> Shadow in the Dark > by Thestoryteller > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter one. Discovery > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was dark. No, it was pitch black. An empty void of absolute nothing. But there was something, a bat-pony by the name of Nightwing looked around to figure out where he was. "What is this place?" Nightwing asked himself. "Is this place a dream? And if so, it's a new one to me?" "Doomed." A raspy voice said softly. "Huh?" Nightwing raised an eye brow "Your world is doomed." The voice echoed through the black void. "What is this?" Nightwing stepped back. "It will end in fire and blood." The voice spoke again. "Fire and blood? Wait aren't these the words I heard when I touched the chaos jem?" Then an image appeared in front of him. A building on fire and the windows stained red with blood. "This...this is my...no, no more. I don't want to see anymore." Nightwing shut his eyes but the image never went away. "All hope will die along with your kind." "No, no, no more I don't want to see anymore!" Nightwing shouted "This world will End and It will destroy those you love!" "Ahhhhhhhhhh!" Nightwing cried as he fell to his knees. "Nightwing!" A voice shouted. Nightwing sat up from his bed with a jolt. His breath was increased to a pant and sweat dripped from his head and neck. He looked towards his doorway to see that Flash was standing in the doorway with aloof of concern on his face. "You okay?" He asked. "Fine." Nightwing said still panting. "It was just...just a nightmare." "Sounded like one hay of a nightmare." "Yeah, I guess so...wait a minute, what are you doing here?" Nightwing asked. "Aren't you supposed to be guarding Twilight?" "I do, but I've been given the day off, so I decided to come and see you." "How kind of our great princess." Nightwing rolled his eyes. "I know that look, come on let's do something fun huh?" "What exactly is there to do that's fun?" "How about we go adventure into the Everfree forest, or maybe spend a day of training, or just relax?" *knock knock knock* "If that's Lightning strike I'm going to hit him." Nightwing smiled as he got out of bed to answer the door. To his surprise it wasn't Lightning strike, but the deer Thorn. Wearing golden armor. "Nightwing, Fluttershy-I mean the Arbor susurro has asked you to come to the Great at once." Thorn said sternly. "Why would my sis want us to come there?" Flash asked as he walked down the stairs. "We believe to have discovered something of great importance." Thorn said. "Well then, looks like you might get your wish for fun after all Flash." Nightwing said as he put his right hoof on Thorns shoulder and his left on Flash's. And in the blink of an eye they were in front of the Great tree's door. Startling the two deer guards in front of it. "What the?" Thorn asked. "How...how did you do that?" Flash asked. "It's a spell called shadow stalking. I've been trying to master it for a while, teleports you and anyone you touch to a shadow." Nightwing said as he pointed to a trees shadow. Both deer guards were bucks that had golden armor, a golden helmet, and a steel tip spear. Thorn walked up to one of then and said, "We are here to see the Arbor susurro." "The Arbor susurro isn't here." The guard said. "She, a squad of guards, and a unicorn whose name I think was... Comet tail?" "Comet tail?" Flash asked. "What's he doing here?" "Don't know but he and the Arbor susurro went into the woods a while ago. We can take you to them if you want?" "Lead the way guard." Nightwing said. So the Guard trotted forward into the forest along with Flash, Thorn, and Nightwing following him. "What do you think Fluttershy needs us for?" Nightwing asked Flash. "Beats me, but I'm more interested about why Comet tail is here? I mean, what does he have to do with this?" "That's a good question as well, hey Thorn did you know Comet tail had something to do with this?" Nightwing asked as he turned to Thorn. "Depends, is Comet tail a light colored unicorn with a light blue mane and eyes?" Thorn asked. "That's Comet tail alright." Flash said. "Then I did. In fact I believe that he was the reason the Arbor susurro called for you in the first place." Thorn answered. "Yes, it all happened when he entered the Council room. He said he needed to tell the Arbor susurro something very important and very secret. So all guards had to leave the room. Next thing I knew Flutter- I mean the Arbor susurro asked me to bring you to her." "Interesting, and for the love of whatever God you believe in you can call her Fluttershy you know?" Nightwing said rash. "I don't mean to be rude but we're here." The guard said as he came to a stop. In front of them was Fluttershy, Comet tail, three guards (two does and one buck) all wearing light green armor and various weapons, and a pony that the three did not expect to see. Sunset shimmer. Behind them was a large cave. "Hey sis how's it going." Flash said. Fluttershy looked at Flash with a scowl on her face. She then walked up to him and stared straight into his eyes. "Um...sis? Why are you giving me that look?" Flash asked as he took a few steps back. "I think you know perfectly well why I'm mad." Fluttershy said. "...Uh...nope drawing a blank." "Well...I'm mad because you nearly got yourself killed by some pony named Clutterstep and you didn't tell me!" Fluttershy yelled. "Oh...that's why your mad." Flash said nervously. "I mean what made you think that's okay?!" "Alright, alright, you two break it up." Sunset said as she got separated both Flash and Fluttershy. "Family matters aside. What's the reason you brought us here, cause I know it wasn't because you wanted to yell at Flash." Nightwing said. "Well... I guess I should start with when Comet tail was gonna ask me something secret." Fluttershy started. "He asked me if we had encountered any Timberwolves that didn't have any stink in their breaths. And I said 'we actually had captured some Timberwolves like that. Comet tail then explained why he wanted to know and told me about how this Clutterstep had attacked You, Flash, and Comet tail." Flash and Nightwing both glared at Comet tail who had a sheepish grin on his face. "Anyways, he then told me that he would go get Sunset shimmer. Once we got her I led them to one of the Timberwolves that he spoke of. They then castes some kind of spell on it and next thing I knew we were in front of a cave and waiting for you." "Comet tail." Nightwing said calmly. "What spell did you use?" "It's a tracking spell." Comet tail answered. "It allows the caster to see where it's been." "And it's been here? What does that prove?" Flash asked. "It hasn't just been here." Sunset said. "It's only been here, nowhere else." "So what your saying is-" "This the place the Timberwolf was made." Comet tail finished. Nightwing and Flash let that news settle in. Flash then turned to Fluttershy and said, "Sis I want you to go back to the Great tree immediately." "What? Why?" Fluttershy asked. "Because I don't want you anywhere near here. Now go." "...Fine. But our conversation isn't over, got it?" "Trust me I know." "Thorn and Sunset, you head back as well." Nightwing said. "Why us?" Sunset asked. "Let's just say that this is something personal to Flash, Comet tail, and I, and leave it at that." Nightwing glared once again at Comet tail. "Alright, be carful you three." Sunset said as she and Thorn followed Fluttershy. Once gone Flash turned to Comet tail with a calm look on his face. "Comet tail?" Flash asked. "Yes Flash?" *smack!* "OW!" Comet tail cringed as he held his right hoof to the red cheek that Flash had smacked. "What the hay was that for Flash?!" "You just told my sis that I almost died, and now I have to sit through one of her arguments!" Flash yelled. "Hey I'm in the same boat you are, do you have any idea how angry Sunset is when she found out I almost died?" Flash and Comet tail yelled back and in forth at each other while Nightwing sat on the sidelines and watched. 'It's days like these I'm thankful that I am an only child.' Nightwing thought as he walked in between Flash and Comet tail. "Guys!" Hey yelled getting the two stallions attention. "Family argument, later. Cave that could have answered, now." "Oh, right." Comet tail said sheepishly. "Let's get moving shall we?" Flash asked. "Let's." And so without further hesitation the three walked into the cave, Nightwing in front, Flash in the middle, and Comet tail behind them. The cave went downward for a while until it came to a dead end. A stone wall in front of them. "This doesn't make any sense, there's nothing here." Comet tail said. "There must be a secret passage way, or something." Nightwing said as he rubbed his hooves against the stone wall. "There's gotta be." 'To your left is a rock, push down on it and the door should open.' A voice said in Flash's head. "Huh? Did...did you guys say something?" Flash asked. "Yeah, I said look for a switch or something." Nightwing answered. Flash looked to his left to see a hoof sized rock. He push his hoof down on it and the rock sunk into the ground. The wall in front of them began to open as it was pulled upward revealing a stone hallway with lanterns lighting the place. "Alright, let's move." Comet tail said, Nightwing followed him. Flash stayed behind as tried to find the source of the voice. "Hey Flash! Yah coming or what?" "Huh...oh right." Flash said as galloped towards the two. Looking back at the cave where he heard the voice. "Hey Comet tail I've been meaning to ask." Nightwing said." You asked for Flash and I but you didn't ask for Lightning strike. Why is that?" "Actually I did send a messaged to get Lightning strike but he wasn't there." Comet tail answered. "Huh. Wonder where he could be?" Nightwing asked. "For the last time I am not Flash, I'm his brother Lightning strike!" Lightning strike yelled as he was tied to a dangling rope above a large vat full of a purple liquid. "Oh don't bother lying, just because you dyed your mane red and somehow your eyes, doesn't mean that I won't recognize you." Discord, who was hovering in front of Lightning strike with his arms crossed, said. "I. Am. Not. Flash!" Lighting yelled. "Fine then. Into the purple water you go." "Wherever he is, I'm sure he's fine." Nightwing said. "If you say so." Flash said. "Guys look up ahead." Comet tail pointed to a large old fashioned door. "Allow me." Nightwing said as his crystal lit up. An aura engulfed the key hole and a sound of locks moving was heard from behind the door. Once the sound stopped the door opened. Revealing a large room. That was empty, minus a single desk with a couple of stamped papers on it. The three stallions walked carefully towards the desk. Once in range Nightwing used his magic to levitate the papers up to reading level. "What's it say?" Comet tail asked. "It says...read me." Nightwing answered. He flipped open the first page and began to read it out-loud. "Dear creature that has is currently reading this. I'm writing this note to congratulate you on finding one of my secret bases. Sadly I am not present at the moment to congratulate you myself, but what are you gonna do?" Nightwing flipped to the next page. "But any-who you deserve a reward for finding this place, so in the desks second drawer is a couple of files that contain some information for a certain bat-pony named Nightwing, do please give it to him." Nightwing used his magic to open the second desk drawer and sure enough there was a file there that read on the front 'secret information'. He opened up the file and saw that there was a set of papers in it. Nightwing levitated the papers and flipped open the first paper. And it said, Experiment one. Name: Clutterstep. Race: Earth pony Test: Combination of pony DNA and wolf DNA. Summary: Wolf DNA is only compatible with the DNA of a primitive pony. Without the primitive DNA the wolf DNA is useless. Test results: SUCCESSFUL. "That explains why Clutterstep was able to control the wolves." Comet tail said. Nightwing flipped to the next page. Experiment two. Name: Timberwolf. Race: Timberwolf. Test: Modified Timberwolf. Summary: Timberwolves weaknesses are it's smell, the smell is highly detectable and the Timberwolfs prey can leave before being attacked. However the smell comes from the magic inside the possessed wood, with only a little magic the Timberwolfs cannot regenerate. Test results: SUCCESSFUL. "That explains the fake Timberwolfs." Flash said. Nightwing flipped to the next page. Experiment three Name: Classified. Race: Unicorn. Test: Unicorn DNA and Classified. Summary: Unicorn DNA is a very interesting set. It is the most unique think I have ever seen. Unfortunately the DNA given to the unicorn rejected it. Test results: FAILURE. "Wonder what kind of test that was?" Flash asked. "Whatever it was it's classified so there's nothing we can do. Next page. After next page was the same thing until they came to a different page. Experiment twenty four. Name: Classified. Race: Unicorn. Test: Unicorn DNA and Changeling DNA. Summary: Changelings have the magic to change their appearance, voice, and shape. The magic within them allows them to do so. However the tests only work on mare unicorns for some reason. Test results: SUCCESSFUL. "Changeling DNA? That can't be good." The next pages were like Experiment three. Classified. Until they came to a page that shocked them all. "Guys look at this." Nightwing said as he beckoned Flash and Comet tail to come closer. "No way." Comet tail said in disbelief. "That's impossible." Flash said. Experiment thirty-seven. Name: Thicket. Race: Deer. Test: Magic DNA and Buck DNA. Summary: Deer magic rests in the magic of trees and plant life. But the antlers of a buck is made of the same material of a unicorns horn. It only lacks the magic. Test Results: IN PROGRESS. "But...how can that be? Thicket is locked away in Canterlot." Comet tail said. "He must have escaped. Hang on there's one last page left." Nightwing said as he turned to the final page." "Now I know what you might be thinking 'what does this have to do with anything that's happened to you Nightwing' well you see long ago I used to wonder what harmony really is. And then, I got my answer. The path to harmony is through order and equality. Without it we are given the choice to make a choice. And whenever we do, we choose wrong. The answer to why I am doing this to you is on the back of this paper." Nightwing turned the paper around and on the back was a picture. A picture of a village that looked like it was all set ablaze. On the streets of the village was ponies. But just any ponies, bat-ponies. All were on the ground, blood everywhere near the corpses. Nightwing covered his mouth with his hoof as he knew what the picture meant. "I...I don't get it? What does this picture have to do with anything?" Comet tail asked. "Nightwing there's a finally paragraph at the bottom. Can you read it out-loud?" Flash asked. Nightwing didn't respond, he only looked at the final paragraph and began reading out-loud. "You know what this means Nightwing. The Order has returned. After a long time we will finally achieve our one purpose. To bring order and equality to Equestria. And of course kill you in the process. Oh I almost forgot, you didn't really think I'd let you find this and expect that there wasn't a trap. Look to your left and you will see your demise." Nightwing, Flash, and Comet tail all looked to the left. "This must be some kind of joke. There's nothing there but stone." Comet tail said. 'You must leave now before it's to late.' The voice in Flash's head said. "What?" "Flash are sure your alright?" Nightwing asked. "I don't know...I think I just heard a voice that said, 'you must leave immediately.'" "Why? There's clearly no trap here." Comet tail said. Suddenly Nightwings crystal began to glow red. "Uh Nightwing...is it supposed to do that?" Flash asked. "It only does that when powerful magic is detected." Nightwing answered. "Why would it do-" Comet tail began until he was interrupted by the whole cave shaking like crazy. "W-w-what is h-h-happening-g-g?" Comet tail asked as the cave shook. "Oh no." Nightwing said as he hovered above the floor of the cave. "What? What is it?" Flash asked as he picked Comet tail off the ground. "We need to get out of here. Now!" Before another word could be uttered Nightwing grabbed Flash and Comet tail and disappeared in the blink of an eye. "What the?!" Sunset said as she was startled by Nightwing, Flash, and Comet tail some how teleported to the balcony of the great tree. Where Fluttershy and Thorn was as well. "Never gonna get used to that." Flash groaned as he held his head with his hoof. "Are you guys okay, I was worried when the earthquake hit us." Fluttershy said. "That wasn't an earthquake." Nightwing said. "Then...what else could it have been?" Thorn asked "That." Nightwing said bluntly as he pointed at a mountain far away that looked like it was shaking. Then all of a sudden a large stone fist punched through the side of the mountain making the entire side crumple to pieces. It was then that the being responsible for the earthquake emerged from the mountain. "Oh-" Flash started "My-" Thorn then said "Lord." Sunset finished. From the mountain was what looked like a creature that stood on two legs. Two arms that connected to its body, and a face that had no eyes, ears, mouth, nose, or hair. "Nightwing." Flash began. "What the hay is that thing?!" "A giant Flash. A stone giant." Nightwing said. "And if we don't stop it ponies are gonna die." "And how do plan on stopping, that?!" Sunset asked. "We hit it with everything we got. There's no time to waste, Fluttershy tell all of your guards and soldiers to prepare for battle. Flash you go get the Wonderbolts, we might need their help. Comet tail and Sunset send a message to Twilight, princess Celestia, and Luna." Nightwing ordered. "As for the us we need to evacuate all the deer to ponyville." "All we can do now is hope that we can stop this thing before its to late." Nightwing said as the others began what they were told to do. > Chapter two. Attack > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Every deer panicked as they tried to flee from the Everfree forest. All except for the guards and soldiers, who stood at the great trees door. Meanwhile Nightwing, Fluttershy, Comet tail, Sunset, and Thorn watched the stone giant from afar. "Anything?" Nightwing asked to Thorn. "Nope, hasn't moved at all." Thorn answered. "Maybe the giant isn't dangerous?" Fluttershy suggested. "Oh no, there dangerous all right. Their entire instinct is to destroy anything that isn't one of them." Nightwing said. "Then why hasn't this one moved?" Thorn asked "Could be that it's still waking up, I'm surprised that he was there the whole time and no one has noticed." "Nightwing!" A voice called out. Nightwing looked to the direction of the voice and saw that it was Flash. "Flash, did you tell the wonderbolts?" Nightwing asked. "I did, their up ahead in the tree line. But since the giant isn't moving I told them not to engage." "Good, go to them and tell them that if that thing moves attack it." Nightwing said. Flash saluted and flew off towards the forest. "Sunset and Comet tail. How's it coming on your end?" "We sent a message to Twilight, Celestia, and Luna. They should be here any minute." "We have already arrived." A voice came from behind them. Looking behind them was both Twilight and Luna. "Where's Celestia?" Sunset asked. "My sister is trying to keep things calm in Canterlot." Luna said as she stepped towards the balcony. "So it is true, a stone giant has come to threaten our land." "Fascinating, how did it even get here?" Twilight asked. "Beats me, all I know is that it was in that mountain and now it's not." Nightwing answered. "It does not matter how this giant came here, all that matters is that we destroy it, immediately." Luna said. "I'm there with yah, but taking on a stone giant isn't exactly going to be easy." Nightwing said. "Let's go join Flash and the wonderbolts and help them out." "A wise idea, hold on." Luna said as her horn glowed blue and they were teleported to Flash and three wonderbolts. "Flash, where are the other wonderbolts?" Nightwing asked. "Their all spread out, with us Right now is Fleetfoot, Wave chill, and my cousin Soarin." Flash introduced the three Pegasi. Fleetfoot was a mare with light green fur, a white and silver mane, and a wonderbolts costume and goggles. Wave chill was a stallion with dark blue fur, a dark blue mane, and a wonderbolts costume with goggles. Soarin was a stallion with light blue fur, dark blue spiked mane, and a wonderbolts costume with goggles. "Okay, so far the giant hasn't done anything yet. Which means that it might still be waking up." Nightwing said. "But I still don't understand how somepony can hide a stone giant." Twilight said. "Let alone get one over here." "Hey uh...let's pretend that I have no clue what you guys are talking about, and I would like to know what the hay that thing is." Soarin stated as he pointed to the giant. "That Soarin, is a stone giant. A magical creature that is held together with stones. Kinda like a timberwolf but made of stone instead of wood. Anyways, the stone giants are very deadly creatures they live on an island far from equestria. Their the only creatures that live there because the stone Giants destroy anything that isn't one of their own." Nightwing explained. "Oh...good to know." Soarin gulped. "We must strike now before the creature awakens." Luna said as she prepared to attack the giant. "No, if we attack now we have a chance of making it angry and destroying everything in a fifty mile radius of here." Nightwing explained. "Then what do you suggest?" Twilight asked. "We lure it away from any populated areas and take it down there." "A wise Idea, but how do you plan on doing that?" Luna asked. "Simple, Stone Giants are like baby's. Their easily distracted, we'll just fly in front of it, lead it somewhere safe, and-" "Was that crack always there?" Wave chill asked. The seven ponies looked up at the giant to see that it had a large crack cutting through the middle of it's blank face. Then another crack formed. And another. And another on it's body, it's arms, and it's legs. Until finally it split. The once large giant was now nothing but pieces of rock falling to the ground with a loud thud. All of the Wonderbolts, Luna, Twilight, Flash, and Nightwing stood still in shock from what happened. "...Well that was anticlimactic." Twilight said breaking the silence. "Yeah, maybe it was a dud?" Soarin suggested. "Don't be stupid Soarin." Nightwing said. "Alright, tell the others to keep their distance and do not engage unless you see something mo-" Nightwing was cut off as a quick blur tackled him at a fast speed and pinned his back to a tree. "Oof!" Nightwing shouted as he looked to see that the something that pinned him was a stone creature with the shape of an earth pony but with no face and no mane and tail was standing on his hind legs and was using it's right foreleg to keep Nightwing pinned to the tree. "Nightwing!" Luna shouted as she turned towards the stone pony and began to charge her magic. "...grr...Behind you!" Nightwing shouted as he managed to point his hoof to where the stone giants remains where. The six looked behind them to see about sixty stone ponies, each began to charge towards a different part of the woods. "Attack!" Soarin shouted as he, the rest of the Wonderbolts, Flash, and Twilight retaliated against the stone ponies. Luna looked back to Nightwing to see that he had broken free from the stone ponies trap. Both he and the stone pony were on their hind legs while Nightwing was dodging the stone ponies continuous attacks. "Help them...I can handle...this." Nightwing said as he continued to dodge the stone ponies attacks. "But-" Luna began. "No buts-woah-go help them-gah!" Nightwing cringed as the stone pony landed a punch on nightwings shoulder. "I got this!" Luna looked away from her students fight and towards the fight between the Wonderbolts and the rest of the stone ponies. "As you wish...dear student." Luna said as her horn was enclosed by a light blue aura, summoning forth her magic a dark blue back plate of armor was strapped to her back. Then four dark blue shoes where instantly on her four hooves, and finally a dark blue helmet that covered her neck, the back of her head, the left and right sides of her head, and the top of her muzzle was magically summoned onto her head. As her eyes became pure white and small sparks of lightning came out of them. Then, two steel bladed swords with dark blue hilts were magically summoned beside Luna, both enclosed in a light blue aura. "FOR THE GLORY OF THE LUNAR EMPIRE!!!" She yelled as she flew straight into the battlefield and began slicing away at the stone ponies. Leaving a stunned Nightwing only to watch as his teacher was brutally attacking the stone creatures. 'Go Teach.' Was the only words that Nightwing could use to describe what he saw. Only for a swift stone hoof to smack him in the face to knock him to the ground and made him come back to reality. "Owwww." Nightwing groaned as he clenched his muzzle. Looking up he saw that the stone pony was coming straight towards him at full speed. Before stone could meet face Nightwing rolled out of the way as the stone pony missed Nightwing and punched at the ground. Not giving the stone creature a chance Nightwing quickly used his wings to jump in the air and kicked the stone pony in the face. The stone pony crashed into the ground only for it to quickly recover. Without another second to waste the stone pony tackled Nightwing. The two tossed and turned, neither letting go of the other as the two kept fighting until Nightwing pushed the stone pony off of him. "Okay, this is starting to get old. So I'm gonna end this okay?" Nightwing said as his crystal began to glow. Noticing that Nightwing was vulnerable the stone pony charged towards Nightwing only for the stone pony to leap into the air...and exploded. Small pieces of rock fell to the ground as the once stone pony was nothing more but rocks. "Should've done that in the first place." Nightwing thought out-loud as he looked at the remains. Suddenly the rocks began to shake and they slowly began to move. Some climbing on each other and somehow merged with other rocks. Until the remains formed the stone pony. "Well...that's unfair." Nightwing said as the stone pony tackled Nightwing deeper into the woods. "This is totally unfair!" Soarin shouted as he punched a stone ponies head clean off, only for it to hop straight back on. "Gah! I know what you mean cuz." Flash said as he made lightning ball on his hood and punched the stone pony in the chest, blowing it to pieces. Only for it to instantly reform. "Do not let up!" Luna yelled as she sliced and diced through any stone pony in her path, only for them to instantly reform. "We can win this!" "I don't see-gah-how we can win this!" Twilight shouted as she shot purple beam after purple beam at the stone ponies only for them to reform. As Twilight kept using her magic she failed to notice a stone pony charging towards her. "Twilight look out!" A soft, but audible, voice yelled as a Pegasus tackled the stone pony. Twilight looked to the source of the voice to see that it belonged to an unexpected friend. "Fluttershy?!" Twilight said in doubt. "Sis?!" Flash also said in confusion. "Cousin!" Soarin yelled as he flew up to Fluttershy and hugged her. "Hey Soarin. Great to see you too." Fluttershy said as she hugged Soarin back. "What do you think your doing here?!" Flash screamed. "You didn't think we'd let you have all the fun did you?" Another voice asked. The four ponies turned to see Sunset, Comet tail, Thorn, and oh, the twenty royal deer bodyguards of the Arbor susurro who were wearing light green armor and helmets. Each had either a steel tipped spear or a steel bladed sword with a light green hilt each sheathed in a scabbard. "Protect the Arbor susurro!" A buck yelled as the rest of the deer all charged into the battlefield. "Sis, as much as I appreciate that you have brought reinforcements. This place is still not safe for somepony like you-" Flash began but was cut off by his own sister. "Hi-yah!" Fluttershy yelled as she leaped over Flash and dropped kicked a stone pony that was charging towards her brother. The stone pony was sent back flying, leaving a smug Fluttershy and a wide eye and shocked Flash staring at his sister. "You we're saying?" "...Never mind." Flash smiled as he fought the stone pony next to him. "H-hi princess Twilight." Comet tail blushed as he walked towards Twilight. "Oh...Comet tail right?" Twilight asked. "Yes." Comet tail said quickly. "Oh, it's nice to meet you Flash has told me how much of a good friend you are." 'Flash you are a wonderful friend.' Comet tail thought happily as he blasted a stone pony. "So how's it been Soarin?" Sunset asked the blue Wonderbolt as she fried a stone pony with a yellow beam from her horn. "I can see that you managed to become a Wonderbolt like you always dreamed." "Yeah, it was pretty nice. So how's your live been? We haven't seen you in what? Twelve years?" Soarin asked as he kicked a stone pony back a few feet. "Actually eleven, but I can promise you that I've changed and I'm better than I was before." "Rrrrright." "Hey, why aren't you using your lighting magic on these things?" "Because they just rebuild themselves once they've been knocked down, at least this way I can get a workout." "I see." "Princess Luna, correct?" Thorn asked the Alicorn that was still slashing away at the stone ponies. "YES WE ARE THY PRINCESS OF THE NIGHT! HOW MAY WE AID YOU THY COMRADE?!" Luna shouted in the royal canterlot voice, her eyes still pure white and small sparks coming out of them. "Umm...never mind." Thorn squeaked as he went back to battling a stone pony. Luna shrugged and turned back towards the other stone ponies. "YAAAAAAAAA-" "-Aaaaaaaaaaah!" Nightwing yelled as he was thrown off a small hill and landed in a pond of water. Nightwing swam to shore and lied down as he coughed up some water he swallowed. *cough* *cough* "I...really...hate...this thing." Nightwing panted as the stone pony landed straight in front of him. "Oh...hey there neighbor...you wouldn't mind to stop hitting me...would ya?" Nightwing asked. His response was a punch to the face that sent him splashing into the water causing some drops of water to fall on the stone ponies right foreleg. Nightwing flew out of the water and charged at the stone pony. The stone pony was about to block Nightwings attack but his foreleg suddenly froze up. Soon it was to late as Nightwing tackled the stone pony and slammed him against a tree. Nightwing backed away to see that his whole body had cracks in it. Only for them to quickly be sealed up. But his right foreleg didn't. Instead it fell off and crumbled to dust. "Huh?" Nightwing asked confused. 'Why did that just happen?' Before Nightwing could use another thought the stone pony punched Nightwing in the chest. Causing him to grunt in pain. But since Nightwing was still wet some drops of water attached themselves to the stone ponies hoof and it to stiffened up and crumbled to dust. 'Interesting.' Nightwing thought as he placed his hoof on his chest. 'I wonder.' Nightwing thought as he looked towards the pond. "Hey blank face!" Nightwing shouted as he got the attention of the stone pony. "Drink up." Nightwing said as he grabbed the stone pony and dunked both him and the stone pony into the pond. And sure enough the stone pony stiffened up and turned into dust. Nightwing swam to the surface and jumped out of the water. He collapsed on the forest ground and began to get his strength back. He then stood up and flew away. "Gah! These things are relentless!" Flash yelled as he punched a stone pony away from him only be hit in the back by another one. "I wish that these things would just give up already!" Soarin shouted. "Guys!" A voice above them shouted. They looked up to see that it was Nightwing. Flying straight towards them. "Nightwing. How did you escape?" Twilight asked. "No time, quick Sunset and Twilight, do you two know the spell for creating water from the atmosphere?" Nightwing asked. "What? Why would we-" "Yes or no Sunset?" "Yes, but why-" "Good both you and Twilight cast the spell over all of the stone ponies. I would ask Teach but..." "HAHA! HAVE AT THEE STONE DEMONS!" Luna shouted as she decapitated three stone ponies with one swing of her swords. "You can see how much of a lost cause that is." Nightwing finished. "Okay but-" "Why haven't you castes the spell already?" Nightwing asked impatiently. "Uggh." Sunset groaned as her horn was enclosed by a yellow aura and Twilights a dark purple. As the two horns aura began to glow brighter a small ball of water had appeared out of nowhere above them. Soon it got bigger. And bigger. And bigger. And bigger. And bigger. And bigger. "That's good enough. Now release it." Nightwing said. "Why-" "Just drop the thing already!" Nightwing shouted. And they did. The once hovering ball of water was now a falling pool of water as it came crashing down on the surface, instantly soaking everything in a large radius. Including the stone ponies. Who stiffened and then all turned into dust. "How...why...what just happened?" Twilight stammered as she magicked herself dry. "Simple, the stone creatures for some reason are weakened by water. I don't know why but they just are." Nightwing explained. "Now if you'll excuse me I need to go stop a murderous Teach that will butcher anything in five feet of her." Meanwhile two figures we're watching the ponies and deer from afar. One had a cloak that covered his face and body. The other was the earth pony that you all know him as Clutterstep. "Hmmm, it seems that they figured it out twenty minutes faster than I thought they would." The hooded figure said as he lowered his binoculars. "Master, I don't understand." Clutterstep began. "Why would you give them valuable information if you just wanted them to test your experiment?" "Simple, if it was just a trap with no bait then the beast would not bother with it." The hooded pony said. "I see, what your saying is is that if there's nothing in it for them then they won't even bother with it at all." "Exactly, come our opponent is most likely going to find out that we have released Thicket from his cell and will go to Canterlot to find him. It's time to bait the second trap." The hooded pony said as he touched Cluttersteps shoulder and in the blink of an eye. They were gone. > Chapter three. Ambush > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Canterlot hallway was well lit with glowing lanterns nailed into the wall. Each one lighting the long red rug that Nightwing, Flash, Comet tail, Sunset shimmer, Twilight, and Thorn, all trotted on as they tried to follow a rapidly moving Fluttershy that had a scowl on her face. Ever since she had heard that Thicket might have been freed she wasted no time to get to Canterlot. So Nightwing used his Shadow stalking spell and teleported everypony to the Canterlot hall. "Um, hey Nightwing?" Flash asked as he broke the silence. "What?" Nightwing asked. "When you and my sis were in Whitetail forest, did it suddenly somehow change her behavior?" "Not that I know of." "Then why is she so mad? And what does it have to do with this...Thicket guy?" "Speaking of which." Sunset interjected. "Who is this Thicket anyways?" "He's a selfish buck, that's so blind by his actions that he can't see where his path of so called 'fate of the deer' leads." Fluttershy said. "...um-" "He's a deer that tried to kill Fluttershy." Nightwing said bluntly. "He what?!" Flash asked in shock. "You heard me. Thicket is that someone that I needed your help with when we went to Whitetail. You know the place that I told you all we need to go to help Fluttershy?" Nightwing asked. "Whatever doesn't matter, what does matter is that we make sure that we have him still secure in his cell." "But Nightwing remember what was in that notebook. About how Thickets DNA might have been merged with unicorn DNA?" Comet tail asked. "What?!" Twilight yelled. "Oh yeah forgot to tell you that, we found a notebook in the cave and we found out that deer's antlers have some of the same property's that unicorns horns have. So it is, hypothetically, possible that Thickets antlers can channel energy." "But...for them to do that they'd need the magic inside of them first before they can do that." Twilight explained. "I know, but I've already told you this. Magic is in every. Single. Creature. On the planet. All you need is a way to channel it and then 'poof' you can now use magic." "But how dangerous exactly would Thicket be if he could control magic?" Sunset asked. "Depends really. If to much magic is used it puts a strain on a unicorns horn and will weaken it. However Thicket is not a unicorn and does not have a horn, therefor I have absolutely no idea what's gonna happen. And to be honest I'm kinda excited to see what happens." Nightwing said. "Halt!" A stern voice said making the group come to a stop. They had been talking for so long they didn't notice that they were facing a wall with a metal door that had several metal poles in it. To the left and right of the jail door were two guards. To the left of the door was a unicorn stallion with black fur and blue eyes wearing golden armor and a golden helmet as well that had a hole on the center of it for the unicorns horn to fit through. Two short swords were sheathed on the stallions sides. To the right of the door was a buck guard with tan fur and brown eyes. He was wearing Whitetail green armor and a Whitetail helmet that had two holes, each one for the bucks antlers. A spear was held in place by his hoof. Strapped to his back was a wooden bow, strapped to his side was a quiver full of brown feathered arrows. "Identify yourself." The unicorn said in a gruff manner. "All of you." Fluttershy mustered up her courage and stepped forward and identified herself. "Fluttershy, Arbor susurro of the Deer." "Twilight sparkle, one of the four Princesses of Equestria." Twilight said. "Nightwing, student of Princess Luna." Nightwing addressed himself. "Flash sentry, royal body guard of Nightwing and Princess Twilight." Flash said. "Thorn, royal guard of the Great tree." Thorn said. "Sunset shimmer, former student of Princess Celestia." Sunset said. "And I'm Comet tail...friend of Nightwing." Comet tail said. 'Wish I had a cool title.' He thought. "Forgive us for having to do that great one." The buck guard bowed before Fluttershy. "But we do have our orders." "All is forgiven." Fluttershy said as the buck rose from his bow. "Where here to see a deer by the name of Thicket." Nightwing said. "Care to take us to him?" "Of course." The stallion said in a less gruff voice as he levitated a large steel ring that had tons of keys on it. Looking through them the stallion finally picked one and shoved it into the lock on the metal door. He then turned the key and opened the door revealing a new hallway that had jail door after jail door on each side of the hallway. "Follow me." The group followed the stallion down the hallway. Along the way they saw prisoners of all kinds of races in the cells. Each one was as far away from the door as they could get. All had scared looks on their faces. 'Wonder what they could be so scared about?' Flash wondered in his thoughts. Then he noticed it. He saw that most of the prisoners terrified eyes were all looking at the stallion guard. 'But why would they-' Flash cut himself off as he remembered that some of his old work friends once told him there was a stallion in Canterlot known as the Punisher. If any prisoner made any trouble or ruckus then he would find them and drag them to a room he kept to himself. Nopony knew what was in the room. And frankly nopony wanted to know. All that they knew was that when a prisoner comes out of room their never the same ever again. "You okay Flash?" Twilight asked taking note of her coltfriends worried look. "Huh-wha?" Flash stumbled on his words as his mind came back to reality. "She asked if you are okay, are you?" Nightwing asked. "Uhh, yeah. Yeah I'm fine just...lost in deep thought that's all." Flash chuckled. 'Nice safe.' A voice spoke. "Huh?" "What now?" "Did...did you say something?" "No, and nopony else did. Are you sure your alright Flash?" Sunset asked. "Yeah...just-" "*Ahem*" The stallion guard cleared his throat as he got the groups attention. "The prisoner you wish to see is through this door." The guard said as he pointed to a fuller metal door. "I will wait outside if you need me." "Thanks." Comet tail said as the group entered through the door. Closing it on their way in, Leaving the guard all by himself as he stood still like a statue. "Hi there." A voice said to his left. The stallions eyes shot wide open as he turned to the left only to see an objet hit him in the forehead as he collapsed onto the floor. The group faced a single jail door in front of them. It was much like the ones in the hallway only this one had four guards, two does and two bucks, stood in front of it. "Afternoon Miss, how we may we be of service?" One of the bucks asked. "We wish to see if Thicket is still in his cell." Fluttershy said. The buck was startled by what the Arbor susurro just said. "Are-are you sure?" He stammered. "Yes I am." Fluttershy said. "I see, forgive me but I only asked because we checked on him three hours ago and he was still present at that time. In fact you can see him right there through the cell bars." The bucked pointed to the inside of the cell and sure enough. Thicket was there, lying on his side facing the wall. "So you see there's no need for you to go in there." "Well as convincing as that is there's one small problem with it." Nightwing said as he approached the buck. "And what might that be?" "Your lying." "I beg your pardon?" "Allow me to educate you on something, see I have this special talent of mine that allows me tell when someone is lying about something. And you just told a lie to the Arbor susurro. Your leader, your light in the darkness, the one who lead you to salvation, etcetera, etcetera, the point is you lied." "I did no such thing I-" "Lie." "But I'm not-" "Lie" "I'm telling you the truth!" "Another lie. Stop lying and tell us the truth." Nightwing demanded. "Fine." The buck now had a smile on his face, not a good sign. "I'm what you call a stone pony and I have a spell on me that allows me to look like something I'm not." The buck said. As soon as the buck said that Nightwing lifted his right hoof and his crystal began to glow as the once four deer now looked like stone ponies. "Now that makes much more sense." Nightwing said. "Right then, Twilight and Sunset be a dear and create another one of water bubbles the rest of us will fight off the stone-" Nightwing was cut off as he disappeared without a trace. "Nightwing!" Comet tail yelled. "Oh I wouldn't worry about him if I were you." A voice came from behind. The group turned around to see a certain somepony that Flash and Comet tail would never forget. "Clutterstep?! Twilight said in surprise. "What are you doing here, you need to leave right now." "Why would he do that?" Another voice said this time in front of them. It was Thicket. "So I guess you really didn't escape." Thorn said as he prepared to attack Thicket. "Oh no I escaped. I was just here because I was apart of a trap for Nightwing." Thicket said as his single antler was entrapped in a dark green glow. "No then, let's settle this once and for all Fluttershy." Thicket said as he charged at Fluttershy. "-ponies, wait what?" Nightwing asked as looked around his surroundings. He was on the large balcony that overlooked all of Canterlot. "Funny isn't it?" A new voice said. Nightwing swung his head around to see a pony with a cloak and hood covering the figures body. "Who are you?" Nightwing asked. "Isn't it obvious." The figure said. "..... No I'm at a lose here." "I'm the one behind all of this." "Oh....oh." Nightwing said as the words sunk in, his brow lowered as his face became serious. "Oh." "I take it you know understand how serious this is?" "Sure, why not." Nightwing said as he fired a blue beam from his crystal. The figure lifted his left hoof and the beam exploded as it hit a blue shield. And then Nightwing saw it. Attached around the figures left hoof was a crystal. That looked exactly like his. Nightwing lifted his right hoof to examine his own crystal and sure enough they were the same. "Why is it things like this are never simple?" Nightwing complained. 'Okay figure this out later, right now beat this guy to pulp.' Nightwing created two aura blue swords that lunged at the figure, instantly two aura blue swords were formed by the figure and instantly began to clash with Nightwing's swords. "Before this goes on for any longer I want to know one thing." Nightwing said as he looked directly at the figures hood. "Why? Why are trying to kill me, because last time I checked the Order died a long time ago." "The reasons that I want to kill you will only be known by me and only me." The figure said as he created another blue sword that was countered by another one of Nightwing's aura swords. "By why are you doing this, the Order got what it wanted I'm literally the last vampire bat-pony in existence, as in when I die my race ends." "Why is it that your so calm about that, you know yet you seem fine with it. Why?" "Probably because I know there's nothing else I can do, I can't stop what's coming and if I die, I die. Nothing more." Nightwing said as created two more aura swords that were contered by two aura swords of the figures. "So your fine with dying?" "Yeah, I am." "How about your friends then?" "..." "Nightwing, the last vampire bat-pony died and now there's nothing to protect them from me." The figure mocked. "Stop it." Nightwing said. "I wonder if he even thought about us or if he even tried?" "Stop it right now!" Nightwing growled. "Poor little Nightwing that couldn't save his friends." "...ha ha." Nightwing said flatly giving the figure a...somewhat confused look. "You really thought I'd fall for that, get all angry and charge you like some idiot, how stupid do you think-" Nightwing was once again cut off as Thicket appeared out of nowhere and as a green aura surrounded his horn he and the figure disappeared. Making the aura swords turn into dust. "....what?" Nightwing said confused. - "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING?!?!" The figure shouted at Thicket. "I HAD EVERYTHING UNDER CONTROL!!!" "I'm sorry but I had to bring you here, it's about Clutterstep." Thicket said. "Clutterstep, what does he want, and why would he-" "He's dead." The figure stopped dead in his tracks he slowly turned his head towards Thicket. "What?" "Clutterstep...he's dead." "....Take me to him." The figure demanded. Thicket obeyed and he teleported him and The figure to a room with a table in the center of it. On it lied a body covered by a white sheet. The figure approached the sheet and using his crystal he lifted the sheet off. He looked at the body for a while until he gently laid the sheet back on the body. "What kind of...thing...did this?" "I saw who it was." Thicket said. "Well spit it out who did this." "A..a daemon." Thicket stammered. > Chapter four. Chaos > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "you idiot!" A voice, one that sounded like it belonged to mare, shrieked."do you even use that head of yours?!" "First, you and I share this space that you call 'a head'." Another voice, this one sounded more like a stallion, said."And second, what was I supposed to do? Nothing?" "No not nothing. But you could have done something other than...that." the first voice grimaced. "Cut me some slack will ya. It's been forever since I've gotten to stretch my legs. Can you blame me?" "Well I guess when you put it like that I can't really blame you. Oh...wait a minute, yes I can!" "Listen-" "No, you listen! The first voice interrupted."I don't care what sick and preposterous plan you've come up with in that head of yours-" "So I do use my head, hmm?" "Zip it. Anyways, I don't care what plan you have to get yourself out of here but-" "Bwahahaha." the second voice burst out laughing. ....What, in the name of us, is so darn funny?" the first voice growled. "Hehe..." The second voice began to calm down. "You mean besides the fact that your little goodie-two-shoes self can't swear?" the second voice said, receiving a growl from the first voice."Anyways, I'm laughing because you honestly think I want to leave?" "Well...yes." "Then let me ask you this, where would I go? Back to that crystal? Not a chance. And especially not. With. You." The second voice said dryly. "listen were getting off topic." the first voice said, trying her best to ignore what the second voice had said."Like what you did to that Earthpony." "What about it?" "What about it?!" The first voice yelled as the second voice groaned."If Discord hadn't shown up-" "Discord? Discord. Discord Discord Discord. Discord. Why do you care if he had shown up?" "Becasue if he hadn't you would have lost control and hurt somepony!" The first voice snapped. "Oh please I was perfectly in control." "Tell that to the Earthpony you massacred." "Okay so I may have gon a little overboard there-" "A little?!" "Okay maybe a lot overboard! Happy?!" "For the love Celestia's high sun! Would you two pleas shut up?!" Flash asked. The room, or dark and oblivious space as some may call it, became absolutely silent. Nothing could be heard at all. For about five seconds "How much did you hear?" The second voice asked. "The part from the Mare calling you an idiot to the point where you two are screaming at each other like a married couple." Flash answered. "Although I do have to ask, who are you two anyways?" "Sorry." The first voice said. "But nopony likes spoilers." "Gah!" Flash in a slight gasp as he rose up from his bed. He immediately began to look at his surroundings as he noticed he was in a hospital bed. 'Wait, what?' He asked himself in his head. He looked once again and sure enough he was in a hospital bed. He looked at his foreleg and noticed it had a nettle poked into it with a tune connected to it that ran water into his blood. Equipment that looked familiar was near his bedside. Letting out a sigh of relief he relaxed his body and lied his head against the pillow. "Boo!" "Ahh!!!" Flash shouted as he saw that Discord had teleported right in front of him. Discord vanished and appeared next to Flash's bedside this time wearing a doctors uniform with a stethoscope in his shirt pocket. "Now then." Discord said as he snapped his eagle claw and a box of rubber gloves appeared out of nowhere. Pulling out two of the rubber gloves Discord stretched both of them onto his eagle claw and lion paw. The he picked up a sergeants mask and tied the straps to the back of his head. "Now then Mr..." Discord paused as he snapped his lion paw making a clipboard appear in his paw. He began to skim through it. "Mr...Dash elementary, is it?" "No, it's Flash sentry." Flash stated. "Wifu stealer?" "What?" "Inside joke. Ah here you are, Flash fencing." "Sentry." "Whatever." Discord rolled his eyes. "Anyways says here that you are in for a...wing removal, is that correct?" "What? No! My wings are perfectly fine!" "You sure. Hmm what was name again?" "Flash sentry!" Flash shouted. "Bash century?" "Flash! Bucking! Sentry!" "Flash,Flash,Flash,Flash,Flash." Discord mumbled as he looked through page after page attached to the notebook. "Flash sentry?" "YES!" "Ohhhhhh. Thought so." "Ugg." Flash said groggily as he shut his eyes tight and held a hoof to his forehead as a huge thumping could be heard. When he opened his eyes he was no longer in the hospital room, the equipment was still next to him but instead of a hosbital bed he was laying on a half comfy half stiff couch with his head lying against the back of it. "Now tell me Mrrrr..." Discord trailed off. Flash looked to his left to see that Discord was sitting a chair that looked a lot like the couch he was sitting on, except it was chair. Discord was no longer wearing a doctors outfit, instead he was wearing a dark yellow sweater vest with a white long sleeve shirt underneath it. He was holding yet another clipboard in his lion paw and a green uncapped pen in his eagle claw. "Mrrrr...Spiky blue mane is it?" Flash's response was a cold and dark scowl. "Spiky blue mane it is then." Discord said as he scribbled something on the clipboard. "No tell me Mr. Blue, I can call you Blue right? Yes? Great, anyways Blue I'm gonna ask you a few questions and I want you to answer them as truthfully as possible." Discord's face turned into a frown as his neck began to stretch until his face was but a few centimeters away from Blues, Gah! I mean Flash's. Flash's face is what I meant. "Are we clear?" Discord said in a serious tone. "Crystal." Flash said back, even thought he didn't show it, Flash was pretty aware of what might happen if he didn't comply. "Great." Discord said as his neck retracted back to it's original place. "Question one, have you had any recent blackouts by any chance?" "Ummm." Flash dragged off as he thought carefully about what he was gonna say. "Well now that you mention it I did blackout when Clutterstep began-" Flash cut himself off as he began to remember what happened. "When he began to attack Twilight." The memory from about three hours ago flooded into his mind. Nightwing had vanished, the stoneponies turned into dust when Sunset and Twilight had cast that water spell. All that was left was Clutterstep and Thicket. Thorn, Sis, and Comet tail took on Thicket. Meanwhile Twilight, Sunset, and I were fighting Clutterstep. Clutterstep had turned into a white werewolf like last time I fought him. He had knocked out Sunset and...and was hurting Twilight. Clutterstep had pinned Twilight to ground and was crushing her underneath his left leg. When I saw what he was doing to her a rage unlike any other began to overcome me and then. Nothing. Everything went black after- "That's interesting." Discord said while chewing on his pen and also making Flash return to reality. "Sorry, but what exactly is interesting?" Flash asked. "Hmm?" Discord said as took the pen out of his mouth and stopped chewing on it. "Oh, this is." Discord said bluntly as he sat his clipboard on the hoofrest of the chair. And with a snap of his lion paw an oval shaped mirror that was about the same size as Flash was. A gold lining was set around it along with a golden base on the bottom. Flash's eyes went wide as soon as he saw his reflection. In the mirror was a Pegasus with orange fur, blood red eyes, and a spiked back mane like Flash's except instead of it being blue it was like night black and the tips of the Pegasus spiked mane were red like his eyes. Flash began to open up his wings and the Pegasus in the mirror did the same as it too began to unfold its wings. When both Flash's and the Pegasus wings were fully unfolded the Pegasus feather tips were like the Pegasus mane, night black but the tips were blood red. Flash stood motionless and blinked a couple times as the Pegasus in the mirror did the same thing. "What..." Flash tried his best to get the words out. "What is this?" "The Pegasus?" Discord asked as head popped out from behind the mirror and pointed at the the Pegasus in the mirror. "Or the mirror?" "The Pegasus." "That's you." Discord answered as Flash turned and looked at him. And then back to the Pegasus in the mirror. "...How can that be me?" "Ah ah ah." Discord waved his white griffon feather that was attached to his dragons tail back and forth in front of Flash. "You asked what that was and I answered, also FYI I ask the questions around here." "Fine. Then...then can you tell me what kind of mirror that is?" Flash asked and also hoped for a good answer. A smile spread on Discords face as he snapped his claw and instantly a whiteboard appeared along with Discord wearing school teacher clothes smart-alec looking glasses, an academic cap, and long ruler. "No then as some of you may know this isn't an ordinary mirror, you see this mirror shows yourself." Discord explained. "But don't all mirrors already do that?" A kid sized Discord wearing a stripped shirt, overalls, and a propeller had asked. "Yes they do Tim-tim. You turn could learn a lot from this one." Discord said to two other kid sized versions of himself dressed in different colored clothing. "Yes headmaster." The two kids groaned as if not bothering to listen to Discord. Discord ignored them and went back to teaching his lesson. "Anywho, this mirror does show you. But to be more precise it shows what's inside you." *RRRRRRRRRRRRRIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!* A school bell that floated in mid air began to ring. "Oh look at that, were out of time, class dismissed." Discord snapped his claw and the chalkboard, kid sized Discords, and school teacher outfit disappeared. Making the room got back to what was before. "So..." Discord paused as he placed his elbows on the hoofrest's of his chair and clasped his claw and lion paw together. "Do you understand?" ".......yes?" Flash answered unsurely. "Wonderful, now it's time for question two." Discord said as he picked up his pen and clipboard, clicking on the back the pen the point was forced out. "Now then question two have you ever had a voice or voices inside your head?" "Well, before you came into the hospital room I did hear two voices arguing." Flash answered as Discord kept writing down something on his clipboard. "Really well let's take a look then, shall we?" Discord said as he stop scribbling and in a white flash, appeared on Flash's shoulder the size of a mouse. Reaching behind his back Discord pulled out a microphone and yelled. HELLOOOOOO! ANYONE HOMEEEEEEE!!!!!" Discord yelled through the Microphone. "Hmm...guess not." Discord shrugged as he reappeared, back in normal size, in the chair with the clipboard and pen. "So Flash how you doing buddy?" Discord asked Flash who was pressing both of his hooves against his hears. "Fantastic." Discord said as he snapped his paw and the pain in Flash's ears faded away. "Now then third and this one is very important and very secretive." Discord said as he looked back and forth. "Are you currently dating Princess Twilight sparkle?" Discord whispered. "What?!" Flash yelled. "Shhhhhhh." Discord said harshly as he pushed his eagle claw against Fkash's muzzle. "What part of secretive did you not under stand?" "Sorry it's just...that's kind of a personal question." Flash said. "It's a yes or no question, and remember. You have to answer honestly." "Ummmm...well...see here's the thing-" "Times up reading your mind." "Wait what-" Discord place his paw firmly over Flash's head as he began to look through every single memory of Flash and Twilight and after about a minute Discord took his paw off of Flash. "Thank for visiting have a great day. Bye." Discord said as he snapped his claw and Flash appeared back in the same hospital bed, same hospital room, and the same hospital. Only thing different was a piece of paper lying on Flash's covers. Cautiously Flash picked up the paper and began to examine it. He tilted his head and raised an eyebrow as he tried to figure out what the picture was. Outside in the waiting room Twilight, Sunset, Comet tail, Thorn, Fluttershy, and Nightwing all sat in waiting chairs. "Jello everypony and deer." Discord said as he teleported himself into the waiting room. Wearing a mail mare suit and cap along with a satchel strapped to his side. "Discord! What are you doing here?" Twilight asked. "I'm here to give Nightwing a letter that's all." Discord said as he reached into his satchel and pulled out an envelope. "Here we are." Discord said as he handed it to Nightwing, who, using his crystal, levitated it towards him. "Well I'm off, ta-ta." Discord said as he vanished. "Nightwing opened up the envelope and took out the paper that was inside it. It read, 'Dear Nightwing it's me Discord. Obviously, anyways I want to tell you something interesting I found out about your friend Flash today' > Chapter five. Clever Girl > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The tracks vibrated as the ponyville train sped down the tracks. Black smoke fumed out of the pipe on the top. Meanwhile inside on the fourth train car Twilight, Sunset, and Nightwing all sat in a booth. Twilight sat alone while Nightwing and Comet tail sat together. "So I've been meaning to ask." Sunset began. "What's the reason we need to go to the crystal empire again?" "Remember when you decided to come back here and we met you at the crystal empire?" Nightwing asked. Sunset nodded. "Well when I was attacked by those two Pegasus I noticed something." "And what might that be?" Twilight asked. "One of them was a lightning caster." "So?" "Soooo, last time I checked there's only three lighting casters in all of Equestria. Flash and Lighting strike were with us when the attack happened." "So you think it's time Soarin that attacked you?" Sunset suggested. "Maybe, but if it is him and he attacked me for the reason I think I have I'm not gonna hold it against him." "Why's that?" "All depart to the crystal empire!" One of the ticket holders said. "I'll tell you when we get there." Nightwing said as he got up from his seat along with Twilight and Sunset following behind. "Come on, you got to tell us what you think is going on." Sunset pleaded. "All I know for sure right now is that Cadence and Shining armor might have something to do with this." "What makes you say that?" Twilight asked. "I have a theory." - Twily!" Shining armor exclaimed as he ran up to his sister and gave her a hug. "Hey BBBFF." Twilight said as she hugged him back. "Say where's Cadence?" "She's busy at the moment, so how can I help you three?" "We came here because I need to ask you if you know anything about the two Pegasus that attacked me when Sunset came here." Nightwing explained. "Ummm...can't say I have." "Lie." "What?" "Your lying. Which means you do know something about those two Pegasus and you don't want to tell me. Why?" "I...um..." Shining armor stammered. "Brother." Twilight said in a warning to tone. "Please tell Nightwing the truth." "Or I'll pry it from you. Painfully." Nightwing said threatening. "Well...you see-" "Shining armor?" Cadence asked as she entered through a door. "What's going on?" "Oh good, your here." Nightwing said as he turned to Cadence. "We were just talking about the attack on me when Sunset came here. Also I know you know about it so don't bother lying to me." "*sigh* well you were gonna find out eventually." Cadence said as she turned around. "Follow me." The group followed Cadence until they reached a crystal wall. Cadence pointed her horn at the wall and a keyhole appeared on the wall. Cadence then stuck her horn in the hole and the wall swung open to a staircase that seemed to spiral downwards. Torches hung on the walls lighting the way down. "This way." Cadence said as she walked down the stairs. And they went down and down and down And down And down And down And down And down and down Until finally they reached the bottom which was just a small space with a single door in front of them. Cadence the trotted up to the door and whispered something. Then sounds of locks and clicks could be heard from the door. The door then slid into the wall like a slide door. 