> Lakeside > by MLP Moth > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Lakeside > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was the beginning of a warm spring morning, Sky rolled out of bed and went trotted tiredly to a mirror. She looked at the mirror, frowned, then brushed her long silky light blue mane. When she was done she went to the bathroom to rinse her mouth free from the nights stench. She then brushed her teeth, still with a frown painted on her face. She was sad. Maybe she woke up on the wrong side of her bed. She walked through the hallway to get to the kitchen. She looked around and noticed that her boyfriend was gone. She figured he went to work. She paced around the quiet home for an hour, then decided to walk outside. There was a beautiful daisy on the ground be her door. She smashed it. She kept her eyes on the ground, a deep sigh came out of her. She felt a warm breeze go across her face, Sky gradually lifted her head up and when she did she saw her boyfriend staring down into a lake. She went toward him and asked quietly,"Why aren't you at work, sweetie?" She yawned. He looked up at the clouds, back down at the clear lake, then to her eyes,"I called off work today. Just didn't feel like going, I need a break anyways." He saw her gloomy face and said,"What's wrong?" He used his hoof to lift her face up,"Hey, what's wrong, Sky?" She sighed,"I'm fine." She forced herself a smile. "We've been together for almost three years, I can tell by now when you're lying." He could tell that she wasn't in the mood to talk,"Sky, come on. Let's go to our spot." He went by her side and nudged her."Come on, the faster we get there the faster we can lie down." Their spot was secluded from the busy roads. It was by the same lake by their house, and in between two thick rose bushes."Sky lie down on me, we wouldn't want your white coat to get dirty." As he lied down, Sky went in front of him and leaned on him. They were still for a couple of hours."Sky, you ready to talk now?" "About what?" "What's been bothering you today? This morning you were so quiet, you're not like that. Usually, you're....happy." "Its......" Her boyfriend realized what day it was,"Oh, Sky, I'm sorry. I forgot this is the first anniversary of his death." He held her closely, "I'm sorry." He felt her warm tears running down his neck. "Don't think about it, honey." "I'm try....trying." she sniffled,"It's to hard not to, he was my only brother." "Sky, let's go back inside." He hoisted her up slowly, when he got up he stretched and yawned. "A bit chilly, isn't it?" He glanced over to Sky and saw her frowned face. He trotted ahead of her, he looked back and saw her catching up with her face looking at the ground. When Sky and her boyfriend went back inside their dwelling, he set her down on the couch and fetched her a glass of water. She took a small sip of the beverage and breathed out and in."I'm sorry, it just feels like yesterday he passed away." She tried to smile, but tears were forcing their way out of her tear ducts. "Lay down for a little while. I know you've just only woken up, but you didn't get enough sleep last night. I heard you get out of bed." He went to her and pushed his face gently against hers. "I got some errands I have to take care of." He stared into her beautiful blue eyes."Will you be fine without me for a couple of hours? If not, I can stay." Sky nodded her head,"I'll be fine." "Okay, then." He got up,"Bye." He left the house. Sky fell asleep. She woke up to the door opening, her boyfriend came in. The moon was coming up, she saw it through the open door. He shut the door. He apologized,"Sorry, I must've woke you up." "Oh no. It's fine. I was just getting up." She got up to give him a hug, after she did she asked him,"Where'd you go?" "Umm, I had a out-of-town friend visit. He was just passing through, but he needed somepony to talk with until his train arrived." "Where's he from?" She added. He went to the window and stared outside,"He's from Manehattan. He's a doctor." "What's a doctor from Manehattan doing here?" He paused,"I haven't gotten the slightest clue. I'm beat, Sky. I think I'll turn in for today." Her boyfriend went upstairs uneasily. He stopped and shook his head when he reached the top. Sky saw him use one of his hooves to wipe his face. She went up the stairs, trotted straight, then turned right to the room. She saw her lover lay down on his side of the bed, the right side. He faced to the right. Sky could hear him sniffle, she didn't join him in bed. She went back downstairs and went outside. She looked up to the full moon, then returned to the room only to him fast asleep. The next morning Sky woke up and saw that he was gone. She heard voices coming from downstairs. On the way down she her boyfriend talking with what looked like a doctor. "You can't be treated here, son." the doctor said, "We have the best equipment and doctors to treat your disease. Or we can go to Canterlot. You're close with the princesses aren't you?" "My mother was, not so much me. And i dont want to bother my aunt either. She's too busy running Equestria. She doesnt need added stress, you know? Manehattan would be fine, I guess." He replied. "Have you told Sky yet?" "No, I don't want her to worry." "You're just gonna leave then?" "Not that either." He laughed a little, "How would you do it?" "Well, when I tell famlies their loved one has a terminal illness, I just come out with it. There is no easy way to do it." Sky trotted down,"When were you gonna tell me?" she asked. Surprised, he replied hastily,"I was going to. I didn't know when." "Well, you might as well now." The doctor saved him,"Look, Sky, his disease can be treated if we have him go to Manehattan. There's no need to be upset." "Fine." she uttered. The next week, Sky's boyfriend was in an ICU. He has lossed some of his hair and his voice was weakened. Other than that he seemed to be okay and as long as he smiled Sky continued to as well. A nurse would come around every 6 hours or so to do a routine checkup on him. Make sure he's eating, hydrated, and whatnot. "We'll be out of here in no time." he said. "You're always so happy." Sky chuckled, "Gets kinda annoying." "And why you love me."He laughed, "Hard to believe I'm still alive." "Especially after all you've been through. Your mother took good care of