What a Pinkamena Surprise

by xXConstant_iNSaNiTYXx

First published

Twi botches a spell and splits one Pinkie into three Pinkies. But two Pinkies aren't quite like the original.

When Twilight fails a duplication spell, it splits one Pinkie into three Pinkies. But two Pinkies aren't quite like the original. One a white Pegasus with a golden mane, and the other, a pony of a monotone pink and the straightest silkiest mane in all Equestria.

Duplication done wrong

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An extremely enthusiastic bouncing pink pony hopped happily towards Twilight's new castle. Pinkie had been called over to help Twilight with a new spell. She loved helping Twilight with her spells, so naturally she was thrilled when Twilight had asked for her assistance. She came upon the front door of the beautiful castle. Knock Knock. After a moment Pinkie was greeting with the smiling face of Ponyville's favorite purple mare.

"Oh, hello Pinkie." Twilight said with a yawn. "What are doing here?"

"You asked me to help you out with your new spell silly." Pinkie answered cheerfully.

"I asked you to come around six' tonight." Twilight said sleepily

"Whats a few minutes?" The pink pony responded with a smile.

"It's three' in the morning." Twilight said flatly.

"Is it?" Pinkie looked up at the dark early morning sky. "Huh." She stated bluntly. "Mind if I come in?"

"By all means." Twilight, giving a small smile, waved Pinkie inside.

Twilight lead Pinkie through the castle. Pinkie looked around in awe. She had always admired the place. As she looked around it occurred to her it also kinda looked like something that might be sold off that show Lyra was always talking about. "My little human", Lyra herself was a "humare" as they're called. Also known as "those weird grown mares and stallions that like a little fillies show." But i digress. Pinkie, still letting her mind wonder a bit, was brought into the living area. Pinkie sat down on the sofa and Twilight went to fetch some coffee from the kitchen.
Twilight came back moments later with two cups of coffee and offered one to Pinkie.

The party pony politely declined. "The Cakes said I probably shouldn't drink coffee anymore." Pinkie gave a sheepish smile.

"Iv'e got you covered." Twilight said and levitated the warm drink into Pinkie's hooves. Twilight, noticing the confused look on Pinkie's face smiled and said, "Decaf coffee, only two packs of sugar and a small bit of creamer."

"Thanks Twi." Pinkie gratefully took a sip of the hot beverage. she felt the warmth of the coffee run down her rather parched throat.

"So Twilight," Pinkie asked, "Whats this new spell of yours?"

"Its a duplication spell." Twilight said, sounding very proud of herself. "It splits one pony into exact copies of themselves." Twilight finished with a wide smile.

"A... d-d-duplication s-spell?..." The pink pony asked sounding quite nervous.

"Um... Something wrong Pinkie?" Twilight noticed the way Pinkie's high spirits dropped the moment she brought up duplication.

"Its just.." She hesitated, "You remember the whole mirror pool incident right?"

"Well of course." Twilight knew where her friend was going with this.

"Are you sure a... duplication spell is really a good idea?" Pinkie looked Twilight in the eyes. "It was a super duper big bone disaster."

"Don't worry Pinkie." The purple alicorn reassured. "This spell should be completely safe." "The mirror pool," Twilight explained, "It created clones that had one and only one purpose, to have as much fun as possible, and to do so at all costs." "They didn't have any real emotions or completely original thoughts. Furthermore...."

Pinkie found herself not really listening to a word Twilight was saying. No. Her mind was busy contemplating much more pressing matters...

"I wonder if water flavored ice cream is a thing." Pinkie then realized Twilight was in the middle of explaining something important.
"Aww horseapples." Pinkie thought to herself, "Shes explaining something important. I can't just start listening now, I'll be totally lost." She tried to tune into what Twilight was saying.

"You see, the Orbitofrontal Cortex regulates your emotions, and I feel this is something that differs between-..."

"The what regulates the who what now?" Pinkie thought to herself. "Maybe if I just smile a nod."

"Uh-huh." "Definitely." "You bet!." Pinkie remarked still not paying any sort of attention.

"So do you understand?" Twilight finished.

"Ummmm.... Yes indeedy!" Pinkie said trying to muster her most convincing, "I was totally listening to everything you just explained" face.

"Alright then, lets get this spell underway." Twilight was eager to begin.

"Ok Pinkie, if you could stand right over there." Twilight pointed to where she wanted Pinkie to go.

"Okie Dokie Loki!" Pinkie beamed. She then happily bounced to her requested location.

