> Natureshy: RotE Episode 11 > by Dream Volt > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Arrival > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity was the only one behind me in the dark forest. It wasn't as spooky as the Everfree, but the trees still cut out almost all the light even though the sun was right overhead when we entered not that long ago. I stopped again and Rarity sighed. "Really darling, Celestia herself assured us this wood was protected by deer. Nothing is going to hurt us. Not to mention there is little between the two of us we can't handle if it came to it." "I'm sorry Rarity. I know it's silly, it's just this whole thing seems really scary." "I admit a diplomatic mission with just the two of us after that last fiasco with Pinkie seems to be a miscalculation, but on the other hoof perhaps a smaller party will do better. Also frankly lacking a certain party pony may be for the best." "She didn't mean to upset all those other countries." "Oh of course not, but while Pinkie may know friendship, diplomacy is not so simple. Elegance and class are the order of the day, and a soft reasoned touch is the ideal way to work your way through a negotiation." "But our friends…" "Dash and Applejack speak their minds quite clearly at all times. The former because she is too lazy to lie often, the later because she chooses to live a life of honesty. Twilight is actually quite the adroit politician, if only she had a little more practice dealing with actual ponies rather than merely reading about theory." "I thought you said you would have liked her to come?" "Oh of course darling. I mean experience must come from somewhere, and I'm sure there is a great deal she knows about the deer neither of us know." I looked away. "Actually I talk to the deer in Whitetail woods all the time. Well not all the time, they always find me but…" "Oh, yes. You've mentioned this before, haven't you?" She laughed. "How forgetful of me. That must be why you are in charge of this little jaunt." I nodded, then started walking again. It was so much pressure. It was supposed to be really easy since Celestia and Wynn had been friends a very long time and we just have to show up and talk to him a little bit since Celestia was too busy to come herself right now. There were deer all over, but Cervidia was a small country and the deer tried to stay neutral if they possibly could so Celestia had other more volatile leaders to visit. I then heard a "tut, tut" from behind me. "Now really Fluttershy, stop that shivering. There is nothing to worry about. In fact I think the main reason the princess sent us here is to give us a chance to get to know these wonderfully magical and cultured folk." "That's what I'm afraid of." "Hmmm, whatever could you mean?" "I mean Celestia said at some point she would send me to the deer to learn more about my magic. She didn't say that's why she sent me but…" "Ah, of course. I really think this is utterly ridiculous of you. I mean you like those butterflies of yours don't you? Also while clearly there aren't many things I can teach you we've both enjoyed your lessons." I nodded. "Even the failures were fun with you. It's nice." "There you go, and I'm still here with you. In fact the deer are masters of all sorts of magic so perhaps we can even learn together. Won't that be fun?" I was smiling, when suddenly I felt something and my butterflies were surrounding us. They were gently glowing pink magic, but looked just like real butterflies otherwise. Just peeking out of the edge of the path we had been following were several deer, all female. There was a legend that once only males had antlers, and not all the time, but I'd never seen any deer without them. The males did seem to have much bigger antlers for some reason though. Maybe that meant something. I gave a sigh of relief and the butterflies vanished. I was worried we were somehow in the wrong place, but finally our guides had found us, and would lead us to the capital. > Wynn > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was amazing. All of it was nothing but plants, but it still towered into the sky at least as tall as any spire in Canterlot. Of course the canopy hung over it all, but it was still amazing. It should be the darkest part of the forest I'm sure, but so much of the plant life glowed here, and all sorts of colors. There was only one small hole in the canopy that let in an obvious beam of sunlight, and we were walking toward it. There was still so much to see though. It was clear the trees had been grown into all sorts of shapes, even bridges connecting the homes together. But the best part was the animals. They wandered about through passages clearly meant for them, and through the city streets. Rarity screamed the first time she saw a bear but he was a darling. And it was clear these weren't pets, maybe a little tame, but they just ran wild. The deer had simply made sure their city had plenty of room for all the animals. I think that cave we saw was even home to a bear, maybe even one of the ones we saw earlier, but Rarity didn't want to stop and look. It did make sense not to keep Wynn waiting. "I must say I'm enjoying your city immensely." Said Rarity "So much detail into the, well carving isn't the right word is it?" "Most certainly not." Added one of the deer escorting us. "And I especially love the glasswork. Truly deer are the masters of delicacy with their magic. However I would like to get this trek over with because it is taking all I am not to sprint into some of your lovely shops and look around." Most of the deer giggled, but the one that didn't spoke. "Elder Wynn will have to give you permission to roam freely, though I expect he shall, and then there is the matter that Equestrian currency is not accepted here." "It's not? But it is the gold standard and Princess Celestia…" "We place not the same value on gold as you do. It is that simple. As diplomats and guests of the Elder you will be given some coins." Then she smiled. "Of course you will find us a generous people and you may find yourself unable to spend them." Rarity laughed. "That is an idea I quite enjoy. Though I can be quite generous myself, and very persuasive." The deer looked like she was about to say something, but suddenly they all stopped, and just stood there. I was a little confused, but then I looked forward and saw why. It was a short set of steps that led up a wide short hill. I slowly walked up them. On top of the hill was a huge meadow, the sun shining down on it. It was covered in flowers of all shapes and sizes. It looked like no two were the same. Behind the meadow was a huge tree with no obvious entrance like most of the others. It's branches were so big and stretched so far I think it might be the real source of most of the canopy. Wynn was standing in the middle. He was a white stag with huge antlers, and every inch of him literally glowed white. He was also really, really pretty. He was strong and much more thickly built than the does that escorted us, but his face was so feminine and his stance was so like Celestia it was strange. Also his white mane was really long, though his antlers kept it out of his eyes. As I slowly totted up to him it was also clear he really was taller than Celestia, just like she said he would be. But as big as he was he also had oddly light features all around, not just his face. How could a stallion, or buck, be so amazingly pretty? "Welcome. It is truly a pleasure to see you both." Then he laughed. "Though I cannot believe Sunny has any doubt now that I've met you." "You call her Sunny just like Luna?" I asked "Yes, I picked up the habit from Celestia's sister herself. So, what do I owe the pleasure of your company exactly? Sunny wasn't clear, though I can guess her true motives now." "Huh?" I asked "Well your majesty…" began Rarity He shook his head. "No. We have no king, and no queen. Call me Lord if you must, or Elder, but I am no king." Rarity blinked. "Ah, well. Elder Wynn. Celestia has sent us in her place as she must deal with more pressing affairs of state but assures you…" "That Pinkie Pie is not out to conquer the world in her name. I know. Most of the others clamoring for attention are just using this as an excuse. The details matter but inevitably they hope to win some sort of concession from this." "Do you know Pinkie Pie?" I asked "Oh yes." He laughed. "She visited us when much younger, somehow reaching the city without aid, and possibly without even passing though the outer edge of the forest at all." "That does sound like her." I said "I doubt there are two pink ponies that act in such a way." Added Rarity "She learned about our parties and festivals, a few recipes, then moved on. She was a delight to have here and hopefully will visit again." Rarity began to drool slightly. "Oh the delectable dishes that mare can cook. I always knew she was a good chef but common muffins and cakes are far from the extent of her capabilities. I can't believe what I've been missing." "They are very good." I said. "So, um, we've told you. Now what?" Wynn laughed. "Well now I tell you why Sunny really sent you here. Clearly she has decided you young Fluttershy need training. I believe she wishes Rarity to attempt to learn what she can as well." "I hoped that might be the case." Said Rarity "But is there really nothing else we are to do during our visit?" Wynn nodded. "Without a doubt. Sunny knows this too. We are a race that looks at things in the long view. We have long known this could happen in Griffany, simply that it didn't. Also as I just said I know Pinkie, even if not too well." Rarity then put a hoof to her chin. "But why did the princess not simply tell us this?" "Who knows? Most likely it is a political matter. If you are here as ambassadors there is little anyone can say, but if you are here to be students that is entirely different." "It is?" I asked "Yes. Just in Equestria itself there are countless unicorns that wish to come here to study. The only one currently living that has is Twilight Sparkle, and she left of her own free will out of frustration with our methods." "That doesn't sound like Twilight." I said "I must agree." Added Rarity, brow arched "I believe her exact words were, how can you study a subject without books or writing?" "That on the other hoof..." Said Rarity trailing off I nodded. "So there are really no records of your magic at all? Just like they said?" "Your friends in Whitetail were correct yes. At least there is no record of words. Important things must be recorded, but also protected. What Twilight could not accept is that our method involves looking to the past only once you truly understand the present." "It would surely have to be more than that." Said Rairty "She's a very good student." I added "Yes, and that was the problem. Our methods run contrary to everything she knew. I said she simply wasn't ready to learn from us, but now I think she never will be." "I'm sure she can do it." I then smiled "Yes." Rarity nodded. "In fact Twilight has been branching out a great deal lately. Even studying earth pony and pegasus magic. I believe…" "No, I think that she will never be ready because she will not have to be. Because you will teach her in your own way and she will learn from her friends better than I could ever dream to teach her." "Oh." Rarity and I echoed. "I assume you brought all your things?" "The earth pony at the inn near the edge of the forest said he'd hold our bags for us until the deer collected them later. Is he right?" Wynn nodded "We have selected some guest quarters for you. It's very lovely, a former tree shaper's house who decided she can do better now, and has." "Ah, and the very idea of destroying such a work of art…" Rarity shuddered slightly "…is unthinkable…" She looked at one of the tree homes in the distance with smile on her face, and her eyes seemed to sparkle "…so it remains." Wynn nodded. "Yes. I think this is enough for our first meeting. Now I will introduce you to my niece and your guide Acorn." A young deer then came into view. She was all leg and still covered in spots. Her antlers were tiny little things with only one point each that barely stuck out of her mane. It was long and silver and had a little white flower in it. I hadn't seen her until stepped forward, but wasn't sure why. She was short but not short enough to completely hide in the flowers, even lying down. She then smiled. She was adorable. "Hello, it's nice to meet the both of you. I'll be your guide for the duration of your stay. I believe it will be two weeks this first time." "First time?" I asked "Surely you don't think a week is enough to teach you all that needs to be taught. In fact in the beginning Acorn herself will do all the teaching herself." "But she's so young." Said Rarity "I'm likely older than you, but as Fluttershy knows that is something we never discuss." "Yes, it's very rude to question a deer on their age." I said "They once told me even at the beginning they age a little slower than normal, eventually stopping entirely." "You mean they really all are immortal?" Wynn shook his head. "Our aging stops, but other than a few exceptions we still die just as easily as any pony." "The few exceptions are more akin to the way pegasai are far more resilient to lightning and other similar differences between ponies." Added Acorn "Oh, I see." I nodded "Yes, I think I get your point." Then Rarity laughed "In truth I am boggling at the very thought of immortality, while I continually forget I have been lucky enough to gain it myself." She blinked. "Most likely. Moonfire is right, it isn't the sort of thing that the sane rush to test." "Yet it is all but certain you are truly undying." Said Wynn "Just remember, that there are various ways that very gift can be a curse, most directly when dying would be far kinder than continuing to suffer the pain. Yet anything can be endured, and you are unlikely to ever have such a problem." Acorn sighed. "Sorry, but my uncle can be quite pessimistic at times. Come now, let me show you where you'll be staying." Then she walked off. I shuddered a little thinking about what he just said, but when I heard retreating hooves I even took to the sky to catch up with Rarity. The deer always looked at me funny if I left the ground, and they considered it really important to touch the earth with bare hooves as much as possible, but they never really said it was outright rude. Once I caught up I still folded up my wings and just walked behind Acorn right next to Rarity. > Acorns's Lesson > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Acorn's first lesson was odd. We were just supposed to go sight seeing and not touch anything, keeping all four hooves on the ground as much as possible. We could use magic as much as we liked but I tired not to even do that. All the deer stared when my butterflies appeared. On the other hoof I noticed the deer almost never did anything with their hooves. It always seemed that way, but they never really had an occasion to. Cutting cloth, blowing glass, baking, smelting metal, jewelry making, all of it with magic alone and very little of it even using any additional tools. "It's a waste of energy." Said Rarity "Possibly, but that's beside the point." Acorn smiled "Why did I ask you to do it?" Rarity blinked. We were in a lovely restaurant that took the stone coins imprinted with an image of a tree on one side and Wynn on the other. They were heavily infused with magic, but Rarity still complained about it being strange even if they couldn’t be duplicated. The restaurant awnings were made of nothing but oddly curving tree branches, and a canopy of green leaves and white lilies to make the stripes. The tables were well carved stone. The plates on the other hoof were fairly standard, but very well made. Acorn's head barely reached the high table, but since she never touched anything it wasn't a problem. "I, don't know. It's a little strange not doing anything by hoof, and somewhat tiring I suppose, but surprisingly doable. It's just a waste and I was always taught to avoid it as it's like showing off." "You mean around earth ponies and pegasi?" "But I'm a pegasus." I added "Not really. The point…" I went wide eyed and let out a little squeak. "Now listen here Acorn. While I admit calling her a normal pegasus at this point might be stretching things Fluttershy…" "Oh, physically, yes, maybe. I suppose in that sense she's quite close if not truly still one, but her aura is very, very different. Can't you see that?" "It's a little odd yes, but so what? It's not like she's the only pegasus I've ever seen with an odd aura. Not to mention Pinkie Pie." Acorn smiled. "Yes, her aura is very strange." Then she blinked. "But it isn't? Are you sure? Because it seems to me that…" Rarity sighed. "However I must admit I'm not that great at the art. In truth while it's considered by many to be a vital skill it isn't strictly required for spellcasting." "Oh, well that's both helpful and not. It's one of the goals of this exercise to remind you of that. The main point is something that every yearling deer knows but most other magic users seem to miss." "Uh, does it have something to do with not using tools?" I asked "They were so quick it looked like it might have taken less magic." She nodded. "Exactly. Though there is more to it than that. Telekinesis comes so naturally to most horned species they don’t give it a second thought." Rarity gasped. "And they should. It's really important somehow." "It is always the very first thing learned for a reason. It is the foundation of magic. Mage sight can be useful but it is like a pair of glasses. Useful for clarity, but telekenesis is the hammer and chisel that lets you shape the rock that is magic." "It can help to see it, but if you do it right a blind pony could sculpt." I said Rarity gasped "And magic is the same." Rarity just stared forward unblinking. Twilight and Rarity tired so hard to help me, but it felt like something was missing. So far this made total sense to me. I didn't understand how it related to me exactly either, but both of them still said focus through your horn every so often. I never reminded them of course. It was clear they were trying so hard not to say things like that but they did anyway. "I think Twilight said nature and arcane are opposites, right?" I asked "In a way, but they're also joined, even more so than the way all magic is. Fire is energy and the source of magic, but it's nature and arcane that are its core. Chaos and order entwined, forever bound." "What?" Rarity and I echoed. "Oh yes, Discord. I don't understand what he's like exactly, but despite what he says his goal is never pure chaos to begin with, or he would cause random good as well as bad." "Yes." Rarity laughed, then sighed. "We've recently been treated to what pure chaos is like and it's not the same, but I still would prefer a little less of it in my life." "The crusaders really don't mean to cause any trouble." I added Acorn blinked. "I think I will have to ask uncle about some more details. But never mind that. The point is nature is a storm of chaos guided by a strong sense of order to create the proper way of the world." Rarity gasped again. "But that means Arcane leads to chaos?" "Yes." Acorn then laughed. "It is what most ponies think of when they hear magic. It is subverting the laws of the world at their most basic level. It is altering location by simply convincing the universe you are elsewhere, making up down, and vice versa, making objects float though the air without laying a hoof on them." Acorn then smiled "Wait." Rarity then raised an eyebrow. "But the way you were talking…" "And many deer might actually believe the absolute superiority of nature even as they use arcane magic to stir their tea." She laughed "Uncle chose me for many reasons, but the main one being he knows me well and knows I will teach you right just as he taught me." "This is all material for foals, isn't it?" Rarity's ears drooped slightly "The simplest of the simple." Acorn nodded. "Foals is not the right word, but yes. Yet the simple can be the most important, and the most ignored." "If Arcane is opposite, does that mean it's order guided by chaos to create something entirely different?" I asked "Very good. Yes, that is exactly it. And something different is sometimes just what the world needs. Nature can be harsh, petty, and at times even seems cruel, even though it cannot be. Arcane is how our ancestors became the dominant species on this planet even though the predators were stronger and faster. It's amazing, just as nature is in its way." I just stared. The other deer had remained so calm, just as all the stories always painted them, but Acorn was looking at us with an intense look in her eyes. Was that really the only thing that made her immature in the eyes of other deer? Acorn then got up. I guess we were done but I wasn't sure if she really planned to just leave so suddenly. "Come on already. I've got to start re-teaching you how to do everything. Uncle only gave me a week and I'd rather not waste time. This will be so much fun." Then she giggled loudly. I noticed some of the other deer look in her direction, then roll their eyes, or in one case outright glare for a moment, then go back to whatever they were doing before. > Enter the Great and Powerful Trixie > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meditation was the first step, and it was really easy. Rarity seemed to have a little trouble earlier, but Acorn talked to her about something really quietly and now Acorn seems happy with both of us. Then Trixie ran into the clearing. At least a dozen deer were following her. She ran right past me, but then skidded to a stop, turned, and ran behind me. The deer surrounded us, but didn't attack. "Hold it right there." "Trixie needs help yellow pony. Tell them Trixie is supposed to be here." "You are?" I asked "So you do know her?" asked a deer. Trixie looked high above at the canopy. "Trixie blames you for all of this you know." "I'm sorry." I then looked down "Trixie is not talking to you, Butterfly." I looked up. "It's, Fluttershy." "Trixie of course knows that but she is trying to annoy your sister out of hiding." "Oh." I smiled "So Sky is here?" "Yes, the captain is without a doubt still right nearby above us somewhere, but she is being very stubborn about this." The deer were now all searching above us. I closed my eyes and focused. Twilight said she was pretty sure I was reading auras when I did it but it was strange I did it with my eyes closed. She was above us moving slowly. I opened my eyes to see Acorn now just outside the circle of deer, Rarity right behind her. Sky was trying to hide but just like always I could find her. I gasped. "Oh my, does that mean I've always been able to do something most pegasi can't and I just didn't realize it?" "Trixie does not know what you mean. Perhaps you can clear this all up?" "I'm sorry Trixie, but nopony told me anything about you and Sky coming." I said "Fluttershy." Said Acorn "You know your sister is up there, don't you?" I nodded, then smiled. "Oh, you can sense her too?" Acorn shook her "Not even a little. Very impressive. So let me guess, she will be a jet black mare with neon pink hair, correct?" I nodded. "Oh yes, that's her." "In that case she is indeed supposed to be here, though she should not know that. However uncle did expect one Trixie Lulamoon and Silent Sky to be visiting" "The exacerbated and annoyed Trixie would prefer you not address her as such." "That means you might as well come down." added Acorn I heard a great big sigh from overhead. Then Sky came down. She was wearing that new silver armor of hers with only little bits of purple trim, most obvious a purple crescent on the front of the armor. She wasn't wearing a helmet though. Her mane was cut shorter than mine, but never as short as she used to when she was trying too hard to impress daddy. She looked like a bat pony too, though only the wings were stuck like that. The deer were staring. She wasn't making any noise of course. I smiled as she came down, and once she was close enough gave her a great big hug. After a slight pause she hugged me back. "It's good to see you too, but I was ordered to sneak in here and observe you covertly. Surely Luna wouldn’t play games like her…" Then she sighed again. "But she would play games by her own rules." "Trixie does not understand." "She ordered me to sneak in here and observe Fluttershy. She also said the purpose of such would become obvious soon enough." "The clever and observant Trixie thinks it really is obvious. Sneaking in is a test of sorts, and now we are supposed to train with the deer, like Rarity and your sister." Acorn nodded. "Exactly. I'm not entirely clear why however. Any idea?" "I don't know what I could learn." Said Sky "But Trixie could at the very least learn to mask her aura better. Yes the illusion was fine but that was a terrible job at the spell. I can't say exactly what you did wrong but I know it was bad." "For the last time it isn't Trixie's fault. The spell is simply not powerful enough to mask Trixie's greatness. Trixie can't fix that." "That spell can work for anypony. Even earth ponies and pegasai can cast it." Sky then sighed "I wasn't aware it was a spell until recently, but that isn't the point." "The rest of you can go now." Said Acorn "Trixie, try to hide your aura again. While you're at it let me see that invisibility spell." "Of course. Trixie is always prepared to amaze." Trixie's cape billowed behind her as her horn lit up, and then with a puff of smoke nothing happened. Trixie was still standing there but when the smoke finished clearing the deer gasped. Except for Acorn that is. I then remembered Twilight said something about me seeing though illusions easily now. I noticed Rartiy was intently focused on something. I think either Trixie herself or her clothes. "Where did she go." Said a random deer "Wow, that's really good, if I couldn’t still sense her aura I'd think she had really vanished." Added another "Excellent spell work." "She even hid some of her aura but…" Acorn interrupted. "Something is wrong with her aura itself, that's why it isn't working. It's disrupting a perfectly cast spell." "Hah, Trixie told you that…" Then her face paled "Wait, doesn't that mean there has to be something wrong with me?" She gasped. "Oh no. What if it's horn rot?" Trixie danced in place like the ground was hot. "I don't want to get horn rot. That would be just terrible." Then she spun to look Acorn right in the eyes. Acorn took a step back. "Please say it isn't horn rot." "It does involve your horn I think, but it is not horn rot. For one thing that doesn't affect your aura except during casting until there is a physical sign." "Oh, yes. Of course." She looked away "Trixie knew that." "Come on girls. We need to get back to our posts." The deer guards then bounded off, vanishing into the woods. I was surprised they seemed to have literally vanished. It had to be some sort of spell, but I don't think it was a teleport. At least not like Twilight or the princesses cast. Sky seemed to be staring at Trixie, then shook her head. "I still can't believe you were right. I also continually forget you could actually stop if you felt like it." She shook her head. "You really are unbelievable." "Yes, the incredible and unbelievable Trixie can simply be inconceivable at times, can't she?" Trixie smiled widely, then turned back to Acorn. "But for now Trixie must know what you mean." "Wait, did you realize but still…" Sky then sighed. "Never mind." "I don't know." Said Acorn. "It will take some more study, and even then I can't be sure. I suggest we see uncle Wynn at once. Surely he will be able to figure it out." "So we shall all go see your Elder Wynn then?" asked Rarity "No. There are more rooms in your tree correct?" "Oh yes, it's very large." I said "I'm sure there is enough room for Sky and Trixie." "I will see if my uncle agrees. Follow me Trixie. Feel free to do whatever you like. Rarity practice what I taught you. We were doing exceptionally well today anyway. We can stand to be slightly behind schedule tomorrow." Then Acorn left. She didn't stop to make sure Trixie was following, even though for a while Trixie wasn't. Rarity watched her go, then turned to me. "So darling, what do you think we should look for?" "Uh…" > Pinkie, then Discord > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sky decided it might be best to drop off her armor at our borrowed home first. That was a really good idea as the deer looked at her a little funny when she was wearing it. I guess it is rude as a guest to wear armor, even if Sky likes it. Sky didn't seem to care that we were totally lost and not really even looking for anything in particular in the first place. But she probably was annoyed even though she seemed okay. She liked having specific goals and purpose. Rarity on the other hoof was smiling brightly. Her new saddlebags were pretty full. "In the future a goal may be a good idea even if that jewelry store was amazing." Rarity giggled "Also the material this bag is made of is outright incredible." "Yes." Said Sky "I'm just fine walking around." Then I frowned a little. "Oh but that's selfish and…" "Darling…" began Rarity I shook my head. "Oh, never mind. I'm sorry. I'm trying to do better really." Sky raised an eyebrow. "Define better." "Oh, well you and Dash and mommy and daddy always say it's bad to keep my anger bottled up and you're right. Even if I really don't get angry that often." "That's what you say." Added Sky Rarity was smiling "And being just a little more assertive is indeed the way to go." I looked down. "I'm still really sorry about that." "Yes well it wasn't your fault, or for that matter Iron Will's either. I must admit he really knows his ties, and can be charming in his own strange way. Also I'm sure the damage would have been far less severe if you were any other pony." Sky nodded. "Yes, that is the problem with great power. Bad decisions suddenly effect a great many others and often in more severe ways." I sighed. I still sort of wanted to pay for all that damage. Twilight did a good job fixing a lot of it with that repair spell but it doesn't work on everything. But Celestia said since I have a title the crown is supposed to protect my interests best it can, which includes paying for things sometimes. I still feel guilty though. "Now we've talked about this Fluttershy, you simply mustn't beat yourself up over your…" Rarity paused. "Not so little outburst. Outbursts. You know of what I speak." I nodded. "Yes, and I know. Also Pinkie got me to promise not to blame myself even if it was all my fault." "Hey!" There was a splash and Pinkie was sticking out of a small bit of water next to the path we were walking on. It was murky but the frogs seemed to like it. Pinkie had a frog on her head. Sky was staring. "That's really just a puddle no more than a few inches deep isn't it?" asked Sky "Aren't you supposed to be in Atollantis?" asked Rarity "I'm sorry." I hung my head. "I'll try to do better. Especially since you both saw me at my worst and still kept trying to help me." "Well good." Pinkie then nodded. "Oh, and yea, I was. I should probably get back too, now that I think of it I was in the middle of something super important. Later." Pinkie waved, and there was a splash as she dove back into what probably was a puddle. I didn't get a real good look at it, but she had a fish tail with golden scales and blue fins that slowly blended into the rest of her body. Rarity gasped. "Oh my, simply marvelous." "Neither of you even care do you?" asked Sky "Oh that's just how she is. I don't really understand it, but that's okay." I smiled "I simply decided it best not to dwell." Rarity then smiled. "Ooo, I have a wonderful idea. We should ask somedeer if…" "You can go look at some crumbling ruins in the forest. Just what I was thinking." Discord was suddenly in front of us smiling. A moment later Sky was in front of us, wings spread fully, all four hooves on the ground in daddy's favorite fighting stance. Dash likes it too. Discord just smiled all the more. "That's an obvious trap." Said Sky "Yes, perhaps a bit too obvious actually." Said Rarity "Hmmm." Was all Sky added "Oh, hello Discord. It's nice to see you again, but no thank you. It sounds a little scary and we really should stay in town." He glared at me. "Oh I'm so innocent." Said his bird hand topped with a pink wig. "I'm not secretly a conniving little…" "No." said Sky The hand continued "I am so pretty and put on such a good act no one suspects me of a thing. Mwa ha ha." "Oh my, I guess I am a little manipulative sometimes I mean…" "Ignore him darling." Said Rarity "He is merely a sore loser. Though I must admit this seems oddly personal." "Fine." Discord talked though his mouth again. "You stupid ponies are to blame for everything that comes next. I tried to make you do it the easy way, but no, you have to be obstinate about it. See if I care." Then Discord was gone. I have a bad feeling about this. Sky took the air for a bit and circled around us. I'm sure she was looking for him but I doubt she would find him even if he was still here. > Attack with fire? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity and Trixie were glaring at Acorn. Two deer in white robes were next to her, but for the moment not doing anything. Around them were huge piles of small stones. They had all been in the air not long ago, all at once. Sky was in front of me, and both of us were a good distance away from everyone else. The area was a rocky pit with a few large rocks around it with strange runes on them. One of them was behind me. "The shocked and appalled Trixie surely must have heard you wrong." "You cannot seriously wish me to sling anything…" Rarity gave a little mostly ladylike huff. "…much less fire of all things at one of my best friends and her sister?" "Of course not." Said Acorn. "Just Fluttershy. Sky doesn't have to get in the way even if it would defeat the whole purpose if she didn't. With her armor it shouldn't even hurt her. Also the spell I cast on her will protect Fluttershy from any damage." "Little one…" began one of the deer. "Are you sure your uncle…" "This is his idea. It should all make sense soon. But here's the deal, these two will start throwing rocks every second there isn't two fireballs in the air, and one for every time you miss. They'll stop entirely if you can manage to both hit Fluttershy." "This is just cruel." Said Sky "Not really. Let me show you." Then without another word Acorn picked up one rock with her magic and flung it at me. One of my butterflies stopped it before I could even cringe. Sky stared as it flew the rock back over to one of the piles. Acorn stared at it. "Wait, you still want to be helpful after I threw something at you?" "Uh, yes?" I said "The confused and confounded Trixie still doesn't understand. If her magic will stop everything what is the purpose of this exercise?" "There are sixty seconds in a minute, and I mean each of them will throw a rock. Even Fluttershy should be overwhelmed eventually if you don't take action. If she isn't then while you fail she would clearly learn a great deal." Rairty gasped. "Wait, when you say throw a stone, you mean they're going to continue to throw the stone again and again, bringing them back like they gathered the piles in the first place. They're here because you can't do that yourself." Acorn nodded. "Obviously." "Very well, the greater and more powerful Trixie accepts your challenge. Trixie feels much stronger than she did thanks to your uncle, and she does not wish to see Fluttershy or her dear Captain Silent Sky suffer." "Silent Sky?" asked Acorn "Is the rhyming on purpose?" "Obviously." Said Sky "Oh my yes." I added. "I, think I see the point here, yet…." Rairty trailed off. "I can start a fire in a pinch but I know nothing of fire spells." Acorn rolled her eyes. "Then that just means getting you over the common unicorn hang up about fire is part of the exercise. Just let yourself try. It should come naturally." "Begin?" asked one of the other deer. "Yes, we're done with explanations." "But…" Rarity stopped when the rocks began flying. Sky batted one away, while another was caught by one of my butterflies. Then they started coming faster. Trixie cast a small ball of fire about the size of a grape. It was very fast and hit Sky right in the chest. She cringed slightly, but her armor was very good. Trixie just stared forward a few seconds for some reason. Rarity had summoned a ball of fire for a moment but it burst almost immediately. "That was too easy." Said Rarity "Far too easy." Trixie rolled her eyes. "Of course it was easy. The intelligent and knowledgeable Trixie thinks it's obvious enough. The warnings against fire use aren't because it's difficult, it is merely dangerous." "No I mean that no spell has ever been…" Rarity then turned to Trixie "Wait, how many fire spells do you know?" "Trixie knows a few, but that doesn't matter. What matters is Trixie put more power into that spell that intended. That almost never happens." "Stop this." Both then looked at Sky, and suddenly went quiet. She had to block a lot more rocks now, even though there are a lot more butterflies. I still don't entirely understand how it works sometimes, but they mostly did what I want, even if sometimes it was automatic, like blocking things. Then Trixie fired another fireball. A butterfly intercepted it and both just sorta vanished in a little flash. "The amazed and impressed Trixie can hardly believe her eyes." "Did it really just…" Began Rarity "Rarity." Said Sky "Cast now. If this gets much worse." Rarity nodded and sent a fireball forward. Except it wasn't a ball, it looked like a gem. A crystal made of fire shooting through the air. I had a really bad feeling about it. Then there was a great gust of wind and the fireball and all the rocks were blown off course. Acorn just nodded and the two deer briefly stopped. She then looked over to where the small but deep looking hole in the ground where Rairty's spell hit. "Okay, that was way better than I expected." Then Acorn cringed "Way better." "That was a truly new spell, wasn't it?" asked Rarity "I don't know enough about fire magic to say." Said Acorn "Was that me?" asked Sky "Did I really…" "Summon the wind itself while rooted to the ground as in tales of old? Duh. You two…" she looked at the deer mages "…can leave by the way. This lesson isn't over, but we don't need to actually throw dangerous spells at each other anymore. Also Rarity's was more dangerous than I was counting on." "Trixie just realized something, couldn't Sky have just let them though. Wouldn’t that have ended things quicker?" "Only once you both started casting." "Also I'm sure she barely even thought of letting her get hurt. I was willing to take this further originally, but that spell of yours Rarity is not just heat, but cutting force. Also it will cut though magic as well. Amazing for the spur of the moment." "You mean she really just made that spell?" Everyone stared at Trixie for a moment, but she just looked away and let out a little wuff of air. The two deer had gathered up some of the small rocks, but instead of throwing them they formed them into two statues, one looking like Sky, and the other me. Then they swiftly left. Deer are so graceful. "Oh, good idea. I guess that's why they're the mages and I'm still just some silly fawn, huh? Okay, same idea as before, but ten times less dangerous. Sisters on the defensive, but this time only statues, while you two throw fireballs at them." "You couldn’t start with this?" asked Sky "Maybe I could have, but the real threat of pain, even if limited, was a good motivator. Doesn't matter now though." She laughed. "Anyway, come on, we aren't done here. I want so much fire in the air the sisters have to work together to win. Go." Trixie threw the same little fireballs, but very quickly they were far more numerous. Rarity though just sat there, not trying to hit either statue. My butterflies didn't seem to be doing nearly as well, and there weren't as many of them. "Good Trixie, and obviously Fluttershy you might have to try harder since I think some of your magic is always in reserve to protect you." "Does it really have to be fire?" asked Rarity "For today at least. It might be better if you tried something different though." "Different you say. I wonder…" Rairty trailed off, and then suddenly her hair was an inferno. Acorn fell backwards when that happened. Then the inferno built and a whip of her hair lashed out, demolishing the statue of me outright, the butterflies in the way were just gone. They tried so hard too. Acorn shook her head and stood up. "Never mind. Seriously, you've really never even tried fire magic, have you?" "Of course not. It makes sense for the world's greatest magic scholar or a showmare to learn to set things on fire, but I make dresses. It just isn't necessary." Acorn smiled. "But learning any magic can be useful. Even though it might not seem like much I think we can move on. Though ideally Sky would get a lot more practice with her new trick but…" She then spun around. "Ooo, idea. Don't really need to be here, but whatever, it's still good." "I'm going to hate this, aren't I?" asked Sky "Nah. It's super simple. All three of you, yes you too Fluttershy, will throw as many rocks as you possibly can with your magic. At the remaining target obviously." "And I try to blow them away. That is simple. Too simple. I won't hold Fluttershy's training back." "It won't. Though maybe we could use more rocks and reinforcing the statue might be a good idea." "Allow me." Rarity then walked near the statue, and lit her horn. With a flash it changed from common stone to a huge black diamond shaped like Sky. Acorn just stared at it for a moment, then started stomping off in a huff. "Excuse me, I have to go yell at uncle Wynn. If you have trouble finding enough rocks ask somedeer for help. If they can't help themselves, they can help you find someone who can. Also it won't do any good unless you all push yourselves." Then she finished stomping off. I let out a slight giggle. I immediately felt bad, but I just couldn’t help it. She looked so cute storming off like that. > Naturally > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Acorn raised an eyebrow at me. I looked down. I knew it was a silly question. I knew I shouldn't have bothered asking. Trixie was still working on completing her task. Rarity had taken Sky shopping with her since Acorn didn't have anything for my sister to do today, and Rarity already finished. Some of my butterflies flew in front of me blocking my face, but of course that just made everything worse. "I'm so sorry. I know it must be a stupid question but I worry about them and…" Acorn laughed. "Oh, you really are serious?" She laughed again. "I should have known. They're not exactly alive, and they certainly can't feel pain." "But they…" "Act just like you expect them to act. They even communicate in ways real butterflies would because you know how real butterflies behave. They aren't real." "Then, what are they?" I tilted my head slightly "Your magic. Nothing more than oddly shaped telekenitic fields. Well, mostly. They are alive in a sense. It's just not a normal sort. They're like your wings. They are part of you and the loss of one feather won't mean your wings suddenly stop working." "It really depends on the feather." "Oh." She shook her head. "Not the point. They are very weird in that they seem to able to act independently of your own conscious thought, but they are still part of you, and again not that different from the glow that surrounds objects when unicorns lift them." "Really? But they seem to do things I don't know how to do. Like getting the whole rock pile to balance. I don't know how they did that." She laughed. "That may be somewhat true, but they are part of you, so on some level you know. Though I suppose it does suggest your subconscious knows things you don't. I certainly didn't expect you to find a different loophole to use." "What?" Trixie was very soon right in Acorn's face. I quickly backed away. Sometimes she really reminded me of Rarity, but other times she could be so like Dash. She was so forceful and direct, and of course she did talk up her accomplishments a little much too. Acorn laughed. "You seriously didn't even figure it out? So all this time you've just been trying to pile the rocks in such a way that my wind spell can't blow them over? That's impossible." "What? Are you telling the fair and honest Trixie the only way to complete this task is to cheat? You told us not to use magic." "Oh my. I'm sorry." I looked down at the ground. "I didn't mean to cheat." Acorn laughed again. "Don't be silly. I told you that you had to stack them without using your hooves, and you had to make sure they would not be blown over by my wind spell. I also told you that I would inspect them for your magic before I tested them." Trixie went wide eyed. "So all Trixie had to do is use magic you can't detect? Why did you not simply tell Trixie that? It is simplicity itself." "It's part of the test. Also while Rarity…" Trixie's horn briefly flashed. "Test it now." Acorn rolled her eyes. "I don't see anything but I don't think…" "Now. Trixie is quite irked with you, and while the patient and understanding Trixie will give foals the world, you are clearly no true foal." "It's all relative really, but fine." Acorn blew a little. Usually she was much closer, and it seemed like the wind spell got even more powerful as it got near the pile. Then all the little leaves and forest matter struck a wall that didn't seem to be there at all. Acorn blinked. Then the glowing magic wall became visible. Trixie smiled. "The Great and Powerful Trixie…" A wind whipped up her cloak as she said this. "…is a master of illusion and even if you did detect my wall, Trixie didn't use any magic to keep the pile balanced, now did Trixie?" Acorn laughed. "Ooo, very good. Most never even consider that loophole. Even better that Fluttershy found one I didn't even consider." "I did?" "Yes, you must explain. Trixie is curious now." "Her butterflies applied natural magic to them. Not nature, but the natural magic that can settle into things over time, usually a great deal of time. It's where things like the singing mountains and magical trees come from." "Trixie is confused. Does that not mean Fluttershy failed?" "Yes, but I said her magic, didn't I? I can't tell it's hers. It's new so logically it has to be her doing, but I can't prove it. It's patterns without purpose or caster, yet still generating an effect. It shouldn’t be possible, yet she can do it." "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do something impossible." Trixie and Acorn both laughed. "Huh?" "Trixie is amazed. Only a frightened tiger like you could say such a thing." Acorn then went wide eyed. "Oh, that's what he meant." Then she began staring at me. "There is even more I'm not seeing isn't there? I guess uncle wasn't kidding when he said he'd trust me with anything." "Now Trixie is confused." Acorn shook her head. "Nothing important. Just a few things I put together. Neither of you should be concerned with it for now." "And by that you mean Trixie should never be concerned with it because it's a secret, but the element of Kindness is a different story." Acorn nodded. "Obviously. Now come on, we're all done here unless you have more questions. Questions about magic I'll be willing to answer that is." "Trixie has one, and even though I think you do not want to, Trixie feels you have to or it will leave an important gap in our education. Namely that deer can do what she did and it means something specific." Acorn shook her head. "Not deer no, but yes there is a group that at least can do what she did, or at least in legend they can. It is important I tell you that's right, but that's it. Also I don't mind telling you that, because it's the last piece of a puzzle you have at most three pieces of." "Trixie does not like that answer." "So? Now come on, we're done and I'm hungry." Then she walked off. Trixie glared for a moment then followed her. This sounded scary. I really don't like the sound of any of that. At least I don't have to worry about my butterflies anymore. That's nice. But I really wish it wasn't clear there is some other big secret involving me somehow. Also it sounds like it's connected to being the element of Kindness and there is already so much to worry about involving that. > Walking through trees > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trixie disappeared from the circle, appearing on the rock Acorn said was far enough away. She left a cloud of smoke when she vanished, and there was an explosion of fireworks that blinded me for a second before she appeared. Rarity and I both clapped our hooves together. Acorn just nodded, while Sky just stared. "But…" began Sky "You were lying. You were so nervous you didn't use your name and talked like a normal pony. You…" Trixie interrupted her with a loud laugh. "Hah. All an act. The greater and more powerful Trixie knew this would work all along." I like card games. You can stay really quiet, sometimes not saying anything at all if the dealer understands your signals. Dash and Pinkie are really bad at that, but I don't mind talking when it's just them anyway. It was always a little scary when Rarity and I used to play bridge with those friends of hers, even though they usually just ignored me since I didn't have any gossip. I was really good at reading tells. For a while I won all the time, but then I realized that probably isn't very nice. Now I try to make sure everypony gets at least a few wins. Applejack still has the most obvious tells in existence, but right then Trixie was close. Her eyes, one ear, and her mouth all twitched in some really odd ways when she said that. "Yes, however could I doubt that." Acorn then laughed. "Okay, so surprisingly she really did do it so…" "It's not that surprising. Trixie was a prodigy at a young age. She mastered the teleport years before most would." "Ah, just like Twilight." Said Rarity "Did you know she figured the spell out when she was a mere seven years old?" "Seven? I can't believe that little…" Trixie shook her head. "I mean Trixie admits it's impressive, and she was somewhat older, but she also had a life, not being some book obsessed shut in with no friends." I frowned. "That was mean." "I suppose, but Twilight referred to herself as such once." Said Rarity "That might be accurate." Said Sky "But that doesn't mean one should repeat it." "Fine, Trixie apologizes. The point is while the last time Trixie cast the spell was a disaster she was once quite the accomplished teleporter. Then she began having some problems, which Wynn said weren't her fault." "You made them worse." Said Acorn "Trixie is aware of that. She is also aware there is no reasonable way Trixie could have known that. The point is Trixie is now better than ever. Hmmm, in fact in a proper league sanctioned duel Trixie might even be A class like Sparkle." "Huh?" Acorn, myself, and Sky echoed "Oh it's a rather barbaric sport." Said Rarity, shaking her head. "Because of the rules most powerful unicorns are A class since after that point more power no longer matters. Skill is still a big factor. However Trixie I would strongly suggest you not duel Twilight, it would end badly for you." "But as far as Trixie can tell she's never been in a sanctioned duel. Perhaps…" "You can continue scheming, but we're done talking about it." Said Acorn. "Now as I said, the final test it to get all of you teleporting." Rarity looked down and sighed. "Then we are doomed to fail. Twilight has tried to give me instruction but…" "All the standard teleport spells failed?" Acorn laughed "Of course they did. It's clear you need something a bit less direct. I think I know just the spell. It's more about folding the fabric of space and time to meet your needs, rather than moving directly." "Well I must admit I like the sound of fabric but that is not the sort I am adept with." "It's what we deer use. It's very subtle, though it has some limits as well, especially when it comes to buildings. Let me show you what I mean." Acorn then walked forward and to one side of the small clearing that was really only half clear, quite a few trees interrupting it. Then she moved from one side to the other in the blink of an eye. It was like the space in between forgot to be there for moment. It made my eyes water a little looking directly at it happen "Oh." I said "I see the point yes, but it's still perplexing." Said Rarity "Trixie certainly doesn't see how you did it." "I still don't get what you even expect me to do." Said Sky "Wait, so none of you caught that?" said Acorn We all nodded. Acorn sighed. "Great, I missed something important. Whatever, lets see if we can at least speed things along for Fluttershy. Next lesson, moving though trees." "Trixie can do that well enough already." "I doubt that." Added Sky Trixie shook her head. "If you have to explain the joke…" Then Acorn walked though a tree as if it wasn't even real. Trixie teleported next to it, she still left behind a little cloud of smoke, but appeared with nothing but a bright sparkling flash. It was probably more practical. Trixie then tapped the tree, it really was solid. Then Acorn came out the other side, and smiled. "Trixie saw a lot that time, but she is certain she is not capable of learning anything from it. That magic makes no sense." "Of course not. It's pure nature magic. Now, Silent Sky, Fluttershy. Give it a try." "Both of us?" asked Sky "Yes. It shouldn’t even be hard." "Is this a natural ability of deer?" asked Rarity "Among others. It's very useful to avoid a predator by going though a tree instead of around it. Also I just showed you our other trick." "Hmmmmm." Rarity then put a hoof on her chin. "Uh, do you mean now?" I asked "I’m sure she does." Sky had flown over to a tree, and pressed a hoof against it. Then she closed her eyes. I think she began to mutter something to herself. Then she went though just like Acorn did, but a little faster since she was flying. Acorn's eyes went wide. "Okay, that was far faster than I expected." "I was reminded of a few techniques I've read about, and to some degree even cloaking my own aura. Instead of focusing on not existing, I focused on the tree not existing." Acorn just stared for a few moments. "Well that's certainly interesting. I figured you should get it eventually since you are her sister but..." "I'm going to do worse, aren't I." "Better." Said Sky "Try. No fear. No restraint. No regrets." I smiled. Daddy said that all the time. Besides trees can't hurt me. No matter how scary they look and these look nice. I looked at the tree but I didn't think of it like it was nothing. That seemed sort of mean. No, it's like a cloud. It can be solid, but it's also easy to pass though. It doesn't have to be a barrier. Sometimes I mess that up but I could always fly though clouds just fine, it was only gripping them that was a problem. So I just did it. It was easy. It felt, strange. Like a cloud, but there was a faint warmth. It was a living thing and it let me though because I wanted to go. I then went though a few more trees. It felt nice, calming. I smiled. Then I heard stomping. Rarity was the one stomping her front hooves rapidly. "Bravo Fluttershy." Rarity was smiling broadly "Bravo." "Yes, Trixie is fairly sure such strange magic is beyond her. Yes, fairly sure. But she can tell your butterfly like self's mastery of the skill is unparalleled like Trixie's own mastery of magic. Very much unlike your dark sister's clunky attempt." Sky groaned. "You just said you don't understand it it's not like…" "Just because Trixie can't do such a thing doesn't mean that when Trixie sees vastly superior spellcraft she can't recognize it?" Acorn raised an eyebrow looking at Trixie. "You can see the difference, can't you?" "It's not really even the same thing I'm sure. I'm a pegasus not…" began Sky "Doesn't matter." Said Acorn "It is a little rough, but workable. Fluttershy's technique is just so much better it makes you look bad." "Fine. It's not as if I have ever doubted my sister is amazing, I only question Trixie's motives." "I know you say that Sky but…" I began "No. You are." "Oh uh, I…" I then sighed "Okay." Sky sighed. "And one day you may even believe that truth yourself." "Enough of that cheeriness." Said Acorn. "Now Fluttershy, we get to the hard part. This your sister probably can't do. Also no I can't show you because I can't do it either. Honestly my uncle is the only deer I know for sure that can, so why he asked me to give it a try helping you I have no idea, but that's the way it is." "Then how will you teach her anything?" asked Rarity "Yes, Trixie doesn't get it." "Well my guess is I won't have to. That makes no sense, but it's also the only logical answer. It doesn't really have a proper name, but it's like shadow walking, but with trees so tree walking seems about right. It just sounds wrong somehow." "Shadow walking?" asked Sky "Yes, you walk into one shadow and emerge from another. Supposedly it's very dangerous, but I forget why. Tree walking is safe but also more difficult. You walk into one tree, and using the connection to the world all trees share walk out of another." "The connection all trees share?" asked Rarity "Uh, you mean they all have roots in the ground?" I asked "Exactly. Obviously it's a metaphysical connection only, but this is magic we're talking about. Go on. Give it a try. Worst that happens is you go out the same tree." "Uh, okay." I tried a few times, and that's all that happened. It still felt nice, but I think there was something else I needed to know. I was going to keep trying, but then a loud roar startled everypony, not just me. Trixie seemed to be the most effected, her hat had fallen off, ears back, and her eyes tiny pinpricks. "Hmm, odd." Said Rarity "That roar sounds vaguely familiar." "No, it can't be." Said Trixie, voice trembling. "I won't accept it. I can't." "Oh my." I then brought my hooves to my mouth. "She sounds hurt." "Wait is that…" began Sky "An Ursa cub, yes." Added Acorn. "Noooooooooo." Trixie then ran the opposite direction out of the clearing. I flew off in the direction of the sound. An animal needs me. > An huge problem and an Ursa Major > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ursa minors seem scary at first, but really they're just extra large bear cubs. She roared right in my face. I just glared back at her. I understood why she was upset, but that didn't mean it excused her behavior. She had a huge steel bear trap around one leg. The trap's teeth had all bent where they impacted her leg, and it was a little banged up all around, but she couldn't seem to break it. Despite the fact I tended to treat them like they did, animals don't really think in words, much less talk in them. So sometimes I feel a little silly even though I do know what they mean. I flew up off the ground and into her line of vision. I put my hooves on my hips. "Now that is just uncalled for. I know you have a problem, but it isn't my fault, and it's wrong to take it out on the poor trees, not to mention all the other animals you're scaring." The ursa minor looked down. "I thought so. Now just hold still and I can get that nasty trap off of you. Then you can stop causing all this ruckus and go home to your mommy." She nodded. "Good." I wasn't sure I would have enough butterflies. It was a really big trap. But there were enough after all, and they pried it open. The big bear then stepped out of the trap. I then smiled and landed. It had that dopey little grin only bears can get on its face, then it nuzzled me. It was real cautious. Ursas are always such sweethearts when they aren't in a bad mood. Though it was still big enough it almost accidentally knocked me over once or twice, but that was okay. "Trixie is seeing it, but she is not believing it." "I told you." Said Sky. "Also it is your duty to listen to your superior officer so you should have stopped before I had to drag you over here." "Trixie knows that. Trixie also knows she is not obligated to listen when said superior has so clearly gone insane. Yet…" Then the not so little dear licked me. It wasn't very fun. I know she means well but now I'm so very wet, and this is much worse than just water. My butterflies were very soon flying around me, drying me. That's nice. Then there was a second roar. A similar but much bigger roar. "Oh my." I said Trixie sighed. "Another one? Great, Trixie can be shown up for a third time. It's not like Trixie has anything better to do." "That was further away, wasn't it?" asked Sky "As in it's bigger?" asked Rarity "Yes. We should hide." I said "That was a mother ursa, and an angry ursa major is a very bad thing. And right now she sounds very angry. I don't think explaining the situation is going to help." "Trixie agrees with that assessment. Though she is not sure there is anywhere the beast might not trample accidentally if we were to hide." "Oh no, that's unlikely." I said "Ursa's get less solid as they age, well sort of. She would only damage things if she wants to." "So they get less dangerous as they get bigger? Trixie is confused." "If you think a countless ton animal that can sneak up on you is less dangerous, then sure." Sky laughed. "It just means they don't cause any collateral damage." "Ah, Trxie understands now." Her eyes went wide. "Can't you just do your terrifying mother thing and make it leave." "Well I could try, but it's probably just angry about it's missing cub, so it should calm down once she has her back." Then a giant paw came down nearby without a noise. It moved though the trees like they weren't even there. Now that I think of it I'd never seen Ursa's do it with anything but trees so maybe it was like what Acorn was teaching us earlier. Pinkie was the one that came to me asking about how ursas don't wreck the forests since they were so big. I guess that book on strange creatures I donated to the library was really good even if the reason I donated it was because I got a better one. Daddy always said know your enemy, and even though the scary things in the Everfree weren't exactly my enemy, it was sort of the same thing. Then it kept walking. Past it's cub. "Huh?" I said "Trixie guesses if you're small enough standing out in the open is hiding." Sky looked at the retreating paw. "It just did something against its nature didn't it? I may be no animal expert, but I know that's never good." "Well, maybe it's not its cub but…" I began "Situation report. Now soldier." Shouted sky. I gave a salute. "An ursa major should not act that way. This could not be its cub but that seems unlikely. Further if its not mad about this then logically it would be with something in that direction. The city is the most likely target." Everypony was staring at me. I looked down. Oh, I guess that was sort of loud, wasn't it? I always worry I might be talking too loud, but I forgot for a second there. It's just a habit. Even after all this time I'm still daddy's little girl. It always made him so happy when I gave him a proper report. "Trixie did not think you could be that loud." "Agreed." Said Rarity, nodding "Are you saying the ursa is attacking the deer?" asked Acorn "Yes." Said Sky, then nodded. "Sister, you need to stop it." "Oh I don't think so. I mean I’m sure Wynn can do it. I can just…" Acorn's eyes went wide. "Oh no, he's off at the meeting with…" Acorn sopped. "Never mind that, the point is by the time he hears the roars it will be too late. I'm going to see if I can reach him, but you have to at least slow it down." Then she was gone. I gulped. I stared down a dragon. Ursas aren't half as scary as dragons, but angry bears rarely listen to reason, and ursas are worse. But then I thought of all those poor deer that might loose their homes. They could probably get away. Deer are very good at that. But their city would be destroyed. Not only that but all the poor animals were in danger. They could lose more than their homes if the ursa is really as mad as it seemed to be. "Uh, maybe she's not really heading to the city and…" I began "You know that isn't true." Said Sky "I believe in you darling." Said Rarity, smiling. "I'm sure no matter how difficult you can make that brutish creature see reason." "Trixie is not half so sure, but now has reason enough to believe everything Luna said is right. In that case the humbled and comparatively powerless Trixie bows to your superior abilities." She then bowed. "Trixie suggests you start right away." I flew as fast as I could. I was just lucky the ursa was lumbering along so slowly. Then I saw why. Discord was flying just in front of the creature zapping it with brightly colored lights. If he was trying to hurt it, that would never work. Magic just annoyed ursas. Then I got close enough to see him smiling and laughing. He waved. "Hello there Fluttershy. Lovely to see you. Isn't this just the perfect day for a walk in the woods? Especially if you have a fuzzy little pet to follow you." The ursa tried to snap him up in her jaws, but he dodged out of the way and zapped it again. This time the magic coming from his hands was blue and a sickly shade of orange. I guess he can't just snap his fingers anymore. "So