Arcane Illness

by Mocha Star

First published

Unicorns are spreading a new disease

Arcane Illness is a new disease from places unknown, will a cure be found before all Unicorns are affected. What are the symptoms, is there a malicious cause and what must be done to find a cure?

This tale is cancelled, but I may revisit it someday. Thanks for reading.

The First Infected

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The night was calm, cool and peaceful in the orphanage, not an errant sound was heard as the foals slumbered in their bunk beds. The fillies and colts were holding their stuffed friends and pillows tightly. A loud cough made some of them stir as the raspy hacking continued for a few seconds. Silence resumed and the rest of the night was as peaceful as any other.

12 years later

Sun Struck was opening his shop in Ponyville, Sun's and Son's Hobby Shop. His son had left to start a career his own two years ago, but he was always proud to keep the name the same. He opened the shades and smiled as the sun washed over him for the first time that day. His orange coat shined in the light and he had to shake his head to get the mane out of his face. Red with a yellow stripe, just like the color scheme on the sign.

He unlocked the door and started organizing shelves, making sure every toy was in place, paint was in order and sewing supply was arranged. "Now, I wait," He said with a huff. Business had been slow the past few weeks since the Changelings attacked the capitol city of Canterlot. Ponies were in good spirits on the outside, but there were a lot of ponies talking about distrusting their own families. Paranoia should have been keeping ponies inside staying busy with crafts, he thought every day. Instead they spend all their time outside now watching each other, waiting for a sign another is a Changeling.

The door dinged and Sun snapped back to reality. "Welcome, what can I get you?" I sound too excited, I should have asked 'how are you.'

The colts hopped in and started looking around at various unpainted toys and the paints that could be used before talking amongst each other then scampering out the door. "Thank you, you ungrateful brats. Come again with paying adults that are interested in buying something."

He crossed his forelegs and smiled into the empty store. Soon Powder, we'll get popular again and they'll be coming in here again in no time. I promise, I'll keep this place alive for you. His memory drifted back to a time when he was younger and met Powder Snow, the mare of his dreams. They were both vacationing in the north and hiking in the snow when they got caught in a snow storm. Her magic was able to keep them dry and safe while he kept them warm.

So, does a pretty unicorn like you get trapped in blizzards often, or just for me? He asked her as they sat by his magic fire.

Sir, I don't know what you're talking about and I am personally offended. "Crap, I think I messed up," he thought. This is a snow storm. If it was a blizzard I'd have teleported us out hours ago.

They shared a laugh and that was the moment they knew it was fate they were supposed to be together. They moved to her home town of Ponyville and saved up enough to open a hobby shop, it was something they found they both had in common while trapped in the snow. A year later she was pregnant with their only son, Rain Song. Life was perfect until she got sick with an unknown illness. It took six weeks of sorrow inducing days and nights before she finally died. When she left him, so did their son.

Dad, I don't know what happened to mom, but there has to be a reason or answer. I'm leaving and not coming back until I find something, anything, that explains what happened. I took notes on what happened to her and the stages the disease progressed through her. I'm sorry I have to leave you a letter instead of talking to you like the stallion you're raising me to be, but I can't have you talk me out of this. I Tears stained the paper from then on, I can't look at you and know that she died without reason. I have to know how to cure it, what it is. I love you and I'll see you around. Love, Rain.

Falling from his chair Sun stumbled and grabbed at anything he could as he hit the floor rolling to his side. I fell asleep? What time is it? Getting up and looking at a clock he sighed. "8:45. I've been open for an hour and forty five minutes. 8:45!" he shouted. Picking up his chair he fixed the area up and went to the back. "Powder, I'm closing early for a bit. I'll be back soon, I promise." He kissed a picture on the wall and went to lock the front door.

The door chimed as he was walking back through the curtain that separated the front and back. He smiled wide. "Hi, how you doing? Welcome to the hobby shop."

A young looking unicorn mare walked in. White in color with a yellow mane and a blue scarf. "Hi, I'm looking for Sun." Sun felt his heart drop as he looked at her. Too professional to be local. Too young to be a professional or expert. A messenger, not what he wanted at this time. Or ever until his son was home.

"Yes, that's me. What can I do for you?" He said cheerfully extending a hoof in greeting. She bumped his and smiled warmly.