Twilight got herself focused. She concentrated. Beads of sweat began to form on the alicorns forehead, as her horn started to glow. Pinkie was nervous yet eager to know the spells effects. The pink pony started to hover off the ground. Then, a bright flash of light, followed by a red beam of light which began engulfing Pinkie's figure.

"Hahaha! That tickles!" Pinkie shouted. "Make it stop." She giggled, "Make, it st-...AHHHHHHH!" Her laughter was broken by a pain filled scream. The redness continued to surround Pinkie's body. Then, a sudden second burst of light, much brighter than the first one. Pinkie's trembling figure fell to ground.

"PINKIE!" Twilight shouted, worry in her voice. She ran to her friends side, "I'm so sorry, are you all right?"

Pinkie started to answer but something grasped her attention. Two glowing orbs, still in the air. Pinkie stared at them. Twilight followed Pinkie's stunned gaze. She found herself just as speechless.

Suddenly, the orbs started to glow a similar red to the beam that had just consumed Pinkie. Then they burst. Something came out of these orbs, two objects fell to the floor. Though at first indistinguishable, the objects slowly started to become recognizable. And they weren't inanimate objects at all! But, two ponies. One a Pegasus pony with snowy white fur, and a golden yellow mane. The other an earth pony with a monotone pink color pallet, and one of the straightest, silkiest manes in all Equestria.

Twilight, and even Pinkie... were at a loss of words.

"Hello new friends! My names Surprise!" said the white Pegasus.

"What are you two plotholes lookin at!?!?" Spat the dark pink earth pony. "SIGH" "If I must." she stated, annoyance in her tone. "My names Pinkamena." "Not that you really care." Her tone instantly going from annoyed to depressed.

Pinkie and Twilight were awestruck.

(To be continued)

What a Pinkamena Surprise

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Pinkie and Twilight looked at their guests, mouths wide open. An awkward silence filled the atmosphere. When Pinkamena finally decided to break the silence.

"Umm.. hello? Are we having some kind of silent staring contest or some crap?" A rude tone filling her voice.

Surprise was second to speak. "OH! OH! Are we?!?" She exclaimed excitedly. "Ok, ok... READY SET GO!"

Pinkamena rolled her eyes in annoyance. "No you thick-headed bag of A.D.D."

"A thick headed what?" Surprise asked.

Pinkmena brought her hoof to her face. "Yknow, simpleminded?"

"Huh?" Surprise raised an eyebrow.

"Eres muy estúpido." Pinkamena answered dully.

"Huh?" Surprise repeated.

"Sigh" "You can't think good."

"OOOOOHH..." "wait a minute." Surprise was about to say something denying Pinkamena's claims but was interrupted by Pinkie Pie.

"There... are... THREE ME'S! This is AMAZING!" Pinkie was practically bouncing off the walls with excitement.

Pinkie was bounding around the room, a massive smile plastered across her face. Surprise joined Pinkie in her excited hopping.
Pinkamena was looking more peeved by the second.

"Oh good Celestia, its like annoyance in stereo."

Things continued like this for a good couple of minutes before Twilight spoke up.

"Well... um...my name is Twilight Sparkle. What did you say your name was." Twilight offered a hoof shake to Pinkamena. But rather than complying with Twilights polite gestures, she simply turned her head away and flatly answered.


Twilight raised her brow. "Pinkamena?"

"What about it?" Pinkamena barked.

"Nothing, its just, that's my friend Pinkie's name. (She goes by Pinkie for short.)" Twilight decided she should be careful with what she said. She hadn't said anything, for she didn't want to be rude. But she had taken notice of Pinkamena's rather foul attitude from the start.

"Yes well, I don't go by Pinkie for short. And you'd better not ever refer to me with such a ridiculous name."

Twilight gulped. "well... ok then." She said slowly, turning her attention to Surprise.

"And what might your name be?" Twilight was hoping for a better reception from this mare then she had gotten from miss Pinkamena.

"My name is Surprise! Great name huh? See, my momsy and popsy weren't expecting a foal with such bright flashy colors. MUCH LESS, a Pegasus pony. And they were SUPER DUPER surprised when they got me! And that's why my name is Surprise." The snow white Pegasus finished with an even bigger smile then when she had started. Twilight wasn't sure how it was even possible for that pony to get a bigger grin.

"Wait.." Twilight thought to herself for a moment. "Pinkie, Pinkamena, and Surprise?" Twilight directed her attention towards Pinkie.
"Pinkie, didn't you say your parents were originally going to name you Surprise. But changed it to Pinkie, or Pinkamena rather?'

