Moonlight Knight

by brandsca123

First published

An epic tale.

During his birthing process, Kit a changling prince mutates into something else. Though he shares the changling form, he doesn't behave like any other changling. He doesn't feed like them and he doesn't have a connection to the hive mind. He is shuned by his mother, Crysalis the changling queen and is kicked out of the hive. He soon stumbles into Canterlot where heis then captured by the guards. Join kit as he learns to survive in a world where he is considered a monster as the Moonlight Knight.

A Changlings Flight

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Deep within the hive Queen Crysalis kept a close eye on her eggs. The young changlings were moving inside the small see through shells, but one in particular was treated differentially. This one egg sat alone next to her throne, it was bigger than the rest of the eggs surrounding the room. It wiggled a bit and fell of the small net that was holding it up. Quickly Crysalis used her magic to hold it up and place it gently back down on the net. She could care less about what happened to the others, but this one was special. Inside was her very son whom she named Kit, the young prince had yet to be born.

Soon though he will be, and he will lead the changling horde to victory. Ever since that day when she was expelled from the castle after an attempt at seizing the throne, she had been planning another attack. It had taken a long time to lay all these eggs, her horde was severely lacking in forces.

After the eggs hatch it will only be a couple weeks untill the young reach maturity, after that she will send them off to invade Equestria. Once the eggs hatch she will be tasked with teaching this new generation herself about the way of the hive. She sat down at her throne and laughed, as she watched over her children.

"Soon," She thought, "Soon they will hatch and I will have my revenge."

Just then she heard a slight cracking sound from beside her. She smiled with glee as the young changling prince came out of his shell.

But something was wrong, he looked different, too different. She could sense that he wasn't normal, she tried to give him some energy to see if there were any other changes to this thing. It didn't accept it, she then cast a small spell of sight on herself and gasped at what she saw. Surrounding the young prince were lines of magical energy being pulled in then pushed out, almost like he was filtering the energy itself.

Something must have went wrong during the gestation period, some genetic mutations must have occurred at some point in its development. This was no changling, this was a freak, she felt into its mind to see if there was any other changes. This thing couldn't change shape, it couldn't feed off of love and she couldn't connect with its mind. She had to get rid of it to save the purity of the hive.


Kit eagerly walked out of the hive with his mother, It had been only minutes since he hatched. Though the other changlings had yet to come out of their eggs, he was different. He was of royal blood and soon he will be leading his army for the glory of the horde.

Kit also looked different from other changlings, his eyes were a deep blue instead of green, his wings were scaled and sharp at the edges, perfect for slicing foes in half during flight, and he had long flowing white hair. When he was born Crysalis said he was one of the new generation of changlings, one that won't be hindered by desire or corruption. He didn't feed like the others ether, while the others fed off of love he preferred a more filling meal. He fed off the magical energies that surrounded him, making him one of the most powerful changlings in the horde, or so his mother said.

His skin was a lighter shade of black than the others and he didn't have the connection that the hive had with each other, and he couldn't change form like his brothers and sisters. He was different in every way, shape and form. But he was a prince and soon he would be in control, or so he thought.

As he followed Crysalis out of the hive and onto the cliff edge he felt a blunt force hit him on the back of the head, Crysalis had kicked him off the edge, and he started falling down into the Everfree Forest.

Kit was confused, why would his mother say all those nice things to him and yet kick him out of the hive. It was then he realised that all those nice things the queen said to him were a lie. He felt betrayed, he quickly spread his wings and flipped himself upright, as he was flying through the air he heard Crysalis say.

"The horde has no need of a freak like you. You're no prince, your nothing." Kit felt alone, as he flew through the air, he was well aware even before his birth that he would be different, he was well aware of the world around him while in his egg.

He flew around in the sky looking for a place to land, it was night time and he needed sleep. He saw a mountain out in the distance that had a castle on its side. Without even thinking he b-lined towards it and landed in a small garden. He sobbed as he found a nice soft spot on the ground and soon he fell asleep.


Kit awoke in a cold and damp place and he panicked, this wasn't the same spot he found earlyer. Somepony must have moved him while he was asleep.

He looked around the dark stone room, there was little light save for a bared window that let some sunlight in. He saw a wooden door at the other end and moved to it. He was then jerked back by something, he looked at his hind legs. His right hoof was chained to the wall. Kit slumped down in defeat and started to cry. He didn't understand what was going on, he was just born and already the world hated him.

He covered his face with his front hooves and as he sobbed, he heard a flap on the door slide open and he looked up. Kit could see a pair of eyes staring down at him through the flap. Just as fast as it was opened, it closed leaving Kit alone with his thoughts. He looked out the small window of his cell and desperately wished for freedom.

He didn't belong here, he wanted to go back to the hive, but memories of what his mother did quickly changed his mind. He was a changling no more, he was an outcast. Garbage thrown out and left to rot. A lump formed in his throat as he laid back down on the floor. He cried softly as the reality of the situation hit him full force. He needed to get out, but how.

The flap opened again but this time, he saw a different pair of eyes. He saw sorrow in them as he stared. He reached out a hoof and pleeded silently to the eyes, the flap closed again leaving him alone in the dark.


Celestia and Luna Backed away from the dungeon door. Last night the guards found the changling out in the castle gardens fast asleep. They were baffled by it's appearance, as they never seen a changling like this let alone this young. It didn't seem hostile at all but, since the changlings have tried to take over the castle awhile back they weren't taking any chances. They locked it up and chained it but now, they were starting to regret doing that. Celestia heard crying coming from the cell, not only was that a thing a changling can't do it also tried to pleed with her. Never in her long life had she seen a changling act like this. Luna on the other hand was not convinced, she thought it was all a trick. Both princess's walked back upstairs and went back to their duties.

Celestia went to her study to sort through some paperwork, when Luna came and said,

"Your thinking about him aren't you sister." Celestia looked down trying to avoid the question, but her sister persisted.

"Surely you must know that it's a trick, this creature means us harm and will do anything to get out."

