> The tour of Trixie's magical magic train! > by Sir lightning blade > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Information detail box of Trixie's trio > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ghost pepper“HI ghost pepper” miss Direction“Hi and I'm miss Direction!” “HI I'm a great and powerful Trixie Lulamoon!” “And we are going to explain our equipment! And for all those who have their minds in the gutter please get them out!” [ghost pepper]” for those who didn't read,Trixie's first day without magic! This is a refresher course on our humble home, with some slight informational changes so that way you guys iterated do not get bored here.” Locomotives: [miss Direction]” Is the train locomotives, recently converted with its steam engine being replaced with a new electric engine, with its battery system composed of a electrical crystal ball containing a small thunderstorm cloud!” Showing a display of buttons rounding a crystal ball, setting up a few sparks. Direction precedes to show the front of the locomotive, feeling a gigantic lightbulb replacing where the steam would exit, and along the lines are series of tubes! On the front is a gigantic set of letters and numbers, this is a serial number not including to a normal license plate number! Due to security reasons, numbers cannot be revealed at this moment! Passenger car: outside is a recently redecorated with bright blue paint with a gigantic magic wand on the side! With beautiful ribbons hanging from the sites. [Ghost Pepper]”This is the exterior of the passenger car of our 'Train'.” As she opens up the side door compartment, which is shaped like a star, build the entrance into the actual cart. The first room that they look upon, is the dining room/living room, mounted on the ceiling is a projector, pointing to the left wall on the side reveals a small door leading to the hallway, the passenger car seats were converted into a small couch. In front of that was placed a small table shaped like a full moon. Pepper proceeds to open the door to lead into the hallway, revealing two doors on one side and then she turns to show off the door next to them. Leading into the first front passenger door right behind the dining room! A makeshift kitchen, where originally the chairs were located at is now a stove, facing towards the window, the kitchen stove is a small single burner, and what looked like to be a microwave ovens underneath the single burner, a sign that they only have this small kitchen to fix 'TV dinners' then to actually fix real meals. Also showing up a small fridge raider, it looked like it was recently stolen from a hotel! They return back into the hallway to show off the two bedrooms! ghost pepper[]”Okay the first bedroom you're going to see is ours, lady Trixie will give her own tour of her room later.” She open up the left door, revealing miss Direction, shows off that they have a pull down bed, big enough to carry two full-size ponies, and still have enough space for at least one wardrobe cabinet, and one set of shelves, and a one stream filing cabinet. Direction promptly opened up the wardrobe to reveals, that it was bigger on the inside than it was on the outside, from what looked like to be a walk in closet, showing a vast collection of clothing, a couple shrines to some of the pony celebrities, mostly stallions that are pretty well known, and a couple darts owned by Trixie into the portrait of Prince blueblood. [ Miss Direction]”I don't know what Trixie has against Prince blueblood but it's pretty bad, considering she uses my favorite portrait of him as her personal dartboard! I would personally suspect this would be more likely something she would do to twilight, you know for being a mare lover.” your 'camera point of view' returns back into the hallway to see Trixie! [ Miss Direction]” You are about to enter into the great and powerful Trixie's room, do not touch anything!” Room was painted slightly differently, but had the similar archetype as the twins with the same pull down bed, although the file cabinet was painted dark blue, her wardrobe was a dark pink, playing by the side of where her bed usually is parked at is a gigantic stuffed nightmare moon dolly, roughly the size of a full-size mare! Looking at the ceiling you could see that it was a painted to look like the starry night sky, but with some rather unique choices of constellations. She opened up her wardrobe to reveal her many costumes and capes, and a second wardrobe that was dark black with several locks on it, with chains attached to keys! ”That is my personal private fun area, performing on stage every night is very stressful so I need to destress in a private and secluded location so, that is my personal stress reliever room. BUT My assistance keep calling it My dungeon of debauchery? I don't know why it's just where I keep my life-size doll of the princesses, yes because I have to buy three twilight so that mean anything. Ever since she became a princess!” Being thankful that you are not looking at her from the camera. Slight transition, back outside! cargo container Cart, but replacing the big huge barn door slide, is now a form dropper bill to double as a extra stage, that way when the thing is drop-down it creates a brand-new stage, but there is also a stage interior. As the door drops open to reveal all three Mares now in their wardrobes. [ color=#265daf]”It's time to talk about our personal wardrobe equipment, before we move on to the storage cart!” Showing off her cape with 12 star-shaped patches, and countless numbers of stars on her hat! ” Each one of the stars represents a small attachment charm that I have attached to my cape as well my magic hat. Each with various difficulty levels, it's important that you should remember that just because I cast these charms on my equipment does not mean I do not cast spells during my actual show, some of these charms are actually to help me decrease the strain of certain spells, or reduce the cool time of casting them. For example some spells you can't cast repeatedly, due to them being slightly complicated, and require a cooldown time, some of my attachments are to reduce that. Others are charms and spells that I cast so often regularly that I might as well make them charms attachments. For example my levitation spell that is permanently attached my cape, due to the amount of times I've had to use it as a portable table, and also visiting areas that require the ability to fly and I am not going to take the time to figure out how to grow wings like twilight sparkle!” Ghost revealing her outfits, a dark blue Cape, Ghost“My magical cloak has been enchanted with different spells, enchanted with the moisture spells, though that way I can generate my own clouds without having to wait! As well as several other key spells to enhance the possibility of creating different weather sequences, both me and Miss have our own design center capes but the same enchantments!” Miss Distraction magic Then they begin to show off, was attached to the bottom of the stages, a series of spotlights, strange tubes going from a tank. [ Miss Direction]”This is how we produce our laser light shows, we can tilt the small spotlights, and are fueled by plasma from rainbows, although they are slightly expensive they are worth the trouble, as they are turned into laser cannons rainbow fuel will last for about five months! Also the rainbow fuel naturally splits itself into its proper colors versus using color oils. Even though they are technically cheaper, although they seem to burn a pretty fast.” Trixie disappears in a puff of smoke to appear on the roof of said cart, adding two large missile launchers”These modified missile launchers, bought from a old fortress space, are better launchers for my good old-fashioned fireworks, bound me to load up and fire six rockets at a time! Allowing me to prepare my colors quickly in advance!” Disappearing and reappearing in a puff of smoke into a different area of the cart begins to show off the already made fireworks displays [ Miss Direction]”These are the recently created fireworks, filled with different powders of different colored powders of explosives, For dazzling displays!” As they close up the cart, and move on to the final one, the caboose itself was very shabby looking but still have the crystal empires fantastic design, with Crystal sticking out at the top, obviously the exterior has been less tinkered with. Ghost was inside showing off the interior”You can see plenty of boxes and a small makeshift lab, this is where the great and powerful Trixie is currently mixing up her potions and volatile chemicals to create fireworks display. She really wants us to buy two dining cars, one so that way I can really demonstrate my special talent of cooking, and save money on food budget and while the other one is for her personal chemistry kitchen. Although three we couldn't purchase due to the fact that we found them to be creating illegal chemicals.” She proceeds to pull out a series of boxes”This is the box we use to cut each other in have! It's a pair of two old boxes, from a shipping company a good friend of mine gave them to me, I'm not sure why her eyes are always Google lead but I'm not complaining the boxes work perfectly!” Trixie appears and opens up a small crate to reveal a series of explosives”This is where I store all my smoke bombs light bombs and dark bombs, each one demonstrating usage in unique situations!” The three mares appear in the front of the carts” We all traveled around on trends! Due to just combine train tracks with the wheels that they've already got, although once in while we do have to replace the treads woods!” ”And that's our basic equipment, anything special will be revealed pretty much in the storylines, or when we get upgrades! Please enjoy, the rest of the stories and be thankful that this is only the information dump page! Also please do fan art of our place and send it to these locations! But not of my secret place!” > Stop one: Freddy's mysteries! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trixie using one of her spells, to generate a thundercloud, Direction quickly placing it into the chamber, as the locomotives engine was whirling up. Most was placing the locomotive onto the train tracks, considering that that was one of the few viable bridges to get across to their destination. At the time Trixie wasn't surprised, it wasn't unusual for their magical training to actually be using the train tracks, sure not all towns are linked to the train tracks but many of them are. Even the backwater town of ponyville had its very own train station, and this was be for now it's got its own Princess which longer makes it a backwater town. Trixie”So where's our next stop?” Pepper”Well considering used up all of our Rainbow plasma oil, and there's only a few places that sell the oil in question, and considering we're press for a budget the only person I can buy it from, currently lives in ponyville!” Direction”NOT mention also they are the closest town available that also sells the supplies.” Trixie was slightly upset but she was understanding her assistance were right, although she wasn't sure where they were going to buy the rainbow plasma oil in the town but, it made sense not to mention she did know a fashion designer that could probably patch up their capes, and after the situation that happened instead town where she got her 'magical interns'(that actually do get paid) it was the logical reasoning. Hopefully they would find a job to make up for the business expenses! Two days later: All three of them were having their mouths gaping wide open, each for a different reason but staring at the exact same object that caused it, the gigantic crystal tree that was in the center of the town! ”I know she's a princess but now she's got a freaking castle! And it's a crystal tree!” ”I got to find out what the heck they are feeding that crystal tree, and then send the ingredients list to my uncle!” Amazed that there is such a thing as a crystal tree, and is also wondering what grows from it? Direction while her mouth was open wide watering with unusual absurd amounts of drool and her eyes were gigantic $ ! Trying to think of the estimated value of the big huge landmark! With three handsome stallions crashing right into them, to actually snap them out of their days meant. Trixie quickly started up the game plan ignoring the stallions, while direction was actually flirty. Pepper was more interested in working, so she listened carefully to Trixie. ”Okay here's the game plan I'll go get our capes fixed, I know a good fashion designer. Pepper you go get the fuel. And direction, direction, a royal commander is asking you for your attention.” While direction is flirting with fancy pants! [Miss Direction]”Well you stallion how would you like to take me out and see the town especially exploring some of those lovely landmarks, and we can book a hotel room together. I think I know just the place that is five stars hobo.”fancy pants wife shows up! Fancy pants”sorry but I'm married, to a lovely maiden. If you wish to continue this you can always flirt with my son, as soon as he arrives gone, he probably walked onto the wrong train again. Well tootles.” ”DIRECTION!” Yelling extremely loudly, direction promptly interrupted by stating. “I get I get it does start looking for work that go this venture doesn't become propertyless. I'll head down to town hall.” Going in the right directions, as her special talent was basically figuring out maps landmarks and the best strategies to get to locations, normally would be perfect for someone to be a tour guide, or Map maker, instead she use this as a method to help out with finding great places to start the show's, not to mention also sometimes finding out the perfect place to park the car for maximum business! As the group split up it's their separate directions: [Terms you need to know: Cooldown. Is a type of spell that reduces the time it takes to casting the spell, for example some spells can take much longer than others, or average Levitation to spell takes roughly a 3.5 seconds, now you might think well that's no big deal, but the recovery time to Cast another telekinesis spell is also that timeframe, IT reduces your time to casting as well as how long it takes before the Cast again, most of the time you'll see this be attached to certain military uniforms, especially for unicorns. A blasting spell average time depending on the ponies energy, is roughly about two minutes, with the average strength of your normal punches, a stronger you're going for the attack the more costs and the longer it takes to power up, which could be absolutely full in military terms as such it is recommended that you always has while wearing a high-powered armor. In other words another reason why Princess twilight sparkle was unique in the beginning, because very few unicorns can actually be used as submachine guns! Without certain spell attachments!] Trixie went to the carousel boutique, a pair of saddlebags inside where the capes of magicians knocking on the door, as a sweet friendly voice said”Where open for business please come in.” When Trixie opened the door there was a small little filly she recognized, sweetie Bell, although with her main now looking like it does it was slightly harder to notice, last time she seemed a little filly she was protecting to be a younger version of her sister. She gave a small little snicker. ”Would you be a darling little filly, and bring down your sister I need to talk about the person.” Using her magic to levitate three capes which only one was not completely blank, Trixie signature Cape only had three's star-shaped patches enchantments left, which was right unusual she expected her entire keep be cleansed much like her assistance. It seems when the evil Tirek drains magic from objects, unless they were heavily heavily stilled with that magic, like the magical forging process, or mystical carpentry like in the actual cabinets that they were stored in, all the objects were either destroyed, or they are enchantments will never return have to be completely replaced. Trixie placed down the As well which was missing pretty much every single star! Shortly rarity return, downstairs to see the capes and Trixie. Rarity had mixed emotions around Trixie, there were two times that Trixie had caused trouble in town, but try redeeming herself in Manehattan's! She can see that Trixie was after all a paying customer, and well-being the element of generosity meant she was very giving it doesn't actually pay the bills, and being a shrewd business lady she is very very very expensive, a matter of fact she was just finishing up her latest order, prototypes for a series of uniforms, commissioned by Filthy Rich. Considering that they had to be mass-produced rarity had to forgo her usual gems, but she did come up with some methods of making them have their unique style. Rarity”so what can I do for you Trixie?” Inner same elegant poem with her swaying hair. ”Well after the gigantic centaur of evil drained my home and my outfits as well as myself of magic. A few key things did manage to rework, but my uniforms did not. my magical cape & hat have suffered major damage, as well as my two assistants beautiful capes. Here's the list of enchantments you will need to be passed and here's the types of patches that my assistance prefer, and safely judge what I prefer as patches.” Pointing to the remaining stars on Trixie's Cape, written in magical ink only visible to certain unicorns could tell which ones of the patches survived. Rarity reading out loud” Levitation charm, Cooldown on telekinesis, and a teleportation charm.” And quickly levitated the list to her eyes and An over exaggerating while levitating a couch straight to her with the style and grace, She was a decent spellcaster, nothing to difficult, telekinesis, find crafting, locator spells, nothing too complex but some of these enchantments were terrifying to her, the hidden pockets spell not too much, pockets that can only be activated and sponsored by the owner of the object as well as the craft, a Harding spell was something simple, she started on many of her other cloths, for some of her other fabrics. But some of these other enchantments were terrifying, portal fabric! Which were so complicated that requires three enchantments to be linked, and several cooldown spells that she never even heard of! Trixie was shaking but she started giving out the bag of single notes, she knew this was going to be expensive a lot more than your average bag of bits. “So how much is this going to cost me? Oh and you might want to get them ready as soon as possible. I need to get show started down.” Rarity carefully got up from her couch and said a heavy heart. “I'm so sorry darling but though I'm a fantastic seamstress, some of these enchantments are far beyond my level of expertise, almost all of them are! And right now twilight and spiky poo are busy taking care of matters in completely other dimension, thing to deal with magical siren that star swirled banished to another dimension.” She replied. With a heavy side Trixie replied”If you take off the bill outcast the enchantments myself, and you just attach it to the fabric ply everything else?” Knowing full well this meant that she would be giving up the entire day! Rarity quickly agreed to the deal in question”Of course darling, as for your friend Miss. Direction are you sure, you want to go with gold feathers! And brown leaves on this beautiful Cape?”A slight twitch as she would have to create something that would be a crime against fashion!!!! Pepper ran: At the same time, Pepper is off at rainbow dashes. Pepper responded a pale blue rainbow made stallion flying away wearing a Hawaiian shirt, with a prosthetic limb. His hair was much shorter than rainbows but she could pretty much guess who this was, this was the legendary rainbow Dash senior, father of the current rainbow that everybody knows, but senior was more legendary in his own circles, back during the Griffin and pony wars, he was a well-known spy(after the war ended the it was revealed) and they excellent hero on many of battlefields, and one of the highest ranking soldiers of the lunar guard. Before retiring to go back to working on the family rainbow factory. Although she doesn't know the story of how he lost his front right Hoof? There were rumors that he lost it during the war but, that can't be true because he still had it when you see was fathering rainbow. But Pepper shrugged it to be of those stories that you just have to ask in ponson. Flying up to the door and giving out a light knock. Rainbow [Junior] open the door with a loud yell of”Okay what did you forget this time dad, oh I'm sorry I but you are my dad knocked again. What can I do for you?” ”Actually I'm here for some rainbow oil, and since I know you have a hefty supply of rainbows, and the equipment to create proper rainbow based chemicals, I was wondering if I could buy them cheap from you?” Quickly getting out her booklet. Rainbow had a devious look on her face, getting out a couple buckets and a scale, “12 bits a pound!” Pepper smiled, it was still pretty expensive but nowhere near the prices that CloudsDale, and well forget going to Rainbow Fall there you would have to actually buy prices based on the actual factory. Which is truly crazy, 1000 bits for a single bucket of non-process rainbow fluid regulations are flat broke, after being considered a rich. As Pepper was collecting a buckets of rainbow fluid, from the little lake in the back, before rainbows are properly processed, they are actually extremely cold to the touch, only a Pegasus could withstand the cold-like temperatures though, or someone who's been used to living in high altitudes it was icy freezing cold, as smoke was wafting off from the top of the bucket. But when process rainbow fluid became really hot to the flavoring taste, and the evidence would be coming in to determine what type of formula you would be getting. Evidence that would determine which type of state that the rainbows would be in the after being used, light, gas, liquid, or solid. At the same time: Direction was currently at Townhall, over hearing carefully while looking at bulletin board Ms Mayor Mare, talking with the very wealthy Filthy Rich, and his lovely wife Suri Polomare. F.R.” So I have to host a party, at the site that were tearing down in order for me to actually get a permit to tear down the old abandoned amusement park.” Mayor” Yes the amusement park is still categorized underneath its 12 parties limit, until it has reached 12 parties it is not allowed to be destroyed, just because the apartment went bankrupt two weeks before open doesn't mean anything, although it's surprising up to 11 parties within those two weeks?” Completely confuse on the process of how a amusement park could become bankrupt after having been 11 parties, I mean all those paying customers? Suri” But the rides are simply too dangerous, and the place is certainly not built for a high society party. Oh what shall we ever do.” Her hooves together as to burly security guards dropped over couch, surprisingly one of the security was actually a mare, who could bench prints big Macintosh with one hoof. Direction quickly solve the problem, as she but into the conversation! Entering with her usual delegate style and flare. “I couldn't help but overhear your problem, My group and I are traveling performers we could gladly make it a stage show performance and re-decorate the area to reflect that, for a small fee of 300 bits, and whatever we can take off of the park lot? After decorating of course not before?” She said slashing her wings, with flirting eyelashes and thankfully filthy rich was smart enough not to be looking at her directly, although the security guards were both mouth gaping drooling and even Mayor Mare was trying to hide her blush. Suri” Get this straight, We are paying you 300 bits, for a show, and you guys turn down the park for free as long as we let you keep everything that off park. I guess just recently-in charge of the pocketbook, filthy write the check. You are hired!” Smacking her husband with a rather strong left hook, as he quickly got out his checkbook and started writing out the amount, most ponies would be actually delivering a bag, considering that's actually a lot of money. [Okay to act that we do not have an average in L.M.P. I am using the paper Mario price tag system and ponyville is register as your first town{with tiny little touches of Final Fantasy, just for the clothes.