> Frost and the secret of the Rune ponys > by Blue Robin > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue:Thief of Myth > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Frost and the secret of the Rune ponys Wrote Edited By Blue Robin Prologue Thief of Myth “All guard listen up the thief of Canterlot is here in the castle all guard’s check your area we need him alive this is the order of the princess”. As the stallion head of the royal guards gave the orders to the other a small colt and a small glowing orb were listen in to them from a small platform from the wall of the castle. “Frost sometimes I wish we didn’t need to steel from the Castle we tend to get in to trouble a lot when we are here” said Pixl. “You only get in to trouble if you get caught Pixel but I need to get to the Castle liberty and get a book that might have something to do with my powers” said Frost. Pixl sign and with a worry face “what happens if they don’t have anything about your power” said Pixl. “Only one way to find out the cost is clear time to go to work”. As the young colt leap to the ground Pixl just signs again “sometimes I wish you just wouldn’t take this risk Frost”. The two slowly made their way to the Castle liberty not to alert any guards. By staying close to the shadows the two were invisible to the guards. The deeper in the castle the two went the bigger guard’s number got. Frost peak to the side of the wall to get a good look and there were six of them two unicorn and four Pegasus. “Great how am I’m going to get in the room now come on thick”. Frost though for a moment and at that time a servient came out of the opposite room of the liberty. “It must be are lucky day Pixl” said Frost at that time frost was digging in his bag and pulled out a dart pipe and a small dart and load it in making sure not to poke himself with it. “What are you doing with that Frost?” said Pixl in a surprised way. “As the serviced gets a good distant away from the liberty door I will shoot him with this dart and it nap time for him”. “This will alert the guards and we can sneak in to the liberty” Frost said. As the serviced made his way to the hallway to turn left frost steady his mouth and with a quick huff of breath whoooosh the dart had went in the side of the serviced neck. “O my what the” thumb as the serviced was about to finish his sentence he fall to the floor hard and alert the guards. “What was that?” one of the guards said “let’s go check it out but one of you stay here and watch out for any signs of the thief”. “I will stay behind and watch here” a Pegasus who was show to be a little less strong than the others said. “Very well rookie the rest of you follow me”. As Frost peek a little his plan worked for the most part. “Will almost but not what I had in mind” said Frost. The colt had to thick of a plan fast as there was little time to get to the library now when his plan in action now. “Got it Frost” said quietly but sure of it. “Pixl I need you to cause a small scene for him and I will be able to take him down silently” Frost said Pixl noted in understanding what to do. The young guard by the door of the library was daydream wonder when he would get a break and at that moment “kkkkkkee” a clash sound of a broken vas was heard. “Who goes there I say of the royal guard of Canterlot I order you to step forward” said the young guard in a nerves shacking way. Frost just stuck his head knowing he is a private in the guards by the way he is. As the guard look for sound of the object a bright light was shining from the back of him. He turns to see it and it was flowing up and down and moving in a graceful way as if it was dance. “Hey there what are you doing here whatever you are” said the guard. At that time Frost made he’s way to him slowly not to give himself away. At the time Frost know in order to take him down he will have to nerve hoof his middle way wing muscle so he would be unable to fly and after get him in a chock hoof and just let him panic in tile he faints. “Game time” Frost said in his mind. As the guard was glazing at orb he felt a quick jolt in his wings and turn to see Frost in a clock that coved most of Frost body the only part of frost showing was a little bit of his hoofs a dark brown color it was. The guards in a panic try to call for help but at that time frost had kick his left back hoof and the guard fell to the floor at that time Frost had his front hoof around his neck. “Let’s just finish this nice and fast now” Frost thought to himself. The guard panic as he tried to get lose but Frost was show to be quite strong for his age to hold down a stallion. It wasn’t lot in tile he gave in and past out. “Nice work Pixl let’s get in there and see what we can find out about this powers” Said Frost. The two made their way inside and just a few seconds later the other guards came back. To their shock they found the young guard on the ground passes out. “Hey kid wake up come on” said one of the guards. “It’s no use he’s asleep get him to the medic room” an old stallion came walking from the hall in an light plate silver armor. “This colt is something I have never seen before he has power that even an alicorn can’t do”. The younger guards just laugh at the old guard “Really and you are to say that a school age little colt did this?” “I would be carefully if I were you he could be listening to us” the guards went silent. “Rumor has it young that he fought off four timber wolfs and was using odd magic spells to beat them he can use magic on a different way from a unicorn or alicorn. Other rumor say he is not a unicorn and some say he is an alicorn but this are just rumor so say what you want. In tile he is caught or turns himself in he’s a myth as we know of it”. The old guard leaves leaving the other guards to just look at each other in silent. > Chapter 1 The Lost Colt > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1 The Lost Colt With the door close to the library Frost and Pixl are in shock as to how big the room is. From the floor up the place had bookshelf that where at the least two stores high for a foal like Frost. "Wow now this is what I call a library Pixl" Frost said. "Let’s try to keep quite in here ok Frost" said Pixl. "Of course it’s a library silly" Frost said with a smile on his face. Pixl with a moody look on her face just look at Frost. "I’m joking Pixl you know you can be a party pooper at time" Frost said. As the two look around Frost had just remember something he had to do first before going in to a room of unknown to him. Frost leap on top of a small bookshelf and gracefully leap on top of a lager hour glass which was place in to the middle of the library and with a front flip jump on to the Big