
by brandsca123

First published

My first attempt at Sci-Fi

Pandora is the last hope of humanity, which faced extinction due to years of conflict between the Humans and the Shades, a race of shadow like huminiods that feed off of life energy. In a desperate attempt to save their species the humans created Pandora, a massive storage device that will hold all of humanity in stasis until a time when it is safe to come out.

Pan a young man had agreed to be the key to unlocking Pandora when that time comes and he was then put into a separate container away from Pandora to await the day when Pandora needs to be activated.

Many years later following the events after A Canterlot Wedding, Chrysalis queen of the changlings has lost everything. Her hive is dead and she is left alone to wander the Everfree in loneliness. She soon stumbles upon Pan's stasis tank and agrees to help him save humanity. Now the two must face danger after danger as they try to uncover the secret of Pandora and the key to humanities salvation.


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Thunder and lightning filled the sky as dark clouds poured rain from the skys on the war torn earth. Countless bodies of both Humans and Shades littered the ground as the two races fought for control over the planet. Gunfire echoed in the air as human soldiers shot bullet after bullet into the dark bodies of the Shades.

The Shades are a race of beings that lived deep beneath the earth waiting for a time when they would strike back against humanity. They were human like in appearance except they had no eyes or a nose or any other facial features, save for a mouth filled with razor sharp teeth. They had claws that were as sharp as daggers and skin as hard as steel. They growled and roared as they charged at the humans and ripped them apart.

Screams of fear and death filled the air as both sides suffered many casualties, but in the end humanity won. However the war had killed off nearly every single life form on the planet and the humans were left with a dying planet. It was then that they agreed upon themselves to build an arc to hold the remaining humans in a deep sleep while the planet repairs itself.

Thus Pandora was born, it was placed in a remote area on the planet where it could be safe from any remaining Shades. Another ark was built to hold the key to unlocking Pandora and one human stayed behind to hold that key.

Now deep within the planet humanity sleeps, waiting for a time when they will awaken and live once more.

Time went by and the planet rebuilt itself and new life forms appeared and soon they became the dominant species. As for humanity, they still sleep deep within the earth forgotten.


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The Everfree forest, a vast expanse of trees that cover the ground in their shadows. Vines hang from the trees and bushes and other vegetation litter the ground claiming any forgotten pathway. A large number of beasts roam these woods many of which might bite the head off of any passing pony without so much as a second thought.

Deep within this dark and gloomy place a lone mare walks alone. The changling queen Chrysalis walks along the empty pathways that dot the Everfree Forest deep in thought. She had insect like wings and a twisted black horn. She herself was black and had holes near the bottom of her hooves. She had long blue hair that covered her face and her green slit eyes had a look of sadness in them. Her fanged mouth was in a small frown, for she had lost everything. Her hive was gone and she was alone, without any love to feed on she slowly felt her magic fading, soon she won't be able to change shape or even cast a simple spell. A tear of defeat rushed down her face as the realisation of the situation at hand smacked her across the face.

She didn't look where she was going, all she knew was that she had to keep moving. She tripped over a tree root and fell face first into a pile of mud. She sobbed in defeat for she was a queen no more. She was nothing but an outcast now, a shadow of her former self. She desperately wanted somepony to talk to, to love her and feed her. She was alone.

It started to rain, the trees provided some cover but she still needed shelter. She was to tired to use her wings to fly and search for a cave. So instead she chose to walk on in the cold rain. It was then she spotted a small underground cave entrance and she quickly made her way towards it. By the time she got inside, she was soaked from head to tail. She looked miserable and sad, she found a nice spot under a low lying ledge deep within the cave. Stalagtights and stalagmites littered the cave and there was a small pool of water next to the ledge. Chrysalis dropped her head down and started to drink from the pool before heading to the ledge.

As she laid down she took notice of a strange humming sound coming from deep within the cave. Curious, she trotted in the direction the sound was coming from. As she went deeper she noticed that the stone was slowly being replaced by some metallic substance. The humming started to grow louder and louder with each step she made. Soon she saw a light at the end of the tunnle that opened up into a strange room.

The room was mostly empty save for the metal engraved on the floor and ceiling. In the middle the metal lurched upwards a bit and ontop of the small hill was a strange tank of some kind.

The tank gave off a light blue glow and hummed, upon closer inspection Chrysalis noticed that there was something inside. She went closer and saw the creature in greater detail.

The creature seemed alien, it had light pink skin with very little fur save for a spot on its head that was covered in thick silver hair that spiked at odd angles. It had no hooves, instead it had five fingers and and feet. It looked like a naked hairless ape. It was being held up by wires and tubes, and its eyes were closed. The creature was in a deep sleep.

