> Turnabout Bully > by Paradox Theory > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Day One: The New Lawyer > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- August 1, 9:00 PM ????, Ponyville As the thunder and lightning crashed outside, A small purple filly walked through her empty home. A voice muttered, "For all the pain you caused. . . " "Hello?" The filly called out. A candelabra struck her from behind. And she knew no more. August 2, 6:00 AM Carousal Boutique I woke that morning like any morning, ready to go to work on my newest dress, when a panicked knocking came from my door. "One second!" I chimed as I hurried down the stairs. Opening the door, I was surprised to find AJ. "Rarity! Ya'll gotta come to the detention center!" Applejack practically yelled. "What's wrong?" I asked. "it's my little Applebloom! She's been accused of murder!" "How dreadful!" I exclaimed. "So who was murdered?" I asked as calmly as I could. "Diamond Tiara." AJ sighed, "But ah know she didn't do anything!" "And I believe you." I assured her. "Before we head to the detention center, I want to ask one last question AJ dear." I told AJ "All right, shoot." AJ replied. "Where was the murder scene?" AJ looked both ways before saying, "The Rich Manor." Alright then, I guess there's only one thing to do, "AJ dear, let's go see your sister." August 2, 6:30 AM Ponyville Detention Center Entrance "Hey!" Shouted somepony, "Who are you two and why are you here?" AJ and I turn to find a gruff looking pegasus with a magnifying glass cutie mark on a dark blue coat. "My name is Applejack, and I'm here to see Applebloom! My sister!" AJ practically yelled at the pegasus. "Whoa! Take it easy pal!" The pegasus said, trying to calm AJ. "I'm just doing my job." With that he removed his detective hat to reveal a dark brown mane and bright green eyes. "The name's Silver Wing, I'm the detective heading the case of Applebloom." I cringed at the Pegasus's noodle breath, "Pleased to make your acquaintance, I'm Rarity. I'm a close friend of Applejack's here." "Now that we've done introduced ourselves, ah'm going to see my sister." AJ huffed. I made to follow her, but Silver Wing stopped me. "Sorry pal, but I need you to promise that you won't get involved." Silver asked me. "Fine, I Pinkie Promise. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." I chanted. "Wha-?" Silver stuttered. "Don't ask." I answered. Shaking his head, Silver stepped aside, "Just go in." August 2, 6;35 AM Ponyville Detention Center Visitor's Room One We walked into the visitor's room, but I must say they could use some remodeling. "Rarity? Applejack?" A young country voice asked. Turning my attention to the window, I saw Applejack pressed up against it. "Now don't ya worry Sugarcube, Me an the girls will find somepony to fix it." "But Ah already told everypony that ah didn't do it!" Applebloom complained. "Yes, well, because of where they found you, they wouldn't believe you." I explained, "Do you know who your lawyer is?" "No, I overheard that if I don't have a lawyer by tonight, that I would be- that I would-" Applebloom began to cry. "Calm down little sis, we'll find somepony." AJ assured. She then turned to me, "Rarity, would ya be my sister's lawyer?" "AJ, I-I don't understand why you can't." I admitted. "When it comes down to it, ah don't have th' ability to talk like you do, an you have an eye fer detail. . ." AJ explained. "But I pinkie promised that I wouldn't get involved, would you have me break it?" I asked her. "Oh Rarity, I understand." Chirped a high pitched voice. "Pinkie?!" AJ and I exclaimed. "Yep!" Pinkie said happily. "How did you get in here?" AJ asked. Pinkie giggled, "I was talking to noodle boy outside, but after a few minutes he basically pushed me in here. . . I wonder why?" Pinkie explained. It's a real mystery Pinkie. "Well then, Applebloom?" I asked, causing Applebloom to look at me, "Do you have any papers that somepony here might have given you?" Applebloom nodded and showed me the papers. "Applebloom, do you want me to defend you in courtl today?" I asked her. "Ah do," Applebloom said, "So let's sign!" After filling out the papers, I turned to Pinkie, "Sorry again for breaking a Pinkie Promise." Pinkie giggled, "Rarity, something like this renders it null and void!" I smile at Pinkie's understanding. "Rarity, I think we should locate Princess Twilight before you go investigating." AJ suggested. "Yes, I suppose she could make it official," then an idea hit me, "And then I'd get the most pretty badge!" "Gah!" Muttered AJ as we left the building. August 2, 7:00 AM Ponyville Town Square "Are you sure Twilight is here Applejack?" I asked the orange earth pony next to me. "That's what Rainbow said!" Applejack shot back. "Rainbow said what?" Asked a new voice from behind us. We turn to find Twilight Sparkle looking back at us. "Twilight, I just did something, and I want you to make it official." I presented her Applebloom's letter of request. Twilight gave me a concerned look, "You want to be her lawyer?" "Yes." I said, "I have a keen eye for detail, and I know quite a bit about defending somepony." Twilight considered me for a moment. "Then you're her lawyer." She then levitated a small golden badge to me, "This will help you." I looked at the badge a moment, it was a beautifully crafted item, six differently colored jewels were placed in such a way it reminded me of the elements. "Well, I'll take my leave. Good luck Rarity." Twilight offered before leaving the square. "Well, I'd better get back to the farm." Applejack sighed, "Good luck investigating." But before she could leave I had another idea. "Applejack, do you still wish to help Applebloom in any way?" "Ah' course ah do. Why?" Applejack asked in confusion. "Well, while you might not be able to do the talking," I explained, "You could help me investigate, and be my Co-council?" Applejack looked at the ground. "Please!" I asked, "I don't think I can do this alone." Applejack then looked up and smiled, "Where do we start?" > Day One: Investigation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- August 2, 7:30 Am Rich Manor Entrance Applejack and I made our way to the crime scene, but we suddenly halted when somebody shouted. "I thought I told ya to stay out of this pal." Silver Wing growled. "Will this help?" I asked, flashing my badge to the detective. "Now why'd you go and do that pal?" Silver sighed, "But now that your an official Lawyer, I guess I can answer some questions." "All right then, " I said, "How did the victim die?" Silver brought out a pamphlet, "This is the autopsy report. It states that Diamond Tiara died of blunt force trauma at 9:00 sharp." "Wow, that's accurate," I said in surprise, "How did you know the time?" "That's when the father got home." The detective sighed, "And Applebloom was on the crime scene." "Do you know what the murder weapon is?" I asked him. "Yes," The Detective assured, "It's a Candelabra." "May I and my Co-Council take a look around the crime scene?' Silver nodded, "Yeah, it's just in the entrance Hallway." "Come along Applejack, clues await us!" I squeed, feeling the excitement of this whole thing get to me. August 2, 7:40 AM Rich Manor Entryway "We don't have much time, so let's