"I'm White Snow. Powder was my cousin and I'm here to help. I walked from Whinnypeg to get here." She smiled and he felt the room get brighter as she did. He didn't like this feeling, he shouldn't feel romantic affection to his wife's cousin.

"It's nice to meet you. How exactly can you help us? We're still open and everything is going well. I'm sorry you made the trip for nothing, would you like a room for the night or two?"

"No, you don't understand sir. Rain sent me, he found something up in his research and can't afford to tell anypony. You have to come with me back north."

Sun stood in the shadow cast by the wall as sunlight flickered in the dust around him. "I, I thought you were here to tell me he died at first. Now I have to travel halfway across the country to see him for a secret. Who are you, exactly?"

"My name is White Snow. I'm the daughter of Doctor Chem Mikal. He's working with your son and has," she stopped to cough roughly, "found something disturbing. How long has it been since you left this place?"

Sun thought for a moment. He'd eaten here, slept in here. "The restroom is out back, does that count?"

"You need to leave with me, I have to show you something." She turned and opened the door, the light filled the floor as she left, but held it open for him. He walked to the threshold and stared at the ground just beyond the doorway. Why was he afraid? He spent his whole life outside but now, the ground was like it was made from thorns. "You're in the first stages, it's okay. Take my hoof, I'll help you out."

He looked at her cautiously and took her hoof and she helped him through the doorway. His heart raced for a moment as the felt the air on his coat for the first time in days. "Ugh, what day is it?"

"Saturday. Lock up, we've got a long trip ahead of us." Sun turned and locked the door to his shop and dropped the key in the bushes next to the door before walking to White.

"Where are we going? Why is it so long a trip?"

"The trains stopped running two days ago. I think I have to fill you in on a few things. We're off to Canterlot to see the Princesses."

The trip was going to be along one however the weather was nice and she had enough food for the trip just barely. As they left town the mood seemed a bit more somber. Ponies weren't talking as much and the magic in the area felt awkward, unicorns were looking especially down for some reason. "You said I was in the first stages, of what exactly?"

"The disease called arcane illness. Almost every unicorn is affected and the cure is unknown, it's resistant to magic so we can't even scan it to find out what its made out of. Where it's from or anything about is a complete mystery and we were losing hope until your son and a group of scientists came to our laboratory, they had an answer, but it wasn't a good one."

Sun hesitated as he listened. "What, what was the answer?"

"Dark-chaos magic. A hybrid of the two that targets unicorns for reasons unknown."

"That's awful! Why would any pony make that?"

"We don't know, not even the princesses are sure as to who and why or how long they'll be able to fight the disease before it consumes them."

"How many stages are there? Three like most sicknesses?"

"Four. Stage one is fear, paranoia and phobias. Stage two is dementia. Stage three is loss of body functions and balance. Stage four is deep sleep, doctors call it a coma. We do have one cure, though."

"Well, why don't you use it and save lives?"

"Dehorning is not an option for every unicorn," she said bluntly as he gasped, "and the surgery takes hours per pony. We can't do that to every unicorn in time. Time is short."

"De-, that's awful! I can't understand this, why is this happening to us? Only us?"

"Let's talk about something else until we get there. It's a half days walk so we have to get a move on." Speeding up she led a fast trot out of town with Sun in tow right behind her.

"So, what do you do exactly at the hobby store?"

"Well," Sun started, "usually I sort and organize the shelves, check my stock and inventory my items, order supplies and replacements."

"So, you live there?" She asked.

"Yeah, in the back. I used to have a nice house with my family but I sold it when," he paused and shut his eyes tightly, "life changed. After Rain Song left I was alone and just lived there, waiting for customers every day. All day every day. Business is really slow this time of year I guess," he sighed.

"Not entirely. Most ponies lately have been, or know one who is, in stage one or two. The fear of enclosed spaces is most common so they don't go into shops. If you setup outside your business would go back to busy in no time."

"That's if this ends with me not crazy or hornless, m'lady," he mused, "so, what's a beautiful mare like you doing messenger work? You could be a model or a waitress."

"Are you flirting with me, Sun?" she giggled, "I'm flattered but I like doing this. It gets me across Equestria for fun and I get paid for it all."

