> Luna > by Austrian-Fluttershy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > How did you come here..? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- How did you come here.... The day was dark, stormy and full of fear as Luna or Nightmare Moon tries again to encase Ponyville in eternal Night. "Phil, pull the trigger, NOW!!!!" "Shut up Dash, i know what im gotta to do" ,shouted Phil, as he watched through the scope to target Luna. "I got only one shot, this is the moment." "MUHAHAHAHA CITIZEN OF PONYVILLE, WATCH HOW I WILL PUT YOUR LOVELY VILLAGE IN ETERNAL NIGHT HAHAHAHA", said Nightmare Moon in her royalvoice, as a blackblue cloud starts to encase Ponyville. "Im sorry Luna...", whispers Phil as he pulled the Trigger and a shot get fired. One Year Back... It was a normaly Monday morning, as the alarm hits Phils ears. "Uhh i don't want to stand up yet, please give me five minutes",whined Phil tiredly, as he went back to his sleep. Two hours later, he opened his eyes and noticed that he overslept, so he got quickly up, brushed his teeth, puts on his clothes and runs to the train station. He was lucky that he catched the train right and drove to his workplace. After a hour of driving he arrived at the company, where his Boss already waited for him. "Im sorry Boss, i overslept, because i didnt hear my alarmclock." "Its not a problem that can happen, now to business, you have to go on the milling machine, there is lot of work to do." replied his Boss while he pulled him to the machine. "B-B-But i don't how to use that, because i was only a week on it and i just watched." "Its not a problem, i saw how you handled the other machines very well and i know you can do that." "Hmm, if you say so",said Phil while his Boss returns into his office. He turned the switch clockwise as the machine gets started. While the machine starts up, he sets the basing points and gets the workpieces ready. Phil was trying to find the project number in the system but he couldnt find it. "Uh fuck, there is not the projectnumber in the system, i think i have to set it up for myself" ,sighed Phil as he watched some books through. As a hour flew by, Phil was ready to start the whole thing. ]"Okay dude, just concentrate and everything will going to went well" ,as he whispered quietly to himself. Phil checked everything twice again, pushed the green button and turns the knob slowly for the automatic feeds, as the Machine makes robotic noises . His focus broke as he suddenly felt a blue hand on his shoulder. "What the...LUNA!!" ,he shouted loudly. Luna screamed and that caused Phil to turn the knob to maximum while the machine crashes violently and with a loud shudder into the workpiece. Both where scared and Phil turns his head to the office window of his Boss, while he pointed a finger to him to signal, that he should went into his office. He went to the office and explained everything to him. "Im sorry I..." "Phil you broke the steering, that cost me five thousand dollars!" "But it wasn't my fault.." "BUT WHOSE FAULT WAS IT THEN!!!" ,screamed his Boss, while he smacked a hand on the table in front of him. "It was mine...", told Luna, as she removed the blanket to make her visible. Both were staying still, mouth wide open as they saw Luna in human form. "Please don't tell me that she looks like that Pony on that t-shirt that you wearing right now?" ,asked he while he pointed his finger on her. "Well, I think that is true ... Can i get some days vacation? Because i can't leave her alone like that." "I already gave you the whole last week, but in case that is an emergency, i only can give you two weeks." "Thank you very much Marcus, its very kindly from you." "Youre welcome Phil and only two weeks okay!!!, he shouted as Phil went through the door with Luna. They both leaved the company area as Luna speaked up:"Where are we going?" " We will go to my car and you will explain to me how did you come here into my world". "If you say so", sayed Luna while she raised an eyebrow, "What the hell, is a .. car?" "Something you will love Luna", smiled as they sat down into the seat and turned the engine on. Ten minutes of driving, Phil finally managed to speak up:"Ok Luna, now tell me, how did you come here to my world?" Luna sighed as she started :"Well, that a long story... Canterlot thousand years ago... Twilight and Celestia were practising in Celestias chamber to improve her timespells. "Okay Celestia i readed hundreds of books about time spells, it might work now." "Well then dear student, show me what you learned so far",said Celestia as she watched her student performing her spell. While Twilight performed the spells, Luna leans beside the doorframe to watch the whole scenery: "Hello dear sister. How is she doing with her spells?" ,asked Luna in an amused tone. "She is doing fine sister, a little bit of practising and she is able to travel through the time", replied Celestia