look for clues." I told Applejack. We scanned the area for an eternity, when finally we found something, a note. "Rich Manor, 9:00 Sharp, don't be late. S." I read aloud. Whatever it was, I stuffed it into my saddle bag, it was a clue. "Did you find anything Applejack dear?" I asked Applejack, who was on the other side of the hall way. "Yeah, it's this here window, it's all busted." Applejack looked down, "And Silver-Grey fur." The only other thing I noticed was that there were only two ways out of the entryway, the front door and the door into the main area. "Well, let's get going." I announced at last. "Who are you and how did you get inside my house?!" A new deep voice asked. I turned around to face Filthy Rich. Diamond Tiara's brown coated father. "Sorry Mr. Rich, but I'm a lawyer now, and I'm defending Applebloom today." I explained. "I thought I told that noodle slurping Pegasus not to allow any of you or your friends on this case." Filthy sneered. "Would you like to take it up with Princess Twilight?" I asked him. Filthy jumped back, "All right, you win!" He said. "Do you mind if I ask you some questions?" I asked him. "I do mind, as a matter of fact!" Filthy all but yelled, "I'm the witness." Curses, he's under oath. "Thank you for your time, Mr. Rich." I told him. "Now go away!" He hissed, walking inside his home. I turned to Applejack, "I want to head back to the detention center one more time. There's something I've been meaning to ask Applebloom." Applejack simply nodded. August 2, 8:00 Detention Center Visitor's Room One "Did ya find anything useful?" Applebloom asked me as soon as she saw me. "Applebloom, honey, I have to say that I didn't." I told her. "Aww." She sighed. "But I do have a question for you." "Yes?" Applebloom wimpered. "What were you doing on the crime scene?" "I-I was there to see Mr. Rich." Applebloom said hesitantly. "Somehow, I don't believe you." I made the mistake of saying. "Why would Filthy need to see ya Applebloom?" Applejack asked after smacking me. "Because he wanted to talk about Diamond bullying me." Applebloom said. "She was bullying you?!" Applejack asked in disgrace, "Why didn't you tell me?!" Applebloom glared at Applejack, "Because ah did and ya still ignored me!" I still don't believe you, but way to set up a motive. "Applebloom, I don't think that was the reason." I told her. "Oh yeah, and what reason do you think I went?" Applebloom asked me with a glare. "You went because, you got this note." I said as a presented the note. "Oh yeah? Prove that I got it!" Applebloom challenged me. I smiled, "Because it said A." Applebloom scoffed, "No, it said S." she then gasped. "Now, be honest." I told her. "All right. It was the note, I thought it was Sweetie or Scoots who sent it." Applebloom confessed, "I thought we were just going to prank her. Honest." "Now I believe you." I smiled at her. "From now on, be honest, it can save you." "Ah promise Rarity." I turned to Applejack. "Well, I guess we have to prepare for the trial now." "At least we have clues now." Applejack replied. > Day One: Trial > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- August 2, 9:00 Defendant's Lobby 2. "Well Rarity, this is it, when we walk through those doors, we have to show everypony that my sis isn't the killer." Applejack told me. "I know dear, but we don't really have anything yet." I replied. "The Defense and it's Co-council are to make their way to the court room." The Bailiff announced. With that, we stepped into the Court Room. August 2, 9:10 Court Room 1 "Court is now in session for the case of Applebloom." Said a brown earth pony from the Judges booth. "Is the Defense ready?" "The Defense is ready, your honor." Rarity stated before pausing, "Haven't I seen you before?" The Judge nodded, "Most likely around town. My name is Time Turner by the way." "Strange," Rarity muttered, "I swear I heard somepony call you Doctor." "Well, That's my other name. . . . but I'm afraid we'll have to talk later," the Doctor replied, "Prosecution, are you ready?" "The Prosecution stands ready, your Honor." Shining Armor answered. The Doctor nodded, "Then you may give your opening statement." "Of course," Shining nodded, "Yesterday at 9:00 pm, the defendant was found next to the body of Diamond Tiara, the victim. Her death was caused by blunt force trauma. One blow to the head. We have substantial proof and an eyewitness. This case will be open and shut." The Doctor nodded, "Then you may call your first witness to the stand." "I call the detective in charge of this case." Shining said. "Hey there pal." Silver Wing said from the witness stand. "Detective, state your name and Occupation." Shining told Silver. "Well, seeing as you already know my occupation, I'll only say my name, pal" Silver answered, "Silver Wing, reporting for duty." "Detective Silver Wing, please testify to the court the scene of the crime." the Doctor said. Nodding Silver replied, "At once your honor." Witness Testimony --The Crime Scene-- "We were notified at 9:00 that night, but we didn't arrive until 9:10" "The first thing I noticed was the murder weapon, a candelabra, which was covered in the victim's blood." "I then scanned the area for hoof prints, only four types of hoof prints were there." "There's not much else I can say pal." --End-- "Hmm, that seems in order," the Doctor stated, "Defense, would you like to cross examine the witness?" "Of course your honor." Rarity answered. CROSS EXAMINATION "We were notified at 9:00 that night, but we didn't arrive until 9:10" "Why did it take you so long to get there?" Rarity asked. "Because the Rich Manor is across town from the station." Silver Wing replied. "Continue," Rarity said after a short pause. ---------------------------- "The first thing I noticed was the murder weapon, a candelabra, which was covered in the victim's blood." "Was there any hoof prints on the candelabra?" Rarity asked. "Hmm," Silver Wing pondered, "This will sound strange, but there isn't." "Why?" "Why does it matter?" Shining asked. "Because Applebloom is an Earth Pony, she could only hold it in her mouth and hooves." Rarity explained. Shining then visibly flinched. After a few moments, Rarity nodded, "Continue." ----------------------- "I then scanned the area for hoof prints, only four types of hoof prints were there." "Did you identify them?" Rarity asked. "Yes," Silver replied, "One set belonged to the Father, another to the victim, and the third was the defendant's." "And the fourth?" Rarity pressed. "We could tell it belonged to a filly. But not much else." "Continue." Rarity said with a nod. -------------------------- "There's not much else I can say pal." "Are you absolutely sure?" Rarity asked. "Yep, there was nothing else." Silver replied. "Hey! What's with the yelling?!" Silver growled. "Because, there was something else!" Rarity explained. "And what would that be?" Shining asked. Rarity pointed her hoof at Shining. "There was a broken window not far from the crime scene!" Rarity explained. Silver jumped and steam came out of his ears. "That must have been how the defendant entered the house!" Shining countered. "Look at the pattern of the shatter! It was broken from the inside!" Rarity countered. The Doctor looked at the picture, "I'm afraid