"Hm, I should start traveling again. I wonder how the world's changed over the last year."

"Except that whole thing in Canterlot, it's the same. No new tech or inventions. Fashion in major cities is as tacky as ever, especially Manehatten. I try to get in and out of that city before I get pulled into a shop and get a 'free' makeover and they slip 40 bits worth of product out of my bag."

"Yeah, Powder hated when that happened. Once, they took her into a shop and colored part of her mane as a sample and she went crazy. She created a tornado inside the place that got us out and shut them down for hours, I imagine. We laughed about it for days."

They shared a laugh as they began to tell happy stories about their lives and travels.

Arriving at Canterlot he looked in awe at the city in chaos. The garbage was piling up in the streets, a dozen insane ponies ran down the center of the streets in a single line each singing their own song with socks glued on their legs. "That is the oddest thing I've ever seen White."

"It only gets more odd if you look for it. Just follow me to the castle and do not make eye contact with anypony," she warned him.

Walking to the castle with their heads and eyes down he followed her through the capitol city. It was relatively calm save for the random shouts or screams in the distance. The one pony that concerned him shouted at him directly 'I'll wear your coat as a dress, you firey stallion.'

Arriving at the castle the guards stood their ground and let them pass after White showed them her papers. "That was the most intense walk I've made since my wedding," he joked to her, "so, where are the princesses?"

"In the castle."

He gave her a 'are you serious?' look. "Yeah, where in the castle?"

"Are you asking me if I personally know the location of the rulers of our nation in their own castle?"

He smiled at her as he realized he just asked an impossible question. "Yes. I do. You're going to cast a spell higher than any princess can muster to find them and save us time." He smiled wide. Oh no, I am flirting with her.

"Sir, you may be right. Let me just focus, this could take about an hour. If we bump into the princesses it means it worked."

Oh Celestia she's funny and cute... keep it under control, Sun. You're a big stallion and can control your emotions.

The Princesses Too

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"OH MY GOSH!" Sun screamed as the princesses stood before them at the palace doors. He bowed so fast he bumped his muzzle on the marble floor. "Oof, I'm sorry princesses, ma'am's'."

Celestia and Luna chuckled to each other. "It is quite alright, child. Rise and join us for a moment to discuss some things."

Sun stood faster then he ever had straight up like a perfect soldier and froze. "Um, Sun, you can move now. And breathe, they're just the princesses. They're really nice, just relax and treat them like you would me, okay?"

"Snow, you're right. Princess Luna, you have a nice flank. I MEAN CUTIE MARK! Oh Celestia forgive me!"

"Very well, you are forgiven," Celestia and Luna giggled as they walked. Luna gave him a wink as he started to blush, deeper after the wink. "Thank you, Princess Celestia for, um, forgiving me for admiring your sisters; nevermind." All the mares laughed loudly as he stumbled over his words again.

"All is well, Sun. We understand you mean no ill will upon us, me. A simple slip of the tongue til all it was."

"Slip of the tongue," he whispered and laughed under his breath.

"Yes, why is that funny? A slip of ones... Oh! Sun, thy are certainly a charmer however I am not interested, apologies." Luna bowed her head as she walked beside Celestia.

"Snow, can you teach me to teleport anywhere else besides here in the next five seconds?"

"Why are you whispering, they can still hear you. And no, I can't teach you a high level spell in five minutes or five weeks. It takes time we don't have. Stop flirting with every mare you see and focus on the task at hand." White was almost scolding him as his blush faded finally.

"Hey, I'm not flirting. I'm nervous and trying to make small talk and I can't do it without making it sound like I am. Sorry if I seem like I am, it's just my nature. I'm hot, like the sun. I mean... Gah! I don't even know what I mean. I'm shutting up, okay?" The three mares smiled as he tried to explain his way out of the hole he was digging deeper with every word. "I mean it, I'm shutting up. Aren't you going to stop me? Why would you want to have me stop talking? I thought I have a nice voice," he continued until they got to a small room decorated with paintings of ponies past and a few other decorations making the room look less empty.

Two couches and a coffee table were in the center of the room, a pot of tea was hot and ready to be poured and drunk. Sitting on the couches facing each other Luna and Celestia set the cups and poured the tea while White and Sun sat patiently.

