SpiderMan 2099: Equstria's Future

by MonsterCat2212

First published

SpiderMan from the year 2099 has been stranded on Equis by Tyler Stone owner of Alchemax. While looking for a way back home he must stop a certain end to Equis without his help. Will the furture of Equstria collapse or will SpiderMan save it future?

New York of the year 2099. Things have changed, but some things never change. Miguel O'Hara the SpiderMan of this future is stranded by his former boss Tyler Stone in a place unknown to him, looking for a way back to the future will be hard on the hero but he will return before Tyler Stone makes any stupid mistakes in trying to make Alchemax exist before it was originaly made.

Prolouge: "Good bye 2099...

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"HALT SPIDERMAN HALT!!" a voice said, looking above the shadow we see the one and only SpiderMan 2099 dash over his head. The hero stayed silent. Turning his gaze over to one member of the 2099 police force known as the Public Eye, the officer fired his blaster at SpiderMan. The red and blue hero dodged the energy blast and shot a web line from his wrist, the strand landed on the officer behind the one he was looking at. The Publice Eye officer gave SpiderMan a smug grin.

"HA YOU MISSED!" underneath the mask SpiderMan smirked, tugging on the webbing as hard as he could he knocked the officer behind into the other that was laughing at Spidey. With the two hover bikes crashing into each other both exploded giving Spidey a diversion to escape. Firing a web strand in the air he hit the bottom of the building above him. SpiderMan was then launched in he air using the web cape on his back to make him temporarly glide in the air, looking around he saw his building window and redirected his ascent to the window. Pressing his right hand against the glass the window opened from the right just enough to fit Spidey in. SpiderMan sighed as he put on his normal cloths over his SpiderMan outfit, removing his mask and placing it in his pocket. With SpiderMan gone, Miguel O'Hara took his place, Miguel hissed at the removal of his mask his pale white eyes where sensitive to manmade lights with out his mask.

"LYLA BRIGHTNESS AT 5 PERCENT!!" Miguel screamed.

At his command his apartment room's lights where bearly visible, it was almost completely dark.

"MUUUUUCH better" Miguel sighed in relief, being SpiderMan really did a number on Miguel's body. "Miguel you have a call from Tyler Stone-" a voice said in his apartment, a lime green hologram of a 1960s flapper appeared in the room with him. Miguel rubbed his sweaty hands on his face and groaned.

"What the hell does Stone want. Lyla answer" Miguel said, the hologram was instantly replaced with a hologram of Tyler Stone, Miguel's old boss and owner of the mega corporation Alchemax.

"Greeting Miguel. having a nice day?" Tyler asked.

"What do you want Stone" Miguel asked frustrated. Tyler chuckled slightly and began to speak again. "As you know the vigilante known as SpiderMan has recently broken into a my personal valt. Suppose, this valt had important information that keeps Alchemax clean from demolition or a take over by powerful people, I want you to track down the SpiderMan and drag him to DownTown or else. Got that."

"Loud and clear seeya Stone and never call again" Miguel said agitated. The transmission ended and Lyla returned to her original holographic form. Miguel sighed shaking off some sleepiness.

"Miguel I recommend you stay here" Lyla said convinceingly.

"Lyla you heard Stone I have to go, even if it is a trap" Miguel explained putting his SpiderMan mask back on, undoing his shirt and pulling his pants off his spider costume was again visible. SpiderMan placed his hand on the glass reopening the window.


"Do you think SpiderMan will turn up" Tyler's right-hand-man asked.

"Of coarse studying SpiderMan has told me that bug is curious." Tyler explained. In the air-duct above the two SpiderMan watched the duo in silence.

'You know me so well' SpiderMan thought to himself. SpiderMan looked to at the two slowly crawling through the ducts, Tyler and his second-in-command stopped. SpiderMan's spider-sense tingled. He quickly turned his head looking behind himself, a incredibly strong air current pushed SpiderMan through the duct. He eventually fell grabbed a vent and punched it in the current getting stronger and stronger, using all his strength he pushed himself through the vent and landed in front of Tyler Stone and his companion. Tyler Stone tapped a button on his right arm, a platoon of Public Eye officers and guards surrounded SpiderMan, the odds wheren't in his favor.

"You did well breaking in SpiderMan but our little game ends here" Tyler said pressing another button on his arm, SpiderMan watched as his feet started to fade away. Looking at the rest of his body the same effect was happening.

"SHOOOOOOCCCCKK!!!!" SpiderMan cursed as he faded away from his universe.


"Ugh" SpiderMan groaned, his eyes groggingly opened up as he looked to see he was on the top of a building. A wooden building? SpiderMan jumped to his feet surprised to see such a primitive resource, he looked over the building to see that there where other buildings that where wooden. "WHAT THE SHOCK!?" SpiderMan screamed.

"I never thought it was possible but I'm in a more primitive universe then Peter Parkers timeline. TYLER STONE! I have to find a way home-" SpiderMan turned his head to the sound of an explosion happeningnear his location. The hero jumped off the building he stood on and swung toward the sound. "I'm to low to glide I'll just have to swing."


"UGH I HATE THESE GUYS!!" Rainbow Dash screamed, she and her friends where fighting a band of dragons that had burned down Miss Cheerile's School. Applejack kicked one dragon in the gut knocking it back a few feet, wincing at the sting the dragon countered with a jaw breaking upper cut. With Applejack in the air he quickly flew up and grabbed the earth pony by her tail, the dragon slammed her back into ground making the mare bleed immensely. The dragon enhaled deeply as Rainbow's eyes widened, the rainbow mare tried to tackle the dragon away from the farm mare but was caught by her wing. The monster squeezed on the mare wing making Rainbow Dash scream in pain. Slamming the pegasus next to Applejack the dragon blew his firey breath at both mares.

"NOOOOO!!!!" Twilight screamed, Pinkie Pie brust into tears and so did Rarity and Fluttershy. Once the smoke cleared the dragon expected burnt pony corpse but all he saw was smolder on the ground, a projectile hit the dragons head as the other dragons looked at there commander confused. Looking over to where the ball originated they saw a pony or so they thought. It had a large red mexican spider symbol on its chest and everything else was blue, the dragon noticed the web cape on its back and looked at it head to see no eyes except the spider legs on its face. Twilight and the others looked beside the creature to see Applejack and Rainbow Dash safety on the building with the creature, relief washed over the mares at the sight of there breathing friends.

"WHAT THE BUCK ARE YOU!?!" one dragon asked.