"Luna dear, I don't think this changling ment us any harm. One this young would still be near the hive. To find one this young out in the open like this could mean only one thing, it was abandoned, cast out of the hive to die alone." Celestia had a tone of sorrow to her voice.

"But sister, why would it come here. If it was to die then why choose to do so here?" Luna was just as confused as her sister at this point.

"I don't know Luna, judging by the way it looks, it was a birth defect. The way its wings are and the color of its mane and eyes suggests a possible genetic mutation. It was probably cast out to preserve the purity of the hive."

"Well then let it die sister, letting it live will lead us only to destruction." Luna said with urgency.

Celestia sighed, "I'm afraid I can't do that Luna, executions were banned shortly after you were sent to the moon. I can't kill this creature, our best option is to let it live here in the castle away from everypony, where it can't do any harm."

"But sister,,," Luna challenged, but Celestia cut her off.

"No Luna, I don't think it's dangerous to let it live here, besides we might be able to learn more about its species, possibly even find a way to live side by side with each other."

"Sister do you even know how crazy that even sounds. Changlings are monsters, they're evil little beings that feed off of others, what makes you think this one is any different, besides the way it looks." Luna questioned her sister.

Again Celestia sighed, "I don't know Luna, I just don't know."

Luna stopped talking and went silent, she turned around and left the study. As she was nearing the door her sister said,

"Luna dear, can you please tell the servants to get the spare room ready and tell the guards to escort our little guest to his room and make sure they lock the door afterwards." Luna paused for a minute before nodding in agreement. She closed the study door and went to tell the servants and the guards what they had to do.

"I still think it is a bad idea sister." Luna said quietly as she neared the dungeons.


Kit was startled by the sounds of the door unlocking, he stared as two guards came and unchained him.

"Follow us please." One of them said. Kit didn't want to start a fight so he did as he was told. He took in his surroundings as the guards led him to his new room in the castle. He was fascinated by all the tapesties and paintings on the wall. The white pillars also peeked his interest, never before had he seen anything like this and he wanted to take it all in.

"In here please." A guard pushed him into the room and locked the door behind him. Kit looked around his room, the windows were sealed with magic to prevent him from escaping through them. The door was out of the question as there were guards outside. The only thing in the room was a bed that was hastily made. Kit didn't complain though, anywhere was better then the damp stone room he was in. He sighed and slumped down into his bed, and laid down.

Escape Become The Moonlight Knight

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"You're no prince, you're nothing," These words echoed in Kits mind, the words stung every time he remembered them. He was thrown out like trash, left to die alone in the world. Yet, he survived, he was picked up and placed in the castle. He might have freedom to explore inside, but outside was another matter. He was a prisoner, held against his will inside his room. He needed to escape, but how.

It's been three days since he arrived. Kit had grown over the past few nights, He now was half the size of the princess's. He might be done growing, but he still was a child.

As he laid in his bed, he went over the memories of the past few days....


"Now tell me, who are you." Celestia asked him as he hungerly ate the pancakes on his plate. It was the first time he had eaten anything like this, and he liked them. He lifted his head and looked at the princess, and said,


"Kit? That's a nice name, well Kit you will be staying here in the castle, outside is off limits, do you understand." Kit nodded in agreement, and went back to feeding.


That was the first day he was here, the princess let him out of his room to ask him about his past. Sadly the only thing he could tell her was his name, he didn't know anything else.

He felt constrained, he grew tired of the same white walls. He wanted out, he had to escape. Tonight he will try his luck, or die trying.

But before he did that he needed to make sure nopony recognised him. He might not have the changlings ability to steal bodies, but he had other means. He had to be crafty, he looked into the mirror of his room and smiled. So far he could pass for an everyday pony, save for his wings and eyes. He didn't have a cutie mark, so he will have to cover that up somehow. His fangs were small but noticeable at close range.

He looked to his bed and saw the red curtain hanging from the top. He went over to it and tore it off, he then proceeded to cover the lower half of his face with the makeshift scarf.

He looked in the mirror, the scarf covered his mouth perfectly, part of it hung close to the floor, the end of it was torn and messy. He didn't care, as long as others don't recognised him he was fine with it. His blank flank though was a problem, he will have to deal with it later as it was getting close to sundown. He sat by the window and watched, waiting for nightfall.


Kit kept to the shadows as he made his way through the castle, the guards by his door were knocked out. The only time he paused was when a guard walked past him. He thanked Celestia that his skin was dark, or he wouldn't be able to blend in with the darkness. He stopped by the study door as he heard voices coming from inside.

"He doesn't act like a changling at all, it's almost like he is a normal pony."

"Shall I continue to keep an eye on him sister?"

"Yes Luna dear, I would like to study his behavior further."

So that's what he was to them, an experiment. Some guinea pig to be locked up and studied. Kit didn't like what he heard, he was sure he could trust the ones that gave him a home. After hearing this however, he wanted to escape even more. He ran down the hallway feeling betrayed, as he neared the door he heard footsteps coming from behind him. He quickly hid behind a pillar, using the shadows to hide from sight.

A guard on his nightly patrol, walked to the door and paused. He looked around and seeing nothing turned back the way he came. Kit sighed in relief, the guard tensed. He looked towards the pillar and stared. Kit was sweating at this point, he was so close and yet so far.

The guard continued to stare for several long minutes before shrugging and going on his way. Kit couldn't believe his luck, he narrowly avoided capture for now. Not wanting to try his luck again he bolted out the door and took off flying in the night sky. Enjoying the freedom of the sky's he landed on a rooftop far from the castle. The scarf he had on was waving through the wind to the side, as the moonlight hit him.

He was free at last, he whooped in triumph and took off again. This time he pulled off tricks in the air, he was happy.

Just then he heard a scream coming from on the ground. He hovered in the air and looked, a skinny light pink and white unicorn mare was running from something. Two black figures came out and snarled, they surrounded her and advanced. The black figures were changlings, Kit landed next to the mare and shielded her with his wings. Ever since he was kicked out of the hive, he hated other changlings with a passion.