"Sun, you are quite the wordsmith it seems. You were able to speak to all three of us in a most welcome fashion that I know we all enjoyed at varying levels. Does that run in the family?" Celestia asked taking a sip of tea.

"Tis a fine question sister. I have not received a compliment as such in a very long time and it was most welcome."

"And no stallion has told me he was willing to be quiet on his own accord in my life."

The three mares looked at him fondly as he blushed again and hovered a cup of tea before him and took a sip. "This is good tea, um. No I don't think it runs in the family but it should if I'm getting so many compliments about being a fool before royalty."

"Thy are not a fool. If thy wish you may have dinner with me, it would be okay with me." Luna said leaning a little closer to him.

"Um, why did you need me here again?"

Luna humphed. "Thy son has an idea for a cure for Arcane Illness. We need you to go to him post haste and I am going to teleport you there. After I cast this spell I may not be able to recover my magic as the disease has affected our ability to draw magic from the planet beneath us."

Celestia nodded slightly. "I will be able to raise the sun and moon for three more days at this rate before I have to balance them on both horizons and use a last ditch spell I was taught that cycles them on their own. In the event unicorns lose the power of magic the world can not survive with only the sun or moon so the celestial mechanism will run by power from the planet itself. It may only last a few hundred years or the next ten thousand but it's a risk we have to take, for the world."

Sun listened intently and finished his tea. Lowering the cup to the table she smiled and nodded. "Very well, I'll have dinner with Luna and right after we'll go up north by royal carriage. I know your royal guards are mostly Pegasus and they carry you around the nation. I know we are lighter and they can pull a wagon easier than a carriage. We'll make it by noon tomorrow and you'll have a few more days to manage the moon and sun."

He motioned for the pot and to Luna to pour him another. She looked surprised at his efforts to tell her what to do and obliged pouring him another cup.

"Sun, you are wiser than I though. No pony could have said a better plan in such confidence to us on the first meeting, in the first hour much less. Enjoy your evening and tomorrow morning you leave in a wooden wagon pulled by my strongest guards to Whinnypeg. I have paperwork to attend to, I may see you before you leave. Be nice to him sister, he is a catch." Celestia smiled at Luna as she raised herself and left the room regally.

"Wow, that's an exit. White, Luna. I think it's lunch time, what's on the menu?"

"Anything thy wishes can be made easily by our chefs and then dinner will be of my choosing. White, thy are invited to attend our lunch however dinner will be us only," she motioned to Sun and then raised herself like Celestia did, "follow me to the dining room."

Dinner with Luna

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The evening arrived faster than Sun had anticipated and being teased by White was enough to make him run home and hide in his closet. "How many ponies get invited to have dinner with a princess, much less Luna? This is amazing Sun. Tell me everything when it's over, I'll be in my room." White was teasing him even as they were led to the dining room by the guards. As they parted she winked at him just right to make him stumble.

"Welcome Sun Struck. I pray thee had a, fun, time until now. Did you have a good tour of the castle?"

"Um, yes Princess Luna."

"Call me Luna," she replied leaning forward onto the table as he took his seat. "I notice thy have a cutie mark of blank paper, why?"

"Well, I always thought it was because I lead a life off the books and make my own path. But I don't really get it because I got it when I was on a foal in an orphanage almost twelve years ago while eating lunch. It was a great moment for me and everypony was ecstatic along with me but I never figured out what it meant, really." He was looking at his flank then looked up to see Luna glancing over the table to try to see it before she sat back into her seat.

"Thy are certainly a complicated stallion. Wise, tactical, thoughtful and thy flirt with the skill of a hundred years of skill in your twenty two years of life."

"How do you know how old I am?"

"I am a Princess of Equestria, there is little I do not know or cannot find out."

"So, you've been checking up on me? Luna, I'm thinking I'm not the only flatterer here. Have you had many colt friends?" Oh Celestia I just asked that... What is wrong with me? Turn it off Sun before you get yourself in trouble.

Luna almost blushed at the question. "I have had several over my years yet, none since I returned from the moon."

Is, is she blushing? Okay, change the topic. NOW Sun.

"What's it like moving the moon. Do you control the stars too?"