On SpiderMan's finger tips his talons extended and also on his toes. SpiderMan jumped from the building punching the dragon square in the face knocking it into a building, the other dragons looked at the human confused beyond help as it stood defensively.

"KILL IT!!!" the dragon yelled Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie, and Fluttershy watched the battle. SpiderMan was first to attack kicking the dragon in the gut, the claws on his toes dugg deep through the drangon's scales making his stomach bleed. With one dragon unconscious another attacked this one much more spiky then the other. SpiderMan flip kicked the dragon in the chin and followed up by punching him in the chin as well. The dragon was dazed and SpiderMan saw his moment, pulling up his mask he reveled his spider fangs and lunged after the dragon. Crawling on the dragons back and reaching his neck SpiderMan bite the dragon in the neck. The dragon started spitting up physical venom from his mouth and fell to his knees. SpiderMan pulled his mask back down walking toward the dragon, the beast looked up terrified by SpiderMan, the hero then kicked the dragon in the temple leaving it unconscious. SpiderMan then looked at a stunned dragon commanded and shot multiple web balls at the commander, the dragon enhaled and used his fire to break free. But before taking flight he turned back to SpiderMan and said,

"you've started a war!" SpiderMan then looked back at the ponies letting the dragon escape, Twilight ran up to SpiderMan trying to examine his body. SpiderMan backed away and swung off into the day.

"Who was that Twilight" Pinkie Pie asked.

"I have no idea who or what that is. But I'm going to find out!" Twilight screamed promising herself she would figure out what that creature was.

End Chapter...

Ch1: Hello Equstria!"

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SpiderMan landed on the top of a building, sitting down and taking a massive breath the hero went over what just happened.

"Tyler Stone will pay for this!" SpiderMan shouted punching a hole in a wall, SpiderMan then froze. Looking over the building he saw a mint green pony following the trail of webbing. "COME ON HURRY BON BON!!" she said, a pale yellow earth pony with a dark purple and pink mane and tail ran up to the unicorn.

"Lyra you swear on Celestia's flank a 'human' swung past here" Bon Bon asked. Lyra shook her head furiously. 'Shock I was careless and left a trail!' SpiderMan screamed in his mind, the hero's appearance saving two ponies from being burnt to crisps drew to much attention. SpiderMan silently jumped over the ponies and landed gracefuly on a building in front of the one he stood on. SpiderMan looked back to see if either of the ponies saw his transfer from building to building, seeing neither one noticed he ran across the edge of the building and back flipped off the end shooting a web strand at another building and began swinging again.

"Are they going to be ok" Twilight asked the doctor next to the batted Applejack and wing broken Rainbow Dash. "We'll do all we can for Applejack, but for Rainbow Dash squeezing a wing to a near breaking point will leave her ground for a couple weeks or so." Twilight sighed in pain of the thought her friends losing her life to those dragons. Twilight played the battle scene through her head over and over again and again she pondered about what species that minatore looking thing was. Twilight knew it wasn't fully a minatore seeing as it had, sweet Celestia what was she going to call those. 'Wait a second, Lyra went on about this at one point. See showed me a fictional book on the homo sapains known as humans, but humans haven't exist since their race disappeared a million years ago. NO HUMANS HERE!!' Twilight was wide eyed and open mouthed about the thought of a human in Equstria. She had to tell the Princesses immdently! Twilight teleported out of the hospital room and reappeared in her home, the unicorn grabbed a feather with her magic and began scibbling down a note to the Princesses saying:

'Dear Princess Celestia,
With a recent attack on Ponyville from a squad of dragons a new creature showed up. A human to be more direct. It was dressed in odd clothing and took the squad no problem! If a may request a meeting with you and Princess Luna, me, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity will bring this human to you.
Your Faithful Student Twilight.

When Twilight finished writing she used a voice amplifying spell and screamed out. "SPIKE!!!" the tree house shook at the powerful voice that could probably beat Luna's Royal Cantrolot voice by a mile. The baby dragon was startled out of sleep and quickly ran down to see the unicorn.

"FOR CELESTIA'S SHAKE TWILIGHT YOU COULD HAVE WOKEN THE WHOLE TOWN!!!" Spike screamed at the unicorn massively annoyed by the unwanted scream. "Spike I need you to send this letter to Princess Celestia immdently chop chop!!" Twilight said hastily shoving the note in the dragons hands, Spike sighed and enhaled deeply. A dragon fire erupted from his mouth burning the note, the smoke began to move on its own and flew through the window to Cantrolot. A few minutes later Twilight got an answer, in a blinding flash of golden light Princess Celestia and Luna appeared through the golden magic.

"Luna was the war hammer and amour really needed?" Celestia asked her younger sister. The Princess of the Night snikered in replince. "Thou never knows when thy human attempts escape!" Celestia facehoofed unfitting for a Princess of Equstria.

"Princess thank goodness your here early. We need to study this human, I've already seen him take out a whole squad of dragons with out a problem, I need help capturing it." Twilight said,

Celestia nodded and Luna opened her mouth to speak.

"When was thy human last detected?"

"This morning, it saved Applejack and Rainbow Dash from death at the claws of a dragon." Celestia gave Twilight a surpirsed expression, a 'human' has never saved a pony ever in history! Celestia had to get to the bottom of this heroic deed. Twilight starred at her mentor giving a worried face, Celestia shook the confused look off her face and looked back at a starring Twilight.

"Yes this 'human' does need to be captured with haste!" Celestia said firmly. "Now a lead on its location would be ni-"

"HUMAN, HUMAN, HUMAN, HUMAN, THEY DO EXIST SEE I'M NOT CRAZY!!!" a voice screamed outside of the house. The three dashed out of the building to see SpiderMan 2099. The spider like human crashed through the window of a burning building a marshmollow white filly was in his arms as he landed back on the ground, the filly hugged his neck saying "thank you" before she was taken away by firefighter ponies and nurses. SpiderMan's spider-sense went off as a magic blue war hammer was thrown at him. He quickly evaded the sudden attack and got back to his defensive stance, SpiderMan looked to see Twilight, Celestia, and Luna prepareing for battle.


