Why I Fight

by PeacefulKnightofChrist

First published

Shining Armor prepares himself for war and says good-bye to those he loves.

The Roan Empire is intent on conquering Equestria through its province of Mustangia. Celestia has called on her forces to defend the province against the Empire. As Shining leaves he reminds himself of all the reasons that he fights and all those he must defend.

Loved I Not Honor More

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Shining had known he would fall in love with Cadence from the minute he had first seen her. She had answered the call to foalsit Twilight. His mind drifted back to that. Twilight was in her room, as usual. She didn’t really play with others. In fact she didn’t really play at all. She just stayed in her room reading her books. Occasionally, Shining would be able to drag her out to fly kites or something like that. The only one she opened up to was him. When Shining had gotten back he’d heard the rare, but beautiful sound of his little sister’s laughter.

'Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake,

clap your hooves and do a little shake!'

He watched in amazement as Cadence and his sister did a silly little dance together. His sister who only laughed for him was now laughing for this stranger. He felt a little jealous as he watched Cadence and Twilight roll around on the floor in a fit of giggles.

She had made her laugh. She had drawn out his little sister’s laughter, made her happy in a way even he couldn’t do. She turned and smiled at him and something in her smile filled his heart with joy, eased away his worries.

The very next day he’d transferred to her personal guard contingent. She had cared for his beloved sister so he would spend the rest of his days defending her. At first, he hadn’t even known he was in love with her. It was just gratitude for helping to draw his sister out of her shell.

That’s what he told himself anyway.

A nuzzle from Cadence brought him back to the present.

“Hey there, handsome. Sleep well?” She purred.

They were in her wing of the castle, her private bedchamber. It was where Shining spent all of his nights.

He smiled at her. “I always sleep well when you’re by my side.” He frowned. “I don’t know if I’ll be sleeping well the next few months.” Or years.

Yesterday, the call had come. The Roan Empire was at the doorstep of Mustangia and planned on conquering it. The Mustangs were a vassal state to Equestria. Because of their small size they had long relied on Celestia to defend them while maintaining a great deal of autonomy. To complicate matters the Roan Emperor made no secret of the fact that he considered annexing Equestria a top priority and Mustangia was all that stood in his way, just as it had stood in the way of hundreds of conquering armies before him. Shining and his army were to support the Mustang warriors and defend the walls of the capital. Already many of the cities of Mustangia had fallen, but no enemy had ever pierced the iron walls of Mustangia’s capital city, Coltantinople. It had repelled the Dragons, frustrated the Changelings and withstood a one-thousand day siege from the Elks. Yet, even its defenses were wearing down at the relentless assault of the Roans.

All Shining knew was that his motherland needed him and he would defend her.

She nuzzled him again. “You don’t have to go, y’know. You could stay here as my personal guard.”

“I can’t do that, Cadence.” Even if I wish I could throw away my accursed honor code and stay with you.

“My purpose in life is to defend those I love. That includes my country. My country needs me and I will not fail her.”

“I need you.”

“This is not a time for selfishness, Cadence.” He gently chided.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and nibbled his ear. “I don’t want you to go. I know I’m being selfish, I’m just scared. What will I do here without you?”

“I’ll send you a letter every week.”

“Every day. I know you know the spell for teleporting letters.”

“Alright, every day.”

“And promise me you’ll come back.”

He hesitated. That might be a promise he could not keep.

He smiled weakly. “Of course, Cady. I will come back to you.”

He arose and she arose after him. As always, they would shower together. Then she would go to her duties as a foalsitter and he would put on his armor and lead his troops. As they slipped into the shower and the warm water cascaded over them he wondered if he was making a mistake. Maybe he should retire for a while. Maybe he should go off somewhere with Cadence.

'No, I can’t do that. I can’t abandon my nation when my nation needs me most.'

'Cadence needs you too.' A contrary voice replied as the princess rubbed oil onto his back.

Deep in his heart, burned a love for his country. It was his love for his family, for his friends, for his own native city and for the princesses, especially Cadence. As soon as he was able he had joined the royal guard. From the moment he first got his cutie mark defending a classmate from a rabid dog he’d known his destiny. His purpose in life was to protect others. How could he turn his back on his nation at her time of need? At the same time, how could he turn his back on Cadence?

