The Lost Nightmare, and the Pony named Blazing Nova

by Vibrant Emotion

First published

A pegasus name Blazing Nova wakes up on a mysterious island, and finds out he isn't alone

" Blazing Nova is a young pegasus who doesn't know who his real parents are, but one day while he was on Las Pegasus shoreline he was caught in terrible storm he wakes up on a beach which far from Equstera, and has no idea where, or how he got there which he finds out he's not alone on the island "

Authors Note: Some of the things here may seem like a cross over from DevilMayCry but it isn't so please be nice. as for the sexual content it's major kissing. Also major thanks to Vinyl-ScratchDJ17 for checking it, and helping me edit it.


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"Why me?" Nova ask to himself "I don't know who my parents are, and I
have no friends." as he looks towards the setting sun on the beach
then looks down between his hooves as the waves of the beach inches
closer to him "Huh what's going on?" quickly getting to hooves, and
puts a hand over his head trying to see what was going on. In few
minutes he sees a strong storm moving towards the city "I have to let
them know, and find shelter fast." he quickly runs towards the city
screaming "A massive storm is coming this way hurray, and find
shelter!!!" which the ponies in the city knew about Nova, and that he
would never lie about things which the ponies quickly scatter to get
to shelter quickly. As Nova got close to one of the storm shelters it
quickly closed in front of him which he quickly change directions to
second closes storm shelter which as grew near it shut in front of him
knowing that the other storm shelters would be closed he hit his fist
against the door "Please let me in!!" as Nova shouted hoping that his
voice gets to them, and open the only chance of protection from the
storm, but it was no use because with in five minutes the storm
arrived, and was pulling him into the storm which he soon blacked out
from the extreme pain of the storm with only a single tear appeared on
his face which unknowingly a creature saw him, and took him somewhere
away from the storm, and the city.

Chapter 1: The Unknown

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'Chapter 1: The Unknown'

"Why can't I feel pain any more did I die well if I did that stinks then." as Nova thought not knowing he was saved by a unusual force, after awhile he heard the gentle sound of water, and feels a soft cool breeze blow over his body he slowly begins to open his eyes, and moved his head left to right as one thing crosses his mind "Where am I, and how did I get here?" as panic took hold of him as he tried to get up, but he couldn't because of some pain that courses through him, and quickly lays back down on the sand until the pain stops so he can move around again.

As time continued while he recover took some time to think "Just how did I survive that storm, how long was I out cold, and will any pony send out a rescue search to find me?" as he spoke out loud to no one as his body feels better to move around he slowly gets up.

"I better find out were the blazing am I hopefully there're some ponies around to tell me were I am." Nova starts walking down the beach in hopes to find a town close by which instead of find anything like a town he found a cave instead "Okay this is odd, but still no town, or city I guess I have to look through the forest then." As Nova walks out of the cave, and searches the near by forest.

Chapter 2: Just where am I

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'Chapter 2: Just where am I'

"Okay so it's not a forest it's a bucking jungle instead." Nova thought to himself which thankfully there was fruit as he continues to look for help. As he continued to find nothing he begins to thankful for having some survival instincts, and made some items to help him just incase he runs into danger.

"Just my luck!" Nova shouted "I'm on a island that has no town, village, or anything that could help me tell were I am!" As it slowly starts getting dark he gathers materials to make a small shelter with some protection from any wild life that might try to eat him "Well now I have shelter, protection from any dangerous wild life I should be safe now."

As Nova looks into the fire he made which he holds his legs together unease "I guess seance I have no idea what this island is called I'll name it The Forgotten Feather because the whole island is in a shape of a feather, and it has a lot of different fruit which luckily for me none of it dangerous and there's a spring of clean water." As he felt a chill down his back, and he heads to his shelter, and decides to get some rest only to learn he isn't truly alone as he thought.

Chapter 3: The Dream

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'Chapter 3: The Dream'

Normally Nova's dream would be filled hope, and light that some pony would want to take him in, but this time it was different it was filled with sadness, fear, and disappear known he was never going to have what he wished for "Why me, how can I truly hope to find somewhere I can call a home!?" As he cried, not knowing that another pony was watching him from a far feeling the same pain as Nova.

As the unknown pony watches in sadness "Just how long have I waited for some pony to take me into a family I don't even remember anymore I'll always be alone for now on this island my new home, no family, no friends just nothing!!!"

