> A Fighting Chance > by Stunt Monkey > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter One [Revised] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A bright warm light filled the room of Boxing Glove, an Earth pony with a sandy yellow coat and a darker yellow mane, a bright red boxing glove printed on his flank as his cutie mark. He lazily opened his eyes and yawned loudly, the alarm clock on his nightstand struck 7am and began to ring, Boxing groaned and slammed his hoof down onto the ringing bells as they abruptly stopped with a failing ting. Boxing flipped his legs over the side of the bed and stood up. It was an uncommon sight to see ponies standing upright on two hooves, but it was an easy task for Boxing. After all, most of his professional career had been on two legs. He walked over to an oak framed mirror and admired himself for a moment, after stretching his forelegs he landed on all fours and began doing push ups. "Another day..." he calmly said to himself. Suddenly there was a loud knock at his bedroom door the echoed throughout his room. "Box? Are you awake yet?" A muffled voice came from the other side of the door, Boxing recognized it as his brother. "What is it Stryker?" Boxing replied. "I'm heading into town for some groceries, do you want me to get you anything while I'm there?" asked Stryker "Salt." Boxing said flatly as he completed another push up. "Salt? Why do you need salt?" he asked from the other side of the door. "And some oats. We need oats also, the honey kind." Boxing stood back up after finishing another push up and trotted over to his door and opened it, Stryker Malt-House stood in front of him. He was a tall grey unicorn with a spiky electric blue mane, on his flank adorned a red die overlapping a mug of cider. "You know what, I'll come with you." Boxing smiled. "I could use some fresh air anyway." ~⚡~ Stryker and Boxing strolled around the marketplace, Boxing took in a deep breath of the crisp air. It was a beautiful autumn day in Ponyville, Boxing had never experienced such nice weather like this in Hoofington. He felt real appreciation for Ponyville and was glad that Stryker convinced him to move. "Alright. last thing on the list, Apples." Stryker said. "Apples. Aww, I hate apples." complained Boxing. "They're too mushy and sour." "There's more than one kind of apple and you're going to love them, because it is about the only food we can afford right now. Moving all our crap to Ponyville cost me a lot of bits." Stryker said. "Not to mention that whole debacle with our old landlord." he added "Maybe if you would keep your hooves off of married mares." Boxing said. "Hey, she came onto me. I'm the victim." "Ug, fine." he shrugged and lowered his head. "But forget that, Box, listen. If we are ever going to get this bar set up, we need to save money where we can. But until that happens, it's apples. Apples for breakfast. Apples for Lunch. Apples for dinner. And dessert. Who knows maybe I'll feel frisky and add in a few potatoes or carrots." Stryker continued. "You? Frisky? Haha, I guess you can judge a book by its cover." sniggered Boxing. "You know what I meant." Stryker said. The conversation had ended, Boxing realized he stopped walking some time ago and was now waiting in a short line with his brother beside him. He watched as ponies passed by, on his other side was a large notice board, squinting his eyes he saw a poster taking up a large space. "Hey. I'll be back in a moment." Boxing said, and walked over. Boxing trotted up to the notice board and saw the poster that caught his attention, on it was a large Minotaur that stood behind a large yellow text, pointing towards the reader. 'MANEHATTAN PRO BOXING TOURNAMENT. 10,000 bits first place reward!' Boxing slowly cracked a huge smile as a wonderful idea struck him. Thinking quick, he ripped off a flier with his teeth and turned, galloping back to his brother who was now one customer from the front of the line. Stryker almost fell over as his younger brother rushed up to his side and spat the flier in his face. "Stryker!" shouted Boxing. "Yes?" he replied nonchalantly. "I have an excellent plan." Boxing said. "Howdy there, what can Ah get for ya?" asked an orange mare attending her market stall. "A dozen McIntosh apples thank you Miss...?" asked Stryker politely. "Applejack's mah name." replied Applejack as she turned to her other cart. "What is it Boxy? What's this you've found?" Stryker's horn glowed as he took hold of the flier that had fallen on the ground. "I want to get back in the game and win the prize money." he said gleefully. Stryker's eyes glazed over the flier. "Box, little bro. You're a genius!"Stryker tossed his brother's mane with a hoof. "That'll be six bits, thank you." Applejack placed two brown bags on the counter and paused as her eyes slowly drifted over to Boxing "Y'all are new in town?". "Yes I'm Stryker Malt-House and this-" Stryker nudged Boxing, getting his attention. "is my brother Boxing Glove, we moved here from Hoofington three days ago. " "Nice to meet you ma'am." Boxing said politely and nodded his head. "Ma'am? Aw shoot. Just Applejack is fine. Here, have some apples on me." Applejack lifted out two bright green granny smith apples and added them to the brown paper bags on the counter. "Thank you miss Applejack." Stryker said and lifted the paper bags to his saddlebag using his horn, "Ahem!" Stryker grunted obviously and nudged Boxing again. "Yes, thank you ma'am- uh- Applejack." he said nervously. "Do you work here alone Miss Applejack?" Stryker asked. "Well usually ah' do. Mah big lug of a brother is off on a cattle run to Prairieville with one of mah' pegasus friends, so we can replace some of the broken farm equipment." And some broken windows thanks to a certain multi-colored mare. She didn't say. "Well, it was nice meeting you Miss Applejack, we will see you around Ponyville." Stryker and Boxing turned and walked away. Applejack watched them walk away with their purchase and the free gift she had given them, "See ya around." she waved a hoof, in front of her was the flier that Stryker had taken from Boxing. They must have left this behind. she thought to herself, flipping the paper around to read. "Manehatten pro boxing tournament?" she paused. "Ten thousand bit first place reward?!" an idea had hit her. ~⚡~ "That was awfully nice of Miss Applejack to give us two free apples wasn't it? Boxing?" Stryker said as he walked alongside his younger brother. "Uh, sure I guess." an image of the orange mare ran through his mind. "So Stryker, about the tournament? Can I enter?" asked Boxing. "Of course you can, you don't need my permission. you're an adult after all. Just because you're not in the game anymore doesn't mean you have to quit playing." replied Stryker. Finally a chance to get back up to the top! That ten thousand is as good as ours! Boxing's true passion was boxing, it was his name after all. His thoughts instantly drifted back to meeting Applejack, she really was pretty. "Boxy!" yelled Stryker for the third time. "What?" "You look spaced out, have you had any salt today?" asked Stryker. "If I have, then it's not enough." Boxing laughed in amusement. Stryker galloped forward a few steps and paused in front of Boxing to face him. "Come on. The tournament is in a few days, we will go to the train station tomorrow morning and get our tickets. You need to start training again." "I do push-ups every morning and-" Stryker made a strange "chop" noise as he whacked Boxing's head softly with a hoof. "Not enough!" Stryker interrupted him. "It's been five years since you up and quit the professional boxing league, you need to make up for lost time." Stryker continued to gallop further down the dirt road leading back to their new home. "We're going to be rich little bro!" he shouted. Rich? Ten thousand isn't rich. I mean, sure it's a lot, more than enough to get our bar open for business. ~⚡~ The next morning, Boxing returned home after completing his morning fill of 300 push-ups and several loops, galloping around the Ponyville local park. At one point during his morning jog, he had passed a fuchsia mare doing stretches on the soft green grass with Princess Twilight. She waved at Boxing as he passed by, Boxing remembered her as Cheerilee, she was riding the same train on the day he came to Ponyville. Boxing slowed to a canter and then eventually stopped in his tracks. "Gee, I'm surprised how many ponies are awake this early in the morning." he said out loud to himself. "I better get a shower." he added as the sudden realization of how sweaty and smelly he was from this morning's workout. Boxing galloped all the way home for his last workout that morning, he ascended the stairs and entered the bathroom. he stepped into the shower and turned the metal rod left with a hoof, warm water began pouring out of the showerhead above him, soaking his coat and mane. Stryker is going to be home shortly, hopefully with good news. he thought to himself as he continued to stand under the warm water, looking down occasionally, spotting specks of dirt washing off his hooves and down the drain. Warm water seeped into his joints, which Boxing Glove found very relaxing. After a few minutes, Boxing turned off the flowing water and stepped out, towelling himself off as quickly as possible. "Boxing! I'm home!" his brother's voice shouted from downstairs, Stryker sounded somewhat excited. Boxing rushed out the bathroom and hurried downstairs. Stryker stood before him. "Please tell me some good news." pleaded Boxing. "Box, I got the tickets. The last train for Manehattan leaves at two o'clock, so that gives you plenty of time to pack whatever you need for the week." Stryker's horn flared to life as he showed the tickets, flashing them in front of Boxing. Boxing rushed back upstairs again. Darn, I just had a shower too. Once he was in his room, Boxing turned to a tall wooden sliding door built into the wall and opened it, inside were neatly arranged gold trophies and various medals all of which were prize rewards from his professional boxing career. In the very centre laid two bright red gloves, Boxing felt as if they were glowing, calling out to him. Keeping his balance, he stood up on his back legs and slid one of the gloves on his left hoof. Soft, like a cloud wrapped around his hoof. This long forgotten sense came back to him in an instant, "Just like the good old days." he muttered to himself. ~⚡~ As two o'clock approached Boxing and Stryker found themselves standing on the Ponyville train station platform. The train waited before them, a pegasus at the front end blew a whistle, signalling the waiting passengers to board the train. Boxing and Stryker stepped forward and entered the carriage, four other ponies cantered in behind them. Boxing approached a seat and dropped his saddle bags beside it as he made himself comfortable, Stryker sat opposite him and let out a relaxing 'ah!' noise as he stretched out his limbs. "C'MON RARITY, WE'RE GOIN' TO MISS IT." Boxing and a startled Stryker looked at each other as they heard the familiar voice. Boxing popped his head up to the window and saw Applejack and a white unicorn wearing a scarf running for the train. Is that Applejack? Another loud whistle blew, longer than the first one and more high pitch. As if in slow motion, both Applejack and the white mare made it past the closing doors at the last second. "Applejack! I really do wish you were more organized, like Twilight. Then we would have made it here without any panic." the slender unicorn walked over to Applejack, but something stopped her. She turned to see her prize-winning silk scarf caught in between the carriage doors. "Relax, Rares. We made it, right? So quit yer' fussin'." Applejack chuckled and tugged Rarity's scarf from the carriage doors, "It is not fussing, this is one of my finest works." she whined. At some point during their argument, Boxing had got up from his seat and walked over to Applejack and Rarity. "Applejack?" he asked in confusion. "Punch?" her face is somewhat shocked as she turned. "It's uh... Boxing, actually." he corrected her. "Right, Boxin'. What are y'all doing going to Manehatten?" Applejack asked. "I'm a professional boxer, I'm competing in a tournament shortly." It almost sounded like he was boasting. "What are you going to Manehatten for?" "Tournament? hell, me too!" You've got to be kidding me. > Chapter Two [Revised] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boxing's jaw dropped, his ears could still not believe what they had just heard. 'Maybe she was just joking, I could have sworn she just said-' "Yes sir, way I see it, getting that reward money will be more than plenty to pay fer some new equipment for the farm. Our cultivator is almost as old as my granny." chuckled Applejack "You are competing in the tournament? Have you even boxed before? Ever?" asked Boxing with a quizzical look. "Well... Uh... No, not professionally. But I do know how to defend myself." Applejack said. Beside her, Rarity cleared her throat loudly, getting Applejacks attention. "Oh, uh. This is one of my friends. This here is Rarity, she is somewhat the drama queen of Ponyville." she snickered. "Rarity," she put out a hoof. "lovely to meet you, Applejack speaks fondly of you." She does? "Fondly?" rasped Boxing nervously "Stryker Malt-House. Lovely to meet you miss Rarity." Stryker appeared out of nowhere in the blink of an eye and took her hoof into his, gently placing his lips upon it. Rarity's face glowed bright red. "Oh my." she giggled "Such a gentlecolt." Rarity pulled back her hoof as she felt her heart racing. Boxing rolled his eyes. Even at the most awkward of times, he finds a way to flirt with ponies. "Applejack. Would you like to sit with us?" he smiled. "Heck y'all don't need to ask." she walked past him and landed her plot on the seat next to a window, Boxing followed and sat next to her. Stryker and Rarity both sat opposite them, Rarity stared at Stryker as she blushed, he didn't notice. "I don't mean to brag, miss Applejack, but I'm afraid you going to Manehatten may be for nothing. See Boxing here has been a professional for several years, but you have never boxed competitively." Stryker was first to speak. "Even if you pass qualifying round, and I'm sure you will, if you end up in a bracket with Boxing, I'm afraid you will lose." "Shoot, ah' know I ain't the best, but I have to at least try. I'm sure if Mac were here he'd try to stop me too." "Yes, Applejack. Where is Big McIntosh?" Rarity asked taking her gaze away from Stryker. "He is taking some cattle to Prairieville with Rainbow Dash, to pay for all the windows she broke at the farmhouse. And that-" she turned to Boxing. "is why I decided to enter the tournament, so I can buy new equipment and fix them windows." "Okay. So does that make us friends or enemies?" Boxing asked nervously. "Well, I hope we can be friends." Applejack answered. Friends? I feel like being more? is that weird? Do I have feelings for her? Oh crap. All four were silent as only the the metal wheels on the rail tracks could be heard. "Well I am going to take a short nap, wake me when we get there Box." Stryker spoke up and broke the awkward silence, Boxing nodded in return. ~⚡~ Boxing jerked awake as a bump in the track shook the train carriage and woke him. Uh, I must have fallen asleep. Boxing didn't remember falling asleep, the last thing he remembered was Applejack talking about the different kinds of Apples, he assumed It must have happened some point during his long conversation with Applejack. Applejack?! He looked to his right where she was sitting, she was leaning against his shoulder, sleeping softly. He looked across to his brother still asleep, Rarity's head in his lap, staring up to Stryker's face. "Rarity?" he squeaked Rarity jumped up in shock, as if caught doing an unthinkable crime. "Boxing?! Oh I'm ever so sorry, I feel so embarrassed you saw me like this." she blushed. "It seems you've taken an interest in my brother?" "Oh, is it that obvious. He is so sweet and positively gorgeous." she adjusted her uneven mane. "Tell me, is he seeing anypony?" "Not that I know of, although I doubt he would ever tell me who he sleeps with these days. There was somepony but that was a long time ago when we lived in Hoofington. So I guess you could says he's available at the moment." Boxing laughed bluntly. "And are you available at the moment Boxing?" Boxing was visibly flustered, he blushed and darted his eyes away from Rarity. What? is she like that? I was just getting to know Applejack, this is all moving too fast. What if sh- "Boxing. I'm flattered, really, but I meant for Applejack." she pointed a hoof to the orange mare sleeping on his shoulder. "Oh, Applejack? Sure. She's nice, I'd like to get to know her better." Boxing confessed as his eyes returned to the window, it was