Cuties, marks, and clops.

by Larvo

First published

A human appears in town, and wouldn't you know, he just loves little ponies. The littler the better.

A clopfic involving an anonymous human male manipulating little ponies for his own sexual gratification. Makes general assumptions that ponies don't really have sexual taboos, using the logic that hybrid monsters exist and many different beings exist with full sentience and full consent. Also, they go naked all the time so obviously they aren't super hung-up on sex in general.

Warning, foalcon, bestiality, and general horse-fuckery all around.

Planned stories:

Seducing the CMC; a fillyphile's guide
Seducing the Mane Six; a bigamist's guide
Seducing Derpy; a horrible terrible person's guide

Note: none of these are actually guides.

Prolouge: The boring background and rules

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Anon had found himself transported to Equestria about a week ago; he assumed it was a week since days and nights here were controlled by super-horse princesses and any attempt to track the actual time was next to impossible without gears and science and what-not. Anon knew these little ponies had some scientific geniuses among them, and even knew that clocks and watches had been invented...but he didn't trust them; they ran on magic as the key power source, and he could swear that on more than one occasion he had lived out an entire day's worth of action that couldn't have realistically been any longer than 22 or so minutes. It was frustrating, but hardly important; Anon was finally in a happy, magical land where pretty mares did cute pretty mare things all day. There was only the occasional god of chaos, army of body-snatchers, or various other minor inconveniences this place tended to throw out once or twice a year or so, which in some cases just made things better after-the-fact...that's what Anon had read in the papers, anyhow.

Anon had quickly befriended the general population of Ponyville. It wasn't particularly difficult; the ponies were quick to trust, and quicker to make friends. There were six ponies in particular that seemed to want to make friends more than any others, and furthermore these ponies held lots of clout amongst the local population. Anon's first day in Ponyville had been surprisingly fun and exciting for everyone involved, considering the mysterious nature of Anon's arrival, not to mention Anon's position as the only human in Equestria. While most ponies fled at first site, a bouncy, jumpy, bubbly little pony enthusiastically greeted Anon and welcomed him to Ponyville in what he discovered was the only way she knew how; by throwing him an impromptu party designed to make Anon and everypony else feel comfortable with one another. This pony, who's name is Pinkie Pie, and who's name Anon loved to mispronounce, was Anon's first friend in this new pastel-colored horse world, and her circle of friends consisted of an introverted purple princess named Twilight Sparkle, a pair of competitive, athletic tom-colts (one a rainbow pegasus and the other an orange apple-obsessed earth-pony) named Rainbow Dash and Applejack, a white drama-queen mare with a heart of gold, Rarity, and an intensely shy but nonetheless obsessively interested pony named Fluttershy who loves animals of all sorts (of which, she considers Anon to be one of).

Anon's second and third days in Equestria were mostly spent reading the papers and other pony literature to become as well-integrated into this new world as possible. Twilight was happy to help in this regard, and fetched many books concerning culture, laws, and history; some she even fetched herself instead of having her little dragon friend do it instead. While Anon did that, Rarity had worked on a little ensemble that Anon could wear if he so-chose; she had noticed how very little hair he possessed when compared to pony-kind, and thought it was the right thing to do. Meanwhile, Applejack and Pinkie had prepared many different treats for Anon to sample so that they could better understand and cater to his diet. Fluttershy also inquired about Anon's diet, as well as everything else under the sun. While Anon couldn't get much info from Fluttershy concerning personal questions, Anon was as honest with his answers as anypony could have wanted. Rainbow Dash mostly just slept outside and flew around all or the other. She only briefly interacted with anon a few times, challenging him to races and other little games. Anon taught her how to play rock paper scissors, which she adored despite having to use her wings to sign.

The rest of Anon's week was filled with, well, lots of things. It was decided that Fluttershy's cabin would be the best place for Anon to stay while Applejack's family built him a modest but sturdy one-room house on the edge of town, conveniently located close to pretty much everypony's houses; it was just a matter of picking a direction and cycling for about 5 minutes in that direction to arrive at any one pony's house. Anon got to know Fluttershy's animals, and found that aside from fish, everything seemed to be pretty sapient...even the bugs. It was strange how bugs showed more emotion than fish, but Anon supposed it was for the best; he loved eating fish so it worked out. She also had chickens and with chickens came eggs, and the ponies all loved eggs. That was a bit of a shock at first for Anon, but he figured that made sense given how many pastries and other desserts he had eaten in Equestria at that point.

Anon's house was built in just a day. It had only one room, but was furnished with a bed, a bookshelf stocked with books from Twilight, a little stove, a tiny wardrobe filled with clothes from Rarity, and a magic fridge stocked with food from Pinkie and Applejack. It reminded Anon of a starting house in Animal Crossing, a game he used to play. The outside was furnished with a well for water, an outhouse for THE BUSINESS, and a bathtub for cleaning. Fluttershy even gave Anon a chicken and a little one-hen hen-house. Everything was magic here in Equestria, and all it took for the Chicken to lay a ready-to-cook egg was make it happy; a little pat on the head and some kind words was all it took to have the beginnings of a balanced breakfast. Furthermore, the well was somehow attached to the bathtub, and was magically able to fill the tub with hot water. And while the outhouse wasn't as fancy as that, it somehow never smelled bad and the waste would be gone as soon as Anon shut the door after leaving. It was mysterious, but it was convenient. In a way, not much different than Earth; it's not like Anon really understood how things worked in his home world/dimension. Oh, and Rainbow had set up a few games for Anon to play, like horse-shoes, cornhole, and others Anon didn't really understand at first glance.

After settling in and thanking everypony, Anon decided it was finally time to test the waters concerning sexual interactions. He had immediately discovered that ponies were not put off nor concerned by his nudity. They themselves were nude most of the time, only dressing up for fancy occasions and for certain job-roles. Anon himself had what many in his home dimension would, to put in a polite way, "kinks." To put in a non-polite way, Anon himself was a dirty pervert freak. He was aroused by the little ponies almost immediately, finding their cute ways to be almost intolerably sexy. He appreciated their seeming lack of shame concerning sex, and had quickly discovered through his reading that there were very few laws concerning sex.

Sex in Equestria was done almost entirely for the purpose of procreation. Interspecies sex was not outlawed, and hybrids were common and accepted members of society. Rape itself was still outlawed, but very few ponies in general would say no to a sexual proposal unless they were complete strangers or simply too busy. Sex between grown ponies and little fillies and colts was also not outlawed, but required consent. That said, ponies didn't prioritize sex like humans, and rarely engaged in intercourse for pleasure's sake, instead finding pleasure in their friendships and passions. These passions were almost always related to their cutie-marks, little butt-tattoo-things that magically appeared when a pony discovered said passion. It was a little weird and Anon had a hard time understanding the logic sometimes. Like, why did a book-obsessed pony like Twilight not have a book butt-mark, and why did Rarity have a gem mark when she's an amazing dress-maker? Whatever, it was clear that some ponies had multiple passions outside of their cutie-marks, like Pinkie's cooking talents, or Applejack and her family's amazing carpentry skills.

That was a long-winded way of saying that despite the pony's understanding and seemingly uncaring attitude towards sex, it also made them that much more innocent in Anon's eyes, and that made them paradoxically sexier. When Anon had inquired about sexual intercourse between ponies, Twilight had matter-of-factly stated that ponies really only do it to make foals. Apparently it was considered pleasurable, but ponies just enjoyed their life-passions more. In a way, Anon realized that technically human society wasn't much different, but the actual act of sex was considered so taboo, pleasurable, and important that civilized society had developed laws and rules around it. In pony society, these mostly didn't exist because it wasn't seen as something taboo. Furthermore, ponies simply didn't have much stamina. From what Anon understood, stallions and mares weren't much different than their counterparts back at Earth; stallions shot quick, and mares often instigate the sexual interaction. Biology still dictated much of the same rules in Equestria, and this was the hook that interested Anon. What would ponies do or say if he, say, masturbated in public? Masturbation simply wasn't done in Equestria. What would a casual request for a blowjob result in from a pony? Anon didn't know. But he was going to find out.

Seducing the CMC

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Anon decided he'd first engage in sexual antics with younger fillies. He had interacted with Applejack's family and met little Applebloom and her friends. They called themselves the Cutiemark Crusaders, and their mission was to discover their special talents to get their butt-marks. They had once proudly displayed their rumps to Anon, which had left Anon with a bit of a chub. Applejack seemingly noticed Anon's slight change, but she didn't say anything about it.

A life long lived as a secret pervert on Earth had left Anon with pretty good control of his own desires. So far he had managed to not display his full rigidness to anypony, fearing that the ponies would question his sexual desires before he could assess the full situation. After he had learned of their rules, Anon decided it was best to keep his own desires in check, at least for a little while, for fear that a public display of his boner might confuse the little ponies before he had a chance to really explain himself.

That said, Anon wanted to display himself to the fillies first, figuring that their own ignorance concerning sex and their willingness to do anything for a cutiemark may be a boon in his own quest to satisfy his perverted lust. Anon soon made his way over to the Cutiemark Crusader's clubhouse, which was about the same size as his own house. Waltzing in like he owned the place, Anon discovered the fillies all laying on the floor, each coloring on papers in different ways. Sweetie was utilizing her magic to guide her crayon. Applebloom was using her little muzzle to try and color within the lines. Scootaloo gripped her crayon between her hooves and frantically colored in spastic motions in every direction.

"Hi girls!" Anon yelled, surprising the fillies who had been focused on their coloring.

"Oh, hiya Anon! We was just doing our art homework" Applebloom said excitedly.

"Yeah, we were coloring what we wanted to be when we grew up. I wanna be just like my sister, so I'm coloring a dress," Sweetie Belle squeaked.

"I'm just drawing Rainbow Dash" Scootaloo blurted out.

Applebloom laughed, "How surprising, Ahm so shocked!"

"Oh, yeah? Like your drawing of a bunch of apples wasn't predictable?" Scootaloo retorted.

Anon spied their colorings and was impressed with their efforts, considering that they all looked pretty good for children, not to mention they were all coloring in such different ways.

"What are you doing, Anon?" Asked Sweetie Belle.

"Oh, I'm just here to check in with my favorite little fillies," Anon said genuinely as he sat down near them to observe. The little mares giggled and continued coloring. Thoughts raced through Anon's mind. How was he going to seduce these little ponies? He didn't want to break any laws, but he didn't want to have to explain sex to the girls either. He would rather they willingly but ignorantly got him off of their own accord. He just had to think of a way to make that happen.

"I could definitely use more glitter! Rainbow is always so sparkly!" Anon watched Scootaloo trot to her art supplies, but saw her smile turn into a frown as she sulked back to her coloring of Rainbow Dash empty-hooved.

"What's wrong, Scoots?" Anon inquired.

"I don't have any more glue for my glitter! How am I supposed to make Rainbow as awesome as she is in real life without glitter?"

Anon smiled, "I think I can assist you with that."

Anon spread his legs, and displayed his genitals directly to the fillies.

"What's that, Anon?" inquired Sweetie Belle.

"That's his ding-dong, Sweetie. I see my brother's whenever we wrestle and play" Applebloom said innocently.

"It's called a penis, Applebloom. Don't you pay attention at school?" Whoa...Anon didn't expect Scootaloo to be the book-smart type...if she knew much more than that, this may not work as Anon intended.

"You're both right, Scootaloo. It can be called lots of things, and only boys have them." Anon patted Sweetie's head "It's okay if you didn't know, so long as you know what you have."

"I have a wee-wee!" shouted Sweetie Belle.

"It's called a vuh-jine-uh, Sweetie Belle" Applebloom said, looking at Scootaloo.

Scootaloo pondered before saying "Thaaaaat's mostly right. I mean, there's lots of differences to a filly's parts compared to a colt's...but most ponies just say vagina."

"Jesus Christ, Scootaloo," Anon thought, "are you top of your class or something?"

"That's right! But do you know what they're for?" Anon asked.

"Uuuuhh...peeing?" Sweetie answered. Nopony said anything more.

"Scootaloo, is that all?" Anon asked.

"Umm...I guess so. I don't know anything else they do." Scootaloo looked a little intrigued.


"Well girls, get ready for a treat." Anon motioned for the fillies to gather closer to his member. "Watch this!" Finally, Anon allowed his dick to fully engorge, letting go of his self-control.

"Whoa! It got so much bigger! Is that magic?" Scootaloo asked as the other two fillies sat stupefied by Anon's boner.

"Yeah, sort of. It happens when I want to help my friends," Anon said, realizing that it wasn't really that much of a lie.

"What do ya mean?" Asked Applebloom.

Anon replied "Well, Scootaloo needs glue, soooo..."

"Your penis is going to make glue? That's amazing Anon!" Scootaloo beamed. Suddenly, she reached forward and cupped Anon's dick in her hooves. "How's it come out?"

The feeling of her hooves was incredible; the first sexual contact Anon had had in some time. It sent bolts of pleasure down his spine. "Well, you just have to touch it a lot. That makes me feel good and when I feel good enough I can make the glue for you."

Scootaloo smiled, "Leave it to me!"

Scootaloo started giving Anon a rather spastic hoofjob, not unlike the motions of her coloring he had observed earlier. It felt pretty amazing, but was lacking the finesse to truly push Anon over the edge. Still, Anon found the whole situation to be extremely erotic, and allowed it to go on for some time before Scootaloo finally became impatient.

"How long is this going to take, Anon?" Scootaloo inquired.

Anon thought for a bit and replied "I'm not sure, Scoots, but maybe it would go faster if Applebloom and Sweetie Belle helped." The two fillies had previously simply been observing, both excited to see the "glue" that Anon had promised. Anon himself observed that all three fillies were blushing, despite their ignorance. He figured that on a subconscious, primal level, the fillies' bodies knew that this was more than just making glue.

"What should we do, Mister Anon?" Applebloom asked, approaching little Anon, Sweetie following closely.

"Well, I think I know how you can both help. Applebloom, if you could take the tip of my ding-dong in your mouth, and kind of manipulate it like you were with your crayons earlier, that would feel really good. And Sweetie Belle, you could use your magic on my balls right here in the same gentle way you magically held your crayons. Scootaloo, if you could just keep stroking the base of my penis with your hooves, that'd be great." Anon could not have guessed his sexual exploits would have turned out so nicely.

"Okay, Mister Anon!" The little mare opened her mouth and wrapped her lips around Anon's tip. Applebloom began licking the tip gently, perhaps to sample the new taste in her mouth. She sucked on it for a brief moment before popping off, licking her lips and swallowing her spit.

"Umami! Scootaloo! It's Umami!" Applebloom said enthusiastically.