As Nova's pain slowly starts to get worst the pony decided to make it presents known "I feel sorry for you young one."

As Nova froze hearing the voice sounding a bit dark, but it was caring he turned his head to see who was talking to him to his eyes he witnessed it was Luna's former darkness Nightmare Moon as she walked over to him. Nova was unsure what to do but he was frozen in place seeing Nightmare Moon come close to him, and slowly sits down beside him as she looks into his eyes revealing that some how she was different from the stories now. "Umm thank you."

Not known just how it is possible that Nightmare Moon is still alive "You been through so much only wanting another pony to take you in as family so you can be no longer alone." As she wraps Nova with her wing gently wanting to comfort him instead of scaring him. Nova moves closer to her not knowing what to say next.

Chapter 4: No Longer a Nightmare

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'Chapter 4: No longer a Nightmare'

"Just how are you alive?" asking Nova catching Nightmare's interest as he looks at her "I was told before that you were defeated by Princess Twilight, and her friends so how are you alive Nightmare."

She places a finger on his lips stopping him. "I understand your worries about how I'm alive, but don't call me that name anymore I decided on a new name Evening Light, or you can just call me Eve if you like." as she told Nova.

He looks carefully at Eve "Okay then Eve it seems that you changed from what I heard before when you were all nighttime eternal no offense by the way, but it nice that you're different now it's refreshing I hope you understand Miss Eve."

As she nods "I understand your point completely, but I did it for Luna." as Eve looks at Nova "She wanted to be loved by all like her sister, but it was for not after the conflict against Sombra." which she looked down "It was because of his words that was like poison it gave me life as such I began to convince her that there should be only one princess, and at the point I finally took control of her I was fully born, but it didn't last long before I was banished to the moon with Luna." as Eve finished her sentence the world that they were in started to ripple "I guess I'll see you when you get some sleep again by the way what's your name?" as she looked at Nova

"My name is Blazing Nova, but just call me Nova, and if there's a way so we can talk to each other with out doing this I'll find it so it be lonely for the both of us next time."

Chapter 5: A Reason to Find

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'Chapter 5: A Reason to Find'

Early next as he wakes up there was only one thing he had in mind find someway to bring Eve back into life. "Don't worry Eve I'll find a way to help you count on it." as Nova got up from his made bed, but there was one problem how, and where should he start.

As he looks around the jungle carefully trying to figure out how to bring Eve out of the dream world, and into the real world unfortunately nothing was ever easy to do so. Soon he noticed something in the distance what looks like a small temple "That could work." Thankful as he's a pegasus he flew over to it, but before he got close to it something was sent flying his way, and dogged it with ease "Okay who's out there show yourself!" As he held his weapon in his right hand then another what seemed to be a giant seed was sent his way which he blocked it then sent it flying back were it was launched then something came rushing towards him as he did before he evaded the attack with ease.

Chapter 6: The First Fight, and It's A Wild One

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'Chapter 6: The First Fight, and It's A Wild One'

As the creature finally stopped moving Nova guess it was some giant plant like snake, but was wrong when it's head opened up to reveal a creature with body what seems to a female that is inside of what he thought was the mouth.

"Well impressive for one as of you I never seen a creature like you before." the creature said as Nova held his sword tightly
"Well I can say the same about you actually just what are you?" as he ready to fight

"Well seance you asked I'm a dryad also a demon now what kind of demon are you?" she said.

As Nova heard what she was only ready himself even more "Well I am not a demon, I'm a pegasus pony, and there's no way I'll let you try to harm those here of these world." smooth move dummy he thought to himself

"Another world huh well I guess we have to see just how well you can handle me Anasta. The dryad queen of the forest!" as she charged at him.

The fight was on at times they catch the other off guard, but only Nova was the one that landed blows damaging her "Try this on for size you pest!" as Anasta launched more seeds at him only a few where sent back at her as the others landed close to him only to be quickly destroyed only making her angrier

"Just keep calm, and focus on what you need to do Nova." as he told himself. The fight lasted only two more hours before Nova noticed she was close to her end deciding to end it he dashed through the rest of her defenses, and slashed through her in two

"How?" was the only word that came out of her mouth before her entire body was destroyed only leaving a small purple stone, and a blue one as well which he walked towards the stones, and picked them up.

