A Frozen Nightmare

by xLapis Lazuli

First published

An icy queen demands for a kingdom but receives a no for an answer. The queen only gets angry and gets banished from Equestria. Years later she returns for revenge. Will Equestria survive this eternal blizzard?

Long ago before the two royal sisters were born, an icy ruler demanded for her own kingdom in Equestria.
Oueen Galaxia and King Cosmos did not approve for they were worried the kingdoms icy ponies might destroy the crops and kill the warmth. The frozen queen, Frigid Frost, was annoyed and tried to reason with them but without success. Frigid Frost left and was never seen again.

Years later the queen heard of Queen Galaxia and King Cosmos's death. She then planned to make her kingdom only to have her dreams shattered after hearing of their daughters that were still alive.
Frigid Frost confronted the two princesses and demanded for her kingdom and this time wouldn't take no for an answer. She still got a no though, Frigid Frost was very very annoyed and made a small but deathly cold blizzard. The frosty queen then became the horrid Frightmare Frost and shot an icy blast at the sun princess but Luna hopped in front of her to shield her sister and was struck by the evil. Frightmare Frost had caused a part of Luna's corruption that day.

Princess Celestia then sent the evil mare to the darkest mountains and banished her.
Now years have passed since the defeat of Tirek and they say that Frightmare Frost will soon return. Is this true? Will she really cause the death of many innocent ponies?

Rated T just in case.

Cancelled, sorry guys. I loved writing in it but not many people were reading it and I lost my muse for it.


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It was a cold Winters night. A beautiful white alicorn stood on the balcony of the castle, staring out at the snow capped mountains far away. Her astonishing flowing mane looked as if the sun was setting in them, her large wings and legs faded to the color of peach and her eyes the color of flame. The alicorn sighed.

"What's wrong Galaxia?" A voice asked. There appeared King Cosmos, a dazzling sight he was. His dark blue coat had a thousand glittering cold stars and his short curly mane was a nice shade of purple. "I'm worried Cosmos, I'm worried that the windigos may come back. You know how that turned out." Queen Galaxia replied. "Do not worry my dear, Clover the Clever has found a way to keep the windigos from coming back. You know how clever that unicorn is." The King replied with a smile.
The Queen was just about to smile back when they heard the messenger pony fly in.

"What happened?"
"There is an alicorn who calls herself Queen Frigid Frost requesting to come in."
"Let her in."
"Of course your majesties."

A few seconds later an astonishing pure snow white alicorn with a wavy turquoise and sky blue mane trotted in. On her head was a crown made of dazzling white snowflakes and her hooves looked as if they were frozen ice.
She bowed gracefully and started to speak.

"Greetings, I am Queen Frigid Frost and I have come to ask you a simple question."
The King and Queen looked at each other with their eyebrows raised, then motioned for her to continue.

"My ponies, the ice ponies deserve a land of their own." She began, getting up. The icicles hanging from her majestic hair shook as she moved and sounded like a thousand tiny bells.
"I ask for your permission to build a kingdom of ice ponies."
The King and Queen glanced at each other.
"May we speak alone in private for a moment?" The Queen asked.
"Of course." Frigid Frost said as if she were their ruler.

The King and Queen started to whisper quietly for a few minutes. When Frigid Frost started to get impatient they finished their discussion.
"We have made a decision." The King said.
Frigid Frost's eyes gleamed with curiosity.
"We are sorry but we do not approve of the idea."

Frigid Frost's heart sank hearing those words. "Why? We just want a kingdom of our own!"

"Please calm down. We just.. Well we don't want to.. We don't want the ice ponies to destroy the crops of earth ponies or change the weather." Queen Galaxia said softly.

She snorted. "Pfft. Your worried about that? We will find a place away from your precious earth pony crops, and why would we want to change the weather? We could change the weather in our area but not yours."

"Not on purpose you may not but on accident you may." The King said. "We are sorry but this decision is final!" He said his voice like steel.

Frigid Frost glared at the king. "Fine! Have it your way then! I'll be back when your dead!" She roared flying out the balcony.
Queen Galaxia was shocked at her words.
"Do not worry my dear. Everything will be alright."