"For real?" Scootaloo said with a look of surprise on her face.

"What's ew mommy?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"You know, Sweetie! We just learnt this in class! It's one of the six tastes! Salty, bitter, sour, sweet, umami, and magic!" Applebloom yelled.

Sweetie Belle's eyes blinked, followed by a look of realization "Oh yeah! I remember now! Savory! Like mushrooms!"

Anon sat there, amazed that somehow Equestrian scientists had developed the same word for the same term on Earth despite vastly different was that possible? For that matter, why did ponies speak English, much less Japanese? Anon's mind was beginning to spiral out of control with existential dread when suddenly he realized that all three fillies were tasting him. "Umami!"

After the amazing sensation of three fillies happily licking his shaft, Anon found that the fillies had resumed their assigned duties in glue-production. Applebloom was cheerfully manipulating Anon's dickhead in a variety of ways with her mouth, using her tongue, lips, and even teeth in ways that only a pony who had learned to fluently write with her mouth could. Meanwhile, the new sensation of magic was tickling Anon's balls in an amazingly pleasant way; it was as if velvet and velcro had somehow made a baby and that baby was playing with his balls. Also, this whole time Scootaloo had never stopped rubbing Anon's shaft with her soft hooves. The combined efforts of these determined fillies was awe-inspiring, and Anon shed a tear at the site of their teamwork.

"I'm getting close, girls. My glue's about to come out, and when it does, you'll need somewhere to put it!" Scootaloo quickly reacted to Anon's declaration, and grabbed a nearby jar. "That's good Scoots. Now Applebloom, be sure not to swallow it all when I start to let it out! Spit what you can out into the jar for Scootaloo's art project." Applebloom nodded, and began sucking a little harder. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle doubled their efforts too, with Scootaloo increasing her speed and roughness and Sweetie Belle touching Anon's balls directly with her hooves as well as her magic. As Anon built closer and closer to climax, the fillies fixated their gazes on his dick.

"It's coming!" Anon yelled, gritting his teeth as wave after wave of pleasure overcame him. The first rope of cum splashed the back of Applebloom's throat forcing her to swallow a little bit, while the second simply hit the roof of her mouth. She released Anon with an audible 'pop' and took her prize to the jar, opening her mouth and letting it slowly drip out, not wanting to contaminate it too much with her own spit. Meanwhile, Anon shot off another rope that managed to land right on Applebloom's little perfectly puckered ponut. She yelped, but then laughed when she reached back with a hoof and realized it was just more glue. When the other two fillies realized Anon wasn't done, they didn't know what to do. Anon, for his part, had lost all pretenses of the situation and began stroking himself furiously, coaxing up a few more ropes of cum that he purposely shot at both Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo's face. They laughed as it landed in various places on their muzzles, but became somewhat annoyed when it got into their manes.

"Anon! Don't get glue in our manes!" Sweetie took initiative and began magically grabbing and carrying the 'glue' to its container.

"Wow, Anon! Thanks! Now Scootaloo can finish her project!" Sweetie squeaked out.

"Don't mention it," Anon huffed, "Anything for my friends. If you girls need me, I'll just be napping over here in the corner."

"Hu-mens are weird," Sweetie said bluntly.

"Yeah, but they sure are interesting creatures" Applebloom added.

"Maybe Anon's penis will help us more in the future," Scootaloo replied, foreshadowing a sequel.

The End

Seducing the CMC Part Deux Electric Scootaloo

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Anon had just convinced the Cutie Mark Crusaders that his human penis was magic and that it could help his friends in different situations; in their case, it was the production of glue so they could finish their art projects. After they had coaxed the glue out, Anon went over to the corner of the clubhouse to take a little nap. There was no way his dreams could have been as pleasant as his life had just been, but his body is what craved the nap, not his mind.

As Anon napped, the Cutie Mark Crusaders were finishing up their art projects. Everything was fine, until Scootaloo started feeling a little sick.

" stomach doesn't feel right" Scootaloo groaned.

"Ya backed up again? I told ya you should eat more apples! They keep ya regular!" Applebloom chastised.

"Do we need to get the doctor again, Scoots?" Sweetie Belle squeaked.

"NO! I mean, it's alright; it's not like I'm scared of the doctor or anything...I'm sure it will pass." Scootaloo avoided that option as quickly as possible. Truth be told, she wasn't so much scared of the doctor as she was the things the doctor could tell her. What if the doctor confirmed her fear that she would never fly? It's easier to have confidence when you don't know your own limitations.

"If you say so...hey! I know!" Sweetie Belle shouted. "I bet Anon's magic could help you!"

Scootaloo blushed without really knowing why. "You mean...his penis? How could that help me?"

"I don't know, but he said it could help his friends when they needed it." Sweetie replied.

"Girls! Look!" Applebloom yelled, pointing in Anon's direction.

The girls looked over to see Anon still napping, but were amazed to see that his penis was standing at full attention.

"I knew it! I knew it could help you!" Sweetie beamed.

Sweetie approached Anon's penis with a wide smile. She leaned forward and gave it a light kiss. "Thank you very much for wanting to help us, Mr. Penis."

Anon's eyes fluttered open to see the 3 fillies had all gathered around his dick. It looked like Applebloom was focused on getting it to stay still...Anon looked up to see that Scootaloo was slowly backing up towards it, while Sweetie helped lift her tail out of the way.

"What are you girls doing?" Anon inquired.

"ANON!" Scootaloo shrieked.

Sweetie was eager to explain. "We were just trying to help out Scootaloo. Her stomach was hurting and she was having trouble with...going...and when we looked over we saw that your penis had gotten big and hard again, so we thought it was ready to help us with our new problem."

"Holy shit. Holy shit" Anon thought. "I've gotta make the most of this opportunity."

"You're right girls, my penis did sense that you were having problems. But let me check something, just to be sure." Anon approached the girls one by one. Flexing and relaxing his prostate in succession, Anon made it appear as if his penis was sniffing out a problem; Anon made sniffing sounds to emphasize this point. He "sniffed" Sweetie and Applebloom first, which brought out cute giggles. Anon was surprised when both fillies gave his penis quick kisses during the sniffing.

"What was that for?" Anon inquired.

"For Mr. Penis. We really like that he's willing to help us" Sweetie answered.

"Yeah! Plus he tastes pretty good" Applebloom added.

"Well that's awfully nice of you to say, girls. Mr. Penis appreciates it as well" Anon said enthusiastically. "Mr. Penis can tell that you both have a problem."

"Oh no! What's the problem!" Sweetie yelled, worried.

"That you're worried for a friend" Anon said reassuringly. Sweetie and Applebloom sighed, but their worry wasn't completely exhaled.

"So what about Scootaloo?" Sweetie said, genuinely worried for her friend's well being. Scootaloo looked incredibly nervous, and had assumed the position of a scared dog; tail tucked between her legs. Anon approached Scootaloo slowly, and repeated his sniffing.

He had his penis sniff her face first, like with the other fillies. Small tears had entered Scootaloo's eyes, and she gave Mr. Penis a little kiss as well.

"I'm nervous, Mr. Penis" Scootaloo whispered.

Anon started to worry; he hadn't considered the consequences of this particular roll in the hay. What if Scootaloo's constipation was worse than he thought? What if his seed wasn't enough to loosen things up? He put those thoughts out of his head; better to worry about that later. He approached her backside, and lifted Scoot's tail, and had his penis sniff her little rump. Scootaloo gasped as Mr. Penis made contact with her puffy little anus.

"You were right, girls; Mr. Penis knew there was a friend who needed help! But I don't think he can do it alone" Anon explained.

"How can we help?" Applebloom said heroically.

"Well, first, we need to make it so that Mr. Penis can enter Scootaloo without hurting her; he needs to be nice and slippery" Anon explained. "It would help if Scootaloo was lubed up as well" Anon said, pointing to Scootaloo's chocolate starfish. "Applebloom, you could help make Mr. Penis slippery by giving him a nice tongue bath. Sweetie Belle, if you could gently lick Scootaloo's hiney, I'm sure that would help ease things along."

"Okay!" Sweetie squeaked. Anon was a little surprised that she was so ready and willing to eat out her friend's asshole.

"Wait!" Scootaloo shouted. "I wanna help Applebloom. It isn't fair that Mr. Penis should help me without me helping in return."


Anon laid himself out on the floor of the clubhouse, and beckoned Applebloom and Scootaloo forward. They both approached with purpose; without pause, they started licking all over Anon's member. Sweetie followed suite, approaching Scootaloo's plot, she magically lifted her friend's tail out of the way and began licking. Scootaloo momentarily paused from licking Anon, jumping slightly at Sweetie's first contact. Her wings had fully extended, and her eyes had glazed over somewhat.

"You okay, Scoots?" Applebloom asked between her licking, kissing, and sucking.

"Huh...what? Oh...yeah, I'm fine" Scootaloo replied, resuming her task at hand.

Anon allowed the licking to go on for a few minutes before he asked the little mares to listen for a second.

"You're doing great so far, girls. But before I send Mr. Penis on his mission, I think we should stretch Scootaloo out a little bit" Anon explained. "Turn around for me, Scoots."

Scootaloo turned slowly, while Anon righted himself on the floor so that he was sitting up. He gazed at Scootaloo's little rump, before spreading her flanks so that he could get a really good look at her puckered poop-chute. Pony buttholes really did look like donuts. Anon allowed a finger to slip inside the little ponut. Scootaloo groaned silently.

"You're doing great Scoots. Just relax."

Anon felt the tightness lessen, but only slightly. As it was, it would be nearly impossible for Mr. Penis to get his head in, let alone his entire length. He let his finger slide out. Then, an idea entered Anon's mind.

"Co'mere Sweetie Belle, let me see something" Anon casually demanded. Sweetie happily trotted over.

"What is it, Anon?" Sweetie asked, intrigued.

Anon eyed up her horn for a while, before grabbing it with his free hand. Sweetie almost immediately went limp.

"What are you doing Anon? My horn's sensitive, you know?" Sweetie protested.

Anon didn't say anything. He gripped his penis and then Sweetie's horn and then his penis again. Sweetie's horn was roughly the same rigidity of his dick, and about half the length and girth.

"Sweetie, do you think you could maybe stretch Scootaloo out with your horn a bit, so that Mr. Penis won't have as much trouble squeezing in?" Anon asked, as genuinely curious of Sweetie's response as much as the act itself.

"I...I guess so. I'll try" Sweetie said, bravely.

Applebloom leaned over one more time to give Mr. Penis one last lick before trotting over beside Sweetie. "I'll help lead ya in, Sweetie."

This was quite the sight. Scootaloo had braced herself, clenching her eyes shut and standing with her legs spread but steady. Sweetie had lowered her head, and was allowing Applebloom to lead her and her horn to its destination. As Sweetie got closer, Scootaloo got more nervous. Anon took this moment to reassure Scootaloo.

"Everything will be alright, little filly" Anon said, and before Scootaloo could react, Anon leaned in to give her an intimate kiss right on her mouth. Moments later, and Sweetie had found her mark. Anon muffled Scootaloo's moans while Sweetie found a slow but steady rhythm entering and exiting her friend. Applebloom made her way back over to Anon's nethers, and began sweetly kissing, licking and sucking again. Anon began to pet Applebloom while still maintaining his kiss with Scootaloo. Finally, Scoot's moaning had subsided and Anon broke the kiss.

" kissed me" Scootaloo said, stating the obvious. "Are we special someponys now?"

Wow. Anon had stupidly not considered that as a reaction. "Of course we are, Scoots; we all are" Anon said, pointing out the other fillies. Behind Scootaloo, Sweetie giggled. Applebloom didn't say anything, but Anon noticed her blushing.

"Wow..." Scootaloo said, breathing heavily.

"Anon, I think Scootaloo's hiney may be ready; it's really smooth now" Sweetie panted.

"Good girl, Sweetie Belle. Let me see." As Anon approached on his knees, he watched Sweetie back out of Scootaloo. He watched as Scoot's tight ponut clung ever so slightly to Sweetie's horn before snapping back into place. Anon noticed Sweetie's horn had just a little bit of Scootapoo stuck to it. Before she could react, Anon leaned forward and sucked Sweetie's horn clean. Sweetie squealed at the contact, and as Anon popped off, her horn released a tiny fireworks display.

"That felt...good..." Sweetie sighed. "Thanks for cleaning me up, Anon!" Sweetie smiled. Anon returned the smile and patted her head. Anon was surprised by how non-offensive the aftertaste was in his was like oats and brown sugar.

"Are you ready for Mr. Penis, Scootaloo?" Anon asked.

"I...I think so, yeah" Scootaloo answered, sounding braver than she was before.

"Alright, here he comes" Anon said, lining himself up with Scootaloo's twitching donut hole.

As Anon slowly entered Scootaloo, Applebloom had lined herself up behind them both, and watched as her friend's butthole slowly stretched open to accommodate Anon's girth. She didn't know why, but her friend's marehood had started twitching randomly as well. Applebloom was compelled to reach out and touch Scootaloo's winking button.

"Ah! What was that?" Scootaloo gasped. "It felt..." Scootaloo paused. "...amazing."

Encouraged by Scootaloo's words, Applebloom crawled underneath her friend and began to gently kiss and suck on Scoot's winking clitoris. Scootaloo started letting out a low grown of pleasure.

Meanwhile, Sweetie had recovered from her earlier horngasm enough to rejoin the ongoing magical constipation remedy. She noticed last time when Anon had made glue for them that he really seemed to like it when she touched and licked his balls, so she too crawled underneath the buttfuckathon in order to continue her aid.

Upon seeing Sweetie and Applebloom's outpouring of support and friendship, Anon doubled his own efforts. He began to pound Scootaloo's behind with more purpose and force than before, causing Scootaloo's previous low groan to grow into a louder, intermittent exhale; every even pump she seemingly let out the entire contents of her lungs, while every odd pump she would gasp air back in. The vocalizations had worked Anon into a frenzy, and he began to feel himself edging closer to climax.

As he began to match Scootaloo's own noises, Anon began to notice that both Applebloom and Sweetie Belle had too. In a small moment of clarity, Anon witnessed that Sweetie had switched from licking his balls and had been licking Applebloom's little flower. He noticed a glow from Sweetie's own privates, and realized she was using her own magic to get herself off. Anon was inspired by Sweetie's multitasking; he reached below to stick a finger into Sweetie's marshmellow butthole, and was rewarded with a high pitched squeak and a muffled giggle. With his other hand, he reached forward and found Scootaloo's delicate little nipples and started tweaking them. In this moment, Scootaloo whinnied out in pure ecstasy, and finally orgasmed.

