way. “Hello?” A foreign female voice called out. Fluttershy's ears perked up at the new voice and she looked towards the trap door they had come through. “Fluttershy? What is it?” Discord asked.  She pointed towards the trap door. “Stay here.” He replied, pulling away from her. He snaked over to the trap door and peered in. Far below, he could see the outline of pony covered in grey fabrics. Along with a smaller figure who was carrying a lamp. “Hello? Is anyone there?” The voice called out again.  Twilight looked around the vast, dim bell tower with searching eyes.  “Doesn't look like anypony's home.” Said Spike as he held up the lamp.  “Well, we can’t just give up,” Twilight replied as she trotted ahead of him. “The sermon is in a few minutes. The bells need to be ringing.” “Well, where do you think the bell ringer went? I don't think he would leave at a time like this.” “Well, what if we can't find him?” Spike asked with concern; placing the lamp on the floor.  Twilight thought for a moment before coming to a quick conclusion, “Then we'll just have to ring them ourselves!” This caught Spike off guard and he looked at her with surprise. He watched as Twilight strode over to a nearby rope suspended from the rafters and took hold of it in her muzzle. She started to pull, but found that she couldn't get it to budge. Determined, she tried to use her own body weight to try and bring the rope down, letting her legs give way, but this got her nowhere as the rope inly held her up. Spike all the while rubbed his temple.  “I don't think that's working.” He commented.  Discouraged, Twilight let go of the rope in her muzzle and huffed in frustration.  “I think we should just try and go without the bells if we can’t ring them ourselves.” Said Spike, “I'm pretty sure everyone in town knows the routine.”  Twilight sighed in defeat and considered Spike's words. However, in her frustration she had failed to take note of the new presence that had join her and the little dragon. “Your pulling the wrong rope.” A deep voice commented from behind. Twilight jumped a little and whirled around to find the looming form of Discord directly behind her. Fluttershy was standing behind him and peering over at her curiously.  “Oh! There you are.” Twilight exclaimed nervously, “Um, uh... sorry to intrude like this but um, it’s almost time for the evening mass and um, the bells need to--.” “Hold on! Hold on!” Discord cut her off, holding up his hands, “You’re going to fast, I can't read your lips.” Twilight looked at him in confusion. Fluttershy then stepped forward, “Um... I'm sorry. He can't hear anything. He can use signs and read lips but you need to slow it down a little.” Twilight looked at the draconequus and smiled a little in embarrassment. “Guess ringing bells all your life would do that to you.” She thought to herself. “Um... it's almost time for the evening mass.” She repeated slowly, “Could you please ring the bells?” Discord had no trouble following her this time and slapped his head in realization, “Right! The evening mass! I completely forgot.” He exclaimed before turning to Fluttershy. “I'll be right back, but cover your ears, this will get really loud.”  “She can come with me if she'd like.” Twilight suggested, “I'm sure you'd like to get some change in scenery.”  Discord frowned at this, not feeling all that keen of having her leaving him, but he could understand what Sister Twilight meant. He could understand more than any.  He jumped a little when he felt Fluttershy's lips grace his cheek, and he turned to her. “I won’t be long, Discord. I'll be back shortly after, and then you can show me around more. How's that sound?” Discord felt his heart flutter at her words, “Oh! Oh yes. Okay then, yes, you go with Sister Twilight and I'll take care of things up here.” Fluttershy smiled at him and took him in her forelegs, wrapping them about his neck she embraced him with a warm hug before joining Twilight and Spike as they made their way to the stairwell. “I'll be back soon, Discord.“ And with that, she disappeared down the stairwell.  Discord's eyes lingered a little on the stairs for a while after they had left with a smile on his face. He could feel his heart beating rapidly in his chest and the burning sensation of his blushing cheeks. Suddenly, he burst into a fit of giddiness, energy and excitement coursing through him. In his delight, he quickly launched himself into the rafters, swinging up to his station as he giggled merrily. “Yes!“ He exclaimed.  After he had reached his station high in the rafters, he paused for a second to catch his breath, every part of his being felt so warm and marry in ways he had never felt before. “Fluttershy.” He said to himself, letting the name fill his thoughts.  After a few moments of catching his breath, he sat down on his perched and casually took the rope in his claw. He looked upward into the bell towers vastness. “Fluttershy.“ He felt warmth fill his heart and mind as he repeated the name. Suddenly, a thought over took his mind. Or more so, a possibility. He had spent his whole life hidden away within these walls. The sacred House of the Great Mother, and yet, in all that time, he had felt that he had been alone. But now... now... that just simply wasn't the case.  Finally, taking his place, he clasped the rope in his mismatched hands, and as he had done so many times before, he began to ring the bells that had, for so long, been his only company. “So many times out there, I've seen a happy pair, Of lovers walking in the night. They had this sort of glow around them... It almost looked like heaven's light.” “I know I'll never know, that strange and loving glow, Though I can fool myself all night... No face as hideous as my face, was ever meant for heaven's light…” “But suddenly Somepony has smiled at me, and kissed my cheek without a trace of fright... I dare to think that she may even care for me, and as I ring these bells tonight... Somehow the darkness feels so bright. I think this might be heaven's light…” > Chapter Eleven: Hellfire. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Draconequus of Notre Mare. By Inkquill. Chapter Eleven: Hellfire. Flash Sentry trotted down the dimly lit streets of Maris. Most of the streets were quiet with the day drawing to a close, with shops and homes setting up for the night. In the distance, he could hear the bells ringing from Notre Mare, summoning the populace to the evening service. A few commoners gave him a polite nod as they passed by on their way to mass, and he did the same.  The sun was beginning to disappear behind the mountains and the sky above was quickly becoming a beautiful plethora of vibrant orange and violet hues. When he was a colt working in his father's bakery, his father would tell him that sunsets where Faust's heavenly paintings. He used to love to watch the sun set with his father, and he couldn't help but smile fondly at the memory. Turning the corner, he could see the city barracks in the distance. Having just finished up his evening rounds patrolling the city and was looking forward to the warm hearth and full belly the barracks offered. The building was a modestly fortified structure that could serve as a make shift fort if need be. It held the cities armory and served as the primary headquarters for the city guards, fit with bunks and food rations. One guards pony, a Pegasus lieutenant, stood by the door attentive, holding a spear in his hooves.  “Evening Shield Lance.” Flash greeted with a smile. Shield Lance looked up at him and smiled back.  “Evening Captain.” He replied, “Back from your rounds?”  “Sure am. Looking forward to nice relaxing night. How's things in the kitchen? Have you eaten yet?”  Shield Lance nodded in response, “Yeah, I got a bite earlier. Lumpy made a large pot of porridge. Tasty... course, he was also using it as shaving cream for another guard. Sooo... yeah. Eat at your own risk.” He chuckled.  Flash chuckled a little as swell. Maybe more out of hesitance than anything, but decided to brush it off. “Well... maybe it will have a little more protein then.” He mused, passing by Shield Lance. “Okay lieutenant, you have a good night then.” “You too sir.” Shield Lance called back as Flash entered through the barrack doors.  Inside, the barracks were a bedlam. The raucous sound of merriment thundered to the low smoke-stained ceiling. Most of his fellow guards ponies had retired for the night, but many were still awake and making quite a fuss. Around the room, open mugs of ale and cider frothed in their containers as half drunken lieutenants failed to remain standing for more than a few moments. At one table, a boisterous Earth pony was standing above the rest and relating to them some accounts.  “So, my buddy Ale and I were trying to be good kindly folk and help that little orphan, and she set that little white rat of hers on us. Told it to bite out our jugulars she did. Fast little bugga' too. Not only that, she stole from us while were distracted.” “That's right!” Ale spoke up, “And to think, we were just trying to be good Samaritans.” Going over to the table, Flash interrupted their conversation, “Well, lieutenants, mind sharing a little more of this?” He asked in a bemused tone. At the moment, they noticed the captain of the guards sit at their table, the guards ponies all stood attentive and saluted.  “Oh! Captain! Sorry sir, we didn't see you come in.” Aspall stammered nervously.  “At ease lieutenant.” Flash sighed, “Now what about this orphaned girl that supposedly attacked you?” “That's right! Well... My friend and I were trying to help a gypsy orphan and she out right attacked us.” Aspall stated firmly.  “Gypsy?” “Yes, that cream coated lass with the pink locks that gave that freakish thing water during the Feast of Fools.” Ale piped up. “Course, doesn't matter now. She's gotten her own punishment already taken care of.” He chuckled.  “Punishment?” Flash inquired.  “That's right! She claimed sanctuary in the cathedral. Really a stupid thing to be honest. Everypony knows gypsies don't do well in stone walls.” Hearing this, Flash suddenly felt a string of guilt pluck at his heart. He had been there when she had claimed sanctuary. Hell! He had been the one who had said it on her behalf. Now he realized that even though he had spared her the laws wrath, he had confined her to solitary confinement. He shook his head before looking back at the two other guards.  “And she attacked you with a white ferret?” He asked.  “Bet right she did! Almost tore out my throat.” Apsall stated “I thought you said before it was a white rat?” Flash remarked. This caught the two off-guard and they stood a little stiff. And with that, Flash stood up from his seat and began to trot away. “Well, gentlecolts, I must say goodnight. I have some business to take care of.” He called, leaving the two lieutenants alone to try and explain themselves.  Exiting the barracks, he gave a nod to Shield Lance still at his post and trotted off down the street, towards the cathedral. The evening service was drawing to a close. The choir ponies were working through the last hymns of the night and a few church goers were beginning to collect their things for the walk back home. Fluttershy had watched from the side with Twilight as Archdeacon Luna had led the service. She enjoyed the choirs singing. She couldn't help but feel so uplifted with every note they sung, even though the language it was sung in was a mystery to her.  After everything had been wrapped up and the church goers had begun to depart, she and Twilight began to make their way back towards the bell tower, making small talk the whole way there.  “So you grew up here in the cathedral?” Asked Fluttershy. “Oh yes. For most of my child hood, I wondered the streets, until that winters night, I came here and Mother Luna took me in.” “She sounds like a very nice mare.” “Oh yes. She taught me everything I know. One day, I want to try and follow in her hoof prints.” “Really?” Fluttershy puzzled, “But, won’t that mean you won’t be able to do other things?” Twilight looked at her curiously, “What do you mean?”  “Well... what about see the world a little? Maybe... find somepony?” Fluttershy blushed. “I sorry, it’s just... This is a beautiful place, but... you've never seemed to have known anything else. Please don't think I’m rude, but... wouldn't you like to see what else is out there?” Twilight thought for a moment. Fluttershy was right, she had been confined to Notre Mare and the city her whole life. “Well... there was one pony I knew once... but... we took different paths. Plus, as a nun, I am bound to a vow of celibacy.” “But... I thought you were just a nun in training?” Twilight looked up a little at this, “Yeah... but still... well, technically I'm not bound to the vow yet, but... oh! I don't know. What about you? You ever think about finding somepony?” Fluttershy couldn't help but blush a little. She had been asked by a few stallions here and there, but she had turned them all down. None of them really seemed to be the one. “Well... there was this colt I knew when I was little. We met when the caravan and I were resting in a town in Germaneigh. But... he turned out to just be pulling my threads...” “Oh... I'm sorry.” Twilight said trying to comfort her companion.  “It's okay. I had my father and friends... that's why I'm so desperate to get back to them. Their my family.” Twilight nodded in understanding. They had reached the top of the stairwell now and were now standing in the entrance way of the bell tower.  “Well... I'll talk to you later, Fluttershy.” said Twilight as she rested a hoof on the cream mare's shoulder. To which Fluttershy smiled in return.  “Goodnight Twilight... and thank you.”  Twilight smiled back and nodded before turning to head back down the stairwell, leaving Fluttershy alone once again. The bell tower was dimly lit, a single candle burning on a wooden table near Discord's bed. The bells had long since stopped ringing and were only slightly swaying to and fro.  Suddenly, she felt something swoop down onto her and grab her by her sides. She let out a light yelp as she felt herself pulled upward and flipped over in an almost summersault fashion before being pulled tightly against a plush, warm body. She looked to see Discord smiling giddily, hanging from the rafters by his long serpentine tail, holding her in his arms. “Surprise!” He chuckled.  “Discord! You startled me.”  “Oh, I was just having some fun.” He replied. “I'm just excited your back.”  Fluttershy couldn't help but smile a little, “Well... that's fine then. How are you feeling?”  “Much better now.” He smiled, “I got us some bread and some salad for dinner. Fresh tomatoes too.”  “Oh, that sounds lovely.” Said Fluttershy. In no time flat, they were on the ground and the table was set. After saying his prayer and cutting the bread, he and Flutter dug into their meal. Fluttershy noted the fresh, crisp taste of the salad and buttery flavor of the bread. Quite nice indeed. However... her mind was somewhat absent. She was thinking about her conversation with Twilight earlier. She thought about Trixie and Pip, about the caravan and her father.  “How's your salad, Fluttershy?” Discord asked with a smile. Fluttershy had been fiddling with one of her tomatoes when he had asked, and she looked up a little surprised. “Oh! Its... it’s good. Thank you.” She said with a sweet smile, but Discord could tell something was up.  “You okay?” “Yes... I'm sorry I just...” “The caravan?” He asked. She nodded in response. He sat there in silence for a moment trying to think of what to say. He hated seeing her like this, but what could he do to cheer her up? “Well... is there anything I could do to make you feel better?” Fluttershy stared at her tomato for a moment before looking up at him. She could see the concern in his yellow eyes. She looked around a bit before she noticed the stack of books near the bed. “Um... How about after dinner you could read to me your favorite book?” She said, flashing him with another sweet smile. Discord in turn nodded in excitement and quickened his pace working through his salad.  After the meal had been squared away, Discord rushed over to his bed. Fluttershy caught up and made herself comfortable on the mattress. She couldn't help but get caught up in Discord's excitement and enthusiasm. Rummaging through the books and papers, the lengthy chimera eventually found what he was looking for and exclaimed in triumph, “Yes! Here it is! This I've simply dying to share with somepony.” He sat next to Fluttershy and showed her the small faded cover. It had no title, simply a drawing of what appeared to be a dragon sleeping on a pink cloud. Fluttershy observed it a bit before asking, “What book is this?” She asked sweetly.  “This is my book.” Replied Discord, still wearing that excited grin of his, “I wrote this myself. It's the story of a dragon who lives in an abandoned tower, but has the ability to make whatever he wants appear.” Fluttershy looked at him in surprise, “You wrote this?” She asked, taking the book in her hooves and opening to the first page, which contained another drawing, showing the afore mentioned tower in the middle of a valley.  “Yeah... I've had a lot of time to work on it. Whenever I have a dream or a fun thought, I put it in this book.” He chuckled. “Though... I've always wanted to get somepony’s opinion on it. I've tried asking Chrysalis to, but she says that I shouldn't be fooling with things like that. Do you think I could read it to you and you could give me your opinion?” “Oh. Discord, of course I will! I'd really love that.” She replied. Adjusting herself on the bed, she moved closer to Discord as he held the book out in front of them. Discord did the same, trying to make himself comfortable and accommodate for Fluttershy. He felt her lean against his shoulder which caused his voice to become caught in his throat momentarily. “So... how does it all begin?” Fluttershy asked, looking up at him with a smile. He shook his head and recomposed himself. “Oh! Yes, right here.” He said, flipping to the next page. “Alright, let us begin. Once upon a time~.” Several hours had passed and it was now well into the night. Most of the streetlights had been extinguished and most of the houses had gone dark. Inside the bell tower, the candles had been reduced to near complete wicks, as hot and solidifying wax dribbled off the table and onto the floor. Fluttershy and Discord were still in their place on the soft mattress, with the book set aside on the wooden floor. Discord's eye's fluttered open and he let out a small yawn before looking down at the cream colored Pegasus. She lay there at his side, her eyes closed in a warm, tender sleep. His tail was coiled around her, holding her in a gentle embrace, keeping her warm despite the cool nip in the air.  Gently, he reached down and brushed away a stray lock of her mane that had fallen out of place. The moon light streamed into the bell tower and almost seemed to dance off her long, flowing locks of rosy hair. In her sleep, he saw her smile and sigh, shifting slightly closer to his body. He smiled softly in turn. “How is it that an angel such as you has come to a creature like me?” He thought to himself. A small sigh was heard from the Pegasus mare sleeping at his side. Fluttershy's eyes fluttered open and she sat up to her haunches. Rubbing her eyes, she let out a yawn before looking over to the draconequus. She then noticed how his tail was gently coiled about her mid-section, acting as a warm covering from the cold night air. She felt her cheeks begin to flush slightly. “Oh... Discord. uh, looks like we dozed off a little.” She chuckled slightly.  Discord chuckled in response and sat up. He reached over and picked up the book they had been reading. Closing it in his mismatched hands, he set it on the nearby bed side table. “Oh, yes. Um... must have dozed off.” He said softly. “How are you feeling?” “Hmm. I'm okay.” She sighed, leaning against Discord's comforting tail. “I don't know why, I just... I just feel... so at peace right now.” Discord smiled, “Hah. Yeah, I... I think I know what you mean. I... I think I feel the same way.” “Hmm. You know, Discord... despite everything that's happened... I don't regret any of it.” He looked at her questioningly, “What do you mean? You don't regret any of it?”  “I mean... despite all that's happened to me these past few days... everypony for the most part that I've met has been so nice and caring. Putting themselves in danger to try and help me get home. And you... you've been so kind to me. Doing your best to cheer me up when I'm down. I don't think I've ever met somepony like you. It's like what my father used to tell me. All we need is to be kind and have faith.”  “Your father must have been a great stallion. You must have loved him dearly.”  “Yes... I still do.” She said, holding her locket in her hooves. She looked up at him, “You’re a good creature, Discord. Remember that. And don't let anypony tell you otherwise. Promise me, Discord. Promise me.” Discord felt as if his lungs were growing heavy. Staring at her. Those large, soft cyan eyes filled with moonlight. “I... I, I promise, Fluttershy. I promise.” A tender smile traced across her face. She breathed in deeply through her nostrils before resting her head against his side. “Thank you, Discord.” “Fluttershy?” “Hmm?” “I... I think I need to tell you something.” “Hmm?” Discord felt as if his voice had caught in his throat. His heart beat heavily in his chest as he tried to form the words on his tongue. “I... I think I~.” *CLANG!