> Feedbag > by Baron Von Clop > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > More to Love > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Princess Cadance’s head spun as her eyes cracked open, dazed. Her vision twisted side to side as she woke from her sleep, but she had no idea what was going on. That was, until she saw Chrysalis entering into the room. Immediately, Cadance rose up to her hooves. Or, at least, she tried. The moment she attempted to push herself to a standing position she found herself constricted, a thick chain wrapped around her barrel, pinning her wings to her side and her body to the bed. “Chrysalis,” she hissed at the evil queen who had, apparently, been her captor. “Mi Amore Cadenza,” Chrysalis replied, not at all using the same venom in her voice that her captive was. “I hope you find your accommodations adequate.” Cadence struggled, head still feeling like it was underwater every time she moved it. Her vision was still blurry, but she fought back anyway, wings pressing against the chains as if she had a chance to break them. Still, she was weakened by whatever had knocked her out to begin with, the lithe princess collapsing back against the large, soft bed she was chained to. “Chrysalis, I demand that you let me go. Now.” Chrysalis chortled a laugh, shaking her head. “Oh, no, no. How terrible of a host would I be if I let you go without dinner first? You’re in my home, Cadance. Please, let me be a good host…” With that, the changeling queen’s horn glowed green and Cadance noticed what it was being used for. A large brown bag with straps along the sides came into her view, and there was no mistaking what it was. A feedbag. “What… what are you doing?” Cadance said, struggling against the chain with a grunt once more. “What is the meaning of this?” She tried her magic, too, but while her horn turned a pink hue for a milisecond it instantly dissipated into thin air. Nullification. She was helpless, eyes going wide as she watched that feedbag inch closer to her. “Shhh,” Chrysalis said, a wicked grin spreading across her face as she watched the terrified alicorn kick her legs and try to free herself but only tire herself out. “It’s okay, Cadance. I’m not going to hurt you,” she said, the straps of that feedbag unbuckling as it slipped around Cadance’s snout, enveloping it. “In fact, quite the opposite. I’m going to take good care of you and make sure you’re very well-fed.” Cadance squirmed as the leathery bag was pressed around her snout, realizing it was filled with, of all things, chocolate cake. She kept her mouth closed, refusing to eat any of it… until her mouth started opening and closing against her will once the straps were buckled in behind her head. It was enchanted -- or cursed, rather -- and it’s magic took hold instantly, the mare helpless as her mouth moved on it’s own, opening, chewing and swallowing the thick, gooey chocolate cake that was contained within it. “Rest, Princess,” Chrysalis said with a mean streak in her voice. “You will need it.” One final cruel touch followed, too, as her horn glowed with magic once more, a large mirror rolling into the room across from Cadance. The chained alicorn watched herself in abject terror as her throat rippled with each swallow, essentially forcefeeding herself thanks to the feedbag. She tried to cry out, but her mouth wouldn’t cooperate, only able to chew and swallow. Chrysalis cackled. “I’ll check up on you… later,” she said, before the slim changeling slipped out the door and slammed it shut, leaving Cadance alone. Cadance twisted hard in her bindings, flexing her wings, legs, neck and any other muscle she could, feeling her stomach fill with the sickeningly sweet cake. It must have been packed with calories. If the plan was to fatten her up, this would do it. But try as she might to break free, she found every option unusable. She couldn’t use magic, she couldn’t use flight, she couldn’t stand or even talk anymore. She made one last desperate glance around the room before her eyes settled on that mirror, reflecting an image of herself back at her. She stared, watching as the never-empty feedbag forced her to chew, and gawked at her stomach as it began to expand to accommodate the gorging. With each passing moment, Cadance felt herself grow more full, her flat belly bulging outward as she glutted herself on that cake. Still, the feedbag pushed her, compelling her to eat more and more and more. Her jaw grew tired from the constant chewing, her throat grew sore from the large bulges of cake and her stomach grew tight with overindulgence. Even as she reached a point she’d consider ‘absolutely stuffed’, the feedbag continued, and Cadance was helpless to do anything but watch in the mirror as her belly swelled even larger. It was painful; a tight, aching throb in her stomach that grew more intense with each forced swallow of cake. Every bite