> Milk and honey > by Orhblin > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A taste of pineapple > --------------------------------------------------------------------------   Twilight stared repulsed at the jug before her, somepony had led their aim wander, and a few strands had made it outside the green cup.   "I am not doing this because I want to, make no mistake about that" Twilight assured him. She was quite honestly disgusted by the white fluid in the cup, and the stench that wondered from it, but she knew she couldn't go down on her word. A few of the surrounding ponies started whispering as she took hold of the cup, being careful not to touch any of the stray cum. Closing her eyes, readying herself to chug it in one go, she lifted the chug to her lips and threw the liquid down in one go. The fluid wasn't water, it went down slow and she nearly gagged, but finally she managed to hold most of it in. some she held in her mouth. She had to sink it slowly, one gulp at a time. Surprisingly it wasn't nearly as salty as she'd expected. Another gulp; it actually tasted a bit sweet, like pineapple. "We've sweetened that one a bit, made the guys eat tones of pineapple just to lighten the taste a bit. We don't want to throw it up just yet. Don't worry though, the next one will be all salty and natural" the pony laughed. Twilight gulped something, but it wasn’t the seed. The surrounding ponies laughed at her, she tried to give them angry looks but it was hard to stay dignified when sperm dripped down your chin The brown pony waved the next cup in, this one a little smaller, meaning that even more of the horrible liquid had strayed from the target. Twilight winced a bit, "exactly how much of this stuff are you going to make me drink?" she asked. "We’ll see how things go and take it from there, for now just get to it, drink" he commanded. Twilight gathered her courage and grabbed the cup with little hesitation, this time paying lesser mind to the stray sperm. She chugged it down as fast she could, shaking it a bit to make the liquid run down faster. Like the pony had said this cup had been quite a lot less sweet, it was a tiny bit salty, but still rather tasteless. "Looks like she's starting to like it boys, look how thorough she's being'" the brown one yelled, Receiving a few cheers from the crowd.   "Make no mistake, I am in no way enjoying this, I just want this to be over as quickly as possible, to bring in the next chug and let's be done with it" Twilight said determined as ever. The crowd obliged her and brought her the next cup. She already felt full, but she doubted she'd get break even if she asked for it. When she tried to swallow the cum however, she found it horribly distasteful, it was somewhat chunky and had small bits in it, and not the coins. She was about to spit it out but the brown pony shook his head slowly, he looked quite threatening, Twilight considered the possible consequences and found it wasn't worth it. If they decided to, they could probably hurt her in much more humiliating, and possibly damaging ways than this, for all the humiliation in the world, she'd never risk that ultimate punishment. "I see you didn't fancy the old one's juice. What, you don't like rosin?" Twilight smeared the remains of her chin, "That wasn't rosin you bastard. Just.... just bring be the next cup. I want to be done with this" "Alright you heard her boys, bring her the next cup" The next one went down easier, it might have helped that it was shot seized. "Alright. Next" Twilight commanded "Oh can you hear her boys, I think she's starting to like it, she's practically begging for it" Twilights face went red with anger, or was it embarrassment, it was hard to tell by now, and “Just... just bring me the next damn cup" she said. "oh no, this next one is very special" "Yeah I figured as much, each one is a bit different from the one before, I get it. It's not exactly high level al algorithm we have here, you're just making it more entertaining for the crowd" "Oh am I? You see next one is not special for what it is in, I merely want you to beg for it" The brown pony said, confident as ever, waving the cup by his head" "Please give me that cup?" Twilight said, with a mundane tone rivalling that of Maud Pie. This didn't impress anyone, and light booing could be heard from all the bar, "I don't think that will suffice honey, I think I said beg, you know a bit like a dog" Twilight rolled her eyes, "would you please give me that cup mister" "Errr I don't quite think that's enough, I don't even know what cup you're talking about" Her heart sinking a bit lower, Twilight sat down in her rump, looking up at the brown pony, with doggy eyes she said: "please mister, would you kindly give me that nice cup of sperm so I may swallow it?" The pony didn't say anything, he merely leaned down and practically fed Twilight Sparkle, princess of Equestria, the contents of the cup she had thought so wile. But for some reason it didn't seem so while anymore. "We do but.... we don't have it in cups, if you know what I mean" The brown pony said, grinning like he'd beaten Discord in poker, "To get the rest, I'm afraid you'll have to work a little for it" "I don't mind working for it, just tell me what I need to do so I can have it done" Twilight said, losing her patience, when suddenly it hit