dark outside, the sky had gone black and the stars had come out to shine. In the distance he saw the bright lights of the big city that all of them would be spending all their time in for the next few days. "Look, there it is. Manehatten." Boxing's eyes went wide. "Applejack?" Boxing whispered and gently nudged her, she stirred from her sleep "-mhoom, leave the snake-uh!" her eyes shot open as she realized how close to Boxing she is. "Boxing? I'm mighty sorry, I must have dozed off." "Stryker, darling. Wake up." Rarity whispered softly. "We are about to arrive at Manehatten." "Thank you Rarity." Stryker stared into her eyes, Rarity stared back longingly. "Rarity?" Stryker took her hoof into his. "When we arrive at Manehatten would you do me the honour of joining me for dinner?" he asked. "Of course I will Stryker." she blushed once more. "And you two? Will you be joining us for dinner?" Stryker asked, looking to Boxing and Applejack. "Yes Applejack! You must come, we can double date." Rarity clopped her hooves together with glee. "Date?" Boxing squeaked loudly. Actually, It might not be such a bad idea. This might go really well. he thought to himself. "Shucks, Boxing. Don't panic yerself none. It'll be fun." Applejack smiled warmly. Go! ask her now! "Applejack?" he turned to her. "Will you join me for dinner?" "Boxing, I would love to." ~⚡~ Almost an hour later, the four ponies found themselves at The Golden Mane, a four star restaurant that Stryker had chosen. He said that he had been to Manehatten before when he was younger and knew the right places to get the best meals. Boxing knew that it was a total lie. The four of them sat at a table, cloaked in silk. Fine, polished cutlery was placed out in front of each of them by a smartly dressed unicorn even though Boxing and Applejack couldn't use them. Applejack took in her surroundings, she felt like she was at the Canterlot Palace. Gold curtains covered the windows from the ceiling to the floor, high in the ceiling hung a large silver chandelier, brightly lit with candles. The unicorn placed a menu in front of each of them as he lifted a quill and notepad in front of him using magic, "Shall I get you all started with some drinks before your meal?" he asked politely. "Yes! Great idea. Bring us bottle of your finest Marelot." Stryker replied. "An excellent choice sir. And for your meals?" he asked, ready with his quill. "Yes," Stryker scanned the menu. "I will have the Eggplant Lasagne, Rarity, what would you like." he turned to her, so did the waiter. "The Butternut Squash and smoky Black Bean Salad sounds absolutely delicious." The waiter wrote down her choice. "Fine choice madam." he said and turned to Boxing. "And you sir?" Boxing looked at the menu unsure of what to order, Hmmm, they all sound so good. Mushroom? Yum! "Farfalle with creamy Mushroom sauce. Thank you." The waiter scribbled it down and turned to Applejack, who was still reading the menu. "What uh- what is this one?" she pointed a hoof at an item on the menu. "Ah, that is Halloumi, it is a cheese only made in the country of Zebrica. It comes served inside a pita filled with fresh lettuce, capsaicin and grilled onions." "Oh, that sounds tasty. I will get that then." Applejack decided. "Excellent choice." he scribbled down the order. "I will return shortly with your order." his magic faded as he placed the notepad in one of his suit pockets, he began to walk away. "And uh, make it snappy." Stryker winked at him and placed three pure white coins into his front pocket. "Of course sir." he bowed and left. And he was the one who wanted to save money. Boxing thought. A few minutes passed and the unicorn returned with Stryker's choice in wine, he placed four crystal clear wine glasses on the table and began pouring the dark blue coloured wine. "To a new friendship." Stryker announced as he raised his glass with his magic, Rarity did the same. Boxing and Applejack both struggled to keep the glasses balanced in their hooves. "Friendship!" All four repeated and clinked glasses together. Applejack drank from her glass, just a small sip at first. She could taste the sweet flavour of grapes with hints of plum, berry and just a small bite of alcohol. It pleasantly burned her tongue, it tasted significantly different from the usual cider she had drunk in the past. Another few minutes passed and the waiter arrived with four meals settled on a silver tray, floating just above him. He carefully placed each plate in front of them, "Is there anything else you would like?" he asked politely. "Thank you, that will be all for now." Stryker said, the waiter bowed and said "Please enjoy your meal." before wandering off again. The rest of the night went better than Boxing had hoped, Applejack talked about her family and how worried she was leaving her Granny Smith in charge for six days. She must have said Big McIntosh was herding cattle to Prairieville with Rainbow Dash for what felt like the fifth time that evening. It wasn't just Applejack being social, Rarity had told Stryker about her Boutiques located in Ponyville, Canterlot and Manehatten and the recent line of dresses she had just finished for an autumn fashion show. Finishing their meals, the four of them left the restaurant after Stryker happily paid the bill. Boxing knew that they were supposed to be saving money, but with the competition coming up, he felt a massive confidence boost. That grand prize is as good as ours. "Rarity. Where will you and Applejack be staying for the next few days?" Stryker asked. "Well, I had the idea to stay with my aunt and uncle Orange. Heck I would have been fine with sleeping in Rarity's spare room at her shop, but she insisted we book a room at Manehatten Heights. "Manehatten Heights? What a coincidence, that's where Boxing and I are staying. Competing ponies get a discounted price." "Is that right? Rarity might have forgotten to mention that part to me" Applejack gave Rarity a scolding look, she just laughed nonchalantly. ~⚡~ A tall building stood before them, a giant skyscraper made of steel and glass nothing like what was built in Ponyville or even Canterlot. Stryker and Rarity checked at the front desk in the luxurious lobby while Boxing and Applejack found a place to sit down and had another conversation about the upcoming tournament, talking about the qualifying round tomorrow afternoon. "Alright everypony, I think it's time to catch a few zeds." Stryker walked over to them as Rarity followed closely behind. "Hey what are the chances, out rooms are on the same floor." After eventually finding her room Applejack and Rarity said goodbye to their new found friends, Always the charmer, Stryker took Rarity's hoof in his and placed his lips upon it, just like when they first met on the train. Her face turned bright red for a moment. "Oh my." Rarity said, she then turned and entered her room. "Goodnight Miss Applejack." Stryker nodded to her, then winked at his brother and walked away. Now it's just the two of them, alone. What should I do? Do I hug her, or kiss her? Was this even a date? Boxing's mind ran wild with questions, he felt flustered and nervous. "I really enjoyed spending time with you tonight Boxing." Applejacks eyes darted around, then she quickly leaned in and planted a gentle kiss on his nose. I...I...huu... Applejack closed the door slowly and softly, leaving Boxing standing still like a statue. He was lost for words. Eventually feeling came back to Boxing's body and he trotted merrily down the hallway with a huge ear to ear grin and caught up to Stryker, Stryker turned and noticed the goofy smile on his face and red hearts in his eyes. "So, I guess things went well with Applejack?" "Oh, it was great Stryker. She is the most wonderful mare." Boxing said, still smiling. "Well, this trip has benefited the both of us more than once." He paused and looked up at the numbers on each door. "Ah! Here we are, three hundred." Stryker swiped the card held by his magic, the door beeped and there was a loud clunk that allowed Stryker to open the door to their room. Whoa! Boxing stared in amazement, the room was far larger than he had imagined it would be. He ran over to the wall of windows on the far end of the room. The city streets below were lit by bright lamps, Boxing could see ponies below. From where he was, they all looked like small ants. "We're only on the third floor." Boxing said, sounding amazed. "Fourth, technically. The ground floor was the lobby." Stryker corrected him. Wow, we aren't even that high up. Boxing backed up and bumped into a large oak dining table. In the middle of the table was a note with "Competitors." printed on the front. He lifted it up in his hooves and began to read. Manehatten Heights wishes to welcome Competitors of the Manehatten Professional Boxing Tournament. All competitors are welcome to use our gym facilities and swimming area located on the ground floor, which is open 24/7. Our kitchen staff will also provide breakfast from 6am-11am free of charge. We hope you enjoy your stay. Boxing placed the note back on the table. "Stryker?!" he shouts. "In here Box!" a voice replied. "Where is here?!" he shouted back. "Sleeping quarters! Down the blue hallway." Stryker shouted back, Boxing walked down the blue hallway to find Stryker laying on his bed with his saddlebags lazily thrown beside it. The bed itself was very big, Boxing estimated that five or six ponies could easily lie side by side. Opposite Stryker's bed was his own, Boxing approached and softly collapsed onto it. "Ahh, that's nice." he stretched his arms and yawned, within minutes Boxing fell into a deep sleep as Applejack's kiss played over and over in his mind. > Chapter Three [Revised] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next morning Boxing Glove woke up to the faint glow of Celestia's sun shining on his face through the long flowing curtains, he sat up and looked around the room. His brother, Stryker Malt-House was still snoozing away. Boxing stretched his hooves and climbed off his oversized bed. 'Boy, I need to get one of these mattresses at home, I haven't slept that well in a long time.' Boxing's bed back home in Ponyville was made of mostly springs, this one was so much better, almost like sleeping on nothing but soft fur. Boxing quietly left his sleeping brother alone in the bedroom as he made his way into the living area of their hotel apartment. He walked over to a window and looked down onto the street below. Even this early in the morning the big city of Manehatten was alive and ponies were everywhere down below, rushing around getting started for the day. "Amazing." he said to himself. Boxing looked at the wall opposite and saw a clock. 'Quarter past seven? May as well make use of the free facilities downstairs then.' He walked over to the couch and lifted his bright red boxing gloves out of his saddlebags that had been thrown there last night, he hung the boxing gloves around his neck and headed for the door. At the very same moment he tried to open the door, somepony knocked on the door softly. Boxing opened the door all the way and saw Rarity, standing out in the hallway, looking flustered. "Rarity? Good morning, what can I do for you this morning" Boxing asked politely. "Good morning to you also Boxing, I was just wanting to know if Stryker was in?" she replied. "Wow, You've taken a real shine to him. He's still in bed asleep right now." "Would it be ok if I wait inside for him?" Rarity said, Boxing instantly knew she was up to something. "Yeah, that's fine." he grinned "By the way, I was thinking the four of us could get together for breakfast this morning? They got a free setup down stairs, buffet style I think. Is ten ok?" Boxing asked. "Yes please, absolutely!" she answered. "Although, Applejack left a note saying she went to the swimming area this morning, could you be a dear and let her know about breakfast?" "I will." he crammed his room's swipe card into one of his boxing gloves. "Alright, you two have fun." Boxing gave an exaggerated wink and Rarity's face went bright red, as the door closed behind Boxing. Rarity scanned the area looking for the bedroom, after finding it she entered and approached Stryker's bed. "Stryker, darling. Are you awake?" her voice had echoed softly as she sat on his bed and stroked his mane with her hoof. "Rarity?" Stryker sat up and yawned. "What are you doing here? What time is it?" "Oh, Stryker. I just can't stop thinking about you, it's almost hypnotic. The urge- it's- I have to tell you some-mmf." her words were silenced by a kiss, Rarity was lost in the blissful moment. After a moment Stryker pulled back and placed a hoof on her shoulder, the other caressed some of her indigo mane. It was soft and silky in his hoof. "I think it's time we gave into our desires." he whispered and then lurched forward, pressing their lips together, forcing his tongue into Rarity's mouth. "Mmmm!" she moaned and pulled her lips away from his. "I've never done this with a stallion so quickly after meeting them. It feels so naughty." She lifted the covers and climbed into the bed, then snuggled up to Stryker, planting a kiss on his lips. "We're not rushing destiny." he replied. "Oh my Celestia, that was so corny." she giggled and kissed him again. ~⚡~ Boxing Glove opened the door to the swimming area, warm and moist air smothered his face. 'This is relaxing. This takes me back.' He scanned the swimming lanes for Applejack and spotted her in the farthest lane from the entrance. He watched from afar, he felt a weird stalkery sensation but he tried to ignore it and blew it off as just being nervous. Applejack's head rose from the water and she caught him watching her, even at her distance, Applejack had seen him blushing red through his sandy yellow coat. She lifted herself out of the water and began walking towards Boxing. 'Oh, crap! She saw me staring. She probably thinks I'm some kind of weirdo pony. NO! Shut up! She's comi-' "Uh- hel- Hi- Applejack." Boxing said with the most ridiculous smile on his face. "Good morning Boxing, you sleep well?" she whipped her mane around gently as the water fell to the ground. 'Like an angel. I couldn't stop thinking of you!' he had wanted to say. "Yeah, I guess you could call it that." he faked a laugh. "Hey, I was wondering if you would like to join Stryker, Rarity and I for some breakfast at ten?" "Heck, I'm sure I'll be powerful hungry by then." she dived into her iconic cowboy hat laying by her hoof and pulled out two red hair ties, with one quick adjustment. Her tail and mane were tied just like the day they had met. "Great. Well, I'm gonna hop on the treadmill," he pointed behind him to a wall he didn't know was there. "would you like to join me?" "Is that a challenge I hear?" she replied. Boxing just smiled, completely forgetting whatever she just said. ~⚡~ It felt like hours had passed to Boxing. They had both done many gym activities together, a few kilometres each on the treadmill and taking turns helping each other lift weights. He looked at a nearby clock, reading nine AM. 'Only nine? It feels like we have spent a whole day together.' "How about some boxing?" Boxing pointed with a hoof. On the far wall Applejack saw it was lined with tall punching bags filled completely with sand. "After all, we are competing." "Alright." Applejack reached into her saddlebags and lifted out a pair of freshly tailored boxing gloves. Her gloves were bright green, the same colour as Granny Smith apples. Sitting back on her rump, she slid her hooves into them. Dotting the entrance was a pattern of purple and white diamonds, Boxing automatically knew that Applejack's gloves were hoof made by a professional tailor. "I guessing Rarity made those for you?" Boxing swung himself up and balanced himself on two hooves. "She sure likes her fashion to be flashy." "Eeyup. Don't tell her that though." Applejack tied and tightened the laces on her gloves. "She had asked me why I wanted them made and when I told her that I was planning on going to Manehatten, she insisted that she come along." Applejack stood up on her hind legs, mimicking Boxing. "Whoa." Applejack stepped forward and flailed her forelegs to keep herself balanced, Boxing stared at her strangely as she came to a stand still. "Heh. Just been a while is all." she shook her other hoof and stepped backwards, losing her balance. She had expected to fall on her rump and embarrass herself, but something caught her. "Watch your step Applejack." It had been Boxing that caught her in his hooves, stopping her from falling over. "You will never get to complete if you break a bone before the tournament even starts." Applejack stared into his eyes with admiration. She could feel her heart beating, Boxing's upside down face just smiled at her. "Uh, th-thanks Boxing." Applejack stood straight again and regained her balance. "That's ok!" Boxing's face blushed and he turned around, feeling somewhat embarrassed. 