> Spike's Pet > by LiterarySerenity > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter One—Introduces Changes and a Squirrel > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another pleasant morning had arrived in Equestria, and Twilight Sparkle sat in the largest of her personal studies. This room included a windowed door that led onto the palace balcony, where it was possible to glimpse the whole of Ponyville. The alicorn had opened one of the double doors, letting in cool breezes and the lively sounds from outside, which were a comfort so early in the day. Such things did a lot to soothe the mind, and kept her from tensing up too much. Twilight needed all the help she could get, especially when handling chaos. Dark purple in hue, with orange lines crisscrossing over lighter lavender blobs, the square hung suspended a few feet above the floor. Green streaks crackled around it on occasion, similar to electricity in appearance, though still part of the same magic. It was also her first official assignment from Discord. Once upon a time, Twilight could never have imagined receiving magic lessons from the draconequus who had sought to immerse the entire land in endless chaos. Even after Fluttershy had “reformed” him, his over-the-top antics and mischievous tendencies had meant the princess usually strove to keep a wide berth between them. So long as the spirit stayed out of trouble, life went on as normal. But many changes had taken place in recent weeks, including what had become known as the “Tirek incident”—not to mention the release of Rainbow Power, and the emergence of Twilight’s palace (which had a subtle resemblance to the Tree of Harmony, or TOH). Furthermore, there had been the unexpected discovery made by Twilight with Discord of the second star near the Tree of Harmony, and how chaos figured into the magical balance that existed in Equestria. It was a long story. As a result of these experiences, alongside various other crazy events, Twilight had asked Discord to teach her everything he could regarding chaos magic. And her new instructor had come holding the square soon after the excitement from their most recent adventure had faded. Discord had explained it was pure chaos and first encouraged Twilight to move around the object using her magic, which proved easy enough to do. Stopping the movement after she had gotten it started was a chore, but doable. In fact, she had begun to feel pretty good about the exercise until the spirit asked her to shape the square. That was easier said than done. *** “Chaos magic is all about change, my dear Twilight.” Discord reminded her, sounding every bit a proctor at Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. Although, the princess was sure most of them avoided wearing ties that lit up and spun in sunlight or oversized spectacles that magnified their pupils (even in the case of a pony with red irises of different sizes). “It wants to keep flowing and moving, but has the strength of individual will to resist being forced into something else by external forces—like unicorns using day-to-day magic, for instance. This is why it is no easy feat for ponies to alter their world on such a level. The best solution is to gradually mold the sphere into the intended form, coaxing the magic to change.” Twilight could only smile at this, since Discord might as well have been talking about himself. As the living embodiment of chaos, what he was seemed to oppose all sense of order. But still, the draconequus was vital to the magic found throughout their world, and part of Harmony nonetheless. Discord paused in his lecture then, and Twilight realized he was waiting for her to go ahead and manipulate the target square. “All right. Here I go.” Twilight said, more to boost her own confidence than anything else. She just had to order the chaos, as she once had to do to open a door sealed by the latter. A great energy, similar to the kind bestowed by the Tree of Harmony, had arisen from deep inside while thinking of her friends to allow her to get inside the guestroom beyond. And now the princess reached for the same power. Yet this time, it was more of a struggle. It had felt so natural before, and the urgency to save her friends had driven Twilight towards this solution. She was straining to bring the magic up now, as she did when attempting to carry out any particularly high-level spell. Sweat poured down her brow. The rainbow-hued magic started to come up, almost reluctantly, into her horn. Twilight grunted as if bearing up a heavy load. It felt like her head and horn were about the burst from the exertion. “Stop.” The command from Discord pierced what was left of Twilight’s concentration, and she flopped—panting—into a seated position. Meanwhile, the draconequus was studying her, one brow raised. “And what exactly are you doing, ‘Miss Sparkle’?” The way he said this suggested more of a joking air, yet there was a certain calm seriousness in his look that Twilight recognized from past teachers. The fact it came from Discord made the situation somewhat more surreal, though, and she almost felt like a little filly again. “I was trying to conjure the magic that worked on the door sealed by chaos.” Twilight explained, striving to remember the present circumstances and keep her composure. “Even though it was different from my usual magic, I was able to use it without a problem. But this time I can’t seem to call it as readily.” “I told you not to be forceful.” “But you were talking about chaos.” Twilight said. “I understood what you meant, with flow and balance, and the need to coax it. Still, I can’t get to this part unless I’m able to access the magic that can affect the chaos.” “It’s hardly different.” Discord replied. “Right now, you’re trying to practically drag the aforementioned magic to the surface. Believe me. I can tell. This means nothing will happen unless you let it flow out.” “Flow out? That’s what I’m trying to do.” Twilight returned. “I’m casting the magic like I usually do.” “Ah-hah!” Here Discord tapped the tip of the princess’s horn, sending a slight tingle down its length. “See? There is your problem. You’re thinking too hard and treating it like other magic. Just do what came naturally when unlocking the door.” Twilight considered protesting farther yet bit her tongue instead. She needed to trust Discord here. He must have understood something she was still missing. So the princess closed her eyes and tried to recall the exact process she had used to affect the tendrils of chaos fixed to the door. There had been the urgency, it was true. However, Twilight could also remember thinking fondly of her friends, the connections between them, and the strong desire she had felt to reunite them. Then the magic had risen, unbidden, from within. It was a warm energy, like all the precious times spent with her closest friends. Calm yet blissful, Twilight revisited a few of those memories now despite everything. “There.” Twilight heard Discord say at last, opening her eyes to find the iridescent magic encircling her horn. She could not help staring in wonder at it, or the wide smile that followed. “Now try again, and change the square into something nice.” Twilight allowed the energy to flow out from her horn and surround the square, although she started to feel weary as she did when holding onto more powerful magic. She would have to work quickly. So the princess tried something simple. “A sphere.” Discord murmured, when Twilight finished. The altered chaos showed the same design as it had while a square, though at least the shape was different. “Well, it’s a start, I suppose.” He scrutinized the results with an undiscernible expression. Sensing possible disappointment, Twilight quickly persisted: “Right. This was just my first attempt. I managed to call on the right magic successfully and was able to change it a bit.” Somehow, the thought of not doing better during their first actual lesson bothered the pony. Discord had probably expected something grander than a simple sphere. The spirit was acting as her teacher right now, and Twilight had always prided herself on being a good student. She would go to great lengths to stay on top of her studies, and not to let such ponies down. “Let me do something else.” “Nope. That’s enough for now.” Discord said firmly. Then he threw off his spectacles and tie, as if just released from heavy chains, with a happy sigh. He stretched out, causing all manner of noises to echo about the room, from regular bone crackles to cannon fire. A back scratcher appeared and began work on his back, causing the chaos spirit to quiver and turn various colors. Afterwards, he grabbed the chaotic sphere, much to Twilight’s dismay. “I really need to get going, with a long list of appointments to keep across Equestria. Some of them have been waiting for a week or so.” A scroll appeared in the air and unrolled, filling the floor with weaving ribbons of paper. “You know me. Places to go, ponies to see. Chaos to reap. But I’ll return in a few days, and then we can get on with the next lesson.” Hearing this announcement a month ago would have brought out an accusation from Twilight, and it was a measure of how things had changed that she didn’t comment on this point. Instead, Twilight’s attention was on the sphere of chaos. She had finally managed to start affecting it, and already Discord would leave and take away the chance for her to prove she could create something more impressive than a simple sphere. “Wait!” Twilight interjected, with greater force than intended, before Discord could disappear in his usual flash of light. “No need to use the ‘Royal Canterlot Voice’.” The draconequus said, though obviously amused. “I’m still here.” “Please. We were just starting to make progress.” Twilight hesitated a moment. “Would you mind leaving that chaos magic here, so I can practice more while you’re gone?” She indicated the floating object. “Hmm.” Discord said. He considered the chaotic sphere, and then looked at Twilight. A mischievous grin spread across his features. “Chaos magic in this pure form is a big responsibility.” He was joking, but it still provoked Twilight—the idea that somehow the princess had not proven herself ready for such a weighty task. “I can handle it.” Twilight declared. “And by the time you return, I’ll be able to show you more than a sphere of chaos magic.” “Very well. I like encouraging an enthusiasm for chaos.” Discord agreed, after an exaggerated pause. He replaced the sphere from where he had plucked it. “So until next time, princess.” He mock saluted her, and disappeared in a grandiose flash, which was much brighter than usual. *** So Twilight had continued to work on shifting the sphere’s form. Yet it was clear, from repeated attempts, that conjuring up the magic to order the chaos was much harder to do subsequently—at least for the time being. It was too demanding. A migraine threatened to break out, and she had developed a kink in the neck. “Oh, well.” The princess said to herself. “All I need to do is take a short break, and soon I can try again.” She nodded her head, satisfied at a decision well-made. She grabbed the sphere in her magic, preparing to leave for her bedroom. That’s when Twilight heard the chattering, a split second before the door to the study flung open. “Come back, Nibbles!” She heard her number one assistant, a baby dragon named Spike, cry out. However, what she saw was a soapy brown squirrel come flying right at her face. In fact, the squirrel (“Nibbles,” apparently) not only flew at her face, but attached himself to it, startling Twilight so much she lost her grip on the chaotic sphere—which received enough propulsion to start bouncing around the chamber. Twilight was able to yank off the wet squirrel and grab ahold of the sphere right as it was about to sail out the windowed door. Still, this did not stop Nibbles for making a break for it out the opening. “Don’t go!” Spike begged, reaching for the fleeing animal—only to slip on the soapy water left in his wake and slide to a foot or so before Twilight. “Hi Twilight.” He chuckled, sheepishly. “What’s up?” > Chapter Two—Where a Dragon Wants a Pet > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Spike, you need to be more careful.” Twilight said, after they had mopped up the floor—which was wet the way down the hall to the castle washroom—and returned to their bedroom. She managed to conjure a small table, and to rest the sphere on a cushion laid upon it. This was a relief, although its near loss still caused a weakness in her knees. Twilight could only have imagined what disaster might befall herself, or even Ponyville and Equestria beyond, if something happened to the chaos with which Discord had entrusted her. Twilight had no idea how Discord might react in that event. In the past, he probably would have laughed and thought the whole thing a good show. But now he was her teacher, and actually taking these lessons seriously. Twilight wanted—no, she needed to learn from him. What if Discord refused to teach her anything else about chaos magic, or stopped coming to Ponyville altogether? What if he told Princess Celestia of her irresponsibility, and she disappointed her first true mentor? What if—? Wait a minute. Twilight was being ridiculous. Discord wouldn’t do that. Would he? “I’m sorry, Twilight.” Spike broke into her frenzied thoughts from behind, and the princess realized with some shame she must have seemed particularly angry, facing away from her dragon assistant while staring at the chaotic sphere. “Really, I am. I didn’t mean to cause such a big mess, or anything like that.” “It’s all right.” Twilight came over to give Spike a comforting hug, which clearly made them both feel much better. “Accidents happen, and we were able to clean everything up without a problem. However.” She pulled gently back from him. “Would you mind explaining how a soapy squirrel wound up in the palace in the first place?” “Oh. Well, you see, Ponyville is supposed to host the Equestria Pet Show next week.” The dragon rubbed his arm, eyes on the floor as he tended to do whenever sad or regretful. “It’s usually somewhere else in Equestria, and that’s fine. But now that it’s here in our town, I can’t help thinking.” “About—?” “About Pee Wee.” Spike went to his basket, pulling back the covers and lifting up the pillow behind to expose a photograph. There were other framed pictures of the small phoenix he had taken in for a brief period already on the wall, alongside those depicting their other friends or memorable events, yet the one Spike retrieved showed a shot of the fiery baby bird cradled in the dragon’s arms. It was one of the first pictures they had taken, after Pee Wee had hatched. “Taking him back to his parents in the forest was the right thing to do, as you said, but we became so close before then. If he were here now, we would enter the Equestria Pet Show together, and I know every pony would have loved him just as much as I did.” Ah. Twilight saw the whole story in a moment. Poor Spike was missing Pee Wee with the arrival of the Equestria Pet Show, and he probably wanted a way to fill the gap he felt left by the tiny bird’s absence. The princess could remember how close the two of them had been, and the touching way Spike had had of attending to his needs. On many a night, Twilight had tucked Spike into his basket after the dragon dropped off to sleep feeding Pee Wee a special phoenix solution Celestia had actually suggested, given his age. Unfortunately, Twilight could also remember the huge messes caused by the pair, the hard-to-remove stains, and the singed letters to the princess. A case of the hiccups used to turn Pee Wee into a miniature fire hazard, costing them several valuable editions in the process. Several times the Golden Oak Library had almost gone up in a similar conflagration, confirming her suspicions that a library was no place to raise a phoenix still discovering his abilities. Then there had been the dreaded “ice cream incident,” which all her friends had agreed to avoid discussing whenever possible. Spike had been so brave and generous, to return Pee Wee back to his family in the Everfree Forest. But Twilight still caught him watching other pets and their owners in Ponyville with a wistful air, at times—and it would probably be more than he could stand to have a whole pet show unfurling so close to home. A thought struck her. Twilight came to the open bedroom window and whistled, bringing a hooting owl down to rest on her uplifted hoof. “You know.” Twilight said, indicating the feathered arrival. “I’m sure Owlicious would love to enter the Equestria Pet Show with you, and to put on an amazing performance together.” She winked at the owl, and Owlicious hooted at Spike in agreement at this possibility. “As a judge, I can’t enter the competition myself. So Owlicious wouldn’t be able to participate. It might surprise you what you could accomplish as a team.” “Thanks, Twilight. But no thanks.” Spike answered, wringing his claws. “And no offense to Owlicious.” “Who?” Owlicious said. “You, Owlicious.” Spike persisted. “Who?” “Argh! You know what I mean.” The dragon sighed. “It’s just that Owlicious is your