Bookshelf. Frost Check to see if there were any holes or cracks in the wall Frost turned from right to left scouting the room. "Always make sure to know the escape routes and room lay out to get away safe if things go sour fast" Frost thought. "Now time for the hard part let’s try to find some answers to me Pixl" said Frost. Both them stared to look for books about Frost powers and maybe something about his past. As the reuses for hours want on they read from books about the history of Equestria part one to six and others the mysteries and legends of Equestria Frost was losing hope and in the colt face was frustrated. Frost turn to the window to see that a storm was in the making by the Pegasus pony weather team. Pixl could see that Frost was feeling down she sat on top of the young colts head to confront him. "It will be ok Frost I know it can’t be easy with the way it is for you now but I’m sure that it will be better soon" said pixl as she glow a light pink color on Frost. Frost just sat there lending on the book shelf looking at his hoofs and then at his cute mark which was a small orb with colors of a rainbow in it and in the center was a blue flame which seem to be alive he just close his eyes. "I just want to find out why I can use my power and other don’t have it to. Why can I heal instead than other or when I stop time for a few seconds or the fact that I can turn invisible? I don’t get it Pixl why am I different from other ponies”. Frost stared to glow with sliver light on his body and his mane and tail stared to change in to an aura just as the princess mane but shorter for Frost. "Like this Pixl how do I explain this my body produces color around me it goes from blue to red and other why is that?" Frost said. "I just want answer’s why am I the only one I feel as I’m lost in this world a little lost colt". The young colt shade a few tears from his face sad and frustrated the aura around the colt had turn dark blue as to show that he was very upset. Pixl then look at Frost face to face and with a gentle smile a mother would give to her child and said in a soft voice "Frost no matter what happens to you I have your back I will be there when you need someone to talk to and help light the way for you. When you need guilds I will try to help you I may be a breezie but me and you are family and I will never stop being your family Frost. So Frost please no more tears for now you must move forward I will be with you always". Frost place his hoof out for her to land on and slowly move his hoof with Pixl on it to his chest the colt gave a light gold aura color now and when the last of his tears gone said "Ok Pixl I will hang in there and never give up I have to be strong. You and I will do this to getter" said Frost wiping his face. At that moment Frost heard the door from the front open the young colt turned quick and picking up the books that he had on the floor and made his way to a dark part of the library hiding under a book shelf. Pixl was safely in frost hood to not draw the light she makes for whoever was in the room frost aura had vanish from his body. Pixl was a little nervous at what was to come Frost on the other hoof from the crying colt he was a few seconds ago were gone and ones again snapped back in to his thief ways. "How are we going to get out of here now Frost we don’t know how many guards are in the room it only time in tile they find us now" said Pixl with a shaking body. Frost could only see the bottom of the book shelf and at that view looking to see how many guards was trick to do so Frost closed his eyes for a second and when he reopen them his eyes had turn in to a pure white color. Pixl saw in shock what had become of Frost eyes. "What happen to your eyes?" said Pixl Frost didn’t answers and just was looking at the book shelf to the left of him. After blinking Frost eyes went back to the normal light brown eyes he had. "There are six guards all royal unicorns" Frost said. Pixl with a somewhat confuses look just went with what Frost said. Frost look to Pixl and said "look the only way out of this is thought the giant window where the white unicorn wearing the long hat is". At that moment Frost aura had come back but this time with a glow of rainbow colors. The young colt saw this and he could feel his own heart beat race faster and faster. "What happening to you Frost?" Pixl said with a quiet voice. Frost was looking worry for a second before saying something. "I know this aura we need to move quiet and fast she’s close by I know it. If she finds us that it for both of us you and I are ghost" Frost said. Pixl with a puzzled face said "who will turn us in to ghost Frost?" At that time Frost brought his hoof to his muzzle as a sign to say be quiet. Three shadow figure could be seen from outside the door talking two of them of them were same size the other was taller and a little bit of pony mane could be seen it was moving like a flag would on a winded day. “Your highnesses we have checked each room of the castle and are looking in the library as the final room what are your next orders”. "Your stallion may return to their early duty before captain that is all" said the tall pony. "Yes your highness" both of the small pony shadows bow to the taller pony. As the taller shadow left out of the door light Frost aura grow stronger at that moment the tall pony stop a few steep away from the guards and calmly close her eyes and gave a relaxing smile. As Frost and Pixl got out from under from the book shelf the tall pony shadow had return Frost hide right by a shelf not to give away himself and worried of the other guards not to see him. The shadow tall Pony was talking again Frost tile his head a little to hear. "Guards" the tall pony called to the guards "yes your highness" both them in a military stand. "Well it be all right if I help you in this last room to look for him to" said the tall pony in a calm manner. "Yes your highness" said one of the shadow ponies. Frost look at Pixl "I think it’s time to go now!" said Frost. As Frost made his way to the top of the book shelf’s a guards voice was heard. "All Guards in the library your highness princess Celestia will be joining you in the search for the thief ". Frost turn to see that the alicorn princess herself was there the young colt had sweat coming down his neck and heart was racing faster than a wonder bolt flying. Frost made his way slowly to the back of the room as to not alert the guards below the book shelves. Frost had to be careful not to over or under jump the next shelf as it could make a chain action on the book shelf to fall over. Frost look to see that the princess was a good distends away from him he can see her crowd and mane she was