playful." "You want to hurt the deer, don't you?" "If you must know I was aiming to hurt you, but really I just want this little scamp in the wrong place at the right time." Then he suddenly laughed. "Of course if you're here at the deer's hart of power…" He smiled. "Get it." "Oh, uh yes." He frowned. "You're not supposed to actually answer." He threw up his hands. "You just can't do anything right, can you?" "Sorry." "Arrgh." Her tore out his beard with one tug like it was fake. A new one quickly grew in its place. "The point is with you both gone that means I can cut out the middle deer and simply get the show on the road. Have fun calming an enraged monster." Discord then vanished. At first the ursa just looked around, but then she started smashing trees, still going in the same direction Discord had been leading her. I flew up to her ear and took a deep breath. I could do this. "Please stop momma ursa. I know he's upset you but that's no reason…" Her ear flicked slightly. I don't think she could even hear me. I then flew around to the front and her and landed on her nose. Her fur was as tall as I was. I don't think she could see me at all. I had a fairly nice time with the mother ursa in the Everfree once, but she had been looking for me and was calm. This one wasn't in the mood to listen, not now, and she wasn't going to focus on tiny little me right now either. "Oh my, what do I do?" "Something." Said Sky "Eeep." I zipped up a bit, then calmed. "Sorry, you usually notice." "I'm sorry, I'm just nervous because well…" "Yes, of course. Since I don't have a full squad, much less the several I might need to even slow the beast down, it has to be you. You can do it." "But do what?" "I don't know exactly, but you have a lot of new magic. Use some of it somehow." I nodded. The butterflies swarmed around the ursa for a bit. More than I had ever seen before, but she didn't even slow down. I guess since they're sort of magic they can't effect it. But they can do other things. "Oh, maybe we can trip it?" "With materials from the forest? It might work, or it might just pass right though." "But what else can I do?" "If I might make a suggestion?" I turned to look up at a beautiful black pony with long blue-green hair flying gently through the air. She had on a blue gossamer dress that was just thick enough you couldn’t see though it. Her wings were like a monarch butterfly's, but purple instead of orange. She had a pair of antenna that ended in little glowing lights that sorta reminded me of a butterfly too. She was also tall and thin just like Celestia. She looked just like a flutterpony. So pretty. She smiled and it was perfect. Maybe too perfect, like she practiced smiling a lot. But most striking were her eyes. They were green with slit pupils, but so deep and calm. It was a little scary, but she wasn't the first I'd seen with eyes like that. I don't know exactly when I first started seeing ponies with those eyes, but I think it was after I stared down the dragon. I had been worried for a while, but then realized I shouldn’t be. Just because some ponies have eyes that look a little like a dragon doesn't make them bad, and I was being mean for even thinking such a thing. Nopony else seemed bothered by them so it was silly for me to worry. I was still a little curious about those eyes, but I didn't want to waste anypony else's time. Then Sky nudged me. "Flutters." Said Sky "Oh, uh, yes. Sorry. Uh, who are you and…" "Not important for the moment." "Okay." I said Sky sighed. "You shouldn't just trust her on that." "Sorry. So…" She landed. "My suggestion is simply order it to stop." "Do you mean her to stop?" I asked "Very likely, yes. If you think it a she I have no reason to doubt you." Then she looked up and muttered under her breath. "I swear if he messed this up…" "Uh, who messed what up?" I asked She smiled again. "Nothing of consequence. He's not late quite yet after all." Then two more black flutterponies flew in. Both had dragonfly wings and each was carrying a pony. Rarity and Trixie both yelped as they were dropped next to us. I noticed the strange impressive looking pony had a little twitch in one eye. Both ponies were black with teal hair, one stallion and one mare. "Sorry your majesty we were a little late and so I decided…" began the stallion "I can see what you did Thorax. Just leave. You didn't entirely screw this up but if you stay it greatly increases the chance that you will." "He really did a good job this time." Added the near identical mare The big flutterpony closed her eyes for moment, then she smiled. It looked genuine. "So he did. And it was fixing a problem that wasn't his fault too." "Trixie is a little confused. Why does she seem to…" "Oh wow, look at the time." Said Thorax. "Well, we better go. Bye." Then he flew off just as Rarity pulled a gag out of her mouth. It seemed to be made of some sort of strange green amber. She turned to glare at the tall flutterpony, but then she stared. I then noticed she had a little crown on her head too, I think I had seen the little silver thing but without really even realizing it was there. It was so delicate looking, but also incredibly intricate. "Sorry, but I need at least one relatively impartial witness. A deer would be better but more problematic to acquire." "What game are you playing?" I looked to see Sky glaring at the strange princess, legs spread, wings out. Trixie tilted her head to one side, looking at what was probably a fairy princess. Rarity on the other hoof gave a slight bow. "Well I must once again say I did not enjoy such treatment, but clearly you are a princess of some sort and…" "Queen. I am not a princess, but a queen, ruler of all my people. We are fey, one of many types, loyal to the winter court. Yet if you look behind you I believe you will realize it is best if Fluttershy hurries." The forest was beautiful, but also enormous. There were several layers of trees, the largest blocking out the sunlight of those below, yet somehow all survived. There were countless lights too, some small, some large, both animal and plants, all giving off light. But there was only once source of light bright enough to be what was now right in front of the ursa and relatively not far off. A city full of magical deer crafted lights. "Oh my." "You can stop her." said the queen "You have, at least if the whispers on the wind are to be believed, the power of command. Use it." "But it can't hear me." "Wait." Said Sky. "That might not matter. There was a siren and one of my girls removed her own ears so…" "How ghastly." Raity then made a face. "I can't imagine." "With magic. It was as if she never had any to begin with. It didn't help even though she couldn't possibly hear it anymore, because the magic was in her head regardless. The command must be obeyed, regardless if heard. It was utterly terrifying." I gulped. "I don't think I can do that." "You fear it, yes?" The queen smiled. "But what alternative is there but to use it? Think of all the deer that will be hurt, not to mention the ursa herself. After all the deer are far from defenseless. Win or lose there will be many injuries." "Oh my, I didn't think of that. But the deer…" "Will defend their home. In the face of a choice between that home and one life, especially one they most likely can't end even if they truly wished to, the choice is obvious. But there is a much better choice. One only you can make." "But…" "You fear it." She was right in my face. "You fear that power, because it can be misused and you fear that. Yet at the same time, right now, in this instance the removal of will, for but even a single second, will save bloodshed for all involved." "Stop talking to her." Said Sky "I can tell what you're doing." "I really doubt that." She didn’t turn to Sky to say it. "It's very simple. Just one little order. Not a request, not a plea, but an order. Prove to me your power." "Prove?" asked Rarity "Trixie thinks you should really hurry, especially since the terrified and concerned Trixie is suddenly aware of what we are on." "Stop." I’m not sure anyone else heard it. But I really wanted it to work. I wanted her to just listen because the queen was right. Because this power is really scary, but if Celestia can do what Luna hinted she can that's completely terrifying. But now I remember daddy saying something. That abuse of power and proper use of power can seem similar, but are nothing alike. Just make sure never to loose track of what the differences are. Though I've never used daddy's definitions since they're kind of scary. "It stopped." Said Sky "Trixie can't believe the power behind that…" she paused "Incredible." added Rarity "Was that even a spell? Trixie is not sure." The queen had a big smile on her face. "Very well done. Yes, there is only one left, or maybe two now that I think of it." Sky shook her head and glared at the queen again. "One what?" "Test of course. Power, command, bravery, and maybe even will. I need a test of guile anyway so why not a more concrete test for will while I'm at it." "What are you talking about?" asked Sky "Yes, Trixie is very confused." "Furthermore what do we do now?" Rarity frowned "It's stopped but…" The queen then gave a little bow to me. "Allow me. After all I very much doubt you will fail the last, so it's only a matter of making it official. And the test is done so…" Her antenna lit up bright green and the bear's eyes were as green as hers for a moment. They were far away of course, but visible from its snout. It then slowly turned around and started walking. Sky was now staring at her blankly. Trixie and Rarity were glaring however. "Are you telling the enraged and seething Trixie that you could have stopped this yourself at any time?" "You just brought us here to be witnesses?" asked Rarity "Yes and yes. But you have to understand, if I used the traditional tests it would be worse, for lady Fluttershy at the very least. This was not just a better test all around, but far less likely to kill her." "I thought you were her but…" Sky trailed off. "I don't understand." "Yes, I suppose introductions are in order, but I also hate to repeat myself so I'll wait until tomorrow. Farewell." She then flew off "Wait, what did you do to the ursa?" I took to the air so I wouldn’t lose her. "Will it…" "It will go home, then go to sleep. It will wake up confused but calm. Wynn should take care of the ursa minor himself. You need not worry." "Oh, good." "Now I suggest you go get your two unicorn friends off that beast." She smiled. "Its getting away you know." I let out an "eep" and sped after the enormous bear. Her back was still below me, but she was really big so her head was already starting to fade into the distance. I really wasn't sure if what the queen did was right, but it didn't seem too bad. I don't think I'd do something that drastic though. I could probably just ask her to go home. Well, if I could make her hear me. > Dream test and hidden agendas > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Acorn thanked us, then tried to help us with teleporting some more, but we didn't make much progress. It was just very tiring. Rarity complained about how tired she was the most, though Trixie said she was the most tired of all, but only once or twice. I think I got better at moving though trees, but nothing really changed. Like usual Sky didn't really say anything. So I knew I went to sleep, but now I was suddenly standing on a hill overlooking a stone maze. Somehow all of it was up in the sky, just like a dream, but this didn't feel quite right for a dream. Luna was suddenly next to me, glaring upward. "THOU DARE? THIS ONE IS UNDER MINE PROTECTION." The queen from earlier laughed. "Luna? It's actually true, you are back and whole." Luna's eyes narrowed. "Princess Chrysalis? You of all ponies should know…" "Queen now. It's been a while bestest buddy of mine." "You think making fun of me shall lessen my ire? I will not allow you to attack…" Again the queen laughed. It was kinda a scary laugh. It was joyful, but strangely harsh considering her silky smooth voice. Then she was in front of us. For some reason she had normal looking blue pony eyes that lightly glowed. "Why did your eyes change color?" "What?" she asked, one eyebrow raised "They were green and slited like Luna's bat ponies earlier, but now they're blue." Both tall dark mares stared at me. "I’m sorry." I looked down. "I said something stupid again, didn't I." "Not even close." Chrysalis laughed again. "Just surprising is all." "You're not going to let me tell her, are you?" asked Luna "Of course not. There are various ways I can break the geas, but that isn't one of them. Just asking you to tell isn't remotely reasonable. But I believe you had a point to make." Luna shook her head. "Of course, how dare you attack…" Then Luna sighed. "This isn't an attack. What's the game here?" "I don't play mere games. It's a test. By the way, not only can I not tell you the purpose of the test, but if you figure it out and tell her it can invalidate it so for everyone involved keep quiet. It's without a doubt in her best interests if she passes." Luna glared. "Coming from you that could mean almost anything." "Ah, but I can't lie about this. A little deception, but no the only negative would be stress. Also how much stress really depends on her." "So what does she get?" asked Luna "Power enough to avoid responsibility. Beyond that I can't say. By the way while you're not entirely neutral, both courts will accept your judgement in this case." Luna's eyes went wide. "As in both fey courts? What is this about?" "Listen closer next time. Now Fluttershy, are you ready?" "Uh, no. I think I'll pass." I said Chrysalis frowned, then blinked. "What?" "This all sounds scary so I'll just pass. Can you let me out of this not a dream now?" Chrysalis rolled her eyes. "No. Sadly you don't have a choice but to take this test. I thought you would like taking it in a dream but if you refuse then I'll be forced to cook up something far more complicated in the real world." "You don't want that." Said Luna "In fact this seems suspiciously strait forward." "It's not really mine if that's what you're asking. I want to make this as easy as I can." Luna narrowed her eyes. "Why?" Chrysalis just smiled. "Are you sure you can't just let me not take it?" I asked "Not a chance. Also if I refuse they would just send someone else. The shadowed court tends to be vindictive so he, she, or it would be far worse." "It?" I shivered a little "Yes. Come on now, I have two fairly easy tasks and you can leave. The first is to get to the center of the maze." "Too simple." Said Luna "What are the rules?" I asked Chrysalis smiled. "And off to an excellent start already. As you can see there is no ground below the maze. You have to go though the maze, not around the outsides, or above or below it in any sense." "Still too simple." "Second rule is you can't alter the maze in any way. By the way Luna you are here to observe so you can't give her any hints." "Wait, just no hints?" Luna asked, raising an eyebrow. "Yes. Third rule there are various obstacles in the maze, but no matter what they say or is otherwise implied the only thing required of you is to reach the center." "Is that it?" Luna asked. "Just those three?" Chrysalis nodded. I smiled. "Oh, well that's really easy." Then I walked down the hill, into the maze, and through the walls. I didn't alter them at all. I saw a few strange things here and there, including a minotaur that looked like Iron Will with a beard, but I ignored that and just kept walking forward. I then came to a stop in the middle of a circle with no way into it. Luna and a grinning Chrysalis were suddenly next to me. I jumped a bit. Luna was staring at me. "You know how to manipulate dreams?" I nodded. "Oh yes. I used to have terrible nightmares, but then my daddy got someone to help me. Like a lot of things his help sorta made it worse at first, but then things got so much better." "I can't help but notice…" Began Luna looking around. "There is no way in here." "Of course not." Chrysalis laughed. It was less scary this time "The commonly used loophole is you can get anyone else in the dream to alter the maze for you. The non-loophole way to pass the test is simply to figure out that there is no way to reach the center. Except now there is a third way." "The second loophole is to alter yourself without changing the maze." Said Luna "Yes, but I don't think anyone has ever done that." Chrysalis turned to look at me, smiling widely. "Oh what that simple act suggests." "Uh, yay?" "Now just one more little test and we're done. Fluttershy, be a dear and return to your own dream, because this construct is really mine." "Oh, okay." I said "Fluttershy." Began Luna "I think you should know that to remove yourself from another's dream, even if you were brought unwillingly, is exceedingly…" Then we were in a beautiful field full of flowers and all sorts of fuzzy little animals. It wasn't fair, but I did love them a little more than animals with scales and feathers and carapaces, and whatnot. Also bugs were so small they were very hard to hug. Well mostly. Most big bugs weren't normal animals anymore and super mean, but that giant caterpillar was nice. Luna stood there blinking for a minute. "Her attack would have failed." "Huh?" I asked "Had that been a real attack it would have failed." Luna's eyes went even wider. "Badly. Fluttershy, your mind is a fortress." "Oh yes, the unicorns helping me all said things like that, but I really don't think I'm that special. Though I guess if you think so they weren't just being nice." "We, are really not sure what to make of any of this." Then she shook her head. "Forget that for the moment." She looked down at me, right in the eyes. "Whatever you do, don't trust Chrysalis. The rest of the fey aren't much better, but never her." "You mean you're not really friends?" "We, are, I suppose. Technically she leant me some of her army, some of which I have yet to return, but this was when we were…" she sighed, looking away. "The Nightmare." I gulped. "Oh, so she's not a good pony?" "It's not that simple. I can't explain more. Thou should never trust anything she says. She seems to like you for whatever reason, and has plans for you so you are in little to no danger. However I may still may be her best friend even after a thousand year absence, but she still would not hesitate to take advantage of me if she could." "Oh my." "Yes. She is not all bad, just…" Luna paused. "Endlessly deceptive still seems far too lenient, but I can do no better. The worst part is that she will indeed tell the truth at times, but it's impossible to tell her countless lies from her honesty." "Uh, this sounds really bad. Maybe you can…" "You must face this on your own I'm afraid. If you feel you need help go to Wynn. The deer are friends of the fey, but not of them. That has been very useful at times for all involved. If needed, he can protect you." I smiled. "Thank you Luna." "Goodbye my little pony. I would wish you sweet dreams, but you need not my help. I had long wondered about that, but now I need not ask." I smiled and waved. Then she was gone. I then got comfortable and went to sleep in my field. It wasn't my only dream. It was some special dream that never went away. The unicorns helping me had a term for it but I forget what. To me it's just a nice place. > Facing Judgement > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity looked at Wynn, then back at Acorn. Sky and I were next to him, while Trixie and Rarity were near Acorn. Trixie was glaring, but not at anything in particular. We were in Wynn's field. "Trixie still doesn't understand why she should be left behind because the fabulous but not that skilled Rarity failed." "Yes, I must agree." Said Rarity "It isn't fair to Trixie for me to hold her back." Trixie blinked, then hugged Rarity. "You are Trixie's best friend ever. Trixie knows that was a dumb thing to say but…" "I really do lack your skills darling, and you did call me fabulous." "The point." Said Acorn "Is that perhaps you trying to help Rarity will also help with your own lessons." "I will teach you." Said Wynn. "In fact yesterday was more successful than I would have thought. But I was never who Fluttershy really needed to learn from. Also Silent Sky you may also benefit, but I can not be sure they will be willing." "As long as I can escort her I'm satisfied." "I would expect nothing else. I must take them myself this first time, and will be gone the day, but I am sure I will be free the remainder of your visit." "Trixie can't argue with that. I mean Trixie is great and powerful, but she is still just a mortal. Surely you know at least a trick or two even I don't." "Well in that case I will just have to keep trying to master this folding space nonsense without your generous aid. I fear my problem is simply large enough it will take a god to deal with it." Wynn frowned. "I like that term even less than Celestia. Calling me immortal is no issue, it is the truth but…" Rairty bowed. "So sorry. I meant no offence." "Of course not." He smiled. "Such talk still vexes me, regardless of intent. Now come, I do not wish this journey to take longer than it must. Follow quickly." Then he bounded off. I think he could have gone much faster, but it was still hard to keep up. I think Trixie and Rarity said something, maybe goodbye, but I wasn't sure. I had to fly to even have a chance, and if I didn't pass through the trees with my magic I don't think I would have been able to keep up. Wynn could have bounded through the trees the same way if he wished, but he never did. I never lost him though, and Sky was just a bit in front of me. I don't know how long it took but at some point Wynn suddenly stopped. Sky and I both landed next to him. It didn't look special at all, except there were a lot of trees around. "This is our destination?" asked Sky "Almost. Follow me closely." Wynn then slowly wove in-between the trees, his antlers getting incredibly close, but never getting caught. I really hoped I didn't have to do this every day. I'd never remember all of this. I didn't even know where we were in general. Then suddenly we were in a clearing full of bright sunlight on one side, and dark shadows on the other. I looked up and even the sky seemed to be divided, but there was no sun or moon. There were lights like in the rest of the white wood on the dark side, so it wasn't all dark. In the center was a ring of mushrooms and flowers. Wynn stepped around the ring, then stopped and turned around on the far side. "I Wynn of Cervidia stand here today as arbiter. Fluttershy of the pegasi of Equestria, step into the circle." "That is not a good idea." Said Sky "She doesn’t really have much choice." Said Chrysalis. "Sadly she's right." Said a new voice. It was a faint voice, hard to hear, but clear. Like a tiny bird's song. Chrysalis steeped out of the dark, a smile on her face. I then turned to other side and a tiny little pony came out. She was a pale grey with pale green hair. She had wings every color of the rainbow and to my amazement really was as tiny as she looked. Just like Chrysalis she had little antenna that stuck out of her head and even had a tiny little crown. Hers was made of polished wood with a few tiny green gems in it. She was also thin and spindly, almost like the breezies that sometimes came though Ponyville, but not quite as extreme. Her mane cascaded down over both eyes making it hard to be even sure they were there, much less what color they were. I think they might have been blue. Chrysalis's eyes were dragon like and green again. I wonder why they looked different in the maze last night? "Address the ring please." Said Wynn "Of course." Said the tiny pony. "I am Princess Vhispy Villow of the Everfree Breezies. I am here to represent the Glimmering Court." "Yes, yes." Said Chrysalis, waving a hoof. "And I Queen Chrysalis represent my people in the Shadowed Court. I stand here to represent both." Whispy blinked "That isn't right. You didn't say…" "I don't have to." "It is you." Said Sky "Yes. Tell my errant son hi for me. Oh, and while you're at it you could mention I don't even want to kill him anymore." She then laughed "What?" I then covered my mouth. "We come here today with a purpose." Said Wynn "The test must be administered." "The Glimmering court has already run our tests. Ve say…" "The Shadowed court as always accepts the validity of the goody two wings tests, and waives our right to challenge." Then Chrysalis blinked, focusing on Whispy for the first time since she arrived. "Wait, she passed them all right?" "Yes she passed but…" Chrysalis looked away again. "Then I don't care and neither does the shadowed court." "I vish to ask a concession. In the past the dark fey tests have been especially harsh. Ve would ask…" "Denied." "But I haven't even finished asking. Ve are willing to trade a concession if Fluttershy is given a certain amount of…" "Once again you light have missed something important. She passed." "You already gave her one of the tests?" "No, all of them, or equivalents. I left our little meeting yesterday because an opportunity, no matter how detestable the horridly mismatched source, presented itself. She passed, and a second test administered while she slept. Do you wish contest their validity?" "Uh, maybe." Whispy blinked. "She looks fine but…" "The princess of the moon, Luna of Equestria is one witness. Rarity and Trixie of Equestira, a pair of Unicorns witnessed Fluttershy stop the ursa." "I was there too." Said Sky "You don't count." Said Chrysalis "Because you're her sister." Said Whispy. "Sorry, but true. I am guessing ve don't wish to contest those vitnesses. So does that mean ve get to perform the ritual?" Wynn cleared his throat. "Any members of the shadowed court present may object, but as no others are here yes, you may both proceed." "Um, is this going to hurt?" I asked "I don't think so." Said Whispy. "If anything quite the opposite." Chrysalis smiled. "Though that's probably just a story." "Uh what do you mean by…" I began "By the court of Glimmering Summer." Said Whispy "By the court of Shadowed Winter." Said Chrysalis "I have a bad feeling." I muttered "By my authority as arbiter." Added Wynn "Be judged." All three said it as one. A bright light erupted from the ground below me, and that was it. I also felt a strange tickling sensation. Chrysalis was smiling, and Whispy probably was but was a little far away right now for me to be sure. "Uh, was that it?" Wynn nodded. "Yes. The ritual has completed and the mantle has been passed. Stand tall Fluttershy, queen of queens." Chrysalis gave a short bow. "The shadowed court delights in your rule." "The shimming court is pleased to serve you." The grass was very soft. > Waking Up > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke up in my cottage, Whispy hovering next to my face. When I opened my eyes she smiled. Then I frowned. "It wasn't a dream, was it?" She shook her head. "Sorry my queen, but no." "Uh, can't say no right?" She nodded. "Yes. Vorry not, I think you will make a great queen." "Uh, I could be wrong since I don't pay to much attention but Rarity talks about royalty a lot and, well…" "It is a fey quirk. Empress might be more accurate, but the fae are no empire, and most are not queens of nations, but of people. Such an oddity is minor compared to some things in the fey courts." "Okay, you've seen she's fine. Now get out of here you crazy dame." I looked around for the voice, but saw nothing. It was male and coarse, but something sounded really odd about it. It was like I was hearing it but at the same no one was talking at all. Whispy nodded. "Of course. You know her best, and I'll respect your position on this. However my queen vould do well to remember not to trust lightly." Then she flew away. "Uh, where are you exactly?" "Not telling you that yet. See we gotta get a few particulars all lined up nice and tidy first or things are going to go real bad for youse." "Oh my are you…" He sighed. "Ah mean you'll freak the hay out Shy. Now listen up. First off you seem to be answering me so youse can hear me right?" I nodded. "I can't see ya right now so ah need me a real answer, capiche?" "Oh, sorry. Yes, I can hear you. Why wouldn’t I be able to?" "Cause I been talking around you for years and youse ain't said a thing about it." "Oh my, I'm so sorry." I heard a little thump of some sort followed by a groan from under my bed. "Ugh, look. It ain't like that see? Right now if Pinkie came in here she…" He paused. "Okay, scratch that. That mare ain't a good example of normal, and that big orange enforcer ain't a good example right now either. At least she might not be." "Huh?" "Lets go wit Dash. That lame brain…" he paused. "Did you stop because you realized that wasn't a nice thing to say?" "Nah, it's not that. Let's just forget your friends and go with, say Cheerilee. Thing is if she came in here right now she would hear you yapping just fine, but would think I'm making normal animal noises." I got a huge smile on my face. "Oh my gosh? You're an animal and I can really talk to animals now." I took off, hovering just above my bed. "That's so amazing. I can't believe this. I mean I thought…" "Whoa." I stopped talking when he said that. "Okay, I guess it makes a bit of sense for youse to be really excited about that, but that ain't quite right. See right now I'm using fey speak. You ain't, but you probably could be." "Oh, so you're not really a cute little animal?" "That's sorta a judgement call there, and getting ahead of ourselves. Okay, so if Whispy used fey speak it would sound like a bunch of random animals making noises, but for less pony like fey it tends to focus on something specific." "Oh, but it's not really those noises it just sounds like it?" "Nah. Fey speak ain't exactly a language, it's more of a spell. Though it ain't no spell neither really. I so ain't some magic muckity muck, so don't go asking me bout no specifics. Wynn would be a good choice." "What about Chrysalis? She seems nice." "Yea, I ain't real clear on what she actually is, but I am pretty sure there ain't no such thing as blood flutterponies. Which means she's probably lying. So sure she seems nice, but it don't mean she is." "Oh." "Okay, now Shy the thing is Whispy is letting me deal with this cause I know you. You think you ready to see me? I'm under your bed right now, just using a little trick so you can't be too sure where I am." "Uh, I think so?" "Yea, that's about the best I'm getting." Then Angel came out from under my bed. For a while neither of us said or did anything. Then I swooped up angel in a big hug. Normally I like staying on the ground, especially inside, but I was just too excited. I just had to stay in the air. "Oh this is the best thing ever. You can talk back to me. Even though it's just you that's still so amazing and…" Angel put a paw up to my mouth. "Shy. Calm down. We gotta lot tah talk about, but I guess we're starting with this. I ain't really your pet." "Oh." I felt my ears droop. "I should put you down because you hate it and…" "Wait." He looked around. "Look, a little hug ain't no big thing, but it's more like Sparkle and that jerk Spike." I put Angel down and looked him in the eyes. "And what exactly is wrong with Spike." "It ain't something I can explain real easy, and we have way more important things to discuss, starting with what I am." "Oh, you're not really a bunny are you. The fey are tricksters in stories and…" "No, I am a bunny." He shook his adorable little bunny head. "I mean rabbit, but at the same time I ain't. I'm a Pooka." "I don't understand." "Okay, the not a rabbit thing is easy. In some ways I am a rabbit. I eat like, move like, and in lots of ways just am a rabbit. But in the same way that a phoenix is a bird, but just calling it a bird like all the rest don't quite work." "Oh. So you don't mind that I treated you like a rabbit?" He nodded. "Sure thing Shy. I am a rabbit, just a special one. Though when it comes down to I'm sorta special in the other sense when it comes to magic." "Huh, what do you mean?" He laughed, though his little mouth didn't move much. "Ah mean Pookas have quite a few tricks, but the main two are changing our size and turning invisible." "So Pookas are giant invisible rabbits?" "Sometimes yea. See now I'm good enough at the first, but I'm rotten at the second. Couldn’t hide myself if my life depended on it. It once did too I just got lucky. So since I was impaired I left the city and came out to the country." "Oh, and that's when I met you?" "There were a few more steps in there, but we can fill in the details laters. Now thing is all fey got some thing they have to do for one