Persona MLP In Search of the Truth

by Wild Blaze

First published

"Time never waits. It delivers all equally to the same end. You, who wish to safeguard the future, however limited it may be... You will be given one year; go forth without falter, with your heart as your guide..."

We are living our lives
Abound with so much information

We're all trapped in a maze of relationships
Life goes on with or without you

That's what I believe in until...

"Thou art I, and I am thou...
From the sea of thy soul, I come...
From the very moment of my emergence, I have been a guiding light shed to illuminate thy path...

When I heard those words... my whole life changed completely and one day I will find my truth...

Let's begin my journey

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Spike's POV

Canterlot the place where I grew up the place I have so many memories... I was soon to left it all behind because of one person, one girl to be precise. Her name is Twilight Sparkle she is one of my first friends, even I consider her a true friend. Yeah she may have certain problems with order, organization and tardiness but that's what makes her well her. Somethings happened and well mother wanted to Twi to make friends and in order to do that she wanted her to go to Ponyville a little rural town not to far of Canterlot to supervise the upcoming festival. My mother asked me to accompany Twi and make sure she was safe basically what I do always for Twi. Anyway the both of us decided to pack our things and meet in front of the balloon that was supposed to take us to Ponyville.

I was in my room packing my things when I heard the door opened and to my surprise it was my mother. She never enter my room without my permission or knocking first so she entering without saying anything caught me off guard and her sad expression even more.

"Mom, is something wrong?" I asked concerned for her

"No my son, nothing is wrong... is just that... I will miss you" my mom said with little trails of tears from her eyes. Me and my mom, we share a deep bond and well we never get separated like this, this is new for the both of us and to tell the truth is kinda hard for me to leaving my mom but a the same time I wanna go and see the world or places outside Canterlot and the castle.

"I'll miss you too mom" I said embracing her trying to give her a little of the comfort she always give to me every time I'm afraid.


"Yes mom?"

"There is something I have to give you... a gift to be precise" with that said my mom began to conjure a spell in the palm of her hands. A bright light engulfed the room making me cover my eyes with my arm. No mere than three seconds the light vanished and I removed my arm from my eyes to see what had happened. In front of me my mother has holding a card a blue card to be precise. It had a picture of person standing very close to a cliff, accompanied with a dog at his heels.

"What... is... that?"

"Something that you will need when the time is right"

"When the time is right? What do you mean mom?"

"My son in time you will learn everything about this card and many other things but I only ask you one thing trust your mother and take this card" I didn't know how to respond my mother was serious her eyes were looking deeply into my soul and I know if I don't take that card something bad will happen so I gulped down my fears and grabbed the card, when I grabbed it the card disappear in my hand not leaving a trace of it but something tells me that the card gave me something, what it gave me I do not know.

"Mom... what happened?"

"I know you have so many question my son but please be patient."

"...okay mom. I will trust you" I said looking her in the eyes and sensing a bit of pride from her

"My little boy has become a true man... keep watch over Twilight will you?" my mom said with a big smile on her face that really make me happy aside than making Twi happy too.

"Yes, Mom" I said with so much confidence that even my mom looked surprised.

"and don't forget to brush your teeth, never talk to strangers, do not reveal your tittle to anyone, be sure to eat properly when you are in that village nothing of junk food all the time..."

"" sometimes she can be a little overprotective.

"Yes, my son?"

"I will be fine don't worry to much" I said giving her another hug and in response she only held me more.

"I know my son it just that I will miss you so much" I'm glad that the strange atmosphere of before was gone. Even if that blue card was kinda getting on my nerves. For now I will only worry about Twi and what to do from now on.

I finished packing with the help of my mother and we finished more quickly. I reached the balloon along with my mother and to not my surprise Twi was already there with here luggage. I most say that Twi was a beautiful girl even if she says otherwise. She was dressed in a white shirt with a purple skirt and purple leggings with a look of "I don't want to be here" that really cracked me up.