in the far south of the room. At long last the young colt had made it to the end of the room with the large window of the unicorn. Frost check for a way to open it but the window had no opening to it. "Shoot we can’t get thought" Frost said at that time a glow bubble formed around the young colt. "What is this I can’t move!" said Frost as he tried to move but it was no use. He was then turn around and in from of him were six Royal Guards all Unicorns and in there shiny gold plate armor And between then was the princess herself ruler of Equestria Celestia. The room was quite for a few seconds before the princess broke the silent. “So you are the young pony that has been the talk of Canterlot. You seem to be a trick one to caught I am quit curious in how you are able to slip by my guards like that. Tell me thought why are you steeling from the good pony all around the city my young friend are you runaway or has your family not give you a lot of love?" Frost just keep quite as he stand there in the glowing bubble. As princess walked closer to Frost his aura around his body got brighter as she got closer to him. It was as the young colt and the princess know each other somehow. "Please little one let me help you I am not something you should fear" said the princess with a calm voice. As she was about to lift Frost hood down from his head a strong focus of wind around Frost push the Princess back a few feet from him and the guards a little bit to. Books and paper were all over the place where they were. Celestia was quite stunned by what the young colt had done beside her fateful student that one day. Frost struggled to free himself from the magic spell. Celestia call out to the young pony please "I’m not here to scary you I want to help you" said the princess. Frost struggle and soon an energy building up in side of him the young colt started to turn in to a gold color the bubble around the colt started to have cracks around it as if he was braking free from it. Celestia and the guards watch in shock at how any pony could do that. Not just any but a little one and to ailcorn magic to. As the glowing colt grew bright a boom was heard around the library echo there was color smoke of rainbow colors around ever pony in the room. Luck at the last moment the princess had made a shield spell for the guards and herself as the smoke clear the young colt had broken free from Celestia spell. The young colt aura of rainbow color had come back. Frost looked to see that he was free from the spell. "How did I do that I guess that not the time to think about right now" Frost thought. "Fighting is out of the question as long as Celestia is here it’s a losing fight for me I need to flee now". The young colts pick throw his bag and had two small round white pebbles in his mouth. The guards saw it and yellow "he’s got something ready your horns". "Hold your fire" the princess said. At that moment Frost had thrown the small ball and once it hit the floor a white smokescreen came out. "The young colt is using smoke!". As the Celestia clear the smoke a window crashing sound was heard. The guards rush to the window but do to the heavy rain the young colt could not be found. "We are sorry your highness we failed". The princess slow apposed the brokering window. "It is fine your squad has had a long day place rest a little and return to your normal duties". "Yes your highness let’s move out" the guards left one by one in tile the princess herself was left in the room. She watches the broken window as the rain fell and closed her eyes and quietly said "we will meet again little one this I know of". > Chapter 2 Engineering with magic > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2 Engineering with magic A cold and dark night with the rain slowly covering the city of Canterlot . The city that was so live at night of party and talk tonight thought not a pony on the street most lights in the homes are out and only the street lanterns with a small glow was the city way of living. In a small ally way a glow of red and gold can be seen. In the small ally way there were just trash cans and a few empty boxes and in the back of the ally was a small colt that look as if death had come for him the small glow wave back and forward. “Frost wake up please don’t go and leave me here alone” Pixl said shanking that she had lost her friend. After a few seconds the young colt hoof moved the breeze with a smile and a tear in her eye could rest a little as her friend was alive. The small colt had cheat death for now. Frost awake weak but alive the small colt sat up around the body of him was full of cuts and open wounds and a bit of blood around him most of his clock had been ripped from the crash from the window. “Frost your hurt badly we need to get you help or you will bleed out for sure” Pixl said worry about Frost. The young colt rise to his hoof slowly but sure “Don’t worry Pixl I made sure to bring some bandages rolls” Frost said in a weak voice. The colt stared to wrap the bandage around the small cuts that he got from the fall a small look of pain can be seen on the colt as the bandages touch the small wounds the. “That should hold for a little bit I hope I don’t get an infection later. Wow that hurt a lot but I will live no need to get worry Pixl I’m fine.” Frost said to Pixl the young breeze gave a sign and just gave Frost a hug around the colt’s neck. “Frost you really need to be careful you should take chance like you did up in the castle” she held on to him as hard as she could. “I will be ok” Frost said but on his mind worry was clouding him. This was a luck breack for him and to him he can’t rely on luck forever and that at any moment can be his last but to him it was best to live in the moment then thick to much about the future right now. The colt turn to see a broken gizmo on the floor Frost pick it up with his hoof and sign. “I think the spring from the break most of jam I know I should of check it again that what happen” Frost reflect back on what happen before he awoke on the ground. “The young colt is using smoke”. As the guards tried find the colt Frost turn and face the window and know that they was only one way out and it was now or never. “Well Pixl it now or never brasc yourself” Frost said as he crash thought the window. The small colt and the breeze were now falling from the castle. “Frost are you crazy we are going to be pumpkin stew in a few seconds!” “Pixl believe in me we will be ok I promise” Frost said but they were getting close to the ground. Frost put his Hoof in to his right bag this time Click a sound was hear and when he put his hoof out a small round gizmo with two small circle tube on each side and a red and green button