> Kawaii Hime-chan > by Dragonrose Lovesong > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prelude > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A figure stirs in the dark of night. The moonlight shines through his misty hair revealing blood red eyes. "Disillusiona?" he calls, his voice sending a shiver through the very soul of the pony beside him. "I must go!" she calls, as she disappears into the night. "This illusion." he whispers. A single tear rolling down his cheek, breaking the silence of the night. _______________________________________________________________________________ She pants out of breath barely able to stand. "Maybe a stronger spell will break these bonds." she says. Her words lingering on her lips as her breath feared to escape her. Gathering the last of her strength into her horn she prepares for the spell, when a sudden pain brings her to her knees. "What is this pain?" she screams. Her screams of agony piecing the night like a dagger. The feeling of swords dragging through her flesh could not compare to this. With a final huff she falls to the cold, hard ground waiting for life to leave her. A sudden cry breaks her train of thoughts, shifting her wing she locates the source of the cries. On the stone beneath her lay a foal, colours distorted by the moonlight, crying with her first breaths of life. She lifts her wing pulling the foal towards her and cradling her to her side. "It'll be alright, my Lone Petal." She whimpers as she sobs herself to sleep. ______________________________________________________________________________ "I wish for you one last day of smiles and sweet, sweet mystic thoughts in your dreams tonight" She sings softly to her foal, knowing quite well that this could be her last. "Farewell my...," she sobs placing a necklace of hair and feathers around her neck, "Lone...Petal." With a final puff she lights her horn and her foal disappears. "It's for the best." she reassures herself as she fights back the tears she wish she'd never had. > Confessions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Princess Luna sits at an open window, just staring at the full moon before her. She sighs. "Something wrong sister?" Princess Celestia asks taking in the saddened expression on her sister's face. not yet Princess Luna can hear in the back of her mind. "I'm, fine sister." she foreigns another expression to deter her sister. "Okay, but come to me i you need to talk about anything." she retains her calming demeanor. "I will, when I'm ready." Her words icy as she departs from her sister. A frown ceases the lips of the sun princess as she walks in the opposite direction. _______________________________________________________________________________________ Princess Celestia enters the castle of her former student, Princess Twilight Sparkle, with her head held high and her stride light. As she sits for tea Twilight notices something in her eyes. "Princess Celestia is everything alright?" she asks with concern. "Everything is fine with me," she sips her tea, "but I'm a little worried about Luna." "What's wrong?" "She's been a little distant lately. I'm not quite sure what to make of it." she takes another sip of her tea. "I'm sure she talk about it in her own time." "If you're fine with that, I guess." Twilight takes a sip of her tea. "I guess." Celestia whispers on her breath with her cup covering her mouth. __________________________________________________________________________________________ Return home in the evening, Celestia just couldn't fight this overpowering feeling of unease. Going with her gut she decides to go to the sleeping chambers. As she nears the first door she hears a sound, faint yet clear. "Crying?" she says in slight disbelief. She opens the door to her sister's room and her jaw drops at the sight before her. Her little sister was curled up in a ball crying her eyes out. "Luna?" she rushes to her sister's side, "Are you hurt?" worry clear as day in her voice. "I'm not injured." she replies through sobs. "Then what's wrong? I can't help you if I don't know why you're hurting." Princess Luna hugs her sister, burying her face into her chest. Princess Celestia is taken aback by the jester but keeps calm in order not to aggravate her sister's condition. "Oh, sister I've been keeping a secret from you." she sobs "You can tell me anything, Luna." "I... I..." she struggles to get the words out, "I have a daughter." "What? When?" her voice calm yet full of concern. "When I was trapped on the moon. I didn't even know I was..." she breaks into tears before finishing. "Well what happened to her?" Celestia says, stroking her mane. "She got sick, and I didn't know what to do. I sent her to Equestria and I haven't felt her aura since." Her breathing begins to level out, though the tears stream down her cheeks like little luminescent waterfalls. "Do you remember anything about her?" "Only, that her