> Touching Senses > by Fort Impression > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > My Spoiled Princess > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slowly, Pinkie’s hoof traced across her head, ignoring the raspberry-red mane that resistively pushed her gentle strokes away. The head-throbbing mare didn’t allow herself to quit and press forward until her mane seized to fight Pinkie’s relief. Her shoulders, followed by the rest of her body, exhaled the pain and stress in this joyful pony’s body away, and they occupied themselves a spot on the display counter at her working place. Undisturbed, Pinkie Pie continued to massage her head to ease the headache that pestered her thoughts. Her eyes drifted to a close, and her ears folded themselves on top of each other, hoping to deafen the noises passing through the air of Sugar Cube Corner. The sounds were not deafened, but they became muffled to Pinkie’s satisfaction. All conversations were only whispers to her ears, except for the very few that took place at the closer lying tables or on the other side of the register. Every so often, a ring buzzed through her almost-soundproof ears quickly followed by consecutive knocks that placed a beat in Pinkie’s ears, which made her hoof sync to its rhythm. When she was like this, the mare couldn’t help but feel alone. Nothing bothered the party planner with favors, nor did they exist in her mind; she was peacefully alone consumed by the pleasures that sprouted ecstasy along her head. She only wished for these blissful treatment would last forever. “Pinkie,” a familiar voice called out for a second time, breaking the pink mare from her fantasies. Pinkie Pie looked up from the counter at Mrs. Cake, who held a forceful smile on her face. It was clear to Pinkie that the shop owner has been attempting to grab her attention for a while now. The pink mare was so mesmerized by her self-treatment that she missed out on the request her boss gave her. “Yes, Mrs. Cake?” Pinkie asked, straightening her posture. “Dear, did you hear anything I asked you to do?” “Of course, silly! You wanted two peach melba’s, an extra-large, hot coco-pb delight, and those two tables cleaned for the next customers to trot in,” Pinkie guessed. She was right, which Mrs. Cake followed up with the request, “Well, could you please take care of it now?” “Okie dokie lokie!” Pinkie exclaimed as she got back to work. Within seconds of her hooves leaving her head, the pink mare’s headache returned with greater amplitude. Pinkie pressed on ignoring her urge to fall over from lack of focus. She put on the biggest smile she could muster, and she ran around to complete each task in an order that would be faster. Breezing through the simple tasks and dodging a few ponies that crowded her path at times, she made it to the last job she needed deal with: cleaning the tables. With an idle sigh, the mare wiped down the tables with a damp cloth. The saddened pony busied herself to the point she didn’t realize the princess that walked into the cafe and received unwanted pleasantries; she was only looking for somepony special to her. Twilight spent a good few seconds looking around the shop before she turned around and spotted the cotton-candy cloud looming over a spotless table. Luckily for this alicorn, the party pony was distracted enough for her to sneak behind Pinkie without giving away her position. Lightly tapping one shoulder, Twilight moved to the other side, as she figured Pinkie would fall for her trick and look in that direction. She did, and Pinkie was confused at first. She turned back to the table to have her lips met with her marefriend’s. Surprised, Pinkie Pie jumped back to see if her eye didn’t deceive her, and she leapt forward catching the purple pony in a tight embrace. “Twilight!” she sang and caught the extra attention they weren’t already receiving from Twilight’s arrival. Twilight could only laugh at her excited marefriend and return her loving embrace. Her wings wrapped around the earth pony and gently pulled the two mares closer until neither of them could breathe. They broke away in a fit of laughter, and it was then they noticed all the eyes that stared at their backs. They sat at the unoccupied table with a blush on their cheeks. “Hi Pinkie,” Twilight replied sheepishly. “I was just checking up on you to see if you were doing okay. From the looks of it, you are doing fine now that I’m here.” “Golly, Twilly,” Pinkie cooed, “You sure are getting better at reading my mind. If I didn’t know better, I would’ve thought you had a Twilly sense of some kind.” Twilight giggled and shot back at her mare with a nuzzle, “I only learned from the best.” Her face immediately grew serious after that. “What’s wrong, Pinkie?” “I have this achy head headache that’s making Pinkie feel downy down downer,” Pinkie sighed out as her right cheek lied flat against the table. Twilight positioned herself the same way as her marefriend, so they could look each other in the eyes. It always made Twilight’s day when she could stare into Pinkie’s eyes and see a crystal beach sea. It sparkled magnificently and invited the princess willingful to jump into its realm. Twilight was able to spot the lack of shine in Pinkie’s eyes, and she place her hoof on top of the earth pony’s head. Showing her sympathy, Twilight said, “I’m sorry, Pinkie. Maybe you are just working too hard, and you need a break. You have been working for almost a week straight! You should ask the Cakes for a break because they are worried, too. They aren’t going to say anything if you’re not going to say anything.” “Yeah, but they need me today. It’s super busy and—” Twilight sat up, which made Pinkie stop talking instantly to look at her and figure out what she was doing. The purple mare walked her way towards the cash register, and her love followed behind wanting to protest; Twilight continued forward without looking back for her marefriend’s approval. Mrs. Cake, taking a few orders, found the princess approaching her, and her posture became straighter than a line. “G-good afternoon, Princess Twilight,” Mrs. Cake greeted, but the receiving end flinched to the sound of her title. “Please, Mrs. Cake, I would much prefer to be called Twilight. You are all my friends, so I don’t