The two stopped their advance and stared at the intruder.

"What's with the silly getup, you're not fooling anypony." One of them growled. Kit just ignored him and shielded the mare, who was now trembling beneath his hooves.

"We weren't aware of other changlings here, so why don't you quit the act and help us capture her." The other one said. Kit rushed forward and back kicked the changling sending him flying. This startled the other one, it soon tried to flee but was stopped by Kit before it could get away.

"Why are you doing this? Who are you, and why did you attack us." The changling was trembling underneath him as Kit brought his face close to it.

"Give this message to Crysalis, her so called prince still lives." This scared the changling even more.

"But, she said you were dead, kicked out of the hive. How are you still alive?" Kit thought for a moment before saying.

"I am a changling no more, I forever cut my ties with the horde." The changling growled a bit before Kit hit him on the side of the face.

"But who are you?" The changling was shivering uncontrollably now as Kit advanced on it.

"You may call me......" Kit thought of a name for himself. If he was going to hunt down the changlings he might as well have a cool name he thought, "....The Moonlight Knight."

Kit let the changling go as it flew away screaming. He turned to the mare and walked over to her.

"Are you okay?" He asked her.

"I...I think so, is Moonlight Knight really your name?" She asked. Kit chuckled and answered.

"No, my true name is Kit, but enough about me what's yours?"

The unicorn looked away bashfully, "Fleur,"

She paused a bit before turning to face Kit. "Ummm, thank you for saving me. Can I please see your face."

Kit tensed as she lifted a hoof to his scarf, he backed away quickly avoiding her hoof.

"What's wrong?" Fleur said as she made a confused look. Kit heard noises out in the background and got ready to take flight.

"He's over their, lets get him back to the castle quick!" Kit took off before the guards came into sight.

"Sorry, got to fly" Kit said as he lifted himself of the ground.

"Hey wait!" Fleur said as Kit flew away. "I never got to see your face."


Kit flew away, he had saved a girl and fought off his fellow changlings. He felt alive, 'Moonlight Knight, I like that name', Kit thought as he prepared to land on a rooftop. He smiled as he took a deep breath and shouted into the air,

"Look out Equestria, you have a new hero in town!" Kit shouted with glee as a light went on in a nearby house, an angry colt shouted,

"Shut up out there, some of us need sleep!" Kit slunk back into the shadows and laughed silently. 'This is going to be fun' he thought.

The Seventh Element

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Kit knew he couldn't stay in Canterlot, not with all these guards around looking for him. He quickly left the city and scanned the countryside for any small town where he could stay. He kept a close eye on the sky so he wouldn't be taken by surprise if one of the princess's came after him. It was then he saw a small town not to far away from the Everfree Forest. He landed with grace and walked up to a small sign which read, "Welcome to Ponyville", he looked at the town and shrugged.

"It'll have to do." Kit said as he went about exploring Ponyville. It was still night time so nopony was out, he found a nice little alcove between two houses and laid down. Tomorrow he will try looking for a job.


Luna was starting to get frustrated, ever since she discovered the unconscious guards outside of Kits room she knew he would be hard to find in the night sky. Soon she gave up and went back to the castle, she went to her sisters study only to find her talking to a guard.

"Thank you general, I will look into the matter later." Celestia said as she sent the guard away.

"I can't believe you trusted that little snake!" Luna said furiously.

"Now now Luna, calm down." Celestia said trying to console her sister.

"CALM DOWN, HOW CAN I DO SUCH A THING WHEN A CHANGLING WE WILLINGLY LET STAY HERE ESCAPED INTO THE CITY AND INTO GOD KNOWS WHERE!" Luna was so angry she couldn't help but shout in the royal canterlot voice.

Celestia put a hoof gently on her sisters lips and said, "Luna listen, the general has just informed me of a fight that broke out not to long ago. Apparently two changling drones attacked a young mare and that she was rescued by a black stallion wearing a tattered red scarf. The stallion in question fits the description of Kit. She said he called himself The Moonlight Knight, and quickly left before she could see her face."

Luna went silent for minute before asking. "Why would he attack his own species to save the life of another?"

"I'm just as confused as you are sister," Celestia answered, "It's unheard of a changling risking its life to save a pony. Perhaps he feels he has to protect others due to his hive instinct. Maybe he sees other ponies as his comrades, but right now I don't know. It might even be because he thinks he isn't a changling anymore."

Celestia went silent for a second before continuing, "But whatever the reason, I see it as a blessing. It seems we have been given an unexpected ally. Perhaps we should let him live his new life now, don't you think."

Luna went still before nodding in agreement. "But sister whatever the case may be, he will be shuned by others."

"I know sister, that is why I'm sending a letter to my student Twilight Sparkle, to see if she can help us find him. I have a feeling he will be back soon." Celestia said.

"But do you think it wise to include the elements of harmony?" Luna asked concerned.

"I have no doubt that they will find him and lead him down the right path. Right now I'm worried that he will discover his potential and kill us all. That is why I involved the elements, once they find him, I will have them teach him how to use the seventh element." Celestia said.

"The seventh element? Sister there are only six in existence." Luna said surprised.

"Luna dear, let me tell you a secret that has been passed down for generations in the royal family, you didn't know this as you were too young to know at the time." Luna listened eagerly as her sister spoke, "At a time of great crisis, when the elements of harmony won't be enough. The seventh element makes itself known as a fail safe to protect the other elements. The seventh element, the element of life is only used once the world faces destruction at the hands of a great evil. You see Luna long ago, well before we were born into this world, Equestria was ravaged by a great shadow. The anti-existence of the elements, Skorn rampaged through the land consuming all life. The cries of the poor souls that were consumed called out to the elements of harmony. It was then the seventh element was born. A great hero was chosen by the element to face Skorn and free the traped souls of the ponies. The hero struck back with all his might and sealed Skorn away in a small crystal. This crystal, now called the black crystal was locked up in a cave somewhere in the badlands. The hero after the deed was done faded into the depths of time and the seventh element was forgotten by all, save those who are of royal blood."