the Defense is right, somepony broke out. Not in. Objection overruled!" And then slammed his gavel. "I love this thing. I should have become a judge several hundred years ago." "..." Rarity paused, "What, your honor?" "Oh! Nothing, carry on." the Doctor replied. Rarity turned back to Silver, "Why didn't you notice the broken window?" "I suppose it's for the reason Shining said," Silver explained, "I thought that that was how she got in the house." "Still, you should have mentioned it." Rarity said. "Yeah, you're right." Silver said dejectedly. "Besides the window, was there anything else you didn't mention?" Rarity asked. "I'm sure that was all." Silver said. Rarity nodded, "Then I am done." The Doctor nodded, "You may leave, witness." With a salute, Silver left the stand. "However, this still looks bad for the defendant." the Doctor muttered, "Prosecution, do you have another witness?" Shining nodded, "Yes, I do. And I call him to the stand." A brown earth pony with black hair and a bag of money for a cutie mark took the stand. "Witness, state your name and occupation." Shining said. "Rich, Filthy Rich. Owner and proprietor of Rich's Barnyard Bargains." Mr. Rich said. "Filthy, please testify to the court what you witnessed the other night." the Doctor said. "Gladly, and please, call me Mr. Rich," Filthy replied. Witness Testimony What I Witnessed "I had been away most of the day." "When I got home, I knew something was wrong." "The front door was ajar." "And who should be standing there but the defendant herself?" "Her guilt is obvious! I demand justice!" --END-- "Hmm, I don't see much room for anything else," the Doctor commented, "But, the law dictates that the defense has the right to cross examine the witness." "And I will do so." Rarity huffed. CROSS EXAMINATION "I had been away most of the day." "Where were you?" Rarity asked. Shining slammed his hoof on his desk, "Where he was before then doesn't matter. That is a pointless question." "Agreed," the Doctor stated, "Objection Sustained." "Next." Shining smirked. ----------------------- "When I got home, I knew something was wrong." "How did you know?" Rarity asked. "My front gate was ajar. It was closed when I left." Filthy replied. "How-how does that make you worried?" Rarity asked in disbelief. "It only opens for a keycard." "..." Rarity had nothing to say. So how did Applebloom get inside the property? "So how did the filly get on the property?" the Doctor asked. Filthy blanched, sweat running down the sides of his face. "Perhaps Filthy just forgot to shut the gate on the way out. I'd imagine he was in a hurry." Shining suggested. "I agree," the Doctor piped up, "I know I've forgotten to lock the TARDIS more then once." Again, everypony looked at the Doctor. "Oops, me and my big mouth. Carry on!" "Y-yes, that must have been it. I was in a hurry." Filthy agreed. "You just said it was closed when you left! You can't just change your testimony!" Rarity pointed out. "Yesterday was all sorts of stressful! Perhaps I just assumed it was shut!" Filthy yelled. Rarity grit her teeth, "Continue." -------------------------- "The front door was ajar." "So, your house was just open?" Rarity questioned. Filthy scowled, "I guess so, but where are you going with this?" Rarity paused, "I don't know yet, just getting details." Shining scoffed, "Some defense attorney you are." "Continue." Rarity said. ---------------------- "And who should be standing there but the defendant herself?" "Could you describe in greater detail what you saw?" Rarity asked. "I saw my beloved daughter dead, The yellow earth pony just sat there staring at her." Filthy said, his face dropping at the mention of his daughter. "Did you see anything else?" "Hmm, besides the broken window and fur, nothing." "I never mentioned any fur." Rarity smirked. Filthy blanched and began to sweat down the sides of his face. "So, can you identify this fur Filthy?" Filthy's face turned red, "Stop calling me Filthy!" Rarity slammed her hooves down on the desk in front of her. "Fur. Can. You. Identify. It?" "I can't tell you who it's from, maybe a friend of my daughter? Maybe a cat? I don't know!" Filthy all but yelled Rarity nodded, "Continue please." ------------------------ "Her guilt is obvious! I demand justice!" "And what makes it obvious?" Rarity asked. "She was there, the candelabra In front of her. Both doors were open." Filthy listed, "The window was broken from the inside, but she never left. I think it's pretty obvious." "And I think she was in the wrong place at the wrong time." Rarity insisted. "Prove it!" Filthy challenged. Rarity smiled, "First, according to Applebloom, she got there ten minutes before you. The window must have already been broken." "I think she broke the window! Unless you can prove otherwise." Shining countered. "I can, and I will." Rarity replied, "With this!" Filthy blinked, "A piece of grey. . . fur." "Filthy, something you said earlier today intrigued me." Rarity continued, "Could you describe Diamond's friend?" "Well, let's see. . . . her name is Silver Spoon. She wears glasses, and has grey. . . . fur." Filthy's eyes went wide with realization. "The defense would like to cast suspicion on Silver Spoon." Rarity announced. "On what grounds?" Shining demanded. "On the grounds that she was the last pony to speak with the victim, and that she had escaped the house by jumping out of the window." Rarity explained. Shining Armor fumed quietly, but Filthy wasn't done yet. "Why would Diamond's best friend stab her in the back? I think that Applebloom was the true killer!" Filthy cried. "What motive does a kid have?" Rarity countered. "She is a poor farmfilly, and my family has wealth, that's no secret! So, she was jealous of my daughter!" Filthy explained. "JEALOUS?!" Applebloom screamed, "OF THAT TWO BIT BULLY?!" "Applebloom! Calm down!" Applejack urged. "Bully? My little girl was an angel!" Filthy huffed, "Just one big lie!" "NO!" Two new voices shouted, the owners revealing themselves to be an orange pegasus and a white unicorn. "Diamond Tiara is a bully!" The pegasus barked, "And all of you adults are too blind to stop it!" With this the court, and Filthy started talking murmuring and yelling. "ORDER!" the Doctor yelled, "Order in the Court!" Then slammed his gavel. Everypony fell quiet, even Filthy. "Bailiff! Please escort these two fillies out of the courtroom." the Doctor said. The Bailiff jumped up and escorted the two fillies out of the courtroom. "Now, where were we?" The Doctor asked. "I cast suspicion on Silver Spoon." Rarity answered. The Doctor closed his eyes in thought. "I believe I have made my decision, I will suspend court to analyze the fur and see if it matches the filly. As for the defense, I expect that they will return to the crime scene to investigate more." Rarity nodded, "Of course your Honor." The Doctor nodded, "Prosecution, do you have any objections?" Shining shook his head, "None your honor, it seems this theory is solid." The Doctor smiled, "Then Court is Adjourned." And his gavel slammed one last time. August 2, 2:30 PM Defendant Lobby 2 "Good job Rarity, I thought we were done for once or twice in there." Applejack sighed. But Rarity only frowned, "I'm afraid that if Silver isn't the killer, Applebloom