'Why am I FREAKING out over this? We're friends, I stopped her from falling. Get it together Box!' he thought to himself. ~⚡~ Sometime later both Boxing and Applejack were each standing in front of a punching bag, swinging punch's at the sack of sand. Boxing had taken every opportunity to help Applejack out when he could. 'She's doing it wrong. Her stance is off.' "Hey Applejack," he spoke up. "can I stop you for a moment?" Boxing walked over to her, where she threw one last hard hitting punch at her punching bag. "Is something' the' matter?" she asked. "Your stance is off." applejack gave him a quizzical look. "Here face me, I'll show you what I mean." Applejack did as Boxing told her and faced him. "Alright, throw a punch at me." "What?!" she could not believe what she had just heard. "Throw a punch at me Applejack." Boxing repeated bluntly. "Are you sure about that?" Applejack seemed worried but Boxing knew it was for the best. "Applejack. I trust you, do you trust me?" he asked. "I tr-" Applejack paused, she stuttered and didn't know what to say. Did she trust him? Her mind filled with confusion for a moment. They were friends after all, friends always trust each other. "Yes, yes I trust you." she said. "Okay, hit me. Go ahead and throw a punch. I'll be fine, I used to swarm all the time." Boxing readied his hooves to block and smiled at her. Applejack jabbed her left hoof straightforward. To her line of sight, Boxing was an easy target to hit. But Something happened before she could land the punch, Boxing quickly dodged to the right and knocked her hoof out of the way, rushing his hoof forward towards Applejack's exposed chest, Applejack saw it coming and shut her eyes expecting pain. But the pain didn't come. Confused at what had just happened Applejack opened her eyes and gazed down, Boxing's glove was frozen right above her midriff. "See, you can trust me." he lowered his arm. "This is one of the many strikes you'll come across in the tournament. It's more powerful than a common one-two combo. Here stand like this, I noticed your technique so this will suit you better" he initiated a different fighting stance. "Like this?" Applejack mimicked him. "Here," Boxing removed his gloves and walked up behind her, placing both of his hooves on her waist. "I'll show you." Boxing adjusted her forelegs and hind legs accordingly. As he brushed his face past her mane he could smell her mane. 'Mmmm, apple scented shampoo. A bit cliché.' Neither of them realised that their coats were touching, Boxing could feel her heartbeat, the soft rhythmic beating. Applejack breathed heavily and turned her head. "Box-Mmmf" Applejack was silenced by Boxing's lips, her eyes shot wide open wide as their lips touched. She then closed her eyes and opened her mouth just a little, giving in to the pleasure as she felt Boxing do the same. His tongue lightly touched the edge of her lips, gently poking into her mouth. Boxing broke away from the kiss and pulled his forelegs away. Applejack opened her eyes, panting lightly. "Whoa." Applejack whispered breathlessly. 'OH LUNA'S MANE! What have I done, I-I ju- just acted on impulse. I hope she's okay with it, she hates me, she hates me, she ha- NO! Shut up! Apologize to her you dumb mule!' "Applejack? I'm so sorry, I didn't mean t-" Boxing was in full panic mode. "It's okay Boxing, really. I didn't mind it." Applejack placed a hoof on his lips, silencing him. 'Wait. What? For real?' "Really? You're not freaked out at all?" Boxing asked. "Really." She leaned in and pecked him on the lips. "In fact, I quite liked it" Boxing's face went red with embarrassment once more. "I'm thinkin' we should get a shower." Applejack said. 'Shower?! Surely she doesn't mean that.' "So. See you for breakfast then?" she asked. "Oh! Shower, right. Yeah, I'll see you at breakfast." Boxing smiled goofily. Applejack turned away and walked towards the gym's shower facilities. It was probably only Boxing's imagination, but he was pretty sure she was swaying her plot. 'I want breakfast so badly right now!' Boxing turned back to the hanging punching bag and headbutted it. 'Idiot!' > Chapter Four [Revised] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- There was still five minutes left until the time which he had told Rarity to him him for breakfast. Boxing found an empty table and sat down, he was amazed that there was not that many other ponies around. 'Heck, maybe they all slept in.' Boxing snickered. Boxing picked up one of the silver spoons on the table in front of him and stared into his upside down reflection, he smiled goofily and poked his tongue out. "This place is empty, where is everypony?" a familiar voice said. Boxing jumped in place and dropped the spoon with a loud clang. Applejack was standing in front of him, she pulled out a seat and sat down. "Applejack? That was quick." Boxing stammered. "Eeyup" Applejack stretched her forelegs and felt bones in her back crack in a pleasant way. "Where's Rarity and Stryker?" As if on cue, a laughing Rarity stumbled into the room with the tall stallion, Stryker, by her side. "I'll get some juice." Applejack said and excused herself. Moments later, Stryker, Boxing, Rarity and Applejack were all sitting around a the table with food in front of them and a jug of freshly squeezed apple juice in the middle between them. "Applejack, tonight I've invited Rarity to a club owned by one of my friends here in Manehatten. I was thinking that you and Boxy could join us there tonight, drinks are on me." Stryker smiled. "Well, thank you sugarcube. I'm sure it'll be a hoot." Applejack answered. "Alright. Well, Rarity and I we both be spectating your qualifiers. So, afterwards we will head out to the club." Stryker said. "And what is the dress code?" Rarity asked. "Code? nope, don't wear anything fancy sweetheart, this place is really casual." Stryker assured her as he lifted his fork to his mouth and took another bite of his food. 'Aright! We'll go clubbing and enjoy ourselves, I think I should confess my feelings for Applejack tonight. But what if she doesn't feel the same way, she'll never speak to me ever again. OH NO!' Boxing screwed his eyes shut his eyes and drifted into another Applejack fantasy. "Boxy? Are you okay?" Stryker's voice spoke to him, Boxing opened his eyes. "You look spaced out, have you touched any sale this morning?" "Nah, I'm fine. Just a bit nervous, weird right?" Boxing laughed it off as nothing. ~⚡~ Boxing and Applejack entered the building with Stryker and Rarity behind them, the first thing they saw was a huge yellow banner that was strung up above entrance with huge words printed on it. Qualifier Rounds. All around them, there were many ponies, but not just ponies. Boxing also spotted a few griffons among the crowd and even a donkey. 'A donkey boxing? hahaha!' he laughed to himself then turned to Applejack. "Alright Box, Rarity and I will make our way to some seats. Good luck." Stryker said. "Thanks." Boxing said and turned to Applejack. "Now, you're new to this. So what happens is, they take our height and weight, then they will match us up against other ponies in the same bracket. And, if you win, then you're in. Don't take it too seriously tho, they also take your reputation and previous experience into account." "Alright, that sounds easy enou-" "Well, well, well. Look who we have here!" a deep rusty voice blasted from close by, a dark feathered griffon just slightly taller than Boxing pushed his way past other contestants and walked up to Applejack and Boxing. "Little Boxing Glove." 'Oh come on! Anypony but him.' Boxing turned and came face to face with the one creature he truly hated. "Korn." Boxing said. "Corn? like the yellow stuff?" Applejack asked. "Applejack, this is Korn Ephoros." Boxing said bluntly. "What are you doing here little Boxy? Last I heard, you spent your life in the gutter, wasting your money of booze and salt." Korn's words were like poison to his ears. "I'm surprised you're not dead!" Applejack raised her hooves to stop Boxing and Korn getting closer to tearing at each other's throats. "Now wait just a apple picking minute. I'm sure Boxing has-oof." Applejack was stopped as Korn pushed her out of the way and she fell to the ground, he just ignored her and stepped closer. "Who is this rambling swine? Your new tail? I thought you were into colts. Hahahaha!" Korn laughed obnoxiously as he walked off and disappeared into the crowd of ponies. "Applejack." Boxing rushed to her side and helped her stand up. "Are you alright." "Yeah. I'll be okay. Just who was that Boxing?" she brushed off her hat and placed it back on her head. "His name is Korn Ephoros and he is also the reason I retired from professional boxing five years ago." "What in Equestria happened?" Applejack asked. "It's a very long story Applejack. I'll tell you another time, but right now we should get measured and numbered." Boxing said. ~⚡~ A short while after, Applejack and Boxing had met up again, both of them had been measured by the tournament officials and each assigned a number. Boxing with number four and Applejack was seven. "What are these numbers for anyhow?" Applejack asked. "Soon, they will call out a number and that's how you are matched up with your opponent. The tournament is only over this weekend so only a few spots will be available, but don't sweat it. Just remember your stance and you should be okay as long as not you're paired up with anypony who boxes regularly. "I'm feeling more pumped than ever." Applejack giggles a little. "THREE and FOUR! Numbers THREE and FOUR!" a voice boomed over the loudspeaker. Boxing raised his hoof and inserted his mouthpiece. "Well, wish me luck." he said with a wink. "I will." Applejack gently pecked him on the nose and turned to the spectator seating, she made eye contact with Rarity who waved at her excitedly. Applejack walked over and sat next to her. "Alright, who's the lucky pony?" Boxing boasted loudly. "That would be me!" an all too familiar voice shouted back. The jet-black griffon that haunted his nightmares stood before him with a blue harness buckled firmly around his chest, a tournament standard brace that prevented him from using his wings during fights. "Korn?" Boxing sounded defeated already. "The one and only, little Boxy." Korn snarled back. !!DING DING!! Boxing stood his ground. He knew that to swing first or show any fear at all, would be a fatal mistake and could cost him the match. From the seats above Stryker and Applejack glanced at each other. "Oh shit, this is bad." Stryker said. The griffon moved like lightning towards Boxing, he reacted quickly and stepped right, Korn's glove just missed him by a hair. Without warning, Korn's left arm rose up, Boxing's hooves flew up to defence and the strike was blocked. Boxing twisted and lunged forward with a jab, this time it had been Korn that defended, Boxing hitting the block with such a mighty thump that they both staggered. "Seems, you still have your charm little Boxy." Korn spoke. "You've only got three minutes, you better make them count." Boxing lunged and jabbed again and again, but Korn easily blocked every single hit. Boxing had missed using his skills. 'I'm was just getting warmed up' Boxing threw another punch towards Korn, he dived his head, avoiding the strike. Korn wasn't afraid of pain, but he certainly knew how to anger Boxing. There was an opening in his defense and he rose up and struck Boxing right in the muzzle, knocking him over. "Oof!" Boxing fell to to the canvas below with a harsh thud. 'For Celestia's sake, how is he so much more stronger than the last time we fought?' Boxing heard the referee blow his whistle and began counting. "ONE! TWO! THREE!" the referee started "Seriously? An eight count?" Stryker said "FOUR!" "What's an eight count?" Applejack asked. "It means Box better get his ass up and standing now." Stryker winks and points to the ring with a hoof. "Look." "FIVE!" "Arrg" Boxing lifted himself up again and shook his head. "That all you got Korn?" he raised his hooves again and the referee backed into a corner. "Trust me little Boxy, I got a whole lot more." Korn threw another punch but Boxing ducked the griffons swinging fist just in time, his head was still pounding from being floored, his breath was sobbing in his throat. Boxing turned and rose up, placing himself beside Korn. Furiously he swung his hoof, attacking with all his strength, pushing the griffon back. Korn faltered, lost his footing and fell to one knee as a fatal squawk could be heard. "My, my. Little Boxy, you certainly still have the magic touch after all." Korn hissed as he stood up again. "Come on, bring it. I'm gonna wipe that smirk off your pretty little beak." Boxing taunted. Korn launched another attack, hitting Boxing's blocking hooves every time. Boxing knew he was starting to get tired and grinned as he saw an opening, he struck his opponents exposed shoulder. Korn stepped back and swung his other fist, missing again. Boxing stepped forward and brought up his other hoof straight to the griffon's beak, the impact exploded with dark feathers as Korn fell flat on the canvas. The referee blew his whistle and started to count. "ONE! TWO! THREE! FOUR! FI-" !!DING DING!! 'Phew, yep still got it.' Boxing waved to his friends sitting in the distance. 'I just hope it was enough' "Yee-Haw!" Applejack punched the air with uncontrollable excitement. "He did it!" "Yes dear, we saw." Rarity added. "Not exactly. While it's true he got a knockout and in a real match the ref would have continued counting to eight, but it was only one round. All the fights today will be one round and that also affects the score that everyone will get." Stryker said. "Remember Korn also got a knockout. But we will find out afterwards." "FIVE and SIX! Numbers FIVE and SIX!" shouted the voice on the loudspeaker. Boxing slowly walked up to the seat where his friends sat with a bag of crushed ice pressed against his skull. Stryker practically jumped out of his seat and hugged his brother tightly. "Ooof, Stryker, please." Boxing pleaded. "Oh, sorry." Stryker released his grip and ruffled Boxing's mane. "Dude! was that a haymaker? It's been awhile since you've had to resort to one of those, you never slug." "I'm fine, thanks for asking." Boxing smirks. ~⚡~ "SEVEN and EIGHT! Numbers SEVEN and EIGHT!" "Well, this is it. I guess It's my turn to whoops some tail." Applejack stood up. "Is it too late to back out?" "NO!" "Yes." Stryker and Boxing say in unison. "What we mean to say is, we're sure you will do fine. Your chances of getting paired with Take Down or Emerald are slim because of their technique and style." Boxing stared into her eyes longingly. 'She has the most beautiful green eyes, I just wanna k-' "SEVEN! Number SEVEN!" the voice boomed again. "I better go." Applejack flipped off her hat and placed it on Boxing's head. Applejack approached the ring and stepped through the ropes onto the canvas, opposite her was a blue unicorn the same size of herself. Attached to his horn is what looks like a glowing metal bracelet, Applejack remembered Boxing telling her it was a bracelet that stopped all unicorns from using magic inside the ring during a fight. !!DING DING!! The unicorn danced to the left faster than Applejack could register, she readied her hooves for a block. Even all morning training with Boxing could not prepare her for what was about to happen. The unicorn took his chance, faking to the left then to the right. Applejack swung with her left, the unicorn dodged and swung his right hoof, landing his punch on Applejack's chest. She stepped back and regained her balance, successfully blocking his next strike and leaving himself open for attack. Applejack saw her opportunity and acted upon it, swinging her left hoof up hard and striking him hard. The unicorn staggered back and coughed harshly, he stepped forward once more and then jabbed forward with a one-two combo, hoping it would penetrate her blocking. But it didn't. Applejack had noticed that the unicorn dropped his guard in the process, swinging her right hoof straight up, she struck again. The blue unicorn fell over and shielded his face. "ONE! TWO! THR-" The referee stopped counting as the unicorn got back up to his hooves and nodded to the referee, signalling that he was ready to continue. He stepped forward again and darted his left hoof forward, striking Applejack's chest. He tried to mimic his action with the other hoof, reality paused for a moment as Applejack tried to calculate how she could block the incoming attack. Applejack took a mental note of their stances and how familiar it looked to her. She knocked his hoof out of the way with hers, then raised her other hoof up to strike his vulnerability, just like Boxing had shown her earlier in the gym. She landed the punch and knocked the blue stallion off his balance, he twisted and cried in pain as his whole face kissed the canvas. "ONE! TWO! THREE! FOUR! FI-" !!DING DING!! "Alright! Go Applejack!" Boxing stood up and cheered, Applejack looked down at him from the ring and smiled. "Wow! I can't believe that just happened." "Yeah she has some strength in her." Stryker said. "She certainly has the traits of a boxer puncher." "Yeah I noticed that." Boxing agreed. Applejack removed her gloves and stepped out the ring, she trotted over to join her friends. "Did y'all see that? I gave them what for!" she took her hat back from Boxing and placed it on her head. "It was excellent, you are excellent." Boxing said. "Are you sure you haven't boxed before?" "Nope, never." Applejack replied. "Well, you did really well." Stryker said. "After we get back both of your results, what say we get some food? A little lunch?" Stryker asked. "Rarity dear?" he puts out a hoof to her and she takes it in her own. "Thank you Stryker." Rarity said. 