> Journey of the Spirit Dragon > by CountDerpy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue: The Tie Between Planes > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "You have lost Ugin. Tarkir is mine!" The towering golden dragon above me screeched into my head. I could barely stand up, the damage was too great and the pain too crippling to bear. I glared up at Bolas and roared, I was nowhere near ready to give into him. "You are a fool if you even think for a moment that Tarkir will fall to you!" I said as I was finally able to lift myself into the air, if only for a moment before the gilded claw of Nicol Bolas latched around my throat. "I am the fool? Take a look Ugin!" He said as I was turned around to see the destroyed remains of what was once my home. Fallen members of every clan littered the country side, dragon bones and their dying flames scorched what there was to scorch. Even seeing the Dragon Lord's scattered about like discarded weapons was a tragic sight. If I could have, I would have wept for them. Bolas' dark laugh filled my head. "The Dragon Lords have fallen! The great Khans have fallen! You're beloved and peaceful Tarkir is nothing more than my plaything to do with what I want!" I screeched in pain as I was forced to look directly at my adversary. His large draconian eyes filled with blood lust bored holes into my soul, the corners of his mouth turned up into a wicked grin as free claw dug across the top of my head. The pain was horrid, I wouldn't have even wished this pain upon Bolas himself. His touch was meant to destroy minds, but my mind was far stronger than anything he could ever hope to destroy, and he knew that all too well. "I should just kill you right here and now Ugin, but where is the fun in just killing you." "Do your worst Bolas, no matter what you do you will not win. I can feel them, the Dragon Lords are still alive and well. It is only a matter of time before their strength returns and you are destroyed for good." I said behind clenched fangs, the Ghost Fire brewing deep within me as I knew I may only have one more chance of destroying him. "I can feel them as well Ugin, and I know all to well that killing you and them would do nothing but cause me more headaches along the way." He said in a sadistically fake fearful voice. He laughed as I felt the energy begin to gather around us, his dark magics chilling me to my very core. "No, killing you will not do me anything. But, there are many planes from which you could never escape." The dark magic pooled behind us, it's energy sending a shiver of pain down my spine as I felt space and time rip open around us. I turned my head to look, seeing nothing but a black void as the fallen Dragon Lords were drawn into the gaping maw of the multiverse. I have only ever had contact with a few other planes, but never had I seen the pure horror in falling into the multiversal void, and watching as my comrades fell through saddened me. Bolas gave a dark chuckle as I felt myself begin flung towards the void. "Enjoy your new home, Ugin. For it will also be your grave!" I could do nothing but watch as the void overtook me, my physical being breaking down into a magical energy I was all to familiar with. It didn't even take more than a mere second for the energy to reform around my being and the void to close as I struck the cold grass ground of the new plane. The last thing I remember seeing before the pain made me fade was the sun in the sky setting in the far west and a faint purple glow surrounding my being. ----------------------------------------------------- 6 Hours Later ----------------------------------------------------- Slowly my eyes opened after what felt like an eternity. The faint dance of candlelight greeted me as I quickly sat up from where I was laid. Immediately I felt two very smooth and hard appendages press on my chest, appendages from a being that must have been as big as I was, force me back into a laying position. "Don't move, you are seriously hurt and I don't need you ripping your stitches open." I looked to the source of the voice and nearly jumped in surprise. A lavender alicorn with a worried expression on her face stood right next to me. Her mane was a mess, the dark purple hair curled up and soaked in sweat as if she had been working hard at something. I noticed a faint glow from the horn on top of her head as she floated over a pitcher and a small cup, the same purple glow that had overtaken my vision from before I passed out. "I suppose...you are the one.... who saved me?" I said in a raspy voice, my lungs not filling to the capacity that they once were.She gave me a quick nod before pouring water from the pitcher into the floating cup and hovering it near my mouth. "Drink this..." She said as she tipped the cup towards my mouth. How odd, for such a creature to not know that I do not drink the liquid that she so graciously presented me. "I am sorry." I said in a polite voice as I tried once more to sit up. "But you should know that as a dragon I do not need to drink water." Purple magic forced me back into a laying position as she stared at me with a puzzled look. "Wow, you must have hit your head pretty hard when you fell out of that portal to think that you are a dragon." This confused me. Surely this giant alicorn, which was a rare oddity but not entirely unheard of in the multiverse, would not be able to see what was clearly in front of her. "Clearly Miss Alicorn, you aren't able to tell species apart, for I truly am a dragon. Do you not see the scales that cover my skin or the smoke of the Ghost Fire pouring from my snout?" "My name is Twilight Sparkle," she said said with a semi annoyed expression, "and if you are a dragon than I am a changeling." "That wouldn't be too much of a stretch." I said. "For I have seen many changelings in my life take on many forms..Twilight was it?" "Yes it is, and I was being sarcastic." She said as she levitated over a mirror. "If you are a dragon as you say, you most certainly do not look like one." "What are you trying to sa-" I didn't even finish my sentence as she floated the mirror above me, and If I were to say my heart didn't stop at the sight before me, I would be telling a straight forward lie. Staring back at me was nothing more than an alicorn in it's own right. The light blue-grey green of my scales was represented in the patterns of the fur that covered it's body. It's long tail and mane were a brighter shade of the color, almost florescent in a way. The mane covered most of the creatures face, the left side of it curling up into a horn that reminded me of my own, but it was only for show. From the right side of it's head sat another horn of green ivory, a pale silver glow encompassing it as its energy crackled in the air around it. The creature shifted it's wing a bit, the large feathers that extended much further in span and length than the purple alicorn's own held the same colors as its hair and fur, and barely visible on either side of it's rump was a symbol of two crossing planes or timelines shaped almost like dragon fangs. I stared at the creature in the mirror for almost a minute before I moved to touch it, it's hoof moving in time and completely in sync with my arm. I looked at my own arm and saw the smooth cylindrical shape ending in a hard, smooth and shinny covering at the bottom. Twilight wasn't lying, I really wasn't a dragon anymore. Well, this is certainly going to be an interesting day.