will be back on the spot." And AJ's smile vanished. "You did good in there, Rarity." Shining Armor said as he approached the two. "And you sir! Why and when did you become a lawyer?!" Rarity demanded. "It was one of the requirements of becoming a member of the royal guard." Shining explained, "But I'm only here because Filthy scared all of the other prosecutors." "Ah, still, you did a god job as well. Though you were awfully quiet. Why?" Rarity asked. "While I may be against you, I'd rather know the truth before making any decision." Shining answered. "Then as th' element of Honesty, I thank ya Shining." Applejack said. "No problem AJ." Shining answered with a smile. Then he left. Then Filthy appeared with a scowl on his face. "You think you've won! You think that Silver Spoon back stabbed my daughter! When her innocence is found, Applebloom will go away for good!" "Filthy, I already disproved your theory for her motive. There's no reason for her to kill anypony." Rarity sighed. "Then why did she lie about my daughter bullying her?" Filthy countered. "If it were a lie, then why did two other fillies step forward and say the same?" Rarity asked. "I know those three, they are friends. No doubt Applebloom told them her plan!" Filthy growled. Applejack then stepped forward and yelled, "Listen here Filthy! Ah am the Element of Honesty, an' ah can tell when someone is fibbin'. Those girls were telling the truth!" Filthy narrowed his eyes, "Then we'll see tomorrow who's right." He turned and scoffed, "Element of Honesty! Ha! Why bother!" Applejack and Rarity looked at each other. "Perhaps we should ask the other schoolchildren to confirm this whole bullying thing." Rarity said. "An' ah'd like to apologize to Applebloom for not asking about this sooner." Applejack sighed. Rarity put a hoof on AJ's shoulder, "Then go save your sistership, I'll be fine for awhile." With tears in her eyes and a nod, Applejack took off. With a sigh, Rarity left the courthouse and made her way toward the schoolhouse. End of Day One . . To Be Continued > Day 2: Investigation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- April 3rd, 9:00 AM Ponyville Detention Center I sighed as I entered the detention center. I was so blind to what was hurting my lil' sister that I hurt her unintentionally. I wonder if she'll even talk to me. As I entered the building, I bumped into Filthy. "Watch where you're going filth!" Filthy growled. "Is that anyway to talk to your business partner Filthy?" I asked him. Filthy's face turned red as he replied, "Until your brat of a sister stops lying and is found guilty, you are no partner of mine." I decided not to press him on that, as that is the last thing I need. "Filthy, if the fur Rarity found matches Silver Spoon, Applebloom may be innocent yet." Filthy scoffed "That was obviously planted, Diamond's friend has always been good. Ask her teacher." Suddenly, a mare cleared her throat. Me and Filthy turned to see Cheerilee standing there. "Hi Miss Cheerilee, what brings you here?" I asked her. "Oh AJ, I was asked to write down a testimony on Diamonds behavior in school. It requires her classmates opinions" Cheerilee explained. Filthy smirked as he said, "And now we have proof Applebloom is a liar." But Cheerilee gave him a stern look. "The only liar, was Diamond." Filthy looked stunned, he opened and closed his mouth a few times before trotting off. "Before I leave Cheerilee, may I have a copy of tha' testimony?" I asked. "Certainly Applejack!" Cheerilee replied as she handed me a copy. As I held the testimony in my hooves, I looked down. "Why didn't ah listen sooner Cheerilee? This could've all been prevented had ah did my job." I bemoaned. Cheerilee put a hoof on my shoulder, "You aren't to blame, we don't know if this was preventable." But I didn't listen, I had a sister to see. April 3rd 8:50 AM Ponyville Schoolhouse I watched as the kids each put their thoughts on Cheerilee's testimony. Sweetie Belle was clinging to me and sobbing. "You'll prove it wasn't her. right?" Sweetie asked me. "You bet I will. I know she's innocent. I'll prove t." I told her with a smile. "Rarity, can yo watch the kids for a few moments while I go to the Detention center?" Cheerilee asked. "Of course." I replied, after all, it was only for w few moments. "excuse me Miss Rarity? But could I help in anyway?" A small purple grey coated unicorn asked. "You could tell me more about Diamond and Silver Spoon. What's you name Miss-?" I replied, watching her for anything off. The filly saluted, "Dinky Doo! And if you want to know about Diamond and her friend, I can help!" I smiled at the enthusiastic filly. "That's the Spirit." Dinky scrunched her nose in thought, "Diamond was always a bully. She liked to pick on those without cutie marks more then anyppony else. . " "Why?" I asked her. "I don;t know, I always thought she was like what mommy said. . ." "Mommy?" Dinky nodded, "My mommy, Derpy. She told me 'Dinky, you know why we aren't rich?' 'No.. I would say. 'Because rich ponies always abuse their power, they always make ponies feel down.' 'Why?' I would ask. 'Because they have nopony to love.' She would say, 'That's why we don't need money.' 'Because we have love.' I would finish.' ." ". . . ." I literally had no words for that, I could only stare. Dinky pasued for a moment, "My mommy would always get quiet afterwords." "I bet." I thought to myself. "Thank you for the input, Miss Dinky, but I think I'll be leaving now." "Why?" Dinky asked. I quietly pointed to a beaming Pegasus mare with tears trailing down her cheeks. As Dinky looked to her, the mare held her arms out. Dinky ran to her mother and embraced her. "I'm proud of you my muffin." I heard the mare whisper. I then noticed Cheerilee standing there with a smile as well. Nodding quietly to her, I left the school house. April 3rd, 9:30 PM Rich Manor Gatehouse I looked at the security station, it had only one guard there. He had a white coat and a bright blue mane. Deciding to get this over with, I walked over to him. "Excuse me Mr.?" I asked hesitantly. . . "Call me Gatewatch." He said. "Why?" I asked. He gave me a look, "It's better if you don't know." He answered. Deciding to let it go, I asked anther question, "Can you tell me about how this gate works?" Gatewatch studied me before continuing, "It's set to open to specific numbers, it gives me a list of each time a card was used daily." "So you have a record of card uses for the day of the murder?" I asked. Gatewatch nodded. "I do." "Did the police or Prosecution ask for a copy?" I pressed. "No/ But they seem to think I'm a witness." Gatewatch replied. I flinched, "A witness?!" "It seems so." He replied. "Before I examine more of the crime scene, could I have a copy of the record sheet of the day of the murder?" I asked him, watching to se what he might pull. To my surprise, he smiled, "Anything to help that filly off the hook." "Wait, you think she's innocent? Why?" I asked in surprise as he gave me a copy of the records. "That would be revealing what I have to say tomorrow. Sorry." I nodded with a smile as I entered the grounds. The first thing I did was inspect the window. Outside, glass was strewn everywhere. I noticed a small pair of hoof prints around it. I