'Well this day was just great, just wonderful. So far we have spent the whole day together, that's it! tonight I'm going to tell her how I feel.' > Chapter Five [Revised] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boxing Glove sat next to Applejack who was nursing a mug of cider in her hoof, it had been a few hours since the qualifiers had finished. The referee and three judges had gone around and introduced themselves to every fighter that entered and gave them their results. Boxing was proud of his result as was Applejack, they had both passed the first round and were entered into the upcoming competition. Applejack turned and tried to say something to Boxing, but the loud music was relentless and unforgiving. There was a lot of ponies enjoying the music on the dance floor, Rarity and Stryker were near the front of the stage, dancing away, the DJ playing music yelled to the crowd of dancers and they chanted back. "Applejack? Do you want to dance?" Boxing shouted over the noise. "Come again?" Applejack said, "I can't hear you!" Boxing leaned in more closer to her ear and spoke again. "Would you like to dance with me?"' "I'd love to, sugarcube." she shouted back. Boxing and Applejack made their way towards the dance floor, before long, they were surrounded by other dancers. Applejack spotted Rarity on their left, dancing with Stryker and stepping to the beat. Applejack started to hop around, stomping her hooves in a square dance pattern as her hat bounced up and down on her head. Boxing swayed back and forth, shuffling his hooves a little. The music started to fade out and a blue unicorn in dark shades stepped up to the stage with his microphone raised. "Manehatten! You ponies are crazy tonight, here's a special tune just for you!" The stallion in shades pointed to the mare with a white coat that was operating the turntable. "DJ, if you please." her horn flared and the needle hit the vinyl record with a scratch. The music started to play with a low thumping music building up, the stallion stepped up to the front and pumped his hoof to the crowd. The music continued playing for sometime and the crowd loved every second. Boxing saw his older brother and Rarity had moved closer to the front, dancing and flailing about to the beat of the music. Out of the corner of his eye Boxing saw a pink pony had climbed up onto the stage and started to gallop towards the dancing crowd. 'Where have I seen her before? She looks so familiar.' Boxing thought to himself. "Pinkie Pie?" Applejack stopped dancing, she had also spotted her pink friend. 'Pinkie Pie? Of course! Now I know who she is. The pony who sang a song and then soaked us in cake batter when we first moved into Ponyville. I remember now, Stryker had spent the whole night cleaning it out of his mane.' At the exact time the song came to an end, Pinkie Pie launched herself and flew through the air towards the crowd. 'Is she crowd surfing? Oh shit.' As fate would have it, nopony caught her and she crashed into Rarity, of all ponies. Boxing pushed his way passed the other cheering ponies on the dance floor, "Rarity?! Are you okay?" Stryker asked as he helped her stand. "Yes, I'm fine." Rarity spoke. "Rarity!" Pinkie Pie greeted her with a spine crushing hug. "What are you doing here? Did you come to dance? I LOVE dancing. And singing and cupcakes and apples an-" Pinkie Pie continued her list of the things she loved most while Rarity tried to escape from her grip. "Please. Apologize to Rarity." Stryker demanded. "No, no. It's okay Stryker, Pinkie Pie is a friend." Rarity said after Pinkie released her from the hug, "The more important question is, What is your business in Manehatten Pinkie?" Rarity asked. "Business? No, I just LOVE TO PARTY!" Streamers and balloons dropped from the ceiling, other ponies cheered as she jumped in joy. 'How did she do that?' Boxing darted his eyes around. "So you're okay then? Rarity?" Boxing asked with concern. "Yes, but I do need a break from all this dancing. Let's get some libations, on me." ~⚡~ Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Rarity sat across from Boxing and Stryker, each of them with a drink, and Pinkie with a plate of nachos that was almost as tall as her puffy mane. "So Pinkie, what are y'all doing in Manehatten anyhow? I thought you were helping Fluttershy out with her animal sanctuary this whole week?" Applejack eyes widened as Pinkie crammed a hoof full of cheesy nachos in her mouth. Gulp! "Well I was," Pinkie Pie paused and licked her lips, "but Fluttershy said she was sad and needed some alone time, something about Rainbow Dash, I don't really know, I wasn't really listening." Pinkie took a long drink of her margarita. "It's okay, Twilight said she and Cheerilee would look after her." "You actually know Princess Twilight?" Boxing asked. "Yep, we've been friends since she moved to Ponyville." "You know she saved Equestria, right? Like a lot?" Boxing continued. "Well she didn't do it alone." Pinkie laughed. "Could you imagine, meeting somepony who saved Equestria?" Boxing said. "That would be so cool." Boxing paused and took a drink from his glass. "So why are you here in Manehatten Pinkie Pie?" Boxing asked. Pinkie gave both Applejack and Rarity a strange glance that said: 'he doesn't know?'. "Well, actually Punch. I'll tel-" "Ah, it's Boxing actually." he corrected. "Sorry, I interrupted you, you were saying?" "Oh right, sorry." Pinkie smiled, "I was visiting a friend in Manehatten and she invited me here with her this evening. I'm staying with her, she has an apartment here in the city." she finished off her drink in a single gulp. "Pinkie, dear. You shouldn't drink so fast, it's not good for you." Rarity advised. "Psh. Chillax Rarity, have some fun. Another round!" Pinkie rose her hoof into the air, the bar colt standing at the bar across from them nodded. Pinkie's eyes fluttered, "And who is this handsome stallion?" she said as she looked at Stryker who blushed slightly. "This 'handsome stallion' is Stryker Malt-House, and he is my partner, so hooves off missy." Rarity took a small swig of her drink and gave Pinkie a glare. "Really?" Stryker squeaked in a high pitch tone. "Ahem." Stryker cleared his throat. "I mean, Really?" he spoke normally. "Well of course dear. Do you not feel the same way?" Rarity enquired. Time had paused for moment as Stryker tried to think if he really did have feelings for her, they had only just met a yesterday morning. In fact if Boxing had not found out about the tournament, then Applejack would never have gotten the idea to complete and he would have possibly never met Rarity. "Yes. Yes I do feel the same way." He confessed. "Awww, that's so sweet. Now smooch!" Pinkie said. "Pinkie, a lady does not 'smooch' it is uncouth." Rarity protested. "Party pooper." Pinkie poked her tongue out. The bar colt approached and placed down a round of shot glasses filled with alcohol, and more nachos for Pinkie Pie, on their table. Pinkie dove into the mountain of corn chips head first. 'This is nice, I'm enjoying myself, so is everypony else.' "Less eating' more drinking." Applejack downed a shot. "Woo hoo!" Pinkie shouted and knocked back a shot. "Mmm, cherry." ~⚡~ All the ponies had enjoyed the night as they continued drinking shots and dancing, at some point in the evening Stryker and Rarity had split from the group with Pinkie Pie and the DJ tagging along, leaving Boxing and Applejack walking back to the hotel by themselves. Applejack stood in front of her apartment door only a few paces up the hall from Boxing's. "I had a great time tonight, Box." Applejack said as she swiped her card, the door lock beeped and a clunk sounded. 'Shit, my key card is gone.' Boxing panicked. "Shoot, Stryker must have my key. I can't get inside." "You could stay in mah' room sugarcube." She is so kind. Boxing smiled. "Thanks Applejack, it's really sweet of you." Boxing followed Applejack into her room, the layout of this apartment was completely different from his and Stryker's. "Alright, I could just sleep on the couch?" Boxing asked. "Or, you could sleep with me." "What-oof!" Boxing stopped as Applejack tackled him, forcing him into a deep kiss. He backed up, shutting his eyes, bumping into several objects before finally feeling his way to the bedroom. After finding the bed, he laid down, bringing Applejack down on top of him while staying in her embrace. Boxing's mind went blank as they kissed, lost in the complete euphoria. He ran his hoof through her smooth mane, while his tongue danced around with hers. He slid his hoof down her body, with each stroke he reached slightly further down her body. Applejack showed no signs of stopping, her lips were still locked with his. With a burn of desire, he slid his hoof over her flank, gripping it tightly. Applejack tore her lips away from his. 'Too much? Oh shit, she thinks I'm weird.' "Hell, It's about time sugarcube.” she said in a low whisper before returning her lips to his, tasting the flavour of honey and a faint hint of salt. Boxing's hooves caressed her body that was pressed against his as the long night of passion continued. ~⚡~ "Applejack? Are you asleep?" Boxing asked softly. "No." Applejack's head laid on Boxing's chest, her breathing was soft and slow. "Can we talk for a second?" he said. Applejack grunted and pulled herself up, and laid her head on the pillow next to his. Part of her mane had fallen across her face and Boxing lifted a hoof and brushed it away. "What's the matter Box?" she asked with half lidded eyes. 'Here goes nothing.' he thought. "I wasn't, you know, bad? Was I?" Boxing asked nervously. "No, you were fine. It was perfect." Applejack said. "What made you think otherwise?" "Well I don't know how you're going to react to this but." Boxing paused and took a deep breath. "My last lover was a stallion, I just wanted to know that I was okay. I don't know why, call it stage fright I guess." "That doesn't bother me, you can't exactly mess it up. You put it in, jiggle it around a bit, job done." Applejack chuckled. Boxing smiled and reached out to hold her, Applejack's fur was slick with sweat but Boxing didn't care. "Thank you." he said, and kissed her forehead. 'I love you.' ~⚡~ Boxing's eyes shot open as he heard four loud knocks on the bedroom door. His first sight was Applejack, still resting in his embrace, her yellow mane dishevelled from the previous night of passion. "Applejack? It’s eight in the morning dear. Time to wake up dear, you can't sleep in all day." Rarity's voice called from the other side of the bedroom door. 'Oh crap! Rarity!' Boxing scrambled in place, quickly trying to find the best way to become instantly invisible. "Ooof!" Boxing fell off the mattress landing upside down on his head. 'OUCH! How does that hurt so much?!' "Applejack dear?" Rarity opened the door and stepped inside, an upside down Boxing greeted her, with a goofy smile on his face. "Hehe. Uh, good morning Rarity. This is not what it looks like." Boxing smiled sheepishly. "Good morning hon." Applejack woke from her slumber and stretched her hooves high as she let out a long yawn. Rarity stuck out her snout a took in a deep breath, she gave Boxing a devilish grin. "Okay. Maybe this is exactly what it looks like." Boxing's face blushed bright red. ~⚡~ A short while later an embarrassed Boxing sat across from Applejack and a grumpy looking Rarity. Rarity took another sip of her tea, awkward silence took over the room. 'I should probably say something to break the ice.' Boxing thought. "Rarity, I should apologize for what I did, I kno-" Boxing started "Apologize? Whatever for dear?" Rarity interrupted. "Uh, you mean you're not mad about me and Applejack?" Boxing rubbed the back of his neck nervously with a hoof. "Of course not dear, why Applejack is a grown mare, she can do as she pleases." she replied. "Oh, thank Celestia. It's just, you look mad." Boxing said. "I'm not mad, I am however slightly worried about Stryker. Your brother disappeared last night and I haven't seen him since then." Rarity sipped at her tea again. !!KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK!! "Coming." Rarity sang. Rarity got up and opened the door, in the doorway was standing Pinkie Pie, with an unconscious Stryker lying on her back. "Stryker?!" Rarity panicked and ran to his side, checking for signs of life. "Rarity, you should have stayed last night! It was SO much fun! Anyway, I thought I'd bring Stryker back to you! He's served his purpose." Pinkie's voice was loud, and loaded with energy. "Served his purpose? What happened to him?! He looks terrible!" Rarity lifted him to the nearby couch with her magic. "He'll be fine, just a little too much to drink last night. BYE!" Pinkie bounced out of the apartment and down the hallway. "How did she know where your room was?" Boxing asked Applejack. "It's a Pinkie Pie thing." Applejack said. "Stryker! Where have you been?! I have been so worried!" Rarity punched him in the shoulder and he jumped in place. "Oh hey Rar-hic, I uh... I was... Just uh, give me 5 minuets." he closed his eyes and fell asleep, snoring gently. 'Well, today is a new day. Stryker might be out of action for now, but I'm sure the rest of us will manage without him. I'm going to make it to the finals and I'm going to win that money.' > Chapter Six [Revised] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A nervous Boxing Glove peaked out from behind the black curtain, the boxing ring was in the middle and hundreds of seats were on three sides, the building itself was not as big as some others that Boxing had competed in before, but it still made him nervous. He spotted his exhausted and probably hungover big brother sitting next to Rarity, who had chosen to wear a silk scarf today. A hoof touched Boxing's shoulder, he turned and saw Applejack with a somewhat concerned look on her face. "Somethin' wrong sugarcube?" Applejack asked. 'Yes! I am really scared!' he thought to himself. "No," Boxing lied. "it's just been a really long time since I've fought in the ring and in front of an audience no less." he replied. He poked his head out of the curtain again and looked at Stryker, Stryker spotted him and waved. Boxing shrank away behind the fabric and rubbed his eyes. 'Come one! You got this!' "Come on now, I think we are about to start." Applejack said. "Everypony is gathering." "Alright." he replied. Applejack and Boxing walked over to join the other competitors standing around a tall dark shadow, he thought it looked shockingly familiar. 'Whoa! A real life Minotaur? I thought they were just an old pony tale.' As the tall furred creature turned to face the competitors, fireworks shot out from behind him. The illustration on the flier Boxing found in Ponyville at the beginning of the week had become a reality, a Minotaur the size of three ponies tall was standing in front of the competitors. "Welcome one and all! You are here to take your skills to the test!" The Minotaur pointed to a light blue coated pegasus. "Do you have the skill?" "Me? uh... I g-g-guess." he stuttered. "Wrong answer!" The Minotaur shouted and raised his arms again, more fireworks exploded behind him. "I am Iron Will! I am being paid a great deal of mon..." he cleared his throat. "I mean, I am honoured to be hosting this fighting tournament. It's not a fancy exhibition match, keep that in mind when you are fighting up there. Keep it clean and just try to entertain the crowd, being aggressive won't get the crowd cheering for more." Applejack rolled her eyes. "Can you believe this guff?" she whispered to Boxing. "Yeah, craz-" "You there!" Iron Will pointed right at Boxing's face. "Do you have the skill?! What it takes to keep this crowd begging for more?!" 