Look for somepony else

by Jyxia

First published

Rarity has always flirted with the handsome stallions, but without any success. Maybe she sadly just look for those gorgeous males, without thinking about what personalities they have. Perhaps the stallion of her dreams is in the nearest corner.

Rarity finds herself in having a rather depressing period. The depressed mare has given up on trying to search for the right one, the one Rarity would love to spend time with more than just a friend. This happened right after Discord's visit and when the mane six discovered the tree of harmony. Discord on the other hand is trying to make friends with the ponies around him. Rarity knew that Fluttershy had reformed him, so she did invite him for some tea parties once in a while. Can Rarity continue her search for a stallion to live with with the help of Discord?


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Rarity, the unicorn with white fur and purple mane is known as the element of generosity.
She is always lending a hoof to make dresses to her customers, no matter what they require of the young mare.

Discord, the draconequus who once was an evil trickster that made fun out of others' misery is today a reformed fellow.
Even though his personality can annoy some, he isn't as harmful as he was before.

After the mane six had discovered the tree of harmony, Discord wanted to hang out with one of the other ponies than just Fluttershy.

He first wanted to make friends with princess Twilight Sparkle, but Discord knew that she was pretty busy now when she was a princess.

Then he went to the pink party pony and asked if she wanted to show him the sugarcube corner later.

Of course he had seen it before, but Discord had never been in the bakery itself.

Although, Pinkie Pie couldn't as she had to take care of Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake.

Then, he went to the only unicorn in the team, wondering if they could have a tea party sometime.
This time, it was a yes. Rarity could hang out with him.

Since that day, they've had some meetings at the white mare's boutique and their friendship grew each day.

Although, their meetings seemed to be fewer for every passing week.

Discord wondered why his new friend haven't invited him for another tea party or two.

Without hesitation, the draconequus decided to go and visit Rarity, hoping that nothing bad has happened.

A helping hoof

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It was one ordinary day in Ponyville.
The sun was shining and everypony seemed to do their daily duties.

Rainbow Dash cleared the skies, Applejack worked at the farm.
Fluttershy took care of her animals and Pinkie Pie was helping Mr. and Mrs. Cake at the Sugarcube corner.
Princess Twilight had her duties and Rarity, she was rather depressed.

Ever since she was a little filly, the fashionista has tried to get a stallion on her side.
Not because she needed one, or, she did, but not necessarily.

Rarity just wanted a stallion to take care of her as she would to him.
Perhaps she was lucky to find the stallion of her dreams this instant.

Of course Rarity's friends meant everything in the world to her, but where was this gentlecolt when you wanted some help?

“Hello, dear friend!”
A voice suddenly would call out from the hall, which startled the white mare.

As she turned around to look at the entrance from her seat, the fashion pony could with relief see that the voice did belong to the creature that just had arrived. It was no one else than the prankster Discord.

“How are y-”

The draconequus' smile disappeared as he found his friend looking like she was sobbing.

The unicorn was laying on the couch and gazed at the draconequus without showing more than the tears that appeared on her blue eyes.

Discord rose his eyebrows for some moments, as he saw her dark blue eyes got filled with tears.

He would then play restlessly, but carefully with his fingers while he used his magic to close the door.

“Is something wrong?”

Rarity gazed into his mismatched eyes and started to cry out weakly, but heart-breaking.

She closed her eyes to face the cushion on her sofa, not wanting to be seen with her make up ruined.

“Yes! Something is really wrong!”

She would say and continue to cry and whine against the soft fabric that covered the cushion.

Discord slowly walked in towards the mare with a concerned look.
This was not what the creature wanted to see, her being hurt.

What made him more worried was that Rarity have never told him about her dilemma.

He headed to the living room and sat on the other side of the couch, right next to her.

“What is the matter, Rarity? You never have been this... Sad as long as I've known you.”

The draconequus asked with a lower, but a warming tone.

Rarity turned around, seeing that the draconequus were only some feet from her.

Without caring for her mascara that ran along her teardrops, the mare would sit up and gaze again on Discord.

“Well... I am missing something in my life. Somepony, will say...”

The draconequus raised an eyebrow and looked slightly confused on the mare in a few seconds, to then let out a sigh.

“Really? Take a look around, missy.”

Discord would say rather bored and gestured his talon from his right to the left.

“You have everything you need to make your dresses. You have good friends, so who is this missing pony that makes a lady like you so depressed?”

He asked and snapped his fingers to teleport in front of her, meeting her big blue eyes.

The mare wiped away her tears with the napkin she held with her magic.

“I want... A stallion, to love.”

The creature's ears perked up when his friend mentioned love.

“Rarity, there are many guys who would fight to get to be with you. I am sure you will find one soon.”

Discord said calmly, but cheerfully, still hoping his friend could smile instead of making that sad frown.

Rarity folded her hooves and turned around to look away from him.

“Hmpf. What do you know about love, Discord?”

She asked, but slightly in disbelief.

The draconequus teleported again to appear sitting on the sofa.