* The sudden sound of metal latching on stone run out throughout the bell tower, causing a great ruckus. Fluttershy sprung from her place in surprise, and in turn causing the draconequus to jump, slightly falling off the bed. “Fluttershy, what is it? What's wrong?” He asked with great alarm. “Did something happen?”  “I heard something loud outside.” She said. “It sounded like something outside landed on the railing.” Jumping to his feet, Discord started towards the door that led outside to the terrace railing. “Stay here,” he said, raising his claw to make her stay. Slowly, he made his way out onto the stone walk way that spaded the two towers. He looked about, searching for the source of the disturbance, before his eyes spotted what appeared to be a three pronged metal hook latched onto the stone railing. A rope was attached to it, and he could see it moving slightly as if it was baring weight.  Slowly, he approached the railings edge. His body tensing up for anything that might happen next. With caution, he peered over. Yellow eyes met teal and he jumped back in surprise. A yelp sounded and Fluttershy came rushing out to see what the matter was. “Discord, what happened~?” She was cut off as a darkly cladded figure leaped over the railing to land in front of her.  “Hey Fluttershy!” A familiar, energetic voice said. “Pinkie?!” She said in surprise. The pink colored mare reached up and through off the hood of her cloak, allowing her large poofy mane to burst free. “The one and only.” She said happily, “But I'm not alone.” A muffled grunt came up from over the railing as two more figures hauled themselves over with slightly less grace then Pinkie. Fluttershy's eyes lit up and she swore that she felt her heart stop dead in its tracks.  “Trixie!? Pipsqueak!?” She exclaimed, her eyes quickly filling with tears of joy. She rushed over to them and embraced them in her hooves. She kissed their cheeks despite their protests. Discord, meanwhile, managed to return to his feet and watched, unsure of how to react. “Oh, my goodness, it’s so good to see you two.” Said Fluttershy as she wiped  the moisture from her eyes, “But, what are you two doing here? How did you find me?” “It's a long story,” said Pip. “We met this really nice cross eyed mare that said she'd seen you around. And well, when you disappeared, we got so worried, we did. So we followed her and she got us inside.” “Yes. But once we got to where she said you'd be, we met Miss Pie here, and she told us that you'd been locked up in the bell tower.” Trixie added. “So together, Pip, Pinkie and I launched a rescue mission to come get you and take you back home.”  “And so here we are!” Pinkie exclaimed in excitement. Fluttershy felt her heart begin to soar. She was going home. Finally, she was going home. Back to her warm bed with her friends and loved ones. She couldn't help to contain her excitement and leaped into the air as she let out a cheer of joy. She hugged Trixie and Pipsqueak once again.  “Fluttershy?”  Fluttershy's ears perked up at hearing the sound of Discord's voice. She turned to look at him and her eyes met his. She felt her excitement waver as she stared at the draconequus as he stood there in the bell tower doorway. Slowly, she stepped away from her friends and made her way to him, taking his hands in her hooves.  “Discord, these are my friends. Trixie, Pipsqueak and Pinkie.”  He looked over to the three ponies. “They've come to help me get home.” Fluttershy continued.  “Your leaving?” He asked her. Despite his best efforts, Fluttershy could easily hear the sadness in his voice.  “Discord... come with us.”  “What?”  “Come with us! Back to the Court of Miracles. To the caravan, leave this place!” Fluttershy said, looking into his eyes. Discord thought about that for a moment. Could he leave? Could he actually go with her and her friends. Leave Notre Mare and Maris behind. The idea did sound promising. He could travel the country. Yeah! He could see all the wonderful things Fluttershy had told him about. The forests and meadows in spring, the clean mountain rivers, the fertile farmlands, and all the while Fluttershy could be with him. And he with her. But... than the memories of what had happened at the Feast of Fools. How the ponies had stared and gawked at him with horror. He could feel the sting of the whip on his back. “Oh no... I'm not back out there again.” He said with a sigh, “You saw what happened last time. No... this is where I belong....”  This whole time she had been longing to get back home and now she had the opportunity. But now, she felt a string of sadness pluck at her heart as she looked into Discord's eyes. She held his mismatched hands in her hooves tightly, bringing them together. Then, an idea came to her. Reaching down to her back pocket, she retrieved the small woven band that Pinkie had given her on the day of the festival.  “Discord... I want you to have this.” She said placing it in his paw.  “What is it?” He asked.  “Discord, listen to me. If you ever need sanctuary, this will show you the way.”  He looked at it in his paw, studying its design, “But how?”  “Just remember,” she said, “When you wear this woven band, you the hold the city in your hoof.”  “You know that really didn't rhyme?”  Fluttershy and Pinkie shared a laugh at Discord’s comment and she shrugged.  “Come on, Fluttershy!” Trixie called as she and Pip began to descend down the rope. “We got to go!”  She looked to Discord one more time. “I'll never forget you, Discord.” She said, embracing him. Discord returned the gesture and held her tight against his body. “You must hurry now.”  Fluttershy nodded and kissed his cheek for the second time before joining her companions, along with Angel who jumped into her forelegs. Hopping over the railing, she made her way down the rope as Discord looked on from above. She waved farewell to him as she descended and Discord did the same. Before long, the small party was at ground level and quickly darted into the nearest alley way. Discord watched them until they were out of sight, and he felt his heart grow heavy as Fluttershy disappeared into the darkness. He remained there for some time after, looking out across the city as it slept. To his right, a stone gargoyle was parched on the railing. “Why was I not made of stone like thee?” He said to it. With a heavy heart, the lone draconequus made his way back inside the sanctity of the bell tower. The candle on his bedside table had now completely burnt itself out, leaving the room filled with darkness. Discord looked around at the vastness of the moon-cast shadows that filled the now seemingly barren and empty bell tower. He returned to his bed and rested his haunches on it. Reaching over, he picked up the book he and Fluttershy had read together and began to flip through its pages. Inside were a multitude of drawings that he had done over the years. One was of the main character resting on a cloud of cotton candy floating over a field of popcorn. Looking at it made him chuckle slightly. He thought about all that had transpired since that fateful day during the Festival of Fools. He thought of how Fluttershy had stepped up to give him water and defend him... “Fluttershy.” He said to himself. So deep in thought was he, that he failed to realize that he was not alone.  He felt a hoof fall on his shoulder and he turned his head in surprise, “Flutter~.”  “Hi there. I'm looking for a miss Fluttershy.” Standing there was the captain of the city guards, Flash Sentry, dressed in his full attire. Discord felt a surge of anger spike in him at seeing the soldier, and he jumped to his feet, whirling around growling.  “RRAAGH!.” He growled, almost leaping onto Flash. The captain of the guards stumbled back as the looming draconequus lurched at him, baring his single fang. “No soldiers! Sanctuary! Leave! Now!”  “No no! I mean no harm,” Flash said, holding up his hooves as he slowly backed away. “I just need to speak to Fluttershy.”  Discord did not relent and began to force the captain back towards the stairwell, angrily waving his arms before snatching a torch from the wall. “I said GO! No soldiers! SANCTUARY!” He roared, swiping at Flash with his torch, the both of them now working their way down the stairwell.  “I don't mean her any harm! I just need a word!.” Flash protested, only managing to further anger the draconequus. “RRRAAAHH! I SAID GO!” Discord screamed, raising his torch as if to strike the captain. In self-defense, Flash unsheathed his sword and brought it upwards. The blade striking the torches handle just below the flame and pinning it against the wall, but that didn't stop Discord from reaching out and grabbing Flash by the collar of his cape. With strength that surprised the Pegasus captain, Discord retched him forward, bringing them face to face.  Catching his breath, Flash looked into Discord's yellow eyes, “I just wanted to tell her.” He began, “I didn't mean to trap her here, it was the only way to save her life.”  Discord, meanwhile, was paying close attention to his lips as he spoke, but this caught him off-guard. Save her life? He felt his anger start to waver.  “Please,” he continued. “Tell her that I didn't mean to trap her. Please, will you tell her that?”  Discord was in a bit of shock. This soldier, the captain of the guards no less was concerned for Fluttershy? He wasn't sure how to react. “I... I'll tell her.” He said, “But only if you go!”  Flash nodded in agreement. “But... um could you maybe put me down first?”  Discord then realize that he had lifted Flash off his hooves. Slowly, he set him down and composed himself. Flash turned and began to make his way down the steps. But before he could disappear down the stairwell, he looked back to Discord, “Oh! And tell her, she's very very lucky.”  “Why?”  “To have a friend like you.” Replied Flash. Discord was taken back by this and looked at him in silence. Flash then turned and disappeared down the stairwell, leaving Discord once again to himself. Alone. Chrysalis stood in her chambers in silence. She looked outward through the large bay window out onto the sleeping city in deep contemplation. The imposing silhouette of the cathedral looming in the distance. The large fireplace roared with activity, pouring out varying shades hues of light; casting ominous dancing shadows across the room.  She listened to the sound of the wood crackling in the heat of the fire. She could feel it as it bathed out of the fire place to gently beat against her bare face. She sighed heavily at the sensation. Mounted over the fire place was the emblem of the sun. The holy symbol of the faith. Her eyes studied it closely, as if searching for something hidden in its craftsmanship. She bit her lip, feeling as if her lungs were slowly starting to turn to lead. She simply felt as if a great weight was beginning to dare down on her. Pulling down at her being.  So many thoughts filled and plagued her mind through her mind. But among them all, there was one that ailed her the most. She could see her there. The gypsy mare dancing in the street. That rosy maned gypsy, standing there atop the scaffold, looking at her in defiance. Her kneeling there beneath the statue of Celestia in Notre Mare as the light streamed in from above. The images would simply not leave her mind at peace, despite her best efforts to forget, and much to her dismay. She felt as if there was a fire insider her. Burning. Burning in the back of her mind, and spreading through the fibers of her being! She felt so confused, so lost. So empty inside. What was wrong with her?! Why did she feel this way? Why did the image of the gypsy mare plague her mind so!? It was then that it donned on her. A realization that made her limbs tremble and her breath grow sharp. She breathed in heavily, trying to collect herself. Trying to process her realization. She began to pray. “Beata Celestia, you know I am a righteous mare Of my virtue I am justly proud.” “Beata Celestia, you know I'm so much purer than The common, vulgar, weak, licentious crowd.” “Then tell me, Celestia! Why I see her dancing there? Why her cyan eyes still scorch my soul?” “I feel her, I see her! The sun caught in rosé mane, Is blazing in me out of all control!” “Like fire! Hellfire! This fire in my skin, This burning, Desire, Is turning me to sin!” She felt her limbs give way, causing her to collapse onto the stone floor, kneeling. She felt as if the room around her was beginning to dissolve, becoming distorted. She looked up and, to her horror, was met with the image of a grand jury of thousands of hooded figures. Their faces veiled in shadow. All looming ominously above her, and casting their judging gazes towards her.  “It's not my fault, I'm not to blame. It is the gypsy mare, The witch who sent this flame!” “It's not my fault, If in Faust's plan, She made the devil so much Stronger than a mare!” “Protect me, Celestia. Don't let this siren cast her spell, Don't let her fire sear my flesh and bone!” “Destroy Fluttershy, And let her taste the fires of hell. Or else let her be mine and mine alone.” Suddenly, there was a knock at the bedroom door, which caused Chrysalis to look back in fear. In the doorway was a silhouette of a Marisian soldier. “Your majesty?“ the soldier spoke up from the bedroom door, “The gypsy... she's escaped...“ These words fell like anvils on the Queen's ears. “What?“ “She's nowhere in the cathedral. Reports say that she escaped with three others. She's... gone.“ “But, how?! I~. Never mind. Get out you idiot!“ Chrysalis exclaimed as she returned her gaze to the fireplace, and the soldier closed the door and left her alone. “I'll find her. I'll find her if I have to burn down all of Maris!“ “Hellfire, dark fire! Now gypsy, it's your turn, Choose me or, Your pyre! Be mine or you will burn!” “Faust have mercy on her, Faust have mercy on me, But she will be mine! Or she will burn!” > Chapter Twelve: From the Frying Pan, Into the Fire. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Draconequus of Notre Mare. By Inkquill. Chapter Twelve: From the Frying Pan, Into the Fire. Flash Sentry organized his soldiers in formation outside of the barracks, making sure they were in perfect alignment. Glancing down the street, he could see a large iron-dressed carriage coming down towards them. It was pulled by two large stallions cladded in dark leather and iron scale layered armor. The sound of their horse shoes and the sound of the carriage wheels on the cobblestone streets echoed through the narrow streets. Growing louder with every second. “Attention!” Flash ordered as the carriage drew up next to them. Its door embroidered with the royal insignia.  The carriage door swung open and Chrysalis stepped out into the sunlight. Flash noticed that she seemed to be moving rather stiffly, and he noticed how her eyes drooped wearily. “Your majesty.” He said with a respectful bow. Chrysalis nodded in reply and rubbed the bridge of her muzzle. “Is there something the matter, my Queen?” “No, Captain.” Chrysalis answered groaningly, “Just a long night. Had a... slight trouble with the fireplace.” “Ah... yes, I see.” Flash replied.  “But never mind that now, Captain.” Chrysalis stated as she composed herself. “We have work to do.” The bakery was calm. It's shelves stacked with fresh baguettes and other assorted pastries. The baker, a gingerly Earth Pony was tending to a fresh loaf, pulling it out of the oven when the front door of his shop was suddenly bashed violently inwards, sending a great deal of splintering fragments about the room.  With great alarm, the baker dropped the fresh loaf to the ground as several of the city royal guards rushed in through the bashed in doorway, poleaxes at the ready.  “Police!” One shouted gruffly. They then set work, overturning tables and shelves of pastries and bread alike. Moving a large barrel aside, the soldiers tore away the slightly abused rug that it had been resting on, revealing a rather well concealed trap door. Ripping it open, the soldiers were able to see over eight cowering ponies looking up at them, mostly consisting of mares and fillies, with a few stallions amongst them. The mares pulled their frightened foals tightly against their breasts as the soldiers glared down at them.  “We found some!” Called out one amongst them.  “Well, haul them out and load them up.” Called back another.  The families were forced up the stairs of the secret hide away to the surface and out into the streets, the baker amongst them. Chrysalis was waiting outside with the rest of her soldiers. The gypsy ponies were forced to kneel down before her, the fillies among them still cradling to their mothers.  Chrysalis head up to them a small coin purse. The sounds of coins jostling inside it clear. “30 pieces of silver and your freedom in exchange for the gypsy mare, Fluttershy.” One of the stallions amongst the cowering ponies spoke out with a sincere desperation in his voice. “But we don't know anything of her. Please, your highness. Please have mercy!” Chrysalis sneered at them and strode away, barking out to her guards, “Lock them up!” A great raucous rose up from the streets of Maris. Soldiers, the very soldiers sworn to protect the city, were no practically sacking it. Forcing their way into private homes and places of business, and causing a great deal of damage as they did. Tearing through the city, the soldiers had found several clusters of gypsies in hiding, and quickly proceeded shackling them, along with anypony found harboring them, and brought them before the Queen.  “40 pieces of Silver for the gypsy Fluttershy! 50 pieces of Silver! 60! 70! 80!” Called out the Queen, each time raising the reward for knowledge of the Pegasus mare's whereabouts, but every time met with either silence or desperate please that they knew nothing. And every time her impatience and anxiety rose.  As the day wore on, the city was plunged deeper and deeper into turmoil as more and more ponies where bound and sent off to the city prisons. Stacks of smoke rose from burning bon fires of personal possessions confiscated from the accused. From a distance, there seemed to be one fire. The sky had no become overcast and a light rain drizzled down, the smoke from the bon fires.  Meanwhile, Chrysalis had grown frustrated. She was still no closer to finding the gypsy mare, and she was running out of options. From her balcony back at the Palace of Justice, she looked out onto the city as it was caught up in chaos. She wasn't getting anywhere. She knew that. Rubbing her hooves against her temples, she racked her brain of what she should do next.  “Celestia's horn! How hard is it to find just one gypsy mare!?” She shouted to herself. She drew in a long deep breath in an attempt to calm herself. She could think better that way.  Composing herself, she thought about her options, trying to figure out what actions should be taken in trying to uproot the rosy maned Pegasus. Leaning against the railing of her balcony, she turned her gaze towards the city walls. It was then that something caught her eyes. Atop a lofty hill just outside the city gates, she could see a small encampment. Smoke stakes from campfires rose up as ponies moved about the tents and wagons. A sudden stroke of inspiration light up in the Queen's eyes. She felt a grin race across her lips as her plan formulated in her mind. “Captain!”  Through the many snaking alleyways, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and the others carefully, but with great haste, made their way towards the city wall. They concealed themselves in dark cloaks and kept to the shadows as much as possible.  They were heading towards the main gate. They were hoping that with all the turmoil throughout the city, there would be drastically fewer guards posted that could spot them. Pinkie knew of a small alley drainage tunnel that lead through the wall near the main gate that they could possibly slip through without drawing attention.  Turning the corner, they came upon the stone face of the cities encircling wall. Peering up from their hiding place in the dark alleyway, Pinkie searched for any soldiers that could possibly spot them. There were only two that she could see, but luckily, they were both facing in the opposite direction.  “Yes!” Pinkie exclaimed under her breath. It was becoming dark now, and this was the best chance they had of slipping out of the city undetected. “I think we're clear.” She whispered to the others.  Signaling them to follow her, she dashed over to the small drainage passage located at the base of the wall and set to work removing the iron grating that blocked it. All four of them held their breath, praying that they wouldn't be spotted. Fluttershy prayed to Celestia that this plan would work. She held Angel tightly to her breast and bit her lip.  Not long after, the metal grating shifted from its wedging and fell aside. Success! Pinkie signaled with her hoof for them to join her in the small drainage tunnel. Fluttershy felt her heart beat begin to quicken and they swiftly dashed into the tunnel, moments before the guard at the nearby watch tower looked towards where the tunnels entrance was.  The tunnel was cramped, slimy and foul smelling. it's low ceiling forcing them to crawl on their bellies, but the path ahead was clear and unbarricaded. Fluttershy could see the exit just passed Pinkies flanks as they slowly inched closer and close and she felt her heart begin to soar. Freedom was in sight.  