> As the rain falls > by icilu2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prolouge > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Why is it that i find myself here now, fighting, killing? Just 24 hours, no 22 hours, 32 minutes, and 12 seconds ago i was sitting in the library enjjoying the greatest news of my life... but who's counting?' "One two three", a huge roar of pain jolted out from the ursa major, yes MAJOR. What was it about love that drove her to do this? Normally her peaceful nature would have left after seeing the body, but still she felt this thing had to suffer...badly. The creature screamed as a bolt of ice went straight through its leg. 1 day ago Twilight Sparkle sat down at her desk and used her magic to pull out around 20-30 books and have them move along in a line in front of her. This, like most days, had been mind numbing. Ever since the changelings invasion, everything just seemed to come to a halt. Nopony had any problems or issues, even Celestia herself had sent Twilight a letter stating she could stop sending her letters for a bit. This could only be fixed by a long and enthralling book. She looked through the books 1 by 1 and slowly found herself out of books to read. She didnt think she could ever run out of books to read, especiall since her house WAS a library... 'well...the buck do i do now' She looked through her books and found a book of things to do whilst bored...too convienent...to convienent to turn down. She opened up the book to page 42 and started reading "Try a long distance teleportation spell" "Done" "Give a pony wings" "Done" "Make Friends" "DONE" "Fall in love" "Do-...thats not what i expected." She glanced to see she was on page 375. The last page. "i guess i lived a full life" she said "But not that full they would just get in the way of my studies" So she walked toward the balcony and lay down to allow her thoughts to drift...drift to her first day in ponyville. _____________ She had just finished up with Applejack...*sigh* 'why cant i just be left alone.' "You okay?" Spike yelled back "Yeah just ate i bit too much apple...eveything" "Where are we headed next" he said obviously wanting to finish up as bad as she did "There should be a peaguses pony named Rainbow Dash clearing the skies" "INCOMING" *CRASH* "ow" Twilight said "ow" the other pony said in agreement "ummm can you ya'know get off me...please?" Twilight shook her head and realised she was on top of a blue...aqua...cyan yes cyan peaguses. "sorry" twilight muttered as she stepped off of her "hey, no prob, names Rainbow Dash by the way." "Twilight" she said With a small spell she collected all the mud off of her coat into a condensed ball and moved it off to the side "Wait Rainbow Dash... arent you supposed to be clearing the skies?" Twilight inquired "ummm yeah but what good is clearing the skies if i dont get into the Wonderbolts? And that needs ya'know training?" Rainbow said as if mkaing a valid point. "well for starters THE Wonderbolts wouldnt let a peaguses who cant even keep the skies clear in" Twilight retorted with a bit of challenge entering her voice, she wouldnt admit it but she LOVED being in the spot like this, the adrenaline the whole thing. "pfft, please i could clear this sky in ten...seconds...flat" Rainbow said with the same challenging tone "Prove it" Twilight said letting the pleasure of saying it fill her slightly and she looked generally suprised. To help her along..."ten" Then she spang up and started to the sky leaving a beautiful trail behind her. "nine" one cloud gone "eight" three gone "seven" 2 gone "six" 4 gone "five" 3 gone "four" 2 more "three" 1 more "two" 3 gone "one" all gone "What'd i tell yah, ten seconds flat" She saiid triumphantly, a little too trumphantly. "Congratulations heres your reward" Before Rainbow could even react a huge ball of mud from Twilight's coat dropped on Rainbow She couldnt help but giggle a little "oh...it....is...on" but before she could do anything Twilgith was around 20 feet behind her and yelled back "That was loads of fun and we'll have to do this again sometime" then with a load crack she was gone Twilight let out a satisfied sigh as she walked to the Town hall to meet Rarity. 'That was perfect' ________ "That was perfect" She said aloud "INCOMING" *Crash* "speak of the devil" "Hey Twi, whats up?" "BORED!!!" She said exasperated "i know right, aside from the weather ive done NOTHING" Rainbow said in agreement "Princess Celestia is giving me time off so im doing nothing" "That sucks" Rainbow said somewhat sympathetically "i know" Twilight said half-heartedly "Well you wanna do somthin?" "i dont really know..." Then it clicked, she did want to do somthing, she craved that...that spirit rainbow had her passion everything, she needed that, it would kill her to not have it. And who loves life more than Rainbow all the time she spent thinking about how being around her made Twilight feel alive. And it clicked she didnt just want she needed to have dash around to keep her sane, to show her life could be just as fun as books "Yes, ummm" She found it to be extremely hard to speak... "Would you wanna, idunno, go out...som...time....with...ummm...me?" "Sure, where you wanna go egghead?" Rainbow said it with such a smile and such a zest for life that it eased Twilights tension "Well there