}] Several hours later at carousel boutique: rarity:”50 bits with everything on the list, normally this would be actually much more expensive I was flying my own fabrics and enchantments. Your standard silk cloth is pretty elegant and refined, I would dare say are you sure you're Trixie?” Trixie decided to air on that being a complement expecting her to basically stating that how on earth did she get her money weak hooves on such fine elegant cloth.” Well actually they were kind of secondhand from the last stage show. At least the other two the first fabric is a family heirloom.” Rarity replied with a blush as the door burst open, a small quickly work delivered a letter by a local delivery mail Mare she was a short stout unicorn actually, not the famous Pegasus but very similar to her. As the young mare replied”You as well several other investors in the ponyville Mall project to a emergency party, starring the great and powerful Trixie, and her magical troop as the entertainment to the party. There'll be food and drinks no games children are allowed to be brought but if a close eye on them.” Reading from the cue card that she was levitating, with her magic naturally matching her eyecolor. Trixie quickly grabbed the letter, with her magic and easily overpowered the young unicorn and began reading need further details. ”I think you I will be off now I got to go set up for the party I'm currently working on, I know I asked direction get a job but I didn't expect her to do in this fast.” As she dropped the money on the counter and disappeared with all three cloaks, in her famous smoke bomb style. The cause of all three unicorns to start coughing. The old abandoned amusement park of Feddy's buzzy land of funny pizzas. ”Now safely say I know why this place went bankrupt, half of these rights are meant for Pegasus, and the population is still mostly earth, there's not enough unicorns actually balance out the problems here.” As she was taking apart several rides that were composed of clouds. Pepper will finish her project the same method of getting the information when rainbow was invited to the party as she was also one of the premier investors which was delivered of course by the world-famous Derby. She was busy taking part the ride that actually did have a roller coaster cart, as some of the rides did need to be taken apart in order for room of the party, this one really was troublesome because you had to be electrical resistant in order to get on the ride, which again complied only Pegasus, although the metal container there was a slight you could be something else and actually survive, about 40%. She noticed a strangely familiar smoke! ”The great and powerful Trixie's...” Before she could finish her dynamic entrance she was struck by lightning, and thankfully magic cloak helped her survive the situation that was completely avoidable! As she was sitting outside of the actual ride her hair looking now let's just say she could give the bride of Frankenstein a couple fashion tips. As her assistance were laughing at her predicament. ”Ha ha ha(sarcastic tone) you're just lucky I have a long history of Earth pony, and a series of electrocution's. Enough with my family history! Direction you should explain to me what we're doing.” Figuring that the price tag of this actual event is probably pretty good because direction has a history of getting a good price tag actually. ”Right now were only taking apart the rides and stands to be in our way for our stage. Then were going to do our usual magic tricks. & WE Keep whatever we take part! Before and after show!” As she finished taking apart the cloud built roller coaster, which usually would have taken at least three Pegas two or three weeks tops, but without the options of her magic cloak she was still pretty good. The main reasons why Trixie picked them to be her assistant, only the best of the best could be the assistance of the great and powerful Trixie. “Oh by the way Pepper you might want to start cooking now?” ”Cooking what, I can't materialize food out of thin air.” Most on universal call two handsome stallions: big Macintosh & Sticker Shock [Oc of By mustlovefrogs ] (] behind them were two little fillies, Apple bloom and silver spoon. Each cart had a big symbol of where they came from, big Mac was sweet apple acres, Sticker and the symbol and emblem of Hay Burger, the fast food chain! Apple bloom”When we receive the invitation big sis, figured that the know braggart unicorn may have talked yourself into something over head.” Pointing out the cart question. Silver spoon quickly interjected”And my best friends daddy, figured that her mommy would be to assuming that the party would be supplied with all the food, so he arrange for my mommy supply cart to be arranged over here for help. Now where's your kitchen?” Pepper was still angry because she didn't have a kitchen, as she conked out distractions to keep her from actually focusing on the two stallions, thankfully Trixie with her amazing skills did come in handy, as the magical unicorn targeted her horn at several abandoned food locations, cart, tables, etc. and then used her beams to basically transform the multitude of objects into one solitary kitchen! And then Trixie quickly said”Now distraction we are allowed to keep everything that we can take from this right!” ”E yup.” Direction was trying to smooth over big Macintosh, which both Apple bloom and silver spoon promptly said “I'm sorry but he belongs to Miss Cheerilee.” Which Miss direction probably turned over to the other handsome stallions. ” So Mr. stallion are you married?” With flirting little eyes which made the two other adult Mares just roll their eyes because obviously this is going to become a routine. But before the security guard could even answer distraction was well roundhouse kicked, body slammed, and falcon punched into a wall by a small little filly, that was well dark gray and silver! Silver spoon”No one is after Shockey, HE is for mommy! And if he's not going to tell me what's behind his eyepatch you're not going to find out!” She said with a angry snort, which left Apple bloom completely speechless. Party transition: There for hours in the party was on its way, there were so many well-known investors for example, the owner of hay Burger and silver spoon's mother who was the spitting image of her daughter but the only difference being her CM which was a fork stabbing into single notes. Currently talking with the course filthy rich! Filthy”thank you so much Salary Fork, although you might want to ask the pony about this vicious chili, maybe she'll be willing to sell it for a franchise recipe.” He was trying to make sure he did not get any chilly onto his suit and tie while eating. As the food was collected with a series of nachos ,tacos, and a vast variety of other foods, was very similar to the Mexican style and also extremely spicy! On stage Trixie was doing her usual demonstrations, and actually keeping diamond tiara from actually being a brat, which quintessentially maids both sweetie Bell and Apple bloom question how underpowered Trixie is, because that is a miracle in itself not even the great powerful Princess twilight could ever make diamond not come out like a jerk! ” Normally this is a reverse order, but considering that earlier today a certain young filly knocked her through a wall, she needed time to recover, here's the great and powerful Trixie's fabulous assistance Miss. Direction!” Disappearing in a puff of smoke, and appearing in her place was miss direction with a bandage right wing, leaning on a pair of crutches as her left leg was heavily bandage! Directions start leaning into the proper positions, revealing her cutie Mark more prominently and clearly, a wooden sign with two different arrow directions in striking colors, as she noticed that diamond was sort of doing the I want to leave dance but I don't want to go. And said”I know the show is so good that you can't leave, but I don't think it's worth risking your bladder, but since you gotta go as fast as possible how about I get you there as soon as possible.” Throwing her cape over diamond tiara, and then when she removed it diamond tiara was gone, as one of the Porter parties could be heard with a loud flush! Then direction The glass that silver spoon & diamond here were sharing and it magically filled up with a brand-new milkshake strawberry to be exact! Apple bloom”So peg can do magic tricks too?” With a curious look trying to figure out how did the CM symbolize magic tricks? Direction promptly explained[]”Well my special talent is in mapmaking, My true passion is for the Arts, sometimes a talent can be activated others you have to grow and develop, sometimes you can have multiple talents, only one though can be your cutie Mark. Just because you get it doesn't mean you should stop searching for your skills.” Which made this CMC minus their one and only Pegasus eyes lit up with investigation skills. Just as diamond tiara return back to her seat as she was feeling so relieved.(Have you ever just watched a movie and you had to go during the second act you had to see every single thing during the second act, and you know the third act is about the start. that's what she was feeling) ”Okay I next trick, I need a suggestion from the audience.” Looking around as Trixie raised her hoof. Which direction naturally pointed to. ”Maybe you should do your matchmaker matchmaker! For the little gray pony that kicked you through the wall.” With a devilish smirk. Causing direction to roll her eyes, leaning off the stage just enough to actually ask silver spoon a simple question. “Which ones your mother.” Direction replied, which silver spoon only replied with a simple pointing direction. Then with another sweep of the first cape, both the stallion and the pretty much adult version of silver spoon was sitting on the stage, and then direction pulled out a beautiful silver watch, as she's the silver pocketwatch back and forth over and over and over again. After a good 20 seconds, She call forth to the crowd[Miss Direction]”How should these two declare their love for one another!” Which sweetie Bell answered with! “A musical number, with choreography and special effects!” Almost on cue distraction spending watch really really fast running the entire crowd, before snapping her hooves together. One ridiculously awesome musical number about love, jealousy over spoons biological father, a series of jokes, big Macintosh doing background music, pointing out that I am not a lyricist! Especially at the level Disney, a song that supposed be a grunge style that's actually good on jealousy. Also some of the special effects work naturally done by Trixie, with smoke style and grace. [Fill free to enter in your own song, just be sure to record it! And I will gladly put it here instead of this entire being of me just explaining, as the saying goes show don't tell but if you cannot show you have to tell. You have to hear the sounds of music, that I didn't want make that reference.] After the amazing a musical number(that we all wish I could have shown you but let's face it that requires a lot more than just my descriptions, it's something you have to see. And I don't have artist or lyricist, or a high-class animation studio. Actually I don't even have access to a C class animation studio. Only a few pony fans will actually get that reference & also fans of sonic.) The crowd was finally dispersing, it was a rousing success, and Trixie did arrange for it to basically take a couple of days for them to clean up the 'mess' and basically clean off the remains of the amusement park, after all this she did need some rest. > Trixie's project! How to make kitchens! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Today's cast list: the main cast: Trixie, ghost pepper, & miss.direction Secondary cast members:CMC, Diamond tiara and silver spoon, Mr. and Mrs. cake. inside Trixie's closet: ” Lady Lulamoon! Get up and start work on building that kitchen, it's seven in the morning! And we need to hurry we only have three days before the construction shows up! Don't make me figure out how that weird transformation thing walking again.” Reply slamming on the front of the secret black wardrobe, as the door open revealing Trixie in a black core set with boots that went all the way up to her waist, and her wearing black and purple distraction guesting was some type of pearl necklace, although it was more or less tied using like the beads as little notches. With a swift glow of Trixie's horn the outfit disappeared off of her body and appeared onto a hanger also extremely clean demonstrating the use of cleaning magic(a form of magic that is rarely rarely use actually, outside of medical locations, as magic is usually designed to sterilize equipment, and make a room completely void of bacteria) ” And mom said three years of med school was a waste of time.” Laughing slightly maniacally, then Trixie use glowing horn vibrated again and she changed into a different outfit, this time she had a pair of orange goggles covering her vibrant and beautiful purple eyes, a pair of work pants overalls, and a Fanny pack toolbelt with a series of unusual tools. outside on the fairgrounds The girls were investing in eating leftovers, from the catering party which Trixie sticking with her peanut butter sandwiches, as she was taking apart some carts, namely flatten them out to be series of boards and stuff. After having breakfast pepper and distraction were off to get actual groceries for the future, while there teacher and sensei could essentially live off of peanut butter crackers, they did not have the ability to run on that little fuel, or lack of variety of taste, which once a while Trixie did argue that she did spice up a collection types of butter, there was pumpkin peanut butter, chocolate peanut butter, cinnamon peanut butter, lemon butter, cocoa butter, coconut butter, strawberry butter, blueberry butter, black cherry butter okay we get enough there's a lot of butter! (If Derby was around she would probably say she has as much fascination with butter as the doctor.) several hours later: Trixie was still hard at work, she finished casting be more permanent enchantments on the kitchen equipment, that she cooked up, it was a lot harder than most people would suspect on casting permanent enchantments, but despite Trixie being a school dropout, she proved that she was actually probably if it wasn't for the fact that school cost money she would've probably graduated with only tie on valedictorian with probably Princess twilight sparkle, then again she probably might not considering she didn't have the ridiculous class roster of Princess twilight sparkle, Trixie pretty much swears that twilight probably cast revival spell on herself at least once, which technically doesn't work the way most people think but, considering that Trixie was the only one of the few who actually took gym class that might make sense, physical magic was actually probably the one trait that she was far superior than Twilight, probably not as good as some other well-known physical melee magic fighters, but okay. Finishing up on the former vending machine into a actual working refrigerator, preaching the refrigerator units, when she heard the voices of three young little fillies enough to knock her into the actual refrigerator, thankfully Trixie was skilled enough to actually know how to escape from this trap considering she actually practiced this, although normally this was with a crate chest, sometimes covered in steel but not already freezing her, as she popped out of the box. Both the CMC and diamond tiara and silver spoon gave a rousing applause, granted the CMC were the ones were actually close enough to cause the incident in the first place ” Thank you for the applause. But as you can see I am currently working on a kitchen! So if you're going to actually stay here you're going to help, raise your hoof if you actually know anything about engineering? ” both Scoot and Apple bloom raise their right hoof, and were promptly given jobs Apple bloom was in charge of actually building the floor, cart given only hammers and nails, as Scoot was instructed to build the walls with out actually attaching them to each other, even strict guidelines of the buildings measurements, building a training cart was much different than building a house, especially out of a old roller coaster cart collection, it was mostly made out of steel so taking it apart and reconfiguring it was a bit different than the usual, as Trixie did give them a bolts driver. And she turned over to sweetie Bell a small series of questions, mostly about spell dynamics that really went over everyone knowledge and sweetie Bell if she was being graded was going to get a solid B, she wasn't as good as any of the gifted unicorns students but considering that school has actually had a roster of driving ponies, either emotional breakdowns or panic attacks, to the point where they have blown up their own homes over certain tests, it's nothing really to better appreciate, although Trixie was slightly alarmed how well she knew how to use the blowtorch techniques, which was pretty good for cuttings solid steel. 2 hours later: They were finished with the first kitchen where Trixie had managed to trick even the rich spoiled brat ponies, to actually do physical labor, also surprisingly demonstrating how strong diamond here and silver spoon are as each one of them can actually lift a steel plate into position, Trixie was naturally skilled enough to levitate the entire kitchen set onto the floor of the actual cart! Three earth fillies were actually strong enough to push each of the steel walls into position, which sweetie Bell welded together, then came the wall that was actually going to have a door built in this was slightly less cumbersome and difficult to build, as they actually now figured out the arrangement of the kitchen, first off building wall with the door separated and everything, then attaching it, as Trixie had to explain the difference between building a house and building a training cart is, you're building the house and in your building the furniture sure to place into it when you have a training cart it's in reverse your building the furniture first and then you're building the car around it, some of the minor furniture being allowed to not have that problem, things like the kitchen is actually a cumbersome. Girls notice though something strange. Sweetie”Miss Trixie? Where your bathrooms?” Which Trixie replied with a slight blush slight awkward laughter, and answered with a slightly different expression! ”Well toilets we seem to always seem to find either close by the to where we park, to use public restrooms, or we use the concept of camping. As for bathing that is private chambers no one goes in there, without talking to me.” giving a slight look. Silver spoon promptly replied with a gesture to one of the portal potties, and began to have a slight leading conversation with her friends. Silver spoon”Diamond, do you think your dad would notice if one of the portal potties disappeared?” Looking suggestively at one of the portable toilets. Diamond was acting like her usual self”Well of course not, after time my dad gives them to the commoners, not to mention also he rarely has them clean. If I wasn't teleporting into one of them last night I would probably never even bother going into one, I rather have my bladder explode.” As the CMC were about to make some interesting comments, Trixie actually commented” To be honest I've never been a big fan of urination, but to each their own, although I would not recommend regular explosions, the on the fact that recovery time is doubly strenuous is painful the first three times, not to mention all the casting spells, preparations set up you really got a plan the whole evening out, a type of explosion being careful what type of method of explosion, testing certain spells on your organs so that when they do not splatter all over the place, is just a work in half and I have I only do it once a year.” Not realizing she gave out way too much information. meanwhile at the cake sweetshop: Ms. Cake” That comes out to 120 bits, I haven't seen someone have this much of a sweet tooth since pinky pie.” Commented on the best supplies of sugary confections, a batch of pumpkin cheesecake, the side of peanut butter crazy madness cookies, covered in powder sugar, with a series of sprinkled cinnamon sticks. On the side was also three milkshakes, one was ghost of frozen death(basically Windigo Pepper ice cream, mixed with hot sauce and chili peppers, and milk, basically it's a milkshake of a 24 alarm chili) the second was a basic strawberry, and the third was a pumpkin peanut butter, cheesy crackers milkshake. Pepper replied ” Well she deserves a trade after all the hard work she's put in!” picking up all the objects giving direction to actually pay the bill, which divulged into bringing out two paper notes and a couple actual bits. With Mrs. Cake putting money into the into the cash register. Two carry their stuff out to small cart it was a small pulling wagon, much like the average carrying wagon, in was a small series of supplies, usual grocery list(carrots, daffodils, 10 jars of peanut butter, 10 boxes of crackers(with vast variety of flavors, to keep certain pony living off of one particular flavor)) etc. etc.) Placing on top of the usual roster. Pepper was smiling she was going to finally be able to cook to her heart's content, her second favorite thing next to pulling tricks and pranks was the delicious fumes of what was in the kitchen, especially the hot and spicy stuff! But knows maybe she'll be able to make her famous 12th° strawberry putting, and this time not have to worry about her boss actually jumping into it, as a terrifying stunt. several awkward conversations later: As the young little fillies, were trying to grasp everything that were explained, Apple bloom was even having trouble and she already had the big talk with big Mac, which was a very in depth and educational moments, but it also being slightly awkward especially big Mac was stuttering over the subject of if you're bleeding down there don't panic, only stallions need to panic if there bleeding their, and then big Mac was blushing. As pepper and destruction showed up, and the two instantly had a panic attack! ” How bad did you corrupt these children ?” replied panicking already wondering what in the name of Princess Celestia did these kids hear and learn. ” I do not corrupt their young little minds, and thinks to them we even have a bathroom! Trixie pointing out the remains of the old kitchen. Which slightly depressed distraction a little bit more because she was hoping she was going to get her own bedroom, but bodily needs come first, that said she was still extremely worried what type of information was given to these kids. Diamond walked over to ghost Pepper and began to ask a simple question, that brought doom upon Trixie! “So how much do you know about sexual terms since they seem to use a lot of silverware?” three hours of nonstop yelling: also the children have left, around hour one hour two came out with some more color words in question ” Trixie you really need to learn, not every conversation that comes from rich kids involves sex and drugs” even though it was most