Years later, unfortunately they died but under their eldest daughters rule, the kingdom prospers.
Frigid Frost flew back to the castle and this time confronts the two daughters.
Princess Celestia recognizes her almost at once.
Their parents had told Princess Celestia of this odd alicorn but Luna was too young that time and Celestia never told her sister of this.

"I want my kingdom. Now!" She yelled at the sisters.
"Tia, whats she talking about?"
"I suppose your parents never told you about me did they? Don't worry just ask them about me now, oh wait! Your parents are dead!" She said laughing like a mad mare.
Years of isolation had made the mare blood thirsty and hungry for revenge.

Celestia felt tears running down her check and though Luna was also crying she immediately stood up to face her.
"Don't talk about my parents like that!"
"Awh the little moon princess finally found her courage to speak up, how cute."
"Don't you dare speak to my sister like that you mad mare!" Celestia spat, forgetting to be sad.
"Enough of this nonsense! Give me my kingdom now!!" She roared.
"Thats right. No."
The queen roared and shot an icy blast at the sun princess.
Luna quickly jumped between them to shield her sister and the shot hit her instead.
Celestia screamed. "NO!"
Frigid Frost started laughing like a hyena that killed its first prey.
The beautiful queen suddenly transformed, her teeth became razor sharp, her eyes as if they belonged to a cat and her beautiful hair now a flowing blue magical mess, but her wings were now razor sharp ice.

"You. YOU!" Celestia yelled at her.
"Now I am Frightmare Frost!'
Celestia looked stunned.
Frightmare took this as a chance to attack. She shot an icy blast at her that barely missed her horn.
Celestia then used all her power and energy and a golden orb appeared around her, she then shot a blast at Frightmare.
"No. What are you doing?! No!!"
Celestia then banished her to the coldest and tallest mountain.

After she was gone, Celestia rushed to her sisters side who thankfully was waking up.
"Don't worry sis. She will never come back, ever!"

Boy was she wrong.

The Different Tale

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A cold breeze blew past Iridescent Pencil, a dark grey unicorn with pale pink eyes and a flowing wavy iridescent mane, the mare shivered as she adjusted her scarf and trotted towards the local library. Now that the Golden Oak's Library was Princess Twilight's new castle, they needed a library. Iridescent Pencil's best friend Page Bound had founded the new library and wrote most of the stories there.

Iridescent Pencil trotted inside the warm library and found Page Bound hidden in a huge pile of about a dozen books.
"Hey there Dess." Page Bound's voice came from the wall of books. Page Bound knew it was Iridescent Pencil because she could always guess who entered her library. Iridescent liked to think of that as her friends super power while hers was being able to sharpen pencils perfectly.
"Hey Page. Working on a new book?" Iridescent asked. "Nope. Just reading for inspiration." Page Bound replied, trotting out from the wall of books.

Page Bound was a pretty light brown unicorn with a long flowing choppy brown mane with wide dark cocoa streaks. Her cutie mark was an odd open brown leather book with strange markings on the cover and blank pages.
"Its awfully chilly out." Iridescent said.
"Oh yeah it is. This morning when I went to Mochalee's cafe it was freezing, and its summer! So, do you want to take out a book?" Page Bound asked.
"Oh, yeah. Just looking for a good book." Iridescent replied.
"Okay Dess. You need me, you know where to find me."
Then the mare was off behind her giant wall of books.

Iridescent Pencil scanned the bookshelves. Her pale pink gaze rested on an old dusty brown book that looked promising. An iridescent aura surrounded her horn and the book, the dusty book floated off the book shelf and onto a nearby desk.

Iridescent took off her pale pink scarf and her pale pink saddlebags with her cutie mark on them. Her cutie mark was a pencil drawing a hot pink coloured heart with a bunch of stars twinkling around it.

The mare sat down and scanned through the pages of the book. There was a pretty pink ribbon bookmark but the pages were all blank. Hmm weird. Just like Page Bound's cutie mark. Well whatever. Somepony probably forgot to write the words. She thought. Then she flipped to the page the bookmark was on when a page fell out. "Huh?" Iridescent levitated the page from the ground and examined it. "What's this?"