was around Frost hand. Frost aimed the devise to a nearby house in distend of 2 blocks of the castle. Frost pushed the green button and a pop sound was heard a rope on each side came out one that stunk to the castle wall and the other to the house frost was target to. The two stared to make way to the house as the rope help guide them to the house frost aimed for. Pixl opened her eyes to shock saw that they were no longer falling. Pixl saw a rope and the gizmo around Frost hoof that were leading them to safety. As they got closer to the house Frost pushes the red button but it was not working. “Why are we speeding up Frost? You need to slow it down” Said Pixl as she panic at the building in front of them. Frost pushes it again but it was not working “the button is jammed I can’t stop i…” At that time Frost had just hit the wall he fell blackout slipping to the side of the roof and fallinng hitting his head on a side widow door breaking it causing him to flip and hitting the floor hard as water slashed around him the small colt was out like a light. “Frost are you ok Frost” Pixl yelled at Frost to get his to stop daydreaming. The colt snapped out of it “hmm sorry I was just thick for a second” Frost scoped up what was left of the gizmo. “Look like I need to work on the stopping power of the grab shoot a little more but not bad for the first time”. Frost place it in to his left beg. “Come on Pixl I think it’s time to get back home and rest we have a new day of challenges tomorrow.” The two nod at each other and made their way to the streets looking to see that they didn’t alert anyone. “Frost won’t the guards be looking for us” said Pixl as she hide in Frost hood once again. “I don’t think we need to worry right now the rain is hard today and keeping watch today will be hard on them for us if we stay close to the ally’s and shadow. We should be fine the rain will keep my hoof steep quiet and the rain will make it harder for others to see us. Let go and get home now Pixl”. The two made their way thought the city ally’s as Frost said the rain was keeping them safe. There were little to no guards on the streets and if so there were only two to three together it was easy for the two of them to find a different way around them. It took them a good hour to get back home but they did it the young colt clock was dripping with water around him and the rain was coming down harder than before. The house was an abandon black smith shop that use to sell fine tools for earth pony farms and help fund the castle weapons to the guards but now has been little more than a lost shop of the ponies of Canterlot. To Frost and Pixl thought it was home and a place where they can rest easy. Frost went to the side of the shop where there was a small opening for only small foals like Frost could get thought the secret enters was behind some old barriers. Frost made his way thought the hole and pop out right in to the side of the main room. It was mostly dusty with old wood walls the floors loss of nails and squeaking on each steep took. Frost removed his clock and gave a good shack to get rid of the water on him Pixl flow to the second floor of the building to get ready for bed. Frost on the other hoof enters a room on the left side. There was an old anvil with tools by it and a large fireplace and some old barriers with black water inside. Beside the barriers was a small box in it was full of ore and other stones. On the side by the door was a large book shelf full of books and some on the floor and a small table with paper of all sizes on it. Frost walk to the center of the room that had a table that bought the room together as the center piece. The young colt pulled the broken gadget out of is bag and toss it on the table. “I will work on it tomorrow I need to get some rest” the colt gave a yawn and made his way up the old stair. On the top floor there were old boxes and some broke vase that seem to come from a lot time ago before the colt’s time. Two tables one with a book and an ink feature and a candle. The other was a small tea set where Pixl lived Frost lift the lid quietly to see that his friend was fast asleep in her small little blanket. Frost smile “sleep dreams Pixl” Frost gently places the lid back on top. Frost turned to face his bed it was little more than just two blankets and a small pillow. Frost slip under the first blanket and by the side of his bed was a small book with writing on it that Sayed Gadgets. Frost opens it and inside was math symbols pictures of devices that other pony might have never seen before. After a quick look Frost just slimed and places the book aside from him. Frost lifts his pillow and under it was a small harmonica it was shiny and had a bronzes color to it and read in black ink “Keep trying”. Frost stared to play it and a soft and calm melody was heard after a few minters the small colt fall asleep all that can be heard was the rain thought the night. Moring had come to the two young friends Frost was in his workshop fixings his gadgets and other inventions Pixl was enjoying reading a book on The wild Flowers of Equestria. Pixl took a quick peek at Frost and can see that her friend was working hard on his gadgets. The young colt young was show to be very smart. They were tool parts all over the place and the smell of metal and smoke went thought the room. After sometime of fixings, making and some accidents the colt had finish his gadget he was working on. Frost removed the goggles he was wearing and called out to Pixl “Hey Pixl you got to see the things I finish I think I’m on to something new”. Pixl made her way to Frost and sat on his head and saw that three were four items frost had made. Frost removed his googles “which one do you want to see first Pixl?”