"That is a common misconception, Sun. While I raise and lower the moon with Celestia the stars are, for the most part, stationary and I simply make them appear brighter through our atmosphere using refraction through the water in the air. You seem confused, Sun."

Sun was listening intently but had lost track of the princesses explanation after atmosphere. "I understand most of what you're saying but I don't know much about science. I mean when I was a colt I loved reading books and trying to learn fun spells but I have an affinity to heat and fire and light so, I just kind of went with that except for a few of the more common spells we all learn. I remember when I was little I had a window by my bed and I tried to count every star each night.

I named new constellations and made up ones that were completely silly and others that I knew I named wrong," he chuckled, "The Big Dipper was the dippler. Orions Belt was Onions Burnt, you know. The stars and the mare in the moon were the only things that got me through most nights when despair seemed a step away. Heh heh," he chuckled again drinking his wine, "I guess that was you though getting me through all that."

"Yeah," Luna said looking at him over her glass of wine.

Dinner continued with a lot of idle chatter and they bid each other a good night.

"So? How was dinner with Luna?" White sang as she joined him in his room.

"Fine, I kept the talk on the stars and moon and away from anything flirty or anything. I even kept my eyes on hers the whole time and didn't look at her anywhere else."

"Oh. My."

"What? I didn't do or say anything wrong at all. So no harm done. Just a casual dinner with another mare."

White giggled as she looked at him. "You know she can dream walk, right?"

"Yes, everypony knows that. Why do you ask?"

"Well, after what it sounds dinner was like I think you should try to keep your dreams very professional. Try a common day at the shop."

"What? Why? I can't control my dreams any more than I can control my mouth around pretty mares like you," he shut his eyes tight again, "I mean like you are in a cool way."

"Nice recovery, Romeo. I'm gonna go to my room across the hall. If I hear screams should I come over?" She giggled into her hoof as he looked at her very confused.

"Is she going to give me a nightmare? Oh no! Did I insult her somehow? Tell me, please," he was almost begging as she walked out the door and closed it with her magic. Crap, what could I have done? Dream walking into my dreams, but why? I didn't do anything special. We just talked about her and ate! I must admit she does have pretty eyes, but that's all I looked at. What could I have done?

He pondered that thought all evening until he went to bed. I was so sure we'd be leaving tonight but Luna insisted we stay the night. Please, let tomorrow go well.

Leaving for Winneypeg

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White was waiting by Sun's door after knocking loudly for him to get up. He opened the door wearing his saddlebags and a pair of shades over his eyes. "Ready to rock, let's do this."

"My my, somepony had a nice sleep. Anything happen in you dreams I should know about?"

Sun grinned. "Nothing two consenting adults should be ashamed of. Is the cart ready?"

"Woah woah, hold your horses. What's that mean, consenting adults?" She looked at him in shock.

Looking at her over his glasses he winked. "Just a relaxing night is all, under the star. Have you ever spent an hour appreciating the moon over you?"

"Oh dear, you're seriously confusing. Are you going to tell me anything?" She turned and he joined her walking towards the castle doors.

"Only that I'm guaranteed to have good nights for a while," He dropped his grin to a warm smile as he pranced beside her, "ya ready for our trip? I tittaly am. Totally am! I meant totally am."

"You know, you're not as charming as you think you are," the doors opened and the sunlight washed over them, "let's go."

"I'm not trying to be charming I just don't know how to talk to mares. Give me a stallion and I can take it all night long but mares..."

White laughed out loud. "You should really talk less and just think before you say anything else. Let's go, guards." She ordered as the two Pegasus took to the air under her command heading north Sun and White held on and watched the view form above. A rare sight for most non-Pegasi they watched as they passed over trees and tiny ponies walking across the land farming or traveling pointing to sighs as they went. The guards held a quiet conversation and the trip seemed to only take a couple hours even though it was almost ten.

"We're almost there, get your scarf on and maybe a coat if you're not used to the cold. It's the warm season but it still gets snow from the frozen north." Donning their weather gear they held on as the cart lurched and turned as the Pegasus took to the ground.

