> Strange Turn of Events > by ipodman > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Well its all over. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I looked out at the road that stretched out in front of me. I reached down and changed the song that was playing, Hey Julie came on. I hummed along as I leaned back in the seat of my ford ranger and hung my arm out of the window. I was enjoying the warm sun. The stop light I was sitting at flicked green and I mashed down the pedal. I sped out in front of the cars and enjoyed the warm wind rushing into my window. I sighed and I started to think. I did most of my thinking while driving. Today my mind started to wander, contemplating my last four years in high school. Contemplating how shitty my life has been up to this point. I thought about how the only girl I had loved in my short existence had cheated on me, and left me for someone else. But mostly I thought about my parents. My father was a knine officer, and had been for the last 20 years. My mother was a professor at a college. They died about 6 months ago in a plane crash. They were on their way to Italy for their 20th anniversary. Right before they left we got into a huge argument, and we all said things that we wished we could take back. I was planning on calling them and apologizing when they landed. I never got the chance to make that call. I drove through another green light and continued down the road, bittersweet memories playing across my minds eye. I was approaching another light and seeing that it was red, let off the gas. Before I got there it turned green so I began to speed up. I reached the middle of the intersection and suddenly my world exploded. My head hit the steering wheel and I saw a white flash. I was suddenly consumed with blinding pain from what seemed like every inch of my body. I heard sirens off in the distance, and I wasn’t sure if I was about to pass out or if the sirens I heard were just far away. Suddenly I felt the pain begin to ebb away. At that point I knew what was happening. I was going to die. I wasn’t sure how I knew this, but something told me it was over. I began to feel myself dying. When I first realized I was dying I was scared. I was afraid that it was going to hurt, but mostly I just didn’t want to stop living yet. Now everyone says that when die your life plays out before your eyes, but that wasn’t the case for me. I was replaying my fondest memories. Any fear I felt was gone now, replaced with a feeling of happiness. I noticed something as I was watching my memories, my heart had stopped. I could no longer feel it pounding away in my chest as I could only moments ago. I was confused at first but then I understood what was happening. I could feel the inky blackness the crept into my mind. Thinking become difficult as fought to hold onto consciousness for a few more seconds. My last thought before my mind went dark was a simple one. "I wonder what happens next." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sorry for the short chapter RIght now im just seeing if people even want to read it before I put to much work into typing up my written copy > W-What happened? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2. I slowly became aware of my body. I could feel cool grass beneath me. I became very aware of a throbbing from my head. “W-What happened” I thought, keeping my eyes closed. As more of my senses began to return I could feel the sun beating down on me, I could hear the birds chirping off in the distance, and I could smell the grass I was laying on. Something didn’t feel right however, and I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. “I mean I feel okay, but different.” I thought to myself. I tried remembering what had happened, but I couldn’t. There was this haziness clouding my mind. I laid there a while, letting my headache go away, and enjoying the warm sun and breeze. I don’t know why but after about 20 or so minutes I decided it was time to open my eyes. I had no idea what to expect. At first I was blinded, but slowly the painful brightness faded as I became used to it. I looked around at the odd landscape that sprawled out before me. Everything was different, everything looked… More colorful? Almost animated. “WHAT THE FUCK??” I screamed at no one in particular. My heart was pounding. “ I have to calm down and think logically.” I told my self. I can’t be dreaming, wincing at the very real pain that had reappeared in my head. I thought back to before the white flash of pain. I closed my eyes and willed my memory to work. I tried to replay what had happened up until that flash. I was unable to remember what I was doing when it happened. I opened my eyes, and looking out I could see a town off in the distance. “Well I better find out were I am and what the hell is going on.” I said to my self. I attempted to stand, only to fall flat on my face. For the first time since I regained consciousness and opened my eyes, I looked down. I couldn’t even bring my self to scream. “ No. No. No. No. No! NO! What the absolute fuck has happened to me!?” I said as I backed away from what used to be my arms. What I saw wasn’t possible, I no longer had arms but forelegs and what looked like… hooves? “I’m a fucking pony?” I thought to myself. I looked back at my self and saw the body of deep blue stallion, with a silver mane, and… wait … are those wings? I Thought incredulously. Yup those are wings. Sighing, I tentatively tried to stand up