. Pixl pointed to a gadget that look a little like a bow but smaller. Frost knot “Ok that one is what I like to call the crystal bow, it like a bow but smaller. The main different to is that it doesn’t fire arrows but instead I made it were I can you my power to shoot small little energy darts crystals out of it. “But how do you get the bow to work and use your power Frost?” said Pixl. Frost untied strap a small bracelet that was holding the gadget together and inside it was a small red crystal in the middle. “Pixl remember that red crystal I found in the abonde mine in the forest and how it was somehow taking some of my power away from me and I was having a hard time getting out of the mine” said Frost. “I was reading in that old ore and gems book and found out it is called kinetic crystal. It takes energy from mostly magic creature like a unicorn but I guess the same for me to. I use a small bit of it and well to put it short my power is what fuels the bow to work is this making any senses to you Pixl” Frost said. Pixl rub hear head a little but nod as she somewhat got it. “Let’s test the bow out” Frost said with a happy smile. Pixl on the other side thought it wasn’t a good idea but see went along with it. Frost pushes the center table aside and pushed a dumb me made of old floor snacks and sticks as a target. Frost place his hoof thought the small bracelet and the bow camber had a small red glow as the bow was armed and ready to go. Frost body had stared to glow a light aura yellow color. Frost steady his hoof and aimed thought the crosshair “all right let’s see what this thing can do” Frost said. Pixl was hiding be hide a large box and shacking to what was to come. Frost fired and a red dart of energy came out and bow and pinch right in to the dumb me. Frost shoot a few more and the other dart stuck in the dumb me began to glow brighter as more got stuck and them a boom was heard the workshop had red smoke ever where. Pixl panic and called out to Frost but the young colt was fine he was covered in red dusty the dumb me was smash to pieces with wood chip all over the place. Pixl flow to Frost with an upset face “What are you thinking Frost you could have been badly hurt” Pixl scold the young colt. Frost just laughed a few second and calmed down “Has a kick to it dose it I need to make a small fix here and there later today. That was blast I guess a live target might have a different effect and harder to hit to but I think I need to add a little lest Crystal so I don’t blow up my targets”. Frost said at that time his stomach was growling for food. The colt looked at Pixl. “Come on time to go get a bit to eat and find some more junk we can use Pixl” Said Frost. Pixl nod and head for outside Frost grabbed his beg and place a few smoke bombs his pea shooter and reach for the grab shoot which had been fixes up and a spare clock a little small then the one he wears but good enough for other pony’s to not get a good look at him. Frost quick turn to see his new gadgets “Not now I need some extra time to make sure that there no errors with them” Said Frost. Frost made his way outside to find Pixl waiting for him. “Time to hit the market part of the city and find some goods I wonder what the guard will be trying to do this time to caught me”. > Chapter 3 Market Panic > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3 Market Panic The streets of Canterlot were full of life once more after the rain last night but even if the sun is out with a blaze of life. The city still had water from the rain with the sidewalk ways small water running in to the sewers and small puddle where colts and filly jumped up and down in them. The shop keeper had their shops open calling to the ponies of Canterlot to come buy their items. The city had life of young and old and of each pony race. Out of the entire pony’s there one did stand out he was a small earth pony colt with a brown color and a black mane and a small tip of brown on the top. The small colt had saddle bags old but still good to use it had patch around it were rips us to be and a dirt brown color. Around the colt neck was a Scarf a bright red color that seem to pop and bring most eyes to it. The young colt was no other then Frost himself. Frost was by a wall on the side Street looking at a poster. Frost read the poster quietly it said “Wanted alive” a drawn picture of a small pony with a black clock all around the pony and under the picture said “The Thief of Canterlot reward is five hundred bits for the caught or information leading to the caught of the Thief. Pixl had pop her head out a tiny bit to what was happening just a few stallion and mares walking by she face to see that Frost was looking at the poster and lost in thought. Pixl broken the silent “Frost snap out of it come on”. The young colt keep looking at the poster “Five hundred bells really I sure I’m worth at less a thousand bells” the young colt told himself. Pixl flow out and place her little hoof on each side of Frost face and look at him with a face of a mother would give to their young foal. “What Wrong with you Pixl you seem to be in a bitter mood now” Frost said with a small devils smile. “ Frost why are you saying look at me what how come I’ m not worth more bit’s, Frost you are a wanted pony you need to be careful at all-time” said Pixl. A slow glow of light blue was around the Pixl as she was put back in to the bag Frost just shook his head. “Listen Pixl I think we are ok walking in the streets as normal as the other pony’s do beside most of the pony’s thick the thief is a unicorn. There no need to worry with the poster were fine for now as long as we don’t drawn attend to are self we are ok. Just stay calm ok” Frost said to Pixl. The breeze nod and the two went on their way thought the city. As they made their way down the street young colts and filly were playing around some jump roping others played marbles and some skipping in the small puddles. Frost keep walking on soon after a few seconds his body stared to glow a light silver color Frost quick hide around a few boxes and barrels. Frost peek thought a small hole thought the wood boxes and could only see three filly’s playing with toys and a small unicorn with her face glue to a book. There seem to also be two colts fighting over a small objection that was round. Frost Know that his body was glow bright and the young colt stared to pain a little if a guard is around they might be trouble for him. After what flat like a hour for Frost the glowing around his body died down and the colt was back to just his normal self. “What was all that about” Frost said with a puzzled look on the colts face. Frost took another peak and saw that the young filly’s and colts were the same way they were before but the one reading a book was gone Frost took pause for a second. The silence was broken when a sound from Frost stomach gave a loud and bubbling growl as to let him know that he had to eat soon. “I think it time we got a move on now Pixl” said Frost Pixl knot and the two made their way to the market district of Canterlot. Traders were showing off their stands with goods all over Equestria from rare Fruit like zap apples to rare gems like the fames Pink Diamond. For Frost he may be a thief but the young colt only steels what he needs Frost has little interest in high value items. Frost and Pixl made their way to a small ally way where there was little light and not too many small young ponies enter. Frost opened his ruck bags and pulled out his clock Frost also took out a small feather with a little bit of ink on it and a small note pad. Frost stared to write a small map of the area of the market with stands