'Woah.' Nightwing thought as he entered through the door. "Welcome Everypony. To the Shadowbolt academy!" Cadence announced. The cave was huge! About as big as three hoofball fields. Meanwhile Pegasi, Earthponies, Unicorns, and some crystal ponies, all wearing the same shadow bolt uniform that Nightwing saw before. In fact Nightwing was so caught up in observing the place he didn't notice that Cadence was walking ahead of him. He quickly ran up to them so he could catch up. "What...is this place?" Twilight asked as she looked at a group of earthpony shadowbolts practicing martial arts in Perfect sync. "Isn't it obvious?" Nightwing asked. "It's equestria's secret army." "We have that?" Sunset asked. "Teach told me that when the Changeling army attacked they thought it was best that we had a second army. One that no one but them knew about." "Your are right Nightwing." Cadence said. "Alright shock and awe later, right now I want to know why to of the shadowbolts attacked me?" "I can explain that." Shining armor said. "See after the two Shadowbolts attacked you. I demanded to know why they attacked." "Anddd." "And turns out they said that I gave the order to attack you." "Butttt." "But I never gave an order." "Which means that someone snuck into the academy, told two of your shadowbolts to attack me. Why?" Nightwing asked himself. "Why go through all of that trouble just to attack me?" "Beats me." Sunset said. "Hmmm...can I ask the two Pegasus that attacked me a few questions?" Nightwing asked Cadence. "Of course." Cadence replied. As the group continued down the hallway they didn't notice a pegasus in a Shadowbolt uniform with a silver mane and yellow goggles with sharp ends. As soon as the group was out of sight he picked up a pink crystal and whispered into it, "He's not here fall back." As the group continued down the hall a unicorn with a clipboard and pen walked by. "Sir both of the Shadowbolt's you have requested to see are waiting for you in their quarters." The unicorn said. "Thank you, you may return to work." Shining armor said and the unicorn trotted away. The group then followed both Shining armor and Cadence into what appeared to a room, no, section of the place that was filled with other rooms. Doors to both the left and right each had a number on the designated door. The group then continued to follow both Shining Armor and Cadence until they stopped in front of one of the doors. "Here we are." Cadence said as she identified the door with the number seven forty eight welded into it. Nightwing took the obvious course of action and busted the door wide open and let himself in. You know, like a proper gentlecolt would do. Inside the room were two medium sized beds big enough for one pony, both beds were parallel to the other. Nailed to the wall were two double door lockers also both parallel to the other, and two dressers both parallel to the other. Along with two startled Pegasi who separately in front of the beds "It's so nice to finally meet you." Nightwing said to the mare Pegasus with a dark blue blown back mane, her golden color eyes could be seen since her goggles where on her forehead instead of her eyes, and light blue colored fur that could be seen under her Shadowbolts uniform. "You however." Nightwing paused as he turned his attention to the other Pegasus. "I believe we've already met haven't we Soarin?" "Soarin?!" Sunset said in shock as she entered the room and saw Soarin wearing a Shadowbolts uniform along with yellow goggles on his forehead. "Hey guys." Soarin said sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his head with his foreleg. "Sorry about...you know, me attacking you and all." "Ah, no need for apologies. In fact I'm here to talk to you and miss..." Nightwing trailed off as he looked at the mare. "Nightshade." The mare answered. "You and Nightshade, I need to talk to you when I was attacked." Nightwing began as he looked towards Nightshade. "First why did you attack me in the first place?" Nightwing questioned. "We were given orders by prince Shining armor to attack you." Nightshade answered. "Okay, follow up question. What were his orders exactly?" "If I remember correctly, I think he said 'A Changeling has infiltrated the empire and must be taken out by any means necessary and that the changeling was disgusted as you.'" "But did he tell you anything that could have made you suspect that he was indeed your prince." Nightwing asked as he began to pace back and forth. "Like I don't know...didn't he give you an authorization code?" "We don't have one of those." Nightshade said. "Your gonna need to make one after this, but seriously did he say anything that seemed off to you?" "Ummm..." Nightshade trailed off. "He was very blunt." Soarin said. "When is he not?" Nightwing said dryly making shining armor frown. "Anything else? Anything at all? We're missing something, but I don't know what." "There is one thing that doesn't make sense to me?" Twilight asked no one "And what might that be?" Nightwing asked, not stopping from his pace. "How could a could a Changeling get into the empire in the first place?" Nightwing stopped his pace, Soarin and Nightshade looked at Twilight as well as Cadence and Shining. Nightwing spun around so he would be facing Twilight. "Oh you are brilliant!" Nightwing cheered as he immediately grimaced in his head. "So we know that Changelings can't enter the empire because if they tried they would be forced away from the empire. So...how did a changeling get inside...unless-" "...unless what?" Sunset asked. "When Flash, Comet tail, and I went into the cave in The Everfree forest we found a notebook. In it it said that someone was an conducting an experiment on a pony that had to do with Changeling DNA." "So?" "So, if somepony was half pony and half Changeling then that means that he/she could slip past the crystal heart and it would never notice." Nightwing explained as he turned towards the group. "In fact, nothing could stop he/she from disguising herself right now into someone like us." Nightwing trailed off as he looked at his crystal. "I'm afraid I haven't been quite clear to all of you." Nightwing pointed his crystal at the door as an aura surrounded the door making it slam shut as well as the lock's began to click. "What are doing?" Shining armor demanded. "Like I said I haven't been completely clear with all of you, you see the moment we all entered in the room I casted a spell that tells me if there are any non-pony creatures with us. But the spell took a while to complete." "So to buy time you made us try to figure out how the Changeling got in." Twilight said as she put the pieces together. "Two for two your on a roll Twilight." Nightwing said. "Well who is it?" Soarin asked. "Who's the Changeling?" "Half Changeling. We're dealing with a half Changeling half pony." "So who is it?" Nightshade asked. "To be honest I thought it was pretty obvious." Nightwing said as he turned his head to the suspect. "Me?" Sunset said in shock as she put a hoof on her chest. "Why would think it's me?" "Two reasons. One-" Nightwing pointed his Crystal at Sunset and it's color changed from clear to one side light pink and the other dark green. "This is Unicorn DNA." Nightwing pointed to the pink side of the his Crystal. "And this is Changeling DNA." Nightwing pointed to the green side of the crystal. "Also-" Nightwing paused as he approached Sunset. "I know Sunset shimmer, and I know that she wouldn't, no couldn't ever face me after what she did to me." Nightwing growled at the so called 'Sunset'. "So then." Nightwing backed away from 'Sunset'. Let's who you really are shall we?" Nightwing asked as he pointed his Crystal at 'Sunset'. Suddenly 'Sunset' began to change, her fur turned into a light pink instead of light yellow, her mane was dark purple like Twilights except it had a teal blue and dark purple, but was lighter than her mane, stripes on both sides of her horn, and her eyes became light purple. "Ah-ha, I have absolutely no idea who she is. Does anyone here know?" Nightwing asked the group. "Starlight glimmer?!" Twilight said in shock. "Okay we got the name, now...who is she?" "As Twilight here just told you my name is Starlight glimmer." Starlight stated. "Here are the things you need to know about me, I posed as Sunset shimmer so I could spy on you, I work for the Order, I make one of thee best soufflés in Equestria-" "Lie." "Oh shut up, and I love writing story's." Starlight finished. "Shining armor and Cadence, I want you to put the entire academy on high alert." Nightwing said as he began to unlock the door. "Why?" Shining armor asked as Nightwing unlocked and opened the door. "Because Starlight is a spy, a clever one too, so I'm pretty sure she that means she isn't stupid." Nightwing said as he stepped out of the room. "Therefore she obviously isn't- The few seconds that Nightwing took as he stepped out of the door were shortly lived as a light blue beam had hit Nightwing in the gut and send him flying backwards and crashing through a wall causing him to land hard on his back in another room. Leaving a hit mark on the place that he crashed on. "Oooohhh." Nightwing groaned as he looked at the hole he made when coming into the other room. "Teach isn't gonna like the bill the hospital's gonna give her after this." Nightwing groaned as he tried to sit up, only to cause him more pain than before. "Everypony get down!" Shining armor yelled as he ran out of cabin area through the door. Followed by Soarin, Nightshade, Twilight, Cadence, and some of the other Shadowbolts as they scurried out of the area. Nightwing tried his best to ignore the pain in his back and tried to get up. He looked to the door that Everypony had ran out of. There he saw Starlight standing in front of the door, next to her side however was someone that Nightwing did not suspect. Standing high and mighty was a griffon adorned in a golden armor that covered his wings, his whole body, and his legs. On his head was a golden helmet that covered the top and back of his head along with the back of his neck. But what struck Nightwing's interest the most were his eyes. The pupils were red but the sclera (or the white part of eye if you didn't know that) was pitch black. "Now then I'm going to make this as simple as I can." Starlight said to the Shadowbolts, instantly they all began to gather up and were prepared to fight. "Me and my...associate are going to be taking our leave, and if any of you wish to get in our way. Well I'll let him decide." The Griffon stepped forward and pointed a sword that had a silver blade and a golden hilt. In the center of the hilt was a yellow oval gem that gave off a strange aura. "Move now." The Griffon spoke with a voice that could make a soldier soil his pants five miles away. "Or you will all taste this blade." "We-we will defend this area no matter what." An Earthpony Shadowbolt said. The griffon seemed to smile when the the Earthpony said that."Good." The griffon raised his sword. "Then you shall die as soldiers." A strong wind began to circle around the room as the Everypony in the room, except for the griffon and Starlight, began to become afloat and spin around in a large circle. Seeing that the Shadowbolts were no longer a threat, the griffon and Starlight began to walk towards the exit. "What's happening?!" Twilight had to shout as the winds began to howl. "He's created some kind of tornado!" Nightwing shouted back to Twilight. "How do we stop him?!" Shining armor shouted. "All of the Pegasi could fly against the tornado and try to cancel it out." Nightshade suggested. "Or here's a better idea, Soarin can shoot a lightning bolt at the griffons sword?!" Nightwing shouted to Soarin. "I can give it a shot!" Soarin shouted back. Soarin created a lightning bolt in his hoof and aimed it at the griffons sword. When he had a clear shot Soarin threw the bolt at the sword. The bolt struck the sword and knocked it out of the griffons claw. The sword then skidded away from the griffon. As the tornado disappeared Starlight casted a purple wall that blocked the Shadowbolts and the group from her and the griffon. The griffon spread his wings and began to fly after his sword but was to slow as Soarin landed on the sword and pressed his foreleg on the hilt of it. Using his other foreleg Soarin created a lightning ball and threw it at the griffon, knocking him back a little bit. The griffon seemed unfazed by the attack, in fact he was smiling at Soarin as if he was impressed. "I see. So your a lightning caster like me." The griffon said. "Wait your a lightning caster?" Soarin aske "Indeed. But i'm afraid that doesn't matter right now." The griffon said as he lifted his his right claw and a lightning ball that was like the one Soarin used formed in his claw. "Now you will see what I can truly do." The griffon said as a blue beam of lightning with sparks coming out of it was shot at the sword. The sword shattered as the beam hit it the crystal in the hilt though rolled out of the hilt unaffected. "Ha, you missed." Soarin smirked. "If you say so." The griffon shrugged. "Hey Shadow boy." Starlight caught Soarin's attention. "Catch." She said as she tossed the yellow crystal at Soarin. The crystal flew right at Soarin and attached it's self to his chest. Instantly yellow lightning began to flow from from the crystal. "Gahhhh ahhhhh!" Soarin yelled as the lightning began to flow all around his body. "I think it's best that we take our. Wouldn't want to be hear when he erupt's." Starlight said as she left the area with the griffon following behind. The purple wall disappeared once Starlight left as the group rushed to Soarin. "Soarin are you okay? What's wrong?" Nightshade asked her partner. "Get back!" Soarin yelled as a wave of yellow lightning pushed everyone back. "Do not follow me." Soarin growled as he vanished in a yellow flash. ".....what just happened?" Shining armor asked. "Not sure, but I want all of you to stay here. Twilight come with me." Nightwing said as headed for the exit. "We're leaving." "What?! But Soarin-" Twilight cut off. "Is far from our capability, there's only one creature that can help him and he's in ponyville. So let's not dawdle and get a move on." Nightwing said as he and Twilight vanished in the blink of an eye. Nightwing and Twilight reappeared back at Ponyville in front of Twilight's castle. "Alright Discord I know your here, you know as well as I do that you could sense that chaotic disturbance." Nightwing said to the open air. "See it's things like that that spoil all the surprise." Discord said as he appeared, muzzle to muzzle, in front of Nightwing. "I don't have time to play games with you Discord I want you to tack down Soarin and bring him back." Nightwing said. "Oh really? And what's in it for me?" Discord asked. "You don't get trapped in a box." "Seems like a fair trade, but before I go I have to ask...did you tell her?" Discord pointed to Twilight. "Tell me what?" Twilight asked. "Oh he didn't tell you." Discord rolled his eyes. "Honestly Nightwing your as bad as your Lulu." Nightwing's head faced the ground as if he was trying to hide from the two. "Fine if you won't tell her then I will." Discord said as a piece of paper teleported itself in front of Twilight which she caught with her magic and began to read. After a while she dropped the paper her eyes wide with shock and anxiety. "You know." "Yes." Nightwing said as he raised his head. "I know what you did." "Nightwing please you need to understand-" "Understand what Twilight?!" Nightwing shouted as he turned to face Twilight. "That what you did was an act of kindness, that what you did was something that could somehow save the world?!" "I-" "It wasn't." Nightwing growled. "What you did was selfish and unacceptable!" Now it was Twilights turn to look away, tears were forming in her eyes as she remembered what she did. "Does he even know? Did you even bother telling him?" Nightwing asked. No answer. "Well I see that you two have a while to sort this out so I'll just be on my way to find Soarin then. Bye bye." Discord said as he disappeared in a white flash. > Chapter six. New friends part one > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The fiery and bright sunlight pierced through the sky telling all the creatures that it was time to wake up. A certain filly by the name of Dinkie was one of these creatures. *yawn* Dinkie stretched as she rubbed the gunk out of her eyes. Removing the covers from her bed she got out and faced her wall. "Oh...looks like I made another one." Dinkie said as she stared at the wall. Or more specifically the drawing on the wall. "What are you supposed to be I wonder?" Dinkie questioned as she approached the drawing. On the wall was the drawing, that was colored in black ink, of a stallion with no eyes and no face. It seemed to have multiple tentacles coming out of it's back. Underneath the drawing were the words 'fear the Spook'. Dinkie walked over to her desk and levitated a piece of paper and a pencil. She then drew an exact replica of the drawing on the wall onto the piece of paper. Once it was finished Dinkie pulled out a bucket full of soapy water and a sponge. Dunking the Sponge in the water Dinkie began to hum a tune as she began to wash the drawing away. Meanwhile in Nightwing's house everything seem peaceful and quite as Nightwing sat at his dining room table, eating by himself a bowl of cereal. Flash was at Twilights castle, Soarin was Luna knows where with Discord tracking him down, Lightning strike had to return to the Canterlot guard due to a dangerous threat, Sunset turned out to be a half Changeling spy, and Comet tail is dealing with the fact a changeling was posing as his sister. Board and having no plan at all, Nightwing decided to catch up on a project of his. *knock knock knock* "Coming." Nightwing said in a monotone as he approached the door. Opening up an earth pony stallion stood on the doorstep. His fur was a tan shade, his tail was a scruffy looking light brown. A black western cowcolt hat lied on his hat, it was lowered over his muzzle a bit so that it covered the top part of his head and his mane. "Can I help you?" Nightwing asked unsure if he wanted an answer. "That depends really." The stallion spoke in a western voice but mostly central. The stallion lifted his head, showing off his yellow eyes. "Are you Nightwing?" "That depends." Nightwing mimicked what the stallion said. "Who wants to know?" "I do." The stallion said as he took off his hat revealing his light brown and scruffy mane and blue eyes. "I need your help, see I have a problem going down at my farm and I need someone like you to help me." "Hmmm...nah. Not exactly one for hard labor." Nightwing said as he was about to close the door. But the stallion stopped it as he kept the door open. "Listen' I need your help, I don't know what it is but it appeared 'bout four days ago. I don know what it is but everyday they come and they try to get to my farm." The stallion said desperately. Nightwing opened the door fully and had a intrigued look on his face. "Come in and explain it to me." Nightwing gestured the stallion inside. The stallion obliged and entered the house, once inside Nightwing shut the door and casted a soundproof bubble around the house. The stallion had taken a seat at the dinning room table and had sat his hat on the table. "Alright I put a soundproof bubble around my house, anything we say won't be heard by anyone but us." Nightwing said as he walked up to the table. "Now then let's start..." Nightwing paused as he pulled up a chair and sat down. "With how you know my name. Because I don't just let anyone know who I am." "It spoke your name." The stallion. "What?" "The thing...it-it spoke your name." "What spoke my name? What are talking about?" "The thing on your farm, what is it?" "It's...it's a crack." "A crack. Your terrified of a crack?" Nightwing asked with 'really' face. "It's not the crack I'm afraid of...it's...it's the voices." "Voices?" "Yes voices. Almost everyday voices are coming from the crack. One day there was just one voice and it kept saying the same thing over and over again." "Which was?" "Go to Ponyville and find Nightwing." "Go to Pinyville and find Nightwing?" Nightwing repeated what the stallion said. "Yes so I took a train here, asked around, and found you hoping that you might know what the crack is." "It's not that." "Excuse me?" "Why your afraid, it has nothing to do with the crack does it? What are you really afraid of?" The Stallion opened his mouth as if to answer but nothing came out. His eyes were locked on the window. "Why are you looking at the window?" "They followed me." The stallion said. He pushed back his chair and lunged himself at Nightwing. Tackling him just as four black tentacles pierced the wall. The stallion and Nightwing tumbled on the ground from the tackle. The two quickly recovered and got up. "Who Followed you?!" Nightwing questioned as the four black tentacles retracted from the wall. "I'll explain once we've fend them off, do you have any weapons?" The stallion asked. "Depends." Nightwing paused as he lifted up a floorboard and picked up a steel sword with a steel hilt that had leather rapping around it. "Are you good with a sword?" "I dabble." The stallion said as he gripped the handle of the sword with his mouth. Nightwing created two short aura swords that floated beside him. The wall was knocked down as a black silhouette crashed through it. Rubble and dust was scattered all over the place as the creature stood on it's four legs. The creature looked like a mare earth pony but was pitch black, had no face, and had four black tentacles writhing from out of it's back. "No...not another one." Nightwing said breathlessly once he saw the creature. "Die daemon!" The stallion shouted as he charged the creature. The stallion swung the sword, aiming for the creatures neck. The creature saw the attack and used two of it's tentacles to block the incoming sword. The creature took the offensive as it faced the stallion and all four of it's tentacles became sharp and alert as one by one each tentacle tried to strike the stallion. The stallion then blocked each of the tentacles strikes with the sword. The tentacles strikes began to increase and the stallions defense began to fall as they did. One of the tentacles got past the stallions defense and struck him the back of the head. Forcing him to spit out his sword. With the stallions defense gone the creature used two tentacles to push on the stallions back and pinned him to the floor. The creatures last two tentacles rose over the stallion and were about to strike but a steel tipped wooded arrow pierced the creatures chest. The creature made a sound that could have been described as a yell in pain. The creatures tentacles were removed from the stallions back, now free the stallion got up and picked up the sword in his mouth. Not wanting to let the creature have a chance to recover the stallion charged at the creature and drove the blade through the creatures chest. The creature fell to the ground and began to buck wildly as it writhed in pain from the blades sting. The creatures movement began to get slower and slower and slower. Until it's movement ceased. Being absolutely sure it was dead the stallion walked carefully over to the creature and griped the swords hilt. The blade slid out of the creatures chest with ease as the stallion pulled it out. The stallion looked back to Nightwing to see he was levitating a wooden bow. "Sorry I took so long, can't create aura bow and arrows." Nightwing said. "At least there was only one." The stallion sighed. "I'm afraid I got bad news for you buddy, because there's never 'just one'." As soon as Nightwing said that black tentacles pierced through the walls, windows, floor, and the ceiling. "We're trapped!" The stallion shrieked. "You say trap." Nightwing said as he placed his hoof on the stallions shoulder. "I laugh that you think we're trapped." And in the blink of an eye the two disappeared. Nightwing and the stallion then reappeared on a cliff overlooking Nightwing's house. Hundreds of creatures, like the one that had entered the house before, had surrounded the house and began to tear it apart. "Sorry house, but you and I both knew this day would come." Nightwing said as he lifted his crystal. A red aura surrounded it and then- *BOOOOOOM!!!* The house exploded. The roof and second floor blown sky high off the house. The first floor was caught aflame. And all of the creatures that were anywhere near the house were running and thrashing around in hopes to put out their scorching body's. "I'm...I'm so sorry." The stallion said as he watched the house continue to burn. "It's not entirely bad, at least now I've made a decision." Nightwing said as he turned away from his once was house. "And that is?" "I'm gonna help you." "You will!" The stallion seemed overjoyed that Nightwing was gonna help him out. "Yes but first I need you to picture your farm, to the last detail." Nightwing said. "Okay...why?" "I'm gonna latch onto that image and get us there instantly but first I need to focus on that image." The stallion closed his eyes and concentrated. "Okay I got it." "Good, let's go." Using shadow stalking Nightwing and the stallion vanished and reappeared in some woods flying backwards and landing on the ground with a thud. "Owww." Nightwing groaned as he picked himself up. "What happened?" The stallion asked as he got up. "Your farm. We just bounced off it." Nightwing said. "Is that supposed to happen?" "It's never happened before...which means..." "Which means what?" "...I have no idea, but it seems that were gonna have to travel on hoof." Nightwing said Ashe began to lead. The stallion following behind him. "You didn't tell me your name, what is it?" "Oh...my name Ranger." "Ranger huh...nice name, I also noticed that your accent is more central than western, why is that." "Family mostly lived in the city, but ma and pa wanted to have a farm live so we built ourselves a farm out here." "Uh huh...also I noticed you didn't show any fear when you fought that sand pony." "Sand pony?" "Isn't that what you call them?" "We call them Spooks." "...Yeah that's a much better name. Anyways I noticed that you didn't seem to be afraid of the Spooks, your not afraid of the crack, and there's no way your afraid of some voices. So what are really afraid of?" Ranger looked down as he walked. "My...my little brother Appleseed...he...he's always interested in the crack and...and the voices...I'm afraid that I might loose him if he gets so indulged in the crack." "I see, that explains why seemed scared when you told me about the crack. It reminded you of your little brother." "Yeah." "Okay then. Next question, how did you recognize those creatures as Spooks?" "They started coming when the crack formed, ever since then we've boxed the farm up and made sure that no one gets in." "So you've dealt with these guys for a while huh?" "That's right." "And is that the barn right there?" "Yep." Nightwing and Ranger approached the Barn. Remains of what looked like red paint were scratched of if the barns side. The grass was torn up, all of the barn doors and windows had been barricaded. "Maybe I should come back another time when you have the place cleaned up." Nightwing joked. An arrow flew through one of the barn windows and headed for Nightwing. Using his magic Nightwing caught the arrow in a blue aura. "Really, you think an arrow is gonna me?" Then the arrow exploded. Nightwing coughed out some smoke that he had breathed in, the front side of his coat and mane was charred from the explosion. "Explosive arrow." Nightwing exhaled. "That's more like it." Then he passed out/fainted. > Chapter seven. New friends part two > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Another dream." Nightwing groaned as he was once again in a pitch black room. "Or a vision, either way this isn't going to be pleasant." Nightwing walked around the dark place in hopes to find out how to leave, but bumped into an object. Nightwing stumbled back a bit as he looked at a Reflection of himself. The reflection cocked it's head to the side with a puzzled look on its face. It then pressed it's two forelegs against the wall and pushed. The reflection began to push through the mirror. As it came into the room it began to change. When it was fully inside the room the reflection was no longer a reflection, it was a Spook. But it had two eyes that were burning yellow. And when I say burning I literally say his eyes where on fire. "Okay...that's new." Nightwing said as observed the Spook. The Spook closed the distance between it and Nightwing and put a hoof on his forehead. Words began to rush through his mind as a voice repeated over and over again. "Go to Nightwing,Go to Nightwing,Go to Nightwing,Go to Nightwing." "Gah!" Nightwing yelled as he woke up with a start. He looked around and was in a bed. He was in a room full of pictures that appeared to be of Rangers family. "Sorry mister, didn't mean to wake ya." A young voice said. Nightwing turned towards the voice, the source of the voice was a young colt with light brown fur, a blonde mane and tail, freckles on his muzzle, and his eyes were blue. He was sitting on a box and had an open book with a black brown cover sitting on his lap and a number 2 pencil was held by his ear. "...I'm gonna guess your Rangers little brother. Correct?" Nightwing asked the colt. "Sure am sir." The colt sounded a bit tomboyish, different than how Ranger spoke. "Sorry 'bout that arrow, couldn't tell if ya was a Spook or not." "It's fine." Nightwing said as he got out of the bed. "The rest of the family is down here sir." The colt said as he jumped off the box. "Names Appleseed by the way." "Nightwing." Nightwing said as he followed Appleseed down the stairs. The downstairs led to a room that appeared to be a kitchen with a fridge, two stoves, and cupboards hanged on the sides of the kitchen walls. Four ponies stood in the kitchen. On of them was Ranger, another was a mare with light green fur, a cherry red mane, and matching eyes. Another one was a stallion with dark brown fur, orange eyes, and a black mane and tail along with a mustache. The final pony was a mare with tan fur, black mane, and blue eyes. "Nightwing let me introduce ya to the family." Appleseed said. "Here we got ma older bother Ranger." Appleseed pointed to Ranger. "These two here are uncle and aunt berry." Appleseed pointed to the green furred mare and the stallion with a mustache. "And this is ma mom." Appleseed pointed to the tan mare. "Family this here is Nightwing, the one that's gonna help us." "It's a pleasure ta meet you mr. Nightwing." The uncle shook Nightwing's hoof firmly. "You can call me John, folks call me that so you can too." Then the Aunt came up and shook Nightwing's hoof as well. "You may call me Blossom mr. Nightwing." "And you may call me Eve." The mom said. "And this is our dog Scout." Appleseed said as a dog with grey fur that covered the body where the legs and paws were white, his eyes were brown, and his ears were pointed. If anything Scout resembled a wolf but was slightly smaller. "Okay...now that we've all gotten aquatinted let's get down to business." Nightwing said. "First I'm gonna need a map of the entire farm." "I think we have a map of the farm in the attic. Ranger would you like to give me a hoof?" John asked Ranger. "Sure thing uncle." Ranger said as he and John left. "Next thing we need is some lunch because I am famished." "Well get right on it." Blossom and Eve said. "As for you Appleseed. I want to see why this crack is so important." "Alright I'll lead ya right to it." Appleseed said as he trotted off with Nightwing following behind. The two walked outside towards the backside of the barn. On the backside of the barn was a double door that looked like it lead downstairs to a cellar. Appleseed opened the doors to the cellar and walked down the stairs. The cellar was full of various foods and supplies and barrels were stacked on the left side of the wall. Multiple support beams stood tall as they held up the wooden ceiling. But across from them was the wall with a vertical crack in it. Light leaked out of the crack as soft and unheard whispers came from the crack. "Well...guess you weren't kidding when you said this was serious." Nightwing chuckled as he approached the crack. "Your tellin me. Although I'll admit I have taken an interest in it." Appleseed said. "Is that what you write in that journal of yours?" "Sure do." "You know your brother worries for you when you do that right?" "Ah he ain't got nothing to worry about after all it's just voices." "I have made war against all and I have made peace. In my hooves I hold the power to give life and death. I can control others to make them do whatever I wish. What am I?" Nightwing asked. Appleseed rubbed his chin in thought as he tried to figure out the answer. "You are a word." Appleseed answered. "And the riddle is by starswirl the bearded." "Very good. And what was the point of the riddle?" "The riddle was made to show everyone that the most powerful weapon in Equestria is a word. Because a word can hurt and can also heal, because a word can be used to rage war and make peace, and that a word can be used to order others to do something." "Correct." "So you probably now know I'm from the future." "What?" Nightwing asked as he turned his attention to Appleseed. "Hm?" "You said something what did you say?" "I didn't say anything." "Hang on, you said your from the future how can you be from the future?" "I thought ya knew, mostly because you can tell when someone is lying. The field must be stronger than I thought." "Field? What field? What on earth are you talking about?!" "Calm down, I'll explain." Nightwing calmed down and sat so Appleseed could explain. "Okay, I'm from the future we've already cleared that up, I was sent here by you. Well future you, but still-" "Ranger never had a brother did he?" "No. Anyway ya gave me a mind field that allows someone to adds themeselves to others memory." 'So that's what I bounced off of when I tried to use shadow stalking to get here.' Nightwing thought. "Well that makes sense, but wait how are able to stay in this timeline this long? You should have gone back to your own timeline by now." "Ya said you'd say sometin like that. So ya gave me think." Appleseed said as he lifted up his right foreleg and on the bottom of his hoof was a silver horseshoe. "What is that?" "It's a silver horseshoe. An object that existed in the past at this point in time." "Therefore the silver horseshoe is anchoring you to this timeline! Oh I am brilliant!" Nightwing exclaimed. "But wait. Why would I send you back in time in the first place?" "First rule of time travel, time never changes. Which reminds me. You need to send me to this timeline. Can't say when you do it cause I forgot the date, but you should know when." "What is up with your accent?" "Translator is a bit tricky for the mind field." "So your from the future, I sent you here, you have a mind field, and you probably know what this crack is." "Nope." "What do you mean nope? That's got to be the reason I sent you here, because you need to tell me what this thing is." "Sorry you told me not ta tell you anything." "Mare I'm frustrating...holy buck how do my friends deal with me?" "They normally hit you." "Oh yeah. So when are supposed to go back?" "In a little bit, but before I go ya told me to tell you that you need to see a mare named Dinkie." "What...why?" "Sorry." Appleseed shrugged. "But you told me you hated spoilers." Appleseed said as he removed the silver horseshoe and a blue ball surrounded Appleseed. Sparks flew out of it in a violent matter. Until the ball vanished leaving a scorched mark on the floor. "Well...that happened." Nightwing said as he looked back at the crack. "Now then what are you?" Nightwing approached the crack and began to examine it. He put his ear next to it in hopes to understand the whispers but it all sounded like total gibberish. "Okay future me sent Appleseed to this timeline because of the crack, obviously. But why would I send him unless...his journal!" *BOOM!* An explosion shook the cellar as the barrels and food were knocked down from their braces. Dust and dirt fell out of some of the cracks in the ceiling as Nightwing tried to regain his balance. "Explosions...what is with today and explosions?" Nightwing asked himself as he flew upstairs. Thick smoke could be seen from the house as shots and bangs and other various noises could be heard from inside it. Nightwing ran towards the house with his crystal ready for action and battle. He kicked the door open and entered the house. And saw that the kitchen was full of smoke. Using a simple air spell all of the smoke was driven out of the house. Now there were two black charred mares standing in the kitchen along with a crisp stove. "What the hay was that?!" Nightwing shrieked. "Oh one of the stoves gas pipes just simply burst that's all." Eve dismissed it like it was nothing. "Has it...done that before?" Nightwing asked. "Sure it has." John said as he and Ranger entered the room with a folded up paper on his back. "Darn things always catching on fire." "Ummm...okay...John you got the maps?" Nightwing said as his brain struggled to wrap around the new information. "Yep got em right here." John said as he set the maps down on the kitchen table and unfolded them. The map consisted of different areas and squares with labels on them like 'barn, house, and other various places. Most were fields. But it was easy enough to read none the less. "Okay let's talk strategy, I want us to focus on fortifying both the house and the barn. We'll build a barricade that blocks the front side and the back side of the space between the house and the barn. Now then do we have anything we can use to build this barricade?" Nightwing asked. "We have plenty of lumber in the barn we could use." Ranger suggested. "Perfect. Now then I want each window to be barred up with either wood or metal, honestly would prefer metal but work with what you have. Alright mares I want you to start barring up the windows and doors in the house. Meanwhile Ranger, John, and I will start building the barricade. Now then let's get to it." Nightwing said. The group split up and began to do their separate tasks. Unaware that a Spook with yellow eyes, that were like the burning sun on the inside, was watching them. > Chapter eight. New friends part three > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The farm was beginning to take shape as everypony did their task. 'The lumber' that Ranger spoke of was a large pile of uncut logs. The logs were nailed into the ground and stacked on top of one another until they had made a wall. Then using empty potato sacks they stuffed them with bundles of hay. The hay bags were then stacked against both front sides of the two walls. Eventually the two walls were seven feet and ten inches. Windows were carved into the wall as well as doorways were sawed into the house and barn. Eventually the windows were barred up, the wall was constructed, and they were now eating lunch. "Okay." Nightwing said as he swallowed a piece of his sandwich. "I want all of the weapons and tools from all around the house and barn in a pile in the living room to see what we got." The group went all around the entire house and barn, searching for weapons of any kind. Until they had all of the weapons and tools in different piles in the the living room. "Okay we got five crossbows, one hundred and thirteen arrows, forty two explosive arrows, two scythes, a plow, three shovels, two bows, and lastly twenty sticks of dynamite...Ranger." Nightwing said. "Yeah." "Why do you have twenty sticks of dynamite?" "We used some of it to build our cave in a mountain for the winter." Blossom answered. "But why do you have it in your house?!" Nightwing demanded. "Well where else would we put it?" John asked. "Oh I don't know, maybe somewhere else besides in a place made of wood!" "Yeah that probably wasn't a very good idea." Ranger muttered. "Wait...this might be a good thing." Nightwing said as began to think of a plan. "Of course we can plant these in the wheat field as booby traps." "There see...something good came out of this." John boasted. "Don't-don't do John. Nobody likes a suck up." Nightwing said. "So what should we do?" Eve asked. "Ranger and I will head out into the field, after lunch of course, and plant some of these in the field. Then attach a fuse to all of them and lead it to the wall, that way we can ignite the traps from the wall." Nightwing walked over to the map and levitated a marker to him. Using the marker Nightwing marked three circles on the map. "Okay we'll plant the dynamite in these three areas. We'll plant seven here." Nightwing pointed to the right circle. "Seven here." Nightwing pointed to the left circle. "And the rest here." Nightwing pointed to the center circle. "We'll need to bury them in about one foot deep hole. Once we want to set off the dynamite I'll fire a trigger at them to set them off. Sound good?" "...y-yes." Ranger said unsure about the plan. "Great! Let's get to it." Nightwing said as he grabbed both Ranger, the Dynamite, and two shovels, and using shadow stalking he teleported both of them to the outside of the wall. "Will never get used to that." Ranger mumbled as he followed Nightwing to the entrance of the wheat field. "Right here's your ten." Nightwing said as he levitated ten sticks of dynamite onto Rangers back. "And here's my ten." Nightwing said as he held his ten sticks in an aura. "You get the left side and I'll get the right. And we'll meet up at the center, and remember to keep them not to far apart but not to close as well. Got it?" "Got it." Ranger confirmed. Both Ranger and Nightwing went their separate ways into the field. The wheat was tall and made it hard to see anything else in front of him that wasn't wheat. But Nightwing and Ranger both had a map of the field so Nightwing knew where he was going.Finally Nightwing made it to the area he was supposed to be. He lowered his map. And came face to face with a Spook with burning yellow eyes that bored their way into Nightwing's eyes. "Bugger." Nightwing cursed. Both Nightwing and the Spook stood as still as statues. Each afraid wether they should move or not. At least that's what Nightwing thought. Since he couldn't really tell what the Spook was thinking. Nightwing's eyes looked down and saw that the Spook was making odd movements with its hooves. 'Is it...is it trying to say something in sign language?!' Nightwing screamed in his head. The Spook continued to make hoof motions and sure enough it was using sign language. "What the hay does that mean?" Nightwing asked the Spook once it stopped making hoof motions. "You just said 'don't protect the farm.' Why would I not protect the farm?" The Spook began to make different hoof motions. Nightwing frowned as the Spook continued. Nightwing always hated sign language, mostly because he could never tell if the one who was using it was lying or not. That's right Nightwing can only tell if someone's lying only if they can speak. "'It must be destroyed.'" Nightwing repeated the Spooks hoof motions. "What must be destroyed? What are you talking about?" The Spook placed a hoof on Nightwing's head and an image appeared in his mind. An image of Flash with blood red eyes and matching mane and tail appeared in his mind. Behind the Flash it appeared as if the whole world was burning as the sky was blood red. The Spook removed it's hoof from Nightwing's forehead and the image faded away. Nightwing stumbled back a bit as he tried to regain his balance. A tentacle came from the Spooks back and wrapped itself around Nightwing's crystal. "The Cataclysm is coming." The Spook spoke through the crystal. The Spook then let go of the crystal, turned, and disappeared into the wheat. Leaving Nightwing alone in the field. ".....it's gonna be one of those days huh?" Nightwing asked as he observed his crystal. Nightwing dug seven holes and planted a stick of dynamite in each hole, then buried it. Once all the holes were dug and the dynamite in place. Nightwing went to the center area where he met up with Ranger. The two buried the last of the dynamite and then headed back to the house. "You okay Nightwing?" Ranger asked with a concerned look. "Hmm? Yeah, yeah I'm...fine." Nightwing said as he lost his train of thought. "You don't seem fine." "I just...have a lot of thinking going on right now." "Ah...okay." The two made it to the house and Nightwing teleported the two back into it. Time had passed and it was now night. Nightwing took the guest bedroom that he had first awoken in when he was brought here. He looked at the pictures he first saw when he woke up. They looked the same but there was no Appleseed. 'I guess when he left the mind field vanished as well.' Nightwing guessed. He looked at the desk next to the bed and saw a piece of paper with a small bowl of ink and a quill in it. Nightwing levitated the quill and began to write on the piece of paper. 'Dear Teach. How you doing? Me I'm great. Anyways as you probably already know I activated my houses self destruct (told you it would come in handy). So yeah, I'm fine by the way, so there's no need to worry about me. The vault was teleported to a safe location as well. I'm currently helping out some new friends of mine in case you were wondering. So I hope your doing well. Your student, Nightwing.' Nightwing rolled up the letter and tied it closed with a ribbon. A flame was shot from Nightwing's crystal as the letter turned into smoke and flew out the window. Tired and bored Nightwing pulled back the covers, hopped into the bed, and fell asleep. 'Did you tell him?' 'Yes. I warned the Knight.' 'And did he listen?' 'I am unsure. But I hope he listened.' 'And if has not?' 'We will have no choice.' 'So...nothing has changed?' 'No...nothing has changed. We will give them two moons. Then we strike.' > Chapter nine. New friends part four > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dawn broke through the clouds as the sun rose high in the sky. Nightwing removed the covers from his bed but stopped when he heard a crumpling noise. He pulled the covers back and saw that a rolled up letter with the signature lunar stamp keeping it closed. Nightwing removed the seal and opened up the letter. 'Our dear student. We happy to hear that you are alright. Although your where you are is still unaware to me, I trust that you will be wise and careful. Stay safe dear student. Your Teach, Luna.' Nightwing couldn't help but grin at that last part. His Teach always disliked that nickname but now she seemed to be used to it. Nightwing crumpled up the paper and threw it in a trash bin. The morning had been very dull, the group had breakfast, had small talks, and cleaned the kitchen. Only thing left to now was to make adjustments to the defenses. Nightwing, John, and Ranger where making final touches on the wall. Meanwhile the mares were "Hey Ranger." Nightwing asked as hammered a nail through one of the planks. "Yeah." "I heard you say your ma and pa built this barn. But I haven't seen your pa anywhere. Where is he?" Ranger stopped what he was doing. His eyes revealed pain as he remembered a painful memory. "You okay?" Nightwing asked. "Yeah...it's...it's alright...I-" A hoof rested itself on Rangers shoulder. Ranger looked behind him and saw that it was John who had placed his hoof on his shoulder. John had a look on his face that said 'I know'. John removed his hoof and walked a bit forward. "Rangers father was one of thee most kind stallions I have ever seen before in my life. When the Spooks came they tried to destroy the barn..." Pain was in Johns voice as he tried his best to continue the memory. "Ranger and him where in the barn when it happened. The top layer were we kept most of the hay caught fire and burned the top layer. It collapsed and crushed everything below it....Ranger made it out...but Harvest...never made it out." His voice had began to crack. "What's worse is when we put out the fire...we couldn't even bury him...his body was never found." "...I'm sorry...I didn't mean to bring you this kind of pain...I know what it's like to loose someone you care about." Nightwing expressed. "It's not your fault. After all how could you know about it." Ranger said. Nightwing nodded at that and went back to working on the wall. Canterlot. Two days later. "Time had passed and we added braces to the back of the wall for double protection." Nightwing said as he shuffled a deck of cards. "The traps were set. Our defenses up. And we had our weapons ready." "Interesting." Luna said as she observed the board. Nightwing and Luna sat opposite from each other, a board game known as 'Warriors and Soliders'. It was a game of strategy and warfare. The board was almost life-like because it was being projected by a crystal that hovered above the table. The board covered most of the table except for a space in front of Nightwing and Luna. "Tell me more of what happened." Luna asked. "Anyways there was nothing else for me to do so I did what I always do when I'm bored...I tinker." Nightwing said as dealt eight card to Luna and eight cards to him. "I tinkered around with their crossbows and tried to turn make it easier to use." Nightwing said as he chose four of the eight cards and placed them down face up. All four cards had the word 'Building' on top of it in gold. The first building card was called 'Farm'. The hovering crystal recognized the card and a windmill with four fields connected to it materialized onto the board. The other three cards were 'Blacksmith', 'Tower', and 'Archery Range'. The Blacksmith building looked like an extended shack but had a furnace on the outside of it. The Tower was like a wizards tower. Tall, made of bricks stacked on top of each other, had a cone roof, and had a window carved at the top of the tower. The Archery Ranger was an open field with a small outpost connected to it and at the end of the field were targets. "Interesting choices dear student." Luna said as she placed her four cards face up. The crystal saw them and materialized them onto the board. Nightwing recognized them as the 'Huts', 'Church', 'Pit', and 'Castle'. The Huts were four large straw made flipped bowls with a doorway in each, the Church had the shape of a barn but had a small tower with a bell in it on the front of the roof, the Cave was a hole in a rock that had a red and fiery light coming from inside it, and the Castle was a single square tower surrounded by four walls with four square towers on the edges of the walls. "Your move first student." Luna gestured. "I'll have my farm start producing food, which will take one turn." Four red pony figures appeared on the windmills fields as the began to tend to the crops. "Then I will have my Blacksmith begin designing weapons, which will take three turns." A red figure with a beard and apron on him appeared and entered the blacksmith. "Wise move. For my first action my Hut dwellers shall go to the church and pray." Tiny blue ponies emerged from the huts and entered the church. "That will take three turns, for my second action I shall call forth a creature from the cave which will take four turns." Luna said. "Now tell me, what else happened on the farm?" "Well like I said I tinkered with their crossbows and I was able to add a six round revolver to it that could hold the arrows and a pull back trigger on it that pulls back the string." Back on the farm "Like so." Nightwing said as he cocked the crossbows string with the pump and pulled the trigger. The string was released, pulling the arrow forward, and launching it at the target. The arrow whizzed through the air and struck the target. Nightwing spun the holder to the next arrow, cocked the string back and fired another arrow at the target. "Time!" Nightwing asked. "6.8 seconds." John looked at the stopwatch. "Compared to the older version of the crossbow?" "Ummm...fourteen point seven seconds faster." Eve said as she compared the two speeds. "Wonderful, test is a success. Now to change the others." "So you had given them weapons to defend themselves and a wall to protect them. Why didn't the Spooks attack you?" Luna asked as she ordered her Knights to attack a goblin camp. "I found that strange as well, turns out they weren't attacking because they were giving us time." Nightwing said as his archers moved into the forest. "Archers gain plus three stealth." "Time to do what? Knights destroy goblin camp." Luna said. "Well it happened on the second day." "Nightwing! Nightwing!" Ranger shouted as he shook Nightwing's body. "No Teach I don't want to go into the scary woods." Nightwing murmured. "Huh...wha?" "Nightwing your awake! Come quick you need to see this!" Ranger screamed in a panic. "Ranger..." Nightwing paused as he rubbed his eyes. "What's going on?" "Spooks! Hundreds of them! Quick!" Ranger said as he ran out the room. Nightwing, half asleep, followed him. Ranger went downstairs, through the living room, and out the door towards the wall. There John, Eve, and Blossom were all standing in front of a separate window. All three had a crossbow in their hoofs. "Okay what's this about-" Nightwing cut himself off as he looked out one of the windows. "-Spooks." Hundreds of Spooks surrounded the farm in a 360 degrees circle. Each stared at the barn and house with their blank faces. Tentacles writhing from out of their backs. "Huh...well that's a lot of Spooks." Nightwing stared in disbelief. "Nightwing what do we do? There's no way we can fight this many Spooks." John said, not taking his eyes off the Spooks. Nightwing scanned the Spooks but stopped when he saw the Spook with the fiery eyes Spooks standing in front of the other Spooks. "Why is that Spook always here?" Nightwing asked no one. "What Spook?" Ranger asked as he looked out the same window. "That one right there. The one with it's eyes on fire." Nightwing pointed. "There's no Spook with any eyes." "What are talking about, he clearly-" Nightwing paused as he put two and two together. "Wait here." Nightwing said as he spread his wings and flew over the wall. "Don't fire until I say so." "Why couldn't Ranger and his family see what you saw?" Luna asked. "I'll tell you why just don't interrupt me." Nightwing answered. Nightwing approached the Spook and stared at it dead on as it's burning eyes bored into Nightwing's, no matter how terrifying they looked he did not avert his gaze. "Okay you. What do you know about the crack?"Nightwing demanded. The Spook continued to stared at Nightwing. "Oh don't give me that blank look, I know you know what the crack is now tell me." A tentacle reached out of the Spooks back and rapped itself around Nightwing's crystal. "The Cataclysm must be averted." "Okay but what is the Cataclysm?" "Death." The Spook answered. "Does Cataclysm mean anything else?" No reply. "Okay." Nightwing sighed as he facehoofed. "What about the Crack? What is it?" "A split." "A split? A split in what?" "In space." "A split in space... Wait you mean a wormhole?" "No...a split in space." "Split in space...split in space...split in space...a split in the multiverse?" "Yes." "Yes! Knew I'd get it- "Wait." Luna interrupted Nightwing's story. "What did it mean by a split in the multiverse?" "A split in the multiverse is what happens when a universe is cut. That's basically what the crack was, a cut in our universe, allowing another universe to bleed into ours." Nightwing explained as he rolled a die. "Archers kill Knights." Six Archer figures pulled back their bows and shot six arrows at Luna's three Knights. The arrows struck all three Knights and they vanished from the board. "Well done. No then continue your story." Luna said. "Okay now that I know what the crack is time for some more questions. Why do you want to destroy the farm?" Nightwing asked. "Innocents." The Spooks answered. "Innocents. What do you mean by..." Nightwing paused as he looked back at the wall. There Eve, John, Blossom, and Ranger stood ready to fight for their home. "Oh...you don't want to harm them. Wait if you don't want to harm anyone why did you attack my home?!" Nightwing demanded. "Had to convince." "Yeah did a pretty good job at that. But why must you destroy the whole farm? Can't you just...I don't know, somehow seal the crack?" "The crack is like furnace, it must be fed so it can be sealed." "Is that why you destroyed Whitetail? Because of a single crack?" "The crack became to large we had to feed all of the forest to it." "Final question, why are your eyes like that? And why can I only see them?" "I am forever burning, I must always burn until I have finished my deed." "Forever burning...wait are you...are Harvest? Rangers dad?" "I am Harvest. His soul is trapped in me and will not leave until I can complete my deed." "But you have no right to take his soul!" "He chose this fate." "Why would anyone choose that fate?" "To protect his family. His will is strong, he is holding us back but will not be able to hold forever. The Spook said. "He says you must choose. You must tell them that they must leave, or they will all die. Choose wisely Nightwing." The Spooks tentacle let go of the crystal and stepped back into the crowd of Spooks. Nightwing turned around and flew back into the wall. "Well what's the plan Nightwing?" Eve asked. "What do we do?" - "What did you do Nightwing?" Luna asked. "...I ran." "I'm sorry." Nightwing said as he placed a hoof on Ranger and Eve and vanished. Then he returned, placed a hoof on John and Blossom and vanished. The group had been teleported inside a blue bubble that hovered high above the farm. "Nightwing what are you doing?" Ranger pounded on the bubble creating ripples in the bubble. "I'm sorry but I couldn't let you loose anyone else." Since the farm was now empty the Spooks burning eyes disappeared. With nothing holding them back the Spooks charged at the house and barn. Tearing into it their tentacles ripped the house and barn to splinters. "Good Lord." Eve gasped as she and her family watched as their home was being torn apart. "I'm sorry...I'm so sorry but you couldn't stop this." Nightwing cried as memories of fire and screams returned to his mind. The screams. They never left. They never stopped. Always the fire and screams. "Nightwing!" Luna shouted. Nightwing snapped out of his memory he looked around and saw that the room had black hit and scorched marks on the floor, ceiling, and all around on the wall. The furniture had been moved, knocked on it's side, or was flipped over. Luna had created and aura shield around her to protect herself. Nightwing put a hoof to his cheek. It stung a lot as he rubbed it. "Did you...slap me?" Nightwing asked in disbelief. "Forgive us student." Luna said calmly as her aura shield fizzled. "I did not mean to strike you with physical means, but I saw no other way to bring you out of your trance." Luna used her magic to put the table upright. "What happened?" Nightwing asked. "As you continued to recall your story you began to cry. I didn't understand what was the cause for this action but I tried to comfort you. But you attacked me, you shot a magic bolt at me. I was startled by this, but I had no intention of harming you so I defended myself. But-" Luna paused. "But what?" Nightwing asked. "Your eyes and crystal. They changed." Luna said. "I sensed fear inside of you when you kept attacking me, it was then that I understood that you had become possessed by something. So I slapped it out of you." "Okay...so I attacked you because I was afraid. Now...where was I?" "You aren't actually going to continue are you?" "Relax if I get all ruff and fight like you can just slap me again." Nightwing smirked. "Anyways as the Spooks tore up the farm and then it exploded. Like a massive explosion that destroyed the Spooks, the Farm, and pretty much everything in a one mile radius." The farm was gone, replaced by a smoking crater of ash and char. Nightwing gently sat the bubble down and it disappeared. The family looked at their once home, their minds tried desperately to wrap around what had happened to their home. Nightwing's head dropped as he looked at the black grass. "I'm sorry." He said. *WHAM!* a hoof collided with Nightwing's face as he was knocked down. He looked up and stared at Ranger who had tears that were forming in her eyes. "I deserved that." Nightwing groaned as he got up. He expected another punch in the muzzle but instead he felt a gentle, but firm, set of hooves wrap around him. Ranger was hugging Nightwing. "Not sure if I deserve this." Nightwing said. "Our home is gone." John said as he looked at Nightwing. "But our family is still whole. And we have you to thank for that." "But where will we go?" Eve asked. "I think I have an idea." "And what was your plan?" Luna asked. "We traveled to the Apples farm in Ponyville where I asked the Apple family if they could stay there and help out. Turns out that Blossom was old friends with Granny Smith." Nightwing answered as he moved one of the nightstands back into place. "So alls well that ends well I presume?" "Not all, we still don't know what these cracks are. And what this thing called the 'Cataclysm'." "So we must find out what this Cataclysm is." "By the way I've been meaning to ask you." Nightwing paused as he looked directly at Luna. "What do you know about shooting stars?" A yellow figure in the shape of a young stallion hovered above Canterlot as he observed the scene below through a window. "The Shadow knight was rich with fear and anger." The figure said as he turned around. "I can't wait to bring more fear to this land." The figure chuckled as it began to fly away. "This is gonna be so much fun." > Chapter ten. Dream caster > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The morning birds chirped loudly. Beckoning their mother to feed them. The animals and creatures began to move about as the sun shinned down on the planet. Nightwing smiled as he trotted down the dirt path. A tablecloth lied folded on his back as he walked. Today he was going to a picnic with Flash and Twilight. 'I wonder why she set up this picnic anyways?' Nightwing wondered. 'Probably because she's gonna tell Flash finally.' Nightwing kept walking until he got to a green pasture. There Flash and Twilight were already there, Flash was carrying a picnic basket in his mouth. "Hey Nightwing." Flash said through the basket. "Did you bring the blanket?" Twilight asked. "Sure did." Nightwing said as the blanket was unfolded and set on the grass. Twilight sat the picnic basket on the blanket and opened it up. Three white plates levitated out of the basket as they separated. One went to Twilight, one went to Flash, and one went to Nightwing. Three sandwiches levitated out of the basket and onto each of the separate plate. "So Twilight." Nightwing said as he took a bite of his sandwich. "Why did you want us to meet here?" "Yes...see I..." Twilight began to look a bit sluggish. "See I...*yawn*...I'm sorry I don't think I got enough sleep lately." Flash eyes began to get heavy as he began to rub his eyes. "I don't think it's...*yawn*...I don't think it's just you Twi." "Yeah I'm feeling it...ugh...too..." Nightwing began to feel sluggish as well. A darkness began to surround Nightwing as the world went black. "Huh?" Nightwing said as his eyes popped open. He was lying down on a dirt patch, so he sat up and observed his surroundings. Next to him he heard a door open. He looked to his right and saw Derpy was standing in the doorway. A warm smile was on her face as she looked at Nightwing. "Good afternoon Nightwing." She said in a warm voice. "Dinkie is upstairs." That's when it all came back to Nightwing. When Appleseed told him to check up on a mare named Dinkie he began to look around and figure out who she was. Turns out she was a young unicorn foal who was adopted by Derpy. Nightwing tacked down Derpy's address and scheduled a time to meet Dinkie. How in the world he fell asleep on Derpy's front porch? No idea. "Umm...right." Nightwing said as he entered the house. Derpy closed the door behind him. The house wasn't as big as Nightwing thought it would be. The stairs were close to the door, the dining room to the left of the stairs. A play room was to the right of the hallway, and a kitchen could be seen down the hallway. "Which way is Dinkies room?" Nightwing asked. "Up the stairs and it's the second on the right." Derpy answered warmly. "Thanks." Nightwing said as he walked up the stairs. The upstairs was comprised of four rooms. Two on the left and two on the right. Nightwing walked to the right and up to the second wooden door. Nightwing knocked three times on the wood. "Coming." A young voice said. A yellow aura surrounded itself around the door handle. The door was then opened up and Dinkie stood in the doorway. "Hi mr. Nightwing." Dinkie said cheerfully almost like her mother but more foal-ish "Hi Dinkie...mind if I come in?" Nightwing asked. "Sure thing." Dinkie moved as Nightwing trotted in. "What would you like to talk about?" Meanwhile in Twilights castle both Flash and Twilight were fast asleep in the throne room with a circular table in the middle. "Huh?" Twilight said as her eyes began to flutter open. "What? How did we get here?" Flash asked as he rubbed his eye. "I'm...not sure." Twilight said. 'Was that a dream? No it couldn't have been. It felt to real.' "Huh...I guess it was just a dream?" Flash suggested. Twilights shook her head. "No it couldn't have been a dream. It was way to real to be one." "Oh...wait then you were about to tell me something, weren't you?" Flash asked. "Oh...right." Twilight said solemnly. Her head drooped a bit towards the ground. "Umm...well...you see." Twilight began to say as she tried to figure out the best way to explain the situation to Flash. But how could she? How could she possibly tell Flash what she did to him. "*sigh*" Twilight sighed. She had to do it. Flash had a right to know. No matter how much he'll hate her in the end. She had to face the music. "Do you remember our first date?" Twilight choked on the words. "Of course I do." Flash smiled. "You invited me to a private picnic." "It's not real." Twilight croaked. "What?" "It's not real." Twilight said. It was now obvious she was crying. "It never happened. That first date we had...it wasn't real." "...but...it has to be real...how could it not?" Flash asked, a concerned look on his face. "...I'm so sorry Flash but...but..." Twilight stuttered. "I'm so sorry." She cried as her horn lit in a purple aura and she disappeared. Leaving Flash alone. Confused and needing an answer. Flash flew out of the castle and began to search for the pony that could have the answer. Nightwing. Dinkies room had a single bed, a dresser, a mirror attached to the wall, a closet, an organized desk, and a closet. Dinkie sat on the bed while Nightwing stood across from her. "So what do you want to talk about mr. Nightwing." Dinkie asked. "Well...that's a good question actually." Nightwing said. 'What should I ask her? Technically she hasn't done anything wrong. Why would I need to talk to her?' "Are you okay mr. Nightwing?" Dinkie raised an eyebrow. "Huh?" Nightwing asked a bit sluggish. "You look a little bit sleepy." Dinkies voice began to become distorted. Then the world went black. - "What?" Nightwing demanded as he looked around. He was back on the picnic blanket, Flash was across from him but Twilight was no where to be found. "Nightwing. How did we get here?" Flash asked. "Well that's simple." A voice said. The two looked to the left and saw a unicorn stallion with grey fur, golden mane, and golden eyes. He wore a suit and tie and a pair of light gold pair of round glasses rested on his muzzle. "You walked here." The stallion said. "Who are you?" Nightwing demanded as he sat up. "And what have you done with Twilight?" Flash also demanded. "First, Twilight is fine. She's not here because she teleported away. And two, surely you know who I am Nightwing?" The stallion asked. "...Yeah, I'm drawing a blank here." Nightwing said as he rubbed the back of his head. "A pity." The stallion frowned. "No matter, I shall introduce myself. Hello there my name is Dreamcaster what's yours?" A startled look appeared on Nightwing's face. He was about to say something but Dreamcaster closed the distance between him and Nightwing and shoved his hoof in his mouth. "Before you say anything allow me to explain, I have created two problems for you. One is in a dream, the other is in reality. Solve the problem you leave. Fail...you'll die." Dreamcaster removed his hoof from Nightwing's mouth. "Have fun." And just like that he disappeared. "What...just happened?" Flash asked. "Isn't it obvious " Nightwing "We have to figure out what problem is real and what problem is fake." "But...how can he create a dream? I thought only princess Luna could do that?" "No Teach is a dream walker. She can travel through dreams but she can't create them." Nightwing explained. "Now come on we need to go." "Wait...Nightwing, Twilight was trying to confess something to me. But she ran away before saying what...do you know what it is?" "Teaches moon!" Nightwing facehoofed. "You can't just run from your problems Twilight."' "Uh-" "Listen Fash, I'm going to be blunt but your not Flash." "...but...of course I'm Flash...who else could I be?" "Listen I know you don't remember...but there is a spell that can wipe the mind clean...erase every single memory you ever have and put new ones in your head...Twilight casted that spell on you." "So...what did she do?" "Twilight...wiped your mind...and filled your head with false memories so you would love her and you'd never know." "...that's it?" "What do you mean that's it?! Twilight wiped your mind and filled your head with lies and your okay with it?!" "Well...yeah...I mean I feel like I should be mad at her...but I can't help but forgive her." "...holy buck she wired your head really good." "Nightwing...why can't I be angry at her?" "Like I said she filled your mind with false memories...basically she made it so you can't be anything but the perfect stallion for her." "...I....I...I need to talk to her." Flash spread his wings and flew off. Nightwing did not dare try to follow Flash. This was something that Flash and Twilight had to solve. Then the world faded to black. "Mr. Nightwing?" Dinkie asked as she kept poking at Nightwing's body. "Gah!" Nightwing shouted as his eyes shot open and he lifted his head. "Ah!" Dinkie flew back and bumped her head on her bed. "Dinkie!" Nightwing sat up and approached Dinkie. "Are you okay?" "Yeah...I'm fine." Dinkie said as she rubbed the back of her head. "Few." Nightwing sighed in relief. He looked around. He was back in Dinkies room. "How long was I out?" "About two minutes." Dinkie said. 'Two minutes...okay gotta figure out what the problem is and how to solve it. Best course of action, ask Dinkie what's going on.' "Tell me Dinkie...have you noticed anything unusual lately?" Nightwing asked. "No." 'Oh come on this is to easy.' Nightwing thought. "Okay Dinkie...same question. This time I want the truth." "But I told you I haven't seen anything." "Please stop lying, or better yet stop making it obvious that you are." "But-" "Dinkie...the truth. Now." "Okay...some days I...I wake up and there's a drawing on my wall." Dinkie pointed to the wall across from her bed. Nightwing approached the wall. He held up his hoof and crystal began to scan it. When it was done he turned around and his crystal created a hologram of several pictures some with words others not. "Are these the pictures?" Nightwing asked. Dinkie nodded. As he continued to look at the pictures he stopped at one. It was a picture of a Spook with the words 'fear the Spook' under it. "When was this one made?" "About two days ago." "Two days, but that would mean...no you can't..,but...that doesn't..." Nightwing turned off the images as he began to pace. "Mr. Nightwing what's wrong?" Dinkie asked. "Well Dinkie...I'm gonna be honest with you...your the descendant of the prophet." "The what?!" "The Prophet...a magical being that can see the future. You apparently are that descendant." "So...so I can see the future?" "Pretty much." "Ah!" Dinkie cringed as she held her head with her forehooves. "Dinkie...what's wrong?" Dinkie removed her hooves and tackled Nightwing. "Get down!" She yelled. Once they had hit the ground a fiery yellow beam burned through the wall were Nightwing and Dinkie once stood. Nightwing sat up and looked out the hole that had singed edges. "Oh no." Nightwing said in disbelief. "Nightwing...what is that?!" Dinkie shouted. Outside a large creature that appeared to be about as tall as the house stood tall. It looked a lot like a stone giant but was shorter and looked like it was made of silver plating. Yellow heat could be seen that radiated from the inside of it's body. "It's a Gladiator...but what's it doing this far west?" A line split through the center of the Gladiators face began to opened up. An almost blinding light came from it. It didn't take a genius to figure out what was about to happen. Not wanting to be caught in an inferno Nightwing grabbed Dinkie teleported downstairs to the kitchen. Grabbed Derpy and used shadow stalking to disappear. > Chapter eleven. Dream trap > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nightwing, Derpy, and Dinkie appeared in an area surrounded by trees and other various greens. "What-what just happened?" Derpy asked shaking. "I tried to use shadow stalking without full concentration. Now we've ended up Teach knows where." Nightwing answered as he looked around. "Mr. Nightwing, what was that thing?" Dinkie asked. "That was a gladiator. Things that were made long ago by earth ponies in the west mountains. The gladiators have one purpose, destroy." "Why would anypony create such a thing?" Derpy asked. "Dragons are kind of a nuisance in the west. That's why they made the Gladiators. They needed something that could kill dragons." "But why is it attacking us? Wait...is a dragon attacking Ponyville?!" Derpy shrieked. "No...I'm pretty sure we'd notice if a dragon was attacking. Besides this Gladiator is attacking us. Why us?" "Maybe this has something to do with me being a prophet?" Dinkie suggested. "Wait, your a what?" Derpy asked. "Oh yeah." Nightwing said as he placed a hoof on Derpy's shoulder. "Congratulations Derpy your adopted child is a descendant of a powerful being know as the prophet. She has the power to see the future and all that stuff. But still, congrats." "She's a what?!" "Ugh. It's gonna be one of these days. Listen long ago there were magical creatures that had extraordinary powers. Only four are known, they are the Necromaner, the Sin Eater, the Punisher, and the Prophet. The Necromaner has the power to bring the dead back to life. The Sentinel is the one that defends Equestria and...well I'm not sure what he can do really. The Punisher is the one that brings judgement to those that have sins, either they repent or they suffer. And finally the Prophet, the one who has the power to see the future and see things no one else can." Nightwing explained. "O-okay." Derpy said. "Mr. Nightwing that Gladiator...it knows we're here." Dinkie cringed. "How do you know?" "Duck!" Nightwing tackled Derpy and Dinkie, moving them out of the way of a fiery blast the singed the wood and greens. "How did it find us?!" Dinkie shouted. "Don't know. Let's find out after we run." Nightwing said as he used shadow stalking. And teleported the three away. Flash flew high up trying his best to find Twilight. But had no luck. 