looked around some more but sighed in defeat, there was nothing else. "Wait!" Pinkie yelled, jumping out of nowhere. "You have to examine evidence!" "What?" Was all I could say. "It's easy!" Pinkie beamed, "Just click on the button labeled "Court Record" then click on the evidence button! After that, Click examine!" "Pinkie!" I shouted, "What was that? I didn't understand a thing!" "Don't worry, the readers will." Pinkie said with a wink before disappearing. "Sometimes, I don't understand that mare. . . ." I thought as I looked through the evidence. I dropped the card record in shock as I read it. Rich Manor Gate Card Records for April the 1st: 9:00 AM. Card # 11511234 10:30 AM. Card # 11241563 3:00 PM. Card # 11378450 8:35 PM. Card # 11478923 I read the last card number in disbelief. Somepony else had entered the property a good fifteen minutes before the murder. But who? April 3rd, 9:30 AM Ponyville Detention Center Applebloom turned her back as I entered the room. "Listen, sugar cube, Ah'm sorry for not listening to ya before, Ah just thought it was a joke between ya and Diamond." I explained. Applebloom huffed. "Ah know you're mad at me, and ya have every right t' be. Ah-ah'm not living up t' m element at all. . . " I felt tears run down my face. "But Ah'm sorry Applebloom! I'm scared Ah'll lose ya forever, Ah want to help in anyway. If ya'll still hate me afterwords ah deserve it.! Ah.m a horrible sister!" I then began to cry against the glass. After a minute of crying, I hear a soft 'clink' against the glass. Applebloom looked down at me. "Tha' ain't true. Ya are the best big sister in the world. An' while ya made a mistake, so have ah." I looked at her in disbelief. "Ah shoulda told ya the truth. Before this all happened. Ah love ya sis." Applebloom said as tears trailed down her cheeks. I placed my own hoof against the glass as I said, "Looks like ya ain't so little after all." > Day Two: Trial > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- April 3rd. 12:30 PM Ponyville Courthouse, Courtroom 2 The courtroom was abuzz in conversation. *SMACK* Went the judge's gavel. "We are here to resume the case of Applebloom." The Doctor announced, "I believe both sides have found new things to show in court today, so, Prosecution, do you have anything to say?" "Yes your Honor." Shining nodded, "I have humored the defense, but I have two witnesses today who will clear up any and all doubts. The fur does indeed belong to Silver Spoon, but we will know what happened soon enough." The Doctor nodded, "You may call your first witness." "I call the security guard of the Rich Manor." Shining announced. "Hello everypony." said a white pony with a blue mane. Shining slammed his hoof on the desk in front of him. "Name and Occupation." "Gatewatch. I'm the security guard at the gate." He replied. "And do you know why your here?" Shining asked. "No." Gatewatch said quietly. The Doctor spoke up, "You are here to testify to the court about whether or not Silver Spoon visited on the day of the murder." "Then I suppose I shall start." Gatewatch replied. WITNESS TESTIMONY --Watching the Gate-- "It was a quiet day, Diamond and her Father left early." "The Butler left some time later, to get cleaning supplies, I assume." "Then Diamond returned from school around 3 PM." "I don't recall if anypony else visited after words though." "Then you know the rest." --END-- "Well, " The Doctor said, "It seems that Silver Spoon wasn't there." "Your honor? If I may present my theory as to why?" Shining asked. The Doctor nodded, "Of course." "What happened was this: Silver Spoon had gone home with Diamond. The got into an argument hours later, resulting in Diamond pushing Silver out of the window. By that time, Applebloom showed up and killed Diamond." Rarity looked at Shining in shock. "Well, that clears a few things up." The Doctor said in surprise, "Miss Rarity, will you cross examine the witness?" Rarity slammed her hooves on the desk in front of her. "I will your Honor!" CROSS EXAMINATION --Watching the Gate-- "It was a quiet day, Diamond and her Father left early." "What time?" asked Rarity. "9:00 I'd assume, that's when they usually leave." Gatewatch explained. "Usually?" Rarity asked. "That is irrelevant!' Shining objected. The Doctor nodded. "Sustained." "The Butler left some time later, to get cleaning supplies, I assume." "So is the butler the only other worker there?" Rarity asked. "Filthy doesn't trust very many ponies." Gatewatch stated. "I was the only employee besides the butler." Rarity nodded, "Continue." "Then Diamond returned from school around 3 PM." "Was anypony with her?" Rarity asked. Gatewach paused, "Yeah, one of her friends I think." Rarity slammed her hooves down on the table, "Could you describe her?" "How does this relate to the crime?" Shining asked. The whole courtroom sat in silence as he realized what he just did. "Shining," The Doctor said with a glare, "Do that again and I will penalize you." Shining gave a small jump while his guard helmet flipped up. Gatewatch scratched his chin. "Don't recall." Rarity sighed as she nodded, "Continue then." "I don't recall if anypony else visited after words though." "You don't remember if anypony else showed up?" Rarity asked. Gatewatch scratched his chin, "I don't." "Are you sure that nopony had entered afterwords?" "Absolutely." He said. "What did I do?" Gatewatch demanded. "It's more like what you didn't do, your job." Rarity accused. "ORDER! ORDER!" The Doctor shouted, banging his gavel to calm the jury. "Miss Rarity, what is the meaning of this?" "You see your honor, according to this security card record, somepony used a card a 8:35. Clearly a contradiction!" Rarity explained. Gatewatch yelled as he looked up. Rarity slammed her hooves on her desk again, "Why don't you remember this?" "I was asleep." He mumbled. "What?!" Shining gasped. "I fell asleep on the job. Seeing as I'm the only guard." Gatewatch explained, "I basically live there at my post." "So you didn't see Applebloom enter the manor because you had fallen asleep?" Rarity asked. "HEY! It's not my fault someone drugged my lunch!" The courtroom fell silent. "Oh. . . " Gatewatch sighed. "Your Honor, I'm done with him." Rarity said after a short pause. The Doctor stared at Gatewatch stunned. "Are you sure?" Rarity nodded, "Yes your honor." The Doctor nodded. "Then Gatewatch is free to go." Gatewatch gives a curt nod before leaving. "However Rarity, we still have no idea who really did it." The Doctor reminded her. "Then may we have Silver Spoon testify?" Rarity asked. "Are you ready to face what will happen if there is no change?" Shining asked. The Doctor nodded, "Unless there is a significant amount of evidence proving that the defendant may be innocent, I will have no choice but to find her guilty." Rarity nods in response. "I understand, Your Honor." "Then the prosecution may call out their next witness." The Doctor said. "I call Silver Spoon to the stand." Shining announced. A small grey filly with silver hair and glasses walked up to the stand. However, it was too tall for her. "Bailiff, can you get some boxes for her?" The Doctor asked. The Bailiff nods before running out of the courtroom, not even five minutes later, he came back. "Here you go." He