happily, "Im very proud of her." "At least she isn't blowing something up like yesterday" , laughed Luna while putting a hoof to cover her mouth. "HEYYY, I heard that!", whined Twilight from behind. "Its time to set the night, sister im quite tired for the day. I will see you tomorrow then" ,told Celestia to Luna in a tired voice. "Yes Celestia, i wish you a good nights sleep." "Thank you, Luna" ,she sayed as she closed the door with her golden aura. "Well then, lets go to work". Luna stand outside on the balcony and uses her magic to lower to sun and bring up the moon. While she does do her Job, she feels a black magical aura dissapear into her horn and it begins to surround her body. "AHHH I-its t-t-t-o STRONG AHHH !!!", she screamed and crys because it hurted. While that, all Ponies inclusive Celestia, Twilight and the other ponies were standing before the castle and watching. "No.... that is not possible....", muttered Celestia, "That cannot be.." > A Crush > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "This can't be.." , muttered Celestia herself. Transition to now "So you wanna tell me, you were Nightmare Moon before you landed here? ",asked Phil while he drove the car. "Yes, thats true" , replied Luna, "But anyway i wanted to tell you the whole thing... ." Transition to back again Celestia and Twilight were standing outside watching the whole scenery as Twilight spoke up: "Uhm Celestia, have you told that Luna will never transform back to Nightmare Moon?" "Do you think I knew that my student?", said Celestia while Nightmare Moon landed before them. "Well,well, well if that isn't my sister and her little student Twilight Sparkle" ,said Nightmare Moon in an amused voice. Twilight stand in position while she charged her horn. While that, Celestia stand behind to give Twilight a signal to target her with that Timespell. "Twilight, NOW!" ,screamed Celestia while they both shot their magic to Nightmare Moon as she was left from the ground. She struggled against it but couldn't move either. After a moment she dissapeared with a loud boom as a big crate was drawed on the ground. "Uhm, Twilight... w-w-which spell did you used", asked Celestia with a worried Voice. Twilight blushed and replied scariliy: "T-that Timespell we practised couple hours a... ", she stopped speaking as Celestia put a hoof on her mouth, "TWILIGHT, for my sake that was just training! Me and my sister spoke we should give you a little test for you, that we can see how you improved with your magic!" "But i only transported her 1 day after that, she should be supposed to sleep, or i think that uhh she should do that now... ", said Twilight while she ran to Lunas chambers to see if she would be here." As they both ran into the room they noticed she isn't there anymore. Celestia was worried as she ran into the Mainhall to command the guards: "I want that you all search for Luna everywhere, when are you not able to find her, then i have to it for myself " ,said Celestia with a tint of angry. Transition to now (end of the flashback..) Phil was still driving and was a little bit amazed but not wondering how she landed here. He knew that Twilight has some problems to perform her magic spells correctly. "So if she hasn't performed her magic wrong you would still be in the castle", sayed Phil with a little laugh as he patted her head. "Well, thats our Twilight" , laughed and blushed Luna as she was amazed how soft his hands were. Phil shifted down a gear as Luna heard a highpitched noise coming from the engine. "What is that noise?",asked Luna. "That my dearest Princess is called a Turbocharger, is a turbine-driven forced induction device that increases an engine's efficiency and power by forcing extra air into the combustion chamber. So that means it pushes more air into the engine and it has more power, what i will demonstrate you now", explained Phil while he shifted down and slowly stepped more into the gas while they both were pressed into the seat as Luna put her hand on his. As Phil stepped from the gas as loud "schiuuuu" was heard. "And when i step from the gas that noise comes. There is a Blow -Off -Valve or a Wastegate. That is to compilcated to explain that to you", said Phil with a laugh. "Hehe, its a pretty cool noise." "Luna, why is your hand holding mine?", pointed Phil as Luna pulled back, "Sorry." Phil looked into her eyes for a second as he watched back to the street as he shift down and stepped hard on the gas to press them again into the seat. Luna was scared for a bit but as Phil took her hand, a chill runned down her spine and she smiled. A half hour later they arrived at home, stepped out of the car as Phil pressed down the key to close the car as a "beep-beep" was heard. They walked up the stairs as Phil turned the keys to open the door to his apartment. "So this is where you live?" ,sayed Luna as she kicked of her shoes and sits down the couch, "I will never