> The Journey of Doctor Whooves: The Falling Leaves > by DiamondTheHedgehog556 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Doctor hears the sound of his TARDIS taking damage when he wakes up. “Wah! Oh, I’m awake. I don’t feel awake. I feel… dead.” He starts to stand up. “Okay, I better AH! Oh, my legs are gonna be the end of me. Now, where am I?” He looks around the dark room. He notices the unmistakable silhouette of the TARDIS console. “The TARDIS… it doesn’t look like the TARDIS. It’s so… dark. That could mean 1 of 3 possibilities. The TARDIS ran out of power and is recharging, some creature I’ve never seen has sucked or is still sucking the TARDIS of its energy, or I hit the light switch. Let me check…” He flips a switch on the console a few times. “No, definitely didn’t hit the light switch… wait, when did I install a light switch? Oh well, that doesn’t matter right now. What matters is finding out just what the hell…” A voice comes from outside the TARDIS. “Um, hello? Is there anypony in there?” “Whoa, any… pony? Wait a minute.” He looks at his self. He notices, not a bipedal body, but something more equine while his previous clothes lay on the ground. “Oh my god… I’ve become a pony! Well, this is new.” The voice speaks again. “Um, if there’s anypony in there, please come out. I don’t like what you’re doing.” “Oh, shut up for just a moment, I’m thinking!” The Doctor yells. The voice makes a weeping sound. “Oh.” He runs towards the door. “Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry,” He opens the door. “sorry.” He looks down at the yellow, winged equine laying on its back. “Oh, hello.” The equine says, “Oh, um… hi… my name is…” Her voice lowers to nearly a whisper. “Fluttershy.” “Oh, no reasons to be shy my friend. Fluttering, I can’t help you with, but I’ll make you so… not shy that you’ll… be able to perform? Great god, what happened to my speech? I sound like a toddler.” “Um… not to interrupt you… but, what’s that blue box?” “Oh, it’s my TARDIS.” She gets a fearful look on her face as she says, “T…Tartarus?” “No, TARDIS. T-A-R-D-I-S. It stands for Time and Relative Dimensions in Space.” She relaxes a bit. “What… what does that mean?” “Well, it’s a time machine. And a space ship… it’s no Ferrari, but it’s certainly not a Taxi!” “Um… what’s a Ferrari?” “Oh, yes of course. These ponies must not be as technologically advanced as humans. But she didn’t ask about a Taxi… this place is weird.” He walks out and the TARDIS door closes. “Um… what does your cutie mark supposed to stand for?” “Cutie mark?” “Yeah. Like, mine is supposed to be that I talk to animals.” She points to the brand on her flank. “Huh, I always thought was just a brand. Do I have one too? Oh, stupid question Doctor, she wouldn’t be asking if you didn’t. Let’s see what we have…” He looks at his flank. “Oh, it’s an hourglass. So, cutie marks are supposed to symbolize special talent. Huh, I guess it means my ability to travel through time.” He looks back at the equine. “You can really travel through time?” “Yep.” “So, can you go back in time and protect me from those mean bullies.” “That’s the problem! I can’t go back and change what already happened.” “What? Why?” “A paradox, that’s why.” “A pair of socks?” The Doctor facehoofs. “No, Paradox! Basically, if I go back in time and change your past because you asked me to, then you’ll never have had the problem of bullies, meaning you wouldn’t have asked me to change the past. If you never asked me to change the past, I never would have done it, meaning that you would have that problem, meaning you would have…” “Okay, I understand.” “Good. By the way, what’s your name?” “Um, I told you, it’s Fluttershy.” “Um, that’s not a name. That’s a verb and an adjective.” “That’s my name… I-I mean, that’s what I’ve always called myself.” “Called yourself?” “Yeah, I… never had parents. I… I grew up in an orphanage. Nopony ever adopted me. I fell out of the clouds and landed here. I built that cottage over there.” “Hm, that’s a good looking place. Did