is a Wonderbolts show at Canterlot in a few hours and Celestia gave me a ticket-" "CAN I GO?!?!?!?" Rainbow asked her voice crakcking a little from the exitment "thats what i was asking" twilight said a little bit cockily "omigosh omigosh omigosh omigosh omigosh omigosh omigosh omigosh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "Calm down rainbow" Then Rainbow tackled her down in a hug...'Come on rainbow i just find out i have feelings for you and you go and do this!!!!???' Then the worst thing happened. As Rainbow tried to get up twilight squirmed and lost her footing...and fell... and their lips connected. > The storm > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heat... Heat was the most prominent and immediate thing that came to Twiligiht's mind... buck was the second "mmmmph" Twilight made an attempt at a scream that was only muffled by Rainbow Dash's muzzle "mwah" Rainbow 'said' as she finally pulled herself from atop of Twilight However Twilight wasn't quite as fortunate due to the shock of the whole thing she fouund it hard to just breathe but get up c'mon thats asking a bit much, no? "ummm Twi you okay?" Rainbow said with a hint of concern "no, no, not really, however i will give you credit if you wanted to cure me of my boredom you were much more than sucesfull" She said with little to no feel in her voice considering she was just now getting ahold on the whole breathing thing. "ummm is that good or bad....?" Rainbow said her voice trailing off "I'm not sure, honestly im scanning my mind for any hint of information that might help me with a situation like this and i havent read to many romance nov-" Twilgiht was cut off by a strange sense of deja'vu with a pair of lips upon hers. Rainbow broke the embrace "Egghead shutup and take a hint already" she said with a coy smile Twilight feeling that fire form being out on the spot and was amplified significantly from the heat "oh im sorry was that all i thought this was Rainbow Dash coming onto me not Granny Smith" She said mimicking the coy smile to a 'T' "He-" Befor Rainbow could get one word in she felt a telekinetic stroke going down her spine that made her shiver."Twi-Twilight s-s-top thAAt" She said as Twilight continued her little game. "Weeeeell it seems that our little Dashie is a little tickelish" Twilight said with a smile growing wider by the second "D-d-on't call mEE tha-that" Dash said finding hard to forom a complete sentence "Make me" She said as she continued, making Rainbow like putty in her hooves. With the best coy look of all time she said "Dance fucker dance man you never had a chance" She said using her telekinesis to make Rainbow lose all the composure she had left and roll onto the floor half laughing, half pleading "P-p-please s-haha-stop Twilight" She said and Twilight could hear even beneath all the laughter a bit of pleading that it was killing her she was not being 'dominant' and instead being absolute putty in Twilight's hooves "Fine" Twilgiht said bringing her little game to an end and she sadly stopped stroking her little toy. "I *pant* will get you *pant* back for this" Rainbow said breathless "oh dont think im done with you quite yet my little pony, just you wait till after the wonderbolts and ill give you a more personal show..." She said and finally felt the heat of the moment die down along with her coy smile. _____________ This day seemed to be goning rather well, especially since her life had been getting more boring this defiantely promised to spice things up. "So looking foward to the show Dashie?" Twilgiht said with a smirk "I told you not to call me that...Twilee" Rainbow sadi thinking she had Twilgiht in corner "Sorry Dashie i was always made fun of thats not gonna work" She said and her smile only grew "Twilight c'mon this isn't fair stop calling me that!" She said pleading "Care to make me?" she said sending a small telekinetic stroke down Rainbow's spine. "ahaahaahhhaahh" Rainbow moaned "not cool twi not cool." They arived at the stadium where the Wonderbolts would be performing and instantly Twilight both enjoyed and hated it. She loved it because it Dash enjoyed herself, but she hated it because it was so....bucking.....BORING, i mean yes the acrobatics were good but i didnt hold Twilight's interest because it was repetative. "Omigosh did you see that Twi!" Rainbow said absolutely ecstatic "Yes Dashie, i did" Twilight said bored, "Hey Rainbow?" "Yeah Twi" Dash said tearing her gase from the wonderbolts "I'm glad we went today" she said putting her head on Das's shoulder "Me too" Dash said contently "Hey Twi" "Yeah Dash" "I love you" She said wiht a good bit of emotion in her voice almost making it crack "I love you more" she said with another smile "Not possible" She said with a smile of her own "I can do the impossible" She said closing her eyes ___________________ "C'mon Twi lets take quick shortcut" Rainbow yelled back "Where through?" Twilight yelled back up "The everfree." She said non-chalantely *CRACK* Twilight was no infront of Dash "No way Dash" "awww c'mon" Dash said "it'll be fun" "no" "How about if we go..." she planted a kiss on Twilgiht's lips "i'll give you somthing when we get back?" She said deliciously into Twilgihts ear backing into the forest tree line "Rainbow?" "C'mon Twi" "RAINBOW" "Gotta catch me" Rainbow yelled back