commonly noted in unicorn Hi society that, sometimes that white powder was not sugar, and smoking was a really bad habit in Canterlot. ” Now what exactly did you put into those young girls heads” distraction asked with her face buried in her hooves, also they took away almost all the sugary sweets from Trixie that they were originally going to give her for a job well done, she had to settle with her milkshake only, and a new special padlock was placed on refrigerator, provided by the orange Pegasus Mother, it was supposed to be anti-magic, which means it was going to be put to the test tonight. ” Well after I slipped into a comment about bursting, they start asking questions about what do I mean by preparations and all the spells, so I started explaining the magics, first off I explained medical magic, really confused them because they always heard that magic can never heal injuries. Were they not explain was how certain spells work, medical magic is not the same thing as people would normally suspected, it can accelerate the healing process but you can't really like slap your hooves and all of a sudden it's all over with, and I explained in further detail that. Giving out some minor horror stories about my time at medical school, which led into that story about the spoon, which somehow grafted into the story about explaining else there's this thing called spooning and then got into a stranger tangent. But there were multiple times I tried to string the conversation, back to the learning magic. telling the complete absolute truth, apparently the CMC were already pretty well corrupted before getting in contact with Trixie, although who knows how much corruption was spring up on the two bullies known as diamond here and silver spoon, either way all the fillies require therapy, sadly only two of them are rich enough to actually afford it. time for transitional download! ” Time to talk about the new cars and where they're at , first off our dining car/cooking car, now currently behind the main living area, which has bounced the stage back a little bit further, for good reason there are two methods of entering into the kitchen area, the transitional walkway between two carts, as well as the outside door that leads to on the left side. as she flies inside the cart to show off the kitchen utensils, as well as a dining bar, behind it is a small refrigerator. And revealing that the bar table can flip into a kitchen stove, still technically the eating locations are more or less in the living room, but they actually now can cook and if they wish they could actually eat at the bar, which also has a kitchen sink on the corner next to the dishwasher, which is naturally next to the icebox. As well as another pantry of magical proportions. [ it's bigger on the inside than it is on the outside] Distraction shows them flying through the basic stage, into a brand-new smaller cart, there a series of new vending machines, but replacing the coin slots with actually different types of other slots, one thing vending machine is designed purely to mix up and create new fireworks, just drop in the container and then press the buttons determining the colors of gunpowder, the mixture itself is done automatically. Other vending machines are designed with different setups and calibrations with the exception of one, but vending machine looks at completely normal with the exception of not having a coin slot for bits, and it's filled with nothing but peanuts Butter crackers. And then behind that is still there caboose, containing mismatch supplies. Then Trixie reveals the newly converted old kitchen into a bathroom, which has a toilet two sinks 3 cups to contain toothbrushes. And a very very very simple shower system, basically go get a cloud and you have a shower. Still nowhere near as the fantastic chamber of horrors mega bathtub. now bedtime/Trixie's relaxation Trixie pulled out the map and stated where they were going to be doing their next shows ” I think it's good enough for me to return back to Canterlot, everybody should be well enough to recover from having their magic stolen and with the recent crisis it wouldn't surprise me if the Griffin start sending diplomats, after all we don't have a card to get into the Griffin kingdom just yet.” “So this has nothing to do with your colleagues.” ” Of course, although we would not be heading there to a little bit later, we need to get a couple supplies, to be exact a costume of Lord Tirek.” And she began to explained in further detail that both Pegasus looking curious. After the details, Trixie was off to her special room, heading straight to the black wardrobe, she opened it and start walking in standing on two Hooves. She walked in the enchantment kicked in! Not only was it vastly bigger than anything else, with several other little door like they were strangely shaped dresser drawers, also great powerful Trixie changed shape, now she was more like a pony Minotaur? With four gigantic E cups TITs first set were where they are supposed to be, right in between her legs, bouncing off of her knees and the second set was moved up to her chest, with the ability to bury her face! She created after studying the species known as Minotaur's, particularly the females, she noted that she had one less of the problems that the female Minotaur's have, not only where they known to carry 4 tits but have one large milk container in between their legs as well. Naturally the great and powerful Trixie had practiced walking this way, she opened up a chamber to reveal a multi-stitch version of Princess twilight, in the similar format that Trixie is this point! Although this version of twilight sparkle was much different, there was a long stitch across the face, two heads were being used to make one perfectly shaped size skull, with the horn clearly not being died, the color purple but the left side deftly showed signs, the eyes were also terribly miss-match the left Eye was twilight's color, Eye was right red, and eyes were crafted from gemstone, then coming down to the torso, a group of zippers worth catching the Tits were about DD. Meanwhile the lower ones were a bit more stuffed, and also surround the zippers. the wings which look like they were recently added probably no more than a few months most likely right after the coronation, left was a bright pink, Right was a slightly pale yellow. The arms and legs were recently died jobs, and stitched on pretty well! The arms like they were from some type of a stuff Dragon Doll that used to be naturally green? Legs deftly look like they were from a Commander Hurricane. The mane and tail were a combination of different ponies real hair, with some strands that were definitely died match twilights colors from Trixie's actual hairs, a couple that were also grays. The stuff doll appeared to be happy, to See Trixie! Quickly walked over pretty good imitation of twilights real voice said” Have you come to punish Me?” With a smile like she lived for the beating up! ” Not exactly. How would you like to be a part of the state show next time, granted you being in a costume.” Doll” Is it dangerous, too dangerous for a real pony?” With her stitches that formed her mouth getting tighter! ”Yes we will not be holding back, and I thought it would be best to ask you.” This puzzled the doll but the idea of Trixie openly displaying their love, was a lot more intriguing, plus from the statement that means there'll be more than just lady Trixie, probably two Pegasus, that have come to her room once in a while, wearing strange outfits and having trouble walking around, one was very noisy and loud and complaining, the other one had constant giggles. “Oh I almost forgot, also you'll be looking around like it was back on the farm.” Doll gave a simple nod and smiled, she jumped and used her wings a little bit, but she wasn't exactly used to flight, and her wing power was very weak. As she was given a loving Hug, with extra extra love, if she was a normal pony she would be dying suffocation, and strangling and possibly a broken neck, the only thing the doll was regretting was not having a neck to actually break, as she was being smothered in Trixie large bosom. end > Welcome to Princess twilight sparkle magical combat 101! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight is speaking! “Show you the status, of the characters in the combat: as was the types of methods of combat." “There are three types of actions you can perform, one round actions, are often combat or recovery for example telekinesis is listed as a one round action, the cool time, determines how many turns/combat rounds you have to wait before you can reuse the spell. Telekinesis is noted as one of the really short cooldown time with it being able to be used pretty much after each round some stronger spells are actually hindered by this. And there on the status of spells, for example accelerate healing, etc. usually giving up plus number, example shows a plus ten to attack, this is the basic subject. And there's finally set up magic, the exact set of actions, but in this case were going to call it Set up magic.” For example: “Sunset shimmer, getting ready for a teleport dodge, teleport dodge has a cooldown time on average four rounds, also costs 10 MP and is not required your magics power. Spell automatically activate next turn if sunset is targeted, the spell will be active until she is effectively teleporting.” “Now let's explain the usage of MP! MP determines how much energy you can use in combat per combat round, MP recovers after taking a break, using only your normal attacks. You can burn through all your MP or you can store some for later, just remember that once you do this you have to rest for the purpose turns you only recover 10 Mp per round you are NOT using MP and telekinesis also was extremely cheap, most unicorns would not even notice this.” “Now I'm going to explain concept of the attacks type spells, On this” Twilight Horn began to glow! As the horn generated a small fireball aiming directly at the target. Fireball: -4Mp based spell damage 6 + 300= 306 - 0 magic resistance(which is the same as magic attack, just divided by two) equals: The target dummy was destroyed, in a fabulous fiery explosion. “Now since I am faster than my opponent, I could attack more but my opponent no longer exist. Now let's talk about recovery, I already explain how you recover energy, but to recover health is different with the exception of certain spells, you can only recover health based on taking actions, of sleeping, resting, or using food items. Most recovery spells cost lots of magic, and are mostly impractical, and usually only used in area situations, if it's absolutely necessary to repair the injury. DO NOT use healing magic, unless you have the equipment, have the item take off some of the pressure. Magical healing equipment are heavily guarded and regulate, only high-class towns in order one on standby! And requires serious use!” Twilight summoned a single throwing disc machine, as it proceeded to throw small little targets at her, with each little hit showing off a small number of -1, showing how much HP was taking off! “This is to demonstrate how much damage can build up. Now even though I am not as strong, as powerful as Princess Luna, not as amazingly strong as my beautiful teacher Princess Celestia. And I am certainly nowhere near as fast as Cadence.” As it was taking a while. Six hours later: “Okay now I've actually reached critical health, this used to take less time before it became a princess. Must be the new aspect of Earth pony? Now to demonstrate healing.” As the machine ran out discs to throw, Horn began to glow once again! Twilight is casting light of healing -50Mp, she has now recovered magic*2. Twilight is now back to maximum HP. “Now granted I am not a doctor, where I am given a uniform with many many many enchantments, to reduce cost, to enhance its actual healing attributes, and to not required to cast something this powerful. But to be honest if I tried casting a lower-level spell I would still not be that recovered. Now asked me any questions!” > Trixie's story of Lord Tirek. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- cast list: Trixie,Miss Direction,Ghost Pepper,Doll Twilight. Princess Luna, & discord! And special guest from nerds of the third power, Dr. gonzo! And his design is based on his request! While on the train ride the fantastic kingdom that is Canterlot D.T. was getting prepped for some more costume combat, they have to specially designed the outfit, but the proceeds would offset any cost of the outfit in question, not to mention they had the save money on the complex mechanics of the hands, using clouds As the stuffing to give the extra bulk, D.T. a little strange with her lower half being placed someplace else, Trixie demonstrated her sawing a pony in half in order to get the right methods, and they stitched up her torso the bottom of the costume of TIREK and gave her a helmet mask, the red gloves to the arms just right! Namely this wasn't the other two practicing their combat moves it was just so doll twilight could actually get the concept of walking on all fours, and using the arms in question! It was unusual and tricky! DT” This is fantastic! Although I hope we have a better stage to do the performance, I really don't want to accidentally ruin the beautiful work that the great and gorgeous and sexy Trixie work on this beautiful stage!” Both of Trixie's assistance roll their eyes, and were surprised that Trixie was so sure that they should leave before twilight comes back from whatever venture She was on! They were so sure that Trixie would love to reveal that she had three dolls to the great Princess Twilight!! At the same time Trixie was crafting a new patch, well to be exact for new patches! Usually these patches would be placed inside so, no pony would see them known as wrestle fire, a spell that was invented very early on about 1935R.C. (Rain of Princess Celestia) in memory of a fallen wrestler Lother Landsay[A play on Luther Jacob Goodall] after suffering several injuries in the ring that caused him to have a heart attack in his next match, this spell was designed to still keep the action-packed actions of the matches, without the actual lethality. Although there were a lot of listings of sports it still doesn't work well for, Hoof ball, baseball, cricket(it's a very popular game among griffons) Quidditch[very similar to the Harry Potter version, but you don't need brooms answer usually already have Wings to solve this problem!] Etc. etc. etc. but it does work on wargames surprisingly enough? This way the group will get seriously injured during the matches, but still show the same brutality that was done before hand(well at least in the script writing) [Okay time for me to explain the year system, I am using the same when it comes to moons but I've came up with my own idea of the year in the system, namely using the rain titles, let me explain considering that if the princesses did calculate their own set of years and the time schedule that means that the past tribe also had to calculate this based on the fact that only unicorns can move the sun and the moon, which can also determine how many months that they were giving and so forth, then for the rain of discord and etc. thus each rain would determine its usual numbers, the number of months, even possibly the seasons. According to my idea I have what were in the on the number of years, we are now in the Rain of the princesses, which is basically very similar to the rain of the two sisters, the only difference is that Luna is on a slight redemption arc.] Thankfully it was only a day away from their previous location ponyvill to the capital by train which this baby runs as close as we can get to the actual training, where not writing the rails. 15 hours later: After arriving into a small location namely what would be considered a parking location, the closest thing to a rich trailer park, known as the RV parking station! Where the luxury wagon are stored, and the multimillionaires have wagons that need to be drawn by the lonely ponies. Direction was getting them booked to play at the Royal Twin Theatre, commissioned back during the royal princess rain, before the fall of nightmare moon, well known for its giant statues of Princess Luna and Celestai. Before he going to get some rest before setting up, they were packing up the things that they would need to set up the stage, a special projector to display artificial versions of the light show before hand, basically tell what happened with the Buffalo when they encountered the mighty centaur! As Trixie was finished chanting the Lens onto the projector where it didn't require a background sheet, and basically made a three-dimensional light spectrum. It still requires three different projectors running at the same time though. The next morning: Trixie's run: Trixie decided to take a look around her old neighborhood, before priming up first show, besides she felt comfortable leaving direction planning the entire stage, not to mention Trixie also want to place a couple posters in her old neighborhood, it was in the lower ranks. Most ponies would see the fancy gorgeous fantastic mansions, that the wealthier unicorns often lived in, Trixie was walking through the Earth pony district, even with the princesses help this area was not exactly known for high class living! There was a decent amount of farmland not as much as well-known farming areas like ponyvill but there was enough food reserves in case of emergencies. Trixie carefully avoid walking by her old home though, not because she didn't get along with her mom and dad but there are no longer living in that particular area, but her grandparents were still living in that area! And that was where they had problems, She can often still remember the arguments that sprung up, and she was very careful to set up things. Hopefully there would be no chance of those stupid rumors coming back! Trixie instantly cast the barrier spell when she walked into the bad neighborhoods. Peppers run: Pepper was placing multiple posters all up the shopping section, She could see most of the fancy ponies some have returned from the last business party so when she place a per posters to some of them were taken down instantly, just to be reminders to go get tickets for the show! Especially when many of them honestly wanted to go see this show, which may Pepper had to replace the posters just so they could be repealed! Twilight golem runs?: Even the twilight dolls were doing their part, visiting the Royal barracks which caused many confusion! Shining armor”twilight have you been messing around with the duplication spell?” The three clones instantly replied”No we're just golem copies of her and should you be up in the crystal Empire running things? Or have you still have trouble finding a replacement for yourself?” As the three and a bit of a smart donkey attitude. Which shock shining armor bit he was so use to his sister not being a smart Alec, she was smart but she never made these coy jokes, that was more of his stick. S.A.“ Actually we're just still recovering from the whole event, which your posters are advertising about?” Carefully reading the posters and pampering some of the letters that he received from Twi. About this one called Trixie? While certain key details of the magic dual was kept secret namely the amulets in question, details of how Trixie did go powermad one time did go into the effect, the details of the amulet was simply that Trixie was under the influence of a cursed item, that amplified her current power level at the cost of her sanity, but without listing which artifact caused this. Shining could actually see this would be a very interesting thing to see, and promptly suggested to the captain of the Royal guard who was taking his place a powerful looking Pegasus! Also with the signature white colors, and now is starting to get his own personal armor which is dark blue which will make him actually distinguishable from the rest of the Army! Because for some reason why is the primary color choice, and one of the many jokes is if you're a different color prepare to die your coat white. As the second in command also showed up and she was very bulky looking, and dark gray. Two days later: The building was packed, first night of the show's and a full house! And not just a normal full house but a sold out with complainers first full house, this is completely unknown heard of the most type of events especially for first nights! Because word-of-mouth usually gets your place packed at least by your third night, the theater had a whopping money this time around! Thankfully the three show ponies were not nervous at all, well okay that was a complete an absolute lie Trixie was more referring to herself in third person than usual, it really does help bolster her confidence! ” The great and powerful Trixie is pleased with Trixie's audience, and Trixie is hoping that everything goes well with Trixie! And does Trixie's eyes deceive her but isn't that Trixie's goddess of love Princess Luna, and the evil Lord of chaos discord in the balcony section! “ Shaking in her boots, IF she was wearing any, being extremely nervous! This is something that would be make or break especially because discords here, is the only eyewitness of the actual incident! And considering pretty much all of Trixie's story is an absolute and utter lie she would be in trouble again! The only candid part was her losing! Now being outed the liar the first time, was a major setback and a half, especially when twilight even humiliated her on her outing! But now if she was outed as a liar here, NOT only with the rumors spread that once again but she might as well figure out where that magic mirror was that Sunset used and just spent the rest of her life in another dimension! Because not even death would be salvation. Direction pulled out some plants, while Pepper was getting out some special cooking materials, most of them were getting ready to concoct a concoction of ultra courage for the great and powerful Trixie, but not strong enough to actually make her so drunk that she would slur her words upon acting, BUT was getting to the point that Trixie was starting to stutter, sounding like a loosely engine, as she was freaking out like nobody's business! While the twilight golems were just simply thinking, that they were going to have massive 'FUN' tonight apparently because obviously this is the source of massive stress, as one of the golems being nicer and more pristine sparkling glittering purple fabric coach, almost giving a otherworldly glow, grab Trixie and gave her a hug, placing herself as if she did have a large bosom in front she would be smothering Trixie! As the announcer was stepping out onto the stage!” Ladies and gentle cults We are here to present the battle of Appaloosa! The tale of how the great and powerful Trixie's and her two beautiful gorgeous Pegasus assistance did battle and thought with the amazingly evil dark Lord of dark magic himself Tirek!” His voice was magically enchanted to even be more booming voice than a normal shouting pony. [These stats of our main ] The Battle: First off the projector began to show a series of holographic buffalo, as the doll twilight came on stage dressed up as TIREK, Trixie was casting her spells to make light more durable, with each blow being quite vicious, every so often doll twilight picked up one of the buffalo holograms and did the famous magic gulping technique, that the centaur was known for, well not exactly she can eat magic but it looks like from the actions, every hologram is starting to fall down after different actions, mostly energy beam waves that looked like they were in reverse! Direction and Pepper were the first ones to attack each doing a kicking attack, direction was electricity, Pepper was fire! Both of them actually equaled only 4 damage, causing the doll to barely even react, but