Dark Arts

by serebii

First published

Danger is everywhere but, what if there was something that had the ability to cause untold death yet didn't even know they could this is that story.

far away from the land of equestria where ponies rarely venture there is a small valley with a small village not far from that village is a cave, a cave where rumor of a mighty dragon sleeps. but many do not know of its other occupant, one that could bring untolled death to all yet this other doesn't even know how dangerous they are. come join the adventure of self discovery, sorrow and magic.

How Things Are

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I hate moving and I never understood why we had to do it so often. It was a pain to do so and it seemed so pointless to me. Every year around the same time we moved with the rest of are group. I was always the… different one I should say. I looked nothing like that others and that made me an outcast. My coat was gray and my mane was black and short and my eyes were ruby red. Everyone else had scales, claws and could breath fire. Living with them, my life is in constant danger. My mother said it would get easier as time went by and the other young dragons got older. That was a lie, as they got older they became more cruel and a lot more hostile. There games went from dangerous to life threatening. I decided to avid dragons my age. They were too unpredictable I can't remember how many times my wings were almost burned off my body. the best thing to do was to avoid dragons my age entirely.

I was laying on the floor of the cave waiting for the sun to go down. I only left the cave at night. Believe it or not it was safer to come out at night then to spend the day with the dragons I live with. this force me to sleep during the day and stay out all night. My mom even give me the nickname Nightcrawler. I would normally read to pass the time but, I was out of books. I would have to find some more while we traveled.

My ears perked up when I herd large wings flapping in the distance. They got louder as the figure came closer till I could see the wings the dragon they belong to, she landed in front of me. folding her wings she greeted me.

“Good evening Tactum how has your day been?” She asked. Her voice was low and elegant, which I never understood considering her size. She was a full grown dragon. She had a starlight silver body with a white underbelly.Her spines were broze and her eyes were sunset red.

“Good evening mother.” I replied. ”I was just about to head out and start my night.”

“Oh right, my little nightcrawler still hates the day. dont be out all night, remember we have to leave in the morning and I'm not letting you sleep on my back this time you're old enough to fly the whole way there.”

“I won't.” I responded. Getting up and walking towards the entrance of the cave. I looked out to see the sun slowly leaving.

Nightfall came and I had to move quickly. I flew up to the nearest clouds and begin to push them towards a clearing in the forest. I was the only one that I knew of who could manipulate clouds. I still remember the day I found out I could do so. Mom was trying to teach me how to fly. Im not sure if pushing your child off a cliff was the best way to teach me how to fly but, I did learn. Sadly that was one of my better memories.

The clearing was one of the few places I had to myself. It was hidden by the tall trees on both sides so, it only had one opening. I moved the cloud to the back of the clearing and sit on the cloud. The clearing give me a great view of the sky. The moon had always peaked my interest and made me think. Tonight was no different as I began to think about how the move would affect me. I found myself getting angry at the fact that I would probably never see this place again. I had this feeling growing inside me, this wasn't anger. I could feel this…. energy flowing throughout my body. The power was so overwhelming I didn't know what to do. the feeling suddenly became a deep burn throughout my entire body. the burn quickly came to my throat I laid on the cloud gasping for air. I thought I was going to die but, just like that, the burn tuned into a light warmth throughout my body. I started taking in large breaths air coming back into my lungs. I slowly sat back up.

“What the hell was that?”

“That was your power restoring. that really most of hurt since it's been building for all these years.” I heard a voice say. the voice was childlike and I had never heard it before.

“Who are you? Where are you?” I asked looking around me but, I saw nothing.

“Oh, sorry allow me to introduce myself.” The voice was definitely coming from above me. before I could look up a small thing jumped off my head and landed in front of me.

“My names calcifer.” The small creature stated. it was a an all black with cat like features. Its eyes were ruby red and had too tails moving back and forth behind it.

“Calcifer what do you want and what did you mean by power restoring? What did you do to me?” I asked a little on edge. He was able to get on my head and I didn't hear or see him coming. He could be dangerous. I kept my guard up.