Twilight started running playfully toward Rainbow's voice "Marco" "polo" They shouted for awhile enjoying the presence of the other until Twilight lost Rainbow "Marco" "POLO" Rainbow yelled "ROOOOOOOAR" a huge beast yelled which was followed by the sound of a huge crack and several trees falling 'Rainbow!' Twilight thought "Rainbow you okay?" Silence. Twilgiht stepped into a clearingg and looked at the sky and noticed it was A. Dark and B. about to rain wait.... "Rainbow?" Twilight said seeing a figure infront of her and at its feet was Rainboe Dash, no her body, body Rainbow Dash was dead > The Battle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Her hooves were numb. No that she quite understood why but then again this love was a weird thing. Then again its not like the past few hours hadent been, she had fallen in love, gone on a date, and the love of her life was dead, which brings us back to the current issue of her standing in front of the Ursa Major standing protectively over Rainbow Dash....her Dashie. "ROOOOOOOAR" The Ursa bellowed as if to remind Twiligth of the problem again She knelt down and gave Rainbow one last kiss on the muzzle "I'll be right back, just hold on" She said before she felt a cold tingle on her nose "hehe only fitting it should be raining right now" She felt a single tear run down her cheek. She grabbed it with her magic and brought it in front of her nad looked it over closely, allowing more tears to fall down into her growing mass of tears she now held. Then she stretched it out into the shape of a sword and froze it solid with her magic. "This" Twilight said gesturing toward the sword "is the sword of the agony you created, and if it kills me i will inflict the same unto you" At that moment Twilight flung the sword directly between the Major's eyes causing it to roar in pain. Twilight, using the rain that as now hammering the ground, created two more ice swords and dashed towards the Ursa and the battle began. She started by bombarding the creature with a barrage of ice swords causing the creature to swipe claw at Twilight. She then jumped onto the back of the creature and dug her two swords deep into the back of the creature on both sides of its spine and ran along its back dragging the sword behind her criss-crossing the behind here every few feet. Effectively obbliterating its spine, however an Ursa wouldn't be completely immobilised by this, but she imagined it would hurt immensely. She was proven right, the creature wailed in pain and swiped at her once more, this time Twilight wasn, quite prepared and was sent flying into the back of a tree causing her to cough up blood. She was going to die, although it may have appeared she had done some major damage, to an Ursa Major all those cuts were less than an inch deep (in perspective of course) and the one hit he dealt Twilight was just short of devastatin, luckily she knew quite a bit of healing magic and was easily able to heal most of the internal damage, however the pain was another story. She began to allow a bit of her emotional pain to enter her magic which should only be done in an extreme emergency considering emotions are very... unpredictable and magic is very predictable and fusing them can yield disaterous results and one is NEVER aloud allow all of their emotions into their magic, though it will make you powerful, it can easily kill you by just the sheer amount of magic they are containing. She created four ice sword and held them with her magic, which now had a faint red glow to it, and began creating icy platforms up to the top of the Ursa As she continued to the top the urs taking slash after slash at her and mssing every time, as the Ursa became more and more angry it began to attck more ferociously leaving less and less time for twilight to dodge. Finally Twilight hit the top and du two of her swords into the top of Ursa's head and continued to slash with the other two. The Ursa had recoveres from the two swors and Bashed Twilight off of him sending her flying into a tree with the blood and tears mixing to create an ugly crust along her face she looked up and caught a glimpse of Rainbow It hurt Worse than she could describe She did somthing she could never bring herself to before She let all of her rage come all of her magic into herself She summoned 100 swords of ice all with a solid red aura around them and flew herself into the air looking eye to eye into the Ursa She screamed as loud as she could and flew sword after sword into the Ursa using the ones she already summoned along with new ones and fired and fired hitting all over the ursa The Ursa took one huge swipe at her knocking her down. She looked at it and flew high into the sky hundreds of feet into the air. "WHY WONT YOU JUST DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEE" She picked up a whole chunk of the forest her eyes pure white and slammed them into the Ursa and with all of her stength summoned around 5000 swords and slammed them all into the ursa one after the other and made a hole straight through it and lastly... it stopped her magic the Ursa was dead it was over... she looked around she was falling She used what little magic she had to slow her fall and landed next to dash and toppled to her kness and fell on dash's chest and heard two things a heart beat...and breathing.