get used to the human feets ,it hurts again", said Luna as she rubbed her feet. "Yeah i think i can understand that... i think i have something for that" ,said Phil as he took one of her feet and cupped them in his hands to massage them. Luna blushed and relaxed her body: "Ahh that feels like im in heaven, i mean not even the spa ponies can massage that well as you Phil." Phil smiled as he sayed: "Thank you Luna." Luna smiled as Phil kneaded her foot smoothly as he went from the heel slowly to her toes. "What do you think when we get something sweet to eat and watch a film", asked Phil in a hopefully tone. "Sure thing" , said Luna as he stand up and headed to the kitchen. Minutes past and Phil returned with sweets and something to drin, turns on the DVD-Player as he put in a film and pressed the start button. Seconds later he noticed that Luna cuddled with him and took her hand into his, while they watched the film. After one hour he hears a snore and noticed that Luna fallen asleep, so he took her into his arms, left her up und carried her to his bedroom. He let her down and covers her with his blanket. "Good night Luna... ,I Love You", said Phil as he turned of the lights and closes the door. > My Confession To You > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luna opened her eyes as the sun started to flow the room with a warm beam. She noticed that she was in laying in a bed. She got up from the bed, dressed herself with a hot pants that Phil had in his wardrobe ,maybe form his ex-girlfriend, and opens the door to go down the stairs. As she went down the stairs she stumpled at the last step and fell on her face with a loud bang. Seconds later Phil heard it and stormed into the living room. "Luna is everything okay?" , asked Phil in worried voice. "Yes.. except that i fell on my head ,everything is fine",smiled Luna while she watched into his eyes. Phil helped Luna on her feet and they sat together on the couch: "Hey ,i got some awesome plans for today, for first, because its sunny outside, we will drive around a little bit with my other car, that i can show you some places here and for second, i thought we should go to the amusement park." Luna hugged Phil thightly as he blushed by her warm embrace: "For what are we waiting then? Lets go! ,said Luna as she wanted to slip into her shoes but then Phil spoke up: "Wait Luna use these, they are healthy to your feet", said Phil as he handed her his flip flops and helped her to slip into them. "Wow thats a lot better then with the old ones", said Luna as she wiggled with her toes. "Well then let's go", said Phil as they went down the stairs and opened the door to his garage. He switched up the lights as they gave a buzzing sound and flicker the room in a bright white. They stand in front of a the convertible, opened the door with a key as the engine already started up and give a bad holler. Luna was shocked from the noise and took a grip of his arm: "Ohh uhm sorry", she blushed hard, "Just a reaction because i don't know these things in your world." "Its not a problem at all, you will love it", told Phil as he opened the door of the convertible, "Here take a seat ,your highness, hehe." Luna laughed and smiled while she took a seat. They both drove out to the driveway: "Here Luna press on that switch over the gear knob", pointed Phil on the switch. Luna pressed on the switch ,seconds later the car roof begans to move as the sun shined more into the car. She was very surprised but also a little sad that they hadn't these things in Equestria. Phil drove the car slowly through the city, turned on some music and saw that Luna enjoyed the chilled airflow. He was mesmerized as he saw Luna put her feet on the dashboard. "Phil are you alright, i hope you don't mind if i put my feet on the dashboard?" ,asked Luna while she enjoyed the warm feeling on her feet, "It just feels so amazing." "O-Of c-course not Luna, just do what you want", blushed Phil while he felt a strange sensation down his crotch, "Geez why do i have a foot fetish i hate that!" ,thought Phil to himself. Phil tried not to watch at her feet as he shifted down a gear and stepped full on the gas while the engine hollered loudly, as Luna laughed and enjoyed the sound. Hours passed as Phil steered the parking lot on the funfair, parked the car as they stepped out, to go to the entrance. They went through the whole funfair, to watch the attraction around here, take funny pictures at the Photobooth and went for ice cream. For the last attraction they decided to take a ride on the Ferris wheel. They sat into the seat as the wheel begans to move, brought them to the top and stopped in front of a beautiful sunset. "Wow Phil ... its so beautiful", said Luna as she laid her head on his shoulder and a tear rolled down her cheek, "I never thought your world would be that beautiful." Phil saw her tears as he took a handkerchief to wipe it away: "Just