Twilight, Apple, Orange and Rainbow

by Harmony Split

First published

Twilight takes her time for an experiment that failed previously due to a disturbance. This time she prepares, but she didn't expect a certain pegasus to 'visit'

Twilight takes her time for an experiment that failed previously due to a disturbance.
This time she prepares, but she didn't expect a certain pegasus to 'visit'

This is what happens when I'm bored^^
Wrote this in around 72 minutes and will probably stay a one-shot.
Take this as a early H&H day special :twilightsmile: One out of five :twilightsheepish:
Edited by my loyal DonnEStarside

Wanting an orange, getting a pegasus

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Twilight, Apple, Orange and Rainbow
Wanting an orange, getting a pegasus

Everything was quiet in Twilight’s Castle, except for a certain alicorn pacing around, her horn shimmering from time to time in soft light. She walked quickly, mumbling to herself while all windows and doors shut and locked as she passed by.

“Locked, locked… locked… everything will be fine… only a few more… locked aand locked.” she seemed to talk to herself the whole time.

As she reached the giant gate, her strong magic grabbed it, closing it with a loud noise, followed by some clicking as the strong locks slid in.

“No distractions today. No Pinkies, not anything, but most importantly: No Pinkies!” Twilight shouted the last two words, causing Spike to come and see what was going on.

“Twilight? Is everything alright? Why are you screaming?” he asked, concern on his face.

“Oh, Spike! No, everything is fine. I’m trying the transformation spell again and I don’t want any distractions like last time. And that means no Pinkie Pie!” the mare replied, smiling a bit.

“But you already mastered this one Twilight. You turned a frog into an Orange, even a bird into one!” the dragon said, giggling loudly at the memory.

The purple alicorn just rolled her eyes. “Very funny Spike, but today I’m trying various transformations. Would you be so kind as to clean up upstairs? And don’t disturb me please!”

“I thought we were taking a break, but sure, Twilight.” came back and he was gone.

Sighing, Twilight made her way into her study-room to prepare a few last things. She took a list from her desk and went to a small table, looking through the prepared objects on it and marking them on the list.

“The classic one, apple into an orange. I got the apple, check… Cider into wine. The cider is here, check… Bowl into a glass and I got the bowl ready, so check. Bug into a butterfly and we got the bug here, also check. Aaand the last one… Owl into a eagle… thanks for your help owlicious by the way… check. Everything is there!” Twilight exclaimed happily, the list disappearing quickly in her magical aura. “We can start, I guess?”

The only answer she got was a small ‘who?’ from owlicious.

“Yes, you’re right, we should really start before something or somepony distracts us.” Twilight replied before focusing on the apple in front of her. “Just a second of focusing aaand…”

The next thing she heard was the sound of something quickly approaching, and just before she cast the spell, Twilight was greeted by a loud crash and pain in her flank as something hit her, causing her to fall down and her spell to go elsewhere, but definitely not into the target.

Twilight rubbed her head and stood up slowly, just to find a certain cyan pegasus next to her, groaning and mumbling.

“Rainbow Dash! What in Celestia’s name was that? You ruined my spell!” she exclaimed angrily.

“Uhh Twilight?” Rainbow shook her head and jumped up, looking at the mess around them. “heh heh oops… sorry Twilight! You know, I was trying that new stunt and a strong breeze disturbed me and yeah…”

“So you crashed into the castle? I was used to you crashing into the library, since it was located below your usual training ground, but now? The castle is not even near it!” Twilight replied, trying to calm down.

Wait a second… Rainbow Dash crashed because of a strong breeze? This is unusual…

“Geez, I’m sorry Twilight! And about that spell… if it included transforming something into an orange with the legs of a table, you clearly did it!” Rainbow said. “Besides, I moved my training ground, you know…”

“No that wasn’t the target!” the alicorn snorted. “And what do you mean that you moved your training ground?”

Rainbow just mumbled something inaudible as answer.

