> Having a splash at Camp. > by orgo-member-XV > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Getting to know the roommates. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a bright summer afternoon and a bunch of mare’s around college age were getting off of a train and pulling out their luggage. In the center of all the activity there was a counselor, an earth pony wearing a ranger hat, yelling through a levitating foghorn. “Okay! Everypony I’ll be calling your names for the 4 girls you’ll be spending the next week with!” Looking down at her clipboard, she called out the next name.“Color Splash!” A white unicorn with a mane that looked a bunch of paint buckets had spilled over and swirled together on it quickly answered. “Yes?” She walked over, levitating a small bag, and pulling a larger one behind her. “You’re going to be in cabin number 6 with Radiant Sparks, Nutmeg Veranda, and Lunar Mist!” She pointed over to the three snootiest looking ponies who were hugging each other,cheering that they were together. However, the moment they stopped hugging they sent a three-way death glare toward Splashy, who just wilted and tried to hide behind her luggage. While the counselor went around calling out more names, the three snooty mare’s huddled together in a group. “I thought you paid off the director to give us the cabin to just us Radiant!” The Cerulean pegasus named Lunar Mist was hovering above them in indignation, stealing mean glances over to Splashy, who was slowly walking over to cabin number 6 with her head to the ground. The deep purple unicorn just stomped her hoof and pouted. “I did! But he didn’t go for it. I had to have my dad pay him off just to not get us kicked out for what I did. Now we have to deal with her!” She looked over and saw that Splashy was having a hard time pulling her luggage through the door. “Actually girls…this could be a fun week with her?” Nutmeg, the deep reddish brown earth pony, also turned and saw Splashy tug it until it fell through the door on top of her. “You’re insane Meg she looks like a goody two-shoes! She’ll tell and-” Began Mist, but Radiant held a hoof up to her muzzle to stop her from speaking. “Not if we make it so she can’t tell…You did bring those special pills your mother loves to use, didn’t you Misty?” Radiant said, smirking at Nutmeg then at Mist. For a while, Mist just fluttered there with the most confused look on her face. “What do those…have…?” Slowly it clicked in her mind. “OH MY GOSH! Radiant you’re going to give them to her aren’t you?” Radiant giggled and looked over to the cabin. “Of course I am! It’ll show her who’s boss, AND it’ll make it so she won’t tell anypony what we do to her this whole week.” Giggling into her hoof, Randiant looked around at all the other mares starting to get into their cabin groups and moving toward the cabins. “We’re going to have to make her trust us first…otherwise she’ll be suspicious of anything we give her.” “So we’re going to have to make her our friend, aren’t we Radiant?” Mist looked over to Radiant who was already levitating all of their bags toward the cabin. “Of course we are stupid that’s what I just said!” Nutmeg swiped at Mist who just spiraled away toward the cabin leaving Nutmeg to catch up to the two of them. By the time they opened the door, Splashy was almost done putting her things away. She stopped and turned around, looking almost like she had gotten caught stealing from the cookie jar. “O-oh Hi!” “ROOMY!!” Without warning, both Misty and Meg ran and huggled her giggling. In repsonse, splashy gasps and freezes as Radiant walked over and hugged her too. “H-hi…” Splashy said, a little squeakily as the others let go of the hug. “Sorry…” Nutmeg said as she moved toward one of the bunks. “We’re just so used to hugging!” Misty smiled at her, landing next to Nutmeg. “Oh that’s okay. You just surprised me! I’m Color Splash, but you guys can call me Splashy. All my friends do.” Smiling sheepishly she extended a hoof, which Radiant shook. “I’m Radiant Sparkle” “That’s Nutmeg Veranda!” Misty pointed at Nutmeg who had just as she opened her mouth to say it. Then she glared at misty. “Hey! That’s not fair I wanted to say it…and that’s Lunar Mist!” “HEY!” She fumed, shooting in the sky above Nutmeg. “It’s nice meeting you three.” Splashy smiled, looking at them. “Nice to meet you too dear.” Radiant walked to the bunk that splashy was at. “Do you mind if I get the top bunk??” Splashy shook her head. “Of course not...Actually to be honest I thought you guys hated me.” Nutmeg gasped. “Why would we hate you?” “You’re our roomie!” Mist gave her a smile as she landed, and then the three of them started to unpack their things. After about 10 minutes, Nutmeg and Mist were throwing unmentionables at each other instead of putting it away in their drawers. Mist giggled and threw some underwear at Nutmeg, who ducked and threw some of her own back at Meg, but she also ducked and they hooked onto Splashy’s horn instead. Splashy quickly pulled them off and looked