My Little Thatch

by brandsca123

First published

In memory of a dead friend

This fic is dedicated to my pet cat Thatch, who died May 4 2012.

May she live on in our hearts.

Fluttershy finds a small kittin abandoned and alone on her doorstep. She quickly befriends the kitten and names her Thatch. Follow her adventures in ponyville.

I may add more chapters if the fic is popular enough.

In Loving Memory

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This story is dedicated to a dear friend of mine. May she live on in our hearts.

Thatch 2009-2012
May she rest in peace

I raised you from birth
I cared for you when you cried
You will always live on in my heart
My one and only


It was a dark and stormy night and Fluttershy was hiding under her covers. She never liked storms, all that loud noise frightened her. She shivered and shook and squeaked with fright as the storm raged on.

KRAK-BOOM, went the thunder as the rain started to fall down hard. Just then she heard three knocks from downstairs.

KNOCK-KNOCK-KNOCK, Fluttershy pulled the covers over her trying to hide from whatever made that noise.

"N...NN.....Nobody's home......" She said with fright. She peeked out of the covers when she heard a soft meow and a scratching noise.

SCRATCH-SCRATCH-SCRATCH "Meow" Fluttershy went downstairs to investigate. She stopped at the bottom step and listened.

"Meow" SCRATCH-SCRATCH-SCRATCH, the sound was coming from outside. She silently creeped up to the front door and with a shaking hoof she undid the locks and peeked outside.

On her doorstep was a brown box, the sounds seemed to be coming from inside. She heard a frantic shuffling inside. Fluttershy picked up the box and brought it in, curious as to what was inside.

She set the box down and opened it. Inside was a small shorthaired kitten with brown-green fur and black stripes on its tail. Behind its ears the fur was a soft caramel color, it had light green eyes and a pink nose. It had a red caller with a nametag on it that read, THATCH in gold letters.

The small kitten was shivering with fright and it was meowing loudly. Tears were forming in Fluttershy's eyes, she picked up the Kitten and cuddled it close.

"Shhhh, it's okay, I'm here." Fluttershy said to Thatch. Thatch started to purr loudly and snuggled close to the pegasus. It let out soft meows at regular intervals and started to kneed at her fur in comfort. Fluttershy brought Thatch up to her room and let her stay on the bed with her. Together they slept close to each other as the storm passed through the night.

I saw you grow up
I watched as you played
I never wanted to let you go
My one and only


It was morning at the cottage and Fluttershy was busy feeding the newest addition to her house. Thatch lapped up the bowl of milk as Fluttershy watched her with interest.

As Fluttershy ate a bowl of oats Thatch went up to her with its tail high in the air. She headbutted Fluttershy on the leg and let out a soft purr. Fluttershy smiled as the kitten gave her some affection.

"Why thank you Thatch" Fluttershy said. Thatch meowed in return and Fluttershy giggled.

You kept me warm when I was cold
You comforted me when I needed it
You were always by my side
My one and only


Thatch was busy playing with a feather in the living room, where Fluttershy was busy feeding some of her animals.

"Now now, don't crowd there's enough for all of you." Fluttershy said. Thatch flopped onto the floor as it started to claw the feather with her back claws while holding it with her front claws. Fluttershy couldn't help but laugh as the kitten was rolling about on the floor with the feather.

Fluttershy finished feeding the animals and went to sweep the floor. Thatch followed her happily and purred. While she was cleaning the floor with the broom Fluttershy noticed that any dirt she collected went missing.

"That's odd..." She felt something tug on the broom, she turned to see Thatch playing with the brissles of the broom. She giggled as the kittin bat the broom with a paw playfully.

"Oh Thatch..." She said, Thatch just looked at her with a innocent look on her face. Fluttershy burst out laughing.

I was there when you first stepped outside
I was there when you climbed your first tree
You always stayed with me
My one and only


Outside in the chicken coop, Fluttershy was busy feeding her chickens. Thatch was busy chasing a butterfly through the yard.

"Now Miss. Chicken you must eat your food." Fluttershy said sternly to a portly chicken. She huffed when the chcken refused to eat.

"Would you eat it if I ate some?" Fluttershy asked, the chicken gave a cluck in response. While Fluttershy ate a seed Thatch lost interest in the butterfly and was now climbing the fence. She pounced into the pile of seeds sending the chickens into a frenzy. Thatch playfully bat Fluttershy's tail as the peggasus tried to calm the chickens down.

"Please calm down.....Oh my...." Fluttershy picked up Thatch and put her outside the coop. The kitten gave her another innocent look. Thatch caught site of another butterfly and chased it around the cottage, leaving Fluttershy to deal with the chickens.

You are stronger now
But still young
Though you no longer need me
You stay by my side
My one and only


It was now nightime once more and Fluttershy was getting into bed. She felt something bat her back hooves and she looked. Thatch was busy jumping about going after the lumps in the blanket that were Fluttershy's hooves. She smiled as the kitten played around and decided to let Thatch sleep with her. She snuggled up close to Thatch, as the kitten started to lay down and purr. Though another day is done, Fluttershy would have to repeat her chores again the next morning. She smiled soundly as she thought about the Kitten and its young energetic attitude. She loved Thatch and she was sure that the kitten loved her back.

She fell asleep as Thatch snuggled up closer to her for warmth.

"Goodnight Thatch" Fluttershy said.

"Meow" Thatch replied.

Together the two friends slept. What adventures await them in the future. Only Time will tell.

Life goes on as we grow old
Though now your gone
You will always be
My one and only


May you rest in peace my friend...