reason or another. For some it's for food, for others it's just a thing ya do, youse get me?" "Uh, maybe." "Okay. So thing is Pooka's are house spirits. We gotta clean and cook and whatnot for some pony. For me this was a bit of problem since most pony's think it's weird if they actually see a rabbit dusting the furniture." "Oh. So that's odd? But it's not just you it's…" "Yea, but that has way more to do with you than them. They don't really do it on their own it's just your thing. A fey thing I guess, or at least nature magic." I gasped. "You mean I'm forcing them to work when…" He shook his head. "It ain't like that. I mean you're making them able to do what you want them to, and they're happy to do it even if they don't understand nothing." I sat there for a while. I guess Angel was the only one that was so active when I wasn't around. I think he got the animals to help him clean sometimes, but I guess while they looked eager to help, they did only do things once I told them too. At least when it came to things like cleaning. It also made sense animals weren't normally quite as capable as the ones around me or we wouldn’t need to take care of them at all. "I'm a silly pony, aren't I?" "Nah, not really. It ain't like some fancy book writer is gonna think to mention that sorta thing, and you have evidence to the contrary. It ain't like there were a whole bunch of stuff up in the clouds." Then I blinked. "But wait, I don't think about it but if you can cook why is it you always beg me for food?" "Oh, that's another Pooka thing. See since I can't ask you if you don't give me something it's stealing and I can't do that. Usually it's just in the house, but your home extends outside. Now it's the whole glade, and a good bit of the Everfree too." "Why am I different?" "Ah dunno. I ain't no highborn fey. Yer special, that's enough for me. Being the high Queen just makes you even more special." He gave a little bow. "Yer majesty." "Oh, well, I guess that makes sense but why were you so, um, demanding?" He looked down, ears sagging. "Yea, see, about that. I figured you could use a bit of toughening up. Youse know what I mean. I'm sorry. Over time I got way carried away, and then I pushed you over the edge and…." I was hugging him again. "Oh it wasn't your fault Angel. I should have been more firm from the beginning. That way I would have said no to Iron Will to begin with." "It ain't your fault Shy, and you've apologized to me plenty even if it was. Now…" Angel pushed at me with surprising strength, for a rabbit, and I let him go. "We got other things to talk about." "Oh, you mean the fey?" "Yea. First thing, fey take oaths real serious, but don't trust a one of them." "Except you?" He shook his cute little head. "No, not even me. I ain't gonna try to get anything more than some fancy food out of ya, but the fey got some issues with morals. It varies from race to race, and fey to fey for that matter, but the short of it is trusting fey is dangerous business. Though you got it easy." "I do?" "Yes, see yer queen now. You have power over them. You can make them do what you want somehow. I never used to have clue how that could work but…" I went wide eyed. "Oh my you think that…" "Yea, maybe some of that ain't just you being fey. Though I know some other stuff a little clearer. They can't try to hurt you, or even do anything that might hurt you. No, the main problem, is the problem all queens got. They'll want things from you." "You mean like bits?" He shook his head. "That is far too simple for the fey, some loot is probably yours by right, but the really important stuff is magical junk and whatnot. The big one is favor. As in one of their plans requires your help in some sorta way, or maybe just you not mucking it up for them which you can do real easy like, see?" "This sounds kind of scary." "Yea, well it gets worse. Youse gotta figure out your powers before you can even think of keeping them in line. That's why after we're done here I'm gonna take you to Whispy's village in the Everfree and you are gonna get some more training." "Oh." "Second really important thing is you are gonna hate the two courts more and more the better you understand them." "Hate?" "Yea, trust me on this. Hate reflects hate though, that's just the way it is. Point is you're going to want to do something. Don't. The courts are older than old and unless you're real careful they'll grind you down. There are worse things than mere death." I gulped. "Oh my." "But as bad as it is it also ain't really that important, and maybe even for the best. I'm just a simple unaligned lowborn Pooka so I sure don't know fer sure either way, but unless you're really sure you get them, don't go meddling." "Unaligned? Lowborn?" "It's a caste thing. It's complicated and sorta meaningless really, though the highborn pooka sure think otherwise. Unaligned means I ain't put my lot in with either court." "What are they like?" "The dark will stab you in the back if you let them. They might actually be sad about it. The light will smile at you as they stab you in the chest because they're following their accursed rules." I blinked. "Uh, what?" "Nevermind." He shook his head, ears flopping about. So adorable. "The best way to really get a feel is ask each side what they're about, and why they think the other side is wrong. That should give you a clear enough picture." "Uh, okay." "What else." He tapped his foot. "Oh, oaths. Be really careful about oaths. Not just if they ask you to make a promise, but if they promise you something." "Um, Angel, this is really bad, isn't it?" He laughed. "It might be stressful, but you gotta understand something here Shy. A lot of the most dangerous things will now not only never think of harming you, but bow down if you ask them too." "Oh, so, more power." I sighed "Yay." "I think that literally could not have been less enthusiastic." I hung my head. "I'm sorry." "Kid, I ain't the sort to do it without some serious push, but that includes me. This is confusing and there are lots of mistakes you can make, but in the end no one can ever force you to do anything ever again if you don't want." I whimpered. "Okay, look. Lets take this one step at a time. I think I'm done fer now, so lets just go." "Uh. Okay." Angel then hopped away just like always. But everything was different. I don't understand this at all. I don't know how to feel. What do I say, what do I do, what does all of this really mean? > Breezyville > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was so cute. It was a tiny little village in the branches of a huge tree. Well it was probably more like three or four grouping together in an oddly unnatural way. It wasn't obvious from the ground, or even higher up, but from here it was. It looked just like a little Ponyville, except the roofs were mostly mushrooms, and I think all the houses were made of just painted wood. Also the buildings all had little porches since it wasn't really solid ground beneath them. Then I blinked. There was a town hall, a boutique, even a sugar cube corner. They didn't look exactly the same, the boutique was mostly a reddish brown instead of white, but I could make out a few landmarks. I turned to Whispy next to me. "Why does…" "Ve visit Ponyville a lot. Some of us really liked some of the buildings." "Oh. Uh, okay but…" "I told you she might think it's creepy." Said a voice from nowhere "It's not creepy." "I still can't believe our queen is friends with the pink giant of ultimate sweetness." I looked around. I couldn't see anypony. I know they're small but they sound really close. Then I noticed some weird bits of fuzzy distortion around me. I focussed on one in front of me and could make out some sort of form, though not the colors. "Oh my, you can turn invisible." I said "Not invisible as we thought apparently." "She is the high queen, it only makes sense." "Oh um." I looked back to Whispy. "Uh, Princess Whispy…" "No." she said. "I'm not your superior so you can't use my title unless you're introducing me. It's just Vhispy or Villow, or the whole thing." "Sorry." I said "It's okay, you don't really have to listen since you're high queen, and it's a minor rule so my punishment is relatively minor." I blinked. "Your punishment, but I'm the one that made a mistake." She shook her head. "No you didn't. You're my superior. Thus you can't make a mistake. So obviously it must have been my fault." "I don't understand." "Don't worry, it's really very minor. In fact with a little luck the injuries won't even leave me bedridden for more than a day." I went wide eyed. "Oh no, I'm so sorry. Please, I don't want anything to happen to you." She smiled widely then hugged my hoof. "Oh thank you great queen. You truly are as kind as to be expected to waive my punishment like that." "Oh, uh, you're welcome." I suddenly had some idea what Angel meant about rules. I also remembered some stories mommy used to tell me about the yokai. She told me most yokai are really fae, just like my favorite butterfly winged doll when I was really little. I think she was even almost the same size as Whispy, though unlike the Breezies my doll didn't have antenna, just the wings. This reminded me of something important. "Vhat is it my queen? You look as if you want to ask something." "Uh, well, how am I queen of the fey? I mean there's a lot I don't understand but well I'm not even fey so…" She shook her head. "Oh, no you certainly are. You are certainly the only foundling ever to reach a high position, but after the tests there can be no doubt. You are the high queen and any foolish enough to doubt should cower before your vrath." "Oh, my." Whispy was still smiling. "Does that answer your question." "Um, not really. Maybe if you told me what a foundling was." "Oh, of course. It means you have fey blood strong enough to considered a true fey. The term comes from the fact you must be found, as neither parent is fey, but for vhatever reason your bloodline suddenly presents itself." "Oh, and Sky already knows this?" "I expect so. Though obviously she barely counts. Especially compared to you. Most other fey can't even see though our veil." I gulped. That sounds like this could really easily be another discussion about how powerful I should be, or the terrifying things I can do, or something else like that. Then I had a really good idea how to change the subject. I also smiled brightly, since it would be really nice. "Can you teach me to do that?" I asked "Vhat?" "To turn invisible. So no one can see me. That would be nice. It doesn't matter how big and scary something is if it can't see you." Vhispy nodded. "Yes, it's what we're most proud of. The breezy veil is the best in the known world." "Uh about that, I have been reading about breezies since a few years ago when they came though, well not exactly though but…" Whispy rolled her eyes. "Ugh, those fools. Yes they actually remember our language, and we don't but they did just about everything else wrong." "Bunch of pathetic little weaklings who can't even fly on their own." "That fancy realm of theirs is way to nice on them." "Plus they don't even remember how to hide." "Yea, those gust breezies are just plain pathetic." "That wasn't very nice." I said "Sorry my queen" they all said "I believe the proper retribution is…" Then Whispy blinked "Oh wait, no according to the rules even though you're a superior talking about the fools has no inherent punishment. Do you wish to add one my queen?" "No, but I'd still like you to be nicer." I said "But those weaklings are…" "Uh, so would you like to teach me to hide like a breezy?" I smiled "I vould love to." Whispy then sighed and looked down "But uh it's not really teachable. I am sorry, but it just cannot be done." "Oh." I sighed. "That would have been nice. I mean not just for monsters either. It would be really nice if the next time I'm trying to hide from Dash because she thought up some fun thing that's only fun for her I could actually disappear." "Hmmm, maybe I could at least teach you to be invisible." Said Whispy "Yea, it's not as good as our ability to hide, but that could still be useful." Said one of the invisible breezies. Whispy nodded. "Yes, that might be possible, but ve should probably focus on other things first. Invisibility spells are tricky." "Oh yes." "Very true." "Okay. So what am I learning first?" I smiled "Well a simple size changing spell of course. It will be more convenient for everypony, and it's an important lesson too. I'll start by just casting one on you if you'll allow it." "Oh you don't need to ask for my permission." "She means if you're not open to it, it won't work." Said a random voice "And the shivering suggests you might not be totally ready." Added Whispy "Cast it. Please." I smiled widely. I was still shaking a little, but not much. They seemed so nice, and were clearly trying to help me. It was silly to be scared, but I couldn't help it. Whispy's antenna lit up and then really suddenly I was tiny just like Whispy. She was staring at me. "I vas not expecting that." Said a breezy nearby "They're so beautiful." "But it was just a shrinking spell?" said a third voice "Vhy did your wings change?" asked Whispy I turned around and now I had a big set of fairy wings. They were mostly blue, with pink as a secondary color, and little bit of yellow, black, and white. They were so pretty, the way the light filtered though them as I flapped. > Breezy Palace > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Shy, I knows you can't help it, but youse gotta try fainting less." I blinked. I still had the wrong wings, and now Angel looked giant. The room was nice, even if lots of it seemed to be the crafty sort of stuff Rarity didn't like. Personally I think the pincushion made a lovely seat for the stool, and the cut down apple barrel that housed my bed looked very nice. It had been cut with wavering lines, sanded, and then coated in some sort of varnish. Some of the furniture looked more normal but I got the feeling all of it was from found materials. I was looking at Angel, then I smiled. "Oh, you're not big, I'm just small." I then giggled "Yea Shy. See Willow figured taking you to the palace was a good idea since youse weren't really hurt or nothing. Even undid the spell once to check." I looked back at my pretty fairy wings. "Uh…" "Yea, thing is it wasn't some weirdness of the spell, but something you're doing. Even when you ain't awake. Second you're the right size, bam, breezy style." "You mean my wings change?" He shook his head. "No bossmare it's way more than that. Right now as far as anypony can tell, other than no antenna of course, you is a breezy. They know you ain't, but they can't tell otherwise." I blinked. "Oh my. That's very strange." "Not exactly. Way we figure it there is some fey out there that can do the same. We ain't sure youse got the skills of all the other fey, but we're guessing a lot." "So what can do that?" He looked away. "Yea, see that's the problem right there. We don't got no clue." "That sounds dangerous." Angel nodded. "A little but it ain't new. Fey love their secrets and most do a real good job keeping them. We pooka figure there at least seven types of fey on each side posing as another type of fey entirely." "Applejack is going to hate me, isn't she?" I felt my head droop "If you ended up like the other queens yea. But you ain't like that kid so forget that. Also I'm a little more sure that in the end if any of the other queens and kings, there ain't a lot of kings though, try to push ya, they're gonna find out you ain't the one moving." "Huh?" "Don't matter none. Now come on, Willow wants to see you in da throne room, and while I was going to give you a few more hours to wrap your head around me being a pooka we both know how things went when I left you alone with her." I stood up, hanging my head. "I'm sorry. It's, just…" "Yea, yea. Whatevers bossmare. Lets get going." I nodded and then followed him out of the room and down the hallway. His little hop was only slightly less cute close up. The whole place was carved. None of the other buildings looked like they had been carved, so it was probably something special for the palace. Then I gasped. "Oh my, do I need a new house?" "It wouldn't hurt, but the grove is more likely to impress than anything ponies could build. Now a palace grown in the deer style though, that could turn some heads." "A whole palace. Oh my I don't think…" "Then don't worry about it none. Stuff ain't really the point, it's all about power. You got that in spades, more than most of those two bit queens could ever dream of." "Oh." I sighed. "Yea, you should try not to do that in front of no fey. They might think you're weak and that would just make things worse. Probably more for them than you, but you might not like it much neither if you gotta show em what's what." "Eeep." I stopped to cower. I thought this all sounded scary before, but now I might have to fight somepony, or something? I feel bad that I just let the others fight things when it comes up, but I don't think I could handle really fighting something. I still don't understand how I could possibly act the way I do when I lose control. What Discord did to me was the worst. I was so evil. "Look they can't hurt you Shy, but pain ain't the only thing they can do to youse. I'll try to head off what I can, but that's why we gotta get this show on the road." "So I can fight?" "So you can convince them all nice like not to fight. A little show of power and nothing is gonna think to cross youse." "Uh, okay, I guess." I followed Angel down the rest of the hall which led into a large room with a ceiling made of broken glass all stuck together somehow. It wasn't quite stained glass because the pieces were so uneven and lots of them stuck out in strange ways. Or maybe that does still count? It was a scene of breezies in a forest. It was probably important somehow, but I couldn't see how or why. The throne was a golden flower with a big cushion in the center of the petals. One of the petals made up the back, but it didn't go very high so her wings had plenty of room. Whispy smiled. "Hello again high queen. You like the ceiling?" I nodded. "Oh yes. It's beautiful. I have a question. Why does everything seem to be made of well…" "Whatever is lying around? A custom of our people. We don't really have to do it, but it fits with our belief. This throne is one of the few things in Breezyville to be entirely crafted from scratch, and even it was made from found materials." "Breezyville?" Angel laughed. "Yea, youse seen how it looks." "We don't usually form villages with such a level of structure, and the inspiration is obvious, so we figured a similar name as well once we decided one was called for." She smiled. "Of course if you object we can change it, especially since the Everfree has now been bestowed upon you." "Oh no, it's fine. I didn't see any big building like this though. Is this really in town? She shook her head. "Not really. It's special. A deer molded the basic shape of a tree to our needs. From the outside it looks normal until you get to the top. That's also where the main entrance is. It lets you come almost strait into the throne room." "There is an underground entrance too." Said Angel "It's well hidden and I'm probably the only one that ever uses it." "Not quite, but yes, we breezies rarely use it. The actual town is a notable distance south of here, closer to your home. Though it is no great trek either." "So lets get down to business princess. The bossmare needs some combat training." I gulped. "Uh, could we maybe not. I don't want to hurt anyone." Whispy blinked, staring at me. Angel laughed. "That ain't quite what I meant Shy. We gots to get you up to speed with magic see? So ah meant combat spells." "Oh my, that sounds worse. I mean training with daddy and mommy was sort of fun, it's just afterward that…" "Yea, yea. I know." "Would you stop that." Said Whispy "I have been giving you leeway here but she is the high queen and…" "You're the one that don't get nothing. Bossmare, you'd be more upset if I started treating you like some sorta prissy queen, right?" His little ears drooped again. "Wait, I ain't going to far again am I? Cause you say the word and I'll grovel like a good little mook." "Oh no, it's okay. It's still odd you're talking but other than that it's, comforting." I smiled. It was still weird. But so was fighting the spirit of chaos and the avatar of the moon. Or all this weird magic stuff. There was also that thing with that red duck with horns, though he wasn't nice enough once you got to know him. Cerberus suddenly breaking free like that. He's such a good dog usually. Weirdest of all was being a supermodel. So much attention and I barely even did anything. It was also really scary, though not quite as bad as facing Nightmare Moon and Discord before we gave all his powers to the crusaders. Of course there is all the weird things they do too. I blinked. "Wait, am I less scared of the unknown because of my friends too?" "Moving on." Said Whispy "Clarify your stance Sir Rabbit." "I mean specifically what nature is best at. Spells that disable and constrict, without actually harming. Also right behind some physical defense spells." I smiled "Oh, that doesn't sound bad at all." "Of course nature does have some dangerous attack spells, even if they are not flashy as fireballs and lightning." Whispy nodded "Poison can be especially deadly, and if done right your opponent might not even realize they have been effected." I froze. "Ugh." Angel face pawed. "Willow you're a stand up dame, and I know you, and know you like Fluttershy, so why in the name of the great mother are you being this dense?" "Vhat?" "I mean do you really think the bossmare cares at all about having more ways to hurt anything? Methods to make sure things can't hurt her she wants, but more than anything she doesn't want to hurt them in return. Kindness, hello." Whispy blinked. "Oh." She was then in front of me on her knees. "I'm so sorry your majesty. Please don't…" "Oh come on." Yelled Angel while at the same time rolling his adorable little eyes. "Kindness. She isn't like any of the others queens. Heck she's actually nicer than your moms and you know how much I like her. Shy is what we actually need rather than what we tend to get." "Vhat?" Whispy and I echoed, well almost echoed. It was the same word really. "Forget that. I'll just let you think for a bit. Come on Shy, there is one thing I might be able to teach you and if it works it make things easier all around." "Uh, okay?" "Size magic. Never tried to teach it, and I certainly can't teach you how to cast it on others like the mooks around here, but right now we might as well give it a shot." He then hopped out of the throne room. Whispy just sat there, staring at me. I looked between them not really sure what to do. "Oh." Said Whispy "Uh, should I go or…" I began "I think I get it." Whispy then smiled "Could you order me to treat you as an equal?" "What?" "Please, it vill help." "Well, okay, it would be really nice if you could treat me like an equal, unless that's too much trouble. I don't mind if you treat me as even less than that if…" She started, falling backwards on her rump, her wings now crunched against the floor. "Oh I could never do that. Especially if he's right and…." She trailed off "And what?" "Kind and powerful. I knew it but never considered. The undeniable power that allows one to never relent in kindness. To give even your most hated enemies mercy because you can afford to." "I'm, just going to go." I then flew after Angel as quickly as I could. It was only after I was catching up to him I realized I was using wings I never had before like I had them all my life. Why does everything have to be so complicated and scary? > More training, more lies > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Harry was fine with it. I thought it looked uncomfortable, and he was obviously, but clearly not that much. I would still try to think of something extra nice I could do for him. The bear was wrapped quite securely in smooth vines, unable to escape. He really did try his hardest, I could tell. Whispy clapped her hooves together. I was still normal size, even though Angel tried so hard to teach me the size changing spell I never got it quite right. Meeting in front of the normal looking tree that was actually the palace was fine though. "Excellent work. For only a few days you're made amazing progress." "Well Acorn was a good teacher and this all seems to just, well…" Whispy laughed. "Flow naturally? Of course." "It's not really that impressive though, is it?" She shook her head. "Oh no, it really is. If Sir Rabbit was here he could confirm it. No I have never heard of anyone with such natural aptitude." "I'm sure Twilight could do better if she tried." "I could be wrong, but I would guess the princess' student would have an especially hard time with nature magic still. At this point I'm sure she could learn, but not easily as you." "Well, if you say so." I smiled a little. "I guess this is really easy." Harry gave a grumbling little roar. "Oh, so sorry. I can let him free now right?" Whispy nodded. My butterflies appeared and when they touched the vines they receded into the dirt. Harry then stood up, nodded, and walked off. Then Chrysalis walked into the small clearing. She looked the same almost, but didn't have a dress this time, just her pretty silver crown. For a second her eyes were blue again but then they went back to those green snake like eyes that made her look so exotic. Snake eyes used to bother me a little since they reminded me of dragons, but ever since I asked that dragon to leave I've been able to look snakes in the eyes. It always felt rude since snakes aren't like dogs where looking them in the eye means something specific. "I have managed to free up some time in my busy schedule and I'm in the area, so…" "You are?" Whispy and I asked at the same time. "Yes, I'm staying in Castle Everfree. My kind doesn't really have a proper home you see, and obviously the shadowed court wanted some info ahead of time, and an opportunity I just can't pass up came about so I'm staying at least a while longer." "What exactly do you mean?" asked Whispy "Oh nothing important really. My people have always had some issues with getting enough food, but very soon that won't be a problem." "Oh my, that sounds horrible. Were your people really starving?" I asked "Not starving no. It varies, but since I've been queen we've managed fairly well, but never really a comfortable level." I smiled "But you fixed it. You're a good queen, aren't you?" Chrysalis laughed. "I suppose, though good applies to me in few other ways." Then her expression got more stern. "But yes, my people are everything to me, and there is little I would not do for their sake." Whispy gulped. "Uh, what exactly do you eat?" Chrysalis waved a hoof. "Oh this and that, not even worth mentioning really. Come now Fluttershy. The way I see it since they had you all to yourself for a while I should get my turn now." Whispy's eyes went wide. "You knew?" "And I know about forest breezies and fairness." "We follow the true way not…" "Yes, yes, not the others. Don't care. The point is we were supposed to help her together. Of course you didn't have to tell me where she is but now…" Whispy hung her head. "I have to agree. Be careful my queen." I blinked. "Wait, you mean you lied to me?" "Not lied, just neglected to mention Wynn's suggestion. And I neglected to tell Chrysalis exactly where you were. It was surely for the best. The dark can't be trusted." "Can any of the fey be trusted?" I asked "None entirely that I'm aware of." Said Whispy "Though some can be with specific things, and all of us take oaths seriously. Though that has it's own problems." "It varies from race to race a great deal. You can trust my loyalty to you for instance, but very little else. However a good liar is just what you need high queen." I just stood there, not sure what to say. I really wish I could write or talk to somepony, but everyone is elsewhere. Even Applejack went somewhere. I don't want to bother Celestia since apparently she's really worried about some attack. Then I suddenly had a really good idea. "I should talk to Luna." "What? Why Luna? What about?" Chrysalis' eyes wouldn’t quite stay still "Oh, well this fey thing. I have to talk to somepony and…" Chrysalis smiled, calming down. "Are you sure you wouldn't rather talk to Rarity?" "But she's…" "Where I was planning to return you. I'm a bit busy right now to teach you myself, but Ice is a very talented pony when it comes to magic. Thorax will also be there." She sighed. "Hopefully since this is basic magic he might prove himself useful." "And I can talk to Rarity." I smiled. "Oh wait, can we go get Angel first." "A pooka can be a surprisingly good bodyguard, and I approve of your choice. And of course we can. Whatever you desire high queen." Then we were outside my house with a green flash. Now that I think of it this is much better. Luna said she would always have time for one of her saviors, but now that I think of it she should be busy right now in Cavernia negotiating with the bat ponies there. Besides Rarity knows so much about royalty and understands politics really well. She can probably help me a lot. I get the feeling Luna may be a princess but she really doesn't understand that sort of thing well, and not all of it is just her being gone so long. Though I am a little curious about why Chrysalis doesn't want me to talk to Luna, but it seems rude to ask. Also it didn't seem to bother her in the dream. Why would in pony be worse? It's probably nothing. So I can just let it be and not confront either of them in any way shape or form. > Fakers > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity was still repeating the same word over and over again. I think she heard everything, but I wasn't sure. Trixie said she was bored and started reading some book with odd runes on the cover, but every so often she looked up. Sky just nodded silently every so often. She always listened, closer than most ponies even, but she was always very hard to read. I had no idea why she nodded at the points she did but I'm sure she had a reason each time. The large cushions in what seemed to be a reading room of our boarding house were very comfy, so I almost fell asleep a few times. Angel had fallen asleep curled up next to me. "I see." Sky nodded. "You've already heard this a few times, but it does bear repeating. Do not trust the fey. The glimmering court is hardly better than the shadowed. And in no way should you trust Chrysalis. I can't tell you all the ways she is lying to you, but they are many." "Queen." Rarity slumped forward, eyes finally returning to focus. "It's just not fair. To either of us really." "What exactly does that mean?" Asked Sky, eyes narrowing slightly. "Are you saying you deserve to be queen more than she?" Rarity gasped and recoiled, returning upright again. "Of course not, but really, first Pinkie who while far more fit to lead a nation than expected is, well…" "Quirky?" I asked "To say the least. Oh you were not there for the duration but she was an absolute…" Rarity paused, and looked at Sky "…terror, yes that the best word in this case." "You can use the word nightmare. That does not offend." Said Sky "I see. The point is not even the princesses could keep her entirely under control. She may be capable of being responsible, but not for an entire country." Sky nodded. "So you believe Fluttershy…" "Is capable of good judgement, but for a shy creature like your dear sister just meeting various leaders will be stressful, not to mention that they are clearly a duplicitous lot with strange ways she can easily get wrong." "Oh my." I started to shiver a little "Then of course there is the matter of the sheer complexity of interactions. I mean if the nobles of the fey are anything like the Canterlot aristocracy there will be countless plots both major and minor, and you will be expected to keep the peace." "Oh my." I was outright shaking now. "They're far worse." Said Sky "I don't know much personally, but Luna knew something of the fey courts. They are worse in all ways, and far more likely to attempt to kill to achieve their goals. Not always each other, but something will suffer." "How dreadful." Rarity shook her head. "This is just what I mean. Political intrigue is just not her forte, and of course there is also the matter that I doubt all the fey is pretty fairy ponies and magical rabbits." "Yes, many were called nightmare beasts not just because they served Nightmare Moon once, but because they were terrors to behold." "T-t-t-terrors?" I was then curled up in