Her marehood released a torrent of hot filly juices that splashed upon Anon's testicles, as well as drenching Sweetie and Applebloom. This seemed to signal a primal sexual empathy within the other two fillies, and they too began releasing hot streams of mare jizz. The smell alone was enough to make Anon swoon. Anon himself had reached his own climax, and buried himself into Scootaloo's backside, releasing torrent after torrent of cum deep into Scootaloo's bowels. And then Anon remembered why they were buttfucking in the first place.

Anon could feel the pressure building against his dick and Scootaloo's behind. He quickly picked Scootaloo up and rushed outside, Mr. Penis acting as a cork. Anon pulled Scootaloo apart from his dick, holding her up from underneath her back legs. As Anon's dick shot off one last rope of cum into the air, Scootaloo's bowels finally released. A mixture of hot cum and little pony shit rocketed out of Scootaloo's anus like water from a fire-hose. It landed safely on the ground in front of them instead of making a giant mess in the clubhouse...or a gianter mess, as it were; there was definitely a small lake of mare cum to clean up.

As Anon returned inside, he found the other two fillies were happily licking up their own bodily fluids. Anon let Scootaloo down.

"Thanks Anon! Thanks Mr. Penis!" Scootaloo yelled happily, before leaning forward and sloppily sucking off a combination of her own feces and Anon's cum. Anon simply stood there dumbfounded. The shock of it caused Anon to cum one last rope of jizz, straight down Scootaloo's throat.

"Umami!" Scootaloo then ran over to her friends and joined in the act of cleaning up mare fluids. Anon was beside himself.

"What are these fillies doing? Are they nuts? Do they just not care? What is going on?" Anon's mind was beginning to collapse when Sweetie looked over her shoulder and smiled at him.

"Come over here, Anon. Taste the magic!"

And so he did. And it was incredible.

End of Cutie Mark Crusaders Seduction.

Next up:

Seducing the Mane Six: Flutterjob

Seducing the Mane Six: Flutterjob Part 1

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Last week, Anon had a wonderful day; he had not only gotten 3 little cuties to play with his dingus in 3 entirely different ways, he had even got to have anal sex with one of them. Suffice it to say, this was a turning point in his life in Equestria. He had become more bold in his sexual antics, and since then had made sweet love to all 3 of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. He had made them promise to keep it a secret, but also told them that he was planning on bringing somepony else into their herd. When he told them it was Fluttershy, they were delighted.

"Fluttershy is sooooo nice!" Sweetie Belle practically sang.

"Yeah, and she's super cute, too. I can see why Rainbow Dash likes her so much!" Scootaloo added.

"Not to mention all her cute animals. I bet she'd let us play with them whenever we wanted if she joined our secret sexy time fun club" Applebloom hoped.

"I'm still not sure about that name, Applebloom..." Anon thought out loud. "How about F Cubed?"

"F Cubed? What's that mean?" Scootaloo asked.

"Fucking Fillies Forever" Anon replied. The young mares giggled.

"That's naughty Anon..." Sweetie Belle teased.

"Well girls, I'm off to Fluttershy's cottage. Try to have fun without me!" Anon yelled as he walked away.

"Sure thing, Anon! Hey, look!" Applebloom yelled back.

Anon looked over his shoulder to find the three fillies spreading their mareginas wide just for him to see. For a moment Anon considered running back to have some fun, but as he continued watching over his shoulder, they all began eating each other out. "Well, I guess they'll have fun without me" Anon thought to himself.

As Anon approached Fluttershy's cottage, he went over his plan in his head. Fluttershy was a very shy pony [obviously], so Anon would have to play it cool and smooth. His plan involved popping a boner and explaining to Fluttershy that he had recently gone into his own mating cycle. Anon knew Fluttershy's kindness would practically dictate she help take care of him. He knew she handled this particular problem with her animals by simply finding a matching animal partner, but being the only human in Equestria meant Fluttershy had limited options to take care of this problem.

Anon and Fluttershy already got along. He had stayed with her for a time when he first arrived in this technicolor horse world. At the time, Anon was too nervous to attempt something as bold as he was about to do. However, Anon had become much braver after his recent success with the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Having been in Equestria for a couple weeks and some change, Anon felt his rapport with the local ponies was way higher than it would be compared to his world. He had hoped Fluttershy's kindness, coupled with her intense personal interest in animals would increase his odds of successfully adding Fluttershy into F Cubed.

Anon knocked on her door.

"Who is it?"

"What!?" Anon yelled.

"Who is it?" Fluttershy said once more, only slightly louder.

"It's Anon! I have a problem that I thought you could maybe help me with?" Anon had already worked up his boner to almost its full length.

"Oh dear, what seems to be the prob-" As Fluttershy opened the door, she was caught off guard by Anon's boner pointing right in her face.

"AH!" Fluttershy darted back inside her house, slamming the door behind her. Maybe this was going to be harder than Anon thought.

"Come on Fluttershy! It's not going to hurt you! It's just my erection!" Anon yelled.

Fluttershy opened the door once more, peaking out.

"Are you sure? I mean, I thought you said you were evolved from monkeys, but my monkeys and gorillas aren't anywhere near as...big as that. And I've seen your...thingy. Are you sure that isn't some sort of monster attached to your torso?"

Anon simply gave Fluttershy a "you've gotta be kidding me" look.

"I'm sorry Anon, I don't mean to be's just so big now. I never thought it could grow so much" Fluttershy said with an obvious tone of building interest.

Anon walked inside and explained.

"We humans are statistically much more well endowed than our other primate cousins. And it's not like this transformation is any different than pony stallions; I've seen how big they get when they're excited." Fluttershy looked down and blushed.

"I guess you're right, Anon. I just don't know any other humans." Fluttershy said defensively.

And there was Anon's opening.

"You don't? Not even out of town? What am I going to do, Fluttershy? We male humans have a very intense mating cycle, and it can last for sometime...indefinitely even. We tend to mate almost as often as rabbits when the feeling is right." Anon looked down at his boner. "What am I going to do?"

"Ummm...I could get a gorilla for you. I'm sure I could find you a nice lady gorilla...maybe I could even shave her for you" Fluttershy said completely genuinely and straight-faced.

"Thanks Fluttershy, but to be honest, gorillas just aren't as attractive as humans. Plus, they don't have the intellect I desire for fact, intellect is more attractive to me than anything else..." Anon led, looking Fluttershy in the eyes. Fluttershy squeaked.

"I guess I could help you with that."

"What was that?" Anon asked, knowing full well what Fluttershy had just said.

"I said...IguessIcouldhelpyouwiththat!" Fluttershy said in one quick breath.

"You don't have to do that Fluttershy. Really, I could technically just get myself off; I just thought you might know of a human female somewhere in Equestria" Anon lied.

"No no, it's okay. Really! I don't...*gulp*...mind one bit!" Fluttershy also lied.

"Well, that's awfully nice of you to offer Fluttershy, but maybe it would be better if I just masturbated...hey, I know!" Anon shouted, followed by a squeak and slight cowering from Fluttershy. "If you want to help me, you could just watch! That way you can learn a little more about humans and I can at least not feel as lonely."

Fluttershy swallowed again, flushing a light pink. "Okay."

Anon began tugging on his member. He did it gently at first, simply stroking slowly and deliberately. Fluttershy watched intensely. Before long, Anon began to feign pain.

"What's wrong Anon? Does it hurt?" Fluttershy said empathetically.

"Yeah, a little. I don't have any natural lubrication." Anon lied once more; he knew full well his incoming pre-cum would qualify as natural lube, not to mention his own spit should he so choose. Anon wasn't lying fully though; he had been circumcised. He had explained that to Fluttershy already, who thought it was a terrible practice after hearing about it. Anon himself didn't mind much; foreskin seemed like a real hassle to clean, and with as much sex as he was having with the Cutie Mark Crusaders lately, he hated imagining the cleaning involved in scrubbing out shit, cum, and other fluids from all those skin folds afterwords...although the Crusaders usually did an alright job of cleaning him with their mouths afterwards.

Fluttershy eyed Anon's penis, a look of pity on her face.

"Now now, Anon. Let mama Fluttershy take care of you. I insist." Fluttershy said in a motherly voice that confused Anon as much as it excited him. "I'll make it better."

Fluttershy approached slowly, and gave his dickhead a little peck. She followed this by sucking ever so gently. Her eyes met Anon's.

"How's that?" Fluttershy mumbled, penis in her mouth.

"It feels great, Fluttershy. Keep going, please." In that moment, Anon looked over in the corner of the room to see Fluttershy's stupid rabbit had woken up. He hopped over with a pissed off look on his face.

"Oh Angel, I'm sorry. Did you want some attention from mommy, too?" Fluttershy asked, followed with a quick kiss to Angel's head...and then lower to his little rabbit dick.

"Shit! Maybe Fluttershy doesn't just match all her animals after all..." Anon thought to himself. Shortly after that thought crossed his mind, Angel had already shot his load, and Fluttershy spit it on the floor. Angel crawled back to his bed in the corner to take another nap...lazy fuck.

"Now where was I? Oh yes. Little Anon here needs some tender loving care." Fluttershy said with an increasingly sultry voice. What she did next caught Anon off guard. Extending her wings forward, she began to give him a feathery wingjob. It felt incredible; poor little Scootaloo's wings were much too small to do something like this. Anon had only once tried getting off on her wings but felt bad immediately afterwords; Scoot's tiny wings were as sensitive as they were little, and not in the good way. She had yelped in pain when Anon had tried it, and after apologizing profusely, he wrote off pegasus wings as too delicate to involve in sex.

Obviously, that wasn't true for other pegasi. Fluttershy's delicate little feathers danced around little Anon for some time, before she changed tactics.

"Now it's time for a Flutterjob" Fluttershy said confidently. She took Anon's dickhead inside her mouth, sucking gently. At the same time, she brought her wings forward and began tickling Anon's shaft, balls, and entire crotch area with her soft feathers. It was enough to make a man go crazy, but Anon endured. Fluttershy popped off Anon's member for a moment.

"Geez Anon, I figured you'd have ejaculated by now. Are you sick?" Fluttershy asked, genuinely concerned for Anon's health.

"No, I'm not sick. Humans generally just last a pretty long time; some more than others." Truth be told, Anon had pretty good control of his urges and stamina, but lately he has had the opposite of blue balls. The Cutie Mark Crusaders had really put him through his paces, and despite his strong libido, it was actually getting somewhat difficult to orgasm as freely. That said, he was pretty danged close.

"I'm sure it will only be a little bit longer" Anon said, Fluttershy smiling in return. She resumed her Flutterjob, and began to suck less gently now. In fact, the current suction was pretty intense. This was coupled with the occasional sloppy sounding *pop* that really turned Anon on. It wasn't long before Anon was ready to cum.

"Get ready, Fluttershy. It's coming!" Anon warned.

"It's okay, Anon. Let it aalll out for mama" Fluttershy invited.

"I'm coming!" Anon RSVP'd. Anon shot a surprisingly large amount of cum into Fluttershy's mouth, which was also surprisingly swallowed by Fluttershy. She released Anon from her mouth, but continued to use her wings to finish the job.

"That's pretty tasty Anon, and I should know...I've sampled many different species'" Fluttershy said, while Anon's dick continued to shoot rope after rope of semen onto her face, wings, and general mane area.

"Thanks!" Anon replied. Soon, he was done, and excused himself to use the bathroom.

"You go right ahead, Anon! I'll make us some nice soup in the meantime" Fluttershy offered.

"That's very kind, Fluttershy. Thank you."

Anon went to the restroom with a singular purpose; overcome his refractory period. He was bound and determined to get some of that Flutterpussy before he left this cottage.

To be concluded.

Seducing the Mane Six: Flutterjob Part 2: Flutter Harder

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Anon had just finished getting a heavenly blowjob from Banana Hush Hush aka Yellow Quiet aka Fluttershy. Although initially frightened by little Anon, she had happily slobbed knob after Anon explained he couldn't control his mating cycle without any female humans around. It seemed she offered her Flutterjobs to animals who couldn't find mates, or refused to (Anon had watched Squash Whisper suck off Angle Bunny, and Celestia knows there was plenty of girly rabbit tail for the little bastard). Anon was now in Flutter's bathroom, trying his damnedest to get hard again so he could pound some Flutterpuss.

Anon looked around Shy's bathroom and found a few things to help. First, he used some moisturizer that she had in her bathroom cabinet to get some nice jerkin' lube. Second, he found Flutter's dirty clothes hamper, and wouldn't you know it there were some adorable little panties that Anon brought to his face, greedily inhaling the scent; flowery and fresh. That did it; little Anon wasn't so little any more. Anon put Flutter's pantsu back into the hamper, and ran some warm water over his dick to wash off the moisturizer; he didn't want to tip off Fluttershy to his elaborate ruse.

Anon walked back into the kitchen quietly, wanting Fluttershy to discover his "little" problem naturally, just to see her reaction. The sight Anon beheld upon entering the kitchen surprised him instead. Fluttershy was indeed making a fine-smelling soup, but he noticed that her tail was up, and her horse pussy was winking wildly. She squirmed uncomfortably, reaching a hoof back to try and force her tail down over her winking maregina. Had Anon known this was going to happen, he wouldn't have spent so much time in the bathroom; this sight alone would have been enough.

Anon changed his mind about waiting for Fluttershy to notice. He cleared his throat, and Fluttershy flew straight up almost to the ceiling, letting out a tiny shriek.

"Anon!" Fluttershy yelled, "I...I didn't hear you come in. I was just making soup and-"

Fluttershy's eyes locked onto Anon's dick.

"Ah-Anon...are you already excited again?" Fluttershy asked in a whisper.

"I'm not worried about me, Fluttershy. What about you? You were...presenting." Anon whispered back.

Fluttershy floated back down to the ground but her wings stayed erect. Her face was deep red and she looked like she was about to cry.

"Ah-I think my cycle just started. I usually just hide in my cottage when estrus takes ahold of me, but maybe with you here..." Fluttershy trailed off.

Anon walked straight to Flutterbutter and put a hand on her head, itching behind her ears.

"I can take care of it Fluttershy. Let's go to the bedroom." Anon said calmly and in as friendly a tone as he could muster.

"Okay..." Fluttershy whispered, averting eye contact.