"Good Morning my precious student"

"Good Morning Princess and Hi Spike"

"Hi there Twi. Ready to begin?" I asked her with a great enthusiasm but the response I got from her was a frown... that won't do

"Awww come one Twi. All we be fine." walking towards Twi and giving her a big hug earning another one in return

"Yes Twilight" my mother agreed with me

"I know but..."

"Come one Twi all will be fine like I said" saying that make Twilight smile a little. that proved that the bond we share was a genuine one because even if something dangerous, sad, or something we didn't like to do we are there for each other.

"If you say Spike"

"Of course we will be fine"

"But what about the legend of the mare in the moon. Princess? I'm sure what I read was indeed true" my mother hearing that tensed a little only I could tell because I well I'm her son.

"Twilight, please do not be worried everything is going to be fine in the festival. I assure you that"

"Well if you say so Princess..."

After saying goodbyes me and Twilight began to board the air balloon. Everything was ready for the departure the only thing lest set sails as people say... When we were finally in the air and we saw Canterlot getting further away the both of us new that this was a new and unexpected part of our lives. I feel a hand grabbing my left hand. Twilight was telling me without saying a word that she was scared, yesterday she appeared in my room with red eyes and a stuffy nose, she run straight to me and gave me a hug while crying a little saying that my mom was dissapointed in her or that she did something wrong and now my mom wanted to punish her. We stood there for what it seemed ike hours but I believe it was like 30 minutes, anyway I separeted us from the hug and looked her staright in the eyes and told her.

"My mom does not hate you Twi neither is dissapointed in you. I know that she is very proud of you and in what yopu do. Never doubt that"

After saying that I recieved a full kiss in the lips from her and a lot of thank yous and I love you. Me and Twilight became a couple 3 years ago when we went to the Moon Star festival. There we had our first date and our firt kiss. For me those are one of my many great memories in Canterot with her and I wouldn't change them for anything. Twilight rested her head in my shoulder still gazing towards Canterlot.


"Yes, Twilight?"

"I love you" she said with every inch of truth she could muster holding my hand tighter and I did the same to show her that I feel the same for her.

"I love you too Twi" I may not now what the future will give us or what problems or challenges may arise, I still do not know about the card that suddenly vanished in my hand and the words that my mother told me still have me nervous but one thing is for certain. I will take care of Twilight with my life.

One week after the Nightmare Moon Incident

Well so far so good Twilight meet new people meet some new friends and well her life was becoming liver by the second. Twilight now have a little group of friends five girls to be precise. After meeting these girls Twilight was thrown in a mix of shenanigans and we have only lived here a week. The first day we arrived here, well a lot of things happened and one of the good news was that my mother reunited with her long lost sister named Luna and I gained an aunt who can control the moon. i still remember the day we where introduced more personaly.


Three days after the Nightmare Moon incident I recieved a letter from my mom telling me that she wanted me to go to Canterlot Castle. I decided that I should go and pass a little family time with my mom after I was sure that Twilight will be okay. She told me she was planing to make a sleep over with her friends and so I bought her everything she needed, cooked what was needed to be cooked and checked that Twi will be okay after a kiss on the lips from her I finally took off and began my way towards Canterlot Castle. I arrived after flying like one hour and a half more or less. The gaurds seeing me gave a brief nod, a smile and opened the doors to the castle there Sebastian my mothers's faithfull and skillfull buttler was there waiting for me. Sabastian is and Earth Pony, have 40 years old and have worked with my mother for a long time, he saw me grow up and was there teaching me several things alongside with my mother for me and mom he is part of the family too.

"Good afternoon Master Spike" he said giving me a bow

"Hi Sebastian how are you?"

"I'm in good health master. I'm here to take you to the dining hall so you and Princess Celestia can talk."

"Sure" I said with a nod and began my walk alongside with Sebastian. After walking a little Sebastian asked me how Twilight and I were doing in Ponyville, telling him about some shenanigan after shenanigan I could definetly see the smile forming in Sebastian's face.