a ball. I had been trying not to worry. I mean it was new and scary, but it was even worse than I thought. The worst part was when I let them down it sounded like ponies, or at least pony like things, would be hurt. Then I started to cry. Or animal like things. Even if they did do it themselves being mean it would still be my fault. "I'm such a bad queen." "I believe we should have been paying more attention to our discussion." Said Rarity "I agree." Added Sky "Shy, listen up." Said Angel, clearly awake again. "You ain't even tried nothing yet, and depending on your point of view see, you might want to be a bad queen." "Huh?" I blinked "What do you mean Angel?" "I mean one of the more beloved fey queens is so loved cause she iced a whole city of pegasai. Then her people shattered them into tiny bits." "Oh." I said "Odd." Said Sky "Yes, it's rather obvious he is talking in some manner now that I'm looking for it, and the responses are a bit more clear than when Fluttershy talks to most animals." "So yea, that's why I said you gotta wait a bit. Also the whole point of that test is both sides were sick of high queens that didn't really have the power to keep the fey in check and just being another piece in the game so both agreed to remove the position from the equation." Angel laughed. "In fact both courts are probably gonna be real mad Whispy and Chrysalis gave you the go ahead." "That's bad, isn't it?" I asked "It ain't good, but the fey ain't exactly fast movers neither. They probably ain't gonna do nothing for at least a year, and probably decades. Take the time, they ain't running things so great right now but it's been running that way for centuries so it can wait." "Oh." I sat up and hugged Angel. "Thank you Angel, you're such a good bunny." "Yea, yea. Look, just cut it with the hugs in front of the other dames okay?" "Sorry." I let him go. "I feel much better now. It's still scary but…" "Just focus on yer training. That should help. The more you know about what youse can do the better." I nodded. "Okay." "Is he finished?" asked Rarity "Oh yes. Right Angel?" He nodded, and yawned. "Yea, I'm done. Now lets all get some shuteye." "Good idea. It is late." Rarity yawned. "I think I got the general idea that time." "Yes, it's best I turn in too. I need to keep watch on those two, she paused, fakers tomorrow." She smiled slightly "Good, I wasn't sure if that was vague enough. I don't think they're actually going to try anything, but the queen has some plan for you and it isn't clear what it is. I can't let my guard down." "Queen Chrysalis seems well mannered and certainly has a sense of style. It's those two ruffians in her employ that worry me." "I wish I could explain more, but I can't. Just be alert. That's the best we can do for now." She sighed. "The best we can do." Sky then walked off. I sighed. It was so clear she really wanted to tell me. Magic can be so scary sometimes. It's worse when it's your magic you're scared of. Rarity smiled and got up, probably heading to the bathroom. She spent a lot of time in there. I know all the things she does well enough but it always seemed strange to me. I just wash my hair regularly and brush it at least once a day but she always compliments me on it even though I don't any of the things she does. I don't think I'll ever understand fashion as well as she does. > Begining of a lesson > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Angel hated Thorax. He didn't like Ice either, but Angel was so bad I left him with Sky. They would just spend all our practice time glaring at the purple winged ponies, but Angel always focused more on Thorax. In fact most animals seemed to instantly dislike him for some reason. It was like his special talent was offending animals. Thorax was so sweet to me and other ponies too. Ice was nice too though she seemed really frustrated with Thorax sometimes. The two black flutterponies were the two with the queen earlier. Except their wings changed to match her purple monarch wings, but they looked the same otherwise and seemed to recognize us. Maybe she left them in this area this whole time? The black flutterponies both had that almost too perfect look to them. Rarity was training with Wynn just like Trixie, but today we were all together. For some reason the flutterponies refused to enter the village, so we were always outside it somewhere. I wasn't sure why it's not that dangerous what they're teaching. Angel and Sky were sitting a good distance away glaring at the blood flutterponies in silence just like I asked them if they wanted to stay. "Illusion." Said Ice "While not our greatest skill…" "Which is…" Began Thorax Ice smacked him hard, then glared down at him. "One thing. One thing we're supposed to hide and you can't do that?" "One thing, I thought that was that we eat…" Ice shoved her hoof in his mouth. "Okay fine, it's two. Back to the point, illusion." Trixie scoffed. "Trixie needs no instruction from the likes of you. Trixie knows more than any hole fillies garble metzer mash." She blinked. "The forgetful and embarrassed Trixie for a moment did not consider the annoying geas." "I still don't understand what either of you do." Said Rarity. "Especially you Ice. You call yourself an artist, but I cannot figure what you actually design." "I told you looks. Like whole body looks, everything from hair to dresses to cu…er." "Cuticles?" I asked "I sincerely doubt that." Said Rarity "While good hygene is important to look your best, it isn't really a matter of design." "Cute, mar, er masks." Thorax nodded. "Yea, cute masks, you know, if needed." Ice face hooved. "How in the world are you the smartest one in the hive I will never understand. I agree with the queen there must be something wrong with your DNA somehow. There just has to be." Thorax smiled. "Nope, I'm just that smart. The biomancers even confirmed it." "I still can't believe they actually did." "Perhaps we should actually get to the lesson?" asked Rarity "The great and powerful Trixie will repeat that she needs no help." "Well that's not why you're here." Ice sighed "You're here because you two are good at illusions and I could use the help explaining this." "Hey, I helped." Said Thorax She nodded. "Yes, I still don't understand how, but somehow, you need to think more fluffy, was the right advice to help the high queen with the flower color changing spell yesterday. Somehow." Then there was a green glow and Thorax looked like Celestia. Well for a second, then it faded being a faint image hiding Thorax. It was only then I suddenly realized there was some sort of image over his eyes too. "Wait, does that mean you hide your real eyes but I can see them?" "Trixie would hide those horrible green things too if she had them." "I think they're interesting. I have some lovely dress ideas to accent them actually." "They can all see thorough the glamour?" asked Thorax Ice nodded. "Well that's not good." She then shook her head. "I mean that's not good cause that's great. Saves me a whole bunch of time." "I guess but doesn't this mean that…" Began Thorax Ice's horn lit up and with a green flash Thorax's mouth vanished. "Oh look at that, your mouth sealed up for no reason. Sorry, I gotta cut this short for now, don't want the poor little guy to suffocate. We'll be back in the afternoon." Then she was gone, flying away carrying Thorax by one leg. We all just stared at them leaving. What was that about? Trixie then stood and smiled. "Forget those fools. Trixie thinks we haven't really had time to share what we've learned. Trixie suddenly has free time so let us share." "Let me guess." Said Sky, walking closer. "You first?" "Of course not. Save the best for last after all. Trixie is sure you should go first, but isn't sure beyond that. The skilled and knowledgeable Trixie of course has learned so little it won't be that impressive as her full skill set, so perhaps Fluttershy right after Trixie?" "I have been making progress." Said Rarity, then sighed. "Yes, but Trixie is also aware you have precious little to show for it." Angel rolled his eyes. "Oh like you're really doing much better you egotistical blue palooka. Fluttershy is a pegasus and more great and powerful than you." "That sounded hostile." Said Sky Trixie turned to Sky, seeming to look at Angel on her head. "Now you listen here you second rate pooka. Trixie is sick of you insulting her, Trixie doesn’t care…" "Youse can understand me?" Angel asked "Of course the talented and genius Trixie can understand you. Now you listen to Trixie and listen close. Trixie…" "What?" Angel and I echoed. Trixie rolled her eyes. "Trixie would think with such large ears…" "Trixie." Said Rarity. "I believe you are missing the point. While you called it boring, there were several interesting and important points raised when Fluttershy explained everything. Most pertinent is Angel being more than he appears." "But she never used the word pooka." Added Sky "And she also mentioned that he is using fey speak." "Trixie knows that. She also understands it. Trixie admits she can't speak it herself, but the magical principals behind it aren't that complex." "So youse can just hear me without even no fancy spell. Like the fey themselves?" "Of course. Trixie knew that those weird noises sounded too much like a conversation, and she proved it. Trixie really did have gremlins in her wagon. Trixie is not sure exactly how she figured it out, but not all genius can be easily explained." "This is, odd." Rarity shook her head. "I mean Pinkie's our friend and this is still odd. To think Angel is as intelligent as any pony." Angel laughed. "I wouldn’t say any pony." He turned to Trixie. "But there are sure a few even little unimportant me beats paws down in the brains department." "Angel bunny, that was rude. Apologize." I glared at him Trixie turned up her nose. "Don't bother rodent. Trixie has no need of anything from you, especially not forgiveness." "Trixie." Sky and I said at the same time. Sky was much louder. "Good, cause I sure ain't giving you one." "Angel Bunny, no. You will apologize." Angel twitched. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it at all, you have lots of faults but you seem to be a smart enough dame." Trixie and I both just stared. Sky and Rarity just looked confused. Then I suddenly got what I just did. I flew over and grabbed Angel off Sky's head and hugged him tight to my chest. "Oh Angel, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to do that to you I just…" "That weren't your power, least not exactly. Or at least not what yer thinking of. It's you being high queen and me being fey. That's all it was." "But I still didn't mean to. Oh Angel I…" "Boo." I screamed. I dropped Angel and tried to fly away but the pony was still right there. Then I realized it was just Sky. She looked a little dizzy now, and was sticking halfway out of my shadow. I blinked. Rarity smiled. I felt a lot calmer already, but was still hyperventilating a little. "As you can see dear, your sister has made excellent progress with a not so little trick. Shadow walking seems very versatile even if right now her range is very short." Sky flew out of my shadow. "But I'm getting better. It's too bad Luna is so far away. She's a master at it according to her journals." "Oh yes it is very far, isn't it?" I said "It seems like the nation of the bat ponies should at least be near Equestria." "Hmmm?" Rarity, titled her head. "Oh, I just wanted to talk to somepony about all this." "Sorry I could not be more help." Said Rarity "I really wish I could at least explain about Chrysalis but I just can't." added Sky "I wish I had more advice darling, but sadly at the moment I have no advice to offer beyond don't panic. That is the one thing I'm sure won't help." "Are you really sure?" I asked "Positive. Now, lets see if I can at least show off enough you can tell." Rarity walked over to some trees. She passed behind them and at the end of a row of five vanished then she came out from behind the first. I clapped and Trixie did the same. Angel and Sky followed a moment later. I don't think Angel was making much noise, but it was really cute. "The great and powerful Trixie shall now dazzle you with…" "One thing. Pick one thing." Said Sky Trixie rolled her eyes. "Fine, Trixie will limit herself, after all Rarity learned more than one thing as well, and we wouldn't want to be unfair to you." "Oh my, does that mean I can only show you all one thing? I don't know what to choose and I…" "Trixie does not what to hear it. Your sister made the rule so we all must follow it to be fair. Trixie will show you her best new spell." I tried to pay attention but I was just so worried. Oh what if I chose the wrong thing and upset Rarity or Sky. Rarity seems a little jealous even though her magic is getting stronger too when ever she talks about how much power I have she gets this odd look I don't like. Wait, could I upset Angel somehow? So much pressure. > A day with a full lesson > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I couldn’t help but notice Thorax and Ice looked a little different each day. Mostly little details, but they never looked exactly the same. I was confused by what that meant. Angel said fey can change shape, but I thought it was just like the breezies who can briefly become normal pony sized versions of themselves so they could buy snacks. At least that seemed to be the only reason the breezies ever mentioned using it for. Ice seemed to be in a much better mood today. Sadly it was just me with Sky and Angel glaring from the side of the small clearing. Ice smiled "Okay, this I think should actually be easy for you." "Or super difficult." Added Thorax "But it shouldn’t be." Said Ice. "The queen is nearly certain you're a natural shapeshifter, and we shouldn’t have any trouble teaching you." "At least the basics." "Of course we don't have much skill at all in transformation, but as you've surely noticed we can do a few minor things." Said Ice "Hardly important at all really." Thorax and Ice then both smiled really widely. "Oh come on." Yelled Sky. "That sounds like a nice idea I guess. Though I'm not sure you're right. Angel knows size spells really well and he couldn't help me much." "I keep telling youse it was just fear holding you back. Ya woulda got in on the first try even though I barely knew what to say." "If you say so Angel." "You're not afraid of wings are you?" asked Ice "She doesn't seem to be too fond of flying." Added Thorax "No, my wings are fine. Sometimes I worry about falling if I go too high. Well, a lot of the time actually but if there is a pegasus nearby or a cloud below me it's okay. Usually." "Well you don't really need to fly anyway." Said Ice "Yea, and if you don't like the idea of changing wings we can try something else." "So it's just like Pinkie's shapechanging?" I asked Thorax turned to Ice "She's a water mage right?" "Yes." Ice smiled. "I actually could try to teach you water style transformation, I'm one of the few ch…" Then she face hooved. Thorax laughed. "You almost said it. I can't believe you were to one that almost did that." "I can't believe it either." Said Sky "I thought the dame was the smart one." "Forget that." Said Ice "The point is yes the Ice part of my name is because I have a high water affinity as well. Which is quite rare among whatever it is the queen told you we were." "I think it was blood flutterponies." Added Thorax "Course real flutterponies don't got antenna, even if they is the size of regular type ponies." Angel then laughed. "Yea, well if you're so smart why did you forget that we know fey speak too, since you know fey." Thorax then smiled. "What, I know youse two can hear me just fine, I just don't care." Thorax then tried to fly at a smirking Angel. He didn't get very far before Ice's antenna lit up and Thorax was held in a green glow. Sky had a big smile on her face. I frowned. Why couldn't they just get along? "You should be ashamed. Angel, you should know better, and Thorax he's just a little bunny. Sky you didn't really do anything but…" "Sorry." The three of them echoed all hanging their heads. "But the bunny was disrespecting me." Whined Thorax "He's also the high queen's de facto staff moron." Said Ice "The pooka nobles probably wouldn’t care too much, but there are a ton of rules the light have about this sort of thing we agreed to honor and the high queen counts as both so…" Thorax's eyes went wide. "Oh, that would be bad yea. Thank you Ice. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I don't know what I'd do without you." "Die. You would die, repeatedly" She sighed. "Oh, yea." Thorax gave a little laugh "I believe it's best we get back to business." Said Sky "Can you put me down?" asked Thorax "Right. Moving on." Ice looked me in the eyes and Thorax dropped to the ground with a loud grunt "We suggested wings because we know you instinctually did it once already, and we figured that was a good place to start." "But how did you know…" began Sky Throax was back on his hooves. "Just go ahead and give it a try. If we're really lucky we won't have to teach you anything." "Actually it helps to note the main difference between the two methods for transformation Is growth versus direct change. Essentially with nature you use your magic to evolve quickly into a different form." "It doesn't have to be slow of course, but it means getting some detail right can be tricky. That's why Ice's job is so important." Ice smiled. "Thank you Thorax it's nice to…" Then she sighed and hung her head. "Oh. Ooops. That sort of suggests…" "Just go, please, before he can say anything else. Yesterday went so well too." "Uh, okay." I wasn't really sure how I was supposed to do this. I thought about my wings being like a butterfly's, but nothing happened. It's too bad really, I didn't get a chance to use them much and they were so pretty. Plus it seemed really easy to fly like that. "It's not working, is it?" asked Ice "What now Ice?" "I start going into detail." "Hmmm, how does that spell go again?" Then Thorax summoned a pillow with a green flash. Oddly Ice didn't seem at all upset when he lay down on the forest floor and snuggled up to the pillow. > Truth and bad news > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I frowned. Sky was being silly again. Angel was making the same mistake too. We had been walking back to the deer's city when she brought it up. We were nearing Wynn's clearing by now but now that I finally got what they were saying, though Sky couldn't hear Angel backing her up. Though Sky seemed to know he was anyway. "What is it Shy-shy?" "You are both being silly." I said "Boss mare I am trying to…" "I know they're lying. I know Chrysalis wants something from me and is hiding things. I also know that when she got lost in the details about transformation she tended to refer to things in odd ways, like carapace instead of skin the most glaring, so obviously they're really far more insect like than they appear." Sky blinked. "I missed that." "I also noticed they clearly seem to be focusing on interesting but most likely useless things, especially avoiding combat altogether." "I didn't get around to mentioning that to youse yet." Added Angel "I also know that because the breezies were doing something they shouldn’t have I have to let them teach me whatever they want, at least for a while. Besides Twilight is always telling me how all magic is connected, and learning anything can be useful long term because you have a better overall understanding." "I guess your big brained pal is on the money but…" "Oh thank the roots I found you." Acorn was running up to us and came to sudden halt, almost falling over. If she didn't catch herself with her own magic I'm sure she would have. She was breathing heavily. I had a really bad feeling about this. "Come on, Uncle Wynn needs to see you right away. Rarity should hopefully be back by then and we can get going." "As in you need the elements for something?" asked Sky "Nothing else has ever worked. Uncle thinks he can amplify your sensitivity so you can find Discord and the tomb, but we have to hurry?" "Tomb?" I asked, shivering "Yea, but right now the danger is there might be something alive in it. It's called Terrorlisk's Tomb because hopefully he would rest there for eternity, but if Discord really stole both keys he could have woken him up. Come on." Acorn then took off running. Once we were flying she started skipping some of the intervening space, but would always make sure we were right behind her with a look back. This sounds really bad. Very soon we were in Wynn's clearing. He was standing there impressive as ever. Trixie was watching Rarity look though a suitcase, pulling out one item with her magic, then putting it back. "I know they are in here somewhere." Said Rarity "Trixie could help if you would just tell her what you are looking for and…" "Aha. Found them. I knew this sort of thing might come up eventually and have just the perfect outfits. Are you ready Fluttershy?" "Uh, yes?" I really wasn't. I should have been, but I wasn't. The outfits teleported right onto us from the trunk. Rarity's was a black outfit with a hood and navy blue highlights. The belt, boots, and cat ears on the hood all matched. There were also goggles and a zipper, both were sliver. My outfit looked similar, but I couldn't see if it had ears or not, but it probably did. I reached up and felt something up there but it seemed longer and floppy. It probably looked really cute. "Are mine bunny ears?" "Yes. Isn't it just perfect? After reading this spy novel and I just had the most wonderful idea for some dangerous mission outfits." "Dangerous?" I asked, somehow not stuttering "Oh yes. And this is the perfect opportunity to use them. I brought them along hoping we wouldn't have to use them, but it's always best to be prepared I say." "Trixie is confused. If you can teleport clothes with ease…" "I am not Twilight Sparkle. I cannot simply think of some random cute outfit and transport it halfway around the world with a flick of my horn." Rairity's horn lit up and a similar outfit appeared, but with green accents, and small dog ears that folded over on themselves just like Winona's. At least I think it was the same it was folded up so I really could only see the hood and the boots under it. We all just stared at it for a few moments. "Well. One can always be wrong I suppose." Trixie got a smirk on her face. "Trixie is fairly certain you aren't Twilight Sparkle." Rarity rolled her eyes. "Oh well, good to know I suppose, but now is not the time to consider such matters." "Very true." Said Wynn. "There are two keys that keep Terrorlisk contained. The first is for the tomb itself. The second is for Ember's shackles." "As in Ember the Noble?" asked Sky "The dragon sage famous for among other things his basalisk blood?" Wynn nodded. "Yes. The chains are a powerful artifact capable of turning almost any living thing to stone, regardless of magical properties." "I somehow doubt that is what Discord is after." Said Rarity "Trixie is fairly sure that something with Terror in its name is best left imprisoned, and freeing it will cause untold chaos." "That seems reasonable for once." Added Sky "I gots me a real bad feeling here." Angel's ears drooped "The key can open the door but it will not lead him to the tomb, and if the reports of the scouts are right he has been wandering the woods for days." "We really should have known he was up to something since he barely seemed to bother the scouts." Said Acorn I perked up. "Wait, why are you sure he's even doing anything bad?" "Because the key to the tomb was guarded by an ursa major." Said Wynn "The key to the chains was far away, hidden by Ember herself, and all had hoped unreachable." "You mean…" I gasped. "Oh my." "I just got word today that the other key was stolen. I am not entirely sure how Celestia was informed or why her, but apparently Ember had some backup plan." "Then we must go at once, right Fluttershy." Asked Rarity I swallowed hard. "We really must, right?" "Yes, the spell I will attempt should magnify your ability to detect his chaos. It may be unpleasant but you should be able to find him. Hopefully before he finds the tomb." "That's all you need to do." Said Acorn. "We don't like to fight for most stuff, but this is different. With him weakened one deer might be almost too much, and we're thinking 50. Jerk doesn't stand a chance." "I will accompany Fluttershy." Said Sky "And Trixie shall of course accompany Rarity. Neither of you need worry. We are professionals." Sky rolled her eyes. "I suppose you certainly are professional at something." "I'll be coming with youse too." Added Angel I felt much better for about thirty seconds. Then that awful feeling whenever Discord's around was so much worse. Though it was different too. I knew where it was coming from. I really hope I don't find him. > Good and bad things > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This part of the forest was really dark. All the forest had a thick canopy, but only here was there nothing glowing somewhere in the distance to shed some light. In fact right now if it wasn't for my glowing butterflies hovering around us we wouldn't have any light at all. I tried to be brave like Sky and Angel, who were both ahead of me, mostly out of the light of the butterflies and didn't seem to care at all. I still hadn't stopped shaking entirely, even though it had been a long time with nothing happening as I followed the icky feeling that was Discord's chaos magic. "Uh, why did we separate again? I didn't want to say anything but now I really wish Rarity was here and…" "Cover more ground. Wynn knows where the tomb is, so he put us on either side of it since hopefully Discord hasn't seen it yet." "Course only we can find it, see." I blinked. "Uh, what?" "Listen up boss mare. You know your sister got at least a little fey in her right. It's why she hasn't aged in years." "Yes." I said "And obviously you got more than a bit or you wouldn't be high queen. Now that we're close it's obvious there is some serious glamour around this area and I'm guessing it's the tomb. Any non fey would have a real tough time getting through it without getting lost and confused." "Are we really sure it was the real key?" I asked. "I mean it seems like it's silly to keep it so close by if you never want to open the door and…" "No, the tomb door you want to open." Said Sky "Just in case anything happens you want to be able to check. I would assume the deer are capable of entering an ursa's den without being accosted much like yourself. Most others would find it difficult I imagine." I nodded. "Oh yes, they aren't too territorial in general, but protect their den's fiercely. It was not easy to earn the Everfree Ursa's trust, but it was worth it." "This is not good." I blinked about to ask Sky what she meant then noticed we were very suddenly in front of a large hill covered in trees. A hill with a large stone door. A door we couldn't see too well because it was open and the tunnel wasn't well lit. "I will do my best to find some deer. Stall him." I blinked. "What?" "Stall him. It doesn't matter how, just do it." Sky put Angel on my back "I imagine your lapine friend can help." "Youse better believe it. If he was at full power there ain't much I could do, but just get me in front of him bossmare and I'll punt that patchwork palooka into next week." "Oh my." "I assume that was some sort of threat. Is he implying he will fight for you?" I nodded. "That may be for the best. You can do this." Then Sky was off. I didn't want to go. I knew things were going to end badly. I just knew something was going to go wrong and it would be all my fault. I whimpered, but flew through the doorway anyway. I really don't want to do this, but I have to. "Come on Shy, no worries. I ain't always been nice as I should have, but when you really needed me I ever let you down?" "You're right Angel. I can do this." The tunnel curved down, stairs speeding by below me. I may be the slowest pegasus ever, but flying is still pretty fast so I reached the bottom soon, another open stone door leading into a huge room. It wasn't too fancy, but it was really big with a bunch of pillars a few ponylengths from the wall of the round room. The stone of the door and the room matched, a shinny black looked like obsidian. I'm not sure if that's what it was. There was a strange mass in the center but even though it was huge it was mostly covered by silver chains. I guess there are a lot of them? Then all the chains vanished, and suddenly the creature in the center of the room began to move. It was a huge white wolf with solid black eyes. It also had countless things sticking out of its back. Then I realized it was more into, as blood oozed out of countless wounds and they weren't just in it's back, but everywhere, and there were simply more, often larger, things in its back. Most looked like rusted scraps of metal, but a few were intact enough for me to realize they were lances and swords and maybe some other strange even larger weapons. Then suddenly the door behind me slammed shut. I jumped, leaving the ground again. "Free. Finally Free." The creature said "The world shall once again feel my wrath." "Wow, could you get any more obvious?" Discord then laughed. I turned to see him on my back in the form of a jackalope with mismatched fur and those strange horns of his. He smiled widely. "Wh-where's Angel." "Unless I seriously miscast that spell a very small ledge in Griffany. Now you just wait right here while I talk to your dinner companion. Or is it lunch?" With a pop normal Discord was in front of Terrorlisk. The giant wolf rolled its eyes. I immediately hid behind a pillar. "While I suppose I must be grateful for setting me free I will not listen to you abomination." Discord shook a claw. "Tsk tsk. Didn't your mother like entity ever teach you not to use such hateful words." He growled. "Fool. I am Terrorlisk the unstoppable, lord of malice and torment. You think I care about such things." "Wait, not terror? Your name is Terrorlisk but you're not a fear demon?" "What does that matter?" Mommy always said I should try to think of the positive in any situation. The first good thing is Angel was safe. Well, safer than here. The second was so many pillars here means there are plenty of things to hide behind. Third Discord distracting it meant I had plenty of time to move, even enough to switch pillars every so often when neither was looking. Yes, there were plenty of good things about being trapped in a room with Discord and a giant monster and if I wasn't about to die I could really appreciate them. I knew it was a bad idea but I started muttering under my breath to myself. "Please don't find me. Please don't find me. Please don't find me." "Because Mr Bloody I was hoping for some fun, but this is going to be the most one sided fight in history." Then Discord smiled. "Though I suppose considering who's going to win it might be somewhat interesting." "Yes, I'll crush you easily, you may have once had power godling but it is clearly gone." He rolled his eyes. "I don't mean me, I mean the pony." Terrorlisk sniffed the air. "There is no pony in this room. It is just us." "What? No, she can't have escaped, I still have the key." Discord looked around, dashed between the pillars and started doing a quick circuit of the room randomly weaving in and out of the pillars. I thought for sure he would notice me but he moved past me like I wasn't there even though I swear he looked right at me. I peeked out to look at the two of them again. "Oh come on. She can't have left." "She is certainly not invisible or any such thing. There is no guise I cannot see or smell through. There is no pony here." Discord glared at him. "Listen you arrogant overgrown mutt. There is a pony here and…" Discord laughed. "Oh of course. Yes, invisibility no, but the veil of the breezies is far more than just that." "You think the pathetic magic of those could blind my perfect nose. You foolish…" He kept talking, but I was staring at my hoof. I could still see it, but now I could tell there was something covering me. It didn't look like anything, but I think that was the point. I was invisible. No one could see me. No pony could stare at me and babble about me being a model. No one could talk to me out of the blue without warning. No one could sneak up on me and say boo. I couldn't help but giggle. "Yay." "What was that and where did it come from?" I immediately flew away from where I was into the center of the room, but not too close to the big scary monster. Yes, the most important thing is hiding from scary things, can't forget that. I was ready to speed off again but neither seemed to