Luna's mouth dropped to the floor, the existence of a seventh element was too much for her to take in. "Then we need to find him even more. If Kit holds the seventh element then he might be in danger."

"No Luna," Celestia said, "The element only activates in times of great need as a fail safe to protect the lives of others, Kit is in no danger yet." Celestia said.

"Yet? You mean once the element activates...." Luna was then cut off by her sister, "The element only activates when it senses that the world is dying. Right now Equestria is safe from Skorn, so we don't have to worry that much about it."

"Very well sister, I will not dwell on the subject any further." With that Luna left the study and went to her room to rest.


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Twilight Sparkle woke up the next day, as usual Spike was fast asleep in his bed snoring loudly. She walked up to the sleeping dragon and giggled,

"Oh sweet Celestia, what am I going to do with you." She said as she bowed down to wake him up. She proceeded to blow gently on his ear, it twitched in response to the air hitting it. Spike groaned and turned in his bed.

"Quit it Twilight, just five more minutes." He shooed her away with his tiny claw.

"Come on Spike, today we have to clean the library." Twilight said while poking him in the back with a hoof.

"But we always clean the library." Spike whined. Twilight huffed and left the room. Spike sighed in relief as she left. He was about to go back to sleep when cold water was splashed over him.

"Spike, up, now!" Twilight said with her voice raised, a cup was levetating next to her.

"Why'd you have to go and do that for?" Spike spluttered and coughed as he got out of his now wet bed.

"You would have slept all day if I hadn't, anyway Spike lets get breakfast started." Spike groaned and walked out of the room, upset that his nap had been disturbed.

After a lean breakfast of oatmeal for Twilight and assorted gems for Spike the two got to work on cleaning the library. Once they were finished they both sat down exhausted.

"Well done Spike, only five minutes less than last time." Twilight said.

"Well yea.......*burp*....." Spike hacked up a letter from his mouth and held it up to Twilight. "Mails here."

"A letter from the Princess, this early?" Twilight held the letter up with her magic and unrolled it. The letter read as follows:

Dear Twilight,

I would like to inform you of a few things that happened during the past three days. Three nights ago a young changling was found asleep in the castle gardens. We took him in and he revealed himself to be a prince named Kit. Apparently he was expelled from his hive for having some genetic mutations that hinder his development as a drone. One night he escaped the castle and fled, and saved another pony from being attacked by some changling drones. I have been informed that the changling in question had severed his connection with the hive and is now living on the run. I want you and the other elements to keep an eye out for him, and if you should find him I want you to contain him. He isn't like the other changlings that attacked the castle not to long ago and I want you and your friends to be careful when comfronting him. He doesn't have the ability to change shape so he shouldn't be hard to find. Just be aware he tends to use the cover of darkniss to his advantage and should not be taken lightly. Though he isn't hostile to other ponies, he might attack if cornered. If he does subdue him and write back to me ASAP. Don't worry about him trying to take advantage of your feelings as he also doesn't have this ability, but don't use magic near him. He has been known to absorb any form of magic to power himself up. Once you do capture him and write to me I will inform you of further details.

Yours sincerely
Princess Celestia.

PS: Don't use the elements near him.

Twilight was both shocked and confused by the letter, especially with that last part.

"Why is the princess interested in capturing a changling prince, and more importantly why can't I use the elements around him." Twilight looked over the letter once more, "Genetic mutations, that only makes him more dangerous, doesn't it?"

She gave it some more thought before saying, "Spike help me get the others, we have a changling prince to find."

"Right away Twilight." Spike said as they both went out the door.

Twilight went over the game plane with her friends once more.

"Remember, do not attack him or startle him, no magic of any kind and most importantly don't use the elements. We will receive further instructions on Kits successful capture." Twilight paced back and forth. Her friends Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Spike were all sitting in a line as she spoke.

"So let me get this straight, the princess wants us to round up some mutant changling prince without attacking it or scaring it off." Applejack said confused.

"A changling prince you say, he doesn't happen to be Crysalis' son?" Rarity asked.

"Crysalis had a son?" Pinkie Pie said, " I never knew that changlings can have foals, I always though that they captured ponies and changed them into changlings."

"I'm just upset that we have to do this without harming him in anyway." Rainbow Dash said.

"Well the princess did say to capture him, but I still don't understand why she doesn't want any harm to come to him." Twilight said, "And those mutations of his might make capturing him difficult."

"Mutations, you mean like tentacles or extra legs, I bet he even shoots lasers out of his eyes." Pinkie Pie said exitedly.

"Pinkie you are so random." Rainbow Dash said.

"With mutations aside, how do ya think we go about finding this here critter." Applejack asked.

"Ummm......Twilight...," Fluttershy said looking off to the side, "I think i may have found him."

She pointed a shaking hoof over to a small field. Sure enough there was a scarfed, black pony staring at a butterfly with curiosity. He followed it with interest and only stopped when it landed from flower to flower.

"Right everypony, on my mark we sneak up and grab him from behind. The I want Applejack to tie him up while I inform the princess." The entire group nodded in agreement.


Kit was following the small pink butterfly with interest. He had never seen anything like it and he was interested in its buity.

"How can one so small, and buitiful live such a carefree life?" Kit asked himself as he raised a hoof to touch it. He was surprised about how fast the thing flew away when he did, and he continued to watch it.

He lost interest in it and laid down in the grass, enjoying the sun on his face. Just then he heard a sound from behind him, and he had the feeling of being watched. He tensed as the shuffling sound came closer. Then a voice shouted,

"Now!" The last thing Kit saw before he was knocked out was six ponies and a dragon, all jumping toward him.


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In the library of Ponyville, Twilight and company carried Kit inside.

"Wow, that was surprisingly easy." Twilight said as Applejack hog tied Kit. She got a scroll ready and wrote "Mission successful." and had Spike send it.