sending a stab of pain through her as she gorged herself. For a brief moment she wondered if the plan was to murder her by forcing cake down her throat until she exploded, but just as she thought she really might burst, she stopped, the forced chewing ceasing and leaving the exhausted and massively overfed alicorn panting for breath. She let out a long, hard groan as her chin hit the bed, the huge gut she’d grown giving a loud, long gurgle as it strained to contain the huge feast of cake that had been crammed into her. She eyed the image in the reflection, disgusted by what she saw. This wasn’t her. A small urp escaped her lips as exhaustion washed over her. The combination of her kidnapping, the struggle against her chains and being full to bursting with cake all made her tired, and it wasn’t long before the embrace of sleep took her, gurgling and groaning into a nap. ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( Cadance had lost track of the days she’d been there. There were no windows, so there wasn’t a way for the bloated princess to really get a glimpse of what time it was, let alone how many days had gone by. The light level in her dungeon remained at an even level at all times, completely removing her ability to realize the passage of time. Still, the lights were bright enough for her to see the changes her body was undergoing, and she wished they weren’t. The feedbag kept her at a level of extremely overfed at all times, every ten minutes or so the enchanted thing causing her to chew and swallow another bite, not once letting her stomach even try to catch up on digestion. Even after sleeping for hours the alicorn found herself exhausted, a mental block causing her to feel tired. As she had expected when she first experienced what was happening, the constant eating was causing her to inflate with added pounds. It didn’t take long at all for the barrage of calories to start packing weight onto her frame, softening her lithe figure. Her slightly toned flanks and sides had dissolved into soft chub, hips visibly wider and rapidly filling out with each passing day. She was sure her belly had likely gained a few pounds, too, but the huge amount of fattening dessert crammed into it never let her get a glimpse at how soft it had become. She whined as she moved her back legs, feeling the new softness of her flanks quiver. Still, each time she tried to struggle and find a way out before she turned into a blimp never ended well. She still had no use of wings or magic, and even trying to break free became a monumental task thanks to her engorged stomach. With the slightest move her stomach stabbed her with sharp pain, threatening to rupture if she moved too quickly or squeezed too tight, pinned to the bed by gluttony. Even as she tried to struggle once more, the feedbag forced her to open her mouth, take a bite of cake, and swallow, the mare wincing hard as it hit her stomach. Her mind raced as she looked around, glancing at her increased size in the mirror. It wasn’t too late. She could work this off, if she could just escape… If she could just stop eating, even for just a few hours... ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( “Cadence! You’re really letting yourself go.” Princess Cadence’s eyes flicked open at the voice, her head down against the pillow she was provided. Chrysalis. The moment she woke up, she felt her mouth open, close and swallow once again, even as she clenched her jaw hard. “What has gotten into you?” the changeling queen taunted, stepping forward to brush one of her hole-ridden hooves against Cadence’s softer side. “You really should slow down, dear, you’re getting rather, well… fat.” Cadence’s eyes moved over to the mirror that was held in front of her, scanning over her body. Judging by how much she’d blown up, she figured it’d been weeks since her capture. There was no denying that Chrysalis was right, she was getting fat. The constant eating was swelling her immensely. The muscle tone on her neck, chest and forelegs had been hidden away under soft layers of fat, just like her rear and flanks had weeks ago -- much more, the foundation of a second chin would start to be visible. Her hips had widened even further, growing heavier and thicker as her body piled weight on, soft rolls beginning to form under her hocks where her knees connected, threatening to bulge over when she was sitting down. Now, even when stuffed to the absolute brim as she always was, she could see a soft layer over her stomach, having eaten herself fat enough to show it. Against the bed she could see a soft fluff of fat where her belly was resting in it’s perpetually stuffed state. “You keep this up, and you’ll be quite the porker,” Chrysalis taunted her, reaching over to shove a hoof against that bloated flank. “You were so pretty, Cadence. What happened?” She didn’t want to admit it, but the teasing was getting to