The Magic Cup

by El Poni Duelist

First published

Spike wasn't able to be with Rarity in the movie theater and tries to find some pony who can help him get in the movie theater but then starts to have an adventure.

A Dragon named Spike who asked a Unicorn named Rarity about being his buddy and going with him into the movie theater which is in the castle. During sunset, Spike noticed that he's running late, and tries to make it. He was stopped by two Pegasus ponies that are an Alicorns guards and that Alicorns name is Princess Celestia. They wouldn't let him in the movie theater and told him to leave which he did. He asked Princess Celestia if she can help and she accept to offer to help him but only if he first helps her which is to get the Magic Cup. Her and Spike go together to try to find the Magic Cup so that Spike can get pass the guards.

Chapter 1

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A castle's height was the same height as a big long tree and it's length is the same length as a whale shark. In a big castle, there were different kind of ponies that were gathered in a big room, they were waiting for Princess Celestia, and a purple dragon named Spike was in the crowd. The ponies that are part of the crowd had different skin color along with their mane and tail. The color of the breaks which is what the castle is made out of is dark-brown and the color of the floor that the crowd stands on is brown. A white Alicorn named Princess Celestia who came up and stood in front of the crowd. She turned towards the crowd and raised up her voice volume to hear very loud.

"Tonight, you'll be watching a movie!" Princess Celestia shouted.

She turns toward a wall and then uses her spell to cause a wooden big door to appear. The color of the wood which is what the big door is made out of is dark-brown. The crowd cheers and then Princess Celestia turns toward them. She speaks as she raises up her right hoof.

"But first, you'll need a buddy," said Princess Celestia.

Spike looked around and saw no one interesting to be his buddy. He then looked behind and saw a white Unicorn named Rarity. He started to smile and his eyes started to look like a heart. He charged towards her but there were ponies that were in his way. He push few from the left and punched a few from the right as he tries to reach Rarity. Reason why he pushed and hit the ponies that were in his way was because he wanted to get to her first before any pony else. He then stands in front of her. When she saw Spike standing in front of her, she smiled. Reason why he asked Rarity was because he had a crush on her and knew her for a long while.

"Hey Rarity, can I be your buddy?" Asked Spike.

"Of course Spike," Said Rarity.

Spike gets excited. The crowd, Spike, and Rarity left because Princess Celestia told them that they had to get ready before going in the movie theater. Near sunset, Spike noticed the time, and became shocked as he tries to get ready. He raised his voice volume near loud.

"Oh no, I'm going to be late, and I need to be there with Rarity!" Shouted Spike

Spike wearied a suit and ran out the room. He was wearing a black suit that over the white long shirt and had blue bow tie that's above his white shirt that's touching this neck. The color of the stairs was dark-brown. While he is running down the stairs, the ponies were going in the movie theater. He ran out from the left corner and down the hallway. His arms were up to the level of where his chest is. The wooden big door was closed and two guards stand by the sides of the big door. They wearied armor that was shiny and made out of gold. They were Princess Celestia's guards and they were Pegasus ponies. Spike then stopped in front of them and then felt a little tired due to having to run so fast.

"Sorry that I'm late. I'm here to see a movie?" Asked Spike

"No, you were late for the movie!" said the Guard on right side of the door.

"But my buddy Rarity's in there without me," said Spike who was surprised.

"No!" Said the Guard on right side of the door again.

Spike went on his knees and put his hands together as like he was begging.

"Please, please you have to let me in? This is my chance to tell her that I love her." Asked Spike.

The guards raised their voice volume that was very loud.

"No, go away!" Shouted by the guards.

"Fine," said Spike who then felt frustrated.

He rolled his eyes as he thinks. He then smiled because he realized that there's a secret passage way to get to the movie theater. He ran out of the castle and through the field that's filled with grass and the sky was almost dark. There were not many clouds in the sky. He saw a wooden door in front of him and it had two of Princess Celestia's guards standing on both sides. He didn't feel mad. He instead felt a little happy because he got to the secret passage way.

"Can you guys let me in?" Asked Spike.

The guards raised their voice volume that was very loud.

"No!" Shouted by the guards.