Chrysalis took interest in it and walked closer.

"You're alone, just like me." She said as she put a hoof on the glass case. Chrysalis felt something deep inside her that she couldn't understand. She felt sorry for the creature, it looked like it too needed companionship. She looked around desperately for anything she could use to break open this tank. She wanted to get to the creature, she wanted to hold it, to love it and be with it always.

She then started to buck the case, trying to shatter the glass. She gave up after several minutes of kicking and fell down to the floor exhausted. It was then her eyes fell upon a red button on the ground. She crawled to it and slammed her hoof on it with a grunt.

A hissing sound was heard as the glass on the tank slowly lifted away from the tube. She could hear the faint breath of the creature inside as a mist escaped out from the inside. She trotted over to the tank and quickly caught the creature as it fell to the ground. It was still asleep but Chrysalis didn't care, she was too tired to care at the moment. Soon she too fell asleep next to the creature. She was alone no more.


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A/N: Final exam is done for me, so now I can spend more time working on these chapters that you guys love so much. Also a guest star compitition is going on at my page, please read my blogs for more info.

Chrysalis felt warm the heat from the creature beside her was keeping her from freezing. She felt safe, almost like she was back in her hive again. But the warmth soon left.

She stirred in her sleep before waking up. She looked around the strange metal room she found the creature in, but it was gone. Chrysalis felt betrayed, she got up and started to look for the creature to give it a piece of her mind.

"So, you're awake." A young mans voice said. The sound was coming from behind her. "I take it you're the one that woken me too."

Chrysalis turned around and stared at the creature who was now standing just as tall as her. It was perfectly balanced on its two hind legs, its two front ones were dangling loosely by its side. The creature was fully clothed now, it wore a loose fitting red shirt with matching red pants, it had a black belt that held a large blade at its side. It wore thick black gauntlets, and thick black boots. On its shoulders were thick black pads that held up a red cape that draped over its face, the bottom of the cape was torn at places. It had a pair of goggles on its forehead and a white scarf that wrapped around the bottom half of its face. Its eyes were a deep crimson that looked like they seen many hardships. The blade at its side was silver in color and had an engraving of a flying eagle.

Chrysalis stared at the creature in awe, never in her life has she seen anything look so intimidating. The thought of this thing coming after her scared her to her core. The creature lifted its right hand to her and she flinched.

"You have a name?" The creature said. Chrysalis calmed down, this thing wasn't going to hurt her.

"Chrysalis, and might I ask who are you?" Chrysalis said as she started to circle the creature.

"The names Pan, now what are you exactly?" The creature turned and faced her, never letting his eyes off her as he put a hand close to his sword.

"I was about to ask you the same thing, anyway I'm a changling, a queen to be precise." She said.

"A queen you say, then where are your subjects?" Pan had a hint of caution in his voice, Chrysalis knew that one wrong move and this thing would kill her without so much as a second thought.

"How rude," Chrysalis snorted, "But if you must know, they are no more. Killed off as you say."

Pan moved his hand away from his sword, he knew killing this thing wouldn't be worth it.

"Anyway answer my question." Chrysalis said, she continued to circle him while taking in all of his features.

"Well Chrysalis, if you must know, I am a human. The last of his own kind, same as you." Pan said, Chrysalis put this information in the back of her mind for later.

"A human you say, those beasts of old that killed themselves off twenty thousand years ago." Chrysalis chuckled.

"Twenty thousand years," Pan muttered to himself, "Was I asleep that long. I was supposed to wake up ten thousand years before."

Chrysalis listened in as Pan continued to mutter to himself, "The land probably changed a bit too. Finding Pandora will be harder than I thought now. But still maybe this thing could be of use to me."

Chrysalis filled that info for later too. She had some questions she wanted to ask him, but now was not the time.

"You there, changling," Pan said to her, "Do you know the land well?"

Chrysalis smirked at this and said, "But of course human, I would be more than happy to show you the way out, but first you must promise me something."

Pan raised an eyebrow and Chrysalis continued, "I want you to stay by my side and if the time should arise, I want you to answer my questions truthfully. Do you accept?"

Pan thought for a moment before saying, "Fine, but you will have to do as I say. Do you accept?"

"But of course." Chrysalis chuckled, "Follow me please."

She then lead the way out of the cave, Pan followed closely behind her never taking his eyes of her.

Chrysalis had a plan, she didn't have a have anymore so no one could protect her. She planned to use this human as her own personal bodyguard from now on. She laughed silently as the two continued on through the cave.