“Thats a lot of questions. Let me start with I did nothing to you. That was your natural power coming back to you. Your suppose to have the power slowly grow over time as you get older but, someone or something sealed yours up and now that you're old enough you seal has been broken. thats not important right now.”

“Alright, so what do you want?” I asked not really understanding most of what it had just said.

“I want to make a contract with you. Ive seen the power inside you. Its the strongest i've seen in a while. You are more than strong enough for me to call you my master. That warmth you feel inside right now most things only have that in a certain part of them but, you have it all over you.”

Calcifer took a few steps towards me his eyes were like two small red orbs and I couldn't stop looking into them. There were just like mine. All I could see was loneliness inside them. He claims that it was just the power I'd somehow obtained but, his eyes said different. I had many question about what was going on with me and I bet calcifer could answer them. I could also tell he didn't want to be alone and so did I.

“Alright, i'll make a contract with you. If you answer all my questions.” He nodded. “how does this work?”

“simple, just answer this question. do you accept this contract?”

“yes I accept your contract.” I felt a little of the warmth from earlier slowly leave me sending a shiver throughout my body.

“I am here to serve you and only you master.” Calcifer said his tone was a bit more serious than before. Now was the time to get answers.

“Calcifer what is this power I have?”

“The power is known by many names and there are different types. Your power known in this world is called Nether Manipulation or the final element. This power allows you to conjure and manipulate nether to use how you want.” I nodded only understanding part of what Calcifer said.

“What is Nether?” I asked. I needed to know what this power could do and what were my limits.

“Nether is the essence that flows through the realms of the living and the dead.” That's what I thought. I don't understand any of this. I was getting nowhere and it was getting late. there has to be a better way to understand this.

“Is there a better way for me to learn how to use my power?”

“there is one way I know of but, it's not ideal and we are very far away from it.” Calcifer said. He sounded uncertain.

“Can you take me there?” Calcifer noded.

“Whenever you want to go just let me know.” I nodded. I would have to think about that. Maybe decide what to do after we moved. Shit we're moving tomorrow and I told mom I would not be out all night.

“Calcifer we need to go now. can you fly?”

“No I cant. not unless you give me wings.”

“I can do that? Nevermind for now just get on my back.” Calcifer noded. then he hopped on my back. I was expecting some weight when he hopped on but, I could barely notice his paws on my back.

“You ready?” I asked. I could feel his paws dancing on my back as he tries to find a comfortable spot.

“I'm ready.”

I started flying back towards the cave. I couldn't fly as fast as i wanted because Calcifer was on my back. He seemed to be nervus. I could feel his tight grip on my coat. Maybe I was flying to fast or maybe he was scared of hights. I would have asked but, we were already back at the cave.

Sneaking into the cave wasn't new to me. I did it more often then I would have liked. The only problem was Calcifer. He was a big unknown. I dont even know how my mom going to react to him or to the fact that I have some power I can't control. Theses were problems I would have to deal with in the morning. I was tired and needed to get some rest.

I landed in front of the cave. Before I could say anything Calcifer hopped off my back and landed on the side of me. I guess he really didn't enjoy the ride. We walked into the cave the only light coming from the moon. We only went far enough to where we could not be seen from the entrance. I layed down on the cave floor ready to let sleep take me.

“Master where do I sleep?”

“Wherever you feel most conformable.” I told him. A few moments later I could feel paws on my back again. well I did say conformable and I guess my back would be better than a cave floor. A few moments later and we were both asleep.

The Next Morning

“Master….” A voice called out. I kept my eyes shut. I really wasn't ready to get up.”Master please we're not alone in here.” I could feel a slight pulling on my left wing.

“Relax the big dragon is my mom. She won't hurt us.” I muttered.

“She's not the only one here. There are others and they are not dragons.” That got me up. now that I was fully woken I could hear voices. One was my mothers.