Pinkie was the first one out, followed shortly by Fluttershy, then Pip, then Trixie. Fluttershy hadn't realized that she had been holding her breath the whole way through the tunnel, and as she stepped out into the wide open air, she let out a deep exhaling sigh. She looked out at the unfolding fields, hills and forests spanning out towards the mountains in the distance, and she felt her heart beat heavily in her breast.  She was free. She felt tears of joy begin to fill her eyes as Trixie and Pipsqueak joined by her side. They smiled at her and nuzzled her tenderly, relieved to have their dear friend back.  “Um... guys?” Pinkie interrupted, “I know this is a very emotionally relieving moment, but we're not out of the custard yet. We got to keep moving.”  The three of them looked up at her and nodded. Swiftly, they made a mad dash from the wall and into the tall fields of wheat that were close by. Luckily, the wheat had grown tall enough to conceal them. Finally, they reached what Pinkie had classified as a safe distance from the city that they would need to worry about being shot at if any of the archers had spotted them, but they still tried to keep a low profile. It still was best they weren't seen at all.  “Well, that was quite an adventure.” Pip said, breaking the uncomfortable silence that wavered in the air.  Fluttershy chuckled, shaking her head with a weary smile. Trixie came up to her and place a hoof on her shoulder. “Are you okay, Flutters?” She asked with concern. “Yes. I'm... I'm fine.” She answered. “It's just... I can’t believe it's finally over.”  “We understand, Flutters.” Pip interjected. “It's been a long and tiresome past few days for all of us. But soon we'll be home again and on the road. Everypony will be so excited to see you back, they will.”  “Indeed.” Added Trixie, “And as soon as we're back, we're going to get as far away from this city as~” Trixie stopped in mid-sentence, a curtain of shock and horror falling across her face. The others turned to look at what she was looking at and they let out a frightened gasp at what they saw. It was the caravan camp. It was on fire.  Wagons had been over turned and set ablaze. Food, clothing and other goods that they had been carrying littered the smoldering ground, and no pony could be seen. Fluttershy felt something break inside her. She felt her heart sink to the lowest point that it had ever gone. Tears welled up in her eyes as she beheld the desolation. She screamed out. Not a word, she just screamed. A deep, mournful and guttural cry of horror and sadness.  Trixie and Pip also felt tears well up in their eyes. But through the tears, Pip spotted something on one of the over turned wagons. A piece of parchment nailed to the wooded underbelly of the wagon. He went to investigate.  Tearing it from its nail, he brought it over to the others and began to read it aloud.  —“By order of her majesty the Queen, for the high crime of harboring a witch amongst their ranks, this caravan has been placed under arrest and placed in the Marisian City Dungeons. If anypony has seen or heard anything that could lead to the capture of this vile witch, you are to report it to your nearest officer immediately. Anypony that withholds information will be punished severely. Be on the lookout for a cream-colored mare with a pink mane and blue eyes. If you see her, report it to your nearest officer.”— Fluttershy read it over and over. Chrysalis had done this. She had captured her people and was holding them captive in her dungeons. A sharp pain struck through her heart. "This is my fault." She thought to herself. "All of this was because I had so stupidly wandered into the city. And now... my friends and family are paying the price." Tears ran down her cheeks.  Turning to face her friends, she wiped the tears from her eyes. Steadying her breath, she said, “I'm going back.” “WHAT!?” > Chapter Thirteen: Back to Maris. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Draconequus of Notre Mare. By Inkquill. Chapter Thirteen: Back to Maris. Flash Sentry sat alone in the captain's quarters of the Marisian barracks. It was nearing nightfall so he lit a candle to illuminate his desk, which was strewn with papers, quills, and other such official paperwork. With a frowning sigh, he removed his helmet and placed it on the desk, proceeding to rub the bridge of his snout to try and quell the frustration brooding in his mind.  From down the halls leading to the prison cells, he could hear the sound of ponies crying out in anger and sadness. Flash silently cursed himself. The Queen had tasked him to round up and imprison all the gypsies he and his soldiers could find, but the more and more that were found, the less and less space there was to house them. However, his thoughts were cut off when his door swung open, and in stepped one of the barrack Lieutenants. "Captain?" The young stallion said with a salute.  Composing himself, Flash nodded to him and said, "At ease, lieutenant, what is it?" "The Queen has asked for your presence immediately. She's waiting for you in the foyer." With a nod, Flash rose from his chair and made his way towards the door. As the lieutenant had informed, Queen Chrysalis was standing there in the foyer. She turned and faced the captain with a smile and slowly trotted over towards him. Flash respectfully bowed and spoke, “You wanted to speak to me, your majesty?” “Yes, Captain, I’ve been meaning to speak with you for a while, I need to discuss with you something of the utmost importance. Can we take this in private?” “Oh, yes, of course.” Said Flash, gesturing over to the grand meeting hall. The Alicorn and Pegasus both entered and closed the door behind them. After Chrysalis had made sure that it was locked, as so nopony could barge in, she addressed the stallion.  “I have not told this to anypony else,” She began. “But I have faith that you will be able to keep what I’m about to tell you between us. Am I correct.” Flash was somewhat nervous at what the Queen was implicating, but nodded in response, “Yes, of course, your majesty.” “Good.” Chrysalis looked towards the door once again as if to see if somepony was there. After hesitating for a moment, she spoke, “As you know, there is one gypsy that is above all else the primary target of our investigation.” “The gypsy-mare, Fluttershy?”  “Yes. I believe you may have met her before, correct?” Flash felt his lips run a little dry; his tongue slightly sticking to the roof of his mouth, “Yes… your majesty, I have.” “Good… Listen to me carefully, if and when you do manage to capture her, I want no harm to be done to her. I want her brought before me undamaged. Is that understood?” Flash cocked an eyebrow at this. Taking in everything prior that she had ordered on the treatment of the gypsies, the Queen’s selection was puzzling, “Yes, your majesty. All clear. But… might I ask, why?” Chrysalis stood tall and began to slowly pace towards the far end of the large table that sat as the centerpiece of the whole room. “Because captain… I wish to try her myself.”  “A trial, my Queen?” “Yes,” Chrysalis said with a grinning smile. “So far she is tried with witchcraft and several accounts of disturbing the peace, and I do believe the assault of a few of the city guards if my reports are correct. I think that would be enough to earn one a trial, wouldn't you agree?” Flash bit his lower lip at this. He had heard of the Queen’s ‘trials’ before, and he knew that rarely were they ever fair. More or less, they were shown trials just to appease the public. He grimaced at the thought of what this would result for the cream-colored mare. Not to mention the other gypsies. “And… if she is trialed guilty, my Queen?” Chrysalis’ smile dissipated into a stone façade of contempt, “Then she will be put to the fate of all couriers of villainy and the black arts… her body and soul will be cleansed.” Flash breath seemed to become caught in his throat after hearing the Queen’s resolve. A twinge of fear rose in him as he could see the silhouette of a Pegasus atop a rising pyre forming in his mind. He winced at the thought.  “However,” the Queen continued. “If she were to recant … we may not have to take such drastic measures.” This brought a slight glimmer of hope to the Pegasus captain. “That… would be preferable.” Flash managed, trying to withhold his uneasy disgust at the situation.  “Yes, yes it would…” Replied Chrysalis. “Now, remember, if you are capture the gypsy, she must be brought straight to me without delay. Is that understood?” Begrudgingly but attentively, Flash respectfully saluted, “Yes, your highness, understood.” “Very good, thank you for your time, captain, but now I must depart. I trust you will have no problem keeping an eye on the prisoners” “No-not at all, your highness. We’ll keep things on lock down.” Chrysalis smiled and gave him a nod before turning towards the door.  “Um… your majesty?”  “Yes, captain?” “Once the gypsy is found and tried… what are to become of the others?” A long pause was held between the two; the air seemingly gone deathly quiet and still. Finally, Chrysalis spoke. “The same if they prove unrepentant.”  His breath heavy, Flash nodded in response. Chrysalis then unlocked the door and disappeared down the hall, leaving the captain alone once again. Flash looked out of the lofty windows that loomed over, and stared into the open sky.  “Faust… what tangled web do we weave? “Gentle now, Ale! We wouldn’t want to break the stallion.” “Please – please, no –“ “Your purse is light merchant. Business not as lively as you’d like, eh?” The two guards-ponies stood over the small, lightly built stallion. A gypsy vanner merchant they had caught hiding in the back alleys of the tavern in the cities market district. The large of the two was holding the stallion upside down by his hoof, while the smaller proceeded to search him of his belongings, eventually finding and confiscating his coin purse.  “No matter, there’s still enough for my friend and I. Tavern keeper~! A fresh serving of your finest mead~!” He shouted, holding the coin purse aloft. However, whilst this unruly scene was unfolding, in the far corner of the tavern, tucked away in the shadows, four hooded figures watched in silence.  “Shouldn’t we do some—?” “Shhh~!” “We don’t want to attract any unwanted attention. Best stay low for a while.” Pinkie Pie said in a very quiet tone. The four of them had managed to slip back into the city through the drain they had last used to exit it, and with great luck had managed to slip past the guards once again inside the city walls.  “Besides, we need to find out exactly where their keeping the caravan. My first guess would be the dungeons in the palace of justice, but then again, it could be the cells bellow the city guard barracks. We don’t need to go on a wild goose chase and run the risk of getting caught.” “Don’t we run that risk already?” Asked Trixie.  “She means even more so, Trixie.” Replied Pip. “Everypony we love is counting on us to bust them out, they are, and we don’t need to make the odds ever less in our favor.”  “I know, I know.” “I think we may be able to get some information from those too.” Said Pinkie. Fluttershy and the others looked towards the two rowdy stallions who were downing cup after cup of hot mead, laughing in content. Fluttershy recognized the two and felt a twinge of unease shoot up her spine. “Oh dear… not them… but, even so, how would we get them to tell us?” Standing up from her seat, Pinkie turned to face the ground. Crabbing the scruff of her cloak, she whipped it off of her body in a single stroke. The trio stared in surprise as Pinkie had seemingly undergone a split second wardrobe change, as she was now dressed in a fine, silky almost see-through blouse and flowing skirt that draped nicely over her rump, reminiscent of a tavern workers wear, but far more… revealing.  “Stand back, everypony,” she said turning away from them. “I’m on it.” Wasting no time, Pinkie Pie trotted over to the two now clearly drunk stallions, swaying her hips with a seductive disposition. They soon noticed her and gave her a long scanning look, clearing taking in her shapely and seductive wear.  Batting her eyes and raising her shoulder, she spoke, “Oh, hello there.” She said is a drastically different tone of voice. In fact, from where the others were sitting, it sounded like her voice had dropped several pitches and was sewn with silk. “Would two strong and handsome stallions like yourselves care for some company?” The three others watched as Pinkie seemingly hypnotized the two stallions. They watched as she downed at least two mugs of mead with them before whispering something into their ears. The two stallions looked at each other with devious grins and nodded in response. Fluttershy, Trixie and Pip watched with uneasy glances as Pinkie and the two stallions headed up the flight of stairs that led to the tavern’s sleeping quarters. No… she couldn’t honestly do… that? Could she? They waited there for about half an hour before pinkie returned, once again dressed in her normal wear, and wearing a bright smile on her face as she trotted over to them. “I’ve got some Good news and bad news, everypony. Good news is I’ve found out where everypony is. Bad news is the caravan is being held in the dungeons beneath the Palace of Justice…” The news was both uplifting and down-trotting to the trio. Out of the two locals that they could have been held, it just had to have been where the head of the cities governmental snake resided. Fluttershy felt a little discouraged by this news. In her mind, she tried to weigh the possible options of their next course of action.  "Wait," Pip interjected. "How did you get does blokes to tell you?" Pinkie giggled to herself and gave him a wink, "Oh, stallion's like those two will do, and say, anything for a pretty mare." Meanwhile, the two guards ponies laid on the floor unconscious, with large pulsating bumps on the foreheads and a confetti strewn about. "But before they could get too grabby, I whipped out my party canon and pow!" Trixie and Fluttershy looked at each other with a mutual look of discomfort. "You think she might want to rephrase that?" Whispered Trixie. "Don't even bother." Fluttershy replied.  "Now... I don't want to be a party pooper but... it's going to be a pretty sticky business trying to get in and out of that place." Said Pinkie with a sigh. Looking to Fluttershy she asked, "But it's your call Flutters. What do you want to do?" Fluttershy looked up to find all eyes on her. She took a deep breath and paused for a moment. "I'm don't want to put any of you at risk but... oh! Why did this all have to happen! It's just... we have so little options and so many risks. I just know what to do..." "It's okay, Fluttershy, we know," said Trixie placing a comforting hoof on the Pegasus' shoulder. "We're right there with you." "Wait! I got an idea!" Pip said excitedly. "That draconequus fellow you stayed with; couldn't he help us?" Fluttershy’s eyes widened for a moment at the mentioning of the chimera she had saved and had stayed with the last few days. She mulled over the suggestion. Maybe he could help them? He did have the magic capable of it. He could very well teleport them out like he had done with her! However... her excitement quickly dissipated after she remembered how much fear she saw in his eyes when she had asked him to come with them... and then to ask him to help them with this? What they were trying to do was legally a jail break! And if they were caught, Faust forbid... who knows what would happen to them. And she knew if they asked, and if he said no, that he would still worry about them... no... she couldn’t  put him through that... it would be best to... just not ask. "N-no... " Said Fluttershy finally. "I don't think... I don't think that would be a good idea..." Pipsqueak sighed and slouched back into his seat, "Well, then what? We go ask politely for the constables to let them out?"  It was then that an idea sprang into the young Pegasus' mind. Her eyes and smile beamed with excitement and joy, "Pip! That's brilliant!" The little colt looked at her with a confused expression. "Come again, love?" Fluttershy rose from her seat and started towards the door. "I'll explain as we go," she called to them, "I think I know one that just might." Following in hot pursuit, the other three ponies dashed after the excited Pegasus. As they were leaving through the door, Pipsqueak spotted something on Pinkie's cheek. "Aye, Pinkie, I think you got a bit a’ frosting on your cheek." Pinkie paused for a moment and put a hoof to her right cheek, wiping away a white dot from it. She let out a slight chuckle before cleaning her hoof. "Oh! Thanks, Pip... hey, let’s get going! They're leaving us behind!" She said before tossing the little colt on her back as she dashed off after Trixie and Fluttershy into the night. > Chapter Fourteen: Friends in High and Low Places. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Draconequus of Notre Mare. By Inkquill. Chapter Fourteen: Friends in High and Low Places. Twilight made her way down the dimly lit cobblestone and rather narrow streets. She kept her head down, trying not to stand out as much as a great ruckus arose from every which direction. As she looked about, her heart was filled with great unease and worry at all the destruction that was being done to the fair city… it was enough to make her nearly sick. She and a few other members of the church had set out several hours prior to help aid any and all ponies that had unfortunately gotten caught up in the city guard’s wild “witch hunt”, and she was beginning to wonder if she had enough medicine on her… at least… based on the multiple ponies she had already treated.  Spike had stayed behind at the cathedral to help Archdeacon Luna with the evening mass, and from what Twilight could tell, her holiness was as equally troubled as her. Twilight had tried to ask her what she was thinking, but she only told her that which she already knew. Grave times had befallen the city. Was there really anything more to say about it? Taking a calming breath, the little Unicorn "Nun-to-be" proceeded down towards her destination: the Royal Barracks. And her old childhood companion...  “Oh Celestia, please let Flash have a moment to speak…” She prayed quietly to herself.  Coming up to the barracks gates, she was greeted by two guards who asked her name and purpose for being here. After replying accordingly, they nodded and gave her passage into the city guard’s central headquarters. Inside, the barracks were in an uproar of activity. The air itself was a bustle; as hardy laughs mixed with mournful howls danced together, creating a chaotic chorus of ghastly noise. She could barely hear herself think with all the commotion. “Come on now, you gypsy dog! Or I swear I’ll smack you across the head till you see stars!”  Said a gruff, unpleasant voice. Twilight looked up to see one of the guards with a leash and collar wrapped around the throat of a light, tan-orange stallion with a chestnut brown mane and tirade of horseshoes for a cutie mark.  “Caramel?” She gasped.  Caramel was a local carriage stallion from the north end of the city. Always well behaved a kind mannered, but now he was practically chained like some stray dog. Twilight could see several prominent bruises on his side and his face. He also seemed to have trouble standing, and the guard who had him leashed was practically pulling him up by his throat. “Stop this!” Twilight exclaimed, rushing over to the two. “What are you doing?! You’re hurting him!”  The stallion guard grunted and flashed her with an angry glare. “Get away, wench, this gypsy dog is just getting what he deserves!” Twilight stared at him aghast, “What!? A gypsy? Caramel’s no gypsy, look at him! He’s an Earth Pony, how could he do magic?” “Oh, don’t give me that! He’s a gypsy alright! A witch even!” “Please! I swear I haven’t done anything!” Caramel pleaded as tears swelled in his eyes.  “Shut up!” Replied the guard, kicking the injured stallion in the ribs. “Caramel!” Twilight shouted trying to lean down to his aid, only to have a large hoof shove her back and topple to the floor.  “Don’t you be helping this filth! Otherwise I’ll have you on a leash to!” A snide grin then appeared across the stallion’s lips. “Then again… I just might as well put a leash on you anyway… pretty thing like you~” “LIEUTENANT! Come to order if you please!” Another voice exclaimed. “What in Faust’s name is going on here!?” Twilight looked up and to her great relief, she could see the figure of Flash standing at the entrance way of the barracks. The entire assembly seemed to stop dead in their tracks at the anger and tone of the captains voice, as all the noises seemed to die away.  “Well?” Flash shouted again.  “Ca-captain~” The gruff stallion tried to reply, but was quickly cut off by his commander as he marched down the stone steps.  “Because it would appear to me that one of my officers has just committed an act of an abuse of power, not only horribly assaulting a law abiding citizen, but also in the meantime has just now assaulted a mare of the church as well!” “Bu-but captain?