around. “Wh-what…uh?” They were some of the kinkiest looking panties you could see on a pony. They were a dark purple that went well with the blue of Misty’s coat color, though they were mostly see through and there was a almost secret hole where it should have covered the wearers nethers. “Ignore them dear.” Radiant giggled and levitated them at Mist, who got hit in the face with them. “They’re just panties” “Oooo look Mist! Splashy gets blushy from panties.” Nutmeg said as she grabbed an armful and started to chuck them at Splashy. She quickly put her hooves up and squeaked every time they collided with her. Mist giggled and joined in throwing them at her too, but she slowly lifted into the hair with the purple pair, and slowly went over their heads behind Splashy. “N-no I don- eeek!!” She flailed around as a pair landed on her snout, crotch first. Seeing this, Radiant giggled and kept unpacking her things. Slowly, Mist lowered to the ground and crawls toward Splashy, getting to her hind hooves and while they were thrashing around, she managed to get them onto her hindquarters,snuggling them against her mare lips, causing Splashy to let out a loud EEP. “Hey! They totally fit you!” “Get them offff!! No they don’t” She tried to get her hooves underneath the string holding them against her hips, but they were tight enough to make it hard with her trembling hooves.Because she couldn’t get them off, she noticed how they were very soft on and how snugly they dug into her thigh flesh. “You don’t wear clothes splashy?” Nutmeg asked with a shocked look on her face. “What mare doesn’t dress up for their colt friend now and then?” Mist said with a frown, flittering in front of Splashy. “Don’t you like to make him miss you and know what he’s going to miss if he ever crosses or cheats on you!?” “What are you talking about Mist.... We all know you’re a Mare Muncher!” "Hey! Splashy didn’t! Jeez…” Mist snapped. She went back to the ground looking miffed. “I-I actually don’t have a colt friend…I haven’t met the right stallion.” Splashy rubbed her hooves together and looked at the ground. “Well that’s not a big deal Splashy. But you must keep the panties darling! They look so cute on you.” Radiant said with a smile as she walked around Splashy. “No they don’t!!” Splashy whimpered and was spinning in place trying to keep Radiant from looking at them. “Oh! Splashy not just those! Take these, and this, and this!” Mist tossed a garter belt, a nightie, and a quad-pair of socks - the same color as the panties- at Splashy. “Wh-what no! This is too much really! I don’t need clothes…” But, she caught them in her magic anyway, and sheepishly stared at them. Mist only giggled and put her suitcase under the bed, after all her clothes were in the drawers. “Coommmee ooooonnnn Splashy at least try them on and see how you look before you say no!” Said Radiant, giving Splashy a sly smile. “But…” Splashy looked at the three of them slowly, and with a sigh, she with the help of everyone, got into her nightie, the garter belt, and last of all her socks. “These…these feel weird…” Every so often, she would pick up a hoof and wiggle it like she was trying to kick the socks off, which caused the others to giggle. “What..?” “N-nothing! You’re just so cute Splashy! You’ve never worn socks before, huh sweetie?” Radiant said with her hoof in front of her muzzle to keep her giggles quiet. “No...I’ve never needed....to.” Splashy finished, noticing Mist stare at her a little weirdly. Behind her, her wings were stiff and slightly twitching with her heartbeat. “Wow…” “Misty!” Nutmeg groaned, giving her a glare. “Wh-what…it’s involuntary…She’s wearing my underwear Meg!” She whined, but she didn’t seem embarrassed since she didn’t even look back at her wings. Splashy blushed even more -if that was possible- at the wingboner that Misty was displaying, and tried to change the subject. “You guys wear this stuff on a daily basis?” She wiggled her hoof again in discomfort.. “Well not every day Splashy! They lose their power if we did that, but most days yes. It makes us feel powerful!” Radiant smirked at her. “So powerful…Don’t you see what you’re doing to Misty right now?” Nutmeg smirked as well and pointed a hoof at Misty who was practically drooling now. “Imagine what you could do to somepony with a…” Nutmeg leaned in and looked around before leaning into Splashy’s ear. “A Cock!” She giggled and sat back and flicked one of Misty’s wings. “Stoopp! You know that hurts when you do that!” She whimpered, glaring at Nutmeg. “Now girls don’t fight…and look you’re upsetting Splashy” Radiant pointed to her as she was fidgeting and avoiding their eye contact. “Sorry Splashy” Nutmeg frowned and went back to her little spot next to Misty, who just went back to looking at her like she was some kind of Equestrian Sex Goddess. “I’m not that pretty Misty you don’t have to stare at me like that.” “You are pretty Splashy! Why do you think you’re not?” “Well it’s…I don’t know?” She shook her head but still didn’t look up at them. “Splashy your