Anon picked up Fluttershy and held her in his arms on her back. She met his eyes briefly and gave the tiniest smile, but her shyness overtook her and she averted her gaze, hiding her face with her hooves. She was so God-damned cute. With Fluttershy hiding her face, Anon took the opportunity to spy him some Flutterteats while he carried her to the bedroom. Her pony boobies were small and pert. Likewise, her nipples seemed somewhat undersized, but were presently erect and easily visible. Anon started rubbing her Fluttertummy and allowed his hands to wander. Fluttershy let out little coos every time Anon grazed a finger across one of her little nipples, and occasionally she'd let out a tiny yelp when Anon allowed his free hand to go farther south, petting Fluttershy's very playful pussy.

"Here we are," said Anon softly, "are you ready?"

Fluttershy came out from behind her hooves and nodded.

"Please be gentle, Anon. It's my first time" Fluttershy managed to say without stuttering.

"You're a very brave pony, Fluttershy. I'll be as gentle or as rough as you'd like" Anon said genuinely.

Anon was ready to get this show on the road, but he wasn't going to miss out on sampling various Flutter-tastes. Anon laid Fluttershy out on her back on the bed, and got down on his knees. He grabbed her by the back hooves and pushed them forward. The view in front of him was awe-inspiring. Fluttershy's clitoris was still winking randomly but frequently. Anon took in her smell again, directly from the source this time. Like her panties, she smelled fresh, like a garden after a spring rain. Anon stuck out his tongue and sampled some Flutterjuice, directly from the source. Fluttershy let out a soft squee as Anon lapped and sucked at her nethers.

With all the refinement of an expert wine taster, Anon let Fluttershy's essence wash over him. She tasted not unlike her scent; flowery and fresh. However, there was a sour aftertaste, like lemongrass, that drove Anon wild. It was addicting, and it took everything Anon had to pull himself away. Before leaving the area altogether, Anon also sampled from Flutter's puckered pony posterior. Every time Fluttershy's clit winked, her anus would twitch as well. It was as cute as it was erotic. Anon lowered himself slightly and inhaled through his nose once before plunging his tongue deep into her rubbery anus. Fluttershy squealed louder than she had before, probably from the surprise of it all.

"Anon! Don't...Ah~" Fluttershy protested.

Anon ignored her little outburst, and allowed this more exotic taste to wash over him. It was surprisingly sweat, like honey, and had an obvious taste of oats, with a nutty aftertaste. Damn if pony's didn't just taste really fucking good regardless of the area. Anon allowed his tongue to exit, and he raised himself over Fluttershy, trailing his tongue across her little body as he did so. He made sure to stop to kiss and suckle her teats, giving playful nibbles that Fluttershy was surprisingly silent for, but Anon knew she liked it, because she pushed his head harder into her crotchtits as he did so.

Anon finally stopped nibbling her little nipples before continuing up on the bed. He completely eclipsed her tiny figure; his legs sticking awkwardly off the side of the bed, his knees barely steady on the mattress they were planted on. He looked into her soft blue eyes and kissed the timid pony on the muzzle, before using his tongue to open her mouth. Fluttershy protested, but was too weak to stop his sloppy makeouts. She clearly wasn't super keen on kissing open mouthed, so Anon backed off. Instead, he scooted up a bit more on the bed and sat up on his knees, allowing his cock to look Fluttershy right in the face.

"What is this, Fluttershy?" Anon asked.

"You...your penis." Fluttershy said with some confidence.

"What would you like it to do?" Anon asked.

"I...I want it to...go in my..." Fluttershy trailed off.

Anon shrugged. He thrust forward gently, allowing the tip of his penis to slightly enter Fluttershy's right nostril.

"Anon! What? Stop it-" Fluttershy protested, but she was in no position to shake the wang out of her nose.

"I'm only trying to do what you said," Anon replied coyly, "I'm just not sure where you want me to enter."

"Uhh-uhh..." Fluttershy continued to try to get the willy out of her nasal cavity. Anon just looked at her like an idiot. She allowed herself to go slack, finally giving in.

"I want you...I want pound my pussy!" Fluttershy said with her eyes closed, dick still in her nose.

"Fluttershy! I can't believe you would say such a thing" Anon said, Fluttershy blushing as deep a red as she physically could, "I thought you loved animals!" Fluttershy opened her eyes and looked like she was about to cry.

"I want you to put your penis is my...vagina" She whispered.

"Your what?" Anon was loving this, the jerk.

"My vagina!" Fluttershy yelled as loud as she could, which was about as loud as a kitten yawning. Anon had had his fun.

"Why didn't you just say so, cutie?" Anon said, eliciting an exacerbated but relieved look from Fluttershy.

Anon pulled his dick from her nose, and Fluttershy let out a little sneeze. Still on her back, Fluttershy looked downward towards her unmentionables. Anon was lining himself up with her pussy when she began to tense up. Anon looked at her and gave a reassuring nod, reached forward and scratched her under the chin and on her ears. She began to relax again, when Anon inched slowly forward. As he entered the pony, he found the tightness to be on par with the Cutie Mark Crusaders, which was impressive to say the least. Fluttershy barked out, and tears began to stream down her face. Despite that reaction, her pussy had latched onto Anon's dick, and was rhythmically pulling him farther inside. In fact, Anon had noticed she was winking like crazy. He was about to ask if she just came when a sudden outpouring of marecum escaped her nethers. Fluttershy continued to cry, breathing heavily in between soft sobs.

"Did that feel good, my little pony?" Anon said because he's a fucking square.

Fluttershy looked at him and nodded, and allowed a beautiful smile to spread across her face. She exhaled, and then nodded again at Anon.

"Keep going; you need to let little Anon cum deep inside. Mama Fluttershy wouldn't have it any other way" Fluttershy said in as sultry a voice as she could manage. Holy Oedipus Complex, Batmare!

Anon began lightly thrusting, Fluttershy now slightly more relaxed than before. As Anon thrust harder, Fluttershy began to let out little "no's" here and there, which confused Anon at first, but Anon was reassured by her sweet face that she didn't really mean it. She was now wrapped up in a bit of internal roleplaying, and Anon would never think poorly of a pony because of her particular quirks and kinks; who was he to judge?

Anon eventually worked himself into a frenzy, and had begun pounding Flutterpussy in the way he originally dreamed, mostly. She was now yelling no and stop with every other thrust, and had began crying again, which Anon now knew was her way of saying she was about to cum. Anon was getting close, when suddenly he heard a crash behind him.

"Stop hurting Fluttershy, you monster!" Anon heard a familiar voice crack behind him, before everything went black.

To be continued...

Right now.

Anon's hearing came back before his vision. He heard voices that sounded like they were underwater, before they started to get clearer. He heard one pony crying while another was yelling and clearly upset. His vision started to come to. He was looking at Fluttershy's ceiling. He realized he was now laying on his back on Fluttershy's bed. He could feel something tugging at him from below, and he looked down. Fluttershy was desperately sucking on his cock, tears running down her face. Rainbow Dash was flying right behind her asking her why she was so mad at her.

"Because he wasn't hurting me!" Fluttershy said, cock somewhat muffling her words.

"We were making love, Rainbow. I'm in heat and Anon was helping me" Fluttershy said, looking slightly happier as Anon's dick started to stiffen again. She then positioned herself on top of Anon, and led his dick into her still-winking pussy with her wing. She began bouncing gingerly up and down, without much finesse or rhythm. Anon probably would have cum right then and there from the cuteness if it wasn't for the intense headache.

"But you were yelling for him to stop! I was trying to help you..." Rainbow Dash said, genuinely upset and confused.

"It's okay Rainbow Dash; I'd have done the same thing." Anon said softly.

"Anon!" Both ponies yelled in unison. Fluttershy was so startled she flew right back up off of Anon's dick, which escaped her mare vag with a loud sloppy pop. She then tucked her wings and fell back down on Anon, quickly lining herself back up and riding his dick again.

"Geez Fluttershy, you sure are an eager beaver today, huh?" Anon said, the haze in his brain rapidly thinning. Fluttershy didn't say anything, she simply continued bouncing up and down, but she did let a smile escape through it all.

"I'm so so so so soooo sorry Anon" Rainbow said, "I didn't know..."

"I already said it was okay, Rainbow. Besides, we're both here to help her now, huh?" Anon pointed at the bouncing pony. Rainbow just looked at Anon confused. Anon then reached forward and grabbed Fluttershy's butt-cheeks. Fluttershy squeaked, but otherwise continued her task. Anon then spread them ever so slightly, exposing the lewd picture going on in front of Rainbow.

Rainbow watched as her friend's pussy spread open, taking in this foreign, exotic human dick. She also saw her friend's anus twitch with every thrust. Rainbow felt her wings slowly extend into an erect position. She looked back at Anon, who locked eyes with the Rainbow horse. Anon wiggled his eyebrows up and down, slightly nodding his head down. Rainbow shook off the momentary shock, and smiled. Licking her lips, she slowly trotted forward. She stuck out her tongue, going straight for her yellow friend's anus. Her pink tongue connected, and Fluttershy would have shot straight off of Anon's dick again had he not been holding her down.

"No! Rainbow...stop~" Fluttershy moaned.

"You get it now, Dash?" Anon said, leaning to the side. Rainbow leaned to lock eyes with him and nodded.

"I get it, Anon. Let me make it up to both of you." Rainbow said, before pulling herself a little closer to the action.

Rainbow again stuck out her tongue, and this time began lapping from the base, where Anon's scrotum met his shaft, lapping upwards across the underside of his dick and then onto and across Fluttershy's pussy, and further still upwards to her anus. Fluttershy gasped at the contact and had almost frozen in place, losing the slight rhythm she had developed. Anon had an opposite reaction; the contact sent wave after wave of pleasure through his body, and it made him thrust upwards as deeply into Fluttershy as possible. With each thrust Anon's hips would come back down, only to meet RD's tongue where the process started all over again. These somewhat wild convulsions continued like this, until Anon felt himself edging closer towards climax. Fluttershy had begun weeping again so Anon knew she was close too. Anon stole a quick glance at Rainbow as well, who had her butt pointed upwards; he could see one of her hooves had found its way back to her blueberry pussy, and her wings were starting to flap occasionally as she touched herself. He could hear her own separate lewd noises as she masturbated while she continued licking her friends' intimate connection point.

Anon gripped onto Flutterbooty and began to thrust harder. He kept up this loud, rough pace briefly until Fluttershy once again let out her marecum all over the bed, his balls, and Rainbow's face. Rainbow let out a raspy moan as she continued licking and switched to sucking. With a final push, Anon thrust up into Fluttershy, simultaneously pressing her down with his hands. She let out a loud "yes" as anon poured his seed into her. Shot after shot of semen entered Fluttershy's womb, until some started to leak out. Rainbow greedily lapped it up as she too began to cum, sending her own marejuices behind her onto Fluttershy's quaint cottage floor. Fluttershy collapsed onto Anon's chest, eyes closed with a content smile on her face.

"So warm..." Fluttershy whispered, snuggling close to Anon.

At that point Anon realized he was beginning to slip out of 'Shy, when suddenly he realized his hypersensitive, post-climax dick was being marehandled and had found its way into Rainbow Dash's mouth. She sucked and bobbed her head with great force and speed, coaxing out a few more small ropes of cum which she happily swallowed.

"I hope that makes us even, Anon. I really am sorry about earlier" Rainbow said as she too crawled up onto the bed and onto Anon's chest.

"We usually spend our estrus together, Fluttershy and me. We tend to go into heat together and neither of us are really into any of the stallions in Ponyville, so we just take care of one another." Rainbow said as she snuggled up against Anon and Fluttershy.

"But I guess if Fluttershy thinks you're cool enough to bang, so do I. Would you mind helping me too? After a nap, of course" Rainbow asked already knowing the answer, closing her eyes and almost immediately snoring.

Well...that went better than expected.

Seducing the Mane Six: Pounding Ponko

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We interrupt this story about fucking a blue rainbow horse to bring you this important story about fucking a pink bouncy horse.

Anon had enjoyed his time with Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy; he had spent the last couple days happily helping them with their estrus heat, and even convinced them to join his steadily growing stable of special someponies...Rainbow was more excited about it than Anon figured she would be. At first he was scared she might be overprotective of Scootaloo, but at the mention of her name, Rainbow's wings had extended. Anon remembered Rainbow trying her best to hide them and playing it off like she was just happy Scoots had found a suitor. Regardless, Anon had left the Fluttercottage feeling fully rested, but somewhat low on energy; Fluttershy didn't have anything in the way of coffee or sweets. He decided he'd go and get a sugar rush at Sugar Cube Corner. In a rare display, Anon donned some simple clothes Rarity had fashioned for him. Anon enjoyed going around naked most times, but when he was planning on eating, he liked to wear clothes since he noticed that in colorful horse society it was a little more common to dress up for things like eating out.

When Anon arrived at Sugar Cube Corner he was surprised to find Pinkie working alone; he had expected to see Mr. or Mrs. Cake manning the front counter with the other baking in the back, but instead he found Pinkie zipping back and forth from the kitchen to the counter. She hadn't noticed Anon's arrival despite the door's welcome bell jingle. Anon cleared his throat.

"AAHHH!" Pinkie screamed, startled. "Oh hi Anon. What can I get you today? I'm by myself but I've baked a whole lot of goodies; cupcakes, sugar cookies, punkin-muffins, and frosted carrots!" Pinkie said enthusiastically, ignoring her own scream like nothing had happened.

"Hi Pinkie. Honestly, I don't know what I want...maybe one of each? It all sounds pretty good." Anon replied.

"SURE!" Pinkie yelled, and in a flash she was gone. The next moment she had returned with each treat arranged on a plate.

"Dig in, Nonny!" Pinkie said, offering the plate. Anon wasn't especially fond of the nickname, but he didn't complain; whenever Pinkie used a strange pet name, Anon simply bastardized Pinkie's in turn.

"Thanks, Ponk!" Anon yelled, before stuffing his face.

"That'll be 8 bits please!" Pinkie said with a big grin. Anon reached into his pocket and noticed his wallet was missing.

"Awww poop; I think I left my wallet at Fluttershy's..." Anon said.

"Nonny! Watch your language." Pinkie said in a serious tone, stifling a giggle.

Anon sometimes forgot that even by magical friendship horse world standards, Pinkie was actually pretty conservative. Growing up on a rock farm will do that to a pony, Anon supposed.

"Sorry Panky. Is it okay if I work off the debt? I can help you bake; you seem like you have your hooves full" Anon offered.

Pinkie thought for a moment and said "Well sure, that'd be swell! I'll just work at the front counter while you bake some more treats. We need donuts. Could you maybe make some plain glazed donuts, and a couple dozen cream filled? You can make a few dozen of your choice, too."