'Yes. I've won hundreds of tournaments.' "I've done this rodeo a hundred times. I'm a professional boxer, let's get this show started!" Boxing said confidently. Iron Will stared at him for a moment. "That's more like it!" he reached down and picked up a headset that a pony was holding, he stepped out beyond the dark curtain and spectators cheered loudly, filling the area with roars and the sound of hooves on wood. "WELCOME ONE AND ALL TO THE MANEHATTAN PRO BOXING COMPETITION, I AM IRON WILL." once again the area filled with cheering. "I WILL NOT KEEP YOU WAITING! FOR THE FIRST MATCH, STOMP YOUR HOOVES FOR! MORNING SPRINT!" The loud cheering continued, Boxing saw next to him, the pegasus that Iron Will had pointed at just moments ago run out from behind the curtain. He was wearing the harness brace the winged fighters had to use, as he stood upright he strapped on his blue gloves and stood in one corner of the canvas, lazily leaning back on the ropes. "AND IN THE BLUE CORNER! ALL THE WAY FROM PONYVILLE! BOXING GLOVE!" The crowd cheered again, much louder than before. Boxing lifted hoof and froze, something stopped him from taking a step forward, it was fear. His cocky attitude was cut short. "Hon, his calling' your name." Applejack nudged him. "Right." Boxing stepped forward out from behind the curtain, his eyes widened as the crowd continued to roar his name and slam their hooves. He had ran over to the small steps and stepped over the rope into the canvas, he slid his hooves into the gloves that hung around his neck, bright red, the same colour as the red streak in his mane. The referee on the other side of the ring's ropes flared his horn and the laces on Boxing's boxing gloves tightened. "Alright!" Iron Will beckoned the two fighters over with a quick flick of his fingers. Both Boxing Glove and Morning Sprint approached him. "Clean simple fight, no ball breakers. You've got three minutes in each round, keep that crowd cheering." Iron Will said to the both of them. They both nodded and stepped back, each on one side of the scratch. A horn blared loud and Iron Will stepped out of the ring, swapping places with the official referee for the match. There was three judges waving to the cheering crowd, unlike previous prize matches that Boxing had fought in, these judges were all sitting at the same table to judge the fight. "All right, the judges have called that thirty points is the winning number. If you're tied after five rounds, then the judges will decide on the fighter that will advance to the next bracket." The referee paused for a moment, "Ready to begin?" both Boxing Glove and Morning Sprint nodded. "Touch gloves, let's get this started." The two fighters hoof-bumped and each took a step back. !!DING!! Morning Sprint quickly dashed forward, hooves ready and prepared to strike. Boxing could sense from his technique and stance that he had lots of experience, Boxing stepped to the right, successfully dodging Morning's first blow. Boxing stepped forward, landing a blow right to Morning's exposed chest. Morning lurched forward in pain. 'Gee, this is going to be a really easy match if he continues to fight like this.' Boxing stepped back and raised his hooves to block, waiting for Morning Sprint to make his next move. The pegasus wasted no time in striking again, he pressed forward with a left hook, making a hard thud as Boxing blocked. Morning swung his other hoof, hoping to land a hit, Boxing saw it coming and dodged in the other direction. Both of the ponie's defences were now open and exposed to any incoming attack. Naturally Boxing acted upon this opportunity first, in a quick swift move he stepped forward and darted his left hoof straight into his opponent's chest. Morning Sprint coughed hard, spitting up specks of blood that sprayed the canvas. Ignoring it, he wiped his muzzle with a hoof and pushed through the pain. Boxing swung another hoof right to Morning's face, landing the punch. Morning stepped back and raised his hooves. !!DING DING DING DING!! Both fighters lowered their gloves and retreated to their corner of the ring. Boxing stretched his forelegs, it felt great to him to be back in a real ring and breaking a sweat. 'If I can knock him out this next round or the one after, I'll have that win under my belt.' "GO BOXY!" Stryker yelled from the crowd, shocking Rarity who jumped and almost spilled her small paper bag of popcorn. Boxing took another deep breath and exhaled. "Fighters. Round two, approach." the referee said, Boxing and Morning had walked back over to the scratch in the middle of the canvas. "Ready to begin?" The referee asked. Both nodded. !!DING!! Morning pulled the same move as the start of the last round, rushing in with one punch hoping to get the first hit of the round. Boxing raised his hooves to block and Morning's punch thudded against him. As Morning stepped back, Boxing danced sideways and threw his own punch high, aiming for the pegasus' shoulder. Morning saw the movement and blocked, Boxing's hoof connected with the block. "Not bad." Boxing said. "Thanks, no so bad yourself." Morning replied. Boxing jabbed with his right and left one after the other, Morning ducked and avoided the assault. As Boxing was attacking, Morning had forgotten to hold his position. It was too late to push back before he realised he had been almost cornered. 'Not what I was planning, but it's too late to back away now.' Boxing thought to himself and pressed forward. Boxing paused and lowered his aim, trying to hit under the chest and closer to the stomach, Morning dodged to the right and lowered his guard to block, Boxing's glove was stopped inches from its target. Morning jabbed forward for his left hoof and connected with Boxing's face. 'Son of a bitch. That really hurt.' Boxing pushed forward and wrapped his left foreleg around Morning's right shoulder in an effort to stop him from throwing another punch, Morning brought back his left hoof and uppercut Boxing right in the muzzle. !!DING DING DING DING!! 'Holy shit, I got a but too cocky for a second there.' Boxing thought to himself as he retreated to his corner. "Need some assistance there fella?" a voice asked from behind him. Boxing turned around and saw a physician. "Thanks, but I'm okay, just a bit numb is all." Boxing replied. "Don't push yourself too hard, keep in mind that we are always here for if you need us." the physician said. "Fighters. Round two, approach." the referee announced. "haha, wish me luck." Boxing said the the physician. Boxing and Morning walked up to the middle for the third time and touched gloves. !!DING!! Morning struck the first blow, reaching in with his left hoof and punching Boxing's head, quickly Boxing blocked and ducked. Morning backed away and guarded, Boxing threw a quick jab with his right hook. Morning stepped back and was almost up against the ropes, Boxing punched forcefully with his left and connected with Morning's block. The last punch Boxing had thrown had forced Morning up against the ropes with his guard still raised, he stepped to the left in an effort to circle around. Morning lowered his guard and punched with his left but missed completely. Boxing had cornered him now, he launched an assault of punches. Left, left, left, right, left, right. All the hits landed squarely on Morning's stomach. Boxing back away slightly as he threw his left hoof forward once more but missed, Morning took the opportunity in Boxing's broken defense and punch with his right hoof, hitting Boxing right in the muzzle. Boxing retaliated and threw more punches. Left, right, left. Morning had no time to block any of them. Another of Boxing's two left hooks connected with Morning's hip and also his shoulder, Morning grunted in pain. He felt like Boxing was a train and he had just been hit by it. Morning punched back with a right hook, Boxing dodged and struck with his left. Morning realised he had been cornered again and it wasn't looking good. He punched twice swiftly with his left hoof, the first hit missed entirely and the second hit was blocked by Boxing. Boxing punched with his left and Morning ducked, but it was delayed and the hit still connected with his face. Boxing reached over and punched again in Morning's left side, the target was easy and open. The pegasus stood straight and punched weakly with his left, Boxing punched again, left hook, right uppercut. Morning Sprint lost his stance and fell forwards onto his opponent limply, Boxing stepped out of the way letting him fall, landing on the canvas with a loud thud. The referee rushed to the side of the fallen pegasus and started a count. "ONE! TWO! THREE! FOUR!" the referee started. 'Phew, after this I need a drink. This has been exhausting.' "FIVE! SIX! SEVEN! EIGHT! NINE! TEN! OUT!" The referee shouted. "DING! DING! DING! DING!" The crowd roared and pounded their hooves as the bell rung loudly. Iron Will jumped over the rope and grabbed Boxing's hoof, raising it into the air and lifting him off the ground at the same time. "YOU HEARD IT HERE FOLKS, BOXING GLOVE IS THE WINNER FOR THIS MATCH!" The crowd roared again. ~⚡~ A short time later Boxing found himself lying belly-down in an infirmary bed, his hooves out in front of him with a bag of crushed ice on the both of them. 'Far out, that hurts. I almost forgot how hard I hit.' he flexed his shoulders. "Boxing you frigging champ!" Stryker announced as he swept into the room with Rarity by his side, they stood by Boxing's bed and Stryker reached out and bonked Boxing on the head playfully. "Hey, thanks Stryker. Where's Applejack?" he asked. "Her fight is about to begin shortly dear, Stryker and I are about to head back to our seats." Rarity informed him. "Alright I guess I'll catch you guys later. If I can, I'll sit with you." Boxing said. "Ta-ta." Rarity said as she left the room. Stryker rubbed Boxing on the shoulder with a hoof, "Don't worry little bro, I believe in you and I know you will win this whole shindig." and with that said Stryker left the room, joining Rarity once more. Boxing gripped the bag of crushed ice in his teeth and removed it from his hooves, placing it to the side, he rolled over out of the bed falling onto his hooves and they connected with the stone floor. Boxing could hardly feel his own hooves, the combination of the cold from the ice and the cold from the stone brought a chill to his whole body. He ignored the frosty feeling in his hooves and walked back to the area where the other fighters waited for their match, he had seen Applejack near the entrance curtain, her green gloves hung over her back. "Applejack." Boxing said as Applejack turneds to see him cantering up to her. "There you are Boxing. I'm sorry, I'll have to postpone your chit chat til later, they're about to call my name any second now." she said. "APPLEJACK!" The voice of the Minotaur roared, the noise of cheering ponies followed the announcement of the fighter's name. "Speak of the devil." Applejack leaned into boxing a kissed him on the cheek, Boxing blushed. "You did really well." she said as she galloped out from behind the curtain and towards the ring, the crowd roared and cheered her name as she jumped over the rope and into the ring. She eyed the audience, looking for her friends. After spotting Stryker and Rarity she waved her hoof excitingly and Rarity waved back, Applejack fitted her gloves to her hooves and readied her stance. "AND, ALL THE WAY FROM HOOFINGTON! SHOOTING STAR!" Iron Will yelled. A unicorn with a midnight blue coat and aqua mane galloped out from behind the curtain, his cutie mark showed a sparkles and a jagged boxing glove in the shape of a star placed directly in the middle shooting past just like his name. It slightly reminded Applejack of Boxing's cutie mark, the only difference being that Boxing's was not jagged. "Alright, you two know the rules. First to thirty wins it. Good luck." Iron Will said and jumped over the rope. "Thirty what?" Applejack asked. "Thirty points." the referee answered. "Now, are both fighters, ready?" he asked, both fighters nodded. DING! Shooting dived forward first, left hoof ready to strike. Applejack lifted her hooves to guard and succeeded, Shooting's glove thudded harshly against her block. Applejack darted forward with her right hoof in front of her, she already knew where she was going to strike, the only thing that remained unknown was whether or not Shooting was going to block or not. Shooting saw it coming and quickly he lifted his hoof to deflect her attack, but he was too late. Applejack landed a very hard hit to his open shoulder blade and followed through with a left uppercut. Boxing watched in awe from behind the curtain as he saw Applejack landed a second punch right into the unicorn's muzzle. 'Luna's mane! She's good.' Shooting Star was now seeing stars, the continuous blows from Applejack had caused him to lose his stance. He shifted his hooves up in front of his face to defend her next blow, but it never came. Suddenly Applejack's left hoof connected with his stomach, sending the unicorn falling backwards. The referee rushed in and started his count. "ONE... TWO... THREE... FOUR... FIVE... SIX... SEVEN... EIGHT... NINE... TEN... OUT!" DING! DING! DING! DING! 'I'm in love. That was incredible, she knocked him out in ten seconds flat.' Boxing thought. "Hot damn, that was the quickest round I've ever witnessed." the referee said to Applejack. "I like to get things done quick and done right." she replied. Applejack looked up at Stryker and Rarity and saw Rarity wave back at her, Applejack smiled. "Say how long is this gonna take? I'm starving." "Well, you're in the lead, so if you can go the next two rounds without getting knocked out then you win and you'll go to the next bracket." the referee said. "You should get ready though, only a few seconds until the next round begins. Applejack backed away from her corner and approached the scratch, the referee stood in the middle checking the watch on his ergot, Shooting Star walked up to the scratch also. The referee kept a close eye on his watch and then said, "Alright, round two, both fighters ready?" he asked. Applejack and Shooting Star both nodded to the referee and touched gloves. !!DING!! Applejack wanted the upper hoof this time around and decided to strike first, she readied her hooves and stepped forward. She pulled back her right hoof, preparing for a strong hook. Shooting raised his hooves, Applejack's hit was blocked. She pressed forward with two more strikes, left, right. Shooting blocked every time. Applejack noticed that Shooting's reflex's had increased since the last round, after the humiliating knockout in the first round, he decided to be more attentive to his blocks and wait for an opening. Applejack jabbed his block with a right and then quickly struck the side of Shooting's ribs with her other hoof. Applejack bobbed to her left and swung, Shooting ducked under and uppercut with his right, it missed and hit Applejack in the shoulder. She bobbed again and swung with left, only to fail and miss, Shooting ducked and avoided the hit. He swung forward with a right hook and punched Applejack square in her face with a loud thud. She pushed through the pain and retaliated with a left hook, she missed and her hit went over his shoulder. Shooting punched with his right and pushed hard, forcing Applejack to step back. Shooting brought his hood back and swung again, Applejack ducked under and rose back up. She threw her left hoof out, missing him by an inch. Shooting punched again, forcing Applejack to step back, the corner was fast approaching and Applejack needed to act fast or risk losing the round. She felt the ropes brush up against her back and tried to punch back, with no luck. As luck would have it, the referee stepped in and forced them apart, Shooting backed away from Applejack and returned to the center. Applejack followed. The referee gave the motion to continue. Shooting darted forward with a left hook, missing Applejack completely. She saw another strike coming and tried to dodge to the left, but Shooting faked it and switched direction. His hoof struck Applejack in the side of her head, she grunted and punched back. She had missed again, Shooting had dodged right and avoided to hit. Applejack quickly turned and pushed forward with her right hook. There was a loud harsh thud and her hoof connected with Shooting muzzle, sending him backwards and to the floor. "ONE!" Shouted the referee. "TWO!" 