eyes glimmer in the moonlight, and her mane shines like stardust when she cried at night." "Do you remember what kind of pony she was?" "No. In my illusinative state I couldn't take notice of anything more." "What do you want to do, Luna?" "I want more than anything to find her. If only to know that she is alright." "I will help you." "You will?" surprize clear in her voice. "I will, but you know as well as I, that a foal born to an alicorn must be brought to the council." "I am aware." she says, eyes downcast and mind racing. "I'll cancel the night court today and send in a letter by morning." Celestia says getting up from where she sat. "I want you rested for an audience in the court by the evening." She begins to leave. "Take it easy Luna." she says shutting the door to her room. _________________________________________________________________________________________ Princess Celestia walks unevenly to her room. 'It would appear telling an army of bat ponies and an entire night court that they must go for the night is meet by converse critizism and noise. Much too much noise.' she thinks to herself as she rubs the temples of her forehead with her hooves. After calming the sea of thoughts, which was her mind, she pulled a quill and scroll with her magic. Looking over the paper she discards it and pulls a special paper from a drawer along with a glowing ink. She writes: To The Alicorn's Council I have come across a certain matter of my sister and require immediate audience. She will be awakened in the evening and prepared for your visit. We look forward to your cooperation. Illustrisa She huffs when she finishes and says, "That's as formal as your ever gonna get from me." She rolls up the paper and ties it with a ring of flames. She then puts it aside to send it in the morning. > Confusion > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ponyville has seen its fair share of mishaps; paraspite invasion, baby ursa on the loose, stuff like that. But this was definitely was a first, all the birds and bees in town seemed to think that Rainbow Dash was a flower and were chasing her faster than she could think of places to hide. Fluttershy was doing the best she could, but none of her animal friends were listening to her. Pinkie Pie shoots her party canon in the air and blows a whistle. As soon as she does the animals flee and Fluttershy is slightly disoriented. "Thanks for the save, Pinkie." Rainbow Dash says as she flies of to finish her weather duties. Pinkie Pie happily bounces back to the bakery and up to her room. Once the door is closed she lets out a long sigh and opens a drawer. "Sorry about that Fluttershy." she says defeatedly tossing the whistle into the open drawer. She sighs once again, regaining her composure before heading back to the bakery. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Her animals have been acting up all day and it completely confused Fluttershy. She sighs taking on the moonlight as her eyes frosted over. Her calming cyan eyes changing to a shocking shade of yellow. She blinks this colour change away and shakes out her mane which was starting to grow red streaks. She checks her appearance in the mirror before heading to bed. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Pinkie Pie walks through the streets of Ponyville. She smiles knowing she's alone. Her smile soon fades, however, as she feels a familiar presence. "Hello Skye." she says her voice monotone and her curly hair faltering until it lay flat and silky. A blue streak of magic ties her mane back into a ponytail and covers her in a cloak. "For a second there I would think you were unhappy to see me." Says a masculine vioce steping out of the shadows. His dark blue hair resembling the morning mist, and his blood red eyes piecing her skin just looking at him. "You'd think." she turns away from him. He smirks. "I've been invited to Equestria for an audience with the princesses. Quite suspicious I must say." "Why are you here?" her voice was cold and harsh. "Can't I just stop by to say hi to my best student?" His smirk and sarcasm never faltering. Pinkie turns and gives him a look of stone cold death, "Harsh, well, you're right. I have a new task for you." She sighs. "It's not like any of the previous tasks." he adds. "I need you to find somepony and deliver her safely to me before the council finds her." "Is that all?" she asks. "That is all." and without another word he disappears. "Another task. How many will die this time around?" Pinkie asks herself, as she disappears in a sheet of blue magic. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Rainbow Dash curls up in her bed, recounting the events of the day. First she wakes up on the verge of tears for no apparent reason other than she thought her heart hurt. After brushing it aside, she gets chased by every bird, bee and wasp in town because they some how got the idea that she was a flower. After Pinkie Pie somehow managed to settle them down. She got electrocuted twelve times and half the time there wasn't a cloud in sight. Several animals had attacked her, she got caught in a windstorm and Derpy pulled her out. And to top it all off, she is currently having a heart attack, panic attack and asthma attack, treating herself with God knows how much medication and is crying her eyes out into her oxygen mask. After her tears dry, she feels a little better, takes off the mask and walks to the window. She takes in the cool night air and looks up to the sky. She finds herself breathing heavily as the full moon illuminates the sadness she felt. She could her words,' A lullaby?' She couldn't be sure. Her eyelids felt heavy and her breathing slowed. She felt warm despite the cold of the night and slowly let herself fall asleep. > What A Predicament? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slightly irritated the mane six make their way to the Friendship Rainbow Kingdom Castle, just before the break of dawn. Rainbow Dash yawns flying through an opened window into the room already holding her friends and the two princesses. Princess Luna looking particularly distress. "Sup, everypony." she greets utterly bored. "Since you're now all here we can begin." Princess Celestia begins, "In light of a current predicament," she slightly glares at Luna gaining everypony's full attention, "A few associates of ours will be in Equestria for some period of time." As soon as she finishes a door opens, and some alicorns enter the room. "Pleased to make your acquaintance." Says a tall slender mare. Her height rivaling that of Princess Celestia. She is pink with silver and blonde hair and her pale green eyes saw no semblance of warmth. She spoke with a stotic tone and looked towards the far distance as is no one else was present. The stallion which stood beside her looked away from the group and decided against making himself welcome. He was clearly the tallest pony there and wore a dark brown cape which covered most of his features, save his misty blue hair and blood red eyes. The two ponies looked cold and unwelcoming. "Ester Isle and Skye Brave, will be conducting a bit of investigate work in Ponyville before moving on elsewhere." Princess Celestia adds responding to the sudden coldness in the air. "Pleased to meet you." Princess Twilight Sparkle says trying to break the tension as well. "Oh, the new princess. I've heard much about you." Ester Isle says, her face still emotionless. "You elements of harmony are all so adorable, I don't know whether to cuddle you or give you a smile." They all wondered if this was sarcasm. "Why don't we have a party to celebrate you're first visit to Ponyville?" Pinkie Pie says practically bouncing out of her seat. At her voice however the stallion finally looked up at the group, and with a smirk he said "You never stop smiling do you Pinkamena?" "Not really. What kind of element of laughter doesn't like smiling?" she responds. "Got me there." he replies the smug look never leaving his face. "Wait, how do you two know each other?" Princess Celestia asks utterly confused. "Why she's my best student." he replies. Both Ester Isles and Princess Luna visibly shudder at this. "What's so bad about being his student?" Twilight asks noticing their movements. "He trains ponies with unheard of magical abilities." Luna says. "He teaches them to kill and not feel, to hunt or die." Ester Isle adds. "Hold on a minute. We're talking about Pinkie here. Ponyville's number one party planner?" Rainbow Dash interjects. "Yeperoni, I'm Ponyville's premiere party planning extraordinaire." Pinkie says happily bouncing around the room making pretty much everypony smile. "With the best killing rate I've ever seen." he adds. "Considering what I know about you, Skye. I don't think we should add anything else." Ester Isle says, "I have brought along the leader of the vampires to aid in my side of the task," she adds. A white pegasus stallion enters into the room, his hair blonde and orange and his cold blue eyes burned their souls as he watched them all, but then his eyes stopped on Fluttershy. "Bane Fury, has promised not to do any unnecessary harm to anyone while in your country." Ester adds. "Yes quite." the vampiric pony says looking away. He turns back to the group and asks, "May I speak with Fluttershy alone for a moment?" "Of course." Fluttershy flies towards the door from which he had entered, with him following close behind. Everyone was startled (to say the least) by this behaviour, but before anyone says anything they return. "Sincerest apologies. I had simply remembered I promised to introduce Lady Ester Isle to my youngest daughter." Bane says, his voice sending a chill. Fluttershy gives a bow to Ester Isle and says, "Nice to meet you. I've heard so mush about you Lady Ester Isle." "Quite." the alicorn replies coldly. "Being the youngest makes her your