before she could grab them! A strange lightning cloud attacked from behind, which did absolutely nothing and a very brutal slam happened, Trixie popped in with her famous entrance! ” I am the great and powerful Trixie, and I shall defeat you and avenge my comrade!” “We're not quite dead yet!” The pair replied. Doll twilight doing her best imitation of the centaur replied”Really what would you be able to do to me poor pathetic pony!” But before the show could start getting really interested a audience member said”Discord, where's the actor that supposed be playing this traitor?” As several other audience members pointed to the Draconequus. This was the moment to make or break Trixie's event, thankfully discord was rooting for Trixie for a change, as he promptly answered”well it's quite simple, I was doing the exact thing I'm doing right now, with the exception of the beautiful company, floating & popcorn, and enjoying the good show!” Luna performed a coy smile, and yelled in her promptly loyal voice”LET THE PLAY CONTINUE!” Trixie's fears were washed away, as almost as she raised in power level for this attacked even more so than usual, as her blue magic was glowing, she materialize several daggers all of them covered in fire flame, and unleash them upon the gigantic centaur, while the fire did absolutely nothing the blades actually did Pierce, as the dagger Hiltz were seen visibly sticking out of the chest, and will be determined the crotch area, as D.Twilight blindly charged Trixie, but just before the blazing horns slammed into Trixie, she disappeared in a puff of smoke, and instead of a transformation being hitting the centaur, it was directed at pepper, as pepper transformed into a slightly medium Dragon and unleashed a fiery breath! During this time direction, was generating several clouds! The mighty centaur dodge the fiery attacks jumped up and punched peppers Dragon form grabbed her by the tail and slammed her so hard that she changed back into a pony, as the Tirek appear to be growing, as if he drained off the Dragon transformation he grabbed the tail, but he was in prime position for all the clouds were surrounding him, Trixie was right above them, levitating like she could Fly without wings, and unleashed her cross lightning bolts, as the four bolts attached to the clouds, The circle started firing their own lightning bolts! The crowd began start changing! Actually discord was playing for the character, and chanting for “TIREK!” Meanwhile the crowd was chanting “ Great Trixie! great Trixie! great Trixie! Great Trixie!” But the centaur was not easily defeated by this, as the crowd was in shock when the smoke cleared, the costume did show some wear and tear, revealing the unicorn horn, as the other two Horns fallen off! And forming in the hands of the costume was dark blue energy balls, that soon transformed into bright red, the swirling white center! As the balls were thrown, Trixie had no time to dodge, but she did have enough time to block the attack barely as her energy bubble was shattered upon the impact of the first ball, the second ball was in directly at direction! But there was the sound of shattering glass! Direction had several mirrors planted to make her look like she was at different locations! And the clouds were still in effect so she Forked shock two clouds and cause a catastrophic domino effect, again another ring of lightning! But then the costume warrior just simply gobbled up the clouds, gave a loud belch and said”That was a little shocking!” Pepper who was recovered from her belows, proceeded to shout” You want something spicy, try this combo!” As she seemed to be opening up a jar that was rainbow colored she drank it, all in one gulp as if she was surrounded by fiery flames, then upon her wings were flames of dark magic looking green, dashing with amazing speed, she flew straight through the costume figure leaving the blazing fire upon the arms, but they were quickly extinguished and consumed by the outfit, as the centaur got bigger! As if the magic was just feeding him more and more! But still like a ghost Pepper was impossible to grab, as the Dragon like hands went straight through the body, the bright red gloves at cuts and tears revealing the purple hands underneath! As icicles forming around the hands that were trying to grasp the spectral image, a slam of icicles coded HooVes right along the back, both ponies had attacked, on the back of the horse part of the body would be normally a devastating blow was pretty much nothing, but it was enough of a distraction for Trixie's attack! First off Trixie pulled out a grenade, and threw it upon her feet, as the smoke cloud surrounded her and she began laughing in mad tackling laughter! It was time for secret spell, well of the day! But she also she made sure she was enhancing her own power! ”DARK MOON SLAM!!!” As a gigantic spooky scary moon! Appeared within the sky right above the centaur, as she threw it upon him, He caught it and promptly ate it and then reformed it into a energy blasts from the mouth! Slamming directly into Trixie, then the centaur grabbed the two Pegasus and before they could react opened its mouth and drained them of their magic, toss them aside and then opens its mouth to drain in was left of the poor injured and battered Trixie! And began to gallop offstage. The crowd was terrified! But once lights came back on all the stage actors were back on stage! Bow to the crowd, which left a rousing applause! But they were all's all of a sudden quickly turning towards discord, waiting for him to point out any of the description sees, thankfully the Lord of chaos was still on Trixie side! Well kind of! Discord”Nice but why did you cut out my favorite part, or was it too scary to actually bring in your train and slamming into them for short second?” As the three smiled and replied”We finished fixing that train a couple of days ago were not going to break it again!” [If you're interested in the real story go hereThe real story!] As most of the crowd started to leave. But after most of the crowd disappeared, only the royal guards, of both sections of night and the light and Princess Luna were in the actual arena, still accompanied by discord, due to his punishment for his betrayal incident he was now to be accompanied by at least someone who is capable of knocking him out at all times! This usually meant him being surrounded by either Princess Luna! Or one of the main six, or a tactical team of well-placed guards from the lunar guard! Luna flew down up to Trixie, which cause Trixie to blush uncontrollably! “Trixie with your knowledge and skills, remind me of a good friend of mine, and I do miss him, your outfit reminds me a little bit of him although you're missing the bells.” Trixie was almost as purple as twilight sparkle at this point, not only was she being praised by Luna but now she was being compared to the great star swirled! As several of the guards commented”yeah that was fantastic especially the part when you turn your assistant into a dragon we can add that to our combat roster!” Which several other guards were asking questions to pepper, like what was it like being a dragon, how did it feel to breathe Dragon breath etc. ”Pretty good although I've had spicier and hotter breath, actually I'm still feeling the effects of drinking my Rainbow chili! Now if you excuse me!” As she raced off to drink a gallon of milk! Distraction was kind of nifty that she wasn't getting as many guards asking her questions, a couple of them did ask her couple questions but they weren't as ready as the one she was looking for not to mention most of them were mares! But then a hand some Batcorn? Was talking to her! “I am Capt. Gonzo(Go to nerds of the third power) third ranked highest commander of the lunar guard, and I would be graciously honored if you show me your tactics, I'm not as easily skilled as my soldiers when it comes to flight, and electrical combat.” Distraction was blushing and quickly gave him a piece of paper. Even some of the guards started asking the costume one, and promptly revealed herself to be a DOll Twilight! Which caused some major commotions! But before Trixie could start to explain! She was receiving even more praise from the great Princess! Princess Luna”Fabric golem! This is amazing, I've seen some unicorns cast animation spells on dolls before but but never quite like this! Usually it takes constant channeling and ridiculous strain of telekinesis ignored to keep them moving, if you do not go through the golem method! And you managed to do that with fabric, mind is I suggest further examination of your golem?” As one of the royal guards replied”which one she has three?” Which Luna's eyes tripled in size at the mere suggestion that she not only made one but three, golems themselves have been kicked into a dark research, misleading books even printing the idea that in order to make a golem you would have to sacrifice souls, and perform very dark acts she was now determined to ask Trixie how did she manage to make them. ” Before you ask know I did not sacrifice villagers, the great and powerful Trixie would never stoop to something that drastic! Although I find it strange that most books keep pointing out organic Hearths instead of mechanical ones, and studying voodoo spells was really quite useful, it's a natural substitute over actual souls. Although I did not collect any hairs from the actual twilight sparkle to generate them, so they actually have more my personality then snorkel.” being more remarkably proud of herself and thankful that the golems were not revealing her sexual activities. Which apprentices promptly said”Careful teacher you don't want your head getting too big for your hat again!” Which made Trixie gave a stern look! Luna gave a good smile, both that her secret of how the golems will really made were still a firm secret, although Trixie was close to discovering the actual secrets but still figuring out a way how to do it in fabric was absolutely amazing! It was forbidden to use golems in war for some time well on the pony side, sometimes the Griffin still dip into their technological side and form golems, but most of them were those of iron and steel, and always pouring out large sheets of steam! While it's not actually role as sacrificing actual lives to make a golem is still quite dangerous, especially if you succeed or fail, access means you have created the ultimate body, all sacrificing everything that made you who you were! Meanwhile failure meant having a lifeless machine, and their creator severely crippled their mental state. And that's if you weren't just constructors! That required a forge, a dark forge. [Dragon age reference] But Trixie did comply with the possibility that her golems need to be studied, but only offered one, the newest one to be exact! Luna smiled and said”Thank you, I will have her return by three days, in working condition. And I will be returning tomorrow night the next show!” As they proceeded to take off, discord being pulled away with a invisible chain! Which he comfortably started jokes! Discord Lord of chaos”Lulu I didn't know the show made you so frisky, good thing your sister already had plenty of practice setting the moon why you were sleep! Maybe this time she won't knock on the door.” Which promptly made Luna so red in the face! after show: back in the train! Trixie was standing in her mystical chambers, having a tight squeeze to her remaining golems wearing a crown that she made out of gemstones & diamonds she found at the rock farm it was very crudely made but it was worth it, although she was kind of regretting that she had to give up the diamond dog crown she got earlier, but since it also double as a dog collar that was kind of the issue. As she feel her arms being group BIG TITS, especially as her hands tickled the lower ones! As the maidens, were promptly stroking Trixie's magically created gigantic 2F long and 6IN Girth Penis! Patches doll twilight”So is it time for spankings? Or is the paddle not hard enough yet?” End of chapter! > Twilight: Combat 101. 2! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cast: Twilight sparkle, students are all played by the CMC! []][][][][][][][[]] Twilight walking in a Teacher's uniform, and showing several clipboards and signs this time! Twilight “good afternoon class, and can anyone tell me what class I am?” All three CMC are raising their right hoof! Twilight pics out sweetie Bell. S.Bell” You are an arch-mage, a upgraded class mage where you have the ability to charge up your magic allowing you to cast spells that cost more than you normally have in storage, at the cost of your stamina make you likely to be exhausted much quicker after combat!” Twilight smiled upon this statement, and replied”excellent each race has their own series of classes, today we are only covering the three main races will cover half breeds and other species races later! First off the unicorn classes of magic users: Trickster,Arch-mage, Mage,Sorcerer, & Cleric. Then comes the Earth pony's magic using classes:Dark Knight,Valkyrie, Elemental Binder, & Alchemist. And finally the Pegasus classes:Dark Flier, Holy warrior, Druid, & Storm master.” Then Twilight begins drawing out several shapes and explaining the classes”okay let's cover the most commonly type you will see even when you're not in combat, when it comes to magic! A Trickster, Dark Flier are similar class types, there known as Jack of all trades classes, in reality they can take multiple setups and realities the only differences are a race and some of the extra perks. A Trickster can create items and tools, to help out with their spellcasting, either by creating chemicals to increase their energy, items that reduce the cost of other spells, or create magic from different other classes abilities. For example some tricksters can even create spells based on the other classes primary abilities, so long as they can only use the class skills from the tree of unicorns. They cannot access the same listings of a Earth pony last tree or of the class tree of a Pegasus.” Taking a deep breath she continues on her details”a Dark Flier, is also capable of dipping into many of the other classes, but unlike the trickster cannot create spells based off of the class basic abilities, and they still have to take lessons off of the other classes before they can even perform those techniques, in other words if they take the class technique of a Druid ability to summon creatures, they should also take the class lesson of taming creatures.” Then she proceeded to draw out the signs for the Earth pony's”The commented Earth pony will most likely encounter, is an Elemental Binder, one set master in performance often be branching into fire, and wind, and sometimes water depending on how the use Ice. Rarely do they do Earth style in performance. Some of the other entertaining classes could pop up as well but there more variety areas, like the Bard but that technically is a different type of class, while they can use magic there more listed as a support class, using the songs and uplifting tricks to boost up their friends.” Scoot:” So pinky isn't a magic class, she could have Fool me one with all the stuff she pulled out of nowhere.” Twilight”will talk about the Fool class later! We're focusing on the magic classes who primarily focus on magic, you're not talking about the melee classes nor are we talking about the support class is just yet!” Looking a little grumpy. She continued “now we are going over some of the other classes, a good example of a alchemist is Zecora, and knowledge of chemicals concoctions and potions based plants, and manipulating things to their fullest. Although do not be mistaken she is actually not a alchemist I checked, I'm exactly sure seems to have a different set of cultures that so I have no clue what her actual combat class is. But it is a good example for you Apple bloom.” Apple bloom smiled, as Twilight continued upon her tales” Dark Knight & Sorcerer, are also quite similar, they take to the concept of magic was fighting fire with fire, or to be correct fighting dark magic with dark magic, often succumbing to the darkness of their own magical usage. They are the last remaining remnants of the lost classes, the only lost class that isn't lost they are just often kept under heavy moderation now, they are the only ones who have the knowledge to un-curse items. The Sorcerer is a well-known example shown by King Sombra, a Dark Knight has a lot more spells heavily in chanting his weaponry, to fire his spells for him, often he has magical swords that will shoot being's death, instead of using the sword as a actual melee weapon. Both of the type of also wear heavy armor, while diminishing their mobility they are a lot more durable than most of the magic classes. Cleric & Valkyrie are the extremely where classes but are also extremely similar, they are known as the heavenly healing class, clerics are actually taught in a branching college school after graduating from Princess Celestia school of gifted unicorns, even if you dropout for any reason you can still go there actually, underneath certain work permits, for example if there is a war you are automatically enlisted as a healer, even if you did not graduate from the gifted school. Clerics are taught in using weapon healing, which is a form of magic that uses weapons to heal one's injuries instead of causing injuries, which does bring up some interesting jokes from some ponies.” CMC snickered probably guessing that twilight was pulled a couple of a pranks, in school! “But the Valkyrie have a different set. They are given in knowledge on the subject of magic Ruins and writings, using complex symbols around the ground or on targets to heal others, but both of them have the capabilities of using magic that is often used for healing also do injury, for example spells that can normally be used to fight off infections, they can also branching out into a much more dangerous version of said spell. For not all antivirals exist within nature, in order to fight the disease will have to counter it another disease. This will often figure out its weaknesses and strengths, as such both of the healing classes learn how to unleash diseases onto things that they've already coded fight other diseases.” Twilight proceeded to explain. Sweetie Bell”though basically if you fight a cleric or Valkyrie make you sicker while fighting off other things.” “Exactly sweetie Bell two points! Also a cleric has the ability to cast a healing field, although this is a much more draining process, the more serious the injuries the longer it will take, and the more energy it will take if they are totally devoted to the idea of becoming the higher classes, they will be given even more lessons to it but they will have to be fully committed to the class. Now let's turn to the more well-known magic class Masters.” As twilight change the signs on the chalkboard. “ Arch-mage, Mage & Storm master. That while the arch mage is also a upgraded version of a mage, it can also be listed as the one of the few upgraded classes that you can take before studying the base class, which as stated previously start off with you learn how to charge your energy. Gathering your mystical energy, as well as the energy around you to channel a powerful attack. Also both mage and arch mage's are built on repetition, other words the more times you cast the spell the cheaper and more control you get over the spell based on practice, for example at my skill level right now I can teleport all the way across the town with literal no effort, or I can teleport to small locations without any problems. But mass teleportation on both levels is still complicated, so don't expect me to teleport everyone to the Griffin Empire anytime soon.” CMC looked a little depressed on that concept but as it often answer why it took a long journey for them to travel, and why twilight still often took the train, I mean she could Fly and teleport why would she bother taking the train, it's now explained that it still tasking. “A Storm master on the other hoof, is yes Scootaloo.” Scoot” Is that the class that rainbow dashes!” Twilight”no, although rainbow could be considered that at first glance, but actually rainbows more of a physical type.” Scoot” Then let's move over to the physical type shall we!” More focused on learning more about her favorite ponies combat style and learning anything else about the magical classes. Twilight quickly replied”But don't you want to learn about fluttershy class? Because after I explained the storm one I could explain the Druid!” Scoot”No I'm going to be like my idol I need to learn her style!” Twilight rolled her eyes, at the very impatient pony but she didn't want to omit that she hadn't started writing up the lesson plan for the physical classes just yet, and was hoping to get some other friends to actually help out with the lesson. Instead she went right along and ignored Scootaloo. “Will go over the physical classes tomorrow! Now a storm master, can manipulate and multiply the number of clouds, with relative ease and also use a series of energy based actions to generate the elements, capitalizing on speed, but also leaving smoke trails, and while rainbow will be studying some of the similar abilities, that is not her primary focus. Rainbow will be soon coming up to becoming a branch class, also known as a dual class, I will explain those much later!” She replied starting to get a little bit frustrated at the one Pegasus that was supposed to be learning this stuff. Twilight proceeded to show several drawings, and point out one of her cute past mistakes after studying the classes she finally realized this situation “now as I was about the state my good friend Fluttershy, is a Druid class studying and understanding nature, and making great deals of friends with animals, and until recently after much more research I learned that sometimes a Druid with high skills, and exposed to the right stimuli can learn are able to learn beast form, where they take on the traits of the animals that they have a very strong attachment to, and they can access this ability at any time which I'm going to have to do a double check on shy later, as I think I gave her the ability to channel bats pacifically vampire bats, thankfully her are focus on fruit's or I would be really worried.” All of a sudden the CMC were starting to pack up their gear, and began shouting”Cutie Mark vampire hunters!” And twilight quickly proceeded to stop them, they know they weren't going to actually kill flutter but who knows what they would actually do! Especially considering sweetie Bell has been constantly being a little bit of a priority maniac quickly! Which is actually in the Dual classes which she was going to get to after covering the main classes! End of class! > Twilight: Combat 101. 3 melee classes! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cast: Twilight sparkle, students are all played by the CMC! []][][][][][][][[]] As Twilight began to go over melee classes: Earth pony's: Guardian, Monk,Warrior,& Heavy Blade. Unicorn: Paladin,Steam Gunner, & Shadow Warlock. Pegasus classes: Berserker,Adept Rogue,Ninja, & Treasure hunter. Her first act was covering the Earth pony said she didn't know what Apple bloom would be interested in, I mean the closest thing that was to her sister was the Guardian class or the monk, as it was very hard to tell a applejack strength was tailored to that or was she a heavy Blade, I mean applejack was always using rope/whips to combat, not weapons that are generally having to be wielded by Hooves in one Hoof. But then again applejack is incredibly strong and could probably win several arm wrestling matches with stallions! So she basically covered by explaining everything! Twilight” I'll start off by explaining the Guardian, the most common choice of jobs that the earth ponies of the Royal guards use. They have usually the effects of boosting up the defense of others, encouraging the enemy to focus their attacks on them, and stabilizing their armor to take on heavier blows than usual! While having a few splash damage attacks, they have mainly one-on-one combat tactics, focus on encouraging the opponents to focus on them. Then comes the Monk, meditation and patients okay maybe your sisters not a monk trained in the ways of physical combats, no weapons other than their bare hooves, and with great meditation they can channel the energy of the magical field to fire energy waves similar to my magic attacks, but that takes great concentration and meditation! And meditation requires patience!” As she showed off several diagrams. Apple bloom replied”are you saying that my big sister is brash and inpatient?” Twilight replied”No one of the many qualities that your sister has is being stubborn, and having a hard time accepting when she's wrong. Now as for the class warrior, are trained in a great variety of weaponry, but have limited knowledge on how to repair their equipment in combat, and they can't carry too many weapons into combat as well, Another favorite for the Royal guard. And finally the Heavy Blade, known for wielding the heaviest weapons, and even having the capability of dual wielding weapons that cannot be dual willed in normal circumstances, often sent in to intimidate the opponents because when you see someone welding to gigantic Claymore's your average Griffin will reconsider combat! Even a full-grown Dragon can hesitate on that subject!” Unknown to the girls, watching from the windows was Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara! Twilight moved over to talk to Sweetie Bell over the classes, even though deep down she knew exactly which class that Sweetie Bell would be more interested in which was deafly not based off of Rarities although twilight wasn't sure what was Rarities class! Because Rarity rarely had to settle a battle with fisticuffs. Twilight”Now before I start listing the one you're obviously going to choose I'm going to list the other two! First off the class that my brother wields, well used to he finished his dual class training but less focused on basics before you start learning Re-class work. Paladin heavily works on light base magic, creating shields and barriers, and enchanting thing their weapons at the power of Luna's lights or of Celestia lights or when you start out as a Paladin you must choose which Princess you must devote your ideals to. Although my brother was a rare exception. And I guess since there's more princesses now there's more varieties of Paladin types? Wonder what my Paladin type would be?” As she started calculating things in her head which took her to a dreamland, when sweetie Bell shouted! Sweetie Bell“ Twilight get on to the next class before I start experimenting again! And maybe not accidentally start changing ponies into vegetables.” As Twilight quickly snapped out of the situation” right, next comes the Shadow Warlock, trained in the art of the shadows, magic to coat them in darkness, to wield weaponry to dissolution their opponents, pulling information from their opponents thoughts, and once a while learning a mind control if that's actually reasonable! Granted there are rules against how my control works and how it doesn't work, and only tell a ponies to certain things based on their normal moral compass. They have focused on channeling their magic into creating weapons, while hiding into shadows, giving them the ability to cast darkness to other targets or to themselves making them unable to be seen in the light of day even. Also there pretty fast and good for taking objects back to their proper owners, without other criminals figuring out they had reclaimed the stolen materials.” Doing her darndest not to teach the kids to steal, She got enough slack for actually teaching kids how to poison there teacher and big Macintosh! As Twilight then pulled down the actual sheet”but I know the real class you're wanting, considering you're acting like a little pyromaniac, and order to get to that tree you have to start somewhere the melee class part of that tree is Steam gunner, so named because you're always gunning for a fight and you're always steaming. Primarily wielding weapons with range, but can also will close range weapons, the Steam gunner uses magic to fuel their skills, adjective fueled by their primal emotions, if they feel cold they will be covered in ice, if they feel anger they will be quite warm, and usually they are taught to be angry a lot more.” Sweetie Bell smiled and said”Sweetie smash!” Leaving Twilight to be worried about what she just explained. Then Twilight proceeded to bring out the charts for Scootaloo to teach her about the different classes. “ Berserker are heavy physical melee attackers, given the option to use a vast variety of weaponry, but rarely use it, some say that the steam gunner's and berserker's rival on whose rage inducing, even though a steam gunner enhances their attacks with magic surrounding their actions based on their motions. The berserker as variety of physical physical host range combat actions, able to cause crippling damage, and do a variety of other actions!” Twilight replied with a chart showing off a rainbowDash enjoying wearing the berserker helmet, then she changed the chart to show a different Rainbow in a different costume! This time Rainbow was dressed up in a Ninja outfit looking very much similar to subzero, only with the striking blue areas being actually rainbows actual coat! As twilight began to monologue about this particular class, figuring the only method of getting's Scoot to pay attention is to show off rainbow in different outfits. “The ninja & the shadow warlock share similar combat expects, but are strikingly different later on, the ninja has a variety of clouds that they can use to hide from their enemies, while also channeling the elements from them to create unique actions, preferring to hide in the shadows while throwing said objects, rarely engaging in close range combat! Known for their speed and again they can retrieve information, but instead of picking the volts of your mind they can only pick the volts of your living room.” And there was a new chart that showed up showing Derring-do! Well actually was Rainbow dash in her nightmare night costume! Twilight“the Treasure hunter as the name implies, navigates and studies ancient tombs, when the few classes that is able to learn a Rune magic, requiring great amounts of studying, some dual classes are only allowed to study this type of magic. But the treasure hunter rarely uses this type of magic, but specializes more in disabling the type of magic, as implied they explore ancient tombs in areas that are often protected by this type of magic! Using their abilities to control the weather to help them in their journeys!” Scootaloo”COOLLL!” As her eyes were swollen, with excitement as they were three times the size that they were usually were which was creepy and scary at the same time! And then Twilight pulled out the final chart! Revealing Rainbow dash, in a rather unique type of leather armor. “And for the final physical melee class, Adept Rogue a true jack of all trades class, but primarily focused on three trades at a time, able to master all weapons but only can wield three at a time, three different types of weaponry based on three different classes, a good adept rogue will practice two physical weapons and one mystical, like Rainbow or like Rainbow practice two mystical and one physical combat weaponry system! While only being able to wear light armor for quick and speedy access and having high agility, they're known for their quick and action skills! That will be all for today! Tomorrow I will cover, the support classes and I have visual aids this time! As the girls began to walk off leaving their twilight time, out the back door the gigantic huge castle! But harder to be stealthy on as diamond and silver spoon watching, eager to bring more students into watch! End of twilight's lesson plans! > Twilight: Combat 101. 4 support classes! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cast: teachers: Twilight sparkle, Miss Cheerily, & Thunderlane students are all played by the CMC & silver spoon and diamond tiara, snips and snails, feather weight and Rumble. []][][][][][][][[]] Location: Twilight sparkle training the kids in the back of the castle in the gigantic ballroom. With the help of Cheerily & Thunderlane. As Miss cheerily began to explain the Earth pony support classes! “Okay class,Bard,Enchanter & Summoner, are the support classes that we have access to. A Bard specializes in the songs and dance to boost up their allies, and focus on in proving morale. Sometimes telling funny jokes to distract the enemy, or at least confused them, and using a vast variety of instruments! Even though they can wield melee weapons, they prefer to use sonic weapons, or high-caliber range weapons like cannons! But there cannons happen to be filled with a variety of different methods of ammo, from the range of cotton candy to rubber cement! Although each one of them does require you to clean the Cannon.” Having Scratch show up and demonstrate with her BasS Cannon! Thankfully the castle could handle the explosive power of the BasS Cannon. And also the class can still hear! “Also part of the bards roster of tricks, is the sleight-of-hand, which some very bad ponies used for criminal actions, but really the sleight-of-hand is meant to all other ponies into thinking that they have bits coming out of their ears!” Cheerily replied, while demonstrating with diamond tiara! Which diamond presented to constantly trying to see if She had more money coming out for ears! After Vinyl, left a jewelry maker showed up to take her place, as Miss Cheerily began to explain the next class! “Next comes the Enchanter, expert study in Rune magic, as well as magical properties of other objects, often associated with the job of appraisals, and studying fine gemstones! They also happen to Practicing crafting materials, most often you will see an enchanter work on a vast variety of objects and enchants the objects in question, from power enhancement spells to the boosting of defense. They even have the natural ability to strengthen the materials around them.” As the jewelry pony, gave each one of the earth these a bracelet! Before she left. Then finally came a zookeeper, he looked like he was a bit like that guy from God of war! Who actually started to speak! “I'm what you call a summoner, I train a collection of animals, learn vast varieties of animal calls. That I can use to call upon my animal friends, applied with a vast variety of sprays, to treat the injuries of my animal comrades if they are injured were to boost their strengths. Understanding the varieties of pheromones, and learning on how to treat them if they are injured!” As he blew the whistle to summon Orphus with its gorgeous heads and licking him in the face. “Settle down boy.” Meanwhile Thunderlane began tutoring his! Thunder“Elementaler, Ranger, & Dancer Harvest, RR support classes, as the Elementaler implies they tailor the elements, being able to turn elements into solid objects, from fabric to stone, if trained properly they can make fire stones, from actual flames instead of actually needing materials, using this to craft into hammerheads, creating fantastic objects, for example even the great Jumpsuits of the wonderbolts, are crafted to actually withstand lightning bolts are actively and leave smoke trails!” And with the help of Twilight's charts, he began to show off the list of abilities that the Ranger has! Was a series of pictures showing taming creatures, much similar to a druid, practicing with the blade, placing traps, knowledge of using a crossbow, and a series of other things. As he begins to explain! “And why the Ranger is very similar to a druid they are not the same, a druid understand the animals, and take on their traits, Ranger works with the animals and team works with them, and understands that they might die and they cannot stop it. Meanwhile the druid will do what ever he or she can to stop the animal from being harmed, a Ranger understands that there animal companion takes the same risks as they do, rarely does a druid Letting the animal take the same risks as they do, they prefer to have their animal forms take that risk! Also a Ranger use utilize traps to claim their animal friends, or to defeat their enemies.” And replacing the sheet with a different one as he began to explain” Dancer Harvest, is very similar to the Bard, focusing though mainly on dancing over songs, and using fluent speed they are allowed to use daggers, when it comes to defending themselves or they prefer to kick you in the face” Rumble proceeds to him direct his brother”and he should know from experience a lot of them kick him in the face!!” And Thunder began to chase his brother causing a little chaos. Finally was Twilight's turn to teach. “Okay lady and gentle Colts, a unicorn support classes are Wave User, Curse Knight & Blue mage. Let's begin with the Wave user, they are trained in the methods of understanding the mystical wavelengths, of all objects, and living creatures. Passing energy to improve the wavelength of those around them, enhancing and powering up their bodies, causing a healing wave of energy or causing a hurting wave energy, and increasing wave of strength or decreasing wave strength etc. they are prone for area affects, and their magic does not distinguish friend from foe! So if you send a wave of paralyzing fear, don't be shocked if you accidentally hit the people standing in front of you, this is also one of the more tanker support classes.” And she began to pull out the chart explaining the vast differences of a curse Knight! “Curse Knight, as well as a Sorcerer both study Rune magic a bit more thoroughly than most of the magical classes. Studying the different types of Runes that exist in different languages, the difference is that a curse Knight will, have to write many varieties of different spells, and placed them on to objects, they can even curse they object to rust, or place curses to be positive with only negative down sites, they can even create security curses, like if some pony was to open a book that can only be opened by the pony in question, The book is cursed to be only open by its owner, which is such a crime! Because books need to be shared, everyone including those, at house deep dark secrets about other ponies!” Sweetie Bell replies”You TRY open up my sister's personal diary, again did you? We move on to the next class?” Twilight was begrudgingly but accepted the actual process” the final class is the blue mage, another sturdy taking class, due to the fact that the blue mage has to be there violent creatures to gain their abilities, for every encounter they survive a deadly creatures strongest actions, and for their own personal methods of absorbing the creature's abilities, they can learn new magic based off of the creature! From inhaling the toxic spores, of certain monstrous the plants, they can obtain the ability to unleash those toxic spores! And etc. often using range weaponry, and learning how to use traps as well. Although not as many traps as a Ranger will employ.” As all the students were starting to give an art learning about their combat skills. The end of the beginning classes > Magic book & Princess Luna's apprentice > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cast: Trixie, ghost pepper, Miss direction, Princess Luna & Twilight golems Sometime in the middle of the night after show 2: location Trixie's dreamscape: Trixie was enjoying a beautiful dream, sitting on the throne of shiny blue crystals, servants tending to her every need! She was wearing armor very similar to Princess Luna, having her own wings as well, wearing a crown upon her head. look to the side to the second throne there was Princess Twilight sparkle wearing a rather familiar looking dog collar! ”Today is a beautiful day, right twilight?” Giving the look of commanding stand. But before twilight could answer, a different voice came out of the Alcorn Princess a loud booming voice”Trixie, will never become a princess if you act like this! You need to show compassion.” Trixie was shaking as she knew that was Princess Luna, as the Alcorn Princess twilight coat soon became darker, the mane changing and getting wavier also becoming the same dark purple/blues with tiny little stars and the signature dog collar which was actually her reminder Trixie's imprisonment when she was tricked into thinking that she was the ruler of a small kingdom of diamond dogs, burned into the fabulous necklace of Princess Luna. Trixie quickly commented”But this is my fantasy and dreams are all about fantasies not realism.” Being very very thankful and hoping that Luna doesn't see the part of the fantasy that features her in it. Sadly those parts was not likely to happen. Luna”I personally like the other fantasies. Especially the one where I'm wearing that Teachers outfits.” She continues to describe in strange and almost secular similarities to her Vice Principal Luna, in My Little Pony Equestria girls, only obviously in her pony format. After giving that slight description she commented”Especially when you're in this thing called the detention!” Trixie was now even more blushing, as some of her dreamlike effects were disappearing! As the area quickly change, to proper throne room, it was silver walls, black window drapes, most of the furniture was deep purple, this looks very similar to Princess Celestai chamber office, only decorated in Luna's fashionable style. Where there was a dark blue pillow for Trixie to sit on, which the powder blue unicorn proceeded to do so, although she had a deep shade of purple on her face! Luna” Well even though I enjoy watching your dreams once in a while, we have business to take care of, first off I will be turning the golem, there seems to be, no signs of true dark magic involved in the construction so you are clear to keep, but you will now need to fill out paperwork if you wish to make more. But that is not the only business that I have come within your dreams, after the recent events with Tirek, I thought it would be wise to prepare for certain situations so I'm going to have you, be my secret investigator, after seeing how well you did on that particular battlefield, and the recent reports of your previous actions, and knowing how the amulet works. As the amulet only amplifies the power of the subject, NOT the knowledge in the performing ratios. To me show signs that you understand magic and its detailed Rules. If you allow my team to work on your train, and if you accept the offer you will be paid the regular salary of a royal guard, at the rookie post level, to cover your expenses but not to show suspicions. Depending on the level of investigation determines will have guards come with you. Do you agree to this offer?” Trixie replied with a rousing “YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES!” While doing little dance that show she had a lot more in common with Twilight sparkle ever realize. Princess Luna with her smile, whispered something and then said”when you weaken from your slumber, new objects will be in your train, but I will have you oversee the upgrades your train question.” As she disappeared laying the dream it back to where it once was. The next day(and technically the final show Day) Trixie climbs out of bed, she didn't have to do any stress relief after the recent showing! And things were getting better, she even got some time to devote some spell books, speaking of she noticed a brand-new book stand with a large book on it! On the book was Trixie's cutie Mark. A very groggy Trixie carefully opened up the book, and on the first page listed this. 'Good morning Trixie, this book will allow you to communicate with me, are better details then used sending letters Dragon mail, besides I don't think it's a good idea to have you be partnered up with a dragon just to send me letters, not to mention I would have to hire one from Dragon town, which means than the one all the way over here it's a bit complicated, and there's no orphan dragons recently.' Trixie wrote in compliance”Personally I agree with the idea of having a book instead, I don't feel like taking care of a dragon, especially when my assistance already say I'm too much of the baby myself. Sign your faithful student Trixie!” With a big huge grin on her face, she just loves the thought of her putting down faithful student to Princess Luna! Afterwards she went into her closet, and sitting next to her original wardrobe(private use.) Is now a dark blue wardrobe, next to her signature black wardrobe. When she opened it it revealed a small miniature library, not to grant just about 20 book(the size of your average phonebook) and with enough room for a least, 10 times that much. As Trixie did hear a bit of a scream from the other two girls. Dashing into the other room, Trixie quickly opened up to reveal a surprise set up from the interior of the girls, their original wardrobe closet was now replaced with two separate wardrobe closets, with little door signs that said 'ghost pepper personal room' on the dark green wardrobe and on the right pink wardrobe was'Miss directions room' giving the girls their own personal bedroom, all still having to share a room! Their own personal rooms were still needing to be decorated but! They were ecstatic. Which may Trixie's side with relief. Two hours later: after Trixie explained what happens in her dream minus certain details. ”Trixie is one of the few times I'm glad you said yes without consulting us! So now where secret agents though is creepy.” ”Does this mean we all get matching jumpsuits! I call green! Everyone loves the green ranger!” Checking the train for any areas where they'll be magically teleported to the Princess castle. ”I highly doubt were going to get jumpsuits, but you never know, anyhow I'm going to take care some minor stuff, and later on I will check out those books! Hopefully they'll be more tools for my magic show.” As she left the train to visit the castle. 20 minutes later: Trixie was receiving her golem back, who was also wearing three bracelets, as the golem proceeded to explain! Twilight golem three ”Princess Luna said that these are your emergency armor, bracelets in case you need body armor. on missions use them sparingly because they are crafted with her own magic.” Giving the bracelets to Trixie. She proceeded to keep them in safe security but shall test them out later. They also went down towards the Armory, and began talking to one of the many blacksmiths that the on the castle military payroll, but Trixie found out that she was not yet given clearance to purchase a custom weapon. Which was a bit depressing but she understood. 