Spike then starts to feel mad and left. He walked on the bridge and felt depressed. Then the snow fell from the sky and unto the ground. The weather outside was 37 decrees and it didn't bother Spike. He just looked down on the ground as he walks and looked sad. But then, a carriage came by and were pulled by two Earth Ponies. Their skin color was grey and their hair along with their tail are colored brown. Their eye colors are green. The one that's having them to pull the carriage was a light-blue Unicorn named Trixie. She sits on top of the carriage. The reason why she sits on the carriage is because to control the ponies that are pulling the carriage. The carriage is made out of platinum. Spike ran up and raised up his right hand as he tries to get Trixies attention.

"Hey!" Shouted Spike.

Trixie used a spell which came from her horn to cause the bracelet which are on their left hoof to let the ponies which are pulling the carriage know to stop moving. She looked down at her left and saw Spike. She then looked curious.

"Can I help you?" Asked Trixie.

"Yes, I need your help. You see, I'm late for going in the movie theater, and my buddy Rarity's in there without me. The guards wouldn't let me in. So will you help me?" Asked Spike.

Trixie then nodded her head and act like she was saying "Yea I'm listening." She then gets excited and raised her voice volume.

"Well welcome to the potion shop." Shouted Trixie.

She uses her magic which came from her horn to open the door that's part of the carriage and pulls out a wooden box that full of potions and points at each potion that she has as she speaks about the kind of potion that she has.

"I have Cure Potion, Invisibility Potion, Pegasus Potion, Unicorn Potion, Earth Pony Potion, Alicorn Potion, and Dragon Potion. Is there anything that you would like to buy today?" Asked Trixie.

Spike raised his voice volume and then raised up his right arm. As he yells at her, he points his finger at her.

"You're the worst. You hear me, you're the worst!" Shouted Spike.

Trixie made a face like saying "Oh ok." She then looks at the ponies that are in front of the carriage. She uses her spell to cause them to move. Spike then feels bad and put his finger down along with his right arm. He raised up his left arm and raised up his voice volume.

"Wait!" Shouted Spike.

Trixie uses her spell to cause the ponies to stop. She turns behind from her left side and smiles.

"Yes?" Asked Trixie.

Spike took a deep breathe and let the air out. He then no longer feels mad or sad. Just feels guilty.

"Look I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. I'm just having a bad day," Said Spike.

"That's ok. Is there anything you need?" Asked Trixie.

Spike rolled his eyes as he thinks.

"No, I'm good," Said Spike.

"Are you sure?" Asked Trixie.

"Yeah I'm sure," Said Spike.

"Well take care," Said Trixie.

She looks in front of her and uses her spell to have the ponies start moving. Spike turns towards the castle and walks. He thinks and then he realized that there's only one pony that can help him.

Chapter 2

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Spike ran towards the castle. He ran in the hallway and up the long stairs that go up. He opens the door. In the room which is in front of him was Princess Celestia using her spell to have a piece of paper to be placed in front of her that had letters and in front of her was a desk. The letters that are printed on a piece of paper was about her assignments during morning. The desk is made out of wood and its color was brown. The height of the room is the same as a giraffe and the length of the room is the same as a big door which is in the castle. The sides of the room had shelves that had books. She looked at Spike from the letter that was in front of her.

"Yes?" Asked Princess Celestia.

She puts the letter down on the desk. Spike spoke while walking in the room.

"Princess Celestia, you have to help me. I'm late for seeing a movie and my buddy Rarity's in there without me. The guards wouldn't let me in so please?" Asked Spike.

Spike gets on his knees and puts his hands together.

"Will you help me?" Asked Spike.

Princess Celestia rolled her eyes as she thinks. She then looks at Spike as she speaks.

"Alright son, I will help you," Said Princess Celestia.

Spike starts to feel happy. Reason for Princess Celestia to call Spike son is because to let him know that she cares about him.

"Really?" Asked Spike.

"But first you must help me," Said Princess Celestia.

Spike then looked confused.

"Help you? With what?" Asked Spike.

Princess Celestia gets up and walks to left side and points her horn down on the ground and uses a spell that causes stairs to appear that goes down. Princess Celestia then looked at Spike.

"You must help me get the Magic Cup," Said Princess Celestia.

Spike still looked confused and didn't understand of what she said.

"The Magic Cup? What's that?" Asked Spike.

"The Magic Cup has magic like no other." Said Princess Celestia.

Spike then became curious.