It was an old page yellowed with age and had a few rips. Iridescent carefully read it. Wait this is the tale of some pony named Frightmare Frost! Hmm sounds like Nightmare Moon. Maybe theres a connection? She thought. "Hey Page Bound! Whats this doing here?"

The brown mare trotted out from the great wall and blinked. "Wait that looks a lot li-" Page Bound was interrupted by Iridescent.
"Whats this mean? Who's Frightmare Frost? Why is this here? W-"
Page Bound snatched the book with her blue aura and examined it. "Wait I don't think I've ever seen this book before! It must be one of the books that Twilight left for me."

Iridescent still levitated the page, waiting for the answers she needed. "Page, not the book. I'm talking about this!"

Page Bound looked at the yellow piece of paper carefully. "Frightmare Frost? Sorry no idea who she is. And no idea why thats here."
"But! What is this though?"
"Calm down with the questions. Usually I'm the curious one. Well let me look more closely."
Page Bound read it and gave a confused look once she reached the bottom.
"Whats it say?"
"It says this Frightmare Frost is supposed to be banished by Celestia and it says that she will come back when the time is right and that the windigos will aid in her escape."
"Hmm. Well how are we supposed to know if the time is right?"

Page Bound thought for a moment.

"Well I don't know but you said that it was cold and I said it was freezing and its summer so.. Don't know about you but I think the time is close."
"Your right but it could be an old mares tale."
"Well lets forget about this old piece of paper. Wanna head to Mochalee's cafe for lunch?"

The two unicorns trotted off, without a care in the world.

What they didn't realize was the frost covering the old yellow page.

The Plan

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Its hard being a princess if your always wandering the halls of your castle alone with nothing to do.
But its even harder to be the daughter of an evil mare.

Princess Winter Solstice is a beautiful sparkling light blue mare with wings of clear shiny ice that were floating slightly above her back. She has a white muzzle and her long white mane is done in a side braid encrusted with crystal clear blue snowflakes. The tip of her horn has a slight darker blue tint to it then her fur and her cutie mark is a single snowflake. Her hooves are dark blue and her legs are white and fade to simple white dots. Winter also has very pale light blue eyes.

Winter Solstice frowned as she trotted through the silent ice halls of her castle. "Well this is a bore." Winter mumbled. She looked through the nearest frosty window at a tall ice tower. Winter sighed. "She's always there, planning her escape. Why does she have to be evil?" She asked herself.
Winter flew away from the window and flew towards the throne room. Two frozen pillars greeted her. It was a beautiful icy room with tall steps leading to the giant throne of dark blue ice. Magnificent see through ice windigo statues were beside the throne. Above the throne and attached to the wall was an odd circle that had swirling images of the Aurora Borealis inside it. It was an Image Orb. Very rare, Image Orbs can show you whats happening in a certain place though you can not hear the voices or sounds.

Frightmare Frost stood staring at the Image Orb and looking out at Ponyville.

"Well. The windigos have visited me and they tell me that it is time. I will be off soon." Frightmare Frost said, not talking to anyone in particular.
"But what about me? I'm not staying here am I? I'm going with you right?" Winter asked.

Frightmare Frost was a bit startled, she turned around looked at her as if Winter was something disgusting on the floor, making Winter wince. "No of course not. When did you get that idea?"

Winter Solstice's heart sank. "What?" Winter's sadness and surprise was replaced by anger.

"But you said I could go! Remember? Remember!!" Winter said, flying up.

"Oh why would you come. I always hated how you weren't an alicorn. You should be happy your an alicorn now, I spent so very long wasting my time on trying to find a spell that would make you an alicorn. Then when I became my true self, I made you wings of ice." She snapped.

Winter gasped and winced at her tone of voice. She flew away, far away outside and sat on the mountain side near a frozen pond.
She looked at her reflection on the ice and sighed. "Not all princesses have to be alicorns you know." She said quietly to the pond.

"Wait. I'm not banished, and I could sneak out once Frightmare Frost leaves! This is a great plan."

Winter's eyes gleamed.

" I will escape."