"We'll land outside the main city to the research lab in the north west so we'll get a pass over view of Winneypeg, a sight I've only seen three times so take it all in," White said loudly as the air grew thicker and the wind rushing around them grew louder. Nodding Sun took off his shades and looked over the edge and shivered slightly, trying to hide it to look cool for the mare opposite him. The sight was pretty impressive as Winneypeg was a more advanced city that also happened to be one of the closest to the frozen north, and to see it from above in the midday meant he could make out their power grid.

A sight that always fascinated him was electric power and it's currents. He had seen electric items plenty of times in his travel however Ponyville was still off the grid and Twilight was the most dangerous person to even say 'hello' to without receiving a lecture on anything that crossed her mind, much lest entering the library for a book on the subject. So, he was limited to magazines or asking various penpals about their knowledge on worldly subjects. Or sneaking into the library with the dozens of other ponies in town when Twilight would leave the hamlet for any reason; saving the world or taking a vacation to Canterlot were the best since she'd be gone for days at a time and ponies could raid to their hearts content the extensive knowledge she hoarded behind barbs of superior intellect.

"Yeah, it's pretty cool," was all he replied as he leaned over the edge to see a small power substation and shouted, "my shades!" He lunged but was caught in Whites magic from falling over the edge.

Sitting him back into his seat and attaching his seatbelt she narrowed her eyes at him. "What the spell was that about? They're just shades, not worth dying over."

"Well," he rubbed the back of his neck and shifted in his seat, "Luna gave them to me because I didn't get much sleep last night."

"Wait, you said you had a good sleep. How did you-- Oh Celestia! Seriously!" She gawked at him in disbelief.

Blushing he turned to look back over the city as she peppered him with questions. I'm really gonna have to learn a spell for silence after we land because I'll never hear the end of this. Darn it Sun, why do you have to be so awkward that mares fall for you? And Luna of all ponies now. He pondered the thought of riding one of the guards for the rest of the trip as he tried to think of a dozen things to block out the mares barrage of unbiased questions about his night with the princess of the moon.

"Okay, you won't kiss and tell. Oh my! Did you two kiss? How was it or was it just nuzzling? I imagine after so long maybe she just needed some cuddling. Is that all you did? Maybe-"

"Ahem," a tall imposing earth mare coughed as the questions continued into the research lab, "Snow it's nice to see you. I assume this is Sun? I hope I'm not interrupting a very important conversation about kissing but the lives of at least 23,000 ponies hang directly in the balance and I personally consider that to be more important. I'm nurse Bray."

"Bray?" Sun asked.

"Verta Bray. Call me Bray, do you know why you're here or has my assistant been regaling you with questions about your kissing abilities these past several days?"

Sun blushed as White stepped up defending herself. "It hasn't been that long of a trip and I'm not talking about kissing. A lot has happened to this poor stallion and I'm just trying to make him feel better," she turned and winked at Sun, "and he knows. He's infected too it seems so we have to get him to Rain before it progresses to the point he's no longer able to help us."

"Don't lecture me on my duties assistant. Rain has taken ill so I have the honor of taking over for the next couple days. Before you ask," she held a hoof up, "it's a flu, not the illness. He's not used to the weather here and didn't dress warmly when he went into town. Take that into the fact that it's flu season and you have a very sick pony any day of the week. He's in the infirmary resting and I'll take you to him in a few hours. Follow me."

Bray turned and walked ahead leading them down an empty set of corridors adorned with railing on the walls to aid ponies in walking exercises and scenery artwork every few paces spaced apart.

Leading them to a door the nurse grabbed her lanyard and photo ID and held it to a pad. A click indicated the door unlocked and she walked through. Sun slowed as he passed the threshold trying to see what made it happen but to no avail. "So, how do you like your electricity?"

"It's a convenience that makes our job easier and we're thankful for it. Rarely but on occasion I'll personally thank the photo of Tomato Edible for helping create it. Silly name but a genius inventor, he also helped create radios. Well, a precursor to them I'm certain you still use in your powerless towns. I'll have to thank him when I get home again for what he's opened the door to our entire society. Can you imagine that in the next generation electricity is planned to cover every town from the smallest burg to every home in Canterlot?"

The joy in her voice was welcome from the cold nurse the he had met a few minutes prior.

"So, you like technology Sun?"