"What does it do?" Asked Spike.

"No one knows. Now lets go down and get it?" Said Princess Celestia.

"Ah-ok," Said Spike.

Spike and Princess Celestia walked down the stairs. The area was dark but Princess Celestia used a spell to cause her horn to glow which gave them light. Few minutes later, the light was fainting. Spike starts to get scared.

"Princess Celestia, it's starting to get dark," Said Spike.

Princess Celestia looked at Spike from her right side.

"Don't worry son, we're almost there. The Magic Cup will soon be ours," Said Princess Celestia.

They reached the bottom of the stairs. They then saw far in front of them a small room that was made out of glass. The room that they were in is the same length size as a blue whale. They couldn't see the walls but only the room that's far in front of them. In the middle of the room was a cup that was made out of glass and had diamonds all around it. It stands on a table that's made out of glass. The glass in the room were glowing bright and the color of the bright was light-blue. The height of the room is the same as a giraffe. Princess Celestia starts to get excited and raised up her voice volume.

"The Magic Cup, there it is!" Shouted Princess Celestia.

"Lets get it," Said Spike.

He ran towards it and was about to touch it with his right hand until Princess Celestia raised her voice volume even louder.

"No!" Shouted Princess Celestia.

Spike stopped and looked at Princess Celestia who was far behind him. While Princess Celestia was walking up towards him, he looked confused.

"What?" Asked Spike.

Princess Celestia lowered her voice volume.

"There could be booby traps. Lets get it safety," Said Princess Celestia.

"But how?" Asked Spike.

"By using my magic to cause the cup to come towards us safety and when it's near us, you grab it," Said Princess Celestia.

"Alright, lets get it," Said Spike.

Princess Celestia used her spell from her horn to cause the cup to float from the table to come towards them. Spike lifts up his hands and grabbed it. Then Princess Celestia's spell stopped working. But then it slipped out of his hand and is about to fall on the ground. Princess Celestia raised her voice volume.

"No, it must not touch the ground!" Shouted Princess Celestia.

She quickly used her spell to cause the cup to stop its movement. Princess Celestia took a deep breath and lowered her voice volume.

"That was close," Said Princess Celestia.

A portal appeared in the air above them and then Changelings came out. They were everywhere and then Spike raised up his voice volume.

"Princess Celestia, look out!" Shouted Spike.

Princess Celestia looked behind and saw them. She then felt surprised.

"Oh no," Said Princess Celestia.

She stopped her magic and faced towards them. She open her wings and flied up. Then charged at them. She used her magic from her horn to blast at the Changelings. Spike splits out green flames as they fly by him. Then a Changeling grabbed him and pulled him down on the ground. Another Changeling flied in front of him and he raised up his voice.

"Princess Celestia help!" Shouted Spike.

He yelled even louder.

"Princess Celestia!" Shouted Spike.

But she was flying around and blasting a blue beam at the Changelings that were flying around. Princess Celestia used a spell which caused a rainbow to appear in the air which is above Princess Celestia. It went from her horn down to near the room that's made out of glass. It caused the Changelings to banish. The rainbow then vanished. Spike got up and Princess Celestia came down on the ground. She closed her wings and stood in front of him. He then looked surprised and worried.

"Princess Celestia, your mane's on fire," Said Spike.

She noticed that her hair was on fire and she used a spell from her horn to put it out. Her mane looked burned.

"By the way, thanks," Said Spike

Princess Celestia then smiled.

"No problem son," Princess Celestia.

She starts to feel excited.

"Now lets get the Magic Cup," Said Princess Celestia.

Her and Spike noticed that the cup went back on the table and same position before she used her magic to cause it to float. She walked and was next to Spike on his left side. She used her spell from her horn to cause the cup to float up in the air. Then towards between Princess Celestia and Spike.

"The Magic Cup, it'll soon be in our grasp," Said Princess Celestia.

"Will you share it?" Asked Spike.

"Of course son, once we get our hands on the Magic Cup," Said Princess Celestia.

Spike lift up his hands to try to grab the cup while Princess Celestia lift up her left hoof to try to grab the cup as well. A portal appeared up in the air behind them and a lot more Changelings came out. They were everywhere. Princess Celestia and Spike looked behind them. Princess Celestia raised up her voice.

"Oh no," Said Princess Celestia.