you." "Besides the fact she almost got me killed." A voice came from the door, "Twice." "Oh, great. My aunt is here." He laughed. She walked over to his bedside. His aunt replied jokingly, "Oh no. So terrible." She laughed. "Your doctor told me about you. You feel alright?" "Oh yeah, better than ever. How's Equestria doing?" "Nothing exciting happens as it did before. Guess why you got bored of overseeing security matters." She chuckled, "One of our youngest generals and he is hospitalized for some illness. Not assassins or battle injuries-" "Or Timberwoles." He laughed. "I believe its better off that were aren't out there fighting." "It is." Sky asked, "What exactly happened with the Timberwolf?" His aunt answered, "Well, he kinda argued with one. If it weren't for our dragon friend he wouldn't be here." "I'm so glad we met after all that mess." Sky said. "You would've loved my mother, Sky." He coughed. "She always thought I was the best thing that has ever happened to her. She tried her very best to keep bad things from happening to me, but I threw myself in those situations too. Ungrateful right?" His thoughts were exploding his mind. He began thinking if he was ever gonna leave this hospital bed and go back to his relaxing home where he can live out the rest of his life with his soulmate. The day went on. Just Sky, her boyfriend, and his aunt talking and almost forgetting why they were in the hosital in the first place. His aunt said her farewells and made way back to Canterlot. In the middle of the night, things got horrible. Sky's boyfriend's condition worsened. He had a seizure, vomitted, and started coughing blood. After that night a steady trend down began. His seizures became more frequent and one by one they got longer and more intense. Sky cried in the hallway outside of his room. Watching nurses and doctors pouring in and out of it. She wasn't allowed to see him for a few days. When she next saw him he was getting prepped for surgery. She trotted into the room. And saw him using a breather, the machines beeping loudly in her mind."Hey, Gamma..." she said with tears running down her fake smile. It was hard for her to look at him. He didn't look like himself. Gamma could barely speak. "Hey.....you." He gasped for air. "You're so...........beautiful." He tried to smile. She inched closer to him and ended up at his bedside. She hugged him gently, "I hate it when you're so happy." She sniffled. "Hey.....hey. I'm smiling. I want you to. Okay?" Gamma coughed. "I know its hard, but keep trying." "Feels near to impossible at this point." She fell into his lap. "I love you, Sky." Gamma said. "Stop. You say it like we aren't gonna see each other again. Don't say those words again. Not until after your operation." "Oh, alright." He smiled. He saw that a doctor was standing at the door. "I better get on out of here. I will see you later." She smiled. "Yeah, till then." Sky gave Gamma a light kiss on the forehead then walked to the doorway, looking back at him smiling again. Sky had a weird feeling crawling up her spine. Sky walked out and asked the doctor, "How long will the operation take?" "We estimate around 6-8 hours. It'll be a brain surgery so it will be difficult already. We are gonna run a series of tests that'll begin in the morning." "What's wrong?" "A tumor was located at his brain stem. We are amazed by how long he has went. We are going to reduce the swelling and hopefully it'd improve his condition drastically. But even then we won't know how safe he'd be." "Oh." Sky let out a huge sigh. "Look, I suggest going out for some fresh out. Have some coffee or go for a walk, maybe both." They both chuckled. We'll take care of him." "Okay, can I spend tonight with him at least?" "Of course." When Sky walked back inside the roo she saw that he was already fast asleep. She slept at his side. It was the might peaceful sleep she has had ever since arrivng to the hospital. She woke up and saw that Gamma was sill sound asleep. She stared at him. Looking at his peaceful body. She left before he woke up. Saying goodbye once was hard enough. She walked out he hospital and was greeted by the clear blue sky and the warm sun. She walked to a nearby coffee shop and sat in the back. Watching others mingle and start their day off. She then walked to a park and found a nice bench. She layed their for hours sipping her then cold coffee watching the carriages and other ponies move left to right. She was confused. She was angry, sad, and lonely. Angry that she couldn't do anything to help Gamma. Sad that this was happening to him and not her. And how she was going through this all by herself with nopony to support her. Although she did feel a slight happiness. SHe couldn't quite figure out why. It was about 5 in the afternoon when she decided to head back to the hospital. She saw that Gamma's doctor was at the frontdesk. "Doctor, what's going on?" "Sky," she saw his face and knew something had happened, "he is in a induced coma. We have him on life support." Not single tear came from her eyes, "Anthing else?" "His wasn't cooperating with his lungs or is heart. And since he has no blood related kin you're the closest pony he has to family. His aunt, as you might not know, isn't blood related at all. She was just an aunt figure to him." "Is there a chance of him waking up?" She felt nothing at all. "Unfortunatley, no. I'm sorry." the doctor answered with a frown. Sky was contemplating what to do. She couldn't have him "living" off of machines. To her the answer wasn't difficult to make. She let out a wave of tears and screams. After what seemed like hours of crying she finally built up the strength to say, "Take him off." Gamma took his last breath with Sky at his side. At his small funeral Sky was at peace knowing that Gamma's suffering had ended and everything that was happening to her felt so surreal. Even his aunt found it hard to believe even though she has seen so much death in her life. She couldn't talk about it. It was her time to move on from this scarring event. She acted like nothing ever happened after his funeral. She felt like she was gonna wake up from this dream and lay at Gamma's side by the lake forever. "Death isn't an easy thing to cope with. Especially when it hits so close to home. You just have to move on and remember the life of somepony rather than their passing."