"Yes Indeedy!" Pinkie beamed.

Twilight turned to their new guests. "If you don't mind, may I ask where you two grew up."

"A rock farm towards outter Equestria." Twilight brought a hoof to her chin. "And what about you miss Pinkamena? Did you too grow up a rock farm?"

"No dip Sherlock." Pinkamena huffed.

"Hmmmm." Twilights interest had be peaked. "And, just out of curiosity... do either of you have a sister named Maud?"

Both Pinkamena's and Surprise's ears pricked. "How'd you know?" Surprise asked curiously. "Call it intuition." Twilight answered with a smug smile.

Pinkamena wasn't buying it. You could see it all over her face.

Twilight sighed. "Let me explain, I just used a duplication spell on my good friend Pinkie Pie."

"Hello!" Pinkie shouted cheerfully.

"Anyways," Twilight continued. "The spell was supposed to make exact duplicates of her. But instead you two happened. Something I couldn't put my hoof on."

"Are you going somewhere with this?" Demanded the dark pink earth pony.

"Let me finish." Twilight said trying to sound polite. But one could easily hear the annoyed undertones in her voice.

"I've noticed for quite some time that Pinkie can and will go through some major... *cough* mood swings. I theorize that's where you two come in. Perhaps when I attempted to duplicate Pinkie, rather then creating exact copies. I created the manifestations of her personality. Or, at least broke them apart into their own beings. I thought Pinkamena over here looked familiar. Why? simple. When Pinkie feels sad, angry, betrayed, or something along those lines. She almost instantly goes from Pinkie to, well.... Pinkamena. I can only assume the same goes for Surprise. Only in reverse. Though I admit I've never seen Pinkie spontaneously sprout wings. I imagine her Surprise shows when she's extremely over joyed.

Everypony had stopped what they were doing to listen to Twilights lecture. After a good few seconds of quiet Pinkie spoke up.

"So... what you're saying is... They really are ME!"

Twilight nodded. "More or less yeah."

Pinkie squealed in delight. She thought to herself. "THIS IS GONNA BE SO MUCH FUN!"

She ran around the room going on and on about what her and her new friends were going to do later on. "LETS GO HAVE SOME FUN!"
Pinkie was ecstatic. She grabbed Surprise and Pinkamena and began to run out the door. Though Surprise was a bit more willing, Pinkamena pulled away and shouted.

"Don't touch me!"

Pinkie and Surprise stopped in their tracks. "I'm sorry." Pinkie said, her ears folding back.

"No, sigh don't be... you didn't do anything wrong." Again, Pinkamena's tone went from angry to sad. "I just... don't like being touched is all..."

"Why not?" asked Surprise.

"I...I don't want to talk about it." Pinkamena's tone still filled to the brink with sadness. A moment of quiet. She looked up and noticed the rather concerned looks on the mares faces. She folded her arms and sighed once again. "Just forget it. It's nothing. Lets get this freak show on the road."

Pinkamena got up and trotted out. Surprise looked at Pinkie and shrugged. The two mares soon followed not far behind their straight haired counterpart.

As the three mares left the castle to... to do who knows what. Twilight was left to ponder. And ponder she did...

(To be Continued.)

What ever shall we do today?

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A trio of oddly similar looking mares made their way through the beautiful town of Ponyville. One of these mares, definitely the least enthusiastic of the bunch was busy trying to comprehend why it is she agreed to hang out with these lunatics. Another, was flying beside the others, a smile wide as a smile can be across her face. Perhaps for no actual reason, just smiling for smiles sake. And the last, a pony known only as Pinkie Pie. The gears in her brain turning about all the fun she and her brand new friends were going to have.

The party pony brought their group to a sudden halt.

"Ok, everypony. WHOS READY FOR SOME FUN!" Pinkie was hyped to have some fun with her manifested personalities.

"I KNOW I AM!" Surprise was equally as excited for some good times... if not more so.

"Whoopdy bucking Do." Sighed Pinkamena, twirling her hoof in the air.

Surprise gasped. "Language!"

With another exaggerated roll of the eyes, Pinkamena responded, "Pardon my French your highness..." The mare could not have possibly looked more unenthused about everything as she did in that moment.

"What?" Confusion evident on the poor Pegasus's face. "What French? I didn't hear any French, all I heard was you and your naughty mouth."