“Beg my pardon, what was that?” Twilight asked.

“Nothing Twilight! Want me to help you clean this up? I‘ve got nothing else to do at the moment.” Rainbow asked, blushing a bit.

Twilight froze, her jaw nearly falling open.

Did she just ask what I thought I heard?

“Hey, Equestria to Twilight are you there?” Rainbow asked, waving a hoof in front of her and snapping her out of her thoughts.

“Huh? Oh, yes Rainbow, everything is fine. I would love your help!” the alicorn said and smiled a bit.

She went to work, telling the pegasus exactly what to do. Rainbow worked eagerly, surprising Twilight with it. She watched the cyan mare for a while and blushed at her thoughts.

She is acting really strange today. Mhh I never realized how beautiful she looks… Wait, what?

The alicorn blushed furiously and shook her head, quickly returning to cleaning up. They both worked for some time before Twilight’s study-room looked like it did before Rainbow’s ‘visit’.

“Phew, looks like we’re done. Thanks for the help Rainbow.” Twilight said, looking out of the window to see the sun going down and the moon rising. “Oh it is already that late. I guess I will continue tomorrow.”

Rainbow smiled sheepishly. “Yeah, no problem Twilight. I’d do anything for a friend. I better go now, see ya egghead.” and with that she took off through the window she’d crashed through earlier..

Twilight fixed the window before heading to her bedroom. On her bed, she laid awake for some time, thinking about the day.

What is wrong with Rainbow? What is wrong with me? I’ve never really thought she is beautiful before… Why am I even thinking about it?

Slowly and unsteady, Twilight went into dreams…


Twilight sat on a hill with beautiful view over Ponyville. She felt happy, as if everything was just perfect. The weather was fine and despite the cold wind around her, she was pretty warm.

Turning her head, the purple alicorn found the source. A cyan pegasus with rainbow mane snuggled against her, a small smile on her muzzle. She was asleep and her breath was slow and steady.

The purple mare was happy and she couldn’t tell why. As she watched Rainbow sleeping peacefully, a deep smile formed on her muzzle and something fluttered in her stomach. It was her place, her Rainbow. It was where she was meant to be.

Unfolding a wing, Twilight softly stroked over Rainbow’s coat, enjoying the touch. The pegasus stirred and her eyes slowly opened, her sleepy gaze meeting Twilight’s and taking on a loving expression. The feeling in Twilight strengthened.

Rainbow smirked and leaned in, her wings slowly pulling Twilight closer until their breath touched. Then their lips met, starting a firework in Twilight she would never forget.


Twilight suddenly awoke, coat sweaty and her heart hammering like she was on a run. She remembered her dream, every single second, yet she was unsure about it.

Why did I dream about such things with Rainbow?

Shaking her head, she got up and went to the bathroom to get ready for the day. She also decided to visit Applejack later, maybe she would have an of idea what had happened.

Twilight stepped into her shower and turned the valve, warm water starting to splash on her, dripping down her coat. The warm feeling reminded her of the dream again, causing her stomach to flutter.

She quickly finished her shower and dried her coat before turning to the mirror and brushing her mane and tail. Something was wrong and she had the feeling it was about Rainbow Dash.

Twilight left her castle and went straight to Sweet apple acres. Even from afar she could see a certain orange mare bucking some apple trees. As she came closer the mare recognized her, pausing her work.

“Howdy Twilight! What leads you here today?” she asked, still breathing hard.

The alicorn smiled and hugged her friend. “Good morning Applejack. Can I talk with you for a minute? It’s pretty important.”

“Of course, Twilight! You know that ah’d do anything for a friend. What is it?” Applejack replied, returning the hug strongly.

Twilight hesitated, but the reassuring smile of her friend helped. “Rainbow crashed into the castle yesterday and made a mess. When I asked her for help she immediately agreed and helped me pretty fast. She seemed weird, and then I had a dream about her…”

“Hmm…” Applejack scratched her chin with a hoof, thinking. “That’s weird, she’s never agreed for cleaning her mess without any discussion. And what was your dream of?”