soo...hoot!!” Misty groaned out the word and continued to ogle her. “Misty is right Splashy. You have that like, reserved, girl next door type! TThe type nopony looks at cause you’re innocent and stuff.” “I-I do?” She looked up then. “No I’m not…you guys are lying!” She whispered and she went back to staring at the ground. “We’re not lying!! We all think you’re pretty! Especially Misty” Radiant said as she went over and hugged Misty, and her wings were still very much up. “Like I said she’s a Mare Muncher so…she’s basically a stallion anyway Splashy.” Nutmeg giggled and looks at Misty, but Misty was too enamored by Splashy to even know what was going on. “Do you really think I’m that pretty Misty?” Splashy smiled a little and looked at her too, but Misty didn’t answer, and her wings twitched a little faster as Splashy looked and talked to her. “Um guys? Does this usually…happen…or uh?” Splashy looked a little worried. “Actually, this is the most I’ve ever seen her do before. Radiant…is she alright?” Nutmeg looked over to her worriedly. Radiant looked over to Misty with her glassy eyed stare and then at splashy, who was still looking a little bit embarrassed. but more confident than she had a little while ago. Then out of nowhere, Radiant pointed her horn at Splashy, and it quickly lit up with magic. Before she could even react, it discharged, hitting her in the chest, and knocked her backwards. She fell in a dazed heap, groaning softly. “Radiant?” Asked Nutmeg, but Radiant didn't answer and instead turned to Misty. “Mist honey would you like to taste little Color Splash here? Hm?” She slowly went over and pulled splashy in a more seductive pose. With her hind legs open, and her forehooves curled up in front of her, she looked like she was begging to be eaten out. Misty sat there licking her lips like a dog, and she nodded her head, staring directly at the entrance between Splashy’s legs. “Radiant?” Nutmeg frowned, trying to get Radiants attention once again. She didn’t seem to flinch at the attack but she did sound a little surprised. “What Nutmeg?” Radiant asked as she went around Misty and lightly rubbed at the space between her wings. Misty moaned and her eyes fluttered half shut. “We planned something like this for Splashy here, I just decided to make it happen sooner than we planned. At least she can enjoy this one, and Misty can have a little fun too” Misty was frowning now, tapping her front hoof on the wooden floor like she was waiting for someone to tell her she could move. “Well yes of course.. but here in the cabin? What if she remembers or someone walks in or hears them!? You already know how not subtle Misty is at what she does..” “She’s fine Splashy is ....for all intents and purposes dreaming right now, but all of her pleasure spots have been heightened so she can make some cute noises!” Radiant giggled, looking very excited about that last bit of information. “What about the pill plan then? Are we abandoning it and just using her as Misty’s play thing for the week?” Nutmeg frowned as Misty whined loudly, her tapping increasing. There was a little puddle beneath her, and when Nutmeg saw it she clicked her tongue in distaste. Radiant turned to look at the small drawer that Misty and Nutmeg put their things in, and saw a white bottle with its top screwed off and a few pills scattered next to it. “There’s still some left..but that explains why Misty is acting like this. We are here for a week, we can have all the fun we can. We can always give her to the boys later, and who knows. Maybe by then we won’t have to give her the pills.” As she spoke, she lightly poked misty to get her to stop the whining. “For now though she is OUR plaything not just Misty’s.” Nutmeg recoiled and gave her a disgusted look. “You know I’m no Mare Muncher Radiant!” “Oh come on Nutmeg we’ve had this discussion before. You don’t need to like mares to have a little fun! Just look at her!” She grinned and pointed to Splashy, who was starting to writhe around on the ground. “What If I give you a pill? You’ll be so hot and bothered that you wouldn’t care who’s eating you out hm?” “Wh-what no way Radiant! I’m not having any of those pills!” She took a step away from her in fear. Radiant sighed and went over to the pills lying in the dresser. “Come on dearie, all you have to do is take one…” She held it up with her magic, but Nutmeg just clamped a hoof over her mouth. “Fine if you feel that strongly about it, maybe you should just sit out in the dark and the cold and watch to see if any of the counselors are coming.” Nutmeg’s eyes widened and she looked out of the netting of their window. “But…But…it’s so dark Radiant…” Her ears pulled back. “Then join us! You don’t have to do anything with our mare parts Nutmeg-“ “Vagina’s Radiant?” “Huh?” She tilted her head in confusion. “Their called Vagina’s not mare parts” She muttered, looking a little grumpy. “Ugh fine Vah-Gi-nahs!” She shook her head. “But anyway you don’t have to do anything with our-” “Vagina’s” Finished Nutmeg. She looked a little