'Shock!' the hero cursed in his mind. 'I knew saving that filly was a bad idea! But I can't just let someone die not on my watch!' SpiderMan thought, extending his talons he waited for someone to make a move. Luna was first to attack using her alicorn magic mixed with warrior spells, the alicorn summond several sharp light blue swords above SpiderMan's head. Quickly rolling out of the way of the strike he was blindsided by Luna jump punching him in the jaw, the wasn't enough to knock him off his feet but did make him pull up his mask and spit blood out of his mouth. Shooting a web strand at Luna's hooves and tugged hard making the Princess fall face first into the ground, seeing his mooment to attack her group SpiderMan lunged after Celestia ignoring Twilight. Twilight while Celestia and SpiderMan fought took notes of SpiderMan's reflexes, strengh, speed, and agility. She was quickly snapped out of her notes as Celestia screamed in pain. SpiderMan used the talons on his fingers to cut Celestia's cheek, the Princess nearly screamed again at the sight of blood. SpiderMan used this time to punch Celestia in the face and flip kick into a building.

"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!!!" SpiderMan's spider-sense pounded horribly as Luna slammed into his back, with the hero underneath her she began to viciously lash out at the hero. SpiderMan grabbed Luna's right fist and fastly used her own fist against her, SpiderMan slammed Luna's own fist into her muzzle knocking her off the hero. SpiderMan than saw the time to stay and fight or run. He ran. SpiderMan shot a webbing at Luna's eyes and quickly tried to make a quick get away but his feet where enveloped in a lavender aura. Turning his head he saw Twilight in full on rage mode. The unicorn slammed SpiderMan into the ground, SpiderMan tried to fire webbing at the unicorns eyes just like Luna but was enveloped by the same magic. SpiderMan was then smashed into the same building Celestia was punched into and the Princess of the Sun grabbed SpiderMan's head and slammed it against the rubble, SpiderMan felt his nose bleed and his body begin to shut down.

"SISTER SHARE!!" Luna screamed as SpiderMan was brung into her magic, the Night Princess with all her strengh gave SpiderMan five good punches to the face knocking the bleeding hero out cold. Luna and Celestia both breathed heavily as Twilight's eyes started to water, her mentor nearly killed this creature. Even when she knew they needed him alive! Twilight sighed in relief as SpiderMan's chest moved up and down his breathing growing slow. Celestia looked at Twilight and said coldly "take that monster back to your house."

"But Princess-"

"NOW!!!" Celestia screamed at Twilight. The unicorn winched and listened, grabbing SpiderMan with her magic she grabbed feeling sorry that she had just tried to murder the only thing that saved her friends from death.

End Chapter...

Ch2: Rise of Dragons

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"Sister this interagation is going no where!" Luna screamed. The princesses had SpiderMan trapped in a magical barrier, he couldn't escape even if he wanted to. "I agree" Celestia said, SpiderMan was sitting down in the magic bubble looking at the sisters annoyed. 'There has to be a way out of here maybe if I examine the bubble?' SpiderMan moved his head around looking around. Luna laughed at SpiderMan futile examines.

"Your examines are funny, but useless."

SpiderMan didn't listen to the princess and sniffed the air. All he could smell where the princesses. Miguel sighed, he looked up at the ceiling, SpiderMan punched the bubble. To Celestia's surprise SpiderMan made the prison nearly explode. SpiderMan's spider-sense began to blare and he looked behind himself to see a dragon appear out of smoke. The dragon stood tall with a robotic arm and red and blue eyes, its scales where made out of a indestrutable alloy that SpiderMan couldn't describe.

"So your the 'human' I've been hearing about." the dragon said. "My warriors tell me that you could jepodize my plan. THAT WONT HAPPEN!"

With amazing strength the dragon punched the bubble to a breaking point. The princesses got between him and SpiderMan. The dragon enhaled and blew amazing wind strength knocking the ponies away, with staggering speed the dragon grabbed SpiderMan by the throat and slammed him into the ground. SpiderMan clawed at the monster, the dragons scales where stronger than the regular dragons scales. SpiderMan kicked the dragon's throat making the dragon loose his grip.

"Call me Raven the Ruler of Equstria!! HAHAHA!!" SpiderMan rolled his eyes and said, "Ya know you should be called Raven the Loud Mouth!"

SpiderMan kicked Raven in the forehead, the dragons scales protected his skin. Raven grabbed SpiderMan's ankle and threw him through Twilights tree house, SpiderMan quickly recovered only for Raven to punch him square in the face. The attack launched SpiderMan through multiple building. He eventually landed finally and breathed heavily, 'I'VE NEVER BEEN PUNCHED THAT HARD BEFORE!!' SpiderMan felt his nose bleeding from the punch Raven gave him. SpiderMan felt his suit tear but it didn't matter he had to give it his all! With all his strength SpiderMan reared his fist back and punched Raven in the face. The dragon shrugged the punch off and walked toward SpiderMan, "Hey Raven heres web in your eye!" SpiderMan tensed both his arms shooting webbing out of both of them.

"I'll tell the princesses you did your best" Raven said coldly as he grabbed the webbing, the dragon then spun around carrying SpiderMan in the air with him. Raven then let the webbing go and made SpiderMan fly into a building. Raven then grabbed the hero by the head and slammed his face into AppleJack's cart, SpiderMan kicked Raven far enough to give him a breather, SpiderMan grabbed the cart and flung it at Raven. The dragon with his tail sliced the cart in half. Twilight came to see the bloody hero and gasped, Celestia and Luna where amazed by the hero's bravery but knew he couldn't stop the King of Dragons. "Princesses DO SOMETHING!!" Twilight screamed out.

"Twilight there's nothing we can do" Luna said smoothly and calmly. Twilight gave the princesses a confused look and ran off to find the other Elements of Harmony.

"Rainbow Dash you want to jump in!" AppleJack asked the cyan mare. "That's Raven the King of Dragons even I know not to mess with him!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed, Raven grabbed SpiderMan by the neck and whispered,

"I could give you a quick death. But I enjoy watching you squirm BUG!!" Raven then threw SpiderMan into Rainbow Dash, the mare pushed off the bleeding hero. "ahhh shock *coff*" SpiderMan jumped to his feet and used his remaining spider strength into these last attacks. SpiderMan kicked Raven in the stomach and followed by punching him in the face knocking the dragon down, SpiderMan jumped on top of the dragon and punched him in the face with all his might.

'I've cheated death before. I won't die not TODAY NOT TO SHOCKING DAY!!'SpiderMan grabbed Raven by his snot and slammed him into the ground. 'NO WEAKNESS I'M NOT DIEING NOT TO A... SpiderMan punched Raven in the gut. DIRT ROTTEN DRAGON!!!!' Miguel used his last bits of strength to destroy Raven slamming him back into the ground SpiderMan noticed something around the dragons neck, it couldn't be....a FRAGMENT!! SpiderMan yanked the object off the dragons neck and looked to see the dragon turn into a regular dragon.

