My Little Pony Fan Made Series - Season 1 Episode 1: Happy New Years Challenge!

by Magix with Lex

First published

Rainbow Dash challenges the Mane 6,the CMC, and Spike to the Happy New Years Challenge!

Story Decs: Rainbow Dash challenges the Mane 6,the CMC, and Spike to the Happy New Years Challenge!

Extra: 1.This is just a quick New years story enjoy my first story :twilightsmile:
2. Special Thanks to BlndDog for the picture.

Credits: Plot and Story by: Me

Happy New Years Challenge!

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"Come on Applejack lets go we are going to be late!" Applebloom said as she walked around in circles.

"I'll meet you outside sugarcube go out there and wait for me" Applejack said as she went into the kitchen.

Applejack entered the kitchen finding her big brother eating hay.

"Uh,Big Mac can you do a favor for me?" Applejack asked as she got closer to him.

"Hmm?"Big Mac said as he stopped eating and looked up at Applejack.

"As you may know Twilight invited myself and Applebloom to her sleepover, and I was wondering if you could put the apples away for me?" Applejack asked.

"Eeyup" Big Mac answered.

"Thanks I'll see ya'll tomorrow" Applejack said leaving out the kitchen.

Applejack went outside where she found Applebloom spinning in circles.

"So are we going to go or what?" Applejack asked as she stopped spinning.

"Yeah lets go" Applejack said.

"YA!" Applebloom shouted in delight as they started to leave the farm.

Now heading for Twilight's Tree House.

"Sleeping Bags,Toothbrushes,Cucumbers?" Rarity asked as she put the stuff she named in to her saddle bag.

"Check,Check, and Check" Sweetie Belle said as checked them off the list.

"We better get going Sweetie before we are late lets go" Rarity said as she open the front door.

"Alright" Sweetie Belle said as she exited the boutique.

Rarity follows Sweetie out of the boutique, and then locks the door.

Then they leave and head to Twilight's Tree House.

"There" Twilight said as she flew back down to the ground

"Thanks for helping Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie"Twilight said.

"No problem really Twilight this will be my first sleepover with all of you girls and Spike" Fluttershy said.

"Yeah what Fluttershy said plus everyone will be able to eat my cupcakes,cakes,popcorn,cotton candy, and my s'mores!" Pinkie Pie said as she hopped around the room.

"Yeah right" Spike said as he rolled his eyes.

"They should be here any minute now" Twilight said as she walked close to the front door.

-Knock Knock-

"There here!" Twilight said as she opened the door with a smile.

"Hey Twi I hope we aren't late" Rainbow Dash said as she flew in with Scootaloo.

"Good evening darling" Rarity said as she came in.

"Howdy Twilight,Flutter,Pinkie,Rainbow Dash,Rarity" Applejack said.

"Well since we all are here I think its time to start this sleepover" Twilight as she closed the door and locked it.

"Hold on Twi I would like to say something" Rainbow Dash said as she flew in to the air.

"Alright" Twilight said.

"Alright lets get down to business I challenge you all to the Happy New Years Challenge" Rainbow Dash said.

"What is the 'Happy New Years Challenge' Rainbow Dash?" Applebloom asked.

"I'ts where we stay up until 12:00" Rainbow Dash answered.

"I accept!" Pinkie Pie said as she jumped in to the air waving her hoof.

"Good anyone else?" Rainbow asked.

"I'll do it too!" Scootaloo said.

"Us too!" Applebloom and Sweetie Belle said.

"I don't know I do need my beauty rest" Rarity said.

"I guess I could try" Twilight said.

"Well if Twilight is going to do it then I am too" Spike said.

"I guess I will try" Fluttershy said.

"So Rarity, Applejack are you in or are you chicken" Rainbow Dash said as she groaned.

"I'm no chicken and I'm in just prove to you that I can stay up longer then you" Applejack said.

"I guess I will" Rarity said.

