Captain Pinkamena and the Night of Dreams

by caveman0803

First published

Twilight finds Pinkie staring at the moon thinking about her dream

Pinkie and Twilight spend a night discussing each other's dreams. It ends up being a night that they'd never forget.

Entered in the Twinkie Pie Group "I have a dream" contest.

Pinkie's Dream

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It’s a clear night out on the equestrian sea. A lone schooner sat in the middle of the ocean enjoying that peaceful night. All the people on the ship were all enjoying the night by sleeping without a care in the world. Everyone, except one person.

On the railing of the ship sat one person. A women with poofy pink hair wearing a pink t-shirt and black sweatpants.

She sat there, still as the stone she farmed back home, and stared longingly out into the sea. While she was sitting there, a lavender haired women wearing a long night shirt walked out of the captains cabin and saw her sitting there.

She saw that her captain was sitting unusually still and this worried her.

“Pinkie?” she questioned. “Is everything alright?”

The sudden disturbance of the silent night startled her and she looked towards the one responsible for the heinous crime. When she spotted the villain, a small smile came to her face.

“Hey Twi.” Pinkie replied. “What are you doing up?”

Twilight Sparkle smiled. It was hard not to when someone was around Pinkie, especially when she smiled.

“I could ask you the same thing.” Twilight commented.

She walked over to Pinkie and took a seat next to her. She sat there with Pinkie for a few minutes, staring at the sea and enjoying the each other’s company.

Pinkie decided to break the silence.

“Twilight, do you have a dream?”

Twilight looked at Pinkie with a questioning look, than laid her head on the pink haired womans shoulder.

“I do.” Twilight replied.

“Good. Good.” PInkie said.

Silence again took over the two women as they sat there. After a few more minutes of silence Pinkie spoke.

“I have a dream.” Pinkie began. “That one day I can make everyone happy. Where I don’t have to steal from others or be feared. I want to be able to open up a bakery and make delicious baked goods that’ll put a smile on everyone’s face after they take that first bite.”

After saying this Pinkie stands up on the railing with a fierce determination.

“My dream is to no longer be the Dreaded Pirate Pinkamena and to be the fun loving party planner Pinkie Pie.”

At this point she sits back down and stares down at the ocean with a sad look in her eyes and a frown on her face.

“That, my dear Twilight, is my dream. And I am afraid that it’ll never come true.” Pinkie finished.

Twilight watched Pinkie with a small on her face. She had never seen this side of her and even thought it was kind of cute. That last thought made her giggle.

“Thats a very lovely dream Pinkie.” Twilight commented. “Would you like to know what my dream was”

Pinkie gave Twilight a puzzled look. “Was?” she questioned.

Twilight nodded her head. “My dream was to become the number one researcher at the Royal Canterlot Institute, inventing various devices that would make a person’s life easier. I want to make a name for myself.” She said “But now I have a new dream.”

“Whats that?” Pinkie asked

Twilight leaned in and kissed Pinkie. It wasn’t a full on make-out session that they normally had, but just a tender and passionate kiss.

After a few seconds, Twilight pulled away from Pinkie, who still had her eyes closed and lips puckered, and began talking again.

“My new dream is to help make your dream come true.” Twilight said.

“Really?” Pinkie said with a smile on her face.

“Really.” Twilight replied.

“When we first met…” Twilight started.

“You mean when I kidnapped you and held you for ransom?” Pinkie added

“Yes Pinkie.” Twilight deadpanned. “Anyways, when we first met I didn’t think very highly of you. I thought you were just some wild animal bent on taking over Equestria while using me as a tool to make that true. However, as time went on and I got to know you, I realized that that wasn’t the case. I learned that you did have a reason for doing the things you did and they were the complete opposite of what I thought. So when the Princess paid you the ransom money and I was returned to her side, I realized that my place was by your side.”

She scoot closer to Pinkie and enveloped her in a warm hug and nuzzled Pinkie’s neck. She looked Pinkie in her rich blue eyes and attacked her lips. This was a much deeper more passionate kiss. Twilight put all of her passion and all of her love into this one kiss.

After Twilight drew from the kiss again, she smiled at Pinkie.

“I fell in love with you Pinkie, because you are passionate about what you do. You only kidnapped me because you needed the money for your sisters life saving operation. So from here on out I will always be by your side, no matter what you decide to do.” Twilight finished.

Pinkie was blushing deeply from all of the praise she was getting from her girlfriend. She wasn’t used to having these kind of conversations with anyone because she was surrounded by mostly drunk men who like to crack perverted jokes and party. But now that Twilight was in her life she knew that she didn’t have to hold in her thoughts anymore and she was ok with that.

“Thank you Twilight.” Pinkie said. “For everything. For coming with me, being there for me, and showing me the kind of love that I needed for so long. You are my rock that I can lean on for support.”

“And remember.” Twilight said “We CAN always work for the Equestrian government. I know Princess Celestia would love to have the Maud keep an eye on the coast to make sure no one attacks and we could still plunder any foreign ships.”

Pinkie gasped. “What a great idea.” She said “Quick write her a letter and ask her if we can. I’m sure my guys would be more than happy to if the pay is good.”

Twilight giggled. “Sure thing Pinkie, after a good nights sleep.” she said

Pinkie brought her purpled haired lover close and snuggled up against her as they looked off into the moonset as they foresaw the future that lie before them. A future that they’d face Together.