"No problem!" Anon proclaimed. Anon didn't do much back on Earth aside from watch cartoons, masturbate, and eat. However, because of his personal love for eating, he had taught himself how to cook, and he had worked in many different kitchens in his old life. Sure, he usually got fired for jerkin' in the bathroom on his breaks, but no one would deny his skill in the kitchen.

Anon got right to work, and started making donuts. He made some glazed, cream filled, jelly filled, a few dozen cake icing-topped donuts with various colors, and then made a few powdered donuts for good measure. Anon laughed to himself; the powdered donuts really did look like Rarity's butthole. Suddenly Pinkie burst into the kitchen.

"Whatcha laughin' at, Nonny?" Pinkie asked.

"Oh...well...what's this remind you of?" Anon asked, holding up a fresh, white powdered donut.

Pinkie stood there with a perplexed look. Anon then made a toot noise with his mouth. Pinkie started grinning slowly, a slight blush appearing on her face.

"Hahaha! Nonny, that's gross!" Pinkie laughed out loud, snorting at the end, "I'll never look at powdered donuts the same again."

"Or Rarity's anus" Anon replied in a deadpan manner. Pinkie's laughter filled the room, with occasional snorts that Anon was beginning to think were super cute.

"Oh man," Anon thought, "I didn't even intend to come here to sex up Pinkie today...but those laughing snorts are giving me a boner..."

Anon looked over at the cake icing donuts he had made, eyeing up the pink ones in particular. He grabbed one.

"What's this remind you of, Ponkster?" Anon asked, holding up a pink icing donut.

Pinkie's laughter subsided, and turned to a hushed giggle.

"Don't tease me, Anon" Pinkie squeaked.

"That's not teasing...this is teasing." Anon took the pink donut to his mouth and began to lick around the outer ring. He then plunged his tongue through the open hole. Anon could see Pinkie's blush darken to a crimson.

"Would you care to sample my fine baking skills, Pinkie?" Anon asked through the donut.

"You know I do" Pinkie said in a manner that Anon couldn't decide was knowing or innocent. Pinkie approached Anon slowly, and then went right past him to the stash of donuts he had baked. She began trying one of each. Was she playing hard to get?

"Well, if you're going to sample my treats...I think I'm going to sample yours" Anon said.

"You already tried mine earlieaAaAAAhHH!" Pinkie was startled when Anon plunged his tongue into her puffy pink marehood.

"Anon! What are you doing to me?" Pinkie asked, again in a tone that Anon didn't recognize as knowing or innocent.

"I'm just sampling the best baker in Ponyville's best treat!" Anon answered before plunging his tongue back into her sugary but sour nethers.

"I don't know Nonny...your donuts are pretty good" Pinkie said, before stifling a chuckle and a snort. This goofy horse knew exactly what was up.

Anon refrained from eating out Pinkie's now winking horse pussy. Pinkie turned around and gave him a look that seemed to ask "why are you stopping?" Anon locked eyes with Pinkie, "Why don't we take a break and I'll show you first-hand some of my personal baking secrets?"

"Let's go upstairs to my room, " Pinkie said, her breath quickening "and bring some donuts."

Pinkie bounced out of the kitchen, and upstairs to her room in a flash. Anon grabbed a dozen icing donuts. He got an idea and dropped his pants to hide the baker's dozenth on his engorged member before walking carefully upstairs.

Pinkie bounded back out of her room, yelling "OH MY GOSH I ALMOST FORGOT!"

She rushed to the front door and switched the open sign to "out to lunch." She bounded back up the stairs and into her room before Anon was even halfway up.

"Horse Apples!" Pinkie yelled before bounding back down again.

"Oh God! What is it this time?" Anon thought to himself, walking slowly and deliberately up the stairs to avoid destroying the donut on his dick hidden under his pants.

Pinkie rushed back downstairs and turned off all the ovens, including the one Anon was using to make donuts.

"You trying to burn the building down, Anon?"

There was a long pause.

"It's hot enough already with you here!" She snorted as she darted back upstairs bouncing at the entrance of her room as Anon finally arrived through the threshold. Inside, Pinkie's room was cute and pink and sweet; just like her.

"I see you brought a dozen" Pinkie observed.

"Yeah, but you're a VIP customer. You get a baker's dozen!" Anon said, knowing what he was hiding. Pinkie smiled and counted the donuts in the box. With her gaze in the donut box, Anon dropped his pants.

"Hey, what kind of scam are you trying to pull, there's only twel" Anon cut Pinkie off mid sentence by abruptly and not at all sexily shoving his dick in her face, with the 13th donut around the base.

"I'm a man of my word, PinkIIIIEEEE~" It was Pinkie's turn to cut off Anon. She had already begun fellating him, licking and sucking and otherwise gobbling his dick to get at the baker's special treat. She was also snorting intermittently; clearly she thought Anon's little surprise was funny. Anon looked down to watch Pinkie going to town on his donut dick. He liked what he saw...but he wanted to see something else.

"Pinkie, I appreciate that you think I'm a solid baker," Anon said.

"Sholid...heh heh, good one, Nonny" Pinkie snorted with a mouth full of dick.

"Ahem, yes. I appreciate your praise, but you deserve more than any pony. Why, your talent at donut-making is unsurpassed. I've had my eye on yours all day..." Anon said, raising and lowering his eyebrows repeatedly.

"mmmh but Nonny, I didn't make any donuts today..." Pinkie said in a pondering tone. Suddenly Anon picked the pink pony up, turning her upside down with a sudden hoist, leaving her head still dangling near his privates.

"I'm talking about this amazing donut right here" Anon proclaimed. He began prodding Pinkie's puckered butthole, which truly resembled a little pink donut. He began with a single finger. Pinkie snorted and giggled again, but resumed suckling on Anon's nearly donutless dick again in her newfound upside-down position.

"I've been waiting to taste this particular delicacy of Sugar Cube Corner for some time..." Anon said. After a bit more poking and prodding with a finger, then two, Anon resolved to take the true taste test.

"AHHhhhmmmhmmhmhm" Pinkie yelled and then clamped down on Anon's dick again as she stifled more laughs.

As he ate out Pinkie's ponut, Anon was again reminded of how good these technicolor horses tasted. Pinkie's anus was honest to goodness not that much different than an actual strawberry donut, and only slightly tasted like a barn.

Pinkie let off Anon's dick with a pop, "When are you going to give me the cream filling anon?"

"All in due time, Pinkie my dear. The best kind of baking is on a slow burn" Anon said, continuing the baking entendres.

He flipped Pinkie around and gave her a big kiss, exchanging all sorts of fluids and sugars as their tongues wrestled. Anon threw her to the bed with a "pomf."

"Ahh! What are we going to do on the bed, Nonny?" Pinkie asked.

Anon didn't get the reference and handed her the box of donuts "Pinkie, we are going to make baking history."

Anon pointed at his dick and motioned for Pinkie to throw donuts at them.

"OH! I love ring toss!" Pinkie yelled. Less than 2 seconds later, Pinkie had tossed half a dozen donuts perfectly around Anon's dick.

"Good Lord, much ring toss do you play to be this good?" Anon asked, equal parts impressed and confused.

"Oh, didn't you know? I'm an Equestrian ring toss champion! And I get lots of practice at all the parties I throw! I'm pretty good at horse-shoes too" Pinkie explained.

"That...actually makes good sense, Ponk...but enough of that, we're going to make my famous top-secret recipe: a super cream filled lucky number 7 Pinkie supreme." Anon stated with an air of mystery.

"How do we do that, Nonny?" Pinkie asked, intrigued.

"Like...THIS!" Anon quickly grabbed the pink mare and she playfully struggled to get away, but Anon held fast and turned her around, lining himself up and then...

"AhhahaaaaAAAAANONNN!" Pinkie cried out.

Anon plunged his dick into her puckered but recently lubricated poop chute. The six donuts compressed together as he inched further in, like an accordion. In fact, the motion was so similar Anon half expected an actual accordion noise to escape, but figured it's for the best that it didn't...wouldn't want to remind Ponk of that waifu stealing Cheese Sandwich.

Anon regained focus, looking at the cartoon physics that kept the donuts perfectly preserved while he pounded her perfectly plump pony posterior.

"Nonny! This is amazing!" Pinkie panted, "You really may be the best baker in Equestria!"

"Nonono. I'm just lucky to have such good ingredients, and a great teacher," Anon said. Pinkie actually blushed at that cornball line; what a goofball.

"BUT NOW WE NEED MILK!" Anon shouted.

Anon reached forward suddenly and grabbed for Pinkie's pert teats. He kneaded them and pinched them, poked them and prodded them. Anon really had a lot of fun with her crotch tits, is what I'm getting at.

"NONNY" Pinkie yelled, between giggles, "Stop it *snort* or I'm gonna..."

Pinkie released a torrent of mare cum from her winking maregina. Anon could feel the warmness splash against his balls and onto his legs and feet. He sampled the taste; it tasted like pink lemonade, which didn't surprise Anon at all.

"That's some damn fine fresh squeezed Pank lemonade, Ponkie."

Pinkie snorted again in between panting.

"But there's still one ingredient left!" Anon yelled. He doubled his efforts, slamming into and out of her tight but elastic cartoon anus. He watched as her ponut reacted identically to his thrusts as the rest of the donuts. Anon heard Pinkie begin breathing heavily again and he felt himself edging towards climax.

"Here comes the cream filling you wanted!" Anon yelled. Pinkie came again in response, releasing another torrent of mare jizz all over the damn place. The lewd noise of it all sent Anon over the edge, and he came deep inside her bowels. God damn, that was the weirdest sex Anon had ever had...subjectively.

"Nonny, that was the most romantic love making I've ever had...objectively. Let's get married!" Pinkie yelled.

Before Anon could react, Pinkie had released her ponut's grip on him, turned around, and was suckling on the exposed tip of his wilting man-sausage, coaxing out one last shot of cream filling down her throat. She snorted and began eating the 6 remaining donuts.

"This is delicious, Nonny. Do you have any other secret recipes you can show me?"

To be continued...

Not right now, sorry.

Seducing the Mane Six: Ponking Pank Prat 2

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We now continue the story about fucking a bouncy pink horse. Rainbow horse coming soon...[get it?]

Anon had just had a grand old time putting his engorged cream-filled eclair inside Pinkie's donut hole. Pinkie had found it all very romantic, and laughed frequently at Anon's terrible sex and bakery jokes. But now it was time to get serious. Anon and Pinkie had begun snuggling a bit on her bed. Pinkie was waiting for Anon to tell him about his next baking secret. She was also idly playing with his man-bits, poking and prodding them gently with her soft hooves.

"Pinkie, this is a very serious baking technique I'm about to teach you" Anon said in a serious tone.

"I'm ready to learn, Nonny. Just tell me what I need to do" Pinkie replied, still playfully batting around Anon's dick, which had started to get less and less flaccid with each passing moment. Pinkie chortled when she noticed it was hardening up again. Anon stayed straight-faced.

"Penk. I'm going to put a very special bun in your very special oven" Anon said looking the pink mare in the eyes. Pinkie gasped.

"You mean..." Pinkie looked back and forth at imaginary eavesdroppers "You're going to put some of your special batter in my baby oven?"

"That's right Pinkie. Only the best of bakers can see this recipe through to completion. Are you up for the task?" Anon asked.

"I am!" Pinkie nodded.

"Then let's begin" Anon exclaimed. "The first step is readying the milk, to ensure proper freshness."

Anon flipped Pinkie on her back, and began massaging her teats. He hadn't gotten a good look at them before when he manhandled them in their buttfuck session earlier, but now he was looking right at them. They were bigger than Fluttershy's, that was certain. In fact, from what he had spied of the mane six's breasts, Anon was pretty sure Pinkie's were the largest. As he massaged them, Pinkie moaned softly. Anon enjoyed their bouncy, squishy feeling. After ensuring Pinkie had no strange lumps (one can never be too safe), Anon tweaked Pinkie's even pinker nipples. Pinkie yelped, but giggled afterwards. Anon went ahead and got in the 69 position, since he figured it was the most practical thing to do with crotchtits.

"Be sure to test the batter, Pinkie. Make sure to mix it up" Anon said while he positioned himself. Pinkie snorted and began to suckle on the tip of his penis. Maybe it was from her extensive experience licking and sucking on lolipops, or maybe Pinkie was just a w[hor{s}e], but it felt absolutely incredible.

Meanwhile, Anon began to suckle directly from Pinkie's teats. Anon probably wouldn't have believed it had he not already sampled so many neon horse flavors, but her breasts tasted just like strawberry Nesquik. He wondered if she had been producing milk, would it have been pink itself? He guessed that it probably would have, but he figured he'd just ask about it later. Anon ensured that Pinkie's nipples were now completely erect and satisfied before moving slightly lower to her nethers.

"The milk is of the highest quality. Now I need to preheat your oven" Anon said. Pinkie simply giggled as she continued sucking human cock.

Anon had noticed her clitoris winking wildly during his teat suckling, slightly out of view, but not out of earshot; with every wink, Anon could hear a quiet squelching noise. This noise drove him wild, and ever since his horsefuckery had begun he had thanked God (or was it Celestia?) that ponies were built so erotically. Anon dove right in, lapping at Pinkie's puss with much enthusiasm, if only to match Pinkie's own pace. She tensed up for a moment before mumbling something under her breath.

"What was that, Pinkie?" Anon asked in between licks.

"That feels great Nonny, but please be careful; you don't want to set the oven on fire" Pinkie giggled at her own joke before latching back onto Anon's dick.

"But Ponkie Poe, my dear. The oven needs to be quite hot for this special baker's treat" Anon said mischievously.

Before Pinkie could react, Anon had began sucking her clit directly. Pinkie coughed and spat out Anon's dick from the sudden shock.

"Anon!" Pinkie shouted so loud the ponies in Cloudsdale probably heard.

Anon didn't show Pinkie's clit any mercy. Whenever he felt her clit wink, he would suck as hard as he could so that it couldn't go back into hiding. Pinkie was so tense it reminded Anon of the fainting goats he used to laugh at on the internet. Anon began to chuckle to himself while he sucked on Pinkie's tender button. It was then that Pinkie's floodgates seemed to open, and a torrent of marecum poured out from her velvet folds. Pinkie began laughing herself, possibly from the lewd noise that had also escaped her maregina; a loud flapping noise not completely unlike a fart. Anon once again thanked the maker for the way ponies were built. He lapped up some of the fluids and savored her pink lemonade taste.

"Anon...that was...incredible" Pinkie managed to say between gasps.

"Fantastic, Pinkie. Now we can commence with the baking" Anon kept up the baking narrative.