The First Snow

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A yellow beige unicorn with a short cerulean mane streaked with darker cerulean trotted back in fourth in the centre of Ponyville. Faded Scroll sighed in annoyance, his brother was supposed to be visiting yet he wasn't here! Late as usual. That big oaf needs to get out of the castle earlier! The stallion thought, though he worried his brother just decided not to come. Faded Scroll sighed and decided he would take a break, he trotted towards Sugarcube Corner, hoping that a simple cupcake would cheer him up.

"Hi there!" A cheerful voice greeted him. A pink mare with a hot pink springy mane popped up from behind the counter. "Oh hi." Faded replied quietly, this pony looked familiar. He then realized it was one of Twilights friends, he had seen her pictures on the walls of the castle. "Are you sad?" She asked, this time quieter. "Oh no I'm fine. I'm great. I'm amazing and spectacular." Faded Scroll replied. The mare looked at him up and down through narrowed eyes. She did this for quite a while until Faded broke the silence. "Er, I think this is when you ask me what I want to order.." The pink earth pony was just about to say something when her tail quivered. She quickly moved Faded away from the spot where he was standing. Confused, the stallion was about to move forward when an empty purple flower pot fell from the top floor. "Sorry!" A voice yelled from above. "Its alright!" The bouncy mare called to the pony. "Er, I don't know what just happened and don't want to know what just happened.. Well, uh, can I order now?" The mare looked back at Faded Scroll. "Oh sorry bout that! My Pinkie Sense is going crazy today. Anyways what would you like?" She asked. "Oh just a vanilla cupcake will do. Oh also with chocolate icing and some oats please." Faded replied. The pink pony started bouncing up and down. "Oooh! Cupcakes my favourite.. With their creamy creamy frosting." The mare said licking her lips and pretending to eat a cupcake. "Um.. What about my cupcake?" He asked, waving his hoof in the air in front of her face. "Oh right! Sorry, coming right up! Stay right there." She said going to the kitchen. "Stay." She said, peeking out from the kitchen door with narrowed eyes to make sure he was staying. After she left, Faded Scroll checked to make sure she was actually gone when he was startled by the mares squeaky voice. "Here ya go! Made with.. all natural ingredients!"

This mare scared him.

A few seconds later he was sitting outside eating his cupcake, wondering if his brother was coming. Many ponies said that his brother was bigger and better then him. But he had the brains while his brother had brawn. His brother was a strong pegasus and was hired as one of Celestia's guards. While he was a unicorn and worked as a messenger for Celestia. Princess Celestia had sent Faded Scroll to Ponyville a few months ago to work for Princess Twilight, though he usually just sent messages for all the princesses. Faded Scroll finished up his cupcake and stared out at Ponyville. He then felt a cold breeze that sent a chill down his spine. Something felt off about today, something was different.

He tried to ignore the sudden coldness and brought out a book, hoping that the breeze was only temporary.

Page Bound and Iridescent Pencil trotted towards a light blue coloured cafe, on the store window it showed a picture of the cafe logo, a pale pink teacup with a brown heart on it. In the window on display was a small castle made completely out of different coloured macaroons. Beside it was a white vintage milk glass stand with radiant blood red roses on top.
The two unicorns trotted inside the cafe, inside, the walls were a nice pale pink with thin chocolate brown stripes, the whole shop had a nice old victorian feel to it. A voice greeted them as they entered, "Bonjour Dess, PB!" A pale peach unicorn with a sleek long dark chocolate mane in a wavy side ponytail with a pale pink beret and pale pink bow studded with white pearls around her neck trotted forward.
It was Mochalee le Frenchroast, the owner of the cafe. "Comment ça va?" She asked. "Ca va bien merci." Page Bound replied. "Whoa guys, easy with the French. You know I'm not good at speaking French. Can we stick to speaking English please?" Iridescent said. "Sorry Dess. I just love Prance. Its such a magical place, and the Effilly tower is amazing! Anyways, the usual?" Mochalee asked. "Of course, but give us two more cups of hot chocolate. Its awfully cold out today." Iridescent said. "Oh oui, it is cold outside. I checked this morning. Well four cups of chocolat chaud and macarons coming right up!" The French mare trotted off.