"Oh yes. I live in Ponyville and Twilight Sparkle runs the library so getting books on science is usually a nightmare but when we finally do get to our goal it's amazing. So much has been learned and has yet to be discovered," he trailed off into a book he had found about water flow.

"I would have thought the great Twilight Sparkle would be perfect for the job."

"Well she is, she's also a braggart and talks about everything you're about to read in a single breath taking the fun out of it," he scoffed as he spoke.

Bray chuckled as they approached another door. "I heard she was a bit overbearing but now from a pony who knows her it's a confirmation. Come in to my lab and prepare to be amazed!" She said with flair disregarding her icy attitude from before as a unicorn nodded and used his magic to open the door. Bursting in spinning to face them she stood proud and shouted. "Welcome to Bray's. Laboratory! Mwahahaha!"

The seven ponies in the room looked at her flatly. "Nurse, we're trying to work in 'your lab' so can you keep the noise down."

"Oh, just let me have a little flair sometimes you prudes. Follow me you two, his research is over here. Now, as an earth pony I don't understand all of it but most of it is easy enough." Walking to an office she led him to a cluster of desks and to one with a picture of their family outside the shop in Ponyville. All were smiling and Rain had a dorky grin that brightened the photo all the more.

"So that's where that picture went," Sun said calmly.

"Here are his notes."

"Um, isn't that a TV thing? Where's the paper?" Ponies in the room and his guides chuckled.

"It's called a computer and unicorns are so far the best with them, Pegasi second and earth ponies last. The more dexterous a you are the better you are to use them for the time being. Snow, show him what we're going to do."

White activated the computer and input dozens of commands faster than he could keep up with. A holographic image appeared over the center of the tables and the lights dimmed as a unicorn at another computer turned a knob by the door.

"This' Equestria and this' where we believe the infected are and where reports of it starting could have been," the map was all encompassing of the land with three large blue cirlces over Baltimare, Saddle Arabia and Maneapolis while orange clouds waved through nearly every city indicating the infected. "We've found the virus looks like," a key clicked on the computer and the image changed again to a black swirling orb that looked like a generic plant cell he had seen in a book about gardening only it had spikes popping in and out of it as well as the appearance of arcane energy swirling around it.

"So, if it's that big why don't we stab it?" Laughter filled the room.

"He's certainly as funny as his son. No, this is a magnifcation of thousands of times. These buggers are in all our brains distorting the magic flow of active users. Rain believe the cure lies within the creator of the virus and that would be the Changelings."

"Cha-Changelings!? Well forget that! I'm not going to be put into an egg and have my life sucked away."

"You're not going alone and we're short on ponies that are immune to the disease."

"Immune? I'm in stage one she said," Sun said jokingly.

"No, she was supposed to tell you that you and your son are immune. In fact of the six reported cases of immunity or resistance they've all been male and in a society that's 80% female that's a very big deal to our entire species." Sun took a step back and bumped into a swivel chair and looked at the nurse in disbelief.

"So, I can't die from this but others will? I heard cures can be in our blood, can't you use that?"

"This isn't in our blood. It's in our brains and the only way to stop them is horn removal or death. For many those are one and the same. Sun, your son is a hero in one way already."

"How? Because he found the germ?"

"No, he allowed, begged, princess Luna to cast dark magic on him to test his theory. Not only are you both immune to the disease but highly resistant to dark magic as well. You may be able to use the dark magic yourselves as well without being corrupted which would be a major breakthrough for the entire mystical aspect of our society not to mention ways to use it for the betterment of every creature on the planet not just us ponies but maybe make peace with dragons or bring an end to the Changeling wars all together."

"That sounds all well and good but that doesn't mean they won't spear me and eat my innards with muddy water!" Sun shouted as he backed under a table trying to hide.

"Well, I truly feel for you since the dark magic in them makes them feel off emotions. They only eat when they are under cover since they get no nutritional value from eating and have no way to excrete what they eat. They just cough up a ball of their food later like a cat does."

"Eew. Nothing about this is making me want to go face my early death."

White and Bray looked at each other. "I'm going too, with or without you," White said.

Standing up quickly Sun banged his head hard and knocked a few objects to the floor from the desk he was under. With a tear leaving his eye he looked at the mares. "Okay, I think I'll go. Just to keep her safe and all."