told Silver as he placed the boxes behind the stand. Silver Spoon looked around the courtroom before seeing Rarity. "You!" She hissed. Rarity arched an eyebrow, "What?" "Do you know what you've done to my life? Everypony at school thinks I've done it! They look at me like I'm going to kill them next!" Silver practically screamed. "Order!" The Doctor barked as he slammed his gavel. With a saddened voice, Rarity answered, "I didn't mean for it to happen. I'm just trying to understand what happened. Please tell us the truth, we'll believe you." Silver stared at Rarity quietly. But Shining wasn't about to be left behind. "Witness, name and occupation!" He said with slamming his hooves. Silver jumped. "Prosecution, please be more careful, this is only a filly after all." The Doctor warned. "Yes, your honor" Shining sighed. "My name is Silver Spoon, and I'm still in school." Silver answered. "Miss Spoon, can you please tell us what you did on the day of the murder?" The Doctor asked. Silver nodded, "If it gets me ff the hook." WITNESS TESTIMONY --What I was Doing-- Well, I went to school, like I do every day. After school got out, I went to Diamonds home with Diamond Tiara. A few hours later, I went to run an errand. Then I got back, and found DT . . . . I found her. . . In a daze, I ran in a random direction. Bye the time I stopped running, police had swarmed Diamonds home. --END-- The Doctor had tears in his eyes, "Oh you poor filly! No need to worry! It's over now." "Ahem" Rarity cleared her throat. "Oh! Right," The Doctor sat up in realization, "Will you cross examine her?" "Yes, Your Honor." Rarity replied. "I must warn you, she is a filly, don't press her too hard!" The Doctor warned. Fillies, the kryptonite of attorneys. Rarity thought gloomily to herself. CROSS EXAMINATION --What I was Doing-- Well, I went to school, like I do every day. "You claim to have good attendance?" Rarity asked. "What does that mean?" Silver asked back. "It means: Have you ever missed school?" Rarity explained. Silver thought for a moment, "No, unlike what most ponies thought, I had good attendance." Could you add what you just said to testimony?" Rarity asked. "How is this relevant?" Shining asked. "Uh. . ." Rarity paused. The Doctor nodded, "Objection Sustained!" After school got out, I went to Diamonds home with Diamond Tiara. "Could you tell me what time it was?" Rarity asked. "If School get's out at the same time everyday, then it was shortly before 3:00." Silver answered. What a smart filly. . . Rarity thought. "So you fillies got there at 3:00 then?" "I believe so." Silver said. "Continue." Rarity said. A few hours later, I went to run an errand. "What was the errand?" Rarity asked. "This is irrelevant! You Honor! Stop this line of questioning." Shining demanded. "Your Honor! Please! This is important!" "Hmm. . . " The Doctor hummed in thought, "If you can prove it has relevance to this case, I will allow you to continue." "Well?" Shining asked, "How is it relevant?" Suddenly, Rarity had an idea, "Because she visited the defendant!" Silver jumped and her glasses fell off as the jury burst into conversation. "Order!" The Doctor yelled, "Rarity, con you prove that she went to see the defendant?" Rarity nodded. "I can." "Then prove it." Shining demanded. Rarity revealed a note. "Applebloom came to the crime scene on behalf of this note. Only now do I understand it's importance." Silvers eyes grew wide. "What does this note say?" Shining asked the question on everypony's mind. Rarity opened the note and cleared her throat to read, "'Rich Manor, 9:00 sharp, don't be late. S."' "That could be anypony!" Shining countered. The Doctor nodded, "Miss Rarity, unless you have proof that Silver wrote the note, I'm afraid I must stop this questioning." Rarity started thinking, "Silver?" "Yes?" Silver replied. "Did you write on Cheerilee's testimony?" Rarity asked. "Yes." Silver replied simply. "Your honor, could we have somepony examine this note and Silver's writing on the testimony?" Rarity asked. "Hmm." The Doctor hummed, "I will allow it. Bailiff!" The Bailiff retrieved the note and testimony, after a minute, he looked up. "We have a match, this note was written by Silver Spoon." He announced. Rarity turned back to Silver. "Why?" ", , , " Silver was quiet. "It could save an innocent pony's life!" "Because I was tired of being a bully." Silver said at last, "I wanted to show her father what she had been doing. Shining was right, we had a fight. Diamond told me that she'd tell her father that I was helping her. But I didn't care. I wanted to stop. I would accept my punishment. As long as I stopped ruining ponies lives." The whole court was in awe. But Silver wasn't finished, "But I wasn't pushed. I jumped out of the window." Rarity slammed her hooves down. "You have to tell us if you saw anypony else on the crime scene!" "The Butler. He was the one who fed the guard lunch." Silver explained. "Lies!" Somepony shouted from the stand. "Order!" The Doctor said while banging the gavel, "Are you telling me that the Butler did it?" "He is the only one that could've. Diamond was dead before I got back from Applebloom's." Silver pleaded. "When did you get back?" Rarity asked. "8:45. Applebloom might have gotten there fifteen minutes after me." "It also explains why the gate was open when Applebloom got there and how the food was drugged." Rarity offered. [ "I demand proof that the Butler really could have done it. He's old and frail." Shining yelled, causing the court to become an uproar. "ORDER IN THE COURT!" The Doctor yelled. "It seems we have more details of that night. But Armor is right. The Butler is old and frail, how could he have done it?" "Don't forget that there were no prints on the floor or the weapon!" Shining reminded The Doctor. "That's right!" The Doctor exclaimed. "How do you explain this Rarity?" "I-i can't." Rarity sighed, letting her head fall to the desk. "Then I find the defendant, Apple Bloom," The Doctor said, raising his gavel. Everypony looked in shock at Silver Spoon, "You can't do it!" She pleaded. "I know the Butler is responsible!" The Doctor's eye's went wide, "You do?" "Yes," Silver answered, "Could I testify again?" She asked. The Doctor closed his eyes in thought, "Your Honor! She may know something that can tip the scales!" Rarity pleaded. The Doctor's eyes opened, "I will allow her to testify again, if nothing changes, I will hand down my verdict on the spot. Prosecution, objections?" "None, your honor." Shining answered. "Then the witness will tell us why she thinks the Butler is responsible!" The Doctor said as he slammed his gavel down. WITNESS TESTIMONY The Butlers Habits "Only the four of us have a card." "And the Butler's the one in charge of everypony's meals." "I hadn't seen him all day." "And what was odd was that the gate was opened when I returned to the Manor." "I thought there was another contradiction. . . . But I can't remember it now." --END-- The Doctor simply stared. "The Butler was missing?" "Yeah, I don't know why." Silver replied. "Your Honor, ma I cross-examine her one last time?" Rarity asked. "If I wasn't going to let you, I wouldn't of let her testify." The Doctor responded. CROSS EXAMINATION The Butlers Habits "Only the four of us