"OK EVERYPONY!" Pinkie had decided it'd be best to interrupt that conversation before it got... heated.

"What do you guys want to do today? I want us all to have a fun filled day. Filled with funtastic super fun!"

The next minute or so was filled with quiet, as the mares tried to think of something to do.

Finally, the Pegasus and Straight maned Earth pony answered, "No ideas here." Almost in a perfect unison.

"How about I introduce you guys to my friends!" Pinkie mentally patted herself on the back for the fantastic suggestion.

"Alrighty tighty!" cheered Surprise. Doing a small aerial summersault, broadcasting her joy.

"Meh, I guess I don't have anything better." still as monotone as ever.

"Then its a plan!" Pinkie stood up and led her new buds to meet her friends. Pinkie Pie couldn't wait to have her friends meet her two new selves.

Oh, won't you introduce us?

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A fine orange country mare with a bleach blonde mane and freckles was making herself useful around her families orchard. The weather was perfect for Apple bucking and the strong earth mare was a bit behind on her chores. She hurried around the fruit filled trees bucking the apples down in quite the timely manner.

Having done her chores all day, this pony was extremely tired. She wiped the sweat from her brow and settled down, leaning up against the trunk of one of the trees. The mare was just getting set to take a well deserved nap, when the peace was broken by a familiar voice.

"Heeeeey Apple Jack!" The voice belonged to none other then Pinkie Pie. The bounciest, happiest, pink pony around.

Sitting up, AJ tipped her hat and politely greeted her friend. "Howdy sugar cube. What brings ya'll round these parts?"

"I have some ponies to introduce you too!" The excitement and cheer was evident in her voice.

Apple Jack's interest peaked, smiled. "Well I'd love to met em. And where might these new pony folk be?"

"Cmon out guys!"

Two mares emerged from behind a bush. One flew excitedly around and landed, not so gracefully in front of AJ. Tripping and landing on her face. The other slowly made her way in front of the farm mare.

Pinkie nudged the two on. "Go on you guys, introduce yourselves."

Pinkamena was about to start but was soon interrupted by the white Pegasus. "My name is Surprise! Its sooooo nice to meet you!" Her purple eyes danced with joy. "Neat place you got here too!"

There was an awkward pause before Apple Jack responded. "Well shucks miss Surprise. I thank ya. And I do love the enthusiasm, been mighty boring up here the last few days. Been bout as quiet as a sleeping sloth in a soundproof box."

"I'd actually appreciate a little peace and quiet for just a five seconds with these two." Pinkamena's mood has yet to improve.

Apple Jack turned to Pinkamena. "And what might I ask your name is?"

"My name is Pinkamena..."

Pinkie jumped into the conversation. "They're me!! Twilight split one Pinkie's into THREE PINKIES! Isn't is amazing!"

The orange Earth pony looked from one mare to another. She had noticed something vaguely familiar about her guests, but something she couldn't quite pit her hoof on. She examined the two new comers, realizing Surprise looked more a less like Pinkie. But with a coat white as snow, and a bright golden yellow mane. Her eyes were a light purple color, not to mention being a Pegasus. Then there was Pinkamena... It wasn't even that she looked like Pinkie. AJ thought about were she had seen Pinkamena before remembering Pinkies last birthday. Not only that but the incident with the switched around cutie marks.

"Well, its very nice to meet ya, both of ya. My name is Apple Jack, I work around this here orchard. Was actually finishing up my Apple bucking for the day right as you fillies arrived."

"Wait..." the smallest of smiles finding itself across Pinkamena's face. "You were finishing up your what for the day?"

"Ummm... My Apple bucking." AJ was knew where this was going.

"Your job is to buck apples??..." Pinkamena smiled... then laughed.

"Oh so you do have teeth." It was rather difficult to tell if the Pegasus was teasing or genuinely surprised. "I don't think I've ever seen you smile before." And there was some obvious tease in her tone at that remark.

Pinkamena stopped and whipped the smile of her face. *cough* "Yes well... I have teeth.. idiot."

A short silence passed before Pinkamena said, "I hope you took this red delicious out to dinner before bucking it." Pinkamena tried to hide the grin coming back to her face. Apple Jack rolled her eyes.

"It was mighty nice if ya'll to bring your new friends down. But I'm a heap bit busy. Catch you later Pinks?"

"Absolutely." Pinkie made a mental note, "One introduction down, three to go."