"Young Master it seems you and Lady Twilight have encontered one of life's blessing."

"One of life's blessing?" I saked intrigued about what he was saying

"It's called friendship Young Master."

"Now you are talking like my mom and her friendship is magic policy"

"Young Master the princess knows full well what the strengh of bonds can do and Lady Twilight have saw only little of it but I know that she is beginning to grasp the meaning of the bonds that she is begnning to form."

"Bonds...huh?" I whispered thinking what Sebastian and my mom had talked me about. I know that friendship is important but I don't have high regards like my mother or Sebastian have and I never truly undesrtood when they talk about it. It's not that I found them boring, is just that well I don't get it simple as that.

"We are here young master" I heard the voice of Sebastian bringing me back to the reality and indeed we where in the dining hall and my mother was nowhere to be seen.

"Sebastian where is my Mother?"

"She will be here shortly young master but please make ourself comfortable. I still have some dutys to attend."

"Sure take care Sebastian." I said as I saw Sebastian walking towards the door but suddenly he came to a halt

"Young master" he speak to me without looking back and with a tone more serious that I had heard from him before.

"Yes? Sebastian"

"Bonds can grant us the power to surpass any obstacle or challenge in life so we must take care of them at all times. Young Master one day you will fully understand the importance and value of the bonds that me and the princess have talked you about." and with that said he left leaving me alone in the dinning hall with that on my mind.

"Son its nice seeing you again." the voice of my mother behind me snapped me from my thoughs. I began to see my mother and another alicorn walking alongside her. It was my aunt Luna. My mother was dressed in her usual white long dress with her gold slippers and gloden tiara and my aunt Luna was dressed in a long night blue dress with drak slippers and a night blue tiara. It was true that my mom was very beatiful and it seems my aunt Luna is the same.

"Hi mom, hi aunt Luna" after a brief hug from my mother and aunt we decide that is was time to eat dinner. The chefs alongside a handful of maids appeared with our food, after seeing the delicious food I couldn't wait any longer and began to eat. The silence thatwas in the room was not an akward one it was more like a warm silence.

"Son how is everything going with you and Twilight in Ponyville?" My mom asked getting my attention so I stopped eating and told my mom about all that has happened so far in my life with Ponyville alongside Twilight. We shared brief laughs here and there when I told some funny part of my stories even aunt Luna was laughing.

"Son I'm very happy to hear that you are having a great time there."

"Yeah the both of us are having a good time." After that we talked more and more never getting bored when it was midnight I decided to stay here for the night and I will go back to Ponyville first thing in the morning. After reaching my the door to my room I felt someone's presence.

"I know you are there show yourself"

"Thine abilities are very formidable young nephew"

"Aunt Luna?" i asked as I saw the figure of my aunt walking out of the shadows

"Yes young nephew we are happy that thou recognized our voice."

"What are you doing here?"

"We just wanted to talk with thou"

"Well what did you want to talk about?"

"Young nephew We see that thou are very special and important to our sister and we wish to know what hast happened with our sister since our banishment"

"Why don't you ask mom instead"

"We are still ashamed of the things we did we said when we where the Nightmare and we cannot see our sister face to face not now... pherhaps in the future"

"Aunt Luna I know that my mother has already forgiven you. I think that until you forgive yourslef you can't see my mother face to face correct?"

"That is true young nephew we are truly ashamed off what we did and we haven't forgive ourself" she said casting her head down in that moment I could see a little trail of a tear running trough her cheeks. I understood that I will take sometime to heal the wounds that my aunt have but for now I will lessen the pain and I'm sure my mother will help along the way.

"Aunt Luna come there is much to tell you" I said earning a greatful look fomo her.

Flashback end

After that I began to use my magic fire to send friendship lesson from Twi and mails to my aun and mother the both of them were greatfull that I stayed in contact. Still after all this time I haven't got any clue about the strange blue card that my mom gave to me. I know that the card gave me something, something valuable but I still can't think what it was.

"The only thing I could do right now is wait"