4 hours later: location: inside Trixie's new library! Trixie was reading several books as she was sitting on her comfy bed pillow, reading up some unique spells, tempted to test them out but, it would be wise not to test them out during the show, the worries of conflicting actions. That said she was also getting pictures of her train, outside thanks to discord statement, there are looking to see how far the damage was trying to figure out where the repair work occurred! Which really frustrated Trixie at times because, any mechanics kept on asking her how did she manage to fix the train so well so fast! And 4 them were definitely unicorn so she didn't have the option of saying it's magic! Because that works on earth ponies may be a Pegasus or two! But you actually have to explain your magic whenever you talk to unicorn! Making some mental note over certain spells, although some people would question why isn't she already dual classing, based on all the spells she's using and she just doesn't see the perks justifying it. ”it's almost Showtime, Trixie!” Trixie quickly based on the books and put back on her Cape, and going off towards the stage. After the show: Princess Luna walked over to Trixie after the show, and gave her a shiny card! Was her emergency license ID. Then the Princess replied”Tomorrow you and your team will be, at the training fields! Around noon. I will be watching how you and your team work, on multiple targets.” Which this statement has sent chills down Trixie spine for a little bit, that she was coming up a little but as well. ”Of course, I do need to get myself familiar with the new spells. And this would give us some excuse to try out the armor just in case.” Testing out some ideas. Which went swimmingly across as the Princess did not show any signs of saying no. Allowing Trixie to have a little smirk. Princess Luna”although I do have one question, not that I'm giving you permission to do so just yet? But why haven't you made one of your golems of me?” With a question that seem like a very very loaded, sadly Trixie didn't realize this was super loaded. ”Well that's easy, even though I have perfected the spell more clearly I would never risk sacrificing my first Princess plushy, when I can just have my fantasies in the dreamworld.” Which Luna gave a bit of a shock, but smiled nonetheless although she did give a bit of a reply. Luna“That's a funny answer, I thought you were just going to say why make a fake when I can try for the real thing.” Which caused Trixie to blush ridiculously, and start blabbing coherently and stuttering, which was testing princesses Luna's skills of trying to figure things out. As pepper came over with a handkerchief covered in a strange liquid and placed it over her Trixie's mouth, Trixie promptly passed out and Pepper replied”So sorry she gets like this when she's flabbergasted, at the only way how to solve problems is to knock her out. We'll see you tomorrow.” As she started dragging Trixie, and muttering some complaints like saying”you really need to lay off of peanut butter and crackers!” The next day around noon: location royal battlefield. There were several trainees all wearing Body Armor, while practicing using their weaponry. Trixie and the girls quickly turned on their bracelets, unleashing a dark black goo around their bodies, quickly change colors and shape, soon they were wearing the Royal armor with different color schemes, to be exact the lunar guard Royal armor! As Luna quickly explained”This was cooked up by the HexLock(a powerful dual class that works on studying monsters, of dark ritual status, namely they dissect demons) using a series of metrics, the armor is supposed to grow stronger as you do.” As the girls started to stretch. A series of targets began to pop up! The Pegasus, haven't picked up anything new so they're still sticking with their usual ranged attacks. Meanwhile Trixie did pick up some new stuff! and then she followed up with a quick Which caused the earth violently shake and punching all the targets into the sky, as they crash landed and those that were left standing were instantly vaporized with a fireball shooting from Trixie's mouth, as her face slowly turn reptilian. As the crowd smiled. As several guards tossed over some weaponry which Trixie easily captured all the weapons, placing down some of them close by as she wielded the blade, it wasn't Trixie's goal to weapon of choice but it was a weapon that was skilled! As several Earth pony rookies started practicing with her, one was even taking met of a more stronger type of melee class, but with Trixie skill and vanishing tricks she naturally did quite well! Causing more smiles from Princess Luna, she was absolutely sure that she had found the right pony for the job! End of today's episode! > Case one: How pleasant is Pleasantville? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The main cast: Trixie, ghost pepper, Miss direction, Princess Luna & Twilight golems OC Cast: Capt. Dr. gonzo Miley Hooves: Art by:paintedwave & Character owned by Anzel. Featured characters: Starlight Glimmer,[only mentioned] Double Diamond : Sugar Belle: Party Favor : Night Glider: [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] Previous chapter, go read One week of training later: Trixie awakens to, her book beeping and vibrating! She opens it quickly and starts reading the details, and then quickly goes wakes up the girls! “girls it's time to wake up, We got a job!” Shouting at the top of her lungs! And using the newly required telepathic voice spell, make sure the girls heard her even if they were not able to actually hear her main moral sense! As the wardrobe doors opened revealing the two girls, Pepper was groggy and angry, Direction was well let's just put it this way, she was already nine happy camper before hand now she's angry as you can get. As the two ponies look directly at Trixie! Two hours later from the early mornings(even the sun was barely awake) Direction was getting the map set up, the newly discovered town which currently has no name, was just recently added to the map after some minor details! It required direction to actually draw a brand-new map of equestrian, thankfully that was part of her special talent so it took really no time at all. Pepper was finished prepping the train, the billowing smoke of steam around the 'wheels', transformed into a floating tank after making the clouds a bit more bulky, and solid enough to actually support materials! The air blimps were also being pumped full hot air! Trixie was making her selections of soldiers to come with them, it was going to be stated that was going to be searching through caves, studying the towns affects after being hit with much of a strange magical energy, until the subject Starlight Glimmer is captured! Studies of how her magic works were going to have to be focused pretty much on studying the ponies that were affected, as well the areas where the spell was performed, safe marks were stored? And she had to make a careful decision. Capt. Gonzo” Now Trixie I recommend you bring only 4 guards with you on this journey. Considering we don't know what powers glimmer had set up.” As the unicorn bat pony was standing in a very regal position, while he didn't have the same power and strength is his mighty Princess, he was deftly a force to be reckoned with and dreading that he could not tag along on this journey but there was too much paperwork to ignore. ”Miley Hooves.” For her first decision. Miley“Don't worry I'll give it my all, but please Notify me if you're going to transfigure me into a dragon, or anything else big and hulking and monstrous.” Still having vivid memories of the awesome stage performance! ” next is psych out” pointing to a pony that is currently reading a book, as he lifts his head up to show off a strange little red scouter on the left side of his face, and is also wearing headphones is blonde mane, and bright green coat. Giving out a good smile, and the scouter starts pulling up some strange numbers, and he replies. Psych out” I don't know if I should be confused, for intrigue get that one of your psychological improvement song is I'm sexy and I know it?” Then he turns to Miley and she instinctively punches him , to stop them from revealing any dark secrets with his scouter! A tool he pacifically invented to help find out song and psychological problems, and psychoanalyzing a person on the battlefield is not that easy. (Seriously it's not easy to psychoanalyze someone on the battlefield when you don't actually talk with them.) [Also psych out is terrible, on social conventions! But he is pretty good at keeping secrets, as long as you are his patient, anything before that is fair game!) “All right, just take your word on that one. And let's see how well some more defense Ectar, since I hear you're really good at being a defense magic user.” “Of course do I see a demonstration of my shield spell!” But before the great and powerful Trixie could reply he started his chant! "Shield this craft from one and all. Reflect, deflect, depose and fall!!!" (layer 1), (layer 2), [final layer] Ectar” Of course I'm still working on the upgraded version of this spell where I can borrow power up abilities!” He stated as he was inside several protective bubbles, each one designed to protect them from a certain type of problem, with the first layer protecting them from physical damage, the first layer protecting them from mystical, and the second layer as a buffer to keep them from canceling each other out. ”okay okay okay, just get raid the head towards the train.” As she started looking around for the final choice. ” Well hello tall dark and handsome!” to Powearn Burns” Actually miss I'm a Bright color, but I can turn on my night cloak if you want me to?” As his wings kept flickering from bright gold, to the dark black night that usually is the uniform preferred, as all in regards do have a night force mode. (Another G.I. Joe reference but this guy from a different toy line) “Maybe later gorgeous, now go get in the train my boxes nice and pretty.” Trixie commented ”direction, thank you for your decision will choice but no fun time on the train time.” As everybody started to climb into the train, and with a little bit of a lightning push, they were off! As the sun was setting everybody was changing into their night force mode well, every member of the royal guard! Miley Hooves: coat was now matching her hair, and was really the only extent to her turning darker. As she was already naturally darker shade of colors is a pony, although she did note that her cutie Mark also change slightly autumn leaves, instead of its usual bright green, it became a dark pale brown. But she still had her stubborn tenacity, ready for combat. Psych out: coat was turned into a very dark blue, and his hair went from striking blonde to holy cows he's a Burnett! Powearn Burns: body began to flicker as it turned black, to the darkest of nights all looking very similar to all of the other nightguard ponies, he did have some red streak tears into his wings and his main was bright red as well all of a sudden, well only streaks everything else was jet black! Which may miss direction flirt with him even more! Sadly the night force protection from actually showing signs of blushing! Ectar: coat started to turn, dark midnight purple, his ears began to change to look more Fox looking, the red mark on his face, quickly changed to a light blue! And finally his main switch colors, now the with the dark brown streaks, and a dark blue body almost midnight shaded. Trixie was still navigating the train, only the directions on the map that was still stated unknown town, the map was is deafly magically enchanted to, having the train being marked by a moving cutie Mark symbol of Trixie's. Then they landed on to the far side of town, behind a small ridge, leaving the Train came out with one Twilight golem! To be exact Trixie's first golem. ”Psych out, is your magic eye thing to figure out if there friendly or not?” Looking at the town. Psych-out”it doesn't work that way it has only a certain bit of arrange, and it only works if my patients are alert most of town is asleep though according to the scanner. Night Glider flew down right next to Miley and said”Sir when you guys doing out here? Also IH Twilight what a Tar happen to you, like you were in a bar fight?” Noticing the golem. Miley” Why thank you. And that's actually just a life-model version of twilight sparkle it's not the real thing. And right now we're trying to assess if your town has been retaken over why we were gone.” Glider replied”No Starlight is still navigating inside those caves, the currently still don't know her whereabouts but doing okay and transitioning back to doing with cutie Mark again although we do need a good therapist some of the couples that got married before learning about their true personalities are having issues.” Trixie noticed the conversation, and tapped on psych out shoulder. Psych out quickly activated his scanner and replied”Brainwashing levels still returning downward, mental conditioning growing better, and usual parameters of the average Pegasus on personality levels, slightly competitive. Basic point attitude. She's clean, also her favorite song is princesses of the universe.” Night Glider was getting a little touchy on this particular subject but she was going to let slide for once, being called a average Pegasus was a little bit of a button on her nerves right now, especially after the equal issues. Shortly they all showed up inside town: Being surrounded by a crowd of ponies, well just during the night lifestyle ones. Party favor was giving them the download after being explained much like every other pony that the twilight that they were talking to wasn't the real twilight, and they all commented that she looked like she was in a bar fight or scrap or did she going to run with the great and evil Tirek, and they would also like to see pictures of what HE look like after this! Which slightly annoyed Trixie, only slightly that Twilight snorkel Princess of magical power! Already told her story of saving the world, technically she already knew she could lie about saving the world, I mean with the guards right next to her was kind of obvious she remember seeing all of them in the shows, but she could of exaggerated, lie even further, with a little convincing. ”Okay before we get started on anything else, Dr. psych out here is going to give you all a psych evaluation, don't worry, you don't need to go into details their tree or anything like that, just information on how glimmer actually did her brainwashing, and everything else. Then we might want to set up some more structures on your little town.” ” Speaking of what's the name of this town?” When she said this some more of the ponies were up, this was going to be up all night thing apparently and probably all day tomorrow, with double diamond answering the question! Double diamond”Well We were still passing out ideal names when glimmer was in charge, she kept on having trouble coming up with names that didn't feel like she was putting yourself on a postal, another clue we should realize that she's was making herself not are equal. But afterwards we settled on the name Pleasantville, sadly things haven't been so pleasant lately.” As a couple of stallions were arguing with their Mare friends in the background. ”Something tells me we should've brought the Princess of love.” Shaking her head, and figuring that psych is going to have lots and lots of work that to take care of. Several hours later: Enough time has passed that the group has gone back to their night force design, to their day colors and since it's light enough the group is given some new tasks, well psych out is still doing his job! ”Okay gang were going to do a little bit of split up, Miley you're charges searching through the caves.” Miss direction gives her a map which is a silver scroll, midnight blue handles. ”This map is magically enchanted to map out the area as you walk around, it also has a marking system keeping track of your cutie Mark's, that way if you guys to get separated you can find each other.” she stated that she was handing out similar maps to the other two. Miley” Is it okay if we take one of the fake Twilights, after all if we do run into glimmer if she does see the fake Twilights might be stupid enough to fall for the concept that twilight was searching for her in the caves already, not to mention considering it doesn't require to have that much below intelligence the fall for this fake I mean we've had the entire town fall for fake that looked like it was a bar right, and the wrong color wings! It shouldn't be that hard to outsmart glimmer right!” Trixie sent over the newest decoy that was more up-to-date, before they went off with double diamond check out the actual storing caves for the cutie Mark were stored. the caves the investigation team: As the team started to go down the caves, navigating the darkness with both I guess unicorn ponies in front although technically the doll was not able to make light, and Mr. I have three shields on was bright as day considering with his golden coat and also his golden shields lighting up the pathway, which is probably the best thing that he's also the tanking character! [Here is their card. This is to make it a little bit easier on me for writing battle purposes! ] Trixie's investigation: Trixie was investigating using the wave user spell list, which was feeling out the mana waves! Studying and understanding the energy levels, with direction sitting right next to her, and also trying to flirt with double diamond. Which tested Trixie's patience a little bit but she was more focused on the job, analyzing the stick that was used by glimmer, there were signs that she did craft it to looks the way it does, but mainly it was just a normal stick with some leftover mystical radiation, but actually a lot leftover mystical radiation enough that it would probably be the only thing that could break a barrier, unknown to probably glimmer that she actually did cause the stick to be enchanted, not with the enchanted ability that she was demonstrating constantly on it, with a quick demonstration checked by Trixie although she did kind of lie that she was going to quickly return directions mart to her if it actually worked! But thankfully all it does is just give a bit of a distance to magic spells. Then Trixie started analyzing the actual cave wall. ”Well it's a good thing you guys did break this barrier, with all the energy levels here high would be really not liking the idea of living around here, in the sense that this place looks like it would blow up even the right amount of energy.” She joked”So basically you would be safer living next to the rainbow factory, after they have dropped all the bottles lightning, into a vat of rainbow mix.” (And yes that would be a very bad idea!) ” Actually are not that far off, although the true statement would be your better off standing in front of that explosion, and you were a small average flea.” Regretting that she couldn't scanning the bottles because they were broken, that were storing the main sixes magic cutie Mark's, because that would be a fantastic chance of secretly scanning Twilights power. That said she was really angry, she was very eager to find this glimmer and take her on almost regretting sending out a search party to go find her instead of going with them. Considering how skilled glimmer must be to come up with a spell this evil! One thing to exploit others talents, but to steal someone's talents and possibly use them on your own body, which was one the going theories that Trixie was thinking of! Because if the spell was truly to make every pony exactly the same, then why were the race is still there races, for unicorns still have access to their fledgling magic, for the Pegasus can still fly into what they normally do, it wouldn't be that are to attach the extra spells to change race types which is the real reason why racial magic is not really that much of a big issue. I mean next week you could be a Pegasus learning a Pegasus skill last when your reality were born in unicorn, or make yourself into a princess! “Когда я получу копыта на эту суку!" double diamond"What did she just say?" ”I have no clue.” (For those who know Russian, have fun! For those who don't know what use Google translate that's how I got the sentence! But considering that Trixie often slips into a Russian accent I wouldn't be surprised if she slips into Russian words, which means now there's a Russia!) Therapy sessions with Dr. psych: “Party favor tell me, a little bit more about starlight glimmer. How did she manage to convince you that your special talent of bringing joy was bringing sadness?” All playing in the background was the song happy happy joy joy. Party favor”well it all started when I just came from visiting town was horribly horribly depressed, after having their cutie Mark stolen by Lord Tirek. No matter what I could do I couldn't cheer them up, after leaving said town I came upon this place. And well glimmer argument on how come she wasn't affected by Tirek & everybody else here was very appealing.” Meanwhile back in the caves: Three stopped to see two diamond dogs, one a female, the other a male missing its front right Pap, both covered in blood. Miley”Pow take these two outside of the cave as fast as possible whatever is chasing them is scary, and dangerous! Especially the male he looks badly injured.” Pulling out her battle ax, made with the color coded sequences that Princess Luna's armory often has. Then as she continued to talk with now her mouth being full”then return back as soon as possible.” The female diamond dog portrait: Coming out behind them was a group of corrupted diamond dogs! As soon as Powearn Burns returned the battle! Began! Miley slammed into the pile of corrupted diamond dogs, and two of the diamond dogs completely into! But even with them being a horribly cut in half they were still moving! As she proceeded to do (by the way for those are confused by how dangerous this is! The attack power is technically added as spell damage For these moves! Oh yes she just didn't officially five damage to all minions, Just The ones surrounding her because obviously we are not going to avoid friendly fire in this combat! As well a self-inflicted, unless I specifically state) Meanwhile her cohorts: Ectar was firing your standard laser beams, as his horn was glowing with the swirling magic! Which can be seen clearly in the actual picture but I digress. Powearn Burns was also flying into battle joining into the fray making sure you avoid the raging fury that was Miley, which made him wondered did she take a couple of training courses in the berserker class, I mean even though as guards they now know the racial system combat classes can be just barely suggestions, it doesn't require wings to be a berserker! But with his fiery lightning storms added to glow on his weaponry does help! While the twilight sparkle look-alike was not doing so well in the battle, although it did cut down the damage considering she was tanking for them a lot more than the actual tank was! Inside Dr. psych's office: seconds before the battle began(inside the caves) Just as party favor was leaving the chair, a blue and yellow streak of light came into the office dropped off two diamond dogs, both of them were pretty much catatonic and disappeared with the exact same light trail. Psych”I hate it when he does his wonder bolt, training. It messes with my equipment. And apparently have new patients do you have a doctor?” As he started changing the records. Party favor nodded as he went off to go get the village doctor, who was probably the best thing that he got his cutie Mark back! After all his special talent was in medicine and more questions on why on earth are glimmer made an entire town give up the talents that would make the town better. [Yeah short-term the village would be pretty bad, I believe this is happening at least sometime during last season tell and or least for the in the season. Possibly during the same time as rainbow rocks.] Trixie's investigation team. Trixie was removing her spells, from the outer wall of the cave, also the spells were determined to conceal the energy ratios, making the cave virtually invisible unless you work inside on magic! That certainly would not contain any explosion. But she removed them are other reasons namely that it would be really hard to cast spells in your list you are the actual enchanter. Back with the cave investigation team! Guards began to retreat, after causing a massive collapse in the battlefield, from a series of explosions! And some well-placed Ax tosses. Miley was carrying on her back Ectar, who was pretty much exhausted and used up all of his energy to fight the battle, especially after teleporting the entire group out of the explosion! A few hours later: psych out”Fairir, feeling much better.” As the female diamond dog simply gave a nod, listening to the run to full soothing tombs of : I