He turned around and placed a hoof to her cheek.

“I’m doing this for you. I will not allow Equestria’s enemies to come here. I will fight for you, my love.”

She rested her head on his shoulder. “Remember the last time you fought for me?”

“We were on that diplomatic trip to Griffonia. I knocked you out of the way of that assassin’s arrow.” He smiled. Though he had taken a blow it remained a fond memory. She had held his head while the other guard had fought off the assassins.

“I was so scared you were going to die. It was the first time I realized I was in love with you.”

“You visited me every day. That’s how I began to fall in love with you. Though I still worry if I’m worthy of you.”

“You are worthy, my brave knight.”

She blessed him with a kiss from her divine lips.

“I still wish you’d stay, but since you won’t, go with my blessing.”

“Thank you.” He said to her.

They stepped from the tub and he wrapped a towel around her.

“Shining, there’s something I want to give to you. Meet me in the cherry blossom grove after the War Council meeting.”

“What is it?”

“You’ll find out after I give it to you.” She responded with a sly grin.

After they dried each other off Shining left to go to the War Council.

Ashes of His Fathers

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Sweat ran down his face as he committed the stances to memory. He swung the spear in a wide arc, rearing and thrusting at unseen enemies. He swept the air before him once more before placing the spear back on the rack.

“Wonderful performance.” A sweet voice spoke behind him.

He turned, was greeted with the sight of Princess Cadence and bowed. “Thank you, Your Highness Princess Mi Amore Cadenza.”

Cadence softly giggled. “Shiny, I babysit your little sister. No need to be so formal.”

“All guard members are to refer to members of the royal family by their title.” He dutifully recited Royal Guard Directive Number 37 Subsection B.

The giggling had turned into full-blown laughter. “Well, I’m ordering you to call me Cadence.”

“I…I guess I could do that. But if I get in trouble will you help me out?”

“Of course.”

“So…Cadence. Thanks for foalsitting Twily. You make her happy.”

“She’s a sweetheart. So, would you like to take a walk?”

“It would be good exercise. Sure.”

He trotted after her and they went to the gardens. He remained at a brisk canter through the rose-lined trail while she merely trotted.

“Shining, could you slow down?”

He stopped. “Are you getting tired?”

“Yeah.” She sat down on a bench. He sat beside her.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve walked with someone.”

“Really? I always assumed you were popular. You’re so sweet.”

She was silent for a while. “No. Not really.”

“How come?”

She shifted. “No one wants to know the real me. They just see a princess, a symbol. My so-called friends only hang out with me when they know I can get them into a ball or other fancy party. All the stallions just want to bed a princess.”

“That’s terrible.”

She leaned her head against him. He felt something wet against his fur.

“Are you crying?”

“It’s stupid. I had a fight with my last friend. I don’t have a single friend left.”

He wrapped an arm around her. “I could be your friend, Cadence.”

“I’d like that.”

That’s how it all began. A friendship. Each day the princess and her guard took a walk among the gardens, speaking of their day. She would watch him at all his training sessions till the other Guards began to tease him and call him the princess’s pet. He didn’t mind, realizing that they were just jealous. When he was injured she would fuss over his wounds, wiping away any blood on his white coat or bandaging his hooves. He would feebly protest, but always give in to her ministrations.

Years had passed since those days. Shining trotted past the flowers in the garden. The War Council had reiterated what they already knew. Their mission was simple. Reinforce the Mustang’s already formidable defense against the Roan’s formidable assault and siege engines. Shining trotted through the gardens, eager to see Cadence. At this time of year the garden was a symphony of colors and scents. There were the happy oranges and yellows of the marigolds, the bright red, delicate curves of the roses, the gracefully flowing willow trees. Hidden deep within the garden depths was a naturally occurring grove of cherry trees. It was here that Shining and Cadence had first kissed. The pink and white blossoms danced in the breeze, lightly entangling themselves in the hair of Princess Cadence. She stood in the grove, smiling as he approached. They nuzzled each other and for a time entwined their necks, enjoying each other’s warmth.

“What was it that you wanted to give me?” Shining whispered in Cadence’s ear. Cadence stood back and pulled out a heart shaped locket. She placed it over Shining’s neck.