'Holy shit, two for two!? If she doesn't get knocked out next round she wins.' Boxing thought to himself. Shooting grunted and wiped away a trickle of blood from his snout. "THREE! FOUR! FIVE!" Shooting rolled over and tried to push himself up but collapsed. "SIX! SEVEN! EIGHT!" The volume in the crowd grew louder as more ponies started cheering. "NINE! TEN!" The referee waved his front hooves signaling the knockout. The crowd went wild. DING! DING! DING! DING! "APPLEJACK IS THE SECOND ROUND WINNER!" Iron Will jumped in over the ropes and announced to the crowd. "Good job lady, this crowd is loving this" he said quietly to Applejack. "Take a quick rest you've earned it." Applejack returned to her corner and leaned back on the ropes, meanwhile a physician trotted up to Shooting Star who was still lying on the floor. Shooting tried to push him away and stand up. "I'm fine!" he shouted, "I just need a minute." Applejack turned around and hung her forelegs off the ropes, she saw Boxing over by the entrance. And he had the biggest, goofiest smile Applejack had seen any stallion have. Boxing waved at her, she waved back. Shooting walked back to his corner and the physician followed him, dabbing off the blood that had collected on Shooting's muzzle, "If you take another wallop like that, you're going to break something." Shooting pushed him away again. "I've got this." he snarled. The referee walked over to Shooting and asked if he was okay to continue, he nodded. The referee returned to the middle of the ring and waved both of the fighters over. "This is it, round three. Are both fighters ready?" he asked as he looked over to Shooting, Shooting nodded. The referee panned over to Applejack, she inserted her mouthpiece and nodded. He waved his hooves up signaling the start of the round. !!DING!! Applejack aced quickly, she faked with a left hook and followed with a right jab. Shooting took the hit and stepped back, throwing his left hoof forward, missing Applejack. She ducked under and punched back with her left, her glove was only inches from his face. With Shooting's vision blocked by her glove he turned to the left and tried to circle around, before he could, Applejack threw a hard right hook into his shoulder. Shooting Star stepped back and took a deep breath, he readied his hooves and punched back. Applejack was hit hard in her head twice, Shooting's left hooks came out of nowhere. As he punched again and again, Applejack trapped his left foreleg under hers and pulled him close. She thrusted forward with two forceful jabs straight to his stomach, Shooting grunted and coughed. Applejack let go and punched his in the head with her right hook. Shooting Star stepped back and regained his balance, Applejack advanced and punched his exposed chest. Shooting retaliated with a right hook to her head, she punched back with her left and pulled back her right hoof for a blow. She pushed forward with force and knocked Shooting backwards, her right hoof landed on its target. Shooting lurched and fell back on his butt. "ONE!" The referee started his count and Applejack stepped away, returning to her corner. "TWO! THR-" "Blargh!" Shooting's lunch was on the floor before him as he continued to convulse and spew out the contents of him stomach. DING! DING! DING! DING! "Ew gross." Iron Will huffed and grabbed her hoof, Applejack pulled her hoof away. The crowd roared and cheered, Iron Will eyes darted over to the fallen fighter. "Hey dude? you okay?" The unicorn raised his hoof for a moment, only to have it fall back down on himself. "GIVE IT UP FOR YOUR WINNER! APPLEJACK!" Iron Will shouted, the crowd cheered and clopped their hooves. "MAKE SURE TO BUY YOUR TICKETS FOR THE NEXT EVENT IN ONLY JUST TWO! DAYS! TIME!" Iron Will paused and basked in the noise of the cheering crowd "FOR! THE! SEMI-FINAL ROUNDS!" he boomed. ~⚡~ Applejack, satisfied with her victory returned to the curtain room where Boxing was waiting for her. "That was incredible, you were fantastic." he said. "Aww, thanks sug-oof." Applejack was cut short as Boxing wrapped his hooves around her and hugged her tightly. Applejack felt a tingle inside her as she hugged him back just as tight. "Listen. Applejack?" Boxing pulled away from the hug. "Are you secretly a professional boxer? Because you kicked ass out there." "Nope, I just really need that money." she replied. "Well, If we both win our semi-final matches, we will have to fight each other in the final and I don't think I can put myself through that." Boxing said. "Boxy, I want you to know that I do care for you, but if push comes to shove, I want you to do your best. I don't want you going easy on me just cause you have feelings for me." she brushed his cheek with a hoof. "Thank you Applejack," he placed his hood over hers. "Hey, how about we get some food? I'm starving." "Absolutely." Applejack answered. 'I love her so much.' > Ch.7 Fight for the Finals! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack and Boxing were sitting opposite each other at a table booth in the shape of a 'U', having just ordered a meal each for lunch. They had lost sight of Stryker and Rarity during the intermission. Before Boxing stood a milkshake almost as tall as his head, it was his favourite, honey flavoured. He took a big slurp through his straw with a huge ear to ear smile painted on his face, Applejack continued to stare at him in confusion. "Ahh..." Boxing loved the taste. "What?" "Nuthin' just, are you sure it's a good idea to be drinkin' this here milkshake right before a match?" "Nah, I'll be fine AJ." Wait what I call her? "You just called me AJ?" "Uh... sorry?" Boxing silently took another sip of his milkshake. "Don't be sorry, all mah' friends call me AJ." She flicked her hat with a hoof. A unicorn approached the table and placed their meals down in front of them, "Enjoy your meal." he nodded and took his leave. In front of Applejack was a slice of apple pie and in front of boxing was something wrapped in a bread roll, the likes of which Applejack had never seen before. "Wha'd you get?" "This? It's a hot dog." he responded. "Dog? It's not really made er-" "No! Oh Celestia no, this is not meat. This is a veggie dog." "So, no dog?" She asked. "Trust me, I'm not a rampaging dragon who eats anything in it's path or a heartless griffon warrior who drinks the blood of it's enemy." Applejack's face went from confused to panic in a split second as Boxing spoke. "Uh, alright then. Ah'm glad." she felt calm again. "If I were, I'd tell you." "Quit messin'." she leaned over and punched him playfully. "Haha, you should have seen your face." he slurped his milkshake again. "Alright, we got us four hours free, what'd you think we should do?" Applejack asked. "I have an idea." he slid across the seat to the other side, and kissed her softly on the nose. "I say we finish up here and take a walk in Grand Celestia's Park, just the two of us." Applejack blushed as she felt a fluttering sensation inside herself, the butterflies became dragonflies as Boxing placed his muzzle on hers, exploring the inside of her mouth with his tongue. She could sense the familiar taste of honey and salt, moments passed as the both of them pressed against each other. Applejack pulled away and breathed heavily. "Ah'd like that, very much. *** It was a beautiful day, Grand Celestia's Park was buzzing with other ponies who were also enjoying the great weather. Foal's in the distance were playing a game of tag, birds could be heard in the trees, tweeting peacefully. Applejack and Boxing walked side by side down the path, they stood in front of a big statue of Princess Celestia which was perched on top of a huge fountain. "It's such a lovely day." Boxing said. "Yeah, it is." Applejack said nervously. "This statue is huge! Hey look it says something here." he leaned down to read the words carved into the gold plate. "Princess Celestia used her unicorn powers to raise the sun at dawn. The younger sister, Princess Luna brought out the moon to begin the night. Their subjects, the ponies, played in the day but shunned the night and slept through it, which made the younger sister grow bitter, eventually she refused to lower the moon to make way for the dawn. Her bitterness transformed her into a wicked mare of darkness, Night Mare Moon. The elder sister reluctantly harnessed the power of the Elements of Harmony and imprisoned the evil mare in the moon, maintaining harmony in Equestria by taking responsibility for both the sun and the moon." "Yeah, fascinatin' story, say, do you want an ice cream cone? I'm gonna' get us some." Applejack was lying of course, she just wanted an excuse to leave. "Hang on, there's more here." Boxing said. "A thousand years later, the Mare in the Moon escaped from her prison and placed a spell on Princess Celestia, stopping her from locating and using the Elements of Harmony. Princess Celestia's most faithful student Twilight Sparkle the Element of Magic, with the help of her five friends, Applejack who represented the Element of Honesty..." Boxing stopped reading and looked to Applejack. "AJ? Is there something you wan to tell me?" "Ah' will, just finished reading yer' story." "Fluttershy who represented the Element of Kindness, Pinkie Pie?... Who represented the Element of Laughter, Rar-Rarity? Who represented the Element of Generosity, and Rainbow Dash who represented the Element of Loyalty, harnessed the power of the Elements and destroyed the evil Nightmare Moon that had taken control over Princess Luna's mind." Boxing returned his gaze to Applejack, she shuffled in place on her hooves. "Uh-" "Are you the Applejack in this story?" Boxing interrupted her. "I ah'm, that was me in the story." Applejack replied. Boxing's expression changed, he walked up to her, staring intensely into her eyes. Applejack was unsure if he was mad or not, she felt like she should apologize. "Boxy, ah'-" "You're a hero!" he shouted and flung his hooves around her, bringing her in close, hugging her warmly. "You're ain't mad?" "Mad? why would I be mad? You and your friends saved Equestria from eternal darkness. Wait! That means Rarity is-" "Yes, that was 'er" "And Pinkie Pie, surely that can't be the same pony from the story." "Yeah, she was a lot less Pinkie back then." "This is great, me dating a hero, who would have thunk?" Hang on. Thunk isn't a word. "Who said we were datin'?" "Huh? But what about last night? The se-" "Ah'm kiddin'. I love spending time with you." She placed a gentle kiss on Boxing's cheek, with that they spent the rest of the afternoon together. Later on they sat with each other under a big oak tree, Applejack laid her head on his lap while she re-told the heroic story of her friends battle against Nightmare. Boxing loved the part where she rode a Manticore like a common rodeo bull. *** After the four hours had past Applejack and Boxing found themselves back at the arena, preparing for their semi-final rounds. the last hour and a half had been spent practising their skills on punching bags. They never met up with Stryker and Rarity, but Boxing did see them sitting in the audience during the preparations. The ring had been cleaned and the rope re-tightened. The official walked by Boxing and stopped for a moment and looked at him, "Good luck Champ." he said then passed through the curtain. Well at least somepony knows who I am. Take that AJ Boxing cracked a smile. A loud whistle came from behind him, he turned, Iron Will stood on the same platform as earlier that day. "Alright fighters!" Fire works exploded behind him, Are you serious? Four ponies stood before the towering Minotaur "You are the four remaining fighters," he pointed to the pegasus on Boxing's far left. "Take Down,-" Reality paused as fear and panic filled Boxing's mind, he recalled having to fight this pegasus five years ago. Take Down? The Take Down? Oh this is bad, please don't get paired with AJ. That would be a living Tartarus. " -Emerald Guard, Applejack and Boxing Glove." pointing at each of them in turn. "Since the four of you have made it this far the officials have informed me that all four of you will be rewarded one thousand bits,-" Applejack and Boxing smiled at each other. " -Now let's pair you up so you can claim your place in the finals." The official dressed in a referee shirt handed Iron Will a piece of paper, "Alright here we are. Applejack and Take Down. Emerald Guard and Boxing Glove." Son of a bitch, AJ's not ready. "Alright let's get started. Applejack. Take Down. Be ready in 2 minuets." Iron Will walked out of the curtain and the crowd roared and cheered. "Applejack, can I have a word with you." Boxing said. "What is it?" "For your match, don't underestimate this guy, rumour is that he single-hoofidly beat up a whole pack of Timber Wolves. I have fought with him before, five years ago. He's not a bad pony or anything, but he is highly skilled and he won't be afraid to use those skills. You're mouth guard and gloves will only protect you so much, remember your blocks." "Thanks fer' the tip." "Do your best." "Ah' will." "-APPLEJAAAAACK!!!" Roared the Minotaur, Applejack placed her mouth guard in and galloped out from behind the curtain. Ponies roared her name and stomped their hooves as she galloped up and jumped through the rope into the ring, Iron Will nodded his head at her. "AND GIVE IT UP FOR! TAKE DOWWWWNNNN!!!" Iron Will roared into his head set. The grey coated pegasus wearing a hook-and-loop wing brace trotted up to the canvas and jumped over the rope, cheering continued. "Alright, you know the rules, no bucking." Iron nodded at both of them as he switch positions with the official. DING! Like a swift sea serpent, Take Down threw the first blow. It was quicker than anything Applejack could anticipate, her block was not quick enough to defend as his punch landed square in the middle of her chest, forcing her to step back. He brought his other hoof up following the blow he just landed, this time Applejack managed to dodge it and throw her own punch. Her hoof swung right past his head as head dodged out of the way just at the right moment. The audience echoed in Applejack's ears as she tried to ignore any distraction, she went to swing another punch but something stopped her from moving her foreleg. A precision punch right to her shoulder stopped her from striking. Applejack winced in pain, the blow to her shoulder was powerful. She danced to the left trying to find a vulnerability, but before she could, the grey pegasus landed a powerful blow right to her chest, forcing her to step back again. In a moment of rage she rushed forward with her right hoof and successfully landed her first punch right on Take Down's left shoulder, he knocked her hoof away and stepped back, darting his right hoof forward at the same time. The same technique Boxing had taught her at the beginning of the week, which she knew how to counter. Take Down's strike was almost to close for her to react but she did, pushing his hoof away and throwing her own at him, taking him by complete surprise. She hit her target, pressing hard against his chest, but he didn't budge at all. With brute force he threw his own punch back at the orange mare, knocking her off balance and onto her rump. The official blew his whistle and Take Down retreated to his corner of the ring, Applejack stood back up and the official wiped her gloves on his shirt, signalling her to continue. Come on Applejack, I know you can pull through this. A whistle blew again and Take Down stepped forward placing his hooves in a more defensive position this time, Applejack threw the first punch but he easily blocked it, she threw a second blow, blocked once more. He lowered one hoof to strike, Applejack blocked and hit back, right in the muzzle. Take Down fell down, Applejack silently screamed 'YEE-HAW!' in her mind. The official began stomping his hoof. Sweet Celestia! She's actually doing this. "ONE... TWO... THR-" Stupid brain! Spoke too soon. Just as quick as it happened Take Down got back up, a whistle sounded and Applejack retreated to her corner. Take Down nodded at the official who wiped his gloves on his shirt, he blew his whistle once more and the fighters continued. Applejack was the first to throw a punch, hitting his block. The grey pegasus saw an opening and took his opportunity, fortunately Applejack knocked his hoof away from it's target and landed her own punch right in Take Down's gut, following through with her other hoof. Take Down lost his stance due to the great pain he was feeling right now, he put his hooves up in a defensive position while he caught his breath. But Applejack wasn't taking any prisoners, she rushed forward with her right hoof, pushing past Take Down's defence, hitting him directly in the muzzle again. As if in slow motion Take Down's flanks connected with the canvas and his forelegs fell to his side, Take Down was taken down. The official rushed forward and started stomping. "ONE... TWO... THREE... FOUR... FIVE... SIX... SEVEN..." Reality paused as the entire arena went quiet with anticipation, Applejack returned to her corner with nervous look on her face. "EIGHT..." This is it. "NINE..." Ten ten ten ten ten!!!! "TEN... OUT!" DING! YES! Boxing jumped around in excitement. Everypony within earshot roared her name and pounded their hooves, Applejack flung her hooves into the air and shouted in excitement. "YEE-HAW!" Iron Will rushed onto the stage and spoke into his microphone, "LET'S HEAR IT FOR APPLEJAAAAACK!" he yelled, the roaring