~” “I don’t want to hear whatever excuses or claims you have formulating in that thick skull of your lieutenant, and I honestly don’t want to draw out this unpleasant scene any longer than it needs to be, so I’ll make this quick and simple. After you help this poor stallion to the proper medical care and get him some decent food and drink, you will report to the training grounds and remove your upper garments where you will receive five lashes for your inexcusable behavior today, and if you do not, I swear I will have you court-martialed for insubordination, do I make myself clear, lieutenant?” A thick sweat trickled down the soldier's forehead as he stood there motionless. “Y-yes… captain.” He said shakily.  “That will be all lieutenant.” Flash retorted, turning to help Twilight off the ground. “Are you alright?”  Regaining her footing, Twilight looked up at Flash and dusted herself off. “Y-yes… I’m fine.” She replied hesitantly.  Flash let a small smile cross his lips and he breathed a sigh of relief that she was uninjured. “I’m glad. But I have to apologize for my soldier’s behavior. I assure you he will be reprimanded accordingly.” Twilight smiled and failed to hide her blush, “Flash, come on, it's me, we don’t need to be professional here.”  Flash chuckled at her remark and also failed to hide his blush. “Oh! Yeah, I suppose so…” A long pause was held between them, making the once rather tense atmosphere grow increasingly awkward. “Soo… what brings you here?” Flash finally said, breaking the silence. “Oh! Yes, well um… Flash, I needed to speak to you.” “Oh? You needed to… alright then, let's talk in my office.”  A few moments later and the pair were safely in Flash’s personal quarters, away from his fellow guard and the ruckus they were causing. Flash lit a candle to give them some extra light. “So, what did you want to talk about, Twi~” “Flash, this needs to stop.” Twilight said, cutting him off. “This witch hunt is crazy, innocent ponies are getting hurt, Marisian citizens are getting caught in the cross fire. This needs to stop.” Flash did not respond. For several long minutes, the two old friends stared at each other in a tense silence. Flash hung his head, “I know, Twilight.” He said finally. “I know what you mean. I know you see what’s happening to Maris… I see it too.” “Then why can’t you stop it from happening?” Twilight pleaded, taking a step closer to him. “Innocent ponies are being hurt! Marisians are turning on Marisians. This ‘crusade’ to cleanse the city of villainy has only resulted in anarchy! Notre Mare and us there are being swamped with the desperate. We can do only so much to help; I mean we’re only ponies!”  Flash shook his head and sighed, feeling frustration building inside him. “Aw come on now, Twilight, you know exactly why I can’t. What’s happening isn’t just some disturbance of the peace… this is a full blown pandemonium of fear and ignorance! You and I might see it, but you know exactly who doesn’t…” “Chrysalis…” Twilight replied quietly.  “Yes… she’s the only pony that has the power to call this off… and I doubt she will ever do that soon.” The silence returned again, but with the two now facing away from each other, and the air heavy with unrest.  “Then what can we do?” Twilight said finally. Flash, though for a moment, keeping his head low. He honestly had no clue. He couldn’t disobey his orders, that would mean treason… and the penance for that would not only result in no resolution to the city’s quarrel, but also the end of his life… ‘stuck between a rock and a hard place’ was never truer than right then. “Twilight… go back to the cathedral… I don’t know how to help. Believe me… if there was a way… a way to make things better… I would take it blindly…” Flash’s words fell heavy on Twilight’s ears. She could hear the pain and distress in her old friend’s voice, and she felt how it plucked at her heart. Feeling defeated, Twilight silently turned and made for the door, but before she exited, she stole one last glance of him. “You are strong Flash… you can make the right decision…” Were her last words before departing for Notre Mare, leaving Flash, once again, alone. A lone lieutenant stood guard along the north wall of the city barracks, crossbow in hoof. In the distance, the flickering, auburn glow of fires rose above the city roofs giving the cold night sky an ominous red glow. His nostrils flared and the almost rudely intense stench of smoke ignited his senses. His lips coiled and his breath thickened, betraying his troubled mind. Half the city was practically on fire, by the Queen’s orders no less! And for what? Some rutty foreigner? He sighed. Suddenly, the whizzing thrum of a flying stone rushed through the air, catching the sentry off guard as it struck him dead center in the forehead. He grunted in shock as the light of the distant fires went out and his body collapsed onto the floor.  “Yes!” Pipsqueak cheered quietly, finding his projectile find its mark before stashing away his trusty slingshot. “Got the bloke.” “Oh goodness, was that really necessary?” Fluttershy asked.  “Only if we want to get inside, silly.” Pinkie replied. The pink coated mare, along with the rest of the lot had fitted themselves in nearly skin tight, ebony black suits to help them infiltrate the enemy headquarters. When they asked where she had gotten such clothes, Pinkie replied that a merchant from the far east had sold it to her. She called it, “Ninja-wear”.  Quickly, the group darted across the alley way and over to the barrack’s wall, keeping an eye out for any more guards if they came this way. “Okay, we get it, we break them out and run like mad mares into the catacombs.” Said Pinkie, taking on a very authoritative tone. “No pony gets left behind.” The others nodded silently in agreement. Pinkie then reached into the saddle back she was carrying and pulled out a long rope with an iron grapple attached to it and with almost pin point accuracy and speed, hurled it upwards to hook along the lofty bastions of the rising stone wall.  “Okay, who wants to go first?” asked Pinkie.  Fluttershy stepped forward, “I’ll go.”  “Are you sure, Flutters?” Pip interjected, “That’s a pretty steep climb. Maybe somepony else should go first? “No, our friends are trapped in there because of me… I have to go first…”  Pipsqueak nodded in understanding and watched as his friend took hold of the rope in her hooves. Looking up at the dizzying height, Fluttershy did have to swallow her fear as she began to steadily climb up the defensive barrier. “One step at a time, Fluttershy, just one step at a time.” She mentally reassured herself. The others quickly followed after her, ascending the rope while routinely keeping an eye out to make sure they weren’t spotted.  Finally, they reached the summit, quietly hopping over the stone bastions onto the walkway. Staying to the shadows, they silently crept their way down into the barracks courtyard, continuing on to sneak over to one of the main keep’s back entrances. To their surprise, they noted how the courtyard was seemingly deserted. The only real guards being the ones stationed on the north and west walls, but other then that, the place seemed abandoned.  Coming up to a large window, Fluttershy’s ears perked up. Inside, she could hear a raucous commotion. The sounds of hearty laughter and bashing steel rose and fell in relatively even intervals.  “Sounds like a party is going on.” Trixie commented.  Pinkie rolled her eyes and scoffed. “Nah, those oafs wouldn’t know a party if it bit them in the a-” Suddenly, Pinkie fell silent and ducked low behind a nearby hay bale, ushering the others to quickly to join her.  As they all darted behind the hay bale as the back entrance swung open and three Marisian soldiers marched out in full armor, and armed with crossbows. Auburn light poured out from the entrance way as they marched on, seemingly leaving it wide open.  Seizing their chance, the small party dashed into the opened doorway. Checking their baring, they found themselves to be somewhere in a back storage area. Bales of hay, bags of grain, flower, potatoes and other food stuffs filled the room from top to bottom.  “Looks like somepony's been stock piling.” Said Pip. “Doesn't surprise me.” Pinkie replied. Making their way through the giant pantry, Pinkie, Fluttershy, Pip and Trixie quietly navigated into the long, candle-lit corridors of the inner barrack keep. Fluttershy concluded that most of the guards must have got to the dining hall for their supper and ale, explaining why the back hallways were so seemingly deserted.  “We got to find our way to the cells downstairs.” Whispered Pinkie. “They're probably keeping them all down there.” “Do you know the way to get there?” Fluttershy interjected.  “Nope.” Pinkie replied with an almost unsettling peppiness. “But if their downstairs, then all we have to do is find a staircase, piece of cake.” A few hours later... “Okay, maybe not a piece of cake... or pie even.” Pinkie sighed. They had been wandering around the corridors for what seemed like ages now, occasionally having to find quiet cover from passing guards to avoid being seen.  “This is getting ridiculous!” Trixie retorted. “I mean, how long until our luck runs out and we get caught, huh? What happens then?” “Okay okay, let’s just all calm down.” Fluttershy said, holding up her hooves to signal for everypony's attention. “We just need to figure out something else.” Pipsqueak rubbed his chin for a moment in thought before jumping to his hooves in excitement. “Oh! I think I gotta' idea.” “Well... what is it?” Asked Trixie.  “I say we catch one of those steel cladded blokes and force him to tell us where they are.” “Uuhhh... I'm not sure if that's the best idea.” Said Trixie, “I mean, if we even were to somehow single one out, then capture him without being seen, and then get him to truthfully lead us to the caravan... that maybe a bit of a stretch...” “Um, guys?” Fluttershy quietly said.  “Well, what else do we have on the table? Our options aren't exactly plentiful here.” “Guys?” “Oh yeah, well, why not? Oh, excuse me Mr. Guard, would you be so kind as to show us the way to the gypsies?” “Guys!” Fluttershy finally shouted, making all eyes turn to her.  “Yes, what is it, Flutters?” Pipsqueak asked softly, looking somewhat befuddled by the Pegasus mare's sudden rise in tone.  Feeling a little nervous with everyone's eyes on her, Fluttershy took a deep breath and collected herself. “I know somepony we could ask...” It had been about an hour since Twilight had departed back for Notre Mare, but Flash Sentry still remained in his office. He sat there at his desk in silence with a single candle flickering to keep him company. His wind however was anything but silent. A practical war of thought and morality assaulted his mind. He was a high ranking member of her majesty's royal guard! He couldn't disobey her, that would be treason! But... so many ponies were getting hurt in the queen's name... ponies he and his other guards were supposed to protect.  “I need some air...” He said quietly to himself, shaking his head in distress.  Trotting over to the door, he casually opened it and stepped out into the hallway. Suddenly, his ears perked up, something wasn't quite right...  Then came the click. Suddenly and without warning, he heard the sounds of rushing rope fill the hall followed by something tightly constrict around the ankle of his right foreleg and pulled him off his footing. He didn't scream though, as the shock of it made his voice become caught in his throat as he was hoisted high into the air.  “Got 'em!” Came a small, triumphant voice.  “Pip, I'll never understand how you do the things that you do.” Said Trixie as the group came trotting out of the darkness.  “Oh my goodness, Flash, are you alright?” Fluttershy asked with sincere concern. “Guys, I told you this wouldn't be necessary.” “Just a percussion, Flutters.” Pip replied.  Flash hung there dazed and confused, staring down at the upside down figures beneath him. “Fluttershy? The gypsy mare? Wha... what?” “I'm so sorry. Flash, we'll have you down in a moment. Pinkie, lower him down please.” “Okey dokey lokey.” Pinkie chirped as she untied the rope holding up the confused captain. Soon enough, Flash was once again on solid ground with Fluttershy helping him back up to his footing. He stared at her with disbelief. Here was the mare that the whole of Maris was in anarchy over... standing right there in front of him... in the barracks no less! “Are you okay?” She asked softly.  “Y-yes... I'm-I'm fine...” He began, “B-but... what are you doing here?” “You know bloody well why we're here!” Pip interjected. Flash fell silent again. He did indeed know. “The caravan...” “Oo! Give the bloke a prize.” “Pip, please...” Fluttershy said sullenly, “Yes... we came for them.” “Do you know how much danger your in?” Flash said flabbergasted. “You've practically right into the manticore's den!” “Trust me, bud, she's dealt with Manticores before and she's had no trouble with them.” Trixie commented.  “Flash... we need your help...” Flash looked at the cream coated Pegasus in confusion. “My help?” “Yes... we don't know how to get to them. We need to get them out of here Flash... we need to take them to the Court of Miracles.” Flash couldn't believe his ears. Faust's sake how was he supposed to respond to this? “Fluttershy... I-I can't... that would mean treason!” “Please, Flash!” Fluttershy begged. “Your our only hope.” “I... I...” “Flash. if you don't help us, everyone down there will die!” Fluttershy finally blurted. Flash could see the moisture welling up in her eyes, and her words rung deep in his ears, but he kept silent.  “Ah! He's not going to help us,” Pip interjected. “He's too loyal to his precious Queen. Tell .me captain, how does it feel to be such a loyal dog? Does she give you treats if you do extra good?” “Pip please!”  “Face it, Fluttershy, he's a lame duck. Nothing but a hoof licking hound.” “I'll help...” “Nothing but the Queen's lacky... wait... say what?” Taking a long, cleansing breath Flash stood erect, his sureness having fast left him, “I said I'd help... I was assigned to protect the people... not murder the innocent. I'll take you to them, but then you must leave this place... all of you. Every last gypsy in the Court of Miracles. For as long as Chrysalis reigns... it will never be safe here for your people...” A short silence was held among them as they quietly accepted their situation.  “Well alrighty then,” Pinkie mused happily. “Lead the way, mon capitaine!”  As Flash had promised, he swiftly led them through the winding maze of corridors down to the lower cells. Silently, they made their way down the dimly lit steps into the blackness of the lower dungeons. Flash lit a lantern to help them through the darkness as they went further, with Fluttershy greatly appreciated.  “They’re in the western block,” Flash whispered. “There's a ladder to the surface down that hallway there. Once we get them out, you'll use that to make your escape.” “You’re not coming with us?” Asked Fluttershy. Flash shook his head, “No. I have to stay here and bide you guys time, otherwise you'll never make it.” “I don't know,” Trixie replied. “Your soldiers seemed pretty oblivious to me.” Suddenly, Flash raised his hoof to signal to the others. “We're almost there, they'll be behind that door.” At the far end of the hallway was a large wooden door with iron bar reinforcement and a large padlock securely fashion on the door handle. Flash reached into his saddle bag and pulled out a large key chain and sifted through the assortment trying to find the right one.  “Come on come on,” Trixie hurried.  “Hah! Found it!” He exclaimed with great relish. Inserting the key into the lock, the armor cladded stallion quickly removed the iron restraint and opened the door, letting the light of his lamp fill the room.  Peering inside, Fluttershy, Trixie and Pip eyes went wide as inside, they see row after row of iron cells, filled with members of their caravan, all chained and sullen.  “Guys!” Fluttershy exclaimed, rushing over to the nearest cell. The ponies inside looked up and somewhat hid their eyes from the light of Flash's lantern, but upon realizing who was standing there, their sullenness quickly melted away. Their faces exploding into a great relief of happiness.  “Fluttershy! Trixie! Pip!” They exclaimed with great surprise and excitement. “You’re alright!” “Shhh! We need to stay quiet,” Fluttershy hushed as Flash began unlocking one cell after another. “We're all getting out of here, but we need to stay low.” Not long after, Flash and the others had successfully unlocked and freed the whole of the caravan, along with several other ponies that had been accused as gypsies.  “What do we do now, Fluttershy?” Several of them asked.  “Tell them, Flash.” “Okay everypony, we're going to have to make this quick and quiet,” said Flash, addressing the large crowd. They gave him questioning looks but decided that if Fluttershy trusted him, then they'd give him a chance. “Theres a ladder down the hall and to the right. It will lead us to the back courtyard and Pinkie will take it from there. Everypony understand?” They nodded to him in agreement and they were off. They moved swiftly and quietly, well, at least as much as their hooves beating on the stone floor would allow them to. Luckily, they reached the ladder without any hiccups and quickly made work of helping everypony up. Pinkie went first to scout the area and made sure no guards were about. With the coast clear, they began helping the ponies one by one up the escape route. Mares and foals first followed by the stallions. Before long, everypony had been successfully led up the ladder and into the courtyard.  “Okay, up you go.” Fluttershy said as the last stallion made his way up topside. She followed soon after, seconded only by Flash.  “Okay, that's everyone.” Said Flash. “I'll see you to Pinkie's escape route, then we'll part ways.” Fluttershy smiled at him and placed a hoof on his shoulder. “Thank you, Flash, you've saved us...” “Well, don't thank me yet... we're not out of the woods yet.” It was then Pinkie called out from the front to them. “Um... guys? I think we may have a little teeny weensy problem.” The two of them then trotted up to join their pink coat companion as she peered around the corner of the stone wall. To their absolute horror and distress, there, out of all the ponies that could be there was the Queen herself, exiting her carriage.  “Oh horse apples!” Flash swore.  Fluttershy felt fear grip her heart seeing the Queen standing there.  “Okay, I have a plan. I'll go distract her while you guys make a break for it.” “No Flash don't! Come with us.” “No Fluttershy, you need to go, now!” “What do you mean the captain isn't here?!” Chrysalis' voice rang out.  “No time to argue!” Pinkie interjected, taking Fluttershy . “Let’s go!”  “Get them to safety, I'll deal with the Queen!” Flash said as he made his way out into the open. "Your majesty!" He called.  Chrysalis looked up as the captain of the guard came rushing into the light. “Oh captain, there you are.” She said with a smile. “I was wondering where you were. Your underling said you weren’t in your office.” “Oh yes, well I was uh... just out to get some air!” He replied, returning the smile. “But... what are you doing here so late your highness?” “Oh, I just came to check on your progress captain.” Chrysalis replied. “Tell me how goes the search?” As the two talked, Pinkie and Fluttershy hastily made their way to the exit, keeping to the shadows to avoid detection. However, in their haste, they had failed to notice the one guard station above on the lofty wall. “Hey! Who goes there?” Cried the guard as he tossed a lantern down to illuminate the group. Upon impact, the lantern was smashed apart, sending burning oil everywhere, and bathing the gypsy caravan in auburn light.  Chrysalis and Flash looked up to where the commotion was coming from. Flash's eyes went wide and his heart fell as their stood Fluttershy and the gypsies, now in full view of the Queen herself! Chrysalis stood there with a look of both shock and furious rage. There she was. The Pegasus Maris was burning over. Looking straight at her, with the whole of her caravan with her no less. “It’s her! The witch!” Chrysalis cried. “She's escaping with the lot of them!” It was then that Pinkie cried out, “Run for it!” And with that, the caravan exploded into a heat of excitement. A practical stampede of thundering hooves, all dashing for the arching exit of the barrack wall.  “Their escaping! Stop them, captain, stop them!” Chrysalis roared.  Flash then sprang into action, dashing towards the gate as his Queen had commanded, as guards began to flood out of the main keep in hot pursuit. Dashing up the stairs that led to the portcullis, burst into the room as one of his underlings was about to pull the lever to drop the heavy doorway and trap the gypsies. However, before he could get the chance, Flash bolted over to him and struck in square in the jaw, causing him to stagger back and quickly fall after, allowing the gypsies to dash out the front gate, and into the Marisian alleyways.  Flash watched as they disappeared to safety in the labyrinth of the city. However, his joy was cut short as he was tackled from behind, with several strong hooves grabbing at his limbs and forcing him out of the tower. With a great shove, they pushed him down the stone steps, allowing him to tumble down to the courtyard bellow.  Bruised and beaten, Flash staggered to his hooves. He flinched when he felt a hoof fall under his chin. “That was a very stupid thing to do, captain.” Chrysalis spoke. Her tone was calm, but Flash could feel the heat of her anger on her words. “Guards, seize him.” Flash winced as he felt the hooves once again grab hold of him, pushing him down to kneel. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see the glint of steel. A large stallion carrying an ax.  “The punishment for insubordination is death, captain.” Chrysalis hissed.  Raising his head upwards, Flash met the Queen's gaze. “It's been my highest honor, ma'am.” Unbeknownst to them, Fluttershy hadn't fully retreated into the alleyways. She watched from the shadows as he was brought to the queen and forced to kneel. Her eyes widened with horror as she saw the large stallion approach him with an ax. “They're going to kill him!” “Fluttershy, we have to go!” Pip protested. Before he could protest any more, Fluttershy reached over to him and snatched up his slingshot. Scooping up a nearby stone, she loaded it and took aim.  Swift and sure, the stone flew, striking the ax barrier square in the brow. The other guards looked up in surprise as their comrade staggered back. Seizing his chance, Flash forced himself up, taking his hoof to the underside of one of the soldiers while bucking back with his hind-legs to discard the others.  With his captures compromised, Flash Sentry took off running, dashing out the barrack gates and into the Marisian streets.  “Get him!” Chrysalis barked. Archers on the walls took their aim and quickly launched their projectiles. Fluttershy and Pip watched in horror as arrows rained down on the stallion as he ran across the nearby bridge that led towards the cathedral. Dodging and weaving, Flash expertly avoided the arrows as he dash across the bridge. But his efforts were for not, as a lucky arrow whizzed through the air and found its mark, embedding itself deep in the captain's shoulder.  Flash cried out in pain as his footing faulted, sending him into a wild tumble, flying off the railing of the bridge and into the murky water bellow, followed suit by another storm of arrows.  “Don't waste your arrows!” Chrysalis commanded. “Let the traitor rot in his watery grave!” Seeing Flash tumble off the bridge and into the water, Fluttershy dashed over to the river shore and took refuge underneath it with Pip following suit. “Find the mare!” Chrysalis growled, “if you have to burn the city to the ground, so be it!” And with that, Chrysalis and her soldiers marched on into the city, with the Queen now personally leading the charge.  Fluttershy felt her heart racing as the Queen disappeared out of sight. But her fear was short lived as her attention was drawn to the river. Racing to the shore, she took a deep breath before diving straight in. Pip watched in fear as Fluttershy disappeared beneath the rushing waters. A few minutes later and Fluttershy rose out of the river, with the limp figure of Flash cradled in her hooves. “Pip, help me!” She cried. The little colt obeyed and jumped into the river to help. Together, they removed the armor that was weighing the captain down and pulled him out of the water and onto the river bank.  Fluttershy place her ear to his chest. “Oh thank goodness, I can hear his heart!”  “He's pretty ruffed up, Flutters,” Pip said sullenly. “That arrow got him good, it did.” “We have to get him help, Pip...” “I know, but where can we go?!” It was then that the air was filled with the old familiar sounds that Fluttershy had come to know well. Perking up her ears, she breathed steadily as she looked upwards towards where she knew there'd be help.  “Notre Mare.” She spoke softly. > Chapter Fifteen: Heaven's Light, Reprise. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Draconequus of Notre Mare. By Inkquill. Chapter Fifteen: Heaven's Light, Reprise. Upon his lofty perch atop one of western gargoyles, Discord stared down upon the auburn lights bellow him. Cradling his chest with his lion's paw, whilst his eagle talons head his jaw firmly in distress. His nostrils were assailed with the stick of rising smoke, causing his eyes to water. And yet, he did not depart the scene. His crimson eyes darted back and forth between alleyway and road, between rooftops and gutters, looking for any sign of angelic Pegasus that had not too long ago been in his company. “Discord?” A familiar feminine voice spoke from behind him. He looked up, his ears perking as he turned to face the owner of the voice. There was Rainbow Dash, hovering someways behind him, cradling the little bird that had decided to stay with him in her hooves, and both giving him questioning looks of concern. “You okay bud?” “Somethings not right,” he muttered to himself. “Something's happened, something’s wrong.” Rainbow Dash, having landed by his side on the ledge placed her hoof on his shoulder. “Dissy?” Upon feeling her hoof on his shoulder, the troubled draconequus looked up at her. She could see the distress and worry riddling his face and burning in his eyes. “Oh! Rainbow,” Discord started, “Sorry, I didn’t see you there…” “What’s going on Discord?” Rainbow urged. “You’ve been perched here for three hours.” Discord looked out onto the city again; the auburn light illuminating his face, and with a sigh, he finally relented. “Rainbow, I’m worried. It’s taking every part of me just to prevent myself from shaking.” “Fluttershy?” “Yes… I mean look at what's going on down there! The city’s on fire! I don’t know if she’s alright, if she escaped, or if the guards caught her and threw her on one of those pyres!” Rainbow could see beads of moisture building in her friend's eyes, and she could hear the anger in his voice rise as he continued. “And you know what’s the worst part! I can’t do anything to help her!” Discord yelled in frustration, leaping back off the ledge and onto the catwalk, running his fingers through his mane and tugging at it. Rainbow followed short behind him, “Oh come on Dissy, don’t give up just yet.” Rainbow began. “Flutter’s a tough mare, I’m sure she’s just fine.” “Yes Discord,” said Rarity as she emerged out to the bell tower. “Fluttershy’s a resilient maiden, in addition she’s with her comrades, I’m sure they’re same and sound…” Rainbow shot a glance over to Rarity. She could tell that she wasn’t as confinement as her words would presume. Not only that, but Discord could hear it too. “Thanks you guys, but I’m still worried… why did I let her go out there…” He said as he passed Rarity by and leaped into the bell tower rafters, making his way towards his lofty studio. The two mares looked out onto the city and grimaced. “Oh… it’s hopeless.” Rarity said quietly. “Well only with that attitude!” Applejack called out. “Ya’ll can’t be talking like that, we need ta be strong. We got ta have faith, if not for are sake then for Discord’s!” Rarity and Rainbow looked at each other and let out a knowing sigh. As usual, the sturdy farm pony was right. Applejack took a deep breath and shook her head, “Come on ya’ll.” She said, staring for the bell tower. High up in the bell tower, the sucking chimera hung himself from the wooden platform by his tail, dangling upside down like a possum. In his paw he held a small wooden figure he had recently carved and painted. Tenderly he rain his digits over the figurine, taking into account every single groove and curve. It was the likeness of a mare, dressed in a white, flowing gown with wings outstretched. Its mane was painted a soft pink with two blue dots serving as its eyes. He had painted it with a kind smile… the same that Fluttershy had given him that day on the pillory… “Discord?” Quickly he tucked the statuette away and looked to his friends who were standing up on the wooden platform where his art studio was situated. “Y-yes?” The hesitated for a moment as they looked down that their friend, but finally, Applejack spoke. “Discord, I know things look bleak, but we can’t give up hope. We have ta have faith that she’s alright. For her sake at the very least.” “But what can we do?!” Discord exclaimed, swinging himself up onto the platform. “We’re helpless here!” “What are you guys talking about?” Rainbow Dash interjected. “If I know Fluttershy as half as you know her Dissy, she’s three steps ahead of Chrysalis and well out of harm’s way.” “Do you really think so?” Asked Discord. Rainbow confidently smiled at her friend as she nonchalantly polished her hoof. “Of course! Don’t worry Discord, once everything cools down she’ll be back.” “But how can you be so sure?” “Because she likes ya sugarcube.” Applejack said, patting his back. “Take it from us Discord, you got nothing to worry about.” “Yeah Dissy! I mean look at you, you're irresistible.” Discord blushed, “What?! Me? Oh no~” “I concur,” Rarity added. “It did seem that the classic knight in shining armor didn’t quite appeal to her. And quite frankly Discord, you’ve certainly got an unique masculine disposition. Quite the catch if I am to say so myself.” “Yeah! And those guys are a dime a dozen. But you? You Discord are a one of a kind.” Suddenly, the group’s ears perked up as a large thump rose up from far below; the sound of the stairwell door opening and several hoof beats upon the wooden floor. “Discord?” Came a gentle, yet concerned voice that nearly caused Discord to jump. He felt as if his breath had become caught in his chest as he peered down at the visitor. “Fluttershy?” He said finally. A bright smile traced itself across his face as he leaped down from the rafters and to his friend. “Fluttershy! Oh Fluttershy, you're alright! Oh thank Faust!” Fluttershy returned his smile and quickly found herself being scooped off her hooves and into his mismatched arms. Quickly recovering from the surprise, she wrapped her forelegs around his neck and hugged him deeply. “I missed you too Discord,” she replied. “And I’m okay.” Finally they broke their embrace with Fluttershy returning to the ground, but still holding his paw and claw in her hooves, “Discord I need your help.” She spoke. “You’ve done so much for me already Discord… but I need to ask for your help one more time.” Discord felt his heart begin to flutter. “Yes! Oh… yes um, of course, anything.” However, his excitement was damped as he saw three more figures step through the door. One was the little colt who had come to help her escape a few nights prior, the second was Twilight, however the two of them were carrying the third. An unconscious stallion he recognized from Chrysalis’ battalions. “This is Flash,” Fluttershy began as she helped her friends carry the wounded Pegasus. “He’s hurt and a fugitive like us. Discord, he needs help. There wasn’t anywhere else to go, and I… I knew he’d be safe here. Please Discord, can you hide him?” Discord hesitated for a moment as he processed what was going on before finally becoming them with his lion's paw. “This way.” He called as he lead them up the wooden stairs, up into the rafters. Quickly, Discord lit a candle and prepared a soft mattress of blankets out on the upper platform for Flash to be laid on. “Over here.” He called. “Lay him here.” Fluttershy and the rest quickly followed suit and laid Flash out on the makeshift medical bed. He groaned in pain as he felt his shoulder tense. The wound was still bleeding, not as horribly as before but still was noticeably profuse. Twilight handed the satchel he had been carrying to Fluttershy, who soon went to work, tending to the wound. “Agh~! Twilight... Fluttershy…” Twilight felt her heart twinge as she heard him say her name. Anxiously, she did her best to make him as comfortable as possible as her Pegasus companion did the same. “Flash...” “Shhh…” Fluttershy hushed. “Don’t move, you’ll hide here until you're strong enough to move.” Meanwhile, Discord watched from the sidelines intently as his friend tended to the wounded soldier. His breath growing slightly anxious. Reaching into the satchel, Fluttershy pulled out a small flask with a cork covering the top and began to pry it open. Looking up from his position on the bed, Flash tried to lighten the mood of the situation. “Oh! Well, good thinking, I could use a drink right about now~Agh!” He cried as she poured out its contents onto his wound before wrapping it in gauze. Flash winced in pain as he felt the pressure of the bandaging press down on his open gash. “Ahhh… ngh~! Feels like 1470 brandy. Not a good year.” “All those gypsies, my caravan and family included owes you their lives.” Fluttershy said with a tender smile. “I don’t know if there is any way I could possibly repay you Flash. You have to be the bravest soldier I’ve met.” “Ex-soldier,” Flash interjected. “Remember? Doubt I’ll get that promotion now-Agh~!” “Oh! I’m sorry, did I hurt you?” “No no, you're fine,” Flash reassured. “Just, keep going.” “You know you were lucky Flash,” said Twilight. “The arrow nearly hit your heart.” Flash looked over to his old childhood friend with a warm tender smile. “Heh, its funny, I’d actually had been pressuring them to work on their archery training… guess they have been.” He mused. Twilight chuckled weekly in response, trying to hide her obvious worry. “Heh… yes, well. I think in hindsight.” “Heh, agh~!” Flash winced as Fluttershy finished bandaging up his wound. “There, that should keep it from getting any worse.” She said with a smile. Twilight looked up as her cheeks began to flush a noticeable rosy hue. “Um… well, I’ll… I’ll go get some bread for us. Got to make sure you keep your strength up.” She said nervously as she started towards the stairwell. “I’ll.. I’ll be right back, I’m going to get some blankets okay?” Flash watched her as she started down the steps, his expression now more sullen than before. But before she had disappeared from sight, she turned to steal a glance at him. Their eyes met, followed shortly by a flush of heat to both of their cheeks before she finally disappeared into the stairwell. Fluttershy looked over to Discord and signed ‘water’ to him. He nodded and quickly dashed over to fetch the water pale. As her friend disappeared into the rafters, Fluttershy sat down next to flash, offering him a small slice of bread. She didn’t want to give him too much, let his strength fail him and his stomach waver. A small bit would do for now. “So.” Flash spoke up, “You think we’re going to get out of this one?” Fluttershy couldn’t help but cuckle at that. “Huh, honestly? I don’t even know anymore. When I first got here… before all of this craziness… I may have been able to tell you, but now?” “Not really that sure anymore?” Asked Flash. “Heh, I was never sure of it to begin with,” Fluttershy replied. “The world seemed so innocent to me… I wish none of this had happened. Meeting everyone here? No. I don’t wish never meeting you, just all this violence...” “As to many who live to see dark times…” “Why does she hate me so much?” “Chrysalis?” “Yes. Why does she hate?” Flashed paused for a moment before he answered. “She told me once. She told me why she fears gypsies and magic so much… it’s because of her mother.” “Her mother?” “Yes… she told me… that when she was very young, she and her mother were so close. Her mother was a healer. Knew the tricks and trade of herbal medicine and nature magic. They spent so much time together…” “But what happened?” “Her father… he was a very devout stallion of faith. He had forbade all use of magic within Maris’s walls and when he discovered his wife teaching her magic to their daughter he… he cursed her as a witch, and when she refused to recant he… he burned her at the stake.” Fluttershy felt as if she was going to choke as beads of moisture began to form in her eyes. “That's… that's horrible.” She exclaimed. “Yes it is… after that. Her father raised her. Molded her into what she is now… she’s become her father.” Fluttershy was silent. Her head was a bedlam of thoughts and emotions. The great antagonist that sought her destruction was still a pony none the less. A very damaged and emotionally injured pony in power... “I’m so sorry Fluttershy.” Flash spoke quietly, breaking her thoughts and returning her to the outside world. “I’m sorry for everything.” “Flash… you don’t have to be sorry,” Fluttershy replied taking his hoof in hers. “You don’t have to be sorry for anything. You save me and my family from the dungeons. You caught an arrow in the back because of me. I should be the one who’s sorry…” Flash could see the tears in her eyes and raised his hoof to her cheek. Her eyes opened wide as she felt his hoof fall on her cheek and brush away the tears, only to linger there after. They’re eyes met in that moment, and it was only then that they realized how close she has leaned into to him. They breathed in slowly, hesitant with the air around them still and silent. Finally, in that moment, Fluttershy closed her eyes and closed the distance between them, laying her lips on Flash’s. Flash was surprised for a moment but soon returned the kiss. However, in the heat of the moment, they had failed to notice the two figures that had joined them. Twilight stared out at the two from the stairwell with her hooves filled with blankets, her face sullen and pale. While Discord stood there behind a wooden column as still as stone. His mouth agape, he felt something inside him begin to ache as he watched them linger on the kiss. His breath seemingly caught in his throat, he felt his lips begin to quiver. "I knew I'd never know, that warm and loving glow. Thought I might wish with all my might. No face as hideous as my face... Was ever meant for Heaven's Light." > Chapter Sixteen: Twisted Knots and Woven-Bands. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Draconequus of Notre Mare. By Inkquill. Chapter Sixteen: Twisted Knots and Woven-Bands. The Marisian Streets Chrysalis rode through the city in her armored carriage, pulled slowly by her loyal soldiers. Through the carriage windows, she could see the chaos that ran rampant through the streets, burning rubbish and scurrying Marisian citizens who made it their manifesto to keep well clear of their monarch’s wake. It was then that a lone guard came rushing up to the carriage as it was about to turn a corner and called out, “My Queen?” Peering her head out of her moving foremen, she calmly addressed him, “Yes? What news?” “We’ve looked everywhere.” He continued. “There’s no sign of the gypsy or her kind.” He nearly jumped at what the Queen did next. “Damn it all.” She muttered to herself as she angrily shut the carriage curtain. She took several deep breaths, trying to collect herself, she knew she couldn’t think straight when she was this angry. “I had the entire cathedral surrounded. Guards at every door, how in Faust’s name could she have escaped?” Her ears twitched. Throughout the city streets came the all too familiar chime of clashing iron. She looked towards the cathedral as the bells played on, her eyes flashing with revelation. “Unless…” The Bell Tower “Aaaarrrrgggghhhh~!!!” Screamed Rainbow, followed shortly by a crash of rubble as her hoof smashed against a discarded statue. “Rraaaagh~! How could she do that!” Whilst the rainbow-colored Pegasus proceeded on her infuriated rampage, from down below her came the dampened whimpers of despair. Woeful sobs of tragic sadness that intermingled with the furious bellowing in an almost rhythmic fashion. “It’s just not fair!” Rarity wept, soaking the wood flooring beneath her in moisture. “I mean! How could she do that to Dissy!?” Rainbow roared. “That’s just-just, just no! JUST NO!” “H-he, he, he loves h-her, her!” Rarity followed with as black streaks of mascara streamed down her stone cheek. “C-can’t she see that?!” “Why I atta, why I atta~!....” Rainbow sank to the floor, her face buried right into her hooves. She clenched her teeth. She could feel the anger inside her surging, as well as the tears that she was trying to hold back. “Shh… no…. Just, just no….” She muttered.  “There ain’t nothin’ we can do…” Came a quiet, sullen voice.  Rainbow and Rarity looked up and towards the owner of the voice. Rarity wiped her eyes clear of tears and mascara as they stared over at their Earth Pony companion. She sat completely still, secluded beneath a low canopy beneath the flight of wooden stairs that led up to Discord’s studio. Her back was to them, but they could see that her head was hung low. “There ain’t nothin’ we can do…” She said again. From the tone of her voice, Rainbow and Rarity could tell that something was desperately wrong. A sense of surrender hung heavy around the mare, something that was frighteningly uncharacteristic of Applejack. “It’s just how it is. And how it is that there ain’t nothin’ we can do…” “What?” Rainbow inquired. “What do you mean there’s nothing we can do? What? You just want us to stand around while Discord’s in pain?!” “Yes, Applejack,” Rarity interjected. “There hast to be something we can do.” Applejack looked up at Rainbow with a thick scowl on her face. “No! We can’t do a damn thing here!” “Why not!? Why not AJ?! Why can’t we help Discord with this?”  “We just can’t!” Applejack retorted.  “But why?!” “Ah just said! ‘Cus we can’t?!” “Why not!” Rainbow screamed. “BECAUSE WE’RE NOT REAL!!!” The room was deathly slightly. Nopony moved or spoke. Rarity and Rainbow simply stood there in disbelief, staring at their good friend, who was practically shaking, trying to hold back the emotions that swirled inside her. They could see beads of tears forming in her eyes as her mouth hung open with lips curled and teeth bared; her chest heaving and trembling violently.  