Apple Jack went to partake in a friendly good bye hug. Pinkie and Surprise were of course happy to oblige. But before she made her way to Pinkamena Pinkie grabbed Apple Jack and whispered something in her ear.

"She really, really doesn't like being touched. Just trust me AJ, no hugs."

Apple Jack nodded in understanding and made her way to the moody pink pony. She had no intentions of asking anypony why miss Pinkamena detested close contact so much. But figured it was none of her business.

AJ held out an arm for a hoof shake. Though hesitant Pinkamena accepted. Everypony said they're goodbyes and the trio of Pinkies made their way to the abode of another close friend.

Pinkie lead her duplicates up a small hill towards a small cottage. It was a petite and very homey cottage, surrounded by beautiful flora and woodland creatures of all shapes and sizes. Inside lived a meek and kind Pegasus. So far this day had been like any other. At least for this filly it has. She had woken up ten on the dot, and proceeded to feed her animal friends. This had been her morning routine for some time now. And it would likely continue to be for years to come. Today would have been no different if it weren't for a knock on the door.

The yellow mare wasn't expecting any visitors. So she was taken slightly aback by the knocking at her door.

"Now who could that be?" Fluttershy moved slowly to the door. She opened it and was greeted by Pinkie pie.

"Oh, Pinkie Pie." Fluttershy grinned, barely whispering. "What brings you here?"

"I have some new friends to introduce you too." Pinkie hadn't lost a single gram of energetic happiness since she first met Pinkamena and Surprise earlier that day. She had a huge smile painted upon her face. Honestly, it was a bit unsettling had you not known Pinkie, and how she can get.

"Oh, well I love new friends were are they?" Fluttershy was, as her name implies shy. She was shy about just about anything even half worth being shy about. Of course this situation worked in all the same ways. She was very nervous about meeting new ponies, but she also knew, if Pinkie Pie wanted her to meet them. They must be worth meeting. So the shy girl swallowed her fears and smiled for her guests.

"Here they are!" Pinkie Pie waved them in. Fluttershy recognized something immensely familiar about the two.

"Um.. hello there new friends. My name is Fluttershy, have we met before?"

Pinkamena huffed, "Not a chance." In her usual demeanor.

And Surprise, as always responded in quite the cheerfully spastic way. "Hello new friend yourself!" Fluttershy was startled by the sudden burst of energy. Surprise did a loop da loop then landed. She took hold of the poor Pegasus's hoof and shook it vigorously.
"My name is Surprise! Oh, and that's Pinkamena over there. With the bummed out look on her bummed out face."

This touched a quick nerve on Pinkamena. "Hey!"

Fluttershy couldn't find any words, she was far to busy trying to process the situation. So she simply muttered, "Um... Hello?"

Fluttershy stared shyly at the ground in front of her. Pinkamena looked annoyingly from one pony to another. Surprise was busying herself with one of Fluttershy's animals. Sometimes it was unfathomable the attention deficit disorder that mare seemed to have. Pinkie stepped up.

"Twilight was attempting a duplication spell and something went just an ity bitsy teeny wennie bit wrong." Pinkie briefly flashed something of a sheepish grin. "But now I have two new friends to hang with! Ain't it awesome!"

"Why yes Pinkie... they're very... nice." Rather hesitant with her wording, in referring to these... interesting newcomers.

Fluttershy looked to her new guests. "Well, it was very nice to meet you, truly it was. But I'm very busy. I promised Angel we would go to the hair groomers today, and his appointment is in less than an hour."

Pinkamena inquired, "Wait.. who's Angel?"

"He's my cute little pet bunny." Fluttershy loved her Angel bunny so much. He didn't always seem to return the affection, but the filly knew he loved her very much.

"You named you rabbit Angel? A male rabbit no less?" Pinkamena furrowed a brow.

Fluttershy shrugged.

"Alright then..." Sighed Pinkamena.

Pinkie smiled and lead the group out the door. "See you later Flutters! Have fun at the groomers!"

She bounced out the door. Now for Rares and Dashie.

To be continued


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Twilight paced back and forth around the cold floors of her castle. She was trying to figure out what exactly went wrong with the duplication spell. It was supposed to have an effect somewhat similar to the mirror pool incident, be it with a hopefully, less dire result. But it hadn't done that. Oh it duplicated the pink mare alright. But not the way Twilight had hoped. Pinkamena and Surprise. They were supposed to be exact copies. Clones even. They appeared to one in the same with Pinkie. Sharing similar memories, and appearances. However, their attitudes were quite the enigma. Pinkamena was moody, sensitive, kind of rude, and sort of depressed all the time. While Surprise on the other hoof, was at least five times more random and energetic than Pinkie. Before she had met Surprise, Twilight wouldn't have thought that impossible. But seems she would have been mistaken. And though not exactly like her pink friend, Twilight felt she knew these failed clones already. Almost as if they had met before. That just couldn't be so. It wasn't possible... or was it? Twilights head hurt thinking so much about Pinkie Pie.