continued. Applejack exited the ring and walked back to the curtain where Boxing was waiting with a huge ridiculous grin on his face, almost a clone of her cousin Braeburn's massive smile. "I'm so proud of you AJ!" he embraced her tightly. They looked from a distance to the centre ring, Iron Will was about to announce the next two fighter two compete for the remaining place. "You know, I don't want to brag but I've fought against Emerald Guard before, he is as good as beat. Look's like it will be me and you in the final." he winked. "BOXING GLOOOOVVVEEE!!!" Iron Will shouted. "Wish me luck. Hehe." He laughed a bit as he galloped out from behind the curtain, when he reached the ring he stepped in between the ropes and fitted his gloves to his hooves, ponies cheered his name. "AND FROM CANTERLOT, EMERALD GUAARRRDDDD!!!" The cheering continued as a unicorn with an emerald green coat and a green shield for a cutie mark galloped up to the canvas and stepped inside. DING! Boxing started his assault, having fought the same pony before, he knew Emerald's weakness. He threw his first punch, knowing the unicorn would block it, that was his technique after all. As the red glove approached Emerald he raised his hooves and blocked it, Boxing grinned and threw his other hoof towards him with all the strength he could summon. Boxing broke through his defence like knocking over a brick wall, the punch landed right on his chest. "Oof!" Before he could even react, Emerald was hit again as Boxing's hoof drove down hard into his gut, the unicorn coughed up a mixture of blood and saliva as he began staggering back. In one last attempt Emerald pushed forward with his hoof, Boxing blocked the hit and returned with his own attack, striking him in the face. As quick as it had started it was over, Emerald had been knocked over, Boxing only needed to wait for the official to call the victory. He rushed in, blew his whistle and started counting. Boxing stayed in his corner of the canvas. "ONE... TWO... THREE... FOUR... FIVE... SIX... SEVEN... EIGHT... NINE... TEN... OUT!" DING! Everypony roared and cheered, Iron Will rushed into the ring. "YOU SAW IT HERE! BOXING GLOVE IS THE WINNER! MAKE SURE YOU DON'T MISS OUT TOMORROW NIGHT, FOR THE FINAL FIGHT. APPLEJACK VERSUS BOXING GLOVE!" The sounds of stomping hooves grew louder, music began playing and Boxing left the ring. After signing a few autograph's and taking some photo's with his fans he ducked behind the curtain and rejoined Applejack, happy memories flooded back to his mind as he remembered the old days of his professional career. "That was amazin'." Applejack said as she embraced him into a hug, "Thanks AJ." Boxing paused. "I guess it'll be the two of us in that ring tomorrow." Tomorrow is GO time we promised each other we'd try our best... And I will! > Ch.8 The Final Countdown. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Final Countdown. "Box you legend!" Stryker shouted from a distance as he golloped to his brother, Rarity trotted slowly behind him. Stryker had seen his brother fought the same pony before, but he seemed more excited then Boxing remembers. "Is something wrong Stryker?" Boxing asked. "Wrong? pft..." Stryker stood tall in front of his younger brother. "Quite the opposite actually. Thanks to you, we already have more than half the money we need to start up our club!" Club? Boxing panicked. "You mean our Bar?" Boxing asked confusingly. "Heh... about that. Listen, I've been doing some thinking about it and I'd like to go further with our business plan. Rarity's already introduced me to somepony who is willing to move to Ponyville and work for us!" Stryker looks to Rarity. "That's correct darling, her name is Tropical Punch, she is quite the expert on beverages from all over Equestria." "Stryker! There are already two clubs in Ponyville. Why do you want to open a third?" Boxing complained as he started walking down the corridor, Applejack followed him. "See that's the thing," He galloped up to him and walked by his side. "With the money I've won I can make and offer to buy one of them." Boxing stopped and turned to his brother, Money you won? "What do you mean you won money?" Boxing asked. "From your match. I placed a four hundred bit bet and won ba-ooff!" "YOU DID WHAT?" Boxing slammed his hooves up against Stryker, pinning him to the stone wall. "I placed money on your win, I won four thousa-urk.." Boxing's hooves moved to his neck and began slowly chocking the life out of him as Stryker began to gag and splutter, desperately trying to breath. "BOX! STOP!" Applejack tugged at his arms, but he was too strong. "Please! Stop." Applejack was scared, she never had to restrain any pony before. Boxing's hooves weakened as his arms began to tremble, "Fine." he released his grip. "Koff!" Stryker choked a cough, "Why... is this... a problem?" He spoke between breaths. "You've done nothing but spend money this entire trip!" Boxing shouted and pointed a hoof at him. "Ever since that day five years ago! You think that if you can support everypony, everything will be fine. Well it's not, okay?" Tears formed in Boxing's eyes. "It's your fault he's dead, Sunny is dead because of YOU!" he poked him harshly one last time before walking off in a huff. A few seconds passed, Boxing was gone. "Who's Sunny?" Applejack asked. "It's a long story." Stryker collapsed to the floor, still gasping for breath. "It all happened five years ago..." Stryker drifted into a flashback as he remembered what happened on that eventful day. "Give up while you can Little Boxy, this match is mine. Korn had said, I was on the side watching up close. Boxing was doing well, but something was off about him. I watched them have it out for what felt like a good 20 minuets, we expected Sunny to show up from the beginning and support him, but he never showed. I saw Korn pull Box in close while he punched, I couldn't hear it from where I was but he mumbled something into Boxy's ear. And right then and there Boxing gave up, I know the ponies in the stands didn't notice it, but I did. He was K.O'ed by a punch he could easily have blocked." A tear streamed down Stryker's cheek. "It wasn't until afterwards that I found out why he dropped so easily. It was because of a wager I made with some unfriendly unicorns, and that sinister griffon was responsible for Sunshine's disappearance. It was because of the bet that I made, I put Sunny's life in danger. And because Boxing lost I owed them money, but I couldn't afford it... And they came after us for the money, A fight broke out and Sunshine kept us safe. But... they killed him. He sacrificed himself for us." "How heroic of him." Rarity said as she wiped a tear from her cheek, the result of Stryker's story. "Ah' don't get it, how are y'all related to this Sunny fella'?" Applejack asked. "Sunshine Glory was a pegasus that Boxing loved and Sunny felt the same way about him." Stryker answered "Ya' mean, he really was a Coltcud... Uh- I mean, Boxing was tellin' the truth when he said he retired because of Korn?" "Yep, he stayed clear of competitions, well until this one anyway. We needed money to start our bar, so we saved up, but coming on this trip has already made our dream possible." "Ah' think Ah' should to him." Applejack turned and cantered off. "Applejack wait, you don't know where he ran off to." Rarity called after her but it was too late she was already gone. *** Boxing ran far, far enough to end up in Grand Celestia's Park. He sat under the same oak tree he and Applejack sat under earlier in the day, he closed his eyes and relaxed, giving short breaths. I should never have done this, I should never have brought AJ or Rarity into our families troubles. If I fight tomor- "Boxin', there ya are." Applejack interrupted his thoughts. "What do you want?" he huffed. "Ah' came to talk to you." she sat down next to him. "I don't want to, I'm mad at Stryker. There. Chit chat over." "Why're you mad at him?" Applejack asked calmly. "Because he placed money on my win! We came on this trip to win money, but he's taking it too far, what if I had lost against Emerald? We'd be broke!" "But ya' did win, we all knew you could do it." "That's not the point, I want him to stop placing bet on my matches. You would not believe what happened last time I lost a major match, my best friend died." Boxing placed his hooves over his eyes as he started to cry. "You mean Sunny?" Applejack struck a nerve as Boxing looked up at her. "What? How do you- No, Never call him that." "You really loved him. Didn't you." "I did... He was everything to me." Boxing sniffed and wiped his eyes. "But he's gone... And I'm dealing with that." "You see that's just it, you don't have to deal with it. I remember when I was small and my parents passed on, Granny Smith had to take care after me, mah' big lug of a brother and little baby Applebloom too. Mac felt responsible for their death, he weren't of course, but It took so long for all of us to convince him that it was't his fault. It was nopony's fault." Applejack leaned in a nuzzled him gently. Boxing felt a heavy weight lifted from his chest, all the guilt he felt had suddenly vanished. "Thank you Applejack, this means a lot to me." he turned to face her. "I should go find Stryker and apologize." "That's the spirit." "Before I go." Boxing leaned in and kissed her on the cheek, "Thanks." he smiled at her then turned and galloped. *** The door to his hotel opened, "Stryker? Are you here?" Boxing asked the empty room. He walked around to every room, all empty, eventually he ended up at the bedroom, the only room that Boxing had not searched. He pushed the door open with his hoof "Stryker are you in he- OH MY CELESTIA!" He covered his eyes with a hoof when he caught Stryker and Rarity in the middle of their 'lovemaking', low moans from the white unicorn filled the room. Does she really have that pierced? "I'm sorry! I'll let you two finish!" Boxing awkwardly backed out of the door with a hoof still covering his eyes, Stryker panicked and grabbed the quilt to cover himself and Rarity. "Box?!" Stryker almost yelled. "I'm sorry about this, hold on." A wet slurp noise filled the room as Stryker pulled out of her and fumbled around the bed trying to regain his balance on the soft mattress, "Wait we can talk." he hopped out of the bed and walked over to the door awkwardly with the quilt still wrapped around him. "Sorry you had to see that." Stryker closed the door behind him. "What did you want to talk about?" "Stryker, I'm sorry I was a jerk earlier, I shouldn't have lashed out on you like that. I know your not the reason Sunny is dead." Boxing looked into Stryker's eyes. "But I want you to promise me one thing." "Anything little brother." "I never want you to gamble on my victories ever again." "I promise Boxing, I will never place bets on your victories." Stryker patted his head with a hoof. "Now, I'm going to need the bedroom for a while, so..." Stryker trailed off, hoping that Boxing would take his hint. "Oh! Right, yes of course. Uh- I think I'll sleep with Applejack tonight." Boxing said. "Confident are we?" Stryker smirked. "No. You know what I meant." "Hahaha, Come on have a laugh." Stryker stood back up and turned to the door, "Relax, have a good time." he stepped inside and closed the door behind him, leaving Boxing outside. "Is Boxing alright darling?" Rarity asked. "Yeah he's fine, he's going to be with Applejack tonight, so that means we can get back to our activities." he smiled as he climbed back into the bed, wrapping his hooves around Rarity. "You know, I'm afraid Boxing will lose to Applejack tomorrow." Rarity said as she planted a kiss on his cheek. "What do you mean?" Stryker pulled away from her, looking confused. "Well, your story about Sunshine. Boxing would have sacrificed everything to be with his love. If he truly has the same feelings about Applejack, then he will lose, he won't be able to put Applejack in harm's way." "Really?" "Why of course. Now, where were we." Stryker giggled as Rarity sliped beneath the covers and resumed their 'activities'. *** I hope Applejack hope won't mind me and Rarity switching places for tonight, I mean it's not like we're strangers or anything. I just need to relax and quit panicking, just place your hoof on the door and knock. Knock Knock. "Hold on. I'ma comin'." Boxing heard the noise of hooves rushing to the door, after a small click the door opened, Applejack stood in the door way. "Oh Boxin' what'r you doin' here?" "Can I stay here tonight please? Rarity and Stryker are... well yeah." "Yeah, 'course you can. Come on in." Applejack opened the door all the way and let Boxing walk inside, "What's wrong? you seem a down?" "I'm fine, I'm just very tired. Today was exhausting; you know?" "Yeah, Ah' know the feeling. Why don't we sit fer' a spell, Ah'll get us some drinks." Boxing slumped down on the couch, his eyes wandered to Applejack wiggling rump. Mmm, those flanks. Not now! Go away thoughts! You have to beat the flying feather out of her tomorrow. Boxing forced the thought out of his head. "Do you want Marelot or Cider?" Applejack called out. "Cider thanks." Boxing replied. Applejack walked back into the room and sat down next to Boxing, she held a dark green bottle with a white wrapper in her teeth. She poured the contents into the two tall crystal whine glasses that were rested on the nearby coffee table, Boxing reached in and picked up his glass with both hooves, Applejack did the same. "So do we still have an agreement tomorrow?" Boxing asked. "You mean don't go easy on each other?" Applejack sipped at her glass. "Yep." Boxing drank from his glass. "Boxin' what ever happens tomorrow, we're going to do our very best." She drank again. "Thank you Applejack, I wouldn't want this any other way." Applejack placed her glass on the table, leaned in and rested her head on his shoulder as he sat back, relaxed into the comfort of the couch. Boxing lifted his arm over her, bringing her in close. She is warm. Boxing noticed. "So." Applejack looked up to him. "Do you wanna' fool around in the hay?" Boxing took the hint and leaned in to kiss her. *** Moments later in the bedroom. Applejack pinned her self on top of Boxing, her muzzle locked with his as their tongues danced together. He rolled over, pinning the farm mare under him as he broke the kiss. He smiled at her, she smiled back. Applejack felt up Boxing's muscles as her hooves explored his body, she leaned in and kissed his neck. A shiver went down his spine. Applejacks hooves had finished exploring as they stopped between his legs, he leaned in a kissed her deeply. Her hooves grasped the surprise that was growing between his legs. "Mmmmff." He moaned as their lips were still together, Boxing pulled away suddenly. "Wait." "What's th' matter?" Applejack released him from her grip, she flicked her tail provocatively as best she could while she was pinned under him. "It's jus- Well, I really want this, I do. But I'm exhausted, I just want to hold you in my hooves and never let go." He kissed her on the cheek. "Box, Ah'm not gonna force you into nuthin' if you don't want to." Boxing shifted his body to beside Applejack and embraced her. "Thank you Applejack." He hugged her tightly and the both of them fell asleep in each others arms. *** The next day, Applejack and Boxing had woken up early in the morning, the both of them had eaten a large meal to give them the energy that they needed for their training day. After all, they were expected to fight each other later tonight for the ten thousand bit reward. Applejack and Boxing had spent six hours training together, with only one break for lunch. This is amazing, I can't remember the last time I've had so much fun training. Boxing thought to himself. The familiar grey stallion with a spiky electric blue mane arrived, "Hey guys, how goes the training?" Boxing threw one last hard punch at his bag of sand. "Stryker. What brings you here?" "Me what about you? I haven't seen you since yesterday night." Stryker said. "Well... I've been here with AJ all mornin'." Boxing said. "Mornin'?" Stryker said with a confused look on his face. "Yeah all day." Boxing said. "I think your accent is starting to rub off on him, hehe, you two have fun." Stryker turned and started walking. Applejack smiled at Boxing. "Oh. And your match starts at eight, don't be late." "Don't worry we'll be fine." Boxing turned back his bag of sand, resuming his punching combo. Stryker's horn glowed and the glass door before him swung open, he trotted to the front of the building and found himself in the bar. He approached the bar and sat on a stool, "Beer thanks." the mare poured the drink in front of him. "Busy day boss?" "Boss?" Stryker looked up to see the Earth pony pouring his drink, a mare with an orange coat slightly darker than Applejack with a bright lime green mane that almost glowed like a neon