have a card." "Do you have yours?" Rarity asked. "No, I lost mine that day." Silver frowned. "Do you remember it's number?" Rarity asked, "Could you recite it?" "It was. . . one-one-four-seven-eight-nine-two-three." Silver recited. Rarity thought for a moment. Suddenly, she looked up. "What is it Rarity?" Shining asked. "Silver, are you sure you got back when you said you did?" Rarity asked. "Yes." Silver said. "Then why was your card used 10 minutes before you got back?!" Rarity asked. Silver's eyes grew wide. "Order!" The Doctor told the Jury. "Seeing as Miss Silver claimed to have lost her card, and somehow somepony used it while she was ten minutes away. I wish for the Butler to come explain this." "Your Honor, may I finish this Cross Examination first?" "Of course." "And the Butler's the one in charge of everypony's meals." "Continue." Rarity said. "I hadn't seen him all day." "And you have no clue as to where he might have been?" Rarity asked. "None." Silver replied. "And what was odd was that the gate was opened when I returned to the Manor." "I think I know why." Rarity said. "But we've already figured this out. Continue." "I thought there was another contradiction. . . . But I can't remember it now." "Silver, I have to know what was wrong." Rarity said. "I don't know why, but. . ." Silver hesitated. "Please Silver." "But that candelabra was still sitting on its stand when I returned." She said. "What?!" Rarity gasped. "It didn't kill her." Silver reaffirmed. The Doctor banged his gavel. "ORDER!" He yelled, "Ms. Spoon. what could have killed her?" "I don't know. But it wasn't the candelabra." "Your Honor. I think I know what could have killed her." Rarity exclaimed. "Yes?" The Doctor asked in anticipation. "If the Butler hit her hard enough, her could have killed her with his hoof." Rarity explained. "Order!" The Doctor yelled again. "Your Honor, the Defense casts suspicion on the Butler!" Rarity said. "On what grounds?" Shining demanded. "On the grounds of him being the last one on the scene." Rarity replied. "Unless you could think of another pony who could've stolen Silvers card?" "I don't have any guess." The Doctor closed his eyes in thought. "Shining, could you go get the Butler?" The Doctor asked. "Your Honor, we have to locate him. He's been missing for two days." Shining explained. "If we could resume this tomorrow, I'm sure he can explain things." The Doctor nodded, "Then I shall adjourn court for the time being, Shining will locate the Butler. And then we can finally resolve this." He then smacked his gavel. "Court is Adjourned." > Day 3: The Final Testimony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Court is back in session for the trial of Miss Applebloom. Prosecution, opening statement?" The Doctor asked. "We have the Butler here to speak on the matter concerning his whereabouts on the day of the murder. If nothing new is found, then I think we all know what will happen next." Shining stated. "Well then, you may bring out this witness." The Doctor said. With a nod of his head, Shining motioned forward an older looking pony. When the pony took the stand, Rarity was able to finally put a face to the Butler. He had grey hair on a blue body. A scowl was printed on his face. "Witness, name and occupation." Shining asked. "Randall. The Butler for Mr. Rich and his daughter." Randall said. "Randall, will you please testify to what you were doing the day of the murder?" The Doctor asked. "Of course." Randall replied. WITNESS TESTIMONY --The Day of the Murder-- "It started with My master and his daughter leaving early. "I left some time later. To pick up some food." "Upon returning to the manor I fed the guard, then went out back to garden." "As soon as I was done, I went inside to shower, then I heard a scream and saw the body." "If it isn't obvious, this was a waste of time." --END-- "well," The Doctor commented. "It seems he has a pretty tight alibi." Rarity slammed her desk with her hooves. "I still wish to cross examine him!" "Rarity, I feel I must warn you," The Doctor warned, "If you do not find anything new that could clear her name, I will find Applebloom guilty." Rarity nodded, "I understand." CROSS EXAMINATION --The Day of the Murder-- "It started with My master and his daughter leaving early. "Could you tell me if you knew where Filthy went?" Rarity asked. "How is this of relevance to the case?" Shining asked. "I-it. . . it. . . uh. . . " Rarity stammered. "As I thought." Shining said with a smirk. "Continue." "I left some time later. To pick up some food." "When did you get back?" Rarity asked. "10:30." Randall answered curtly. Rarity fell silent as she tried to find any contradiction. with a sigh, she nodded for Randall to continue. Everypony looked at the defense table as AJ slammed her own two hooves on the desk. "Rarity! I saw a. . . a. . . Contrdoohickey!" Rarity glanced at Aj who held up the card list. As soon as Rarity read it she smiled. Turning to Randall she asked, "Then why is there no record of a card being used between 10:30 and 9:00?" Instead of freaking out, Randall chuckled. "Filthy was right in his testimony, he left the gate pen, so I didn't need to use a card." Both Rarity and AJ flinched. The Doctor glared at them, "If you waste our time again, I will hand down my verdict on the spot." "I understand." Rarity sighed. "Upon returning to the manor I fed the guard, then went out back to garden." "Do you have a grocery list to confirm you bought food?" Rarity asked. "Right here." Randall said as he lifted the list above his head. "May I read it?" Rarity asked. "Go ahead." The Butler said. Ponyville General Store. April 1st 10:20 A. M. Oats - 3 bits per pound. 2 lbs. Ground Castor Beans. 2. 1 bit. Lettuce. 2 bits. Cucumbers. 3 bits. Rosemary Wine. 10 bits. "Randall, what is a Castor Bean?" Rarity asked. "It's just something I use to spice up a few drinks." Randall said. Rarity was quiet a moment longer. "Can you reapeat your statement?" Randall nodded. "Upon returning to the manor I fed the guard, then went out back to garden." "So you're saying you were at the opposite side of the house the whole time?" Rarity asked. "Yes." "But, you had to have seen something!" Rarity exclaimed. Both Shining and Randall snickered. "As soon as I was done, I went inside to shower, then I heard a scream and saw the body." "Where were you when you heard the scream?" Rarity asked. Randall paused for a moment, "I suppose the scream occurred as I entered the building." Randall answered. "I'm afraid that's impossible!" Rarity said with a smirk. "Oh?" Randall asked. "You see, if what you said is true, then you would have been at the opposite side of the building, and Rich Manor is quite large." Rarity explained. "And it's impossible because?" Rarity slammed her hooves down, "How could you hear one small scream from across that house?!" Randall jumped and his eyes widened. "So then what?!" Rarity smirked, "Then you were on the crime scene!" "But the Detective has already confirmed that it was only the three fillies and Mr. Rich on the scene of the crime!" Shining rebutted. "But that has been bothering me," Rarity said, "Why pay attention to hoofprints that's everywhere in that house, yet not mention the Butlers hoofprints?" Shining