"Yes sir!" Pinkie yelled, back in the game. She hopped to attention and turned her rear to Anon, her tail raised high, presenting her beautiful pink pony pussy just for him. Anon nearly came at the sight; he was surprised by how close he already was to cumming. Then Anon got an idea.

"First, to add the special batter that you so expertly prepared." After Anon finished this sentence, he plunged himself deep into Pinkie's nethers, and came deep into her womb. The shock and surprise of it all, coupled by her intense post-orgasm sensitivity, caused Pinkie to cum once again. Her legs shook and another jet of hot mare juices poured out from her most precious of places. Anon then began to slam in and out of Pinkie, allowing shot after shot, rope after rope of his hot, thick love seed to enter deep inside of the pink mare. Pinkie had started giggling and snorting again, and tears rolled down her face as her laughter filled the room.

"Now we need to mix it for approximately 30 minutes" Anon proclaimed. Pinkie looked back behind her with a look of shock.

"Nonny! I can't be on break that long...I~"Anon cut off Pinkie mid sentence and began pounding her harder, trying to keep his manhood solid during his refractory period.

"Don't worry about that, Pinkie; with this new baking technique, you'll be sure to make up the time" Anon cornballed.

"You're the boss, Anon!" Pinkie exclaimed, and began pushing back into Anon, getting in sync with his thrusts. Anon had noticed that Pinkie had materialized an egg timer from Celestia-knows-where and set it for 30 minutes.

For the next 30 minutes, Anon indulged in Pinkie's red velvet cake, and Pinkie indulged in Anon's hot cinnamon stick. At right around the 29 minute mark, Anon wasn't sure if he could cum without help; frankly he was exhausted.

"Pinkie, now it's your turn to prove to me you're the better baker! We have one more step; we need to add frosting to the batter and we have less than a minute. Can you make this happen?" Anon asked in as serious a tone he could muster.

"Leave it to me!" Pinkie yelled, as she shoved Anon down on the bed before riding him like the hyperactive hurricane that she was. She bounced so fast on top of Anon that all he could really make out was a pink blur. As the seconds ticked closer and closer towards the goal, Anon thought he saw a slight glow emanating from where his crotch and the pink blur that was Pinkie's pie joined. The glow got brighter and brighter when suddenly Anon heard the first ring of the egg timer, and in that moment it was as if time had slowed to a crawl.

The ringing had begun to remind Anon of a heavenly chorus, and Anon noticed he could now see Pinkie in hyper detail as she bounced up and down on his member. He noticed her pink cotton candy-like hair bouncing up and down with her. He noticed her adorable face, full of lust and smiles, looking down at him. He noticed her crotch tits bouncing up and down in a slightly different rhythm than her hair. He noticed her pussy gobbling his dick; her clit winking and squeezing down on him with a great force. And in that moment, Anon came once more, and Pinkie slightly thereafter. Anon could hear Ode to Joy filling his ears from an unknown source, and he didn't care where it was coming from.

Anon reached forward and grabbed Pinkie, and pulled her down to lay on top of him. He laid there on the bed with her in his arms, thrusting his hips forward one more time as the last throws of orgasm pulsed through his body, shooting a few final loads deep inside her. Finally he began to go soft, and Anon's dick slid out of Pinkie's wondrous hole.

"And now, Pinkie...if everything went just should have a perfect little bun in your oven" Anon exhaled.

"Wow..." was all Pinkie could manage.

"You do know I'm talking about knocking you up right?" Anon asked. Pinkie nodded.

"Can...can I even get you pregnant?" Anon asked again. Pinkie shrugged and smiled.

"I don't know; there's lots of neat hybrid peoples throughout Equestria. Maybe" Pinkie explained.

"And you're cool with that?" Anon asked.

"Sure, yeah! I love babies, and I think having a hybrid might be neat!" Pinkie shouted.

"I should probably also mention that I may have already cum inside Fluttershy..."Anon trailed off.

"I know!" Pinkie said with joy in her voice, "I was wondering when you were going to get to me."

"But, how, when...what?" Anon asked, confused.

"My Pinkie sense, silly!" Pinkie explained that her Pinkie sense also allowed her to know when her closest friends had orgasmed, and she had noticed that when her right ear twitched, she knew that Fluttershy had cum, and that at that exact same moment her left nostril itched, so she knew that Anon had cum.

"So...I'm one of your closest friends?" Anon asked.

"Of course, goofball! I don't throw parties for just anyone!" Pinkie said, seeing nothing false about the statement.

"So you know..." Anon trailed off.

"That you fucked the filly Crusaders and Rainbow Dash? Sure!" Pinkie said cheerfully.

"Pinkie! Language!" Anon scolded Pinkie, and she blushed in turn.

"So do you want to join our herd, Pinkie?" Anon asked sincerely.

"Duh" Pinkie replied, crossing her eyes at Anon before laughing.

"Wonderful...well, I guess we should get back to work!" Anon said, rolling Pinkie off his chest.

"Yup! Let me clean you up first" Pinkie said nonchalauntly as she trotted over and gave Anon a quick post-sex cleanup blowjob. Anon had begun to think this was some sort of normal thing in Equestria, but was always too distracted by the act itself to ask if that was the case.

"Let's get back to it!" Pinkie proclaimed, as they exited her room and back downstairs.

Halfway down the stairs, Pinkie stopped suddenly. Her right eyelid began to flutter.

"You okay Pinkie?" Anon asked, concerned.

"Ummm, yeah...I think so. That was was some sort of Pinkie sense that I've never felt before...I wonder what that means..." Pinkie let her mind wander. "Huh. Well, no time to ponder! Look at that line out the door!"

Pinkie and Anon then commenced to working their asses off for the rest of the day to feed the sweet tooth of Ponyville.

The end.

Of Ponk's story. We'll return shortly to the Rainbow Dash story on our next installment. After that stay tuned to see what kind of trouble Anon can get into at Sweet Apple Acres.

Seducing the Mane Six: Gotta go fast with Rainbow Dash

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We now return to the story previously in progress. You know the one...

Anon was in the middle of a wonderfully snuggly nap with two cutie mares. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were snuggled up together on Anon's chest, and both were sound asleep. Anon had watched them sleep for a bit before nodding off himself. Anon dreamed of the future; a future where he was considered royalty in Equestria, and he ruled benevolently with his herd of pretty girl ponies, all honorary princesses. There were little half-pony half-human hybrids all around, and Anon recognized them all as his children. Anon's dream seemed incredibly real, and although he knew it had to be a dream, he reveled in the warm glow that was the love and admiration he and his large family shared for one another. Suddenly Anon's dream took a turn, and his vision was filled with darkness. Anon's mare friends and family were all gone, and Anon was alone in his castle. Laughter reverberated throughout the hall, as the castle began to shrink around him. A dark silhouetted figure began to approach him, but before it could reach him Anon was startled awake.

Anon looked around and noticed that Blue Fast and Yellow Quiet were nowhere to be seen. He began to panic.

"Hello!?" Anon yelled from Fluttershy's bedroom.

"HELLO!" Rainbow Dash yelled as she suddenly appeared in front of Anon followed by a gust of wind.

"AHH!" Anon started "oh...hey. Sorry, I'm just a little jumpy. Where did you guys go?"

"Oh, we woke up and you just seemed so peaceful so we let you sleep. I know I hate being woke up from naps" Rainbow Dash explained. "We just went downstairs to get something to eat. Did you know Fluttershy had already made soup? It was awesome. Sorry, I ate it all."

"Oh...right. I forgot about that..." Anon replied.

"Aww, don't feel bad Anon! We made more!" Rainbow Dash beamed.

"Oh, alright, thanks!" Anon said, letting his nightmare sink into the back of his subconscious.

They went downstairs to find Fluttershy sitting at the kitchen table looking happy as a clam. She was blowing on her own soup bowl when she noticed Anon. Her ears perked up and a big smile spread across her face.

"Hi Anon! Sleep well?" Fluttershy asked.

"Umm...yeah, as well as could be expected for a mid-day nap. What kind of soup did you make?" Anon asked.

"For me I made carrot soup. For you, I also made carrot soup. Sorry, all I had were carrots" Fluttershy apologized.

"Don't apologize dear, carrots are fine. You don't have any eggs?" Anon asked.

"Well...sure, there's some over there" Fluttershy pointed to a nearby basket.

"Cool. Mind if I take a couple?" Fluttershy shook her head in reply to Anon's request.

"Go for it" she offered, "But how are you going to bake without milk and flour?" Fluttershy asked.

"I'm not baking, silly filly" Anon replied as he boiled water. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash looked intrigued.

As Anon waited for the water to boil he picked up and added the contents of his carrot soup bowl into the pot. He had long learned he often needed double or triple portions when eating from little pony-sized bowls. And although Anon didn't hate carrot soup, he longed for the protein of egg drop soup; he hoped the carrot soup would act as a suitable alternative to vegetable broth. As the water and carrot soup mix began to boil, Anon cracked the eggs and emptied them into the pot. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash just looked at each other with a puzzled look on their faces. After a few minutes of stirring and adding some salt and just a bit of honey, Anon had his egg drop soup.

Anon poured out a pony-portion into the bowl and drank it in one big gulp. It wasn't half-bad! Certainly, he had had worse at a few shadier Chinese buffets back on Earth. Fluttershy fluttered over towards the pot, and Rainbow dashed behind her, peaking over her shoulder.

"What is that?" Rainbow whispered to Fluttershy, not realizing Anon could both hear her and didn't mind explaining his concoction. But Anon allowed the ponies to be stupefied for the time being.

"I don't know...I knew that griffons and minotaurs liked just plain eggs, but I have never heard of anypony putting them in soup before..." Fluttershy whispered back.

"You want a taste, girls?" Anon asked. Rainbow and Fluttershy just looked at each other. Rainbow then looked forward with a resolute look on her face.

"I'll try it!" Rainbow said, courage in her voice.

Anon gathered a bit in a spoon and held it out for her. As Rainbows mouth surrounded the utensil she pulled back and left Anon with an empty spoon. She swished the soup around in her mouth for a bit before swallowing.

"That's...not bad, Anon! What's it called?" Rainbow asked.

"Egg drop soup. I know this might sound cruel, but I've told you about how on Earth we humans are omnivores and eat plants and animals. You know we don't have sapient creatures there beyond us. Well...suffice it to say, we normally use a meat broth for it, usually made from chickens, but vegetable stock works just as well" Anon explained.

Fluttershy shivered at the thought, but fluttered forward for a taste. Anon spoonfed Fluttershy as he had Rainbow Dash before, and she had a similar reaction.

"It's...nice and filling. I like it" Fluttershy said, looking back at the pot.

"I'm glad. Now it's my turn" Anon said, as he grabbed the whole cooking pot and began to drink it all at once.

He chugged and chugged, before finally reaching the bottom of the pot. Truth be told it was only about a human-sized bowl-and-a-half's worth, but the ponies were quite impressed. In fact, Anon could tell they were both a little turned on by the display.

"Wow Anon! You have a big appetite, huh?" Rainbow observed.

"Yeah...really big..." Fluttershy agreed.

Anon's manhood began to stand at attention. Anon looked at the ponies.

"Yes. Big." Anon said, as he walked forward, grabbing each pony right out of the air under his arms, as he walked them back to the bedroom. Fluttershy squeaked, and Rainbow Dash didn't fight back. Instead, they both just allowed themselves to be carried to the bedroom.

Anon threw them on the bed, and Fluttershy immediately came forward and began to suck on Anon's cock. Anon was somewhat surprised by the little yellow pony's initiative, but was happy with the result. As she continued sucking, Anon locked eyes with Rainbow Dash. She blushed and averted her gaze, but then looked forward with a resolute visage. She crawled forward on the bed and pressed her face against Fluttershy's, leaning with most of her body weight. Fluttershy whimpered and allowed Rainbow access to Anon's rod. Fluttershy released it with a pop, and Rainbow greedily gobbled down onto Anon. She bobbed her head up and down with amazing speed, when Anon realized he was already at his limit and began cumming down the mare's throat. Fluttershy was sitting nearby watching closely and had noticed Anon tensing up. She looked back at Rainbow Dash who was swallowing gulp after gulp of semen when Fluttershy edged submissively forward, whimpering, until suddenly she was cheek to cheek with her Rainbow pal. Rainbow looked over at the yellow pony and let off of Anon's dick enough to allow her joint access, as they both began licking and sucking on Anon's dick as it continued cumming.

Anon reached forward and began petting the ponies behind the ears. He gently pushed their heads together, which they fought at first, but soon they began kissing and slobbering over one another's muzzles with Anon's dickhead caught in between. Then Rainbow looked over at Anon with a growing lust in her eyes.

"Anon, I need you inside me now. Fluttershy...a little help?" Rainbow asked. Fluttershy gripped Anon's dick with her mouth and was trying to guide Anon into her friend when Anon put a finger up to the yellow mare's nose. He shook his head and signed a hush noise with his finger. Fluttershy opened her mouth and let Anon's dick escape. Truthfully, Anon wasn't quite ready to cum again so soon, so now it was his turn to overwhelm Rainbow.

Anon motioned for Fluttershy to get close to him, and she did so with a little smile. Rainbow began tapping her front hoof in boredom.

"What's taking you so looOONNNNGGGGG~" Rainbow's voice cracked out as Anon and Fluttershy began double teaming Rainbow's blueberry colored cunt. When Anon licked up, Fluttershy licked down, and they both kept a steady, quick pace. Rainbow reached forward and pulled one of Fluttershy's pillows closer to her and bit down on it. Anon savored the flavor, and God dammit she really did taste like Skittles. Anon didn't want it to be true for the sake of his own sanity, but fuck, this world is crazy. Anon also gave RD's butt-pucker a smooch and a little tongue prodding; it tasted like fucking blue Powerade. Fuck.

Anon also reached forward to play with Rainbow's left teat, while Fluttershy followed his lead and began playing with her right. Rainbow's teats weren't quite as small as Fluttershy's but they were still pretty tiny. The main difference was that they were muscular; the teats of an athlete. Anon appreciated the firmness of her crotchtits, and momentarily started fingering Dash while he took the opportunity to lean forward and suckle a bit from her blue teat.

Fucking. Fruit. Loops. That's what it tasted like.

Anon came back to find that Fluttershy was now suckling directly on Rainbow's clit, and noticed that her anus was twitching wildly. Anon shoved his middle finger into Rainbow's butt as deep as it would go, and started pulling out and punching it back in with gusto. Rainbow screamed into the pillow as she began cumming. Mare juices went everywhere, and Rainbow's wings began flapping outward. As was now custom, Anon sampled the mare cum tasted like Gushers. Holy shit Rainbow Dash.