pet, Twilight, not mine—it wouldn’t be the same.” At this, Spike started toward the door. “Perhaps I’ll just go take a walk for a while, just to clear my head a bit.” Poor Spike. The little guy was really trying to keep up his spirits, despite missing Pee Wee so much. Even Owlicious looked remorseful. And lot had definitely changed since Pee Wee had left them. At that point, Twilight had thought Spike might not be ready to have his own pet. But then, Spike had done a great job watching Owlicious and the pets of her friends while they had gone on a trip to see Princess Cadence in the Crystal Empire. They also lived in the palace now, and the library was much larger and safer than before. There would be plenty of room. “Hey, Spike?” Twilight called her assistant back. “Yeah?” Spike wiped away a tear. “How would you like to go visit Fluttershy, and to adopt a pet?” In response, Spike’s face lit up. His eyes sparkled, and an enormous smile threatened to overwhelm his other facial features. Bouncing on the tips of his toes, the little dragon looked so overjoyed Twilight had to laugh. “Do—do you really mean it?” Spike breathed, delirious with glee. He practically floated off the floor. “Sure. I’ll even let you do the honors.” Twilight said. “Just make sure it’s nothing too big or wild. You have to be responsible, and take care of all its needs and training. All right?” “Yes, of course!” Spike squeezed Twilight around the neck once more before dashing for the door, as if this time he couldn’t wait to leave (which, he most likely couldn’t). “Thank you, Twilight. This is going to be the best Equestria Pet Show ever.” Then the dragon was gone, although Twilight could hear him celebrating all the way down the hall. “Well, that went well. He’s truly growing up, isn’t he?” Twilight remarked to Owlicious, who nodded his head and flew outside once more. The chaotic sphere was secure, and now the princess could flop onto her bed for a much needed nap. And by the time she awoke, Spike would probably have come home with a nice little critter of his very own. Yes. Everything was working out just fine. > Chapter Three—Involves Animals and Adoptions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The cottage where Fluttershy lived sat across a small bridged brook near the Everfree Forest, upon a hill at the end of a winding dirt walkway. Verdant and fertile, flowers from hollyhocks to star lilies grew in abundance, thriving in the rich soil and under the gentle attentions of the kind pegasus. Yet what Fluttershy enjoyed the most, her true passion, showed itself in the animal life that lived and mingled here. Hummingbirds zipped among the blossoms, rabbits (including jackalopes) cuddled in dens, squirrels chased one another through the treetops, and more often of late rarer creatures from deeper in the woods had begun to show up as well. For instance, on the particular morning in question, a manticore rested half in and out of the forest shade—growling low at most animals who drew too near, yet purring with pleasure whenever Fluttershy ventured his way with a treat, or to scratch him behind the ears. A cockatrice tottered close by as well, pecking at the feed shattered on the ground but not meeting the eyes of any pony, for good reason. There were a few pens, such as the small gated enclosure for the hens and their house, and others for animals who—for one reason or another—had either earned themselves a “time out” or needed a degree of separation from the other critters present. Sometimes, injured animals warmed themselves in the sunshine here, although most preferred the cozy cottage when feeling hurt or uneasy. For animals overran Fluttershy’s house with almost the same degree of freedom as they did outside. The pegasus loved every minute of it, feeling almost as happy as she did when around her closest friends. And to a young dragon given permission to bring home his own pet, the place became a wondrous haven for unrealized potential. Though, of course, only the best and most impressive would do for Spike’s pet. Butterflies and bumblebees were all right, yet he needed something to wow every pony at the Equestria Pet Show as well. A creature able to match his intellect and strength, while staying a loyal friend throughout. So he strolled along the path, envisioning himself the proud owner of many an animal he passed, from an agile ferret to a mighty eagle—until Spike reached and knocked on the cottage door. *** Fluttershy received Spike in her usual gentle and compassionate way, although a certain unbridled joy flickered in her eyes at learning the dragon was there to adopt a pet—asking after Twilight and remarking that it wonderful he would be able to know the happiness brought by caring for a precious little creature of his very own. “There are ever so many delightful animals here, who I know would love to become your special friend.” Fluttershy said. She had insisted Spike take a seat on the long green couch, which appeared to displease her white rabbit Angel. In fact, Angel was giving the dragon quite a nasty look, which Spike—in his anticipation of the pet to come—tried to ignore. They had had something of an understanding, the time he had watched over the animals kept by all his friends. But now the truce between them was apparently over because of a simple couch. If Fluttershy noticed Angel’s resentment, though, she did a good job of hiding it. Instead, she fluffed out his tail at least four times while continuing to address Spike and motioning to the surrounding creatures with one hoof. “There are the birds with their beautiful songs, and the squirrels who enjoy playtime, and mice with big hearts. You might even consider a fluffy bunny.” Here Fluttershy scratched Angel behind his ears, causing the rabbit to thump one foot in pleasure—yet this failed to keep him from sticking out a tongue at Spike. No. Spike decided then and there. He would have to pass on the “fluffy bunny.” That was when a terrible yowling cut into the peaceful atmosphere, coming from somewhere outside. It tore at the soul and ingrained in Spike a terrible sense of woe, before ebbing into a drawn-out whimper. “Goodness!” Fluttershy flew out the window, with Spike clambering after her. “Not again.” “What do you mean?” Spike had just enough of an opportunity to get out before they reached an unbroken wooden pen in the backyard. A stake held the front closed, cutting off a good view of whatever was inside. But it was not too hard for the dragon to hop up and claw his way to the top to discover the animal in such agony. The yowl, by itself, had been enough to make Spike what to reach out to the creature in need—who sounded so lonely and aggrieved. But all his senses froze at sighting the source. A Timberwolf. This one was perhaps not as large as other Timberwolves Spike and his friends had encountered before (being about half their size), but it was a Timberwolf nonetheless. And it was crying like a— “You poor, sweet, innocent pup.” Fluttershy cooed, stroking the Timberwolf along the neck. “It’s all right. Everything is okay.” The pegasus tickled the wooden beast under the chin, calming it down to low sniffling murmurs. The “pup” even licked its caretaker in return with a small, stick-like tongue. “There, there.” “Fluttershy. Is that really and truly a Timberwolf?” Spike was incredulous. “Yes. She’s a young one, and I found her all alone and howling on my front porch step last night.” Fluttershy explained. “The tender thing was so hungry and frightened. She even gave Angel a fright.” Spike could have only imagined Angel squealing and fleeing from the Timberwolf—which, despite it all, gave her extra points in his book (even if Twilight would have scolded him for thoughts like that). But his mind was too occupied to linger on this satisfaction. Instead, images were filling it of games played alongside a trusty Timberwolf, taking her for long walks, and even—of course—participating in the Equestria Pet Show together. “She’s perfect.” Spike breathed, more won over by the second. “I’ll take her!” “Goodness. You mean Roots?” Now Fluttershy looked a little concerned. “Yeah. Roots.” Only Rarity could have broken Spike out of his delirium at this crucial juncture. “Roots is a good name. We’ll make a great team.” “Are you absolutely sure? Roots is a bit—” Fluttershy chose her next words carefully. “Wild.” Wild. Hadn’t Twilight said something about wild? Spike couldn’t remember, exactly. Oh, wait. That was right. Twilight had at least said Spike shouldn’t bring home a pet that was too big, and Roots was small compared to the average Timberwolf. And surely, Roots’ grievous story and expert training (which the dragon envisioned as taking no time at all) would cause Twilight to be proud of her number one assistant and his awesome decision-making skills. There was a leash and collar on a small hook near the closed opening, and Spike grabbed them. “Perhaps you’d want to give this more thought?” Fluttershy asked. “Or maybe ask Twilight first if she believes this is a good idea? I’m only now beginning to understand more about Timberwolves.” She seemed to emphasize “only now” part. “Roots might be too much to handle without more experience or knowledge of her species, especially for a young pet owner.” “I can’t.” Spike insisted. “Twilight told me herself to have the honor of choosing my own pet. She trusted me to do this without her help, and I’m going to show her I can do just that. Besides, I could always come right back if she doesn’t like dear, little Roots here.” His mention of Roots as “dear” and “little” appeased the pegasus a bit. He could feel her starting to give into his plan. “It’d be like a trial run. What do you say?” “Well, I—” “Great.” Spike unlatched the door, eager to claim the Timberwolf. He could tell he was pressuring Fluttershy and hated that feeling, yet the dragon also wanted to show Twilight and all his friends he could take on a duty like a pet. And fate seemed to have thrown Roots into his path. Things happened for a reason, after all. Roots watched Spike approach, with one of Fluttershy’s hooves patting her head. The Timberwolf allowed the dragon to slip on the collar without complaint, sniffing his head frills as if fascinated by this peculiar visitor. Then Spike told Roots with firm determination: “Okay, Roots. I’m Spike the dragon, your new owner. We’re going to be the best of friends, but first we have to prove to my pal Twilight that you’re the best possible addition to our household. Oh, yeah. And we live in a huge castle, so you’ll have plenty of space to run and play. There’s also going to be a contest.” Spike rambled on, hoping he was making a fair first impression and getting all the facts right away—as Twilight had told him was important when meeting some pony for the first time. All seemed just fine. Until Fluttershy removed her hoof. “So let’s go home, Roots.” Spike declared, and Roots bolted for the opening in the gate. “Whoa!” The dragon cried out in alarm, trying to dig his heels into the ground as the Timberwolf raced across the grass, jumped the brook, and made for Ponyville. “See you, Fluttershy. Thank you.” He called back to Fluttershy as he got dragged out of sight. Had Spike managed to hang back for even a minute, he would have heard Fluttershy voice a faint: “Oh, dear.” But he would also have noticed the dissatisfied ruffling of feathers from a certain owl on watch from a nearby tree. > Chapter Four—Brings a Timberwolf Home > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Despite the burst of confidence Spike had experienced on choosing Roots—and his bravado even when the Timberwolf yanked him away from the cottage—it was hard to keep an optimistic outlook while the trial pet dragged the dragon into Ponyville. Shouting and pleading did little to curb the wooden beast, although he continued digging in his heels and called out assurances to surprised onlookers (many of whom fled into the nearest building). If they made too much of a ruckus, Twilight might come out and make Spike bring Roots back to Fluttershy’s without giving her a chance. “So please, stop now!” Spike grunted. “Bad girl.” He clawed at the ground as Roots continued on her way, gazing around the mostly deserted street as if she were a tourist who had just arrived in town. “No. Roots. Listen to me.” Perspiration was stinging his eyes. “Come on. Please?” They were coming up on a tree near the outskirts of the marketplace. That seemed to divert Roots’ attention at last. She dashed over, sniffed the tree, and nuzzled it a bit with her snout. Spike used the opportunity to tie the leash tightly around the trunk, before sliding down to the ground and wiping a layer of sweat off his brow. “Whew. I’m glad that’s taken care of.” Not that it really was, since now the dragon had to somehow get Roots under enough control to make it back to the palace without looking completely foolish in front of the other ponies and (worst of all) Twilight. “But just how am I supposed to bring Roots home like this? Argh.” “Who.” A feather landed on Spike’s head, and the dragon looked up to find Owlicious staring down at him from a branch with wings crossed. “Yes, it’s me.” Spike said. “Why are you looking at me that way? This is Roots, my new pet. Isn’t she great?” Owlicious raised an eyebrow in doubt. “Well.” The dragon reached his feet, patting Roots on the shoulder (the Timberwolf was back to sniffing the base of the tree again, her tail wagging). “Okay. I agree Roots may be a little rough around the edges, but every pony has to start somewhere, right? She deserves a fair chance. With my expert training, Twilight is sure to agree she’s the perfect pet for me. But I could use a bit of help getting her to listen to me first.” Indeed, Roots appeared content right there at the tree and was paying no heed to Spike at all—except to inadvertently trip him with the leash on circling the trunk. The dragon landed on his back. Spike sighed. Owlicious watched him a few seconds longer, and then flew to a small opening in the tree, digging one of his talons inside and bringing out a rubber ball. “Who—whoo.” Owlicious held the ball overhead, and Spike sat up to regard it. “Huh. It’s one of the rubber balls Pinkie Pie keeps stashed around town, for some reason.” In truth, Spike had stopped trying to understand the pink party pony’s reasoning behind her actions around the point she had first told them that. Yet the reason Owlicious had it now was clear as Celestia’s day. “Hey. That’s a great idea, Owlicious. Maybe Roots might like a game of fetch.” Spike smiled, and Owlicious hooted in response, dropping the ball into the dragon’s outstretched claw. “Oh, Roots.” Spike said, waving the ball aloft. “Look at what your ol’ buddy Spike has for you.” This announcement worked like magic. Suddenly, Roots’ focus shifted from the tree to the ball—and most importantly, to the dragon holding the ball. The Timberwolf’s tongue lagged out, and she sat down. “Good girl, Roots.” Relief washed over Spike. “That’s right. If you listen to me, you’ll get a nice ball to play with. Understand?” Roots yipped in answer. “Now we’re going to walk back to the palace. Your new home, and where you’ll find more of these.” The dragon edged to the leash and untied it, trying to avoid making any sudden movements in case he broke the spell holding the Timberwolf in check. “Okay, then.” The leash loosened, and Roots bounced at Spike with another glad yap. And the Timberwolf might have gotten the ball had Owlicious not swooped in at the last moment and carried it up. In retaliation, Roots leapt up after the owl, but Owlicious was too swift to get caught—managing to stay just high enough where Roots could not reach him. Whew. That was a close one. Spike motioned to Owlicious with a claw, to begin heading towards the palace, and the owl glided slowly on ahead. Meanwhile, Roots followed at about the same, manageable pace, and Spike held onto the leash without further incident for the rest of the trip back home. That is, until they reached the front doors. *** Later on, Twilight could never say exactly what awoke her at that moment. But the princess felt much better for the nap, and everything was calm and pleasant. Even the chaotic sphere appeared at peace upon its cushion. Then she heard the castle doors creaking open downstairs, which echoed through the spacious halls. And she remembered the errand Spike had gone on to adopt his own pet. Her number one assistant must have been all in his glory then. So it was in the best of moods that Twilight fixed the sheets on the bed and headed out to see what Spike had brought home. “Welcome home.” Twilight called, moving at an easy gait down the front steps. Spike was in the lobby, having pulled open one of the doors with much effort—though he paused on hearing the princess. “Oh. Hey, Twilight.” Why did he look so nervous, and perhaps just a bit scared? Twilight had imagined Spike to greet her with as much excitement as when he had left, or even more if he was proud of his pet. At that moment, though, the door burst open all the way, smacking the dragon across the room. And what Twilight saw was no less than a Timberwolf burst into the palace, chasing Owlicious—who gripped a