'Why do you care so much about finding this mare?' The stallion voice asked. "I need to talk to her." Flash answered. 'You wish to talk to the one that took away your memory. Why?' "I need to understand why she would do something like that." 'And what will you do when you don't like what you hear?' "That doesn't matter." 'Your really serious about this aren't you?' "More than ever." '...*sigh*...fine. If your so keen on finding the truth then I'll tell you where she is.' The voice sighed. 'Shes in the forest known as the Everfree. Head there you'll find her crying under a tree.' "Thank you...whoever you are." 'Dont mention it. Ever.' 'Dont mention what?' The mare voice asked. 'Nothing! You heard nothing!' Flash shook his head and flew towards the Everfree. Once there he began to look around trying to find her. But saw nothing but the head of trees. 'Oh come one. Do we have to play hot or cold?' The stallion asked. "That would kinda help." Flas said. '...I was joking.' "It's kinda hard to tell with you." '*sigh*Your warm' Flash flew forward. 'Stop.' Flash stopped. 'Drop down. Walk forward until you reach a lone tree. You'll find Twilight there.' "Thanks." Flash said as he dropped down and walked forward. He kept walking forward until he heard a soft crying. He ran towards the source. He stopped when he saw Twilight under a tree. Her wings covering her eyes as she wept. Flash could feel his heart twisting at the sight. He slowly approached Twilight being cautious and silent. "Twilight?" Flash asked softly. The young alicorn gasped as she removed her wings and stared into Flash's eyes. Her fur under her eyes was stained with marks of tears. "F-Flash?" Twilight quivered. Flash bent down next to Twilight and wrapped a wing around her. "Hey, it's alright. It's okay." Flash nuzzled Twilight. "Why are you here?" Twilight asked in sorrow. "How did you find me?" "That doesn't matter. Twilights why did you run?" "Why are you caring for me? I took away everything that defined you as you. And made it so you would like me." "So?" "So why are you showing me kindness?" "Because I forgive you." Flash said. "Because I don't care about what you did to me. I don't care if you made me love you. I care about you and your safety. Nothing else." Twilight wiped away some of the tears in her eyes. "Thank you Flash. Thank you." "Now come on." Flash helped Twilight up. "Nightwing needs our help." Then the world blacked out. "Ah!" Nightwing yelled as he ran into Flash and Twilight. Knocking the two down "Oww." Twilight groaned. "Oh hiya Twilight. How's your day going?" Nightwing joked. "Well we solved our relationship problem but other than that. Horrible." Flash groaned as he sat up. "Hey when did we get to Ponyville?" Nightwing asked. The group looked around and sure enough they were outside of Twilights castle in Ponyville. "How did we get here?" Twilight asked. "Better question. Where is Everypony?" Twilight asked. The trio looked around. The dirt roads that were once full of ponies was fully deserted. And to show how deserted the place was a tumbleweed rolled past them. "Where is everyone?" Flash asked. "Hello! Anybody here?!" Nightwing shouted. No answer. The trio looked at one another with worried faces. "Be careful guys, this could be a dream." Nightwing warned. "Wait what?" Twilight asked. "Oh yeah, you weren't here when the Dream casted showed up. Don't worry I'll explain everything. See there are two areas, reality and the dream. We have no idea which is which, so we have to be carful and we can't take any chances." Nightwing explained. "Okay...so this is all a dream?" Twilight asked. "Could be." "Wait if this is a dream then we can do anything right?" Flash asked. Nightwing shook his head. "It's not gonna be that simple. This may be a dream but our brain doesn't know that, remember were switching between reality and dream. Which means three things. One, the dreams time will go faster than reality time. Two, the dream is so powerful we won't be able to tell reality and dream apart. Three, whatever you think may seem off to you please tell me, it might help us tell the difference." Flash pondered that thought for a while until an idea came in his head. 'Don't bother Flash.' The Stallion voice said. 'So you already knew what I was gonna ask?' Flash asked in his head. 'Were not gonna be any help to you, even I can't tell these two places apart.' 'Your a terrible liar you know that?' The female voice asked. 'Hey! I helped him find that mare of his, he can figure the rest out on his own.' 'Do you two have some kind of relationship or something? Cause you two seem to argue like a married couple.' Flash thought. Flash's mind went silent for five seconds before the stallion voice said something. 'Boy. If I could, I would punch you right now for even daring to ask a question like that.' The stallion voice growled. 'Noted.' Flash gulped mentally. "Come on let's search these houses." Nightwing suggested. "Right." Both Flash and Twilight agreed. The trio split up and began knocking on doors, opening them up and searching them. "This ones empty." Flash said as he flew out of a house. "This ones empty too." Twilight said as she ran out of a house. "Same." Nightwing said. The group continued to look through the whole town but no one was found. Finally only one building remained unchecked. The town square. "Okay...this is the last building." Flash stated the obvious. "Alright let's see what's behind door number one." Nightwing joked as he approached the door. His hoof reached for the handle but stopped when a green blast blew the door to splinters. Nightwing was shot back and landed on the hard dirt on his back. "Owww." Nightwing groaned as he sat up. He looked at the doorway and his eyes nearly bulged at the sight. "Hello there." A tall alicorn mare about the height of Celestia stood in the doorway. Her fur was black various holes pierced through her four legs. She barred her two fangs as her dark green eyes stared down the three ponies. Her long sick green mane flared wildly as she smiled. "Chrysalis!" Twilight shouted as her horn glowed purple. "Nice to meet you too." Chrysalis smiled. "What have you done with Ponyville?" Twilight demanded. "Easy. My children drained every last drop of love from your ponies." "Your lying, there's no way my friends would let you do that!" "Are you sure. We attacked when you three were put into a coma for four days. With one of the Elements of Harmony missing we wiped out the town easily." Chrysalis sneered. "Nightwing?" Flash asked. "Yeah?" Nightwing said. "Is she telling the truth?" "...yes." Twilight shot her head backwards as she looked at Nightwing with disbelief. "You mean that...that all my friends...are...are gone?" Twilight asked on the verge of tears. "...I'm afraid so Twilight." Nightwing hung his head low. "...You monster!" Twilight shouted as a she glared at Chrysalis and shot purple laser from her horn. Chrysalises horn began to glow a sinister green as a green dome appeared around Chrysalis, absorbing Twilights laser. "Is that really the best you got?" Chrysalis asked not impressed. A lightning ball was created by Flash that hovered slightly above his his hoof. "Take this!" Flash shouted as he threw the lightning ball at Chrysalis. The lightning ball crashed through the green shield shattering it to pieces. Before the ball could hit Chrysalis however she dodged the attack. Causing the lightning ball to explode inside the town square. *BANG* Twilight was about to fire a laser at the fallen Changeling. But Nightwing put his hoof in front of her forcing her to stop. "What are you doing?!" Twilight demanded. "I have a clear shot!" "You really need to refresh your knowledge on fighting changelings you know." Nightwing said. "Rule one of fighting changelings. There's never just one changeling." "How correct you are." Chrysalis sneered as her horn glowed sickly green again. Then they heard it. All the houses and homes in Ponyville began to groan and creak as snarling and thrashing could be heard from inside them. The walls and windows began to bust open as Changeling hooves, teeth, and horns began to break through the homes. One by one, crawling out of the cracks and holes like the insects they were hundreds of changelings crawled out of the houses. The changelings surrounded the trio, some smiling with glee others barred their fangs at them. "Did it ever occur to you why I let you three live in the first place?" Chrysalis asked. "It was because I wanted to see your face. I wanted you to be the last ones to die knowing that everything you ever held dear has been taken from me. Kill them." On her command the Changelings began to swarm the three. Twilight, Flash, and Twilight tried their best to fight the oncoming drones. But soon they overpowered them. Flash and Nightwing and been pinned down and we're stuck in a sticky green goop. Twilight was held by two changelings that had trapped her in a green aura. Chrysalis approached Twilight with a sinister grin. "Now then...what to do with you?" Chrysalis pondered. "Oh I know. Bring me my sword." A Changeling in black armor carried a scabbard with a dark black sword hilt in it. The changeling kneeled before the queen, who unsheathed the sword from the scabbard and levitated it in front of her. The swords structure was like a dead tree. The blade had several holes in it along with some cracks. "Goodbye Princess." Chrysalis said as she held the sword high above Twilights neck. "I'll remember you the least." Chrysalis swung the sword down. Twilight shut her eyes tight expecting a sharp pain. But there was no pain. Only a gasp and a crash was heard. Twilight opened up one of her eyes to see Chrysalis had been impacted in a wall. She gasped once she saw that Flash was standing on his hind legs and was pressing his right foreleg against Chrysalises throat. But what surprised her the most was his mane had changed from blue to black with the tips blood red. His wing were half unfolded showing that his wings feather tips were red. Both Twilight, Nightwing, and the hundred Changeling all stood frozen in fear. "Don't just stand there." Chrysalis coughed. "Attack him." The Changelings quickly regained their focus as they were about to attack. But they couldn't move. They struggled as they tried to move and attack Flash but no luck. "What are you waiting for?! Kill him!" Chrysalis shouted. "We...can't...move." The Changeling in armor struggled to speak. "What?! How is that possible?!" Chrysalis demanded. Flash turned around and faced the changeling army not removing his foreleg from Chrysalises neck. His Crimson eyes striking fear into the hundred Changelings. He raised his left hoof a red aura engulfing it. Once he did that black tentacles rose up from the changelings shadows. The tentacles wrapped themselves around the changelings body, neck and face and began to squeeze. The changelings howled in pain as their body's were being crushed by the tentacles. Until the screaming was immediately silenced as the tentacles broke the changelings necks. Flash released his hoof causing the tentacles to retreat back into the shadows the came from as well as the changelings lifeless bodies to became limp and fell to the ground. Both Nightwing, Twilight, and Chrysalis became dead silent as they failed to remove their eyes from the corpses. Flash turned his attention away from the dead changelings and back to the changeling queen. "What...what are you?" Chrysalis stuttered. Flash kneeled down to where his muzzle was inches from Chrysalises. "Do you remember the city know as Timbuktu?" Flash asked. His voice changed, it became more dark and low. "Y-yes." Chrysalis answered. "The day you attacked. Your army killed my friend. I'll make your pay for that." "What-what are you going to do?" Chrysalises eyes became wide with fear. Flash placed his hoof on Chrysalises chest. "I'm going to let my friend be at peace." Flash answer simply as a katana with a black blade and a red cloth wrapped around the hilt emerged from Flash's shadow. Flash picked it up with his left hoof and slid the blade through Chrysalises heart. Chrysalises eyes went wide as pain engulfed her whole body. She wanted to scream but all she could do was gargle as blood began to fill her lungs. Flash watched as the life began to disappear from her eyes. When he was sure that Chrysalises was dead he removed the katana from Chrysalises corpse. The blade slid out with ease as Flash dropped the blade back into his shadow. The sword disappeared into the shadow as if it had sunken into water. Flash turned back to Twilight and Nightwing. "Sorry about that. Needed to settle some old business." Flash said coolly. "Let's get you out of there shall we?" Flash lifted his right hoof. It glowed red as a small laser began to cut up the green goo that trapped Nightwing and Twilight. Once free they didn't move a muscle, they just stood there wide eyed and in shock. "Oh don't look at me like that." Flash rolled his eyes. "If anything you should be thanking me. After all I did just save your necks." "How...what...what are you?!" Twilight stuttered. "Now Twilight is that anyway to talk to your lover?" "I'm gonna take an assumption that I'm not speaking to Flash but to the Element of chaos, correct?" Nightwing stepped forward. "Element of what?" Twilight asked. "How right you are, I am the dark part of Discord. The Element of Shadow." Flash said. "Wait hold on. Can somepony explain what's going on?" Twilight asked. "About three weeks ago Flash, Lightning strike, Comet tail, and I tracked down a pony by the name of Clutterstep. When we found him he killed both Flash and Lightning strike. However I was able to bring them both back with two Elements of chaos that Discord told me to get." Nightwing explained. "Flash died?!" Twilight screamed. "Almost died. But I was able to heal his body with some of my magic." Flash explained. "Why would you do that?" Nightwing asked. "Because I had been given a chance to have a body again. You think I'd just pass that up?" "You have a good point there." Nightwing muttered. "Well hello there." Flash said. "Huh?" Nightwing questioned. He and Twilight turned around to see Dreamcaster. "You again." Twilight growled as her horn began to glow. Dreamcaster smiled as he stomped his left hoof against the road. He was clapping. "Bravo." Dreamcaster congratulated the three. "I really didn't think you'd figure it out. But you pulled through in the end." "What do you mean by that?" Flash asked. "Was I not clear? I created two problems for you. One in a dream, the other in reality. You solved the one in reality. Congrats." Twilights Magic died down and a shocked look appeared on her face. "You mean that...all my friends...are...are..." "Are dead? I'm afraid they are. So sorry." Dreamcaster smirked. Twilight fell apart when she heard that. Tears began to fall off her cheeks as she silently sobbed. "Wow. You are a terrible liar." Nightwing said as he pointed his crystal at Dreamcaster. A blue laser shot out from the crystal and struck through Dreamcaster's heart. Then the world blacked out. "Gah!" Starlight shouted once she woke up. "Something the matter?" The hooded pony asked. "It's those three. They've figured out my spell. Their awake." Starlight said as she sat up. "I figured as much. But there is no need for worry, we have what we need. Although I would prefer more time, it seems that won't be an option." "Ow." Nightwing held his head. "Mr. Nightwing your awake!" Dinkie exclaimed. "Dinkie? Derpy?" Nightwing groaned as he got up. But froze when he saw the Gladiator was down on its back no fire was emitting from its insides. "Did...did you guys kill the Gladiator?!" Nightwing asked in shock. "Yep." Derpy smiled. "How?!" "Well.." "FACE ME METAL DEAMON!" Derpy shouted as she jumped into the air and began to beat down the Gladiator with a rusty shovel. "FACE THE WRATH OF DERPY!!!" "I hit it with a shovel." Derpy smiled. "...I'll take it." Nightwing sighed "Mr. Nightwing? Am I gonna be okay?" Dinkie asked. "Course you are. Why wouldn't you be?" "Because a metal creature that could breathe fire just tried to kill me." "Oh yeah. Look I don't think that creature was attacking you. I think it was after me. You just got in the way of it." Nightwing explained. "Oh." "Now then. I'll ask Teach to help pay for the hole in your wall. In the meantime however I'm gonna head home you should do the same." Nightwing suggested as he flew off. Dinkie and Derpy walked home. "Tick tock." Dinkie sang. "Goes the clock. Two friends all alone." "Tick tock, goes the clock. Their fates carved in stone." "Tick tock goes the clock. He cries softly in sorrow." "Tick tock. Goes the clock. Till Comet tail ends the Shadow." "That's a lovely tune sweetie. We're did you hear it?" Derpy asked. "I made it up. It's kind of an ear worm really I can't seem to stop hearing it." Dinkie smiled as the two continued down the path. Unaware of how important the song really was. "Where...where am I?" Comet tail questioned as his eyes tried to adjust to a bright light. He tried to move but something kept him from doing so. He looked down and saw that he was buckled and strapped down on a table. His eyes wandered over to a side table with a steel tray with various sharp and scary looking tools set on it. Behind the tools was a black rectangle box with strange markings on it. "Hello! Anypony here?" Comet tail shouted. The sound of a door opening echoed through the room. Instinctively his eyes looked over towards the sound. From the darkness the hooded pony emerged. "Who are you? Where am?" Comet tail demanded. "Who I am has yet to be discovered and you are in my laboratory." The hooded pony answered. "What do you want with me?" "Simple." The hooded pony said as the rectangle box was levitated in front of her. "I want you here because your gonna be my little genie pig." The rectangular box opened up and curved black horn with it's tip red was levitated out of the box. "Don't worry this won't hurt a bit." The hooded pony walked over to Comet tail. "What comes next however. Will be excruciating." > Chapter twelve. Airship > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Hello?" Flash's voice echoed throughout the dark place. "Is anyone here?" Flash wandered around the place for a while until he saw a door. It was a olden style door that was clearly made from crystal architecture. Seeing nothing else Flash approached the door and opened it. The door led to a hallway that appeared to be in the crystal castle. Only difference was the crystals were no longer light blue and clear. They were black and cracked. Flash walked down the hallway, a loud bang echoed as the door closed behind him. Seeing there was no going back Flash continued down the hallway. With every step he took the more dark and scary the hallway got. As he continued he became familiar with his surroundings. "I should go to Prince Shining armor. He might know what's going on." Flash suggested out-loud as he raced down the hall. He burst through one of the double doors and into the throne room where a single crystal throne made of black and dark purple crystals, along with a red cushion on the seat and back of the throne, stood at the end. Flash skidded to a halt the second he saw it. Sitting high on the throne was a unicorn stallion with light black fur, parts of his darker black mane could be seen under his helmet, his eyes were closed as if he was resting, grey armor was adorned on his body and hooves, a matching grey helmet that covered the back of his neck and the top of his muzzle, a purple cape with a white outline around it, and unlike normal unicorn horns his was curved back instead of straight. Flash recognized who the Unicorn was the instant he saw him. "Sombra." Flash said in disbelief. As soon as the word left his mouth Sombra's eyes opened. Revealing his red eyes as purple magic fumed from his eyes. The mere sight of the eyes cause Flash to stagger back. Sombra's horn glowed a viscous red as two black crystal pillars shot from the ground, stabbing through the golden armor of two Pegasi. Their blood trickling down the crystal pillars. "So these are the so called 'Legendary Sentinels'?" Sombra mocked. A blue lightning ball wizzed past Flash's muzzle and almost exploded on Sombra. But he saw the attack coming and teleported out of the way as his throne exploded from the ball. "Well I didn't see that coming." Sombra chuckled as he looked towards the doorway that Flash came through. "I should feel honored, it's not everyday you meat the headmaster of the Sentinels." Flash turned around and face a Pegasus adorned in gold armor that cover his whole body, legs, neck, head, and face. The helmet the Pegasus wore began to retract itself revealing the Pegasi face. The Pegasus had red fur and yellow eyes. Multiple scars and scratches could be seen on his face. "King Sombra." The Pegasus growled. "By order of the Sentinel code you will be removed from your throne. I would offer for your surrender but that wasn't part of my orders." "Bwaha ha ha ha." Sombra burst out laughing, clutching his sides. "Your joking right? Your the headmaster for crying out loud, what makes you think you have enough power to beat me?" "Because we have him." The Headmaster pointed outside the door. A grey hoof stepped through the door. Both Flash and Sombra gasped, their eyes couldn't believe what they were seeing. A grey furred stallion unicorn with yellow eyes, a long white beard, and a blue cloak with stars stitched onto it along with a pointed blue hat with stars stitched onto it, and silver bells on its rim. The hat I am speaking of is known as a wizards hat. "Hello again old friend." The unicorn said as he stood next to the Headmaster. "Starswirl? Why are you fighting against me?" Sombra demanded. "What you are doing Sombra. It is not right. You cannot force your own subjects to become your slaves." "But why not. You know fairly well what lies in those mines. Think of what we could do if we could harness that kind of power. Unless..." Sombra said as he became aware of what was happening. "The true reason your going to all this trouble to dethrone me is because your afraid of what might happen if I do harness that power?" "I will only ask this once. End this madness now." "Madness?" Sombra chuckled. "Madness is what ponies call others who have a deferent outlook on the world. You dare call my vision madness?" Sombra said as his horn glowed a sinister purple and green. "Then you will feel PAIN!" Sombra shouted as he shot a purple and green laser at Starswirl. Who created a blue force field which Sombra's laser bounced off of. The Headmasters helmet covered up his face, minus his eyes, and unfolded his wings. A short golden blade extended from his right hoof as he flew towards Sombra. "Take this!" The Headmaster shouted as he swung the sword at Sombra. "Lieutenant Sentry?" A gruff voice asked. "H-huh?" Flash stammered as he rubbed his eyes. "Forgive my interruption." A night guard asked. He was a bat-pony with dark grey fur, yellow eyes that were like dragons, two short fangs could be seen because they stuck out of his mouth, and was adorned in dark purple royal night guard armor. "But Commander Nightwing has requested your presence in the chart room." "Right." Flash said as he pulled back the covers from his bed. Memories of his mission flooded back into his mind. Nightwing, Flash, and Lightning strike received a distress letter from a neighboring country known as the Mountains Kingdom. So with permission from Princess Luna the trio were given a flying ship and thirty lunar guards to help them with their task. Flash walked out of his cabin and followed the guard out onto the deck. Above them were two large cylinder balloons that were held by steel wires. The eight propellers that moved the ship roared loudly as they moved forward. The night guard stopped and stood guard at one of the doors. It didn't take long for Flash to figure out that it led to the chart room. Flash walked towards the door and opened it up. "I'm just saying there doesn't seem to be that big of a difference." The voice of Lightning said. "That's the problem, there is a big difference." Nightwing's voice retorted. Flash had stepped into a room that had a large circular table with multiple maps and tools all over it, Nightwing and Lightning strike both glared at the other from parallel sides of the table. Behind the table was a large glass window that allowed some of the moonlight shine into the room. A single desk stood between two bookshelves that had some books missing. Flash closed the door behind him causing the attention in the room to turn to him. "Bro your here. Perfect timing, can you please tell Nightwing there's not that big of a difference between bat-ponies and vampire bat-ponies?" Lightning strike asked. "Flash could you help a friend out and please explain to you ignorant bother that there is a complete difference between my race and bat-ponies?" Nightwing asked. "Who you calling ignorant?" Lightning demanded. "The one too stupid to realize it's him." Nightwing answered simply. "Enough. Both of you." Flash held the bridge of his muzzle. 'I swear, I feel like I have to parent these two whenever their around.' Flash mentally groaned. "What are you two arguing about anyway?" "Lightning strike says there's not a difference between bat-ponies and vampire bat-ponies." Nightwing explained. "There's a difference?" Flash raised an eyebrow. "Of course there's a difference. For example we drink blood were they eat fruit." Nightwing said. "I thought you said you didn't need to drink blood?" "Oh I lied about that so you guys wouldn't be terrified of me." "Why would you lie to me about that?" Flash demanded. "What? Would you have preferred 'Hi there I'm Nightwing, I'm a creature that might drink your blood while you sleep if I so desire. Also I have a poison in my fangs that will kill you in two minutes flat'." Nightwing said sarcastically. "Wait...you have a deadly poison in your fangs?" Lightning strike asked shakily. "That's right Lightning, and I could kill you right now." Nightwing smiled. "You know what now that I think about it there is a big difference between those two races. Silly me, please don't bite me." Lightning hid beneath the table. "Please don't ruin the wooden floor, I was just kidding." Nightwing rolled his eyes. "Okay, pushing away the discussion we just had, why did you ask for me to come here?" Flash asked. "Oh yeah I asked that didn't I?" Nightwing muttered. "Alright, does anyone know anything about the Mountains Kingdom?" "Now that ya mention it..no." Lightning said as he sat up to the table. "What is the Mountains Kingdom?" Flash asked. "The Mountains Kingdom is the heart of a small country on a very valuable piece of land." Nightwing explained. "How valuable?" Flash asked. "Very. We get seventy-nine percent of our metals and ore from the country." Nightwing said. "About two days ago Teach received a distress letter from the kingdom." "Don't we know all this information already?" Lightning asked. "Yes but what you don't know is what the letter said." "Which was?" Flash asked. "The letter said that the kingdom was under attack." Nightwing said. "By who?" Flash asked. "The letter described their attackers as creatures that looked like ponies but were made of metal and could breath fire." "So?" "Doesn't that sound an awful lot like the stone ponies we encountered?" "No, because last time I checked they were made of stone and couldn't breath fire." "Actually I did some research on the ston ponies, turns out the reason the could move and fight was because of a spell know as the 'Animation spell'." Nightwing explained. "It's a spell that can give a piece of material life." "How? There's no way that such a spell exists." "There is, you see the creatures soul is like a furnace, burning wildly to keep it's body alive." "But add water-" "And you extinguish the flame. When the letter described the kingdoms attavkers I finally figured it out. The stone giant, and the Stone ponies. They were all a test subjects. And the Gladiator that attacked was another test. To find out how effective it was against me. Now they have a new and improved army of fire breathing metal creatures that are going to burn down the entire Mountain kingdom." "...oh." Lightning strike said. "Wait how can they create something like that?" Flash asked. "I may not be some kind of magic expert, but I know there's no way they could have that much magical power." "Actually they do. Their leader...is a Shadow kinght like me." Nightwing said. "Wait. I thought there wasn't anymore Shadow Knights?" Lightning asked. "And even if there is another one, why would they be trying to kill you?" Flash asked. "I don't know, but whoever he was he had a complex crystal like me." Nightwing showed the two his crystal. "The Shadow Knights invented the complex crystal and only we can use it." "What makes the 'Complex crystal' so special?" Lightning asked. "Flash remember when we headed to the crystal empire and were attacked by those two Shadowbolts?" Nightwing asked Flash. "Yeah...wait there called Shadowbolts?" "I'll explain later, but when they disappeared they had a pink crystal remember?" "Oh yeah. One of them touched that crystal and then they disappeared. Why is that?" "What they used was called a programmed crystal. Basically what it does is cast the spell inside it." Nightwing explained. "But how can a crystal cast magic?" Lightning questioned. "Allow me to explain, a unicorns horn is used to channel magic from its body and through the her thus casting the spell the unicorn desires. A programmed crystal does the same except it can only hold on spell inside it. Tap it and you cast the spell inside it." "But what does this have to do with your complex crystal?" "A programmed crystal can only hold and cast one spell, where my complex crystal can hold an infinite number of spells inside it." "So you could just read a spell, and your crystal would learn it instantly?!" Lightning said in shock. "That's correct." Nightwing confirmed. "Anyways were getting off task, we need to figure out how to beat these metal ponies." "Can't we just drop water on them like we did with the stone guys?" "These metal guys probably have some type of countermeasure for that now." Nightwing rested his head on his hoof. "How did the water extinguish the flames of the stone ponies anyway?" Flash asked. "The Stone ponies had small cracks in its body allowing the fire to get some oxygen." "Then how will these guys be able to vent the fire?" "Your right! No matter how you slice it the flame must have air for it to grow. Without it the flame would just burn out." "So now we just need to figure out how they vent the fire and then we're all good?" Lightning asked. "That's only half of it." Night sighed. "See they have the power to create an army anytime they want anywhere. A power like that is very concerning." Nightwing sighed. "What are you suggesting?" Flash asked. "See there's a side mission to all of this, I'm going to create an army of my own kinda like the Order's. But the difficult part is I have no idea how I'm gonna do it." "Why don't you just use the animation spell that the Order uses?" Lightning asked. "Because then we'd have the same weaknesses as their army, therefore it would be an incredibly stupid idea to do that." Night groaned. "We should worry about this in the morning, right now I think it's best that we all get some sleep. Celestia knows, we need." Flash muttered as he opened the door and walked onto the deck. "Hey Nightwing?" Lightning strike asked as Nightwing stopped him from walking out the door. "What? Are you going to lecture me about the difference between my race again?" Nightwing growled. "No it's not that it's...why do you hate me?" Lightning strike frowned. "Flash said that you hate ponies you first meet, but I don't believe that for a second. What's the real reason you don't like me?" "... Do you really want to know why I dislike you Lightning strike?" Nightwing frowned. "Yes." "Fine I'll tell you. It's because Flash's entire family went out of their way to protect me from the Order. And guess what happened in the end, Flash's dad is dead. We dug up his grave and buried him and your mother, captured and interrogated by the Order. She was never seen again and was presumed dead." Nightwing croaked. "And where were you?" Nightwing growled as he turned to face Lightning strike who had a look of horror on his face. "Where were you when we buried your father? Where were you when your mother went missing? Oh that's right, you were in Canterlot training to become a guard." "So that's the reason? You hate me because I wasn't there when my family was in trouble?" Lightning strikes eyes wandered towards the ground. "Why do you think I trained to become a guard? It was because I wanted to protect my family damn it!" It was now Nightwing's turn to be startled as he took a step back. "Eleven years ago, when Flash and I were six...our house was robbed." Lightning strike struggled to tell the tale as his old wounds began to open up. "One of them...was about to stab my dad with a knife. He had him pinned to a wall and my dad was trying to hold back the knife. I watched it all happen with my own eyes. I could have done something, I could have beaten him with one of our chairs, picked up a pan and knocked him out with it, or I could have just ran up to him and beat him down. But I didn't, I was to frozen with fear. But then Flash..." Lightning strike choked as tears fell onto the wooded floor. "Flash had picked up a kitchen knife and stabbed the robber in the throat. Before we knew it he was dead. The authorities came and arrested the rest of the burglars...Why? Why could Flash do something that I couldn't? Why did Flash have that bravery that I didn't? So I then decided to join the royal guard. So I could become brave like Flash and be able to protect my family... But then. One day I got a letter from Flash...saying my dad was dead. I cried for an entire day. I trained harder than ever before just so I could protect the rest of my family. Because I know it's what my dad would have wanted." "When I learned that my mother was captured it only fueled my strength for me to increase my training. Every night I could only hope that my brother and sister were still alive. Do you have any idea what it's like to worry every single night that your family might be dead and you never knew it? Do you?!" "Your right, I don't know what it's like...the only family I ever really had was Flash's...heh, I guess we actually do have something in common. We both tried our best to protect Flash's family. I'm sorry Lightning strike. I shouldn't be angry at you. The truth is I think I'm just angry at myself...because I couldn't protect my family...and I couldn't protect Flash's family." Nightwing sighed. Lightning wiped his eyes and cheeks. "Come on...let's get some sleep. After a night like this we both need it." Lightning suggested. "Yeah..I think that's a good idea." Night said as he walked out the room with Lightning strike following behind. The door creaking as it closed softly behind them. "I got to hoof it to you kiddo, I never knew you had the guts to actually kill somepony." The stallion voice said. Flash groaned as he tossed in his bed. "Go away Shadow I wanna sleep." Flash groaned. "...What did you just call me?" The stallion voice asked. "Hmmm, sorry. You said you didn't want to tell us your name and you said you the element of Shadow. So I figured why not call you Shadow?" Flash suggested. "Hmmm...you know what, I like it. Alright then Flash, my name is Shadow." "Great. Now go to sleep." Flash closed his eyes. "Newsflash Flash. I don't sleep." "Is that why your always a prick?" "No! Look I've been looking around some of your memories lately and I gotta say that you have a dark past Flash. It's no wonder the element accepted you so easily. How the element of Scorch accepted your bother Lightning strike is a mystery to me." Shadow said. The second Flash heard his brothers name he sat straight up in bed. "What do mean Lightning strike is the 'Element of Scorch'?" Flash demanded. "Oh now he wants to listen. It's true however your brother possesses the Element of Scorch. The destructive side of chaos. I guess he must have done something very destructive to allow the Element accept him." "Is he going to be okay? I swear if he's hurt in anyway-" "Settle down grasshopper. Your brothers fine. Trust me if he wasn't the Element would have burned him to nothing but ash." "How do I know your telling the truth?" "Do you have a choice?" "...What do you want?" Flash demanded. "I want to ask you a question that's all." Shadow said simply. "Just a question? Alright ask away." "Tonight did you happen to see anything weird or not normal?" "... Yeah. Your gonna have to be more specific." "Grrr...okay look I'll be blunt with this okay? Have you had any dreams that might have something to do with...Changelings, Nightmare moon, or Sombra?" "Now that you mention it I did have a dream about some guy named the Sentinel headmaster and Starswirl the bearded fighting Sombra." Flash admitted. "*sigh* I was afraid of this. Our memories are beginning to merge." "What does that mean?" "The name's pretty much self explanatory, your mind is beginning to eat up the memories from my brain and puts them in yours, over time our minds will have eaten up all of the memories and our minds will become one. Understand?" "Yeah I understand. But I have to ask, why did I have a memory of King Sombra?" "Because Sombra used the Element of Shadow. You see when someone uses an Element, wether it be harmony or chaos, your mind and memories are infused with the Element." "So that means..." "When you die your memories will be sealed in the Element like the others." "Oh...wait how come I can talk to you but I can't talk to Sombra?" "Because I have died with the Element in my possession. When someone dies with an Element of chaos their soul becomes trapped inside it." "What about the mare? You know the other voice. What's her name?" "She won't say and neither will I, but the reason that she can talk to both of us is because she died with the Element of chaos in her possession as well." "Where is she now?" "Meditating I guess." Shadow assumed. "Wait a minute, Lightning strike is an Element of chaos as well. Does that mean he has a voice inside his head as well?" "Doubt it. I haven't seen that Element in a long time. So I don't think someone is inside his head like I am." "Final question. What the hay is a Sentinel?" Flash asked. "*sigh* Now that is a long story. Alright let's see here I believe it was one-thousand-five hundred-and sixty two years ago? Anyways during the time period that Equestria had just been founded word spread that a kingdom, known as the Lunar empire, had a creed of warriors called the Shadow Knights. Creatures with the power of both magic and flight, Equestria saw the Shadow Knights as a threat so they created a creed of their own. 'The Sentinel act' I believe they called it. The only way for the Sentinels to have equal power as the Shadow Knights they used ancient magic on their soldiers." "This ancient magic was the first magic to ever be discovered. It gave the Sentinels powers no one had ever seen. They called these ponies 'magic casters'." "Magic casters? That wouldn't happen to be related to me being a lightning caster would it?" Flash questioned. "As a matter of fact it does, there were five types of magic casters, Lightning casters, Fire casters, Water casters, Wood casters, and Shadow casters. Lightning casters controlled electricity and lightning, Fire casters could create fire out of thin air, Water casters were like fish able to swim incredibly fast and control water, Wood casters had control over the trees in woods over time they began to change and turned in wood themselves you probably know them as Woodscolt's, and finally Shadow casters don't let the name fool you just because their name is Shadow caster doesn't mean they can control shadows, in fact the whole reason that their called Shadow casters is because they can create illusions and false images nothing more." Shadow explained. "Anywho both Equestria and the Lunar empire both had creeds of powerful magic. However five hundred years later the Sentinels fought against Sombra and the crystal empire. The Sentinel order was weakened after that. Because of this a new creed arose. The Order. They believed that the world belonged to the ponies and that the other races were inferior. Ponies began to join the Order rapidly until they posed as a threat so large that they had the power to wipe out every other race if they so desired. The Shadow Knights wouldn't stand for the action nor would the Sentinels. A war raged between all of Equestria as both sides tried to defeat the other." "But what about the Princesses? Surly they fought in the battle?" Flash asked. "Celestia refused to be intertwined with such bloodshed. But Luna however fought against the Order. On the final day of the war Luna used the Element of Shadow and killed. Everyone. Shadow Knights, Sentinels, even the Order. We're all killed on that day, it wasn't long until Luna was banished to the moon that she lost the Element and it was buried in the dirt. Time had pasted and then you found me." "So your telling me that king Sombra and princess Luna became the monsters they were because of the Element of Shadow?" Flash asked. "Like I said, Shadow is the dark side of chaos. All of the cruel, evil, and devilish things of chaos have been trapped in this gem." "Does that mean...I'll become just like-" "Them? Probably not, your forgetting that Twilight removed all of your memories and added new ones. That spell has made it so your mind can't change, whatever mind control or illusion someone puts on you won't work because your mind is fixed." "So...I'm fine?" "Well you have an Element of chaos in your heart which will turn you into a murderess daemon whenever you get mad. But other than that your fine." Shadow joked."Now get some rest your going to need it." "But-" "'Silenceo'." Flash's eyes began to get heavy as he fell backwards. His head hitting the pillow and he fell fast asleep as he breathed silently. Meanwhile in Lightning strikes room. A slight snore was coming from Lightning strike as he slept peacefully. "It would be best to keep an eye on this one." Shadow said as a ghost like version of Flash in Shadow version appeared next to Lightnings bed. "Who knows what kind of destruction this one will cause if his Element awakens. But would cause him to turn into Scorch?" Shadow muttered out-loud. "Flash turns Shadow when he gets angry or when Twilight is in danger. So what emotion would cause Scorch to awaken I wonder?" Shadow questioned as Lightning continued to sleep soundlessly. Morning came fast as it took the sun and moon ten seconds to switch places. Flash yawned as he stepped out onto the deck. He looked at the two night guards that stood in front of the cabins doors. "Ummm... Have you two even slept?" Flash asked quizzically. "That's one of the pros of being a bat-pony." Nightwing caught the attention of Flash as he ate a spoonful of cereal. "They sleep for an entire month and stay awake the next. They basically don't sleep for a whole month." Nightwing explained. "Really? Can you do that?" Flash asked. "Don't be stupid." Nightwing said gruffly as he continued to eat his cereal. Flash just shrugged and walked towards the stairs that led to second lower part of the ship. Flash walked through a door and into the bustling cafeteria were bat-ponies were eating breakfast and talking amongst one another. Flash ignored all of this and headed towards the food court where he filled his tray with eggs, hay-bacon, a couple of strawberries and a milk carton. With his tray full he left the cafeteria and headed back up to the deck. There he sat next to Nightwing and began eating his eggs. "Hey Flash?" Nightwing asked. "Yeah what's up?" Flash asked as he swallowed his eggs. "Lightning strike and I had an argument last night after you left. He told me that you killed a pony that was robbing your family. Is this true?" Nightwing looked towards Flash who had put a pause on eating his breakfast. "... Yeah...yeah it's true. I did kill him, truth is I didn't even know what I was doing. I All I knew is he going to kill my Dad if I didn't do something. So a grabbed a kitchen knife and without a second thought...I stabbed him in the throat. And killed him...funny why do I feel so calm when I say something like that?" Flash asked. "You can thank Twilight for that." Nightwing chuckled. Flash went back to eating his breakfast as Nightwing stared off the side of the ship. "Flash... Did I ever tell you about my past life? You know before I met your family?" Nightwing asked. Flash nodded his head. "When I was young my family lived in a village. Our neighbors didn't mind that we were vampire bat-ponies. They saw us as just regular ordinary ponies. But then the Order found the villages and burned the entire place down. Just because we lived there." Nightwing was on the verge of tears. "My mom...she was trapped under a burning building, my Dad and sister were dead. I tried to pull her out from under the rubble but I couldn't. She told me to run, to run as far as I could from the village. I didn't want to leave her but she pushed me away and told me to run...run...that's all I could do...just run...just run and run...just keep running from my the kind ponies. The ones who treated us as equals. And most of all...I ran from my family...I ran from the ponies that raised me from the day I was born." Nightwing began to cry. "Somewhere in my mind...I think that I should've stayed...should've tried to free my mom from the rubble...save my dad...save my sister...but I didn't...all I did was run...and look were running has gotten me...I'm the last Shadow knight in existence...and there's no way to bring my family back...no matter what I do...no matter how hard I wish...I will never have my family back." "Nightwing-" "And it doesn't stop there...your family took me in...cared for me...protected me...and what did I give you in return for you kindness...nothing...your father died...your mother vanished...and it was all my fault...it's always been my fault...why?" Nightwing fell to his knees as he fought to get his words out, his eyes clenched tight as if to hold back his tears but no luck, the tears didn't stop. "Why is it that everywhere I go...places are burned...ponies are hurt...and love ones are lost...why...why must there be so much death and devastation wherever I go?! Why do ponies go out of their way just to protect me?! Why?!" Nightwing shouted at the sky. "Because your our friend." Flash said. "Because it doesn't matter who you are or what you do. You will always be our friend and we will protect you with our lives if we have too." "But-" "No buts. Your right though, no matter what we do we can't bring your family back. But don't you see Nightwing? You are apart of our family. And family protect and love each other no matter their past." Nightwing wiped away his tears. "Thanks Flash...you know I really needed that." Nightwing chuckled. Flash place his right foreleg around Nightwing's neck. "Don't worry whatever comes our way we'll take it down...together." Flash smiled warmly. "*ahem*" A voice cleared it's throat behind Flash and Nightwing. The two turned towards the source to see Lightning strike. "Hate break up the family reunion but we're here." Lightning said. Both Flash and Nightwing looked of the side of the ship and forward a bit and saw the Mountain kingdom. The land was full of rocky landscapes and had very little greens anywhere. Only five words could describe what the two saw. "Why is everything on fire?" Flash asked. > Chapter thirteen. Scorch part one > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Your highness?" The earth pony guard shook the sleeping mare. "Mmmmm..." The mare groaned as she turned to her side in hopes that she could get more sleep. "Your highness." The earth pony continued to shake his queen. "Whhhhhhaaaaaat." The mare whined as she sat up from her bed revealing her light gold fur, long blue mane, and sapphire eyes. "Forgive me for waking you, but I must inform you that the one known as Nightwing is closing in towards the kingdom. Should we give him permission to land?" The stallion asked. "Permission granted." The mare answered as she removed her covers and walked towards her dresser. "I asked Equestria to send me someone to help me in this crisis, for princess Luna to send her very own student is very peculiar." "Whys that?" The guard raised an eyebrow. "We own seventy-eight percent of the worlds ores. These include gold, silver, iron, steel, coal, crystal, and gems. For Equestria to send the last Shadow knight in existence must mean that something serious is going on." The mare said as she opened up the slide down to her dresser. Inside was an entire room full of clothes, shoes, masks, and various other clothing. "But this is important." The stallion followed the queen into the room. "Our ponies are in danger of these creatures, we need help because we cannot defeat these things. Even with our new technology we cannot stop them." "True, however what makes think that Nightwing will be able to stop these creatures?" The queen asked as she walked to the far end of the closet. She stopped in front of a mannequin that had was adorned in a red suit that had a matching red gown attached to the neck of it that covered the back and flank of the mannequin. A golden crown with a single emerald gem in the center of it. The mare approached the mannequin and began to undress it. The guard turned around to allow his queen some privacy. "So you think that we should be suspicious of Nightwing?" The quadratic asked not directly. "No I think we should ask for more help, after all why wouldn't other nations com to our aid?" The mare asked as she began to button the suit on her. "After all is there any reason as to why wouldn't they help us?" "You make a valuable point, but Equestria was the first to respond to our distress remember?" The guard asked. "Therefore we should give them a chance to prove themselves first don't you think?" "*sigh*" The queen sighed as she flung the gown around her so it would rest nicely on her back. "I suppose your right, maybe we should give them a chance to help us. However if they fail the consequences will be great." The mare carefully lifted the crown from the mannequins head and placed it gently on hers. The queen walked out of the closet with the guard following her. "Tell me, how are my citizens?" The queen asked as she exited her room. "They are all fine, however we are worried that Lone city will be overrun very soon." The guard answered. "I feared as such, hopefully Equestria can aid us in this time of dread." The queen prayed as she walked through the silent hallway. Think black smoked fumed into the sky from various locations in the kingdom as the airship sailed over the fiery land. Nightwing and Flash's eyes remained glued on the land. Their eyes refused to look away from the horror. Lightning strike however did not seem to be in shock like the others. "...Dear Celestia." Flash muttered in disbelief. "Yeah...this is bad. If the Order can do this then this is a major problem." Nightwing added. "Interesting." Lightning strike rubbed his chin. "They seem to be focusing their attacks on the furnaces in the land." "Lightning strike...did you just say...something intelligent?" Nightwing stared at lightning strike in disbelief. "Well how else is all this on fire, there's not enough vegetation on this land to feed all these fires, so the only explanation is that they've overheated the furnaces." Lightning explained. "How do you know something like that?" Flash asked. "I...I'm not sure actually." Lightning rubbed the back of his head. "It just seemed...obvious to me." "I should have known. The Element of Scorch is beginning to effect him." Shadow said in Flash's head. 'Are you sure he'll be okay?' Flash asked Shadow. "Again, I don't know what might happen. I don't know everything about the Elements of chaos." 'So I should keep an eye on him?' "That's the plan. Don't mess it up." "Captain Nightwing." A night guard landed on the deck a few feet from Nightwing. The guard did a salute which Nightwing return with a salute of his own. "I have come to inform you that the mountain kingdom has given us permission to land. So we will land at the port in a while." "Thank you. You may return to your post." Nightwing said. The guard saluted and then flew off. Nightwing turned back toward Flash and Lightning. "Captain Nightwing?" Flash raised an eyebrow with a smug look. "What?" Nightwing defended. "It's catchy and you know it." Flash rolled his eyes. "Can we get back to the important thing at the moment?" Lightning asked. "Like the land were heading to is currently pretty much on fire." "Not to mention the fact that your supposed to find a way to build an army that can rival the Orders." Flash added. "Don't remind me." Nightwing groaned. "I was up all night just trying to think of a way to to create such an army. But all I got was zip." "So we have no idea how to stop these things?" Lightning asked. "Pretty much...however the Mountain kingdom is known for two things. Ores and their craftsmanship, hopefully I can get an idea when I look at their forges." Nightwing suggested. "Maybe...hey, what's that?" Flash asked as he pointed below the ships rail. Nightwing walked next to Flash and looked to where he was pointing. Flash was pointing at a large city that was full of tents, houses, and camps. Ponies looked like ants from the airships height. "Ah, the glorious place known as Lone city. The only city in the entire kingdom." Nightwing answered. "Why would a kingdom have only one city?" Flash asked. "See in the Mountain kingdom everyone likes to set out and mine for ores. The kingdoms motto is 'We our born in the mines, we work in the mines, we live in the mines, we die in the mines, and we are buried in the mines'. Basically the most of the Mountain kingdoms ponies live most of their lives in mines than in the city. Therefore the need for multiple cities isn't that high." Nightwing explained. "However there might have been a need for a city so the kingdom made one of the largest cities in the world. The Lone city." "So now that the kingdoms under attack. Everypony is forced into the city." Flash put the pieces together. "Correct, but the Lone city is in front of the Mountain castle. Which is right there." Nightwing pointed to a large mountain that was behind the city. "Ummm...where's the castle?" Lightning strike asked. "The mountain is the castle. The kingdom carved out the entire inside of the mountain and built the castle inside it." Nightwing said. "Is that why we're heading straight towards it?" Lightning asked. "Yep." The queen of the mountain kingdom stood silently as she watched the Equestrian airship descend onto the track. The twin balloons that kept it afloat were letting out air as it landed on the track with a CLUNK! Locks began to hook onto the lower rail so it wouldn't move. When a guard shouted 'clear!' wooden stairs came formed out of the ship that landed onto the caves floor. The bat-pony that the queen could easily assume was Nightwing. His slit dragon-like crimson eyes stared into the queens sapphire eyes that sent shivers down her spine, which she hid very well. A smile appeared on Nightwing's face as he showed off his teeth. 'Interesting.' The queen thought. 'Nightwing doesn't have any fangs like bat-ponies.' "Queen Jade!" Nightwing announced as he walked down the wooden stairs. "It is an honor to meet you." Nightwing bowed and lifted the queens right hoof which he placed a kiss on. "Your highness I would like to introduce my two friends. Flash Sentry and Lightning strike." Nightwing introduced the two who were coming down the stairs. "And finally all the way from Equestria, thirty lunar guards ready for battle." Nightwing introduced as the lunar guards walked down the stairs and into formation. "Mr. Nightwing-" Jade was cut off. "Captain. Captain Nightwing or Nightwing is fine." Nightwing said. "Very well. Captain Nightwing." The queen readdressed. "Thank you very much for coming here on such short notice." "It wasn't a problem, now then tell me all about these metal ponies that are attacking your land." Nightwing asked as he walked down the hanger as the queen followed by his side and with Flash and Lightning following him from behind. "Well let's see...I suppose the attacks began about five days ago." Jade began. "Five days, why didn't you send the letter then?" Nightwing asked. "At first we believed that we could handle the situation ourselves with this...new tool of ours." "Ooooh. How interesting, care to tell me more about this tool?" "I'll do you one better." The queen stopped in front of a object covered by a tarp. "We were planning on introducing this to the nations for a while now but we hadn't tested it in the field yet. Captain Nightwing I give you the Gatling gun." Jade removed the tarp revealing a turret that had eight long hollow pipes in a circle attached to a brace that was connected to a set of wooden wheels. At the back of the pipes was a metal base that had a 360 degree handle along with sharp projectiles strapped by some kind of belt. "Oh my gosh...what the heck is it?" Nightwing asked. "I'm glad you asked. This here is called the Gatling gun, a weapon that can fire ammo at a very fast rate. Allow us to demonstrate." As soon Jade said that two guards pushed forth a bullseye target in front of Gatling turret. They then trotted up to the turret as one took control of the lever the other held the belt of projectiles. The queen gave a nod at the two, and the guard began to spin the lever. As he did the barrels began to spin as well. "Begin feeding!" He ordered the other guard. Who shoved the belt into the machine. *BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG!* the Mach fired as the projectiles sailed clear through the target. "Cease fire!" Jade ordered. The gunfire ceased once the guards stopped feeding it as well as turning the lever. "Holy cow." Nightwing muttered as he looked at the crumbly remains of the target. "That...was...awesome! But I guess we might have overheated it?" Nightwing suggested. "Why...yes how did you know that?" Jade questioned. "Canterlots working on a similar project, however we haven't gotten into final testing yet." "Wait a minute. If you guys have a weapon like this, why do you need help against this threat of yours?" Flash asked. "I'm glad you asked. You see when we first encountered the enemy we used the Gatling gun as our first line of defense. But the Gatling gun had no effect on the enemy whatsoever." Jade explained. "That means they can regenerate after all." Nightwing muttered. "After a while our land began to become overrun by these creatures, finally we had no choice but to evacuate the ponies from their homes and defend them in Lone city." Jade said sadly. "We had no choice but to help, we send distress letters to all of the nations but only you came to our aid." "Wait you sent letters to other nations?" Lightning asked. "That is correct." "Then why haven't they responded?" Flash questioned. "Surely the other nations value this kingdom highly?" "We thought so as well, but they have not come. It seems you are our only hope in defeating this threat." "Right then." Nightwing rubbed his hooves together. "I'm gonna need access to your factory's, smiths, crafting workshops, and iron mills. Also I'll need the best accommodations for me and my friends. And finally I will need the blueprints to the Gatling gun. Any questions?" Nightwing asked. "Yes...why do you need all that?" Jade asked. "I'm working on a side project that can defeat these metal ponies, and if you comply your land will be saved. And our relationship with us will strengthen." Nightwing explained. Jade turned to one of the guards. "Guards please escort these two to the guest rooms." Jade pointed to Flash and Lightning. "As for Captain Nightwing, please see to all his requests at once. Understood?" "Yes ma'am!" The guards saluted as they escorted Nightwing, Flash, and Lightning out of the hanger. 'I hope you know what your doing Nightwing.' Jade thought worryingly. 'My ponies lives depend fully on you.' "Your room Captain." The guard said as he opened the door to the guest room. As Nightwing walked into the guest room. The guest room had already been filled with blueprints and notes stacked on the desk across from him. Up against the left wall was a queen size bed along with two nightstands next to it. Three windows allowed sunlight to enter into the room. A bathroom with a separate shower and bath inside it. A dresser was lined up to the right wall. To the left of the bed was a rope with a tied knot at the end of it. "Ring the rope if you need anything." The guard pointed to the rope. "One of the butlers will come to serve you. Also her highness has requested you and your friends to join her for dinner. A set of suits has been set in your closet. She has requested that you wear it to dinner." "Thank you. What time will dinner be ready?" Nightwing asked. "6:30 NT. don't keep her highness waiting.' The guard closed the door and faint hoofsteps could be heard from outside the door until they faded. Nightwing looked at the clock on the nightstand that read 3:14 DT. "Right then, let's get to work." Nightwing said as he walked up to the desk and unfolded one of the blueprints which he began to examine. "Woo hoo!" Lightning laughed as he flew around the room in glee. "For crying out loud bro, stop flying around like a crazy Pegasus!" Flash shouted at Lightning. "Get down before you break something." Flash said to Lightning. "I can't help it, I couldn't fly on the airship because Nightwing said so, but now I can fly. So sue me if I want to stretch my wings." Lightning stuck out his tongue. "Ugh." Flash facehoofed. "Listen the guard said were expected to have dinner with the queen at 6:30 NT. That means we need to be on our best behavior. And so help me if you make scene I will smack you upside your head so hard, I'll seal your mouth shut." Flash growled. "Okay sheesh." Lightning landed. "Why does the queen care if we come to the dinner anyways?" "Because we are technically Nightwing's bodyguards we have to be invited regardless." Flash explained. "Wait I thought your princess Twilight's bodyguard now?" Lightning asked. "Technically I'm both Twilight and Nightwing's guard." "Speaking of which." Lightning paused as a sly grin crawled onto his lips. "There's a rumor going around that you and princess Twilight are dating. Is that true bro?" "You really need to stop believing everything you hear." Flash said as shot a scowl at Lightning. "Besides my relationship with her is completely non-romantic. We're just friends nothing more." "Are you sure you want to be just friends?" Lightning asked. "Nothing more." "Graaaah!" Nightwing shouted in frustration as he crumpled up another one of his blueprints and tossed it into the overflowed trash bin that was full of other crumpled up papers. Nightwing rubbed both of his templates as his splitting headache kept banging away inside his head. "This is ridiculous!" He threw his hooves up in the air. "Why is it this hard to create an army as powerful as the Orders? I mean all it needs to do is beat an army capable of regeneration, can breath fire, and has large numbers. Is that to much to ask?!" Nightwing's head fell against the desk board. "Ugh...I know how to use the animation spell. But I don't know how I can make better than theirs. If I make like theirs they'll know every weakness it has. But I can figure out how to make it without the animation spell. Gah! This so frustrating!" Nightwing looked up from the desk and looked at the clock that read, 5:35 DT. Nightwing facehoofed, he was so caught up in his army plans he didn't have any time to try on any of the suits for the diner party. Frustrated, tired, and just plain angry. Nightwing got up from the desk and approached the closet. Opening it up Nightwing saw a simple black coated suit with a white undershirt beneath it that hung on a hanger. Using his magic Nightwing levitated the suit of the hanger and slipped into the undershirt. Then his forehooves wiggled into the sleeves of the black suit. Nightwing then casted a spell that made a red bow tie appear on the suits collar. Nightwing turned and looked at himself in the mirror. Seeing that nothing was wrong with the suit Nightwing looked back to the desk. His plans would have to wait for later. Right now, he had a party to attend. > Chapter fourteen. Scorch part two > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Give that back this instant Discord!" Messenger screamed at the Discord, who hovered a book attached to a fishing hook above Messenger. "Well looks like the fish are really biting." Discord said in a sailor voice. He was dressed in a yellow rain jacket along with a yellow fishermen's hat and had one eye closed. He held a fishing rod in his eagle claw that had the book 'Shadow in the Dark' attached to the hook. "This is serious Discord. Just because Storyteller isn't hear right now doesn't mean you can mess around in his liabray." Messenger growled. "One, I always mess with Storytellers library when he's away. Two, the times he caught me messing around with said library all he gave me was a disapproving scowl. And three, if you want this book so badly then why don't you just use your powers to grab it from me?" Discord asked. "Storyteller says its not wise to use my powers so much." "Do you listen to everything he says?" Discord appeared in front of Messenger, his rain gear removed and his accent normal. "I know he created you but honestly. Do you follow his every wish or something?" "I would die for my master." "Really. And what do you get in return? Is he gonna turn you into an element of Fate or something?" "No...he says I'm not ready for that yet." Messenger said in disappointment. "Well unless you can somehow stop me, I'm gonna give this place some decorations." Discord turned away from messenger. And turned in front of Storyteller. "Master!" Messenger said with glee. "Oh...hiya Storyteller your home early." Discord looked at the book he was holding rand the position he was in. "Um...this isn't what is looks like." Discord joked. But Storyteller looked at Discord with a disapproving scowl. "Oh look, the scowl." Discord huffed as he snapped his paw and turned into a child version of himself that was wearing overalls, a green undershirt, a Bennie cap, and had a large lollypop in his mouth. "I'm sorry daddy I didn't mean to pick on Messenger and wreck you library, can you forgive me?" Discord asked in a sweet kid-like voice Storyteller said nothing, instead he raised his left arm behind him and a book soared through the library and was caught by Storytellers hand. He opened it up and a quill with ink on its tip appeared in he right hand. He then used the quill to write down something in the book. Once he finished writing Discord began to glow white. And in a flash he vanished and the book he was keeping from Messenger dropped to the ground. Messenger approached Storyteller and looked at the page he was on. On the page was an ink drawing of Discord. "I told you you'd get in trouble." Messenger smiled at the trapped Discord "Okay okay. I admit I didn't think Storyteller would do something like this but I was wrong. I've learned my lesson now please let me out." Discord huffed. "Apologize." Storyteller said bluntly. Discord looked shocked at Storyteller. "Say what?" He asked to confirm what Storyteller asked. "Apologize to Messenger. Now." Storyteller repeated. "What?! Never. I wouldn't apologize to him in a million years." Discord crossed his arms and turned his back to them. "If you say so." Storyteller closed the book and placed it on the self. Orange aura could be seen as it flowed around the book. When the orange aura faded Storyteller oped the back up to see the ink Discord od curled up in a ball. "Have you thought about what you've done in your million years?" "Y-yes...please don't do that again." Discord wimpered. "I'm sorry Messenger, I apologize for the way I acted." "It's okay Discord just don't do it again." Messenger smiled. Storyteller snapped his fingers and Discord reappeared back where he was. "Ohhh...man." Discord placed his paw and claw on his back and pushed it back into place as a crack could be heard. I hate the fact you control all of time." "Tell me Discord." Storyteller paused. "Are you picking on Messenger and wrecking my Liabray this because your angry?" "Angry? Why on earth would I be-" "Fluttershy." Storyteller said bluntly. Fluttershy. That one word was all it took for Discord's face to fall at the ground and his ears became folded. "Wow...nothing gets past you does it?" Discord asked sadly. "Why are you so worked up over her?" Storyteller asked. "Why wouldn't I be? She's kind, beautiful, has a lovely voice, and currently rules an entire kingdom of deer. And now this guy Thorn just comes out of nowhere and suddenly their lovers?" Discord ranted. "You have no idea how many times I've heard that sentence." Storyteller pinched the bridge of his nose. "Discord. You were once the powerful God of chaos. And yet your throwing a fit in my Library just because history doesn't go his way?" Storyteller asked. "Well...when you say it like that, I sound like a five year old." "You are one in his eyes." Messenger said. "Pretty much." Storyteller confirmed. "Also Discord. Aren't you supposed to be finding Soarin?" "Aw, craps." Discord changed from sad to concerned. "I got get back to that. See you kids later. Remember though, school is for morons, bacon is evil, and flying cakes are real. Bye." Discord said before he vanished. "That's Discord for ya." Messenger sighed. Back in the Mountain kingdom the dinner party had begun. And it was packed! Ponies of all kinds of rich and poor were at the party. Some talking amongst one another, others just by themselves. Large tables full of multiple foods was set in the room for the guests to enjoy themselves. Nightwing however was by himself eating a hay sandwich quietly. 