"You have no power YOUR A WIMP!! A SHOCKING NORMAL!!" SpiderMan screamed tackleing the dragon, Raven grabbed the hero's mask and pulled it off. "GIVE ME MY FRAGMENT PIECE YOU DUMB HUMAN!!!" Raven kicked SpiderMan with his normal dragon strength and grabbed the fragment, Raven then used his fragment power and punched SpiderMan in the face knocking out one of his teeth. SpiderMan web pulled his mask and placed it back on his face, Raven ran up to a building and with all his strength grabbed the base of the building and flung it at SpiderMan, looking behind himself he saw the Elements of Harmony where formed behind him he had to take the hit. SpiderMan pushed his arms out tensing them making them shoot webbing at the building. SpiderMan used his talons to dig into the building, SpiderMan could feel his feet digging into the ground and heard the breathing of ponies behind him.

"ENOUGH!!!!!" Raven ran straight through the building and slammed SpiderMan into the ground, head butting the hero he grabbed his arms and tried to rip them off until he was hit with a magical rainbow beam. SpiderMan looked to where the beam came from and saw the Mane 6 had saved his life. SpiderMan could feel himself be brought in a aura as he was laided before the ponies.

"THIS ISN'T OVER YOU HUMAN!!!!!" Raven said before flying off, SpiderMan could feel his world fade to black as he feel unconscious.

Ch3: Redeemption

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"NURSE!!" Twilight screamed in the hospital. Everypony there turned there attention to her, quickly switching there eyes to SpiderMan. The hero was nearly broken but not dead, Nurse Red Heart quickly came to Twilight's call seeing the hero see enveloped his body in a magical aura and carried him to the emergencey room the door slammed behind her.

"Twilight why are you so worried about that...thing" Rainbow Dash asked her worried friend, Twilight turned her gaze to the cyan mare and said "if it wasn't for him you or AppleJack wouldn't be here!" Rainbow Dash played in her mind the fight between her friends and the dragons. Once she was on the ground with her wings nearly broken she did remeber a substance touch her arm and saw a web looking strand hit AppleJack's leg, her eyes widened once she figured out SpiderMan did save her.

1 week later...

"Rainbow Dash you don't have to go back to hospital this late at night. Besides visting hours are over" AppleJack said.

"You may not have a dept to this alien, but I do" Rainbow Dash walked back to the hospital and noticed it was about 10:00 P.M at least, she quickly increased speed making it to the hospital, Rainbow Dash's wings where still broken and had one more week to go before see can fly again so she was grounded. Rainbow Dash reached the hospital and enetered and walked into room B3. Upon enetering she saw that the window was broken and a note was left on the hospital bed. It stated, To anyone who gets this letter your little research rat has escaped. I do not intend on returning back anytime soon, if you see me just look the other way. Writen by SpiderMan. Rainbow Dash's eyes widened, she quickly dashed out of the room and onto the street to see nopony was on the street but her. Rainbow ran over to Twilight's house and pounded on the door. A groan could be heard as Spike opened the door, Rainbow Dash pushed Spike out of the way and shouted Twilight's name. The unicorn fell out of bed, groaning she walked down the stairs to see Rainbow Dash jumping in worriedness.

"Rainbow Dash..what are you doing here *yawn* it's like 10:05 in the night!" the unicorn said.

"Twi he's gone! SpiderMan's GONE!" Rainbow dash screamed, Twilight gave her friend a confused look, "SpiderWho?" the purple unicorn asked. Rainbow Dash sighed.

"The human IS GONE!" Rainbow Dash shouted. This woken Twilight's energy grabbing her saddle bag she placed in a few medical supplies and scrolls, Rainbow Dash jumped up and down in impatience. "Spike you stay here just in case the human comes back ok" Twilight said turning to the baby dragon. Spike gave the unicorn a thumbs up and fell back to sleep. Twilight rolled her eyes, Rainbow Dash grabbed the unicorns hand and ran out the door the search was on.


" AH shock I think somethings still broken" SpiderMan said to himself bending his back, SpiderMan heard the popping noise of his back and the pain disappeared. "That's better. Now if I still had my commutation device I could contact Lyla, but I only needed that durning the whole Inheritor problem so I'd have to contact Peter. Even then I left it back in 2099!" SpiderMan silently cursed himself at his situation. *Crack* the sound of someone or something stepping on a leaf was heard, SpiderMan quickly got in his defensive stance and sniffed the air. He could smell sweat, lots of sweat. SpiderMan then looked behind himself to see a pink pony jumping up and down with a marshmallow white unicorn mare, looking back in front of himself he then saw the same cyan mare and farm pony he saved from Raven's dragons. SpiderMan then looked out of the corner of his eye a pale yellow pegeus hiding behind her mane.

'Shock my life. Wait are they threats if they where threats then my spider-sense would have went off, maybe there friendly'SpiderMan got out of his stance and let the ponies approach him. The purple mare was first to speak. "Hi my name is Twilight Sparkle what's your name?"

"SpiderMan." Everypony but Twilight turned to Rainbow Dash confused.

"Dashie how'd you know that" Pinkie Pie asked preforming cart wheels around Rainbow. "He left a note on his hospital bed saying at the end 'Writen by SpiderMan'so that's what I assume his name is."

"My darling I must meet your tailor. These cloths are amazing, the way the light blue flows there it is genius!" Rarity stated, SpiderMan payed her no attention as she examined his suit more. "Alright SpiderMan meet Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, FlutterShy, and AppleJack. We're all friends if you haven't noticed."

"You don't say" SpiderMan joked.

"SOOO your a human" Rainbow Dash asked sitting on her flank. SpiderMan opened his mouth to speech but he shot a web strand at Rainbow and pulled her toward him, acid fell on where Dash was she wiped he sweat from her head. SpiderMan put Dash down and turned his head to see...Scorpion 2099.

"YOU!!" the monster screamed, SpiderMan's eyes widened as the monster shot acid at Twilight and AJ, Spidey quickly reacted shooting two web lines at the ponies and pulling them away from the acid. "Shock Kron the Scorpion! How did he get here!" SpiderMan thought out loud running after Scorpion. The beast reacted and swiped its tail at SpiderMan, Spidey quickly put his hand on the tail and spun horizontally toward Scorpion. Reaching the creature SpiderMan punched Scorpion in the jaw, not effecting the beast Scorpion grabbed SpiderMan with his tail and slammed him into the ground. Letting the spider like hero go he ran after the ponies.