She put the cup in Spikes hands. She open her wings and charged towards them while flying. She starts to shoot lightning at them. Spike starts to split out green flames at them. Then a Changeling pushed him down on the ground and then the cup went flying into the air. It then landed on the ground. Two Changelings grabbed Spike and then the third one went up towards Spike. Spike raised up his voice volume.

"Princess Celestia!" Shouted Spike.

He yelled even louder.

"Help!" Shouted Spike.

He then closed his eyes and fainted. He woke up and noticed that he feels wearied. He goes in the room that's made out of glass and looked down on the table. He saw his reflection and then became shocked. In the reflection, he saw himself as an Earth Pony who had purple skin and his eyes are green including his hair. Spike said to himself.

"I'm an Earth Pony?" Asked Spike.

He starts to feel pain and his head starts to grow a horn. He then ends up looking like Twilight Sparkle except his mane and eyes are green. He no longer feels pain and then Princess Celestia walks up in front of him. As she looks from left to right as she speaks.

"I think they're gone for now," Said Princess Celestia.

She noticed Spike but thinks that it's Twilight Sparkle and then looked curious.

"Twilight, what are you going down here?" Asked Princess Celestia.

"I'm not Twilight. Some how, the Changelings turned from me an Earth Pony into looking like Twilight Sparkle," Said Spike.

Princess Celestia then looked surprised.

"Oh dear," Said Princess Celestia.

"What do we do Princess Celestia?" Asked Spike.

"Only the Magic Cup can help you," Said Spike.

She then looked curious and looks around her.

"The Magic Cup, where is it?" Asked Princess Celestia.

Spike rolled his eyes as he thinks.

"Ah-Princess Celestia, I think it's gone," Said Spike.

Princess Celestia starts to look shock and raised up her voice volume.

"What? No, the Magic Cup. It must be found!" Shouted Princess Celestia.

She runs in the room that's made out of glass and looks everywhere. She puts her hoofs all around the glass floor because she thinks that there's a hidden button that would open.

"I think the Changelings took them," Said Spike.

Princess Celestia didn't hear a word that he said and starts to get even more worried. She raised up her voice volume.

"The Magic Cup, where is it?" Shouted Princess Celestia.

She open her wings and flied out the room. Then up the stairs. Spike ran after her and raised up his voice volume.

"Princess Celestia wait!" Shouted Spike.

Spike started to run up to the stairs. He got to the top of the stairs and in the same room where he saw Princess Celestia by her desk. In the room were a dark-blue skin Alicorn and light-green skin Earth Pony. The Alicorn's name was Princess Luna and the Earth Pony's name was Granny Smith. They saw him and thought that he was Twilight Sparkle. Then Princess Luna looked curious.

"Twilight, what were you down there?" Asked Princess Luna.

Spike then starts to get a little frustrated.

"I'm not Twilight Sparkle. It's me Spike. I've been turned into looking like Twilight Sparkle," Said Spike.

Princess Luna and Granny Smith became surprised.

"Oh dear," Said Princess Luna.

"What do we do Princess Luna? Is there a way to change me back?" Asked Spike.

"I'm afraid there isn't," Said Princess Luna.

Spike was surprised.

"So why were you down there?" Asked Princess Luna.

"Because I was down there with Princess Celestia to try to get the Magic Cup," Said Spike.

Princess Luna and Granny Smith looked shocked. They gasped and then Princess Luna put her right hoof near her mouth. She whispered.

"The Magic Cup," Said Princess Luna.

Spike looked confused.

"What about it?" Asked Spike.

Princess Luna lowered her right hoof as she speaks.

"The Magic Cup has magic like no other in the whole universe," Said Princess Luna.

Spike was still confused.

"So what does it do?" Asked Spike.

"No one knows," Princess Luna.

Princess Luna thinks and became curious once again.

"So where's my sister?" Asked Princess Luna.

"She's gone to look for the Magic Cup and I can't find her," Said Spike.

Princess Luna became worried.

"No, she must not get the Magic Cup," Said Princess Luna.

Spike became worried.

"Why?" Asked Spike.

"Because if she does, she'll be in great danger. We must find her," Said Princess Luna.

Spike then felt brave.

"I'll go with you," Said Spike.

