Fun Fact Contest: Claire's Little Brother

by LilyAstante

First published

When Claire learns shes getting a little brother she isn't the happiest.

Claire is about to get a new sibling and she isn't excited but when she meets her little brother for the first time, she finds out that maybe little brothers aren't so bad after all

Claire's Brother

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Claire was waiting along with her father and her Auntie Twilight in the waiting room of the hospital. Spike was pacing nervously at Rarity's door, where he had been kicked out and barred from entering. Claire was watching his pathetic pacing and crying of Rarity's name as she then turned towards Twilight, who was watching him with an amused expression.

"Auntie Twilight is Daddy okay?" she asked with some concern. Twilight looked down at the small dracony with a smile and responded cheerfully.

"Oh don't you worry about him. He's fine. He's just worried about your mom since he can't be with her."

"Why is he worried? Isn't she just having a foal?" Claire asked.

"Well yes, but it can be painful and he just wants to comfort her," Twilight replied. Claire was silent for a moment before she thought of something else.

"Why doesn't he just go in there with Mommy then?" she asked. Twilight chuckled before answering.

"Well the last time, when you were being born, he got a little too, well, overprotective. So he's no longer allowed in when your mommy is giving birth."

"Oh," Claire said softly before she went silent again. Twilight looked down at her again and noticed that the small dragon-pony half-breed didn't seem excited to be there.

"Are you excited to be a big sister soon, Claire?" Twilight asked. Claire looked down at the ground and then shook her head, sighing softly.

"Not really. I know that Mommy and Daddy wanted me to be excited since they told me but I'm not. I don't want to be a big sister. Does that make me a bad pony?" she asked.

"Of course that doesn't make you a bad pony! I think its normal for ponies to feel sad when their parents have another foal but remember that they won't stop loving you any less," Twilight said.

At that moment both she and Claire realized that Spike was no longer making as much noise at the other end of the room. One of the doctors had exited from the door leading to Rarity's room and was talking to Spike in a quiet voice.

"It was a hard birth and the baby was quite large but he's here and he's healthy. We're letting only the father in first and afterwords the other family members," Spike nodded and followed the doctor through the doors. Claire and Twilight waited patiently until a different pony exited through the doors. The nurse smiled at them and motioned for them to follow her. Claire was ahead of Twilight when they entered the room so Rarity saw her first. Rarity smiled at the sight of her small daughter who was clearly nervous to see her new brother.

"Hello Darling, do you want to see him?" Rarity asked, " Your father is holding him right now." Claire moved slowly towards the large dragon. She couldn't shake the feeling of dread that her parents would notice that she didn't like her new brother. She hadn't met him yet but she just knew that she wasn't going to. Spike just smiled at his small daughter as she moved closer to see her brother for the first time.

Claire crinkled her nose at the sight of her brother for the first time. He was so tiny and wasn't much to look at but she guessed he was quite cute.

"What's his name, Mommy?" she asked.

"Turquoise Blitz" Rarity replied with a smile. Claire smiled back.

"Turquoise Blitz? Okay I guess that's not too bad," Claire said, jumping onto the bed next to Rarity.

Several days later, Rarity and Turquoise Blitz returned home much to Claire's delight. She was happy to have her mother back home even if it meant having to have her brother there too. Claire was relaxing by herself in the living room when she heard the small sound of scrapping claws coming towards her. Turquoise was already quite mobile despite his young age and was already getting into all sorts of trouble. Claire looked up suddenly to see him standing beside her, staring at her with his big blue eyes.

"What do you want?" Claire asked not expecting a response but Turquoise kept looking at her with his huge eyes. Claire sighed and then continued, "you're really small, did you know that? Momma says you're really big and that you were a lot bigger than me when I was born but I think you're really small."

Turquoise smiled at her and reached out with a claw to touch her nose.

"Hey stop that," Claire giggled, moving away slightly, " You know Turquoise Blitz is a really long name. I'm just going to call you T. Okay! You know T, a lot of ponies out there think that we're weird and even more of them think that we're scary and monsters and they'll be mean to us.... But don't you worry, it'll be ok. I'll protect you and make sure that you're happy."

T cooed slightly and bopped Claire again on the nose causing her to giggle once again.

She smiled and with small sigh whispered, "I promise."

T gave her a small smile back and then toddled off. At that moment Claire decided that maybe having a little brother wasn't so bad after all.
Several years later at T and Annie's wedding, Claire watched as her little brother married his best friend and she smiled at the sense pride she felt. T had grown up a lot over the years and she had been a large part of it. He had been a huge help in her shop and without him, there was no way she would have completed all of her orders. She and T were very close and she remembered the few times she did have to protect him from mean ponies. She trotted up to T and Annie and started to congratulate them.

"Congratulations on your wedding. It was simply gorgeous. Annie, I don't think you ever looked more beautiful than you have today," Claire said. The light pink mare smiled at Claire.

"Oh thank you Claire. That means a lot coming from you. The necklace you gave me feels very pretty, I wish I could see it to appreciate it better," Annie said.

"Oh darling, its nothing. You'll keep him in line, won't you? Make sure that he takes you out on romantic dates still and that he treats you like a gentlecolt and if not you report directly to me or my mom and we'll take care of him for you, alright?" Claire said teasingly to her new sister in law. Annie smiled back brightly and then she was directed away some of her other friends leaving Claire and T alone. Claire then moved closer to T, glancing over to their parents who were smiling and laughing with their friends in the corner.

"So you're married now! That's so exciting! You and Annie are perfect for each other. Just remember, I'm always open to talk with if you need someone. Plus I'm still expecting you to come in to help me to work next week, I hope you know this, so you can't get away from me that easily," she said. T laughed quietly at his sister's antics running his claws through his mane.

"Thanks sis. I'll definitely remember to come to you for advice if I need any. Thanks for always being there for me, Claire. You're the best sister a pony could ask for," he replied. Claire smiled and wiped away a tear with her claw. Claire hugged T and then watched him as he walked over to Annie and the rest of their friends.