“I give you my heart, Shining Armor.”

“Fair, as you already have mine.” Shining said then realized he could feel a pulse in the locket. And Cadence had a dead serious expression on her face.

“C-Cady…what is this?”

“It is my heart-my anam, my soul essence.”

“It’s…it’s a piece of your soul.”


“It’s a piece of your soul.” He took it off and hoofed it back to her. “I can’t take this. What if I lose it? What if it’s harmed or destroyed?”

“It will return to me.”

“This…it’s too much.”

“Shiny, I want you to have it.” She said, leaning into him. “By wearing it, it will grant you the power of an alicorn. You won’t get wings, but it will significantly increase your power level beyond anything you can currently do.”

Shining was staring at her, slackjawed. With trembling hooves he put it around his neck.

“I wish there was something I could do to give you a gift like this.”

“There is. After this war is over…marry me.”

Shining kissed her. “Of course my love.”

Cadence wrapped her arms around him, kissing him deeply. “I wish I could stay here, but Auntie Celestia wants me to meet with the Mustang ambassador.”

Shining stroked her mane. “I wish you luck. Can you meet me this evening back here again?”

“Of course.” She kissed him again and then left the cherry tree grove. Shining watched her go then began his own trek home. While he walked through the streets of Canterlot memories played in his mind. There was the alleyway him and a gang of colts had spent so many wasted afternoons in, eating ice cream and pulling mischief. He grinned when he saw some faded graffiti that read SA was here. Next to it was SS was here. Silver Star and he had joined the guard at the same time. They had finally grown tired of their aimless, drifting lifestyle. The Guard gave them purpose, a direction. The last he’d heard two of the other colts Flim and Flam had gone off into the world having become traveling sales ponies. Those two had always been trying to come up with a get rich quick scheme. There had been the time they’d sold fat-free water and nearly gotten run out of town selling fake jewelry. There had been a filly that hung out with them too, Dixie or Glixie or something like that. The Mighty and Strong Glixie.

No, that doesn’t sound right. He could barely remember her. Her family had moved away. She had wanted to be a magician and always spoke of herself in the third person. Flim had liked her.

There had been Razor Edge, another one who’d gone into the Guard. There was Quick Buck who had pursued a business degree.

He passed by Donut Joe’s where many pleasant childhood afternoons had passed. He and his mischievous “gang” had gone there almost every day after school. Crossing a corner brought him into a neighborhood full of large, alabaster mansions. Ivy wrapped around many of the columns and pillars. From here one could see the flags waving in the breeze from the high spires of Canterlot Castle. He had grown up in the shadow of these mansions, but this wasn’t where he’d grown up. He kept walking, occasionally nodding to an acquaintance. The further he walked the smaller and less grand the houses got. He was no noble. Since the time of their ancestor, Megan’s companion the great unicorn warrior Galaxy, their family had been warriors. There had not been a conflict in Unicorn or Equestrian history his family had not taken part in. His grandfather had won the rank of general leading the defense of Baltimare from an invasion of Diamond Dogs. His father was a major, a rank he’d earned leading an expedition against the Dragons. It was Shining’s birth that had inspired him to retire. Shining was only a Lieutenant. A respectable rank, sure, but the fact that his childhood friend Captain Silver Star outranked him continued to irk him.

Not that he was jealous of course.

His wandering finally brought him to the gates of his family home. It was a two story home, decently maintained, with rose bushes surrounding all the sides. Juicy red fruit hung low from apple trees that Twilight and he had often played beneath. He used his magic to get an apple as he walked through the door. The house was empty which wasn’t surprising. His father worked at a bookstore and his mom was probably away on a shopping trip. Spike was probably visiting Moondancer. Still, there was one member of the family who was notable in her absence.

“Twily? Twily, you in here?”

At eleven years old Twilight was mature enough to be left at home alone although she still hung out with Cadence. Either their mom had taken her along on the shopping trip or she was in her room. Shining walked up the stairs then paused. The sound of sniffling was definitely emanating from Twilight’s room. He knocked on the door.


“C-come in, BBBF.”

Yes, there was definitely a sniffle to her voice. He walked in. The purple unicorn filly was sitting on her bed, surrounded by papers and books. She looked up at him with a tear-stained face.