her, "Oooh..... So you haven't got it in cups" She repeated somewhat bitterly "Look at the bright side, this time you get to choose what flavour you want, just give tell us and we shall gladly serve it you, provided you serve us that is" "I honestly don't care at this point; just give it to me salty, I think if I ever get a proper coltfriend, I'll have to do similar activities. So I might as well get used to it" "I'm glad to hear you say that" the brown pony said, repositioning himself at the chair mimicking the mint green pony who always sat so weirdly at the par, to reveal a throbbing member. It's tip pointed directly at Twilights face with its foreskin drawn back, fully erect and with a dizzyingly strong stench emerging from it. It was the first time Twilight had seen an erect penis in real life, of course she had read tons of tomes on male anatomy, but she had never expected her first meeting with the male sexual organ to be this... public. "Go on touch it. It won’t bite you, and neither will you" The brown pony said, with an undertone of a threat laying in the sentence. Twilight wanted to object, this hadn't been part of any agreement, but she knew that she as far out of her depth to quit now. And to be fairly honest, she was quite curious. This could be done in the name of science right? Science requires proper witnessing to be official. Twilight decided with herself, that this could indeed be done in the name of science, and touched the black member lightly with her hoof. She stroked it from its tip down to its shaft, feeling the blood pulsing through it. She knew it was just filled with blood, like a ballon. There are no muscles in a penis but it was hard to believe. She stroked it with both hoofs down to its balls. They were quite big, impressively big actually. In a small second she admired them, they had the ability to produce foals, to produce offspring, and her light began to flutter just a little bit. That was when she felt the hoof on the back of her head press her forward. The pony had grown impatient, and was now trying to force her head down upon the throbbing member. Twilight objected with resistance, but was overpowered but her male counterpart. She made it all the way till her cheeks were pressing firmly against the dick before she started to grab hold of his balls and squirm firmly, making the stallion quince in pain. "I'll do it dammit, let me just do it my pace alright. Don't, push me!" Twilight said. She had taken to position of slight dominance. Grabbing the dick one more, she began to tease it with rhythmic strokes from shaft to balls. She tried smelling it and noted that cock smelled like a combination of old sperm, sweat and piss. It sounded disgusting, but somehow it wasn't that bad She was ready. First giving the dick a few licks to make sure it was clean she tilted her head and covered the dick with her mouth. It was disgusting, but it didn't taste that bad. It was actually sort of arousing. She didn't pay attention to the ponies surrounding her anymore they were just quiet, observant eyes by now. She dug her head down as far as her throat would allow. It wasn't impressive, but pressing any further just meant hurting. She wouldn't want this to hurt. She just wanted to enjoy this as much as she could, she did no longer deny to herself, for that she was.   The brown pony still had a hoof planted on the back of her head, but it wasn't leading her or forcing her, it just rested there. Twilight deduced that she was doing a satisfactory job, and actually, she as happy to do so. Twilight let the dick go for a while just to catch her breath. She let her tongue glide around her mouth, just to feel the after taste of the penis. It wasn't bad. Taking a breath, she once again feasted on the black penis. Everything was going by her speed. No one was forcing this upon her. For each second she lost herself a bit more. It was just a blowjob, but it felt so new, so dashy, so bad that it also felt really good. Taking breath once more she let the dick rest by her cheek, making sure to stroke it, just to keep it aroused. She had a feeling she wouldn't get an opportunity to rest one more time. This time she was going for the gold. Taking her very recent experience to use, she speed up the process, she tried to use her hoofs at the same time but found it too hard, she led them rest by the thighs of the pony whose face was now kept in a tight grimace of concentration in attempt not to come too soon. Twilight challenged him, and sped up even more. She could feel the fluid drive from his balls, this was it. Taking her head out to make her lips just sink around the tip of the cock, she stroked the shaft with one hoof and held it steady with the other. The salty cum now felt pleasant in her mouth, she was not in mind to reject it. Her position made sure she could swallow every last bit of sperm coming from the disgusting pony's beautiful cock, and even suck out the remains. She didn't need to wipe her face this time around; the process had gone as smooth and elegantly as Rarity drinking her tea. She didn't feel like a lady though, but neither did she feel like the whore who'd just given a stranger a blowjob in a bar, in front of a crowd of masturbating males. Didn't mean she wasn't a pony who had just given a stranger a blowjob in a bar in front of a crowd of masturbating males.