kissed a mare and I think I like it. “Now while your friend is recovering, what exactly happened in those caves?” Fairir”Yes,Yes! It all started with pink pony, came into caves! She tried talking about quality, but noticed that we didn't have special marks in our tales, like other ponies! She became angry fire lasers, and she left and disappeared! Couple hours later. The Kegare was leaking from the walls, a much more powerful version of the ones we've seen before! Our shiny's could not get rid of it, usually strong shiny's can get rid of the stuff! But this was too strong it even took the shiny's into its darkness! We don't have much access to water, we don't have access to match of our other methods of removing the impurity! Kegare was fueled with some hatred, something we've never seen before.” Still shaking and nervous. Trixie instantly ordered all the Pegasus, go start floating the caves with water, and then started asking for the ingredients to encourage the purity! She wasn't going to question their style beliefs or how this goes, but if they've encountered stuff like this before it's better to get rid of it as soon as possible! As nightfall: Trixie set up the show, giving the ponies of Pleasantville's little taste of action & theater, while also practicing out some of the newer tricks for some of the older guests not to be bored, usual variety of techniques and so forth! But the lunar guards were all in trouble, as the one that they took with them did not come back, and Trixie really really really likes having three golems! So the guards chipped in and paid Kanji thread, to make a life-size pony style, but instead of Princess twilight this was a commission of Princess Luna! And just because Trixie really really really sticks with her own spell method, she swore the guards to secrecy on allowing her to make this golem! No reports no information, and why they are paying for it! Or else this would be listed underneath the expense report! As each one of them were forced to donate a hair, well all except for Ectar! Trixie preferred her own unicorn hair for that one! But considering that this was supposed be kept a secret Miley really didn't like secrecy to what she did want to watch at least tell was created. ”Okay before we turn in the hair threads, I need to mix them into this potion.” Placing in the hair into a large cauldron, as she began stirring and adding some herbs and a series of powders. The powder was crushed up gemstones, unknown what type of gems but probably fairly cheap. Then came the really strange part! Trixie poured in a red liquid, a very small amount. As Trixie then began chanting some ancient words that were really hard to understand, and were in some type of language that is unique. Then they dip in what was going to be used as the hair of the stuff pony, the strands merged with the fabric in question, and then placed the yarn and hair strands, next to where the pony was going to be made! “That's it, simple and not all too dangerous. Although I am running low on mushroom powder so next time you guys get into a tight situation like this trying to save the pony as well, I know they're technically listed is expendable but treat them as if they were soldiers.” The unicorn replied with a bit of a stern look. Miley” Will do but, why can't the golems should spells?” Out of curiosity and figuring that it must be a much more exotic mushroom powder, not to press on the idea that she could try to get the ingredients. Do have to study the ingredients and how to get the suitable replacements, and it's highly doubtful that a good magician would let her do that! without a chemistry license at least. ”Actually they can, as long as the area has a decent amount magic they don't have their own natural magic abuse as much as we can. I mean the hairs allow them to have aspects of magic, and also exhibit some of the personality traits from the hairs that the argument.” Which instantly made the Earth pony nervous, she was just hoping that would cover her personality traits of being slightly stubborn, and willingness to help out others! The next day: The group was getting ready to be back on their way to Canterlot at least to drop off the guards, also the diamond dog that joined up with the group really really wants to repay them so she wishes to visit the Academy! Trixie even nodded in agreement, although she had a strange nagging feeling. Ghost pepper, did some trading of recipes with sugar Bell, and only psych was staying behind to set up the town foundations, double diamond was already elected mayor, and night glider was given the job of Sheriff, she even wanted a snazzy form of the armor, but she only had to settle with a badge! There was can be a lot more work to make Pleasantville into a actual town, but it was well worth it especially with miss direction, drawing up a new map to set up giving out the proper locations of town. As the train began to fly off into the distance, Trixie's book had a large vibration, and upon her next time she'll open it it will read ' dear Trixie tell me how my golem looks? Also I'll give you your next listings of community service, because you still do not fill out the proper paperwork. Be thankful you are branded as my assistant, or you'll be sentence 2000 year dungeons. Warning Queen chrysalis has escaped through my newly listed sister twilight foolhardiness. During this statement will probably bring you much joy. End of chapter. > Crystal Empire Stage > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Important note: this chapter is most likely going to be branded as non-Canon, due to most the about of political intrigue, and if were going to get the Griffin's again this season, a lot of fanfic case are going to be hit hard by that! Including this! As such here's a key detail that you might need to know, if you're a fan of Prince blueblood please go get your head checked first, and second do not read this story if you are a fan of him in the positive light. Because in this story he is technically a minor villain! That will be all you need to know about the story. Everything else will go into the author's notes. The main cast: Trixie, ghost pepper, Miss direction, Princess Luna & Twilight/Luna golems Guest stars: shining armor and Princess cadence, Prince douche bag(this is a request by the great and powerful Trixie to refer to Prince blueblood as this statement) the noble pack leader Geordie Laforge(A OC honor of my dear passed away dog, IS a diamond dog! Artists pay attention to the description I would love fanart!} King Arthur(well technically OC I highly doubt this is not going to be referenced in some form or another!) And the Griffin representative that is kept secret for obvious reasons! ----------------------------------------- Our story begins, in the crystal Empire, location build pony workshop! The great and powerful Trixie is struggling with a moral dilemma, even though she was given permission to do what ever she needs in order to complete her assignment, is still the moral contrary of willingly paying to buy a life-size version of Prince douche bag, even pointed out the whole edge and everything about Prince douche bags cutie Mark being the exact representation of the legendary blue Star metal, which was the second highest ranking metal next to a course the star swirled metal when it comes to magic! This was extremely frustrating, in order for her plan to work she had to have it! She was so she didn't have to steal any of Prince douche bags hair though! “Well well well if it isn't the great Trixie Lulamoon?” Said a rather tall purple Dragon, just barely matching the height of your average pony though, he looked very familiar like a older version of Spike, when Trixie turned to notice him but he was wearing fabulous clothing! A jewel encrusted chest plate a variety of colors, a golden crown resting upon his head, and a small Scottish kilt. Standing next to him was a diamond dog, a very old diamond dog to be exact, and looks being a mixed breed to be exact as well, Trixie can easily tell which ones were the dominant breeds black lab, a little bit of Chow, blue tick and blue healer. Trixie was wondering how could this dog be any more of a complex it comes to psychology, three dominant breeds of water and one breed that will be obviously only terrified of water, one part of that breed that will instantly instinctively not go into the water to swim and yet everything else about the breed is capable of swimming. The old diamond dog was dressed quite well wearing a dark black vest very similar to Rover walking on a shiny crystal cane, and wearing crystal shorts? Is unusual for Trixie to see because, thought was why diamond dogs ever wear pants? ”Well I guess my reputation precedes Me! So who are you exactly?” Turning away from the portrait that was containing the massive amounts of Prince blueblood figures! As the diamond dog began to speak”well Artie here!” And was promptly interrupted by the Dragon! “How many times do I have to tell you Geordie it's Arthur! NOt Artie, not Roddy, not Penn stone, it's Arthur Pendragon!” Getting rather frustrated with every new nickname that Geordie has come up with him for the past three days, and yet whenever he tries to refer to Geordie with a nickname it don't work! Geordie”Right Penner, to continue is been looking for a plushy of the legendary heroes Spike!” As one of the store manager showed up and said”I am so sorry but we are out, Spike keeps selling out every time we get new shipments, after all he is hero of our beautiful kingdom!” Arthur was looking a bit depressed, after a few key words Geordie did negotiate the mansion negotiate a free plushy for Dragon, as well as reserving a spike the next shipment comes in! Ripping off a few bits into the saddlebag of the store owner. Trixie gave a simple suggestion”Well if you're going for a spike I recommend you always pick up a rarity.” Referring to the elements of harmony section, which had to version of twilight sparkle one before wings at one with after and showing them massive price change, just adding the Wings cost the extra for 14 bits. Arthur smiled almost acting like a baby dragon, and quickly picked up the plushy in question, it was a medium-size standard, roughly the size of your average fold! Trixie remembered some for studies from Philadelphia, dragons can also use special magics known as age magic, linking their age to something valuable, allowing them to decrease in size all increasing their lifespan or vice versa, the bigger they are the older they are acting. Of course that information is still limited, after all that's where she came up with the idea of using the age adjusting spell challenge twilight sparkle to a rematch, it didn't hurt that the amulet enhanced her abilities but also kept enhancing rage! Arthur”And to help thank you for your notable influence, allow me to pick up any plushy you are desiring!” Trixie smiled, I only when she not have the atrocity to give money away! Now she can all over the simple excuse that would come over her head! “The great and powerful Trixie's picking a Prince blueblood for your friend Miss direction, that part of me just can't bring myself to pick up a douche bag.” She replied through mostly gritted teeth. Arthur quickly grabbed it figure without any issue at the full-size doing exactly why she to pick them up, showing off that amazing Dragon strains by picking up a plushy that was completely out sizing him! As they went off to the counter to pay for both figure, a smile and a wave Trixie was happy! “Geordie, I've never seen a diamond dog wear pants why are you wearing them?” She replied while she was walking away out of curiosity. Diamond dog replied”I'm old I have a bad hip!” Only using his walking stick just to make sure he can keep moving, gray hairs lacking from his facial hair as the young Dragon King was walking with him. A few hours later: Inside the kitchen, was ghost pepper cooking up a strange concoction. “Trixie, how did you get the blood of the changeling?” As the Pegasus that was destined to drink liquid was looking over the pictures in question. “Well when I was in town for the royal wedding, I did my fair share of takedowns during the invasion. Not to mention also minuet paid me a whole bunch of bits, she got out of the caverns, or was it Colgate? I can never tell those two apart.” she was itching in the hairs to give the blueblood life, it acted slightly differently with the brown hairs in its head, thankfully psych out was very generous from the previous venture. “Well I don't envy you direction, but boss why you making a golem of the most heated pony of yours, and not in the way you seem to hate twilight sparkle, when I'm making a formula that will allow direction to transform into a changeling and mimic their abilities for at least the time?” ”Well one we don't have a stallion here, and to technically the formula will fail rather quickly, at best you'll only get two transformations out of it, that would be able to slip past the guard.” Being sure to wear several microphone equipment, she really wanted to record the incident for posterity at several Crystal to record. NOT mentioned reveal possibly the secret that she always knew! As the plan began: Blueblood was talking with several of the pony guards! Blueblood”So it's customary all Crystal ponies to learn crystal bending?” Sounding extremely intrigued at the concept, before the guards can answer they were hit hard with dark green laser beams, and left barely alive! Blueblood's horn began to glow bright red, clearly not matching his powder blue eyes, as he looked at subject with murderous intent, one Trixie Lulamoon! Three quick shots later, one of them a quick and easy dodge, avoiding the strange curses! Trixie began to change, to Queen chrysalis! “Blueblood, I see you realize why I came” Blueblood replied”Oh chrysalis, what brings you to this lovely kingdom? Vengeance? Or is it that crystal heart? Either one I would gladly like to donate if you help me with my plan's.” But rather is sure tone, still not living off the glow of his for now vibrant shades of a dark green spell, and very dark and evil's magic spell, only a sorcerer would ever dare use. But chrysalis began to state”Vengeance, although I am surprised that you're willing to give it, after all I know that you sure it's your life more than anything.” Meanwhile at the corner hiding behind a giant pillar was Trixie, and ghost pepper both of them looked rather shocked, but for different reasons Trixie was shocked that she was right, blood was earning his title again, BUT this time the blood that would be stinging crown be his! “You got to admire directions commitment to acting, I would swear she would've screwed up by now when she heard blueblood's confession.” Popping up from behind them was actually miss direction in a partial changeling design! “Guys what's going on? Is the side effects of the farm was supposed to be this because I don't like my wings being green, and transparent, and why legs have holes?” ”Okay let's wait until after she murders him and then we'll go take care of business.” As her two assistants look directly at her, miss direction not completely clear on why Trixie wants to wait other than petty. Then she rolls her eyes and replies”fine, but direction you go first!” As the newly branded half changeling pony flew into battle! Blueblood began firing the beams in question, as each one of the fires missed, both ponies were dodging, but each missing beam causing crystals to shrivel up, instead of the usual shattering! Chrysalis began firing her own weapons of retaliation, but each one of her own energy blasts were being blocked by miss,direction is one of directions unique spell tricks were coming into play, if given the opportunity she can activate a special trick that allows all spells to attack random targets instead of having direct accuracy! As direction use a variety of area effect spells instead to counteract her own ability trick, focusing the area where chrysalis was standing blueblood using this to his understanding, and promptly believes that he was being aided you from then on, suspecting that one the changelings that chrysalis has fallen for his feminine charms, and this changeling didn't look too bad maybe she would be quite useful later on! Blueblood”Thank you but your spell that disables my accuracy needs to be removed, I have a spell at my pocket that could to stop her, but it requires precise aim!” DIRECTION QUICKLY DROPPED THE area effect she was giving off! Prince Blueblood began the chance"Flay the flesh,Power of rot,lay bare the bone,what once was one now fly apart!" As his horn was engulfed with a dark black flame, firing directly at chrysalis, the changeling pony disappeared, leaving right and vulnerable a drone of to feel the full effect of the actual spell! It was horrifying, deafly great signs of dark magic, even if they were their mortal enemies direction would dare not see this Cape place. But blueblood turned weapon and began to charge it direction, but then he felt a powerful pain to the back of his skull, a pain that was very familiar, as he heard the final words from a familiar voice. “I hope Tartarus has a special place for you, personally I kind of wish that there was a physical hell for you like the diamond dogs preach!” Meanwhile: Twilight”Shy please tell me that the next room is going to be puzzles?” She said to her friend as Princess Luna, Tai and the Lord of chaos were looking over their charts, they were playing a game of Dungeons & Dragons, Spike was working on a new character sheet, as he was dying a lot to fluttershy encounters! The gang were starting to regret their decisions, and may be thinking it would been better to give discord the job of being the dungeon Master! Celestia was wondering if she should've gone instead of assigning Prince blueblood, as she was a rookie to this fall Dungeons & Dragons, and with the role instituted she was were hoping to stick to having a bit more balance, it was just lucky that Dragon class character had durability on its side, all that was always a good sign considering spike had died three times by now, and all of his characters were dragons as well. Within the crystal throne room: Princess cadence”What is the meaning of throwing Prince blueblood into the dungeons, and breaking his horn?” Giving a stern look both Trixie and the still have changeling designed direction! Trixie placed down the amulet, that she used to record the conversation, the crystal projected the entire conversation that blueblood had with chrysalis, cadence was already notified by her captain of the Royal guard flash's that they are double their patrols in added check words to all the Royal guards, and increased security around each one of the diplomats, even with the much despair see of the Griffin diplomats, she kept on calling them Lemos. Cadence was easily distrust of, while she could feel love and emotions from every pony! feel Trixie's emotions, seeing the spectrum around her. Cadence”Trixie you're enjoying this way too much, and since I don't know your magics ills how do I know you're not trying to deceive me and plot your own methods, have a history with blood and you have a history with twilight, your history with twilight leads me to wonder about your intentions? And with your assistant here clearly exhibiting changeling attributes I am very very suspicious!” It really didn't help matters thanks the new changeling attributes added to direction it was affecting cadence ability to sense her emotions! But thankfully several guards did pipe up”We did see the corpse by them, but we don't know these magics that create the recording!” “That's because there diamond dog based, when I was temporarily in charge of it diamond dog tribe I was given some of their knowledge of magic's, they use crystals a lot more ways than we do when it comes to spell work!” She replied hoping that they would be some issues to some would be resolved. Cadence could see the change in her emotions, fear and dread that was looming around her even fueled cadences distrusts in Trixie's intentions but there was a simple way of solving this problem thankfully they had one of the tribal members standing the castle, as they quickly fetched Mr. Laforge. Meanwhile waking up in the dungeons: Was Prince blueblood, feeling that his horn had been removed! It would take about three years for his horn to grow to full power back after being removed underneath normal circumstances, but blueblood was not underneath normal circumstances, as he carefully removed from his tie a small vile and began to take a drink! Back upstairs! Laforge entering into the oil chambers and said”what brings me to the Bitches?” Which caused all the guards to freak out instantly, misdirection felt a little insulted, but both cadence and Trixie just really giggled! Cadence replies”We need to know if Trixie is a lying Bitch, or honest Bitch?” Which caused the guards do a double take, and if Flash had access to drinking water he would've done the spec take! As one of the guards hand over the gem that Trixie used to make the recording, with one look Laforge was seen the recording play once again! Laforge”well I can tell you one thing for sure this guy, is a bad pup! But if you're wondering if the wording is genuine it is, also this is a mighty fine work, are you sure your mare and not a Bitch?” Referring to Trixie, just simply giggled. And while everybody else was just still freaking out, only the Princess of love and the magician were not freaking out at the constant course language of the dog! Cadence”Flash take a letter, dear sisters, it is a sad news that I must report that Prince blueblood is been a traitor, he has been responsible for the incident at the wedding, due to his confession at bring chrysalis we are also increasing security thanks to the investigation reports of Trixie Lulamoon we have discovered this information. Sign your dear sister and niece Cadence. Okay now go.” As flash disappeared in his namesake, temporarily leaving a after image, but the image did soon disappear itself. “Now Trixie what were you doing in the first place?” Trixie reluctantly handed over the letter that was signed with twilight and Luna, detailing her actual mission! 'First off I am really really really really sorry giving her a book not cost any trouble possibly come from reading a book, aside from possibly getting trapped inside a mystical dungeon with a deadly shadow, but that would be a plus.' And the handwriting change promptly to reveal Princess Luna style over twilight sparkles which was written in the old language half the time so it was a testament For cadence to read it! 