“I-I can’t figure it out.”

Shining sat on the bed and hugged her. She buried her face in his fur.

“Is it your homework?”


He looked at the books. They were all history books. Military history.

“Um, Twily what exactly are you trying to figure out?”

“I-if you’re going to come back alive.”

A chill went through him. “What?”

“I’m trying to figure out how many soldiers usually die in a war. In the last big war thirty percent of soldiers died.”

Shining winced. “Yeah, the Diamond Dog War was brutal. This is only a military expedition. We’re just providing support, that’s all.”

“It’s still dangerous.”

“I know Twily, I know.” He held her tight, stroked her tail. Stroking her tail had always calmed her ever since she’d been a foal and it still worked. She melted into his forelegs.

“I’m just scared. I don’t wanna lose you, BBBF. I just wish I knew if I was or not. I hate not knowing.”

“I’m sorry Twily. I wish I could tell you otherwise, but I might not come home.”

She let out a wrenching sob and wrapped her hooves around his neck. Shining leaned back on the bed and cuddled her. Tears welled in his own eyes.

“I’m so sorry.”

“Y-You could leave the Guard.”

“I can’t.”

“Resign your commission.”

“I can’t. Not until my two years are up.”

“I-I don’t want you to go!”

“I wish I could stay too.”

“Why d-did you join the Guard anyway?”

“So I could protect ponies. You, Cadence, Mom and Dad.”

“Y-you could be a police pony.”

Yeah, he could be. His destiny was to be a protector. He could just as easily have been a police pony, but he chose the guard.

“Twilight…” He thought carefully about what to say to the furry bundle he was cradling in his hooves. “Twilight, one day I will die. And you will die. And Mom and Dad and Silverstar and Moondancer and Cadence and one day, at the sounding of the last trumpet, Celestia too will die.”

“How is that supposed to make me feel better?”

“It isn’t. It’s just true. You’re too young to think about it, but we all have to accept it at some point. We will all die.”

“Stop saying that!”

“It’s true, Twily. Maybe not today or even a hundred years from now. But it will happen. And I want to know that my life and my death had some sort of meaning. If I must die I want it to be defending my nation and the ponies I care about.”

“But if you die I’ll be all alone.”

He touched his horn to hers. “No, you won’t. You’ll have Mom and Dad and Spike and Cadence and Celestia and you really should try to be better friends with Moondancer-”

“But I won’t have you!”

“Yes, you will. I’ll be in your heart.”

“It won’t be the same.”

“No, it won’t be. But as long as you remember all the good times we shared we will never really be apart. Do you understand?”

Twilight wiped her eyes. “I think I do. I still wish you didn’t have to go.”

“I know. It’s okay to feel that way. I’ll send you a letter every week, okay?”

“Okay. Can we stay like this?”


So they curled up on the bed together, Twilight cradled in his hooves till suppertime.

My Own, My Native Land

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Supper that night was a somber affair. Twilight had fallen asleep in Shining’s hooves and was only roused by the smell of roasting hay. She stirred in Shining’s embrace. At some point Spike (though he’d later deny it) had come in and joined the cuddle. Now that the rich scent of supper was wafting up the stairs he had let go of Twilight and bounced down stairs. Twilight lifted up, wiggled away from Shining and hopped off the bed.

“Is that roasted hay? Is Mama making roasted hay?”

“I think she mentioned something about that.” He sniffed the air. “Sure smells like it.”

Twilight took off into a canter. Shining followed after her. When they got downstairs his mother, Twilight Velvet, was holding a pan over the stove with her magic while simultaneously chopping carrots. Twilight ran up and hugged her and she stroked her mane. His dad was sitting in a chair reading the paper.

“Your picture’s in here.” Shining’s dad, Night Light, reported.

“Really?” He walked over and looked at the picture of several marching guards. It went with an article about the coming confrontation with the Roan. Sure enough, Lieutenant Shining Armour was at the head of his battalion, spear held at his side.

“It’s cold in Mustangia. I stitched you a jacket.” Velvet told him.

“Mare, the Guard already provides that sort of thing.”

“Well, what if he loses his guard armour?”

“I’m pretty sure they put you in the stocks for that.”

“You’ll receive a reprimand, but nothing more.”