'This party is a lot like the Grand Galloping Gala.' Nightwing thought as he took a bite of his sandwich. 'Except everyone's more social to one another.' Curious and demanded an answer, Nightwing approached a stallion earth pony who was clearly wealthy and tapped him on the shoulder. The stallion looked backwards and faced Nightwing. "Sorry to disrupt you, but why is everyone so...cheerful?" Nightwing asked. "Ah, you must be new here." The Stallion smiled. "You probably wondering why we're all talking to the poor ponies aren't you?" "Actually yes...why are you talking to them?" "Well you see, it wasn't long ago that all the rich were just like them. Poor, starving, and with little hope. But when we found this land was filled with valuable materials we soon became rich." The Stallion explained. "I don't get it...how does that have to do with anything?" "It means that we've all been in their shoes before. They all need to have hope if they want to make it in this land. And we're here to help them." The Stallion smiled as he then walked off. "...huh...weird." Nightwing rubbed his chin. "There you are." A voice said behind Nightwing. On instinct Nightwing turned towards the sound. Only to find that it was Flash who was wearing the same suit as his. "Oh hey Flash, what are you doing here?" Nightwing asked. "We were invited just like you." Flash answered. "We?" Nightwing cocked his head. "Yeah Lightning strike and I were both invited." "Then where's Lightning?" "He went to grab some food." Flash said. "Any luck on that army of yours?" Nightwing shook his head. "No luck. I can't find a way to make an army that's better than the Orders." Nightwing sighed. "Hang in their friend, it'll come to you. It always does." Flash assured Nightwing. "But how can I do something like this? Flash how would you solve the problem I'm in?" "Well...I guess I would stop trying to figure out how to create something new and instead make something better." Flash answered. Nightwing stood there, deep in thought. His mind raced through the new idea Flash had given him as his eyes shot open. "Flash your brilliant!" Nightwing yelled as he disappeared in the blink of an eye. Back in Nightwing's guest room. Nightwing had teleported back into his room, without a moments delay he ran up to the rope and pulled on it. A few minutes later a butler knocked on the door. Whom Nightwing let in. "You rang Captain?" The Butler asked. "Indeed I did, I need to know where you guys keep all of your blueprints from the past." Nightwing answered. "We keep them in the archives. Is their a specific blueprint you wish?" "Their is, the Sentinel's Guardian. You know the enchanted armor that the Sentinels used so they would have large numbers." "We do, the blueprints will be sent to you right away." The Butler said as he trotted off. A while later the same butler returned but with a rolled up piece of paper in his hoof. "Here you are." The butler handed the blueprints to Nightwing who took them with his magic. Nightwing closed the door and unfolded the blueprints on the desk. "Okay, don't create something new. Make something old better." Nightwing repeated what Flash had said. "Let's get to work." On the blueprint was a white drawing of a Pegasi golden armor. On the top right of the blueprints was the word 'Guardian'. The purpose of the Guardian was to be a soldier that wasn't a pony. Instead it was created thanks to the animation spell, only difference was a program crystal was what powered the armor. Nightwing began to write down ideas and draw designs of how to improve the Guardian. Back at the party. "Hey bro...how ya doing?" Lightning walked up to Flash as he clenched his belly. "You okay Lightning? You don't look so good." Flash said concerned. "I'm not...I ate something called shrimp...I thought it was a fancy name for a vegetable...turns out it's a kind of fish." Lightning chuckled only to groan again in pain. "Oh colt...okay let's get you to the restroom before you make a mess on the floor." Flash said as he took Lightnings foreleg and placed it behind his neck. The two walked slowly away from the party and towards a door with the stallion symbol on the door. Flash pushed the door open and walked Lightning into one of the stalls. Lightning wasted no time, he scampered to the toilet and placed his two forelegs on the seat. His muzzle faced the toilets water, the stench was all it took for Lightning to meet his peek. "Huuuuuurrrrrrgggg!" Lightning hurled into the toilet. His breath had increased from the unexpected action. But it didn't last. "Huuuuurrrrrggggg!" He vomited again. Flash couldn't do anything more for his brother but pat him on the back. He knew it wasn't going to do him much good, but it was all he could do. "Why...the...heck-hurrrrg...huff...was the...party...serving-hack...something...like...that?" Lightning had a hard time speaking. "Some ponies like to eat seafood, it's a considered a fancy food really." Flash patted Lightning on the back. "Bblllaaarrrgg!" Lightning hurled again. "Why...on earth...would any-*burp*-pony eat...such a thing?" "Like I said it's fancy food. Some love to eat it, others don't." Flash explained. "Listen I should probably head back to the party, since Nightwing left." "Okay...I'll just-hurg-...finish up...here." Lightning said hoarsely as Flash exited the stalls. "What do you think your doing?" Shadow demand. 'I need to head back to the party. If the Queen finds out none of us are there the ponies will get concerned. After all isn't this party about showing the Queens citizens that we can help them?' Flash asked in his thoughts. "I suppose you'd right, still you shouldn't let Lightning strike out of your sight. He might turn into Scorch." 'Speaking of which, how do you know about this element called 'Scorch'?' "That's a personal question." Shadow growled. 'Well either you tell me our I'll just see it in another dream. Either way I get my answer.' "Grrrr...fine." Shadow sighed. "It all started about one-thousand, or something, years ago. In the city known as Timbucktu our military was weakening, so a decision was made that a soldier was to be made that could defend our city." Shadow explained. 'I'm gonna assume that this decision had to do with the elements of chaos?' Flash questioned. "Correct, many died when trying to use the element, but it accepted me when I used it." 'And your friend?' "Was accepted by his element as well. But the more we used the element the more we began to understand how dangerous it was." 'Dangerous?' "We soon realized that the more we used the element the more our dark side grew." 'What's a dark side?' "It is the dark part of yourself, it is all of your fear, anger, and pain mashed up into a large ball. That ball then manifests into a persona of yourself, your dark side. However there's no need for your to panic, I've checked your dark side and it isn't that strong yet." 'What happens if my dark side gets too strong?' "It will kill everything. Nothing will be able to stop it, not even the elements of harmony." "Woh." Flash said unaware that he had spoke outloud. "I've told you what you need to know, now go back to your brother. We have to keep an eye on him." 'Lightning can handle himself. Besides he's just sick from the shrimp he just ate, it's best I give him some time alone.' "Fine...if your mind is made up, then I won't stop you." Shadow said as he became silent. Leaving Flash alone as he entered through the double doors and back into the party. Meanwhile in the castles forge. The hot furnaces fire fead of the coal inside it as metal inside it became liquid. Hammers clashed against the steel of armor and sword as sparks flew from the strikes. Steam filled most of the air as the metal was dunked into buckets of water. As this was happening a mare in overalls and wore glasses was over looking Nightwing's blueprints. "So...can you build it?" Nightwing asked. "Probably...it might take a while. It's been almost ages since we built these Guardians." The mare explained. "How long will it take?" "About an hour and a half...maybe more." The mare said as her eyes remained glued on the blueprints. "Just get it done as soon as you can. This prototype might be one of the most important things in all of Equestria." Nightwing said. "Ah, Lieutenant Sentry." Flash's ears perked up once he heard his name. Turning around Flash saw that the voice belonged to Queen Jade. Who was wearing a simple blue dress and had her crown placed on her head. Instinctively Flash humbled the Queens presence with a simple bow. "Hello your highness." Flash said as he raised himself up. "Are you enjoying the party?" "That's normally a question that the host asks. Not the guest." The Queen chuckled. "Forgive me. I didn't have anything better to start with." Flash said as he rubbed the back of his head. "It's all right. Tell me though do you know where Captain Nightwing is?" Jade asked. "Oh well...um..." Flash tried to think of an excuse that would seem to convince the Queen of why Nightwing wasn't there. But he was currently drawing a blank, sighing Flash had no choice but to tell the truth. "Your highness, he's-" "There you two are." Nightwing appeared out of nowhere, startling both Flash and Jade. "Sorry to keep you waiting your highness, but I had just had to try out the shrimp." "Well...all is forgiven Captain, but I must know." The Queen paused. "Do you have a plan to counter these attackers?" "Now that you mention it-" "Your highness!" A guard yelled abruptly as he crashed through the double doors. "The west area is under attack. We need your assistance immediately!" As soon as the word 'under attack' had entered the room ponies began to panic. They were running around screaming in terror and fear. "Everyone!" Nightwing shouted causing everyone to stop in their tracks. "Listen, panicking will do us no good. All we can do is deal with these attackers head on. Until we have defeated them you must evacuate this place immediately." Nightwing ordered. The ponies did as Nightwing said as some guards began to escort them out of the party room. "As for the rest of us we need to make a pit stop at the armory for weapons and armor. We need to protect these ponies no matter what." Nightwing said as he turned to the guard that delivered the message. "Take us to the attackers, now." "Yes sir." The guard saluted, then ran off with Nightwing, Flash, and Jade in tow, "Hhhhuuuurrrrrgggg!" Lightning hurled up the water he had just drank. His throat was sore from all the vomiting so got a drink of water. Which ended up being thrown up as well. "I hope...Flash...is having...a good time...right now." Lightning huffed as his head rested on the seat. > Chapter fifteen. Scorch part three > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The castle was filled with panic as the citizens that were in the Mountain castle scrambled their way into the trolley cars that led to the Lonely city. Guards tried their best to guide the ponies as best they could, but with most of their numbers fending off the attackers, they were currently short stocked. Meanwhile Nightwing, Flash, Queen Jade, and the Guard that was leading them, were running down the hallway towards the armory. "There's the armory." The guard pointed down a separate hallway and at a single door with the label 'Armory' on it. The group ran towards and burst through the door. The room was filled with organized helmets, chest plates, and various weapons. Flash grabbed a set of golden armor and helmet which he quickly strapped on. Queen Jade grabbed a similar set of armor except she didn't grab a helmet. Nightwing grabbed a set of golden armor and put it on as well. But in the mirror across from him he saw just how ridiculous he looked in the armor. Not happy with it's style, Nightwing used his crystal to change his armor from normal gold, to lunar guard armor. Nightwing smiled at his new armor. Flash grabbed a steel tip spear and Jade snapped on a sword sheathed in it's scabbard. "Aren't you gonna grab a weapon?" Flash asked his friend. "I have a complex crystal, I don't need a weapon." Nightwing said smugly, which lasted for three seconds before he turned towards a rack of metal bows and arrows. "On second thought I will to a bow an arrow." Nightwing said as he placed the bow on his back and the arrows quiver strapped to his left side. "We're all set, let's move out." Nightwing said as the group was once again, racing down the hallway. "Hey you." Nightwing said to the guard. "Yes Captain." The Guard replied. "How did this attack begin? I mean it must have started somehow." Nightwing said. "Well Captain, it all started while my partner and I were watching the side of the castle when we saw those metal ponies climbing the mountain. We tried to pick them off with the Gatling guns we had but they overran us and we had to fall back. I was ordered to notify the Queen immediately." The Guard explained. "Tell me Captain, have you ever fought anything like these creatures?" "Yeah their created by a spell known as the animation spell, it literally brings any inanimate object to life. These metal ponies are a lot like the Gladiators. But smaller and less destructive." "Why would anyone create something based off the Gladiators?" Jade asked. "We don't make the Gladiators anymore because there are no more dragons in the mountain kingdom. How could anyone build something like this if all the Gladiators blueprints are destroyed?" "They must have gotten a hold of a set of those blueprints." Nightwing muttered. "They?" "The Order." "The Order? I thought that organization was destroyed long ago?" "It was but now it's resurfaced and are trying to finish their mission." "Nightwing please tell me you have a plan on fighting these...miniature Gladiators." Flash said. "Yeah, hit them hard and fast before they can regenerate." Nightwing answered. "And Miniature Gladiators? Really?" "How do we do that. Our Gatling guns are the fastest weapon we have and they can still regenerate." Jade said. "That's because your...what do Gatling guns fire?" "Bullets." "Bullets, are just piercing through it's armor. To take them out, we need to extinguish the flame that's keeping it alive." "How do we do that?" "We need to suffocate the flame, but this new model can seal itself up and protect the flame. So a water spell is gonna be useless." Night sighed. "Hey Nightwing. I'm no expert on magic and whatnot, but doesn't fire need feed off something to keep itself burning?" Flash asked. "Your correct, that's what's been frustrating me for a while actually. How can these creatures fire be keeping them alive when the fire has nothing to burn?" Nightwing asked himself. "Halt!" The stern voice caught the group off guard as they came to complete stop. The voice belonged to another Stallion guard. Behind him were a number of guards that were behind Gatling guns that were aimed down another hallway. "Your highness what are doing here?" The guard asked. "I have come to buy my ponies some time." Jade stepped forward. "But this is no place for you my queen. You must leave right now!" The stallion demanded. "If I'm going to die here then I will die knowing that I saved my ponies." The Queen said. The Stallion was about to say a response but was cut off when one of the guards yelled, "Sir, the enemy is closing in. Permission to fire?" "Permission granted on my mark. Begin rotation." The stallion ordered. With their orders the Gatling guns barrels began to turn in a 360 degree angle as guards turned the levers. "Hold." The stallion said. In the end of the hallway that the galling guns were aiming at was a large double door that had planks, swords, and a bunch of other stuff that was keeping it board up. A loud thumping could be heard from the other side as whatever was there tried to budge the door open. "Hold." The stallion repeated. A loud crack was heard as the wood began to split open. Then there was a loud crash as the door was forced down and metal ponies began to crawl through. "Light em up!" The Stallion ordered. With the order given other guards began to feed the belts of bullets into their assigned Gatling guns. Bullets split through the air like a knife through melted cheese as the metal ponies were pushed down by the onslaught of gunfire. "Cease fire!" The stallion ordered. Creating silence from the guns. Smoke fumed from the Gatling guns chambers. A thick cloud of dust blocked the guards view of their enemy, making it hard to see. Or so they thought, as the dust cleared the guards saw that their attack was slowly being undone as the remains of the metal ponies were slowly rebuilding themselves. "Grrrrr." The stallion growled. "All units fall back, as for you your highness we must get you to safety at once." "I will not hide from the enemy like some coward." The Queen snapped. "Hey Flash, can you shoot a lightning ball at one of those metal ponies for me?" Nightwing turned to his friend. "Um...why?" Flash asked. "Call it an experiment." Nightwing said bluntly. Flash shrugged as he lifted up his right hoof and a lightning ball formed in it. Once the lightning ball was fully complete Flash eyed one of the metal ponies that had fully recovered itself from the attack. Wasting no time Flash threw the lightning ball at the metal pony. *Bang* The ball impacted the metal pony, causing it to skid backwards a bit. Then fell to pieces. "What the." Flash said confused. "Just as I thought." Nightwing said. "What just happened?" Jade asked. "How did you do that?" "Care to explain Nightwing?" Flash asked. "Remember when I said that fire needs feed off something in order to keep itself burning?" Nightwing asked. Flash nodded. "Well I assumed that said fire must be feeding off magic." "How does that explain why my lightning ball just killed that thing?" "To put it in simple terms your lightning ball short circuited the Magical energy that the fire was feeding on. No magic, no animation spell." "Okay next question." Flash turned away from Nightwing. "How do I take down the rest of these guys?" Flash asked as he looked at the rest of the metal ponies. "You don't. Instead we run like our lives depend on it towards the forge." Nightwing said. "Except for you two." Nightwing pointed to Jade and the stallion. "Us? Why can't we follow you?" Jade demanded. "Because the guard is right, this kingdom needs you. Without you the kingdom is gonna crumble to nothing. Which is why you must retreat. Don't worry I have a plan." Nightwing said confident. "But-" Jade was cut off as her eyes became closed and her body became limp. She fell to the ground but was caught by the stallion. "Don't worry I casted a sleep spell on her, she'll be fine. So stop looking impressed and get a move on. That includes us, come on Flash." With that Nightwing, followed by Flash, were running away from the area and towards the forge. "Why do we need to head to the forge?" Flash asked as he ran side by side with Nightwing. "I've figured out a way to create an army that can rival the Orders. But now that I know that the metal ponies fire feeds off magic, I need to add a little tweak to it." Nightwing answered. "Wait you did it? You know a way to stop the Orders army?" "Yep. When you told me to stop trying to make something new and instead make something better I began to work on an old model that was made long ago and made it ten times better." "Which was..." "It's a surprise." Nightwing grinned. "Wait, if you know where the forge is why don't we just teleport their?" "Oh yeah I can do that." Nightwing said as he came to a halt. Placing a hoof on Flash the two vanished. "Hello again!" Nightwing greeted the same earth pony mare he met before. "Gah!" The startled mare shouted. "No time for being scared, tell me have you completed the Guardians?" Nightwing asked. "I...um...yes, we have them all ready but we waited for you to return before we placed the crystal inside them." The mare said. "Excellent. Show me to them." Nightwing said. The two followed the mare down the forge, the mare stopped in front of three hollow Pegasi armor suits. "The Sentinels Guardians." Shadow said. 'Guardians?' Flash questioned in his head. "During the time when the Sentinels were the protectors of Equestria more ponies wanted to become Sentinels than they wanted to become guards of Canterlot. Because of this the Guardians were made. They followed every order without question, protected their leader no matter the cost, and the best part was they could make many Guardians. But when the war against the Order came all of the remaining Guardians and their blueprints were destroyed. I guess the Mountain kingdom must have had a set of blueprints that wasn't destroyed." Shadow explained. "But these versions look different than the ones from back then." The sweet voice of the mare inside Flash's head said. 'Oh hey it's you. Um...what's your name again?' Flash asked. "You may call me Light." "Where the hay have you been? Shadow demanded. "Resting, it does wonders for the soul." 'If you two are gonna argue please do it quietly.' Flash groaned. "Flash?" Nightwing's question brought Flash back to the real world. "Huh? Oh hey Nightwing what's up?" Flash asked. "Did you hear a word I said?" Nightwing asked. "Ummmmm...no." "Ugh." Nightwing face hoofed. "Listen I need you to create a lightning ball, I'm gonna use a program crystal to then absorb the lightning ball. Once it does that I'm going to copy and past that program into two other crystals which I will then place into the Guardians armor. Got it?" "Uhhhhhh." "Just create a lightning ball I'll do the rest." "Okay." Flash said as he raised his hoof and a lightning ball formed above it. "Hold them back!" A guard shouted as he pushed against the large door. "We can't let them through!" Another shouted. Queen Jade watched in despair as her own guards were risking their own lives to save hers. It just wasn't right to her. The remaining guards had barricaded themselves inside the very room that the party was supposed to be held. There was supposed to be joy, laughter, and happiness. Instead tables and chairs were being used to bar the door closed, and guards were trying to keep the metal ponies from entering the room. "No." Jade said as she sat up. "I refuse to be nothing but burden." Jade said as she ran up to the barred door and pushed against it. "Y-your highness." A guard said in bewilderment. "What are doing?" "Aiding my guards. If I am to die here, I'll die fighting by your side." "No ones going to die on my watch." A voice came from behind them. Jade swung her behind her to see that Nightwing, Flash, and three empty golden Pegasi armor that had a faint blue light coming from inside them. "All of you step away from the door." "But-" "Don't worry I have everything under control. Guardians, ready lightning." "Yes sir." The three Guardians saluted as blue lightning engulfed their forehooves. "Okay, now seriously please move away from the door. You don't to be I the crossfire of this." Nightwing said. "But if we do that, the creatures will get in." A guard said. "Duh. Now get out of the way before I pry you from that door." Nightwing said. "Do as he says." Jade said. "But-" "Enough buts, we must put our faith in Nightwing now. Now all of you release the door." Jade ordered. The guards looked at one another and let go of the door as well as running behind Nightwing, Flash and the guardians. A fiery beam shot through the door, cutting through all the wood. With the barricade destroyed the metal ponies began to enter the room. "Open fire!" Nightwing yelled. Lightning balls fired from the Guardians hooves, causing any of the metal ponies that tried to enter the room were turned into nothing but empty metal shell. "Incredible." Jade said in astonishment. "I know right, and this just took me only one day to make. I mean an idea like this should have taken about months to complete, but no I did it in a day. Can you believe it?" Nightwing asked. "Yes...I think?" Flash said unsure. "Captain. The threat has been neutralized." The third Guardian saluted. "Awesome." Nightwing smiled. "However I must inform you that the magical energy inside the threat is beginning to form again." The first Guardian said. "Oh...we need to run. Now." Nightwing said. "Queen Jade, Flash, Guardians one, two, and three, come with me." Nightwing ordered. "What? Why, I thought these Guardians destroyed the metal ponies?" Flash asked. "I thought I did, the electric energy from the program crystals should have canceled out the magical energy inside the metal ponies but all it did was repel it. Now that the electrical energy is no longer repealing the magical energy, the magical energy is now beginning to form the animation spell again." Nightwing explained. "...What?" Flash and Jade asked in sync. "Uggghh...the metal ponies are coming back to life, so we need to leave before they wake up and burn us alive." Nightwing said simply. "Now for those who do not wish to be 'burned alive' and your body turned into nothing but ashes, which will be very painful by the way, I suggest you all run and evacuate the kingdom at once. The Queen and I will join you all later, sounds good?" Nightwing asked. "Um-" "Great, let's get to it." "You heard the Captain." The second Guardian said. "Move it." The Stallion, that the group had met that a while ago, stepped forward. "We do not take our orders from enchanted armor." The Stallion glared. "Then you will obey this order as if it were mine." Jade said firmly. "Your Highness-" "No. You have done your duty today. Now leave, go home to your family's. I swear to all of you that none of you shall die this day." Nightwing's ears perked up at those words. "Wait a minute, Queen Jade what are the total numbers of casualties in the entire kingdom ever since the metal ponies came here?" Nightwing asked. "None." The Stallion answered. "We haven't had any because we have evacuated everyone to the lone city." The gears inside Nightwing's head began to turn as the true plan of the Order became clear as the moon in the night sky. "Of course how did I not see it before?" Nightwing groaned in frustration. "Nightwing, what's wrong?" Flash asked. "Ever since we received that distress letter from the Mountain kingdom I always thought the Order was attacking the kingdom because it would cripple our ore resources, but their real plan was to round up all of the citizens into one place. Now the only place that the entire kingdoms residents are at is the Lone city and the castle. Isn't it strange that the metal ponies attacked the castle first rather than attacking the city? Especially since to even get to the castle you'd have to go past the city. Which means their plan must have something to do with herding everyone up into the city." Nightwing explained. "But why do that? They clearly have the power to destroy us, why do something like that?" Flash asked. "Because it'll be easier to take out everyone when their in one spot. The question is, how will they do it?" Nightwing questioned himself. Just then a roaring boom shook the entire mountain. The walls and the floor began to crack, the shockwave was so fierce that Pathan entire group stumbled and fell down. Eventually the shaking stopped and Nightwing stood up. "What in Tartarus was that?!" Jade nearly screamed. Nightwing ran to a window to see what the cause of the shockwave was. He peered out the window and saw Lightning strike flying steadily in a single place. But their was something different about him, his mane looked like a lot like a roaring fire as his red mane danced uncontrollably in the wind and the tips of his feathers on his wings. Flash approached the window as well and saw what looked like his brother Lightning strike. "Lightning." Flash muttered in disbelief. "Just as I feared. That is no longer your brother Flash." Shadow hat is Scorch, the destructive side of chaos." Shadow said as the Element of Scorch released a loud roar. > Chapter sixteen. Scorch part four > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- On a cliff that stuck out of a mountain like a splinter stuck in a hoof. The winds atop the mountain blew against the Hooded pony's cloak as the soulless face gazed down apon the Lone city. As the Hooded one watched Starlight glimmer gazed as well. "So...do we release the Gladiators?" Starlight turned her head away from the city and to her leader. "Or shall we wait?" The Hooded pony lifted up it's left hoof, it's complex crystal attached to its hoof. "No." The Hooded one said bluntly. This bluntness seemed to catch Starlight off guard. "No?" She repeated the words. "Why not? We planned all of this very carefully and now you want to back out?" "The one known as 'Lightning strike' do you see him?" The Hooded one asked. Starlight averted her gaze from the Hooded pony and back at the Lone city. It didn't take her long to find Lightning strike hovering above the city. Her eyes squinted as she began to get a good look at Lightning strike. Their didn't seem to be anything that different about him, minus the color change in his mane and eyes. Completely clueless Starlight looked back to her Leader for an answer. "What am I looking for exactly?" Starlight asked. "*sigh*... For being a descendant of the Wizard you certainly lack intelligence." The Hooded one sighed. "Hey! Just because you see something I don't doesn't mean I'm an imbecile." Starlight growled. "It's not the fact that because you don't see it makes you an imbecile." The Hooded pony turned to Starlight, even though it didn't show it she knew her leader was glaring at her. "It's the fact that you have the power to see, but you don't use it." Starlight was beginning to become agitated. "What do you mean by that? Why must you always speak in riddles? Just tell me what I'm looking for and then I'll understand what your talking about." "You seem to forget that you can see magical energy." The Hooded one said as it looked back at the city. "Such a shame really." Starlight smacked herself mentally in the head. 'Of course, how did I not figure that one out?!' She screamed in her head. 'Maybe I am becoming an imbecile.' "Well?" The Hooded ones words snapped Starlight out of her trance. "If your so desperate to find out what it is why aren't you looking?" "Oh...right." Starlight said. 'Idiot.' She muttered to herself in her head. Starlight closed her eyes and concentrated. Her horn began to glow as she began to look at what her leader was talking about. Then she began to see what the Hooded pony was talking about. Surrounding Lightning strike was a massive amount of magical energy. But it was different than any magical energy she had ever seen, it felt...evil and chaotic. Yes, chaotic, that seemed to be the word that came close to describing it. Starlight's eyes opened and the glow that surrounded her horn had vanished. "Did you see it?" The Hooded one asked. "Yes...what kind of magic is that?" Starlight asked. "It is a magic that I have tried to experiment with before. But I have had no luck with it, I have classified this magic as 'Chaotic magic'. This magic holds immeasurable power, but it is unstable and dangerous. You've seen this magic before as a matter of fact." "Really? When?" "When I sent Bloodwing to rescue you from the Shadowbolts compound." ""Wait...that gem was full of chaotic magic, wasn't it?" "Correct, I assume you didn't know this when you threw the gem at Soarin?" "I thought it was some king of program crystal, I assumed that Pegasus mind would have exploded when exposed to the magic." "Well you were wrong. And now we have another one of these ponies who are full of chaotic magic." "So what are we gonna do about it?" "...we wait and see how this plays out." Back in the Castle. "How long has he been hovering there?" Nightwing cocked his head as he looked out the window. "I believe he's been there for...three minutes." A guard answered. "Captain Nightwing, can you please tell me what the hay is going on?" Jade demanded. "Wish I could but it would take waaaaaaay to long to tell you the whole story. But all you need to know is that Lightning strike is now currently a threat to the Mountain kingdom. If we don't stop him soon, who knows what kind of destruction he'll bring." Nightwing said. As the Queen and Nightwing were discussing amongst one another, Flash was having a conversation of his own with Shadow. 'Well you seem to be the expert on Elements of Chaos. Care to tell me why my brother is just flying there and doing nothing? Also why the heck did he turn into Scorch anyway?' Flash asked in his head. "It seems that your brother, Lightning strike, is currently trying to adapt to his new power. Light's voice answered. "Light is correct, it takes time for a body to adjust to the new power when exposed to an Element of Chaos. As for when your brother turned into Scorch, I believe it must have happened when he was throwing up in the bathroom. Now that I think about it, I believe the real reason Lightning strike was vomiting in the first place was because his body was already changing into Scorch." Shadow's voice said. 'But...I thought he was just sick from eating shrimp?' "How do you get sick from eating shrimp?" Light asked. "Shrimp is one of the most delicious foods I've ever tried, how can somepony get sick from it?" "One, shrimp isn't that good. Two, someponies put seasoning on shrimp that makes it hard to...digest. Shadow said. "How dare you. Shrimp is the most delicious thing that Equestria has to offer!" Light growled. "For Peres sake shrimp is not that good, I mean sure it has it's moments but sometimes it just gets pretty bad." 'How the hay did we go from talking about how to help my brother, to talking about bucking shrimp!?' Flash screamed. "I'm sorry Flash, did you say something?" Shadow asked. "You know what? No, I'm done I'm hanging up.' Flash said. Then the place became quiet. "Oh come Flash don't be like that." Shadow said, only to receive silence. "Flash?" "I think he just hung up on you." Light suggested. "...How the hay did he do that?!" Shadow screamed. Back in the real world Flash averted his eyes away from the window and towards Nightwing. "Okay Nightwing, what's the plan to get my brother back?" Flash asked his friend. "Plan? What makes you think I have a plan?" Nightwing questioned. "And what do you mean by getting your bother back?" "Lightning strike is obviously being controlled by the Element of Scorch, we need to free him from the element and I was hoping that you have a plan." "How do you know about Lightning having the element of Scorch? Wait, better question, how do you know about the element of Scorch?" Nightwing demanded. "How do you?" Flash asked ovoiding the question in the process. "Discord gave me a book that has information on all of the Elements of Chaos." Nightwing answered. "How do you know?" "Ummmm...books?" Flash lied terribly. "I know your lying but I'll leave the question alone. For now." Nightwing said as he sat up. "Now then let's figure out how to save Lightning strike." "Ugh...my head." Lightning strike groaned as a large pain throbbed in his head. By basic pony nature he wanted to place a hoof on the pain in hopes to stop it. But when he tried to move his hoof but something prevented him from doing it along with the sound of chains echoed through his ears. His eyes moved slowly to the right to see his right foreleg was trapped in a shackle that was attached to a metal chain that seemed to be attached to nothing. Lightning looked to his left hoof which was also trapped in a shackle that was attached to a chain. His hind legs seemed to be in the same predicament as his hooves. He tried to unfold his wings but a metal brace kept them from doing so and yes, there were chains attached to it. An idea popped into Lightnings head, if he could hit the chains with a Lightning ball he might be able to free himself. He concentrated and a lightning ball formed slightly above his hoof. Angling just right Lightning fired the lightning ball at the left chain. A bang echoed through the area once the lightning ball made an impact, Lightning strike looked to see if the chain had been snapped or at least cracked. But no luck, the chain looked unaffected by the lightning ball. Not ready to give up Lightning strike created another lightning ball. "Don't bother." A voice said. "Who's there?" Lightning demanded as his lightning ball vanished. "Show yourself!" "Very well." The voice said as a figure appeared in front of Lightning strike. The figure looked exactly like Lightning strike but his mane was like a dancing orange flame, his unfolded wing tips were orange as well, and the entire part of his eyes were fully orange. Lightning strike shook his head to clear away his startled self. "Who are you? Where am I? And why am I in chains?" Lightning strike demanded. A sinister grin formed on the replica of Lightning strike. "My my, aren't you full of questions? Who am I? I am Scorch. Where are you? You are in your mind. And why are in chains? Because I put you in them so I can be in complete control of your body." Scorch answered. "Why would you do that?" Lightning asked. "Because I can. What other reason does there need to be?" "But why do all of this? Why do you want control of my body?" "Because I can." Scorch repeated the same answer. "And because I wish to destroy a certain someone." Back in the real world. "Captain Nightwing, it's Lightning strike. He's moving." A guard pointed out the window. The entire group rushed to the window to see what the guard was talking about. "Shaaaaadow." Scorch called out. "Come out, come out, wherever you are." "Shadow? Who is Lightning strike talking about?" Jade asked. 'Shadow, can you please tell me why my brother is calling you out?' Flash asked in his head. "Ah ha! I knew you were just ingoring us." Shadow shouted in triumph. 'Yeah, yeah, good for you. Now please answer the question!' "Okay first, Scorch isn't calling me out he's calling you out. And second that isn't your brother Lightning strike anymore, it's Scorch." 'What do you mean he's calling me out?' "Scorch is calling the Element of Shadow out, and last time I checked that's you." 'Since when?!' "Since when the Element of Shadow was placed inside your chest. Now quit your whining and solve this problem on your own." 'Why are you doing this to me?!' "Remember that time when you ignored us? Yeah, consider this is pay back." 'I don't talk to you for five minutes and you just decide to not help me now?!' "Oh I'm sorry, was that not clear?" "Hmmmm..." Scorch pondered as he looked everywhere for the Element of Shadow. "I know I sensed his magic somewhere. Damn it he's being smart and hiding his magic." Scorch sighed. "Oh well looks like it's gonna be a good old fashion game of 'Hide-and-seek tag'." Scorch smiled. Lifting up his right hoof a fire ball, that appeared to be a replicate of a lightning ball, formed above his hoof. "Eeny-meeny-miny-there." Scorch aimed the fire ball at a mountain that seemed like a perfect hiding spot. His target set, Scorch reared back his foreleg and then threw the fire ball. A tail of fire was painted in the fire balls wake as it soared towards the target. The next thing that happened was a blinding light appeared where the mountain was. *KABOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!* the explosions sound could be heard a few seconds later. When the light faded all saw the pure destructive power Scorch had. The once mountain was no more, all that remained was a black charred crater. Despite the show of power Scorch was not impressed with the art he had created. "I must not be fully synced with this body yet." Scorch chuckled as he stretched his right arm. "Oh well. That certainly should have gotten Shadow's attention. He'll show up. Eventually." On the cliff that both Starlight and the Hooded pony used to look over the Lone city. Starlight couldn't release her gaze from the newly formed crater. Her mind kept shouting at itself that what she was seeing wasn't real. But she knew it was. "Starlight." The voice of her leader echoed through her mind, having no affect on Starlight. "Starlight!" This time the voice of her leader did get through. She tried to say something, anything. But was speechless. "You and I are leaving, I have ordered the troops to attack Lightning strike. We must not be here when the battle begins." With that The Hooded pony placed a hoof on Starlight and the two vanished. Back in the castle. All stood in awe and disbelief. Minus the Guardians, who were being incredibly silent. Meanwhile in Flash's head he was trying to wrap his brain around what had just happened. "Show off." Shadow scoffed. But after getting no response from anyone he said something else. "Hello? Flash you there? Do I need to go over all of your embarrassing moments to bring you back to reality?" '...No...no I'm good...just trying...just currently processing what just happened.' Flash thought. "Why is it so hard to realize your brother just blew up a mountain? 'Said' exploded mountain is a whiles away, also you just saw him do it so how is it this hard to understand?" 'Because last time I checked he couldn't do that?!' Flash screamed at Shadow. "Scream all you want, but this is not my problem. It's yours, so have fun." 'Why won't you help me?! I ignored you for literally like one minute and your making a huge hissing fit about it!' "For the love of everything holy, stop toying the dear boy and tell him the truth. Light's voice interjected. 'Truth? What truth?!' "You really haven't figured it out yet? Dear buck you are not at all as smart as I thought you are." Shadow chuckled. "Ever heard the phrase 'fight fire with fire'? If I activate the Shadow element, it's gonna be like that situation. And news flash, when you use fire to fight fire you just end up making more fire. So if I Were to activate your element and you did fight Scorch, you'd just end up destroying the entire land. So there, now you know." 'Why didn't you just tell me that in the first place?!' Flash demanded. "Because it's fun to watch you rage." "Flash, Guardians, with me now." Nightwing ordered. The Guardians saluted and Flash shook his head to clear his thoughts. "Huh...wait what's going on?" Flash muttered. "Did I stutter or something, Flash come on I have a plan." Nightwing said. "Hold on." Queen Jade interjected. "First, what the Tartarus is going on?! How did your guard, Lightning strike, blow up a mountain?! And what is this plan of yours?!" Jade demanded. "Queen Jade, as of right now I am initiating protocol number twenty-nine. Under this protocol you are to evacuate everypony off this land at once." Nightwing said with a firm tone. "You have no authority to issue such a protocol." The Stallion guard said. "You do not have permission to initiate a protocol." "You know, their were some ponies that didn't listen to me and they ended up dead. And on their tombstones I wrote the words 'they could have lived if they just listened'. Does anypony want to end up like them?" Nightwing asked, only to get absolute silence from everyone. "Any takers? No...no volunteers? Great then get to it." Nightwing said as the guards scrambled out of the room leaving Flash, Nightwing, and the three Guardians. "Flash stop stop standing there like an idiot and move already." "No one died when they didn't listen to you." Flash said. "Yeah, but how else was I to get their flanks moving? Just ask please?" Nightwing asked sarcastically. "Now then, you and I need to talk." "About what?" "About your element of Chaos, the element of Shadow." Nightwing answered. Flash's ears perked up at the question. "How the hay does he know about the Element of Shadow?" Shadow questioned. "Because I'm the one that put the Element inside Flash." Nightwing answered. ...Can you hear me?" "Yes. I'm using my complex crystal to speak to you through Flash. Anyways I just want to tell you, don't activate the element." "Ha! Even the Shadow knight agrees with me." "Will you just shut up." Flash groaned. "Why? What did I do to you?" Nightwing asked. "Not you...I mean...I was trying to...forget it. I give up." Flash let his head slump down. "That's the spirt Flash." "Flash get up. Just because you have a voice inside your head doesn't mean your crazy and should just give up." Nightwing patted Flash on the back. "Really?" "Really. Now get up and let's go beat the tar out of your brother." Nightwing smiled, he was going to enjoy this. "That was probably the most stupid thing I did since I got here." Scorch muttered as he rubbed his right hoof. "I should have been more aware of what this new body can handle, that last attack I just used put a major strain on my body. Would really suck if something kicked me in the back." And then a metal pony kicked Scorched in the back. "Damn it." Scorch groaned as he crashed into the ground. Scorch quickly recovered and jumped into a battle stance. About fifty metal ponies, and ten Gladiators, had their faces opened up and a haze of fire could be seen, had surrounded Scorch. "Aww, tiny Gladiators. That's the most adorable and destructive thing I've ever seen." Scorch cooed. A fiery beam exploded from the metal ponies and Gladiators faces as the beam struck Scorch, a bubble of fire engulfed Scorch's body as the metal ponies and Gladiators continued to onslaught Scorch with fire. But the Gladiators and mini Gladiators were no longer firing their beam at Scorch. Scorch was now absorbing the fire from the Gladiators. The Gladiators tried to stop themselves from releasing their magic but proved infective. The fire inside the Gladiators faded away as all of the troops turned into inanimate armor. The fire bubble that surrounded Scorch began to shrink as the bubble was absorbed into his heart. Releasing a sigh, a small flame came out of his mouth. "Ahhhh. Nothing like a energy drink to get the blood pumping. Now where was I-gah!" Scorch yelled in surprise as something made an impact on his back, sending him sailing forward and bounced off a bolder that he had hit. "Stop kicking me in back!" Scorch yelled. Getting up Scorch faced his attackers. Nightwing, Flash, and the three Guardians stood before him. "Well...looky what we got here-" Scorch's speech was short lived as the three Guardians created a lightning ball and threw it at Scorch. *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* The three small lightning balls all hit Scorch, sending him crashing through the bolder he had hit and trapped inside. "Huh...that was easier than I thought it would be." Flash scratch is head. "Yeah, I thought that would have taken a lot longer than-" Nightwing's words got caught in his throat as Scorch flew out of the bolder, grabbed a Guardian by the helmet, and crushed said Guardian against another bolder. "You shouldn't have did that." Scorch growled at the group, his fire eyes burned their way into the others. "Now die!" Scorch shouted as he aimed his right hoof and a wave of fire exploded towards the group. "Dodge!" Nightwing yelled as the group took to the air, just nearly missing the wave of fire. Scorch smiled with delight. 'So the one in the gold armor is the Element of Shadow. Perfect, just need to get rid of these flys and the Element is all mine.' Scorch thought, instantly closing the distance between him and Nightwing. "Hi." Scorch said to Nightwing. "Bye." Scorch said as a fire ball was formed in his hoof. Rearing back his hoof, Scorch swung at Nightwing. And then he vanished. "What?!" Scorch yelled in surprise. "Oof!" The word escaped Scorch's mouth as Nightwing had teleported above Scorch and kneed him in the back. "What did I just say about hitting me in the back?!" "Lightning strike you have to stop this right now." Nightwing said. "News flash buddy." Scorch said as he twisted himself around and grabbed Nightwing by the leg. "I'm not Lightning strike!" Scorch yelled as he threw Nightwing to the ground, Nightwing nearly crashed into the ground but a Guardian caught him before he fell. Scorch appeared behind the Guardian a jammed his foreleg into the Guardians chest. Then exploded a fire ball inside it's chest causing it to explode from the inside. "Two down. Two to go." Scorch turned to the third Guardian and was about to attack but was then tackled by Flash. "Didn't forget about me did you?" Flash joked as he rammed Scorch into the ground. Only to be punched off by Scorch. "I'll deal with you later, for now I must destroy your two friends." Scorch said. "Hey!" Nightwing shouted from behind catching Scorch's attention. "Pick on someone your own size!" Nightwing yelled as he charged Scorch. "Do you have a death wish or something?" Scorch asked as he lifted his right hoof and was engulfed in flames, he then closed the distance between the two and shoved his hoof at Nightwing. Only for his punch to go straight through Nightwing. "Oh shoot." Scorch said as he looked up and saw the real Nightwing who shot a large magic bolt at Scorch. *BOOM!!!* The bolt made impact on Scorch and sent him buried underneath five feet of earth. Nightwing, Flash, and the Guardian approached the cracked ground, hoping that the battle was over. It wasn't. "RAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!" Scorch released a mighty roar as he soared into the air. His body was caught in a hellish orange aura. Nightwing knew that what was about to happen wasn't gonna be good. "Guardian, protect Flash." Nightwing ordered. The Guardian's shell disassembled itself, the pieces of armor flying at Flash and attaching to Flash's armor until his whole body was covered in armor. Nightwing only had a little bit of time so he created a double layered blue force field. "BURRRRRRNNNNN!!!" Scorch screamed as he released a his magic. *KABOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!* Scorch had created an explosion that was three times more powerful than the fireball he used to destroy the mountain. Nothing stood a chance against the blast. When the blast faded all that remained was a smoked crater that cover 1/7 of the land. The Guardian's armor that was protecting Flash fell to the ground and transformed back into the Guardian it once was, Flash looked around in disbelief at the large crater. But then something more important came to his mind. Nightwing. He searched frantically for his friend until they landed on Nightwing, who was lying on his side facing away from Flash. "Nightwing!" Flash shouted as he ran towards his friend. Turning him to his back Flash looked over Nightwing, he placed his ear to his chest. Silence. No heartbeat. No pulse. No breathing. Nightwing was dead. Nightwing, Flash's best friend was dead. And he was powerless to anything to help him. Tears began to Spain Nightwing's fur as they rolled down Flash's cheeks. But then a new emotion pierced Flash's heart. Hatred. Flash's mane became black the tips of his mane be game Crimson red, his eyes began fully red, and his wing tips became red as well. "Scoooooooooorrrrrrrrch!!!!" Flash roared and flew into the the sky. Nightwing's eyes began to flutter open. He was back in a hospital bed, one in Canterlot it seemed. Nightwing turned to his side only to meet the face of his doom. Standing on the left of his bed was an earth pony stallion with orange fur, chocolate brown poofy mane with a curl in the front, blue eyes, and wore a yellow shirt. A mischievous grin was plastered on his face. There was no escaping his impending doom. His fate was sealed this was the end of our dear hero Nightwing. "Hi Nightwing you want to go skateboards?" Cheese sandwich asked. > Chapter seventeen. The Spook part one > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nightwing stared at Cheese sandwich with a look of confusion. "What?" "It's a simple question Nightwing, do you want to go skateboards? Yes or no?" Cheese asked. Nightwing tried to sit up but found that he was strapped down to the bed by five straps that wrapped around the bed he was in. He didn't see this as a problem, all he needed to do was use his crystal to undo the straps and he was free. There was just one problem, he didn't have his crystal. Nightwing's hooves searched frantically under the sheets in case it was lost in the covers. "Looking for this?" Cheese asked as he held up Nightwing's crystal by the bracelet. "Give that back, now Cheese." Nightwing demanded. "Sure thing, but I took it because I need an audience with you. Oh btw, this is for you." Cheese said as he picked up a folded piece of paper and handed it to Nightwing. Nightwing glared at Cheese. "Oh right." Cheese chuckled as he hopped off the bed and unfolded the note in front of Nightwing. 'Dear Student. It as come to our attention that the one known as Cheese sandwich has discovered something that endangers the town of Ponyville. I have come to the decision that you and Cheese sandwich are to go to the town and solve this threat at once. I wish I could tell you more but Cheese has said that he will explain the details later. And do not fear for your friends Flash sentry and Lightning strike. They are both in the hospital making a full recovery. Make me proud dear Student. Your Teacher, Luna.' "So. You want to capture a monster that's terrifying as Tartarus?" Cheese smiled. "I don't think I have much of a choice, get me out of this Bed and we can begin." Nightwing answered which made Cheese smile. "Hi-ho let's begin." Cheese said as he walked to the other side of Nightwing's bed and unlatch end the buckles. Now free, Nightwing sat up and snatch his crystal from Cheese and placed on his right hoof. Making sure it worked Nightwing used his crystal to levitate the glass of water that was next to his bed. Satisfied, Nightwing placed the glass back down. "So, where do we start?" Nightwing asked. "We go to my house first." Cheese answered. "Great." Nightwing said as he placed a hoof on Cheese and the two vanished. "Congratulations First base. You've officially earned your cutie mark." Applebloom congratulated First base. All of the CMC had gathered I their clubhouse to congratulate their friend First base. Who, of course, had earned his cutie mark which was a baseball with a baseball bat next to it. "You guys didn't need to go through all this trouble for me, you know that right?" First base asked as he rubbed the back of his head. "Go through all the trouble?!" Pip asked astonished by what his ears just heard. "Mate, you just earned your cutie mark. Of course we should celebrate." '*sigh*' First base sighed in his head, making sure not to offend the others. 'I know I should be happy about earning my cutie mark again, but really. All that I see that as is just a reminder of my dad.' First base thought sadly as his mind began to wander back to the day he got his cutie mark Flashback "You ready kiddo?" Comet tail asked a young First base. "You bet dad!" First base cheered with glee. Both Fist base and Comet tail were at a baseball field. First base held a bat in his mouth as he stood at the home plate, while Comet tail stood at the pitcher plate holding a baseball in his magic. "All right, I'm gonna go easy on you cause it's your first time Base." Comet tail said. "Heh. Don't go easy on me just cause I'm a kid dad, hit me with everything you've got." First base said as he cocked his bat. "You sure?" Comet tail asked in suprise. "100%." "Okay." Comet tail said as he reared back the ball, then shot the ball forward and released it from his magical grip. The ball soared through the air until First base struck it with his bat. A loud crack was heard the instant it happened and the ball flew into the clouds. "Woah." Comet tail said in amazement. "Dad! Dad! Look!" First base shouted. Comet tail averted his gaze from the sky and to his son. Where on his flank was his cutie mark. "I got my cutie mark! I got my cutie mark!" First base yelled as he pranced around in circles. "Base?" Rumble's question cut through First base's flashback like a knife through cheese. "You okay bro?" First base looked up at all of his friends, all seemed to have worried expressions. He place a hoof to his cheek only to feel that it was wet, he had been crying. "Yeah...I'm okay." First said as he rubbed the tears out of his eyes. "Just...remembering a painful memory." First base said, hoping that his friends wouldn't pry any further. "Well...if you say so." Scootaloo said. "Now then, let's talk about a very special holiday that were all looking forward to." Rumble said. "What holiday would that be?" Button mash asked. "You know, Nightmare night." Rumble answered. "Oh yeah, I can't wait for Nightmare night." Pip squeaked. "Say, y'all gonna be joinin my family for our corn maze this year?" Applebloom asked. "Wouldn't miss it." First base said which made Sweetie bell smile. "You can count on us being there." Pip said for him and Rumble. "I'll be there too." Button mash said. "Then it's settled we'll all meet at the entrance at 7:00 NT." Scootaloo said. "See you all there." As the group began to disband from the club house, a thought occurred inside First base head. He trotted up to Pip squeak and asked. "Is Dinkie gonna join Nightmare night?" Pip cringed at the question. "Ah wouldn't count on it, Sis never really liked Nightmare night. Said it always gave her bad dreams." "Well...let's go see if we can talk her into coming." First said as he trotted ahead. "Your wasting your breath mate." Pip sighed as he followed Base. "Cheese." Nightwing said. "Yes." Cheese replied. "Where are we?" Nightwing said in controlled demanding voice. "In front of a taco stand." Cheese answered. "Extra cheese my good mare." Cheese asked to the mare who scooped an extra set of cheese on Cheese sandwich's taco. "Yes, now can you tell me what's the problem with being here?" Nightwing's tone didn't change. "Mhh mmh?" Cheese shrugged as he took a bite out of his vegetarian taco that was loaded with cheese. "Well I'll tell you what's wrong. WERE IN FRONT OF A BUCKING TACO STAND WHEN WERE SUPPOSED TO BE AT YOU BUCKING HOUSE YOU IMBECILE!!!!!!" Nightwing roared. "So?" Cheese asked, unfazed by Nightwing's shout. "SO!!" Nightwing yelled. "Your beginning to test my patience Cheese." "Hey your the one who used Shadow stalking, so it's not really my fault." "And your the one who thought of a taco stand instead of your house, so I think it's safe to assume it's your fault!" "Hey can you two yell at one another somewhere else?" A mare in the line behind Nightwing and Cheese asked. "Your holding up the line." Nightwing stomped his hoof, causing the ground to crack as a physical impact mark was imprinted on the ground making Everypony in the line to become quite. "Shove it!" Nightwing shouted. "You have a bad temper you know that right?" Cheese asked. "I have a bad temper because that idiotic brain of yours is responsible for all this!" "*sigh* Fine." Cheese sighed as he ate the last of his taco and rubbed his hooves against the dirt to clean them off. "Just use Shadow stalking again and I promise will be at my house." "How do you know about my shadow stalking spell?" Nightwing asked in a slightly calmer tone. "Easy, it's called looking through space and reality and seeing all of space and time knowing what's about to happen that others don't while talking to the reader slash writer and talking about things that make absolutely no sense at all." Cheese said. "...What?" "It's called breaking the fourth wall num-nuts." Cheese sandwich stuck out his tongue. "Ugh...fine. Can you just lead me to your house?" Nightwing groaned. "Why didn't you say so in the first place!" Cheese asked as he picked up Nightwing and shoved him inside a large cannon. "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome aboard and thank you for flying air-cannon. We hope you enjoy your flight and that you land safely. FIRE IN THE HOLE!" Cheese shouted as he pulled a rope that was connected to the back of the cannon. *BOOOOOM!* a large explosion was formed as both Nightwing and Cheese were fired out of said cannon and off to who knows where. "Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" Cheese shouted as he bounced off a mattress that he had landed gracefully on. Nightwing however bounced off the mattress and hit the ground on his back. "Ow." Nightwing winced. "Ah Cheese sandwich." A voice half full of posh said. Nightwing lifted his head up a bit to see the voice belonged to a unicorn stallion with white fur, a navy blue mane, had blue eyes, wore a very fancy looking black suit, and had a monocle placed about three centimeters away from his right eye. Next to the unicorn was another unicorn stallion who seemed to be younger than the first unicorn. The second unicorn had matching white fur, a navy blue mane, green eyes, and wore a butler suit. "Fancy pants, high hoof." Cheese said to the first unicorn as the two high hoofed. "And Silver platter, how's it going?" "Okay...I guess." Said the second unicorn. "Ow." Nightwing winced again as he cracked something in his back. "Oh, where are my manors?" Cheese asked as he lifted Nightwing up. "Nightwing this is Fancy pants and Silver platter. Fancy pants and Silver platter, Nightwing." "Charmed to meet you." Fancy pants said as he shook Nightwing's hoof. "As am I." Silver did the same. "Welcome Nightwing. To the Cheese mansion." Cheese said dramatically as Nightwing looked at the ginormous building in front of them. "For those of you who don't know, my family comes from a long generation of wealth. How? Dear reader you might ask, simple, see my family was the first to invent cheese. That's right, and we didn't stop there, we began opening up restaurants that sold top of the line cheese based foods. So come on down and visit you local Cheesy shack today." Cheese sandwich said as he held up a cup that had a slice of cheese logo on it along with the words 'the Cheese shack' plastered on it. "Who are talking to?" "Everything. Oh and Fancy, my father is in room 15438." Cheese said as he trotted past the two and into the house, along with Nightwing following him. The hallway was very well lit with lanterns as the duo continued to follow the long red rug that was laced along the hard stone floor. Pictures of what seemed to be past family residences were nailed to the wall as well, but whoever put them their was very wary of the fire in the lanterns. "How do you know those two?" Nightwing asked, deciding that it was best to start a conversation. "Fancy and Silver? Easy, the Pant's family is a common neighbor to the Cheese family. They helped fund most of our restaurants and our business. Because of them both of our families are very rich." Cheese explained. "Why do you say that like Fancy and Silver are-" "Brothers? Your correct." "I was gonna suggest, friends but their brothers?" "That's right." "Wait...if Fancy pants and Silver platter are brothers then, why was Silver dressed like a servant?" Nightwing asked. "Mmh, don't know. Never wanted to pry." Cheese shrugged. "I doubt that." "Come on Sis. It's nightmare night, you gotta come." Pipsqueak said. "No! Never, you know what happens on nightmare night. Theirs no way in Tartarus I'm going out their!" Dinkie shouted behind her barred bedroom door. "Language young lady." Pip scolded. "And come on, me mate First base wants you to come along." "First base?" Dinkie asked. "Yeah, mate would be really bummed if you didn't come." "Well..." "Come on Sis...I know you wouldn't want to miss a date with Base would you. A gasp was heard from inside Dinkies room. "How...how long have you-" "The day he showed up at our door, you made it pretty obvious when you were blushing like a tomato and ran upstairs to go hide in your room." Pip chuckled. "Now come on, are you gonna come or not?" There was a sound of moving furniture and locks being unlatched rom the inside of the room. When the sounds stopped the door opened and Dinkie stepped out. "Okay...lets go." "So First base, how have you been?" Derpy asked as she handed him a bland muffin and a glass of milk. First base was sitting at the dinner table waiting for Pipsqueak to talk his Sis into joining him and his friends for Nightmare night. "I've been great actually, I don't know if you heard but I got my cutie mark." First base said, taking a small bite out of his muffin. "Congratulations!" Derpy shouted with glee. "I remember when I first got my cutie mark." "Yeah." First base muttered sadly. "So, would you mind telling me the story about how you got your cutie mark?" First base asked, hoping that a conversation would push away his depressed memories. "Well...I suppose I could...but where would I start?" Derpy questioned as she rubbed her chin. "How about what you cutie mark means?" First base suggested. "Ah, that's easy. My cutie mark means I love bubble baths." Derpy said. "Bubble...baths?" "Yes. When I was a filly I used to love playing in bubble baths, almost everyday I would play in one. One day I was playing in my bubble bath and I then got my cutie mark." Derpy said. "So your talent is playing with bubbles?" Base asked quizzically. "At first I thought so, but then I realized that my true talent was to just have fun. My cutie mark represents that the fun I had in the bubble baths could be the same fun I have with everything else. So everyday whenever I goof up or do something silly, I take a bubble bath to remind me that I everything I do is fun." Derpy explained. "Wow..." Base said astonished. "Oh, listen to me like I'm a fifty year old mare. Tell me what you think your cutie mark represents." "Well..." First base trailed off as he looked at his cutie mark. 