> Octavia Is Getting Sick of All This Semen > by Miss Marionette > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Make. It. Stop. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Octavia usually awoke to the sound of Vinyl's pounding bass. Music assaulting her ears and sometimes even her other senses. Vinyl was a strange mare with powerful music like that. Yet, lately, she did not have that luxury. In fact, Octavia probably would of preferred to awaken to Vinyl's pounding bass. No, what awoke her now was vile. Unnatural, and so utterly unclothe it made her squirm in her sleep. It was a stench. A powerful, burning, salty stench. It coated everything, and the scent seemed to seep into whatever it touched. It was in the air. In the walls. In the water. It was inescapable. It was like a vast, ever pressing tyrant, to remind the ponies of Equestria, or at least, just Ponyville for now, that they were in a war. This war was not fought with guns, grenades, soldiers or warriors. No, this was a war fought with singular ponies, wielding dragons, with but one type of ammunition to release upon their targets, and damn those caught in the cross fire. What was this stench? What was this unholy force ever pressing down upon the ponies of Ponyville, near Twilight's castle? What was the ammo with which these pranksters fought with? It was a simple substance. A powerful, awful, unmistakable substance. It was semen. Spunk. Jizz. Cum. Orgasm juice. Baby batter. White stuff. It was everywhere, and as Octavia's eyes fluttered open, and her nose scrunched up, she could only think one single, solitary thought. "I am getting rightly sick...of this Celestia damned stink." Octavia huffed, before finally pulling herself out of bed. Could she really be blamed for her aversion to the gooey white stuff? She was a well and proper mare, born and raised in Canterlot. She had moved to Ponyville with her dear Vinyl because they thought it would be the best move for them. Prime location, they could take a train to any of their gigs. Quiet, country life, without too much happening to disturb them. Friendly populace and everything. How were they to know that, upon moving to Ponyville, they would be moving into the future war zone to what was quickly becoming the silliest of prank wars in all of Equestrian history. The silliest, and one of the more vile, to boot. Octavia glanced out the window, and gave a visible shudder. It seemed that, last night, their home had gotten a good covering of the stuff. It dripped and oozed, and yet at the same time it stuck to every single surface around. Nothing was safe. Octavia had heard that Bon Bon had left her window open one night, the night is all started to hit a grander scale. The poor mare and Lyra were still trying to properly clean it out of the thick spray down it had gotten. Those poor, poor mares. Octavia could only feel pity for them, and their whole business. No one wants to eat at a candy store in which one of the rooms was filled with the vile dragon splooge. Octavia began to go through her daily routine of getting ready for the day, all while trying to ignore the stench of the semen. First, she would comb through her mane and tail. Next, the grey mare would usually brush her teeth. Octavia opened the bathroom door, and her face contorted into one of utter disgust and horror. There, in their bath and shower, stood Vinyl, shuddering in equal levels of disgust. Her front was covered, head to hoof, in semen. It dripped from the shower head, and Vinyl was frozen, hoof on the knob. "...It's...in the...pipes..." Vinyl gagged, giving a shudder as her horn lit up, and she began to slow, painful task of cleaning herself. "Oh...Vinyl. It's...It's in your mane..." Octavia frowned, and Vinyl just shot her a look. She knew full well that it was in her mane. Octavia shook her head, nose firmly scrunched to try and ignore the stench. Octavia trotted over to the sink, and she turned the handle, only to see a thick, white gunk ooze from the faucet with what Octavia could only describe as a 'splurp' like sound. She glared in on the sink, at the goop of semen inside of the sink now. "This...This has to stop. This must stop. It is in our PIPES." Octavia said, shaking her head. Vinyl stepped from the tub, shaking herself off now. She had made a valiant effort to wipe herself off of the foul ooze, but there was still a little stuck in the depths of her mane. "And how do you intend to stop it, Tavi? I mean, we're just two mares. I've heard rumors that Celestia is even part of this whole thing....Buck can you imagine if Discord got involved?" Vinyl asked, and Octavia just gave a heavy shudder. No, she would rather not think about if Discord got involved. By the heavens, Equestria would end up covered! Octavia closed her eyes, thinking deeply and intently on it. She needed to stop this, and she knew she had allies. Very few ponies actually liked waking up to find all that they owned and held dear covered in semen. Could they sign a petition? Well, if she didn't fear that all the ink wells in Ponyville had been replaced with semen...Nothing was safe. "I don't know, Vinyl...I will come up with something." Octavia said, giving out a small sigh. What other choice did she have? They had to. This had to stop. For the sake of their noses, and decent ponies everywhere, they had to end this prank war, no matter the cost. Suddenly, as if there was a crack of thunder, the room was filled with a boom and light. Octavia and Vinyl snapped their heads to look, and see none other than an alicorn, with a starry mane, and eyes that held no humor at the moment. "Princess Luna!" The pair of them said, bowing to the princess of the night. Luna shook her head, bidding them to rise, before looking around to assess the damage. She cocked an eyebrow, glancing first in the sink, and then inside of the tub, before just shuddering. "We have heard thine's calls for an end, and we can agree. This...war of pranks, it must cease at once. Not even the castle of Canterlot is safe. Our own room has been assaulted...It was not pretty." Princess Luna shuddered once again, her nose scrunching when she got a whiff of the stuff that was all too strong. "Well...What can we do? I'm afraid to even go to my gigs anymore...For fear that I'll get caught in a spray down or something." Vinyl shuddered, and Octavia could only nod. No time of day or night was safe from semen being dropped from a portal, or the heavens. "There was a time in Equestria, when we could walk outside and not be afraid of semen falling down upon us simply because we were caught in a cross fire. With your help, we will bring that time about once again. Come, gather your allies. By tonight, we will end this plight forever." Luna said, and the pair of mares nodded. With that, Luna suddenly teleported away, to get whatever was their plan. "So...what do we do now, Tavi?" Vinyl asked, cocking an eyebrow in Tavi's direction. "Now, Vinyl....We finally put a stop to all this bucking semen." Octavia nodded, the smile on her face unmistakable. Hope. She was filled with hope. Hope for a brighter future. A cleaner smelling tomorrow. Of a day when she would no longer need to fear stepping outside and getting covered in semen. It was going to be a good day. If it worked.