rubber ball in his talons but was now flapping wildly away from the yipping beast. Yet then the ball slipped from Owlicious’ hold, bouncing across the floor, and Spike picked it up. The Timberwolf turned and charged the small dragon. But Twilight didn’t let this intruder get any farther. Using her magic, she grabbed the Timberwolf by the head and yanked it hard sideways—causing the wooden wolf to collapse in a stunned heap on the floor. Then she teleported in front of Spike, wings spread to shield him behind her, preparing to send this Timberwolf packing with a well-aimed spell or two. “Don’t worry, Spike. I’ve got this under control.” The princess assured him. “Twilight, wait.” Spike tugged on Twilight’s wings, before she could proceed. The dragon sounded desperate. “You don’t understand. This is my new pet!” “Your pet?” The magic died down in Twilight’s horn, and now she discerned the collar around the Timberwolf’s neck, and the leash lagging on the floor. The Timberwolf got into a sitting position, whimpering a bit now. And, as if things hadn’t gotten crazy enough already, Fluttershy came shooting inside afterwards and went right to the Timberwolf. “Goodness! Are you okay?” Fluttershy said. “I think Roots is fine.” Spike approached the pegasus and Timberwolf. “She was just trying to get the ball and kind of surprised Twilight.” “Surpised? It looked like you were in dang—” Twilight began to retort, before pausing and taking a deep, cleansing breath. “Spike, I thought we agreed you wouldn’t get something too wild or large.” “Please, Twilight.” Spike said. “Roots is a puppy. She can’t help being energetic, and I just haven’t trained her yet.” The dragon’s eyes were glossy with his pleadings. “Roots was all alone in the world. She needed me. Besides, you’ve told me not to judge others based on their appearances, and to give every pony a fair chance—because you never know where you’ll find a good friend.” “Hmm. Excuse me?” Fluttershy interjected. She had begun to scratch Roots behind the ears, which placated the Timberwolf and caused her to stretch out upon the floor beside the pegasus instead. “It’s my fault. Spike accidentally left in a rush before I could talk to him more about Timberwolves, and Roots, in particular.” “’Accidentally’?” Twilight asked. “I did get a bit excited.” Spike pulled at his tail, embarrassed. “Timberwolves are wild animals and can be dangerous—traveling in packs through the Everfree Forest.” Fluttershy persisted. “They form out of branches and sticks, from the magic in those woods. Actually, I had only ever heard and read of them as appearing in adult size because of that, and nothing about raising pups. So when Roots turned up on my doorstep, it surprised me. Timberwolves are smart and sociable creatures, though, and with the right training Roots might become easier to handle.” “See?” Spike said, nodding his head in satisfaction. “However, because of her age, and how Timberwolves travel in packs, it is possible Roots got separated from her family. They might even be looking for her.” Fluttershy explained. “I had planned to begin searching for them today, until Spike’s visit.” “So I might not get to keep Roots after all?” Spike sounded heart-broken. He held out the rubber ball, and Roots took it in her mouth, clearly glad to have their prize at last. It squeaked between her teeth, and the Timberwolf’s tail thumped the ground. Watching this, Twilight almost thought Roots more resembled a large dog. And like Fluttershy, who was an expert on animal care, the princess had never heard of Timberwolves coming as pups. The chaotic magic flowing throughout the forest brought those wooden creatures together, and caused them to reassemble when blown apart. Somehow, raising infants or pups didn’t seem natural for animals like that. Still, Twilight’s heart was melting at the sight of Spike petting Roots on the head. The thought of the Timberwolf’s pack still being somewhere in the Everfree Forest must have reminded him a lot of what had happened with Pee Wee. Maybe… “I had also planned on asking Discord during the pet show for his advice, if I couldn’t find them.” Fluttershy said then. “Discord is going to come to the pet show next week?” This distracted Twilight from the matter at hoof. “Yes.” Fluttershy said. “I invited him to come see all the animals, and to watch sweet Angel Bunny perform.” Ah. That was probably what Discord had meant by a “few days.” Hopefully, it would give Twilight enough time to practice with the chaos the draconequus had left, and to make something that might impress him. She could already feel the time crunch. But no. Twilight had to focus on Spike for the moment, who was scratching Roots behind the ear as Fluttershy had done and getting nuzzled with a snout in return. “Hey, Fluttershy?” Twilight said, loud enough for the dragon to hear. “Do you think it would be all right if Spike took care of Roots while you look for her pack? Perhaps he could even help in the search. And I’m sure he would enjoy learning more about pet training and care.” Hope was shining in Spike’s expression. Fluttershy saw this and obviously caught the implications in what Twilight said. “I would be happy for the help.” Fluttershy said, giving a head nod to Spike. “And it would be a pleasure to teach Spike what I can about caring for animals.” “You’re the best!” Spike said, hugging Twilight and Fluttershy in turns—before wrapping his arms around Roots’ neck. “You’ll see. Roots and I will make a big impact at the Equestria Pet Show. Right, Roots?” As if in response, Timberwolf continued to squeak the rubber small, enveloped in that simple joy. > Chapter Five—Visits an Enchanted Library > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- One great starting point in the search to learn more about the young Timberwolf—Twilight suggested—was to visit the palace library, which had an extensive inventory of manuscripts from all across Equestria. The princess had spent many bibliophilic hours already, browsing this ponderous collection, searching for anything from recent releases by J.K. Yearling to ancient texts only previously found in the Canterlot Library. And each time, it seemed there were no end to the wonders hidden in plain sight on the shelves. The library covered an unmarked distance within the distorted space of the room it occupied. Bookshelves reached to the high-arched ceiling, and extended back to the furthest corners. There were various movable ladders placed at different intervals that reached to the same heights, so any pony could access the contents. Yet even this comprised only one part of the overall library. For off to one side, one could see another staircase leading down into a darker and cooler archives area beneath. Yet, unlike other similar facilities, the reference books in this enchanting place flew around the room like quiet birds or pegasi—coming to the aid of ponies in need of navigational assistance. This was the first time Fluttershy had seen this newly-furbished portion of the palace, and it showed. The pegasus paused upon the threshold, eyes widening as her senses tried to absorb the grand vista before them. Twilight had heard her whispering gently into Roots’ ear to not go rushing off again, and to stay close (which the Timberwolf, thankfully, obeyed). But even Roots appeared somehow stunned as well, whining a bit while sniffing the air. It was possible the wooden wolf could smell Discord here, since the draconequus had been the one to present the library to Twilight soon after their adventure concerning the Tree of Harmony. In many ways, this had been a token of his mentorship, since Twilight was sure he must have meant for her to use a few volumes here towards possible future magic lessons. That is, if no mishap occurred with the chaotic sphere first. Still, Twilight couldn’t resist a swell of pride as she called out to the reference books: “May we please see any materials regarding Timberwolves and their development?” Her voice echoed through this realm of tomes, and the reference books scrambled to do her bidding. One among the number, pages shuffling in its rush, drifted down to Twilight—flipping open to a glowing list of titles. And gathering around, the ponies could see a list of relevant entries. There were fairytale and fiction books galore, many of which Fluttershy mentioned having read before. Although, in most cases like the tale Little Red Riding Hoof, the Timberwolves were villains or dangerous beasts to avoid. They seemed to highlight a certain fear of these creatures in the minds of most ponies that Twilight couldn’t help except note. Even in the Daring Do series, any mention to them tended to involve fleeing from their sharp teeth or hungry packs. They often came across as one of the greatest dangers cited of venturing into the Everfree Forest. What if Spike was right? Twilight thought. Perhaps she had been too quick or eager to dismiss Roots for simply being a Timberwolf. “How about these?” Spike asked, pointing to a series of naturalistic observation notes on the subject. “Yes. Those would probably give us the best clues.” Twilight agreed, and then noticed the dates. “Hmm. Most of these are over one hundred years old, and according to the reference book they would be in the archives.” “Oh, dear.” For a moment, Twilight thought the sight of the stairwell that plunged into darkness below might have caused Fluttershy’s resolve to falter a bit. But when the princess actually glanced at her, the pegasus appeared more thoughtful than intimidated. “So no pony has written down observations of what Timberwolves are really like for over a hundred years?” “At least, none that have been published, I guess.” Twilight answered. “I had no idea.” Fluttershy said. “Maybe—” She trailed off, although both Twilight and Spike understood what she meant. “We can find out together.” Spike volunteered. “After we’ve read what’s been written on Timberwolves, that is.” Twilight beamed at this remark. It seemed Spike had learned the value of building off source material, and hopefully their research sessions in the past would enable the dragon to help Fluttershy with her studies on the Timberwolves in Everfree Forest. “Spike and I will go retrieve the manuscripts.” Twilight said then, noticing that despite it all, a bit of her previous assumption had been correct. The stairwell did seem to daunt Fluttershy—even if she knew the pegasus would have followed her down anyway. “Maybe you could keep an eye on Roots up here in the meantime?” “Of course.” Fluttershy answered, asking Roots to lay on the floor. And the Timberwolf did so without hesitation. Spike watched this in awe, before following Twilight downstairs. *** “I hope Fluttershy can teach me to get animals to do whatever you say.” Spike mused aloud, while the pair descended the narrow stairwell. Covered lanterns with some type of phosphorescent material inside radiated a dim, greenish light. “Maybe it’s a clever trick, like ‘The Stare.’ If she does, training Roots will probably take no time at all. Right?” “Spike. It’s only because Fluttershy has a lot of experience working with animals that she knew how to get Roots under control like that.” Twilight replied, making sure to emphasize Fluttershy having ‘a lot of experience.’ Nothing good would come of Spike searching for a quick solution. She knew this from personal trial-and-error incidents. “She knows how to communicate with them on another level, and it’s her special talent developed over years of effort.” “I was afraid you were going to say that.” Spike said. They reached the bottom of the stairs. The archives, as they were, resembled a dim storehouse of sorts and probably stretched for the same interminable distance as the main collection overhead. Very tall volumes had special rotating shelves that allowed one to lay them upon their sides and take pressure off the spines. Acid-free box containers held particularly old or worn manuscripts with labels on the sides, and cabinets slid out to reveal maps or large illustrations. “And you’re right. It’s just that I know Roots would make a cool pet, if she had some pony willing to help her—and I would do anything I could to make that happen. Plus, then every pony could see Timberwolves are not so bad. Just like dragons.” The comment made Twilight halt for a fraction of a second in surprise, wondering if perhaps Spike had begun to see Roots’ situation as something closer to home than even his time with Pee Wee—drawing comparisons between Roots and himself now. “Equestria is changing.” Twilight said, feeling the truth of it warm her to the very core. “And how ponies see one another and different creatures is also changing. We just have to remember to keep an open mind. But it helps to have ponies remind us of that fact.” She winked at her assistant, which definitely consoled him. “I can tell Roots is a nice Timberwolf, like you said.” “Right.” This emboldened Spike. “Now where are those notes?” A dark form brushed past. At first, Twilight thought one of the reference books had flown down into the archives to guide them to the correct shelves. But then she heard the low hooting sounds of Owlicious, and noticed him flying on ahead. Usually, the owl was no so active during the daytime—preferring to assist the princess during the evenings when Spike needed his rest. Yet now he scanned the sections as if he did this every day as a matter of course. And he hooted, landing atop one shelf. Spike came over. “Gee. Thanks, Owlicious.” The dragon reached up and slipped one of the hardbound volumes off the shelf. Twilight used her magic to grab the rest. “Who.” Owlicious said. “You, of course.” Spike returned, reaching up to scratch Owlicious under his chin. “Now we can go back to Fluttershy and find out all about Roots.” In his excitement, her assistant powerwalked (it was too difficult for him to run with that heavy book) to the steps leading back up—and this time it was Twilight who turned to follow the dragon. But Twilight thought, before she started up the stairs, that she heard Owlicious gave a soft, drawn-out hoot after them. > Chapter Six—Gathers Previous Research on Timberwolves > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Twilight and Spike returned upstairs, Roots lay stretched out on the ground with Fluttershy stroking her side. The Timberwolf seemed at complete peace now, only giving off a slight snort as the pair approached and set their finds upon the floor for Fluttershy to view. And the ponies did flip through each series of naturalistic observations, written mostly by unnamed explorers—or at least those with names too smeared or faded to discern. The ponies in question made reference to the particular magic in Everfree Forest—what Twilight and the rest now knew abounded in chaos—that strung together Timberwolves from various types of mosses and bits of trees. According to them, the population appeared to increase and decrease alongside the woods. Most animals in danger of having their homes demolished or destroyed for whatever reason might flee from the area, or perhaps even migrate to more admirable pastures. Yet these explorers insisted that Timberwolves literally dissembled and disappeared once the sources for their parts vanished. Fluttershy was the one to point out an account of Timberwolf falling apart after ponies had torn down the trees in a section of the woods where it roamed—never to come back together again. Meanwhile, Twilight found an entry about rare types called “King Timberwolves,” or Timberwolves constructed from pieces of enchanted wood and even from each other. This observation was one both Twilight and Spike had eyewitness testimony to prove, having once watched several Timberwolves rearrange themselves into one massive wooden wolf that towered above them all. But what Spike found involved speculation on what role Timberwolves played in the Everfree Forest at large. In many ways, they were like normal wolves, from their semblance to their propensity to howl or travel in packs. Yet the explorers found that they seemed to stick to particular areas of the woods—which seemed denser in magic and from where they had originated. In addition, they would chase away those who ventured too far into these regions, such as what the explorer called “pools of magic.” This revelation reminded Twilight of the cloning pool their friend Pinkie Pie had once visited on several occasions. The party pony had not mentioned encountering Timberwolves then, yet she knew there were various points in the Everfree Forest that hosted particular magical spots. The cave containing the Tree of Harmony, at its very heart, was one such place. If what the explorers had said about Timberwolves chasing off any pony who ventured into those magic-thick areas was true— “It could be that Timberwolves are more likely to form around those spots, and to make their territories there.” Twilight suggested. “So anywhere there’s more magic in the Everfree Forest, there would be more Timberwolves?” Spike asked. “Maybe they are keeping ponies and other creatures away from those places because it’s dangerous.” Fluttershy commented then, reviewing the notes again. “Their actions sound too deliberate—in my opinion.” She added the