“Leave my home before you become my lunch.” My mom sounded angry. That wasn't good for whoever she was talking to. I walked out the cave with Calcifer on my back. There I saw mom and three others. I had never seen anything like them before. Two of them seemed to be birdlike creatures. They had beaks and fur on what I thought was covering there chest but, they had claws at the end of their legs and were standing on their hindlegs. Then there was the one in the middle he was different. He was smaller than the others and had gray mane and tail with a blood red streak in it. His coat was dark orange and his eyes were neon yellow.

“Whats going on? Who are they and what are they?” I asked. pointing at the one on the left.

“Tactum go back into the cave. This has nothing to do with you.”

“Why are you lying to him violet. I think he deserves to know the truth about himself.” The one in the middle spoke out. his voice was low and smag.

“Master can you hear me?” I heard in my head but, that sounded like Calcifer. Great now i'm hearing things. “You're not hearing things. Im talking to you in my mind.” You can do that? “Yes now I need you to listen. Master the ones on the left and right are griffins. They have the body of a lion and the head in wings of an eagle. the one in the middle is a unicorn. We need to be careful his power is not as great as your but, he has more skill than you.” Thank you Calcifer. Now back to the matter at hand.

“Mom what is he talking about?”

“Tactum I said go back in the cave. I will not tell you again.” She turned to me eyes narrowed. I didn't so much as flinch. If I was going to get answers I had to stand my ground here.

“Mom I'm old enough to know the truth. Its alright I can handle whatever you've been hiding from me.” I gave her a warm smile. Her face with from anger to sorrow in a matter of seconds.

“Alright, Ill tell you but, not now. I have to take care of some unwanted company.” She turned back to them. She towered over three of them. I could tell the griffins were frightened by their body language but, the unicorn was smiling? that creeped me out a little.

“Alright, come on boys were not wanted here. Besides they look like they need time to sort things out. Well come back at a better time.” His horn glowed and a second later they were gone.

Explains And Explosions

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“Come inside Tactum and I will explain everything.” My mom said heading back into the cave. I followed close behind her. My mind kept going back to the unicorn. Something about his just rubbed me the wrong way. What could they have possibly wanted from us. Suddenly, mom stopped walking. Something wasn't right. We were barely in the cave. Normally we would walk until I could no longer see the sunlight.

“Mom what's wrong?” No answer. Calcifer hold on. I thought to myself. I could feel him tighten his grip on my back. I flew upwards and around so I was at eye level with her. I looked into her eyes. I could see the tears forming. “Mom…..talk to me.” I said softly.

“I never wanted you to know. I thought if we kept moving they would never find us but, I was wrong.” She said. Her voice was low and cold. “Alright, tactum you might want to get comfortable because this is a long story and I think you need to know all of it.” I nodded. Flying back to the cave floor. I sat down and Calcifer hopped off my back and sat next to me.

“And who might you be?” Mom asked. I forgot that she didn't know about last night.

“My name is Calcifer. Its very nice to meet you violet.” He said smiling at her.

“I...um found him last night and I want to keep him.” I said nervously. I had no idea what to tell her. It might be best if she doesn't know what Calcifer is. I didn't really know what he was.

“I should hope so, why else would you make a contract with him?” A smile grow on her face.

shocked I asked. “How did you know about that?”

“I felt the power grow in you last night. It was one of the few things your father taught me.” She replied. That shocked me. I didn't know much about my father. Whenever I asked about him she always told me I wasn't old enough.

“I think its time I told you about him.” She took a deep breath. “Tactum I need you to listen to everything I'm about to say, before you reply. I dont have time to give you all the details, so I will try to make this short.”