'What does my cutie mark mean? I mean sure I love to play baseball and I'm very good at it but...but there has to be more to it than that.' First base thought. Then a spark ignited in his mind, reeling him back to the day he first got his cutie mark. "I think it represents to not be alone. Like in a game of baseball, you need a complete team to beat the other team. So I think it means that you should always have someone to help you no matter what." "Cool." Derpy said calmly. "So...where do we begin exactly?" Nightwing asked as he placed his hoof carefully on the floor. Making sure not to step on any of the stacks of papers that were spread throughout the room. The room was nearly covered in pictures, numbers, words, and papers all around. "Where do I begin?" Cheese asked as he stroked his new brown mustache that had appeared on his muzzle. "How about, exactly four hundred years ago. On the night of October, farmer ponies saw a creature that was almost the most terrifying thing imaginable. The next day a foal that belonged to the farmer ponies vanished. Only to return three days later." "Okay...so?" "So? So these disappearances haven't been random, I've traveled over almost all of Equestria and every town I've been to I've heard the same story, terrifying creature, foals from family vanish, only to return three days later." "What does this have to do with Ponyville?" Nightwing raised an eyebrow. "Because, Ponyville is the only town where the creature hasn't shown up. And I can guarantee you that's the creatures next target." "So you got my Teach involved in this whole 'dangerous creature' thing just on a hunch?" "Yep." "Are you sure your not crazy?" "Crazy is just a word for those who don't understand reality. Like how you don't believe me when I say there's a dangerous monster on the loose that's gonna foalnap a foal and do who knows what with him slash her. "...what?" "Exactly. Now are you gonna help me track down a monster that may or may not exist? Or are you gonna sit in your destroyed house and be sad that no one remembers the true reason of Nightmare night?" That question caught Nightwing off guard. "How do you-" "Come on, did you completely ignore the words 'break the fourth wall'?" Cheese asked, putting a foreleg over Nightwing's shoulder. "And besides, I know that Everypony no longer remembers the true meaning of Nightmare night because of Celestia but come on, is it really something to cry over?" "Your provoking me to tell you the real reason Nightmare night was made aren't you?" "No need!" Cheese shouted as he shoved Nightwing to the side. "I'll tell the dear reader myself. In song!" Cheese said as he put on a show stallion hat and grabbed a cane. "Welllll-" "Start singing and you'll know what it's like to live without a mouth." Nightwing growled. "Fine." Cheese sighed in defeat as he threw his hat and cane away. "Doesn't matter, do you want to come help me or not?" "We've already established this, I don't really have a choice in the matter so the answer is already a yes." "That's the spirt! Now let's get to business." "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no-" Dinkie continued to repeat no after no as she threw out costume after costume from her closet and onto the pile of not gonna wear costume. "How many of these do you have?" Pip asked, removing a wizard hat from his head that was tossed onto him. "I have lots, but I want to look good for First base." "Sis, Base ain't gonna care how pretty you look, all he cares is that you attend Nightmare night nothing more." Pipsqueak said hoping that his Sis would calm down. But that was not the case. "Are you joking?!" Dinkie screamed. "On the first date, appearances always matter!" Pip rolled his eyes. "Then why not just wear this?" Pip asked as he picked up a costume. Dinkie ceased her search for the perfect costume and looked at the one her brother was holding. "Ummm..." "You should wear this, there's nothing wrong with it." "But-" "No buts your gonna wear this for Nightmare night, go trick or treating, and have fun. Got it?" Pip said in a firm tome. "...okay." "Great I'll go tell Base." Pip smiled as he dropped the costume and trotted out of Dinkies room. Back in Canterlot hospital, Flash was currently sleeping in a hospital bed. In his mind Flash was in another endless dark void which he floated easily through. "Great, another memory from somepony that held the Element of Shadow." Flash huffed. "Sorry, but that's not the case today." A voice echoed throughout the void. Flash turned his head to come face to face with himself. Or at least it looked kinda like him. The Flash in front of the real Flash had a black mane where the tips were crimson red and his entire eyes were completely red. "Who-" "I'll save you the breath of your pointless question. I'm you, or rather, your Dark side I think Shadow called it." the Dark side said. "Anyways, you and I are in your subconscious in case you were wondering. As for why you can see and talk to me, you can thank the Element of Shadow for that." Flash shook his head. "Your not real, your just an illusion." Dark side closed the distance between Flash and himself and grabbed him by the neck. "I've got news for you Flash, this isn't some nightmare you can just wake up from, this is real. I'm real. Everything that's happening is real, and it's not going away anytime soon." Flash refused to show any fear as he stared into Dark sides evil eyes. "What do you want with me?" Flash demanded. "Good, your not as stupid as I thought you were." Dark side smiled, releasing Flash from his grip. "What I want is simple. Control. "Control of what?" "Control of you, that is what the Dark side of everyone who used the Element of Shadow wanted." "What...why?" "Like I said, it's what all Dark sides want. I can't explain it, especially to someone like you." "What if I just stop you from taking control?" "That's the best part, you can't stop me from taking control. Every time you use the Element of Shadows power the more I gain control, like how I made you think your friend was dead." "Wait...what?" "You really are dumb, the brain controls the body. I simply made your eyes see your friend dead, your ears hear no heartbeat or pause. That's the power of the brain, everything in your body centers back to it. "So...Nightwing's-" "Not dead? No, he's not. But you bought it and that's all that matters, because you got angry, turned into Shadow and fought Scorch, I gained more control. If it hadn't been for that meddlesome Thunderstorm I would have had full control." "Who's Thunderstorm?" "What am I, a guid to everything? Figure it out yourself." Dark side jabbed a hoof at Flash's chest. " Ah, looks like our time here is up. But trust me Sentry. We'll meet again very soon." Dark side chuckled as he faded to nothing. > Chapter eighteen. The Spook part two > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Good morning Nightwing!" Cheese sandwich yelled as he pulled back the windows blinds, causing moonlight to leak into the room. "Or rather, good night I suppose." "Huh...wha?" Nightwing murmured as he rubbed his eyes. Nightwing was in a bed, which was weird because he didn't recall going to sleep. "Wait...it's night time?!" Nightwing asked in astonishment as he pulled back the covers and jumped to the window, where sure enough. It was nighttime. "Now I know what your thinking, and no it's not nighttime. Well technically it is but it wasn't yesterday's nighttime." Cheese tried his best to explain. "Cheese. What are you saying?" Nightwing asked. "Well to put it simply." Cheese said as he grabbed a jack-o-lantern that had an evil looking smile as its face. "Happy Nightmare night." Cheese said in a spooky voice. "What?!" Nightwing shouted in suprise. "How?!" "I crushed a pill and put it in a glass of water that you drank. The pill dust that you drank makes you sleep for a long time. Or until someone gives you the anti-pill. Which I did." Cheese explained proudly. "So you gave me a medication without having any idea about the kind of side effects that might have effected me in any way?" Nightwing asked. "Well when you say it like that it sounds dangerous." "Because doing something like that is dangerous!" Nightwing shouted. "Oh well." Cheese shrugged. "You live and you learn." "That's the problem, you don't learn! You just do something and makes absolutely no sense whatsoever!" Nightwing continued to yell. "Awwww." Cheese cooed, now hanging upside down from the ceiling and facing Nightwing. "Where's the fun in making sense?" "That's my line bucko!" Discord said, appearing in the room with a white flash. "Gah!" Nightwing startled. "Ah! Stranger danger!" Cheese yelled as he hid behind Nightwing. Regaining his senses, and now fully aware of what was going on, Nightwing scowled at Discord. "Discord." Nightwing scolded the artwork of Picasso. "Really? Picasso? I look nothing like-" Discord cut himself off as he looked into a mirror that he had just created. "Okay I'll give you that one." Discord sighed, snapping his claw the mirror then cracked and imploded. "Now then, what was I here for?" Discord asked himself as he stroked the white strands of a half beard. "Ah yes. I've come here to insure your alright. Via demands from your Teacher Lulu." "I'm fine, the better question to be asked right now is what are you doing here?" Nightwing growled. "Your supposed to be looking for Soarin." "That's the second thing I needed to tell you." Discord smiled, rapping his lion arm around Nightwing's neck and invading his personal space by scrunching his face's cheek against Nightwing's. "I'm afraid I've lost the trail to find your dear friend Soarin." Discord said in an obvious sad tone. Discord, Nightwing, and Cheese all vanished, only for the three to reappear sitting in a church. Both Cheese and Nightwing were dressed in black suites along with a red tie. In the rest of the seats of the church were multiple Discords, some dressed in black mare-like clothing and makeup, along with others dressed in suits and ties. Some of the female looking Discord were crying while other female Discords had disgusted looks on their faces. "Ahem." Both Cheese and Nightwing directed their attention to another Discord, this time dressed in a white priest outfit with gold lining on it along with a bishop had placed on his head the horns on his head sticking out from underneath the hat. Behind the 'Priest Discord' was a solid closed black coffin with flowers on top of it. An organ played itself as priest Discord opened up a large book, that was presumably a bible with nothing but mumbo-jumbo. "Ladies and gentlecolts, we are gathered here today. To witness the passing of a dear friend, a lover, and/or an enemy." The priest Discord said. "You beat he was!" A Discord dressed in a black suit yelled from the back of the church. Priest Discord raised a claw. "Please, save your words for when they are to be spoken. Speaking of which, a few words from Discord 1547." Priest Discord said, as a Discord dressed in a black suit floated up the stairs and onto the stage where he took a stand. "So...um..." The dressed Discord mumbled as he rubbed the back of his head. "What can I say about our good friend Soarin? Well-" "Discord!" Nightwing interrupted. "Enough with these gimmicks of yours and tell me why you can't find Soarin." Nightwing demanded. "Fine." Discord sighed, snapping his claw talons the three returned to the bedroom. "If you must know, I was hot on Soarin's trail but then a huge wave of chaos energy blinded me from pinpointing his location. So I went to go see what caused the massive wave. And guess what I found?" "Answer." Nightwing growled. "Your no fun." Discord groaned, turning his back to Nightwing and folded his arms. "I found Flash and Lightning strike battling each other in the Mountain kingdom. Of course I was able to split them up and return them to normal but I took to long and lost the trail of Soarin. Happy?" "No. Irritated beyond imagination? Yes." Nightwing frowned. "Awww." Discord cooed as he grabbed Nightwing's face and turned it counterclockwise, making his face turn upside down. "Turn that frown upside down." "Hehe." Cheese giggled. "Because his face is literally turned upside down. That's-that's clever." "See? This guy gets it." "Discord, if you came here to just annoy me I swear to Teach I'll turn you back into stone." Nightwing threatened. "Please. You don't have that kind of power." Discord laughed off Nightwing's threat. "Not now, but I can most certainly try." Nightwing growled. "Now put my face back the way it was." "As you command, all mighty Nightwing. Last of the Shadow Knights." Discord said in a intense and dramatic voice. And with a snap of his paw, Discord returned Nightwing's face to normal. "Thank you." Nightwing sighed, relived that his face was normal again. "So Nightwing. Aren't we supposed to go to Ponyville and hunt down a dangerous monster?" Cheese asked. "Oh that's right." Discord snapped his claw. "I'm supposed to tell you that what your looking for is in the Everfree forest." "And, how do you know this?" Nightwing asked skeptical of Discord's reasons. "Because of Jesus!" Discord yelled as he snapped his claw causing Cheese and Nightwing to vanish. "But seriously though, Picasso? Could you seriously not come up with anything better than 'artwork of Picasso'?" Shut up Discord and go eat a mud pie. "Ha ha." Discord slapped his knee. "Now that...that was funny." Nightmare night. A time that was once full of frightened screams is now replaced with the sound of laughter and glee as foals dressed in costumes of all shape and size ran all around Ponyville. Three foals in particular were standing outside Button mash's house and were all dressed up and ready for Nightmare night. "So Base, what are you?" Rumble asked to First base, whom was dressed in a white t-shirt with tiny light blue vertical lines across it, a red cap, with the insignia of a cardinal perched on a baseball bat, sat on his head, and a baseball bat that was held in his mouth. Setting his bat down, First base said, "I'm a professional baseball player. I don't think I have to be a genius to figure out who you are." First base said. Rumble was dressed in a blue Wonderbolt costume, was wearing clear circular goggles, and had his mane dyed light grey along with some silver. "You know it, I'm Silver lining. One of the best Wonderbolts there is." Rumble said proudly. "And the oldest." Button said. "Shut up Button mash." Rumble scowled Button. "Speaking of which." First base turned his attention to Button mash. "Who did you dress up as Button." "Night gazer." Button mash said simply. Button mash wore a dark grey cloak along with a pointy grey wizard hat, wore a fake longish grey beard that covered up his muzzle, and had a long wooden staff that was held in his hoof. "Who?" Rumble asked. "He's a wizard from a game I played. You'd have to play the game to understand." "Say, where's Pip and Dinkie?" Rumble asked to no one in particular. "They should've been here by now." "Hey." Button mash said through his beard. "Rumble's right, where are those two anyway?" "Hmmm." Rumble pondered rubbing his chin. "Oh that's right." "What is it Rumble?" Base asked. "If I know my good friend Pip, he's probably already out gathering candy." Rumble said. "What?!" Both First base and Button mash yelled. "I thought we were gonna go Trick-or-treating together?" Button complained. "Now wait a minute Button." First base said in calm tone. "Let's wait for Pip to get back, I'm sure he has a good reason for this." "Well...okay." Button sighed in defeat. 'Looks like all those notes in my moms journal wasn't a total waste after all.' Base thought. "Base is right, knowing Pip he's probably just gathering candy so he can place it on the Nightmare moon statue in the Everfree forest." Rumble assumed. "Hey, let's go meet him there?" First base suggested. "What?!" This time Button mash and Rumble shouted. "Are you crazy, there's way to many dangerous things in there. Plus, who knows what my mom will do to me if she found out I went anywhere near that place?" Button mash rambled. "Button your moms not that scary." First base smiled and rolled his eyes. "She broke our table because I got a D on my math test." Button said. "That's it?" "The table was made out of stone and my mom broke it in two." That sent both Rumble and Base aback as they stared at Button mash with wide eyes. "Holy Mother of all things cool, how strong is your mother?!" Rumble asked in awe. "Not sure, but she goes to the gym everyday for three hours." "Regardless. The Everfree isn't dangerous anymore. Remember, the Deer now populate the entire Everfree, the only dangerous thing in the Everfree now are the Guards." Base explained. "Base has a point." Rumble nodded. "Ever since those Deer came here there's been less attacks on Ponyville than before they came here." "So you see Button, there's nothing to worry about." "Well...alright I'll come." Button sighed. "But if I get in trouble, I'm taking you two down with me to Tartarus." "Sure thing buddy." Rumble chuckled. Meanwhile in the Great tree a Doe guard adorned in Whitetail armor ran through the halls of the Great tree. The Doe burst through the door to the high council room, where Fallwood, Springwood, Winterwood, and Summerwood were seated in their chairs and we're having a discussion. The seat for the Arbor suserro however was empty. The Doe guard bowed in respect at the four deer. "Forgive my rude entrance." The Guard apologized. "All is forgive dear Sister." Springwood accepted the apology. "I request an audience with the Arbor Suserro er, Fluttershy as she wishes to be called." "I'm afraid the Arbor Suserro is not present with us this night." Fallwood sighed. "She wishes to be with her animals in her cottage in Ponyville." "Oh...I see, then I wish to share my news with the high council." The Guard requested. "You may speak." Summerwood said. "As you might already know, multiple of our outer rim guards have been found unconscious and unknown as to what caused them to become unconscious." The Doe began to explain. "Per orders from captain Birch we sent a squad to look into these disappearances." The Doe's eyes met the floor as her head became heavy. "The squad was found a while later unconscious and unaware of what happened to them." "I see." Springwood said as she shut her eyes and sighed. "Tell me, of the squad members that were sent did one of them have some sort of relationship with you?" "W-what?" The Doe blushed taken aback by Summerwood's question. "I-I don't understand what you mean?" Springwood was about to continue her conversation, but stopped short when she saw that Winterwood and Fallwood were scowling her. Which she then shut her mouth. "Forgive Springwood's unneeded question." Fallwood said, continuing to glare at Springwood and then turning back to the guard. "Is there anything else you wish to tell us?" "N-no." The guard answered, still rattled by Springwood's question. "Then that'll be all, you are dismissed." Winterwood said. Which the guard responded to with a bow and left the large doors closing behind her. Once the guard had left Winterwood, Fallwood, and Summerwood resumed glaring at Springwood. "What?" She asked innocently. "You know what." Winterwood sighed. "Honestly Springwood, what in the Great tree were you thinking?" Summerwood covered his eyes and shook his head. "Asking that Guard about something that was clearly personal to her." "Alright!" Springwood raised her forearms up in defense. "I admit the question was personal and should not have asked it. But cut me some slack I was just curious." "You forget that it was curiosity that made both the Ponies and the Deer fall from Natures garden." Fallwood reminded Springwood. "Was it really necessary to bring our religion into the matter?" Winterwood asked. "Our religion is what makes us who we are, without it we would be nothing." Summerwood said. "True, but-" "Enough!" Fallwood shouted as he stood up from his chair and slammed his hooves onto the table. Catching the councils attention. "We are derailing from our subject at hoof." The high Council looked at one another, their faces all agreeing on the same thing. "Fallwood is right." Winterwood sighed. "We are the High Council. The duty and lives of Everfree fall into our responsibility when the Arbor Suserro is not here." "Agreed, now what shall we do about this situation?" Summerwood asked. "Hmmmm." Fallwood hummed. "If this is a dangerous threat, perhaps it'd be best to let it come to us rather then try to find it ourselves." Fallwood suggested. "Fallwood makes a point, I don't like the idea of endangering our kind but it would be wiser to protect our home rather than send squads of deer into an unknown kind of danger." Springwood said. "However, if we do recall all of our troops back to the Great tree our citizens will become skeptical and might cause an all out panic." Winterwood added. "You make a interesting point, the protection of our kind is of the utmost importance, but it will be very difficult to give them protection if they are in a panic." Summerwood said. "What if we recall our troops and hide them from our kind. They won't know about the threat and they can be well protected." Springwood suggested. "Seems reasonable." Fallwood nodded. "I agree as well." Winterwood said. "Very well. All in favor of retaliating our troops back to the Great tree for more secure protection say aye." Summerwood said. "Aye!" The High Council said all at once. Meanwhile in the Everfree forest. Pipsqueak was currently dumping his bag that full to the brim with candy opon the stone statue of a perched up Nightmare moon. Pip was dressed in a dark grey jacket, wore a black top hat, had grey/black spots brushed on his face, and had set down his chimney sweeper. Dinkie was tapping her hoof against the ground impatiently, she was dressed in a school teacher suit, wore silver round clear glasses, had her mane tied back into a blond ponytail, and held a ruler in her mouth. "Come on Pip, the others are probably worried about us." Dinkie said to Pip, setting the ruler in her hoof. "Just a minute Sis." Pip responded, still dumping his candy. "I don't want to hold up the others just as much as you do. But I want to get this done now rather than later." "But why couldn't you do this later?" Dinkie asked in worry, looking behind her. Seeing her fear, Pip decided to say something to help calm her down. "Relax Sis, don't forget that the Deer now populate the forest and because of that there's not a single creature here that's dangerous." "If that's true, why haven't we seen any?" Dinkie asked. "Well..." Pip paused. Dinkie had a point, almost 1/3 of the entire deer population had moved from Whitetail to the Everfree Forest. Because of this almost every single bit of wildlife in the forest had been tamed by Fluttershy. But now, now the forest looked just as creepy as before the deer came to Everfree. It looked...abandoned. Pip now had a full taste of Dinkie's worry and dumped the rest of his candy onto the statue. "Welp we best get moving Sis." Pip said as he rushed away from the statue and next to his sibling. "Don't want to keep the gang waiting." "Ah-ha!" A voice shouted behind Pip and Dinkie, causing the two to jump six feet in the air. After landing on their rumps, Dinkie and Pip faced the bearer of the voice, First base. "Told ya they'd be here, you owe me one bit Button." Rumble smirked at Button mash. "You can have it." Button said as he pulled a gold coin from his beard and placed it in Rumble's hoof. "Just as long as I return home with my flank intact is all I care about right now." First base walked up to Dinkie and extended his hoof in front of her. "Need a hoof?" Base asked as Dinkie stared dumbfounded at First base's hoof. "Dinkie?" Blinking twice Dinkie blushed as she placed her hoof on First base's, who lifted her off the ground. "Oooooooooooh." Both Rumble and Button oohed as First base lifted Dinkie up. Which Pip scowled the two for. "Th-thank you Base." Dinkie continued to blush. "Sure think Dinkie, anything for a friend." First base smiled. "Sorry to break up this little chat of yours." Pipsqueak interjected. "But I think we should head back to town and meet Applebloom, Sweetie bell, and Scootaloo at the corn maze like we originally planned, don't you think?" "Yeah, your right." First base admitted. "Let's head back-oof!" First base was cut off as something big landed on top of him. In a split second that weight was doubled. "Base!" Dinkie shouted. "Mate!" Pip shouted. "Bro!" Rumble shouted. "And Cheese sandwich!" Cheese shouted as he did a summersault off of First base and stood on his back legs as confetti exploded behind him. Dinkie, Rumble, Button mash, and Pipsqueak looked at Cheese with odd looks. "Ignore him, he's just insane." Nightwing groaned as he rolled off of First base. "Sorry about that First base." "No problem-wait. How do you know my name?" Base asked as he lifted himself up. "You and I met when you ate something that caused your body to go into overdrive." Nightwing reminded. "I also know the rest of you, Dinkie, Rumble, Button mash, and Pipsqueak." Nightwing said as he turned his head to the others. "Oh, and this is Cheese sandwich." Nightwing pointed to Cheese sandwich, whom was blowing up a thin balloon, which he then shaped into a cheese sandwich. "The insane knucklehead, who I'm going to punch later." "Looking forward to it buddy." Cheese smiled. "Hold on, how do you know who we are?" Rumble asked. "I met Dinkie in her house because a colt from the future told me too, I know Pipsqueak because he and my Teach like to write letters to each other, I know Button mash because he was involved in a champion gaming match which I participated in, and I know you rumble because your bother Thunderlane is a friend of Sorain, who is a cousin of Flash, who is my best friend, and by the way Silver lining is a bronze player." Nightwing answered. ".....okay." Rumble said meekly. "Now Nightwing, that's no way to crush little foals hopes and dreams." Cheese said rapping his foreleg around Nightwing's neck. "You gotta be more fierce and blunt and straight to the point." "That's what blunt means." "Not the point. The point is we need get these foals to safety before we go looking for the monster." "Monster?!" Dinkie screamed, running behind First base for cover. "That's right, Nightwing and Cheese sandwich. Monster hunters on the job!" Cheese said taking a Kung fu pose. "Enough Cheese, I'll admit you were right about getting these kids to safety should be our top priority. But I'm pretty sure scaring them isn't gonna help." Nightwing scolded. "No can do buddy, the spark has matured into a bursting flame. And besides-" Cheese paused as he closed the distance between a tree and himself. "We need to figure out how this got here." Cheese said as he held up a piece of paper. "Where did that come from?" First base asked as Nightwing used his crystal to levitate the piece of paper in fron of him. "Rules of the game. Scream once, permission to scare. Scream twice, permission to tag. Scream three times, permission to take. Find all eight pages to win." Nightwing read out-loud the words on the paper. "What the hay does that mean?" Rumble asked. "Ooh a game. I love games." Cheese clapped gleeful. "Who ever left this must have been pretty stealthy." Nightwing concluded. "Hey guys, no need for panic or anything but...where are we?" Pip asked. Nightwing looked up from the paper and sure enough, they had moved. The statue of Nightmare moon was gone. Replaced by nothing but vegetation. "What the?" Nightwing asked in confusion. "I love this game already!" Cheese smiled. "Base. I'm scared." Dinkie said frightened. "It's okay, we're all together that's the important thing right?" First base asked Nightwing. "Well I guess that is an upside." Nightwing rubbed his chin. "What do we do now?" Rumble asked. "Well, I studied maps of the Everfree a while back and I know that the Castle of the Two Sisters in on the far edge of the Everfree. If we head east we might find it." "Wait, you want us to go to a Castle that could be haunted?" Cheese asked in a shaken and dramatic voice. "By all means stay out in forest with over one-hundred things that could kill you in seconds." Nightwing stated as he trotted off heading east. The rest of the group looked at one another before chasing after Nightwing. "The game has began." > Chapter nineteen. The Spook part three > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Silence. Absolutely pure silence. Nightwing always hated pure silence. Even times when he wanted to relax and the area around him became quiet, he never truly agreed with. Especially the kind of silence that was currently haunting the Everfree Forest. The kind of silence was almost as if all living things had their lives destroyed before they even knew they were dead. In the Everfree there wasn't any sound, there was no sound of frogs croaking, insects buzzing, trees moaning, leaves blowing, or twigs snapping. There was no sound of any Timberwolves, Hydra's, pony eating plants, deer, and other animals. There was only pure silence as Nightwing, Cheese, and 4/7 of CMC walked almost blindly ahead in the Everfree. "Mr. Nightwing?" Dinkie's question cut through the silence, which Nightwing was relieved about. "Yes Dinkie?" Nightwing turned to the small Unicorn. "Are you sure you know where your going?" Dinkie asked, causing Nightwing to raise an eyebrow. "Not that I'm judging your plan or anything." Dinkie quickly added. "It's just...I'm-" "Shhhhhh." Night hushed Dinkie. "It's okay I get that your all scared-" "I'm not." Cheese smiled. "Everyone, minus Cheese, I get that your scared trust me I am to. But right now your all in danger and I swear to Teach herself that I will do everything in my power and more to make sure you guys are safe." Nightwing said boldly. "But first we need to figure out where we are." "Hey Mr. Nightwing. I don't mean to rude or anything, but if you don't know where we are why not just fly above the trees and look for the castle in the air?" First base asked. "What?" First base pointed to Nightwing's bat wings which he unfolded, letting his wings stretch and extend. 'How in Tartarus did I forget about my wings?!?!' Nightwing shrieked in his mind. "Um...be right back." Nightwing said as he bent down and shot upward. Bursting through some trees tops Nightwing flew above the forest, the full moonlight shining behind him. His eyes widened as he gazed at the Everfree forest. Or rather the forest that had no end. Trees as far as Nightwing could see, it was official. Nightwing was dumbstruck. Soaring downward Nightwing landed near the group. "Okay, I got good news and bad news." Nightwing started, folding up his wings. "The bad news is we're not in the Everfree Forest anymore. We're in some kind of infinite replica of the forest." "What does that mean?" Rumble asked. "It means we're trapped in the Everfree Forest, and there's no way we can escape." Nightwing explained. The group stood wide eyed and in shock. Cheese literally deified the logic of muscle structure as his jaw literally dropped to the floor. "An-and the good news." Button asked. "I know where the Castle of the Two Sisters is, so Cheese place your hoof on Rumble, Rumble place your hoof on Button, Button place your hoof on First base, First base place your hoof on Dinkie, and Dinkie hold my hoof." Night said as the group did as Nightwing said, linking hooves with each other. "Now hold on." Nightwing said as he closed his eyes. The group waited in silence for somethings to happen. But nothing did, Nightwing reopened his eyes and saw that they hadn't moved. "Huh...that's new." Nightwing said as he closed his eyes again and tried to use Shadow stalking. But nothing happened. "Is something supposed to happen?" First base asked. "Well I was supposed to use a spell of mine that was supposed to teleport us to the castle but my crystal seems to be on the fritz." Nightwing guessed as he shook his crystal. "Has that happened before?" Dinkie asked with concern. "No, this is the first time it's done this. Gah!" Nightwing yelled in frustration as he threw his forelegs in the air. "This is just one total clusterbuck! First I have to tail around with someone who's more insane than Discord! Then I somehow get trapped in an endless Everfree Forest with a monster that can do Teach knows what! And now my Complex crystal just suddenly starts to freeze up when we need it the most!? What the Buck!" Nightwing's rants echoed throughout the forest. "Language Nightwing." Cheese sandwich scolded as he removed the earmuffs he had placed of the little ones ears. "Besides it could be much worse." Nightwing knew all too well what would happen if he asked the obvious question, so he kept his mouth shut. Dinkie however looked at Cheese and Nightwing knew what she was about to do. "No don't-" Nightwing tried to stop the inevitable but fail like the others that tried. "How could it be worse than what Mr. Nightwing just said?" Dinkie asked. "Easy, the monster could show up and eat us all up." Cheese smiled as he struck fear into the foals. "Why?" Nightwing asked in a 'how could you' tone. "Why would you say somethings like that?" "Oh relax." Cheese rolled his eyes. "Look around you, there's nothing here but us and this enormous number of trees." Cheese pointed to all around him. "Worse case scenario one of gets a massive splinter." "Cheese makes a point." Pipsqueak said. "But-" Pip paused as he looked behind him and into the dark area of the forest behind him. "I'd feel a lot safer in the castle." "I second that." Button raised his hoof. "The youngins are right, we need to head to that castle ASAP!" Cheese said, a green army helmet placed on his head. "All right troops let's move out!" Cheese shoved his hoof forward and then ran off. Leaving the group behind him confused. "...Does he-" First base was about to ask. "Give it a second." Nightwing cut through his question. A while later Cheese came running back and skidded to a halt. "Say, where is the castle anyways?" Cheese asked, his army hat vanished. "That's better, now follow me. The sooner we figure out what's going on the sooner we get the hay out of this place." Nightwing said as he trotted forward, the group following behind. Unaware of the dangers ahead. The group had been walking for what almost seemed like an eternity. Nightwing flew up above the Everfree to make sure they were on the right path. After a while Nightwing got tired of flying back and forth and decided to draw a map to the castle with the piece of paper Cheese had picked up and drew it using an ink and quill that Cheese also had. With a map the group continued there way to the castle. "Hey mr. Cheese?" First base asked, trotting forward a bit to walk side by side with Cheese. "Mr. Cheese is not present at the moment, please leave a message after the beep." Cheese answered, dressed up in a secretary outfit, a pair of black rectangle glasses sat on his muzzle, and had his mane style changed from a poof style to a more formal style. "Um...what?" "Just messing with ya buddy." Cheese joked as he ripped off his costume and threw it into the forest. "And please, call me Cheese. Mr. Cheese is my uncle." "Okay...Cheese." First base said unsure if he should be talking to Cheese or not. "I wanted to ask you what this monster your talking about is like." "Well I'm afraid that's impossible. Cause I have no idea what this thing looks like or what it does." Cheese smiled. First base had it, ever since Nightwing and Cheese showed up from 'who knows where' Cheese had been smiling almost as if nothing was wrong. But everything about tonight was wrong. First base frowned at Cheese and asked, "Why are you smiling?" "Why would I not be smiling?" Cheese responded. "Because we're trapped in a forest with a monster that no one knows anything about and our friends could be worried sick about us. And all you do is smile as if your happy that this is all happening." First base ranted, his chest grew and shrunk as panted. "You get all that out of your system?" Cheese asked. "Yeah." First huffed. "Good, because allow me to enlighten you for a moment shall I?" Cheese rapped his foreleg around Base. "See I love to smile, when I smile I feel like nothing in the world can take me down. But the real reason I'm smiling right now is to show you all that were gonna be fine. I mean would you want me to be more serious and blunt like Nightwing?" Cheese asked. First base eyes widened. He never thought about it like that, he should have assumed that Cheese would never be happy if somepony got hurt. Maybe he misjudged him. "Now come on let's go see if we can go catch us blood thirsty monster!" Cheese yelled giddily. Then again Base could have been wrong. The group had continued their quest to find the ancient castle of the two sisters. There journey had been long and treacherous. But at long last the castle remains were in sight. Their goal was almost achieved. Only a shaky and unsteady wooden bridge held by ropes was built over the large canyon stood in their way. "Someone call Daring do, cause someone stole her scene." Cheese joked as he stared down the what seemed to be bottomless canyon. "Nows not the time to joke Cheese." Nightwing scowled as he folded up the piece of paper that he drew the map on. "This is very serious, there's no way we're all gonna be able to cross that bridge. So we need to figure out a way to get everyone to the other side." Nightwing tapped his chin. "Can we just go around?" Rumble suggested. Nightwing shook his head. "No, it'd take to much time to go around the canyon. It'd be faster if I just flew you all one at a time across it rather than go around it." Nightwing said. "Yeah, and I could carry my friends to help quicken the pace." Rumble suggested. "Then it's settled." Cheese said, popping out of nowhere. "Now there's only one more problem that concerns us." "And what's that?" Dinkie asked. "Who's he and when did he get here?" Cheese pointed behind the group. The whole group turned their heads, immediately regretting that decision. Behind them, standing tall in front of the woods, was a creature with a slender body that had similar characteristics to that of a pony. A black suit with a red tie was dressed on the creature and it had no eyes, no nostrils, and no mouth. The group stood, petrified, of the creature in front of them. No one moved, no one blinked, and no one gasped. The forest became purely silent once again as the group stared at the creature and the creature stared back. Then Cheese broke the silence. "Hello there!" Cheese welcomed the frightening creature with not an ounce of fear in his voice. "How do you do, I'm Cheese sandwich, and these guys here are Dinkie, First base, Rumble, Button mash, and Nightwing. So what's your name?" The creature remained silent and still. "Hellooooooo?" Cheese waved a hoof in front of the creatures face. "Anypony home?" "Cheese please stop talking to that thing." Nightwing whispered. "Nightwing it's rude to talk about others when their standing right in front of you." Cheese frowned. "I'm sorry about him mr. Spook, he's not really a social pony." He turned back to the creature. "If you ask me he seems kinda crazy." He hushed "Calling the kettle black aren't you mr. Pot?" Nightwing asked. "You know what I mean, besides I doubt this guy is harmful." Cheese pointed to the creature. "It doesn't have a face, how does that make it harmless?!" Dinkie screamed. "Because he hasn't done anything but stand there, if you ask me he seems kinda pacified if you ask me." "That doesn't look pacified to me." Button pointed shakily. Cheese turned back to the creature to see four raging tentacles come out of the creatures back. "Yeah that doesn't look harmless anymore." Cheese nodded. The creature began to walk forward towards the group in a terrifying manor. The group wanted to run, to flee, to scream, but they were too petrified with fear to do anything. "Everyone across the bridge, now!" Nightwing shouted, forcing the groups scenes to return. "But you said-" Rumble was cut off. "Move, now!" Nightwing shouted, grabbing First base and Pipsqueak and placed the two on his back and grabbed Dinkie while Cheese grabbed Button mash and swung him onto his back and grabbed Rumble with his mouth. The two then ran across the unsteady bridge, the group could see the ropes starting to give out so the group ran faster and faster. Until the two leaped off the bridge and collapsed into the ground. Nightwing looked back to see that the bridge was still in tack and the creature was still moving forward. "Cheese do you have a pair of scissors?" "What?! No, scissors are way to dangerous to carry around. That's why I carry this sword instead." Cheese pulled a steel sword out of his mane. Not in the mood to question Cheese, Nightwing grabbed the sword from Cheese, stood on his hind legs, the sword held in his mouth, Nightwing then swung the sword down on the rope of the bridge. The sword cut through the rope with ease. Without the rope keeping the bridge held up, the bridge collapsed, it's other side crashing against the opposite side of the canyon. "Alright." Rumble shot his hoof in the air. "Thank goodness." Dinkie sighed with relief. "Yeah, there's no way that wanker's gonna get to us now." Pip smiled. The creature continued its walk towards the group, completely ignoring the now broken bridge, the creature took a step off the edge. And the hoof landed on air, step by step the creature continued to walk towards the group as it walked on air. "Come on." Nightwing whined. "What do we do now oh fearless one?" Cheese asked. "Get to the Castle now!" Nightwing shouted, throwing the the sword at the creature. Only for the sword to fazed straight through the creature, not having any effect on the creature. The group then ran away from the canyon an towards the castle. Cheese burst open the doors, once the group entered the castle, Cheese shut the door tight and began barricading it up with furniture. "What was that thing?!" First base shrieked. "I'm not sure, but I'm gonna go out on a hunch and assume that's the monster Cheese and I were sent here to find." Nightwing suggested. "Well that thing is definitely a monster. Why haven't the deer destroyed it if it's so dangerous?" Dinkie asked. "Speaking of which, where are the deer?" Cheese asked. "I told you this already, we're not in the Everfree Forest anymore. Where in some kind of illusion, or nightmare, or...something." Nightwing ranted. "You okay mr. Nightwing?" Button asked. "No I'm not okay!" Nightwing reared his head back and yelled. "This doesn't make sense. None of this makes any sense whatsoever. How did we leave the Everfree? Why can't I use my Complex crystal? What in the name of Tartarus was that thing and where did it come from?" Nightwing continued to rant. "Calm down Nightwing." Cheese gripped Nightwing's shoulders. "We'll all get through this, trust me." "That's not reassuring at all." Nightwing said. "That's the spirit, now let's go over what we know?" Cheese said, pulling a pair of rectangular glasses out of his shirt pocket and putting them on. Then, rolled a chalkboard out from behind a wall that was full of notes, paper, and numbers. "Now then, we know that this creature right here is the monster that were looking for." Cheese said, pulling out a ruler and pointing it to the picture of the creature that the group had seen. "We also can assume that the creature is connected to the disappearances, the place were currently in, and this note right here." Cheese pointed to the piece of paper with the title 'RULES' on the top of it. "Wait a minute...that's it!" Nightwing said, snatching the piece of paper from the board and examining it. "Scream once, permission to scare. Scream twice, permission to tag. Scream three times, permission to take. Find all eight pages to win." "What does this have to do with anything that's going on?" Button asked. "Don't you see, this is all a game to the creature. It's gaining power from our screams." Nightwing said. "When Dinkie screamed at you the creature grew tentacles and began to walk towards us almost as if it could see us." "That makes sense, so then if this is all a game then all we have to do is find eight pages and we can go home right?" Cheese asked. "I think that's right." "Great, then all we have to do is not scream and we should be fine, right?" Pip asked. Nightwing shook his head. "It's not gonna be that easy, we gave the creature permission to scare which means it's gonna do anything it can to get us to scream and gain permission to tag." "Well then I got just the thing to deal with that." Cheese said as he shoved a hoof in his mane and rummaged through it. Until he pulled out a roll of duck tape, tearing off piece after piece after piece Cheese stuck the duck tape on the foals and Nightwing's mouth. Then placed a piece of duck tape on his mouth. Nightwing rolled his eyes and made a hoof motion that said 'follow me'. Nightwing and the others began to walk away from the door when all of a sudden a tentacle bursted through the door and wrapped itself around Button mash and Pipaqueak's left hind leg. The tentacle then pulled the two towards the door as they scraped his hooves against the food in hopes to grab onto something. But it was no use as the two helpless foals were pulled through the hole the tentacle had made. The group made a muffled scream as they ran towards the door. The group then came to a halt when a piece of paper floated through the hole, grabbing it Nightwing began to read it. 'CHEATERS NEVER WIN' the words were plastered onto the paper. Nightwing ripped off the duck tape and looked at the group. "Take off the duck tape quickly." The group quickly tore off their pieces of duck tape. "Button." Rumble muttered in disbelief as he was about to give chase after his friend, but was instantly tackled by Nightwing. "Let me go!" Rumble yelled, trying his best to escape Nightwing's grasp. "I need to save my friend's!" "Going out there without a plan is an immediate death, and would your friend Button want you to that? Would he want you to throw everything you have away just for him?!" Nightwing demanded. But Rumble didn't care. He elbowed Nightwing in the jaw, causing him to loose his grip on Rumble. Now free Rumble flew out the hole and after the creature. "NO!" Nightwing yelled as he looked out the hole. But Rumble was no where to be seen. "Damn it!" Nightwing punched a piece of furniture. "I don't understand, we never gave it permission to tag. How was it able to take Pip and Button?" First base asked. "Because we cheated." Nightwing answered his eyes refused to leave the hole in the wall. "When did cheat?" Base asked. "When we covered our mouths with duck tape, I guess the point of the game is to at least be able to scream, if you can't then your disqualified." Nightwing explained. "That makes sense, if somepony was crippled and wanted to play tag, they couldn't because their legs wouldn't work." Cheese said. "Mr. Nightwing?" First base walked up to Nightwing. "Rumble and Button mash are gonna be okay right?" "I don't know, but I promised that I'd protect you all and that's what I'm going to do." Nightwing said with determination. Just then the creature busted the doors to castle room down. The blockade of furniture was no match against the creatures power. A black tentacle rushed across the room and wrapped around First bases leg and then began to drag him towards the creature. "Base!" Dinkie shouted. "Hold on!" Nightwing yelled as he rushed towards Base, but was blocked by three other tentacles. "Nightwing, what do I do?!" Base yelled as he tried to grab onto something to stop him from being dragged. "Don't worry you have everything you need to beat it!" Nightwing yelled back. "The power of friendship and to believe in myself?" Base asked. "No, a bat! Hit it!" Nightwing ordered. "Oh, right." Base said as he grabbed his bat in his mouth and with a swing, impacted it against the tentacle that had grabbed him. The tentacle instantly retracted from Base and back to it's master. Now free Base ran back towards the group. "Run!" Cheese yelled as he and the group ran away from the creature. Aggravated the creature's tentacles stretched out of its body and chased after the group. As the group ran the found themselves running straight for the library in the castle. "Oh no!" Base yelled. "Dead end!" Cheese yelled. "Keep running its right on our tail!" Nightwing shouted back. The group ran into the library stopping at the entrance. Having no where else to run the group had no choice but to fight the creature back. The tentacles began to close in on the library and then... They stopped. "Huh?" First base and the rest of the group looked in confusion as something was preventing the tentacles from entering the library. The tentacles then retreated away from the library. "What just happened?" Dinkie asked. "I think we just found a safe zone." Cheese suggested. "Doubt it." Nightwing said, turning away from the entrance and began examining the library. "Something in here must've prevented the creature from entering the library. We find it, we can shield away the creature and find Rumble and Button mash." "Okay, can we all agree that we need to give this guy a name, because creature is just to bland." Cheese said. "By all means call it 'Faceless death monster' for all I care." Nightwing answered, continuing to search the library. "How about...Bob?" Cheese suggested. "Bob? Why Bob?" Base asked. "Because it sounds better than 'Faceless death monster'." Cheese smiled. "Fine then, we'll name the creature Bob. Happy?" Nightwing asked. "Very." Cheese nodded. "Great, now help me search the library." Nightwing ordered. "No need, the object's clearly right there." Cheese pointed to a hard cover book with a red cover. "What makes you think that's the thing keeping Bob away from us?" Dinkie asked. "This library is over one-thousand years old, yet that book looks brand new. It's gotta be it." Cheese answered. Nightwing flew up to the bookshelf and picked up the book. On the cover was a picture of five young foals. He then flew down and walked to the table where the group joined him. Nightwing opened up the book and inside were words written on the paper. 'Once upon a time, there were five best friends who always loved to play games. One day the friends played a game where someone hid eight objects and the others had to find them. On that fateful day one of the foals fell down into a cavern and died.' The group flipped through the rest of the book but the rest of the pages were blank. "What a waste of paper" Cheese shook his head. "Well I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm pretty sure this is one of the eight pieces of paper we need to beat this game." Nightwing assumed. "But why would the creat-I mean...Bob, not be able to attack us because of this book?" Dinkie asked. "I'm not sure, but right now I don't care. Cause we're gonna take the fight to...Bob, and get those two back." Nightwing said. "Alrighty then adventure's, let's do this!" Cheese pumped his hoof taking a step forward. And pressed down on a pressure plate, causing the ground beneath the group to open up. The group stood above the hole as if the ground had never opened up. Cheese then pulled a sign out of nowhere with the word 'help' written on it. Then the group fell down the hole. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" The whole group yelled as they slid down a slide in pitch black darkness. "Oof!" The group grunted as the landed on a hard surface. "Everypony okay?" Nightwing asked. "I'm good." Cheese groaned. "First base? Dinkie? You guys okay?" Nightwing asked, only to get no response. "Guy's, you okay?" "Here, I have a flashlight." Cheese said as he turned on a flashlight that lit up the area. "Oh my gosh, Base and Dinkie are gone!" Cheese slapped his cheeks. Nightwing got up and frantically searched the area. Desperately trying to find the two currently missing foals. But there wasn't a trace of them. Nightwing stomped his hoof into the ground. "Damn it!" He yelled in frustration. "I made a promise to them, I promised them that I'd save them all. No matter how powerful this creature is. No matter what the creature does, I'm gonna rescue those foals. And nothing's gonna stop me." "I thought we already established that the creatures name is Bob." Cheese said flatly. "All alone." A voice from behind the two spoke as Nightwing and Cheese spun around. "Forgotten and cold. Sleeping far away." "Always watching. Forever ever silent. Never we will go away." The voice came from another location again as Nightwing and Cheese turned towards the sound. "Say goodbye. To the light. That you all use to see." The voice echoed all around as Nightwing stumbled around, trying to find the source of the voice "Let go." Nightwing and Cheese froze up, the hairs on their backs stood up like a porcupine's quills once the two saw the shadow coming directly from behind him. "To the light." Nightwing and Cheese began to slowly turn around. "And become apart of me." Nightwing and Cheese fully turned around to see the creature looming over him. Back in the Everfree Forest near the statue of nightmare moon, Nightwing, Cheese sandwich, Dinkie, Rumble, First base, Pipsqueak, and Button mash were all asleep near the statue. "Mhhhmmmh." Nightwing moaned as he sat up, rubbing his eyes. The others began to wake up as well. Yawning and stretching as they all woke up. "Hey...did we sleep through Nightmare night?" Pipaqueak asked. "I...think we did cause I don't remember anything from last night." Dinkie said. "Do you guys remember anything?" The foals shook their heads. "Hey, when did you get here mr. Nightwing?" Base asked. "I'm not sure...it's all kinda fuzzy. I remember coming here and meeting you guys but after that...nothing." Nightwing answered. "I don't remember anything either." Cheese shrugged. "Wait, don't you foals need to get to school soon?" "Oh shoot!" Button shouted. "Mr. Nightwing's right, we need to get to school quickly. Come on guys." With that the group of foals ran out of the forest. Nightwing and Cheese walked out of the forest as well. "So I guess your gonna need someplace to stay since your house is destroyed now huh?" Cheese asked as Nightwing and Cheese walked side by side along the dirt road. Nightwing stared at Cheese sandwich. "How did you-" "Fourth wall breaker, fool." Cheese smiled. Nightwing shook his head and chuckled. "You really are insane aren't you?" "There is no such thing as sane or insane, only those who be themselves. Those who accept this are the ones who are truly sane." Cheese said in a wise old man voice. "Whatever Cheese, but I'm afraid I'm gonna have to decline you offer. Teach has already given me a room in Canterlot." "Suit yourself." Cheese shrugged. "But remember, my doors are always open for you my friend." "I'll sleep on it." Cheese and Nightwing had gone their separate ways, Nightwing teleported to Canterlot where Cheese headed back to his mansion where his butler greeted him. Cheese entered his room which had a king size bed, a dresser, a large cabinet, a closet, a door that led to his bathroom, and a nightstand that sat next to his bed where a picture of him and his best friend Pinkie pie had taken a picture of them with goofy faces. The picture made Cheese smile as he picked it up. "Are you alright Cheese?" A female voice asked inside Cheese's head. "I'm fine I just wish...just wish I could tell someone." Cheese answered out-loud to the voice. "You know that isn't wise. Trust me, I too wished for help and guidance but I was used for a weapon in my times for help." "Yeah I know, I have your memories after all." "You must have patience Cheese. All will be clear in time." The voice said as Cheese pulled a radiating brown oval gem from his mane. "I promise." > Chapter twenty. The mission > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Bwahahahahaha!" Discord howled in laughter. "You got banned?! Oh man, that's just...just priceless!" Discord laughed at Storyteller. "I get it Discord, I'm already angry at myself you don't need to rub it in." Storyteller grumbled as he continued to write in his book. "I gotta know." Discord said as he popped in front of Storyteller. "How did it happen? Did you include another storytellers book without permission? Or did you send one of the admins a stupid thing? Ooh, ooh, or was it because-" "You know exactly why I was banned!" Storyteller slammed his hands on the table. "I don't know what your talking about." Discord said calmly, facing away from Storyteller. "You know all too well, you were the one who created four accounts and used them to up vote my story. Because you knew that if you did I would get banned." "And just what would I gain from doing such a deed?" Discord smiled. "Satisfaction." Storyteller said simply. "Satisfaction?" Discord repeated, but this time in a question. "How could I get such satisfaction from-" "Don't play dumb! I know your just doing this because Fluttershy isn't going to be yours in my book!" Storyteller spat. "As if I'd stoop so low." "Well you know what? Fine! If you want to be with Fluttershy so much, I'll make sure you and Fluttershy have the greatest happily ever after!" Storyteller yelled as he summoned a new quill and ink. Discord seemed shocked by this. "Your...your joking right?" "Yeah this is all one giant joke Discord." Storyteller grumbled as he dabbed his quill in some ink and began to furiously write. This was bad, the purpose of the Storyteller was to write down and record history, but they were never meant to change it. Ever! "Um, Storyteller...I'm sorry, what I did was irresponsible and immature. So you can stop now." Discord chuckled half hearted. "Discord this is my book, my universe, not the original MLP. A simple sorry isn't going to just fix everything." Storyteller said, lifting his quill from the book Storyteller showed Discord what he wrote down. Discord's eyes widened and his ears folded down as he gazed at the words that Storyteller wrote. "You can't do this." Discord found the words to speak. "Your not supposed to change history." "I didn't change anything. I simply sped up what was supposed to happen." Storyteller replied. Snapping his eagle talons Discord vanished. Leaving Storyteller to be alone in his library once again. In an unknown, place I don't want to tell you all, location the hooded pony entered through a doorway where earth pony with pitch black fur and grey mane and tail sat, his forelegs raised above his head. Above the earth pony was another earth ponies body that had dark green fur, a black mane with a silver and grey stripe on it. Multiple black liquids of some sort circled around the dead earth pony's body as it hovered above the ground. "I thought you would have been done by now Mortem?" The hooded pony asked to the first earth pony. "This one is more difficult than the other two." Mortem retorted, turning to the hooded pony revealing his, almost gold-like, yellow eyes. "Mostly because this one has been dead longer than the others." "A reasonable excuse I guess, but how much longer do you need before the spell is complete?" The hooded pony eyed the dead pony. "It might take me another hour at this rate." Mortem grunted. The hooded pony placed a hoof on Mortem's back, the hooded pony's crystal became slowly aloft as it slowly floated in the air. The crystal turned purple as a purple aura flowed out of the crystal and into Mortem's eyes. Mortem could feel the surge of magical energy flow into him. The surge mixed itself with Mortem's very own magical energy. Purple magic fused with grey magic, shot out of Mortem's hooves and onto the earth pony. The black liquid that once surrounded the dead earth pony faded as the body slowly descended and gently landed on the ground. Mortem caught himself by using his forelegs to support his body as he heavily breathed. "*pant* *pant* *pant*...A little...warning next time...would be nice..." Mortem panted. The hooded pony approached the green earth pony. The body was still and wasn't moving. Then a gust of air filled the earth pony's lungs as his chest grew and his eyes shot open. The white part of the earth pony's eye was now black and his eyes where red with a dragon like pupils. The earth pony sat up and got in a battle stance. "Calm down Sollertis. There's no need to be afraid." The hooded pony assured. "Who are you? Where am I? And what do you want with me?" The pony now identified as Sollertis, demanded. "That hurts Sollertis." Mortem stood up on all fours and face Sollertis. "Is that anyway to treat an old enemy?" "Mortem! I should've known you were the cause of this, release me from your magic now!" Sollertis ordered. "I'm sorry to disappoint you, but your currently in no position to give us orders." The hooded pony said. "And in case your wondering why your umbrum eyes aren't working on me is because I'm immune to your eyes Sollertis." Sollertis gritted his teeth. How did this pony know about his umbrum eyes and why did they have effect on the hooded pony. He knew that Mortem had trained his eyes to be invulnerable to Sollertis's umbram eyes, but what did this pony have that made him immune to the umbrum eyes. "Who are you?" Sollertis Demanded. "I am the leader of the Fallen order, together the Fallen will rise from the ashes and bring peace to all of the world. To achieve this dream we must cut down anything that dares to disrupt the peace." The hooded pony answered. "What do you want with me?" "You were the last pony in existence to wield the umbrum eyes. It is because of those eyes of yours that you have the power to enter ponies minds and control them, because of this you were made general of Sombra's military. Which just so happens to be the place I killed you one-thousand years ago." Mortem explained. "One-thousand years." Sollertis Muttered in disbelief. "I've been dead for one-thousand years?" "Yes, durning that time many things have changed. Starswirl is dead, Sombra returned only to be destroyed by the crystal heart, six mares are the Elements of harmony, and I believe there's a new Alicorn princess ruling Equestria." "What I believe my dear friend is trying to explain is that times have changed, but it shouldn't matter to you right now because we have a task for you to complete." The hooded pony said. "And what makes you think I'm going to do anything you say?" Sollertis Growled. "Allow me to tell you a little fun fact, when Sombra ruled over the crystal empire he placed a spell on all of his soldiers, including you Sollertis. The spell made the soldiers of Sombra have no choice but to follow his orders to the fullest extent." Mortem explained to Sollertis. "What does that have to do with anything? You said Sombra was destroyed by the crystal heart." Sollertis Pointed out. "True, but when the crystal heart did destroy Sombra fragments of his body were scattered across the empire. On such fragment was Sombra's horn." The hooded pony said. "And it just so happens we have a certain somepony who has control of Sombra's horn." "*scoff* Please, no one can handle the power of Sombra's horn." Sollertis Scoffed. "Is that so?" A new voice said as a new pony entered the room. "I'll be the judge of that, Sollertis salute to your king." On impulse Sollertis raised his right hoof and saluted. "W-what?!" Sollertis said in astonishment. "This fun, I could get used to this." The new figure chuckled. Sollertis struggled as he tried to release himself from saluting like some common soldier, but no matter how hard he tried he could not escape. "Who are you? And how are you controlling me?" Sollertis demanded. "Ironic isn't it? The puppet master has become nothing but another puppet controlled by strings." The figure smiled. "Enough. Release him." The hooded pony ordered. "Fine." The figure released Sollertis. "But only because we need him alive, not because your ordering me around like some pup!" The figure spat. "Now then Sollertis, are you ready to comply? Or do I have to force you to obey?" The hooded pony asked. "Fine." Sollertis sighed in defeat. "What is it you want from me anyways?" "I need you to go to Canterlot and cause some chaos among the guards in Canterlot." The hooded pony explained. "Any reason why you need me for this?" Sollertis asked. "You will disrupt the defenses in Canterlot using your umbrum eyes, while doing so your partner will retrieve a certain object that I desire. If you fail this task the consequences will be great. Understand?" "Very. But who is my partner?" Sollertis asked. "That, would be me." The figure stepped forward, revealing his black/Crimson mane, red eyes with purple mist coming out of them, and his yellow fur. Even with his new appearance you should already know who this someone is. His name was Comet tail. In the grand city of Canterlot, in his old room, Nightwing was brushing his teeth in front of a mirror, using his magic to levitate the tooth brush. Being wary of his fangs, Nightwing carefully brushed his teeth, in the bathroom garbage can was twenty-two broken tooth brushes. *snap* Nightwing sighed as his fang broke yet another one of his tooth brushes. Grumbling Nightwing threw away the now broken tooth brush in the trash, he then exited the room, and entered the hallway. Nightwing closed the door behind him and walked down the hallway. About after thirty seconds of leaving his room, Nightwing's ears twitched as he heard the sound of rustling metal behind him. Turning around, Nightwing saw a royal day guard running towards him. The guard skidded to a halt, saluted, and said, "Captain Nightwing, I've come to inform you that your vault has been found and was safely transported to Canterlot." "Finally!" Nightwing sighed. "I've been waiting four days for you guys to bring that thing up here, what took you so long?" "Forgive us Captain, but it was buried underneath 18.573454 feet of dirt." "... How are you that accurate?" Nightwing asked. "No, better question, WHY are you that accurate?" "Sorry sir, force of habit." The guard rubbed the back of his head. "Why would that be a habit?!" "Well, us guards don't really have anything better to do when guarding the princesses." Nightwing shook his head and groaned as he walked past the guard. 'We gotta give these guys a board game or something to do? No wonder these guys are like ants, their leadership is absolute crap!' Nightwing thought. Outside the castle of Canterlot, was the city full of residents and ponies. Two said ponies were dressed in hooded cloaks and were walking across the city and towards the castle. "You understand your task?" The first hooded pony asked. "Of course I know, the better question is." The second hooded pony paused, turning towards his partner. "Do you understand your task?" The first hooded pony pulled off his cloak with his magic, revealing that the first hooded pony was Comet tail, his eyes and mane were his normal blue and the purple mist in his eyes disappeared. "I understand my task just fine, just be ready to act on my signal." Comet tail and the second hooded pony approached the gate to the castle, where two unicorn day guard's stood at the entrance. The two crossed their spears together, blocking the path to the castle. Comet tail and the second hooded figure came to a stop. "Halt!" The first guard barked. "Who goes there?" The second guard barked. Comet tail smiled, "It's me Comet tail, I've been requested by Nightwing to come to Canterlot." "Very well, but we will need identification first if we are to let you in." The first guard said. "That." The second hooded pony said as he pulled back his hood revealing that he was Sollertis. His dragon eyes stared into the guards, the guards eyes turned red and dragon like just like Sollertises. "Won't be necessary." Back in the castle Nightwing continued to walk down the hallway towards the room with his vault. As he walked, a certain pony came out of a room just a few feet ahead of Nightwing. This certain pony was a unicorn stallion with a gold mane, white fur and blue eyes. Night instantly recognized him. 'Blueblood.' Nightwing growled in his mind. "That self centered, egotistical, spoiled, whiny, pathetic excuse for a nephew, piece of shi-' "Blueblood it's been far to long." Nightwing stopped in front of Blueblood, his tone a calm anger. "I agree your no longer that little foal who used to do nothing but read. Look at all those bags under your eyes." Blueblood said in a matching, yet posh, tone. "And look at all the grey in your mane with nothing to show for it. How is Celestia doing?" "Much better than your demented Teacher." "Well we all have inner demons." "Does that include ones that want to rule Equestria just because something doesn't go her way?" "Look, unlike you, I'm on a tight schedule for something important. So I'm gonna go and you can go say hi to the mare chained up in private carriage, which was given to you how? Oh right, money from the royal bank account that you used and wiped all over Celstia's back." Nightwing spat, walking away from Blueblood. 