Finally, she spoke. “... There’s nothing we can do ‘cus we’re not real… we are all products of Discord’s imagination. We’ve helped him so much. We’ve helped him cope with everything his life has thrown at him since he was a youngin'… but this? There’s nothin’ we can do here… we can love him. We can cry with him. And we can comfort him. But we can’t control the choices of others… and if this if Fluttershy’s choice. Then... “ “Discord?” Came a meek voice followed by a hoof. “What are you doing under the stairs?” The draconequus jumped a little as he felt the hoof on his shoulder. He looked up and around from his place beneath the wooden stairs, his eyes falling on the cream Pegasus. “Oh! Fluttershy. Wha-is something the matter?” He asked.  She looked up at him as he stepped back into the candle light. She nodded, “What are you doing under the stairs?” She repeated, making sure he could see her lip movement clearly.  “Oh! Um, nothing,” He stuttered. “I was just… thinking.” Fluttershy tilted her head, still looking up at her friend, she looked at him with concern. She could hear by the tone of his voice that something wasn’t quite right. “Discord? Are you okay?” He nodded with a partial smile. “Who me? Yeah, never better.” He said, trying to keep his composure, but Fluttershy wasn’t buying it.  “Discord, if there’s something bothering you, you need to tell me?” Discord paused for a moment. His hesitation only increasing Fluttershy’s worry. Steadying his breath, he mustered up his courage and looked her in the eye. “Fluttershy... “ “Yes, Discord?”  “Fluttershy, I~” “Guys! We got trouble!” Twilight called out. Running over to the window, they looked down onto the Grand Plaza. They all seemed to simultaneously gasp as they looked down in horror at the armored carriage below. “Chrysalis is coming!” Discord exclaimed as he dashed back away from the window, beckoning them to follow. “You must go, quickly. Follow me!” Dashing down a small flight of wooden stairs, he led them to one of the outer doors that led onto the catwalk railing. “Go down the south tower steps. It should be safest route.” Following his guidance, Twilight, Fluttershy and Angel quickly made their way through the doorway. However, before she stepped through, Fluttershy halted mid-gallop to take Discord’s mismatched hands in her hooves.  “Please be safe, Discord.” She said, “And please, take care of Flash.” Discord nodded as he looked into her bright cyan eyes. “I promise, Fluttershy.” Fluttershy smiled sweetly at him, though the sadness in her eyes was clear. “Thank you.” And with that, once again, she disappeared into the shadows. Following her friends to safety.  “At least she’s safe.” Discord thought to himself.  “Uh, Discord?” Rarity called to him. “She’s coming!” “Come on! We gotta hide the bloke!” Rainbow stated. Wasting no time, Discord set to work. Taking the unconscious stallion in his hands, Discord quickly pulled him over away from the little makeshift bed he had been laid in. He tried not to hurt him with all his jerking motions, but still, he found it difficult to keep Flash from flopping about. He could hear Chrysalis’ hoof steps as she ascended the stone stairwell up into the bell tower, and he knew he was running short on time. In panic, the flustered chimera darted over to his studio table and flung the rag-doll-like stallion underneath it, covering him up with the table cloth.  And just in time too, as Chrysalis, in all her regal glory and dominance, appeared in the stairwell. “Oh! Mistress! I-I-I-I didn’t think you’d be coming?” Discord stammered.  Chrysalis wore a gentle grin across her lips. In her hoof she carried the traditional wicker basket that she always brought on her visits to the bell tower. “Oh nonsense, my dear boy.” She said softly, “I’m never too busy to share a meal with you. And, I’ve brought a little… treat.” She hesitated for a moment, never letting her eyes leave Discord’s and all the while holding her soft grin. “Platter and silverware, Discord, if you please?” “Oh! Yes! Yes of course, right away ma’am!” Discord said as he darted over to where he kept his and her respected tableware.  A loud clamor shortly followed, along with the breaking of a few plates that tumbled off their shelving, much to Discord’s dismay. Chrysalis however kept her collected calm, patiently waiting her stewards return to the table.  “Is there something troubling you Discord?” Chrysalis inquired as he quickly set the table. Reaching into her basket, she removed a large bushel of red grapes and gently set them on his platter. “Oh, no! No mistress.” Discord replied hastily.  Chrysalis meanwhile shook her head and puckered her lips like a mother does her child who had just toppled over his bowl of porridge, while she herself plucked a single grape from the vine. “Oh but my dear, there is.” She coddled, letting a much more toothy grin spread over her lips before putting the plucked grape in her mouth to eat it. “I know there is… I think you’re hiding something, Discord.” “Oh no, Mistress! I’m, I’m not hiding anything from you.” “You’re not eating, my child.” Said Chrysalis.  At that, the now thoroughly nervous draconequus hastily shoved several of the ruby-red grapes into his maw, packing them away into his cheeks. “Mpgh~! It’s very good. Thank you.” He muffled.  She smiled at him, “What's… different in here?” He looked around nervously, his crimson eyes darting back and forth. “N-nothing… ma’am” He watched as her hoof drifted down to the table. Her eyes, like those of an eagle sculling over her prey, drifted between each of the small wooden figurines that littered the table, eventually falling on one in particular. “This one looks knew.” Discord followed the line of her foreleg to the figure she had specified. His eyes lit up with fear as he looked down at the familiar wooden figure. He whittled it not too long ago; paint had just dried as he remembered. In her hoof was the small figure of a buttercream-colored Pegasus with cyan blue eyes and rose-locks of hair, dressed in a white dress with green trimming.  “It’s awfully good. Looks a great deal like the… gypsy-mare….I know you helped her ESCAPE!!!” Chrysalis roared, slamming the figure into the table and causing Discord to fly out of his seat with fear. He tumbled over as the Queen bared down at him, her brow scowled and her lips curled into a vicious snarl. “And now all Maris is burning because of you!” “She… she was kind to me, Mistress.” Discord said in his defense.  “You imbecile!” Chrysalis roared again, snaking around the table to loom over Discord, grabbing his jaw in her hooves. “That wasn’t kindness, it was cunning! She’s a gypsy! Gypsies are not capable of real love! Think boy, think of your mother!” An uneasy silence was held between them, with Discord lying beneath the venting Queen. Eventually, her heated glaring subsided, and she spoke. “Oh, but what chance would a poor mismatched creature like you have against her heathen tricks…” She said as she returned to her hooves. Reaching once again into the basket, she removed the cutting knife she had brought for their bread and brought it to bare. “Well… there is no need to worry, Discord.” She said calmly as she stabbed the figuring in the side, impaling it on the cold steel. She then brought it to the candle that flickered gently in the evening air of the bell tower, holding it over the dancing flame until it itself began to catch fire. “She’ll be out of our lives soon enough. Along with all the rest of her kind within these city walls. I will free you from her evil spell.”  Discord watched in horror as the small wooden figurine was engulfed in flame, “She will torment you no longer.” Chrysalis spoke.  “What do you mean, ma’am?” Discord asked.  Collecting her things together, Chrysalis strode passed her shaken pupil, heading towards the flight of stairs that led to the primary level and onward to the stone stairwell. “I know where she’s hiding.” She said calmly. “And tomorrow at dawn, I attack… With a thousand stallions.” And with that, she silently disappeared down the wooden steps. Discord sat there for a moment, letting himself recover from what had just transpired. However, out of the corner of his eye, he managed to see a flash of movement. Turning his gaze over towards the table, he saw Flash staggering to his hooves, using the table to prop himself up.  “We have to warn them.” Discord could make out from the ex-soldiers lip movements. “We have to find the Court of Miracles before sun break and warn them. Are you coming?” Discord hesitated before speaking, but eventually let his head fall, “I can’t.” He said sullenly. “What do you mean you can’t?” Flash retorted. “I’ve already disobeyed my Mistress too much. I can’t do it again…” “She stuck up for you! And now you’re just going to leave her to the wolves? You know you have a funny way of showing gratitude.” Discord said nothing. He simply stood there in silence as Flash stared at him with frustration. He shook his head. “Fine. You do what you think is right. But I’m not going to stand idly by while Chrysalis massacres the innocent.” Again, Discord said nothing. In his heart, he knew what was right, and he could feel the words on his tongue, silent as they may be, trying to escape his lips, but what could he say? What could he do? He kept silent. Flash, sensing that nothing was to come from arguing with the draconequus, let out a sigh, turning towards the stairwell and with as much haste has he could muster in his current state, left Discord to his own devices. Once again, Discord was left alone. Surrounded by silence, he contemplated what Flash had said. He knew he was right, but what could he do?! Chrysalis was his guardian, his mistress and ward. He had disobeyed her far too much as it is… but… “Ahem.” He looked up, his eyes falling on his three loyal friends, who were all glaring at him with raised eyebrows.  “What?” He exclaimed. “What do you want me to do? What am I supposed to do?! Go, gallivanting into battle and save the girl from, from the jaws of death and the whole town will cheer like I’m some kind of a hero!? Fluttershy already has her knight in shining armor, and it’s not me!” He sighed, “Chrysalis was right… Chrysalis was right about everything. And I’m tired of trying to be something I’m not…” Shaking his head, the despaired chimera shambled over to the wrecked table and promptly sat himself down at his stool. He buried his face into his hands as the candlelight flickered off his features, casting strange shadows about the room. Finally, he removed his hands from his face and looked at them closely. He remembered how she had held them… the kindness of her eyes. Taking a breath, he placed his eagle's claw on the small woven pendant she had given him. He examined its fine workings and bright colors to the smallest detail. “When you wear this woven band… you hold the city in your hoof…” He muttered to himself. Suddenly, his eyes lit up with inspiration, as those words rang aloud in his mind.  He then felt a hoof tap at his shoulder. Turning, he found Applejack standing behind him with a warm, tender smile, holding a cloak in his hooves.  Slowly, he reached out and felt the fabric in between his digits as he sighed in surrender. “I must be out of my mind.” Making his way down the stone stairs, Flash Sentry arrived at the landing and entered into the main hall of the cathedral. He paused for a moment as he noted the calm silence that persisted there. So peaceful, so quiet… he shook his head. Picking up his hooves, he trotted across the vaulted room and over to one of the far right doorways that led out into the streets. It was well past midnight and he knew that most of the city, even the guards would have gone to bed by now, so he didn’t worry too much about that. However, when he opened the door, he was surprised as his eyes were met with a flash of red and yellow.  “Flash!” Came a voice. Flash, thoroughly surprised, jumped off his footing and fell back onto the marble floor with a gasp. Looking back up, he found two large yellow eyes with red pupils staring back at him, attached to the long serpentine neck and head of the draconequus he had just scolded. “I’m coming with you.” “Glad you changed your mind.” Flash said, returning to his hooves.  Discord, who had been hanging upside down from the archway, swung himself down practically without a noise. “I’m not doing it for you,” he said. “I’m doing it for her.” Flash nodded, “You know where she is?” “I think so,” Discord replied, taking off the pendant from around his neck. “She said this will help us find her… I think it’s a map.” Flash looked the woven band over, finding it rather unremarkable. “How is this a map?” He asked. “Look, this sun here, and there’s the cathedral. The blue thread is the river, this is a miniature map of the city.” “Alright, you say it’s a map? Fine, it’s a map. But if we’re going to find the Court of Miracles. we’re going to work together. Alright?”  Discord nodded, “Yes. Now let’s go. Do you have everything?” “I think so.” Flash replied.  “Alright, let’s go, and close the door.” Discord said as he started down the street. However, as Flash turned to close the door behind him, from the dim light of candles that flickered on and off from the cathedral hall, out of the corner of his eye, he could see the silhouette of a figure. Turning his head towards the pony, he could see the outline of a unicorn mare dressed in robes, with two vast violet eyes staring back at him in silence. In them, he could see fear, sadness and several other surging emotions. Their eyes lingered together for what seemed like an eternity, with not a word or sound being uttered.  “Flash! Come on.” Discord called, snapping Flash out of the mare’s violet trance. He took a long, shaky breath and closed the door, but not before stealing another glance at those vast opals. The door finally shut though, with a middle clamor as the wood and iron rubbed against its hinges.  “Goodbye, Flash…” Twilight whispered. The Cemetery Following Discord’s knowledge of the city layout, having observed it in detail for most of his life from his lofty stone canopy, they traveled east in accordance to the map and eventually found themselves at the gates of the old cemetery. Flash had lit a torch to guide their way and shortly after entering the hallowed grounds, they came upon a large crypt. On it was embroidered the sigil of the sun. Just like the map showed.  “I think this is it.” Flash said as he took a closer look at the inscriptions. “Hmm… give me a second. Let me translate this.” As Flash went to work looking over the faded lines of text, Discord set to work inspecting the rest of the structure. Running his fingers across the Gothic craftsmanship, he felt his way around the large stone sarcophagus that lay in front of the main crypt, until finally, he felt what he had expected. “Hmm… sorry this is taking a little long, my Latin is a little rusty~” However Flash was cut off as the stone slab was wrenched upwards off its resting place and heaved aside. When the dust cleared, the light of their torch revealed a long stairwell leading into the depths of the earth.  “Ah, well yes, or we could just go down those stairs.” Said Flash. Wasting no time, they quickly descended the steps, closing the sarcophagus lid back over them as they did. The steps were moist, with light groves of moss growing at the seams. Discord counted roughly thirty-five in total before they reached the landing at the bottom and their torch light illuminated the opening cavern. They gasped at what they saw.  All about the place were the skulls and skeletal remains of ponies, stacked one on top of the other and lining the walls. The floor was flooded with sour water and the whole place reeked of decay.  “Is this the Court of Miracles?” Flash asked facing Discord.  “Looks to me the Court of Knee-Deep Sewage.” Discord replied, taking the torch in his talons. “Looks like the old catacombs.  Proceeding on their way, they waded through the stale water keeping close together. Besides the sounds of dripping water and scurrying rats, the seemingly endless concession of chambers were deathly silent. No pun intended. “Cheerful place, isn’t it.” Flash jested. “Sure makes you wish you got out more, am I right.” Discord rolled his eyes at the ex-soldiers comment. “Yeah sure, sure. I just want to warn Fluttershy before it’s too late. I couldn’t stand it if anything happened to her…” He paused for a moment. “Sorry.” “Sorry for what?” Flash inquired.  “I um… I didn’t mean to sound intrusive.” “Intrusive? What are you talking about?” “I um… I know you two are uh… you know?” Flash looked at him in confusion, “That we’re what?” Discord mentally kicked himself for bringing it up. “I… I saw you too kiss.” He said finally. “I know you two have feelings for each other, and I didn’t want to sound like~” He was cut off when he felt Flash’s hoof on his shoulder. “Discord… Fluttershy and I don’t have feelings for each other.” Discord practically felt his heart stop mid beat as he watched the words form on the Pegasus’s lips. “What? But you two were-” He stammered.  “That kiss was just in the heat of the moment.” Flash replied. “She and I talked about it afterwards. It was a thank you. I certainly respect her, and I do care for her. But in terms of romantic interests? I don’t have any ambitions.” If Discord could have heard those words aloud, he would have sworn himself blessed. But reading them on Flash’s lips was the next best thing. His heart surged with rampant emotions, but his mind was at an impasse. It seemed to have ceased to function. “So, you don’t have romantic interests with her?” He stuttered.  Flash nodded knowingly. “No, I don’t… my heart already belongs to somepony else.” “Who then?” Asked Discord.  Flash hesitated for a moment before answering. “A good friend of mine from my childhood… known her for a long time, but… I’ve been away. And while I was away, I’m afraid… she’s gone down a path I can’t follow.” Discord was silent. “I’m sorry, Flash.” “It’s okay. She has a good home…” Discord nodded. “Let’s just warn Fluttershy before we both get into any more trouble.” “Trouble,” Flash repeated. “Trouble. Huh…” “What is it?” “Speaking of trouble, don’t you think we should have run into some by now?” Discord cocked his head, “What do you mean?” “You know like a guard, or a booby-trap?” It was almost instantaneously that as soon as he said ‘booby-trap’, that a strong, alien gust a wind blew through the catacombs, extinguishing their torch like a match. “Or an ambush.”  Suddenly, they felt their bodies being grabbed at by ghostly hooves. Multiple ponies coming from every direction and bearing down on them, forcing them to their knees and tying their limbs together behind their backs with almost unbelievable speed.  “Well, what do we have here ‘gents?” Flash heard from the darkness while Discord struggled against his bonds furiously.  “Trespassers!” Called a gruff voice.  “Spies!” Came another. “What do we do?”  “Let's take them to the square,” said a distinctly feminine voice. “Let’s see what fun we can have with them?” “Good idea, Derpy!” And with that, Flash and Discord felt themselves being lifted off their hooves and carried off into the darkness. ‘Oh boy…’ Discord thought to himself. > Chapter Seventeen: He Who Tolls the Bells of War - Part One > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Draconequus of Notre Mare. By Inkquill. Chapter Seventeen: He Who Tolls the Bells of War - Part One. Flash tried to struggle against his bounds as he felt his captors force him up a long flight of wooden stairs with Discord short behind them. He could hear many voices chatter through the burlap sack they had placed over his head, which indicated a large crowd. Once they reached the landing, he was shoved forward and forced down to his knees.  “Gather ‘round every pony!” Derpy called out with a giggle. “We got a show tonight!” Discord had an even rougher time. Not only could he not hear what was going on, but now he couldn’t even see! He started to get a little panicked, and slightly fumbled over his own feet. “What’s going on!?” He called out but received no response. “Flash?! Flash, what’s happening?” With a sudden jolt, Flash and Discord were freed from the blinding confines of their hoods. Their eyes soon adjusted to the change in lighting as they looked out onto a large courtyard filled with ponies. Mares, stallions, colts and fillies alike, all stared at them with curiosity and giddy laughter.  “Well, would you look at what we caught!” The golden, crossed eyed Pegasus mare continued. “Two of Chrysalis’ spies!” A collective and dramatic ‘Boo’ came up from the crowd as they knelt there. Flash was the first to realize it, but they stood on a large wooden platform, roughly nine feat raised above the stone floor. Above them hung two nooses suspended from a high rafter and he felt his stomach begin to churn. He called out, but his muzzle was still gagged with the piece of cloth.  “And what do we do with spies!?” Derpy shouted, while she stamped her hoof, and nibbled a lemon muffin nonchalantly.  “Rope ‘em!” Shouted one stallion in the crowd.  “Cage ‘em!” Cried another. “Feather and tar ‘em and send them down the river!” “Hang them!” “Yes! Hang them! Let them swing to and fro!” A collective cheer rose up from the riled crowd. Flash and Discord more fiercely struggled against their bounds, with Flash’s screams and pleading words muffled out the damned cloth. They both froze slightly as they felt the rugged fibers of the rope draped around over their heads and around their throats. The thundering sound of hooves against stone echoed through the vaulted chamber as the two battered comrades were forced upward to their feet and onto two trap doors that signaled their immediate future would not look so bright.  