Page Bound and Iridescent sat at their usual table. It was next to a window and had a nice view of Ponyville. "Hey is that.. ice?" Page Bound said, noticing little frost particles covering the usually clear glass. "Are those icicles?" Iridescent asked, she noticed mini icicles hanging from the window. "This is weird. I think its there since it just became Spring. Its probably going to go away in awhile." Page Bound said. "Yeah, I guess."
Mochalee then trotted towards their table, her pink aura glowing as she levitated their orders towards their table. "Voila!" She said, levitating their food on their table. "Merci, mademoiselle Mochalee." Iridescent said with a smile. "See! You do know French." Page Bound said grinning. "Well only a bit." Iridescent replied with modesty. "Well I better be off. Bonne journey!" Mochalee said, leaving the two. The unicorns then returned to their hot chocolates and macaroons.

After awhile of eating and drinking, Page Bound looked towards the window. She blinked, once, twice, three times. It was still there, yet she couldn't believe what she was seeing.

"Its snowing!"

"What the.."

Faded Scroll barely had time to think before it happened. The wind started to roar in his ears and he felt it get colder then ever. Then it started snowing. "Blizzard!" Some ponies yelled. "Ah!" Faded Scroll plopped down to the ground, the snow was very deep and very very cold. He was glad that he had his cerulean scarf but it didn't help much. Faded Scroll looked to the sky and saw a strange alicorn flying away. Its heading towards Canterlot. I have to get there and warn the sisters before the blizzard and that alicorn do. He knew it was next to impossible to get there in this weather, but the brave stallion started running to the castle. He slipped on the icy roads and skidded to a halt. Argh! If I were a pegasus I could fly over there! Oh wait, I almost forgot. I have a spell I can use! The unicorn muttered a few words and his horn started glowing blue. It was a portal spell, he had set up a portal at Canterlot Castle and he could set up the other portal here.
A large white oval shape appeared before him. It was glowing and had strange swirls in the middle. He then jumped into the portal without looking back.

Almost a second later he appeared before the magnificent castle. Faded Scroll rushed in past the guards. "Halt!" The two guards said in unison. Faded Scroll looked back. "I'm the royal messenger and have a very urgent message, I must see the princesses now!" The two guards spoke in hushed tones for a few minutes. Faded Scroll was annoyed and needed to see the princesses before 'it' arrived! "Please I must get to the princesses." He said urgently. "Alright, but I shall escort you there." One of the guards said. They rushed towards the room where the princesses were in. Faded Scroll was about to enter when the guard put his hoof on his shoulder. "Let me." He said calmly, slowly walking towards the princesses. Luna was talking while Celestia sipped her tea and listened to her sister. The two princesses both looked up as they heard the guard. "Ahem. The messenger has an urgent message." Faded Scroll rushed in and began talking super fast. "Calm down. Take a deep breath Faded." Princess Celestia said. He took a deep breath. "Theres a giant blizzard headed towards Canterlot!"

The two princesses looked at him like he just spoke another language.

"I thought you said this was urgent." Princess Luna replied. "But it is! A strange alicorn is headed-" Before Faded Scroll could finish, a loud rumble interrupted him. "Sister, what was that?" Luna asked, startled.

"It is 'I', dear Luna," A voice echoed through the castle.

"For I am, Frightmare Frost."

Back and Madder than Ever

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Faded Scroll's brown eyes widened with shock. Princess Luna gasped, Princess Celestia was surprised for only a moment. The white alicorn glared at the Frightmare Frost. She was angry that the cold hearted queen was back.

Back and madder than ever.

"Leave." Princess Celestia said her voice like thunder. "You don't belong here."

The icy alicorn replied calmly. "Well actually you don't belong here." Sneering she walked towards the two sisters and the young stallion. "Infact, why are you here in my kingdom?" She asked.

"This is not your kingdom and it never will be!" Celestia spat, taking a step forward. Frightmare Frost frowned, then smiled cruelly as she spotted Faded. "Ah, and who is this? Your body guard?"

Faded Scroll tensed. "I'm a messenger." He mumbled. "Ahaha of course his a messenger. A weakling like him wouldn't be able to take down a fly!" Faded Scroll frowned. "I'll have you know I took down many flies!" He replied. Now this made Frightmare roar with laughter.