"NOO!" SpiderMan screamed jumping up but was punched away by Scorpion's claw hand.

"RAAAGHHH!!!!"Scorpion roared. Twilight grabbed the creature with her magic but wasn't fast enough to notice Scorpion's tail wasn't enveloped, Scorpion immedently used his tail and hit Twilight away making the unicorn loose her grip. Rainbow Dash attacked Scorpion giving the monster jabs to the face and a flip kick to finsh, the monster contered by grabbing the cyan mare by her tail and threw her at SpiderMan. Miguel's eyes widened as he ignored the pain and jumped in the air to catch Rainbow Dash. The human broke the mares fall but Miguel wasn't so lucky, his back soon hit a wall as he looked up.

"SHOCK! NOT PONYVILLE!" SpiderMan dropped Rainbow Dash gently and looked at her impatient "you ok" he asked.

"Ya I'll be fine-" Once Rainbow said that SpiderMan shot a web strand and began swinging toward Kron.

"Damn it Alchemax! Why do they have to try to create another SpiderMan! Wasn't FlipSide enough!" SpiderMan saw that the mares where able to stun Scorpion and let go of his current web line, SpiderMan shot another at Scorpion's chest the beast noticing and pulling the web launching SpiderMan forward. SpiderMan's spider-sense rung and he back flipped over Scorpion evading his attack, SpiderMan then saw Scorpion spit out acid and reared back dodging the projectile. SpiderMan signaled the girls to head toward Ponyville, they hesitated but looking at how focused SpiderMan was on Scorpion they listened and ran toward town.

"Kron listen to me! Give me time I might be able to turn you back human, just give me-"

"MAYBE, MAYBE, MAYBE I WANT TO BE HUMAN NOW RAGGGGHHHH!!!!" Scorpion lunged after SpiderMan multiple times, Spidey dodged everyone and once Scorpion was tired it was all over. SpiderMan punched him in the jaw and used both his fist to bash his head into the ground, grabbing Scorpion by the neck SpiderMan headbutted the monster and finshed his combo off with a jaw breaking uppercut. With Scorpion no longer able to stand his body began to disappear the same way Miguel's did when he first came to Equstria, Scorpion looked up at SpiderMan and said, "more will come" leaving the universe of Equstria. SpiderMan thought about what Scorpion said and was frightened, more where coming his deadliest enemies where coming to Equstria.

Ch4: Welcome to the FlipSide

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"Lord Raven SpiderMan has defeated the Scorpion" a dragon scintest told Raven. The overlord pounded his fist on the arm rest of his throne and glared at the scintest, "call Tyler Stone!" Raven demanded. The dragon obeyed and ran out of the room, Raven exhaled small shards of ice and ash formed around his snout. Opening his mouth a gush of flames and ice hit the wall,where the door is, this magic projected a hologram of the 2099 human who was enjoying the fact that SpiderMan was no more.

"Stone your monster failed in destroying the SpiderMenace. And my guard didn't fair any better, give me another being that has a chance of killing the SpiderMan." Raven said.

"Alright here's a device that can summon my various employees and monsters that SpiderMan has fought. Enjoy." Stone said after a magic bracelet appeared around Ravens wrist, after handing the device to Raven Tyler disappeared making the flames and ice disappear. Raven looked at the device confused and tapped it with a claw. The bracelet pulled up a selection of the villains SpiderMan has fought, noticing Scorpion was crossed out due to his failure, Raven swiped through and noticed one in particular that he thought looked like SpiderMan would have trouble with. It was labeled FlipSide. "Interesting this creature bio reads, FlipSide was discovered by a group of foragers led by PackRat they where unable to activate the andriod. FlipSide's appearance is based on a combination of the original SpiderMan and Venom. Immediately after awakening, FlipSide embraced SpiderMan and declared they would be best friends. SpiderMan rejected and FlipSide has hated SpiderMan ever since." Raven gave the bio a wide smile and looked at the summon button, Raven clicked the button and before him the andriod known as FlipSide appeared.

"FlipSide I have summoned you here to destroy the hero known as SpiderMan! Go get your revenge!" Raven commanded, the andriod ran out the window and shot a strand of webbing and left the dragon kingdom. "Even if he does fail, I'll keep him as my android builder and prized student, he, may come in handy" Raven said watching the copy leave.


"So you got your powers from a bad experiment that is total WICKED!!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed, nighttime fell over Equstria and Rainbow Dash was nice enough to offer hospitality to SpiderMan. SpiderMan had explained to the girls about what humans are and how he became SpiderMan and what not, SpiderMan nodded his head "yep although it's not awesome. Being SpiderMan has made me become Public Eye enemy number 1, and I'm always being hunted by old original SpiderMan villans come back for revenge!!" Miguel shouted.

"Sounds like a life I would enjoy" Rainbow Dash said.

"YA well that's because you are an attention hog" Miguel mumbled, Rainbow's ears jumped up and she looked at SpiderMan agitated. "I'm a what!" Rainbow screamed for an explanation. SpiderMan's quickly darted toward Rainbow's cloud house and he shot a web line at it, running backwards he quickly shot himself to the house leaving Rainbow Dash. The cyan mare looked at SpiderMan in frustration knowing that she still couldn't fly yet. SpiderMan looked down on a Dash from the clouds and deployed another strand of webbing hitting Rainbow Dash in the chest, SpiderMan yanked hard pulling the mare toward him, once in reach SpiderMan grabbed Rainbow Dash by the hips just to make sure she didn't over shoot the destination. SpiderMan put Rainbow Dash down and the mare opened the door to her house, SpiderMan's eyes widened as he noticed that in this universe they had magical T.V's.

"I really have to thank Twilight for perfecting the cloud walking spell so now I walk on clouds all the time!" SpiderMan exclaimed.

Rainbow Dash yawned as she looked at SpiderMan. "Guest room is up stairs to the left" Rainbow Dash said as she was to lazy to walk to her room, the mare jumped on the couch and pulled the blanket she always has on over herself and fell asleep quickly. SpiderMan looked at the rainbow mare. SpiderMan smiled and thought to himself, 'shock I never noticed how beautiful Rainbow is. Maybe I have a shot, I might have to take it slow though' SpiderMan payed in bed and pull his mask off and webbed it to the wall next to him. As soon as Miguel fell asleep FlipSide stood in the doorway.