for my Princess" ,said Phil as he took her hand tight, "T-there is something i want to tell you Luna." Luna twitched with her ears and blushed while she watched into his eyes: "W-what Phil?" "I think i have to show it to you", said Phil smoothly as he put a hand on her cheek and pulled her face to his as he kissed her deeply. He waited for her response and was rewarded as Luna slipped her tounge into his mouth. They battled for dominance and passion as little noises were heard from them. Seconds felt like minutes, minutes like hours, but they didn't even cared about that fact, that the ferris wheel stopped already minutes ago, as many people applaud to them and cherred loudly. Phil and Luna felt they would melt into their seats: "I think we should drive home and continue our "thing" ", said Luna playfully. "As your Princess wish", replied Phil while Luna took his hand to guide him to the car. > Our Love (Mature Warning) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was quite in the Apartment till a couple smacked open the door and kissed the way through the living room as they were laying exhausted on the couch. Luna breathed for air as she said: "I think we should take that to the bedroom." "I think thats a better idea, my love", replied Phil as he kissed her with more passion. They both got up from the couch as Phil smacked Lunas ass playfully, as she gave a loud moan. Minutes later they reached the bedroom kissing while Luna tossed Phil into the bed: "Just give me a minute to get me ready", said Luna as she went into the bathroom. "So this it dude, just take it easy and let it happen, she is something special,",thought Phil. After 20 Minutes of painfully waiting the door cracked open lightly as ah black silouette stands beside the doorframe.Phil couldn't believe that Luna can look in that outfit that stunning. Luna noticed that and covers her crotch lightly by pulling the outifit down: "I-Is something wrong Phil?" ,asked Luna in a worried voice. Phil stood up and hugged her thight and gave her a little kiss on the mouth: "No nothing you just look like a angel into my eyes." Luna welled up from tears and kissed him while she pushed him down to the bed that she was at the top and he laying back. "Well I think somebody is already excited", said Luna she slowly moved her hand into his pants and underwear to stroke his manhood. Phil hissed by her touch and nodded to signal her to continue. She opened his belt to free is manhood from his underwear. She began to lick the tip to cover it in her saliva and inserted the tip into her mouth. Phil moaned loudly as she massaged his cock with her mouth and began to thrust with his hips. "Oh Luna, I thing im gonna cum soon", said Phil as she bobbed and sucked harder on him as response. Luna hit his spot and Phil moaned loudly as he took her head to force his cock into her throat and cums spurt after spurt, into her mouth. As Luna felt his seed flood her mouth,she rolled her eyes back and moaned muffled as she squirts out her juices on his bed. Both were covered in sweat and panting for air. Luna cuddled up against him to rest for a bit. "Now you will get your surprise for your good work", purred Phil playfully, as he went down to her crotch, stretched her legs to reveal her already soaked womanhood. Phil slowly stroked her clit as he slowly lapped with his tounge on her outher lips. She jumped up and bit her finger to muffle a loud moan. Phil enjoyed it and started to lick her marehood harder. Luna was in feeling like she was in heaven: "Ahh ,d-don't stop pleAAASEEE", screamed she as he inserted a finger into her. Luna rolled her eyes back as she screamed loudly: "PHIL MAKE ME CUM ALREADY, IM CLOSE." He thrusted his finger in and out slowly as Luna took his finger and forced it into her. Phil didn't wait for anything as he thrusted as deep and as hard as he could into her. Luna screamed in high ecstasy and squirted spurts of wide cream on his face and panted heavily. "That... that was awesome.... i never thought it would feel that good....", said Luna as Phil kissed her deeply. "Ready for round two honey?", asked he while she raised a Eyebrow. "Round two??", asked Luna, "What do you mean with.... OHHH yes of course im ready hehe", laughed Luna as she layed down on the bed and spreaded her legs. "Ok when it hurts just tell me okay", said Phil as he target her womanhood. Luna nodded and hissed quitely as Phil slipped slowly into her and begans to thrust in and out in a low rythym. She moaned as Phil wents faster and saw that he took one of her feet and licks them: "Im sorry i just can't hold myself", as he licked her toes and put them in his mouth. He started to fuck her faster and deeper Luna was on her edge but Phil always pull it out when she was close to an orgasm. "I know a trick to give you a never forgetable moment", said Phil as he continued to thrust deep and pull everytime out, when she was