last part, as if not entirely sure what her friends would think of the possibility. But she needn’t have worried. “Like guard dogs?” Spike asked, growing excited again. “Guard dogs for more dangerous magical locations in the Everfree Forest?” Twilight let her own question hang in the air for a while, allowing the words to echo in the library and wondering at the possibility. That might actually make sense, although they must not have been on duty all the time. There had been a few instances where Twilight or her friends had visited places without trouble from them, even if one excluded the cloning pool incident. There might to be more to it than that, even if it felt like they were on the right track. However, this also seemed the extent of what the explorers had discovered on Timberwolves—without any explicit mention to ones that came in Roots’ size. Still, based on what they had discovered regarding King Timberwolves—there could have been another explanation. “Perhaps Roots just formed from less materials from the Everfree Forest than other, regular-sized Timberwolves for whatever reason.” Twilight theorized. “She may be young, or newly formed, but it stands to reason if there could be a King Timberwolf, there could be a small Timberwolf as well.” “Or a Petite Timberwolf?” Spike offered, apparently attempting to coin a classification for Roots. “Maybe we can find out by making our own observations.” Fluttershy interjected. “There may be more small—or ‘petite’ Timberwolves around than when the explorers took their notes. We won’t know unless we go to find out. And I would love to discover how these precious creatures live each day in the Everfree Forest.” “Me too.” Spike said, turning to Twilight. “I’ll need to borrow the photography gear, your mapping materials, your explorer’s cap, lanterns (no need for matches), binoculars, protractor, whistle, and your camping kit.” “Well, hmm—” Fluttershy said. “Don’t you think that’s a little excessive?” It was true. From the sounds of it, the whole observation was turning into one massive expedition—at least for Spike. “Wait a minute.” Twilight said. “What about training for the Equestria Pet Show, or the pet care sessions?” “Oh, yeah. I almost forgot about that, and Roots.” Spike turned to pat the Timberwolf on the shoulder, and Roots awoke at that moment to look around—as if she had forgotten for a moment where she had wound up. “Well, how about this?” Fluttershy said. “I’m very good at observing all types of animals in their natural habitats. Maybe I could go visit the Everfree Forest by myself to observe the Timberwolves at different points throughout the week, and return during the afternoons to help you train Roots at my cottage. I could share what I’ve learned with you. It would also give me an opportunity see if I might find out where Roots’ pack could be, or if she has a pack to which she could return. I don’t know if they’re as consistent in their packs as regular wolves.” “So only you would get to go into the Everfree Forest?” Spike asked, with the beginnings of disappointment apparent in his expression. “That might be for the best.” Fluttershy replied. “Then you stay with Roots, because she shouldn’t be alone.” “All right.” Spike said, after a long pause. “It sounds like that might be for the best. What do you think, Twilight?” “I think that would be just fine.” Twilight agreed. “And in the meantime, I’ll have to work on shaping the chaos Discord let me use.” At Fluttershy’s inquiring look, Twilight explained how the draconequus had given her a portion of pure chaos on which to practice her newfound magic—and her determination to create something more complex than a sphere. “I don’t believe you should worry too much, Twilight.” Fluttershy consoled her. “It sounds as if you are already making great progress, and I’m sure Discord knows you are trying hard.” Despite Fluttershy’s kind words, however, Twilight resisted commenting that “trying hard” wasn’t enough for her. It felt like she had made something too easy and simple, whereas Discord created elaborate things on a daily basis. Twilight hardly expected to reach anything close to the draconequus’ prowess with chaos during the first lesson, but she wanted to be able to present something more inventive than what had resulted amid their session. Of course, while Twilight wanted to concentrate wholeheartedly on the chaotic sphere, there was the fact that most of the time Roots would be around the palace with Spike. “Meanwhile, I’ll watch over Roots and make sure nothing distracts you.” Spike stated, guessing at Twilight’s anxiety. “You won’t need to worry about a thing with me in charge.” A moment later, Roots sampled Twilight’s tail. “Mm-hmm.” Twilight yanked her tail free from the Timberwolf’s mouth, while Spike gave her a sheepish look. “Everything should work out fine.” Fluttershy said, in further assurance. “You be a good girl and listen to Spike for me, okay?” The pegasus rubbed Roots right between the eyes, which the Timberwolf appeared to enjoy very much. The wolf yipped in response. “And of course, I will try to do whatever I can to help as well.” Twilight gazed around at her friends. “Good luck, every pony.” “Yeeup!” Spike hopped in joy. “Yay.” Fluttershy cheered, quietly. > Chapter Seven—Begins the Week > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- With these arrangements decided, every pony gained specific goals to meet by the Equestria Pet Show, and each strove to prepare for what would happen during this important event. And for Twilight and Spike, in particular, it seemed to become less about showing off pets, and more about proving something personal between different ponies. Spike wanted Twilight to know he could handle Roots, and that the Timberwolf would make a valuable addition to their household. Meanwhile, Twilight hoped to turn the sphere of pure chaos into an amazing creation to impress her new teacher. Fluttershy arguably felt the least constrained in her activities, despite the rigorous training schedule planned. For the pegasus delved into her naturalistic research in the hopes of casting Timberwolves as a species in a better light for ponykind to understand, and her passion enlivened more than stressed her out. *** Fluttershy started her observations almost right after leaving the palace—venturing into the Everfree Forest after a quick stop at her cottage to gather the needed supplies. As Fluttershy had made clear to Spike, she indeed had a lot of knowledge in tracking and watching animals in their natural habitats, and in places many ponies would have thought far more dangerous on first sight than the woods. Yet the pegasus knew from days gone by how even she had used to fear this wild place where the clouds moved on their own, the vegetation grew as it wished, and the animals tended themselves without pony intervention. It had been so strange and peculiar to the young pony. But time could change many things, as could friendship. And now Fluttershy found she could enter the Everfree Forest without the same worries that had once tormented her so often before. Through various adventures, several of which had happened alongside her dear friends, she had become less afraid of this place. And, in fact, nowadays the forest and creatures appeared to welcome her in an amiable manner—and she had just begun to learn how to communicate with the myriad of animals who resided therein. This fact was something Fluttershy would have had trouble explaining to any pony, since it made no sense to her as well. However, she appreciated it all the same. So she sought out the Timberwolves who roamed through the undergrowth, by speaking to the birds and other animals who might have some idea of their general romping grounds. And the birds were able to tell Fluttershy of a few areas where she might discover packs of Timberwolves—in areas even these small friends said they steered clear from due to an odd thickness to the atmosphere. Some deep-rooted instinctual fear kept her woodland friends from moving around these regions too much, excluding the wolves themselves. It made Fluttershy wonder if these were the “pools of magic” Twilight had come across in their research, and what she might find beyond more information on the Timberwolves. Having lived in Ponyville a fair portion of her life—after dropping there from Cloudsdale during Summer Flight Camp as a filly—she had heard numerous pony tales about locations in the Everfree Forest where odd occurrences took place, and from which “no pony ever returned.” They were warnings passed on from one generation to the next, and Fluttershy had made note of them all. And while trekking through the Everfree Forest, following a few of the braver birds towards one of the main Timberwolf hunting grounds, the pegasus ran through a list of the ones she could remember again. There was the cloning pool that had once caused such mayhem in Ponyville with Pinkie Pie, and the region along the outskirts of the Apples’ property—particularly close to where Applejack’s grandmother, Granny Smith, had discovered the Zap Apples that had helped to establish their homestead and business. There were also tales involving a labyrinthine thicket that supposedly had a valuable treasure at its center (yet could get ponies lost forever upon entering it), trees like Venus Flytraps, ponds that could predict the future, and several concerning dangerous creatures as the “headless horse,” and others that had been sealed or laid dormant for centuries. Tales like the headless horse had probably been made up, although they still terrified Fluttershy despite it all. Having her animal friends nearby, however, as well as Angel Bunny astride her back, made her feel a little better. And perhaps, if it was true Timberwolves stayed to areas related to such stories and chased ponies away, she might come upon them shortly without getting into too much trouble. This theory got tested around two hours after Fluttershy had entered the Everfree Forest, where the trees ahead pulled back to reveal a small glade. It looked like a nice place to take a rest, and to perhaps have a snack (since Angel’s tummy was growling). But the pegasus had not taken two steps into the clearing when the birds shattered, and low growls echoed nearby. Angel let out a shrill squeak and hid in Fluttershy’s long pink mane, while his owner noted the bright green eyes poking out from the undergrowth. They were indeed Timberwolves, much larger than Roots and forming a solid pack. Fluttershy half-expected them to lunge forward towards her, and her whole body tensed in readiness. But instead, a few of the creatures eased out from the vegetation before her—forming what was clearly a sort of wall between Fluttershy and the glade. They were still growling, and the pegasus took a step back, yet the pack only continued to consider her. And then, one Timberwolf, slightly larger with a bit of a limp (due to a leg formed from a particularly knobby branch) came forward. This, Fluttershy guessed, must be the leader of the pack. “I’m ever so sorry for intruding in your territory” Fluttershy addressed the leader, and then decided (since they were indeed listening to her) to test her idea. “Is there something dangerous up ahead?” The Timberwolf nodded his mighty head and gave a low bark to the other pack members. Their wall parted enough for Fluttershy to see the glade clearly, and one from among the pack kicked a stone out upon the ground. It sank at once, almost like an ice cube dropped into hot tea. Angel practically fainted, and Fluttershy gasped. “Thank you!” Fluttershy exclaimed, looking around at the gathered Timberwolves. “I’ll make sure to take a note of this right away.” With this, it seemed a certain spell had been broken, and the Timberwolves moved off deeper into the Everfree Forest. The pegasus thought to call after them, so she could perhaps ask more questions. But something told her the Timberwolves were not yet ready for anything like an interview, and Fluttershy understood she had to respect those wishes. But that didn’t mean Fluttershy couldn’t follow and observe them. This encounter was one of many Fluttershy had in the Everfree Forest, and which she related to Spike during their afternoon training session. Spike came to the cottage, like clockwork, at noon—tugged along by Roots and followed by Owlicious, who held a rubber ball in case the young Timberwolf got out of hoof. They had lunch together inside, and over the warm meal Fluttershy shared her notes, and the dragon made a copy of them so they might have another record in case some incident should befall the first set. This was an undertaking Spike carried out with great skill, having had years of experience scribing Twilight’s thoughts and letters to Princess Celestia. Although, even then, Spike took several pauses to comment on the adventure Fluttershy had had. “So the Timberwolves must be protecting ponies from dangerous places in the Everfree Forest.” The dragon beamed after Fluttershy had told him about her initial encounter. “In their own way, that is. That means they’re noble, just like me. You know, since they take their duties very seriously and all. Just wait until Twilight hears about this!” At this point, Angel Bunny gagged and hopped from the room, not being the biggest fan of Timberwolves or Spike (unfortunately, in Fluttershy’s mind). *** Whenever Spike looked back on the events of that week, the stories Fluttershy told about her encounters would stand as stalwart reminders in his head of the skill and mastery over various creatures his pegasus friend had achieved. He had seen samples of her prowess in this area many times before, but now the fact seemed highlighted that the often socially awkward yet sweet Fluttershy could be quite courageous and assertive in her own right. Sometimes, the dragon would imagine himself traveling along by her side during those tales, and facing down huge Timberwolves without batting a lash (a metaphor that often caused his mind to digress to the love of his life, the beauty that was Rarity). In fact, on that first day Spike had began to sink into a daydream about Rarity— When Fluttershy announced it was time to begin their training, which actually disrupted Spike’s stupor. Much of the instruction that day involved learning how to connect with animals by being sensitive to their needs and wants—and to help them come to trust and listen to their owners. It sounded so easy to do, yet Spike now understood it could be a challenge. Fluttershy also often stressed that Spike needed to treat each animal as an individual. Roots, for instance, loved to play with balls and explore. And while Spike watched, Fluttershy indulged in a game of fetch with the Timberwolf—somehow managing to throw it high into the air, where Roots leapt up with a hearty bound to catch it. Spike thought it no wonder Timberwolf could have overpowered Spike enough to pull him as she had through town. It was almost like she could fly. Then his gaze wandered over to a nearby tree, where Owlicious sat upon one of the branches with the ball he had brought. And the owl, in almost a casual way, tossed up the rubber ball and balanced it upon his head—before turning his neck in just such a manner that the ball rolled down along his wing. Wow. Spike couldn’t help but gawk at this. Owlicious really could be incredible, and he had helped out a lot with Roots. “Hey, Owlicious.” Spike said, and the owl easily caught the ball in one talon. “Want to play a little fetch too?” In answer, Owlicious soared up and dropped the ball. Spike caught it, and soon began two fond games of fetch. The dragon had never played fetch with Owlicious before, and the pair had so much fun Spike almost forgot it was supposed to be practice for when he would do the same thing with Roots. For Roots, herself, seemed to be having a good time and appeared somewhat reluctant to leave the place once Fluttershy announced their session was over for the day. Spike noticed this, and a small tingle of doubt entered him. But Owlicious managed to coax Roots towards home with the ball, and the Timberwolf obeyed. *** Meanwhile, Twilight had begun to practice her skills upon the pure chaos. But she found it difficult, once again, to call upon the magic first used to turn the square into a sphere. Concentrating on the bonds forged between her friends did bring the magic to the surface, yet thoughts of Spike and the Timberwolf research they had done kept interfering with that focus. The alicorn princess tended to become involved in anything that required further study or had gaps—and she kept worrying a scene such as the kind that had taken place the other day would happen again. Aside from this, however, Twilight soon discovered the choice of what to change the sphere into caused as much of a problem as her innate curiosity. She would have a concept in mind and reach the point where her magic would radiate about the sphere—only to have another thought on something that might be better ruin the whole thing. And each attempt was draining. The pony had to take breaks. And it was while one such break that Twilight peered out the window, catching sight of Spike weaving his way through Ponyville. She saw