"Ugh...." Miguel groaned, seeing that he wasn't in Rainbows cloud house Miguel jumped to his feet and saw his mask was beside him. Miguel grabbed his mask quickly and put it over his head, "you rejected my friendship. Now I'm gonna kill you, SpiderMan!" SpiderMan knew that voice from a mile away, SpiderMan's spider-sense. Miguel felt webbing land on his back and was pulled back, SpiderMan smashed through several Everfree Forest trees and finally landed on the ground. SpiderMan jumped up and saw FlipSide rear back his fist and punched Spidey in the stomach, SpiderMan shot webbing in FlipSide's eyes, once the webbing made contact SpiderMan jumped in the air and kicked FlipSide in the face. FlipSide removed the webbing and grabbed SpiderMan's fist and slammed it into SpiderMan's face, FlipSide then kicked SpiderMan in the stomach and kneed SpiderMan in the face. SpiderMan back up and saw that he was in the middle of a forest, no one was going to help him.

"I have scanned your 'friends' and know there weaknesses. No one will save you SpiderMan, not this time" SpiderMan cartwheeled backwards and began to climb a tree. FlipSide shakes his head in disapproval. "You won't escape SpiderMan!!" FlipSide screamed in his robotic voice, SpiderMan felt more webbing on his back and was pulled back down to the ground with a THUMP! FlipSide loomed over SpiderMan and said,

"Meet me in this forest tommorow by sun down. No friends, no one but you. Don't come and the massacre begins!" FlipSide then stomped on SpiderMan's head and picked up his unconscious body and swung toward Rainbow's cloud house.

Ch5: Human vs Android

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"AHHHHH!!" Miguel screamed his face dripping with sweat, Miguel felt sore and tired. Miguel looked around and saw his mask was webbed on the wall but there was a note attached to it. "Remember, be at that forest called the Everfree by sun down. You know the rules SpiderMan,

"Oh no! I have to find FlipSide!" Miguel shouted waking Rainbow Dash, Miguel grabbed his mask and before he jumped out the guest room window he felt a hand touch his shoulder. "Where are you going" Rainbow Dash asked Miguel still facing away from Dash put his mask over his head.

"I can't tell you." SpiderMan said.

The hero then pushed Dash's hand away and jumped out the window and began to swing, knowing Dash was following him SpiderMan made a sharp 180 surprising Rainbow. "Stop following me its for you safety!" SpiderMan screamed shooting webbing in Dash's eyes almost making the mare crash until a pegasus mare catched her. Rainbow Dash ripped the webbing off of her to see that SpiderMan disappeared.


"BUCK!!" SpiderMan heard Rainbow Dash scream from a distance, SpiderMan honestly felt sorry for the mare but knew it was to protect her. SpiderMan began swinging again heading toward the one place that FlipSide could be. "Raven's castle. Twilight told me that place has more fortified security than Cantrolot." SpiderMan guessed that Cantrolot was that giant castle on the side of the mountain, SpiderMan told Twilight that he's seen weirder castles but doesn't like to take about them.

"It's actually not that far from Ponyville from what she said, but no one dared to step into the domain. Shock I'm gonna be the first!!"

SpiderMan arrived at his destination and began to silently sneak into the castle, jumping over the male guards that protected the castle and stopping few that would have sounded the alarm when they saw him. SpiderMan soon made it to the massive throne room and hid in the shadows listening in on a conversation from Raven and FlipSide.

"FlipSide you have proved to be most capable guardian I could have ever summoned here. When you defeat SpiderMan I will make you my personal prized student, you will train mentally and physically if you are to rise!" Raven screamed, 'wait if FlipSide defeats me he will turn into Raven's prized student. Twilight would be shocking mad.' SpiderMan thought, looking at the sun he saw it was almost sun down and FlipSide was exiting the castle. SpiderMan crashed through the window which caught Raven's attention. But before he could even chase after him Raven was stopped by his beloved Rose, the female dragon said that Raven had a bad day and that he needed to rest and stop plotting.

"Rose you might be right, I think I've had enough executions for one day." Raven said walking off with his lover.


"Girls I can't find SpiderMan anywhere!" Twilight screamed, the others explained how they had no luck tracking SpiderMan's whereabouts. Rainbow Dash was worried the most. She frantically searched Ponyville over and over but still no luck, AppleJack was confused about this, she knew Rainbow Dash was the Element of Loyality but this is the tenth time she's searched. AppleJack was going to have a chat with Rainbow later but now they had to Spidey. "Found him everypony!" Pinkie said exicited, everyone turned to the mare asking in unison,

"WHERE!!" Pinkie Pie pointed toward the EverFree and everyone but Fluttershy bolted for the forest. Rainbow Dash turned toward the mare saying "COME ON!" The cyan mare grabbed Fluttershy's hand and in a flash flew after her friends.


"Glad to see you took my challenge." FlipSide said to SpiderMan, the hero responded by saying "did I have a choice" both fighters clenched there fist and charged at each other starting the battle, the Mane 6 did not miss the beginning Rainbow Dash was going to intervene but was stopped by Twilight's magic.

"Stop we'll jump in when we are needed. If he didn't want us to come then it was for a good reason, back to the battle FlipSide tried to punch SpiderMan in the stomach but the spider like hero dodged countering with a punch to FlipSide's stomach, SpiderMan then followed by shooting webbing in FlipSide's eyes and kicking the android in the head. FlipSide took the webbing off punched SpiderMan in the nose and kicking him in the knee, SpiderMan placed his good knee on the ground giving FlipSide the opening to grab SpiderMan with his sticking powers and throw him into a tree. SpiderMan shook the pain off and web pulled FlipSide toward him and kicking his ear. This made a dent in the androids head and SpiderMan used that dent to his advantage, unleashing a series of punches and kicks to that one spot made FlipSide more aggressive.


FlipSide tackled SpiderMan shooting webbing in his eyes and stood up. The android grabbed SpiderMan by the chest pulling his costume raising him high in the air, FlipSide then slammed SpiderMan's head into the ground making a chilling CRACK! Rainbow Dash couldn't take anymore of this and dived after FlipSide, the villain grabbed Dash by the throat and smashed her head against Spidey's. The others attacked as well Twilight used her magic to blast FlipSide in the chest and AppleJack kicked him in the face, Pinkie Pie used her Party Cannon as a weapon shooting a birthday cake at FlipSide firing his circuits. Rainbow Dash stood up and flew high in the air, coming back down Twilight teleported everypony but FlipSide away from the impact. SpiderMan stood up rubbing his head only to see a giant sonic rainboom occur.