"Well I guess these are what I'll use to help save Eve, but right now I should head back to camp, and rest for a bit." as he got up, and headed back to his camp marking some trees so he can remember the way to get back to were he had his first fight on this island, and it was a wild one.

Chapter 7: The Talk With Eve, and The Next Step

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'Chapter 7: The Talk With Eve, and The Next Step'

As he returned to his campsite he noticed that the blue stone he got from his battle with Anasta Queen of the Dryad's glowing every so often which his sword did the same thing which only put more questions in his head. When he finally got back to his camp he had a bit to eat thankfully he picked some fruit from the trees he passed by on his first day on the island.

Slowly he falls into sleep in his hut, and then opens his eyes to reveal his back in the dream world noticing Eve coming closer, and sees him "Nova it's good to see you again I was hoping to spend more time with you." as Eve notice his happiness, whit a side that wants to ask her some stuff, and nods
"It appears that you have somethings on your mind want to tell me about it a bit?" Eve says.

Nova nods "A matter of fact I do have some questions that I hope you can answer Eve." as he sits on a dream bench that's in his dream of a park as Eve sits down next to him "The first one is because of a creature I found, and defeated which in the died. It was a demon who was called Anasta Queen of the Dryad's."

Eve took some time to think about it "My guess is that this demon some how came here another way, but I really don't know."

Nova scratches his head before tell her the other "Well I can understand that part, but my last question is about the stones that I picked up after defeating her a purple one, and a blue one which I mean that's their colors the blue one was glowing with my sword that I made from scratch."

As he finishes his question Eve was surprised greatly "Maybe just maybe the thing that you made your sword with is a unique material that is somewhat reacting like it should merge with it so it becomes even stronger, but the place you were heading to could be away that you said that you can bring me to the waking world I hope to meet you for real instead of here, and we can spend more time together then which will be awhile just be careful you might have to take on more demons to find away for me." Eve then kisses his cheek softly making him blush a light red as they spend some time before he has to wake up.

Chapter 8: A Battle Against Fire of Hate, and Fire of Hope

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'Chapter 8: A Battle Against Fire of Hate, and Fire of Hope'

As Nova awoke from his sleep he decided to try, and see if the stone, and his sword actually merger together, but decided to eat first. As he finish eating "Okay time to see what happens now." as he holds his holds his sword, and the blue stone in his other hand as he brings them closer the boy of them start to glow even brighter then the flout out of his hands, and the stone circles around the sword then mergers together the sword changes its appearance making it look like a one handed katana that has a guard that slightly covers the front it, and is contacted to the blade while the guard is circular with gem in it.

Nova smiles as he picks up his improved sword "Nice it feels even more powerful, and some what strange." as it some how it starts chagrin up electricity, and releases a all of it in a single blast, and the sword is still filled with energy before swings it around a bit before it settles down "Wow that's neat that will definitely helps."

As he heads back towards the ruins a stone tablet is blocking his way with wall of fire "Okay this is new it wasn't here before." Nova starts to feel uneasy about this as he looks around the whole thing only to be cut off from the ruins which he grunts in frustration then hears mighty roar coming from the near by crater in the ground shaking his head "Well I guess I have no choice, but to take what ever it is out then." As heads towards the crater to find out what it is.

As he approaches he sees a griffin mixed with a chimera as it notice him "So you must be the one that defeated Anasta I presume." The beast spoke to him
Nova pinches the place between his eyes then gilds down to creature "Yes I did you are a demon as well I take it right?" as grapes his sword ready to fight.

"You be correct which I Griffis well show you the meaning of pain!" As Griffis body is covered in fire, and holds a long double handed ax.

"Great I fought one demon, and now I have to fight another one just to get to the ruins." Nova mutters under his breath "Okay then lets do this then!" As before the fight was on each one striking blade to blade, or evading the others strike, but as Nova being a smaller size then his opponent was able to evade the attacks

"I will crush you like the bug you are!" as Griffis body covered in fire "Well I better kick it up then." as Nova's sword wrapped in electricity getting stronger as the two stand ready to land the deciding blow Griffis makes the move, charges towards Nova, but only to find out he was to slow and Nova already slashed through his body two times "I should have won, but I lost to a creature that should be weak.." his body soon was covered in electricity, and exploded leaving a unicorn horn, and a chunk of his ax Nova walk towards the falling items which his was reacting with chunk of the ax.