“Guard’s gone soft that’s the problem.”

'Here we go again.' Shining thought to himself.

“First, they got rid of the stocks. The stocks were not pleasant, but it helped maintain discipline.”

“And occasionally led to severe back injuries.”

“Don’t talk back to me, Colt.”

“I am not a colt.”

“No, you’re a grown stallion so don’t act like a colt.”

“I’m not acting like a colt. I’m just pointing out-”

“Then suddenly enhanced interrogation techniques got reclassified as ‘torture’ and ‘the Princess has a problem with dumping ponies in ice water.’ When was the last time you saw the Princess on a battlefield?”

“If the Princesses could fight I’d be out of a job.”

“Fair enough. I love and respect Her, but I’m just saying she’s let a bunch of Anti-Equestrian counselors mislead her.”

“I say the Princess knows what She’s doing. She’s been in power for three millennia.”

“I know, I know. I don’t mean Her any disrespect, but there are several things I disagree on her with. It is okay to disagree with Her on occasion.”

“I don’t agree with her on everything either. Like those tax cuts for the nobles-”

“Now that I agree with.” Night Light said, cutting Shining off with a raised hoof. “If the Nobles get crushed with taxes they can’t hire
anypony now can they?”

“Well, no, but then the taxes get shifted to the middle and lower class. Do you want to pay more taxes when we all know the nobles don't?"

“They create jobs for the middle class!”


Both stallions looked to the kitchen. Twilight Velvet stomped her hoof and walked into the living room.

“You two argue every night! You are not going to do it this night.”

“We weren’t arguing.” Night Light said. “I was just stating my opinion.”

“It always starts with you or Shining stating an opinion. Then it ends with a screaming match and you two throwing things at each other! Last week one of you broke my lamp!”

“It was me.” Shining admitted. “I threw it at him. He just ticked me off when he said I shouldn’t be a lieutenant at my age.”

“Well, you shouldn’t be! You’re only twenty. In some provinces you can’t even legally drink!”

“I earned this Lieutenant rank!”

“Earned it by sleeping with the-”

Shining lunged at him, only being narrowly restrained by his mother’s aura.

“I am not a foal! Put me down!” He struggled against the magical restraint and cursed the fact that his mother was the last in a long line of high-level unicorn mages.

Twilight couldn’t help but giggle at the sight. “Shiny’s in trouble!”

“I’ll put you down if you promise not to attack your father.”

“I promise! This is humiliating!”

Velvet lowered him down.

“Now, we are going to eat supper and we are not going to discuss politics, the economy, religion or any other social issue up to and including the millitary.”

“Fine.” Both stallions said. Twilight and Velvet set out the plates and they all sat around the table. Forbidden from their normal conversational topics father and son enjoyed their meal in silence. Twilight, on the other hand, chattered about all of the things she had learned. Oblivious to social cues she didn’t notice the air crackling with tension as the two stallions at the table consciously avoided each other.

“And Celestia taught me a new spell! It can change stuff’s funda-fundamenti-fundamential natures.”

“Fundamental.” Velvet corrected. “Would you like to show it to us?”

Twilight swallowed her roasted oats. Then she closed her eyes and focused. Her horn glowed with the primal powers of the cosmos. A candlestick flickered as it was caught up in her aura then turned blue. Then it turned into a crystal bowl.

“Very good, Twily.” Velvet praised, giving her a second helping of the hay that she ravenously gobbled up.

“Using all that magic makes you hungry, eh Sis?”

“Yeah. Do you get hungry after practice? Wait, don’t guards use magic?”

“We sure do. Defensive mostly, but a lot of combat magic.”

“Can you show it?”

“Not at the table, he can’t.” Velvet said.

“I’ll show you later, Sis.”

Twilight returned to her meal, a frown on her face.

'I’m leaving tomorrow. There might not be a later.' He realized. “After supper.”

A smile tugged at Twilight’s lips. “Thanks, BBBF.”

“I think I’m going outside for a bit.” Shining said.

“If you must.” Velvet said as Shining stood up and trotted outside. The sun had long ago fallen and the stars were scatted like jewels across the veil of night. The moon hung down, the mysterious face on it looking down over the landscape. Shining’s horn glowed as he levitated a bottle of beer he’d hidden in the branches of a spreading oak. He flipped the cap and gulped it down.