'That felt nice.' Nightwing smiled. After a while Nightwing pushed through the double doors that separated him from his vault. Which was sitting in a room where Flash, Lightning strike, and five other day guards were at. "Nice to see you two are out of the hospital." Nightwing approached Flash and Lightning. "Yeah, same though we had to miss Nightmare night." Flash chuckled. "I've been meaning to ask you Nightwing, what happened in the Mountain kingdom?" Lightning strike asked. "I'm having a hard time remembering, it's all fuzzy." "Well if it makes you feel any better, I don't remember what happened in the mountain kingdom either." Nightwing said as he approached the vault. "All I know is the Mountain kingdom refuses to tell us and the land looks a bit smaller than it used to, but other than that I'm still clueless." "Yeah okay." Flash sighed, a little disappointed. "So anyways, what's in this vault of yours?" Flash turned to the large and secure box. "Yeah, I kinda want to know as well." Lightning strike said. "Well if you must know, this vault contains a bunch of magical artifacts that I've collected over the years." Nightwing explained. "When my house exploded I activated the program crystal inside the vault that teleported the vault to a secure location to make sure nothing bad happened to it." "That makes sense, but still why was it buried under 18.573454 feet?" Flash asked. "... Are all over of you guards math geniuses or something?" Nightwing asked. "Not sure, but in guard training we had to take multiple math tests of some sort almost everyday." Lightning strike said. "Why?!" "Never asked." Lightning shrugged. "You know what, forget it. Let's just open up this vault and make sure everything is accounted of." Nightwing sighed as he approached his vault. Nightwing stood in front of his vault, the large box loomed over him like a giant looking over a small deer. Nightwing lifted his crystal, which turned yellow, and hovered it above the vaults lock. But before Nightwing could open his vault, an earth pony day guard burst through the doors and into the room, out of breath. "Captain...Nightwing...sir." The guard panted. "Calm down, calm down. The hallways are long, I know. I asked Teach if we could treadmill floor of some kind but she said 'that would cost to much money dear student'. *pffff* please, Blueblood burns through at least five thousand bits a day and yet I can't have the floors turned into treadmill floors. I mean come on!" Nightwing began ranting. "Nightwing!" Flash shouted. "Oh right." Nightwing chuckled as he gripped the situation. "So why'd you come all the way down here?" Taking a deep breath the guard spoke, "The guards in the barracks have gone mad, they just started...attacking one another for no reason." "Okay, okay, back up. Tell me what happened specifically, and start from the beginning." "Alright, it all started when I went to get some breakfast-" the guard spoke as the image faltered to a flash back. Flashback The Barracks was full of multiple race type stallions all adorned in golden day armor. The Barracks was bigger than any normal barracks, you see when Canterlot was built there wasn't a lot of space to build buildings. So to use less space the Barracks was connected to the food court, the armory, the training room, and the forge. All buildings were combined into one large double decked building. Our flashback however takes place in the food court. The earth pony who had ran to go get Nightwing was currently sitting at a table with his friends and was eating a bowl of cereal. As the whole food court was eating they didn't pay to much attention to the two unicorn day guards who walked into the barracks. Another day guard, possibly a friend of one of the other day guards, walked towards the two unicorns. The day guard said something that wasn't audible. But one of the unicorn day guards response was a swift punch to the jaw. The day guard stumbled back and fell down on his flank. The unicorn didn't give his opponent a chance as he leaped on top of the earth pony and began throwing blow after blow on the earth pony. Two other guards pried the unicorn guard off the other one and pinned him to the ground, only to continuously beat the unicorn down. Next thing that happened was an ungodly roar was yelled by all of the guards as the whole barracks became a pure painting of chaos as guard after guard beat down on one another. The Earth pony guard rushed out of the barracks at once to go get help. "So I ran to alert the princesses, but they were busy. So I ran to locate you." The earth pony guard explained. "Weird, wonder what could've made the guards act like that?" Nightwing pondered. "Nightwing, is he telling the truth?" Flash asked. "He is, which means that somethings wrong. Very wrong, so opening the vault will have to wait." Nightwing looked back to his vault. "Sorry sweetie, but I've got somethings I need to take care of. Be right back." With that, Lightning strike, Flash, the earth pony guard, and Nightwing all ran down the hallway and towards the barracks. The doorway that led to the outside courtyard of the castle was thrusted open as the four ponies ran outside towards the barracks. Nightwing came to an abrupt halt, the other three of the group did the same as the came to a halt. "What's the matter?" The guard asked. "Why did we st-" The guard was cut off when Nightwing used shadow stalking and closed the distance between him and the guard. Nightwing reared his right foreleg up and chopped against the guards neck. The guard fell against the floor unconscious. Both Flash and Lightning stared in awe at Nightwing. "Why did you-" Flash was cut off as well when Nightwing created a blue bubble shield around him, Lightning, and Flash. When he did five silver tipped spears bounced off the newly formed shield. "Don't bother hiding, show yourself. Now!" Nightwing shouted towards the barracks. As a result, multiple day guards walked out into the open. Some were hiding behind objects, others were hiding on the rooftops. Despite their differences in race, they all shared the same red, dragon-like, eyes. "Explain yourselves, who did this to you?!" Nightwing demanded the guards. Flash looked in bewilderment at the guards. He didn't have a clue as to what was going on, nor was he sure he wanted to find out. "Your really confused right now, aren't you?" Shadow asked. 'Yeah, if you could shed some light on this situation that would be great right about now.' Flash responded. "Sure thing. These ponies are under the magic of a shadow caster." 'You mean that-' "Their all caught in an illusion right now? Yes, they are. But what confuses me right now is that it would take a very skilled shadow caster to perform such an illusion." 'Is that why all of their eyes are like that?' "Indeed, much like how wood casters turn into Woodscolt's. Shadow caster's eyes become altered as a result of the magic." 'But why did Nightwing knock out the earth pony guard?' "Because he must've known that the guard was under an illusion. "I'll ask only one more time, why did you attack us?!" Night once again demanded to the guards. But got no response. "Answer me!" Nightwing growled as he got impatient. The guards gave no response. Instead they all drew their weapons, some drew swords, others drew spears, and the guards on the roof drew bows and arrows. The guards on the roof were the first to attack, as one by one they knocked an arrow by the string, pulled back, and released causing the arrows to sail through the air. "Flash, Lightning scatter now!" Nightwing yelled as he jumped back, Flash jumped to the right and Lightning jumped to left. Just before multiple arrows struck the ground and exploded. "Flash and Lightning you guys okay?" Nightwing asked. "I'm fine." Lightning coughed. "Been better." Flash chuckled. Nightwing breathed a sigh of relief. Then he turned towards the guards that were charging him. "Flash, Lightning, you two attack the guards in the front." Nightwing ordered. "I'll deal with the guards in the back." "Copy that." Flash said as he created a lightning ball in his hoof. "Understood." Lightning said the same, creating a lightning ball in his hoof. With that the three charged the guards. Nightwing used shadow stalking and teleported on the roof where he began knocking out the guards on the roof. Meanwhile Flash and Lightning charged the guards coming towards them. "Do your best not to harm them!" Night shouted to Flash and Lightning, as he punched a guard square in the jaw. "Their under some kind of illusion spell, so their not attacking us of their own free will!" "Good to know." Flash grunted, shoving his lightning ball into a guards chest. *bang!* A small bang was heard as the lightning ball exploded on the guard, sending him back and crashing into the other guards behind him. "Man! This is a lot harder than I thought!" Lightning yelled as he grabbed a sword from a fallen guard and used said sword, to block another guards sword that he had swung. "What were you guys expecting? An army of guards who don't know what their doing?" Nightwing asked. "Wellll..." "Oh come on, not you too-oof!" Nightwing yelped in pain as he was punched in the chest. "Graaahhhh!" Nightwing yelled as he used his crystal to shoot a magic blast at the guard. Impacted by the blast, the guard fell from the roof and smashed into some wooden boxes below him. A while later the battle was over. As the last guard fell Nightwing, Flash, and Lightning strike collapsed against the stone floor in exhaustion. "You guys...*pant* okay?" Nightwing panted. "Yeah...I'm okay." Flash groaned as he sat up. "You okay bro?" Flash turned to his brother. "I think I might have a broken bone here and there but other than that I'm good." Lightning chuckled. "Impressive." A new voice said. The group turned to the voice to see a pony standing high on a roof, a brown cloak covering his face and body as the cloak waved in the breeze. "I take it your the guy who put all of these guards under an illusion?" Nightwing asked the hooded pony. "I am, and I've come here to destroy you." The hooded pony said. "Hey Nightwing, who is that guy?" Lightning strike asked. "Not a clue." Nightwing answered. "Whoever this pony is, he's not the hooded pony I fought before. He's different." Nightwing stared into the darkness under the hood. "Show yourself! Now!" Nightwing demanded. "Very well." The hooded pony said, a hoof appeared from under the cloak and gripped the cloak. With a pull, the cloak was ripped off, revealing the pony's dark green fur, black mane with a silver and grey stripe in his mane. His eyes were shut. Nightwing's eye's widen in realization when he knew exactly who the pony was. "Flash, Lightning, close your eyes tight, now!" Nightwing ordered. "What, why-" Lightning was cut off. "Just do it!" Without hesitation, Flash and Lightning closed their eyes tight. Just in time, because the pony opened his eyes, revealing his red dragon like pupils and the black part of his eyes. "I'll take it you know who I am?" The pony asked. "Yeah, your Sollertis. An earth pony who wield's the umbrum eyes. Your a shadow caster aren't you?" Nightwing asked. "Your correct." Sollertis grinned but in his mind he was frowning. 'However this one doesn't seem to be affected by my umbrum eyes. Interesting.' "Hey Nightwing, how do you know this guy?" Lightning strike asked. "Sollertis was a general for Sombra during the war against the crystal empire. But what I don't get is how he's here. He died on the battlefield during the war." Nightwing said. "He died?" Flash asked. "Yeah." Nightwing turned back to Sollertis. "I'm gonna guess that's why the back of your eyes are black instead of white. It's because you were resurrected from the dead weren't you?" Nightwing asked. "Indeed I was. You catch on fast, but now that I've answered one of your questions it's time that you answer mine." Sollertis grinned. "How come your not affected by my umbrum eyes?" Just as Nightwing predicted, Stollertis couldn't use his umbrum eyes on him. Even the power of shadow casting had its limits. "You really can't use those eyes of yours on me can you?" Nightwing asked. "I cannot, I want to know why. Answer me." Stollertis demanded. "It's quite simple really, the magic of shadow casting was founded by the Batponies." Nightwing answered. "What does that have to with anything?" Stollertis growled. "Well you see, long ago only certain races could use ancient magic. Only Pegasi could become lightning casters. Only Griffins could become fire casters. Only Earth ponies could become wood casters. Only Mermares could become water casters. And only Batponies could become shadow casters. Only these five races could use their own unique magics, to make sure that no other race could receive another ancient magic, a law known as the 'single race' was formed. The law forbade any race from having mix breeds. But when Celestia and Teach came to power they abolished such a law. With the law no longer in power mix breeds began popping up almost everywhere. Eventually almost any race could use any form of ancient magic, then the Sentinel's found these artifacts that they called 'the pools of Nyx'. Sentinel's would bathe in these pools to gain various forms of ancient magic." Nightwing explained. "I'll ask again, what does any of that have to do with you being immune to my umbrum eyes?" Stollertis once again demanded. "If you were listening, you would've heard that I said only the Batponies could use the ancient magic known as 'Shadow casting'. And there are only two ways you can counter the umbrum eyes. One, you train your eyes to become strong enough to resist the umbrum eyes. Or two, you wield the umbrum eyes yourself." Nightwing said. "Wait." Flash paused as he decided to join in on the conversation. "Nightwing, are you a Shadow caster?" "I wish." Nightwing replied a bit sadly turning his head to Flash. "But the only reason I'm immune to those eyes of his is because the vampire Batponies and the Batponies family trees are both connected. Because I'm a vampire Batpony my eyes were immune the instant I was born." 'So that's the reason my eyes don't affect him. Than that means whoever that hooded pony was must be a vampire Batpony, a normal Batpony, has his or her eyes trained to resist the umbrum eyes, or wield's them. Damn, who the devil is this pony?!' Stollertis Ranted in his head. But as Stollertis ranted in his head he didn't notice that Nightwing had teleported right in front of Stollertis, his hoof cocked and ready to punch. Having a very small small window of time Stollertis was able to dodge his attackers assault by moving swiftly to the right. Stollertis and Nightwing both landed safely on the roof. Both stared at each other, their eyes bored into the other. "Now it's my turn to ask you a question." Nightwing said as he took a step forward and got into a battle stance. "Seems fair." Stollertis agreed as he stood poised and ready. Without hesitation or second thoughts, Nightwing pushed off the ground and flew towards Stollertis. Bracing himself, Stollertis stood on his hind legs. Nightwing's two hooves met Stollertis hooves as Nightwing pushed Stollertis backwards. When the two came to a stop Nightwing wasted no time as he used his crystal to summon a blue magic sword, the sword reared itself, the tip of its blade aimed right at Stollertis, and flew through the air. "Oh no you don't!" Stollertis yelled as he pulled out a pink crystal, tapping it the crystal turned green and three dark green double bladed short swords formed and blocked the blue swords attack. "How are you here?" Nightwing demanded as he created another blue sword, which swung at Stollertis but was instantly blocked by three dark green short swords. "What do you mean by that?" Stollertis Chuckled. "I mean, how are you alive? You died almost a thousand years ago yet here you are as a part of living." Nightwing grunted as he began to push his two swords downwards. "I wish I could fully answer that question, but all I can say is that I was resurrected by an old foe of mine." Stollertis replied as he too began to push his six short swords against Nightwing's. "Resurrected?" Flash muttered to himself. 'Do you know anything about this Shadow?' "Afraid not." Shadow sighed. "I've never heard of such a magic that can bring back the dead." "Can we open our eyes now?" Lightning asked. "NO!" Both Flash and Nightwing shouted to Lightning, who squinted down in embarrassment. Seeing a chance of opportunity, Stollertis created one more dark green short sword which he then threw at Nightwing. Seeing it just in time Nightwing created a single layered shield bubble around him. The dark green sword sunk its way into the shield but halted when the hilt reached the surface of the shield. Nightwing's two swords vanished as well as Stollertis six green swords. Stollertis Hopped down from the roof, ran, and bursted through the double doors into the castle. "Damn." Nightwing grumbled as he turned off his shield and hopped off the roof. "Flash, Lightning, you can open your eyes." Nightwing said as both Flash and Lightning opened their eyes. "Is it normal that everything looks light blue right now?" Flash asked. "Yes, now come on we've got a resurrected earth pony on the loose." Nightwing said as he ran into the castle. The double doors open with a loud creak as Comet tail strode proudly into the room. Eight unconscious guards lied on the ground outside the room. Closing the door behind him, Comet tail looked at his target with an evil grin. In front of him stood Nightwing's vault, Comet tail approached the vault. His horn glowed a grimly red aura as the vaults door opened. The Trio group ran down the hallway in a hurry as they tried to chase after Stollertis. "Dang it, where did he go?" Lightning strike asked in frustration. "I have a good idea, but we have to get there before its to late-" Nightwing was about to use Shadow stalking but was cut off as he skidded to a halt. Flash and Lightning did the same as they looked at the pony in front of them. "Hello Nightwing." Blueblood smiled. "Blueblood." Nightwing scowled at Blueblood. "As fun as it would be to insult you I have to be somewhere, so if you don't mind-" Nightwing was once again cut off when water was sprayed onto him sending him back a few feet. Nightwing's coat and mane became drenched and a little bit heavy as he stood up and coughed up some water. Nightwing looked back up to Blueblood to see three balls of water hovering near him. "Blueblood's a water caster? That explains why he can't use unicorn magic." Nightwing muttered. "Take this!" Lightning strike yelled as he pushed off the floor, create a lightning ball in his hoof, and flew towards Blueblood. "Wait, don't!" Nightwing tried his best to stop Lightning but it was to late, Lightning strike's lightning ball was blocked when one of Blueblood's balls of water blocked the attack. The lightning ball disappeared inside the water and electricity began to bounce on the surface. "Ghghgfbhghhghh." Lightning strike said utter gibberish as his mane became frizzy and his coat stood on edge. Lightning strike was then punched in the gut and slid across the floor. "Idiot!" Nightwing shouted. "Blueblood shot you with your own attack because lightning bounces off of water!" "Yeah...I know." Lightning coughed. "Yeah well-wait what do you mean 'I know'?" Nightwing asked. Blueblood's eyes widened in realization as he swung his head backwards. But it was to late. *bang!* A loud bang erupted through the air as Flash's lightning ball exploded on Blueblood's back. Blueblood's howled in pain as his body was forced towards the ground. The three water balls fell to the ground and turned into puddles. Blueblood's struggled to get up but Flash chopped him in the back of his neck, causing him to become unconscious. "I'm gonna assume Blueblood was under Stollertis spell?" Flash suggested. "No time for that, we need to get to my vault and fast!" Nightwing yelled as he placed a hoof on Lightning strikes shoulder and teleported to Flash. Nightwing then placed a hoof on Flash and the trio the vanished. The trio appeared back in the room with Nightwing's vault, Nightwing rushed to his vault. "No, no, no, no, no!" Nightwing yelled as he entered his vault. Flash and Lightning ran to the front of the vault to see that the vaults door was open. Inside Nightwing was taking inventory of all of the artifacts. "So...what did they take?" Lightning asked skeptical. "Well everything seems to be in the right place, nothing looks stolen...oh no." Nightwing said grimly as he stared at a self. "What? What is it?" Flash asked. "They took the summoning scroll." Nightwing answered. Back in the place I don't want to tell you. The Hooded pony sat in a throne with two metal ponies on the left and right side of the throne. The doors in front of the throne opened as Stollertis and Comet tail walked in. A rolled up scroll was carried in Comet's magic. "Here." Comet tail said bluntly as he tossed the scroll up to the hooded pony. "Just as you asked." The hooded pony caught the scroll in her magic. He scroll was then unrolled and the Hooded pony began to read the scroll. Once finished, the Hooded pony rolled up the scroll and pointed her crystal towards the ground. "Summon!" The Hooded pony said as a cyan beam shot from her crystal and at the ground. A white flash formed on the ground and a pony figure stood where the flash came from. "Greetings. We have a certain mission for you." The Hooded pony said to the figure, who had a very sinister smile on his face. > Chapter twenty one. The party > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Canterlot. The shining and golden city of Equestria. In said city, many ponies were out and about as the prepared for a very special and very important event. The grand galloping gala. Yes many were looking forward to this wondrous occasion. But one was not. In the castle of Canterlot multiple guards were pushing and grunting as they tried desperately to force open the doors to Nightwing's bedroom. "Give it up guys." Nightwing's voice came from behind the door. "I've boarded the door up with almost every piece of furniture in the entire castle. There's no way you guys are getting in." As the guards continued to push a click sound was heard followed by a trap door opening up above the guards. And then a giant tub fell out of the trap door and onto the guards. "Oh yeah, forgot to mention the traps." Nightwing chuckled as he took a sip of his hot chocolate. Inside his room five tables, three dressers, two coat racks, which were placed to support the door to remain shut, and seven chairs. Meanwhile as all the chaotic noise was coming from outside the room Nightwing was sitting in his comfy leather chair, drinking his favorite hot chocolate with three marshmallows. Taking a sip from his hot chocolate Nightwing examined the board in front of him full of notes, papers, red strings, and numbers. Red strings were attached to pins as all of the red strings led to a single note with the words 'summoning stone' on it. It had been five days since Stollertis had infiltrated Canterlot and took the summoning scroll from Nightwing's vault. Ever since then Nightwing had boarded himself inside his room jotting down notes and equations of all kind, trying to figure out why the order stole the scroll in the first place. The summoning scroll had only one purpose, to summon anything to a certain location. No matter where something is it can be teleported to the scroll instantly. But it required a sample of the thing to be summoned first. Nightwing thought that the order took the scroll so they would teleport Nightwing to the order. But he ruled out that possibility a long time ago. "Captain Nightwing, princess Luna has demanded that you come out of the room this instant!" A guard from the outside barked. "By all means call Celestia herself to bust down this door. It'll be fun to watch her fail." Nightwing chuckled, knowing full well that his five layered shield wouldn't be pierced by Celestia's magic. Now normally Luna did not care about Nightwing's study and barricading himself in his room. But tonight was the grand galloping gala, and because Nightwing was Luna's student it was mandatory that Nightwing comes to the gala with Luna. But Nightwing refused and wanted to continue his study, so Luna order guards to get him. "This is serious Captain Nightwing." Another guard barked. "Please come out peaceful, we don't want to make this any harder than it has to be." "Harder than it has to be?" Nightwing repeated the guards words. "Please, you guys haven't even made an inch forward what makes you think I'm gonna just open this door?" "Can you please open the door captain Nightwing?" Another guard asked in a polite manner. "No." Night replied blunt and quick. "Worth a try, hehe." The other guard chuckled sheepishly. A silence entered the air, Nightwing quickly assumed that the other guards were scowling at the polite guard for asking such a stupid question. "Listen captain Nightwing, if you don't open this door we will have no choice but to get Princess Luna." The first guard said. "Sure. What are you gonna do, head to Teach's room, wake her up, and say to her 'Hi there Princess Luna, sorry for waking you at this hour, but could you come and get your student please? Because us guards are too weak and powerless to bust down one measly little door.' Yeah that'll look good on your reputation." Nightwing scoffed, taking another sip from his hot chocolate. "...... Well when you say it like that, we'd sound like some spoiled foal." A guard said. "Exactly!" Nightwing exclaimed. "Now, act like the stallions you are and bust down this door." Nightwing said like a leader giving a speech to his people. "It'll make it more fun when I kick you all back into the dirt." Nightwing muttered. Luna's room was something kinda expected. Dark drapes covered the windows in her room, blocking out any sunlight that tried to get into the room. Her bed was chapped like a crescent moon, her furniture was moon-like blue, and her floor was covered by matching moon blue. Said princess of the night was sleeping soundly in her bed, her covers pulled over all of her body leaving her head and mane on the outside of the covers and rested peacefully on a soft and fluff pillow. Yes it was indeed a very peaceful rest, but it was short lived. *bang!* Luna's eyes shut tightly as she moaned and rolled onto her side, facing away from the sound. A soft, and almost unheard, clip-clop was heard as the sound got closer. The sound stopped near Luna's bed and a hoof shook the princess back in forth. Luna grunted as she tried to move away from the hoof, but no such luck as she could not escape the hoof. Sighing in defeat Luna awoke and sat up from her bed. Rubbing her eyes a yawn escaped Luna's mouth, her limbs stiff Luna pushed he forelegs outward to stretch her muscles. Once done Luna looked towards the pony who had awoken her. "Speak." She said simply as she stared at the pony, but due to her being suddenly awoken her eyes were slowly adjusting to the light. So she couldn't make out who the pony was, but she could see the pony's figure and could tell that the pony was a stallion and was not a unicorn. The pony bowed before the princess and the rose. "Forgive me for waking you so early, but you student, Nightwing, has barricaded himself inside his room and the guards aren't having any luck in bringing him out." The pony explained. "So, with your permission of course, would it be alright if I assist the guards in their mission to capture Nightwing?" The pony asked. Exhausted and not in the mood for clear thinking, Luna said, "Sure thing...do what you will." Luna answered. "Thank you, your highness." The pony bowed again. "You won't be disappointed." "Mmhhm." Luna mumbled as she tucked herself back under her covers and rested her head on the pillow and began to doze off back to sleep. Very carefully, the pony tip-toed out of the room and slowly closed the door behind him. On the outside of Nightwing's doorway multiple guards were panting and gasping for air as many had collapsed onto the floor from exhaustion. Some fell because of the thick smoke that one of Nightwing's traps released into the air, making it hard to breathe, a couple of heavy objects that fell from the ceiling, and some fell into some trap doors. The point is all of the guards were down and could not get up. "I'm pretty sure the score is thirty to zero, my favor." Nightwing said from inside his room. "You guys give up, or do you wanna keep trying?" *bang!* "Ow." A guard from the outside groaned. "Make that thirty-one." Nightwing chuckled. He'd be lying if he wasn't enjoying himself, to him the Royal guards were a lit like ants. Strong, fast, and very useful, but like all ants they need a good leader to make them efficient. And that just wasn't the case. "Come on guys." A guard grunted as he tried to stand on all fours. "We...must...keep...trying." "That won't be nessisery." A voice came from behind the guards. All of the guards turned their heads to the source of the voice to see that it belonged to the pony who had entered Luna's room. "Who...are you?" A guard asked. "I'm the calvary, no get behind me." The pony said. Nightwing smiled with glee. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't enjoying this. And now there was a new pony who was going to desperately try and hilariously fail. *KABOOOOOOOM!* A loud explosive shockwave shook the entire room, as black smoke, small pieces of rumble and splinters were scattered all over the room. Nightwing's once indestructible barricade was no more, it had been replaced by a large hole where his doorway once stood. Nightwing coughed as he tried to stand up, a loud and brain racking ringing bounced back in forth in his ears. And to top it off his vision was somewhat blurry. He looked up to the hole in his doorway, despite his bad vision he was able to make out a pony figure standing in the hole. It was hard to see and specific details but he was able to tell that he was an earth pony with orange fur and a brown mane, along with a yellow shirt. Despite the sudden assault, lack in hearing, and in sight, Nightwing knew that immediately that the pony was Cheese sandwich. "Hiya Nightwing, did ya miss me?" Cheese asked. Nightwing looked up at Cheese to see he had some kind of long, cannon looking contraption strapped to his back. Some smoke was coming out of the end of the cannon looking thing. Cheese had said something, but the ringing in Nightwing's ears was so loud it overlapped whatever Cheese had said. "What!?" Nightwing yelled. "I said, did ya miss me?" Cheese repeated his question. "What?!" Nightwing yelled again, louder than the last time. "I said, did. You. Miss. Me." Cheese asked again in a slower manner. "WHAT?!" Nightwing yelled. Again. "Ugh, for the love of... DID! YOU! MISS! ME!" Cheese shouted back. "Can you kiss me?!" Nightwing said startled. "NO!" "NO, I SAID DID YOU MISS ME!!!?" Cheese shouted louder than before. "DID I MISS YOU?!" Nightwing yelled the question. "YES!" Cheese answered. "NO I DIDN'T!" Nightwing shouted a bit less louder. "WELL THAT'S TO BAD, BECAUSE I'M BACK!" Cheese yelled a bit less louder. "Why are you hear?!" Nightwing shouted. "Because a little birdie, who made it very clear that her name was Michelle, told me that you don't want to attend the grand galloping gala." Cheese answered, even though Nightwing knew that Cheese wasn't lying he still didn't believe his story. "Anyhoo, I asked you're teacher if I could personally bring you to the gala, and as luck would have it she said yes." 'Of course she did.' Nightwing thought. Nightwing's eyes began to wander to Cheese's weapon. He was able to determine that the weapon was a cannon of some sort. But how was Cheese able to fire the thing, it looked like it was 3.22 meters long and nearly 1/3 as big as Cheese himself. But then his eyes landed on the two red words spray painted on the weapon. "Cheese?" Nightwing asked calmly. "Yes Nightwing." Cheese responded. "What is that?" Nightwing asked as he pointed to the weapon. "Oh this?" Cheese asked as he pulled the cannon from his back and held it pointing up. "This here is my party cannon mark 2.0, it fires faster than before, has a larger range than before, and does tons of damage." Cheese smiled proudly as he showed off his cannon like a little kid who just won a trophy. "Cheese, I could not care any less about what that thing is." Nightwing said in a hostile tone. "What I want to know is that." Nightwing repeated his question but this time made sure he was pointing at the words on the cannon. Cheese raised an eyebrow as he craned his head so he could see what Nightwing was pointing to. "You mean the name?" Cheese asked turning to face Nightwing. "Yes! Why in the name of Teach would you name something that?!" Nightwing shouted. "What's wrong with the name?" Cheese asked curiously. "What's wrong with it?!" Nightwing repeated Cheese's question but yelled it. "Everything is wrong with that name!" "Aww come on Nightwing." Cheese smiled. "No name suits a mark 2.0 party cannon like Da Penetrator!" A while later Nightwing was dragged to a-no that's putting it lightly. Nightwing was dragged by five day earth pony guards while being held in a suspension bubble by three day guard unicorns and had eight Pegasi day guards hover around the bubble armed with tranquilizer darts cocked in crossbows aiming at nearly point blank range at Nightwing's chest. Oh, and Cheese was skipping happily ahead of the guards, his mark 2.0 cannon disappeared. The guards had dragged Nightwing to the royal dressing room where many ponies and some other races were designing clothes for the royals. A male griffon with a brown feathered body, white feathers covered his head and half of his neck, the griffon had dark and almost golden, yellow eyes. The griffon wore a white shirt underneath a black button sleeveless shirt. "Welcome, welcome." The griffon said happily as he shook Cheese's hoof. "What may I do for you dear friend Cheese sandwich." "I need a fancy looking tux for my friend Nightwing." Cheese said, pointing to the trapped Nightwing. But then a thought suddenly occurred to Cheese. "Actually..." Cheese paused as he began to work his brain. Needless to say, Nightwing was pretty terrified of whatever Cheese was planning. "We should invite all of our friends Nightwing!" Cheese said joyfully as he bounced into the air. "It's a splendid idea, but we must send invitations to everyone at once." Cheese said dramatically as he shoved his hoof into his mane and rummaged around in it. When his hoof stopped he pulled a notebook with a pencil in the springs. Cheese flipped through the notebooks pages until he came across Nightwing's name. "Let's see, um... Flash sentry...Lightning strike...Soarin...Thorn...Fluttershy...Fancy pants...Silver platter...Pinkie pie...Ranger...Applejack...Rainbow dash...Rarity...Spike...Twilight...and Me." Cheese said as he read off the names on the list. "So that means we'll need... Fifteen...ummm... Eight stallion suits for us, one suit for a buck deer, and one suit for a baby dragon and...um...six mare dresses for the girls...oh wait scratch that Rarity will probably make some dresses herself along with Spikes. So...we need eight custom stallion suits along with a matching custom suit for a buck deer." Cheese said. The griffon's jaw came loose as his brain desperately tried to figure out all of that math. Placing his left claw over part of his face the griffon chuckled. "You're still the loose screwball I used to know back in my village. *sigh* But I guess if it wasn't for you I would've never be a royal tailor in Canterlot now would I?" "I dunno." Cheese shrugged. "Maybe you would've become a royal tailor even without my help." "Perhaps." The griffon chuckled once more. "Very well I will try my best but I will need measurements from these friends of your's along with the design of these custom suits." "Consider it done." Cheese smiled. In Fancy pants mansion Fancy was eating his brunch in the dinning room. The table was made of a very expensive and rich mahogany, eight chairs were pulled up on the sides and two chairs sat at both ends of the table. At one of the tables ends was Fancy pants himself eating some eggs and hay bacon on a plate. Sitting in the left chair next to him was a unicorn mare known to many as Fleur de lis, a mare with a cotton candy pink mane, white as snow fur, and dark pink eyes. She was eating the same thing Fancy was eating both in a polite manner. To the right of Fancy pants was Silver platter, but he did not sit next to Fancy. Instead he was standing next to Fancy waiting for the two to finish so he could take the dishes away. Fancy turned to Silver and said, "Silver, why don't you sit and eat. You don't need to stand there all day you know." Fancy said. "Fancy's right." Fluer agreed. "You shouldn't put to much stress on yourself, it's not good on the eyes." Silver wanted to sit down and eat the delicious looking food. But against his better nature he shook his head. "No thanks Fancy Sir, I'm not that hungry really." Silver lied. Fancy's brow folded in disapproval as he looked at Silver. "You don't have to call me sir you know? You can just call me Fancy nothing more. And you should at least sit down, even if you're not hungry you should sit down, give you're body some ease." Fancy tried his best to convince Silver. Silver was trying very hard to resist the temptation to sit, his legs hurt like crazy but he refused to accept the offer to sit. But he couldn't just turn down Fancy's offer, he needed a distraction, a diversion, a bird flying face first into a window because it thought there was no window, anything! *knock* *knock* *knock* "Oh, seems someone's at the door. I'll go get that." Silver said hastily as he rushed to the front door, thankful for the sudden diversion. Silver approached the door to see two envelopes on the hoof mat in front of the door. Both envelopes were caught in a yellow aura as the two were levitated in front of Silver so he could read it. 'This letter is for Silver platter. Please be sure only that only Silver platter is reading this alone. From, Cheese sandwich.' Silver was a little skeptical about the letter but he brought it to Fancy for him to read. "I say, it seems very odd for Cheese to send such a strange letter with an odd set of instructions. But regardless we should see what our friend has in store for us shall we?" Fancy asked as he cut open the envelope, inside was a folded piece paper which Fancy pulled out. Unfolding it both Fancy and Silver read out-loud what the letter said. "Fancy and Silver, don't move." Fancy and Silver read out-loud. After they did the paper began to glow bright white. "I say!" Fancy shouted before both Fancy and Silver vanished. In the Everfree kingdom Thorn was sanding guard outside the high council's doorway. A doe guard with a backpack trotted up to Thorn. The Doe handed him an envelope addressed to him from Nightwing. Thorn opened the envelope up and pulled a folded piece of paper out of the envelope. Thorn unfolded it and read the words on the paper. "Thorn, don't move." He read out-loud. The paper then glowed a bright white and Thorn vanished. In the city of Ponyville both Flash and Lightning were enjoying themselves at sugar cube corner, Flash was drinking a strawberry milkshake while Lightning was drinking a chocolate milkshake. As the two brothers were enjoying themselves Flash drank to much of his milkshake and got a brain freeze. He cringed as he placed both hooves against his forehead in pain. Lightning couldn't help but laugh at his brother's pain. Flash scolded his brother but two letters was given to the two by Derpy. Flash opened the letter, pulled out the folded piece of paper, read the words on the paper out-loud, then vanished. On the farm of Sweet Apple Acres, earth pony Ranger and a orange fur mare with green eyes and a light brown cowgirl hat that covered some of the mares blond mane. The mares name was Applejack. The two earth pony's were bucking away at some apple trees, apples fell from the trees and into the buckets below the tree. After a hard days work Derpy had flown by with two letters, one for Ranger and the other for Applejack. The two opened their letters and, you guessed it, Ranger's letter began to glow white and then, he vanished. Back in Canterlot, in the royal tailor room, Cheese had set up seven pieces of paper with strange words on them. Six of the seven papers began to glow brightly and then Flash, Lightning, Silver platter, Fancy pants, Thorn, and Ranger all appeared on separate papers. "Huh, I wonder why Soarin didn't teleport?" Cheese wondered. "What the heck just happened?!" Lightning asked loudly. "And why is Nightwing in a bubble?" Ranger asked, pointing at Nightwing. "Cheese, do you have anything to do with this?" Fancy asked. "You catch on fast dear Fancy." Cheese said as he spun his diabolic mastermind chair around to face the group. Cheese now wore a goatee and a eyepatch over his left eye, while stroking the head of a fat white fur cat that lied in his lap. "For it is I, who is the mastermind behind this whole scheme of mine. You see-" "Knock it off Cheese!" Flash yelled, punching him on the head and knocking his goatee and eyepatch off as well as knocking him down from his chair. "Stop playing games and answer this question, 'graaah'." Flash cringed as he place a hoof to his forehead. 'Uggh, my head is killing me all of a sudden.' Flash thought. "Ybfgnohvbnfu thrrrcyyj" A distorted voice came inside Flash's head. '... What. The. Buck!' Flash shouted in his head. "Ow." Cheese cringed as he rubbed the bump on his head. "Was that kind of violence really necessary Flash?" "I'd say it was plenty necessary." Ranger said. "Now answer the question." "Which one? The one about how you got here? Why Nightwing's trapped in Amaris bubble? Or why you guys are here?" Cheese asked. "Answer all of them Cheese." Silver platter demanded. "Okay, okay. No need to get violent." Cheese mumbled. "To answer the first question, I teleported you all here using a paper spell that teleports an object to another object using a program crystal. Nightwing's trapped in a bubble because he refused to come to the tailor, and as you all know I don't take no for an answer. And I brought you all here because we're all gonna get custom suits for the gala!" Cheese explained. Everyone in the group stared at Cheese with confusion spread all over their faces. "That's what this is all about?" Lightning asked. "Yep." Cheese smiled. "Cheese, I don't need to go to the gala. I have other things to do, and I'm pretty sure everyone else does too." Fancy said. "Did no one just hear me say 'I don't take no for an answer'?" Cheese asked, pulling out his weapon called 'Da Penetrator'. "On second thought, I think I could skip a few shifts or two." Flash said quickly as the massive and threaten looking weapon was pointing at him. "Same here, what about you guys?" Lightning asked a bit frightened. The whole group nodded in response. "Great!" Cheese said, putting away his weapon. "Then let's get ready folks. It's gonna be show time soon." A while later all of the group was dressed in their custom suits that Cheese had requested. Flash wore a simple black tuxedo with a dark red tie, Lightning wore a matching black tux as well as an orange tie, Silver platter wore a black tuxedo with a grey tie, Fancy wore a black tux with a blue tie, Thorn wore a custom buck tux with a green tie, Ranger wore a black tux with a bright red tie, Cheese wore a black tux with a yellow tie, and Nightwing, who was now unfrozen, wore a black tux with a dark blue tie. The group examined their separate suits. "Um...don't mind me asking but how are these custom exactly?" Flash asked, looking over his suit. "Yeah, these look exactly like regular tuxedos to me." Silver said. "Wrong!" Cheese shouted at the group. "These tuxedos are made to fit your body sizes, so in a way they are custom suits." Lightning strike rolled his eyes and looked towards Nightwing. "Hey Nightwing, why are you so quiet all of a sudden?" Nightwing opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out of his mouth. "Oops, forgot I muted you." Cheese giggled. A unicorn guard walked up to Nightwing and realeased the mute spell put on him. "Oh thank Teach." Nightwing said in relief. Nightwing looked towards Cheese and extended his hoof. "Ahem." "Oh no, I'm not an idiot Nightwing. I know that if I give you back you're crystal you'll just teleport back to your room and skip the gala. Well think again fool." Cheese stuck out his tongue. "Ugh." Nightwing groaned. Fast forwarding through the day, the whole group did their part in preparing the gala. Fancy and Silver helped with decorations, Flash and Ranger helped with cooking, Thorn and Lightning helped with cleaning the place top to bottom, and Cheese and Nightwing worked on the music. When the sun had set and the moon arose in the night sky the gates to Canterlot city had opened and guests for the gala began to pour in. A carriage that had the shape of a large Apple pulled up to the entrance. The door to the carriage opened up and a purple dragon with green eyes wearing a black tux with a red bow tie and black top hat stepped out of the carriage, allowing six mares to step out. "This is definitely one big party." A silhouette hidden in the shadows smiled as he observed the party. The silhouette pulled out an apple that was not red, green, or yellow. It was gold, pure gold. "I don't know how that pony got her hooves on this artifact, but I can't wait to see what chaos this brings." The Silhouette smiled. The gala was one of the most lively parties in the whole world. It used to be you needed an invitation to attend the gala, but now everyone was welcomed to enjoy the party. Why am I telling you this, because the CMC was at the gala currently. Well to be more specific half of them was currently. Scootaloo, Sweetie bell, Applebloom, and Dinkie all waited for their friends. The girls weren't wearing anything special, Scootaloo was wearing a simple yellow dress, Applebloom was wearing a simple cherry red dress, Sweetie bell was wearing a simple purple dress, and Dinkie was wearing a simple blue dress. "Where are those guys?" Scootaloo complained. "I hate standing around here doing nothing." "Calm down Scoots." Applebloom calmed the miniature speedster. "I'm sure the guys have a very good reason for being late." "Hmhf." Scootaloo crossed her forelegs. "They better." "Look, there they are right now." Dinkie pointed to the entrance. The girls craned their nests towards the door to see Pipsqueak, Rumble, Button mash, and First base rush through the door. "There see? What did I tell-" Applebloom was about to smirk at Scootaloo but she was no longer next to her. "Ya." The four colts panted furiously as they collapsed on the ground. The four had no money to afford a carriage so they had to walk here instead. "Just wear the hay have you four been?" An angry voice said to them. Knowing there suffering wasn't over the four looked up to see one very cross Scootaloo. "Well, what've you got to say for yourselves?" She demanded. "Sorry Scootaloo." Pip chuckled as he sat up. "But we had to make a stop and get me a new suit." Pip and the others all wore a black tux with no ties. But there was on major difference about Pip that Scootaloo noticed. "Pip? Is that you?" Scootaloo asked. "You noticed too huh? Yeah I kinda had a growth spurt this morning." Pip chuckled. Pip went through one heck of a growth spurt, he was no longer the tiny colt that everyone looked down on, he was now almost bigger than Scootaloo. "Wow...you must've gone through one hay of a growth spurt." "Yeah, I did." "Holy cow." Applebloom and Sweetie bell gasped when they saw Pip. "Pip what happened to you?" "Puberty, that's what." Rumbled muttered. "Enough dwelling on the past." First base sat up. "Let's enjoy this party shall we?" The whole group nodded in response. The gala was bustling with commotion and ponies socializing. But everyone was so busy talking with one another they paid no attention to the pony hanging upside down with suction cups on the ceiling. A pair of binoculars was used by Cheese to spy on the whole party, he didn't mind everyone socializing and talking. But he did mind that no one was dancing, his mission set Cheese began his quest to hunt for the source of such evil. But then he saw it, or rather he heard it, lowering his binoculars Cheese glared at his most rivaled and hated enemy. Classic music. Using swift action, Cheese removed his suction cups and leaped towards the stage. Tucking himself in Cheese performed a perfect summersault onto the stage. Untucking at the right time Cheese slid against the pony who was in front of the microphone, knocking him off stage. The musicians ceased their music when they saw Cheese. Pulling out a CD, Cheese tossed it to a unicorn mare with white fur, a rave looking blue mane, and hip purple sunglasses. The mare caught the disk with her magic and looked at it. Smiling the mare placed the CD onto a tack which began to play it as the song began to go through the speakers. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VHGeLhi0VOg A beat began to go through the speakers as Cheese sang the song. "I love her, can’t leave her, forever I’ll always need her, she lie, but I believe her, lovesick, I got that fever." Cheese began to sing as it matched the musical background. "Love stupid, I know it, love stupid, I know it, I know, 'cause I’m a fool in love." "My baby shot me down again. Shot me down with the love and it go bang bang. That girl’s a killer from a gang. Shot me down with the love and it go bang bang." "And oh, I love her so, that’s why I gotta let her know that I’ll be here for her to always love her down. And maybe that’s the truth, the clock can tick and ain’t no use, I wanna wear my tux and see you in your gown." "Bang, bang, Shot him with a bang, Love him down, down I shot my baby with a bang, bang, Shot him with a bang, Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang. Bang, bang, Shot him with a bang, Love him down, down I shot my baby with a bang, bang, Shot him with a bang, Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang." The chorus behind Cheese sang. The party had began to get very lively, which was Flash's cue to exit. He wasn't a whole fan of big parties, he just wanted to stay out of the way and relax. So Flash walked outside into the royal garden. Where he could just relax. "Yeah right." Shadow scoffed in Flash's head. 'What?' Flash asked curiously. "What's wrong now?" "Please, the only reason you like peaceful places is because of that Alicorns memory altering spell. If it wasn't for that you'd be in there partying you're flank off." Shadow said. 'Yeah, I know.' "And to top it off...did you just say 'I know'?" 'I did, my memories have been slowly returning ever since you started talking to me.' "Impossible. The element is healing your mind as well." 'What do you mean by, heal?' "The chaos element inside you see's you as a valuable host, and apparently it's deciding to heal you for some reason." "That 'reason' would be me." Dark side's voice entered Flash's mind. 'What do you want?' Flash growled. "What? I can't talk to my favorite host?" Dark side said innocently. 'I'm not in the mood to talk to you.' "Fine, but you might want to talk to her." "Huh?" Flash asked outloud. "Hi Flash." A new and very familiar voice came from behind him. Flash spun around to come face to face with Twilight, who wore a light blue dress, and light blue high heels. The two stared at each other in awkward silence for a while until Flash said, "Hey." "Hey." Twilight responded. More awkward silence. "How you doing?" Twilight asked. "Good, how about you?" "Good, good." Even more awkward silence. "Oh for love of any nonexistent God, just kiss each other and make up like two lovers in a lame cop show!" Dark side shouted. Flash was about to yell at Dark side, but then he realized that he was right. This awkward silence between him and Twilight was getting kinda old. "Hey Twi?" Flash asked. "Ya wanna get something to eat?" Twilight smiled before responding, "I'd love too." In the mists of the party Silver, Fancy, and Fluer were all watching the distance from afar. "I say Silver, they all seem to be rather enjoying themselves. Perhaps we could all have some fun on the dance floor don't you think?" Fancy asked, looking at Silver. "Fancy is right Silver, you should enjoy yourself every now and then." Fluer nodded. "You two go have fun without me. I'll be just fine right here." Silver smiled. "Are you sure?" Fancy pushed his question. "I'm sure Fancy. You two go have some fun." "Well...alright." Fancy said as him and Fluer walked towards the dance floor. Fluer took a glance behind her to look at Silver. "I'm worried about him Fancy, he's pushing this too far." Fluer said with worry. "I know, but I do admire that he deeply respects our debt. But I wonder if he knows that we've already settled it?" Fancy said with matching worry. Silver sighed as he sat alone at a table. He wished that he could join Fancy in the dance but he knew it wasn't right. No matter how close he was to Fancy. "Somethings troubling you dear?" A soft and somewhat fancy voice asked. Silver took his eyes off the dance floor and towards the source of the voice to see that it belonged to a unicorn mare with white fur, light blue eyes, and a dark purple mane with a curl on the end of it. The unicorn wore a purple dress with matching purple high heels. She looked very familiar to Silver platter. It took him a while to figure out who the mare was but then he figured it out. "Are you miss Rarity?" Silver asked. "Why yes I am!" Rarity said shocked that he knew her name. "How do you know my name dearie?" "My name is Silver platter, Fancy pants talked about you one day." Silver answered. "You know Fancy pants?!" Rarity screamed standing on her hind legs and pushing her forelegs against the table. Causing Silver to flinch back a little."*ahem* Forgive me, but how do you know Fancy pants. Calming down Silver answered, "I'm his Butler and his...friend...just his friend." "Well," Rarity paused pulling a chair up to the table. "Care to tell me more mr. Silver platter?" Back in the Royal garden Fluttershy, who was wearing a green light dress and light green high heels, and Thorn were walking side by side one another outside. Fluttershy sighed softly as she breathed in the surroundings. "It's very beautiful isn't it?" She asked. "It is." Thorn nodded. "Come, I want to show you something." Thorn said extending a hoof to Fluttershy. And of course she took it, Thorn led Fluttershy through the garden until they came across a lone Birch tree with colored flowers of red, green, blue, white, pink, yellow, and orange in the trees leaves. "Oh, wow...its...its so beautiful." Fluttershy gasped as she gazed at the tree. "Yes, this is the never dying tree." Thorn explained. "Long ago the deer were at war with a great darkness, we sent for help to all the other races. But only the ponies answered our call. Even though we didn't fully agree with them we still accepted their help. In the end we defeated the darkness and in thanks the second Abber suserro gave the ponies the never dying tree." Fluttershy rested her head on Thorn's shoulder. "Do you think I'll be anything like the past Abber suserro's?" She asked. "No." Thorn said, which made Fluttershy frown. "You'll be one even greater than the past Abber suserro's." Thorn placed a gentle kiss on Fluttershy's head. As the two continued to gaze at the tree they paid no attention to anything else around. Including a lone cloud that hovered above them, where Discord watched the two lovers. As his heart was beginning to slowly break. In the kitchen, chefs and cookers were furiously cooking any food they could find to feed the hungry party guests. In good will Ranger and Applejack had volunteered to give some help to the kitchen. Meanwhile the silhouette continued to look down over the party. Looking to Silver and Rarity, Flash and Twilight, Ranger and Applejack, Fluttershy and Thorn, and Cheese sandwich who was still singing. Rolling the golden apple between his two hooves he began to wonder who would be the victim of his artifact. As he wondered he's eyes caught a little purple dragon who was walking next to a flying Rainbow dash who wore no dress. When he saw the dragon, a devilish and sinister smile grew on his face. 'It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas." The silhouette smiled. There was nothing Nightwing despised more than the gala. The party didn't have that big of a kind history. Long ago the rich ponies asked the more poor ponies to build a grand city in the side of the mountain. If they did the rich ponies would host a party for all to come and enjoy. So the ponies built the city, and when the city was the ponies from far and wide came to attend the party. But when they got to the party, they were shunned out. It was from that day forward that all of the ponies in Canterlot were despised. But the major reason Nightwing hated the gala was because it was the birthplace of the Order. The gala showed everyone that only the rich and powerful should rule the world, and the others were nothing more than dirt stuck to their shoe. The history of the gala angered Nightwing so much that his crystal began to glow red and the ground he stood on began to slightly crack. "Ah, there you are dear Student." Luna's voice came behind Nightwing. Turning around Nightwing saw that his Teach had gone wayyyy overboard on her look. She was dressed in a hot pink dress that had some stars in it to make look like it matched a cotten candy version of the night sky along with matching sky-replicating high heels. Her mane no longer flowed like it was alive, now it had been tied into a ponytail. Her fur had been washed and soaked in flower shampoo. And she pretty much reeked with perfume, in fact it was to much Nightwing had to cover his nose. "For crying outloud Teach, what the buck?!" Nightwing said plugging his nose. "What's wrong, do I stink?!" She asked worriedly. "You couldn't be more wrong Teach." Nightwing coughed. "Seriously, did you dunk yourself in perfume or something?" "Well..." "Oh come on!" Nightwing threw his forelegs in the air but then quickly covered his nose. "Why did you even do that to yourself? Are you trying to impress someone or are you trying to go on a date?" Luna became wide eyed when the question escaped her students mouth. "W-what?! Of course not...why would you think something so...unlikely?" Luna asked treading carefully. "Oh, don't say it like that. there are plenty of others who would want to be with you." NIghtwing reassured his Teacher. "You think so?" She asked. "I know so, now let's get this party over with. I have work to do." Nightwing said. As Nightwing was leaving, and Luna was following behind him, the Silhouette watched from above. Smiling deviously that he had begun his plan. "Bang, bang, Shot him with a bang, Love him down, down I shot my baby with a bang, bang, Shot him with a bang, Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang. Bang, bang, Shot him with a bang, Love him down, down I shot my baby with a bang, bang, Shot him with a bang, Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang." Cheese sang the final lyrics to the song and putting the mic back on its stand. the crowd in front of him cheered wildly as Cheese took a bow. But suddenly when he looked up he heard the sound of someone who was slowly clapping. Right next to him. Turning to his left Cheese came face to face with a mare with a red dress, pink fur, pink eyes, a mask that left the mares eyes and mouth covered her face. She stood there staring deeply into Cheese's eyes, until she began to dance. But it was no ordinary dance, it was not a dance that represented joy or fun or playful. No, the dance that the mare was doing meant one thing and one thing only. A challenge. The mare finished her dance with a dramatic flare as she took a pose. The crowd oohed and some clapped at the mares performance. Clearly their attention was caught. Cheese closed his eyes and let his face look towards the ground. "Very well." Cheese had made up his mind as he rose his head to face the mare. A cocky grin was plastered across his face. "If it is a dance battle you wish. Then I will dance battle you, to the death." Cheese said with matching drama. "DJ, play track nine please." Cheese asked. The DJ nodded her head and pressed a button on her machine. Instantly a Spanish themed song began to play. [youtube=https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zCq3CMbqYNo] The ponies on the dance floor cleared out when both Cheese and the mare jumped onto the dance floor. Cheese began his dance a little slow then began to increase the dance's speed until finishing it with a flip. The crowd gave off a little applause, but it never reached Cheese's ears. The only thing Cheese cared about hearing was the slow clap from the mare. Despite the mare's mask Cheese knew that she was unimpressed, it was almost as if she knew that Cheese was capable of so much more. The mare ceased her clapping and began a dance of her own, one where she began fast and slightly dropped it until finishing it with the splits. Both the mare and Cheese began dancing in a circle, neither of them faced away from the other as they mimicked each other's moves. Their hooves clapped against the floor as the two danced in total sync. It seemed almost impossible, how could this mare be able to mimic any move Cheese did? As the two danced they got closer and closer to each other, until both of their faces were inches away from each other. The two slapped each other in the face causing the two to spin around. The two quickly caught out of their spin and ran towards separate walls. Almost like magic, the two walked up their walls and towards each other. The two ran across the ceiling and towards each other, when the two reached one another they jumped downward from the ceiling, and began dancing on the others hooves. The crowd gasped in amazement as Cheese used the mares hooves to be a solid ground for him to dance on, as well as the mare. The two were still caught in a free fall, but their dance was able to slow it down. Once the two were at a secure distance from the ground they launched off the other continuing their mirror dance. Then the mare did something impossible, or rather, unexpected. The mare stopped the mirror dance and began a new dance of her own. She began by tapping her hooves against the floor, then held her entire body on her foreleg and spun like a top, then stopped bounced off her foreleg and did a quadruple flip, only to finish the dance with a swan pose. Cheese stood there stunned, he couldn't believe that the mare had done the dance known as the 'Soaring Swan'. However he knew all to well that the mask that the mare wore no longer hid the identity of the mare. Cheese ran up to the mare and wrapped a foreleg around the mares waist pulling her down to were she was just inches away from the floor. Cheese then closed in on the mare. And kissed her. On the lips. The crowd oohed as the two kissed, Cheese gently removed his lips from the mare. His eyes were half opened as well as the mares, Cheese moved his hoof to the mares mask, taking it off Cheese revealed who the mare was. "Always wanted to do that." Cheese smiled as he stared at the mare. "Hello Pinkie pie." The mare was indeed Pinkie, a smug grin had grown on her face as she sighed in happiness. "Hello Cheese." She finally spoke. "Are you impressed? I think I out-danced you once or twice back there." "I am touched Love." Cheese said, pulling Pinkie up and setting her back on her four hooves. "But why?" Cheese asked, in the name of curiosity he was really excited to see his friend but was interested in why she was here. "What?" Pinkie asked innocently. "I had to say hello somehow, and just walking up to you and saying hi is just so...bland. I dance off was more my style." "If you say so." Cheese chuckled, he'd never admit it but he really did enjoy the dance off that Pinkie gave him. "You wanna get something to eat?" Cheese asked, aware of the crowd they had attracted. Pinkie smiled at Cheese. "I'd love to." She answered as the two walked away from the dance floor and towards the buffet. "Salutations dear ponies!" Luna shouted as she shoved open the large double door through the party. "Your princess of the night is here!" As Luna cheered Nightwing walked behind her with both a shocked and mortified look on his face. What the hay was wrong with his Teach, she was never this joyful during parties. Sure she might seem happy from time to time but she would always try to avoid parties if she could. So the question was, why the buck was she acting so cheerful?! "Dear Student, we are most happy that you had decided to accompany us to the Gala. It is most pleasing." Luna said happily. "Okay, stop that." Nightwing said firmly. "Hm?" Luna tilted her head. "Stop what Dear student?" "Stop that, this, whatever it is your doing, just stop it." Nightwing said. "I'm afraid I do not understand Dear student." Luna said, crouching down to Nightwing's level. "Is something the matter?" "Of course somethings the matter! Why in the name of buck would nothing be the matter?!" Nightwing shouted. "Dear student, there's no need to shout." Luna said calmly, almost like she was talking to a small foal. "Please calmly tell us what is the matter Dear student." "For crying out, stop calling me Dear student. You know I hate it when you call me that, so cut it out!" Nightwing yelled. Nightwing began to rant off multiple things that were wrong with his Teach. He was so focused on his ranting he didn't notice that his Teach's eyes flashed golden. Her joyful expression vanished, instead it was replaced with a half lidded eyes and grin. "And not to mention the fact-" Nightwing was cut off when Luna swiftly locked lips with Nightwing. His eyes looked like they were about to pop out of his skull as he remained motionless. Luna's eyes were closed as she kissed Nightwing, the seconds were the only thing Nightwing could tell as the kiss continued. After forty-nine seconds the kiss ended when Luna pulled away. A smug grin was plastered on her face. "Feel better?" She cooed. Nightwing still remained motionless, desperately trying to cling to the tiny thread of reality. "I'll take that as a yes." Luna giggled. "Let us not keep our guests waiting." She smiled as she walked away. "........... WHO ARE YOU?!?!?!" Nightwing screamed as he chased after Luna. Above the two the silhouette stood there with his jaw wide open after the display he just say. "Oh everything that happens from this point forward is just gravy." He smiled. The talks between Flash and Twilight had become less awkward as time passed. The two had talked and laughed and even danced with one another. But as the fun went on a horrible thought occurred to Twilight. "Flash?" She asked, a tinge of sadness in her voice. "Yeah?" Flash responded, sensing Twilight's sadness. "I have to ask, did you forgive me for what I did to you?" Twilight asked. "Of course I did, I forgave you when we were trapped in that dream-" "No." Twilight stepped in front of Flash, placing a hoof on his chest Twilight made him stop. "I mean the real you. Did the real you forgive me for what I did?" Flash raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean the real me? I am the real Flash, who else would I be?" "No Flash, you're not the real Flash. You're a Flash I created, I took away you're memories and replaced them with flash ones just so you would like me. But...when I told you what I did to you, you forgave me. Which is why I need to know, was it the real Flash that forgave me? Or the Flash I created?" "Twilight." Flash placed his hoof under Twilight's chin and lifted her head up. "I'm afraid I can't answer that question." Flash said sadly. "I can't because I'm not the real Flash or the Flash you created. You see after you altered my memories some of my old ones began to come back, eventually I had both my old memories and the ones you gave me. But even with both memories I was no longer the Flash you made nor am I the real Flash. I'm just...me Flash." Flash said. "So the truth is I can't answer your question, all I can say is that I forgive you. And nothing will make me say anything different. "T-thank you me Flash." Twilight chuckled weakly. "Now come on, let's have a good time huh?" Flash asked, walking past Twilight. "That's what a party's all about right-oof!" Flash grunted as he bumped into something knocking both him and the somethings down. "Uggh." Flash groaned as he sat up. 