"Another one, and horn which it's a dark royal blue." He soon flinches in pain deciding he needs to go back, and recover a bit as gets out of the crater he notice that fire is gone, but heads back to camp instead.

Chapter 9: Recover, and Hope Rekindle Even Stronger

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'Chapter 9: Recover, and Hope Rekindle Even Stronger'

As Nova returned to camp he enters his hut, and bandage his injury know that the medicine he made will help him recover quickly he sits down with the items close by "A purple stone, and a horn I guess it should help me with chunk of metal I got I should have a stronger sword, but I should be careful." he sighs softly as he lay down so he can plan his next move.

Which he unknowingly fell asleep only to open his eyes with Eve looking at him worried "Are you okay? Nova you shouldn't have pushed yourself so much." as Eve sits cross legged near him to see how bad the injury is.

Holding her hand "I'm good right now, but it going to be awhile before I can move around a bit it hurts at certain movements." Nova looks in Eve's eyes gently "The reason why I'm doing this so we can truly be together not like this, but for real which is the reason why I do it."

Eve start to cry softly, and holds his hand with her own "You're such a kind pony Nova that you're willing to do what you can to actually give me a chance to live I just wish I could do something to help you."

Nova wipes her tears softly and moves slowly getting in position so he can hold her "Maybe if possible when I do so you can say you will. Because I have fallen in love with you Eve." as he finishes his sentence he looks at her which she then kisses him which he felt a surge of energy build with inside his body Eve stops kissing him

"Yes I would like to be your love, and your wife when the time comes." she holds him in a soft hug "Well I guess I'll wait until you come back here, and see me then." then Nova comes up with an idea.

"How about you become a part of my body like a second part of me so we spend more time together that way." Nova suggested

Eve holds his hand gently then place her other hand on his chest a soft light wraps around the both of them she mouth "I'll do so." As Eve holds on to him.

Chapter 10: The Long Shoot, and The New Trick

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'Chapter 10: The Long Shoot, and The New Trick'

As Nova wakes up he feels stronger, and decides to find out if they some how merged together "Eve are you there?"

As he hears Eve's voice in his head "Yes I'm here with you I see what you see just barely though."

Nova smiles "I'm glad that it worked more importantly, not only that I feel a lot stronger with you around." as he slowly gets up to change the bandages on his body find that there is no more than a little cut that completely healed.

"Whoa that's just incredible it's healed up completely." Nova looks at his side

"Huh that's not all I think you have a horn now." Eve mentioned which he moves his hand to check which he does have one
"Incredible I'm a alicorn now." Nova removes his hand from his head known that it will come with more power.

"You're going to practice a bit with your new power aren't you?" asked Eve

"Indeed if I'm now in touched with magic I should learn a little bit about it right?" Nova says receiving a giggle from her he smiles.

As Nova starts to practice carefully on his new power "I think I got the hang of it a little." as he relaxes a little.
"That was really good I have to say." As Eve commented "But just encase of anything you should practice while using your sword." he nods

"You make a good point plus I should add the item that I got from defeating that demon yesterday." As he heads towards the hut to get his sword, and the chunk of metal. As he gathers the two he heads back outside to see what happens.

"Okay ready Eve?" he asks.

"Indeed I am lets see what happens then." Eve nods in his head. Nova holding the sword in one hand, and the chunk of metal he begins to bring them closer they start to glow even brighter as the sword looks the same, with a strange marking that run up the blade only short near the middle now with a red gem beside the blue gem leaving only one more small indent blank he picks up his sword a flame runs around the edge of the blade he feels like there's a roaring fire coming from inside it he slashes it in thin air which launches a flame like blast out of it before spinning the hilt in his hand releasing a vortex of fire around him then grabs it, and slowly brings it down to his side which the vortex subsidies

As he was amazed by how strong it became "That was unexpected, but it must because of the fight you had with that demon." Eve says in wonder

"I'll agree with you on that one Eve it was impressive, but I should be careful when using that move." Known just how powerful it can actually be, and how dangerous it was as well."
With a moment of silence before Eve says "So what's next hun?" she asks Nova

"Try to get the ruins this time, and take down any new demons along the way of course." Nova saying with confidence before heading that.

Chapter 11: If It's Cold Then Turn Up Heat

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'Chapter 11: If It's Cold Then Turn Up Heat'

As Nova made his way Chilling air start to come out of nowhere "What the it was like this before it because of another demon that controls ice." As on cue to purple figures slowly showed up in front of Nova.