"The critter didn't put up much of a fight, are ya sure this is the changling prince we were supposed ta catch?" Applejack asked.

"Well he does fit the description that the princess told me." Twilight looked at the unconscious changling.

"It's strange, it looks just like your average alicorn, save for the wings. It doesn't have a cutie mark and it's eyes are bug like."

"Oh oh, twilight look at its wings." Pinkie blurted out while jumping up and down.

"Its wings are hard and sharp at the ends, this must be one of the genetic mutations the princess was talking about." Twilight said. "Its almost like we are staring at a different species altogether."

Twilight was brought out of her amusement by a burping Spike.

"*Urrpp*.....I hate it when that happens." Twilight ignored him and grabbed the letter, she nearly dropped it out of shock of what she just read.

Dear Twilight,

I'm glad to hear that you've captured Kit. Now read this carefully and tell nopony else but the other elements. Not even Spike should know. During Kits stay here in the castle I did some tests on him. His biology is completely different than that of a normal changling as you might have noticed. Now what you are about to read may come as a shock to you and your friends, but I assure you it's the truth. Long ago well before my time, a powerful shadow rampaged through Equestria destroying all life as it went about its business. Not even the elements of harmony could defeat it. The souls of the ponies consumed by this shadow called out to the elements and the seventh element, the element of life was created. This element only makes its appearance known only when the world is about to be destroyed. Its a fail safe, or a last resort against any possible threat. I fear that this element has found itself a new bearer. By some unknown reason the element chose to rest within a young changling prince, the one you have caught if you are wondering. I want you and the other elements to raise Kit, he must learn how to use his abilities if we are to survive. I believe something big is about to happen, and this young prince holds the key to our salvation. Teach him our ways, raise him and don't let Crysalis get to him. I fear it would be disastrous if she did. He is an element bearer like you and your friends, please be kind to him.


Twilight made sure to send Spike out before she read the letter to her friends. The bombshell the princess dropped on them came as a huge shock.

"What the hey just happened." Applejack retorted.

"Why would the princess ask us to capture him only to tell us to let him go?" Twilight said, for once in her life she was at a loss for words.

Rarity just fainted, and landed with a thud onto the floor. Pinkie Pie's jaw hit the floor with a thunk.

"I...just....he....wha???" Was all Rainbow Dash could say. Fluttershy was busy removing the ropes from Kits hooves. Twilight read the letter again and slumped on the floor.

"Oh sweet Celestia, what the buck just happened?" She said.


Crysalis was busy tending to her newly hatched children, when a drone came flying in looking likr he just saw a ghost. He went up to her and whispered in her ear. Her eyes shot open and she screamed,

"WHAT!, YOU WERE FOUND OUT AND ATTACKED BY ANOTHER DRONE CALLING HIMSELF THE MOONLIGHT KNIGHT!" She rubbed her temples as the drone coward in fear. It was then she remembered the defected drone she hatched.

"I don't believe it, Kits still alive and he has the guts to betray me. You there gather some troops and find him. Destroy him and bring me his head." She growled. The drone got up and flew out of the room. Crysalis sighed in anger and sat down.

"I should have killed him myself when I had the chance."


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Kit woke up in a strange room. He was on a couch and all around him were shelves of books. The last thing he remembered was playing with a butterfly, then.....

"Oh good you're awake." Kit jumped at the sound of this voice. It was feminine and sounded young, he turned around to look at the source of the sound. He saw a small purple unicorn mare.

"What the hey...." Was all he could manage to say before he was cut off.

"My name is Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia sent me and my friends to find you and bring you here." Kit was confused, she was the only one there, so how could she have friends with her at the moment.

"Friends?" He said.

"Over here silly." An exited voice said. Kit turned around to see five other mares. Two earth ponies, two peggasi and another unicorn stared at him with interest. It was the pink earth pony that said that.

"My names Pinkie Pie, what's yours?" She bounced up close to Kits face, making him back up uncomfortably.

"Now now, Pinkie lets give the man his space, the princess did tell us to treat him with respect. My names Rarity by the way." The white unicorn pulled Pinkie away from his face.

"The names Applejack, proud owner of Sweet Apple Acres, please to make your acquaintance Mr...." The orange earth pony started to shake his hand violently.

"Kit." He answered.

"Well Kit if ya ever want ta try some of the best apples in all of Equestria, then take a stop by the farm." Kit was even more confused, just then a blue peggasus went straight up to his face.

"Look Kit, lets cut to the chase, my name is Rainbow Dash, I don't like you and you probably wouldn't like me but if you try anything funny I will have to kick your flank." Rainbow Dash was pulled away from him by Rarity.

"Please don't mind her, she can be a little rude sometimes." She gave him a nervous smile.

"What about the quiet one?" Kit pointed to Fluttershy who was hiding behind Applejack.

"That's Fluttershy, she can be a bit shy." Twilight said. Kit was starting to get annoyed.

"Would somepony please tell me what's going on here!" He shouted. Twilight thrust a letter in his face.

"I see......So the princess still wants to use me as her guinea pig, and I guess you six are the scientists." Kit said sarcasticlly. "Look I don't know who you are or why the princess wants me to stay with you, but I have other plans."

Kit got off the couch and made his way to the door, but was pulled back by Twilights magic.

"Look Kit, I don't know what the princess did or why you think she is experimenting on you, but we were told to take care of you and that is what we will do." Twilight put him back on the couch. "Now then we need to figure out how to get you to stay here in Ponyville without alerting anypony that you are a changling."

Kit was surprised, they knew what he was and yet they are accepting him as one of there own.

"We were also told that you hold the element of life, and that we are to teach you how to use it." Twilight continued.

'Element of life, what the hey is she talking about', Kit thought to himself.

"Look here, sparkles. I don't like you or your friends, especially that blue bitch over there. I don't know what this element of life is but I'm pretty sure you have the wrong guy. Now if you will excuse me I have a life to live." Kit made another attempt for the door, this time he was tackled by Rainbow Dash who was then pulled off him and restrained by her friends.