on my new hooves. Rising shakily, I tested each leg to make sure I wasn’t hurt. I then attempted to walk. I was slow at first but fast got the hang of it. I sprinted... erm I Galloped best I could up a nearby hill and saw the town I had seen earlier. Falling back on my haunches, I Finally realized what this place was. I wasn’t sure why it took so long for it to click in my mind. My memories slowly came back to me, and I remember a specific thing. A television show Called My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. I remembered how I loved that show and its colorful characters, and how it made me happy. I was somehow in Equestria, Were the show takes place. And the town I was looking at was Ponyville. “Holy shit” I whispered to my self. I Pinched my self a final time, before rising and starting towards the town > Some explaining to do. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3 I approached the town and I was greeted by so many familiar faces. I trotted through the town I thought about how I knew most of them but they had no idea who I was. Alright first things first I need to go see twilight. If anypony can help me she will be able too. Wait did I just say anypony? Never mind that, I thought shaking my head. Right now I need to find Twilight. I continued on through town slowly looking for her library. I don’t know what I’ll even tell her when I see her, I mean what if she thinks I’m crazy. That made me feel uneasy, but I had to admit that I was excited to actually meet Twilight. She had been my favorite character after all. Knowing that I would also get to meet the others of the mane six helped to calm the feeling of unease in my stomach. Okay, I thought. I am totally lost. I frowned at the notion of having to ask somepony for directions. Damnit! I said somepony again. I took a deep breath; okay I need to calm down. Before I talk to anypony I need to come up with a pony name. I chuckled at the idea of a pony named Stephen. I realized I hadn’t even seen what my cutie mark was! That could give my some ideas on what to name myself. I saw a bench in front of me so I trotted over and sat, looking at were my cutie mark should be. I frowned when I saw it wasn’t there, but I thought about it and it made sense. After all I hadn’t yet found my special talent. Well that makes this much harder. I failed to realize that the bench I was lost in thought on was situated right across from Sugar Cube Corner. I tossed a few names around, Blue streak, Silver Cloud, but then I thought of the name I was going to use. Silver Lightning. Now with that taken care of time to find Twilight. I stood, but promptly froze at the sight of the bakery in front of me. I looked around, but I didn’t see her. I saw the library however, and slowly started to trot over. “Huh, maybe she didn’t see me.” I whispered to my self as I trotted to the library. All of the sudden a Pink blur shot up in front of me, scaring me nearly to death. I fell back and smacked my head on the hard ground. the last thing I saw was Pinkie Pie hovering over me laughing and saying “ silly Stephen, of course I saw you!” then I blacked out. I regained consciousness and shakily sat up. I looked around taking in my surroundings. I was in Twilights library? What the hell, how did I get here? Better yet how the hell did Pinkie Pie know my name? There was no one in the room with me, but I could hear voices coming from what I could only assume was the kitchen. I thought about eavesdropping but decided against it. “Um h-hello? Anyo.. Er anypony there?” I called out. Almost instantly I saw that beautiful purple unicorn round the corner. “You’re awake! Oh thank goodness, I thought for sure Pinke Pie had really hurt you there.” She said concern in her voice. “Thanks Twilight, but no really I’m fine” I thought about what I just said and facehoofed. Twilight’s eyes narrowed, “how do you know who I am?” Well now or never I guess. “Alright I have some explaining to do, but you have to promise you wont think I’m crazy.” A confused look came across her face, “A-alright I wont, but first who are you?” I sighed. “You’re going to want to sit for this one” I walked over to the couch I had woke up on. She sat on the other end and looked over at me. “Alright my given name is Stephen Elswick, and before you say anything let me explain how I got here. Please, please don’t think I’m crazy” I was unable to keep the worry out of my voice as I said that. “I promise, I wont think you’re crazy.” She said with a smile. Wow she was pretty, wait why did I just call her that? I shook the idea from my head before it could form fully. I took a deep breath and began. “I come from what I can only assume is another planet. Maybe another universe, and well were I come from, all of this, Equestria, Ponyville, your whole universe is a fictional TV show.” “That’s not possible.” She breathed. “Well that’s what has happened, but how about this. Ask me something that only you would know.” She thought a moment, then said “Who lives with me here in the library.” At least make it tough I thought. “Your baby dragon spike. Rarity calls him ‘Spikey Wikey’ and you sometimes refer to him as your number on assistant.” Twilight could only stammer out “B-b-but no h-how is this even, no its n-not possible" She stopped and thought for a moment. "However I cant think of a suitable explanation as to how you would have known that.” I smiled weakly “ told ya, and I don’t have a cutie mark either. I don’t even know how to fly yet. I cant even open these stupid things.” I said looking at my wings. She said nothing for a moment, making me feel anxious. When she finally spoke she said “I need to tell the princess right away, maybe she knows what’s going on.” She rose and headed to a desk behind the couch, and used her magic to grab a scroll and quill. She began to scribble quickly. I waited patiently looking around the library to occupy my self. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I tried to slow it down like some of you said. Im typing up the next chapter as we speak, and agian im sorry this chapter being so short. im still new to this whole thing. Edit: fixed the dialog > This concerns you all as well. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After a few minutes she rolled up and sealed the scroll. She picked up the scroll and her horn glowed brighter and then the scroll was gone. Well that was cool, I thought to myself. She walked over and sat again on the opposite of side of the couch. “Alright, please continue….” She had forgotten my name. I stopped her by saying, “It’s Stephen, but I actually thought of a better name. One more fitting for were I am. Silver Lightning” I felt sill saying it, and blushed slightly. “okay, Silver Lightning, please continue.” She said with a smile. “so before I explain what I remember about coming here let me explain humans a little. Oh yeah that’s what we are called were I come from.” I proceeded to tell her about humans, our history, and all of our many problems. She was extremely interested in our history, but I was unfortunately not the pony to ask about that sort of stuff. I explained to her that I was more interested in math and science. Taking a deep breath I went on to tell her about my shitty life, all the way up to the white flash. When I had finished I looked the floor sadly and we both sat in silence for a few seconds. She spoke first, “So you have no memory of what happened?” I felt useless for not being helpful. “None.” I said sadly looking away. She thought for a moment. “W-well ste- er Silver Lightning I know a memory spell, I could give it a try if you’d like.” “Really? You would do that for me?” I said sheepishly. I was not used to people being nice, or even decent to me. “Of course, its not trouble really. I can tell you have been through a lot.” She rose from her side of the couch and stepped in front of me. I was extremely nervous, but I trusted she knew what she was doing. She closed her eyes and focused as her horn began to glow. She bent down and touched it to my forehead. Instantly all of my memories came rushing back to me. I felt my self falling, blacking out for the second time today. I vaguely wondered who was screaming. When I came too, I remembered everything. I had died. I had been in a car crash. I could remember the worst pain I had ever experienced when the other car hit me. Tears began to stream down my face. I thought about my little sister. How I was all she had in that world, and how painful this would be for her. I had let her down, and I could never say I’m sorry, or that she would be okay. I started sobbing, and I didn’t care at this point. I felt a hoof gently begin to rub my back. “Shhh, Its okay. Shhh, It will be okay.” I looked up to see twilight. I threw my arms around her and sobbed into her, not caring anymore. “I failed her. I was all she had and I never got to say I love you one last time, or even say good bye.” I held her even tighter, and sobbing even harder. “You didn’t fail her Silver.” She said. I looked up at her, tears streaming down my face. “I experienced your memory when I used that spell” She winced when she thought about it. “…and from what I learned about those hanging green lights by looking at some of your other memories, he had no right to go.” I buried my head into her neck again, crying softy. She continued to rub my back. “Shhhh” she cooed. “I’m sure she knew you loved her.” At that moment Spike and what I knew to be the other Elements of Harmony opened the door and walked inside the library. Their happy chatter stopping abruptly when they say us. I had never been so embarrassed in all my life as I looked away from them, tears still streaming down my face. Rarity was the first to speak. “ Umm, soo sorry for interrupting darling. We’ll just be going” Twilight broke the hug, and I sank back into couch, trying to calm myself down so I wouldn’t embarrass my self anymore than I already had. Before the others could speak Twilight spoke up. “No girls, this involves you all as well.” The all stopped and turned around, with very confused looks on their faces. It was Applejack who spoke up next. “Ahm sorry sugercube, but jus how does this concern any ah us?” I stayed curled up on the couch no longer crying, while Twilight explained everything. At the end of the sad story the girls, including spike, had begun to tear up. “Ahm so sorry Silver.” Applejack said. I curled up tighter in response. Twilight spoke up next. “I wrote to Princess Celestia shortly after Pinkie Pie Brought him here.” She looked over to the clock, it was just past 11 am. “She should be here around 7 this evening.” I had finally calmed down, so I rolled over and rubbed my eyes to try and dry them. Taking not only me but the whole group by surprise Rainbow Dash spoke up next. “Hey, I know what will cheer you up! A once in a lifetime chance to fly with the greatest flier in all of Equestria, me! Rainbow Dash!” “ I, I uh. Well actually I-I d-don’t k-know h-how, I c-cant really f-fly yet.” I finished looking down even more embarrassed. “some Pegasus I am huh” I said looking up, managing a small smile. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well I tried going with the advice i was given. so hopefully this one was some better flow to it and was an easier read. at some point I will be going back and rewriting the chapters before this so they are all the same. Be sure to give tons of feedback! its the only way I can ge better for you guys! > Now you're getting it! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 5. Not even skipping a beat she replied “ Well I’ll teach you! Who else would be better to teach you than The Best Flier In Equestria!” I looked up “You would do that for me? I mean I could never impose like that. I don’t even have any money to pay you.” At this Rainbow and al her friends started to giggle. Okay, It was official I was confused. “Whats so funny!” I said a little angry. “We’re your friends! Id be happy to just do it, you don’t need to pay me!” She said smiling. I blinked. “You still want to be my friends? Even after you found out what I used to be, or after seeing me cry like a little filly.” I looked down after I said that last part. Rainbow walked over and put her hoof under my chin causing me to look up. “Hey everyone’s different, but it doesn’t matter where you come from. And this whole situation is something worth getting upset over.” “Thanks Rainbow Dash, I really appreciate it.” I said smiling. “Don’t mention it” She laughed. “Oh and call me Dashie, all my friends do” She said smiling and turning for the door. I stood, following her. “Okay Rainb.. Erm Dashie. Lets go” Twilight called out as we left “ Don’t be out past sunset that’s when the Princess will be here!” We walked out to the edge of Ponyville, into a big empty field. “Okay, first things first. Lets see you open your wings.” She said looking at me expectantly. I closed my eyes and tried to move them. It was odd, but then I got an idea. I started thinking of them as my arms, instead of my front hoofs. To my amazement I found I had control over them. The unfurled for the first time and I fully extended them and beamed at Dashie. “This is so cool!” I said with a big smile. All my previous worries forgotten for the time being. “Well, well! Quick learner!” She said. I blushed bright red at her praise “Go ahead and give ‘um a few slow flaps to get used to it.” I focused and extended them fully again, it being relatively easy this time. After a few awkward half flaps I started to get the hang of it. I flapped three times nice and slow, getting used to it. “There ya go! Now you’re getting the hang of it! Now I want you to start flapping again, but don’t stop, and slowly increase how hard you flap.” I nodded and started flapping. I started off slowly, but slowly I increased my pace. Faster and faster. Harder and harder. I slowly began the weight on my hooves began to lessen. Determined, I kept going. I lifted off the ground, and I don’t think I have ever been so happy in all my life. It just felt right. I was actually flying! Okay I wasn’t really flying I was hovering, but still! I apparently wore my happiness on my face, because she giggled at me. “Alright, next up I’m going to teach you how to actually fly.” I slowed my flapping and dropped to the grass, practically giddy. She then proceeded to explain the in’s and outs’s of flying, and by the end of the day I more or less had the hang of it. We were flying back to Ponville’s library lazily and she turned to me and said “ You know Silver I’ve never seen somebody pick it up so fast! RACE YA!!” She yelled and took off ahead of me. I was so game. Dashie beat me. Badly. Luckily she didn’t rub my face in the fact that she beat me by about 10 seconds. We chatted about her Days in Junior Speedster Flight school on the way up to twilights library. We walked up to the door and she knocked on the door. This time a bright yellow pegasus with a pink mane answered the door. “Hi Fluttershy!” She said trotting past her. I said hi to Fluttershy trotting past her as well. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hey guys im sorry for the really short chapter, ch 6 will be much longer. This was just to tide you guys over till i can get 6 up. > Party you say? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 6 We stepped inside the library and I saw Rarity and Applejack to my left on the couch. Rarity was using her magic to hold a book out in front of her. I couldn't tell what the book was though. Applejack was laying back on the other end of the couch with her hat down over her face. Dashie and Fluttershy walked into the kitchen were I heard spike ask them if they wanted any food. I wasn't hungry so I started over to the couch opposite them, meekly saying "Hello" as I sat. I had always very shy around girls back when I was on earth, and that sure as hell didn't change here. Rarity put her book down and said " Why hello Darling! How was your training session With Rainbow?" Applejack sat up and added "Yeah how'd that go?" I perked up when they asked about flying, and I loosened up a bit. I went into detail on my session with Dashie, and everything I learned. I was actually giddy talking about it. I told them how I got flying down my first try. Rarity laughed a bit at my giddiness and said "Well it sounds like you have got some real ability Silver." I blushed at the compliment. "Well I dont know about all that, but