Chapter 3

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Spike, Princess Luna, and Granny Smith left the room. They went down the stairs and walked in a hallway. Granny Smith was slow. Spike was on Princess Luna's right side. She turned towards Granny Smith and raised up her voice volume.

"Run faster!" Shouted Princess Luna.

She blast at Granny Smith from her horn and caused her to hit on a wall on the right side. She lay flat on the wall and there was a crack around her. She then felt pain.

"Ouch," Said Granny Smith.

She got off the wall and was still walking slow. She no longer felt pain. When she came off the wall, there was an silhouette that was the same as Granny Smith's when she was hit on a wall. Princess Luna got mad and raised up her voice even louder.

"I said run faster!" Shouted Princess Luna.

She blast at Granny Smith and caused her to hit on a wall next to her. She lay flat on the wall and there was a crack around her. She then felt pain.

"Ouch," Said Granny Smith.

She got off the wall and was still walking slow. When she came off the wall, there was an silhouette that was the same as Granny Smith's position when she was hit on a wall. Princess Luna got even more mad and frustrated.

"Oh forget it," Said Princess Luna.

She looked at Spike.

"Lets go," Said Princess Luna.

Both her and Spike left. Reason they left Granny Smith is because Princess Luna didn't want to waste her time helping Granny Smith.

"You look this way and I'll look that way," Said Princess Luna.

"Sounds good to me, Said Spike.

Princess Luna ran to the left side and Spike ran to the right side. He came out from the left corner walked towards a door from the left side on the wall. He opens it and inside were tables and chairs. The room was dark and Spike whispered.

"Princess Cadence?" Asked Spike.

"The Magic Cup," whispered the voice. Spike then felt scared.

"Princess Cadence, is that you?" Asked Spike.

The reason for Spike checking in the room to see if Princess Cadence's in there is because to be able to find and ask her if she's willing to help find Princess Celestia. He also remembered that Princess Cadence usually takes up last and goes in the room for reading her favorite books. "The Magic Cup," whispered the voice. He then raised up his voice volume.

"I'm out of here!" Shouted Spike.

He ran to the right side and then saw far in front of him from left side a big door with two Princess Celestia's guards that stand side by side. He thinks and then had an idea. He walked up to them and act like he's cool.

"Hey guys, I'm here to see a movie," Said Spike.

"Twilight Sparkle, you were late for the movie, and you cannot enter," Said the guard on the left side who didn't look happy.

Spike starts to be worried.

"But my friend Rarity's in there without me," Said Spike.

The guards look at each other. They then yelled very loud as they look at Spike.

"No, go away!" Shouted the guards.

Spike gets mad and raised up his voice volume.

"You two are jerks!" Shouted Spikes.

He turned and left. Later, he was walking in the field that had grass, and the sky was pitch black. There was no snow that was falling and Princess Luna was in the middle. He ran up to her and raised up his voice volume.

"Princess Luna!" Shouted Spike.

Princess Luna looked from her right side and saw him.

"Oh hi Spike. Were you able to find my sister?" Asked Princess Luna.

Spike lowered his voice volume.

"No, I can't find him anywhere," Said Spike.

Princess Luna became worried.

"Oh no. This is terrible. We have to find my sister," Said Princess Luna.

Spike stopped running and was in front of her. She then thinks.

"I have to go," Said Princess Luna.

Spike looked confused.

"But we have to find Princess Celestia," Said Spike.

"I'm afraid that you're on your own. I have to go help a filly. So farewell," Said Princess Luna.

She open her wings and flied up in the air towards the moon. He watched as she disappears. He looks at a house and runs toward it. It's not too far from the field that's covered with grass. Its height is the same as a dauphin when it's looking up and its tail is pointing down. The houses length is the same as a shark. The roof of the house was sphere shaped and had chimney with no smoke coming out. The color of the roof was grey. The walls of the house is made out of wood and the color of the wood is black. It had two windows that are near the the door. The door is the same height as a normal normal long with its length and it's made out of steel. The door handle is made out of steel and there's no window on the door. He knocks with his left hoof three times. As he knocks, he raised up his voice.

"AppleJack, are you in there?" Asked Spike.

No one answered. The reason why he was seeing if AppleJack's home is because to see if she's able to help him find Princess Celestia. Then far from the house on right side on top of the forest, fire works exploded in the air. Spike looked up and saw them. He looked confused and spoke to himself.