her. She couldn’t respond, thanks to the feedbag being still strapped to her face, but her eyes said everything she’d wanted to. Fear, loathing and disappointment all resonated within her. She was really blowing up. She’d always counted calories, always tried to keep slim and fit and now… she didn’t even want to see herself in the mirror anymore, lest she be confronted by the pounds she’d eaten onto her frame. She blinked, a tear forming at the corner of her eye. “Oh, don’t cry, you little glutton,” Chrysalis teased, reaching forward to shove that feedbag in a little harder against Cadance’s snout. “Here, eat some more. Comfort food. I can tell you like it so much -- being captive must be so stressful, and you’ve been eating yourself happy, right?” Chrysalis inhaled through her nose, drawing in a thick trail of pink smoke. Love. Pure love, straight from one of the purest sources one could find. As Chrysalis squeezed the bag it forced another bite of cake down Cadence’s throat, rippling down her neck as it sunk it’s way into her stomach. She hated chocolate, now. Hated it. “Well, I can tell that you’re busy stuffing your face as usual. Tsk tsk, Cadence, you’re so lazy you’re using a feedbag now…” Chrysalis taunted, watching Cadence’s face as a tear streamed down her cheek, the bloated mare blinking to try and wipe away the tears that were forming around her eyes. “Be well, dear. I’ll make sure your belly stays nice and full,” Chrysalis teased as she exited the room, closing the door behind her and leaving Cadence with nothing but an aching gut and a swollen figure staring back at her in the mirror. ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( How long had it been, really? She didn’t know. All she knew for quite a while was cake. Thick, gooey, chocolate cake. She hadn’t tasted anything other than chocolate cake for what felt like months. She hadn’t done anything but eat and cry, not even stand up. Part of her blamed herself. She didn’t even struggle anymore, just watched herself in that mirror as every time she woke up she was a little bigger. Her hips a little wider, her belly a little rounder, her neck a little thicker. She was disappointed in herself. She could have fought harder -- she wouldn’t be the massive mare she was now. Blinking the tears out of her eyes she looked over at the other side of the room at the mirror that had been taunting her for weeks. That huge, wide mirror that showed her huge, wide form. As intended, weeks of doing nothing but gorging on the fattening, magical cake had caused Cadence to balloon up with fat, swelling her svelte figure to obesity. Her belly, most of all, had taken the brunt of her additional weight, so large that even when she was stuffed to her absolute limits, it wasn’t immediately obvious she was full. That large, plush, pink belly bulged out in front of her, between her rear legs and against the bed, rolling forward where it met the plush sheets and covering some of it. A thick roll, too, began to form where her heavy leg rested on her bulbous gut, and along her back, fat bunching up along her barrel. Her legs, too, had filled out, her cutie mark distorted by the size of her flanks. Large and full, they’d grown so fat there was a crease around her knees… or there would be, if she were able to stand. She’d outgrown the chain around her chest and it was removed well over a week ago, but the sheer amount of food she was able to consume after weeks of stretching out her stomach kept her pinned down, never mind the weight she’d gained. Her chest swelled significantly during her binge eating, bulging down and denting where her forelegs met her barrel. A second chin was out in full force, the plush bulb of fat directly under her snout, brushing against her chin when she tried to look down. But no, she didn’t. She didn’t fight hard enough and now she was paying for it. That’s it, she thought, as that feedbag once again forced her to open her mouth, chew, and swallow, followed by another and another, pangs of pain criss-crossing her gut as she ate herself into sleep. All I can do is grow fatter now. Her gut let out a long, strained groan as it settled, muffled by the fat she’d accumulated. She’d eaten and eaten until she was at least double her size, eroding years of hard work on her trim figure. ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( “My, my,” Chrysalis said, waking her up from a food-induced sleep. Cadence let out a long groan as she finally woke up, rolling slightly on her bed as she felt the movement ripple through her massive body. “You’re really quite impressive, you know that? To think a few months ago, you were one of the slimmest of the princesses.” Cadence hated it. Every time Chrysalis talked it caused more pain than the feeding did, deep, emotional damage straight to her heart. She began sobbing again, tears streaking down her bloated cheeks and against the leather feedbag. Patches of the leather around her eyes were permanently stained by the salty tears, big splotches of darkness where every tear accumulated. She couldn’t argue any more -- she was massive and she’d probably never be a normal size again. She eyed the heavier queen, watching as she inhaled that pink, pure love straight off of her bloated form. Part of her wanted to lash out at the changeling queen -- with her body so fattened, the amount of love she generated was massive, and Chrysalis had partaken quite often, filling out her own figure now that she had a virtually limitless supply of food. Chrysalis was nowhere near her size, but she wasn’t the trim looking changeling she was before. A lot of weight had settled into her flanks, widening her figure. The blue, translucent band around her barrel had grown larger, too, bulging outward rather than sitting flat against her, glowing with the pink love she was gorging herself on near-daily. But still, she didn’t compare to Cadence. Yes, she’d gained weight, but a quick glance behind the swollen changeling showed a different picture for herself, that massive pink boulder of a mare she’d eaten herself into becoming. Even if she weren’t constantly under a barrage of cake she probably wouldn’t be able to walk, if she could even get up onto her hooves any more. Splayed out on her left side, the rear leg that rested under her belly was almost completely hidden by the massive pink stomach she’d grown. The hoof still poked out under the mountain of flab, but anything else -- including the huge, pink flank she knew was there - was hidden behind her swollen self. The visible flank rose above her, bloated and sagging both in front and behind her, melding into the massive rump she’d grown, fat enough to the point the dock of her tail was obscured behind fleshy folds, hidden in her gluttonous figure. Her cutie mark mocked her every time she looked at it and found it even more distorted, twisting into different shapes depending on how she moved the log of fat her flanks had become. Several rolls traveled downward the lower along her leg, mashing against the soft belly. None of her figure was spared. Her chest had grown massive, expanding in front of her and pushing her forelegs apart with the added pounds, which had also grown so thick a pink fold was threatening to bulge over the knee. Even when she tried, she couldn’t get her forehooves to touch -- she had too much bulk between them. Her neck was eradicated, melding straight into her chest with a few folds the only recognition that her neck even existed. If it weren’t for the multiple chins, you might just miss it. She didn’t even notice when the feedbag fed her anymore, it had become something mundane like breathing, blinking or crying. It happened on it’s own and there was nothing she could do when the bag forced her to open her mouth, chew and swallow. Her stomach gurgled, filled with what probably amounted to several entire cakes at any time… not that she could notice under the literal hill of adipose her stomach had become. “It’s disgusting, really, Decadence,” Chrysalis taunted, Cadence squeezing her eyes shut with another tear rolling down her bloated cheek at the name. The changeling had taken to calling her “Decadence” on account of her inability to stop gorging herself. It was fitting, she thought. “You had everything, but you used to have the mind to stop eating when you were full. Now… look at you.” Chrysalis pressed a hoof forward into Cadence’s stomach, and they both watched as it sunk into the soft expanse of her gut. “I don’t think you’ll ever walk. Or leave this room. You literally won’t fit out the door…” Cadence let out a soft moan as she sobbed again, only for her cry to be cut off by another wad of chocolate cake being forced into her mouth, nearly choking on it as she swallowed. “Oh, don’t cry about it. You don’t have anyone to blame but yourself, anyway,” Chrysalis said, raising that hoof up before swatting it down against Cadence’s side, sending ripples through the pile of flab. Chrysalis leaned down, snout to snout with Cadence… and smiled. “You’re mine, now, Decadence. Even if anyone came for you, they wouldn’t believe their precious Princess could be this huge of a gluttonous pig. They’d leave you here. You’re a blimp -- I’m not kidding, really. You won’t fit. You’ve eaten yourself so huge you’re trapped here.” “I win, Cadence.” Cadence screwed her eyes shut, as if closing them would change the truth. She was trapped. Within her own body, her own gluttony. Chrysalis wins. > Princess Decadence (optional immobility ending) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cadence struggled to remember what it was she looked like before her capture. She found it hard to remember what walking and flying was like, or what anything but chocolate cake tasted like. She couldn’t remember what the sunlight looked