Twilight, still pacing back and fourth, muttering to herself and contemplating the un-contemptible. Was racking her brain until she was barged in upon by her number one assistant, Spike.

"Hey Twilight. Thought we agreed... No more pacing around like this." Noppony would be able to tell if this small purple dragon was annoyed, or concerned. Perhaps a little of both.

"Oh, sorry Spike." Twilight stopped dead in her tracks and smiled.

"What's the matter?" Asked Spike curiously.

"Oh, nothing." Twilight lied. "Just thinking about some magic stuff. A spell I cast may have back fired."

"Wouldn't be the first time." Spike rolled his eyes. But ceased with the attitude when Twilight shot him a dirty look.

"I don't know what to do Spike." Twilight sounded very hopeless. "I mean, it doesn't seem like this little failure is hurting anyony. The spell hasn't caused anything disastrous yet. But its magic! You never know what may happen." Twilight made an adorable pouty face.

"Well... if you don't know," Spike suggested, "why not ask somepony who might?"

Twilight perked up instantaneously. "Spike, your a genius!"

"Awww... I know." Like that dragon needed an ego boost.

Twilight spread her wings and prepared to lift off, she glanced over at Spike, and motioned him to hop on. Spike jumped up on the Alicorns back, and held on tight.

"So where are we heading?" Twilight, ignored her assistants question, much to Spikes displeasure, and took of through an open window.

Twilight sped through Ponyville, turning left, then turning right. Though Twilight had gotten a hang of flying, Spike still wasn't much for air travel. And boy did he wish he hadn't eaten that ruby earlier. Twilight flew through Ponyville, then exited it. She wasn't visiting anypony near by, that was for sure.

"Ohhh," Spike said, "We're going to Princess Celestia." He said it as if it were the most blatant and obvious thing

"Not quite." Twilight smirked.

Spike made an expression, similar to a "man I hate being wrong." and a, "Then where in Tartarus do you have us heading lady!"

Twilight picked up on Spikes current emotions and rolled her eyes, "Just be patient, grumpy butt." She flapped her wings harder, propelling her closer to her destination.

"The Everfree forest?... Ohhh.. Zecora, right?"

Twilight nodded. Zecora was no stranger to odd and foreign magic, she would likely know what to do. Twilight hoped she wouldn't have to do a thing. She had said the little misshape hadn't harmed anyone or anything yet. Twilight hoped it could stay that way. But why did she have a bad feeling filling the pits of her stomach, and the back of her mind? She shrugged of the negative thoughts as she gently landed in the front entrance of the Everfree forest. She looked into the dark of the forsaken forest, then took her first step into it.

A very, very focused and content Zebra meditated silently. Slowly chanting what would appear to be a spell, only nothing was happening. Perhaps they were songs from her home land. Anyponies guess would have been as good as another's. Zecora took a deep breath and began to quietly say,

"Shri gauri nandana deva siddhi pradhaayaka" Over and over again. So calm, so quiet, no distractions. It was then that the Zebra was distracted by a knocking at her door. She huffed in frustration, and went to open the door. Not many ponies visited the Zecora, so she could only assume that her unannounced guest was her dearest little Apple Bloom. When she opened the door however, she was greeted by none other that the princess of friendship, and her purple companion Spike.

"Ahh, Twilight." Zecora smiled, "I always welcome friends in my home. For what might have you come here alone."

"I'm just a little confused about something involving magic, and I was wondering if you could help me out."

Zecora nodded. "Well of course my dearest Twilight. To help you with this dilemma would be my delight."

Twilight smiled and trotted inside the hut.

Twilight sipped at her scalding hot tea, as she explained her situation to the Zebra in front of her. Twilight had noted that nothing bad had happened up to that point. Hopefully it could stay this way. But she just wanted to make sure.

After Twilight had finished telling the days events to Zecora, she sat there waiting hesitantly for the zebras reply. Zecora shook her head and looked up sadly at her guest. She sighed.

"Twilight it is with a heavy heart, I tell you only bad will come from our new counterparts."

To be continued