"Well then LETS GT THIS PARTY STARTED!" Rainbow Dash said as she flew next to Twilight who was getting her book out.

"You girls know that we are going to be up for 5 hours since its 7:00 right now" Applejack said.

"We know Applejack right girls?" Applebloom said

"YEAH!" Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle said.

"Alright the first thing we are going to do is the mud mask" Twilight said.

"Rarity did you bring the cucumbers?" Twilight asked.

"Yes I did Twilight" Rarity answered as she got them out of her saddle bag.

"Alright" Twilight said as she put mud onto Rainbow's Face.

"Ew what is this stuff Twi?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Mud Mask" Twilight answered.

"Rainbow if you can't take it you shouldn't be here" Applejack said as she grinned.

"I can take it just as good as you Applejack" Rainbow Dash said.

"Ew this stuff feels weird Rarity" Sweetie Belle said.

"Its fine plus when you get older and go to the spa more you will get use to it" Rarity said.

Scootaloo,Applejack,Applebloom and the other all got Mud Face.


"Well that was fun" Rarity said.

"Barley" Rainbow Dash said as she fell to the floor.

"Yeah what she said" Applejack said as she also fell to the floor.

"But I thought both of you loved S'more making?" Rarity said in surprise.

"We do its just that we ate way to much" Applejack said.

"Oh I see" Rarity said.

"Well we have 4 more hours to stay up I hope you to can last" Rarity said.

"Alright now for some Cupcakes!" Pinkie Pie said as she went bouncing around the room.

"Ya!" The CMC said as they ran to the table of sweets.

"Wheres Fluttershy?" Twilight asked as she came out of the Kitchen.

"Oh she said she was going to lay down for awhile" Rarity said.

"Seems like she will be laying down for long time" Twilight said as she look over to Fluttershy who was sleeping in her sleeping bag.

"Well next step Ghost Stories" Twilight said.


"-Yawn- I'm Tired I think I ate too much sweets" Sweetie Belle said.

"Me too" Applebloom and Scootaloo said.

The CMC all went to there sleeping bags and went to sleep.

"Where's Pinkie and Spike?" Twilight asked.

"In the kitchen baking something" Rainbow Dash answered.

"I'm going to beat you some so bad Rainbow" Applejack said.

"No I am going to beat you" Rainbow Dash said.

"Why are you too playing Uno?" Twilight asked.

"So Applejack can stay up its the only way for her" Rainbow Dash answered.

"What do you mean I can't stay up without this?" Applejack said.

"I can stay up long then you!" Applejack said.

"Oh no you can't!" Rainbow Dash said back.

Twilight rolled her eyes then went into the kitchen.

"Hey Twilight want to help us make a 3 Layer cake before 12:00?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"No....." Twilight said.

"Oh well we got this anyway Twilight" Spike said.

"Alright" Twilight said.

Then Twilight went back into the main room and went to Rarity.


"Yum this 3 Layer cake Spike and Pinkie made is perfect" Rarity said.

"You can say that again" Applejack said as she bit another piece of the cake.

"=I wonder how they made it so fast=" Twilight thought to herself.

Twilight went in to the kitchen where see found Spike buried in empty ice cream buckets and Pinkie Pie sleeping on the floor.

Twilight came back out of the kitchen.

"Well it seems like Pinkie and Spike are slee-v Twilight cut herself off.

vWhat are you too doing?!?!?!?!" Twilight asked.

T"hey are doing a staring contest to see who can do it longer" Rarity answered.


"I'm going to stay up so you fall -Yawn- to sleep" Rainbow Dash said tiredly.

"No you -Yawn- fall to sleep" Applejack said tiredly.


"Girls do you want any midnight snack?" Twilight said as she came out of the kitchen.

To her surprise she found everypony sleeping.


"Happy New Years everypony" Twilight said with a smile. :twilightsmile:

And then she rested herself between her friends and fell to sleep.

(The End)