“You’re not old enough to drink that, ya know.” Night Light said, coming to stand beside him.

“Nineteen is legal outside Canterlot.”

“We’re still in Canterlot.”

“We live outside city limits. And I need a drink.” Shining said, gulping it down. “I always have a bottle before heading out. Like when I escorted Princess Cadence to Griffonia. I saved her life, ya know. I personally led the defense of Unicornia against that dragon. Nasty bastard let me tell ya.” Shining took more liberal gulps. “I have shed blood for this land. I have shed blood to get where I am today.” He unconsciously pawed at the ground, kicking up dirt and making Night Light back up. “It has nothing to do with my relationship with the Princess!”

“I know. I know, Shining. I guess I’m scared.”

“Scared of what?”

“You not being ready. Getting cocky and going off half-baked and getting skewered on a Roan’s blade. Having to tell your mother and sister that you’re not coming home.”

Shining drank from the bottle and to his disappointment found it empty.

“Were you ever scared when you went into battle?”

“No. I was too high on adrenaline. I took unnecessary risks. I got my horn sliced off once. It grew back, but my magic’s not nearly as strong as it used to be. I nearly died on several occasions. I broke my leg fighting a Changeling.”

“I had second degree burns after the Battle of Unicornia. Thank the stars for shielding spells.”

“It’s not a competition, Son.”

Shining wondered if it was a competition which one of them would win.

“Did I ever tell you about Silverwing?” Night Light asked.


“Major Silverwing was a pegasus. A brilliant fighter. He’d mastered wing-blades, a unique pegasus weapon.”

“I know what wing-blades for. I’ve never seen anypony use them.”

“He was a good soldier, a prodigy at martial arts. One-hundred percent success rate in all his missions. Youngest major in the Guard at only twenty-three. Then one day an assassin came for the Princess. It was a Changeling, could take anypony’s form. It caused a lot of confusion. He took a guard’s form, then began attacking guardsponies. No one knew what to do. Everypony thought a guard had gone insane, but nopony knew which guard. We were all attacking each other. That’s the problem with having everypony dye their coats the same color. Somehow, Silverwing became convinced I was the Changeling and attacked me. While I tried to defend myself the Changeling stabbed him. Silverwing and me weren’t close, but he was a fellow Guard. I stomped that bug’s guts out.”

“I’m sorry about that. That he died, I mean.”

“Yeah, so was I. In the heat of the moment he panicked and it cost him his life. We all panicked. It’s easy to do that, to let emotions carry you away. It’s especially tempting in the heat of a battle. And the younger you are the more susceptible you are to it. That’s why I don’t think you should be an officer. I don’t think anyone your age should be.”

Shining lifted the trash can lid with his magic and threw the bottle. It made a satisfying crashing sound as it hit the bottom of the can.

“I understand why you feel that way. But don’t you think I’ve proven myself?”

“Silverwing proved himself.”

“What do you want me to do? Give up my commission? I can’t.”

“I know that. Just be careful. Don’t take unnecessary risks. Don’t let emotion rule you.”

“I do. I mean, I meditate every day.”

“So did Silverwing.”

“I’m not Silverwing.”

“You could be.”

“I’ll be careful. I promise.”

Night Light nuzzled him. Shining at first stiffened at the unexpected display of affection, but then nuzzled him back.

“I love you. Don’t forget that.” Night Light said.

“I love you to.”

The moment was interrupted by Twilight galloping out the door. She ran to the two stallions and began bouncing around them.

“Hi! You said you’d show me your new magic after supper! It’s after supper!”

Velvet trotted out after her. “I can’t get her to take her bath or go to sleep or help me with the dishes. And you did say that you’d show her some things.”

Shining tousled Twilight’s mane eliciting a giggle. “Of course, Sis.”

He closed his eyes and focused the flows of magical energy, channeling it into his horn which began to glow. A bubble of energy suddenly expanded with a rush, shielding Velvet, Night Light, Twilight and Shining himself. It continued to expand, bursting out till it reached the edge of their yard.

“Mother Epona.” Night Light swore. “How in the world? I’ve never seen a shield spell like this.” He touched the shimmering wall of energy. He punched it and cursed.