close. After the tenth time he gave up and thrusted as hard and deep as he can as Luna rolled her eyes back and gets over her edge. "AH, AH, AH PHIL IM.... AHHH!", screamed Luna as she shot out white cream into his crotch and Phil shot huge strings and filled her stomach up with his hot seed. Phil collapsed beside her and panted hardly for air as Luna spoke up: "Thank you... you really don't know how much I love you". "I love you too Luna i will promise to you that I will make you forever happy", said Phil as he took her head to his chest and they both slept pieceful and thight in each other's arms. Transition to Celestia "GUARDS", screamed Celestia as one of them stormed into the main hall. "Y-yes your highness", asked he scarily. "Have you found Luna yet, im so worried", said Celestia as she ate a slice of cake. "We searched anywhere In Canterlot, Ponyville, Appleloosa, LasPegasus everywhere!", said the guard full of fear. Celestias heart hurted as she broke down to the floor and cried loudly. Twilight came to the room to see if she was alright, she went to Celestia and gave her a warm hug. "Me and my firends will find her, I promise Celestia", said Twilight while patting her head. "Please do that my student, im counting on you Twilight", said Celestia while she stood up and went to her throne. > The Work > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sun shined through the curtains as the sunbeams floated the room with a warm feeling. Both lovers slept on the bed, as they were exhausted from their nighlty round. Phil opened his eyes as he feels something warm at his crotch: "What the... Luna wake up!!" "What is it..." , yawned Luna as she opened her eyes and felt something warm down her crotch. She noticed that his manhood still stucked in her womanhood. She bit her lip and put a hand down on his Chest to pin him down to the bed. "I think there is more of it in you..", purred Luna as she began to move a little to penetrate herself with his menhood. The whole room was filled with smacking sounds, moaning and suddenly screaming. Luna humped down as fast as she could and she was overtaken with a fast orgasm. White liquid started to flow down her thights as she screamed his name with full pleasure: "Phil AH AH AH HARDER!!" On command he thrusted as hard and fast as he can into her swollen clit, till she finally gave up. She hollered loudly: "IM CUMMING DON'T STOP PLEASE!!", as a second more powerfull orgasm overcome her and she cummed on his crotch. Phil grunted as he felt his orgasm took over and felt his seed pumped string after string into her stomach. Both collapsed into the bed and gasped for air till they heard a buzzing sound. Phil stood up to see that his smartphone buzzed and lighted up. "Marcus??" ,whispered Phil as he saw the name of his boss on the screen and felt lightly annoyed, "What the hell does he want now? Phill slided his thump on the screen to answer the call: "Yeah Marcus, What happend?" "Good Morning Phil, I hope everything is alright?", asked Marcus as he answered his question. "Yes sure, im just tired from our uhhh... event last night", said Phil in a tired voice. "Well atleast she has a good friend to take care, but anyway I need you to do a Job and i got nopony to do that and i thought you could do that", said Marcus as he putup a friendly smile. "Ok... uhh i will do that, but I want to take her to work with me", said Phil in a serious voice, "Wait a moment... did you just say nopony?" "Well thats a hard and long story", said he as the Phone gave a Beep Beep sound. "Strange", muttered Phil to himself. After Phil hanged up the call, he said to Luna: "Come on Honey, now i will show you what im doing everyday." They both stood up, get into their clothes as they left the flat and went to the garage where his car parked. He turned the keys and the car roared to life and drove them to his company. A half hour have past as Phil and Luna parked the car and closed it with a loud "beep beep". Luna was amazed how big the company was, well it fabricated wheel-loader. Phil lead her all the way through the company: "Here is the assembling line, there were existing three of them for the small, medium and the big wheel loader, for the next step there is the warehouse it sends and gets lots of parts, screws, bolts, driller and spares for the machines outside. Now we where at the shovel building, with over twenty welders and three robot welders and a big CNC Milling Tower, it holds over onehundred tools and can work on two places, while on the one side is drilling, turning and milling you can arrange the next part on the other side. The Machine is running twenty hours five days through. Luna jumped up as she heard suddenly a crash at the milling tower. "NOTHING HAPPEND!!", screamed a worker as he shuts down the machine completly. After a walk they reached the place where Phil was working and Marcus was already waiting for him in his office.