"Are they demons Nova?" Eve ask.

"No those aren't the real one because it's behind us." grabbing his sword, and send a gale slash in the opposite direction which the ice storm stopped.
"Impressive for one like you to figure out that before I devoured you." As giant winged fish appears out of the ground.

"Thanks I'll take that as compliment now I will some suggestions to you one you drop two of the items you have, then remove the ice in my way, and return were your from with out a fight. The last one is we fight each other, and at the end only one of will be walking way as winner. So what will be to you?" As Nova gave the demon its operations.

"Very well you make a strong choices for one as you, but unlike the others before me I'll take my leave." After two orbs one that has scale that looks like ice, and the last one was a empty shell of a pony's body Nova looks up, and sees the ice that was blocking the way was gone which the fish's head came out of the ground "There you go young one just let me wrong you there are things that will try and stop you, but with my power you now have you should be able to pass them so good luck now." As its entire body disappears

Nova smiles "Thanks whoever you are." as he walks up, and gathers the scale of ice, and the shell of a pony.

"Well we better fuse the two of them now right?" As Eve replies

"Yes you're right it protect us even more now." As Nova holds his sword, and the ice scale in the other they start to merge the last gem slot was a clear blue color which fused the three of them on to the blade which the blade became longer, and wider for more range to strike feeling its new power he tested it out holding it out he spun around completely creating a ice ring around him with spikes edging out then with a quick diagonal slash the ice was shoot out in eight different directions covering the ground with ice.

Both Eve, and Nova were surprised how well it's power was used, and improved. It was some time before Nova broke the silence

"I think I should start naming some of my attacks like that one Ice Breaker what do think of that one Eve?"
Snapping out of her trance "Sounds really cool." she giggles which he chuckles as well "But what about the other ones you said before they were fire, and electricity. Which the fire element sends out blazing slash arrows, and a vortex of fire around you. Which what did the last one do may I ask?" As Eve pointed out.

"Well the electric one allowed me to move faster, and the blade was covered by it all which made some what bigger." Nova tells her "So for one of the fire element attacks the flaming vortex should be called Blazing Storm, and how about you name the last two love." figuring out he said something what he said "Sorry about that I was thinking about my love for you, and said that."

Only for her to giggle "Don't worry about that I agreed to be your wife when you figure a way to give me a body of my own. So I don't mind it one bit." As Eve somewhat hugged him which he smiles "As for the other two for the fire element should be called Flare Cross, and the last one should be called Thunder Charge what do you think about those names dear?"

Which he smiles "Those names sound intense, and shocking perfect."

Getting her to giggle again "Okay you should get something to eat before you go ant further dear." Which he nods heading back to camp to eat.

Chapter 12: The Final Touch, Light V.S. Darkness

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'Chapter 11: The Final Touch, Light V.S. Darkness'

As Nova ate he relies that Eve has been quite a bit "Eve what is wrong you haven't said a thing while I'm eating."

Receiving a sigh from her "It just the items you got a the end of your fights I mean a purple moon like stone, a dark purple unicorn horn, and a pegasus pony shell something is strange about it all."

Which at this Nova stopped eating understand her point "Now that I think about it you're right something is seriously odd about it." with a moment of silence before he spoke again "But what ever it is together we will win no matter what comes our way right Eve."
Given her a smile on her face "You're absolutely right nothing will stop us to be together." bring Eve out of her worried state.

After he had his feel of food he got up ready to head towards the temple "I have a feeling that the greatest fight is right ahead when we enter the grounds of that temple ruins wouldn't you say love?"

She nods "You're right those two fights you had before would be nothing to what's coming ahead." Eve mentioned "Just remember to be careful when it happens."

As he scratches his nose softly "I'll do my best now let's go." As they headed towards the temple when they made to the temple there were stone structures in shape of some ponies holding swords in a archway as Nova drew closer towards the archway he looked at them carefully having the three items close to him in his make shift bag as soon as he passed through the first one a voice emanates from somewhere

"You the chosen warrior that wields the sword Nightingale may pass through to the temple of unity by passing three tests which you have passed already two of them but the third is not complete why?"

As Nova shakes his head "Are you revering to battles I faced correct?" as Nova asked hoping for a answer.