SpiderMan saw that something small was headed toward them it was FlipSide's severed head. It began to spark to life until SpiderMan stomped on it making any return for FlipSide impossible, Rainbow Dash flew toward SpiderMan tackling the hero to the ground "never EVER RUN OFF LIKE THAT AGAIN! YOU COULD HAVE DIED!" She screamed at him her muzzle coming to contact with his nose, SpiderMan laughed as the cyan mare gave him a agitated look. "Who was that guy anyway?" Rainbow Dash asked getting off of SpiderMan.

"It's a long story" SpiderMan said.

"I'll explain it when we're home" SpiderMan and the Mane 6 than walked towards Ponyville leaving the smashed pieces of FlipSide behind, all's well that ends well right.


"DAMNIT, DAMNIT, DAMNIT!!" Raven screamed after watching the battle, "my lord if I may suggest a villain for SpiderMan to fight" Raven's butler asked, Raven was out of idea's so he sat on his throne and said,

"what is your suggestion" the butler pointed toward a scientist who smiled widely, in a jar he a black substance in it that was alive Raven looked at the goo further and the scientist said.

"Venom 2099."

Ch6: Sparks Fly

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"WAHOO!!" SpiderMan screamed, this was one of few good days for Miguel. He defeated FlipSide and could rest easy, Raven was still on the loose which still nagged at him. SpiderMan was free, he was alive! SpiderMan landed in front of Twilight's house and opened the door, the unicorn greeted him and pulled up a chalk board. Today Twilight was going to educate SpiderMan on the history of Equstria and what the nation has been through. SpiderMan felt as if he was being watched he looked behind himself to make sure and no one was there, SpiderMan shrugged the thought off and listened to Twi.


"Venom 2099?" Raven asked, the name peeked his curiosity and he grabbed the jar examining it. The scientist began to explain that this Venom was found in the dragon kingdom and was the source of the multiple killings in the land. Raven did hear about the killings and thought it where the ponies trying to send out a message but Raven knew that they wheren't that extreme. The scientist also said that if worn by a host with pure hate and venom in there mind it won't burn them from the inside out. Raven wanted someone who hated SpiderMan to bare the suit, someone worthy. Then a dragon entered the room it was the same dragon that SpiderMan fought first appearing in Equstria, his name was Xever and he hated SpiderMan. "You dare so your face here failure!" Raven shouted ready to blast the dragon to oblivion but was stopped by the scientist, the scientist whispered that Xever could be used as there Venom he had the perfect hate for SpiderMan and is a skilled warrior.

"Very well are you a here for the experiment."

Xever nodded and Raven smiled, throwing the jar at Xever the glass gar hit the ground shattering unleashing the symbiote. It ran for Xever bonding with him, his wings turned into black bone and his face had white mixed with black on it and his teeth where even sharper than before. Xever's claws sharped and he so did the talons on his feet, on his chest a white egg laid there connected to multiple cords that had formed around Xever's body. Venom was formed. Xever had the mind and body strength to quickly control this creature and made it his ally in this war against SpiderMan, Raven looked at Xever and pointed toward the window "DESTORY SPIDERMAN!!"

"RAGHHHHH!!!" Venom screamed, the dragon jumped out the window and began to use his tendrils as webs to swing around with. His destination, Ponyville.


"And so Spike banished Sombra from existence and saved the Crystal Empire, any questions."

SpiderMan was baffled that there was an entire kingdom made out of crystals and that Spike the baby dragon saved the day. "Yup let's see if you top that mister superhero HAHA!" Spike exclaimed, SpiderMan snorted and told Spike about the time he saved the multiverse from these vampires called the Inheritors and how they killed multiple SpiderMen and Women through out existence. Spike shuddered and shut his snout making SpiderMan smirk, SpiderMan turned back to Twilight how was know taking about the Wonderbolts and how they where formed. Suddenly a giant bolder crashed through the roof, SpiderMan pushed Twilight out of way and held the bolder in the air. "A little...help!" Spidey screamed as Twilight used her magic to raise it and place it on the ground. Spidey saw a note on it that read 'if you ever want to see Rainbow Dash again meet me at Town Square now.' SpiderMan checked everywhere for a name but no luck, it was winter time and it was a bad time fo a battle but if Rainbow was in trouble he had to listen. SpiderMan dropped the note and jumped through the roof and swung toward the Town Square.

"Where is she...no" SpiderMan said, looking in the sky he saw that Dash's wings where held together with a black goo and she was hundreds of feet in the air. Getting ready to shoot webbing toward the cloud SpiderMan was kicked in the chest by a shadow, SpiderMan was smashed into a building, SpiderMan looked at the shadow saw what it was. "Venom!" SpiderMan screamed, Venom's face moved and shifted revealing his face to be none other than Xever.

"My revenge is near!" Xever said.


Xever screamed to the top of his lungs his face being covered by the symbiote. Venom shot a tendril at SpiderMan, the tendril grabbed his ankle and flung him into another building, Venom then shot another tendril this time grabbing his neck. SpiderMan shot webbing at Venom's eyes and grabbed the tendril pulling Venom toward himself, once close enough SpiderMan punched Venom in the jaw making the monster loose his grip on SpiderMan's neck. The hero coughed a few times and regained his breath, "this power is amazing!" Venom screamed absorbing the webbing. Venom than with amazing speed kicked SpiderMan's jaw and head butted the hero, SpiderMan was dazed and dizzy. Venom saw his moment and punched SpiderMan into the Town Hall. Spidey could hear Rainbow Dash cheering him but Spidey couldn't take this enhanced Venom, SpiderMan lifted the a giant wall piece and threw it at Venom, the dragon/alien swatting the projectile away.

"This is nuts!" Spidey screamed trying to uppercut the alien but was punched in the ribs by Venom. Rainbow Dash was crying at the site of her friend being beaten, SpiderMan looked at the mare and saw she was crying she was worried about him. SpiderMan used his last bits of strength to raise himself from the dirt, Venom walked over to him and kneed him in the forehead, the monster also grabbed SpiderMan by the head and smashed his face into a wall. SpiderMan couldn't take much more of this, 'where's Twi or AJ, shock I'll even take Rarity!' Venom then shot webbing in Spidey's eyes and unleashed a series of punches kicked and ended the fight by slashing Spidey's cheek making a giant scar on his right cheek. That was it SpiderMan fell unconscious. Venom looked at Rainbow Dash who was crying her eyes out and smirked, Xever wanted to finish SpiderMan but Raven wanted him alive along with Dash for a more sinister plan ruin SpiderMan's reputation in Equstria!