'I need to start looking where I'm going.' Flash groaned in his head. Taking a moment to see what he had bumped into he saw that said 'something' was actually Princess Luna, as well as a golden apple next to her. "Oh buck, I really need to start looking where I'm going!' Flash said in a panic. "Flash, are you alright?" Twilight rushed to his side. "I'm fine." Flash reassuring Twilight, why was she so worked up over Flash getting knocked down? "Forgive me Princess. I wasn't looking where I was going." Flash apologized to the down alicorn. "Uggh, huggg, wha-huh...where am I?" Luna asked as if she had awoken from a trance. "You're at the gala your highness." Twilight answered. "Are you alright?" "I think so...let me just..." Luna paused as she looked at the dress she was now wearing. "WHAT IN THE CRYSTAL BUCK AM I WEARING?!?!?!" Luna shouted with her Royal Canterlot voice. "Teach!" Nightwing shouted, running towards Princess Luna. "You and I need to have a serious talk right now." "Nightwing." Luna faced her student with a calm and fraud kind mask. "Can you please direct me to the worm eating, dirt living, gut retching, worthless piece of turd on the planet...please?" Twilight and Flash stared at Luna with shocked looks on their faces. But Nightwing smiled when he heard his Teach say those words. "Good to have you back Teach, hey what's this?" Nightwing asked, turning his attention away from Luna and towards the golden apple on the ground, it's bright gleam seemed to be drawing Nightwing closer and closer towards the apple. But then his common sense kicked in and remembered what happened the last time he touched something without thinking it through. And so, thanks to the power of common sense, Nightwing slid the apple underneath a tray and put it inside his vault for later examination. Until then it would remain safely inside his vault, but little did he know that that was the silhouette's plan all along. > Chapter twenty two. Mysterious occurrence > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Three days after the gala. In a dark, and rather unpleasant, lab underground a unicorn mare with blue fur, blue eyes, and a pink mane walked down a room where large strange capsules that were filled with bubbling water sat beside other tubes of bubbling water. The mare wore a white nurse outfit along with a white cap with a Red Cross on it. A clipboard was levitated in front of the mare by a pink aura, as she was reading the paper attached to the clipboard her hoof stepped in something cold and wet. The startled mare moved the clipboard away from her face and looked down to see she had stepped in a puddle. The mare looked forward to see a trail of water leading somewhere. Confused and curious the mare followed the water, rounding a corner the mare saw that the water ended in front of a large capsule. But there was one major thing that separated the large capsule from the others. It was broken. The front of the capsule had been shattered, almost as if something had forced its way out of the tube. The mare's ears folded down and her pupils shrank in fright as she knew that the worst had come. There was no time to lose, the mare had to warn the others before it was to late. But before she ran, the mare heard something dash behind her. The hair on the back of her neck stood on end as she was frozen with fright. She tried very desperately to fight the urge of turning around, knowing very well the horror of what was behind her. But despite her will she could not quench her curiosity as her head began to slowly turn around. She wanted to shut her eyes, to scream for help, anything. But her mind refused to. The mare had finally turned around and looked behind and saw... Nothing. There was nothing there, no horror, no monster, no threat. Just an empty hallway, nothing more. The mare sighed in relief as she turned back around and came muzzle to muzzle with something hanging upside down in front of her. She couldn't tell what the creature was but all she could see were two red eyes staring at her. The eyes expressed one thing and one thing only. Hunger. "AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!" A shrill scream came from the laboratory. Startling two stallions, one an earth pony the other a unicorn. The earth pony had red fur, orange eyes, and a short orange mane. The unicorn had green fur, blue eyes, and a light blue blown back mane. Both wore white lab coats. "What was that?" The unicorn asked with concern. The earth pony didn't reply, instead he ran off towards the scream. The unicorn soon followed after, the two walked past row after row of large capsules. Until they stopped at the one with a collapsed mare. The two ran towards the down mare in a rush, the earth pony slowly and carefully examined the mare's injuries while the unicorn stared at the capsule. "*gasp*" The mare gasped as she weakly pointed to the capsule. "...escape..." She managed to choke out. "I know." The unicorn said, not looking at the mare. The earth pony lifted the mare onto his back and tapped the unicorns shoulder. The earth pony made some hoof motions towards the unicorn. "You're right, we need to sound the alarm. Get her to the medical center, I'll deal with the alarm." The unicorn said. The earth pony was about to make another hoof motion but the unicorn stopped him. "There's no time to argue, we have to stop it before it reaches the inmates. Now go!" He shouted at the earth pony. The earth pony nodded his head and ran off. The double doors burst open as the earth pony ran inside, the mare at the desk was about to tell him to wait but the earth pony paid no attention and raced through. The earth pony ran down a hallway where multiple rooms that had curtains instead of doors. The earth pony continued to run until he stopped at a room that didn't have a closed curtain. The room had a neatly made hospital bed in the center back of the room, two chairs were to the far left of the bed, a sink with a waste bin underneath it on the far right of the room, a machine was hooked up right next to the bed along with a long metal pole were a bag of water remained hooked on it. The earth pony walked up to the bed and gently placed the mare on it. A while later a light brown fur Pegasus with a dark brown mane and green eyes wearing a white Doctor suit walked into the room, an unhappy scowl on his face. "Sir, I'm afraid I must ask you to leave. No matter your friends injuries, you still can't just barge your way in here." The Doctor said. The earth pony's response was his hoof pointing to the mare's neck. The doctor approached the bedside and looked at what the earth pony was pointing to. His eyes widened and his ears folded at what he saw. "Good lord." The doctor gasped in terror. "Nurse bring me my equipment. Quickly!" The doctor shouted. Then all of a sudden there was a blaring alarm and purple lights began to light up. Two days later." Canterlot was beginning to become a pain in the neck for Nightwing. He sighed in frustration as he rested his cheek against his hoof, his eyes stared down at the two pieces of paper in front of him. Him, three griffons, and three yaks all sat at a round table. The griffon that sat in the center of the three had red feathers on his body while the feathers on his head were white and he had gold eyes. The two griffons both had black feathers on their bodies and grey feathers on their heads. The yaks sat opposite of the three griffons, the yak in the center had brown fur that covered his body and the top of his face, the two yaks next to him had black fur that covered the top of their faces. "Okay...let's try this again shall we?" Nightwing sighed in disbelief. "According to this here letter from the griffons." Nightwing paused as he read the piece of paper in front of him. "Dear, Royal Princesses I wish to inform you that the insufferable yaks have taken a piece of land that we were about to claim, we planted our proud nations flag in the ground first therefore by the fifty-fourth law we own the land." Nightwing read the paper. "Objection!" The center yak stomped his hoof against the table. "These griffons are nothing but liar's!" "You dare call us by such a down grading name?!" The center griffon stomped his two eagle claws against the table in anger. "I don't know how it could be down grading to you if you've hit rock bottom." The yak smirked. "How dare you." The griffon clenched his claws and growled. "You will pay for such an insult!" "Bring it feather brain!" The yak yelled. The two glared at each other, both knowing full well if they fought it would start a war. But they shoved that thought to the back of their minds and only focused on each other. There was always bad blood between griffons and yaks, both races saw each other as threatening and powerful foes. But in fact the real reason that griffons and yaks had bad blood between the two was because the only reason they had wars against one another was to see who was the most powerful warrior race. Only problem was they both equaled each other out, griffons speed and air superiority was countered by yaks mighty strength. And so the struggled never ended, wait wasn't there something important going on? Oh right, the griffon and yak continued to glare at each other. The two griffons readied themselves to fight against the two yaks. The center griffons red wings began to unfold and stretch outward, showing off his strength. *crack* Both the griffons and the yaks turned their a attention away from each other and towards Nightwing. Who had punched the table leaving a large and physical mark on the table. Both the yaks and the griffons stared in astonishment as the strength displayed. Nightwing pulled back his hoof away from the mark. "First, sit down before I do something I'm gonna regret!" Nightwing groaned as he clenched his foreleg, and the griffons and yaks sat down. "Second, griffons your race isn't mighty any more. Deal with it!" Nightwing shouted at the griffons, causing the yaks to smile. "And as for you yaks." Nightwing turned to face the yaks. "Your race isn't in to much good shape as well is it?" "What?! Our race, weakened?! I will not listen to such blasphemy!" The yak turned his head. "Really? Well this says otherwise." Nightwing said picking up the other piece of paper and turning it over he spoke, "I did some study work on the village your kingdom comprises of and I found out that you are suffering from a depression, is that correct?" Nightwing raised an eyebrow. "Pft." The yak scoffed. "We might be in a rut, but we yaks will endure it no matter the cost." "You clearly don't know what a depression is. So I'm going to explain it to you, a depression is what happens when a country has no money. It has no way of allowing its citizens to collect enough money to let them survive at all. In short it's a country killer." Nightwing explained. "Seems that you aren't as strong as before yaks." The center griffon sneered. "Don't talk so high and mighty you." Nightwing glared. "Your country is facing a depression as well." The center griffon turned his head away from Nightwing. "Which brings me to the yaks reason they should own the land." Nightwing said, turning over the other piece of paper. "According to the yaks the land was owned by them about two-hundred years ago, but had to give it up when a presumed extinct species was discovered on the land. But the species is no longer extinct nor is it endangered anymore." Nightwing read out-loud. "But I don't really care about any of that." Nightwing set the piece of paper down. "What I want to know is why you two want this land so badly, in fact let's find out. Silver platter." Nightwing called into his crystal. In a flash Silver appeared next to Nightwing. "You called Captain." Silver said. "Bring me a map of Equestria please." Nightwing requested. "At once sir." Silver vanished and reappeared with a map of Equestria and laid it out on the table. "Thank you Silver, your dismissed." Nightwing said, Silver bowed and vanished. "Now then, please point to where this piece of land that you guys want so badly." Nightwing said. Both the center griffon and yak stared at the map with concerned looks on their faces. Both sighed in defeat as the both pointed to a piece of land between the griffon country and the yak country. Nightwing stood up from his chair and looked at the land the two were pointing at. A puzzled look appeared on his face. "There?" Nightwing asked, pointing at the land. Both the yak and griffon nodded. "Why the heck do you want that land so badly? There's nothing there but fields, and you won't be able to grow many crops what with winter coming." Nightwing said, clearly there was something else on the land that made it so important. "Talk, what's so important about the land?" Nightwing demanded. The center yak sighed. "Two-hundred years ago, before my ancestors gave up the land they planted broadwood trees in the land before leaving, now in our desperate times if we cut down the broadwood trees we could sell them and help end our depression. But then the griffons were going to take the wood for themselves." The yak glared at the griffons. Nightwing pondered that thought, it was true that broadwood was very rare, strong, and good for making money. Broadwood was stronger than steel, it had strange magical properties that made it so strong. As for who should get the land, the answer was pretty obvious. "Okay, here's what we're going to do. Yaks because the land belonged to your ancestors long ago you will draw the line that will divide the land. But because the griffons were the first to claim the land during this time, they will choose which side of the land they want. If any of you refuse to cooperate with this plan I will see to it that I burn down every last broadwood tree on that land until it's nothing but an ash pit. Sounds good?" Both the griffon and yak nodded quickly in fear. "Great, have fun you guys. And if you break anything I will break every bone in your body's." Nightwing threatened, closing the door. Nightwing walked along the hallway, rubbing his forehead in hopes to remove his infuriating headache. He never understood why that was thee most frustrating thing he had ever done. In the amount of time wasted on that meeting he could've worked on why the summoning scroll was taken or why his Teach acted so bizarre at the gala or he could've figured out where the Order was hiding. But noooo! Instead he had to waste his time on a stupid meeting like that. "Uggh." Nightwing groaned as the mere thought of the meeting increased his painful headache. 'Speaking of Teach though, I should probably check on her to see if she's okay.' Nightwing thought, then remembered the time his Teach kissed him. 'On second thought, I should probably keep a twenty feet radius away from her just to be safe.' Nightwing shivered at the thought. Nightwing had walked for a while until he entered the royal throne room. Inside was his Teach Luna, along with a large white fur Alicorn with a mane that had a light blue stripe, light green stripe, dark blue stripe, and a pink stripe, and pink eyes. Nightwing knew the alicorn all too well. Her name was Celestia and Nightwing despised, no, hated, no, really disliked her with all of his dislikes. But what caught Nightwing's attention were three ponies that were normal size wearing some kind of black armor that covered all of their body, legs, hooves, and neck. A black helmet that covered their face, muzzle, mane, and ears covered their head, along with two red eye pieces for the ponies to look out of. The three ponies, Luna, and Celestia seemed to be having a conversation until Nightwing walked into the room. One of the black armored ponies noticed Nightwing and approached him. And with just five words the pony was able to turn today into one very craptastic day. "Captain Nightwing, your under arrest." The pony said. "... What?!?!" Of course today was going to be a horrible day, Nightwing knew that it was from the very start. He grimaced as he examined his surroundings, he was in a small room with nothing but a table with two chairs and a light hanging above him. Looking to his right was a mirror where he saw his reflection, but knew full well that someone was watching him. In front of him was a steel door that couldn't be penetrated. Whoever these poines were they were not taking any chances with Nightwing, they had chained him up to the chair with a pair of steel chains, a pair of gold chains, and pair of silver chains. A leather strap thing of some kind was attached over his muzzle, allowing him to talk but not to bite. The door across from him opened up and a pony in black armor stepped inside. The pony had no helmet on so Nightwing could see that the pony was a unicorn stallion with red fur, a blue mane, and blue eyes. And he meant business. The unicorn stallion closed the door and approached the table, pulling up the other chair the stallion took a seat. He then levitated a folder out of his suit and sat it on the table. "Tell me..." The stallion paused opening up the folder and looked at the first page. "Captain Nightwing." The stallion looked back at Nightwing. "Do you know why your here?" Nightwing rolled his eyes. "Who knows why I'm here, for all we know I could be here because of something I didn't do." Nightwing said through the leather strap thing. "So how about you answer my questions first and then I'll answer yours. First, who are you?" The stallion saw no harm in saying who he was so he answered, "My name is 34. I was ordered to capture you and interrogate you by orders of the Grand Senate." The stallion answered. "Ah the Grand Senate, the brains of Equestria. Everyone claims that they exist but very few believe in it." Nightwing said. "Which means your one of their pit bulls. Which would explain why you have a number instead of a name. A Pit bull abandons everything about him/her, they abandon their family, their name, everything. It sickens me to admit how effective it is. But on to my second question, why am I here?" "You are being accused of nearly killing innocent lives." 34 answered. Nightwing raised an eyebrow. "Please tell me you have some kind of proof." Nightwing sighed. "As a matter of fact we do." 34 said simply, opening up the folder once more and levitating three pictures he sat the three in front of him. One was a picture of a cow lying on her side looking very ill. The middle picture was a picture of a pony looking very ill and sick. And the third picture was a picture of three dead bunny's. All three pictures had one thing in common, there were bite marks on their necks. Or rather two fang bite marks. "As you can see they all suffered from blood loss, something assaulted them and drained them. And according to our Intel, you are the only vampire Batpony and you drink blood to survive." 34 said to Nightwing who continued to stare at the three pictures. "First off, I don't need blood to live. I can eat fruit and still live. Second, there's no proof that I'm the only vampire Batpony in existence. For all you know there could be hundreds of vampire Batponies that you just don't about." Nightwing said. "I will admit that the evidence isn't as solid as it should be, but the Grand Senate demands that you stay here until further proof is established." 34 explained. "Uggh, fine. But I want to send a letter to someone first." In a small, and rather remote, town Flash, Lightning, and Ranger walked along the dirt road. Flash held a letter in his hoof. 'Hello dear friends. So I'm gonna be blunt, I'm in prison. Wipe that smirk off your face it isn't that funny. Anywhoo, I'm in prison because of a cow, an earth pony, and some bunny's suffered from blood lose. Now you might be wondering why I'm jail because of this, the answer is that the 'Grand Senate' think I might not be able to control my blood lust and think I might kill someone. So I need you guys to head to the town where the incident occurred and figure out what's going on. No pressure. Nightwing' "So what are supposed to look for again?" Ranger asked. "We start by trying to figure out what happened to the victims." Lightning Strike answered. "But where do we start?" Flash rubbed his chin. "Obviously we can't ask the bunny's what happened." Flash stated. "But maybe the owner knows what happened?" Ranger suggested. "I think we should split up." Lightning suggested, turning to face Ranger. "Ranger you go check out the owner of the bunny's. Bro, you should go check on the cow. And I'll go check on the pony." "Sounds good to me. The pony is in the hospital and the bunny's owner is at a house address 5643." Flash read on the back side of the paper. "Okay, let's go." Lightning said as the three split up. Flash never told the other's about where the cow was, mostly because there was no need. The cow had been moved to a different hospital instead of the one the pony was in. It wasn't out of the ordinary for a cow to be located at a different hospital. The average hospital was made for ponies, but there were few that were built for other creatures. Flash had thought the cow would be in quite a mood due to her blood lose. Flash walked into the hospital and approached the desk. A kind gentle mare with yellow fur, pink eyes, and a pink mane with the top curled, sat at the desk with a warm smile. Flash asked the mare if there was a cow that suffered from blood loss. Coincidently there was, and the mare allowed Flash to visit. Flash followed the mare down the hall and entered the room. Inside was a cow with white fur and some black spots. She was hooked up to the medical equipment next to her as she stared at the door with hollow eyes. The mare smiled one last time at Flash before leaving the room. Flash approached the cow quietly until he was right beside her. "Um...hello." Flash greeted in a awkward manner. "Hello?" The cow responded with a question as she continued to stare at the door blankly. "Is that you fellow?" "No...my name is Flash, Flash Sentry." Flash introduced himself. "I'm here to ask you a few questions when you were assaulted." "Oh, mud pies." The cow grumbled. "Not another one, I've told you everything I know." "Im not someone you've met." Flash reassured. "I just need to ask you some questions regarding your assault." "Why? So you can prance back to your boss with a hot juicy story?" The cow huffed. Now it made sense to Flash, the reason the cow didn't want to talk to him was because she thought he was a reporter. "Look I'm not here for a story, I need your help. My friend Nightwing is being accused of something I know he didn't do. And I need your help." "Okay, I'll tell you." "But I...did you say yes?" Flash asked confused. "Of course, I know what it's like to have a friend accused for something he didn't do. Now then where do I begin?" The cow pondered. "Ah yes, now I remember. I was going on one of my evening strolls when all of a sudden something hissed at me and startled me. On instinct I was frightened and tried to run away. But whatever attacked me had gripped itself onto my legs, holding my legs together I tripped and fell, I tried to yell for help but then I felt a pinch in my neck and I began to feel very cold. I screamed for help and some ponies came to rescue me. But by the time my rescuers got to me the culprits had vanished." The cow explained. "Hmmm." Flash pondered as he thought carefully about what to say about this. Then, two questions popped into his head. "Could you have identified whoever attacked you?" Flash asked. "Oh dear. How forgetful I am." The cow chuckled. "I remember that those news men asked me the same question. But the truth is I couldn't see them, it's quite embarrassing, but I'm blind dear." "Oh...my apologies." Flash rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "It's quite alright." Now it was time for Flash's next question. "When you were attacked, you said that something had gripped onto your back legs and then bit your neck?" Flash asked. "Actually...now, when I began to feel cold something still gripped at my legs when I felt the pinch." The cow corrected. "But that means...thank you for your time miss. But I need to tell my friend what you just said ASAP." Flash said as he ran out the door. "Good luck dearie." The cow said as the door shut. Flash ran furiously down the dirt road, he was so concentrated on running he wasn't aware that he could've gone much faster if he had flown. But he didn't, and it was because of this that he failed to notice the pony running around the corner. The two crashed into each other causing both to fall. "Owww." Both Flash and the pony groaned. Sitting up Flash saw that the pony he had bumped into was Lightning Strike. "Oh shoot, you okay bro?" Flash asked, standing up. "Yeah...I'm fine." Lightning sighed standing up, only to then realize his mission. "We got no time to waste, I've got something important to tell Nightwing." Lightning said hastily. "I do as well." Flash said. "What did you find out?" "Your never gonna believe this but...the thing that attacked the pony in the hospital, it can't be Nightwing." Lightning Strike started. "Whys that?" Flash asked. "Because the thing that attacked the pony...was a mare." Back in the interrogation room. "Hmmm." 34 pondered as he examined the paper hovering in front of him. Sighing he sat the paper back on the table. "If this evidence is true then we have no choice but to release you Captain Nightwing." "Wait for it." Nightwing mumbled. "However." 34 paused staring back at Nightwing. "This isn't concrete evidence, but it is enough to allow you a three day freedom if no other evidence is presented." "There it is." Nightwing sighed. "So can you let me out of these chains?" 34 levitated four keys into the lock on the steel chain, the silver chain, the gold chain, and the muzzle strap thing. Once free Nightwing asked for his crystal back which was given back to him. And then he used Shadow stalking. Back in the small town. "Hello again guys." Nightwing said as he appeared next to Ranger, startling both Lightning and Flash. "...You really need to warn us before you do that." Lightning sighed. "Hush you. Now then, can someone please direct me to one of the locations where an attack occurred?" Nightwing asked. "Umm...sure thing." Ranger answered. "Sounds great, let's go." Nightwing said placing his foreleg around Flash's neck, on Lightning's shoulder, and on Ranger's. And then the four vanished. The four reappeared in a backyard with a multiple fences that kept in certain animals like bunny's and chickens along with a forest in front of them. "Where...are we?" Flash asked. "I dunno, where ever Ranger thought." Nightwing answered. "So Ranger, where are we?" "Where back at the her house...I mean the bunny's owner house." Ranger corrected. "Excellent." Nightwing smiled. "Look for tracks coming out of the forest. We need clues guys." "Okay, stop." Flash made Nightwing halt. "What is up with you?" Flash asked. "Flash, I just found out that there might be a small chance that my race isn't extinct. I'm pretty happy right right now." Nightwing smiled. "Now let's-" "Found some tracks!" Lightning yelled. Both Flash, Nightwing, and Ranger turned their heads to the forest and saw Lightning Strike pointing at some tracks in the ground. The group looked at one another and nodded as all of them silently agreed to follow the tracks. The group followed the tracks through the woods for a while until eventually they came to an end. The group stopped and looked around, the tracks had ended in a open area with no trees but a cliff in front of them. "The tracks end here." Flash stated. "No duh Sherlock. Now come on let's look around, there's got to be a secret building around here somewhere." Nightwing said as he began to examine the wall. "Please let there be a secret passage, please let there be a secret passage, please let there be a secret passage." *click* Nightwing pressed down a certain spot on the cliff and a secret passage opened in front of them. Looking inside Nightwing and saw nothing but darkness and a ramp heading downwards. "Okay, Ranger and Lightning, you two will guard the door while Flash and I go down there and investigate. Nightwing said, turning to Ranger and Lightning. "Wait, why do we have stand guard?" Lightning asked. "By all means head down into this dark building with who knows what is down there." Nightwing suggested. "No? Nothing? Good, then shut up and don't leave." Nightwing said as he walked into the dark and unknown place. Darkness seemed to be the main theme of today, because it was pretty much pitch black for both Flash and Nightwing. The two couldn't see nor tell where they were going, all that they knew was that they were heading downwards. "Colt, I can't see anything in here." Flash groaned in frustration. "Isn't there any way we can let some light in here so we can see?" "Your a lightning caster aren't you?" Nightwing asked back. "Just create a lightning ball so we can see." "Well you have a..." Flash paused as he thought about what Nightwing's crystal was called. "You have a...crystal thingy that can use magic. Why don't you just cast a light spell to help us see?" "One, it's called a complex crystal not 'crystal thingy'." Nightwing quoted. "Two, you can just as easily create a lightning ball, I don't see why I have to cast a light spell." The two stood in silence as they stared at total blackness. Then the darkness was filled with laughter as both Nightwing and Flash chuckled. The two sighed when their chuckle had ended. Then Nightwing used his crystal to cast a light spell which lit up the hallway, along with Flash raising his hoof and creating a lightning ball on top of it. Both the light of the lightning ball and the light of Nightwing's crystal combined and allowed the two to see where they where. Looking around the two saw that they were still on the ramp heading downwards. "How deep is this place?" Flash asked, folding his ears and his pupils shrank. "Good question." Nightwing paused as he walked up to the wall next of them and tapped his crystal against it. A ding echoed through the hallway for thirty seconds before ending. "Well, I'd say this tunnel is about one mile deep." Nightwing concluded. "Are you serious?" Flash groaned. "Relax. I'm just messing with you." Nightwing admitted to his small joke. "It's actually about a few feet ahead. Come on." The two walked along the down going hallway for about three minutes before coming to a stop. In front of our two adventurers stood a metal door about a few feet bigger than them. Nightwing gripped the doors handle and tried to open the door, not surprised that it was locked. Nightwing lifted his crystal and casted a spell that was known as the key spell. Instantly the sound of locks moving came from inside the door. Once the door became unlocked Nightwing opened the door, allowing a low blue light to leak into the hallway. Both Flash and Nightwing stared at one another. Flash nodded as his lightning ball disappeared, and the light from Nightwing's crystal vanished as well as both him and Flash stepped cautiously in through the door. Stepping inside Flash and Nightwing were met with dim looking blue lights. Almost instantly an earth pony stallion with light blue fur, a crazy looking black mane, and black eyes ran up to them and shouted, "You! Are! A! Popsicle!" He shouted and then ran away. Both Flash and Nightwing stared in disbelief at what they just saw. Their pupils had shrunk as they looked at each other. "O...kay?" Nightwing said very confused. Getting a better look Nightwing and Flash saw that there were many other ponies talking and mumbling something gibberish at others. Some were beating up on another and others were just running around like crazy. Flash and Nightwing eyed a door on the other side of the room from what seemed about a mile away. Flash and Nightwing looked at the other and nodded in agreement as they tiptoed towards the other door. Almost a few feet away Nightwing and Flash were so close to the door they could almost grab it, but then a voice asked, "Excuse me?" Flash and Nightwing froze, almost afraid to look at where the voice came from. But their curiosity got the better of them as they turned their heads to meet a Pegasus mare with golden fur, green eyes, and a short dark purple mane. She was sitting against the wall, her forelegs wrapped around her hind legs as she slowly rocked back and forth, continuing to stare at the two. "Do you know the muffin mare?" She asked in a crazy voice. Flash and Nightwing remained silent and frozen, unsure whether they should speak or not. "Umm...yes?" Flash finally answered unsure. "Can you tell her she owes me twenty thousand bits in child support?" She asked, continuing to slowly rock herself. "...umm...sure." Nightwing grinned falsely as he gently tried to open the door. But it wouldn't budge because it was locked like the last one. So Nightwing began to cast the key spell to unlock the door. "You can count on us to tell her. So don't worry." Nightwing lied as had unlocked the door and threw it open. He grabbed Flash and threw him into the other room. Nightwing leaped into the other room and slammed the door behind him. Flash landed flat on his stomach, groaning as he sat up he rubbed the back of his head. Looking back he saw Nightwing was bracing against the door and locking it back up, making sure no one could get out. "What the hay was that all about?!" Flash shrieked. "I'm not sure." Nightwing answered. "But to be honest, I've seen enough crazy to know that what we just saw weren't crazy ponies. They were on the insanity level." "Well no duh." Flash rolled his eyes. "Yeah I kinda figured you'd know that." Nightwing said stepping away from the door. And the saw the multiple hallways with light blue water filled capsules on each side of the individual hallways. "... How the hay did we miss that?" Flash asked as he looked down one of the hallways. "Not sure." Nightwing admitted, then used his crystal to create a blur aura stick. "But I want to poke it with a stick." Nightwing smiled as he did the most unpredictable thing and skipped down the hallway in front of him while Flash stared at his friend in confusion. "I think your friend Nightwing might be slowly losing mind." Shadow suggested. "Yeah...I think so too." Flash sighed before chasing after Nightwing. "Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope," Nightwing continued to say as he skipped pass capsule after capsule. "Nope, nope, nope, nope." Nightwing paused as he skidded to halt and turned to face the capsule in front of him. "Yes." Nightwing said as he stared at the fogged capsule in front of him. Placing a hoof on the capsule he swiped away part of the fog. His eyes widened the second he saw what was inside, the aura stick vanished as he stumbled back. His began breathing very fast as he hyperventilated, his lungs going into overdrive so they could keep up with the racing heartbeat. "Nightwing!" The faded and null sound of Flash fell on Nightwing's almost deaf ears. His legs buckled as they gave under and he sat on his flank. His whole mind went blank as he tried to demand his eyes to look away but they remained glued on the capsule. His whole body went numb, for an instant he felt nothing. He knew nothing. For an instant he felt nothing, all he knew is that he was falling. Falling into nothing. And then Flash caught him. "Nightwing!" Flash's voice was powerful enough to bring Nightwing back. He blinked a few times as he tried to regain his focus. He looked up and met Flash's concerned face. "Um...you can put me down now." Nightwing said as he stood up. "What happened?" He asked worried. "I saw you staring at the tube thing and then you began to fall." "One, it's called a capsule." Nightwing corrected. "And two, you need to see this." Nightwing said as he looked back at the capsule. Or rather, what was inside it. Flash walked up and looked inside as well. The instant he saw what Nightwing saw he wore a look of shock. "Nightwing." Flash paused as he continued to stare inside the capsule. "Is that-" "Yeah...it is." Nightwing confirmed. Inside the capsule was a mare with dark grey fur, a long red mane that seemed to flow upwards inside the water. Her eyes were closed as she breathed into a plastic mask that was connected to a plastic tube which pumped oxygen into the mares muzzle. But what shocked both Flash and Nightwing was that she was a vampire batpony. > Chapter twenty three. Loss > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nightwing growled in anger as he bared his fangs. The more he stared at the vampire batpony mare in front of him, the more angry he got. He couldn't, no, wouldn't allow whoever was responsible for this live. He would make sure that he would make whoever did this wish that him or her was in Tartarus by the end of the day. "I don't believe it." Flash said as he continued to stare in disbelief. "Nightwing...this...this is wonderful!" Flash smiled at Nightwing. Nightwing looked away from the capsule and stared at Flash with a 'Are you crazy or something boy' look. "I mean, if all of these capsules have vampire Batponies in them. Then that means that your race isn't dead. Nightwing these are your ponies, so why aren't you happy?" Flash asked. Nightwing thought that question over. Why wasn't he happy? He thought that his race was all but extinct, but here one was perfectly healthy and in perfect shape and very decent looking- 'Gah!' Nightwing shouted at himself. 'No, no you are not going to be thinking about repopulation! None of that!' Still. As Nightwing continued to stare at the mare the more something seemed off about her. Making up his mind Nightwing turned around and approached the capsule behind him. Wiping away the fog, sure enough there was another vampire Batpony inside. "Hey Nightwing...I'm sorry." Flash apologized. "I acted to hastily when I thought they were vampire Batponies. There probably just regular batponies." Flash's eyes then widen. "Not that there's anything wrong with that of course!" "Flash calm down." Nightwing said in a cool tone. "These aren't regular Batponies because Batponies are all the same. Literally they all look alike, minus the gender differences." "So...if you know that, then why aren't you happy?" Flash cocked his head and raised an eyebrow. The question danced around in Nightwing's head as it continuously mocked him. Why didn't Nightwing feel happy? He wanted more than anything to see another one of his kind, ever since his family died- And then it clicked. The reason Nightwing couldn't find himself to smile, it was because even though his race had returned. It still meant that his family was still dead, and there was nothing Nightwing could do to change that. "Hey?" Flash asked, placing a hoof on Nightwing's shoulder. "You okay?" "Yeah-yeah...lets see who's responsible for this." Nightwing said shakily. Getting up Nightwing shoved away the thoughts of confusion and distraught, and instead focused on who in the hay was the cause of all this. His question was soon answered when a light blue fur unicorn mare with a short black mane and green eyes who was levitating a clipboard in her magic walked into the hallway. She looked up from her clipboard and stood in shock when she saw Nightwing. In a instant Nightwing used his crystal to imprison the mare in a blue aura bubble. The mare became even more shocked when she became trapped. Nightwing approached the bubble, a look of scorn and hatred was plastered on his face. The mare sunk down as she tried to avert the gaze of the very, very, angry vampire batpony. "The name of who's in charge." Nightwing growled. "NOW!" "You...you can talk?" The mare asked in surprise. The question angered Nightwing further. "Answer me!" He yelled. "I-I-I-I can't." The mare stammered. "I don't know who's in charge." Nightwing barred his teeth, showing off his menace looking fangs. But he sighed, despite his anger he could still tell that the mare wasn't lying. But that didn't mean she didn't know anything. "Okay, let's say you don't know who's in charge." Nightwing suggested. "But you do know something, so your gonna answer my questions truthfully. And trust me, I'll know if your lying. Understand?" The mare nodded her head slowly. "Good. First question, what is this place?" Nightwing asked. "This is a research lab." The mare answered. "We-" "What do you research? And what does it have to do with them?" Nightwing demanded, cutting off the mare and pointing to one of capsules. The mare looked at one of the capsules. Then back to Nightwing. "You mean that...your not one of the experiments are you?" The mare asked. "What is that supposed to mean?" Nightwing growled. "Let me explain. These aren't true vampire Batponies, there normal ponies." The mare said, her eyes facing the floor and her tone saddened. "Or at least, they were." "What the hay are you talking about?" Nightwing demanded. "Like I said before this is a research lab. But I was about to say that we focus on genetics." The mare explained. "Ummm..." Flash said, trying to remember what the word 'genetics' meant. Knowing right away, Nightwing answered, "Genetics are pretty much the building blocks of us, it defines what race we are, how we look, what we are, and-" Nightwing paused as he realized what the mare said earlier. "Wait...let me get this straight. You were ordered, by whoever is in charge, to take normal, regular ponies, modify their DNA, and turn them into vampire Batponies?" "That is correct. It took some time, but we soon discovered that the vampire batpony DNA only works well with Pegasi DNA." "Next question, did any of your experiments escape?" "Umm..." The mare said, hoping she didn't have to answer. "Answer me." Nightwing growled, making the bubble cause pain to the mare. "Ahhh!" The mare howled in pain. "Yes, yes! One of the test subjects escaped its capsule and ran out, we wanted to do something about it but that would draw attention to our operation!" The mare screamed. Nightwing ceased the pain on the bubble. "Did you say one?" "Yes, just one escaped." "But...that doesn't make any sense. The witnesses from the attacks all said that they were attacked by two creatures, not one." Nightwing asked outloud. "Come on Flash." Nightwing said, walking away from the still trapped mare. "Where are going?" Flash asked. "Back outside. We need to find and capture this batpony." Nightwing said, levitating the aura ball to follow him. "And your gonna help us." The Suns light began to slowly din as it began to set over the horizon. In the town where the attacks took place Nightwing's hooves walked along the road as well as both Flash and the mare. Lightning strike and Ranger had been told to stand guard at the entrance in case the rouge vampire batpony returned back to the lab. As for the mare, Nightwing took down the bubble that she had been trapped in and instead Nightwing had placed a spell on her to make sure she wouldn't be able to run off or speak out of place and so she couldn't use magic. As Nightwing walked along the road the residential ponies gave him dirty looks. However Nightwing was somewhat used to the looks, ever since he was a foal that is. "Hey." Nightwing turned his head to the mare as he continued to walk. "What's your name?" "It's Shine." The mare answered. "Tell me Shine. Were you born in that lab?" Nightwing asked. "I was...how did you-" "You went under the effects of light-loss-insanity." Nightwing cut the mare off. "Light-loss?" Flash asked quizzically. "It's not the actual name for it, but those ponies we saw earlier were insane because they've been down there for so long." Nightwing explained. "However, you were born down there." Nightwing said to Shine. "Which means you can't go insane. However I assume that there are others down there besides you?" "Yes." Shine answered. "On a unrelated subject, how do you plan on capturing the mare anyway?" "Wait, mare?" Nightwing questioned. "Did you just say that vampire batpony that escaped is a mare?" "Um yes." Shine said. "What does it matter if it's a mare?" Flash asked. "I have a thought as to why the vampire batpony escaped. But I can't be truly sure." Nightwing said. "So anyway, how do you plan to capture the other vampire Batponies?" Flash asked. "Flash, I have a complex crystal. A crystal that can use magic, they don't have magic. Therefore I have the advantage here whereas they don't." Nightwing explained. "Basically I'm gonna trap it in a bubble and then put it in a cage." Flash sighed. "I'm sorry but...it feels kinda wrong to be calling the escaped vampire batpony an 'it'." "Believe me, I feel the same way. But imagine how awkward it'd be if we called 'it' a 'he' when 'it' is a 'she'?" Nightwing said before turning to the mare. "Unless you know if 'it' is a 'she' or a 'he'?" "Like I tried to say before." Shine said in a more frustrated tone rather than a angry one. "My department is only making sure that all capsules are functional and all of the inmates are completely healthy." Shine did her best to explain. "I don't know anything you want to know, I don't know who's in charge, I don't know how the tests are done, I don't know know why we're not allowed to leave the lab, and I don't know the purpose behind these tests anyways!" Shine ranted. Nightwing stopped in his tracks, then Flash and Shine did the same. Nightwing turned to face Shine to see that she was breathing in large gulps of air as she panted. Nightwing however didn't care at all of tired and alien she felt, mostly because he knew that Shine was lying. Well actually she wasn't exactly lying, more or less, she was just avoiding the real and main question. Turning his body, Nightwing glared at Shine. His red batpony eyes could see that she was struck with fear. She did a good job at hiding it but he, hay even that Shadow guy that lives inside Flash's head, knew that she was afraid. A sly grin formed on Nightwing's face as his mind began to figure out how he could get the information out of Shine. Without using any physical matters, which weren't really his specialty. "Okay then." Nightwing admitted, causing Shine to give birth to a look of shock. "Flash once we get out of view from witnesses, I want you to dispose of Shine." Nightwing said getting a look of shock from both Flash and Shine who was now even more shocked. Flash couldn't believe what his best friend just asked him to do. Nightwing wouldn't go so far as to killing Shine just because she didn't have information Nightwing could use. That wasn't like his best friend, he'd never do something like that. 'Unless.' Flash paused in thought as he figured out Nightwing's plan. "Yeah. Whatever you say Nightwing." Flash said. The trio continued on their walk, only this time they were heading to the forest and had a mare struggling to run away, to scream for help, use her magic, anything. But alas it was no use, the complex crystal that kept her bound seemed to be impossible for her to break. But that didn't stop her from trying to get free. Her struggling doubled the instant she saw the entrance to the nearby forest, the large pine trees loomed over her, blocking out the light from Celestia's nice, warm, shining sun. It was no use, Shine had slipped back into the darkness from where she was once born. "Here's good." Nightwing said, coming to a halt. "Alright Flash, you know what to do." Flash nodded in understanding, holding up his hoof a lightning ball formed slightly above his hoof. Closing his eyes Flash began to concentrate on the lightning ball, then the ball began to change. The ball began to deflate and flatten itself until it was no longer a ball, now it looked like a three point five spike, but it was made out of lightning. Flash reared back his hoof, the lightning spike hovering barely centimeters away from his hoof. "WAIT!" Shine shouted. No idea how, but Flash had halted on throwing his spike so that was a plus. "What, would you like to say some final words?" Nightwing asked sarcastically. "No I...I know why the batpony escaped." Shine croaked. Nightwing smiled, feeling triumphant that his plan had worked. "Proceed." Shine sighed. "You see, the capsules were designed to keep the subject in a unconscious state so that the vampire batpony DNA would settle better with the ponies DNA. But...some of the tests we received were, *ahem* carrying." Shine said a little embarrassed and shameful. "You mean that you experimented on ponies that were pregnant?" Flash asked, as his lightning spike disappeared. Shine nodded sadly. "We had no equipment that we could use to even see if they were pregnant or not." "But it's a baby growing inside a mares belly." Flash exclaimed. "How on earth do you miss that?" "I believe that the reason is because the baby's DNA became merged with the batpony DNA you gave the pregnant mares." Nightwing said. "But still. It's a baby growing inside a mares belly." "True, but a newborn vampire Batpony baby is different than a normal pony baby. When a vampire batpony mare is pregnant it only takes about a month for them to give birth." Nightwing explained. "Oh..." Flash said surprised. "Unlike normal pony baby's, vampire baby's age the second their born. They don't need the nurture of a mother, they can survive on their own." Nightwing explained the biology of his race. "However, the reason the vampire batpony escaped is because the capsule it was in instantly becomes null void. In short the reason the batpony escaped was because it gave birth to a little batpony." "Um...okay." Flash said shakily. "Yes...that's the reason, however-" Shine was cut off as her entire body became cold. Her vision became blurred, a constant ring echoed through her hears, her body went numb, and she felt like her very live was being drained. Of course from Shine's point of view we have no idea what's happening so allow me to explain. Shine was cut off as a black blur shot out of the trees like a rocket and tackled Shine to the ground. The creature made a hiss and then sunk its fangs into Shine's neck, drinking her very blood. The creature I'm talking about is a small vampire batpony mare with black fur, a short red mane, and of course red eyes with dragon like pupils. "NO!" Nightwing shouted. The vampire's response was a venomous hiss as she unfolded her wings and jumped back to the tree tops. "She can already fly?" Flash asked. "Like I said before, newborns age very quickly." Nightwing explained hastily. "Stay here and make sure Shine's alright. I'll be right back." Nightwing said, unfolding his wings and flying after the vampire. Nightwing soared above the tree line, looking around for the missing vampire. He searched all over for the mare but soon found her. Or rather, she found him. Once more the vampire mare tackled her prey from above. The mare hissed at Nightwing as she tried to bite Nightwing's neck but was held back by Nightwing. Looking down Nightwing saw that the ground was getting dangerously closer. "Alright, enough of this!" He shouted as he and the mare vanished. Then reappeared on the ground where Nightwing had pinned the mare down. The mare thrashed and hissed as she tried to free herself from the pin. Tapping his crystal against the mare's forehead Nightwing casted a sleep spell on the mare. The mare's thrashing began to slowly stop as her eyes became heavy and her body got weaker until she was fast asleep. Making sure that the mare was completely out of it Nightwing got off the mare and trapped her in a blue aura bubble. "I wonder if my sister was ever like this to my parents when she was this old?" Nightwing questioned out-loud. Using Shadow stalking once more Nightwing and the bubble vanished and reappeared back to where Flash was. Once Nightwing reappeared next to Flash he was greeted with a most unusual sight. Flash was kissing Shine. Flash was kissing Shine, on the lips. Nightwing stood in shock at what he was currently seeing, his pupils shrunk along with the one thousandth part of his brain straight up exploding. Flash pulled back from Shine's lips and looked to Nightwing with a look of relief. "Oh good your here." Flash said relived. "I've tried everything to help her but she's not breathing and...her...heart..." Flash began to trail off as he stared at Nightwing quizzically. "Why are you looking at me like that?" "You were kissing a mare...other than Twilight..." Nightwing said out-loud hoping that his mind could get a better understanding of the situation. But his mind kept repeating DOES NOT COMPUTE DOES NOT COMPUTE DOES NOT COMPUTE DOES NOT COMPUTE DOES NOT COMPUTE DOES NOT COMPUTE DOES NOT COMPUTE DOES NOT COMPUTE DOES NOT COMPUTE!!! Over and over again in his head. "What?" Flash raised an eyebrow, then looked back to the unconscious Shine. ".......Oh, OH!" Flash said standing on his hind legs and waving his forelegs in front of him. "Nononono! I wasn't kissing her, I was trying to give her CPR!" "Oh...yeah that makes sense. Wait did you say she stopped breathing?" Nightwing asked, regaining his focus. "Yeah, her hearts still beating but I don't thing she's gonna last much longer." "She's been poisoned." Nightwing said, approaching Shine. "Wait, you mean that the vampire batpony has poison in her fangs?" "She only has one of the three." "There's three?!" "Calm down." Nightwing said observing Shine. "Just as I thought, CPR isn't gonna work on her because oxygen is trapped inside her lungs. We need to release it quickly or she's gonna die." Nightwing explained using his crystal to create a blue aura knife which he used to make a small cut on Shine's chest. The second the cut was made Shine began to cough, which was a sign that she was still alive. "Is she gonna be alright?" Flash asked. "What? No. The poisons still in her and it's still killing her. We need to get her to a doctor right now." Nightwing said, picking up Shine and placing her on his back, then placed a hoof on Flash and vanished. Back in the town, Flash, Nightwing, unconscious Shine, and the sleeping vampire batpony that is currently trapped in a magic bubble all reappeared in a crevasse between two buildings. "Um...why did we teleport here instead of at the hospital?" Flash asked as he observed his surroundings. "Because you need to think before you act." Nightwing answered. Once again, Nightwing used his crystal to cast a camouflage spell on himself and the sleeping vampire batpony mare. Nightwing's fur instantly began to slowly change from dark grey to light blue, his blue mane slowly changed to a light brown, his eyes changed from blood red dragon like eyes to normal rounded blue eyes, and his once bat like wings turned into regular light blue feathered Pegasus wings. As for the vampire mare, she simply turned invisible. "Woah." Flash said, stunned at what his friend just did. "I never knew you could do that." "It's just a simple illusion spell that readjust's light. A unicorn foal could do it." Nightwing responded. "Now come on, she needs medical now!" Nightwing said before running off. "Got it." Flash said running after Nightwing. Running out of the crevasse between the two buildings, Nightwing and Flash ran off to the hospital. "Just a sudden thought, but do you even know where the hospital is?" Shadow asked in Flash's mind. Flash's eyes widened in realization. Shadow was right, Nightwing and him had no idea where the hay the hospital was. Maybe they should ask around and see if they have one. Then another realization hit him. Where the hay was Everypony else? The whole town looked deserted. "You noticed it to huh?" Nightwing asked. "Yeah, where is Everypony else?" Flash asked. Flash's question was answered as him and Nightwing rounded a corner. In the town square all of the towns ponies were gathered around a wooden stake. But Nightwing was not concerned with the crowd, he was concerned with what was tied up at the stake. Bonded to the stake was a vampire batpony mare with black fur, red mane, and red dragon like eyes. Her hind legs were held to the stake by rope along with her forelegs that were tied to the stake and behind her back. The mare snarled and thrashed as she tried to free herself from the ropes. "Ladies and gentlecolts!" A unicorn stallion with yellow fur, baby blue eyes, and teal mane walked in front of the crowd. "This monster has threatened the very lives of our town, but no more! Tonight, justice will be served to this monster!" The crowd cheered in loud applause. The unicorn called up four other ponies, each held a loaded crossbow in their hooves. The four aimed their crossbows at the mare, two aimed at her heart and two aimed at her head. Nightwing's eyes widened as he knew what was about to happened. His concentration and train of thought all ceased as his camouflage spell vanished, revealing his bat like wings, dark grey fur, short light blue mane, and dragon like red eyes. Acting on impulse, Nightwing ran towards the crowd. Any tactical thought that he could've been used to safe her was out of reach of his grasp. "Ready!" The unicorn shouted to the four. Nightwing made it to the back of the crowd, he wasted no time as he began to slowly push past the groups of ponies. "Aim!" The unicorn shouted once more, the four crossbow wielders unlocked the safety on their weapons. Nightwing had almost made his way through the crowd. He was so close to the four ponies who had the crossbows. He extended his hoof to one of the pony's, nearly inches away from one of them. "Fire!" "Fire!" "Fire!" The words echoed through his ears. All of time slowed down as the ponies pulled on the trigger of their crossbow. The string pushed the arrow forward and out of the crossbow. The arrows soared through the air to the mare. Nightwing wanted to stop it, no, could've stopped this. He could've used his magic to stop the arrows, to create a shield around the mare, to use shadow stalking and get in the way of the arrows. But he did nothing. Nothing but stand motionless and frozen, cursed to watch one of his own be killed right before his eyes. *thunk* *thunk* *thunk* *thunk* The sound of the arrows piercing the mare's flesh and hitting the wood of the stake was the first sound that Nightwing's ears were greeted with. Time flowed normally once more as the crowd cheered wildly. Only Nightwing didn't cheer, he didn't clap, he didn't smile, all he did was stare motionless at the dead mare. Blood dripped down from the mares chest and head, staining the wood that she once stood on. As the wood was stained Nightwing's mind was stained as well by the sight of the mares death. A stain that would never wash away. In another land a local stallion farmer was working hard on his crops. He had brown fur, an orange mane, and orange eyes. He wore a pair of overalls and a trucker hat, he held a plow in his mouth which he used to dig and break up the dirt so he could plant his crops. But then in the corner of his eye he saw something bright. The flaw of curiosity took control of the farmers mind as he turned his head around. Looking up he saw the bright thing was something falling from the sky. It was a shooting star. The falling star burned yellow as it neared the surface of earth. *KABOOOOM!* the ground shook as the star hit the surface. Throwing away his plow the farmer ran towards where the object had crashed. Coming out of the entrance of the forest the farmer spotted the crater. In the center of it was a golden star about three times his size. As curiosity took control once more the farmer slid down into the crater and approached the star. The star pulsed with a golden aura as the farmer approached it. *crack!* The farmer stopped dead in his tracks the second he heard that sound. It wasn't the crack that caused him to halt, but the thing that was laughing inside it. > Chapter twenty four. The return of the three Sins > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ah Canterlot...literally nothing special about it anymore. Moving on! In the castle of Canterlot a royal day guard walked through the double door with a crescent moon insignia on the door. Once the guard had walked through he was greeted with the sight of a room with three large windows, a round table in the center of the room with eight chairs, and three ponies who's names were Flash Sentry, Lightning Strike, and Princess Luna. On instinct the guard bowed before the princess then rose. "Forgive me if I interrupted your conversation your highness." The guard apologized. "But I bring news from the scout team you sent to the lab for retrieval of the vampire Batponies." "Proceed with your repot, subject." Luna said. "As you wish. The scouts found the lab and entered it easily." The guard began. "However, when they entered the whole lab had been cleaned out. There was nothing there, it was all...empty." Flash rubbed his chin. "How could someone have moved all that stuff in under a day?" Flash asked. "And how did they get it out?" Lightning asked. "Ranger and I made sure that no one got in or out." "About that." The guard said, entering the conversation. "The scouts report that they found multiple passage ways that led out of the lab. However none that we've found so far shows any evidence that the equipment was moved through there." "Is that all?" Luna asked. "Yes your grace." The guard responded. "Thank you for your report." Luna bowed her head. "You may return to your post." "Thank you, your highness." The guard bowed once more before leaving the room. Once the guard had left the room Luna sighed as she walked to one of the chairs at the table and sat down. "Is something wrong princess?" Lightning asked. "I'm afraid so Lightning Strike." Luna sighed. "I fear of what might become of my student after all of this has happened." "Nightwing took the death of that vampire mare pretty hard." Flash added. "Our student hasn't been to found of death." Luna admitted sadly. "He was far to young to experience such a traumatic thing." "You mean the death of his family?" "I mean the death of his race." Luna sat up from the chair and approached one of the Windows that gave her a view of the town Ponyville. "We have searched over all of the entire earth and moon. But it seems that Nightwing may very well be the last vampire batpony in existence." Luna looked down sadly. "And I have only myself to blame." Flash knew how the princess felt. After hearing from Shadow about how he had access to the memories of the past users of the Element of Shadow he started having dreams about the memories. Including the one where Nightmare moon slaughtered most of the Shadowknights, Sentinel's, and the Order. Flash Approached the princess and said, "That wasn't you princess. That was Nightmare Moon, your not her. Your the princess of the night." Luna smiled at that. But in the pit of her stomach she still felt that what had been done was her fault. "Soooo..." Lightning strike cut in on the conversation. "How are we gonna tell Nightwing?" "It's best if he does not know." Luna sighed. "I do not think he could bear that kind of heartbreak." "I agree princess." Flash said. "Nightwing is my friend, but I don't know if he can handle that kind of thing." "Are you sure we can't tell him anything?" Lightning asked almost desperately. "No." Flash said flatly. "And why are so worried, it's not like he's gonna beat the information out of you." "I don't think he's gonna beat it out of me." Lightning scoffed. "I thing he's gonna break my legs, cut off my mane and tail, rip out some of my teeth, dangle me over a pit of of lava acid, all while reading me that, and forgive me for I phrase this, God forbidden, acid trip, suicidal wishing, washed up piece of dragon turd book that princess Twilight wrote." "Hey now." Flash said, immediately defending his princess. "I know it's bad, but I wouldn't say it's 'suicidal wishing'." "Yeah maybe I went a bit to far, but that's not the point." Lightning shook his head. "The point is Nightwing will go to whatever lengths to get the information out of me." "You think to dark of our student." Luna said. "He may be a little hostile when angry, but I don't think he would go that far." "Oh you'd be surprised Lu'lu." An annoying and somewhat demonic voice chuckled. "Discord, I'm not in the mood for your jokes. Show yourself." Luna demanded. Only to receive silence. "Hang on, I know how to get Discord to come out of hiding." Lightning Strike said. "*ahem* hey Discord bet you can't beat me in a banana coconut pie eating contest while reciting every word in the godfather in Norwegian!" Lightning bet. In a flash of white light Discord appeared out of nowhere with a plastic foldable chair with two chairs scooted into it, on both sides of the table were three stacks of yellow pies with whip cream on top, and two name plates where one said 'worlds greatest chaotic being' where the other one had the words 'worlds biggest mistake' carved into them. "Your on!" Discord shouted excited as he slammed his claw against the table. "See?" Lightning Strike asked to both Luna and Flash. "Told you it would work." It was at that moment that Discord realized that he, the master trickster, had been tricked into being summoned. By the mistake none the less. Discord chuckled. "You will rue the day you tricked me, Lightning." Discord muttered. "What did you say?" Lightning asked. "I said, shoe bill to a hay zoo picked key lighting." Discord answered, rhyming every word that he used in the two sentences. "Enough." Luna said in a firm tone, cleansing away the subject before it became out of control. "Why have you come here Discord?" "Can't a guy pop in once in a while to see his friends?" He asked playfully. The three ponies stared at Discord with 'are you serious' faces. Discord frowned. "Wow, some friends you are." He sighed. "Very well." He paused, snapping his talons the four vanished from the room and reappeared in another room with a five foot glass window on the side of the room giving a view to multiple green hills. A long steel rectangular table sat in the middle of the room that had three chairs scooted into the right side of it, three chairs scooted into the left side, one at the top, and one at the bottom. Luna reappeared in the seat at the front of the table, Lightning reappeared in the left seat to Luna, and Flash reappeared in the right. The three then noticed that they were wearing clothing. Luna wore a black business dress that hugged her entire body, minus her neck, a pair of cherry red side oval glasses rested on her muzzle, and the back of her mane had been pinned into a bun. Both Flash and Lightning wore black business suits except Flash wore a red tie where Lightning wore an orange one. Discord appeared at the back of the table in front of the three wearing a black business suit that was tucked into his black dress pants that were held up by his leather belt with a silver buckle. A pair of grey rectangular glasses rested on his muzzle and he held a pointing stick in both of his hands. "Thank you for coming here today you mr. Flash Sentry, mr. Lightning Strike, and miss Luna, I have a special presentation for you today." Discord smiled, pulling out a white remote out of his pant pocket. Pressing one of the buttons, black shades began to descend from out of the wall and over the long window. Pressing another button, a white screen began to descend behind him. Once the white screen had fully descended the room had become dark. Is cord pressed other button and a small pocket behind and a little bit above her opened up and a light came out of the pocket and an image appeared on the white screen. The image was a picture of a fiery object that was coming towards earth. "Now then, about eight hours ago an unidentifiable object entered earths atmosphere. The reason that this is so important is because once it crashed the unidentified object became identified by yours truly." Discord pointed to himself proudly. "Anywho, I found the object and get this...it was a star." Luna became shocked. "Are you sure?" She asked. "Does this answer you question?" Discord asked pressing another button on the remote causing the image to switch to a picture of Discord and Celestia. Both in the same bed. Covered in what everyone hoped was white pudding. Luna's jaw came unhinged. Lightning covered his eyes and wondered if there was any bleach around for his eyes. And Flash leaned back against his chair and burst out laughing. Discord raised an eyebrow in confusion, then looking to the screen he saw the embarrassing image. His cheeks instantly flushed red from embarrassment. His mind drew nothing blanks and relied on his instincts. Which told him to press more buttons. And so Discord frantically pressed buttons after buttons. Only for more embarrassing photos to appear on the screen. Luna felt nauseous and ready to faint, Flash had his head against the table, still laughing, and Lightning was slightly laughing as well. Frustrated, and very humiliated, Discord did probably the most logical corse of action and threw the remote at the projector. The remote crashed into the projector and destroyed it. Discord sighed as he picked up a cardboard box that he had sat on the ground. Taking off the cardboard boxes lid he pulled out a picture, sat it on the table, and slid it to the three. The picture stopped in front of Luna, who remained motionless but her eyes fell on the picture. The picture was an image of a crater with a five sided star in the center of the crater. Only strange thing was that the star was horizontally split in have. *clapclapclapclap* Discord appeared next to Luna clapped his claw and paw in front of Luna, getting her attention. "Hey, focus. This is important." "Are you sure that's a star?" Lightning asked. "It doesn't look like one to me." "That's because it's been cut in half." Discord retorted. "Now Lu'lu." Discord turned his attention to Luna. "Could you please educate these two on the stars please?" "Umm...yes...of course." Luna said uneasy. "Long ago...many millennia ago in fact...there was nothing but the stars. The stars are...well..." Luna began to trail off. "The stars are objects of purely concentrated energy." Flash answered, wiping away a tear in his eye. Discord and Lightning turned to Flash in surprise. "How do you know that?" Discord asked. "When your the guard of princess Twilight sparkle you tend to learn a few things." Flash answered. "Flash Sentry is correct." Luna entered the conversation once more. "However the reason as to what they can is unknown even to me." "But not me." Discord smiled. "Much like how Luna was imprisoned on the moon, many dark forces were imprisoned in the stars." Discord explained, pointing to the cut open star. "You thing that something was imprisoned inside this and now it's free?" Lightning asked. "Hard to say." Discord stroked his strand of white fur on his chin. "If something has happened I would've known. But I haven't felt a single presence shine that thing fell from the sky." "Well that doesn't mean we should let our guard down." Flash said. "We should inform all other nations about this, maybe they can help?" Discord reappeared next to Flash and wrapped his eagle arm around Flash's neck."I like the way you think." Discord grinned like villain at Flash, making him a bit uneasy. "We'll summon the subj-I mean friendly nations, and have a nice talk about this." The charred wood slowly turned into nothing more than ashes as the fire ate away at its dry mean. The surrounding room was dark as the blinds blocked any sunlight from entering the room. A leather chair sat a few feet from the brick fireplace. In it, a vampire batpony sat on the chair and did nothing but stare at the dancing flames that consumed the charred wood. His enter self felt like a void of darkness as the memory kept flashing inside his head over and over again. He could remember every detail that took place that day. The smell of hatred and fear casted among all of the towns ponies. He could still hear the sound of the vampire mares racing heart, to the town people's eyes she was nothing more than a wild animal that would kill anything on sight. But Nightwing knew the truth, she wasn't a wild animal that would kill. She was scared. She was scared of everything, she was brought into this world as a newborn and was struck down almost instantly. Just because she wasn't a pony she was killed on the spot. But Nightwing didn't blame the townsfolk. They were scared and afraid, just like the vampire mare. He didn't blame the townsfolk, the vampire mare, not even the lab ponies who turned the vampire mare into what she was. No, the only one to be blamed for anything was him. Everything that had happened he had blamed himself for it. The experiments on turning ponies into vampire Batponies, the attacks and havoc caused by the experiments, and the death of the mare. To him, everything that had happened was all Nightwing's fault. Nightwing turned his head slowly to his left. There, the vampire mare's baby had curled up into a ball on her side. Only thing was that she had been turned to stone. Nightwing hated himself for doing such a thing to her, but he had no choice. He didn't know the first thing about caring for a child, but as long as she was caught in the stone spell, she would never age, never get hungry or thirsty, and would never die. Tears began to form on his eyes as he recalled the memory. Nightwing and Flash sat in silence across from one another. It wasn't to long ago that Nightwing had tried to stop the death of the mare and failed. In his attempt to save the mare the townsfolk tried to capture him. But he used his crystal to fend them all off unharmed. After a while Nightwing called in a transport for him and Flash, and an airship came and picked them up. Flash and Nightwing sat in the room they were assigned to. The room had two bunk beds and a dresser. Sleeping silently in Nightwing's lap was the vampire mare's baby. Nightwing rubbed the young ones back gently. "We're gonna have to give you a name now." Nightwing tried to smile but his mind refused to do such a thing. "Let me think....ah. I know exactly what to name you." Nightwing said, rubbing the baby's mane. "Shade. Your name will be Shade. It's a very nice name actually. It was the name of someone very close to me." Tears began to flow uncontrollably down Nightwing's cheeks. He felt a pain in his chest, his heart was beating incredibly fast and his breathing matched the speed. "Shade." Nightwing repeated once more. "It was the name of my sister." Meanwhile in the place I don't want you to know about but belongs to the main villain of this story. The hooded pony sat in her chair, awaiting three very special guests that were late. Then a yellow light, red light, and a orange light appeared in front of the hooded pony. The three lights faded and three shadowy figures appeared before the hooded pony. "Your late." The hooded pony grumbled. "Forgive us." The yellow figure bowed for forgiveness. "But we had be extra careful not to tip that draconequus, Discord." "Which you wouldn't know about if it wasn't because of me." The hooded pony retorted. The red figure growled. "Why should we take orders from you?" He demanded. "We are more powerful than you so you have no right to be telling us what we can and cannot do." The red figure spat. "We are not your dogs." "Enough Odium!" The yellow figure shouted, halting the red figure. "This hooded pony gave us valuable information, for that we should be grateful." "I agree with you Timor." The orange figure spoke up. "But if you want my opinion, I don't care what I have to do, just as long as I get more stuff than you." "You'll get your horde Cupiditas." The yellow figure said. "But just so we're clear." The yellow figure turned to the hooded pony. "The three weapons are no more correct?" "Yes." The hooded pony answered. "They have not been seen for quite some time now. I doubt that they will suddenly appear." "Do not underestimate those weapons." The red figure spoke. "They were powerful enough to seal us away in a star, I don't want to go back into that space ever again." "We won't." The yellow figure spoke before turning back to the hooded pony. "Knowing you, you probably have a plan that involves us don't you?" "I do." The hooded pony answered. "I want you cause havoc and destruction all over Equestria. However, I want you to stay clear of the crystal empire." "I love this plan already." The red figure chuckled. "But, there's a Shadow knight by the name of Nightwing that lives in Canterlot." The hooded pony added. "I need you to pacify him for now. And be sure you don't kill him, understood?" "Perfectly." The yellow figure smiled. "Good. Now go, and do what you will." The hooded pony ordered as the three figures vanished. Back in Canterlot, Luna had ordered a immediate meeting with the many leaders of the other nations. Of these leaders were the Griffons, Yaks, Mermares, Deer, And Ponies. For each nation there stood a king that represented them. You already know the griffon and yak King, but you do not know the others. Representing the Mermares was a mare fish pony with a reflective mane that floated in her water tank, her pony fur was light green and her fish tail's scales were light purple like her mane, and here eyes were as green as emeralds. Representing the deer was none other than the Arbor suserro herself, Fluttershy. And of course representing the ponies at the time was Luna, accompanied by Flash and Lightning. Each leader sat in their assigned seat of the round table. Except for their body guards, who stood behind them. For the griffons, three male griffons protected their king, two stood by his side while the third stood behind him. For the Yaks, two yak bodyguards stood at the side of their king. For the Mermare leader two pony size crabs stood at the Mermares side. For the Arbor suserro two guards stood by her side, one was a doe, and the other a buck by the name of Thorn. Each guard wore their own type of armor. The griffons wore a type of armor made of a rare metal known as black steel. The Yak bodyguards wore only a silver helmet that covered the to of their heads and nothing more. Both Thorn and the doe guard wore a light green armor that provided great mobility. Both Flash and Lightning wore normal day guard armor. Luna cleared her throat before speaking. "Thank you all for attending this meeting." She started. "Well you sent out a immediate meeting, it's not something to be easily ignored." The griffon leader said. "Yes, of course." Luna said mentally kicking herself. "Well then tell us." The Yak leader said. "Why have you called us here?" "I'm so glad you asked." Discord said, popping above the table with his body curved like a frown as he faced the yak leader. Discord molded back into his self body as he still hovered above the table. Then he noticed Fluttershy. "Oh Fluttershy, I mean almighty blessed Arbor suserro." Discord said humbly as he bowed before the Arbor suserro. Fluttershy giggled. "You don't need to call me such names Discord." To Discord's surprise, everyone in the room didn't seem to show any surprise or fear at Discord's sudden appearance. He assumed that he must've been loosing his touch, but that wasn't important at the moment. "Right then." Discord said cracking his knuckles. "About...what was it ten? Nine? Whatever it doesn't matter, the point is a star fell from the sky and crashed onto our surface." Now the entire table became shocked, minus Fluttershy and her two guards. "Your sure it was a star?" The Mermare asked. "You betcha. And apparently something was trapped inside this crystal here. Because of this we fear that something powerful and dangerous might've escaped from the star and could very well threaten Equestria." Discord explained. "I remember my father telling me stories about the falling stars. About those who caught them, were given riches and power beyond their wildest dreams." The griffon King said. "True." Discord said. "As to what the Stars truly do is unknown. Some say they grant wishes, some say they give others incredible power, some say that they gained infinite knowledge, but in this case the star contained something inside it, and now it's out and we have no idea what it is. And that's what makes it very dangerous." "Then what will you have us do?" The Mermare asked. "The answer is simple." Discord smiled. "We simply force you to remove that disguise and show yourself." The shock multipled. The Mermare stuttered. "Wh-what?" "Come now, you really didn't think I won't sense you at this distance did you?" Discord asked before his tone turned more dark. "Now show yourself or I'll beat it out of you." The Mermare stared at Discord in disbelief. Then a smile formed on her face. "Very well, you got me." The Mermare said as her eyes glowed orange. The two crabs, the water tank, and the Mermare disappeared. In their place stood a stallion with dark orange fur, orange eyes, and a light orange mane. He was about Flash's height but what caught the entire rooms attention was the fact he was an alicorn. Flash and Lightning drew their two swords, the three griffon guards drew theirs as well, Thorn and the Doe drew their bows and knocked an arrow in the string, and the two yaks got into battle stance. "Who are you?" Luna demanded in a calm tone. "And what have you done with the Mermare leader?" "Oh her? She never received your request." The orange stallion laughed. "How dare you. You will pay for doing such a thing." The griffon leader growled. "Huh what do you know Timor was right." The orange stallion smiled. "You really are so stupid you never noticed Odium." "Behind you Flash!" Shadow yelled. "Get down!" Flash yelled, grabbing Princess Luna and pushing her down. *BOOOOOM!