"You are correct the battle with Electricity, Fire, and Ice while you obtained the three element gems you have not slain the one of ice why?"

To that Nova sighs before he answered "It was because I have obtained another power, and transformed my appearance it recognize that I was above a different level than it self, which I asked it to remove the barrier that surrounded the temple here, and to leave its items behind which we won't have to fight against each other. Which the demon agreed to it as such it did." He so breathed out slowly before continuing "Which is why I'm here now which I have three things that I got from them besides the items that is now Nightingale, and I would like to use them here in hopes to give another a chance to redeem themselves will you allow me passage through to the temple?" As Nova said as his heart says the truth.

"Very well then we shall allow you to pass, but be warned a dark spirit dwells inside the temple which we seance that the other one, but has become pure that wishes to be with you has close signature of energy be wary young one as of what is your name?"

As Nova exhales "My name is Blazing Nova which I now wield the sword Nightingale shall take on this darkness for the one I love, and wish to give another chance of life." Nova exclaimed as he walks towards the temple's entrance, and enters it.

"That was completely bold of you love, but what it said now has me worried that the dark spirit that they mentioned is my formal self Nightmare Moon, and you have to fight against her." Eve stated as they entered the main chamber as he nodded
"No matter what I promised you Eve that I'll find a so we can be together Nova said.

"That won't be so easy you fool!" As a dark vortex swirls around near the altar steps
"I know that all ready Nightmare." As Nova pulls Nightingale out ready to fight her
"So you believe that you can defeat me child? Don't make me laugh." As a scythe appears in her hand with her light blue armor on her

"We'll find out who will win Nightmare. Me, with my love by my side, or you, and your dark power. A battle against Light, and Darkness kind of a funny if you ask me though." Nova softly chuckles at it with Nightmare laughing to it as well.

"I agree with you on that a battle between Light, and Darkness only one shall win, and shall be me!" As she flew toward him which he did the same.

As there weapons clashed into each other which only one of them was going to be the victor they soon skid away from each other without missing a beat Nightmare recovered quickly, and flew back at Nova which he pushed his sword in the ground catching himself placing his two hooves into her gut causing her to fly back which landed on the ground with his hooves on the ground, and placing his hand on the ground to slow him down which it was a perfect recovery to see what happened to Nightmare Moon "Well that was unexpected, but a interesting way to say the least." As Nightmare said

"Well thanks for compliment Nightmare, but I'm just starting to fight" as blue gem starts to glow lightly with soon electricity starting run up, and down the blade. "Because get ready for even more Nightmare I'm ready to kick it up!" As his Electric Charge activates which she had little time to react do to speed he's moving at which she only had time to block the attack feeling some of the power still hit her which she she soon was able to force him back

"How is that possible for you to do that?" as Nightmare Moon still feel some of power still linger a little before ending before she countered with her own power sending a wave of darkness towards him.

"Nothing is possible when you have a pure reason to fight for!" as the red gem glowed and fire replaced the electricity which then a wave of Flame Cross at her attack which they cancelled out each other as Nightmare soon appeared behind.

"It's over for you!" Only to see Nova spinning his sword around his hand creating his Blazing Storm which she was hit by the flames unable to protect herself send her flying nearly half the room before hitting the wall as the vortex ended she got up to see his blade glow a clear blue which the has vanished from it only to be covered what would be ice "I don't know how you got this power nor do I care!" as darkness covers her entire body indicating she grows tiered of the fight, and gets stronger "You should just die you fool!" as Nightmare sent towards him a huge massive of dark magic at him. But before the dark magic neared Nova he spun around using his Ice Breaker and launching it towards the attack as the two attacks collided with force Nova notice that a forth gem appeared which was a pure white color the blade was soon covered by light soon the two attacks disperse reviling that both of them were tired, and slowly losing strength which Nova notice that the both of them can only pull one more attack before it ends.

"Nightmare lets finish this with one attack." As Nova panted softly

"Very well lets end this now!!" as Nightmare cover herself in darkness as Nova slowly surrounded himself with a brilliant light as the two ready to land the final attack they changed at each other at full speed which soon became a power struggle to land the blow as the two forces fight each other which it looked like Nightmare may win

"I won't give up!!!!" Nova shouted which soon the darkness was cut through in half which Nova was behind Nightmare with her scythe destroyed.