Anon was now ready to pound him some blueberry puss, so he grabbed onto Rainbow's flank and lined himself up.

"Anon wait!" Rainbow yelled, looking backward.

"..." Anon stared forward and locked eyes with the sky blue horse.

"First one to cum is the loser" Rainbow said, slamming back into Anon so hard it knocked him on his ass.

Rainbow pounced on top of Anon from the bed, pinning him to the floor. Fluttershy was apparently ready for this situation, as she had also rushed forward and grabbed Anon's dick with her mouth again and quickly lined Anon up with Rainbow's marehood. Anon was still recovering from the shock of it all when Rainbow slammed down onto him, with the speed, agility, and tightness of an athlete.

"You don't have a chance!" Rainbow proclaimed loudly as she continued pounding down onto the pinned Anon. Fluttershy was sitting nearby, her eyes following the action in front of her, head slightly bobbing.

Anon just looked forward, and thought to himself "Fuck this horse [literally haha], I'm not going to let her win!" Anon used his human size and strength to wrestle the pony, determined to at least make an attempt at turning the tide. He wrestled her onto her back, where he began pounding into her. She cried out, caught up in the ecstasy of the moment before regaining her composure. She used her incredibly strong wings to push herself up, but Anon grabbed onto her tightly and they tumbled back onto the bed. Meanwhile Fluttershy continued watching, and had somehow produced a bag of popcorn and began taking timid bites from it as she ogled the spectacle in front of her.

At this point, Anon and Rainbow's bodies were a tangled, humping mess. Both were trying to gain the advantage over the other as they both edged closer and closer to climax. Anon felt himself at his limit, and he could feel Rainbow tightening up on him.

"There's no shame in a tie" Anon gasped out.

"Anon..." Rainbow exhaled, "only a loser thinks like that!" Rainbow then flipped Anon in a way he didn't quite even understand; some sort of mystical pony judo something-or-other. And like that, she was on top again.

"...fuck" Anon said, knowing he was about to lose.

Rainbow then started humping his dick at ultra light speed. Her voice escaped from her exhales, raising into a scratchy scream. Anon came with an incredible force deep into Rainbow Dash's foal-maker, shot after shot.

"I wiiiiiinnnNNNNNNN~" Rainbow grunted, as she began to cum shortly after, spraying more mare jizz all over Fluttershy's bed.

"Go Rainbow Dash! You rock! Woo hoo!" Fluttershy cheered, not minding the mess, apparently, as she took another bite of popcorn.

Rainbow's horse pussy squelched one last time, before settling down. She flapped her wings and got off of Anon.

"You still get points for trying, Anon. It was a close competition, to be sure" Rainbow gloated.

"Yeah, well...I bet I can make Fluttershy cum first!" Anon pushed Rainbow out of the way as he rolled off the bed and crawled towards Fluttershy in one quick motion. Fluttershy's face transformed from one of amusement to one of terror as Anon approached quicker than she'd ever seen him move. Rainbow Dash was still a little disoriented by the push, and hadn't realized the game had started yet.


Seducing the Mane Six: Sweet Apple Anal

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Anon was a man of simple means. He could live happily in Equestria with very little money; his friends had provided him with food, shelter, and clothing asking nothing in return. Anon wasn't a bad friend, of course; he helped any pony whenever they asked him. But with all of his basic needs met, and no videogames to waste money on, Anon had no reason to pursue a full time job. The only thing Anon had started collecting were pony vinyl records; the most advanced technology aside from lighting that Anon had seen in this world. Anon found it all pretty funny; some of the most popular artists in Equestria used what any human would describe as "techno," but they had no electronic synthesizers. Apparently, all of the electronic noises were done with unicorn magic...Anon thought that was a little unfair to non-unicorns, but also figured a smart Earth-pony would probably come around to furthering the sciences. He couldn't wait for honest-to-goodness videogames again; the magic equivalent left a lot to be desired.

Whenever Anon needed money for records, he'd do odd jobs around town. He'd use his unique stature to help stock things in town, he'd help Fluttershy's animals whenever she was too busy, and if all else failed, good old fashioned hard labor was always available at Sweet Apple Acres. The newest Bloodstock Brood album was coming out, and Anon needed it. It was overcast outside, nice and cool, and Anon thought today would be a good day to help at Sweet Apple Acres.

Anon arrived just as Big Mac was leaving the farm. "Where you off to, Mac?" Anon asked.

"Off to meet Granny at the train station. We're going to Canterlot for a couple days to meet with some fancy business folks. I'm late, so you can ask 'Jack about it if'n you wanna know more. See you, Anon!" Big Mac yelled as he trotted towards town.

"HEY, CAN I WORK WHILE YOU'RE GONE!?" Anon screamed as Big Mac shrunk smaller into the distance.

"eeeeeeEEEEEEEEYUP!" Big Mac hollered back.

Anon cheerfully entered the farm, keeping his eyes peeled for Applejack. He'd always enjoyed the farm pony's company; he appreciated her honesty with him. He also appreciated the family's hard cider, which AJ was always willing to share at the end of a long work day. It didn't take too long to find AJ trotting around..actually it was more like a gallop. Anon wondered why AJ was in such a hurry.

"Hey AJ! What's the hurry?" Anon inquired.

"Oh! Hey Anon! I'm just in a rush here, what with my brother off with Granny makin' sure she don't get ripped off at that business meetin'. Rainbow Dash told me we're in for some surprise storms today. She may act tough but she's really a softy; she always tells me when the Pegusai are plannin' for pop-up storms 'n such. Did my brother ask you to help me?" AJ asked, as she continued with her tasks.

"Oh no, nothing like that. I actually was hoping I could work some today. There's a new album out and I was short on bits to get it. Any chance I can help out today?" Anon asked, knowing the answer was yes.

"I shoulda known it'd be about your silly rock 'n roll music. Plus, it's actually pretty obvious you came here to work; you're in your work overalls I see." AJ observed, slowing her pace only slightly.

"Listen, the most important chore you need to do for me before the storm starts is wrangle up all the cows and get them in the barn. They're only half-done with today's shift before they get to go home, and I don't want them complainin' that I left them out in the storm before their work was done today. Can you do that for me, Anon?" AJ asked.

"Sure" Anon replied.

"Good. Aside from that, once you get them in the barn, why don't you get to milkin' em; they can be a little testy sometimes, but usually all you gotta do to get them focused is to just compliment them a lot. I'll leave you to it!" AJ yelled as she galloped away with a saddle-full of tools.

Seeing AJ's urgency and sensing that heavy feeling in the air that comes before a massive storm, Anon ran as quickly as the terrain allowed to the open fields where the cows spent most of their days eating grass and gossiping; not a bad way to make a living.

"Hello ladies!" Anon shouted.

"Helllllloooooo," Moolisa, the friendliest cow of the bunch replied "to what do we owe the pleasure, dear?"

"I'm not sure if you girls have noticed, but the weather's turning quick and AJ says you're not even halfway through today's shift!"

"Don't remind us" the cows chuckled, seemingly ignoring Anon's reason for being there.

"I'm serious, now girls; miss Applejack was moving like her life depended on it, and it's on her orders that I'm supposed to get you in the barn before the storm starts" Anon explained with some intensity.

"You don't have to be dramatic Anon; we don't want to get rained on anymore than you do. To the barn, girls!" Moolisa rallied the modest sized herd of 11 dairy cows and they all began to trot back towards the barn. Anon ran beside them.

"You can hop on if you want, Anon. Frankly, we don't know how you support yourself with only two legs!" Moolisa said, sounding somewhat genuine despite the implied fat joke.

"I'll manage, sweetheart, thanks." Anon said bluntly.

As the cows arrived at the barn, a sudden flash of lightning followed by loud thunder made Anon jump. The cows all screamed as the rain started pouring down just as they were filing inside. Anon had to make sure they all got in before he got himself out of the rain. He counted all 11 as they ran frantically in. Anon ran in behind, drenched and dirty.

"Alright girls. Everyone okay?" Anon asked. Murmurs of 'yes' and 'okay' were heard from the group.

"Good. Now it's time to earn your pay. Miss Applejack asked me to milk you all." Groans of discontent were heard throughout the group, but Anon reassured them.

"Listen girls, I'm sure it isn't fun having a farm pony's rough hooves pull on your teats, but I assure you, my human fingers should make this a painless experience." Anon wiggled his fingers while many of the cows whispered amongst themselves, clearly intrigued by the strange primate-hands.

The next few hours were filled with small talk, gossip, thunder, and lots of teat pulling as Anon milked all 11 sapient cattle. Anon may have been a proud horsefucker but he wasn't particularly attracted to cows. That's not to say they weren't friendly with him; a few of the girls were a bit overly friendly during the whole made Anon wonder what they thought of AJ. Regardless, he finally completed his task when Anon realized he hadn't heard from AJ since that morning. The storm was still raging outside, and Anon was beginning to get worried.

"Girls, I'm going to go check and make sure Miss Applejack is fine. I know your shift is getting close to being over, but please don't endanger yourself if the storm is still raging when that time comes, okay?" Anon said genuinely.

"Don't worry yourself, Anon. Miss Applejack was supposed to be cutting down a few older trees today if I remember correctly; she should be on the west side of the farm if I'm not mistaken. Good luck!" Moolisa informed.

"Thanks Moolisa. If I'm not back before your shifts end, I'll see you next time!" Anon said as he rushed towards the west side. of the farm.

Anon ran through mud and rain, passing under apple tree after apple tree before arriving upon AJ's work; a dozen felled trees. Applejack however was no where to be seen.

"Applejack!!!" Anon yelled through cupped hands as thunder nearly drowned him out. "AJ!!! Are you out here!?"

"Anon!" Anon could hear Applejack calling back but he couldn't see her through the storm.

"Anon! Over hear! I'm stuck!" Anon followed AJ's voice and found her pinned underneath a felled zap apple tree.

"AJ! Are you okay!?" Anon yelled as he approached carefully studying the debris.

"I'm fine Anon. This storm started up right as I was finishin' and just when I had turned around to head back to help you at the barn the wind picked up so bad it finished my work for me with this old zap apple tree here. Unfortunately, it fell right on top of me when I wasn't lookin'. I'm just lucky the ground was already so muddy that I wasn't crushed. But I just can't get any hoofing here; it's too slippery" AJ demonstrated by reaching forward and trying to pull herself out, attempting to grip wet mud that quickly slid out of place only to be replaced with more wet mud.

Anon took off his overalls and was careful not to step into the muddy pit AJ had gotten herself stuck in. He whipped them around on themselves to create a makeshift lasso, and threw one end over to Applejack.

"Grab hold!" Anon yelled. AJ gripped onto the tough denim as Anon pulled with all his strength. At first he thought they might be in some real trouble, but eventually he felt AJ slowly sliding towards him from under the tree and mud.

"Keep goin', Anon! I'm almost out!" AJ yelled as rain continued to pour down upon them.

Finally, with a sloppy pop, AJ was unstuck from beneath the tree. Anon quickly hoisted the pony onto his back piggyback style, and ran towards the Apple's home.

Applejack didn't say anything as she was carried back; she simply gripped tightly around Anon's neck and tried not to cry from the shame of getting herself stuck.

As Anon approached the house he noticed it was locked.

"Is Applebloom not home, either?" Anon asked.

"Naw, she's over at Rarity's with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo for a sleepover. Rarity said they were gonna listen to some scary records of ghost stories she'd bought in Canterlot. There's a key under the flowerpot there" AJ pointed over Anon's shoulder to the pot, which Anon quickly lifted.

With key in hand and Applejack on naked back, Anon opened the vacant Apple residence. He carefully put AJ down and the two exchanged concerned glances. Anon could tell AJ was more hurt than she was willing to admit.

"Anon...I'm sorry you had to do all that work by yourself and then come...rescue me. I hate when anypony has to worry on my account." AJ said, avoiding eye contact. "I'll pay you extra for the trouble, and get you new work clothes, of course."

Anon was only just realizing he was naked. "That's kind of you, but I'm more concerned with your health Applejack. You were stuck out there in the cold rain and mud with a tree on top of you, for Celestia's sake. We've gotta clean you up and make sure you aren't more hurt than you think you are" Anon said, picking up the pony and taking her to the nearest bathroom.

"Anon, you really don't have to. I'm fine and you've done enough already" Anon had already started the warm water. "Anon I'm serious you don't have to help me I'll be fine really" Anon set the silly pony into the shower tub and hopped in to stand over her, soap in hand.

Anon began washing the mud-covered pony, being careful not to miss or worsen any cuts AJ might have gotten. When he reached the very middle of her back, he noticed her tense up. At a glance, Anon didn't spot anything too bad; a few scrapes from being pulled out he assumed. He figured she had to have a pretty nasty bruise under there though.

"I'm sorry, sweetness" Anon said, "I'm sure you've got a bad bruise around here."

"It's alright Anon, really. I'm just a little tense is all" AJ only half-lied. It did hurt, but she was truly tense as well. She wasn't sure if it was her bad experience today or the fact that she was letting this...human wash her. She had always been a little weary of Anon. She knew her sister really seemed to like him, and even her brother was surprisingly chatty with him. All of her friends talked about him like he was special, and as the only human in Equestria she supposed he was, but it was something more than that. She was always too busy with work to take much notice of him outside of casual observation and conversation.

"Tense huh? Well, I've been told that I give a pretty good back rub" Anon said as he began rubbing down her back gently. Honestly Anon had no idea what he was doing; he was no more a masseuse than he was a rocket scientist, but having fingers gave him something unique, at least. All Anon really did was lightly tickle along AJ's back and hope that she liked the touch. AJ began to giggle.

"Anon, that tickles" AJ snorted out.

Anon was starting to become aroused. Frankly, he was surprised it hadn't happened sooner; the reality of taking a bath with Applejack was only just starting to sink in. Anon reached forward and began tickling AJ's Pony tummy.

"Hah, Anon, shtop it!" Applejack giggled. Anon was now in full-on boner mode.

"Seriously Anon, I'm gonna pee!" AJ snorted.

"Go ahead. You're in the shower. I already did like 10 seconds ago" Anon joked.

"Anon are you serious!?" AJ said, twisting suddenly to look back at Anon.

AJ's sudden twisting put Anon off balance. Anon began to slip; he started to fall backwards.

"Anon!" AJ yelled, realizing her mistake, but it was too late.

Anon slipped backwards, and reaching forward for anything to grip onto, he grabbed onto Applejack's haunches...but it wasn't enough. Anon fell right onto his ass, his back against the tub. AJ came down with him...right onto Anon's dick, ponut first.