Owlicious gliding in front, with Roots eagerly following him (probably due to the rubber ball, once more). Yet what caught Twilight’s attention most was the way Spike was talking to Owlicious as they neared the front of the palace. “Thanks for all your help again, Owlicious.” Twilight heard Spike say. “Who.” Owlicious returned. “Yes, you.” Spike replied. “Although, those moves weren’t so bad either. Why didn’t you tell me you could dive-bomb and catch a ball two inches from the ground?” “Who.” “Come on. There’s no need to be modest. You were great!” Twilight listened to this exchange, shaking her head in wonderment—and with a small smile crossing her lips. > Chapter Eight—Hosts a Montage > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The first day set an interesting pattern for the rest of the week, where Spike and Owlicious would take Roots to Fluttershy’s each afternoon to hear her latest discoveries on the Timberwolves of the Everfree Forest. And then the pegasus would give the young dragon another lesson in treating animals— specifically pets—with respect and care. For his part, Spike was a diligent pupil. He would copy down Fluttershy’s expeditions and ask thoughtful questions on Timberwolves in general. There was a lot for Fluttershy to share. After her initial encounter with the pack, she had not only managed to find them again, but to witness such occurrences as their late night coons to Luna’s moon and playfulness in the underbrush. They were much like wolves during their leisure periods, though with their own games that the pegasus spent many contented hours watching. For instance, they played a sort of tag, where one Timberwolf would snatch the wooden tail off another pack member and run around playing keep away while the other chased her. And at times, these wolves had even made motions for Fluttershy to join in their games, which she then shared with Spike and the rest (and Roots appeared to enjoy keep away even more than fetch). Yet another discovery Fluttershy made was of different places where Timberwolves enjoyed getting petted or stroked, which she demonstrated on Roots, with the pup falling into a pleasurable heap at her hooves. The same thing worked for Spike when he tried the same techniques, yet Fluttershy appeared to have a certain special touch that made the pet-in-training whimper just a bit longer in satisfaction. Unfortunately, the one important thing that kept eluding Fluttershy again and again (and that she continued to mention at each of their meetings) was the pack from which Roots came. The pegasus soon reached the point where she could question the head of the Timberwolves she had first met if they were missing one of their number (or whether or not this was true for other packs throughout the Everfree Forest), yet the knob-legged Timberwolf couldn’t seem to help her in this pursuit. The concept of a Timberwolf “pup” seemed a foreign concept to him. The fact that this puzzled the Timberwolf caused much speculation between Fluttershy, Spike, and Twilight. For in the late afternoons when Spike returned to the palace, he would share the latest observations with the princess, and they would talk it over—until Twilight dropped off to sleep, that is, which she began to do quite often given the amount of magic practice she undertook. Poor Twilight seemed to have had no better luck in influencing the chaotic sphere than she had had on the first day. Too much hung in the balance, and too often she would get distracted at some crucial moment while considering all the possible shapes the sphere could attain. In all fairness, the princess did manage to affect the chaos enough to cause it to go through a few different forms, with the chaotic sphere being the easiest to create (for some odd reason). But she seemed just able to handle a new shape or more at a time before getting too worn out, which meant anything more complicated was out of the question. And the more tired she became, the harder it was for Twilight to concentrate and make the rainbow-hued magic happen. As a result, on more than one occasion, Spike and Owlicious wound up tucking her into bed, which the young dragon did with much fondness. For so often over the years, Twilight had done the same for him. Yet it also became apparent to Spike how lucky he was to have Owlicious helping him out around the palace and elsewhere, specifically in regards to keeping Roots under control. Through a combination of the obedience training at Fluttershy’s home, and techniques Spike picked up while there, Roots’ behavior saw a great improvement as the week progressed. She no longer pulled the dragon around so much (except on their way to the cottage) and even licked him on occasion. But there were still problems, and times when the Timberwolf got practically restless and managed to get away from both Spike and Owlicious (though often not for long, with one or the other keeping an eye on her). After the first night, where Roots howled so loudly that even Twilight couldn’t sleep, the Timberwolf got moved to a room deeper in the castle during the nights (and soundproofed with magic). Yet this didn’t keep Roots from getting out. *** Such was the occasion one evening right at the end of the week, when Owlicious nudged Spike awake. For Roots had somehow escaped from the established room once again and was now wandering around the castle. Tired of the forced confinement, perhaps, the Timberwolf had managed to force open the door through sheer wooden muscle. This time, the pair found her the moment Roots yanked off the doorknob on the permanent guestroom Twilight had set aside for Discord. A small slat over where the knob had been read: “Unoccupied,” which Spike took to mean no pony was there at the moment. But by magic, the knob disappeared from the Timberwolf’s mouth and appeared once more in its place. Roots looked fascinated by this, and might have investigated further, if Owlicious had not flown between the two and Spike come over to say with the firm stance and regard Fluttershy had taught him: “Roots, no.” At this, Roots coughed up another doorknob. And Spike realized, with a bit of a start, that many of the doors along the hallway were missing them. Spike groaned. “Bad girl, Roots!” The dragon snapped, growing red with all the pent-up frustration and practically spitting flames. “You were a very, bad girl.” And Roots whimpered, crouching low to the ground—truly repentant, which abated Spike’s anger. It was hard for him to say exactly what the young wolf was thinking, yet the dragon could understand her curiosity and need to explore. In truth, it wasn’t her fault. It was just that somehow the palace didn’t seem large enough for such wild enthusiasm, especially for a Timberwolf like Roots. “I’m so sorry.” Spike said, crouching down and stroking Roots along the snout. “I didn’t mean to shout, or to snap.” At this, a glimmer of understanding entered Roots’ expression, and she nudged the dragon with her nose. And Spike thought of all the stories Fluttershy had told him over the last few days, of packs of Timberwolves that roamed through the Everfree Forest, or even how well his friend had handled Roots at each of their afternoon sessions. In comparison, Spike could barely contain her—and both the dragon and Owlicious were getting worn out in the process. “You know.” Spike commented, scratching Roots behind the ear. “Having a Timberwolf for a pet is really a lot tougher than I thought.” “Who.” Owlicious agreed. “What with Twilight wrapped up in her lesson, and me just struggling to learn more about Timberwolves in general, we haven’t even gotten anywhere close to practicing for the Equestria Pet Show. And that’s tomorrow, already.” Spike sighed, patting Roots gently. “It’s taken a lot to even reach this level.” “Who.” “Hey, Owlicious? Did you ever get the feeling you’ve taken on too much to handle due to inexperience, but you were too afraid to admit it?” “Who?” “Yes, you.” Spike said. “I thought having a pet—any pet, would be so easy, even a Timberwolf. But it’s not. I was just thinking about myself and what would look cool at the show. Like Fluttershy keeps saying, I need to think about Roots’ needs. Fluttershy is the one who has been able to do all the research and has the experience with animals. I’m only starting out. We’ve been able to learn quite a bit about Timberwolves already, and everything we’ve found says they like being free and play an important role in the Everfree Forest. And perhaps—” He hesitated, gazing at the crystalline palace around him. “Roots wouldn’t be so happy here after all.” Roots gave a low whine. “But, I think I know where she might be happier.” Spike scratched Roots between the eyes, which made the Timberwolf murmur in gratitude, while Owlicious gave a soft, rueful hoot. “Well, I guess the Equestria Pet Show will have to wait.” Owlicious landed upon the green frills on Spike’s head. He was so light, gentle, and a great comfort right then. “Come on, Roots.” Spike said. “Let’s get you back to your room, because tomorrow is going to be a big day for every pony.” *** Not long after these events, Twilight jerked awake in her bed—with the impression she might have fallen asleep in the middle of speaking or another important activity. This was a sensation the princess had been getting more often of late, especially amid her frustrations in influencing the chaotic sphere. The assignment still sat upon its cushioned pedestal, safe and sound. Yet what really caught her attention were the soft sounds of Spike snoring nearby, accompanied by faint hoots. More surprising still was the sight of Spike curled sleeping in his basket, hugging Owlicious almost like a teddy bear. And Owlicious, for his part, seemed equally content and dozing soundly. Twilight had no idea how the pair had wound up together like this, but it was so heart-warming she delighted in the view for a few moments before using her magic to pull the blanket over them both. Sometimes, Spike tried to act more grown up than he was, but then he would have moments like these that reminded the pony he was truly a very young dragon. At least now he appeared at peace for the first time since the week had begun, having spent most of it running between the palace and Fluttershy’s cottage to look after the Timberwolf. It was the same with Owlicious, who had truly done a good job helping him out. Of course, this was no better than what Twilight had done. The days had seemed to blur together. It was a saving grace that the mayor had decided to handle most of the preparations for the Equestria Pet Show, according to notes provided by Fluttershy and Twilight weeks in advance. Being such a huge event, the pet show had taken a while to plan—and the princess realized with a bit of a start how she hadn’t had much of a chance to see how they were coming along. Perhaps she would allow herself half a day’s break to check out everything. Actually, what day was it? Twilight went to a calendar hung upon their wall, where Spike had struck off each day during the week. Which meant—? “The Equestria Pet Show is tomorrow!” Twilight almost shouted in dismay, remembering at the last moment to lower her voice to a whisper. Where had the week gone? It had simply zipped past, and she was no closer to making something more out of the chaotic sphere like she had promised Discord. Perhaps Twilight should try this one more time, even if she still felt exhausted. Approaching the chaos, Twilight concentrated once again. She mused on her friendships as before, though the thought of Spike and Owlicious working together with Fluttershy actually helped the most in bringing the rainbow-hued magic to the surface. They had made a good team, and as her magic encircled the sphere, she focused on stretching out the chaos. Perhaps a spiral might make a good choice. With a little coercion, the chaos started to shift—until another possibility occurred to her. A spiral was simply another shape. Twilight needed something more complex. The chaos had to keep changing. It never wanted to stay still. Such thoughts abounded in her mind as Twilight continued to mold the sphere. Perhaps she could try making a copy of a book, such as the kind with which Discord had filled her new library. Twilight even had a volume in mind: the journal her friends had kept over the last several months. Then again, there were a lot of things to take into account when creating a book. Twilight need to form the whole thing from the inside out, and not just influence the shape. And this was apparently harder to accomplish. Maybe she was trying to do too much too quickly. Twilight could feel her magic and strength beginning to ebb. She wouldn’t be able to hold it. But all the same, those hopes and frustrations seemed to pulse through her very senses, and the chaotic sphere started to do something odd indeed. The chaos also began to pulse, and then to quiver, and even to turn different colors. This worried Twilight so much that she spent what was left of her energy to transform it back into a sphere—which seemed the only reliable shape the princess could make. And the chaos came to rest back upon the cushion. Oh, well. Perhaps the chaotic sphere would be enough, after all. Twilight could always go over what her difficulties and discoveries during the week with Discord when he came. Everything would be fine. Besides, the Equestria Pet Show would be tomorrow, and she would need to fulfill her position there of a judge. So Twilight headed back to bed, hopeful though still a little nervous of what the following day would bring. She dropped off to sleep again right away. But the chaotic sphere started to pulse again, ever so slowly, and to move. And from way down in her room, Roots sensed it and growled. > Chapter Nine—Involves a Frantic Search and Encounter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight awoke the following morning to the sounds of merriment already getting started throughout the streets in Ponyville. Whenever festivals or larger events came to her hometown, it was as if the residents could hardly wait to get them underway. Then again, based on the position of Celestia’s sun in the sky, the princess must have slept in for a change. But at least the actual judging portion would come around noon, and Twilight could tell that was still a ways off. She stretched beneath the bedcovers, rubbing her eyes and considering what to do next. There might be just enough time to practice a little more with the chaotic sphere. Yet then her thoughts turned to Spike. Perhaps she could use this time to help her number one assistant with any last-minute preparations involving Roots. It was unclear to her how Spike might handle the pet show, despite all the difficulties in keeping the Timberwolf under control. Perhaps he had been practicing different tricks at Fluttershy’s cottage. In any case, he had seemed to be improving with Roots, ever-so-subtly. But was it enough? “Twilight, come quick!” The bedroom doors crashed open, and a moment later Spike patted to her beside. “Roots got out of her room.” “Again?” Twilight sat up, yawning. “But it’s worse this time. We can’t find her anywhere. Owlicious is still looking, of course, but I think we need some help.” Spike was wringing his tail, which was a sure sign the poor dragon was very upset. “Usually, we have been able to track her down based on—well, any damage. Yet everything in the castle seems to be in its place, except for one thing.” Spike pointed a clawed finger across the room, and a certain dread swelled in the pit of Twilight’s stomach as she followed it. The chaotic sphere was gone. Uh-oh. Twilight teleported from her bed to beside the pedestal in a flash. The impression on the cushion showed the chaotic sphere had either slid or been pulled down from the right side. Circling the area, and examining the floor, the princes found it smooth and unmarred by claw marks (Roots tended to leave small scratches wherever she went, unless the Timberwolf had been moving slowly). But that didn’t make sense. And how had Roots gotten into the room, anyway? At least, she remembered closing the bedroom door, but that had been before she got up later and tried again. She couldn’t recall if it had been or not by then. “Spike, was the door open when you went to bed?” Twilight asked, causing the young dragon to tug at his head frills in a meditative manner. “Owlicious got me up because Roots got out of her room yesterday evening. She had broken out, so we had to bring her back. We believed she would be fine afterwards, and that we had an understanding. But then Roots must have decided to leave again, for some reason.” Spike paused, seeming to realize he hadn’t answered Twilight’s question. “Actually, I think I might have left the door a bit ajar when we came back. Was that wrong?” “Of course, not.” Twilight took a deep breath. The last thing she wanted was Spike to blame himself for the missing chaotic sphere, or for Roots’ disappearance. He had been trying so hard, after all. She ruffled his frills with one hoof. “You couldn’t have known Roots would come up here to take the chaos, if that’s what happened.” “Roots never showed an interest in getting into the bedroom before.” Spike