Out of the corner of Flash’s eye, he could see a large, extremely muscled Pegasus stallion with stunted wings, dressed in the customary black attire of an executioner step up to the scaffold and stand attentive by a very menacing lever.  Finished with her muffin, Derpy fluttered over to the two bound stallions and in a rough, sing-song voice asked, “Any last words?” A muffled, desperate, yet angry plea was all that she received in response. Giggling, she looked to her muscled bound comrade and nodded. “That’s what they all say~” With a silent nod, the large stallion placed his hooves on the leaver and began to pull at it. Flash and Discord held their breath, their hearts pounded in their chest as their blood pressure made their ears ring violently. This was the end it would seem… “STOP!” The whole assembly froze with dead silence as the small voice echoed through the catacombs. It was so quiet a pin drop could easily be heard as the vast sea of ponies parted as Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Trixie and Pipsqueak gallivanted through towards the scene frantically.  “What in the name of Celestia’s sweet flanks is going on here!?” Pinkie exclaimed, thoroughly peeved.  Fluttershy, the meanwhile, paid no mind to Pinkie’s swearing and focused only on her tied up friends up on the scaffolding. “These stallions aren’t spies!” She cried as she darted up the wooden steps with Angel in hot pursuit. “They’re our friends!” “Well, why didn’t they say so?” Derpy asked bashfully.  “We did say so!” Flash and Discord exclaimed with an understandably angry tone as their former executioner removed their bounds.  “Fluttershy.” Discord said as a giddy smile grew on his face.  Fluttershy met him head on and leaped into the air, she wrapped her forelegs about him tenderly and embraced him. “Oh thank goodness you’re alright.” She said through exasperated breaths. “But… what are you doing here?”  Flash put a hoof on her shoulder to draw her attention. “We have a big problem.” He said before he turned to the crowd and raised his voice to make sure the assembly could hear him.  “We’re all in danger!” He called out. “We have to evacuate immediately! Chrysalis knows where you are, and she’s attacking at dawn with a thousand stallions!” Several horrified gasps rose up from the crowd from both mare and stallions alike, followed by worried mutterings. “It’s not safe here!” Cried out an elderly mare.  “We have to leave!” With that, the crowd dispersed as families and caravans scrambled to their things and hurriedly began to load them up while others took off out of site deeper into the catacombs. Flash, Fluttershy, Pinkie and Discord meanwhile descended the platform together with Fluttershy who kept the draconequus’s paw in her hoof.  She paused at the landing and looked to her chimeric friend, and made sure he could read her lips. “I can’t thank you enough, Discord.” She said, holding his paw and claw in her hooves tenderly. “You risked yourselves just to warn us. I can't imagine how to thank you for all that you’ve done.” Discord felt his cheeks flush with color and heat as he read her lips, the bright warmth of her eyes only assisted in her loving sentiment. He chuckled and ran his talons nervously through his mane before he replied.  Flash, seeing his awkward demeanor, decided to help him in his predicament. “You should have seen him.” Flash said as he gave the draconequus a knowing wink and smile. “He was determined to find you and make sure you and the rest of the gypsies were safe. In fact, we probably wouldn’t have found this place without him.” “Nor would I—“ The voice fell heavily over the crowd. Cold and resonating, it silenced the scattering gypsies as they all turned to face the source of the voice. Though Discord did not hear it, he could feel the sound as it reached him, pressing against her fur and pressing against his mute eardrums. He turned, following the horrified stares of his friends and he felt his heart sink as he saw what everypony had already seen. Standing beneath the looming archway that led into the deeper reaches of the catacombs was, to everypony’s horror, Queen Chrysalis. She wore a calm yet disturbingly giddy grin across her lips as her soldiers quickly began to file into the room, sending the gypsies into a panic.  Desperately, they tried to scramble towards the other exits, but were only met with the sharp, glistening tips of spears as the soldiers encircled them and halted their retreat. Pegasi trying to fly above the guards were equally thwarted in the mad dash to escape as weighted nets were catapulted from slings, catching them and forcing them to the ground. Flash and Fluttershy were soon also set upon by the guards forced to kneel. Baring his teeth, Discord lunged at the two soldiers, but was quickly subdued as he felt a lasso fall and constrict around his neck, pulling down as he felt the air leave his lungs momentarily.  “Finally,” Chrysalis said as she descended the stone steps to where the three companions knelt. “After all these years of searching, the Courte of Miracles.” There was an almost kitten-like purr in her voice as she looked over her prize. Slowly proceeding over to Discord, she lifted her hoof and gently ran it through his mane. “Dear, sweet Discord.” She purred, “I always knew you’d be of use to me.” “No.” Discord whispered in horror. “What are you talking about!?” Fluttershy snapped, nearly managing to wiggle free of the guard’s grip.  Chrysalis turned her cold yet joyful eyes towards the still struggling Pegasus. “Why, he lead me right to you, my little bird.” “You're a liar.” Fluttershy spat.  “And look what else the cat has caught,” Chrysalis sighed. “Captain Flash Sentry returned from the dead. Another miracle I presume.... I shall remedy that.” Curling her lips, she sneered at the two before stepping away from them and lifted her voice so that all could hear. “There shall be a little bonfire in the Grand Plaza tomorrow. And you’re all invited to attend!”  “Lock them up.” She commanded.  Discord felt his heart racing; filled with anger and desperation. “No!” He cried, reaching out to Chrysalis pleading. “No, please. Mistress, please! Have mercy!” However, the only response he received was a cold, icy glare.  His eyes filling with tears, he slunk to the floor, burying his head into his hands. “N-no…” Chrysalis shook her head, sneering. “Take him back to the bell tower.” She ordered. “And make sure he stays there.” > Chapter Eighteen: He Who Tolls the Bells of War - Part Two > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Draconequus of Notre Mare. By Inkquill. Chapter Eighteen: He Who Tolls the Bells of War - Part Two. A procession line made its way down the main street of Maris. A convoy of soldiers and cages containing many frightened ponies, accompanied with the steady beat of drums. The sun had begun to dim; sinking over the horizon to the west as they rounded into the Grand Plaza in front of Notre Mare.  Flash Sentry sat quiet as they proceeded on, his head held low. Around him, roughly a dozen frightened gypsies huddled in fear while holding their loved ones close as they watched the buildings roll by as they approached their destination.  Far above them, the sky began to brew with swirling clouds, accompanied by an occasional crackle of thunder. Some of the soldiers stared up at it with curiosity as they studied their appearance. Were those clouds… pink?  Meanwhile, from the doors of the cathedral, Twilight and Spike watched in horror at the unfolding scene. The entire square had been packed with ponies, all centered around a massive raised wooden platform that had been constructed by the Queen’s guards. On it a tall pillar of wood stood proudly as hooded stallions piled on bales of kindling and wood.  Twilight wanted to do something, anything to try and stop whatever was about to happen, but was cut off from the rest of the assembly by a line of soldiers that had cut off the cathedral from the plaza.  Chrysalis stood atop the raised platform, accompanied by a large stallion with a black hood and torch in hoof, calmly awaiting the arrival of the centerpiece of her grand display.  Suddenly, the drums began sound. A slow steady beat as the crowd began to part and two soldiers silently proceeded on their way towards the platform, their prisoner behind them in tow with her wings bound and a collar of rope wrapped about her neck.  Flash could see Fluttershy as she was led through the crowd towards the Queen and the executioner; his face pressed firmly against the bars as he gritted his teeth, trying with all his will to bend the bars and escape to try and save her from the terrible fate that awaited her.  Though being escorted to her own death, Fluttershy refused to give her captors the satisfaction of seeing her distraught, and so she carried her head high and her expression stern, ascending the steps with regal composure before she was brutally thrusted and tied against the wooden pillar.  The crowd that had been assembled to bear witness let out angry cries at the Queen and her soldiers as she began to read out the sentence for the little Pegasus mare.  “The Gypsy, Fluttershy, has been found guilty of the crime of Witchcraft.” Chrysalis said in her booming voice. “The sentence: Death!” An angry roar rose up from the crowd upon hearing this. Some even trying to step forwards towards the platform, only to be pushed back by the attentive guards as Chrysalis took the flaming torch from the hooded stallion's hoof and turned to face her prisoner.  “The time has come, gypsy.” She said calmly. “You stand on the brink of the abyss.” Fluttershy bore down her brow scowling as she faced the Marisian Queen, seething with anger.  “But even now it is not too late.” Chrysalis continued with a smirk as the light of the flame danced across her face. “I can save you from the flames of this world, and the next… all you have to do is submit to my power. Choose me… or be consumed by the fire.” There was a brief silence between the two as Fluttershy glared at the Queen, just before she rolled her tongue back and spat directly into the Queen’s face, causing a gasp to rise from audience.  Chrysalis recoiled from the Pegasus as she felt the spit hit her across the cheek. Wiping it away, she glared back at Fluttershy and raised up the torch. “The Gypsy, Fluttershy, had refused to recant !” Chrysalis proclaimed. “This evil Witch has put into mortal jeopardy the lives and souls of all a Maris!” Meanwhile, as Chrysalis continued to address the crowd, high up in the lofty cathedral catwalk that spanned the two imposing bell towers, Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow Dash were furiously pulling and rattling the chains that bound their friend Discord to the stone pillars around him, trying to break them but to no avail.  “Come on, Discord!” Rainbow cried. “Snap out of it! You gotta fight!” “Your friends are down there!” Rarity added.  Discord only shook his head, not even trying to resist his binds. “It’s all my fault.” He muttered to himself.  “Ah, don’t give us that, Dissy!” Applejack retorted. “Ya gotta break these chains!” “I can’t. I tried. What difference would it make?” “But you can’t let Chrysalis win!” Rarity exclaimed. “She already has.” Discord responded. Hearing this, the trio paused a moment from pulling at the chains and stared in shock at the Draconequus.  “So what? You’re just giving up?!” Rainbow asked in disbelief.  Applejack stomped her hoof as she addressed the chimera. “These here chain ain’t what’s holdin’ ya back, Discord!” With an angry huff, Discord gritted his teeth as his companions urged him to fight, though despite it all, he just couldn’t bring himself to do so. “Leave me alone!” He snapped.  The three gargoyles were taken back by their friends sudden angry retort. They stared at him with disbelief as he lowered his head in defeat.  “... Alright then… alright, Discord.” Rainbow said solemnly as the three of them went over the edge of the railing. “We’ll leave you alone.” “After all, we’re only figments of your imagination.” “We only thought maybe you were something better…” And with that, as was the case many times before, he found himself once again alone. He simply hung there; his body held up by the chains that bound him in silence. His friends words resonated in his ears as he took in several deep breaths before lifting his head and letting the light of the fire bellow bath over his face.  Looking down at the scene far below him, he curled his lips in anger as he watched Chrysalis berating about the platform.  “For Equestria! For Maris!” Chrysalis called out as she lifted the torch above her head, “And for her own salvation, it is my sacred duty to send this vile demon back where she belongs!”  She tossed the torch down upon the kindling, igniting it and setting it ablaze and sending up a billowing plume of smoke. Fluttershy watched in fear as the flames began to build over the pyre and the smoke filled her nostrils while high above, Discord began to thrash and snarl in anger.  “NOOOOO!!!” He bellowed, his thunderous voice echoing out from the bell towers like a thundering storm. A bright flash of lightning accompanied him as he rose up and vigorously strained against the iron chains, seething with fury as the sky lit up with color.  He could feel the chains tightly constrict about his slender form, but he did not let up. Baring down his weight, his powerful muscles, built up from all those rears ringing the heavy iron of the cathedral bells, rippled as the stone columns began to crack from the force of his body.  Taking another large breath, he lurched forward and growled deeply in his throat as the stones finally gave way, the columns crashing down around him as he shook off his binds.  Leaping into action, he grabbed hold of his shattered chains and quickly bounded them around the stone neck of an outcropping gargoyle, leaping off the edge and swinging down to land square against the side of the cathedral, eyeing the billowing cloud of smoke.  Building up speed, he leaped off the stone wall and swung over the crowd, much to the surprise of the onlookers below and landed upon platform with a loud thwump!  Chrysalis looked on in surprise as the chimera swiped at the rope that bound the little Pegasus and took her up in his arms.  Several soldiers began to climb up onto the platform to try and stop the Draconequus, but were swatted away as Discord lifted up the burning stake and flung it at them with vigor, sending them flying back onto the cobblestone.  Turning back to the swaying chain, he took it in his paw while cradling the unconscious figure of his beloved in his eagle's claw and leaped off the platform, swinging upward into the air. “Discord!!!” Chrysalis screamed as she watched the draconequus make his escape.  The crowd cheered as they watched in awe as the mysterious bell ringer launched himself onto the stone carvings of the cathedral walls and quickly began to ascend them, being chased by crossbow fire the entire way until he was too high for the arrows to possibly reach him.  Flash and Twilight felt a wonderful relief of joy wash over them as they watched him climb up into the high reaches of the cathedral, eventually coming to the railing just before the great stained glass window that shimmered in the fire-light.  Still cradling Fluttershy’s limp form, he looked out at the vast crowd below. Taking a deep breath, he tucked his mismatched hands under her back and haunches, lifting her up high above his head for all to see and cried out… “Sanctuary! Sanctuary!” He proclaimed; the audience erupted into raucous applause. “Sanctuary!!!” Chrysalis, the meanwhile, snarled her teeth as she heaved with anger, turning to her guards, she pointed to the vast iron doors of Notre Mare. “GUARDS!” She roared. “Seize the cathedral!” > Chapter Nineteen: He Who Tolls the Bells of War - Part Three > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Draconequus of Notre Mare. By Inkquill. Chapter Nineteen: He Who Tolls the Bells of War - Part Three. Being as swift and careful as a dove, a limp and almost lifeless Fluttershy laid unconscious in his arms as he rushed through the inner chambers of the bell tower; he could barely feel her heart beat as he listened to every struggled and raspy breath that escaped her lips as he cradled her against his chest. He turned into the secluded chamber where a bench covered in soft fabric resided.  Gently, he settled her down upon it, laying her on her side and propping her head up with a straw pillow. He caught his breath for a moment before turning to leave, but before he did, he hesitated, stealing one last glance as he ran his knuckles over her brow.  “Don’t worry, you’ll be safe here.” He said to her. “... I won’t let them take you.”  “Darn tootin’ they aren’t!” Applejack exclaimed as she and the others stood by the doorway.  “What’s the plan, Discord?” Rainbow asked, thumping her hoof against her chest.  Discord looked to them with a smile, happy that his friends were here to help. “Follow my lead!” He exclaimed, rushing past them.  Gallivanting across the catwalk with his friends quick behind him, Discord flung himself over the railing on onto an overhanging gargoyle, swinging his way down to the lower walkway where a large wooden column lay. Springing to action, the slender draconequus grabbed it in his claws and lifted the heavy lumber up, moving over to the ledge and letting gravity take its toll, sending the massive log down to the Grand Plaza below, directly onto the iron carriage of the Marisian monarch; bits of metal and splintered wood flying everywhere as nearby guards ducked for cover. Meanwhile, as the guards scattered, Twilight and Spike, who had been standing by, dashed past the panicking guards. “Spike, come on!” Twilight exclaimed as she galloped, not wanting to wait until they could recollect themselves.  “Where are we going?!” Spike called back as he tried to keep pace with the excited mare.  “To get reinforcements!” She answered, darting through the crowd towards the cages where Flash and the gypsies were being held.  Flash watched from his cell as the guards picked up the beam that had been thrown down at them and carried it to the cathedral door, using it as a battering ram to try and break into the holy hall. Momentarily, his eyes darted up as a bright flash of purple light flared, followed by a boisterous crackle of thunder reverberated through the air as those strange, pink clouds swirled overhead.  “Psst!” His ears perked up as the sound hit his eardrums. Glancing behind himself, he was surprised and filled with joy to see the lovely figure of his beloved Twilight standing among the crowd.  “Twilight?” He exclaimed softly.  “Shh!” Twilight replied. “No time, Flash, we need to rally the people. We have to help.” Flash nodded almost instantly. “I think I have an idea.” Reaching through the bars, he carefully grabbed hold of Twilight’s horn, causing her to jump a little in surprise.  “Flash?! What are you~” A strange, almost alien sensation struck her; the sensation of being naked in public mixed with a feeling of freedom as Flash held her horn’s brace in his hoof.  With slow, steady breaths, she reached up to her horn and for the first time in years, she felt the bare service of her horn, unconstrained or bounded, magic filtering out from its core and radiating with a dim, violet aura.  “F-flash…?”  “Take it easy, Twilight.” Flash said steadily. “Just… I need you to use your magic to get the keys. We have to do stop this!” Collecting herself, she nodded in acknowledgment, turning the attention to the guard nearby. Nervously, she approached him, trying to keep herself undetected. She had never used her magic to any great extent beforehand. Before she received her horn brace, she had played with it slightly, but was only reprimanded for it… but now?  Celestia, please let her not mess up! Igniting her horn, she, Flash and Spike held their breath as she focused her attention on the set of keys attached to the back of the soldiers belt, watching on anxiously as they began to levitate.  By some miracle of fate, she managed to quietly remove the key chain and levitate it over to them, with Spike jumping up and snatching it out of the air quickly before handing it to Flash.  “Wonderful!” Flash exclaimed quietly as he unlocked his cage and handed the keys back to Twilight. “Go help the others, I’ll take it from here.” Twilight nodded, the keys hovering in her magical grip as she turned and dashed into the crowd.  “Twilight?!” Flash called, causing Twilight to pause momentarily. It took every ounce of courage in the stallion's body to say what he was about to say. But it had to be said. He knew it. “... Please come back to me.”  She felt as if her heart had skipped a beat, “I will.” She replied as she darted into the crowd with Spike on her heels.  Flash watched her as she disappeared into the sea of ponies before he took a breath and turned his attention to the task at hand. His eyes set on the cage door and the guards pony.  Scowling his brow, he raised himself on his hind legs, bringing his hooves down heavily on the iron door, sending it flying forwards. The guard, meanwhile, only had time to turn his head as the hard, cold metal smashed into his face, sending him flying back and unconscious.  