"Faded Scroll!" Celestia's voice made Faded Scroll snap back to attention. "Go get Twilight and the others!" Faded Scroll nodded and immediately ran off.

Jumping through the portal he had set up, he arrived back in Ponyville and ran to Twilights Castle. The stallion had some trouble getting through all the snow though but he made it! He spotted the big crystal star that belonged to the crystalline tree castle. Finally! He thought. Faded Scroll saw many ponies running around panicking as he reached the castle. The stallion saw the mane six wearing warm hats and scarves and handing out warm clothes to the ponies. "Princess! Princess Twilight Sparkle!" The purple alicorn looked in Faded's direction. "Please Faded, call me Twilight. Just Twilight. Now what is it? Any messages from Princess Celestia about this strange blizzard. Oh my, speaking of blizzards you look cold! Come inside, it looks like every pony got warm clothes." She replied.

"Silly simpleton." Frightmare Frost said after Faded had left. Then Luna stepped forward. "Stop it! Leave now." Frightmare Frost looked at Luna. "Hello again Luna. Your a big mare now. You know you could join me, your Nightmare Moon! Though I'll have to get rid of you after I take over Equestria." She said, muttering the last part quietly to herself. The dark blue alicorn princess shuddered as she remembered how she became the evil Nightmare Moon. "I am not Nightmare Moon, who is this Nightmare Moon you speak of?" Luna replied confidently.

Frightmare frowned. "Leave now!" Princess Celestia yelled, her horn glowing. "This is my kingdom now! Your the trespassers!" Frightmare Frost yelled in reply. Her horn glowed blue and she shot a blast of ice at the Princess. Princess Celestia dodged the blast and hurled a ball of light at Frightmare. The corrupted queen ducked down, dodging the ball. She than started flying upwards, "Celestia! Give me my kingdom now and all will be well. I might even let you and Luna leave, alive." The alicorn replied with a smirk.

Princess Celestia stepped forward. "Leave us now Frightmare Frost! You know we would never give this kingdom to you. You are making a fool of yourself! Leave or I'll make sure that your banished forever this time!" Celestia roared. Frightmare Frost was mad, her horn glowed bright blue, almost a moment later a dozen windigos leaped at her side. "Celestia! I ask you once more, give me Equestria! I have grown much more powerful and in fact I could banish you two right now!" Princess Luna's horn started to glow. "Never!!!!" She cried sending a blast at Frightmare Frost.

Instantly the windigos leaped at the sisters. Princess Celestia shielded herself and Luna with a wall of fire. Her beautiful purple eyes were now blood red.

Inside, Faded Scroll explained everything to the girls. "Hmm, Frightmare Frost? I may have heard of her from one of my old books." Twilight muttered after Faded finished. "Quickly now! We have to get going!" Faded Scroll replied. "Whoa, hold your horses." Applejack said. "So basically what your saying is that a crazy alicorn queen barged into Ponyville bringing a million windigos with her and creating a blizzard just so she can get her kingdom?" Applejack asked. "Well yea." Faded Scroll replied impatiently. "Well what are you all waiting for? Lets go get the elements and kick some windigo butt!" Rainbow Dash said. "Oh oh! Can I bring my party cannon?" Pinkie Pie asked, remembering how she blasted changelings with streamers. "Uh, girls.. We don't have the elements anymore, remember?" Fluttershy said quietly. "Fluttershy's right. We don't have the elements! What are we going to do now?" Rarity sighed. "Girls calm down. We don't need the elements! Remember how we defeated Tirek? We defeated him without the elements and we can do it again!" Twilight said. Faded Scroll walked back and fourth impatiently. "With or without the elements it doesn't matter, we have to go and help the Princesses before something major happens!" He yelled out loud suddenly. The mares all looked at him wide eyed. "Lets go girls." Twilight said, the seven ponies than ran out into the freezing cold snow. They jumped through Faded's portal and ended up in Canterlot, now a frozen city.

Faded Scroll, Twilight, Pinkie, AJ, Rainbow, Rarity, and Fluttershy charged into the castle.

"Your too late my little ponies." An evil voice echoed through the halls.

The ponies gasped.

"Meet my new statues."

There stood the frozen versions of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.

Still as stone.