persisted. “I wonder why she did now—if she did. What seemed to interest her last night were doorknobs. But then again, she loves balls, or anything round.” He began to slow down a bit while saying the last part, letting the implications hang for a while between them. The chaotic sphere. “Well, we’ll just have to find Roots.” Twilight declared. “Spike, you continue to search the castle with Owlicious, and I will search outside. Roots couldn’t have gotten too far.” She stopped just short of adding, “I hope.” “Right.” Spike saluted Twilight and rushed off. It was only when the dragon was out of sight that Twilight allowed herself a moment of weakness. Her knees knocked together once or twice, and she had to take several deep, cleansing breaths before heading downstairs at a full gallop. All signs pointed to Roots having taken the chaotic sphere and run off with it, which didn’t bode well on a few different fronts. However, the princess should have had the foresight to take extra safety measures to protect her assignment. Where would Roots go? There was also Fluttershy’s cottage. If the Timberwolf had run off with the sphere, and perhaps thought she would get in trouble for it, her friend’s home might also be a good place to check. After all, most creatures felt more secure there, and Fluttershy would be sure to receive Roots with welcoming hooves. With these thoughts in mind, Twilight rushed out the (noticeably open) front doors, looking straight ahead, and— Ran right into somepony. “I’m sorry.” Twilight said, flopping backwards into a seated position. “Ah, Twilight Sparkle. There you are.” Came the chuckled response, and Twilight lifted her eyes to see (of all ponies) Discord stroking his beard and grinning at her. Twilight paled, despite everything, and stifled an urge to take more deep breaths under his scrutiny. Dread formed in the pit of her stomach. The draconequus had clearly become integrated with the crowd already at the Equestria Pet Show. He had a hat upon his head with two cups of some drink connected to it (and swirly straws to them dangling past his ears). Besides this, he wore a bright yellow T-shirt that read: I [Heart] the Equestria Pet Show, carried a hay dog with various garnishes (including chili peppers) piled on top, wore some type of butterfly-theme watch on his wrist, carried an Equestria Pet Show flag with tuft of white fur on his tail, and had a camera slung around his neck. “Can you believe I only got here five minutes ago?” Discord nudged the stiff princess with an elbow. Twilight sat there, numb. “Speechless, I see. Smile!” Discord raised the camera by magic and took a shot of Twilight—whose photograph must have borne some resemblance to a trembling, wide-eyed deer. However, if the chaos spirit noticed this at all, he didn’t show it upon looking at the snapshot (which matched Twilight’s fears perfectly). “Delightful.” He said instead. Uh-oh. Twilight thought, for the second time that morning. > Chapter Ten—Involves Evasive Maneuvers > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike raced throughout the palace, peering into the many rooms and scanning for any signs Roots might lurk somewhere nearby. There seemed to be no end to places where even a Timberwolf could hide here, and having to search for one made the true vastness of their new home apparent—and a prickle of longing for their smaller and cozier Golden Oak Library went through him. Being raised by Twilight in Canterlot, at Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns, Spike had known and lived among high-arched labyrinthine hallways that seemed to go on for miles and gotten lost more than a few times. In fact, the search reminded him of one time (as an infant) when Spike had gotten very lost and scared at that academy, after trying to follow Twilight to one of her magic lessons with Princess Celestia. There had been some filly Twilight had gotten to babysit him for a while, but the dragon had managed to slip away from her. Through the halls, becoming more turned around at every turn, Spike had looked for the unicorn’s familiar face. He had wound up in a hard-to-find place, away from the loud sounds of the students laughing and teachers debating—where Twilight had found him after a frantic search of her own. Where had he gone? Spike couldn’t remember, although he also had trouble deciding why the memory had sprung upon him like that. Maybe it was because Roots was a pup, and in a large and unfamiliar place as well. And perhaps he shouldn’t have left her after she had gotten out the previous evening, with such minimal protection. Or, at least, Spike could have told her what he intended them to do the following morning. Yet another question still bothered him: Why would Roots take Twilight’s assignment, if that was what had happened? By now, Spike had come to Twilight’s study, and where Nibbles and squirrel had fled from him—to have Owlicious greet him with much hooting and very ruffled feathers. “Owlicious, did you find Roots?” Spike asked. “Who-who!” Owlicious nodded his head and made a motion for Spike to follow him onto the balcony. When the dragon did, Owlicious pointed a talon toward the streets. And Spike at last saw Roots, rushing along a street towards the main road near to the palace. Furthermore, he thought he could see something dark in Roots’ mouth. That had to be the chaos Twilight was trying to find, although it seemed (at least in his imagination) to be growing a bit. And somehow, it was like the magic was trying to tug free from Roots, based on the way the Timberwolf’s head jerked about, although Roots seemed to be struggling to keep a good hold on it. What was happening? Well, at least Roots was coming towards the castle again. Twilight would probably catch sight of her as well soon. Where was Twilight, anyhow? That was when Spike spotted Twilight seated before the front steps of the palace, with Discord not more than a few hooves away. If Roots came out with the assignment in her mouth, and Discord saw, Twilight would be crushed. And who knew what would happen with Roots, even though Spike had made up his mind on what he wanted to do on that front. “We have to get to that sphere first.” Spike said to Owlicious, and the owl agreed. “But how are we going to reach Roots from up here in time?” “Who-who!” Owlicious flew down, grabbed Spike by the claw, and started flapping his wings hard. And amazingly, the pair to them actually gained altitude. “Wow.” Spike said, as they glided towards the Timberwolf. “Owlicious, you’re the best!” And he meant it. *** Meanwhile, Twilight was having her own problems. “You even came to greet me. I know it must have been drudgery, waiting for me to return for your next lesson.” Discord continued in the same joking manner, and then lowered his voice as if to deliver a conspiratorial message, though this was not enough to make it harder for nearby ponies to hear. “But you should know that we’re in the presence of some pony who might get just a little jealous at your welcoming embrace.” “Oh, stop teasing, Discord.” If Discord’s appearance had made dread form in Twilight’s stomach, the sight of Princess Celestia coming to stand beside him brought it to a boil. The pony grew sick from the shock, whereas she would normally have greeted them both in the same warm manner. “You know it fills me with joy to see Twilight continuing her studies, and to hear you are helping to teach her more about your magic.” The white alicorn princess winked at her past student, which made Twilight feel the slightest bit better regardless of the circumstances. “Yes, yes.” Discord answered, shaking his head as if in exasperation. “Really, Princess Celestia. You could at least play along and act indignant for a minute. It’s boring when you pretend to be perfect.” “’Pretend?’” Twilight asked, on impulse. “I found some pony loading up on as many goodies as her saddlebags would carry.” Discord indicated the bulging bags on Celestia’s back, alongside a few boxes placed atop her back. The princess carried yet more with her magic. “She was also preparing to enter a ‘cake eating contest’. Each pastry had the shape of a rabbit. You should have seen the gluttonous way she looked at them. I had to take action.” “By animating and making them flee?” Celestia said. “While I must admit it was a little comical, I don’t think the vendor in charge or other hopeful participants appreciated having to chase down the stock.” Despite this, something in the memory widened the princess’s smile. “I thought it would make the contest far more interesting, and those ponies could use the exercise.” Discord protested, before adding (like it was an afterthought). “Besides, they caught most of the cakes in the end.” As if on cue, Twilight caught sight of two white rabbits—with gumdrop eyes and licorice whiskers—hopping between the stalls along the street a ways behind Discord and Celestia, watched by curious passersby and followed by numerous fillies, several pets (who must have pulled away from their owners based on the flagging leashes), and one particularly eager stallion with his tongue hanging out. “Luna asked me to pick up a few sweets for her.” Celestia brought out a scroll, which judging from the thickness held a ponderous list. “So most of these are for my sister, as well as gifts for other ponies in Canterlot.” Upon sighting the list, Discord appeared to consider making another remark on the subject, yet bit his tongue at a firmer glance from Celestia. “And how are you doing this morning, Twilight?” The fondness in Celestia’s regard eased some of Twilight’s worries. She even smiled in return. After all, she had not seen Roots outside or any signs of a disturbance yet. Perhaps the Timberwolf was still somewhere in the palace, and maybe Spike and Owlicious had found her without more fuss. “Perhaps you would like to share a little of what you have learned of chaos magic so far?” A reiteration of her lesson. That wouldn’t be so hard. Then, out of the corner of her eye, she saw Owlicious glide down into the street along the way, with Spike holding onto his talon. Huh? “I have learned chaos magic is all about change.” Twilight began, watching as Spike and Owlicious landed on the street. “It never wants to stop, but to keep moving and flowing.” Her number one assistant and junior assistant rushed towards the adjoining road. Several ponies were jumping out of the way, and many along with their pets. Twilight had a terrible feeling Roots wasn’t still in the palace. “You can influence chaos, but that isn’t easy, because it has a certain individual will and resists attempts to force it to change.” Spike and Owlicious were now at the bend in the road, and around that corner came none other than Roots, which was bad enough. But Twilight could see that the Timberwolf really did have the chaotic sphere, and it was pulsing and flowing as it had the other evening. And if she wasn’t mistaken, the chaos was growing, slowly. The dragon tried to push Roots back out of view, while the nearby ponies watched, dogs barked, and other animals let out a cacophony of sounds. Still, considering the amount of animals here, maybe their cries did not sound too out of place. For Celestia didn’t seem to notice, and even Discord simply continued to consider her with one brow raised, as if to say: “So, what should you do with chaos that resists forceful attempts to change it?” Spike signaled towards a tree, where Owlicious retrieved another rubber ball, and waved it to attract Roots’ attention. “You have to coax it to change.” Twilight said, while Owlicious continued to weave back and forth. The Timberwolf appeared torn between the chaos held in her mouth, and the rubber prize tempting her overhead. Eventually, she started to turn, with Spike shoving her hard from the side and Owlicious still dancing about in the air. It was working, but Twilight knew Spike and Owlicious would need her help soon. She needed some way to get away. Some distraction. “You have to gradually cause the chaos to develop into something different, because otherwise it rebels?” Twilight hadn’t meant for the last part to come out like a question, but her attention remained so riveted on what was happening behind her former and current teacher she couldn’t help it. Still, they both seemed satisfied. “That is wonderful to hear.” Celestia said. “It seems you have learned a lot already, Twilight—and you are turning out to be a good mentor, Discord.” “Was there ever any doubt?” Discord asked. Then, when Celestia failed to respond right away. “Princess Celestia, you did not (by any chance) come to the Equestria Pet Show to settle any worries on the manner?” This time, Twilight couldn’t tell me the draconequus was acting offended or genuinely so. “I am here to help judge the main competition.” Celestia stated, carefully. “And to pick up the sweets for my sister as I have said.” A judge. Celestia had also come to be a judge. Of course! How could Twilight have forgotten that detail? There were going to be two judges at that competition (with Fluttershy having turned down the offer to become the third because Angel wanted to perform; and they had somehow wound up not asking any pony else in the meantime). “But I was also curious to see how you were getting along, and to see what Twilight had learned so far.” Celestia persisted. She came over and gave Twilight a small nuzzle, which felt so pleasant and warm. “It makes me happy to watch you progress beyond what I can teach you.” Yet there was a flicker of sadness in that gentle expression that took Twilight aback. Even Discord seemed to catch it and grew thoughtful. Then Twilight noticed Fluttershy trotting down the road. The pegasus had clearly had caught of Twilight, Discord, and Princess Celestia in front of the palace and had picked up her pace. But she paused upon passing the adjoining street, where she probably saw Spike and Owlicious struggling with Roots. Fluttershy looked towards Twilight, pointing with her hoof as if to alert her to what was happening around the bend and out of sight. But Twilight knew. What she wanted was for Fluttershy to come over to them, and the princess made what she hoped was a fugitive hoof motion for her friend to approach. Thankfully, Fluttershy must have understood what was going on, and what Twilight wanted. For she came flying their way. And it was then that Discord happened to glance over his shoulder, noticed Fluttershy, and turned about with arms wide open (sending most of the prizes, hat, and even T-shirt from the fair flying in all directions) to embrace her. “My dear Fluttershy.” Discord’s wings fluttered, and his eyes sparkled. “How lovely to see you. I was just about to go looking for you.” One of the prizes from the fair (a stuffed Timberwolf toy) appeared before her, and Fluttershy took it with pleasure. “Thank you, Discord.” Fluttershy said. “Actually, I have been doing a lot of research over the past week regarding Timberwolves.” “Have you now?” The draconequus returned, his attention focused completely on Fluttershy. “Interesting. Do tell.” “I would like to hear as well.” Celestia commented. And while Fluttershy started to describe her expeditions into the Everfree Forest, Twilight managed to slip away, hoping that she could return with the chaotic sphere in hoof (and Spike with Roots under control) before any pony even missed her. That was simple enough, right? > Chapter Eleven—Features Growing Problems > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Something odd was definitely happening with the strange chaos magic in Roots’ mouth. Spike was sure of it now. In truth, he had only paid enough attention to Twilight’s assignment to know that throughout most of the week, it had resembled a glassy orb of sorts. For a dragon who loved to snack on gems, this might have made the object tempting—except that a certain instinctual unease seemed to fill him at the thought. He could not have explained it. In any case, now Spike just wanted Roots to let go of the thing, which was continuing to jerk about in the Timberwolf’s mouth and losing its form. “Roots. Drop it.” The dragon said, trying to mimic Fluttershy’s firm tone when addressing misbehaving creatures. However, the moment Spike reached out for it, Roots would avoid him and move away. “This is no time to play keep away. I said ‘drop it’! Don’t you want Owlicious’ rubber ball instead?” He indicated the toy the owl continued to hold, hooting as he squeezed it. And Roots watched Owlicious, giving off several low whine, but she still refused to surrender the chaos. In fact, now Roots was beginning to back away, though not in the playful manner Spike had known her to use during their games. It was like the Timberwolf genuinely wanting to keep a wide berth between them. Twilight arrived then, swooping down beside him. “Twilight. I’m trying, but Roots won’t give up the chaos.” Spike explained. “Don’t worry, Spike.” Twilight, despite her disheveled mane and a slightly crazed look, sounded quite calm in her reply. The dragon knew she could get even more worked up about things than he did, and had proof of it, yet she had a way of making Spike believe everything would be all right at moments like this. “All right, Roots. Let go.” There