'Thou understand that we believe that thou enemy will covet the chance to steal the crystal heart, and drain even it's still only power of love, due to this we wish you to increase the security tests. During this you have permission to make whatever you need in order to accomplish your tests, as long as you the proper forms of paperwork which was accompanied with you on this subject. Sign your faithful teacher Princess Luna.' Than twilight says inside the letter'also I know I will feel really really bad about this but please do not tell cadence until you actually completed your task, it will ruin the results Sign your friendly rival twilight sparkle.” “PS: is it true that you actually have to start giant replicas of myself as golems, how did you get past the idea of murdering ponies, also I know you probably just use them for target practice but they do have emotions be gentle with them, and now I'm slightly emotionally scarred about the fact that one of them died.” Cadence to reread the letter three times just to be sure, that it was their signatures especially the PS part because she was wondering why twilight wasn't furious about having artificial clones of herself, and had really inclinations of understanding what Trixie was really doing with them because of her power of love, with each second glance she was looking back at Trixie. “Golden Shield, Spike Shield your assignment is to go guard the crystal heart as quickly as possible but first off passwords?” As the two stallions made chuckles and referred their passwords, revealing that it was certainly them as they went off to guard the crystal heart. ”direction go with them, and don't try to flirt with them or anything you could accidentally feed and that's actually been a bad thing for you right now also try the use of those two transformations soon.” With a quick nod miss direction flew off into a direction, the correct path to the crystal heart! All of a sudden two other guards showed up each instantly announcing their passwords, and then said”blueblood has escaped, and What Shield and Spiky Blade are dead!” Which struck a chord with Princess Cadence, as she quickly whistled for her own pet, much like her own dear aunt her pet was of a otherworldly desire unlike her dear aunt though it wasn't just flying one as Mr. Laforge saw something he that struck him to the core and thankfully he commented! “You're damn lucky that I have my own crystal heart, or else I would be needing to be resurrected!” Staring directly at a hell hound, it has a bright beautiful pink ribbon around its neck, and instead of the usual signature markings of a of the hound in question there were tiny little hearts! As all three ran straight towards the dungeons! The dungeons!(The game) Iron peak(twilight sparkle)” these poor guards, what evil could've performed them.” Dungeon Master”while one looked like it could've been mauled by a simple bear, it wasn't for the minor's notions that the claw marks are too precise, the other Earth pony had just a blank and blank stare. Arcane checks please. If you don't mind.” The great and powerful Trixie(actually Luna at this time because we are doing the dungeon Master section, but this is actually a good reference point for what's going on in the real dungeons!) After making a whopping critical Roll on her arcane check knowledge, which flutters proceed to whisper carefully into Luna's ear “The first one looks like wrath of hell hound, not to be excused with the fact that there are possibilities that the to be summoned I'd doubt this is actually work in a real hell hound somepony has managed to perfect the spell that simulates the possibilities of one. The second spell is one Avada Kedavra, after understanding the base abilities of a changeling reformatted to only draining Lifeforce, instead of the emotional energy that would fuel one's life, no chance of recovery no resurrections, and if cast correctly can also increase one's lifespan while decreasing their opponents, this one was cast perfectly so be forewarned we will be doing with someone much stronger in health.” Meanwhile in the actual dungeon Trixie's diagnosis: “Okay the first victim is not at the fault of, you can't be serious for the name really” Princess cadence”fuzzy-wuzzy never do anything so cruel and mean what you might Dear fuzzy-wuzzy woodsy bosoZ” smothering the hell hound little face which considering that normally would not be visible unless you're given a special enchantment around the creature it was quite unsettling. “Okay and also blueblood did the unforgivable, and probably has increases pastorally lifespan again, but they also both show signs of being in made torture's juror before hoof do not touch.” Warning the guards not to remove the bodies.” As there was a black scorch mark where Prince blueblood was laid chain. As fuzzy-wuzzy started getting the sense of blueblood, and then disappeared into the invisibility that only the ribbon could actually show signs that there was a dog there, and proceeded to run straight through the wall. Cadence”don't worry fuzzy-wuzzy was train by shining, those two love playing fetch with each other although shining constantly needs a first aid kit after playing fetch.” Meanwhile in the Griffin quarters: Gilda”great now I'm being watched with even more limo ponies, Can a Griffin girl get some privacy, or do I need to break you stallions in half, and not in a good way.” As the guards to stand out the door. A vibrant green light was popping up into the room. The end!!! Prince blueblood:HexLock LV:3,Secretkeeper LV:5 HP:135 ST:40 Def:100 SP:4 Mag:80 MP:60 Spells he cast during the actual chapter: Sorcerer spells: Avada Kedavra: A instant death spell! That counters most blocking magics, if it's critical all revival magic is useless! Crucio: Is constant pain without reducing your opponents HP Wrath of the hell hounds: causes the invisible hounds of hell to rip apart their targets! Blood sacrifice: sacrificing something else of equal value to recover what has been lost. Blue mage: Essence of demons! Paladin: Celestia hammers > The Griffin technology: A World Building chapter! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mindset note: this is important because you have to understand my mindset here, the other notes will fill in the world building stuff, but I highly doubt this is going to be explored the real universe of the show because, well DAX does not explore Griffin. And I can't place this on Gilda. As let's face it it's been several seasons and we have not gotten that much represent others give us something it's not going to come to be what this is! Second political plots are not going to be well brought up in any format, if anything that Star Wars episode one taught us people hate C-SPAN, despite that was actually the best part of the actual episode one, and NASCAR was the boring part of it! But here's the thing if I were to tell you that Prince Charles's wedding was interrupted by a alien invasion, and at the end Prince Charles and his wife managed to stop the alien invasion, a mystical blast of explosive energy and sent them hurtling across the ocean what would be your first thought. If your first thought was, oh that's damn lucky that Prince Charles had a laserbeam power, or else we would have to go take care the aliens, then congratulations your smart person! And now we are seeing that the Griffin's have basically done, this in the context of the show, they've let the ponies take care of their problems twice now and both of them, like that they had a last-minute save, by convenience sake! Now we know that the rainbow power, and cadences love beam are not A do ex machina, but think if the Griffin's new about the story arcs, they would feel the exact same thing we do, odds are they don't. So yeah political aspect is coming up in the next chapter but you have to deal with some of the issues here as well! And let's get into the world building section: ------ Griffin technology historical growth military: long ago the Griffin's discovered a ancient power source, a finding amazing power source, and used it to create awesome technology! The first part of their technology that they created was the Forge! The forge is a technology system that requires the sacrifice of certain energies in order to create a better energy, at the end of the forge will create a mystical stone, with various colors depending on the contributing factors, then the stone is placed in a object namely the weapons that belonged to the soldiers. What happens if you're not deemed healthy enough to be a soldier during the war times, no problem with the forge, became shatter way that pesky weak frail horribly mangled body ravaged by the factors time and disease, and give you a brand-new body made of the finest steels, and becoming a Golem! Not to mention the program is really good for rehabilitating those horrible degenerates! And useless members to society!! But what if you're not that far down, still good and useful but you've lost a limb to battle, not to worry our magic technology can instill fix you up, and nothing like those stupid pony technologies that make it pretty much unnoticeable to anyone who is not paying attention. Ours are covered in random gears and spikes! And we can even inlay the technology weapons into your prosthetics, instead of wearing a fancy Talon ring and once a while taking off your ring to keep your emotions in check, as have the attached to your arm or that leg, and be able to form that leg the way you want it, or that arm! And it comes in such variety of colors, Red, green, orange, yellow! And black! But what if you're all brains and no muscle, not to worry you can still wear a Golem! Just like our commander-in-chief, King.... As twilight sparkle close the book feeling slightly horrified but she knew she had to still do research, but at least now she got grasp of what she could do with making the character that she needed to make, the making character from the society may give her a better grasp of making friendships with the Griffin kingdom! > Blood and feathers! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Golden Shield&Spike Shield” Password?” They said to guards that were walking towards the crystal heart, direction was standing right behind them. Which thankfully changelings are stupid as can be because they didn't realize that the two guards were asking them for password so they just instantly change to reveal that they were changelings! Changeling one”Another nice female, care to start a hive together?” Doing so flirting with miss direction before the battle! Golden Shield, slamming hooves upon the ground as two small crystal towers popped up in front no taller than his legs, as a small arc of lightning shot from his hooves when he punch the crystal, shooting out beam of light like he was a machine gunner! As the changelings would normally dodge from this barrage, but since they were cut from surprise they took the flow of the attack, which was barely noticeable as the guards were useless! Spike Shield” Behold your doom, strong crystal guards!” As the changelings started reforming their actions, on changed into a Buffalo & charge directly at Spike Shield! But slamming into the powerful soldier was not a great idea, the soldier did get injured it and compared to the flow chart was slammed so hard De transformed, and breaking several limbs! Direction also added her own style of destruction! She pushed Golden Shield out of the way and took his place, using her own energy blasts to charge through the crystals, and well it's just say that changeling was left to be looking too nasty! Direction walked over to the remaining changeling that was bleeding profusely, broken wings, crack skull a shattered left eye, and calmly said”Now tell me where your friends are! I will show friendly hospitality that the have here.” Eager to learn new crystal techniques from the guards now! Meanwhile at Gilda's door: The guards come in to see Gilda, lad in gold and red armor, as her bright golden talons grasping a mysterious figure with, gleaming blue eyes, precedes to teleport away just pick a time of the guards! Gilda”you Lemos are Perdants!"Her glowing talons, with flashing colors trying to Oaks fear into her enemies, which at this time is not what thing more than what she perceives as the ponies! Thankfully they were trained by shining armor, and while armor is constantly shown up by his wife, the fact that he trains a hell hound proves that he teaches his stallions and mares that the fear of your enemy is a mere suggestion. The guard replies”know it really impact we know the meaning.” in a relax tones as they return back to their post. Meanwhile back with Queen Chrysalis: Drone”you're Majesty why didn't you pretend to be the Griffin, in stead revealing blueblood?” Queen replied”simple cadence can see through my disguise, why do you think I went with shining armor instead of the actual Princess! Although the force field was another reason to take down the shining armor.” With her evil smile, as she was eager to try out the new delicacy! Even though she start trying out some different emotions, during her imprisonment! Even if love was better, she knew she would have to find a better source if she can't claim the crystal heart, which the two changelings that she sent earlier or have not returned yet. Several hours later: ”Direction you really haven't tried to use the transformations yet?” ”Actually I did do one morph when she said two transformations I thought she meant, want to go and then one to change back!” Looking a bit grumpy. But now she has sporting around her 4 gorgeous gemstones! Golden Shield”direction don't be so sad, I'm sure it's a complement to be called fat when you're Buffalo.” Trying to reassure her as Spike Shield was using his healing techniques to recover from being beaten to up to a blood he bag by a Buffalo at least! Ghost merely shook her head, as the other guards were passing around their passwords. Meanwhile clear across the kingdom: guard”. He here he, announcing Griffin representative Gilda Stoneheart, announcing Dragon representative king Arthur Pendragon, announcing representative of the northern diamond dogs packs, Alpha Geordie Laforge. And of course representing the equestrian Empire king shining armor!” As the four sat down at their tables! A lantern placed in front of the group to make sure that they were they were! After the basic check, Gilda makes a statement” I thought blueblood was going to be here? Or is the rumor is true about that prissy pony being a traitor?” Knowing full well the answer. First off Geordie”Yes I saw the video myself, there's an investigation going on now see what his actions were in the past.” Pendragon”This could explain what happened to the chains, Cerberus is tied to the gates he is not just let roaming, that's for the jobs of the hell hounds.” Now being suspicious that blueblood might've cut the chains that set the three headed dog on a slight rampage, long enough for the big evil to escape. Shining”Yes well, let's move on my wife is currently hunting for him. As well as the changelings.” But before the meeting to continue Gilda made another statement. “Then why should we trust you? You were rescued not only by your wife who is practically a godlike being, but your life had to be rescued by your sister baby dragon, a lame old reptile.” As Pendragon left the room, and the Wilhelm screen could be heard in the background. Geordie”Are lucky young bird, is through a massive insult right in front of practically a God.” Pointing out that Gilda just called Spike a racial slur, and not the simple racial slur that can't be thrown out there say no offense! Gilda”yeah right you Lemos puppy, what's so scary about it Dragon! After all every hero slays a dragon!” And the gigantic dragon claw burst straight through the wall ready to grab the Griffin, but Gilda managed to fly back up just to avoid it barely! Geordie”I will quell the rage of Arthur, shining you will deal with the youngling!” As the old diamond dogs step out to deal with the rain paging Godzilla like creature! Shining”Gilda stand down or I will make you stand down!” As his armor began to glow! (Normally I would not be showing you the stats on this particular subject matter but this is going to bring up some impact to the knowledge of how shining armor works in combat! Def: 80 basic now adding the effect: Daylight shine(Paladin of Celestia techniques!) Defense goes up times D10!) Gilda flew into the battlefield, slamming her talons straight across Shining, and plowing him straight through the crystal Wall into the courtyard! Shining armor climbed back up to his feet without a simple injury! (Okay this is Gilda's attack, that did nothing to shining: ST: 45 + Raging heart(D20=13) VS S.A.:Def: IS 90= -32) Gilda climbing back onto her feet, and flexing and ignoring the pain in her talons, letting her rage fueled her! And even underneath the Imperial curse that was placed on her, she was still very lucidly in control well loose enough as a raging rampaging monster! Shining's horn was glowing a bright pink, and shooting out beams that were heart-shaped, but Gilda flew around and dodged him like it was nothing because well griffons are faster than most targets! But instead of the energy trails leaving damages around the area every pony that was hit in the facility was just acting normal, as if nothing was going on when in the background there was a raging Godzilla beast being defeated by a dog(for example picture Master splinter defeating Godzilla!PS: I want to see that on a comic book cover!) Gilda tries to take a page from the Pegasus combat style and shoot some feathers, once again doing nothing, proceeds to try to do some slam attacks does nothing, slashing her talons trying to go across shining armor face once again does nothing, the pony doesn't even bother putting on stone armor or any other type of techniques that he's learned over the year! And then shining armor proceeds to smack her! [St:55-G.Def:31=24 damage!) As Gilda would normally spit out a tooth, if she had teeth as a small trickle of blood came from her mouth, and then shining armor proceeds to get ready to fire a point-blank shot of quelling love into Gilda's face, but she manages to barely dodge it! But she didn't know that she dodged right into the fire of the goddess herself! Because obviously a raging Godzilla beast in the middle of your city would be noticeable! Gilda was placed in chains, and thrown into the sale of the dungeons to cool off, along with Arthur next door! Mr. Laforge drops off a small bottle of gin next to the Dragon. Shining”I don't think it's a good idea to give the region creature alcohol.” Laforge”Is the closest thing I have access to Dragon's milk, first I would prefer giving him some of the Apple family cider, and I don't have any on hand and it's very expensive to get off season.” Meanwhile with Trixie and Direction! Direction, used temporary changeling abilities to make yourself look like a therapist. “You do realize, changing your hair growing a pair of glasses does not count as a full transformation.” The great unicorn smirked. ” yeah yeah, I'm really curious why you have a the hatred for blueblood, I mean now we know he's still a traitor stick! But what made you think he was one?” As the plushy of Prince blueblood which was still technically alive, add several daggers upon it and it was a normal person death! But considering it plushy it still alive and very much trying to talk, but with a sword down your throat it's kind of difficult thing to do! “Well, I guess else started back in school days” Flashback to Princess Celestia's school for gifted unicorns! In the hallway: Little filly Trixie, was hit with a glue spell on to the ground, as the distinctively blue or was grabbing her unicorn horn and pulling it really really hard! Blueblood”Well I see that superglue of yours is really good, I guess I need to pull harder to get that bake stick off!” As he had to avoid a fireball, dropped by the stables favorite student of Princess Celestia! Sunset Shimmer! Sunset”Stop that right now blueblood! You should not treat the younger students this way!” Standing in the middle of the hallway getting ready to fire another fireball, demonstrating her skills in Pyro Mansi, and it really didn't help matters that her ears were already pumping out smoke! Blueblood”I'm just making sure this school is filled with only unicorns, not someone who's pretending to be one!” As he was placing up a shield barrier! ”I am one!” Through tears and sadness, and willing pain as her neck was starting to hurt! Flashback over: ”After a good brawl, we all received detention! And thankfully the headmaster put this in separate rooms, well at least Me and Sunset were in actually detention, since blood these daddy was in charge! I understand why the Princess can't be in charge of her own school but why did she have to give it to Bowtie!” ”I had no idea, I can see now why you hate blue but if he tried to murder you! And considering fancy is his uncle, it's hard to keep up appearances against that.” ”And it's really hard to do your grades when you're watching your head every single day! That was a regular thing he performed, when finals was coming up even tried to cut off my horn! Lucky for me I was a workaholic, doing five shows at night! Which doubled as my practice sessions for spells in the classes. It must've been really interesting to see the look on his face when you try to figure out what the heck happened to Me when he broke into the girls dormitory! And he still got a slap on the hoof! I would like to shake the the hoof who actually murdered the headmaster!” As she used her telekinesis to finally remove the blade she stabbed inside the plushy. Several hours ago. ”What! He managed to get a slap on the HOOF! For bringing a bone saw in to the girls dormitory! Even my nunnery didn't have that lack set rules! And what about place here that pays you to do everything.” As the Prince blueblood plushy started combing his hair to look more like psych out, and sat down with a chair and began talking still at the many daggers in his body! P blood”Talk more about this nunnery?” Direction proceeded to use her newfound changeling horn to levitate the blade back into the plushy pony. “I'm not the one in therapy Trixie is! But that can't be the only reason why you have a blood feud with blood?” Deflecting her own history to focus on more reasons why she should stop her mindless crush on blueblood! ”Well I guess we could also go back to when I was training!” Flashback to Tartarus! Trixie wearing a medical nurses outfit, with heavy body armor! ”So these are the Thestral, now I can see why there was that class with that Phoenix?” Blueblood”You know for a country hick, that nurses outfit actually makes you look beautiful. For a mud blood.” Wearing his fancy Royal armor, with all the gold trimming all the gold trimming! ”You know if you keep that up you might become a permanent resident here!” As they walked past the three headed dog. Blueblood”Is that a threat to your superior officer, because that could be another court-martial on your list, and you already have two!” ”Yeah Mr. I wouldn't mind accepting one that I actually earned this time around!” She said as she noticed blueblood's horn was glowing bright red. Flashback ended: ”Dammit why didN't I notice it before!” Jumping up and flying into her bookshelf, as books were flying off and three of them hit miss Direction in the face! ”Of course I thought was strange how come that dogs chain was broken so easily, I mean it's made out of dwarf metal, which never rusts unless to cast a rust spell!” As she starts looking through every spell book until the sun starts putting together more pieces to the puzzles. ”Great she's back to being Princess of magic again!” ”I am not Sparker!” As books continued flying off the shelf. Meanwhile: Gilda still in a prison cell”That's it I am declaring war on you ponies, placing me in prison cell for no apparent reason, accusing me of going on a rampage! You Lemos are pushing my buttons for the final straw!” Princess Cadence” I employ you to reconsider Gilda, even if it does take a while for your counsel to agree to go to war with us, which hopefully they are smart enough to realize that's a bad idea.” Shining”There's a hole in the wall that takes away your argument that you don't remember, and I know I didn't Thunk you that hard because you are conscious after I punched you.” Arthur”Birdbrain, should really start these things look at me I'm not starting war and I'm in a cell! And dragons actually have a shot at actually going to to toe with three ponies.” Going through his third bottle of whiskey”still not as good as mom.” Meanwhile: Queen chrysalis” Everything is going according to plan, and when the two sides are too exhausted fighting each other, we will go in for the taking!” With a fiendish smile as she looks at a magically projected screen, of the argument that has been going on with the Griffin's and the ponies! To be continued! Shining armor:GrayWard[6]War Cleric[3]Maglock [4] HP: 640 ST: 55 Def: 80 SP: 30 Mag: 60 MP: 100 Crystal guards: Rock Lord LV: 5 HP: 20 ST: 17 Def: 17 SP: 13 Mag: 11 MP: 45 Changeling warriors: Shape shifter Lv 11 HP:28 ST: 12 Def: 15 SP: 33 Mag: 14 MP: 66