flinched. "The only explanation why his prints aren't there is because he cleaned the crime scene!" Rarity exclaimed. Randall's blue face had turned red. "Okay then, say I did it, where's the motive? What would I gain from killing my bosses daughter?" Rarity fell silent in thought. "Psst! Rarity!" Applejack whispered. "What?" Rarity whispered back. "Read the testimony from Cheerilee and her school-kids!" Applejack said. Rarity did, and she smiled. "You want a motive?" She asked Randall. "Yes." Randall said. "According to this testimony, not only was Diamond a bully, but she mistreated you. Not only embarrassing you, but making you do things that were painful to an old stallion such as yourself. You killed her in anger for the things she's done. In short, revenge!" The whole courtroom burst into excited chatter! "ORDER!" The Doctor yelled, slamming his gavel. "Although I had doubts, this seems to make perfect sense!" Rarity nodded, "Because the guard was drugged, and Silver was delivering a letter to Applebloom, He was the only pony who could have done it!" "It also explains why he was found all the way in Appaloosa!" The Doctor announced. "You're forgetting one thing!" Randall said, trying to calm down. "And that is?" Rarity asked. "Do you have proof the guard was drugged? Because if you don't, then it could have been him!" Randall explained. Rarity's mouth opened and closed, but no words came forth. "I'm afraid he is right, without any proof as to if the guard was drugged, I'm afraid I'm ready to hand down my verdict." The Doctor explained. Rarity's head fell to the desk. She had nothing. Shining smirked as he said, "I have no Objections, Your Honor." The Doctor nodded, "Then I find the defendant, Miss Applebloom. . . ." Rarity raised her head in surprise, Shining had a scowl and Randall began to sweat. But two orange hooves were planted firmly on the Defense's bench. "Yall want proof? Well, we're in luck, because Randall himself supplied it!" Applejack explained. "Miss Applejack, please explain what you mean." The Doctor instructed. "Ya see, them castor beans has been bothering me, but I remember what they are now. and they ain't no spice!" The Doctor's eyes widened, "Then what are they?" He asked. "They are a special plant that can render anypony unconscious." Applejack explained. "But how do you know I put them in his drink?" Randall asked. Applejack smirked, "Again, you told us." She said. "You said, "I use it to spice up a few drinks." and that means that ya would've slipped some into Gatewatch's drink." Randall threw his head back and screamed, the court burst into excited chatter, Rarity gave Applejack the biggest smile she could muster. Shining's jaw was on the floor, and the Doctor was banging his gavel. "Alright now," The Doctor said as the crowd calmed down, "Thanks to that piece of information, I believe there is no more room for debate." "I have no objections your honor." Rarity said, still smiling. "I don't have anything else to say," Shining sighed. The Doctor nodded, "Then I find the defendant, Applebloom. . ." NOT GUILTY "Randall will be taken away for further questioning. court is adjourned!" April 4th, 2:30 PM Defendant's Lobby, Ponyville Court House Applebloom ran up to Rarity and hugged her. "Thank ya so much. . " She whispered. Putting a hoof on Applebloom's shoulder, Rarity said, "Thank you, but I'm not the one who saved you in the end." "Huh?" Both AJ and Applebloom said. "There's two more ponies who deserver your thanks," Rarity explained. "Who?" Applebloom asked. "Well, one used to bully you, and the other loves you dearly." Rarity answered with a smirk. "Oh shoot, I suppose you're right, Rarity." Applejack said, getting the hint. Applebloom hugged her sister, "Thank you." Applejack smiled down at her, "Tha's what family is fer." "Excuse me?" Said a new voice. The trio turned to face Silver Spoon. "And what do ya want?" Applebloom asked with a growl. "I-I know we haven't been on the best of terms." Silver said, to which Applebloom scoffed, "But I wanted you to know that I won't bother you or the other crusaders anymore, and that I'm sorry for bullying you in the past." Applebloom averted her gaze from Silver, who looked down at her hooves. "I hope we can be friends some day." She said as she went to turn away. But a blue magic caught her. "Applebloom," Rarity said, "If Silver hadn't objected yesterday, you would've been found guilty, she saved you." Applebloom looked towards Silver, who was still looking at her hooves. "Ya'll are really sorry?" She asked. Silver nodded. Then, Applebloom smiled, "Ah think you've already made up for th' teasing." She said. Silver looked up in time for Applebloom to hug her. "Apology accepted friend!" Applebloom said. After a moment, Silver hugged her back. Soon, Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Rainbow Dash showed up and chattered about the recent events. Suddenly Pinkie gasped, "! know what this calls for!" "A party!" the group shouted. As the ponies bagan to leave, Applebloom looked back at Silver. "Aren't you coming?" "Me?" Silver asked. "Yeah you, silly, how else are we gonna tell the crusaders that we have a new honorary member?" Silver's jaw dropped in surprise, before her lips curved in a smile. Together, the new friends headed towards Twilgiht's castle, a new adventure waiting for them. And for the first time in three days, Ponyville was quiet. The End Stay tuned for the Epilouge! > Epilogue: Parties and Princesses > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- April 3rd, 5:00 PM main Ballroom, Twilight's Castle. Pinkie had planned this from the start, asking Twilight if they can use the castle for the party. However, Twilight had business in Canterlot. So she was the only pony not present. There was all sorts of things at the party, in one corner was Big Mac having a chugging contest with Thunderlane. Pinkie and rainbow were having their own contest. Applebloom and Silver had explained what happened and a cheer could be heard from the crusaders as they left for the clubhouse. Rarity took a sip from her teacup, a smile on her lips. Everything was perfect as can be. "Rarity?" Applejack asked. "Yes?" Rarity replied. "Ah don't really have any way to pay ya bu-" "Don't worry about it!" Rarity exclaimed, cutting Applejack off. "But, I have to pay ya! You saved my sister!" Applejack argued. "And you helped, That's payment enough." "Heh, no wonder ya are the Element of Generosity." Applejack chuckled. She then gave Rarity a hug, who hugged back. They were like that for a few minutes until. . . . "Ma'am?" A royal guard asked. "Yes?" Rarity asked, wondering what the guard wanted. "I have been sent by the Princesses to deliver this letter, and to ask you to come to Canterlot as soon as possible." Rarity nodded and accepted the letter. Cracking it open, she read it aloud. . . "My dearest subjects, it seems that I must give you some bad news. Twilight is under arrest, and she will be hed in trial tomorrow. I ask for you to find an attorney who could clear her name. Please come immediately. Yours Truly, Princess Celestia. The whole castle fell quiet. "It seems my work is not yet done." Rarity said as she and the girls ran for the trains. To be continued in. . . . Turnabout Time!