“Not much, actually, since I've never experienced to go further with a relationship to somepony. What I know is that you are the most generous mare a pony could ask for."

Discord said, making the honest smile, which looked out of place for someone like him.

"Trust me, there will be one day when you get married to the stallion you love.”

As those words left from the draconequus himself, Rarity turned around once again to look into his red eyes with hope.

What Discord noticed on the unicorn was the soft blush showing up on her cheeks, which made him unsure.

'No, she can't have a crush on me. I am hideous and I treated her so badly in the labyrinth for some years ago. Breath you idiot, she is just flattered.'

Discord thought.

“Really? Do you think so?”

The mare asked, making the frown fade away to smile for the first time since Discord got in her home.

Discord nodded and returned the smile to her.

“I don't think so, I know so!”

The draconequus would say cheerfully, hiding his wonders of the expressions Rarity recently made.

'I hope this filly don't take me too seriously, because if she did, I don't know how I would handle it. I don't know about how to "love". Friendship, yes, but love? No...'

The draconequus thought.

The unicorn smiled even more and reached out her hooves to hug Discord ever so gently.

“Thank you Discord, I don't know what I would have done without a friend like you!”

Rarity would say with a relieved and a happy warming voice.

The creature's eyes went wide of the sudden hug.

He gazed down on the unicorn, feeling an unlike heat flush appear on his face.

'Just keep calm, she is just hugging you...'

Discord slowly wrapped his arms around Rarity and hugged the mare.

“You're very welcome, my dear.”

The draconequus said quietly and rubbed her back lightly, hoping she would feel better soon.

“Would you like me to help you in the boutique?”

The unicorn looked up on Discord now curiously, still keeping the smile on her face.

“Oh, that would be splendid, darling! After my... Events, I would apprichiate a pon-, draconequus to lend me a... Paw.”

A helping hoof part 2

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The two friends spent the whole afternoon together.

Discord helped the unicorn with bringing the fabrics she needed and Rarity showed him some hats to wear, since she knew her friend wasn't that into fashion.

The draconequus tried a black one, to then put it back and bring more of them.

One hat caught Discord's attention more than the others.

It was dark brown and reminded a lot of those hats the stallions were wearing at Canterlot.

The young mare looked in the mirror, standing next to the fascinated creature and smiled at his reflection.

"I think someone has found something he fancies."

Rarity would say a little teasingly.

Discord wide-opened his eyes and chuckled slightly.

"Indeed, I have, but I'm afraid this hat belongs, or maybe do belong to somepony else."

In a second, he made the hat return to where it was with a snap.

The draconequus turned around and looked down on the unicorn.

"I suppose many of your customers already have ordered these stunning pieces."

Rarity knew Discord usually was irritating with his... Childish behaviors, but never knew how good manners he had at the very moment.

On the other hand, Discord would probably do something nasty, she thought.

'He can't go without making a single joke, now can he...?'


The world seemed to come back to her as her friend spoke.

She had been thinking way too much the last few moments.

Rarity shaken her head lightly and gazed up on Discord with a nervous smile.


The draconequus snapped his fingers once again and made a chair appear, which he would use to sit on.

As he sat, the smile faded away from the creature's lips and looked on the unicorn with a deadpan expression.

Although, his eyes couldn't hide the concerned feelings Discord had.

"I was wondering about that outbreak you had earlier. You haven't told me anything before I found you spilling tears on your precious couch."

The draconequus said with a serious tone.

Rarity was aware of that she must tell him the whole story about her "little" problems.

"I know..."

The mare would say in sorrow and look down for some moments before she rose her head again.

"It's just that I... I want somepony on my side. Somepony that would love for who I am... Somepony I could love for who he is. I've been searching for years after the perfect stallion and look on me, I am still a lonely mare."

The fashionista said calmly, while making eye contact with the creature.

"Oh Rarity, if you only told me about this earlier, the hunt could've continued days ago!"

Rarity tilted her head slightly and rose an eyebrow to his response.

"And how are you going to help me? You told me that you didn't know anything about love!"

The mare would say in an angry tone, which made Discord surprised over her sudden upset change in her voice.

"I suppose I could try, even if I am not the best adviser. Since nopony else seems to volunteer, I guess maybe I can help..."

The unicorn walked to her friend quickly and made a rather grumpy face in front of him.

"Discord, how can I be sure you aren't going to make me look like a fool? I know you still love to put pranks on others..."

Rarity asked and narrowed her eyes as she gazed into his mismatched ones.

Discord sighed and folded his arms while looking into the white mare's eyes.

"Would I, as your friend not offer you some help about something I barely know about? Well, if you don't want support, I won't bother you any longer with your issues."

Rarity's eyes went wide open.

She couldn't believe what she was hearing.

The unicorn wanted to say something, but nothing would left her little mouth.

"I was afraid you wouldn't speak at all, but-"

In his shock, the fashion pony's eyes got filled with tears.

Discord didn't want to deal with the boring love drama, but he didn't want to lose his new friend.

Rarity closed her eyes and looked down, sobbing ever so quietly.

She knew nopony would help her finding her special somepony.