sickened by the word. “- Just use her horn. Look at it it’s a perfect substitute for a Stallions-“ “A Stallions cock, Radiant?” Radiant’s mane bristled and she glared at her a little. “A lady doesn’t say that unless she’s in the throes of passion Nutmeg! But yes you could use it like that? That’s not mare munching now is it?” Nutmeg still didn’t seem to be convinced, but she looked over to Splashy’s white horn. “I would think you’d want it?” “I would rather use her for different purposes.” She walked over to Splashy and lightly ran her hoof down the inner part of her thigh, and a soft mew came out of her mouth, which caused Misty to growl. Then she went to Nutmeg and nuzzled against her cheek. “Your mother won’t find out Nutmeg.” She whispered, and then she put a hoof to her muzzle to stop her from speaking. “No, no she won’t. How could she? It’s just the 4 of us and you know that we wouldn’t tell and Splashy…isn’t in the right mind to either.” Nutmeg didn't respond, and she hadn’t returned the nuzzle but she hadn’t moved away from it either. At the sight of affection, Misty let out a shriek, looking almost animalistic and was about ready to pounce on Radiant, who just looked over to her coolly and unimpressed. “Hush you! You’ll get your turn with Splashy soon enough. You have to wait because you wasted a pill without consulting me.” Mist responded with hiss but didn’t do anything else. Radiant then returned her attention to Nutmeg. “Come on? It’s one time. Camp is supposed to be fun and experimental! We’ve all been friends a long time” Nutmeg seemed to be softening up but she wasn’t cracking quiet yet. “I don’t know Raid…it’s…I..” “Don’t think about it Nutty…let pleasure guide you…,” She whispered into her ear. “Maybe once you see the three of us in passion, it’ll get you going.” She gently kissed her cheek and then walked back to Misty. She was growling deep in her throat, but Radiant hushed her and batted her on the nose. “Are you ready for your treat Misty? Or are you just going to let Splashy just lay there all alone?” Misty was about to lunge at her in anger, but the moment Radiant mentioned Splashy, her attention shifted and she went back to watching splashy groan on the ground, and her tongue slipped out when she saw a small little wet spot on her panties. “Go ahead love…” Radiant lit up her horn and pulled the thin fabric away, revealing Splashy’s perfect white outer lips. They were glistening with arousal and as soon as Radiant moved the fabric out of the way, Misty lunged forward and dived into her puffy folds. Splashy moaned loudly, her back arching up and she instinctively placed a hoof on the back of Misty’s head and tried to push her snout in deeper. Radiant slowly walked over, pulling her nightie up with magic to revealing her two smallish teats. Radiant smiled, licking her lips and then she leaned over and gently grabbed one of her nipples in her mouth and started to suck, while her hoof roughly squeezed and pressed the other. She kneeled down so she wouldn’t strain her neck and continued to suck, getting more forceful now. The teat play was making Splashy leak more juices, which Misty would eagerly lap up, and then running out of liquid, she extended her tongue deep into her, licking the sides of her walls. Splashy moaned little squeaky moans as her muscles constricted around the intruder, trying to pull it in deeper. Misty shook her head back and forth, her nose pressing against Splashy’s clit, and every time she would move her snout, she was rewarded with a pleasured yell from Splashy. As Radiant bit down hard on one of Splashy’s nipples, her horn glowed and a phantom cock slowly rubbed around Misty’s backside, probing around for her slit, and as soon as it found the opening, it roughly plunged right in. The scream that came out of Misty caused her tongue to vibrate deep within Splashy’s walls, causing her to scream too. But, all too soon, Radiant pulled her mouth from Splashy’s teat with a plop and licked her lips. She slowly straddled splashy backwards pressing her dripping slit onto Splashy’s moaning muzzle. As Splashy ate her out, her pseudo-penis was roughly pumping away inside Misty, causing her to go deeper into Splashy’s folds as she was rutted, which of course caused Splashy to moan more. Splashy’s moans were muffled between Radiant’s folds, and due to the vibrations, Radiant’s horn to lit up brighter, and the cock inside Misty pumped faster inside her, causing a chain reaction that would spike up the pleasure over the three of them. In the the corner, Nutmeg had her eyes squeezed shut, keeping far away from the mare threesome in front of her. She tried to ignore it, but with her ear twitching every time splashy moaned, it was hard to say the least. Eventually she gave up, when her eyes opened Nutmeg looked up at the large white ridged appendage sticking out of Splashy’s forehead. She shuddered a little as little tingles traveled between her legs. Nutmeg let out a deep breath and tried to close her eyes again, but as soon as she did her ears