thank you Rarity." I said smiling. I looked over at the clock, it read 7:39 pm. "So were's Twilight? Has Princess Celestia arrive yet?" I was actually kind of nervous as to what she would do with me. Applejack scrunched her face up in thought a moment and said "She got here bout 30 minutes ago Ah'reckon." No sooner than a second after the words left her mouth I heard a voice from behind me. The voice regal and powerful, yet soft and mothering at the same time. I turned saw a large white alicorn standing before me. I was taken aback by her. Her mane flowed like water though the air was still, her coat was impeccably white, and her wings looked perfectly preened. Wait how did I know what preening ones feathers even was? I stopped my thoughts however because I knew I had show my respect so bowed before her. "Ah so you must be Silver Lightning, Twilight has told me much about you. It is a Pleasure to meet you." "I-I assure you Your Highness, the pleasure is all mine." I said while still bowing. "Why thank you Silver Lightning, but I must ask that when it is just us in private like this, there is no need for such formalities as bowing or using Your Highness. Please address me as Celestia." she said with a warm smile. "S-Sorry Prince- Erm Celestia." I said meekly. "So Silver, I'm sure your anxious to know weather or not I've Decided to let you stay here in Equestria" "What" I thought to myself. I hadn't even considered the thought they might banish me or something. Okay now I was nervous before, but now I was freaking out. Twilight spoke up this time from behind Celestia "Um Celestia, I hadn't actually told him that he may not be aloud to stay here" I fell back on my haunches. Great. Just great I thought. Nobody wanted me back on Earth and it seemed nopony here wants me either. I felt my eyes began to water, but I took a deep breath and calmed my emotions. I wiped my eyes and looked from Twilight back to Celestia. "I would understand if you have to banish me. From what I told Twilight about our people I wouldn't blame you. We are a violent species. I would understand if you couldn't risk having me here" I said staring at the floor, having trouble keeping my emotions in check. "Well, I was just discussing that with Twilight actually, and I have decided that you may stay. However there are some conditions. Im requiring you live here in the library with Twilight. I want you to learn about friendship, just as Twilight does. I would also like for you to write me a letter whenever you discover something new about friendship, just as Twilight does. Does this sound alright with you Silver?" I let out a breath that didn't even know I was holding. "Thank you Celestia, I would be honored to study under Twilight." I said smiling. "You have no Idea what this means to me. My old life sucked, and I was so unhappy. I have been here one day and I have been happier than I ever was in old life" I said smiling. I realized I was crying. "Silver, whats wrong?" Twilight said, her voice suddenly full of concern. "Its just back in my old life nobody cared about me. Nobody wanted to get to know me, or be my friend, and now it seems I already have the six of you. Theses are tears of joy Twilight." I spoke softly. Suddenly, and out of no were I might add, Pinkie Pie jumped out from behind the couch yelling "Awe! Group hug!" Pinkie somehow grabbed everyone at once into a big hug. I looked up at Celestia, who was looking at me smiling. 'Thank you' I mouthed to her. She simply smiled and nodded. It was at that moment that Pinkie suddenly pulled away from the hug, and all the lights turned off. Plunging the entire library into darkness, and you couldn't even see your own hoof in fornt of your face. The sudden shock elicited a small shriek from Rarity, and she actually grabbed onto me in the darkness. "Calm down everypony I'll turn the lights on." Twilight said flatly. Her horn glowed lavender as she flipped all the switches on again. "SUPRISE!" Pinkie yelled. Somehow Pinkie Pie had not only managed to get everypony in town inside, but decorate the entire first floor for a party. "B-but how did you, when did you, were did they all, Whaaa-" I was at a loss for words here. It was not possible for Pinkie to do what she had just done. Twilight waited for me to stop stammering befor saying "Thats pinkie Pie just being Pinkie Pie, better to not ask questions." I decided to go with that and not ask any questions. Simply because thinking about it made my brain hurt. Pinke Pie... bounced? Yeah she bounced over to me and said "SO were ya surprised? Were ya? Were ya? I really hope so, cause if you weren't I would just have to throw you another party so that you WOULD be surprised. When would I even host it?? when are you free Silver?" I stopped Pinkie and hugged her "I was very surprised Pinkie, thank you so much for throwing me my first and best surprise party" I broke from the hug and smiled. Suddenly Pinkie yelled out something about her cupcakes burning and she bolted off. I trotted around introducing myself to everypony and after I had met what seemed like everypony in Ponyville, I trotted over to my... friends. It felt odd saying that, but it just felt right at the same time. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter 6. Well I hope you guys like it. Give me lots of feed back so I can get better! I had a tough time capturing pinkies character. Im going to read some other works to get some examples. hope fully her character wasnt to bad!