"Blue bitch, I'll show you who's a blue bitch, just you wait. Oh when I get my hooves on you!" Rainbow Dash challenged him. Kit not wanting a fight ignored her and went back down to the couch.

"I can see that you six won't let me go that easily. I will play along for a while, but if anything happens to make me say otherwise I will leave." Kit said.

Rainbow Dash calmed down a bit, but still glared angrily at him. Pinkie smiled and said,

"That's good news, I think this calls for a welcome party." She zoomed out the door in a flash and was gone. The others soon followed leaving Kit alone with Twilight. An awkward silence filled the house.

"So, Kit can I show you your room." Twilight said nervously. Kit nodded and followed her upstairs.

Kit sat down on his bed and looked around. All around him were books. He sighed and walked up to a shelf and looked at the many different kinds of books. He couldn't find any that peeked his interest and went back to his bed.

"This is going to be one long stay." He groaned as he banged his head on the mattress.

The Party

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Crysalis paced back and fourth in her chambers, four elite drones stood before her.

"Our spy's in Ponyville informed me that our little traitor is currently staying there. Now you four are my best drones, the changling elite. I want you to go to Ponyville and destroy Kit. Do you understand." She said. The elite raised their hooved to their heads and said,

"We understand our queen. We shall take our leave at once."

"Do not fail me!" Crysalis said. The four elite nodded and flew out of the hive and made their way towards Ponyville.


Kit was walking around Ponyville, ignoring the stares he got from the other ponies. It made him feel uncomfortable, and he tried to push it out of his mind.

Recently he got a letter from Pinkie Pie telling him to meet her at Sweet Apple Acres at noon. Right now it was mid morning and he agreed to do some errands for Twilight. He picked up a scroll with a list of assorted things to get. Books, quill's and ink were on the list as well as some food items. He was glad that the red scarf he had covered the lower half of his face, otherwise these ponies would be running from him.

He quickly went about his business in the town square, picking up groceries and writing supply's.

He got to the book store which read, "Magic Book Shop". Not much of a surprise there, as Twilight was a unicorn. He walked in and immediately he got the sense that somepony was watching him. He looked over to the side to see a blue stallion staring at him with interest.

"Are you interested in buying some books, or would I have to ask you to leave." the stallion said. Already Kit Hated him, so he quickly ran to the back and picked up the books and payed for them and left. Kit sighed in relief that he didn't have to be in that store again. He quickly made his way back to the library.

"That was fast, did you get everything?" Twilight said as he walked through the door. Kit nodded and plopped all the things on the ground and went straight to his room. He got a glare of annoyance from Twilight.

"You could at least try to be a bit friendly." She said. Kit gave her a half assed smile and went to his room. Twilight grunted in frustration.

"When will he open up?" She said as she picked up the mess off the floor.

Kit felt like a prisoner, he didn't like being inside. He wanted to be out there flying through the sky's and living the dream, but instead he was stuck here learning how to be a pony.

"Element of life my ass, they got the wrong guy." He grunted as he slammed his head on his pillow. He didn't even feel like going to the barn like Pinkie asked.


The elite's hid in the shadows of the trees while waiting for a few ponies to come by. They needed to disguise themselves to not attract any unwanted attention.

Lyra, BonBon, Berry Punch and Colgate walked through the park, unaware they were being watched from the tree line. The four elite's quickly changed and ran into the town without the four mares noticing. Now they just have to locate Kit.


It was now the afternoon, Kit was still in his bed feeling depressed. He didn't bother with Pinkie's party invite and quickly wallowed in self pity.

He felt terrible, he wanted freedom.


Everypony in town was inside the barn of Sweet Apple Acres. They were awaiting the arrival of a new pony in town. Pinkie looked at her watch which she pulled out from nowhere.

"He's late! Nopony is ever late for a Pinkie Party!" She was starting to get a little annoyed.

"Calm down there Pinkie, I'm sure Kit has his reasons." Applejack put a hoof on her shoulder.

"Well then I'm going to go and get him." Pinkie declared, she rushed out the door and started to run all the way down to the library.


Kit was about to fall asleep when he heard the door downstairs burst open.

"Kit! Get down here, it's time for your party!" Kit knew it was Pinkie. He knew it would be only a matter of minutes before she came up and forcefully dragged him to Applejacks barn. He didn't care, he was a prisoner of these ponies and a piece of trash by his people. He didn't like it.

"Go away." He said. Pinkie stomped upstairs and kicked his door down.

"Kit get that frowny face off and come on, we have a party to go to!" She said. Kit refused to budge and Pinkie huffed. She grabbed Kit by tail and started to drag him out of the library. The stairs were a problem as Kit kept hitting his head on each step as he was dragged down. He soon blacked out.

Kit woke up on a hardwood floor, music was blaring in the background and he could see the hooves of a dozen ponies. He got up and looked around.

Pinkie had succeeded in dragging his body to the barn. He was slightly annoyed that the party started without him, but he didn't really care.

"Might as well get this over with." He said.

A Shadow In The Wind

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Kit walked around the inside of the barn, ponies left and right were talking with each other as music blared in the background. A banner that read "Welcom Kit" hung from the ceiling. It didn't make much sense to him, in fact it depressed him even more.

"If only they knew......" Kit said to himself. He wasn't one of them, he was nothing. Nothing but a shadow doomed to roam the world alone and in silence. It hurt him to even consider trying to fit in. Just then Pinkie came up to him with that goofy smile of hers.

"Why so sad Kit? It's your welcome party so turn that frown upside down." She giggled at her statement. Kit just frowned at her.

"How can you be so carefree?" Kit was upset and it showed, "I didn't want any of this, I just wanted to be free to live my life. Is that to hard to ask!"

A tear went down his face, everypony in the room turned to face him.

"Kit?" Twilight Sparkle asked him, but Kit looked the other way.

"I hate you....." Kit said quietly. He then raised his voice, "I HATE YOU ALL!"

Everypony looked at him with concern, Kit just ignored them.