“When you were born your power was unstable and uncontrollable. Your real mother did not survive your birth. Before you could hurt yourself or anyone else your father placed a seal on you. A few days later the Rebels of Discordion Magic and Anarchy or R.D.M.A noticed your power and paid us a visit. They demanded that we hand you over or they would take you by force. outraged your father told them to leave or die. Normally, killing would be a last resort but, because of your mother's death he was an a dark place. He entrusted me with you while he fought the R.D.M.A. He told me to take you as far as I could. He didn't know how long the seal would last but, once it was broken there was no doubt the R.D.M.A would come for you. I tried living in a small town but, the ponies there were scared of me so I had to leave. living with dragons was the only way I could make sure you were safe. All these years I thought we were safe from the R.D.M.A but, now that the seal is broken they will be able to find us anywhere we go. Im sorry I did not tell you this sooner. I thought I had more time than this.”

I sat there in silence, trying to take in all this information. The first thing that hit me was my mother's death. I felt a deep pain in my chest. I would never get to see her, never get to know who my mother was. There was my father, who could be anywhere, If he was even alive. Then there were the R.D.M.A, who were the main reason my life had become what it is now. They were the reason I would probably never know my father. The reason I moved so much and most importantly the reason my family fell apart. Just thinking about made me angry. All the rage I had in me started to slowly come out. My body went from warm to a burning flame but, it wasn't like when I was on the cloud. It felt like it was waiting on me to tell it where to go and what to do.

“Master, I know you're getting mad but, you have to control your anger. It has a link to your power and you could easily do something you might regret without even realizing it.”

I took tried calming myself down. The flame within me turned into a boiling heat. “Mom is my father still alive?” I asked. My expression was grim.

“I dont know. He held them off while I escaped with you. It's possible he could still be alive.”

A faint smile grow on my face. Thats all I needed to know, if there was a chance he could still be alive I had to take it.

Suddenly the cave started shaking violently. The little light slowly fading from behind us. before I could even react, mom wrap around me, using her body to shield me from the cave in. I could hear her groan in pain as the cave came down on us.

“Mother are you alright?”

“Dont worry about me im fine.” She Replied. The cave stopped shaking and she sat upright. “Alright, this is what we're going to do. At the end of the other side of this cave there is an opening. Its just big enough for you to get through it. You will head east until you find a small village. Stay there until I come and get you.”

“What? I can't just leave you here to fight them by yourself.” I replied.

“This is not up for debate you will leave now!” Her voice stern. I knew there was no way I could reason with her. What was worse was the fact that I couldn't help even if I wanted to.

I started walking deeper into the cave. I was soon blind by the other darkness. “How am I supposed to find the other side of the cave if I can't see what's in front of me”. I thought to myself.

“I can help with that!” Calcifer said. Before I could ask how he hopped off my back. It only took an instant before his talis went ablaze. I stood there in other shock as he started walking ahead of me. “I know what you're thinking and now is not the best time to explain.” Calcifer said. He continued to walk ahead.

It took us fifteen minutes to reach the other side of the cave. Once we were in the sky and on our way east, I started to wonder about my mom. I know it's silly to think a full grown dragon could be beaten but, it didn't stop my mind from thinking only the worst. “should i have stayed and helped her fight? No, I would have just gotten in the way. Even with this power I'm unless. maybe I could hav- No thats no good.”

“Master!!” Calcifer shouted. Snapping out of my own thoughts.

“Wh- what's wrong? did they catch up to us?”

“No we're fine but, i could hear your thoughts. I know it's hard to leave a loved one behind but, she give us an opportunity and we took it. Right now need to focus on getting out of danger.” Calcifer sounded different. His tone was serious and he sounded like he had gone through this before.

“You're right. I need to have more faith in her. There's no way she would go down without a fight. Besides she's dealt with this group before. If any-”

“Master! Im sorry to interrupt you but, we need to hide. I can feel something with magic and they're coming towards us fast.”

Quickly scanning the area around me I found a large tree branch that looked like it could support my weight. I perched myself on the branch and waited. It wasn't to long before I saw something moving through the bushes in front of me. What ran out shocked me. It was a mare then came a Timberwolf right behind her. I had never seen a Timberwolf before but, i did read about them in a book once. Its claws were sharp and his growl had me stunned.