see me. I was safe. Then I realized something important. I may be safe for now but I didn't have any idea how to get out of here. "Believe me now." "Very well. It matters not. This room may be indestructible…" "Just because you can't break it doesn't mean…" began Discord "Quiet" he yelled "If I cannot break it, it will not falter. That door may be too small but with some concentration I have a way out." "Only if I open the door again, which I won't." They started bickering, but I wasn't really listening. It reminded me of the way Rarity and Applejack used to be sometimes. Twilight has been so good for all of us. I tried to focus on some plan to get out of here but I couldn’t help but stare at his wounds. I know he was mean, probably even evil, but he looked to be in so much pain. It was odd the blood never seemed to reach the ground, but all those wounds. How could he stand it? Then my butterflies appeared, and began pulling them out. I tried to be as gentle as possible, but he cringed each time no matter how hard I tried. It even almost seemed like the more effort I put into being gentle the worse it hurt him. "Hah, you think this pathetic attack of yours will slay me? I have been pierced by countless weapons and their sting has only made me stronger." Discord stared blankly at the huge wolf. "You're a moron. You don't have a working brain cell in there at all do you? Just all power and fury with nothing to back it up." "You impudent…" he began, but paused, cringing when I pulled out a large piece of metal full of especially nasty looking barbs. "I mean I could work with that, but seriously, how can you not realize?" "You are the idiot not I. I am…" He then fell over. Oh my, he looks so weak. He's panting heavily. It was odd though, he looked better when he had all those things in him. The butterflies were even closing his wounds, the blood flow slowly ceasing. Then I realized what the symptoms added up to. "Oh my. He's going into shock." "How, how are you doing this? I am invulnerable. I am unstoppable. I am…" "Monumentally dense." Discord shook his head. "I suppose I have to explain about Demons now." He sighed. "Imparting knowledge really isn't my style but…" "I'll do it." I then looked down. "Well if it's alright with you. I like my monster books. They have so much useful information. Demons and angels are creatures of pure metaphysical concepts, mostly emotions and other things relating to civilization and intelligent creatures, they can take many forms and…" Terrorlisk screamed. "Ah, make it stop. Make whatever horrible magic you're using on me stop. It's unbearable." He looked both better and worse. He seemed frail somehow, maybe even smaller. I was trying but there wasn't much else I could do. I think I made a mistake. I hated to see anyone suffer, even if logically I know he can't help but be bad and can never change, I still feel sorry for him. I did the only thing I could, and hugged him best I could. He gave one final scream then vanished with a shimmer of light, ash falling to the ground. I just stood there as some of it slowly covered me. "Ugh, even more disappointing than I dreamed. Yes I'm glad to see him gone, but still far from an entertaining battle or death." "Oh my." "Yes, dead." Discord was around me, not quite touching, grinning. "You killed him. With your merciless mercy you ended the life of…" I smiled. "Oh, I get it now. Though you can't really kill demons, just weaken them enough they can no longer remain on this plane. He might be back, but if he managed he'll be much weaker." "Wait, you're not upset?" I shook my head. "No, it's funny really. Dash said I should just start niceing any monsters I meet to death, but I never thought it could work." "Yes, yes. Fascinating." Discord was sorting though the various metal scraps my butterflies had scattered on the ground as they pulled them out of the demon. Truthfully I wasn't sure how I felt about this at all. Demons should be nothing but bad, but I really did want to help him. He should be okay but I was a little worried anyway. Then I realized something. Discord wasn't paying any attention to me at all, and I'm pretty sure I'm visible now. "You were willing to kill all of them?" "Probably?" Discord laughed. "You'll have to be more specific." "The deer. My sister. My friends. Everyone in the forest was in danger, and all the animals too. Because if I hadn't stopped it…." "Sounds about right. Where is that blasted thing? Not my style, but you know, desperate times and all. Honestly I was hoping to keep him trapped here for eternity. He would be so wonderfully mad I'm sure, but he might have got out. So what?" I closed my eyes. It took all of us together to fight him before. Everyponly else was so good at being brave. Dash and AJ never even thought about being scared, and Pinkie didn't seem to even really understand the concept. Rarity was always so calm too. Twilight could get really scared, but mostly it was things involving other ponies, especially disappointing others. She worried. That was one way she was like me. It took all of us, but I thought of not just my sister and Rarity and Trixie, but all the nice deer he was willing to just let die, especially Wynn and cute little Acorn. I glared at him. "I'm going to stop you." Discord laughed. "Oh please?" he looked up. "What can you even do?" I looked down. "Uh…" "That's what I thought." "No, I can do a lot, it's just, well…" He looked up again. "Stop wasting my time. Just spit it out. What could you even possibly do to me?" I suddenly had an answer. It was a good answer, and it might stop him. It might be enough to make him stop. It might make him stop without violence. It might at least stall him. It might scare him. I know it scared me. Besides, it was the truth. "I don't know." I looked down. "See, I've always been afraid." "I must commend you on the completely off the wall tangent my dear. I had such low hopes that your mumbling would be even the slightest bit more interesting than the tedious task of shuffling though this mess you made. Go on, I'm sure you'll disappoint me soon enough and be more boring than…" he shuddered. "Sorting." "Mommy said I was a happy baby not afraid of anything, and maybe she's right but I don't remember that. I know I don't remember not being afraid." "And there we go. Didn't take long at all. Where is that stupid thing?" There was a clang as Discord threw one of the weapons behind him. "Daddy tried to help, but it didn't matter. First came the nightmares, and in response he got me the mental training to resist them. It helped the most, but when I was awake I was still afraid." "Wait, what?" Discord stopped rummaging for a moment. "Then there was being afraid of a monster in my closet, and in response daddy gave me my first monster book. I think it really just made things worse." "Okay, so at least your stupid sob story isn't completely dull." "Then a kid pushed me and I did nothing in return. I still don't know why that little goat was so mean." Discord laughed. "Ooo, good one." "Good one?" He frowned "Ugh, it wasn't even on purpose? You really are pathetic." He then started sorting thought he blades again "Sorry. Daddy saw it and started teaching me about combat. I didn't like it until mommy and he both started teaching me martial arts. It was fun training with them at first but then I hurt somepony in a tournament." "I doubt that." "I'm very strong you know. Well, for a pegasus. Lots of earth ponies are stronger. It's probably because I have a better earth affinity. That's why I have so much trouble with flying too." Discord laughed. "Ah, the poor little pegasus should have been born an earth pony. It just hits you right here." He then burped. "My mistake. Donkey cuisine is not for the weak of stomach let me tell you." "I was good too. I've mastered three forms of martial arts, and was pretty good at Hanedo too. Not as good as Dash, and of course daddy was better since he's named after it, well the Equestrian version is a little different but it's almost the same thing." "Ugh, what are you blabbering about now?" "Steelwing combat training. All pegasai can learn it, even if most don't. It's…" I looked up. "I'll just show you." I then focused and spread out one wing. I walked up to one of the pillars nearby and with a single quick motion cut the pillar. It wasn't that deep but it was really noticeable, a little gash missing. "Twilight figured out it uses air magic to both strengthen wings and create a cutting edge if we want it." I was smiling, but then sighed. "But in the end I was still afraid. More afraid than ever in some ways. That's when it really began." Discord was now sorting though the pile considerably faster, all five limbs grabbing and shortly thereafter throwing them away. Why was he going so much faster? "Where is it, where is it, where is it?" "I was afraid of what I could do on top of all the other things out there to be worried about. I'm so afraid I might break something. I tried to keep practicing at least but I kept hesitating, even when there wasn't another pony opposite me. I kept worrying about hitting something too hard and so I barely put in any force at all. I don't think I can break bones anymore, but I'm still afraid to try because I just might." Discord didn't reply for once. "Then came the stare. I could never control it, but it seemed whenever I really needed it, it would work. I think there are a few more little things daddy or Dash, or even mommy tried to do to help me. Things that should make me more safe somehow, but it doesn't really matter." Discord briefly laughed. "Well at least that makes no sense." "It was ponies too though. Talking to them, buying things, dealing with them looking at me all the time. Daddy and Dash tried to help, but for a while I just couldn’t. Dash used to do all my shopping for me. She complained but never even suggested she wouldn’t do it. So for a long time it was just me and Dash and my parents." He stopped sorting again. "Yea, yea. Boo hoo." He said, his voice sort of hollow. "You're pathetic, what else is new." "It didn't matter what I did I was still afraid. It didn't matter how prepared I was, or how much more capable I was, or any other logical reason. I was still afraid. I felt like nothing could change that, no matter how dangerous I might be." "Yes, clearly you're an unstoppable engine of destruction." He stopped sorting for a second "Though it would make so little sense if you were." He smiled at that. "Then came Twilight. I knew Rarity and the others but I didn't spend much time with them. I didn't even spend all that much time with Dash. Then it all changed." "Yea, yea, your life was amazingly lame, and then little miss star butt made it slightly more interesting, even if you're as boring as ever." He gave little growl. "This should not be this difficult to find." "It was so scary, not just because it all started with Nightmare Moon, but interacting with so many new ponies because Pinkie always invited me to parties, and having to face monsters, and all the other things I've done since." Then I smiled "But for once I was less afraid." "How can it be so hard to find one sword with a glowing blade?" "It was hard, but it was worth it. Dash and daddy always told me I should be more assertive. Sky said it sometimes too. I could never manage. I was too weak. Too pathetic. I thought I couldn’t do it." I sighed An especially loud clang interrupted me for a second. "But then it was all of them. And it wasn't just words. Dash and my family tried but they knew me. They knew what I was like. But Twilight didn't, and she didn't let the others think that way either. She didn't just know I was capable, but assumed I would use that capability. That I wasn't pathetic. That I not only could I do it, but would." I smiled "Aha." Discord stopped to point at me "I knew you were playing me. Nopony can be that good and pure. I knew you were just messing with me. Teasing me." He flew in close to me. "Well you're not going to get away with it." "Oh, yes. I'm so sorry about that. I really did think I was hopelessly pathetic, but apparently I'm not that bad. Well, probably. I mean I should believe my friends don't you think? Even if I still feel weak and helpless. I always do." Discord's eyes went wide and he went back to looking. "So it all began to change. I was scared, but happy. Then the big things started to change. We are the elements. I have all this power. Then there was the tree, and now on top of that I'm high queen of the fey." He stopped sorting to look up at me, one eyebrow raising so high it detached from his face, falling to the ground with a strangely loud clatter. "You have got to be kidding me?" I shook my head. "Why would I do that? But in the end this is all so new. I've learned about my magic some, a whole lot this week, oh there is also how sometimes I seem to just be able to order creatures to do what I say and they have to do it." He rolled his eyes. "Far less impressive than it sounds. I assure you it wouldn't work on me in the least." "But every day it seems like there's more. I didn't even know I could turn invisible until a few minutes ago. It's terrifying." "So what?" "So my full answer is I don't know what I can do to you but it's a lot. My answer is thanks to my friends and this new power I'm afraid of everything else a little less every day. But there is one thing I'm more afraid of than anything and every day it's worse. I've always been afraid, and always will be." "Ugh, a logical connection. Yes the tangent did meander a bit aimlessly, but hardly up to my exacting standards for chaos." "You should be afraid because I don't know what I can do to you, and that scares me. But it should terrify you, because I try to be nice, but I also want everyone else to be nice. And one thing Angel taught me is sometimes the only way to teach someone to be nice is to punish them. Right now I know I need to punish you." His eyes went wide and then he was tossing the weapons about so fast he was cutting himself. I felt bad now. I knew it was true but it was always so hard. I knew he couldn't just be allowed to go free, but I didn't want this. I also really didn't want to fight him. I really wasn't sure what I was more scared of, fighting him or finding out what I'm really capable of. Then he was back to normal, smirk on his face, a small sword in one paw. It was glowing faintly and grew brighter with each second. Discord laughed. "Of course. It only glows when fed the blood of its master, and now that's me." He twirled it in his paw. "Now it's time to get my revenge. You may think you have the upper claw now, but you just lost." "Revenge?" "For that nonsense in the maze. No one resists me. I am Discord, lord of chaos and how dare you of all ponies be the one to best me." "But you…" "Took a shortcut?" He rolled his eyes. "Of course, but that wasn't the game. You were supposed to fall on your own. Be corrupted mainly by your own weakness, with just a touch of my magic as a shove. But no, you're too good for that. You don't even react at all. This time I won't fail. This time there is no deadline to get in the way." Then he stabbed me in the chest. I was really confused for a number of reasons. First I didn't think he'd do something so sensible. Second it didn't hurt at all. Third the second the pommel reached my chest he and the sword vanished. Then I felt sleepy. I was even more confused as I lay down for a nap but I just couldn’t help it. I was suddenly so very tired. I yawned and closed my eyes. > Trapped > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was as always very nice. It was a pleasant day on a nice hill with lots of animals around me and just the right amount of shade. It used to always be daylight, but since Luna and I started having our afternoon talks sometimes it's night, though there are always plenty of stars and a big bright moon. I still don't like the dark much. Discord was floating there, the sword in his hand now a staff made of an ornate bedpost with a gem at the top. I hadn't seen the hilt of the sword too well, but I bet it had a big blue gem with a pillow etched onto it with something black too. Discord stared at me. "How were you waiting for me? It should be the other way around." "It should?" I asked "Oh forget it. You know what this is?" He held up a carrot with the paw that held the staff a second ago. "It's a carrot." I said "No, it's the sword of sleeping. Dull name, but still powerful. It allows one to physically enter a being's dreams. An ability I sadly currently lack. It also puts anyone it's thrust into to sleep. Such a waste of its power keeping a stone demon asleep." "So you're here to try to make me mean?" He pointed the carrot at me. "Of course and with this…" He looked down. "Wait, this really is a carrot." "Yes. Angel Bunny is very fast here. I didn't even see him take it." I then turned to Angel holding onto the bedpost staff with the strange gem on top of it. Dicord lunged forward, but then with a blur the staff was gone and Angel was back wearing a brown fedora with ear holes and little brown pinstriped suit. "What?" "Oh, I guess he does sound a little like a gangster." I said "No seriously, how did the rabbit take the staff? It's obviously a minor setback, but I need that thing." "You mean to mess with my mind?" "No, that doesn't matter either way. I need it to leave." I smiled and giggled. "Oh that's such good news. I was so worried I'd really have to hurt you to stop you but now I don't have to. You can just stay here where you can't hurt anyone or anything. It's perfect." Discord laughed. It was loud, deep, and a little scary. "Oh you foolish little pegasus. You really think you of all ponies can stop me from flaying your pathetic little mind to nothing but shreds and then just taking it back" "Well yes. I do." He laughed again. "Oh really?" I nodded. "Because mental training was scary. For a while it just gave me new nightmares that were even worse. But then the nice ponies helping me made me realize that this place is nothing but mine. That unlike the real world that everything here is mine, and none of it can do anything unless I let it." I smiled "That here, I don't have to be afraid." "Oh really? Even if by some miracle that was true, you're not the only one here now." A huge dragon appeared behind him and flew at me. There was a slight shudder and then I took the now tiny thing in my hooves and started petting it. It started purring, just like Spike if you rub his scales the right way. It sounded really different than a kitty purr, but it was still a purr. Discord stared. "What?" "They said I'm really good. That once I learned to focus properly and that if I tried hard enough I could keep anyone from doing anything I don't want." "So my first try didn't work. Don't you get it you pathetic little pony. I am a god. Spirit may be more accurate, but my power is undeniable. You are nothing but a weak mortal trying to stand against an unstoppable force." "Are you sure? Because I'm sorry but aren't you sharing your power with the crusaders? Most of it even?" He rolled his eyes. "Obviously. Fine, maybe I don't have quite the edge I'm used to but that doesn't mean you should be able to stand in my way." I gulped. This next part was scary to talk about. "Okay, so you do know I'm most likely not mortal right?" "I suppose." "In fact I try not to think about but between the tree and some things Luna's said I'm probably going to essentially replace Gaia. Which is super terrifying because that's the princesses' mother and all of nature seems like a lot and maybe even the whole planet too though I really hope not. That is so much responsibility and I just know I'd mess it all up some how." "Wait, as in the same Gaia I still don't know how I beat by the barest of margins." I nodded. "Yes. So I'm sorry but if anyone here is a god it's me so I think I'm just going to keep you here until you learn how to behave." For a while he just stared at me, jaw literally hanging to the ground. It looked really disturbing. Then he shook his head, jaw sliding back into place and muttered "no." He kept repeating it as he pointed at things and then snapped his fingers. First the ground was covered in pokadots of metal looking grass then the remaining normal grass became gently waving fields of spaghetti. The sun became a smiling version of Discord's head, but rounder and all yellow. The trees were replaced with ice cream cones, lollipops, and umbrellas planted in the ground. There were all sorts of strange creatures about, including lots of pigs. Only some of them had wings. He began laughing maniacally. I gulped, but remained calm. Nothing in a perfect circle a few ponylengths around me had changed at all. "Do you feel better now?" "Feel better, feel better? You…" He then looked at me, all my animal friends still around me. "No, you should have changed to. I should be in control. It's not fair." I blinked. Discord was clearly furious. I could literally see the fire in his eyes a moment ago, but the way he said that. Dash can get a little whinny too, but something about it suddenly struck me. I gasped. "Oh my. You're just a child." "A child? How dare you." He stomped his hoof, cracking the ground in all directions. "Even if I have somehow become weaker than you I am no mere child. I am thousands of years older than you. I know things you couldn’t even dream of. I…" "…am still a child no matter how old you are." I then gasped. "Oh I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt. It's harder to watch what I say in here." Discord screamed. "You, you. I hate you so much. Why do you keep messing with me so much? Stop playing games." "Oh, I apologize." I looked down "I don't know what I'm doing but I'll try to stop." He screamed again. "I just said stop it. I am an adult. You are the one pretending to be something she's not. It's sickening." "Well, you almost seem like one. I didn't even see it until just now. You're so old, and know so much but somehow you're still just a child. You don't really understand the way the world really works. You don't understand why the way you act even could be wrong, much less whether it is or isn't." "There is nothing wrong with the way I act. It's you ponies that are the problem." I nodded. "Yes, and children often think they understand the way things are, but they really don't. But don't worry, I'll have plenty of time to teach you." "You can't change me." I sighed. "Maybe you're right. I really hope not though. It would be just terrible if I had to leave you in here forever. Still, you can do whatever you want. Don't worry, you can't really hurt anything." Then everything was mostly back to normal, except it was night now. Discord just stared forward, focused on nothing. "That did not just happen." "So you just do whatever you like to entertain yourself. I think since I have the sword I can just wake up now so I'll see you later." Then I woke up. I didn't see the key anywhere but I’m sure it had to be somewhere. Though now that I think of it I didn't see a lock or anything so it might not look like a key. I hope I can find it soon. > Tomorrow is a new day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity was staring at me. It was dark out now but the lights of the city were bright enough. I wanted to hide behind something but Wynn's court was just a field and it didn't seem right to hide behind Wynn or Acorn, and Trixie and Sky were behind Rarity. Sky and Trixie were in their armor of course. Considering how dangerous it was it only made sense. Rarity was still in her dangerous mission outfit, just like me. I looked down. "I'm sorry, I thought trapping him in my mind and niceing the demon away was okay." "Shy." Said my sister. "I think you're confusing her reaction." "I'm sorry darling but I am just having a little trouble seeing you doing all that." "Trixie is just having trouble seeing you at all right now." Sky nodded. "Yes, I am having trouble as well. I imagine Wynn and Acorn can't see you at all however." "I can't, but I'm sure my uncle can." Wynn nodded. "You are correct. I have been to the tomb and there is no doubt a demon fell there. I cannot say for sure about Discord but see no reason it can't be true." Rarity recoiled, holding a hoof to her chest. "I don't mean to imply that Fluttershy would lie about this merely that I cannot believe it's the truth despite that." "So, now what?" I asked "We finish your training. Queen Chrysalis' subjects guaranteed time is up and I have decided you shall spend the remainder of your time here with me after all. The fey have been even more troublesome than normal. Though I do plan to have a friend help me tomorrow. Now I believe sleep would be the best next step." Trixie yawned. "The tired and exhausted Trixie admits this has been a trying day despite it not being that late yet." Rarity looked up. "If I have paying attention to the way the lights shift during the night it is well past midnight." I sighed. "I'm sorry I had everyone looking for me so long, I had trouble finding the key. It was just a normal stone until I touched it. It only lit up then." "Oh we can hardly blame you dear." "Yes, and it's not your fault the spell to send away the unwary is far stronger than we expected." Sky sighed. "If anything I failed." "Nonsense." Said Wynn. "There was much working against us and we did the best we could. It all worked out. Now if you will not take a rest, then you must join the celebration. Terrorlisk was a great blight upon the deer and his defeat, even if not entirely permanent, is a cause for great revelry." "Trixie will at least put in a showing." "I'm used to being up late." Said Sky "Hmmm, perhaps I could stay up a little later, what of you Fluttershy?" "Well if everypony is going…" Rarity nodded. "I see. Then no, I will be returning to our borrowed home with Fluttershy. A little extra beauty sleep never hurt anypony." "But Rarity I…" "I know what you said, and I know what you meant. Come on now." Rarity started to walk off and I smiled. Rarity has been especially good about paying attention to what I want recently. I think I've found a balance, but it's still hard to stand up for myself. Every time is a struggle. It's nice that even when I fail Rarity can help me so I don't have to. Maybe one day I can do it all on my own without slipping, but until then it's nice when one of my friends is there to help. Pinkie even seems to be trying to help. I really don't deserve it with how mean I was to her and Rarity. I still don't understand how the chicken hat can help with confidence, or convincing Applejack to sell me some pineapples would help since AJ really didn't have any pineapples, and I really wasn't looking for any. Though Pinkie did have a point that if AJ really had any kind of apples you could name, pineapples counted. Then I gasped remembering something very important. "Oh my, what about Angel. Discord said…" Wynn laughed. "While the chaos spirit's powers are unpredictable enough I might have had trouble tracking Angel if he used them, he is limited to far more ordinary magics at the moment. Angel is currently resting comfortably in the house of the deer closest to the cliff in question. He was already out of danger when found, and unhurt." "Oh that's good." I smiled. "I'm so glad he's okay." "Trixie guesses that's good news." "Are you saying you wanted Angel bunny to get hurt?" I yelled. She smiled really widely. "Of course not. The compassionate and forgiving Trixie would never suggest such a thing about that annoying rabbit thing. Now I have a party to attend. Goodnight, sleep tight, see you later." Then she was gone in a flash. That was strange, she almost looked scared. I was angry and I guess I was a little loud, but I'm not very threatening. Sky was smiling. "Well that seems like a good place to end the discussion. I will see you both tomorrow. Goodnight, and sleep well." Sky then waved a hoof and flew off. Rarity laughed. "Yes, this is probably for the best. I imagine our generous host is not done torturing me either so I will need the energy for tomorrows lessons." Wynn laughed. "Despite what you might think you are learning a great deal, and making good progress." "As you say. I merely know it is infuriating and exhausting." "Good night ladies." Wynn smiled. "Yea, night." Added Acorn "Farewell." Replied Rarity "See you tomorrow." Rarity then turned and walked off. I followed behind her silently, just above the ground. Rarity once told me while she really liked her wings what she misses the most is the idea she never had to get her hooves dirty by touching the ground. I guess that's true but I tried that once when I was so scared of crushing poor cute little bugs with every step but I got really tired. I don't know how Dash can stay off the ground for so long so easily. Though I can't remember the last time I got tired, even that time Dash had me up in the sky filming her tricks with that camera she got from Twilight. Dash said I should get a TV but I don't really see the point, especially with how expensive they are. I can feed a lot of animals with that many bits. > Dryad Pony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- She was amazing. Her mane and tail with a mess of all sorts of foliage, ferns, rounded leaves on stems, and really long blades of grass among others. Mostly green, but there was a little red and purple in there as well, just like normal plants. Her coat was a light brown, but had these odd textures that I realized was not just like bark, but because it was bark. Her eyes were the only thing close to normal, but even her eyelids were like the petals of some strange flower. I knew what she had to be and wanted to ask a whole lot of questions, but then I saw Angel and soon it was all forgotten and I was next to her like she didn't exist and grabbing the little bunny off her back and into a big hug. "Oh Angel I was so worried." "Well then that makes two of us, yea. Seems you came out alright like they said though." The dryad then bowed to me. "It is a pleasure to meet you high queen. I am Lush." "Trixie can see that." "Wait." Said Sky "You're not talking about her hair, are you?" "Trixie supposes that is true as well." Rarity cleared her throat. "It's a pleasure to meet you. So might I assume dryads are both real and part of the fey?" Lush nodded. "Yes. Like the pooka we are neutral. The concerns of animals are rarely our own. Many other fey and deer are willing to protect our woods, and beyond that we have little concern. At least as a race." "Yea." Angel hopped out of my hooves and landed on the ground. "See it's like this. Some dryads care a whole bunch about ponies, if ya get my meaning." I blushed. "You mean like the legends and…" "Not just that, but yea. They gots reasons, one way or another. The rest don't care none as long as they got a good tree to bond with, plenty o sunlight, and good soil." Lush smiled. "Yes, but most of all we simply want nothing to do with the courts." "The only sane response from what I know." Said Sky "Possibly, but you must understand very few fey have a choice. But I am not here to discuss such things. I am here to teach." "And you should all be here to learn." Said Wynn. "Let us begin." There was a bright flash and we were no longer in Wynn's field, but a clearing with no landmarks nearby. I wasn't even sure if we were in the same forest. I gulped. I really didn't want to do more magic training, but I had to. > First steps to reformation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord raised an eyebrow at me. Around me were a few animals, including Angel. The circle of normal grass ended a few dozen hooves away. Everything else was nonsense. Complete madness, checkerboards, upside down buildings, creatures that shouldn’t exist, and lots of dragons. I almost made them go away, but resisted. "Oh come on, you have to be kidding me." "Well you asked. I have to keep you away from ponies until you learn to behave properly, but I'm not going to punish you for being you." He rolled his eyes. He then used a screwdriver on the side of his head when one eye kept spinning. "That's not what I meant. You're asleep you…" "The whole point of the training…" Then I blinked and looked down. "Oh, so sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you." "To stop nightmares." He just stood there blinking. "That's all I am now, a nightmare to be ignored. A bad dream with no power. I've been reduced to…" he trailed off "There there." I flew up give him a pat on the back. "You are real, even if you're only here because of magic and can't leave because of the same." He then grabbed me and with a huge smile on his face tried to do something. It didn't do anything though, since I wasn't letting him affect me. He slumped down