“It’s strong!” He lowered his head and charged his own horn.

“Dad, No! Wait!”

The blast of energy hit the wall, reflected and struck him. He was sent flying back several feet. His son, daughter and wife crowded around him. He shakily recovered his feet.

“It’s a reflective spell. Are you alright?” Shining asked.

“Sure. Of course. How did you lean a spell like this?”

“A bit of experimenting.”

“I helped him with it!” Twilight chirped.

“Yeah, let’s not go spreading that around.” Shining mumbled then yawned. “Anyway, I’m getting tired. I’m gonna hit the hay.”

“Can you show me one more trick?” Twilight asked, her eyes watering.

Shining almost said no, but one second of looking at his sister’s pouting, tantrum-threatening, face changed that.

“Okay. Just one more.”

She whooped in glee. Shining sliced up limbs from trees. He showed them a shield spell that covered the body like a suit of armor, an earth type spell he used to create a sword made from rocks and a strengthening spell usually used by Earth Pony warriors. Cracks were left in the ground when he stomped his hooves. Then as the night went on Twilight demanded a piggy-back ride. She hopped on his back, wrapping her hooves around his neck. He reared, cantered and galloped around the yard while she laughed and hung on tight. Then she laid her head on his neck and soon the sound of her snoring could be heard.

The family quietly walked inside. Velvet gently took Twilight in her aura. Shining kissed both of them goodnight before Velvet headed towards Twilight’s room. Shining headed towards his own room, but Night Light stopped him.

“Hey, Shining?”


“Those spells were incredible. Really, I mean that.”

“Thank you. I worked hard on them.”

“I guess I see why they made you a lieutenant.”

Shining blinked. “Do you really mean that?”

“Yes. Yes I do.”

Shining hugged him. “Thank you.”

Night Light hugged him back. “Come back with your shield or on it. But, hopefully with it.”

“I will, Dad. In fact, I’ll come back a captain.”

“Heh. Don’t get cocky, Son.”

“I mean it. When I come back I’ll be Captain Shining Armour.”

“If you don’t there’s one thing I want you to know. I’m proud of you.”

Shining nearly teared up. “Well, I did have the best dad ever.”


The two laughed.

“Get some sleep, Son.”

“Get some yourself, old stallion.”

Night Light gave him a good natured swat on his shoulder before trotting off. Shining went to his own room and tried to sleep. He needed to sleep. He couldn’t afford distraction like her strawberry scented mane or the way her hooves felt as they ran over his chest. No, he couldn’t afford such distractions. Not tonight. After several minutes of tossing and turning he gave up and opened a window. He could have trotted out the front door while loudly whistling the Griffon national anthem and his parents couldn’t have stopped him, but there was something fun about sneaking out. It was a habit he’d gotten into when he was younger and he’d never gotten out of it. He strolled through the streets of the city, alabaster mansions shining in the moonlight, ponies going out on their night-time errands. The tallest peaks of the tower rose like a mare standing over her foals. It was there he was headed. The night guards nodded to him. They were used to his coming. Cadence’s windows were opened. He focused his horn and teleported into her chambers. She was sitting up in her canopy bed smiling at him.

“How did you know I was coming?” He asked as he slid into bed next to her.

She wrapped her hooves around him and they kissed.

“I knew you wouldn’t want to spend your last night here alone.”

“It’s amazing how well you know me.” He said as he pushed her down on the bed and lost himself in her scent.

Children of a Fighting Race

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Shining gave a content sigh as he buried his muzzle into the softness of her mane. He wondered if he could sleep without her scent, without the sound of her breath to lull him into dream land. She was curled into his back still asleep. The light of the sun filtered through the windows. It was probably around six. He was used to waking up at around this time. He slowly tried to remove his arms from around her only to discover that he was stuck. He pulled his hoof, but it wouldn't budge. Nor would Cadence. Cadence only murmured in her sleep. Her wings gave a little twitch.

Shining poked her. "Cadence? Cady? Honey Doll?"

She returned to the mumbling.

"Cady, I have to go now. Sorry, baby but you've got to wake up."

He returned to tugging his hoof then cursed her Earth Pony strength. And it was a well known fact that nothing short of a thaumurgic bomb blast would wake her up. Maybe not even that. She had once slept through the guards marching past her window while playing a bunch of loud, patriotic songs.