"How can this be? I was supposed to win, not this fool!" As Nightmare was soon enveloped with light, and vanishes into nothing

"Simple you may have power, but I had a drive, and promise to keep." As Nova fell to one knee executed

"Nova are you okay?" Asked Eve worrying
"I'm good just need some time to catch my breath given his trademark smile which she chuckled gently before they head the voice before they entered

"You have done well Blazing Nova defeating the darkness that had took control of this temple, and fully awakening Nightingale as such you will rewarded state your wish, and it shall be granted."
Which Nova slowly got up walk towards the altar "I wish to give Eve that is with me a second chance to live so she will never be alone again." as Nova holds out the items, and Nightingale towards the altar.

"Your wish shall be granted as your wish is to one another chance both you, and her shall return to the mainland were the both of you will accepted as their own ones again." soon a brilliant light appeared in front of him which Eve soon appeared in front of him which she ran up to him, hugs him soon the both of them were back on Equstera soil of Las Pegasus were a soon a pony notice him with Eve beside him holding hands which cried

"Every pony it's Nova he's back, and his an Alicorn as well!" Which the entire city showed up breathing hard with smiles and soon they notice Eve which most jumped back in surprise, but only to see her smile, and wave gently.

Chapter 13: Finally Accepted To All, and Crowded Prince, and Princess

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'Chapter 13: Finally Accepted To All, and Crowded Prince, and Princess'

As the entire city remained speechless soon Princess Celesta, Luna, and Twilight appeared on the seen which the other ponies moved out of their way so they can see Blazing Nova, Evening Light closely. As they neared the both of them to Celesta smile greatly as she soon stopped in front of him, and Eve "I never expected to find you here."

Which had all of them confused which Celesta then hugged Nova gently causing him to feel like she done this before along time ago like if he was born which she soon stopped, and the both of them looked at each other then Nova decided to ask Celesta the question that was in his mind "Princess Celesta you wouldn't happen to my mom would you?"

As to his answer with another hug "Yes I am Blazing, and I searched everywhere for you after you vanished from the castle. When your name was reported that you were missing here I knew it just had to be you, but I would like you to answer one question." Looking at Eve which he chuckled

"How about we go somewhere private, and then I'll answer okay mom?" Which he felt really happy saying that to her with a nod "Okay we will then." As the five of them heads towards a carriage that will take them to Canterlot as they entered, and sat down with Eve at Nova's side, and with the other three on the other one "So what would you like to ask me mom?" as Nova closed his eyes gently

"I would like to know why is Nightmare." But before she could finish

"Mom this isn't that Nightmare this Evening Light, or Eve for short." Nova interrupted her then Celesta nods

"Okay then let me correct myself then. Why is Eve here, and by your side?"

Which Nova smiles "Well to answer that one " as Nova explained all that has happened at island as he finishes his story they were amazed by it all.

As they reached Canterlot castle they excited the carriage they were welcomed by all of them before Blueblood showed up asked how he got here were he was found that he was the one that removed him, and was thrown in prison with title removed from him as soon as the whole event ended that her son was now found, and returned with party followed afterwards both he, and Eve decided to turn in for the night.

Chapter 14: Ending or is it just the beginning

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'Chapter 14: Ending, or is it just the beginning'

Wearing a comfortable bed outfit "Well that was unexpected at least I found the truth." As Nova looks towards the night sky with a smile

As Eve looks at him while wrapped in a towel from her shower "What do you mean?" as she puts on some sleeping clothes that were once Luna's

Scratching the edge of his face before turning around to her "Well that my mom happens to be Celesta," As he holds a finger out "that the reason for the whole thing was due to my so called cousin so he can claim the throne" holding a second finger out "and the last one is because of him I was able to find you, and allow you to have a second chance." as he walks over to her

She softly sighs "You're right it was because of his shenanigans that the two of us can be together." as Eve hug him "Not only that you protected Equstera from facing Nightmare, and what could of been a demon invasion, but you were able to save a island from becoming a place of darkness to take root."

As the both of them make their way to the bed so they can rest "Well I have a feeling that this may only be a small start of something big." Nova points out before the both of them fell asleep

Outside of castle towards the frozen north a dark haze starts to swirl around a pitch black horn with the tip colored with red "Soon I will have revenge against those princesses, but all in due time, but for now be ready for my return because it will be your last day of your rule." As dark laughter fills the air around it.