Huffing in satisfaction and having caught the attention of many of the by-standing citizens, the former captain of the guard reached down and took the guard's spear in his hoof before swinging himself on top of the cage and holding it aloft. “Citizens of Maris!” He called out in a booming, commanding voice with all eyes and ears set on him. “Chrysalis has persecuted our people! Ransacked our city! And now, she’s declared war on Notre Mare, Our Lady, Herself!” Flash's words rang true among the denizens of Maris, his passion and outrage spurring their hearts with vengeful fire as the soldiers proceeded to bash at the cathedral doors with their crude battering ram. They shouted and jeered, stomping their hooves against the cobblestone as Flash cried out, “Will we allow it!?” A great ensemble of riled voice rose up in response, “NO!!!” They cried, their hearts pumping, their muscles tensing, their righteous fury having reached its peak as the smoke-stained air heaved in and out of their convulsing lungs! “Rise Maris!" Flash cheered, receiving back a wild bedlam of voices, all united to his calls, “RISE!!!” Meanwhile in the bell tower, Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow Dash were all hard at work, all doing their part to rain hell down upon the soldiers below.  “Come on, girls! Let’s give them all we got!” Rainbow exclaimed, cheering her companions on.  The trio fought boldly and without fear, lobbing large stone down a top of them. “Look!” Rarity exclaimed, pointing her hoof down towards the Plaza. “The ponies are rallying!”  “Well I’ll be,” said Applejack. “Looks like the cavalry's arrived!” In the Plaza below, they could see the citizens of Maris, allied with the gypsies who they had freed from their cages going up against the royal guards, with the entire courtyard enthralled in a heated battle; newly liberated unicorns also trying their hoof at a few magical blasts that sent the guards sailing backwards and honestly making a decent light show. “Yeah, but they’re not going to get here in time!” Rainbow interjected, “Look!” Far below, both the trio of gargoyles and Discord alike could see very well that the soldiers were making short of work of the giant door as the sounds of splintering wood and bending iron rang out in harsh, drumming thumps as they continued to batter at the door with the large wooden beam that Discord could feel as the sound waves assailed his deafened ear drums.  “What do we do now?” Rarity asked worriedly, all three of them looking too Discord.  Discord was silent as he stared back at them before looking back down at the conflict below. He felt so still inside, as something was there, but hidden from him at the same time. Slowly, he turned his head and looked back to the doorway that led into the room where he had deposited Fluttershy. That’s when he felt it… he knew it. He knew exactly what to do.  Slowly, his eyes traveled upwards towards the overcast sky; his knuckles barred as he stared up at the pink clouds above.  As quick as a flash, he leaped over the railing and grabbed hold of a nearby pillar, swinging himself upwards with unrivaled agility and soon coming to rest on the upper catwalk overlooking the Grand Plaza.  He stood atop it without being phased by the monstrous height, his mismatched hands outstretched as he let his emotion flow freely through his body. Suddenly, there came the harsh, booming crackle of violet lightning, arching down from the sky and striking where Discord stood, but it did not harm him, instead, the oddly colored bolts rippled over his body and fed into the stone of the cathedral as Discord’s eyes began glowing the same color as that of the lightning. Magic. Magic, he could feel it within him; coursing through his veins and feeding into the cathedral stone, which began to hum in low intervals. In his hands, a pulsating aura of the arcane energy glowed, a wellspring of power ready to be unleashed.  In one swift and powerful motion, he brought his hands down upon the stone railing and unleashed the magic that had been welling up inside him, sending brilliant volts of electricity coursing down the whole of the cathedral before Discord took a deep breath and let out a deafening roar that flooded the Plaza and caused previously fighting soldiers and towns folk to instantaneously halt dead in their tracks and turn their attention to the lofty towers of Notre Mare; even the soldiers batter away at the door paused, with Chrysalis staring upwards aghast.  “What in Faust’s name?” One of the soldier’s exclaimed under his breath. Meanwhile, high above them, the gargoyle gutters overlooking the Plaza began to stir; their eyes illuminating with violet-white light with their jaws spread wide and gaping. Suddenly and with violent fury, a deluge of scalding hot brown and frothing liquid erupted out of their stone maws, falling like waterfalls down upon the soldiers below. The liquid burned at their bodies, seeping into their armor, sending them into a panic and causing them to flee as the liquid condensed into a boiling defensive wall around the doorways.  Chrysalis had very nearly fallen directly under the heated concoction, but had managed to duck out of the way under the archway of the door as her soldiers fled. “Come back, you fools!” She screamed. Curiously, she dipped her hoof into some of the partially cool liquid that had collected on the landing in front of the door and brought it to her lips, her eyes widening in confusion. “Chocolate milk?” Snarling her lips, she turned her attention to the partially broken door, luckily, her soldiers had caused the harsh wood of the entrance way to shatter, allowing her to see into the cathedral properly. Looking around, she spotted a sword one of her soldiers had dropped during their panic and took it up in her hooves, hacking away at the gap until it was wide enough for her to squeeze through.  Rather unceremoniously, she tumbled in and landed on the tiled floor, but quickly rose to her hooves and regained her composure, the sword still gripped in her hooves as she made her way towards the spiral staircase that led to the bell tower.  However, she was met half way as the Archdeacon, Luna, appeared suddenly, a look of disbelief and anger plastered across her face.  “Chrysalis! Have you gone mad!?” Luna shouted, holding out her hoof to block the Queen’s passage. “I will not tolerate this assault upon the House of Faust!” Chrysalis only gritted her teeth and grabbed the Archdeacon by the collar of her robes, aggressively pulling her off her hooves and throwing her down to the floor. “Out of my way, you old fool!” She snarled, proceeding up the stairs, throwing the wooden door at the top open.  “The draconequus and I have unfinished business.” She said, slamming the door shut and bolting it down with a wooden beam. “And this time… you will not interfere…” ~To Be Continued~ > Chapter Twenty: The Lamb of Faust. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Draconequus of Notre Mare. By Inkquill. Chapter Twenty: The Lamb of Faust. Far below him, Discord could see the soldiers fleeing as the deluge of scalding hot chocolate milk rained down upon them from the cathedral gutters; some even tripping over themselves and falling face first into the cobblestone streets as they tried to avoid the super-heated flavored dairy. They were retreating! He had won! And Fluttershy was safe... Taking heavy breaths, he turned back towards the bell tower and let a joyful smile beam across his face. “We did it, we really did it.” He said almost in disbelief.  “Darn straight we did!” Applejack cheered; appearing alongside Rarity and Rainbow Dash as they perched on the railing.  “We kicked those guys’ sorry butts!” Rainbow added.  “Normally I appall violence, but what you did, Discord, was amazingly chivalrous.” Said Rarity. “I do believe we won't have to worry about those ruffians knocking on our door any time soon.” “Right on! Fluttershy’s safe and sound.” “Fluttershy!” Discord exclaimed, becoming very fidgety as he turned his attention back to the bell tower. “I got to tell her! I’ll be right back.” His feet nearly flying off the stone, Discord dashed his way into the tower and to the secluded room he had left her to rest. Taking a moment to catch his breath, he paused at the door frame before proclaiming with great joy, “We’ve done it Fluttershy, we’ve beaten them back. Come on! Come and see.” However, as he turned back away from the door, a strange sensation struck him. The feeling of the hair on his beck stiffening; like dozens of needles signaling that something wasn’t right. Turning back around, he entered the room and slowly approached her. “Fluttershy?”  There was no response. She simply laid there on her back; her eyes closed as the rosé locks of her hair cascaded over her pillow like rivers of liquid azalea. She did not move and as far as he could tell, her chest did not rise or fall with her breath.  “Fluttershy?” He said again as he knelt down beside her.  He felt as if his breath had become caught in the back of his throat as he looked down at her; a sense of dread that came with a tugging possibility he begged wasn’t true.  Placing his paw on her shoulder, he shook her gently. “Fluttershy?” He said again. “Fluttershy? Fluttershy, wake up! Wake up, Fluttershy!” He was beginning to panic now as she gave him no response as he shook her with more force. “Fluttershy?! Fluttershy, please, you're safe now. Wake up!” Frantically, he looked about the room, searching for something desperately before his eyes finally fell on a bucket of clean water with a ladle in it.  Reaching over, he picked up the bucket by the handle and brought it over to his side; grasping the ladle in his claws, he dipped it into the water and brought it to Fluttershy’s lips and began to pour.  His heart sank as he watched it flow over her cheeks and chin... He dropped the ladle; the wooden spoon clattering on the floor as he looked at her with despair. “Oh… oh no. No. No… no, please…” He begged under his rasping breath.  He wanted to scream, he wanted to thrash about and beg for this not to be true, but he couldn’t even move; his body having seemingly gone rigid as he stared down at the lifeless body of his beloved. Where once joy and warmth had filled him, now only a hollow burning resided; the air around him having seemingly gone bitter cold. Shivering, he reached down and cradled her in his arms, pulling her limp body against his as his eyes filled with hot tears that streamed down his cheeks; his eyes burning from them as his lungs convulsed; the draconequus sobbing violently as he held her there, not even able to notice the new presence near him as it entered the room…  He didn’t even flinch as he felt a hoof come to rest on his shoulder. There wasn’t even a need to look to see who it was. He already knew.  “You killed her…” He said quietly.  Chrysalis stood there over him with a solemn face; her touch tender and gentle on his shoulder. “It was my duty,” she replied. “Horrible as it was… she brought this on herself.” “Duty?” Discord said venomously.  Chrysalis nodded, placing her hoof on his cheek and turning him to meet her. “Now we can go back to the way things were~” “No~!” Discord snapped, throwing his arms up and swatting her’s away. “Never go back!” “...We will. You’ll see.” Chrysalis said calmly. “Don’t you see Discord? At last we’re free of Fluttershy. Now that she’s gone, her poison dies with her. Now that we’re free of Fluttershy, we can go on as close as once we were. Here our sanctuary… our sanctuary.” “Sanctuary!?” Discord snarled. “No sanctuary... without her.” “It was her choice, Discord. This was the fate she condemned herself to… I could have helped her. Could have even… loved her.” “Love!? What do you know of love?!” He was close again to shedding tears as he stared his mistress down. “Who have you ever loved?!” She looked at him in surprise. “I loved… I loved my mother! I loved her with all my heart, but she was weak! Wicked!” “No… you are the weak one. You are the wicked one!” Once again tears streamed down his face. His heart filled with sadness, he turned again to Fluttershy and buried his head into her chest. “Oh my dear, sweet Discord, there, there, I know it hurts,” she said soothingly; her words accompanied with the slight glint of steel. “But now the time has come to end your suffering… forever.” Looking up, Discord could see the dark silhouette of Chrysalis towering over him; a long knife gripped in her hoof.  Gasping in fear, he whirled around to face her just as she was about to plunge the fiendish weapon into his back, catching her wrist in his own as her eyes burned with fury.  They wrestled across the floor for a while, neither wanting to lose ground, but in that instant, Discord gathered his strength and with a mighty shove, through Chrysalis off her hooves, toppling over onto the floor as he now held the dagger, his eyes glowing with vengeful rage.  Looking up in fear, she held out her hoof to calm him down, “Now, now, listen to me, Discord~” “No~!” He roared. “You listen! All my life you have told me that the world is a dark, cruel place! But now I see that the only thing that is dark and cruel about it is wicked ponies like you! And the wicked shall not go unpunished!!!” “D-Discord?” The voice was weak and frail, but it rang out like the bell tower’s iron bells, causing Chrysalis to direct her attention to the Pegasus that had been laying across the room. Seeing this, Discord turned; his eyes lighting up in disbelief. There where Fluttershy had laid still and cold, now she moving and sitting up, calling out his name as he read her lips.  Joy overwhelmed his heart as he dashed over to her side, picking her up in his arms and cradling her. “Fluttershy!” He exclaimed, holding her close.  “She lives.” Came Chrysalis in her toxic, venomous tone, drawing a sword from under her robes.  “No!” Discord snarled, dashing by the Queen, carrying Fluttershy in his arms.  Chrysalis swung her sword, but was knocked over by the draconequus’s tail as he forced his way past her and out the door, running out onto the bell tower balcony with Chrysalis in hot pursuit. However, as she stepped out into the night air, she found herself alone, with only the light from fires far below illuminating the stonework.  With her sword bared and at the ready, she scouted the walkway up and down, only to find gargoyles in their place.  However, a sneaking suspicion crept on her. Slowly, she approached the railing and peered over.  There, dangling from one of the stone gutters was Discord and Fluttershy, the fire light bellow making them quite visible.  She smiled deviously. “Leaving so soon?” She said as she swung her sword down, trying to cut them down, but only striking stone as Discord swung out of the way.  “Hang on!” He shouted as he leaped from gutter to gutter, Chrysalis all the while swinging at them with murderous intent. Finally managing to gain some distance from her, Discord swung to one of the nearby gargoyles, helping Fluttershy clamor out the side and shoving her out of the way as Chrysalis brought her sword down, nearly decapitating the stone beast.  “I should have known you would have tried to save that gypsy witch.” Chrysalis spat as Discord managed to his feet, standing atop the statue. “Just as your own mother died trying to save you.” Discord hesitated at that, “W-what?” he said, feeling very confused.  Seeing her opportunity, Chrysalis grinned, “But now, I’m going to do what I should have done, twenty years ago!!!” She exclaimed as she tore off her cloak and used it to lasso the draconequus.  Discord staggered, losing his footing and tumbling over the edge.  “Discord!!” Fluttershy screamed.  However, thinking fast, the chimera grabbed hold of the cloak, using it to swing back onto the cathedral wall, pulling Chrysalis over the edge along with him.  Fluttershy, meanwhile, reached down and grabbed Discord by the wrist, trying to help him up. “Hold on, Discord!” She called, putting every muscle in her body to work as she tried to save her friend. However, as the smoke from below rises, it made it extremely difficult for Discord to breathe; his head going numb from the lack of oxygen.  Meanwhile, Chrysalis scanned for any means to save herself, spying a nearby gutter and swinging over to it and grabbing hold just as Discord’s grip on her robe faltered.  Desperately, Fluttershy tried to hold on to Discord as he dangled freely, having passed out from inhaling to much smoke, while Chrysalis pulled herself up, towering over her grinning wickedly as the fire light bellow cast dreadful shadows across her face.  Raising her sword, she laughed triumphantly. “And She will smite the wicked and plunge them into the fiery pit!” She proclaimed, not noticing how the gutter she stood upon began to crumble. Looking down, she could see the stone cracking at the neck, the stone gutter, carved in the likeness of a demon shaking beneath her hooves, knocking her off balance.  Panicking, she grabbed hold of the collapsing thing and froze in fear; her eyes meeting with it as the stone seemed to come to life, laughing fiendishly at her and grinning with vicious intent. She screamed at this, but as she did, the stone gave way, letting both it and her plummeting down into the fire below.  Fluttershy watched on in horror as the Marisian Queen vanished into the blazing light as smoke; her screams dying away soon after she disappeared from view. But as she looked on, to her great dread, she could feel him slipping from her grasp.  “Discord?!” She called down to him. She felt him slip again. “Discord!?” Until finally, he fell from her, plummeting down towards the flames. She screamed out to him in despair, but then something happened; he suddenly stopped falling, his body now enveloped in a shimmering purple aura.  Peeking out from the lower section of the catwalk, Fluttershy could see Twilight and Flash waving at her as the unicorn levitated Discord back onto solid ground.  Seeing this, Fluttershy rushed to the stair well and made her way down, practically jumping onto the landing as she galloped to Discord’s side, taking him in her hooves and embracing him.  “You saved him.” She said through joyful tears.  “Well, of course.” Twilight replied.  “He’s our friend too.” Flash added as Discord began to stir.  Raising his paw to his head, he rubbed his brow and opened his eyes; the crimson of his meeting the brilliant cyan of her’s. They stared at each other in silence, both smiling warmly at each other; simply enjoying each other’s embrace before they separated and Discord returned to his feet. His eyes never leaving her’s. That was until Fluttershy closed the distance between them, wrapping her hooves about his neck and pressing her lips against his.  Discord felt his heart skip a beat as she kissed him, unsure how to react at first, but soon melting away into that kiss, wrapping his arms about her passionately.  Flash and Twilight looked on in surprise, but smiled soon after; the two of them nuzzling against each other.  The danger was gone… Maris was free, and them along with it.  Eventually, the morning came; the smoke from the fires having died down, the crowd having gathered outside the cathedral doors, waiting for their champions to appear. They waited anxiously, hoping and praying that they had managed to get through the night.  Finally, the doors began to open, with the figures of Flash, Twilight and Fluttershy appearing out of the darkness.  Fluttershy turned and smiled, reaching out her hoof to Discord. He was hesitant, still keeping back in the shadows, but slowly, he took her hoof and followed her out.  The crowd was silent as they stared at the odd creature before them, not looking at him in fear as they had done before, but confused curiosity. Among them was a little filly who stood by her mother’s side. She stared at the creature, her wide golden, cross-eyed spheres looking on in wonder.  Silently, she looked to her mother and then to Discord before slowly ascending the steps and over to him. He stared at her for a moment as she observed him, kneeling down a little as to not appear too threatening.  However, something unexpected happened. Instead of running away, the little filly reached out her hoof and gently placed it on his cheek. Discord tensed up momentarily, but feeling the gentleness of her touch, he let out a sigh of happiness, letting her hoof rest on him.  She smiled and in that instant, reached up and embraced him.  Discord could feel tears welling up in his eyes as she did, with Fluttershy coming to his side and taking his claw in her hoof.  Finally, the little cross eyed filly released him from her hug, taking him by his paw and leading both him and Fluttershy into the crowd. “Three cheers for Discord and Fluttershy!” Pinkie exclaimed as she stood upon the partially burnt pillory, inciting the crowd to raise their voices in applause.  “Morning in Maris, a new day appears, Sing the bells of Notre Mare. Ending this tale of our poor balladeers, Sing the bells of Notre Mare.” Pinkie and her hoof-puppets sang as the crowd hoisted both Discord and Fluttershy aloft, carrying them off on their shoulders. The two of them embracing one another in their arms, their hearts filled with joy as the sun rose above them. Flash, Twilight and Spike, meanwhile, watching them from the cathedral steps. “And we wish we could leave you a moral, Like a trinket you hold in your palm. But here is a riddle to guess if you can, Sing the bells of Notre Mare.” “What makes a monster and what makes a mare?” “Sing the bells, bells, bells, bells, bells, bells, bells, bells” “Whatever their pitch you Can feel them bewitch you The rich and the ritual knells,” “Of the Bells of Notre Mare!” ~The End~