again. I just hovered there for a bit. "Ummm, I'm not sure, are you really upset or trying to trick me again." "Both, just like before. I can't believe it. Of all the ponies I'm powerless against you. That's just plain insulting." "I'm sorry." He flopped down into a couch that came into being. It was the ugliest thing I had ever seen. I couldn't look directly at it long enough to see too many details, only that its pattern was horrible, made of the ugliest possible combination of colors possible. I think I wasn't sure what that combination was because my brain immediately repressed it to save my sanity. "You know that's the worst thing. That I'm almost sure you really are like this. It's so ridiculous it just might be true. I like that sort of thing usually but…" then he screamed "Should I go?" "Of course you should. End your torturous niceness and leave me alone." Then his voice got louder. "It will give me time to find some way out of this mess." "Did you mean to…" "Well yes, obviously. I suppose whispering it would have been a good idea, but that just made far too much sense." I giggled. "You know, I didn't think I could really reform you on my own and I'd need to get somepony to help me somehow when I failed, but you don't really seem that bad anymore. You were so scary at first, but now…" He sat up, head whipping right into my face, despite most of his body still being on the couch several of his body lengths away. "I'm still scary." His face was scary. In fact his whole body seemed much more dangerous. But I saw it for what it really was. A lost child who just needs a little kindness. I pulled him into a great big hug, making myself a little bigger so we were closer to the right size. He tried to squirm out of my grasp, but slowly he stopped resisting. "Is this really so bad?" "Of course it is, but it's not like I can do anything about you horrible evil kind pony. This doesn't mean anything. I will find a way to defeat you." "You might. I'm good at this but you probably are better. I know you'll never be able to hurt or control me, but you can probably get out. I really hope not though. I think I can help you, and I really want to." "Ugh, I'll never change, and you can't make me." I blinked. "The spirit of chaos doesn't change?" "Shut up. You know nothing." Then I was awake. I wasn't sure if Discord really did something or it was unrelated. So far the training with Lush had been easy enough, though most of it seemed to be a lot like what Acorn taught me. Rarity also seemed to be doing well. That was good because we only had a few days left before we had to return. > Going home > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Magic still feels so strange to me. Yet everything Acron, Lush and Wynn had taught me made so much more sense than Rarity and Twilight. I know they must have been trying their hardest, but I just didn't get it. I took a deep breath. One way or another we're going home, but I want to do this the right way. I want to pass this test. I could go back with Trixie and Sky when Wynn takes them, but I wanted to do this. "This is easy. This is simple. Even I can do this." "Fluttershy did you just say something?" asked Wynn "You already know how, simply act." That was all my sister added. She didn't know how this worked, but it didn't matter. I looked at the tree in front of me and walked. Then a moment latter I popped out of the tree next to my house. There were actually a lot more trees nearby now that formed the little glade my house was in, but only one was right next to it. I then heard the sound of two hooves clapping. I looked up to see Rarity on top of my house. I blinked. "Uh, Rarity why did you chose to go up there?" "Actually there is considerably less choice around here than Wynn's king…er, forest. Acorn warned me that while short distance matters little, long distance can only be folded to certain points. I clearly should have thought on that more." "So the only place near my house…" "Is your roof. Now I hate to ask but could you be a dear and get me down?" I giggled slightly, then flew up to Rarity. Rarity laughed. "Oh yes, I suppose that's a bit ironic, isn't it." I was about to grab Rarity, but instead a dark form poured out of the shadows below her. I pulled back, then realized it had a bright pink mane was not some strange monster but a pony. Then I obviously realized it was just my sister. She carried Rarity to the ground and set her down gently. Rarity stood then blinking for a few moments, then turned to my sister hovering just behind her. "Ah, Sky. Of course. I suppose your own training has gone well then?" "Yes." Sky then nodded. "And what of Trixie?" "She unwisely decided to make an attempt. I really doubt she can make it, and she will just wear herself out trying to form a spell beyond her power level." I blinked. "Uh, what?" "Oh yes." Rarity turned to me. "Twilight and I forgot to explain that to you. Once you start a spell you must finish it, even if you don't have the power to manage it. Going beyond your limits will result in a fizzle, which we did explain, and being completely drained of all your energy." "Though what constitutes starting a spell varies from spell to spell." Added Sky "Oh, that sounds awful." "Indeed it is." Said Rarity "Most of the time it's easy to not overstep one's limits, but sometimes for one reason or another it simply happens. To my joy it seems harder and harder to reach my limits. I wonder if Twilight always felt this way. It's very freeing." Sky and I both tilted our heads to the right at the same time. I think I might have actually said something if Trixie hadn't appeared between us with a bright flash and swiftly dissipating cloud of white smoke. She was smiling broadly. "Hah, that foolish deer doubted the power and greatness of the great and powerful Trixie? He may be wise but does not have the depth of…" Then Trixie collapsed. I rushed to her side, but heard mumbling when I got there. I think she was still trying to talk. Then she suddenly began to snore, loudly. It reminded me of Rainbow Dash a little, but a little less loud. "Huh, she actually did it. Clearly she hit her limit, but she did it." Said Sky "Now that we are at least more or less home again we are supposed to go to Canterlot and report." Rarity paused "Or at least check in. Fluttershy, do you remember the princess' exact words?" "Attend. Celestia said we when we got back we should go to Canterlot so we can attend." "As in a ball?" asked Sky "Maybe. She didn't say. I was going to ask but then Rairty said something and I decided it probably wasn't important, so I didn't." Rarity sighed. "It really is a constant struggle for you isn't it?" She shook her head. "No matter. Now while I know I can't reach the grounds themselves I'm hoping I can get close. You should try for the same Fluttershy." "Oh, uh, okay. When do you think…" But she was already gone. The nice ponies Celestia hired to take care of my animals while I was gone probably did a good job but it wouldn’t hurt to check. I moved to the door and Sky was in front of it. She smiled. "Guess." "Go now because I'm worrying too much?" Sky nodded. "But what if…." Sky shook her head. "Just go." Then she blinked. "Hmm, curious." "What is it?" "It's just…" Sky then got a little smile on her face suddenly. "Nothing to worry about really. Armor's barrier blocks traditional teleports, but you should be fine." "Uh, okay." She was lying of course. It took me the longest time to figure out what it is that gives her away, and it's no wonder I didn't earlier. It's literally nothing. She spends so much energy keeping herself calm and not giving herself away that it gives her away every time. Though daddy never understood what I meant even when I explained what to look for. No one else has actually, but it's easy for me at least. I didn't say anything though. I’m sure she had a good reason for whatever she didn't tell me. "Oh, well, okay, I guess I should go." "Be safe." I then landed and walked though a tree and out another. There was this really nice tree I remembered in the Canterlot grounds. I looked around, then saw a guard. I'm sure he could help me find my friends if they're already here, or at least tell me if they haven't come to the palace quite yet. > Princess Mi Amore Cadenza > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cadence poured me some more tea, still looking at the rainbow overhead. Oddly she had a slight frown on her face. This was really odd because of what she was saying. She was also wearing sunglasses for some reason I couldn't guess, but I didn't want to say anything. Maybe her eyes are sensitive. I'd just feel so bad if it I embarrassed her. Especially when she's being so nice. "Yes, the rainbow one is most impressive indeed." Cadence nodded. "Truly such a powerful, and if redirected potent, shockwave is truly worthy of me." "Yes, isn't Dash wonderful?" I gave a little smile "I suppose at the very least I need to remember her name, don't I?" she sighed I blinked. "What?" "Nothing of import really. Hmm, in fact you love all your friends." "Oh yes, they are my best friends, and mean so much to me." "Thus you certainly would want to talk to them every day at the very least?" I was sipping my tea but stopped. "Well yes, obviously but…" "I suppose anything else was a long shot anyway, wasn't it? Perhaps they could even be useful in the long run regardless of how things turn out." "What?" Before she could answer Dash came in for a landing, knocking off Cadence's sunglasses. She tried to grab them in her magic, but Dash got them first, pulling them out of her incomplete hold on a moving object, and put them on. Cadence was staring at me wide eyed. I was nearly sure her eyes weren't green, just like her magic wasn't, but I wasn't sure. I was almost sure about the slits but I can be forgetful sometimes. I was now really curious if it meant something the blood flutterponies had the same eyes. But I wasn't going to say anything to Cadence. I so hate confrontations, and I'd feel especially silly if it was something everypony but me knows. So I just sat there. "Seriously princess, these are not really part of your look." Cadence was staring at me wide eyed. "Uh, Dash maybe you should give those back." I said "Eh, come on princess, you don't really need these, do you?" A big grin crossed her face. "Maybe, not. Maybe not." She shot Dash a brief glare. "It's still beyond rude to take them from me. How dare you…" she looked in my direction then turned back and smiled again. "But I suppose in the end it matters little." "Uh, Dash maybe…" "Since you've gone to the trouble of exposing them, what do you think of my eyes?" Dash raised an eyebrow high enough to see over the sunglasses a little. "They're nice I guess. I dunno. I don't think about that sort of junk." She turned to me. "And you Fluttershy? What are your thoughts?" "Uh, they're, well, nice?" I smiled She then started laughing. It was a little scary actually. If it wasn't for Cadence's nice voice I might have been worried. Cadence was such a nice pony with a voice to match. She would never do anything bad. > But she was so nice > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I had just frozen and stood there unmoving. I couldn't think what else to do. It was Chrysalis. There was no doubt of that. She seemed so nice, but now she's attacking everypony. I had been on AJ's back until the fight started. I just cowered, but while some of the bug ponies lunged at me and made scary faces, none of them even so much as touched me. At least not as many had attacked for the last few minutes. We finally got to the big doors for the hall the elements are in when I heard a voice I wasn't expecting. "Huh, so fey invaded." Said Angel. "Let me guess, can't find the leader?" "Angel, is that you back there? Were you asleep in my hair again?" "Yep. Seems a bit more of it than before, and a whole lot more in. Not really sure how that works. But youse didn't answer me Shy." There was a short pause. "Wait, was that too far? I'm trying to..." "Oh no, that was fine. I'm a little…" "Who are you talking to?" asked Twilight "I assumed Angel." Said Dash "She did totally say Angel Twilight." Added Pinkie "Oh yes." Said Rarity. "In all the excitement of the wedding there are a few things we may have forgotten to mention." "Yes, it turns out Angel is not just a normal rabbit but fey so…" "Ha. She can finally know the truth you jerk face little pooka." Rarity and I stared at Dash. Everyone else seemed to be doing a double take between me and Dash, though they were probably really looking at Angel. I faded out again. Turning invisible was a fluke the first time but it seemed really easy now. So easy I had trouble not doing it sometimes. "Okay, so youse can really understand me?" "Yes you freaky gangster rabbit. I touched the, uh…" Dash looked up "Orb of Oberon. I think that's what it was called." She shook her head and again focused on my back. "Oh whatever, the point it I touched it and bam, I've understood fey speak ever since." "And youse didn't say anything cause…" Dash rolled her eyes. "I did you little puffball, but Shy thought I was crazy. Also I didn't want to tip you off at first, and then just didn't want Shy to think I was nuts." "Oh Dash, I'm so sorry." I frowned. "I don't even remember that." "Eh, whatever." "This is so fascinating." Said Twilight. "If you can talk to even those fey that can't speak pony languages think of…" "Ah think yer all fergetting bout a few things." Twilight shook her head. "Right, Pooka not important right now. We have a job to do." I had been out of it, but I heard Celestia. We need to get the elements. Clearly if there was any other solution she would have told us. Twilight then opened the doors. There was an army on the other side, not just on the ground, but filling the air to the ceiling. I gulped. AJ, Pinkie, and Twilight immediately entered the fray, but I held back. Dash looked forward, then back at me and Rarity. "Youse know bossmare I told you I ain't too good with the invisibility, but I do got other talents. Now normally there is a bunch a rules that could get in the way, but the thing is a nice little command from you and I can ignore every last one of them." "Fluttershy can help you subvert fey rules?" asked Dash "Uh, I would like that I guess but I'm not really sure what you could do and I don't want you to get hurt and…" "Don't you worry bossmare, I can do plenty, and I ain't gonna be the one hurting. But you gotta say it. Probably don't even gotta be a proper order, just get me going." "But, I don't know what to say." "Oh like the little rabbit can even help." Dash rolled her eyes "What we need…" began Rarity. "Is a path. I don't know if that's within our adorable little pooka's capabilities, but it would be something to ask for." "You just figured out what we're talking about even without hearing the little annoyance? That's just weird." Said Dash "That I can do. Just say it boss mare." I took a breath. "Be a dear and clear us a path Angel. Your high queen commands it." "Queen?" asked Dash Angel then hopped off my back, and with each hop got a little bigger. When he stopped he was big enough that we could all ride him, so that's what I did. Dash pointed to the giant rabbit and soon we were all on Angel ignoring the bug ponies like they were normal bugs. A few tried to get to us, but if Twilight didn't knock them off with magic, Dash or AJ would just buck them off. "So, I guess the legends of pooka size changing magic is accurate, and thus, yes the pooka is important." Said Twilight "Course we is. Always are really. I could really use a little of that purple dame's fancy magic to do something about the rest of these mooks magic. I ain't fond of getting zapped in the tail." "Angel would like you to focus on countering the enemy magic I think. If you're not too busy Twilight." Dash groaned. "Right, makes sense. Rarity, you help out if you can." "I might be able to do a little something." "Don't you worry none. Ah'm sure Dash and I can pick up the slack." "Ooo, Ooo. And me. I'm great with slack. I'm like a slack master. A total slacker." Pinkie then blinked. "Wait, that sounds wrong somehow." They didn't ask me to do anything, but that was okay. I realized I had to think about things a bit. Because I was really and truly mad at her. Chrysalis lied to me so much, and was so mean to Celestia and all the other ponies. I was so confused. Even when she was pretending to be Cadence she was still so nice to me. I guess she wasn't as nice to everypony else, but to me she was nice. > Multiple paths to victory > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The elements didn't work. For a while Chrysalis just stood there laughing, the elements not changing her at all. Then she walked down toward us. I noticed Twilight had edged away from the rest of us once the changelings in armor took the elements away. We probably could have taken them back if we really wanted, but none of us bothered. Then Chrysalis stood right in front of me and bowed. "So have you been having fun…" She paused "Would you prefer to be addressed by your title or name? You asked me when I was mimicking Cadence just to call you Fluttershy, but I'm not sure if that's your true preference." "Uh, well, yes. I don't really like it too much when anypony uses either title so…" "So, have you been having fun Fluttershy?" "Are you mental?" asked Dash I was now more confused than ever. Especially when she glared at Dash. It didn't last long though. She looked at me, then back at Dash, then let out a little sigh. I could do this. It was simple. It doesn't matter how tall she is or how creepy looking, or how all those holes in her mane don't make any sense which is even creepier. I can do this. Then Dash was in the air glaring at Chrysalis. AJ and Rarity were just sitting there staring into space. Pinkie was being oddly quiet, turning her head this way and that, looking at Chrysalis intently. "I do have to try to be nice about this regardless, don't I? How tedious. I'm fairly certain you don't deserve it. Especially someone of my stature." "You're mean." I said "What was that?" Chrysalis turned to me. "You're not nice at all, are you? You're a big meanie and you lied to me and…" "Come on, talking isn't going to fix anything." Said Dash "I say we keep fighting." Oddly Chrysalis seemed to cringe at this. "I mean maybe it won't matter, but this is a stupid way to end things. Come on girls, who's with me?" Rarity rolled her eyes. "Really Rainbow. The elements failed. Not because of improper use either, but because she's beyond them somehow." "So what? We can at least beat up a few more minions." "Yes because mindlessly beating up my soldiers will help so very much." Chrysalis shook her head. "You really are just pathetic, aren't you?" "Whu?" uttered AJ "How's that a lie?" "Stop it." I said "Stop all of it. I don't care if you're not really hurting ponies you're still scaring them for some reason, and breaking every thing. So please, stop." "Wait a moment…" said Rarity Dash rolled her eyes "Come on Flutter, asking the evil queen to stop nicely is not…" Chrysalis bowed, a big smile on her face. "Of course my queen. As you command." Dash just stared open mouthed. "Why the hay did that work?" AJ yelled. "As I said there are a few important details we haven't really had time to explain." Said Rairty. "Though this all suggests a very important question. If you truly serve Fluttershy…" "Well, she didn't order me not to invade Canterlot, now did she?" "What!" I immediately turned invisible after my outburst. That was scary loud I think. Mostly because the only reason Chrysalis didn't fall over was because she caught herself with her wings. "I'm sorry." "As promising as that was you have excellent timing Fluttershy, so I must be off. In fact if you look at the other end of the room you will see…" She trailed off as she turned around. There was a bright pink light around two ponies twisted into the shape of a heart. I hope that doesn't hurt. "That is much more than I expected. I mean yes, alicorn of love, and that's not an entirely bad thing, but this is really going to seriously hurt, isn't it?" "Come on, what is going on?" Said Dash "That's what ah'd like to know sugarcube." "Remember my queen. If you need me you know where to find me." Then there was a pink blast and she was gone, along with every other changeling. I just stood there really unsure what to do. Then I looked up at the cocoon still attached to the ceiling with Princess Celestia still inside. Somepony sure needs to do that, but I don't think that should be me. I just sat down, even though I knew I should do something, I couldn’t quite convince myself to move. > One more dream > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a nice night on the hill. The rest of the field wasn't so nice, and I don't think it was all night either. Discord didn't seem to even notice me. I wondered if he even knew the Fluttershy he was chasing wasn't the real me. Luna was sitting next to me. She was the real Luna, though I wasn't sure if she was really here like Discord, or only sort of here like those unicorns that trained me. "So why did you hide this?" I asked "Because sister thinks this is the right course of action. I admit with mother back, no matter her state, I am somewhat more inclined to forgive, but there are limits." I blinked. "Celestia agrees with me? I thought you and her might be mad once I realized it was you that kept looking in on my dreams." "We were. It passed." Luna then took a deep breath and looked up. "I would not think the stars here would be so accurate. I get the feeling you fear the night." "I do." I then went wide eyed. "I mean not the night exactly, but everything out in the night, or might be out in the night, or…" "Calm thyself. As I said I assumed you did and did not blame you for that. The night has always been dangerous. Thus I am most curious why the stars are so accurate." "Because I like looking up. Because sometimes I sit on my roof where nothing can get me and look at the pretty stars away from even Ponyville's lights and just stare. Because the night can be scary, but it's also peaceful and beautiful." "Thank you. Now I wonder if I should have come to see you in your dreams earlier." "Uh, how did you even figure out about Discord. Rarity knows, but I don't want to tell the others because I know they'll think it's a terrible idea, and then they'll convince me not to do it and…." "He is an aberration in reality, and even worse in dreams. The first time I was merely trying to determine what disturbed the dreamscape, then for your safety." "Oh, I'm not in any danger. "Yes, we have noticed." There was a silence only broken by Discord laughing in the distance as he was surrounded by six ponies with faded colors. It was too far away to tell what they were doing, and the glare from a sun I couldn’t see illuminating the scene made it even harder to see. "I shouldn't be able to do this, should I?" "If thou mean most ponies do not have the will to control their own minds to such a degree, then yes. You on the other hoof, are anything but ordinary." I sighed and looked down. "It's more of being the element of kindness, isn't it." "That we can't say. It is you regardless of source. I doubt the success of this mad plan, but even if you fail to reform him there is worth to it. Even if he convinces you he has changed, when he has not, in the end he is out of everyone else's manes for a time." "Uh, can you maybe help me. I want to help him but…" "I think sister is right. That you of all ponies are most likely to do this impossible task. Trust that since she had plans to reform him with you at the center most likely you will succeed. She is annoying like that." I stared forward, eyes losing focus "Uh…." "If you truly need help of any kind I will give it, but I doubt I will be of much use to you in this. Enough of the mad king, let us now talk of the queen of lies." I gulped. "Is she really that bad? I know I can't trust her but she seemed nice." "It's possible she truly likes you. Despite seeming to be a complete sociopath, she is more than capable of normal emotional attachments. While being her friend is trying she has truly never betrayed me directly. Though this pardon was close." "Not the attack?" Luna blushed. "Actually in retrospect the attack might be all my fault. I got her to promise to attack my sister's fortress either at a time of my choosing, or the first good opportunity. I also promised her a bonus if she could defeat my sister in combat, even for but a single moment." "But that was all so long ago?" "The fey do not forget. The truth is by succeeding at both I owe her both the old castle and my bigger promise that Changelings would walk the streets of my kingdom freely." "But she attacked Canterlot and it's not your kingdom it's…" "We rule together, so it is our kingdom. As to Canterlot the old castle was not specifically named on purpose, in case Celestia ran to some other site. It is best to try to eliminate all loopholes when it comes to the fey but those that benefit you." "And maybe not even those?" Luna nodded. "Possibly, but in this case it's mostly a matter of not making oaths you might later regret, because taking it back may not be an option." "So, how do I know if she's telling the truth about anything?" "You don't for the most part, but I have an idea. Take your friend Applejack and talk to her. Then you can know at least for the moment if what she tells you is fact, or fiction wrapped in sweet tones and misleading words." "Uh, okay." I nodded "Though first there is a matter you and at least some of your friends must deal with. She has sent an ambassador this night. A strange girl that claims to be her daughter I have never met before." "Oh, does that mean I should wake up and…" "I have already talked to mine sister and she has requested we wait till morning, as things well keep. This seems reasonable and the young princess was strangely thrilled to sleep in a real pony bed for the first time." "Oh. Are you sure that she's not…" "I have my best changelings watching her." Said Luna "Your best changelings?" "Yes, Chrysalis attempted to loan me one of her sons and a force of changelings, but they swore an oath to me so all this time stayed loyal to Equestria. We will introduce you to him properly tomorrow I think." "Oh, because he wants to meet his new sister since he hasn't talked to his family in a thousand years?" Luna laughed. "That too, though we just meant he made it very clear he wished to meet his new high queen." "Oh, okay. So, Twilight mentioned Nocturne but didn't explain much." Luna frowned slightly and laughed. "Yes, there is much to explain, isn't there? It's rather complicated actually. It all started during the dark time in my life right before I became the nightmare. It had to do with neither of us having a viable heir." I was curious but suddenly I wasn't sure this was a good topic. Luna was still frowning and sounded rather down. I thought about asking her to talk about something else, but I go the feeling maybe it's best she talked about. The Alicorn bat pony seemed really scary at first, but she was nice and it bothered me the way she and Luna had such trouble talking with each other. > Negotiations, part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "You're so cute." I tried to dodge, but she was too fast and there was too little space to go with AJ on one side of me and Twilight on the other. Sky and Trixie were next to Luna a little further away. Cadence was holding back Shinning on the far side of the room. Then I realized it was just a hug. Yes I was having a little trouble breathing, but Pinkie hugs me much tighter. "I mean I saw you on the link since obviously I had to reconnect for this, but that was okay because this is so cool. I mean mom said she had and a surprise for me, but I had to join the hive again for it. I wasn't sure it would be worth it but it totally was." "If you do not release her in the next five seconds I will cut off your legs." Said Sky "As I know they will grow back this is not an idle threat." "Trixie thinks Sparkle's sister should listen to Fluttershy's" "What?" Yelled Twilight "She isn't my sister." "Whatever you say Sparkle." The blur I'd barely had a chance to look at finally released me. Sky didn't actually stop glaring at her. She was a black changeling, and looked like Twilight. Not exactly, but she had the same hair cut, other than the holes, and it was the same shade of purple as Twilight's coat. She also seemed to be the same height and build, and her eyes even though they looked odd were the same color too. Her face was different though, but even with the fangs and other stuff she looked a little cute, not half as scary as her mother. "Uh, so yer not gonna do nothing now right?" Applejack asked "For now at least." The changeling said "Truly you are here as ambassador?" asked Luna "Yea, Luna and I are both checking fer lies so don't even think about fibbing." She nodded a smile on her face. "As I said so totally worth rejoining the hive. I mean not only are their ponies everywhere, but I can even stay as myself. So awesome." "Why do you look like me?" Twilight then turned to Luna "Oh I'm sorry princess that was out of turn and…" "Worry not Twilight. We said watch what you say, but we did not mean you are not an equal here, merely the fey are tricky. Answer, and also introduce yourself." "Oh right. So yea I'm princess Maxilae of the changelings and mom's ambassador to Equestria, which is super great. You can just call me Maxi though." "Equestria or being an ambassador?" asked Twilight "Both, duh." She rolled her eyes. "Ponies are super awesome, but some of the things you do are just so lame. Like that question." "Come let us sit." Luna made a motion with a wing to the circle of large cushions and a table with short legs set with tea. The tea set almost looked right because of the designs, but it didn't seem to actually be set up for a proper tea ceremony. There was also a small cake, dish of candies, and a clear glass pitcher of what I would guess is apple juice based on the color. As we all sat down I noticed there were two extra seats. Maxi ended up between Sky and Shinning. I didn't hear them ask her to sit there but it worked that way. Twilight and Trixie were next to each other, and we mostly stayed in our little groups so the only open seats were next to AJ and Cadence. Maxi frowned. "Seriously, don't be so lame. I love ponies, and I totally don't mean just as food either. I mean you're so amazing. I don't know how I could cope with being so limited, but all you ponies do it so easily." The table briefly grew very quiet. "Wait, ah'm confused, was that an insult or not?" said AJ Maxi gasped. "Of course not. Really I'm super impressed." "Let us move on." Said Luna "First, help yourself to whatever you like, all of you. Second what does Chrysalis want?" "Well a bunch of stuff, duh. Mom's dumb like that. Thought the first really obvious two are what you promised her. Castle Everfree, and for changelings to be citizens under the law, both rights and responsibilities." "Energy draining is illegal." Said Shining Luna sighed. "Actually there is a very specific threshold for that." "All unicorns can drain small amounts of magic from others Shinny." Twilight shook her head. "You should really know that." "You do?" I asked "Yes, at least if there are any ponies nearby when we cast a spell. Ambient magic is mostly from the air, but it's everything nearby." "It is of course negligible." Said Luna "But a new law replaced the old when an anti-unicorn group tried to get every unicorn in Canterlot arrested." Maxi laughed. "Yea, mom was surprised how easy it was to change the numbers just a little. Of course if I was around I totally could have told her that of course it was easy with ponies panicking like that." "So it ain't illegal to suck the life outta ponies?" asked AJ "It's not like it's really that much." Maxi then waved a hoof "Yes. It's higher than ideal, but as I said it's very specific. Specifically about the limit where changeling feeding starts causing real harm." "And because we have our own group of friendly and seemingly loyal changelings the law remained." Twilight sighed. "Even though logically it's unreasonable to have it quite that high." "Yes." Said Luna "And why they found it so easy to block it being adjusted downward now makes far more sense." "Omigosh, I almost forgot. I get to meet my most awesome brother. He is going to be here soon, isn't he?" "He is currently busy, but you will meet him some time today certainly." I decided to take a little slice of cake and some tea. The tea was nice and the cake was so good I was almost sure Pinkie had