want you to treat me any different than anypony else.” Twilight cleared her throat. “Now, I’m going to take Pinkie Pie for the rest of the day. Is that okay with you?” “Why, certainly!” the mother exaggerated. “Thank you.” Twilight bowed to the elder mare. She watched as Mrs. Cake gave her a voiceless ‘thank you’ before she nodded her head respectfully and turned away. She ran her way out the door, her wing wrapped around the weakly struggling pony and pulled her with to a more isolated area for them to trade some words. “So let me get this straight,” Twilight clarified after hearing Pinkie’s way of treating her headaches. “You want me to massage your head? And that’s it?” The pink pony, now comfortable on Twilight’s bed, with her back against the purple pony's stomach, and her head resting just below the princess’s own head, looked up at confused alicorn. Pinkie’s eyes were large and puppy-like as she was satisfied that her personal princess understood every direction given, and she finally gave a response. “Yup.” “Um… I hate to break it to you Pinkie, but I’m not sure I can do that. I’ve never given anypony a massage before in my life.” “Oh, it’s okay! I’ll guide you through it!” “But Pinkie,” Twilight insisted. “I don’t think I’ll be good at it. Besides, how can this make your headache go away? It doesn’t even make… Nevermind. I just don’t think it will work.” “Twilight,” the desperate mare called out and grabbed the alicorn before she could sit up. “Please, I really need this! It’s the only way to get rid of it.” “The only way?” Twilight reiterated with a bit of sas. “The only way?” Pinkie copied with a serious face. “What- what if you don’t do this and… and I DIE!?” The princess couldn’t believe what she was hearing that came from her marefriend’s muzzle. Unsure of what else to say or do to Pinkie’s outlandish theory, Twilight placed her hoof against her face and groaned loudly; Pinkie Pie knew this was a good thing. “Okay, fine,” Twilight reluctantly said, giving up on a feeble attempt of convincing this stubborn earth pony. Pinkie Pie readjusted herself, and Twilight followed by moving the bubblegum mare further down in her lap in order to get Pinkie’s puffy mane out of her face. Twilight lifted her hoof, and stared at it for a bit before looking to the other mare for approval. Knowing what her marefriend was thinking, Pinkie Pie nodded and closed her eyes to ready herself for an adventure. A little hesitation in her motion, Twilight placed her hoof lightly on top of the pink pony’s head, who ended up twitching to the gentle touch and release a small squeak. As her other hoof came to meet on top of the silent mare, the confused princess slowly stroked her hoof along the path Pinkie’s mane flowed, and she got a quick response as the earth pony arched her back to the sensation. The mare gasped as electricity shot through out her body and caused her foot to shake. Twilight found this cute, and she giggled at the sight of Pinkie’s reaction. “Is that better, my spoiled princess,” Twilight teased, planting a kiss on her head. “Maybe a little lighter would be much much better,” Pinkie joked as she played along with Twilight’s game. “As you wish, your majesty.” Twilight lifted her hooves slight, only barely touch the fur on Pinkie’s body, before she returned to caressing her marefriend. It turned out that Pinkie Pie didn’t have to give the princess any directions; she was naturally good at it. Pinkie thought if Twilight was being modest about how good she was at giving massages, but these images were banished from her mind as Twilight’s angelic touch dispelled all of Pinkie Pie’s worries. In a flashful motion, Pinkie spun around in Twilight’s lap and pressed her face against the princess’s stomach. Pinkie patted the astonished mare with a torrent of kisses, and she eventually receive a prideful laugh from the alicorn as she couldn’t hold back her laughter any longer. “P-pinkie… stop!” Twilight choked out through each gasp. “That t-t-tickles.” To Twilight’s relief, Pinkie stopped and laid still as they enjoyed the peaceful silence of one another’s presence. After what seemed like minutes rolling by, Pinkie Pie picked herself up to Twilight’s level and brought her into a passionate kiss. The princess only submitted to the lovable mare’s attack for a second before pushing Pinkie onto her back, giving Twilight the higher ground. Slowly, Twilight broke away, and she was given the opportunity to catch the sight of her marefriend’s dreamy face as Pinkie’s eyes fluttered from the intimacy in Twilight’s aggression. The alicorn giggled once more; this broke Pinkie from her trance and smile upon seeing Twilight’s satisfied glace. “I love you so much, Twilly,” Pinkie whispered. Twilight gave her a quick peck on the cheek before gawking, “I know. But I love you more. How’s your head feeling?” “Absolutely better!” Pinkie shouted. “You are way better than you were making yourself out to be, Twilight. Like, I don’t even know what to say. You were like ‘Whoosh!’ with your hooves. Then you were like ‘Why don’t you let this alicorn ride up on your town and show you how to brush a horse’. It was just so unbelievibly, postiverifically amazing!” Twilight wasn’t sure where she got the ‘ride up on your town’ part, but she laughed evidently to the silliness of Pinkie’s typical antics. She went to add a comment, but it seemed Pinkie Pie still had a few words to say. “You know, Twilight, during the moments you were giving me a massage, I had a dream.” “Uh-huh,” Twilight went along with her party mare’s words. “A dream where everypony was living peacefully, and all of our bestest of best friends were together with the ponies that they loved.” “Uh-huh.” “I had a dream, where you and me were living in a cottage. It was similar to Fluttershy’s except with less animals and more balloons.” “You mean ‘you and I’,” Twilight corrected Pinkie. “I had a dream!” the mare continued on, “where we sat on a bed exactly like this one. I was in your hooves and wrapped in your royal embrace as you continued to rub my head, for it was the only thing you gained pleasure from doing. So with this pleasure you were satisfied with being my permanent head-massager! Free of charge, of course.” “That sounds like a lo— Hey! Wait a minute!” The End.