and building. The map had lines and arrows all off it and small little ponies with helmets and a small tiny pony with a small ball by it. Pixl watch as Frost drew the map out and was somewhat impress that he is able to do this things and yet she feels a bit sad as most young foals just had to ask their parents for the things they want but Frost had to steel it and it can sometimes end bad for the small colt. “Finish” Frost said he them faced Pixl who was day dreaming. The small breeze was giving a blank face Frost smiled and placed his left hoof over his face and closed his eye. The breeze gave a quick jot and face Frost with a rather grump be look at him. “Frost Stop reading my mind I hate it when you do that” said Pixl. Frost gave a quick chuckle “come on at least I got your attended come on lets go through the plan and you don’t need to worry I only use it to get other attractions Pixl. Ok this is how it works we need to hit these four stands I need to get two iron bars four junk ore and a book about medic plants and herbs o and some oranges from the cart right next to the book stand. We will need to keep to the top of the tents and building to keep out of sight from other ponies seeing us. Pixl I need you to help out I need you to distraction the trader and I will garb the item we need from the stand”. Pixl nod but was a little worry about the plan if they got caught. “Umm Frost what happens if we get caught by a guard or another pony” Pixl said with a somewhat worry face. Frost pointed to the map with triangles around them “Pixl if we do get alert by other ponies and the plan turns for the worst these places on the map will give us an escape route. The ally way we are in is one of them the next is the sewer hole by the book and juice stand the last is in the ally way by the tool shop we can get thought a small window to the closed up candy shop they shut down a few days ago. The smoke bombs I have will give us the cover we need to get one of the escape routes. Right it time to go to work Pixl let’s get to the roof of the buildings” Pixl Nod and where off to the roof tops. Frost made his way to back of the ally were the walls close by each other and with a quick breath Frost body aura change to a light green color. Frost stared to jump from each wall with easy jump from left to right each time getting a little higher to the top and before long the colt had made it to the top. The colt struggle a little to lift himself from the side of the roof top his body had return to normal. The two made their way to the shop tents and gentle and quickly on the top. The two looked at each other and nod both knowing what to do. As the trader was calling out to other ponies to come shop at the stand the pony saw a light a glowing ball on the right side of the stand. To the left side Frost would hold his hoof out and the items he need it came to him just like a unicorn using telekinesis Frost had the able to but unlike unicorns when an item is lift their magic aura could be seen lifting it for Frost the item just lift with no color aura around it. After Frost lift the item so it was out of sight Pixl made a flash light and made her way to the top of the tent and the trader just looked around to see what happen with a confused face and a scratched on the mane just continue on with his job. Frost and Pixl continue on with the plan they have made but with each item they stole the traders on the street stared to get a feeling that something is wrong. Frost had just almost finish garbing all the items he needed for the time being all that was left to get was the oranges and they could get back to their home. “Pixl let’s get this last items and get back home my stomach is growling like a lion at the circles” said Frost Pixl giggled a little. As they made their way from the roof top to the last stand for the day Frost was getting in to Posen as goes for Pixl. When the sales pony saw Pixl Glowing orb the pony merchant gave a scream and as the sale did Frost fell from the top of the tent and landed on top of the sealers fruit and smashed a great number of them. As Pixl flew to see if Frost was ok the sales pony had hoofed Pixl to the ground Frost look to see that his Friend had fall to the ground and was badly wound he saw bruise all over her body and the glow she gives was deemed. Frost watch in shock for that his friend had just been hurt Frost body stared to give a red orange glow of rage and fear at the same time. The glow of the young colt gave other ponies a shock and soon after ponies from all over the market place were yelling about the Thief of Canterlot was here. Frost saw that the sales pony was about to steep on Pixl to end her life the young colt place his left hoof out and a blue ball of energy came out of it and in a spite second when the sales pony was about to fully steep on Pixl the pony stopped in its place the ponies all in the market place where in shock and some were in panic. The pony that was shot by the blue energy was just in the pose as it would look for steeping on something. Frost raced to Pixl Side and as he made it to her his body color change to a pink color as he buck the sales pony back to the wall the sales pony hit the wall hard as a small dust cloud formed around the pony the blue energy around the pony was gone and the pony was fast asleep from the blow the ponies in the market where in a panic now and the market to what was a place of business was now a mad house of fear. Frost place Pixl in his hoof and the young colt had a tear in his eye his body glow now gave a green color as the colt closed his eye he could feel a slime feel in the hoof Pixl was in the young colt opened his eye to see that his friend was in a ball of light green slime but as he look closer he saw that her wounds were going away slowly. Frost gave a sign of relief that his friend was going to be ok but still wonder how or what did this was it Frost or Pixl. At that moment the Royal guards have shown up and surround the whole market place to calm ponies down and to find the Thief. It didn’t take the guards long to find the thief Frost look to see if there was a way out but all the ally escape routes have been block by Pegues guards however the Sewers lid opening was just a few feet away from Frost but there were unicorn guards in the way. It was now time for Frost to face them head on. Frost places the slime ball that Pixl was in his bag on top of the other items to make sure that she doesn’t get smash by the heavy items in his bags. The Royal guards stared to move closer to Frost one with a helmet of gold and silver spoke to Frost with other guards by his side. “By the order of the Princess and the city of Canterlot you are under