was such command in her tone, Spike was sure this would work at last. And Roots did tremble a bit at the firmness and manner in which the princess delivered this message, yet even then the Timberwolf refused to do anything. Instead, she cringed a little and continued to back off. Twilight grabbed hold on the chaos with her magic and pulled, while Roots resisted and yanked back as well. Each side grunted with the effort, and in a gesture Spike knew was more supportive than helpful, he grabbed hold of Twilight and tried to pull as well. Meanwhile, Owlicious flew down and tried to tickle the Timberwolf’s nose with his feathers. Roots’ snout twitched, and for a few seconds it seemed she would sneeze or let go. But then the Timberwolf reared up and swatted at the owl with her forelegs, forcing the owl to take evasive maneuvers. Twilight took this chance to give a particularly strong tug, which looked for all as if it might free the chaotic sphere. At least, until Roots made a celestial effort in scooting backwards, and then leapt skywards, with her snout held up high. The move surprised Twilight so much she actually lost her magical grip. Yet even more shocking was when they watched the chaos disappear down Roots’ throat (although this appeared to shock the Timberwolf just as much). Now it was Spike, Twilight, and Owlicious’ turn to step back as Roots came crashing down. At first, it seemed the Timberwolf was fine, although smacking her lips and shaking her head as if she had just tasted something awful. “Roots?” Spike took a step forward, but Twilight held a hoof in his way. And soon the dragon saw and heard why. Roots shuddered, producing a sound much like burning kindling. Disjointed snarls and growls came from her mouth, and the wood of her body started to stretch with loud creaks, turning darker and crackling with chaos energy. The few ponies who had watched the spectacle from a safe distance turned to flee, while Spike remained rooted—watching the Timberwolf pup grow up so fast it was quite scary. “Who-who.” Owlicious said. “You got that right.” Spike muttered. *** Lost in relating her expeditions of discovery into the Evefree Forest over the past week, Fluttershy could almost forget the worrisome sight she had passed on her way to the palace. The pegasus had faith Twilight would manage to retrieve the magic object she had borrowed from Discord soon, and that Spike and Owlicious would appear with Roots (playful as ever) coming down the street. In the meantime, sharing what she had learned so far about Timberwolves made for a pleasant discussion with Discord and Princess Celestia—especially when Fluttershy mentioned how the Timberwolf pack had protected Angel and her from quicksand. “Yes. Most of the time, Timberwolves just chase ponies away those spots. But you were the exception, of course, sweet Fluttershy.” Discord said. “They make wonderful guardians and protectors, and they take these positions almost too seriously.” “It is wonderful you are taking the time to compile notes on their habits and lives.” Princess Celestia interjected. “After you are done, please send me a copy of your work. I will place it in the Canterlot Library for other researchers and ponies to access. It will be an important contribution.” “Finally, there will be a Timberwolves reference book on those shelves from some pony with good sense.” Discord remarked, making Fluttershy blush. “Please, Discord.” Princess Celestia chided. “Many great naturalists and other researchers have made great strides in knowledge, and contributed wonderful discoveries to the Canterlot Library over the last several years. You should not put down their efforts.” “Now I know where Twilight got it.” The draconequus muttered. Yet when Princess Celestia started to reply, he cut her off by saying: “Speaking of Timberwolves, however. I supposed you have a special reason for studying them in such depth over the past week?” He had turned back to Fluttershy, tugging at his beard and grinning in a sly manner. “Oh, yes. I almost forgot.” Fluttershy said, wings beating a little faster in excitement. “At the beginning of this week, I found the sweetest little—” A boisterous howl drowned out the rest of what Fluttershy wanted to say. In fact, the poor pegasus wasn’t quite sure whether or not the last few words ever appeared upon sighting the large Timberwolf stomping onto the main street, tall as the clock tower and looking very dangerous indeed. Twilight came flying into view with Spike riding on her back, and Owlicious trailing after them. Princess Celestia’s eyes widened. Discord, meanwhile, regarded the scene with a hard-to-read expression. When Twilight happened to look their way, however, the chaos spirit crossed his arms and knitted his brows together—which probably didn’t make their friend feel any better about the current situation. “Oh, dear.” Fluttershy said. > Chapter Twelve—Deals with a Big Problem > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Roots was out of control. From astride Twilight’s back, Spike watched the enormous Timberwolf crash into the main street and either knock over or smash the booths in her path. The vendors and visitors shattered into the side alleys, or into buildings behind locked doors to escape. A few tripped over one another in the rush to get away, although each time some pony would help them up and to safety. That was at least a saving grace amid the tall terror now on a rampage. A week ago, the dragon could never have imagined the weeping wooden pup he had glimpsed at Fluttershy’s cottage would undergo such a monstrous transformation. Furthermore, Roots continued to twitch about as if pricked all over by briars (or other uncomfortable things), which could only have been the work of the chaotic sphere inside her. It seemed to be driving her mad, and the Timberwolf thrashed to one side and nearly took off a rooftop with her massive tail. In fact, if Twilight hadn’t erected a shield, Roots probably would have succeeded—not that it was intentional. Attack spells caused the beast to back off slightly, and then to lash out at the pony. Perhaps there was still a possibility of reaching Roots, even in this state. “Roots, you have to stop!” Spike shouted. “You’re going to hurt some pony.” And at this, the Timberwolf did appear to relent just a little. Then a crackle of greenish energy moved around Roots, and she prepared to charge. The dragon knew her motions at least well enough to understand when she was going to do that, which would bring her along the main street and right towards the palace. In the heat of the moment, the dragon peered over his shoulder to see Discord, Princess Celestia, and Fluttershy watching the goings-on. It was clear that soon their pegasus friend was gathering her courage, raising up, and preparing to help out if she could. But the chaos spirit was just standing there. Discord should have known better than any pony how to change Roots back to normal, and he probably could do it with a snap of his fingers. Spike snorted in frustration. Trust that guy to be unreliable at the worst possible time. Spike thought Discord had truly changed. How could he refuse to do anything at all? Then again, Discord was probably enjoying all the chaos unfurling in Ponyville. But wait. That wasn’t satisfaction or joy on the chaos spirit’s face. It was impartial observation. Spike had seen this once too often from Twilight to know it for anything else, and the seriousness there was something only the dragon seemed to recognize amid all the confusion. And really, this whole situation had been Spike’s fault. Twilight was already erecting another shield, this time around Spike and herself, with a feathery missile whacked Roots right between the eyes—stunning her so much the Timberwolf paused in her tracks. “Who-who!” Owlicious’ cries echoed throughout the street, and the young dragon cheered. Roots shook her head, caught sight of Owlicious, and snarled in agitation. Then she proceeded to snap at him, with the owl nimbly avoiding the attacks. “All right, Owlicious.” Spike clamored. “Way to go, buddy!” Despite himself, Owlicious heard Spike and made let out a happy hoot. And that was when he got caught. Roots reared up, jaws reaching out and snapping closed on their target. Time seemed to slow down, as did the feathers dropping through the air—along with the rubber ball. Owlicious. One of Spike’s best friends. And in that slow horrifying moment, it struck home how much Owlicious meant to him. His fluffy owl companion had stuck by Spike’s side throughout the week, and even long before then had helped him in various ways around both the palace and their old home. He had been so understanding, even when Spike wasn’t. Tears gathered in his eyes and dripped down, when Spike then allowed dire urgency and heartache to overwhelm all his other senses. So the dragon made a grand leap from Twilight’s back from high above the town, hurtling towards the giant. “Drop Owlicious, now!” Spike sucked in a great gulp of air, and felt the burning rush of intense flames before sending them right into Roots’ eyes. The Timberwolf let out a high-pitched yelp, and out from his mouth came Owlicious, ruffled up but very much all right. And in fact, it said something for the owl that—even after getting snapped up by such a creature—he still had the foresight to not only right himself in the air, but to catch Spike as he started to drop. Still, it became apparent his strength could not bring them safely back to earth. Twilight was there on that front, swooping forward to catch them both and giving Spike a stare that silently chastised: “Don’t ever do that again, Mister.” Yet also added: “But I’m so glad you did.” As for Roots, she had barely managed to scratch the irritation out of her eyes when Fluttershy shot up before the Timberwolf and gave her “The Stare.” “How dare you try to gobble up poor Owlicious, you bad girl!” Fluttershy boomed, which actually caused the Timberwolf to wince where Spike’s reprimand had failed. “You also have no business running around town and causing trouble for all these nice ponies, who just came to have a fun time at the Equestria Pet Show. You should be ashamed of yourself, even if you are under the influence of magic.” The pegasus might as well have been a giant herself, for all the fear that suddenly shone forth on Roots’ face. The Timberwolf trembled on the spot, and her whimpers would echo for miles. Meanwhile, Spike sat on Twilight’s back, cradling Owlicious. “I’m so sorry.” “Who?” “Yes, you.” And the pair smiled at each other. “Twilight.” Fluttershy said then, keeping her stare focused on Roots, who seemed paralyzed under it. “Is there anything you can do?” *** The question shook Twilight from an adrenaline-induced stupor, which had included keeping Ponyville and her friends safe while fending off the chaotic Timberwolf. But now Fluttershy had asked her so plainly whether or not there was anything she could do to perhaps change Roots back to normal—and Twilight couldn’t give her friend a definitive answer. What had caused this problem was the chaotic sphere Roots had swallowed, and which Twilight had had trouble influencing since Discord entrusted it to her early in the week. She hardly dared to glance down at her teacher now, after such a blatant display of irresponsibility. However, she couldn’t think of that now. Instead, the princess had to try anything that might help her friends. And Twilight knew only one shape that had worked for her with any regularity. “Make something nice.” Discord’s words resounded in her mind. That meant calling up that rainbow-hued power, which she honestly wasn’t confident in doing. Still, she had to try, and thoughts of what Spike had done to save Owlicious ran through her mind. They made a great team, and their friendship filled Twilight. The magic swelled up into her horn, and a certain calmness overtook her. It was such a difference from what Twilight had felt while struggling with the chaos during the week that had any other time this would have made more of an impact on her. But right then, all Twilight could think of what she needed to do. She just had to coax the chaos to make it change. Twilight sent the rainbow magic forth, enveloping Roots and causing the Timberwolf to stiffen and whine—though this time it sounded far more peaceful. The magic appeared to ease whatever aches or pains the wolf was going through at the moment, and Roots started to shrink with a pleasant sound that reminded the princess of rustling leaves in shifting trees. Like a miracle, Roots became the same size that she had been before, and as Twilight landed the Timberwolf spat up the chaotic sphere. And all was quiet. > Chapter Thirteen—Contains Many Resolutions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight walked over to the chaotic sphere, which lay peaceful and still upon the ground. She lifted it with her magic as if handling fragile glass, and the surface gleamed in the sunlight and reflected a worn alicorn (that it took a moment too long to recognize as herself)—alongside the image of Spike holding Owlicious upon astride her. The silence following all the earlier confusion and Timberwolf rampage seemed to flood Ponyville and overwhelm her. It was like some pony had muted the world. But then wild cheers and stomped applause exploded throughout the street, punctuated by whinnies and whistles from ponies standing upon front porches, leaning out of windows, coming out of alleyways, and even peeking out from behind overhanging clouds. Twilight peered around at the crowd to see her dearest friends pushing to the front, with Pinkie Pie shooting off confetti with her party cannon, Applejack lifting her cowgirl hat, Rainbow Dash zipping about (leaving behind a rainbow in her wake), and Rarity blowing a kiss to Spike (causing her assistant to blush in ecstasy). It should have been a perfect scene of triumph, with Fluttershy flying down to tend to Roots and Spike smoothing out Owlicious’ feathers. And that sight was a great comfort to her after everything that had happened. Yet there was something, or some pony Twilight still needed to confront waiting behind her. She could practically sense his approach, as the sounds of celebration faded to a much softer hum. Spike and Fluttershy even appeared to give Twilight what she interpreted as looks of support before she took a deep breath, turned around, and faced Discord. Her teacher stood as Twilight had glimpsed during the confrontation, with his expression set and inscrutable, and arms crossed as if in expectation (or perhaps, in her mind, disappointment). Princess Celestia was also not far away, which reminded Twilight of her worst fears again. Discord wouldn’t have needed to tell Celestia of her folly. Her former mentor had seen it for herself and might agree Twilight wasn’t ready to handle this next level in her studies. Perhaps she had even made Discord look bad in front of Celestia, who might then question his teaching abilities. Well, Twilight just had to pony up and take responsibility for her actions. “Here is the pure chaos you trusted me with to practice our lesson,” Twilight said, giving the chaotic sphere to Discord—who took hold of the object with his lion’s paw and seemed to study it for a moment before returning his attention back to her. “I’m sorry I couldn’t change it into something more impressive as promised. It was too difficult for me to do. And sorry for all the trouble I caused today with it.” She raised her voice at the last part, so Celestia might better hear her confession as well. “Your magic lesson really was comprehensive and well-done, and I learned a lot. But, I would understand if—” Before Twilight could continue, Spike cut in, coming to stand in front of her with Owlicious roosting atop his head frills. “No, Discord,” Spike proclaimed. “This whole thing was my fault. I brought home Roots—she’s the Timberwolf, by the way.” He indicated the crouched pup, whom Fluttershy gently stroked along the snout. “I wanted to have an impressive pet for the Equestria Pet Show, and when I heard Fluttershy had found Roots, I tried to adopt and train her. But she was more than I could handle. I was too inexperienced, and it was only because of Owlicious that I could make any progress at all. He was a true friend. But Roots was my responsibility, and if I had kept a better watch on her, she wouldn’t have run off with that chaos magic—or whatever it’s supposed to be. So don’t blame Twilight and stop teaching her. Blame me.” Owlicious hooted loudly in agreement. “Well, I think—” Discord began then, when Fluttershy approached with Roots trailing after her. “Please, Discord—and I don’t mean to interrupt. This is a big misunderstanding. Twilight has been working ever so hard all week with that chaos sphere and taking the assignment very seriously. If this was any pony’s fault, it was mine. I should have known, as an animal caregiver, not to let Spike take Roots home until he was ready for her or to make sure Roots had a place at the palace where she could stay and not get into mischief. Spike has learned a great deal, yet I should have shown more discretion. So please don’t get angry at Twilight or Spike.” “No. Really, I’m