heir, correct?" "Yes." Bane says bluntly. "And she is the element of..?" "Kindness." Fluttershy says in her quiet way. Elder Isle rolls her eyes and says, "Does this bother anypony else?" Everypony in the room, save the vampires, all nod in agreement. "No further questions. "I for one am up for a challenge." Skye says, his smile growing. "I'm listening." Ester perks up for the first time. "Hunters verses vampires. How 'bout it?" "Deal." she finally smiles, though this sends a deathly chill down the spines of everypony present. "And this is why guards will be keeping an eye on their travels." Celestia says openly. "This meeting is dismissed." as she says this all the alicorns teleport away (Twilight Sparkle not included). With only the elements remaining in the room, Applejack asks the question on everyone's mind. "What tha hay just happened here?" _________________________________________________________________________________________ It might have taken an hour but Twilight believed she'd asked enough questions and stopped asking the timid Fluttershy and overly-talkative Pinkie Pie any more questions. Her head still hurt, however, from deciding to ask questions to a pony who, without asking, can go on for hours at a time. Many more questions remained in her head, however but she decided to leave them be and retreat to her books. She chooses to research on hunters first because of her unfamiliarity, and now an hour in she finds herself flinching at every sound her ears detect and every movement which comes into her field of vision. She shakes it of and thinks out loud, "I wouldn't think anypony would be ok spending half their lives killing creatures that kill or eat other ponies. I can't believe Pinkie never told us about this." As fear overtook her body she decides that that was enough for the night and goes up to bed. Halfway up the stairs she gets a fright and turns to look back down the stairs, seeing no one she continues towards her bed. Once the purple alicorn is out of sight Pinkie removes her cloak from her face. Letting her hood fall and pink hair flow out in the topknot which still threatened to trip her, she says, "Forty six. In the clear." she sighs and walks towards the open window. "Let's just make sure her knowledge stays limited. She'll find out what she needs soon enough." She rests on the window watching the night for movement. With another sigh she disappears under the cover of her midnight blue magic. __________________________________________________________________________________________ Rainbow Dash sighs under the cover of darkness. She watches the moonlight dance on the waters nearby and is silently happy she had found this place. She is currently laying down in a small cavern. The hole she had made when she crashed found the cave let in a suitable amount of moonlight. She never understood it but her 20/20 vision never faultered, not even for the dark of night, but that was all that she thought was perfect. In darkness of the cave she had started writing and felt safe enough to write what she felt. It's funny though she wrote That in the darkness which scares everypony the most, it's the one place that I recieve comfort. At least here, I not the tough one or the sick one or the one who's too full of herself to see when a frend is hurting. She pauses swollowing the lump in her throat. I'm just Rainbow Dash, the pony who, like everypony else, actually has feelings. Why can't anypony see when I'm hurting, I'm so tired of hiding the pain. Well I guess I can't change now. Bash and bold, yeah right, more like weak and pathetic. I mean I can't even fly without feeling pain. Guess lying to the doctors for years kinda makes it a habit. Change is pretty much out of the questions. Well I did find out something useful today. Maybe I'll try my trick on Fluttershy, she'll do what I say, but I don't know if I can keep it going if I pass out. Or maybe I can do it myself. As she finishes she gets up and looks into the pool of water infront of her. She looks around. She takes in a breath and releases it and jumps into the water only to be pulled out by the town DJ. Coughing up the water she says in an annoyed voice. "Hey, why'd you do that!" "I that you'd do something stupid." She sighs with her forelegs crossed. "What are you talking about. Hey, where'd you come from anyways." "That's not the problem. Why are you trying to kill yourself Dash?" "I was... I was just..." She felt her chest tighten and she closed her eyes trying to prevent the tears from flowing, but it was no use. Vinyl holds her back as she cries and tries to go back into the pool. Once she calms down Vinyl puts her on her back and carries her out of the cavern. She is slightly shocked when she sees the pegasus fast asleep on her back. She places her in a comfortable spot before walking away. "Never knew she was so tiny." she says with a smile before teleporting the rest of the way into town.