"What's going on?" Asked Spike.

He walked in the forest. The ground was covered with different colored leaf and he couldn't see anything because it was dark. He then heard a voice that whispered "The Magic Cup." He starts to get scared and raised up his voice volume.

"Who's there?" Asked Spike.

The voice whisper continued by saying "The Magic Cup." Spike looks around him and saw no one. He then saw a figure floating in the air in front of him. He then becomes surprised.

"Princess Celestia, where have you been?" Asked Spike.

Her hooves were pointing down and her wings were closed. She moved her eyes from left to right.

"I've been looking for it," Said Princess Celestia.

Spike thinks as he rolls his eyes. He then looked at her as he speaks.

"Lets go back to the castle and help me get in the movie theater to be with Rarity?" Asked Spike.

"Love doesn't matter," Said Princess Celestia.

Spike became surprised and curious.

"What did you say?" Asked Spike.

"Love doesn't matter. You'll never get the pony that you love," Said Princess Celestia.

She raised up her front hooves and they point in front of Spike.

"Spike, you must find-," Said Princess Celestia.

As she speaks, she starts to float in the air.

"The Magic Cup," Said Princess Celestia.

A lightning bolt hit her and then she vanished. Spike looked confused. Later, he walked in the hallway in the castle. The walls in the hallway had pictures of Princess Celestia with her parents along with Princess Luna. He then heard a noise that sounds like someone's struggling with something. He looked around himself and saw no one. He heard the same noise again and he starts to be scared. He then saw on the ground in front of him a green crack. A hoof came out and then on the ground. A second hoof came out from left side and then on the ground. Then Princess Celestia came out of the ground. She was covered with dirt and different kind of minerals from different layers of the Earth. Spike looked shocked.

"Princess Celestia, what were you doing?" Asked Spike.

Princess Celestia closed her wings and turned towards Spike as she closes her eyes and rubs them with her left hoofs because her eyes caught dirt.

"I was in the center of the Earth. It was the only magical place that the Magic Cup could be," Said Princess Celestia.

Spike looked mad and puts his arms around himself.

"Look Princess, you don't need the Magic Cup. You're the most powerful Alicorn ever," Said Spike.

Princess Celestia puts her hooves on Spike's shoulders. She speaks as she leaned toward Spike's face.

"The Magic Cup is mine," Said Princess Celestia.

Spike isn't mad anymore and starts to become scared. He then spoke.

"Oh-ok?" Said Spike.

He tried to not look scared.

"Anyway, Princess Luna, and Granny Smith are looking for you. Also they know about the Magic Cup," Said Spike.

Princess Celestia looked shocked and scared.

"What? No, they're after the Magic Cup. It's mine," Princess Celestia.

She ran past Spike as she raised her voice volume.

"It's mine!" Shouted Princess Celestia.

Spike saw her leave and raised up his voice volume.

"Princess Celestia, wait!" Shouted Spike.

But she was gone and the reason why she left was because to try to look for the Magic Cup. Also the reason why she wants the Magic Cup is because if she gets it, she wants to be able to keep it safe from any pony or anything, and wants it for herself. Spike gets frustrated and then went in a big room that was on his right side. He went in there because to check out what's in there. It had a lot of pictures and they were pitch black. He looked from left to right. He became curious.

"Why are the images black?" Said Spike.

Then Changelings came out of them and were everywhere. Spike became scared and raised up his voice.

"No, not again!" Shouted Spike.

He starts to split green fire at them. Meanwhile, the ponies were in the movie theater watching a black, and white film. On Rarity's right side, there was an empty seat. She looked from left to right and looked worried. She was wearing a red dress and gold necklace around her neck. The Changelings hit Spike and then he turned back to being a dragon. They flied around and hit him. Only one by one and then he raised up his voice.

"Princess Celestia, help!" Shouted Spike.

He starts to fall on his knees and lowered his voice volume is because he was about to faint.

Princess Celes-," Said Spike.

He faints and falls on the ground. He then opens his eyes and leans up as he screams. He stops screaming and looked scared. He's in bed, covered, and in a room. The room was dark and the sky was dark. He looked from left to right, he takes a deep breath, and then smiles.

"Phew, what a dream," Said Spike.

The End...