arrested we can do this the easy or hard way little one” Said the guard with an alert pose. Frost just finish placing Pixl in the bag and faces the guards his body was shinnying with a dark pink aura around his body the colt was seen of black and pink mix. As Frost just stand in place two guards came to arrested Frost One was a black earth pony that was quite strong and the other a unicorn as most them white and with shiny gold armor shiny to the bright of days. As the Guards apposed the young colt the earth one was a side Frost and the other was making a magic pair of hoof chain to take him in. As the guard was about to place the chain around colt Frost slide under the earth pony knocking him to the ground and dash to the unicorn before the guard could react Frost place his front hoofs around the unicorn neck and smash the guard to the ground hard and made the guard fast asleep. The other Guard recovered and rush at Frost to tackle the colt Frost quick counter the big Stallion as the guard face Frost he stared to yell in pain as if his leg was broken. As Frost walk towards the other guards he putted out a few smoke pellets and throw them at the guards. The smoke pellets were shot by the unicorn’s magic and were gone in a puff. “That trick won’t work this time little thief” said the guard with a gold and silver helmet as the unicorns ready there magic to take down the colt. Frost focus and his body that was once pink had turned gray “Time break” Frost yelled and the world around him was gray and all life had stop in place the young colt made his way to the swear lid but Frost stared to feel a sight pain in his head like a headache. Frost was able to lift the lid with both hoofs easy but his headache was getting worse as frost drop to the platform of the swear walk way Frost move the lid back in to place by using his telekinesis to move it in place. Frost was moving it and now was bleeding from his nose a little as he place the lid back on Frost mind had let go of the time that had stop and all the color had returned to life. Frost sat down for a few seconds the colt was breathing hard and was showed to be tired from the magic he uses. “Whatever that was hurt a lot ow my head hurts I thick in the future I should not use that power to much.” Frost places his right hoof over his chest to feel his heart. The heart beat was moving at a fast pace which can’t be good for a young pony like him as Frost place his hoof down he notes that there was blood on the floor. Frost watches it for a sec it had a bright red color to it but then a drop landed on the floor. “That my blood isn’t it” Frost looked around “of course it is I’m talking to myself.” Frost check to see how Pixl was doing see was still in the green slime but a little more of her wounds have healed. Frost closed his bag and the young colt rested for a minute “I will just rest for a moment and then….” Frost sat there for a little bit and soon was asleep > Chapter 4 In The Dark Sewers > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4 In The Dark Sewers “That trick won’t work this time little thief” said the guard with a gold and silver helmet as the unicorns ready there magic to take down the colt. "Ready your horns guards take aim." As the guards ready the colt in front of them had dispread in a instead to the guards look shock and confess was on there face. The guards whisper to each other as there captain took a minute to take in with what happen in front of them be for one of the guards broke the silents. "Sir what is your next order" one of the guards said. The captain look around the market pony's all around were shock and confess around. He gave a quick rub on the neck and gave the commode to the other guards "Listen up guards first lets get this citizens clam down first and then I will give each of you a area to invested gate try to get the citizens to talk to you and get any info on the thief. Lighting Thunder and his team will give you help with scouting out any actives in the area if you can't find me report to him is that understood." All the guards gave a quick stand to attached "yes sir!" the guards were off to calm and get info on the thief. The captain gave a sign and saw that his team was hard at work with getting the info for the thief and calming the place down as he turned the princess was making her way to him he gave a quick breath and bowed in respect for her. "Your highness I am sorry we did not caught the thief I feel this is my fault and am to blame for" said the captain. The princess place her hoof on his back and gave a calm smile to the Stallion "This is not your fault you had no control over this and you shouldn't take blame for what you have done. Please tell me what happen captain." The Stallion gave a sign and deep glup and start to tell what happen the pain and the encounter with the thief and his tricks and how he was glowing and diesping. The princess gave a nod to each thing the Stallion said and took a mintein to pause and refead on the sceen . before she can speack one of the grauds came back with a old looking pony . The gruad and the old pony gave a bow to the princess. "Your highness and sir this citizen said he has some info on the thief." said the gruad. The three look to the old pony a old and tan blue color earth pony with a top hat and round glasses "Yes well at the time I was sitting down on a bench and when I was about to look at a yellow bird pass by I saw a young pony and some glowing thing on top of a tent. Don't know what type it was but as the seller saw the glowing thing gave a yep and hoof it hard to poor little thing. After that the young pony fell to the ground and that seem to caught the eye of others too beside me. What was the next thing yes that right as the seller was about to steep on it the young pony throw some blue orb from its hoof. Thought the seller was done for but it seem that the pony was ok at the time the young pony seem to be glow pink and then that little pony kick the seller hard in to the next tent lucky it was a pillow stand. after that the street became painc so I took shelter in a shop and that all I know. Still never seen a yong pony have that engery must eat his greens." The old pony gave a quick chuncke. With that the old pony was off and left the pricness and the two gruad with her the caption face the other gruad and gave a good pat on his back and the other gruad left to return to the seach leving the pricness and the caption. the pricenss colosed her eyes and took pause and spoke to the caption. "You may return to your dutys captaion I must return to the castle grounds for a meeting and thank you for your work" The caption gave a simle as the princess made his day "thank you your