SpiderMan was thrown before Raven alone, Raven grabbed the hero by the chin and smiled looking deep within his eyes. Raven then threw SpiderMan into a wall not enough to make it shatter though, SpiderMan grabbed SpiderMan's chest and began to punch SpiderMan in the face at half strength. Raven wanted SpiderMan alive for him to watch his death. Once Raven was done with Spidey he called his guard and said, "take him to the rainbow bitch." Rainbow Dash was still crying and it didn't help that SpiderMan's body was in the same cell as her, she grabbed the hero's head yanking his mask off and placed her forehead on his crying her heart out. "It can't end like this. I never even got to tell him how I feel!" Rainbow screamed placing SpiderMan on a prison bed, Rainbow Dash placed a cover over him and kissed his forehead. Raven won the battle....

Ch7: The Final Fight

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"Amazing work dealing with SpiderMan Xever" Raven said, Venom smiled a toothy grin. "When do I get to shed pony blood!?" Venom screamed, Raven liked his sense of death.

"Now. You will take SpiderMan's form and destory the remaining Elements! Go and take my side as my general!!" Raven screamed. At his words Venom took the shape and form of SpiderMan and smiled underneath his black mask, Venom then swung out of the building and made his way toward Ponyville.

In the Cell...

SpiderMan's eyes opened a light blinding him, Miguel felt around his face for his mask but didn't feel it. Miguel saw on the floor his mask was there dirty and torn, Miguel grabbed the mask seeing that the eye was torn. Miguel looked through the hole and remebered the battle between him and Venom aka Xever. SpiderMan placed the mask over his face and also saw that Rainbow Dash was sleeping, he heard small whimpers and Rainbow crying and remeber what Venom did. SpiderMan then remebered how he defeated Venom in the first place, by using NOISE!! SpiderMan punched the stone wall down with his fist an alarm going off waking Dash, the mare hugged SpiderMan on site crying in his arms. SpiderMan held Rainbow Dash in one arm and began to swing out of the dragon kingdom, by the time the guards made it to the scene the two criminals where gone.


"SPIDERMAN WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS!!!" Twilight screamed. She saw Venom not slaughter ponies but burn down house, destory the Town Hall, and smash Rarity's house. The unicorn fired mulitple magical bolts at the imposter SpiderMan, the alien dodged and grabbed Twilight's throat ready to choke the Element of Magic.


The imposter SpiderMan screamed in pain as he felt his symbiote leave his body, "TURN IT OFF TURN IT OFF RAGGGHHHH!!!!" Venom screamed in agony, suddenly he was hit with a rainbow streak that bounced off him and landed on a building. The streak was Rainbow Dash and standing beside her was SpiderMan.

"HOW ABOUT WE TURN YOU OFF!" SpiderMan screamed jumping off the building punching Venom in mid-air. Venom actually felt that punch and crashed into the destroyed Town Hall, SpiderMan than felt a wound beginning to reopen. SpiderMan ignored the pain and kept fighting. "THIS TIME I WON'T FAIL MY FRIENDS! NEVER AGAIN!!!" SpiderMan screamed gripping Venom by the head and punching him in the face at full strength twice, SpiderMan than grabbed the cords that held the egg and ripped them out of Venom's body.

"I LOVE MY FRIENDS THEY'VE DONE SO MUCH FOR ME YOU WON'T RUIN THAT!!!!" SpiderMan shouted making Xever's symbiote leave his body, "no don't leave me!!" Xever said trying to grab his symbiote, SpiderMan shot webbing at the alien leaving it place for Twilight to grab it with her magic.

"Please don't kill me I'll talk PLEASE!" Xever screamed.

"Ya know Venom if I can call you that I don't care if you do talk..." SpiderMan raised his fist in the air. "I want you to scream!!" SpiderMan than began to beat the everliving shock out of Xever, SpiderMan grabbed Xever's tail and flung him into a building. Rainbow Dash watched the whole thing cheering SpiderMan on.

"YOU KIDNAPPED RAINBOW DASH!!" SpiderMan said stomping on the dragon's belly.

"YOU TRIED TO KILL ME AND STEAL MY IDENITY!!" SpiderMan grabbed the dragon's snout and punched him directly in the nose making Xever scream in pain. SpiderMan than punched Venom in the face once...

"Please stop..."


"PLEASE!!!" SpiderMan was about to deal the third strike put stopped himself, looking at the black eyed and blood covered dragon SpiderMan felt as if something was inside him turning him into a monster. SpiderMan backed away from Xever, looking at the terrified ponies he felt cold and nervous. SpiderMan looked at his supposed number 1 fan AppleBloom who was still in shock that she got to get a gimplse of SpiderMan, the hero than turned toward the Mane 6 who had no idea what they just witnessed. Twilight still had the alien that was trying to dive after Xever but was stopped by Twilight's magic. "Guys it's not my falt I.."

"EVERYPONY RUN!!!!" Twilight screamed the whole town scrambled for there homes locking there doors and turning there lights off. SpiderMan was alone. SpiderMan felt a hoof touch his back and looked to see Rainbow Dash staring him intely in the eyes, SpiderMan smiled and laughed at the thought he was alone and had a nice peaceful walk out of Ponyville.

"Dude you did it you saved Ponyville you saved Equstria!" Rainbow Dash said.

SpiderMan looked at her and said, "did I, or did I end the first chapter in my crazy adventures here."

Rainbow Dash stayed silent listening to what the human had to say.

"I mean now I'm probable a fugitive. I have no home, no friends, no food, and no way to get back to 2099." In this moment Dash grabbed SpiderMan's head and pulled up his mask. The cyan mare than pulled SpiderMan into a deep kiss, the feeling was sudden and werid considering that muzzle's and mouths wheren't made for each other but the two made it work. Rainbow Dash pulled back and looked into SpiderMan's eyes, he was the only one for her. SpiderMan grabbed Rainbow Dash by the hips and began to swing toward her house, the rush of wind was all but familiar to the mare. Once they reached Rainbow Dash's house the two lovers walked into the building and began new lives together, a love that nothing can stop. Not even Raven.

The End...