"How can you all accept me for what I am? I mean look at me, I'm not one of you, I'm nothing..." Kit was starting to cry now. "If only you knew.....If only."

Everypony looked at each other, then back to Kit. A blonde maned peggasus walked up to him.

"You are one of us, are you?" Kit ignored her, a lump forming in his throat.

"No....I'm not." He said quietly. Another pony walked up to him, she was small and had a bow ontop of her head.

"Well, whatever ya are, we would understand." She said. Kit felt heartbroken, he knew that if they had known what he was than he wouldn't be standing here. He couldn't tell them, not yet. Kit stared at the ground before trotting out of the barn. He wanted to be alone right now.

He found a nice appletree to sit under and think. Kit loved thinking, it was the only thing that kept him sane. He was alone in this world. He was abandoned by his own kind and soon he would be abandoned by these ponies. What his mother had said was true, he was nothing, he had nothing and he never will be anything but nothing. He was a shadow in the wind, forever hidden from the world with no hope of ever finding peace. Forever in the darkness, never to see the light. He wanted it to end right there, he thought deep in his heart that these ponies that had called him a friend only moments ago, would betray him.

"I just wish.....that they would understand." He put his front hooves over his eyes and started to cry.


Inside the barn the changling elites were busy formulating a plan of action. They had found Kit and now they had to kill him without the other ponies noticing.

"We can't just go and attack him out in the open like this. The others would notice and it would be the end of us." Elite number one said.

Number three growled, "But if we don't do it quick then the others would get suspicious of us."

"Well then we just follow him and wait." Number two said. The others agreed and nodded.


Pinkie didn't understand, she went out of her way to throw Kit a party and still he was sad.

"I don't get it? How can Kit still be sad?" She said.

"I don't know ether sugarcube, but I reckon we should just leave him be for a while." Applejack said. The othes agreed.

"All right everypony, parties over so lets all go home." Twilight said.

"Uhhhh....Twilight, I hear crying." Fluttershy said. The group looked out the window to see Kit crying on the ground.

"What have we done....." Twilight said.

"Sompony should go to him." Pinkie said.

"No Pinkie, I think maybe Kit wants to be alone right now." Twilight said.

"But..." Pinkie answered back, but was cut of by Rarity.

"Twilights right, I can only imagine what kind of pain he's going through right now." Everypony looked at each other and then back at Kit who was still crying.

"I guess you're right. Maybe we should talk to him later." Pinkie said, though she still hated to see Kit like this.

To Protect Others

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Ever since the party, Kit has been spiralling deeper into depression and Twilight was starting to get concerned.

She walked upstairs to Kits room and went inside, he was laying on his bed with his head buried into a pillow.

"Kit, you know you can tell me anything. Just what is on your mind." Twilight said. Kit looked up from the pillow, his eyes were red and swollen from crying. He didn't want to talk right now.

"Go away, I think you have done enough damage." Kit said. Twilight gave him a look of concern.

"Kit...." Twilight said sadly.

"Shut up. Just shut up!" Kit said angrily. Twilight just sighed and left.

As she closed the door she decided to do something to get Kit out of his depressed state.

"I know. Maybe an apology cake would cheer him up." She left through the door, "Spike look after the library while I'm gone."

"Okay Twilight." Spike replied.


Twilight was on her way to Sugarcube Corner when, she heard some noises coming from a nearby alley. She went to investigate and silently trotted into the alleyway.

"We have to act now, number one. If we don't then the ponies would get suspicious of us." Twilight heard one of the voices say.

"But number three, we need to take our time. If we act now then he will most likely attack us." Twilight was starting to get nervous, the voices were getting louder.

"Both of you are wrong, we need to keep an eye on him." Twilight rounded a corner and nearly screamed. She saw three changlings talking in a small circle.

"Number two, Crysalis said we need to destroy Kit." Twilight was panicking, Kit was in danger. She backed up without looking where she was stepping and knocked over a trash can. She froze as the three changlings turned and saw her.

"Intruder!" One of them screamed. The three of them lunged at her and she screamed.

Twilight dodged them and took off running, she was being chased by these three monsters. Ponies left and right screamed when they saw the changlings.

"Crap, we've been discovered!" Another one said. Twilight was then surrounded by the three, as they started to close in on her. She covered her eyes and waited, shivering with fright.


Kit was busy laying down in his bed when, something started tugging at the back of his mind. He couldn't quite explain it but it felt like something was trying to tell him something. Kit ignored it, but it came back stronger than before. It was then he heard a voice.

"Help me....." It was small, but distant. It sounded like it wanted something.

"Please help me........." It was starting to bug him and he shook his head. "Somepony help me!"

Kit nearly fell off the bed as the voice was louder this time. He then heard a distant scream, it sounded almost like.....

"Twilight!" Kit said. He felt something within him kick into action as he ran out the door. Twilight was in danger and he had to protect her. It was the only thing on Kits mind.

He ran into Ponyville and then he saw it. Twilight was cowaring on the ground, three changlings surrounded her. Something in Kit snapped at this moment, and he felt himself wanting to hurt the monsters attacking her. He ran full force into one of them and blasted him with some magical energy, killing him instantly. The other two changlings turned and faced him.

"Leave her alone!" Kit shouted. The two changlings snarled and lunged for him. Kit dodged and bucked one hard in the back of the head, severing its spine. The other one lunged at Twilight and grabbed her.

"Lets see how tuff you are now." The changling growled. Kit felt rage well up inside him as he then lost control.

"LET HER GO!" Kit lunged at the changling, he jumped over him and stabbed his horn in its back. He then let the energy inside him burst forth, causing the changling to explode in a gory mess.

Kit felt the rage disappear, as he started to loose consciousness. The last thing he heard and saw was Twilight running up to him screaming his name.

"Kit, stay with me......Kit!"

The Black Crystal

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The black crystal, a small gem of unimaginable power that is said to grant the user unlimited power. It is a feared gem, or at least it would be if it wasn't sealed away.