It was noon before she'd finally woken up. Shining sighed. "Maybe I can get the guards to help me out."

The idea of calling the guards to help him get out from under his marefriend didn't appeal to him. He lay back down and slowly began stroking her wings which brought out moans of pleasure. He smiled and continued. Then he brought his mouth down on her wings and sucked.


She jumped from the bed and flapped wildly, hovering in air.

"Sh-Shiny! Don't do that to a pegasus without warning them first!"

Shining laughed so hard he fell from the bed. Cadence frowned at him.

"I'm going to get you for that!"

She pounced on him and licked his horn. He yelped. It was a little-known secret that unicorn horns were very sensitive and very ticklish. Her sucking elicited giggles from the trapped unicorn. He laid down on the bed and let her suckle his horn. Finally she withdrew her lips.

"Yum, tastes like cotton candy."

"Really?" He looked up at his horn so that his eyes crossed.

"Yep. What does mine taste like?"



He ran his tongue down her horn making her shudder. He continued licking and stroking her horn. Her body shivered as Shining continued his ministrations. She wrapped her hooves around his neck.

"This will be the last time for a while, won't it?"

Shining paused mid-stroke. "Yeah, yeah it will be."

"I love you, Shining. You weren't my first, but I won't you to be my last."

Shining placed a hoof to her lips. "I will come back. I swear it."

"If you don't, I want you to know I will never be with another. You are my last. If I can't have you by my side I want no one else. Maybe I will even follow you into death."

He lightly tapped her cheek. It would have been a smack if not for the fact that it was well-nigh impossible for a blow from a mortal to harm one of the Blessed Alicorns.

"Don't say that. Never say that." Shining said, caressing where he'd struck. "I want you to be happy. If that means letting me go so be it."

She leaned into him. "How could I, the Goddess of Love, ever be happy without my Beloved in this world?"

He kissed her forehead. "You are an Immortal. One day..." He choked up. "One day we will have to say good-bye."

She shook her head. "No. When you die I will forsake my immortality. We will be joined in death."

Shining placed both his hooves on her shoulders. "Cady, I appreciate the sentiment, but if I die on the battlefield I want to know you'll be happy. Promise me, please that you will try to find happiness with another."

"I'm not promising anything." Cadence said. "But I will try. For you."

Her lips met his. Together they fell back upon the bed. She anointed his body with kisses, leaving a trail of fire from his horn to his lower horn, baptized him with the sacrament of her passion. He cried out in ecstasy then flipped her over. He kissed her horn, her neck, traced his lips over the hills of her teats. Then he wrapped his hooves around her and kissed her neck before entering into her.

She shuddered and made those squeaking sounds Shining found adorable. They transcended time itself as they united again and again. He gave her the offering of his lips and his seed. She pulled him close to her as if she were thirsting in a desert and he was an oasis. Finally they separated though they kept holding onto each other as if they never wanted to part.

"I'm sorry I have to go." He said.

"Don't be. Don't be sorry my love. You are going to defend your home. One of the reasons I fell in love with you was because you live to defend the ones you love. Go. Fight for this nation."

He lifted her head to his lips and kissed her once more. Then he left to go to the Guard meeting.

Each morning the Guard met and said the Warriors Pledge of each tribe. Just as in battle formation it was arranged as Earth Pony in front with Pegasii and Unicorn behind them. It was a good arrangement. The Earth Pony Guard acted as a living battering ram. The Pegasii and Unicorn provided support, weaving weather and celestial magic to defend the Equestrian Royal Guard or to annihilate the enemy.

That Equestria had never lost a war was a testament to the effectiveness of the strategy.

Shining spoke with the rest of the Unicorn Guard. "We are Unicorns. Magic is the gift of our tribe. We pledge our magic, our lives, our souls, our honor and our very blood to the Kingdom of Equestria. In her Service we live, in her Service may we die."

As he spoke he thought of Cadence the one he loved. He thought of his little sister living and studying in peace. He thought of his family, his mother and his father. He prayed that they would never see war. He prayed that the enemy would never march down Canterlot's streets.

And he would die if need be to see peace reign in his native land.