light. Her cutie mark was a cocktail glass with a slice of lime on the edge of the galss and small coloured umbrella poking out of the top. "I'm sorry miss, have we met?" Stryker asked politely. "Well, I know you but you don't know me. Yet." She smiled. "Is that so?" "Yep," She held out her hoof towards him. "Punch, Tropical Punch." She giggled. And then it hit him, she was the mare that Rarity had talked about, the one that had agreed to move in with Rarity back in Ponyville and work for him and Boxing in their newly opened club. "Of course! Miss Punch, lovely to finally meet you." He took his hoof into his and shook it. "You work here?" "Yup! Well, for 16 more days anyway." She looked into his eyes. "And then I'm moving in with a friend in Ponyville, where I will be working for a very handsome stallion." she fluttered her eyes. Stryker knew what she was trying to do, he quickly had to think of a way to let her down easy. "Well, what a coincidence. I happen to be dating a mare from Ponyville, she is here in Manehatten with me." Stryker drank from his glass. "Oh." Her smiled turned into a disappointed frown. "Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?" Stryker asked. "Not at all, fire away." "How do you go about serving an Atomic Airship?" Stryker asked his first question. "Easy, just fill a beer glass with vodka and fill a shot glass with beer. Drop the shot of beer into the glass of vodka and down it." Tropical Punch answered. "Very good, what about a harder one?" "I'd like you to give me a harder one." Her face blushed bright red after she had just realised what she said. "What's in a Drake's Boot?" Stryker quizzed her. "A glass of crushed ice, add your choice of liquor and fill with pineapple juice. Shake it fast, not slow, garnish with orange slice and serve. What's next?" she gloated. "Celestial Fruitopia?" "A shot of almond liqueur, a shot of coconut rum and a shot of lemon liqueur. Fill it up with one part orange juice and one part pineapple juice, stir it and add in a dash of syrup." Tropical answered swiftly. "Excellent, excellent. Ok one more. Sex on the beach?" Stryker saw her face blush. "One third vodka, one third melon liqueur and one third raspberry. Then top it off with pineapple juice." "Very good! You passed!" He gulped down the last of his drink and placed his empty glass on the bench. "This was a test?" she asked. "Why yes of course, I need to know my employees have the know-how if they want to work for me. Welcome aboard!" he said, Tropical filled Stryker's glass once more. Tropical served another patron and Stryker turned around on his stool taking in the rest of his surroundings, a few other ponies sat at table enjoying their beverages. Over on the far right of the room was a familiar shady looking earth pony, although Stryker promised Boxing he would never place money on Boxing, he never said anything about Applejack. After all, hearing what Rarity said, it is almost a guaranteed win. He got off of his stool and walked over the the earth pony, he sat opposite him. "Back to try your luck?" the pony said. "Is it too late to put money on tonight's match?" "Not at all, how much you putting down?" he asked in a sly voice. "Four thousand on Applejack." Stryker said. "The farm girl? Lost your faith in yer' yellow buddy?" "No, I trust him with my life." *** That evening. The whole day passed by as the two champions trained for hours upon hours, now they both stood beside each other right behind the same red velvet curtain they had walked through so many times. Stryker and Rarity had seen them before the match to wish them luck and to do their best, hundreds of ponies cheering in unison filled the stadium. Well this is it, time for the final fight. "BOXING GLOOOVE!" A voice boomed. Ok, here I go. He winked to Applejack and galloped out towards the ring. "AND. ALSO FROM PONYVILLE. AAAPPLEJAAACK!!" The Minotaur shouted. Applejack galloped out from behind the curtain and jumped through the ropes, she removed her gloves from around her neck and fitted them to her hooves. Boxing did the same. "LET ME HEAR YOU ROAR." Spectators responded to the Minotaur with cheering and thudding hooves. "Alright you two, here it is, the last fight. Good luck to the both of you." Iron Will stepped out of the ring and raised his hands, the crowd roared and cheered again. The official stepped in and nodded to both Applejack and Boxing, then signalled a pegasus standing beside iron Will. DING! Nothing happened, Boxing expected her to strike first and Applejack assumed the same about him, but neither of them moved. The official looked each of them in the eyes. "Ahem. That's your cue." Both of the fighters stepped forward to attack first, only to land hoof to hoof with each other. A loud audible thud sounded as they connected. Boxing stepped back in hopes that Applejack would attempt to strike again, and she did, she stepped forward rushing her right hoof forward. Boxing lifted his hooves to block, another soft thud. Applejack swung her other hoof forward, hitting the very same spot as before. Something was worrying Boxing, Is she even trying? I know she can do better than this. She's holding back for some reason. Boxing thought to himself. "Why are you holding back AJ?" Boxing rushed forward to strike, only to have it blocked by her defence. "Me? What 'bout you!" Applejack pushed his hoof away and punched back as hard as she could, landing a hit on his right shoulder. Boxing winced in pain. She's right, I was holding back too. "Fine." Boxing threw his punch directly to her chest, forcing her to step back. Applejack coughed hard. Boxing brought his other hoof around to complete his combo, but it was too late, Applejack had already dodged out of the way. She knocked his approaching hoof out of the way and hit Boxing square in the face, Boxing's reaction was too slow, Applejacks other hoof came into contact with his gut, sending pain through his entire body. Boxing stepped back and resisted the urge to vomit, forcing the thought out of his mind, he stepped forward. Applejack rose her defence just in time to block Boxing's punch, but she didn't expect the second punch to follow through so quickly after the other. Darting his other hoof forward, Boxing penetrated her defence and landed a hard hit onto her chest. Applejack stepped back again. The two of them rushed forward at each other both hooves raised, Boxing right hoof connected with her left and his left with her right. It was a fight for power right now, they both leaned closer, trying to overpower the other. Every single pony went silent after what happened next, up in that audience was Rarity and Stryker. "Oh my..." Rarity eyes widened at what she and hundreds of other ponies just witnessed. Applejack kissed him. And Boxing kissed her back, the two of them locked muzzles until the official blew his whistle. Applejack tore herself away from him and dropped her hooves, "Sorry. Won't happen again." It wasn't the most romantic kiss due to their mouthpieces, but she loved every second of it. "I hope not, I mean it's not exactly a rule, but I'm calling it. No making out or touching flanks." The official blew his whistle once more and the fight continue. Boxing still lost in euphoria, didn't see Applejack's next blow coming. Swiftly she drove her hoof forward landing the hit right into his muzzle and knocking him down. The official rushed to his side and started pounding his hoof. "ONE... TWO.." What am I doing, Stryker already has five thousand or so, my job here is done. I should just tell her. "THREE... FOUR... FIVE..." No! I can't give up now. I'm getting up! "SIX-" The official stopped counting as Boxing rose up and stood firmly on his hooves. He nodded to him and stepped away. Boxing raised his hooves and winked at Applejack, his smile was obstructed by his mouthpiece which had been stained with crimson blood. Applejack stepped forward again throwing another punch, Boxing blocked it and stepped to her left. This was his chance, he rushed his own hoof forward and landed a harsh blow to her shoulder. "You are brilliant AJ." "Thanks, not so bad yer'self." She prepared to strike back. With incredible speed she rushed her hoof forward, Boxing dodged out of the way but didn't attempt to strike. "Please Applejack, oof!" he blocked another punch from her, "Give up. I don't want to hurt you." She ignored him and struck his block again, and again. "The feelin's mutual." She hit him again. "Then why are you doing this?!" he shouted loud enough to cause her to stop moving, Boxing lowered his guard. "'Cause I- I-" "Do you know why I'm holding back? Because I don't need this, I don't need money, I just need you! I love you." Boxing relaxed his shoulders and stood straight. "I love you Applejack, go ahead and do it." Boxing stepped forward. "Box, what'r you sayin'?" "Knock me down and take the reward, you are the most trustworthy and honest pony I've ever met. If anypony deserves this, it is you." "I love you too Box." Tears welled up in her eyes. Applejack raised her right hoof, she was ready to strike. Boxing forced his eyes shut as Applejack pushed her hoof forward, she hammered right into Boxing's chest. He fell backwards, his rump connected with the canvas as the rest of his body fell. The crowds cheering grew louder. The official stepped beside him and started stomping his hoof. "ONE... TWO... THREE... FOUR... FIVE... SIX... SEVEN... EIGHT... NINE... TEN... OUT!" DING! The crowd erupted with cheering as they pounded their hooves, they chanted her name. Iron Will jumped over the rope and threw his arms up in the air. "GIVE IT UP FOR YOUR NEW MANEHATTEN CHAMPION! AAAPLEJAACK!" He stood next to her and flashes of light from the photographers lit up the area. Applejack ignored him and ran to Boxing's side to help him up. "Thank you Box, thank you so much." The towering Minotaur walked over to Applejack. "Excuse me miss but we need you to take a photo with this." he produced a large over-sized cheque. "No, ah' need a doctor for Boxing." "AJ, It's alright. I'll be fine." he placed a hoof on her shoulder for balance. *** The next day. Applejack, Rarity, Boxing and Stryker are all sitting together on the train, folded in half and stuffed in between Applejack's chair and the wall of the train is the cheque Iron Will presented to her. Rarity stared into her mirror as she used her magic to comb her purple mane, Stryker patted a mysterious suitcase he had acquired sometime in between the fight yesterday and the train ride back to Ponyville today. "What with the suitcase Stryker?" Boxing asked. "This? Uh- Promise you won't get mad." He placed the suitcase next to him and leaned close to Boxing who as oppisite him. "Remember when I said I wouldn't place bets on you?" "Tell me you didn't." "I did not gamble money on you." "Phew... For a momen- Hang on, then what the hay is the suitcase for?" Boxing said. "I may have placed a bet on Applejack." Stryker said with a stupid grin across his face. Boxing's curious look turned into a frown as snatched up the suitcase from beside him. "You did what?!" Boxing opened the suitcase to reveal Stryker's winnings stashed away inside. "By Luna's Mane! Stryker how much is here?" "Twenty four thousand. Your not mad are you?" Stryker reached over and closed the case. "I'm mad that you still haven't learned your lesson. But I think I will forgive you this one time." Boxing handed the suitcase back to Stryker and he placed it back to his side. "Look we're almost there!" Applejack called out and pointed out the window, buildings started to come into view. Ah. It's good to be home. The End. > Epilogue. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 Months later... After a long day of work Applejack had walked to Stryker's club, she had agreed to meet her friends their that evening, Boxing even invited Big Macitosh along. "AJ? What brings you here?" Tropical Punch asked Applejack as she sat down on a stool. "You want the usual?" "Thanks Punch." "You wouldn't happen to know where my boss is would you?" She poured the beer into a large glass before her, Applejack nursed it in her hooves and took a drink. "Ahhh, that's good." Applejack placed her glass back down "Depends, which one you lookin' fer? If'n it's Box, your lookin' for, he's been with me helping me clean mah' farm." "Is that what ponies are calling it these days?" Tropical Punch snickered to herself. "You know what I meant." Applejack drank again. "Say..." Applejack had just noticed that the room was completely empty, not even music was playing. "Where is everypony?" "Well, Stryker has been spending time talking with one of Pinkie's friends, something about a DJ playing here tonight. So until Stryker shows his face, we can't officially open." She walked out from behind the bar and sat on a stool next to Applejack. "And he should have been back hours ago." And as if on cue Stryker stumbled through the door and collapsed on himself, his rump stuck up in the air. Tropical Punch rose from her seat and rushed to his side and helped him up. "Stryker what are you doing! Where have you been?" "Sorry Punch. Me and Rarity where a little...Er- uh busy. Yes that's the one." He tried his best to avoid the truth. "But! Good news! Pinkies friend Vinyl will be playing here tonight. I managed to pull her away from Club Canterlot for one night." "That's great! All we need to do now is actually open." Punch stated blankly. "Hey where's all the music?" a raspy voice spoke, Applejack turned to see three of her friends. "Rainbow, Twilight, Pinkie? What took y'all so long? Where is Fluttershy an' Rarity." Applejack poked her head around to make sure Fluttershy wasn't hiding out of fear. "They will be here soon AJ, where's Mac?" Rainbow excitingly asked. "He an' Boxin' are on their way. *** The club was in full swing, the DJ was set up and playing records and every pony danced away. Macintosh and Boxing arrived together with Rarity and Fluttershy earlier on. Stryker was behind the bar, serving drinks, with Tropical Punch's help. "So boss what were you and Rarity doing exactly?" "Punch, honestly just drop it. What Rarity and I do in our own privacy is for us only." Stryker said as he poured the last drink. "I'm going to the back to get more drinks." Stryker turned and stepped through the doorway that led to the cold storage. His magic glowed and a box from the very top floated down to the floor, as he turned a shadow lunged at him. Stryker collapsed as the other fell on top of him, the attacker's face was clear now. It was Tropical Punch. "Punch? What are you do-Mmmph" Punch pushed her muzzle against his, Stryker raised his hoof and pushed her away. "What in Equestria do you think your doing?!" "Come on, just two minuets." She leaned forward into him again. "No, no, no, nononono!" Stryker's horn glowed and the box of drinks floated out of the door, he turned to her before he left. "Maybe you should take the rest of the night off." and with that he walked off back into the main area where all the ponies were dancing and chatting with each other, the music began to die down and the disc jockey's horn glowed, picking up the microphone. "Welcome one and all! Vinyl Scratch here, ready to blow your minds! Here's a new track just for you Ponyville." she flicked the needle and the music began to play. Approaching to the bar was Applejack, "Hey Stryker, busy night huh?" "Yeah, you could say that." He placed new bottles in their shelves with his magic. "Somethin' wrong? Ya' look down." she asked. Stryker shuffled in place on his hooves and decided to tell her the events that just took place. "Well, don't tell anypony. But Punch just kissed me." "Yer' kiddin' right?" Applejack looked dumbfounded. "No, she crept right up behind me and attacked me. Promise not to tell anypony." "Ah' can't keep your secret." Applejack scoffed. "What? Your my frien-" "I won't go telling anypony, but if somepony asks me Ah' will not lie for you." "Great, may as well banish me to the moon now." Stryker slammed his hoof into his face over and over. "Stupid, stupid, stupi-" "Stryker are you okay?" Boxing interrupted as sat by Applejack. Stryker instantly straightened his hooves and placed them on the counter before him, "Yes, absolutely fine." "This is great isn't it? Just think, over a year ago we were flat broke and struggling to live. Now we are running our own club and get to spend time with the people we love." Boxing placed an arm around Applejack who gave Stryker a dodgy look. "Yep, this is the life." Author's Note: Wow, it's really over. All done. Also, the picture of Boxing Glove and Applejack on the top of chapter 8? Did you know he had the wrong colour eyes? There's some trivia. Anyway, I'll get out of your hair. Thank you to everyone for reading along, I have good news for you... I have an idea for an unnamed sequel. Mostly based around Stryker's predicament with Tropical Punch.