Legend has it a great hero rose up and trapped the evils of the land inside the gem.

Another legend has it that if the gem were to fall into the wrong hands, it would spell disaster for us all.

But these legends didn't stop one earth pony from searching for it.

The famed archaeologist Dr. Cristo was in the badlands with a group of five other ponies. Two were pegasi, and two were earth ponies. The odd one out was a unicorn that Dr. Cristo picked up on his way here.

Dr. Cristo was a well built stallion, with jet black hair and a hard brown body. His cutie mark was a hourglass. The two other earth ponies were natives of this harsh desert, Shmee a light sand colored stallion with blonde hair and a cutie mark of the setting sun, and his brother Hookjaw a dark mud colored stallion with red hair and a cutie mark of a small tent. They had agreed to lead the group to the hidden cave of shadow, a temple that most ponies tend to stay away from.

The pegasi were Dr. Cristo's students, Cloudrunner and Stormsurge, Both were identical in every aspect. Both had white hair, were a sky-blue color and had a cutie mark that looked like a bunch of clouds.

As for the unicon, He didn't tell them his name. He had evil looking eyes and always stayed silent. He covered his flank in leather armor hiding his cutie mark. His sharp black horn matched his color, and his hair was a thick grey. Not much was known about him and he always avoided any questions directed at him. He only agreed to come so he could look at this fabled dark crystal.

The group got to the cave entrance and stepped inside. It was a small cave, but at the end of it was a chest that was chained up. It looked like it was made to keep something inside, and others out. Dr. Cristo and his students shivered, they had a bad feeling about this.

The two earth ponies brought the chest to them and dropped it on the ground.

"Amazing, such design and elegance. It's a wonder how the ancients made such wonderful creations." Dr. Cristo said. He eyed the chest with wonder. He motioned for the unicorn to blast the lock of the chains and for his students to remove them.

Now was the moment of truth, the doctor opened the chest and he felt an evil energy leave the chest. Inside was a small purple crystal that radeated a black mist around it.

Just then the unicorn made a grab for it and bolted. He shot a blast of energy at the top of the cave, causing it to fall around the group that was left behind. They tried to escape but were crushed by the falling rocks.

Outside the cave the unicorn started to shimmer and change. A black changling stood and held the crystal in its mouth. He took off and disappeared into the distance to give his queen the dark object. He let out a chuckle as he flew through the desert.

"With this power, my queen will be able to get her revenge on those cursed ponies." He laughed some more as he flew off into the distance.

They Are Coming

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Chrysalis was sitting on her throne when a drone came inside.

"Your majesty, I have some bad news." The drone said.

"Well then out with it!" Chrysalis demanded.

"It's the Elite, they have been killed in battle with the traitor." The drone said.

"WHAT!" Chrysalis was furious, "You mean to tell me that my best drones were defeated!"

"Yes your majesty..." The drone was now shaking in fear. Just then another drone came in.

"What is it this time!" She screamed.

"I have news yout majesty." The other drone said.

"If it's about the deaths of the elite don't bother." Chrysalis said.

"No your majesty, I come with news of a power source that was found by one of ours." Chrysalis seemed to brighten up at this.

"Send him in immediately," Chrysalis turned to the other drone, "And as for you, leave my sight this instance."

"Yes your majesty." The drones left and another one came in.

"A drone has informed me that you might have something for me. Is this true?" Chrysalis asked the drone. The little changling revealed the black crystal.

"Yes your majesty, I seemed to have found the resting place of Scorn, our god." Chrysalis gasped in surprise at this.

"Give it to me." The changling then gave his queen the crystal. She eyed the dark artefact with interest.

"Gather the drones, we leave for Ponyville tomorrow." Chrysalis said. The changling drone nodded and left.

"Look out Kit, I'm coming to destroy you." She said to herself, she then laughed maniacally. "And soon all of Equestria shall follow."


Down at the Ponyville hospital Twilight Sparkle was waiting beside a bed. Kit went unconscious after the battle with the changlings and now she was worried.

"Kit why did you have to do that. If you'd just stayed home you wouldn't be like this. Please wake up." Twilight was crying now, Kit had come to her rescue and now he lay unconscious because of her.

Nurse Redheart came inside with a white unicorn mare.

"Twilight, I believe Kit has another visitor." Nurse Redheart said.

"Who could possibly want to visit....." Twilight looked at the mare. Fluer was staring at Kit with sad eyes.

"I came over as soon as I heard he was here." She said, "I never got the chance to see his face last time we met."

"You know him?" Twilight asked.

"Yes I do know him. I was attacked by two changlings when he came to my rescue, but he ran away before I could thank him." She looked at the unconscious Kit and walked over to him.

"So this is what his face looks like." She stared at the fangs in his mouth then at the beetle like wings. "He's a changling, but why did he attack his own kind like that to save me....Maybe not all changlings are evil, maybe some do have a heart."

She leaned forward and hugged Kits body. "I only wished I could have been there for him."

Twilight was dumbfounded, she wasn't aware that Kit had a fangirl.

"I see that you two are close." Twilight said. Fluer looked at Twilight and said.

"Hardly, I just came to thank him for saving me. Though he is kinda cute." She smiled.

"All right you two," Nurse Redheart said, "Visiting hours are over."

The three of them left leaving Kit to recover from the battle.


Kit was in a black void. The only light source he had was a small glowing ball of light. He didn't know what happened.

"Am I dead?" He asked himself.

"Hardly, lets just say that you need my help." A voice said.

"Who's there?" Kit said startled.

"Over here numbskull...." Kit looked at the ball of light as it transformed into a mirrored version of himself.

"Who are you?" Kit asked.

"Funny you should already know that. I've been with you since birth." The figure said.

"Are you me?" Kit asked, cocking his head to the side.

"Yes and no. I am you and I'm not you," The figure said, "Lets just say I'm the power that you have."

Kit went wide eyed. "Are you the element of life?"

The figure smiled. "Come, I have something I need to tell you."

Hesitantly Kit followed the figure into the void.