you build it all by yourself?” “Mhm.” “Well, that’s pretty good. You’re amazing at doing things like that.” “Th-thanks.” There was a silence. “So… what event is coming up?” The Doctor asks. “Event?” Fluttershy replies. “Yes, the only time the TARDIS lands on its own is when it’s close to a major event… or a danger.” “Well, there’s the Running of the Leaves.” “I see. When is this ‘Running of the Leaves’?” “It’s in a couple days.” The Doctor starts trotting towards a village he can see from where they stand. “Then we better hurry there. We’ve only a couple days to spare.” “A couple days are plenty of time.” She starts trotting after him. “Well, look at the track.” The Doctor says, looking at the dirt road sitting in front of the starting line. “Yeah, it’s what we use every year.” Fluttershy replies. “Yes, but look closely.” Fluttershy squints her eyes and puts her head forwards. “I still don’t see anything… oh, you mean the hoofprints?” “Exactly.” “But, we use the track every year, it’s not a surprise that…” “Yes, but you said every YEAR. Meaning, this is a yearly event. Right?” “Yes, but…” “And does anypony walk on the path post-event?” “Um, no, but…” “In a year, rainwater should change the dirt into mud and should cover up the hoofprints. Meaning, that either somepony walked along the track illegally… or we have something much bigger on our hands… hooves, whatever.” “Doctor, I’m sure it was just someone testing the track.” “And if it wasn’t?” Fluttershy says nothing. “Exactly. Although, I’ve yet to come across a creature that looks even remotely equine, other than horses, Arthur, and you, it is logical to assume the dimensional change applies for all creatures so I’ve met quite a few creatures this could be.” “Doctor, you’re scaring me. This could be a monster?” “Oh, not a monster, an alien.” “Somehow that doesn’t make me feel better.” “Me neither. So, let’s see… Weeping Angels, Cybermen, Daleks, or even the silence has the possibility of being pony-fied. Although, a Dalek would leave a trail rather than a hoofstep.” “Doctor…” “Not now! Anyways, The Silence would’ve concealed its tracks, removing any sign of them being there. Bloody masters of disguise.” “Doctor…” “I said not now! Okay, it’s way to smooth to be metal or stone… huh, maybe it’s nothing after all.” “Doctor!” “What?” He turned around. “Look at the hoof print.” “Yeah, what about it?” “Now look at the next one.” “Okay, yeah it’s… bigger than the last one.” “And the next one…” “Even bigger.” “And they just keep getting bigger.” “And that one over there is almost the size of my TARDIS.” There’s a pause. “Maybe there’s something about this in one of Twilight’s books.” “Books! Of course, why didn’t I think of that before?” “Her library is just in the middle of town.” “Then what are we waiting for? Let’s go!” They run towards the town. “Are you sure this’ll work?” Amy asks. “Oh, of course it will work. I’m sure it will work as sure as I’m sure bowties are cool.” The Doctor replies. “Then why aren’t you taking us with you?” Rory asks. “Because,” The Doctor replies. “It might fail.” “But you said it will work.” Amy says. “Of course it will.” The Doctor says. “But you… I… you just…” Rory says, sighing. “Good luck Doctor.” “I’m gonna need it.” He says as he closes the doors and sets his TARDIS destination. “Geronimo!” He knocks on the door as a purple, horned pony walks in. “I’m gonna assume you’re Twilight.” The Doctor says, looking the lavender unicorn over. “Yes, and you are?” Twilight asks. “I’m The Doctor, though you can just call me The Doctor.” “Doctor Who?” “Just The Doctor.” “Well, the rules say that I need a full name to create a library card.” “Clockwork.” Fluttershy says. “Clockwork?” The Doctor and Twilight ask at the same time. Fluttershy nods. “Clockwork… yes, I like the sound of it. Alright then, you can call me Clockwork.” “Great.” Twilight says. “Go ahead and look around for any books you need. I’ll create your card. Oh, you’ll also have to put some money on it.” “How much?” “Any amount, though the cheapest book I have is 10 bits. Plus an extra 5 for the card.” “Bits?” “Yeah, you know, these.” She holds out a small golden coin. “Where I come from, we use something called ‘Dollars.’ Assuming one dollar is equivalent to one bit, Dollars are green mixtures of paper, cotton, and more that are much less expensive to make.” Twilight ponders for a moment. “Huh, I may have to talk to the princess about that. She may like the idea.” “Okay, Clockwork…” Fluttershy is interrupted by The Doctor. “Please, I’d prefer it if you call me The Doctor.” “Okay, The Doctor…” “No, just say Doctor.” “Okay, Doctor, I’ll pay for you this time. But you really need to get some money.” She pays Twilight 15 bits and Twilight trots off. The two ponies walk in. “Alright, look under ‘R’ for ‘Running of the Leaves’ or ‘G’ for ‘Giant Hoofprints.’ Anything regarding those may be important.” The Doctor heads for the ‘R’ section and grabs all the books that involve the Running of the Leaves. “Hey Twilight, does reading the books cost anything or just renting them?” “Just renting.” Twilight answers. “Good. I just may be in here for a while.” He replies as he starts flipping through books. “Wow, you read fast.” Fluttershy says. “I never knew an earth pony could cast magic.” “It’s not magic, that’s just something Time Lords can do.” “Time Lord?” “Yeah, we’re aliens from the planet Gallifrey. We have two hearts, live much longer than most creatures, and have the ability to make things bigger on the inside.” Fluttershy doesn’t reply. “Hey Flutters. Ooh, I like that nickname. What do you think?” He looks at her. She looks freaked out. “Flutters, what’s wrong?” “A… Alien?!” She starts to back away. “Oh yes, we’re good aliens. Well, I am at least. The other of me can be jerks.” Fluttershy sighs in relief. After a little while of looking through books, Fluttershy comes by with a green book. “Flutters, what is it?” He looks at the book and reads the title aloud. “Daring Do and the Case of the Huge Hoofprints?” Fluttershy nods. “Flutters, this book is fiction. I’m not sure we’re gonna find the information in fictional books.” “Well, it says it’s fiction, but me and my friends have met Daring Do in real life. It turns out that these books are Auto-Biographies.” “Really now?” She nods. He rolls his eyes and says, “Well, it’s worth a shot. Give it here.” He takes the book and flips through a few pages. “Look here, it’s a… something.” Fluttershy and The Doctor look at it and read it together. A creature who’s shape is shifting To feed its hungry subjects And though it disappears with a ping It leaves behind many flecks Every thousand years on the Running of the Leaves Many ponies will simply vanish All the way from those who have pet peeves To those who are prime and pish The cause of the disappearance Is the Queen of the Shadow Shifters Eat ponies alive while they’re in a trance Then leave their bodies off for the finishers However these creatures only appear After the final leaf falls You may have to hide your friends and peers Or hear their dreadful call The Doctor and Fluttershy stare at the writing. “Shadow Shifters?” Fluttershy asks. “The Changelings maybe.” “Pish isn’t even a word!” The Doctor yells to himself. “Actually, it’s Pony-Latin for ‘formal’.” Twilight says. “Oh… after this is over with, I’m gonna have to hit the history books. Anyways Flutters, did you say Changelings?” “Yes.” Fluttershy says. “They’re insect-ish creatures that transform into ponies, seduce other ponies, then feed off their love.” “But that’s not right. It says right here that it eats them alive.” “Maybe it’s a metaphor. Maybe it’s saying that it eats you’re love so much that it feels like you’re having your life sucked out of you.” “Maybe. But how does that explain the giant hoofprints? Their shape shifters, not growy things. Hey Twilight! Mind if we stay the night, we’re gonna be here a while!” “Sure, I have a spare bedroom!” She yells. “Only one bed, though.” “Okay! Well, Flutters, you may be on to something, but I don’t see what it is yet.”