the one who should have known better,” Twilight gently pushed between Spike and Fluttershy. “As your student, or maybe your former student now, I—” “No,” Spike persisted. “Don’t stop teaching her for something I did.” “Discord, please don’t stop the lessons. Twilight would be very sad,” Fluttershy put in, and Roots yapped. Twilight might have argued her point, but at this moment Discord (who had appeared to grow more agitated throughout these exchanges) clapped the chaos sphere between his paw and claw, which produced a sharp popping sound that made them all stop. “My, you ponies are quick to make assumptions!” Discord declared. “Who said anything about Twilight not being my student anymore, or even that I wanted to stop teaching her? I didn’t. And why are you trying to pass around blame like a hot potato?” As if in illustration, a red-hot spud materialized in his claw, hopped off, and rolled after one of the few rabbit cakes still loose in town. “Really, I am quite used to getting accused of causing chaos, but it is quite another sensation to have every pony begging for my mercy.” Tugging at his beard, Discord appeared to mull over this thought for a moment, although Twilight could see a grin spreading across his features. “Tell me, Princess Celestia. Was this a common occurrence when you mentored Twilight?” “Well, there were a few incidences,” Celestia replied, effectively undermining how crazed and stressed out many of her past assignments had made Twilight. And in hindsight, her week-long struggles to influence the chaos bore unsettling similarities to how she had tackled past workloads. “Twilight takes her studies seriously and always strives to do her best, although sometimes she puts just a little too much pressure on herself.” “I love magic,” Twilight spoke up. “But Princess Celestia is right. I guess I do get a little stressed out over assignments.” Of course, that was not counting the time where she had enchanted her smarty pants doll and caused a fight between crazed ponies due to a spell gone wrong. Yet Twilight didn’t feel the need to bring that up in their conversation. “That much is clear to me, dear Twilight,” Discord said. “Yet setting that aside, I fail to see how you failed to fulfill the promise you made a week ago related to this chaos.” He spun the sphere on one finger. “I said I would change the chaos sphere into something more complex or impressive,” Twilight stated. “No. That was not what you promised, although you seem to have forgotten.” Discord warped the chaos sphere into a small speaker, from which the assembled ponies heard Twilight’s voice ring out: “I can handle it. And by the time you return, I’ll be able to show you more than a sphere of chaos magic.” “Your exact words were to ‘show me more than a sphere of chaos magic’.” Discord caused the chaos to return to the spherical form, and then to rotate through various shapes with faint swishing sounds. “And it seems to me that with your little demonstration in changing this Timberwolf back to the right size, you far exceeded that expectation. I would say the lesson went well.” “I did?” Twilight paused, realizing the implications of what Discord had said. The relief was like a heavy weight rolling off her shoulders. “Yes, so good job.” Discord clapped is paw and claw together. “And here’s your gold star, if that works for you.” A small golden star appeared in the air and landed on the tip of Twilight’s horn. Horns blew, a concentrated amount of confetti rained upon her (borrowed from Pinkie Pie, probably), and an invisible band played somewhere. “Feel better?” “I think I do.” Twilight sat down and heaved a pleasant sigh. “Speaking of Timberwolves,” Spike said. He approached Roots and scratched her gently behind the ear. Roots returned this display of affection by licking him, and maybe out of a bit of guilt for the earlier trouble. “Fluttershy, I’m really sorry for letting Roots out of my sight, when she was my responsibility.” “That’s all right, Spike,” Fluttershy returned. “Roots is just a sweet, energetic pup who needs plenty of space to be herself.” “I know,” Spike sighed, gazing sadly at Roots. “She’s strong and needs some pony knowledgeable enough to handle her, which is why—I mean to say—” He turned away, despite the Timberwolf’s gentle nudges in the back. “Perhaps she would be better off with you, Fluttershy.” “Oh, Spike,” Twilight murmured, forgetting about all else except the plight of her number one assistant. It was clear to see how much the prospect of letting go of Roots was hurting him. “You don’t have to say anything, Twilight,” Spike pressed on. “I understand. Having any pet is a big responsibility, especially a Timberwolf. I just don’t have the experience the Fluttershy does and still have too much to learn. And because of that, Roots got ahold of that chaos and almost destroyed the Equestria Pet Show and Ponyville. I was afraid of failing at keeping her for a while but was even more afraid to admit it, except to Owlicious. Then things just kept getting more out of control from there.” “Sound like some pony you know?” Discord commented, and Twilight turned her head to find him smirking at her. Yes. Twilight certainly knew that situation, and she might have made some comment to Spike on it then if Fluttershy hadn’t gotten there first. “It’s true you didn’t have enough experience when you brought Roots home.” Fluttershy landed before Spike and gently lifted his chin with one hoof. “And this was partially my fault as an animal caregiver for letting you bring her home unprepared—especially since I am only just beginning to discover more about Timberwolves myself. But that doesn’t mean you need to give up Roots.” “It—it doesn’t?” Spike asked, hope creeping into his voice. “Tell you what.” Fluttershy smiled. “I can keep Roots at my home for the time being, where you can visit her every day and begin to train her at a slower and more natural pace. We could also begin to build a place closer to the palace for her to stay for when you’re ready. In exchange, perhaps you could help me to continue my research on Timberwolves in the Everfree Forest? I might also need some extra help around the cottage with the animals during my research as well.” “Of course, I could!” Spike sprang to his feet. “Oh, thank you, Fluttershy.” First he hugged, Fluttershy, before wrapping his arms around Roots’ snout. “Thank you!” All the ponies present smiled in happiness for him, and the thought occurred to Twilight yet again of how quickly Spike was growing. And if he took time to achieve things at his own pace, and didn’t rush, everything should work out just fine and he would enjoy the journey a lot more. It was the same lesson Twilight had learned that day. “My own pet,” Spike murmured in glee, petting roots. Of course, with this decided he seemed to remember something—and puzzlement overtook him for a moment. “What’s wrong?” Twilight asked. “This is a miracle, but—we never did find out where Roots came from, did we?” Spike mused aloud. “I can clear that up for you,” Discord interrupted, breaking into a huge grin. “It was me!” “Huh?” Every pony exclaimed at once. *** “What do you mean by that?” Spike asked Discord, noting the obvious mischief lurking in the latter’s comment. Even so, he had already started to get a sneaking suspicion he knew what it involved. “Did you possibly—?” “Correct. I am the one who put the Timberwolf pup on darling Fluttershy’s front doorstep,” Discord stated this so matter-of-factly it stunned every pony anew. “Oh, Discord,” Fluttershy said, flying up. “Thank you, but why didn’t you let me know?” “Because she was supposed to be a surprise.” Discord came over and scratched Roots on the head. “Given how things have changed around here, I thought it was about time you had something like a Timberwolf at your cottage. Of course, given your recent expeditions into the Everfree Forest, you probably now have a whole pack on the alert for you instead.” “Is that because they are good at protecting things?” Spike asked. “Indeed, Spike. You are quite right.” Discord seemed impressed, which Spike found a surreal experience. “They make excellent guard dogs—or wolves, if you prefer. They are good at keeping nastier creatures away, detecting possible dangers, and loyal to other members of their pack. And this little Timberwolf.” Here he tickled Roots under the chin. “Came from pieces of the loose branches and such carefully collected from around Fluttershy’s cottage. So of course she feels the most at home there at the moment.” Discord had made Roots. Well, after learning not so long ago that the Everfree Forest abounded in chaos magic that did not seem too much of a stretch. “Is that why Roots went after that chaos you gave Twilight?” Spike asked. “Precisely,” Discord said. “When Twilight was practicing with it, she must have encouraged the magic to keep changing unchecked—and Roots picked up on that and probably sought to protect both of you.” “Good girl!” Spike said, and Roots whimpered in happiness. “But, in addition to all that, Fluttershy had told me of the Equestria Pet Show the following week,” Discord pressed on. “And I figured she might prefer to enter the competition with a strong Timberwolf over that little bunny rabbit of hers.” At this, Angel Bunny—who had apparently been hiding out in Fluttershy’s mane the entire time—poked out his head and gave a protesting outcry, much to Discord’s obvious amusement. “Now Discord,” Fluttershy insisted, taking Angel in her hooves and hugging him. “I appreciate your kindness, and I already care for Roots, but Angel is a special member of my family. No pet could take his place, and there’s none with whom I would rather enter the competition.” “I feel the same way, which reminds me,” Spike interjected, holding out his arm for Owlicious to perch upon. “Something else I’ve learned is that pets are more than creatures to win contests with, or even just to have in general. They’re family and friends to care for and love. For instance, Owlicious here is one of my best friends, and he’s helped me a lot with Roots over this past week. I don’t think it would be a good idea to enter the competition with Roots just yet, but if he wouldn’t mind, perhaps Owlicious will do me the honor of being my partner for the Equestria Pet Show this time. Then we can both compete. What do you think?” In response, Owlicious hooted in glee and rubbed his feathered face against Spike’s. “I think you’re getting better with animals already,” Twilight laughed. *** In this way, Spike and Owlicious entered the Equestria Pet Show together, with much success. Twilight might have worried, during the judging portion, that she would be biased towards the pair so dear to her heart. However, it soon became apparent they were the favorites of all the ponies watching the show, and even of those participating in it—with their menagerie of tricks and seemingly boundless enthusiasm. Spike practically glowed while playing fetch with Owlicious, while the owl had never looked spryer as he dive-bombed for the ball and did various other daredevil techniques. At one point, Owlicious even flew Spike high into the air, and the two sky-dived. It was very impressive, and even Discord appeared pleased by it. The only contestant her teacher showed the same amount of interest towards and cheered for was Fluttershy, although Twilight could tell that was for Fluttershy herself, and not Angel. Roots howled her applause after both contestants finished, although Twilight did have to use her magic to keep from bounding over the barrier to run when first Spike, and then Fluttershy, competed. Even so, Celestia and Twilight had to agree that despite the fair showings of the other teams, Spike and Owlicious—in the end—should receive the gold trophy in the end. And every pony rooted for them from the stands, and Roots howled (which frightened a few ponies, though not for long). Rarity even gave Spike a kiss, which lifted him almost higher than Owlicious had during the contest. And it was truly a magical occasion, and one Twilight knew neither she nor Spike would soon forget. > Epilogue—Contains Even More Resolutions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Following the Equestria Pet Show (and a smaller party thrown by Pinkie Pie for the victors), Twilight carried a nodding Spike and Owlicious home to the palace upon her back—wrapping her broad wings about them for extra protection. A happy tiredness tugged at her limbs and eyelids, yet all she could think of was what her assistants had been that day. It made the climb up the staircase, and the slow trot to the bedroom, a little more bearable. And for the first time in a week, the whole castle was quiet and still. Looking around at these winding corridors, through which Roots had thundered on several occasions, reminded Twilight (for some strange reason) of a time when Spike had gotten lost not long after his hatching. She had been frantic then, as she had a few times recently, worried for the young dragon’s safety. And for over an hour Twilight had run along such hallways, imagining countless horrible fates for him. But he had been fine. In fact, Twilight had found Spike snoozing in a small basket of linens in the laundry room, curled up in one of her blankets. He had slept best in a basket ever since then, even when she tried to move him into a cradle or ordinary bed (unless it was hers). And it was into his basket that Twilight tucked both Spike and Owlicious this night, pulling the covers about them. Then she reached out one hoof and gently brushed back Spike’s head frills, sighing at the passage of time, before leaning forward and kissing him upon the forehead. “Sweet dreams, Number One Assistant,” Twilight whispered. “And thank you for everything, Junior Assistant.” She added, brushing a hoof along Owlicious’ chin. The sounds of shuffling paper disturbed her wistful reverie, and Twilight noticed then the soft glow of light from her much smaller study adjoining the room. With great care, she crept to the doorway and peered inside to find Discord, browsing all her notes and books, humming and occasionally lifting his brows as if he had come across something scandalous. A few times, he stifled snickers and chortles, especially when he reached the journal Twilight had begun regarding the Tree of Harmony. And despite everything, the sight of him going through her stuff found a nerve and twanged it. “Discord, what are you doing?” Twilight asked a bit more harshly than intended. “You could have at least asked me before entering my study. There was no need to sneak inside.” “Ah, Twilight. Good.” Discord’s head spun at a 180 degree angle atop his neck, even as books and notes levitated and made slow rotations about him. “Nice to know you won’t tremble like a filly every time you see me now and can even chastise a bit as before.” “’Tremble like a filly’? ‘Before’? What do you mean?” Yet Twilight did understand the moment the words left her mouth. “Oh. It’s because of what happened with the chaotic sphere, and me freaking out as I did.” “Listen, Twilight. I’m all for ceremony and respect after a certain standard, and nowadays more than you may think.” Discord snapped the white fluff of his tail, sending most of the materials back to their proper places on the shelves. The exception was the journal concerning the Tree of Harmony. “However, I would appreciate it if you didn’t tip-toe around me from now on just because I happen to be your teacher, or this fact affecting our friendship in such a way. It’s taken us long enough to get this far.” So that was the reason Discord had appeared. A pony could never be sure, but Twilight thought she recognized the slightest hints of worry in her friend and mentor’s expression. “Understood,” Twilight said. “And sorry about that. It worries me to disappoint any pony, especially my friends. But despite everything, I do wish I could have gotten better at influencing the chaos during practice.” “You came through when it counted.” Discord was thumbing through the journal again, with his mind apparently eased by Twilight’s comment. “Isn’t that what matters the most?” “Yes. That’s true, yet why then? The last two times I have been able to manipulate chaos magic on my own have happened at stressful and intense moments when there wasn’t much time to think. Yet then when things were calmer, and I had more time to really concentrate without imminent danger staring me in the face, it seemed harder to do.” “Perhaps you think too much.” “Huh?” “Another lesson for another day,” Discord simply said, closing the journal at last with a gentle thump. “I’m sure you would prefer to take a break for the time being.” “I guess so. Good night, Discord,” Twilight nodded her head to him. “Good night, my dear Twilight,” Discord returned, speaking his final words before disappearing in another flash of light. “And sleep well.” *** Meanwhile, out on the fringes of the Everfree Forest, Fluttershy fed the large Timberwolf pup in the front yard. “Sleep well, Roots.” Fluttershy gave the wolf a peck on the nose. “Your owner will be sure to come by in the morning.” Roots yipped in anticipation, looking truly pleased. And all (indeed) had sweet dreams and slept well that night.