like, or what it felt like for her to do much of anything but eat. She lived for nothing but to gorge herself every waking moment, to do nothing but grow fatter. How long was it? A year? It felt like a year. Maybe it had been longer. She honestly wasn’t sure any more. She hadn’t felt anything but an aching stomach stuffed to bursting for a long, long time. Cadence squirmed slightly, but did nothing more than cause her massive body to quiver as the movement rippled through the mountain of flab she had become. She didn’t even have to lift her head in order to look at the mirror where she was shown an image of her gargantuan form anymore, the multitude of chins did it for her. Her neck rippled forward in a number of rolls all the way down to the bed, propping her face up with her own girth. And still, that feedbag was latched around her face, tight around the fat cheeks that made up her face, and still, every once in a while her mouth would open, take a bit of cake and swallow, the massive mare still gorged to bursting at all hours of the day. She couldn’t walk, and she’d never walk again. In fact, her hooves wouldn’t even reach the floor if she tried to escape. Not anymore. Her gut had grown absolutely enormous, and, she thought, she might just be the fattest mare in the world at this point. Her entire body was propped up on the absolutely gargantuan gut beneath her, fattened legs dangling uselessly against the blob of pink where she used to have toned muscles before she gorged herself into immobility. She almost found it amusing -- she wasn’t even shaped like a pony anymore, that’s how huge of a glutton she’d let herself become. Chrysalis was right, she was a disgusting pig. She deserved this. Willingly, she opened her mouth and took a bite of cake, swallowing it. Good job, Decadence, she told herself. Get even fatter. You already can’t move, what’s a few hundred more pounds? Now, her gut was the bed. The wooden frame supporting the mattress had split under her sheer girth weeks ago, and she’d only gotten fatter since then. Before she’d let herself go, you could have easily fit three ponies on the mattress comfortably, but no longer -- Cadance’s flabby gut bulged out far enough around her that she nearly rolled over the edges, and if she gained much more weight she’d engulf it entirely. Her legs were just as much of a burden, if not more. Even if she could touch the ground, the muscles that used to support her hadn’t been used in so long they were worthless, even if they weren’t buried under pound after pound of excess weight. Her rear legs were easily the size of tree trunks and just as round, though significantly softer. The huge blobs that were her flanks sagged across her knees, completely obscuring the limb in soft fat other than the ankle and hoof, useless feet poking out of a massive pile of fat. Her tail was gone now other than a few stray strands, her luxurious and well-kept tail shoved between the rolls of her massive rear. Her front legs were no better, bags of fat dangling from her also useless front hooves, bulging against her massive chest. She felt her gut ripple, letting out a massive gurgle as she swallowed another bite of cake. Then another, then another. She deserved it, every pound of it. The rolls of fat along the back of her neck bunched up as she leaned her head back, swallowing another big gulp of cake. Get even fatter, she told herself. It’s all you’re good for. She couldn’t even count the rolls along her spine anymore, the mirror at an angle that now acted as an up-shot towards her. She did know that she couldn’t even flap her wings anymore, the joints where they would flap engulfed in fat. Not that you could even fly, you useless blob. She swallowed another bite of cake, feeling the stabbing pain of a far too tight stomach begging her to stop eating, churning as it kept trying to digest the ever-present gut full of cake. Even after all of this, she still felt it. Now, though, she welcomed it -- it was one of the only sensations she’d felt in a long time. Not even the small bit of enjoyment she got out of seeing how fat Chrysalis had gotten was something fun for her anymore. The Changeling queen had gorged herself obese, too, but she was still mobile, rather than being a useless sack that didn’t do anything but eat. She let out a groan as she uselessly kicked one of her front legs, feeling the entire shoulder and front of her massive body quake with the movement. Nothing. She had no escape anymore. Even if she were let free she could do nothing but lay in one place and sob. She let her leg dangle again, rubbing against the massive chest she sported. Cadance felt her eyes droop as she swallowed another bite, groaning as the pain shot through her stomach. With a heavy breath her eyes closed, head resting against the massive chin that propped her snout up now, dozing off for yet another time as she passed out.