"What a charmer," Bray said smiling between the two.

Family Reunited

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"Dad! It's so great to *cough cough* ugh, see you. You got here safe and all too, that's great. And honey, you're here too. I'm so glad you're still well."

"Well enough anyway. I'm getting paranoid and I feel claustrophobia beginning but I should last a couple days before anything is outwardly visible."

"Wait Rain, you and White are a couple? Why didn't you tell me during that whole trip here?"

"Wasn't important for you to know," White shrugged as she nuzzled Rain.

"Careful, it's still a contagious flu. Don't want you to get double sick now, do we?"

White rolled her eyes. "You're as caring as your father, now I know where you get it from. And why you're so awkward talking to mares."

"Well I got you didn't I?" Rain said before a brief coughing fit, "so, we leave in the morning. Make sure you're all ready and prepared for a trip south. Way south, like to the edge of Equestria. The Changeling territories."

Sun shook his head quickly. "No! Not only are you so not well you shouldn't be traveling but if we're going by hoof we're looking at a three month trip if we trot and gallop the whole way. It isn't possible at the rate you're saying ponies will die."

"Sir," White started, "he's the toughest and smartest stallion I've ever met. He'll be fine, also we have transportation: the royal guards are still here. I asked them to wait and I got the okay from Luna before we left to have them take us there. It's a three day journey."

"And dad, the disease progresses over the course of almost six months. There are rare cases where ponies fall victim to it faster but our projections say there's plenty of time for us to find what's going on and get a cure to nearly every unicorn before its fatal. There may be a chance that once the magic has been dispelled the brains will rebalance and most of the effects won't be long term or may reverse to normal. It's hard to say *cough* but there's always hope."

"You always did carry your moms optimism. Okay, you lead the way and let's get this over with so I can get back to the shop."

All three nodded and Sun walked over to Rain to nuzzle him. A heavy coughing fit from Rain into Suns face was enough to make them all groan. "And if I get the flu from this?"

"Well pops. You're not immune to everything." A round of laughter filled the room as Sun gave his son the nuzzle he wanted to give his for the past few weeks.

"Okay son, are you sure you're well enough to go?"

Rain was sporting a white lab coat with his name on it and a lanyard with an ID badge; White was dressed the same except she wore a light blue scarf as well.

"We're ready dad, let's just get out there and fix this before things get worse," he picked up a traveling suitcase and trotted to a double door and with a flick of his neck his mane and ID badge waved by the reader unlocking the door. A little push and he was through, waiting for the other two to join him.

"C'mon Sun, we have a world to save and first we have to get there."

"Wrong, first we have to not be eaten by a swarm of monsters."

White and Rain smiled as they began walking down the hall towards the exit. "We're not worried, that's why we have you. If my theory is right..."

"Then what, son?"

"You'll see," he smirked back to his father that was right behind him.

"Don't be cryptic after saying something like that. What's going on?"

Reaching the last door and with a cough Rain looked to White and nodded. Unlocking the door he pushed it open and took a deep breath of the fresh air. "This is a beautiful day. Let's go." Grabbing his bag Rain galloped to the wagon and hopped in making the guards stumble forward with a grunt. "C'mon snails, let's go."

"He always did love to travel," Sun said as he donned a pair of shades.

"Where'd you get those shades, I though you lost them?"

"I guess you could say, I got them from my Sun."

"Yeeah, that wasn't very funny," White rolled her eyes.

"Well they can't be like Luna's eyes."

"What? What does that mean?"

"All gems," he beamed.

"...Wow, no wonder she fell for you. Can you teach Rain some of that stuff?"

"I don't have a clue what you're talking about," he mused as they boarded the wagon and strapped in. "Son, you're ready?"

"Sure thing pop. As ready as an actor before a play."

"Ya see Sun, he's just not as funny."

"Well, it's something we'll work on. Okay?" he reassured White as the wagon took off and the city shrank beneath them.

"Wow dad. It's such a great view! I've never been this high before, except for the first time I saw White." Sun nudged her and smiled.

"Okay, he's not that bad,"/i] she whispered behind the wind rushing past them to Sun. "Hey Rain, did he tell you about Luna?"

"Oh hush, he'll find out eventually."