It was all over, she thought.

Suddenly, slim arms embraced her small body.

When she opened her eyes, Discord was next to her.

"I thought you..."

Rarity said and wiped away her tears before the draconequus interrupted.

"Hush, my friend. We are going to look for the missing pony in you life."

Discord lifted up the mare with ease and snapped his fingers to make them teleport outside Ponyville, which was the place Discord wanted Rarity to check out first.

What Rarity didn't expect was that they would stand on a cloud, or at least he did.

"Discord! What in Celestia's name are we doing up here?!"

The unicorn cried out in worry, clanging tightly to the draconequus.

Her friend laughed and put her down.

"Inspecting, of course! What, did you think I would let you fall?"

Rarity groaned and growled quietly.


Try to help

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"Watch out! Discord is coming!" A pony would shout and soon several others rushed to hide in their houses. Even though the draconequus was reformed, his reputation lived on.

"Urgh..." Discord groaned and crossed his arms.

"I can't believe they still are afraid of you, darling." Rarity spoke. She had been trying along with Discord to find a date.

It was much harder than they thought it would be, especially the unexpired stallion, draconequus himself.

"Well, if you got parts of different animals in one, it isn't weird it gets suspicious..." Discord said and sighed.

"It's not the reason why some ponies hide!" Rarity said and tried to cheer up for her friend.

"Oh, mind me, didn't you call me a monster a while ago...?" Discord said and looked rather serious at the unicorn.

"... Yes. But that was before-"

"Say no more, look at me, I'm nothing but a bother... Ponies are hiding from me for ponies' sake!" Discord shouted angrily and took fast heavy breaths.

The unicorn started to feel uncomfortable at this moment.

"Discord... You are no bother." Rarity would say softly and try to smile.

"Really? How am I helpful?" He asked and flew up to circle around his friend.

"Ahem. Darling, have you forgotten about that you wanted to help me find the stallion of my dreams?" She asked and fluttered her eyelids for tease.

Discord gasped, because all the struggle from helping the mare made him forgot his mission.

"Oh my, you're right... But look, we haven't even found somepony willing." He said and gazed over the horizon. The sun was starting to set.

"Yes... Perhaps we didn't have enough luck today, Discord..." Rarity said and would approach the draconequus to put her hoof on his back.

The awkward silence lasted for half a minute. What surprised Discord was that his friend didn't remove her hoof.

"I might not be satisfied yet," She said and broke the silence, to then gaze upon the eyes of the friend of hers.

"But I am thankful for what you've done so far. Never fear to try, every single action matters, believe me." Rarity said and smiled warmly at Discord.

He could feel his cheeks burn, but in reality it was barely noticeable.

'Sweet Celestia, why is she caring, why are her eyes so enchanting... WHAT? No, they are just neat.' He thought and fake coughed.

"Well, I am glad that you got some support. What are friends for?" Discord would say and return the smile.

Rarity let her hoof remain on his back, since it didn't seem to bother him.

"Although..." Rarity began.

The draconequus' ears perked up and would curiously glance on Rarity.

"Hm?" He said and put his hands on his hips.

"I think we still can find a date before midnight." The mare said and smiled sweetly.

"Oh, tell me, how are we going to fix that?" Discord said and smirked while flying in front of Rarity.

"Easy, just ask is enough." Rarity said with eager.

"Obviously, how else would you do it? Kidnap one?" He would say and chuckle.

"Ahem. I think you're not following."

"What?" Now Discord was more confused than ever

"You see-"

"RARITY!" A pegasus would shout out and land in front of her.

"Rainbow Dash? What are you doing here?" Rarity asked and tilted her head.

"Guess what, I am going to train with the Wonderbolts again soon! It's going to be so awesome! She exclaimed and smiled.

"How lovely, darling!"

"Yeah! What are you up to, looking for some stallions?" Rainbow said teasingly and grinned.

"Um, yes but-"

Rainbow Dash quickly flew behind Discord and grabbed his cheeks.

"Here you have one!" The blue pegasus said and burst out in laughter.

Both Rarity and Discord blushed softly, not sure why they even did so.

"It's not like that! He's my friend." Rarity said with an upset tone.

"Dashie, I can assure you-"

"Don't call me Dashie! You might be reformed, but I'm keeping my eye on you." Rainbow Dash would say and boop his muzzle with her hoof.

"Well, have fun love birds, haha!" She said and flew away still laughing.

Discord sighed and gazed on the upset unicorn.

"How dare she, sometimes I just want to-"

"Calm down, Rarity. Rainbow Dash is known to prank and tease after all."

"I suppose you are right..." Rarity said and looked down.

The two friends ended their search for the day. They went home to Rarity's boutique to drink some tea and chit chat, but soon Discord had to leave and return to his house.

"We'll continue tomorrow, right?" Rarity asked, standing at the door and looked on Discord who stood outside.

"Of course, my dear. Good night Rarity!" Discord shouted and waved happily to the unicorn.


One minute later, after he left, Rarity remained outside gazing upon the stars.

"Maybe he is not ready to be my date..."