highness me and my team will do are best and we will find him soon." The caption left to find his pony brothers and as the princess made her way to her cart she thought about the young thief and from all see know was it some new pony race or something that could put her pony's at risk from a new evil but all she could do is wait for now and hope one day that she will meet the thief. little did the princess know the small colt was under her own hoofs as the thief was in the dark sewer of the city, The sewer were as most pony would think of it a long tunnel of pipes routes leading to different parts of the city to take its waste away. Not many pony's come down here as the smell to the place is unbearably the small of rotten food and other waste can be smell in the air. The pipes were shown to have green slime and other types on it the pipes drip of water on to the ground and the river was a dark brown color. The only pony's that do come down here were the once that check if the sewer is working fine but they own come out at night time to do there job. Frost was asleep on a small walk path of the sewer from his last stunted from above the sewer the young colt toss left to right as it seem he was having a bad dream. The young colt jumped and sat up with sweat on his face he was breathing hard and confess from his dream. "What was in that dream how long have I been down here for?" the young colt looked around and saw that no pony was around. "Now I'm just talking to myself now great. but still what was that dream about." The young colt thought back to what the dream was and took pause on it. "There was a ball like thing that was red and a voice what did it say. That right it said that the first steep is the hardst for all journey's. Don't know what that means but right now I need to get back home who knows what time it is." As the young colt got up his stomach roared for food and the colt could feel he need to eat he was getting tire and a bad headac fast the colt open his bags to get the orgena out of it. It was damaged a little but it was good to eat the colt ate the whole thing in a few seconds and as he finsh his fruit he check up on Pixl to see how she was the slime ball she was in was a tad smaller and his friend was looking a little better the colt gave a sign on relive and close he's bags. "I'm sorry my friend that this happened to you." said Frost as the colt look up he could see that getting thought the tunnel will not be to hard as long as he keep moveing. Frost made his way thought the tunnel with little to no problem the smell of the place doesn't seem to bug him he has been down here before many times hard at first and easy latter on. The most Frost would see is rats and a few bugs. As the young colt made his way thought he came a cross three paths that lead in to different parts of the city one that leads left, one that went down the middle and one on the right side. The colt gave a quick rub on his head thick what to do should he go this way or the other way. The colt pulled out a map and look to see where he was. "OK lets see where am I." The colt took some time to see and found that he was in the lower part of the city leading to the outer gate of the city. "Ok the left one will lead me back to market distnecs but that would be a bad idea place most be a prison with all those guards. I have no idea with the middle tunnel its not on the map I should get a more up to date one later. The right is my best bet it will lead me about a 2 hour walk to the safe house ok gust its a plan." The colt put his map away and was off but a paper was on the left tunnel wall it had a message for the clean up team and others workers of the city. "To all workers stay out of the right tunnel sight as a group of stick rats have been found it you come in context with them use a posing tone from your pack or ask a coworker side effects are show to be lea do death if to much posing is taking in. The tunnel will be safe after the clean up team comes back from Ponyvile sewer thank you." "looks like I'm not going down that way today that's just great best take the left one back in to the frying pan." As Frost made his way to the left side he pause for a moment and look down the dark middle that had no light and for some odd reason it was calling for him as he need to come this way look to the other tunnel it was light. At that time voice could be heard the young colt took note and now had no choice but to take the middle tunnel. "Best not to risk getting seen down here I guess I'm taking the middle one now" Frost made his way to the middle but saw that it had no walk ways and the only way in was thought the water. "Time to get wet hopefully for the last time to." Frost jump in to the brown water and slow walk thought the tunnel he could feel it warm and other waste flow by his hoofs as he walked in his body gave a light blue color again. "This is going to take me weeks to get this smell off of me I should of took the other route but can't go back now half way out of this water mess I thick." Frost mumble to himself as he did the colt felt that some thing was behind him. The colt got the Goosebumps but turned around and there was noting there just darkness and the little light he made. The colt gave a sign of relief that it was just him and Pixl in his bag. "This place really mess with your head it could be the dark or the smell going to my head. It did feel like someone was behind me why was that wonder if the guards put some type of tracking spell on me. No I thick I'm just over thick it." As the colt talk to himself he was able to see a light from the tunnel it must be a way out for him. Frost ran to the light as he got there he stop and notes that the water was flowing down. Frost stop and saw that he was in the boiler room of the sewer. The room had many tunnel that water was falling from each one poring down in to what look like a giant pot and a roaring fire was under it. "At lets I know were all the drink water comes from I'm just going to stick to river and wells now. Doesn't seem to be a way ahead might as well just head back to the other tunnels now. All that work for noting back in to the water." As Frost was about to jump in to the water a shacking and rumble sound was heard and soon a wall of stone and rock had foam in front of Frost now it was to late to turn back. "It looks like I'm not going back this way. I really thick someone is watching me and laughing right now. There got to be a way out of here it not like I been in a pinch before." The colt look around and with a embarrassed look notes there was no one around. "I need to stop talking to myself it make me look like a idiot. Right there got to be a way out some where."