Anon and AJ had gotten pretty soapy, but the sudden surprise anal insertions was startling to both parties. Anon sat there, taking in the situation, glad that his dick wasn't actually crushed by AJ's weight had she been off-center. AJ had gasped loudly as Anon entered her. She was always too busy for silly old intercourse, let alone surprise buttsex. Anon twitched inside her reflexively.

"AJ, I'm-" Anon was about to apologize when he suddenly felt something hot and wet stream against his balls.

"AJ..." Anon trailed off as the strong stream continued full force. It was actually a little painful.

"Are you?" Anon asked when AJ answered.

"I'd been holding it the whole time under that tree, darnit. And besides, your thingy musta poked my bladder from behind or somethin'. I can't help it" AJ said, stream finally dissipating.

"Well, it's not quite as bad, but I've been holding something else since we got in here and you started your cute giggling" Anon said, as he pushed AJ slightly forward.

"Whata ya mean?" AJ asked, being oblivious to Anon's poor innuendo.

Anon pulled the mare back onto his now throbbing dick. Applejack finally began to realize that the human's dick in her butt may be there for more than accidental reasons.

"Ahh~" Applejack's voice escaped her throat, "Anon, I don't know if I like this."

Anon began to push the mare off him again, only to pull her back on.

"Hng~" AJ gritted her teeth and felt a jolt of both pain and pleasure run up her spine.

Anon grabbed onto her tail in one hand, and lifted it up to get a better look. He tickled the mare's dock as he pushed her forward with his free hand. The mare began to comply on her own this time, pulling herself off, when Anon pulled her back by her tail this time.

"Anon!" Applejack yelled out in a voice that conveyed pain. AJ began to pull herself off Anon on her own.

"I'm sorry, AJ! I didn't mean it to hurt, I just thought y-" Anon was cut off by Applejack's full force coming back onto his dick.

"Shut up and keep pullin' my tail, ya dumb human" AJ said in an annoyed tone.

Anon complied as Applejack rode him, pinned against the back of the tub.

"You know, AJ..." Anon trailed off, "Milking the cows with these hands wasn't a super tough job."

"Shut up and buck me, Anon" AJ demanded.

"I'm just saying...they liked it" Anon said before reaching around to grab onto Applejacks firm teats.

Applejack squealed as Anon began pulling downward on her teats with a decent amount of force. Anon pulled her back and leaned forward behind her ear.

"You know, Fluttershy likes it when I play with her teats too" Anon whispered before pushing her forward and pinning her against the front of the tub.

Anon, back in power began plunging into AJ's depths, keeping her pinned against the tub, water streaming down from the shower head above.

"I bet you like this better than being pinned by the tree all day" Anon said as he continued to pound dat ass.

AJ was so surprised by this dominant male that she had no reply. She hadn't known any males to be especially assertive, and Anon seemed so docile in public, like most stallions she knew. At this point she was also beginning to wonder how come Anon hadn't ejaculated yet.

"Your silence says it all" Anon said as he lifted Applejack up and began to thrust into her ponut from a standing position, hugging her tightly so that she couldn't contribute anything but her tight hole. Before long, AJ began spraying all over the shower curtains as Anon teased her first orgasm by massaging her winking clit with his nimble hands.

Anon had begun to get into the alpha role. He enjoyed playing beta to Pinkie's craziness. He liked staying competitive with Rainbow Dash. He really liked all of Fluttershy's...stuff. But with AJ, Anon could tell she'd never been with anypony who was anything more than a quick buck; a lucky pony to be sure, but not at all assertive in the bedroom. Anon was going to enjoy letting AJ experience something new.

"Came already, huh? You ponies and your quick orgasms" Anon pulled out and set the soaked pony down.

"Wash your filth off of my dick, you dirty mare" Anon demanded. Without saying a word, AJ reached for the soap and began to lather up her hooves.

"Not with your hooves, silly pony; use your mouth" Anon said as he thrust his manhood closer to the mare's cute muzzle before booping her with it.

"But it's dirty Anon, it was just in my bu-" Anon cut her off as he thrust forward, lodging his dick firmly in her mouth. AJ coughed slightly but soon began to fellate Anon slowly but surely.

"That's better. Keep this up until it's nice and clean" Anon said before grabbing onto her ears, "Let's speed things up though."

Anon began thrusting into Applejack's muzzle, face fucking the mare harder than he'd ever done with the other ponies in his harem so far. Anon continued until he noticed the shower water was beginning to cool down. Anon figured even magic water heaters only last so long, and decided to wrap things up. With a few more thrusts, Anon reached deep into Applejack's throat.

"Get ready, AJ" Anon said, before plunging deeper into her throat.

The force and volume of cum was higher than Anon's usual, and Anon pulled out of AJ's mouth after the first couple spurts. AJ sputtered, but Anon reached forward to cup his hand beneath her chin and squeezed slightly. She opened her mouth back up as his other hand stroked out rope after rope of additional semen. Some landed on her muzzle, some her ears, and some right past her head and onto her back. Anon began to deflate again, but he pushed his hips forward to get Applejack to suckle on his wilting cock, sucking out residual cum.

After that encounter, AJ looked at Anon with new eyes.

"That was...amazin' Anon. I had no idea humans were so...virile" Applejack said between breaths.

"Oh Applejack, we're just getting started" Anon replied with a cocked eyebrow, "we're continuing this in the bedroom. I won't accept any other payment for my extra services today."

To be continued~

Seducing the Mane Six: Sweet Apple Anal Part 2: Not Anal

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Anon grabbed Applejack with purpose. He was careful not to harm her sensitive back from her recent accident, and while he carried her he pet her back carefully to quickly check again for any cuts he may have missed during their shower. Thankfully he didn't notice anything; these ponies were a lot tougher than he gave them credit for.

"Applejack, I want to be honest with you" Anon said as he set her on the bed. "I want to fuck you silly, you silly pony."

"That's mighty nice of you Anon, but isn't it a little late to be saying that?" Applejack asked.

"Better late than never" Anon replied as he carefully pushed AJ onto her back. "I am normally a gentleman when it comes to matters of the heart."

Anon then began rubbing and suckling on Applejack's dark teats. They looked a little bit like milk duds, and they tasted like them too. AJ let out soft moans and laid still as Anon had his way with her crotchboobs. After Anon heard the tell-tale squelches of a winking mare-clit, he worked his way down to AJ's most prized apple-tart. He began lapping at her adorable marehood like a kitten at a milk-bowl. It wasn't a surprise that she tasted like a caramel apple, and Anon didn't let up until he was at her apple core. He continued to tongue-punch her baby box until AJ cried out in ecstasy, gushing out steaming mare-jizz which Anon savored; better than any Apple-family cider he had ever had, Applebloom's included. Anon didn't dislike Applebloom's marecum of course, but like a hard cider, AJ's had a harder, more mature edge to it that went straight to Anon's head.

"Best cider in town" Anon said after wiping his face and licking his fingers.

"Y'all think so? I brew it myself" Applejack teased back.

"Well, as much fun as I've had bobbing for Apples, what do you say to a little old fashioned love making?" Anon asked.

"Ah-I thought you were gonna have your way with me like you did in the tub" Applejack said, a little confused.

"Don't worry honey bunches of oats, I promise you won't be disappointed" Anon said smoothly.

"If'n y'all say so..." Applejack replied.

Anon crawled slowly onto the bed hovering over Applejack. He got close to her muzzle and they exchanged breaths. Anon had read that horses in his world bonded by sharing breaths, so he hoped this world's ponies would react in a primal way. Anon wasn't sure AJ liked it at first, but soon he could tell by the extreme flush on her cheeks that she was into it. Anon sat up on his knees and brought AJ's legs up towards her head. He was slow and deliberate.

"Your back okay, AJ?" Anon asked one more time.

"Just buck me you cornball" AJ teased, badly hiding a slight grimace on her face. Anon reached for a spare pillow and propped it under AJ's back.

"Who's a silly pony?" Anon teased back before plunging into AJ's wet, muscular folds.

"I is!" Applejack yelled as Anon began to pound her powerful marevag.

Anon was surprised by how tight AJ was. He had already pounded some very tight pony puss, but AJ might have taken the cake. Rainbow Dash and the cutie mark crusaders may have been tighter technically speaking, but they had much shallower pussies. Anon was able to get his entire length into Applejack, and her marehood practically pushed Anon out with every pump. It was very hard for Anon not to jizz prematurely with her; something he rarely had to worry about. Anon started thinking about baseball to try and keep himself from finishing too quick.

"Anon, Ah think Ah might be clo-" Applejack was cut off by a cute little voice that made Anon jump from surprise.

"What are y'all two doin'?" Applebloom asked.

"APPLEBLOOM!" AJ yelled, as she pushed Anon off of her and quickly pinned him from above.

"We were just wrastling Bloom, nothing to be upset over" Applejack lied, her muzzle scrunching up as she looked the other way. "What are ya doin' home early Applebloom?"

"Scootaloo got too scared by the ghost stories and Sweetie Belle had to cancel her sleepover after the storm scared her even more" Applebloom explained. "Is that true Anon?" Applebloom asked, locking eyes with Anon "Were you really just wrastling with my sis?" She winked and Anon nodded.

"Well my sis is awful strong, so I think I'll help ya!" Applebloom suddenly jumped on the bed and pushed AJ back onto her back. AJ yelped and found herself on her back again.

"Applebloom, stop! We were just about to finish wrestling before you got here!" Applejack yelled.

"Why Applejack," Anon interjected, "that isn't true. I was just getting started."

Anon positioned himself back on top of the orange mare and plunged deep inside her, eliciting a cute moan from AJ.

"Stop Anon, we can't in front of Apple-" AJ was cut off mid sentence when Applebloom pounced on top of her big sister and held her hindquarters in front of her face.

"Y'all better not leave me out of this cage match, you hear!?" Applebloom yelled as she backed her butt into her big sister's face. She let her front legs fall so she could hug her sister upside down in a mock-pin.

"One. Two" Applebloom started to count down her victory before AJ cut her off as she began to eat her little sister out.

"Ahh~ Not fair!" Applebloom cried out. "You always cheat like this!"

Anon stopped mid pump and locked eyes with AJ, cocking an eyebrow.

" you wrestle with your little sister like this regularly?" Anon asked, a note of sarcasm in his voice.

"Anon it isn't what you thi~AH" Anon cut AJ's protest off with a powerful thrust.

Meanwhile, Applebloom had squirmed forward and began licking at the connection between her big sister/soon to be herd-mate and her special somepony/Anon. She giggled as she lapped up the leaking fluids between them. AJ cried out and released a wave of hot mare love. Applebloom licked up as much as she could and then hopped off before going behind Anon.

"Anon, I wanna see underneath" Applebloom begged. Anon reached forward and slid the pillow under AJ's butt to prop her up enough to give AB a good look from a different angle. "Awesome."

Applebloom watched as Anon's balls slapped against her big sister's rubbery butthole. She watched as it twitched every time Anon moved out, only to slam back in. Applebloom scooted in closer into a position where Anon was practically rubbing his ass across the little filly with every thrust. She began to lick at her big sister's anus.

"Hey, Anon's already been in here tonight! I can taste him!" Applebloom's muffled yells could be heard between thrusts.

Applejack locked eyes with Anon once more, and this time it was his turn to purse his lips and look to the side.

"I don't know what she's talking abo-OW" Anon was cut off when Applebloom lightly slapped his testicles from behind.

"I wish you would have told me you were adding my sister to our herd before you went and sexed up her butt. Ah told ya I wanted to watch that" Applebloom protested.

"I-I'm sorry Applebloom, but maybe now isn't the best time to-" Anon was cut off again.

"What is my sister going on about Anon!?" AJ yelled, turning a red color that Anon knew was from anger and not lust...or it was a mix at least.

"You are gonna join the herd right sis?" Applebloom interrupted once again and jumped back onto her sister's chest to look her in the eyes. "Ah have dreamed of being both sister and sister herd-mates ever since Anon told us he wanted to unite the Elements of Harmony into the even closer bond of herd-mates."

Applejack looked at her sister's big eyes, full of love and wonder. Anon's plans had been revealed, and although Applejack didn't appreciate Anon's calculated lack of details, she couldn't say she wasn't impressed by his sexual prowess, nor could she deny his obviously genuine feelings when it came to helping his friends.

"Sure, little sis" AJ said, "but me and Anon are gonna have a long talk after this."

"You serious AJ?" Anon asked, balls still recovering from AB's slap.

"I am" AJ answered.

"YAY!" Applebloom yelled before jumping back behind Anon, pushing him into her big sister. She then began licking and massaging the back of Anon's balls.

"Ah'm sorry for slapping your berries, Anon" Applebloom said "But Ah'm not sorry about this!" Applebloom suddenly moved her tongue into Anon's butthole. Anon was not prepared for this and instinctively thrust forward into Applejack.

"Applebloom, stop, I don't-" Anon was cut off as AB once again plunged her tongue into his fartbox.

Anon was a complete amateur when it came to butt stuff, at least when his own butt was concerned. He continued to plunge deep into AJ, who had dropped all pretenses and began moaning loudly with each newly powerful thrust.

"Applebloom, don't stop, Ah'm close" Applejack yelled.

Anon was worried about this newly combined power of the Apple sisters as AB doubled her efforts, not giving Anon a moment to recover. Anon began thrusting harder and harder, deeper and deeper until he could no longer control himself and released shot after shot of seed deep into AJ's mini horse womb. AJ cried out as she too reached climax and released a tsunami of marecum all over her little sister, knocking her off the bed.

Anon slowly exited AJ, feeling more sensitive than he had ever felt. AJ came forward and immediately started sucking as hard as she could on Anon's member, biting slightly.

"Now Ah know your weak point Anon" AJ said with teeth gritted, as she reached behind Anon and slipped the tip of her hoof into Anon's rectum. Anon shot a few weak loads into AJ's mouth before collapsing, exhausted from the ordeal.

Applejack and Applebloom both crawled up onto the bed under Anon's arms, and soon they all drifted off into sleep.

Anon found himself in a familiar dream. Again he saw little half-pony half-human children running around a large castle, playing and yelling while he was surrounded by his herd of loving mares. Something clicked within Anon, and he knew he was dreaming. Lucid, he tried yelling for his large family to gather around him but he couldn't talk. Again, things around him grew dark as he heard the frightened screams of his loved ones. He saw a silhouette again. Clearer this time, he saw a shape that somewhat resembled a dragon, but not quite. It was slow to approach at first, but before Anon knew it it was upon him, and Anon again awoke in a cold sweat.

He looked around the dark room and felt the warmth of two little ponies still snuggled up against him. Anon was too worried to get back to sleep.

-The End