to have made it. I still didn't even know his name. Applejack knows him pretty well because of some sort of problem on her other grandparent's farm down south, but she didn't use his name. I just asked her if she knew the changeling prince's name and she started talking. It was such an interesting story I didn't even notice she never answered my question until after she left. "…and that's why we can't do that now or the price of furniture would skyrocket." Said Twilight. "So it stays that way for now Shinny." "Well said Twilight." Added Luna "Oh my." I said, then blushed "What is it Sugarcube?" "Nothing important. Just go on." "Twily this matters. We can't just…" Twilight interrupted "No, what matters is you…" she pointed a hoof at Maxi "…need to give us a reason to trust you." "What?" said Shinning. "No, that doesn't matter. We can't just let these monsters do what they want." He turned to Luna "How can you even think of honoring your deal. You saw what they did. You…" "You can't break an oath to the fey Shiny." Said Twilight Cadence put a wing around her husband. "Dear, I understand, but she's right. You just can't. Not even Fluttershy can change that." "So we just accept it?" asked Shining "Yea." Said Maxi "Don't worry though, mom's being like weirdly nice about this whole thing. In fact I'm not here to negotiate a peace treaty, but a surrender." Again the table got quiet for a while. It was nice. A few ponies started getting something to eat or drink. Maxi was still smiling when Luna clapped a hoof on the table. "We know your mother quite well, and that just sounds, wrong." "Well she still wants stuff and such, just ya know, she gets she can't win so she's settling for being the high queen's right hoof and chilling in Castle Everfree." "But she almost won. Why would she…" began Shinning Maxi laughed. "No she didn't. She totally wasn't anywhere close. But yea, seriously, mom just wants to settle down with the rest of the hive in Equestria." "The rest of the hive?" asked Twilight "Yea, oh uh if it makes you feel better like our entire hive is still in Equestria, most in like important positions and such. So yea, that is her bargaining chip and junk." "It ain't just the guard." Said Applejack "It's everything." Maxi nodded. "Yep. With out us like everything will shut down." "I'd really you rather not do that." I said Luna went wide eyed. "You don't have to do anything, do you? You aren't threatening us with sabotage, just that we need changelings to keep going." "Actively doing nothing is something." Said Twilight "This is like a guild strike, but worse because it can be anything and furthermore you don't have to talk about it or even completely stop for it to be effective." "Yea, mom would really rather not do that because making all the ponies unhappy would mean love harvesting would drop, but I would just be sad because I don't want to upset any ponies." She looked at Luna "It's just you know how mom is." Luna sighed. "Yes, she would never allow herself to negotiate from a position of complete weakness. In truth there is little to discuss." "No." Shining said standing. "You can't just let…" "We really ain't got a choice?" asked AJ "There has to be something." Said Twilight "Trixie is bored. The bug ponies tricked us. Just move on." "This is serious." Said Sky Then there was a lot of yelling. I knew I was invisible. Maxi was frowning. Discord was worse, and in the past did even worse than the short time he was free with his full powers. Luna told me stories. Chrysalis wasn't the same. She was mean, but maybe she deserved a chance. Luna was really nice now even though Nightmare Moon was super scary, and did try to kill us. Chrysalis never tired to kill anypony, even if it was just because ponies are her source of food. Then suddenly everything went quiet. Luna's horn was glowing dark blue. "Sister has repeatedly reminded me to avoid shouting, so I apologize for the silence spell. I should point out that while you are all here because I felt your input would be useful, there are only three mares at this table whose opinion matters." "So me, you, and the high queen, right?" asked Maxi "Uh, you can call me Fluttershy." Then I gasped. "Oh my." Luna rolled her eyes. "You should not be so surprised. So, what else does she want? Let us get though that quickly. Hopefully the others will be more reasonable after you are done. I assume there is a great deal more." "Nah, not really. She wants to be classified as a foreign royal even though she doesn't have a country. Cadence has the same status right now." Cadence nodded. "That is a surprisingly reasonable start." "She also wants the same status for Fluttershy." "Oh I don't need that, really." Luna nodded. "We expected as much. Her current title is more than sufficient for her needs." Luna smiled. "She is our friend and we have discussed this mater in some detail. Also before you ask Equestrian law prevents us from granting any fey a noble title of any sort so it is only by loophole she gets to keep her current title." "We knew that part actually." Said Maxi "Mom figured the other might be okay, but I told her Fluttershy wouldn’t like it." "I really wouldn't. My current title it bad enough. Is this going to last much longer, because nopony else looks happy." Cadence actually looked okay, but Shining hadn't stopped glaring at Maxi. Sky looked okay mostly, but she couldn’t keep her wings quite still. Trixie was pouting. Applejack had a constant frown on her face. Twilight was looking intently at something, but all I saw was the ceiling. Unlike some rooms there wasn't anything up there either. Maybe she was looking at the spell somehow?" "So, what other demands are there?" asked Luna "Oh, well you don't have to admit everything immediately, ponies are obviously going to be upset for a while so right away isn't good, but within a year you need to give changelings the freedom to walk in our true forms." Luna blinked. "That soon." "A year is quick?" I asked "For the fey, totally. But yea, we don't plan to all step forward at once or anything, we just want the option to be ourselves and junk. Like ya know…" Luna groaned, dropping her head to the table. "Huh?" Maxi tilted her head "That seems like totally reasonable thing to ask other than the timing." "Oh it is, but this fits well, as usual far too well, into one of sister's plans. She decided that telling the world about bat ponies and sea ponies on the same day is a good idea, for some reason. She mentioned something about waiting for a third." "Oh, uh, that was totally the next thing we were gonna ask, though other than being descended from changelings I don't get why mom cares about bat ponies. But whatever, it's something she wanted so that was super easy." "And now we start the truly unreasonable ones." Said Luna "Huh, no, she wants a personal favor if possible, but it's not important enough to put in the treaty." Luna glared "At this point she most certainly owes me, not the other way around, and that's counting her betraying Nightmare Moon as a good thing." "Well, like, don't you? I mean Nightmare might have won if she hadn't and…" "Not the point. The point…" "Yea, but you totally might want to do this anyway. But she said not to mention it in front of anyone other than the high queen and the elements, so like, now totally isn't a good time. Maybe right after." "Oh very well. I am likely to say no anyway, but she is good at judging motives if nothing else. So that is all?" "Not quite. Now for the concessions." Luna stared "Wait, you mean Chrysalis is offering concessions unasked?" "Yea, I mean we are surrendering, it would just be silly if we didn't come up with at least a few. The first is she will totally help you with any changelings that break the rules, even if they aren't in our hive." "Uh, isn't that just part of following the law?" I asked Luna sighed. "It's not the same thing. Spelling out she will actively help is better." "So yea, the second is we're going to give back any ponies we've had imprisoned for like any reason. Even the ones only trapped by lies." "Oh my." I gasped "What exactly does she mean by…" Luna shook her head. "That is a depressingly long topic." "Totally. There is all sorts of ways we trick ponies to get love. It's super lame. But yea, we won't do that anymore neither, even the technically legal stuff." "Sounds like none of that sort of thing should be technically legal." Said AJ, the then blinked. "Wait a tick." Luna tilted her head. "Hmmm, you've begun resisting the spell. Now that is interesting." "It was totally obvious to us she would, so not really." Maxi then laughed. "But whatever. Point is the whole legal thing is like super complicated." "That don't sound like something that can be all that…" Luna sighed again. "Never doubt the fey can make something complicated Applejack, they are very good at it. Especially changelings." "Anyway, the last one is a list of every single member of the hive and their current primary identity, a list of secondary identities if they have them, and even a list of any subjects they regularly impersonate." "Before anyone asks she means for brief periods." Said Luna "Soon after my return there was a changeling doing impressions of me acting like a depressed fool wallowing in self pity. Some ponies still believe me to be, I believe the term is, super emo." I gave a little giggle. Everypony else outright laughed, though Cadence and Twilight only a little. Then Shinning shook his head. "So I guess we can talk again?" asked Shining "Obviously." Said Luna "You should have been able to tell the minute I removed it." "Trixie of course noticed immediately, she just thought it wise not to interrupt again." "I felt no need to add anything at the time." Said Sky "I assume this list will come only after this is all settled?" "But you need to release the prisoners immediately." said Shining "Well, we kinda can't do that. I mean some of them have been lied to their whole lives. We even have some ponies that think they're changelings that can't transform and can't link to the hive." "Oh my, that must be awful for them." I said "Yea, it totally is. I had to bug mom like forever to get her to stop it." "Them folks really didn't notice that they don't got no holes and whatnot?" "Nah, they have holes. We can turn ponies into changelings entirely, making them look enough like changelings is easy." "Makes sense tah me." AJ then nodded "I think we will take a break here." Said Luna "I need to talk to sister and she should have a break soon." "You're changing the subject?" asked Shinning "It is far from simple, and while as far as I can tell Chrysalis has stopped some of the worst offences, the changelings have countless ways to gather love, some very unpleasant, and most very illegal. If they don't stop, they will be punished." "Yea, I mean we totally get what we're asking for. We are gonna stop all the iffy stuff if you agree, or at least try to. Mom doesn't always pay attention and there are a lot of different hives now." "Yes, it is a very complicated topic and we will discuss it later in depth, but not now. We must focus on the treaty itself." Said Luna "There shouldn’t even be a treaty. They're surrendering and…" "The most important things I have to give them Shinning. You will be able to suggest further concessions, but not now." Luna yawned. "I need a nap." Then Luna vanished in flash of swirling dark magic. Then things got very loud as every pony started talking at once. I immediately went invisible. > Cold Terror > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight said she would work up a list of questions with Applejack to make sure Chrysalis was telling the truth, but I wasn't worried. She wasn't that nice to ponies, but she was very nice to her own people. I think Chrysalis just needed to learn to care for other types of ponies too. She's not really as bad as she seemed at the wedding right? I then flew into the big scary castle which now looked both more and less scary. More because all the green stuff that looked a little like honey or beeswax, but less because in the daylight it wasn't really that bad. The Everfree always looked better in the daylight. Sometimes I wonder if I could have been more help if only it hadn't been that dark. I've gone into the Everfree plenty of times during the day and while I never went too deep it wasn't that bad. But I never got as deep as the castle and everything seems to get worse the deeper you go. Chrysalis was looking at a staff stuck in the ground. It was made of some odd crystal and had a big dark blue gem at the top. It looked like it would be cold, but it got warmer as I got near. Not hot, but warm, like when you snuggle under a blanket on a cold winter day, and you just feel cozy warm. It was nice. "Ah, good timing Fluttershy." She frowned slightly. "Still seems a little too personal, but one of the joys of rule is you get things how you want them." "Uhm…" "Yes, yes. Out of your comfort zone and all that. We'll work on that." "We will?" I asked "Of course. You can be a very different type of high queen, but there are some things that have to change. Confidence is one of them. Still, no hurry." "Well, okay." I looked down. "I guess." "Celestia can give you some good tips too I'm sure. In fact she might be a more useful role model for you than my own style of rule." "That sounds like it might be right but…" "Enough of that. You must be wondering why I called you here. As the clouds suggest our guest is about to arrive. I felt you should meet her and vice versa." "Uh, okay." I looked up and shivered. The clouds were wrong. I'm terrible at sensing anything about clouds, but even to me it was obvious they didn't feel right somehow. They were billowing out above us darkening the sky. Then it began to lightly snow. It was still warm enough, but I had the feeling it shouldn't be anymore. Then a huge pegasus mare flew down. She had a bluish grey coat and mostly white mane with little bits of sky blue. Her eyes also glowed bright blue and her mane was mostly transparent. It was pretty, but scary. When she landed her eyes stopped and her mane almost looked solid, but not quite. Her eyes were milky and didn't seem to focus on anything, but her head was aimed strait as Chrysalis. "Where is it?" the scary mare almost hissed "Lovely as ever Frostfall." "Queen Frostfall. Also why have you brought a mortal here?" "I suggest you pay her a bit more attention. Go on, give her another look." Frostfall growled. It sounded oddly like howling wind. Then she turned to me. She was blind. I'd seen enough poor little animals with the same problem to know for sure. But it sill felt like she was glaring at me even though it was clear she couldn't see me at all. I noticed she repositioned her wings slightly, having never folded them on her sides, and her ears kept flicking. "Uh, I wouldn’t mind a little less attention. You can just ignore me completely, I really wouldn't mind." "Hmmm, yes, not just the invisibility spell, but more besides." Her ears folded and she suddenly stepped back. "Much more. It's like an ocean crashing against an orchestra of magic. What are you?" "Uh, a pegasus?" "Though more to the point, Queen Frostfall, this is Fluttershy, high queen of all fey." "Hello." I then gave a little wave. "Yes, that could be the truth even though it comes from your mouth." "Oh it is, you know it is, you just don't like it. I do find it odd how much hatred you have against your own kind." "Pegasi are not my kind." She turned away from me. "I am a half-breed but they have never been my kind. Now give to me what was promised." A changeling came in with a heavy box on his back. It was metal with glass sides and a top, but the glass only started about a third of the way from the bottom. It contained a pillow with an old crown on it. "This is so heavy." Said the changeling. "Oh stop complaining Thorax. Here you go, one crown, and a nice box so it doesn't get any more damaged. Apparently some farmer just found it in his field and gave it to the princesses. This is it, correct?" Frostfall nodded. "Yes, it's the crown of the old fool. Your debt is fulfilled. It's too bad we can't feed on changeling energy. You certainly hate me enough." "Oh yes, too bad. Have a nice flight back to your featureless wastes." She said nothing, just swept her wing in the direction of the box. Suddenly something nearly clear swooped down out of the clouds. Two somethings, both with glowing blue eyes and looking vaguely horselike. They grabbed the box and flew back to the cloud. Frostfall followed them in soon after. I didn't stop staring until the cloud was long gone. "Well assuming you're still here, I'm nearly sure you are but not entirely, yes those were Windigoes, and Frostfall is their queen. They are both not as bad as in the Hearths Warming tale, and worse." "And worse?" "They don't need hate. They are fairly horrid creatures in that they require negative emotions, but it doesn't have to be hate and misery, those are just their favorites." I shuddered. "Why did I have to be here. She…" "Because you fear her. Because I knew you would. Because she is fey, and thus you need not fear her at all. Because Windigoes are not the most terrifying of fey, but you could make them all beg for mercy if you choose." "But I don't want to and I don't know how. I can't be some big scary queen." "Tut, tut, you could do anything you put your mind to. Trust me, I know these things." I whimpered in response. "Still, you clearly don't want to be a big scary queen, so don't be. However you need to get used to the idea that you don't have to fear them. They serve you. If you wanted her to wear a pink frilly dress and dance for your amusement, Frostfall would do it." "But I don't really know how to make them." I looked down "I don't think I want to either. All of this is terrifying." "Maybe, but a queen does not cower." Her voice was much harder again, like the wedding. "You can be many things, but weak is not among them." Then she smiled. "But you aren't, so you just have to remember to show them the truth is all." "But what if I can't?" "Then Equestria will fall. The eyes of the fey are upon this kingdom and if you fail it will wither away. That would be a terrible waste." "You mean the fey will attack if I don't…" "Attack? Possibly some, but no that Equestria can face. Luna and Celestia can stop that. What they can't stop is the things that live in shadow and worship fear. The mists that set travelers astray for all eternity, the old things that should not be, the fey entire simply being here unbound would erase the sisters' empire, and it wouldn't even be clear how." I gulped. Then she laughed. "However you don't need to worry about that for years and years. The fey will not rush in and attack." "But, you did." She smiled. "I suppose I did. The fey are not all the same, that would be far too strait forward. There may be some who act swiftly, but one little invasion here or there is hardly something you should be concerned about." "But…" "Enough of this. Worry not Fluttershy, for you have me at your side, and I'm here to help you. Your friends might prove useful too actually. You shall be a great high queen, and soon you'll see there is nothing in this whole world to fear." "Nothing to fear?" "Yes, not all the monsters in the world are fey, but enough that any who aren't your subjects can be, dealt with, by those that are. Don't you understand Fluttershy? You are free. You need not be meek and timid any longer. You can stride forth boldly and show the world the power of kindness." "No." I felt myself tearing up. "No, that isn't good. That just makes everything worse. I don't want to be high queen. I don't want to be a goddess. It was bad enough when I was just strong pegasus now…" And then I was crying in Dash's hooves. They couldn’t really be hers I knew but at that moment I didn't care. It was nice. It wasn't like Dash at all. Dash was always so twitchy whenever she tried to comfort me. If she even noticed something was wrong. I know she's trying, but it doesn't always feel like it. This reminded me of mom. I guess Chrysalis is a mom, isn't she? "Well, this is a setback." She said in Dash's voice. "The analysts were clearly very wrong. They totally misread everything." "Oh I'm sure they were trying very hard. And really I am afraid of lots of things, including things I know I shouldn't be. I've always been that way." "Hmm, yes, that would fit actually. Yes, the report even says reason can't be used to banish your fears because you know they're unreasonable. I suppose that's what I get for being swept up in the moment and dreaming of my glorious future." "Uh, don't you mean our?" "No, I am rather self centered so I wasn't thinking about your even more glorious future much at all." "Oh. But, well…" "I'm not going to betray you no. That alone you can trust. You're far too dangerous in so many ways to ever betray. So in truth what you fear the most is yourself?" I nodded. "Yes, but, uh, could you turn back to normal. This is, strange." She let me go and turned back to normal. I stood up and tried to think of something to say. I just couldn’t though. Nothing I could think of was good enough and the silence was dragged on, and thing just got worse and worse every second. Thankfully Chrysalis thought of something so I didn't have to. "Okay, just to make absolutely sure, you don't want to be an evil queen with absolute power, your subjects doing all they can to avoid your ire?" I nodded "Pity, I'm good at that. Still, you need royalty lessons. Your friends and the princesses could manage that, but it helps to have a different perspective on things. Also when it comes to politics I am very good at that." "Oh, but I would really rather not and…" "Fine. Less work for me it seems. Just remember, I am playing nice with Equestria, but my duty to you comes first. If you ever decide to act against your current nation, I always pick your side. You need only say the word." "That's, uh, nice? I think." "Now my business with you is completed, so unless you need something I believe we are done here." "Oh, uh. Okay. I'll just go now." I waved. "Goodbye." "Goodbye. Oh, and walk with your head held high. You can at least look confident even if you don't feel it." "I'll try." She wasn't the first to say something like that, and I still wasn't sure exactly how to look confident when flying, though trying to copy Dash seemed like it should work. I couldn't fly like her, but I could look like how she held herself at least. > Friendship Report (?) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Princess Celestia Today I learned I'm going to be a horrible high queen and destroy all of Equestria, and then I'll turn evil, and start kicking puppies and it will be awful. (Yea, Spike here. She kept talking but her crying was so loud it was really hard to hear. Plus it is Fluttershy so it wasn't that loud to begin with, and she might have gotten even more quiet with time. I think she needs some princess advice. You might want to get Luna too. Seems like it might be a two princess job.) > Power of leadership > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My friends had all hugged me. I had been confused, but there were quite a few ways Twilight could have gathered them up quickly. I wasn't really paying attention. The princesses showed up, but when they saw us, turned to each other, nodded, and teleported away again. Now I was just having nice calming tea with Twilight in her kitchen. I think Spike said something about a nap when everypony was still hugging me but I was distracted so I wasn't sure. I know Twilight made the tea herself so I don't think he was around if he wasn't asleep. Twilight smiled. "So ready to talk yet?" "I think so. But, now I'm not sure that…" "Fluttershy. We're all here for you. We'd all still be here if we thought it was needed. We just agreed one on one might be better and I actually had the least to do. Dash disagreed until AJ reminded her what the weather schedule actually calls for today." "Is it also because Dash knew you would be most likely to help me?" Twilight blinked. "Actually Rarity said that, but didn't explain. I'm not really sure what she was talking about and she said she was busy and you should explain it anyway." I nodded. "She's probably right. It's power Twilight. You know power." "I thought you were dealing with that." Twilight frowned. "I mean trying to ignore it for the most part doesn't seem like a good idea but it was a way to deal with things, and it seemed to be working well enough for you." "I don't mean magic. Honestly I sorta like it now. I mean I've got my butterflies growing the things I want most of the time, so I have to do less work and all my animals get what they really want instead of dry food. I tried to limit it as much as possible but…" "I know Fluttershy. For some of them it just didn't seem possible." She smiled. "But even if I wasn't a big help you're liking your magic now." I nodded. "Especially the invisibility. Well, it's more than that. It makes me more quiet and blocks smell too. The only things it doesn't effect are taste and touch." "I still have a really hard time understanding nature magic, but I think I'm getting the idea. It's still odd it's so, instinctive." "It's odd nature magic is instinctive?" Twilight laughed. "Well odd to me. Obviously it makes perfect sense it just makes it very hard for me to actually learn. But I think I can get there with your help." I smiled "So if that isn't it then why do you think I can help?" "Because even though we never really discussed it, you are the one that makes the really hard decisions. You decided we had to go into the Everfree to find the elements. That even though it was dangerous you couldn't just run from Nightmare moon. That we couldn’t waste time trying to get back to each other, and had to get to the center of the maze after Discord separated us." "That wasn't exactly one of my better decisions." Twilight blushed and looked away "Oh no, it was a perfectly sensible tactical decision, even if it was scary and didn’t work out well. Carry on to the objective, as regrouping doesn't seem worth the effort considering the situation. It was a risk, but an acceptable one." She blinked. "I am never going to be able to let the idea you are Steelwing's daughter get purchase in my mind. Silent Sky, that made sense. They're very different in some ways, but there is a certain similar demeanor but you…" I nodded. "Yes, I'm not much like daddy at all." "There are some things actually, but it's still odd." Twilight shook her head and took a sip of tea. "But forget that. That is one of the hardest possible lessons to learn. It's not obvious, but even Celestia makes mistakes. One of the amazing things about her is how easily she can salvage a situation and make look like the whole thing was intended." "Really, how often does she do that instead of just planning it all that way from the beginning?" Twilight laughed. "I have no idea. If she hadn't explained how things actually went in terms of her plans a few times I never would have even considered she could make a real mistake. So what is the problem then?" "How do you choose? How can you choose when you know that if you choose wrong, bad things might happen? That something might die because of you? Maybe even a pony. Maybe even your friends." Twilight sighed. "That's easy, though not fun." "It is?" I asked "There is always one option for every single problem. Sometimes it's even a solution worth considering, but not often. That option is to do nothing." "Daddy says you should always act, but, I don't think he ever said why." "Because if you do nothing you have no control. For a general it's so obvious a non-choice it's not worth considering. Even if you don't do much, do something. Remain in control of the battlefield." "Real life isn't a battlefield." I said "No, but most of the time it's still a bad choice. So no matter how terrifying it is, no matter how high the stakes if you're wrong, you have to choose, because doing nothing is worse. Because there are things worth fighting for, friendship being just one of them." "But the fey are telling me to do nothing. That I should wait. That…" "Waiting is something. As I said even nothing is something. But there is a difference between failing to make a decision and thus having it made for you and choosing not to act. So I choose." "But what if I'm wrong?" She laughed. "You know this is probably how we're most alike. We both worry way too much, the main difference being that I immediately start taking action when I panic, whereas you are too terrified to act." "I'm sorry." She laughed again. "The doll incident is proof that my method isn't really better than yours. You remain calm, take as much time as you feel you can spare, and then make the best decision you can. That's how Celestia does it." "You do that most of the time." "I, guess. Not all of the time though." "This all makes sense, but how are you not terrified? I mean…" Twilight laughed. "Who says I'm not? Who says anyone is? She never told me specifically but I think Celestia is too. Anyone that cares about those they might lose is terrified. They just know that if they don't push through that fear, that if they let that fear rule them, things will get worse. Because nothing usually isn't the solution." I wasn't sure what to say to that. It made sense. Daddy talked about this sort of thing a lot, even if Twilight's way of saying it made more sense to me. The burden of command. I never quite understood what he really meant until just now. I sipped my tea. I didn't even think about the fact my butterflies were flying it around where I wanted it just like Twilight levitated her cup. It was just normal. I wasn't scared of my new magic anymore. But this was different. "I'm not that strong. Not like that. Not like daddy, or Celestia, or you, or Dash. I don't think I can…" "Yes you can." "But Twilight…" I began "Fluttershy, you can. With time I've come to see how much of a struggle things can be for you, but you can. Sometimes you'll be wrong, but you're not alone. Everyone will help you, not just me and the rest of the girls, but Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and at least you can even trust Chrysalis to a degree." "She's not that bad." "Maybe, but I'm pretty sure things would be very different if you weren't high queen." "I still don't think I can…" "But you can. You can Fluttershy, I know you have trouble believing that, but you can. Just remember, we believe in you. That will never change. Remember that." "I know what to say now." I smiled. I did. I know what I really learned form all this and it was amazing. Then I frowned a little. "Though, if Spike is sleeping I don’t wan to wake the poor dear." > Friendship Report > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Princess Celestia. I learned something so very important. There are lots of ways to work though fear. I've tried all of them. Most don't work for me, but there is one so powerful it works every time. Friends. Friends can let you push through any kind of fear. But it isn't just if they're right there pushing or pulling you forward. There are other ways too. They can give you confidence because no matter how you think yourself, they believe you can do things you are so sure you can't. And you can just do things for them. I think rainbow taught me that. Discord and at the time Chrysalis, were both scary. But someone had to do something. With Chrysalis it didn't have to be me, but it seemed like it. So I did something. Both times I pushed past my fears for the sake of my friends and it worked. Maybe there are even ways they've helped me I don't even understand, but it doesn't matter. Friends can make even the most terrifying things seem less, so, but they can do more than that. They can make it not matter. The fear can be just as bad as ever, but it can't pull you down. It can't stop you. It can't limit your happiness. Friendship can push you forward lots of different ways even as fear tries to hold you back. I have to try and remember that. Remember and move forward best I can, no matter how hard it is for me, because I can do that. I can do lots of things. Your loyal subject, Baroness of the Everfree and High Queen of all fey, Fluttershy (Then she immediately started worrying about that sounding too formal, or that she might have been bragging about the high queen thing, and Twilight joined in. I walked out of the room the second they weren't paying attention to me and after finishing this note I'm going to send it, because I know you don't care. I just think you should know what happened is all. Also if there is some fey that feeds on panic, we are totally doomed. There isn't, right?)