“Well, Rainbow was at my side… I felt great, and then we kissed… My heart pounded fast and my stomach felt like.. fluttering… What is wrong with me?” Twilight looked worried.

“Sugarcube, theres nothing wrong with you! If you ask me, you’re perfectly fine!” Applejack smiled.

“But what happened then?” Twilight was confused.

“Honestly?” Applejacks smile turned even brighter. “I think you have a crush on Rainbow.”

The alicorn froze in shock. “What?”

“You heard me Twilight. I think you have a crush on that pegasus.” the orange mare repeated and winked.

“W-what? But what should I do now? Is there a book about having a crush on somepony I should read? Can I even have a crush if I don’t even know what exactly that means?” Twilight’s mind went in panic-mode.

“Twilight, calm down! After what you told me I’m pretty sure that Rainbow feels the same. You have to talk to her sugarcube!” Applejack said and put a hoof around Twilight. “Talk to her, you will feel better. Trust me!”

Twilight gulped and her mind pondered.

Can I really just talk with Rainbow? Is it that easy?

She wasn’t sure about it and looked to Applejack, who smiled and nodded. The orange mare was being honest and Twilight knew it.

“Thank you Applejack. You’re a true friend.” the alicorn said, pulling her into a tight hug.

“You’re welcome sugarcube.” came the reply and she broke away.

With a last smile the alicorn spread her wings and took off, her destination a certain cloud home, not far away in the sky.


“Rainbow Dash, are you there?” Twilight asked, knocking for the like fifth time on the door.

No answer. Twilight breathed deeply and pushed against the door, making it swing open. It was unlocked. Slowly, she went in and looked around. She searched around, but didn’t find the pegasus. when she reached the bedroom, Rainbow wasn’t there either, but some picture frames besides the bed caught her attention.

One was a picture of Rainbow and Spitfire, but the other one shocked the alicorn. It was a picture of her before the coronation. She was still a unicorn and looked like she was focused on a few flasks, the tip of her tongue sticking out of her muzzle in concentration.

Why does she have a picture of me besides her bed? Applejack was right…

She picked the frame up with a wing, carefully, as if it were a treasure. The warm and fluttering feeling rushed over her again as she thought about Rainbow. Deep in her thoughts, she didn’t hear the pegasus entering the room, standing in shock at the door.

“T-twilight? What are you doing here?”

The alicorn jumped up, nearly dropping the frame and turning around, looking into the shocked and confused expression of the cyan pegasus.

“Rainbow! I’m sorry! I knocked, but nopony answered and the door was open… Rainbow? Why do you have a picture of me on your nightstand?” Twilight tried to stay calm, but her heart pumped faster and louder with every second passing by.

“Twilight… I can explain…” Rainbow started and the alicorn could see the fear entering her face.

She hadn’t a single clue if it was right, but she stepped forward after softly placing the frame back. Twilight came closer and could see the fear in Rainbow rise. As she stood directly in front of her, she could feel the pegasus’ breath on her muzzle.

Twilight felt the urge to just kiss her, but was afraid it could be way too much. Instead, she opened her wings wide, pulling Rainbow into a feathery embrace and gently nuzzling her neck.

“It is alright Rainbow, you can tell me everything.” she whispered softly.

“T-Twilight…” it was nearly inaudible.

“Yes, Rainbow?”

“I love you Twilight.” came the soft answer and Rainbow broke the embrace, just to do something Twilight never expected.

Rainbow closed the last gap between their muzzles until their lips met. Twilight felt free, as if all burdens from the world had fallen off of her. She leaned in, enjoying it eagerly and melting into Rainbow’s lips.

“As they broke apart Twilight smiled and said the words, her pounding heart screamed.

“I love you too, Rainbow.”

With that she leaned forward, pressing her lips on Rainbow’s this time. Applejack was right. Everything was perfectly fine...