The mare kept her eyes on the beast slowly backing away. What she did not see was the tree she was backing into. The tree I was sitting in. Once she hit the tree she turned around to see she was in a dead end. She turned back to the wolf terrified that she had nowhere to go.

What do I do now. I want to help her but, how? “Master I can help. We don't have much time but, I need you to share more of the flame inside you. Try to send it to me.” I nodded and focus my flame onto Calcifer. I could feel some of it leaking out of me. That cold feeling kept back into my body but, i ignored it. Knowing that Calcifer was ready i leaped off the branch and landed between the mare and the Timberwolf.

Calcifer hopped off my back. His talis blazing as they started to spin around him. In a flash the flame was around his entire body and just like that it was gone. Calcifer had changed. His size was about the same as a manticore. His teeth and claws were razor sharp. Was this really the same calcifer from a few moments ago?

“Master don't be afraid of me. I'm still the same don't let my new appearance fool you.” There was no doubt in my mind now. Calcifer hadn't changed one bit. Alight Calcifer i think its time to take of our friend here.

Calcifer responded by making a thunderous roar loud enough to have anything near by had to have ran.

The timberwolf whimper from that and ran off.

“Well thats sad. I really wanted to see what you could do Calcifer.”

“Master stop joking. I think we should leave before it comes back with a pack.”

I sighed. “Fine.” I turned around to check on the mare who was standing in the same place frozen. “Are you alright? You're not hurt are you?” I looked her over making sure she didn't have any injuries. The mare had a yellowy-white coat and her mane was a soft pink with some light red witch mated her tail.

“Im….Im fine. thank you for saving me.” She said trembling.

“You should take it easy. Try to collect yourself.” I said trying to avoid the hole save thing. For some reason I didn't feel like i needed to be thanked. Anyone would have did what i did if they were in the same passion right? I didn't really do anything. Calcifer should be the one getting the thanks not me. “My name is Tactum and the big guy over there is Calcifer.” Calcifer smiled which showed his teeth making the mare hide behind me. that made me laugh. “Calcifer can you go back to your normal form?”

“Of course master.” just like before in an instant he was back to his normal form. He quickly walked up to the mare. “I very sorry I scared you. I didn't mean to.”

The mare quickly came from behind me to stare at him. “Aww you are just the cutest thing i've ever seen.”

Calcifer blushed hard. “No no no you have it all wrong i'm not cute.” He tried to protest but, it only made him look more cute.

“Aww, even your blush is adorable!” She replied.

“Master! tell her.”

“Alright, miss…..sorry i didn't catch your name?”

“My name is Roseluck but, you can call me Rose for short.” she replied. “I can't thank you enough for saying me.”

I could feel heat rushing to my face and it wasn't my inner heat. “Its nice to meet you rose but, you don't have to thank us.” I replied. “Anyway, rose you wouldn't happen to know where a village that's east from here is?”

“Oh you mean Tota village. Yeah I know where it is I just came from their actly. I can show you two the way if you want. Its the least i could do.”

“Thank you Rose. Thats very kind of you.” I replied.

“Alright, fellow me.” She said. walking towards the bushes the timberwolf had used to escape. Calcifer had returned to his place on my back and we followed her.

“Master there's something I need to tell you.” What's the matter? Is it another timberwolf? “No its Rose.” What about her? “Remember when I said there was something else with magic? Well that something is Rose!” What how? if she had any type of magic she would have saved herself right? “I'm not sure but, we need to be careful around her.” Got it.

Catching up to rose I wanted to see if i can get some answers. “So rose, if i'm not being too forward what were you doing out here on your own?”

She stopped and turn towards me. “Why, do you want to know?” Her eyes locked on mine.

“Well I was just wondering why such a pretty mare was out here all on her own.” Wait. What why did i just say that. I could feel my body getting very heavy all of a sudden. Whats happening to me.

“If you really want to know I- Are you alright you don't look so good?” She asked. She sounded genuinely worried.

“I'm fin-” before i could finished i had fell over.