started to twitch rapidly from all the moaning. Giving up, Nutmeg’s left for hoof slowly slid down between her legs and lightly started to rub at her dripping Vag. Nutmeg had to bite her lip to keep from making noises as her hoof found her clit. She furiously drew little circles on the throbbing button, her juices just making it easier to move, and finally she couldnt hold in her moans any longer. “Coomme…..o-ON…n-nut…ME-EEg…jo-joIN…uss…” Radiant called, but her words were punctuated by smalls jolts of pleasure as Splashy’s tongue rubbed over her clit, and then she managed to get her teeth over it and with one small nibble Radiant was screaming. THis of course enlarged the appendage stretching out Misty, who screamed along with Radiant, causing her to pull her muzzle out of Splashy and throw her flank up into the air while she was rutted. Nutmeg just shook her head and continued to vibrate her hoof. Radiant pursed her lips and quickly she split her magic into three, using part to make a smaller version of the penis to jab into Nutmeg’s tail hole and another to keep rutting into Misty. Nutmeg stopped rubbing and gasped loudly with her mouth open, and then, using the last part of her magic, Radiant grabbed a pill and jammed it down Nutmeg’s throat, who coughed trying to spit it out. “RADIANT! NO! WHY…why” Radiant howled,trying ing to throw it up. Even though she had just swallowed it, she could already feel it starting to work. The heat in her folds amped up to 10 and she fell onto her belly. “To make you join us…” Radiant panted, returning her magic to Misty creating a smaller one that slowly entered into her tail hole. As soon as they were both in as far as she could make them she set them in motion, alternating their pumping so that one would enter as soon as the other left, turning Misty into a quivering mess.. Nutmeg was groaning in pain, and she had both of her hooves between her legs now rubbing faster now trying to get the heat to subside, though her rubbing was only making it worse. A whine escaped her mouth. “I told….you no! RADIANT!” Another whine escaped, this one sounded needy. “My mother!!” Her nether lips were leaking her mare fluid all over the wooden floor creating a large puddle underneath her.Radiant just looked over and yanked Nutmeg close with another burst of magic, and in one swoop, pressed their muzzles together, snapping all rational thought out of Nutmeg, only leaving the need for being filled. Meg melted into the kiss and wrapped her arms around Radiant’s neck and went all out into the kiss. Radiant positioned Nutmeg so her slit was above Splashy’s, and then, she moved her hoof and rubbed both Nutmeg’s and Splashy’s slits. While she made out with Nutmeg she moaned into the kiss and pulled her head in tighter. Thanks to the pill Radiant gave Nutmeg, her hoof was covered in fluid and every time she would rub there was a squelching noise. Misty, however, was just stuck with her front hooves useless, her back hooves locked in place, and her tongue out as she was rutted into the ground. Radiant had changed the movement of the magic cocks so they were both pounding into her at the same time, like two stallions were trying to drive Misty deep into the floor. Misty started to scream with each deep thrust, like her screams were being pushed out of her gut. Splashy was still moaning into Radiant’s folds, but the moans turned into whines since she wasn’t being satisfied as well as she had with Misty’s tongue. Radiant’s wet hoof furiously rubbed at Nutmeg’s clit, also splitting off her magic a third time and now there were little tendrils rubbing at the wing joints of Misty’s erect wings. With that, along with the two pseudo cocks pounding her into the ground, she came hard, causing feathers and mare juice to drip all over the place. Nutmeg, with the amount of attention Radiant was spending on her, came as well drenching the rest of Radiant’s hoof in cum, just as Splashy nibbled and sucked hard on Radiant’s clit. Radiant’s magic spurted out of her horn like a fountain, her slit drowned Splashy’s face in mare juice. Misty was lying there in a heap, her wings slowly folding up, but every so often, she would twitch and make a noise. Nutmeg fell against radiant who just slipped off of Splashy, cuddling against Nutmeg who nuzzled against her. Splashy who was still on the ground semi-drugged couldn’t move or get up, but she was groaning and making little whines because her nether lips were large and inflamed and still leaking fluid. Misty and Nutmeg were too tired to move or do anything, fell asleep in the puddles they had made, as most of the candles in the cabin started to blink out since they ran out of wax. “Thank you so much Splashy…” Radiant whispered, using her back hoof to rub against the side of Splashy’s face like she was petting her cheek making her whine some more. “It’s going to be so fun with you…can’t…wait…for…tomorrow” And she yawned and just snuggled her muzzle against Nutmeg’s neck, and fell asleep too, leaving Splashy to whine herself to sleep.