* The entire castle shook as a large hole was blasted through the room's wall. Chunks of dirt and stone fell from the ceiling as they bounce off the pink bubble shield that Discord had made. Snapping his talons, multiple support beams appeared and braced the room. Once he was sure that the room was stable the shield dispersed. "Are you alright my dear?" A voice asked behind Discord. Discord spun around to see that Thorn was by Fluttershy's side, giving her comfort and help. "Yes...I'm fine Thorn." Fluttershy said weakly. She tried to stand up but immediately fell back down as she yelped in pain. "Fluttershy!" Thorn yelled as he took her hoof and held her up. Discord's eyes fell upon the wound that Fluttershy had taken. A chunk of rock had fallen on her wing and had seriously injured her. Discord's eyes widen in shock and fear, he was about to rush to his friends side and help her. But Thorn was already doing that. Instead Discord gave birth to a face of hatred and anger. "My, my." A deep voice came from the outside of the hole in the wall. "Someone seems very angry." Discord turned to the wall to face another alicorn, this one with a dark red mane, dark red fur, and light red eyes. Discord growled the second he saw the one responsible for the attack. "Hehe." The red Alicorn chuckled. "Forget angry, your seem to be full of rage." "How dare you." Discord growled as he clenched his fists. "HOW DARE YOU!!" He shouted as he flew towards the red alicorn. Groaning, Luna placed a hoof one the table so that she could help herself up. Lifting herself up she saw Discord racing towards the red alicorn. "Discord wait!" Luna shouted, trying to stop him. But it was no use as her words fell upon deaf ears. Snapping his claw, a steel sword appeared in Discord's lion paw. "RAAAAAHHH!" He yelled, readying his blade to cut the alicorn in half. The alicorn only smiled as his attacker charged forward. The alicorn's horn lit up with a red aura as two red aura battle axes floated next to him. The two axes lunged toward at Discord, who blocked it the two with his sword. There'd alicorn teleported above Discord and raised his right hoof into the air where a red magical blast was created in his hoof. "Perish." He said darkly as he threw the blast down and struck Discord. A loud boom echoed from the blast as Discord was sent downwards. "Discord!" Fluttershy yelled as she saw her friend plummet to his doom. "Hold on, I've got him." Thorn said, running to the edge of the hole. His eyes glowed light green as a long green vine stretched outwards from the hole and towards Discord. The green stalk wrapped itself around Discord and pulled him back into the room, setting him down gently. The entire stood shocked at what just happened. But it was instantly gone as their attention was turned back to the two Alicorns. This time however, the others were ready. But before anyone could do anything a third alicorn teleported in the room between both the two Alicorns and the others in the room. "Woah, woah, time out." The other alicorn said. The third alicorn had a light yellow mane, dark yellow fur, and yellow eyes. "Cupiditas, Odium. Is that anyway to introduce yourself?" The yellow alicorn asked the three other Alicorns. "Forgive them, there not very good with others. Allow me to introduce ourselves. My name is Timor." The yellow one addressed himself. "This here is Odium." Timor addressed the red alicorn. "And this is Cupiditas." Timor addressed the orange alicorn. "No need to introduce yourselves, we already know who you all are." "What do you want with us?" Lightning demanded. "That's easy." Timor smiled. "We want control of all of Equestria. And your gonna help us." "And why would we help you?" "Simple." Timor smiled once more as his horn glowed a fearful yellow and a stone pony appeared next to him, hovering above the ground. The stone pony had a face of shock and surprise. The whole room gasped at the sight of the pony. For the stone pony, was Nightwing. > Chapter twenty five. The attack of the Three Sins > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The town of Ponyville was quite peaceful. More peaceful than it Normally is. Which meant that something bad was gonna happen anytime now. Until that time however, let me take you to the market side of the town where Scootaloo and Pip were shopping for a cake for their friend Applebloom. "Apple pie?" Scootaloo suggested. "No." Pip answered flatly. "Apple cake?" Scootaloo asked. "No." Pip answered, in a tone more flat than before. "How about-" Scootaloo was cut short as Pip grabbed Scootaloo's muzzle and stared her dead in the face. "Before you say whatever it is your about to say I want you to think long and hard about what your going to suggest." Pip threatened. "Because if you suggest another Apple type pastry, mare or not, I'm gonna punch you straight in the face." Scootaloo thought long and hard about what she was going to say, preferably assuring that she did not get punched in the face. "Carrot cake?" She finally suggested. Pip stared blankly at Scootaloo. Releasing her muzzle Pip shook his head. "Why did I draw your name from the hat?" He groaned. On the other side of the market, Sweetie bell, Rumble, and Button mash were looking around for a gift that they could give Applebloom for her birthday. The three walked past wooden stand after wooden stand as they tried to find something special for their friend. "Okay I give." Rumble sighed in defeat. "I've got absolutely no idea what we should get Applebloom for her birthday." "I'm with Rumble on this one?" Button sighed. "The only thing that comes to mind when I think about getting Applebloom a gift is something Apple related." "Don't beat yourselves up guys." Sweetie bell said, trying her best to cheer the two up. Only to receive a glare from the two. "No offense Sweetie." Button said. "But what exactly would "you" get for Applebloom?" Sweetie tapped her chin. "Well...um...I guess we could get her a hat?" She said uneasy. Both Rumble and Button stared at their friend with disbelief expressions. None said a word for what seemed like endless awkward minutes until Button said, "A hat?" Button finally spoke, breaking the awkward silence's spell. "Yeah...you know..." Sweetie trailed off, her eyes avoiding the glare of her two friends. "A hat?" Rumble repeated what Button had said in the same tone as before. "Yeah...I mean like a cowboy hat that Applejack wears." Sweetie chuckled nervously. "We could go to my sister's and ask her for some materials that we could use to make it?" The three became very silent as the awkward spell was once more casted upon the three. Sweetie's eyes darted left and right, not daring to face the frightful gaze of the two colts. As second after second went on the deeper the awkwardness had sunken into the atmosphere of the conversation. "You know." Button paused as he thought about what Sweetie had suggested. "My mom always told me that a gift hoof made is the best gift you can offer." "Then why do you give her a 'Worlds Best Mom' cup every mothersday?" Rumble grinned fiendishly. Button glared at his friend. "I knew you were the one spying on me!" Button shouted. Button growled at Rumble, who was still grinning. Button looked like he was about to punch Rumble in the face, so Sweetie stepped in and stood on her hindelegs and used her right foreleg to halt Button and used her left to hat Rumble. "Guys guys." Sweetie bell said, keeping the two from hurting the other. "We shouldn't fight, this is about our friend Applebloom remember? So let's focus on that." The two colts look at one another before sighing. They dared not admit it out-loud, but they knew that Sweetie was right. If the two fought each other they'd just be wasting precious, no, very precious minutes on fighting each other when they could've been spending it on their friends gift. "Alright, let's go to your sisters place Sweetie." Rumble sighed. And so our trio of minor hero's traveled to Rarity's Boutique where, believe it or not, she was no where to be found. Meanwhile, on a different side of Ponyville. A young dragon with a purple scaled body and spike green scales on the top of his head, back, and tail. His eyes reflected the color of emerald gems, as they stared down at the piece of paper in front of him. But unbeknownst to him, a certain Alicorn was hovering above him, completely unseen. A wicked grin was plastered on his face as he watched the young dragon go on his way. The alicorn then flew away from the dragon and landed away from him. His horn glowed a evil red as his wings dissapeared. As expected the little dragon continued walking forward, until the now red unicorn stallion came in his path. "Hello there young dragon." The red stallion greeted. "Lovely morning isn't it?" The dragon stopped and looked up from the paper and to the red stallion. "Um...it's the afternoon mr." The dragon said. "It's morning on some part of Equestria." The red stallion grinned. The dragon was about to retort, but then remembered that he was on a very special assignment. One that he took very seriously above anything else. "Sorry, but I need to go meet someone." The dragon said, walking past the stallion. "If I can use a moment of your time." The stallion extended a hoof in front of the dragon. "But you've seemed to peek my curiosity. Tell me, where is it your heading?" "Um...well..." The dragon thought hard and carefully about what words he was to use. But then again, all of Ponyville's residents were quite peaceful and harmless. Not to mention that some needed help was somewhat useful. So it didn't seem to bother the little dragon as such. "All right, come with me I'll tell you all about it." The stallion grinned. "I can't wait." Meanwhile in one of the many Canterlot hallways, piles of broken and unconscious day guards were laid in a trail leading to the throne room. Where the yellow alicorn Timor held a guard in a yellow aura. The guards eyes glowed yellow as he was trapped in the yellow aura. The glow disappeared when Timor dropped the guard. "I don't know why everyone thinks these guys are weak, it took me like an hour to get through all of them." Timor sighed. Timor used his magic to open the doors and entered the thorn room where Celestia was sitting on her throne and was doing something that had to do with paperwork. She looked up from the paperwork and eyed the yellow alicorn. "Who are you?" She asked. "Not important." Timor answered. "What is important however is a certain someone I'd like you to meet." Timor smiled as he moved the side. Granting the other figure to walk into the room. The figure that entered the room was Luna, but she was different. Her fur was darker, part of it covered by a black armor. Her eyes were menacing teal blue, her pupils were dragon slit. Her mane looked the same but flowed out of her black helmet. Celestia eyes widened in horror at the sight of the new looking Luna. "Nightmare Moon?" She asked in disbelief. The alicorn known as Nightmare Moon did not respond in a voice but rather an action as she levitated up a black scythe with her magic. "No...no...Luna please." The white alicorn cried. The Nightmare said nothing, instead she approached the white sun goddess. Upon her approach she levitated her scythe higher above herself. Making sure that it hovered above the sun goddesses throat. But none of it was real. Back in reality there was no Nightmare Moon. Only a scared and crying Celestia whose eyes were glowing bright yellow as Timor sucked the fear out of his prey. Once he was finished feeding off of the Alicorn's fear, her glowing yellow eyes vanished. And in a instant, her hooves turned from flesh and bone, to clod hard stone. The change of flesh to stone took only mere seconds as she turned to stone. "You know I'm beginning to think I'm the weaker one of the three sins." A voice came from behind Timor. Timor spun around and saw that the one who had spoken was Cupiditas. Behind him were Fluttershy, Thorn, Flash, Lightning, Luna, Discord, the Griffon leader, the Yak leader, and Nightwing. All turned into stone statues. Timor sighed in relief, knowing that he didn't have to fight any more guards. "Show some pride will you, Cupiditas?" He said. "It's not everyone who gets to be one of the three sins." "I am grateful Timor." Cupiditas admitted. "But let's face it, you can absorb fear. Odium can instill rage, and I-" "You instill greed and feed off of it." Timor cut off Cupiditas. "You are just as powerful as us." "But you don't understand. There is no greed to feed off of." Cupiditas said before turning away and muttering. "There's more rage and fear though." "Hey now...remember the time you tricked fifty dragons into thinking that a city was made entirely of jewels." Timor said, trying to raise Cupiditas spirits. "Heh...yeah, it took those two brothers to stop us." Cupiditas chuckled. "Speaking of which." Timor paused, examining the room. "I wonder why we haven't seen those two at all yet?" "Beats me." Cupiditas shrugged. "But what I'm curious about is our next step." "Ah yes." Timor smiled. "As you know that hooded pony used the artifact known as the summoning scroll to summon me to Equestria." "And she gave you the Apple of Discord so that when we invade it'll be easier." Cupiditas predicted what Timor was about to say. "Yes, but that plan failed. Anyways, while I was still on Equestria, the hooded one told me that there are bearers of the Elements of Harmony." "Why should that concern us?" Cupiditas questioned. "The Elements of Harmony have no power over us. They only have power over Chaos." "True, true, but we both know that Elements can do very...unexpected things." Back in Ponyville the little dragon and the red Stallion continued to walk through the town. The dragon bit on the tip of the quill he held in his claw. "So, I believe we haven't fully introduced ourselves." The red stallion said, tired of the silence. "Oh...yeah, my name is Spike. What's your name?" Spike introduced. "Names Odium." Odium introduce. "So tell me, what are you writing there?" He asked, the question bugging him the entire time he and Spike had walked. Spike stopped his writing and looked at Odium. "I'm writing a poem to a special someone." "Is that so?" Odium raised an eyebrow. "This, special someone, wouldn't happen to be your special pony would it?" "Ummm...no. Not really." Spike said a bit sadden. "But I just know that one of these days she and I are gonna be together. I just know it." Spike said, writing in his poem. "I'd be careful if I were you." Odium warned. "Love is a dangerous and terrible thing." Spike looked up from his poem once more. "That's not true." "Oh really?" Odium smiled. "Love has two paths, one full of beauty and the other full of horror." Spike shook his head. "What are you talking about?" "I'm just saying, love is a dangerous thing. It can lead to heartbreak. Which is a very dark path to go down." "Well...I don't think I should have to worry about that." Spike said in confidence. "I just know that she and I are meant to be together." "If your so sure." Spike and Odium continued down their way before stopping I front of a building known as Sugarcube corner. "Well...wish me luck." Spike said to Odium. Spike took a deep breath, before entering the building. Once he was inside he looked around, searching for the mare he loved. After his search his eyes landed on the back of a white mare with a purple mane known as Rarity. He smiled with glee as he ran up to the booth that she sat in. But when he got to the booth, he saw that the mare was not alone. Sitting across from her, was the unicorn stallion Silver Platter. Spike's smile instantly vanished, replaced with a frown of confusion. "Spike darling!" Rarity exclaimed, surprised at the sight of her friend. "What a coincidence seeing you here." She smiled warmly. But Spike did not respond, instead he continued to stare blankly at Silver. Who shifted in his chair uncomfortably. "Spike darling. Please stop staring at Silver like that. Your making him uncomfortable." Rarity said. "Huh?" Spike shook away his haze. "S-sorry Rarity." He stammered. "Here, I wrote you this." Spike handed Rarity the folded piece of paper. "Oh, thank you darling." Rarity smiled, taking the folded paper and setting on the table. "Um...aren't you gonna read it?" Spike asked. "Of course Spike dear." Rarity said, trying her best not to make scene. "But I'm a little busy at the moment." "But...you should read it now." Spike suggested. Rarity's eyes shifted to Spike. "Excuse me Silver, but I need to have a little chat with Spike." "Take your time, our shakes won't be here for a while." Silver chuckled. Rarity scooted out of the booth, dragging Spike with her as she walked away from the booth. "Spike, what has gotten into you?" Rarity asked quietly. "What's gotten into me? I just wanted you to read a poem I wrote. But you won't cause your doing something with him." Spike said. "Spike, if you must know. I'm currently on a date with Silver. And I'd very much appreciate it if we could have this discussion later." Spike's eyes widen in horror. "A-a-a date?" He asked worried. "Like...like...like a-" "Like a date date Spike." Rarity pointed out. "I asked Silver and he agreed, and I'd very much like it if we could spend this date of ours alone." Rarity said. The words dug right through Spike's scales and stabbed him straight in the heart. Tears began to slowly form in his eyes as his realization hit him. Rarity looked at Spike with a worried face. "I'm sorry Spike, I didn't mean-" Rarity was cut off as Spike shut his eyes and ran off. He didn't know where he was running, and he didn't care. But he had his eyes shut, so he ran into Odium. "Woah there buddy." Odium said in surprise. "What's gotten into you?" "She doesn't love me." Spike softly whispered. "She doesn't love me." It didn't take long for Odium to figure out what Spike was saying. "I warned you didn't I? Love leads many to heartbreak." Odium reminded. "But it's not your fault." Spike looked up at Odium with tear stained cheeks. "If isn't?" "No. It's the one who gets to walk the path of love." Odium explained. "Think about it, why should he get her love while you have to take the path of heartbreak?" He asked. Upon those words Spike's eyes turned red as he growled. "Yeah, your right." He growled as he began to grow. "Why should that guy get her love? I'm the one that truly loves her, not him!" He spat as his mouth grew longer and more menacing. In the center of Ponyville, many ponies were wandering about. Talking to each other and being social. This all stopped the instant they heard the loud roar. All eyes turned to the sound assume gasped, screamed, or just stared horrified at the sight. What they were all staring at was a very large dragon with purple and green scales, pointed sharp green scales from his head to his tail, and glowing red eyes. On top of the large dragon stood the red alicorn Odium, who watched everything. The dragon stomped its way to the center. Terrified ponies ran in random directions as they tried to escape. Once the dragon had made its way to the center it stopped. Appearing on the dragons head was Timor and Cupiditas. "Well you certainly know how to make an entrance Odium." Cupiditas chuckled. "Well let's not waste time." Timor said, flying down to the surface. "Hello Filly's and gentlecolts!" Timor yelled. "I'm going to be very blunt here, we're taking over Equestria. If you've got a problem with that we'll make your life a living Tartarus okay?" But no one paid any attention to Timor, instead they all ran and screamed frantically. Which annoyed Timor very much. "STOP RUNNING, I AM TRYING TO SAY SOMETHING IMPORTANT!!!" Timor yelled in a voice that doubled the Royal Canterlot voice. And it, of course, made everyone stop in their tacks. "Now then." Timor said in calm irritation. "As I was trying to say before I was interrupted, we are currently the rulers of Equestria. Got a problem with that?" "Like hay you are!" A voice shouted. Looking up everyone saw that the voice belonged to the Pegasus, Rainbow Dash. Who flew down at lightning speed and faced Timor square in the eyes. "You've got fire I'll give you that." Timor admitted. "But that doesn't mean that your a threat to me." "Oh yeah, just wait till my friends get here." Rainbow threatened. "We're gonna wipe the floor with you." "Oh really?" Timor raised an eyebrow. "Well guess what? I can defeat you with just two words." "Pfffft, yeah right." Rainbow said. "Running away." Timor smiled. "What?" "Running away. That's what you've been doing your whole life isn't it?" Timor continued to smile. "Running from home, or rather, running from you mom and dad. Oh that's it isn't it? Daddy was always mean and cruel, and mommy was never there to pick you back up." "Shut up." Rainbow warned. "Oh but I'm just getting started. Let me tell you a little secret. Daddy never loved you, not once. No, to him you were just a mistake. A mistake that should've never happened, a mistake that he was forever scarred with." "Shut up!" Rainbow Dash yelled, tears beginning to form. "Oh and what about mommy? While daddy was beating on you, you cried for her like every child does when their scared. You cried and cried and cried. But she never helped you, oh no. She just sat there and wished that the little mistake went away." "I SAID SHUT UP!" Rainbow Dash yelled, clenching her eyes shut. Hopping that her tears would stop rolling down her cheeks. "Don't worry dear." Timor's voice changed to sound more like a gentle mare in front of Rainbow Dash. "Mommy's right here." "M-mom?" Rainbow shook as she slowly looked up. "Didn't I tell you?" Timor smiled more sinister than before. "Mommy never loved you." "Leave her alone!" Another voice shouted. Timor leaned his head a bit to the left to see that the one who had spoke up was the little filly Scootaloo. Behind her were Pip, Rumble, Sweetie bell, Button, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie, Twilight, Silver Platter, and Ranger. "Oh look there's more of them." Timor smiled. "I believe this belongs to you." Timor said, levitating Rainbow to the group. "What did you do to her?" AJ demanded. "I reminded her of her past. But that's not important." Timor said. "What is important, however, is how you all are gonna defeat us." "What did you do to Spike?" Twilight growled. "I turned him into a giant dragon." Odium said. "He'll do whatever I say without question." "Like I said before, not important." Timor restated. "So tell me, how do you plan to beat us?" "We'll stop you. With the Elements of Harmony." Twilight said triumphant. "Bwahahaha!" Cupiditas burst out laughing. "The Elements of Harmony?" "Oh please, how are you gonna stop us with the Elements if you don't have her?" Timor asked. His horn glowed yellow and a stone statue of Fluttershy appeared. "How dare you!" Rarity growled. "Oh, but it gets better." Timor smiled as he summoned the stone statues of Luna, Flash, Lightning Strike, Thorn, Celestia, Discord, the Griffon leader, the Yak leader, and the other guards. All of the town went very silent the instant they saw the stone ponies. "Oh don't worry." Timor smiled once more, a magic yellow aura hammer appeared above his horn. "You'll feel a slight sting as your turned into putty." He said swinging the hammer downward onto the group. Only for it to come to an abrupt halt as a half light blue and half light pink aura bubble shielded the group. "What the-" those were the only words Timor could mutter before Scootaloo closed the distance between her and Timor, and in a swift action high kicked him right in the face. That is, she would've high kicked him in the face if Odium hadn't switched places with himself and Timor. Having no time to react Odium took the full blast of Scootaloo's kick. Which sent him flying straight through the town hall. "You fool!" Timor yelled at his foolish friend. "Why would you do something so stupid?!" Odium groaned as he moved away parts of wooden rubble from the house he had crashed into. "Maybe I did it because I can't afford to have you incapacitated at the moment Timor!" Odium shouted back before looking at giant Spike. "Spike!" Odium shouted, getting the dragons attention. "Do as I command, destroy them all!" Spike responded by lifting his head up to the sky and unleashed a monstrous roar. The inside of his throat burned with green light as he blew green flames onto the group of ponies. > Chapter twenty six. The return of the three Light's > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It all happened in a flash, Silver's eyes glowed grey along with his horn. The ground around the group cracked as multiple large crystal's shot out of ground. Each continued to grow and shape itself until it had formed a crystal dome out of thin air. Shielding the group from Spike's green flames. Timor and Cupiditas watched in amazement as the crystal dome was constructed. "Interesting." Timor muttered, watching as the green flames attached to the dome slowly died down. "Very interesting." Cupiditas added. "I believe we've seen this before somewhere?" "You assume correct." Timor said landing on the ground, Cupiditas joined him. Timor approached the crystal dome casually. Upon closer inspection he saw his distorted reflection. Reaching up Timor tapped against the dome, examining it top to bottom. "Just as I thought, this dome here is made a special gem known as crystalline Jade." Timor concluded. "Crystalline Jade?" Cupiditas repeated Timor's words. "I swear that sounds very familiar." "It is, you see-" Timor cut himself short as he jerked his head upward just in time to see Odium hovering above the crystal dome. His eyes looked like they were on red fire, his expression looked like it was overflowing with massive amounts of hatred. Holding his two forelegs above his head a magic ball of red aura formed slightly above his hooves. The ball grew in size until it was the size of his own body, red sparks began to spew out of the ball. Rearing back his hooves he readied himself to throw the ball. But in a flash Timor teleported himself in front of Odium, just in time to halt his attack. Odium flashed his red fiery eyes at Timor, growling he demanded, "Why did you stop me?!" Calmly Timor replied, "You clearly didn't hear me when I said that this dome here is made of Crystalline Jade." Timor reminded Odium. "As in, the gem that absorbs both magical and kinetic energy which makes the stuff harder than diamond." "So?!" Odium barked. "So if you were to say, oh I don't know, chuck a massive aura ball at it all you would do is make the Jade stronger, not weaker." Timor said, flicking Odium's forehead. "Use that brain of yours when we need it." Odium growled furiously at Timor. He wanted to kill-no, exterminate-no, destroy-yes. Yes, he wanted to destroy the group of ponies with every fiber of his being. He couldn't put his hoof on it, but he was much angrier than usual. However, like Timor had said, he had a brain and despite all the rusty gears and cobwebs inside it, it still worked. Odium closed his eyes and sighed in defeat as his red magic ball slowly vanished. Opening his eyes Odium spoke, "Why did you have to be the smart one?" He asked rhetorically. "Because your to strong for your own good." Timor answered with a smile. "Wait." Cupiditas added himself into the conversation, flying up to the others. "If your the smart one." He pointed to Timor. "And your the strong one." He pointed to Odium. "Then what am I?" Timor facehoofed and sighed before answering. "Cupiditas, do you need some anti-depression pills or something?" "Yes." Cupiditas smiled sinisterly. "I want all the pills!" He said evilly, his eyes turned orange. "Oi!" Timor yelled, smacking Cupiditas across the face making him loose his orange glow eyes. "Use the element to consume others, do not let it consume you." Cupiditas rubbed his red cheek, "S-sorry Timor. I don't know what came over me." "Don't care. In fact I shouldn't care about any of this, actually we shouldn't care about any of this. The only thing we should care about is how we get rid of that." Timor ranted pointing to the crystal dome. "Oh yeah...how do we get rid of that thing?" Cupiditas wondered. "I mean if it absorbs magical and kinetic energy how do we get rid of it?" "Simple." Timor said. "Despite the fact that this here dome is made of crystalline Jade it has one weakness that all things have." "...and that would beeee." Odium trailed off waiting for Timor to answer. "A melting point." Timor answered. Odium stared at Timor, having no idea what he just said. Cupiditases reaction however was the opposite. "Of course, the melting point. How could we have not seen it?" Cupiditas mentally smacked himself. "Okay, what's the melting point?" Odium asked. "Is it some kind of spell or something?" "What? No. No, the melting point is the point where a solid begins to melt at a certain high temperature." Timor explained. "But if I recall, the melting point for crystalline Jade was never discovered." Cupiditas added. "That's because no one ever thought to drop it in a volcano before." Timor smiled. "Welcome back Silver platter. It's been a while." A mare's voice said inside Silvers head spoke. 'Good to see you too.' Silver thought. Shock and surprise. That was the common emotion that was displayed across everyone's face. To Scootaloo and Sweetie bell it was the pink and blue shield that appeared out of no where and protected them. To the others it was the fact that Silver had just constructed a crystalline dome out of thin air. "Woah." Twilight said in awe. However little paid attention to the alicorn mare as most were still staring in awe themselves. Applejack however couldn't care less about the dome, she only cared about comforting her hurt friend Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash. The mare who laughed at fear in the face was curled up in a ball on her side frightened by fear itself. Applejack slowly stroked Rainbow's mane, trying her best to comfort her. But it was little use, Rainbow Dash had just been handed her greatest fear. Abandonment. She was always afraid of the word, it was the one wound that she could never heal. "How." Rainbow choked out. "How did he know about my family?" "Shhhh." Applejack said softly. "Yer alright sugar cube. Everything's gonna be alright." "But...but how did he know?" Rainbow dash asked again. No answer. The memory of her mother still haunted her. She never knew why but her mother left her. She could still remember the words her mother said before her mother left. "I'm sorry." That's all she said, 'I'm sorry'. Nothing more, nothing less. And Rainbow Dash continued to run and run from that memory. Hoping and praying that it would just go away. But it never did, and now she was reminded of that horrible moment because of the yellow alicorn. Ranger tore his gaze away from the dome and looked down to his friend Applejack, who was still trying to comfort her. A bit ashamed of himself for not noticing he approached the two mares. Applejack looked up to Ranger and he asked, "Will she be okay?" He asked. "I don't know Ranger. I truly don't." Applejack replied sadly. Meanwhile Rarity was currently pacing back and forth worrisome of Spike. "Rarity, calm down." Twilight said. Rarity whipped her head to Twilight. "Calm down!" She yelled at her friends absurd suggestion. "How can I calm down when we just saw Spike out there controlled by those three...villains and our friends turned to stone?!" Twilight was about to retort but cut herself short as she remembered the expression Flash had when he was turned to stone. Her heart tightened and her stomach churned as she imagined the pain Flash must've been feeling. "And yet..." Rarity sighed. "I can't help but feel that this is all my fault." Silver looked at Rarity with surprise. "What are you talking about?" He asked. "You had nothing to do with this." Rarity shook her head sadly. "No Silver. I have to confess something to you." She took added, taking a deep breath. "Some time ago, Spike let his greed get the best of him and turned into...well...the dragon we just saw. He rampaged all over Ponyville, taking anything and everything. But...when he took me and saw the gem he gave me he turned back to normal." Rarity explained. "We were caught in a free fall and as we were about to hit the ground he told me that he loved me." Silver looked shocked. "Then that letter he gave you at the shop..." Rarity nodded sadly. "It was a poem, it was very nice, but I never had the same feelings for him like he did for me." "But...I thought only if he loses control of his greed he turns giant?" Twilight asked confused "You are correct Miss Sparkle." A gentle female voice said. Startled, everyone stared to the one who spoke in such a voice. The one they were staring at was Sweetie bell. Or at least, it looked like Sweetie bell. Her body and mane were the same, but her eyes were fully pink. "However, you seem to not know that both Greed, Rage, and Fear are all connected to one another." Sweetie spoke in the different voice. Rarity stared wide eyed and dumbstruck at her little sister. "...Sweetie bell?" She asked carefully. Sweetie directed her attention to her sister, "I am not the host known as Sweetie bell." Sweetie said. "I am Amare, the Element of Love." Everyone continued to stare at Sweetie/Amare. None having the faintest clue what to say. Silence hovered in front of the group in a mocking matter as the situation began to become very uncomfortable to everyone. "Element of Love?" Twilight asked, lifting away the very uncomfortable silence. "Yes, I am the Element of Love. Just as you are the Element of Magic Miss Sparkle." "When did Sweetie bell become the Element of Love?" Silver asked. "The same time she faced greed and defeated it." This time Scootaloo spoke, but in a more mare like voice. Also her eyes were glowing blue. "Greetings, I am Spero, the Element of Hope." "Squirt...?" Rainbow Dash asked weakly to the Elemental filly. Scootaloo/Spero turned to Rainbow Dash with a bland expression. "Subject Rainbow Dash is suffering from a mental attack caused by the Element of Fear, I cannot help you." "Element of Hope and Element of Love?" Twilight muttered in disbelief. "I thought there were only the Elements of Harmony?" "Negative Miss Sparkle." Sweetie Bell/Amare stated. "There are six Elements of us, Hope, Rage, Love, Greed, Fear, Will. Sweetie Bell was chosen because she had faced Greed with Love and succeeded." Sweetie/Amare explained. "Subject Scootaloo was chosen as the Element of Hope for facing great fear and succeeding." "And the Element of Will?" Ranger asked. "The Element of Will was the last Element to choose its host." Scootaloo/Spero explained. "So...you don't know who the Element of Will is?" Pinkie asked as the writer smacked himself in the face in embarrassment at how he had forgot about her. "Negative." Scootaloo/Spero answered. "Despite being the last Element to arrive, we could still sense when a Elemental has chosen its host." "So then, who is the Element of Will?" Applejack asked, continuing to comfort Rainbow. "The Element of Will's host is a filly known as Applebloom." Sweetie/Amare answered. Applejack's expression turned to shock, then to anger as she stopped comforting her friend and stood up. Applejack began to approach towards Scootaloo/Spero and Sweetie Bell/Amare. However Ranger saw the mares advance and extended his hoof in front of Applejack, making her come to a halt. She knew it was a waste of time to even try to get past Ranger, but that didn't stop her from having a very certain talk with them. "Now listen here ya two so called Elemental's." Applejack glared at the two Filly's, pointing a hoof at the two. "Ya'll have no right dragging my li'll sis into this here mess." Despite the mare's hostile tone, both Scootaloo/Spero and Sweetie Bell/Amare stood untouched by Applejack's words. "Negative, subject host of the Element of Will known as Applebloom is already aware of the power she wields and has accepted all of its responsibilities." The fact that was spoken only made Applejack more angry. "No way am I lettin' ma sister get hurt in all of this." Applejack growled. "That is not you decision Applejack." Scootaloo/Spero spoke. "You are her sister. Sisters are to look out for their younger ones, not control her." "She's ma Sister, sayin' that I don't want her to get hurt is looking out fer her!" Applejack shouted. "Yes, but it is not your decision, Applebloom is the wielder of her fate not you. The decision is hers and hers alone." Scootaloo/Spero said more sternly. The sent of a fight stirred in the air like a morning dew fog. But before punches could be blown and kicks received the entire crystal dome shook violently. Everyone stumbled backwards as they tried to gain their balance. But it was no use as one by one they all fell down. Eventually the violent shaking ceased, but that wasn't enough to convince everyone to get up. Well...everyone except- "Wheeeeeeee!" Pinkie laughed with glee. When the dome and ground beneath had began to shake and turn, everyone tried to stand upright. But Pinkie instead embraced the rocking by curling into a ball and rolling around like a pony sized pinball. When the shaking stopped she untucked herself and landed in a heap on her back. "Hehehe. That was fun, let's do it again!" Everyone looked at Pinkie with half-lidded eyes and monotone expressions. "What happened?" Twilight asked. "We'...we're moving." Rainbow Dash said weakly. Despite the size of the dome and the bottom, it was easily lifted thanks to a certain dragon by the name of Spike. Timor, Odium, and Cupiditas all flew close to the dome, keeping a safe distance from it in case the group of ponies inside tried anything funny. Small chunks of rock fell from the bottom of the dome and onto Spike's face. "Sooooo...where do we find a volcano?" Odium asked the obvious question. "Simple, there's plenty of them in Dragonia." Timor answered. "And since we have a large dragon with us, we should blend right-" Timor cut himself off as a chill ran up and down his spine. He was shocked at first from the feeling, but then he knew exactly what it meant. Cupiditas looked over to Timor and saw the look on his face."Timor?" He asked a bit concerned. Timor turned his head around to face Cupiditas. But he no longer had a look of shock, no he was smiling. But this wasn't an ordinary evil sinister smile, oh no, the smile was one that reflected pure evil glee. A look that Cupiditas and Odium knew all to well. "Timor don't-" But he was to late as Timor vanished in a yellow flash. Observing from a distance young Applebloom watched as the large dragon, Spike, walked mindlessly carrying her friends to who knows where. "Voluntas?" Applebloom asked to no physical thing. "Yes Host Applebloom?" A stallion's voice said inside Applebloom's head. "Are they all alright?" She asked a tinge worried. "According to Spero and Amare they are all fine." the stallion responded. Applebloom let out a sigh of relief at the news. "Also, forgive me for forgetting. Happy birthday Subject Applebloom." Applebloom smiled as a green aura wrapped itself around her entire body. "Thanks Voluntas." Applebloom thanked the voice inside her head. "But let's safe the cake after we free my friends. Voluntas, how many ponies do they have?" "Just a moment.......yes. Alright, I've detected twelve ponies inside the crystalline Jade dome. Eleven ponies are turned into stone by Timor's magic, and the dragon is your friend Spike, but he is full of hatred which is being controlled by Odium." "Alright." Applebloom said, her entire eyes turning green. "What's the plan?" "I suggest we do not attack yet." Voluntas suggested. "What?!" Applebloom asked in a shocked manner. "Why!" "After searching the area, I located both Odium, the Element of Rage, and Cupiditas, the Element of Greed." Voluntas said. "So?" "I found no sign of Timor, the Element of Fear." Voluntas said, before quickly adding, "Warning, Fear detected." A split second was all the time Applebloom had to react to the attack. In the corner of her eye she saw a yellow aura dagger flying towards her. And in that split second she leaped upwards, dodging out of the yellow daggers range. But her mistake was jumping upwards instead of blocking. In a yellow flash, Timor appeared above Applebloom with a wicked smile on his face. A yellow aura sword in his hoof he swung it down onto Applebloom. But Applebloom saw the attack coming, and raised her hoof in front of the blade. A green aura round shield appeared, blocking the sword from striking Applebloom. Timor jumped off Applebloom and both landed in battle ready stances on the ground. Timor smiled happily as he stared at Applebloom. Who began to slightly blush at the stare. "Didn't your mother tell you it's rude to stare?" Applebloom asked hotly. Timor slightly chuckled at what his opponent had just said. "Oh Voluntas, we both know I never had a mother." "My name is Applebloom, and I know that you are Timor the Element of Fear." Applebloom replied. Timor chuckled again. "Oh Voluntas, it's been a long time old friend." "Hey! My name is Applebloom, not Voluntas!" Applebloom growled. "Subject Host Applebloom, I suggest that you let me speak to Timor." "... Alright." Applebloom sighed. Closing her eyes she let Voluntas take control of her body. Opening her eyes Voluntas spoke through Applebloom's body. "It's been a long time Timor." Voluntas spoke. "Ah, at last you show yourself Voluntas." Timor said obviously, smiling even more. "How does it feel to be inside a normal body?" "Better than that construct." "Fool!" Timor spat. "That body gave you complete power to your Element and you throw it away so that you can be joined with a weak and pathetic body like that?!" "No, it is you who are a fool Timor." Voluntas replied calmly. "You underestimate the true power of these ponies, their emotions are the true power they wield. But what I find curious is why you care?" "Why I care?! You have always been my enemy, my equal. To see you throw away your power like mere trash for something like this...it is infuriating to see it." Timor ranted. "If it's a fight you want than I won't object. But let the ponies go, they have no part in this." "Fine by me, I actually lost them about a while ago. But as long as it doesn't concern me I don't care." Timor said. "Shall we begin?" "Let's." Voluntas Replied. "That fool Timor." Odium growled, looking down as both Timor and Voluntas battled. "Why does he get to fight his opposite Element while ours hide away inside this dome?" "I don't really have an answer for that Odium." Cupiditas chuckled. "Yeah well-" Odium whipped his head to Cupiditas ready to retort but stopped short when he just stared at the thing on Cupiditases head. "What?" Cupiditas raised an eyebrow. "Is there something on my head?" The one who stood on top of Cupiditases head swung his head down and stared Cupiditas in the eyes. "Guess who?" Cheese sandwich smiled. "Gah!" Cupiditas shrieked as his wings came to a halt. Knocking Cheese off of his head. Only for him to come floating back up with his hoof tied to a shiny red balloon. The balloon stopped itself as Cheese face both Cupiditas and Odium. "Good afternoon to you too." He smiled. "Who the hay are you?" Odium asked. "Oh that's easy, I'm a talking floating banana with stick figure arms who wears a rainbow clown wig, has swirly eyes, a red nose, a fake evil mustache, a red bow tie with white polka dots, a very bad taste in puns, and only wants to force people to experience laughter." Cheese answered with a smile. Both Odium and Cupiditas flew in both fright and shock as they stared at Cheese confused. Cheese let out a frustrated sigh along with an eye roll. "Oh come on! You act like you've never heard a joke before." Cheese said. "You know what, forget it. You wouldn't understand anyways." Cheese tapped his chin, "Why was I here again?...oh right." Cheese said looking back to both Odium and Cupiditas. "I'm here to make a deal with you guys." Still shocked Cupiditas replied, "What kind of deal?" "An easy deal, you see I know something that you would love to know." "An what might that be?" Cupiditas raised an eyebrow. "Ah ah ah." Cheese said tauntingly. "I'll only tell you if you hear what I have to say." "That doesn't sound reasonable." Odium muttered. "Ignoring you." Cheese stuck out his tounge. "My terms are this, I'm not a unicorn but you guys are, well your part alicorn, anyways I want you to teleport everyone in there to a location that I'm about to tell you about." "And just why should we listen to you?" Odium asked. "Because I have information that you would love to hear." Cheese responded again. "You keep saying that you have information that we want to hear. But I haven't heard what this information even is." Cupiditas stated. "Ah yes. The information that I wish to give you is this, you see I know where the Element of Love and Hope are." Cheese said. Both Odium and Cupiditas perked up when they heard that. "Oh yeah, both Amare and Spero are inside that crystal dome. I'll happily open it up for you but you have to promise that you'll teleport everyone in there to the location I desire. Understood?" "Understood." Both Odium and Cupiditas agreed. "Good, now then there are three foals in there who I want you to teleport home. The rest, including me, I want you to teleport to an airship bound for the Crystal empire. I want you to do this the instant I blow a hole in the crystal dome." Cheese said, pulling out his large metal cannon. "Do it now!" Cheese yelled pulling on the cannon's trigger. A loud boom along with a teleport spell were all that heard. > Chapter twenty seven. preparations for an invasion > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heading north to the Crystal Empire were five airships traveling below the cloud level. The larger airship of the five flew in front signifying that it was the lead airship. Two airships flew on the right and behind the lead airship along with the other two that flew on the left of the lead airship and behind it. Airships were one of the most powerful and protected ways to travel, however they are not the fastest. There are many reasons and facts as to why this is, but the main reason is that airships are heavy and hard to move. Aboard the lead airship was none other than our main character Nightwing. But he wasn't alone. Aboard the lead airship was Flash Sentry, Lightning Strike, Fluttershy, and Thorn. Now to those who care about logic and facts I'll explain ewhat happened. The Complex Crystal is a very fascinating thing, it had the power to be programmed with multiple spells. One such spell that Nightwing had programed on his Crystal was a fail safe that would activate in case he was turned to stone. And as you might've guessed the fail safe activated and Nightwing was freed from the stone prison, a while later Nightwing had freed everyone else. Everyone wanted revenge against the three Sins that had turned them to stone. But their plans went array when a multi-color beam had shot up into the sky like a beacon in the far north. Everypony recognized the multi-colored beam as a distress signal from the Crystal Empire. Because of this both the Griffon leader and the Yak leader were asked to return to their nations for protection. Luna and Celestia were asked to return to the throne room and insure that Equestria wasn't vulnerable. Discord stayed as well due to him being no use because of the Crystal heart. Fluttershy, her being the Abbor Suserro, was asked to return to the Everfree to protect the Deer. But Fluttershy refused and instead gathered Everfree's army of Deer, loaded them onto an airship, and set sail towards the Crystal Empire. Expecting a large battle to take place Nightwing had took an army of his own. In the Mountain kingdom they had been manufacturing multiple Guardian's by request of Nightwing. Once the airships had set sail a certain stowaway was discovered on the airship. That's right, your second favorite crazy pony Cheese Sandwich was that Stowaway. Normally Nightwing would've just dropped kicked that pony right off the ship just because he could. But instead he knew that Cheese could be very useful. So he told Cheese to go get reinforcements to help in the might-happen battle. And then Nightwing literately dropped kicked Cheese off the ship. Now Nightwing was sitting in the chart room, examining the map of the Crystal Empire and the large area around it. Beside the map was an open book that contained information on the Crystal Empire. As far as the book told, all that Nightwing could gain from the information was that when the Crystal Empire is under attack multiple things happen. The first thing that would happen is if the Crystal Heart is unable to repel the attacker it creates a large magic dome around the entire Empire. Once the Dome is erected a distress beacon is fired requesting assistance. The reason that things like this happen is because the Empire's defense isn't very good. Why? Because the Empire puts to much faith in the Crystal Heart instead of in its military power. Which is really stupid. But not really really stupid. Nightwing could understand why something like that could happen, it was true that the Crystal Heart was very powerful. But it didn't excuse them from making the stupid decision and putting all of their faith in the Crystal Heart. But they did have a secret army of Shadowbolts which meant that if they activated the beacon then that meant the Empire was in some serious trouble, which was the need for an army in the first place. *knock, knock, knock* "Come in." Night said, not removing his eyes from the map. The door handle turned and Lightning walked in, looking very unpleasant. "What's the matter with you?" Nightwing asked. "I can't stand Airships." Lightning groaned. "Their so slow." "Airships are slower than Pegasi Lightning, your just gonna have to accept that fact." Nightwing said coolly. "Yeah but...how come the airship we took to the Mountain kingdom took less than a day and this one's gonna take us almost ten hours just to reach the Crystal Empire." "Because the last airship we took wasn't flying an army to said Empire." Nightwing stated. "Not to mention that four other airships are piloting behind us." "Okay..." Lightning said a bit sadly. Nightwing groaned in his head, knowing full well that he'd regret asking Lightning. "*sigh*...What's wrong?" He asked. Lightning looked away. "Don't want to talk about it." "Okay, fine by me." Nightwing shrugged, going back to his map. But as seconds dragged on Nightwing hated the awkward silence and looked back to him and asked again in a more hostile tone, "Lightning tell me what's wrong before I tie you to the front of the ship." "Okay okay...jeez." Lightning said quickly. "I'm worried about my sister okay." Lightning admitted. "That's it?" Nightwing raised an eyebrow. "You know she's 'thee' Abber Suserro right?" "Well yeah, but I can't help but worry for her." "Ugh...look-" Nightwing was interrupted when a loud flash appeared on the deck and a loud, "Oh Honey I'm hooooommmmmmeee!" Rang throughout the ship. Nightwing put a hoof to his forehead, a massive headache already forming. With a sigh Nightwing sat up, walked to the door, opened the door, and saw Cheese Sandwich along with a confused Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Ranger and Silver Platter. Pinkie however was clinging to Cheese's back. "Hello Captain Nightwing." Cheese saluted. "I've brought back willing soldiers for our fight." "Nightwing!" Twilight yelled. "Yes Twilight its me." Nightwing rolled his eyes. "You'll find Flash downstairs in the engine room." Nightwing said continuing to walk until he stopped the instant he saw Rainbow Dash. "What's wrong with her?" "She ain't feelin' well....is there a hospital somewhere on this here ship?" Applejack asked. "Downstairs, follow the signs they'll lead you there." Nightwing answered. Applejack nodded in appreciation as Ranger scooped up Rainbow Dash and swung her onto his back. He the followed Applejack downstairs. "You all might want to head to your rooms, I'll call a Guardian to guide you there-" "Now just a minute!" Nightwing cocked his head a bit as he looked a bit confused at an angry Rarity. "I don't know what you did but I want you to send me back right now!" Rarity demanded. "My sister could be in serious danger and you expect me to just-" "Silenceo." Nightwing pointed his crystal at Rarity who fell asleep on the spot and was caught by Silver. "Like I said before, you should all head to your rooms, it's gonna be a long trip. Lightning show them to their rooms." Lightning Strike didn't get a chance to retort as Nightwing walked back into the chart room, slamming the door behind him. Nightwing breathed a sigh of relief once he was back inside the chart room. Or at least he was until he saw that there was someone else inside the room. Across from Nightwing, sitting at the table writting in his book with a pencil in his mouth, was a light brown furred colt with freckles on his muzzle, he had a scruffy blond mane and tail, and had blue eyes. It was Appleseed, the colt from the future. Appleseed looked up from his book and saw Nightwing. He opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted as he caught in a blue aura by Nightwing's crystal. "Not in the mood." Nightwing grumbled as he chucked Appleseed out of the window. Once he was gone Nightwing sighed in relief again. Only to see that Appleseed was sitting across from again with a cross look. "Was that really necessary?" He asked, acting like getting chucked out of a window was an everyday experience to him. "No. No. Nononono." Nightwing repeated over and over again refusing to accept that Appleseed was really here. "It's me Nightwing." Appleseed said. "The colt who's from the future and who you met on the farm." "Yeah right, I don't even think your from the future." Nightwing said. "What makes you say that?" Appleseed raised an eyebrow. "I think your nothing more than my subconscious trying to tell me what's right and what's wrong." Nightwing said. "He'd say you'd say something like that." Appleseed said. "Face it Nightwing I'm from the fut-" "No, no I refuse to accept that your from the future. In fact I refuse to accept your very existence!" Nightwing interrupted. "I don't know what I have to do to convince you that I'm from the future. Oh wait." Appleseed paused reaching down next to him he pulled up an object wrapped in a cloth. "I do." "What's that?" Nightwing asked. "I told you before on the farm that someone can't stay in the past for to long unless they anchor themselves to the past. To do this you need to have an object with you from the past to anchor you down. This object could be anything from a mere pebble." He paused unwrapping the cloth and holding the object in front of Nightwing. "To a Shadow Knights Complex Crystal." The room was once more filled with silence as Appleseed indeed held a Complex Crystal in front of Nightwing. But what stumped Nightwing was the fact that the Complex Crystal that Appleseed held was in fact his Complex crystal. Which was impossible, but just to make sure he looked down to his right foreleg and sure enough his Crystal was still there. But then a thought occurred to Nightwing, what if this was someone else's Complex crystal? To check he levitated the Complex Crystal that Appleseed held to him, lifting up his own and the other Nightwing tried to make both of the tips touch. Only for the instant they touched a spark shot from both of them, repelling each other as Nightwing went flying back and the other Complex crystal flew into Appleseed's hooves. "Like I said before on the farm, time cannot be changed. If you to try and create a paradox time would instantly fix itself and prevent you from doing things like that." Appleseed explained in a calm tone. "Where did you...how did you..." Nightwing fumbled on his words as his mind tried to wrap itself around the current situation. "Calm down, I know it's a lot to take in but I'm telling the truth." Appleseed assured. "Listen I need you to be fully prepared for what I'm about to tell you. The trip here will be completely wasted if you aren't paying attention." "I thought you said time couldn't be changed?" Nightwing asked. "Yeah, that doesn't mean you should try and change time." Appleseed said. "It'd be like going back in time to kill Hitler and thinking that everything will be just fine." "Hitler who?" Appleseed sighed as he facehoofed. "Dangum it, Party's rubbing off on me." "Who?" "No one. Gah! What am I saying, listen I need to tell you a couple of things that involve the battle that's about to happen." Appleseed said hotly. "So are you fully listening?" Nightwing nodded. "Good. Okay, as you might know the Crystal Empire is under attack from someone. But what you don't know is what they've done to the Empire." "Wait, why don't you just tell me who's attacking the Empire?" "Because I'm not supposed to! Anyways, as I was trying to say before is that the ones who have invaded the Empire have infected the Crystal Heart. Because of this they have complete control over the Crystal ponies, its defenses, and the Empire's military the Shadowbolts." Appleseed explained. "But-" "And if your wondering why that is its because the Crystal Heart is connected to everyone who lives in the Empire. If you control the Heart you control everything in the Empire." "Okay, but why did you travel through time just to tell me all that?" Nightwing asked. "I didn't, you see your about to face someone that you keep close to your heart. When you do you have to push aside your feelings and kill them." Nightwing's eyes widened. "What....?" Before Nightwing could say anything else the door to the room was shot open as Ranger entered the room. "I heard a crash." Ranger said, then saw Nightwing. "Nightwing are you alright?" Ranger asked. Nightwing looked to Ranger, "I'm...fine, but-" Nightwing cut himself off as he looked back to where Appleseed once was only to see that he was no longer there. 'Oh he did not just pull a Dad on me!' Nightwing thought before looking back to Ranger. "Why aren't you with Applejack?" "Actually, she told me to come get you." Ranger answered. "Somethings wrong with her friend Rainbow Dash." Any feelings of anger at the colt Appleseed were pushed aside from Nightwing's brain. All that currently mattered was that he had all of his troops at one hundred percent. That included Rainbow Dash. The lead Airship was an attack airship which made it heavier which made it slower. But a main reason it was so heavy was because it was twice the size of a normal airship and had four stories instead of two. On the deck there was the chart room, the control deck, and one of weapons room. On the first lower story were one hundred and fifty cabin rooms, each room had one bathroom, six hammock beds, and six dressers. On the second lower deck was the engine room where the engine was powered by a crystal the poured magic into the engine fueling it, on the other side of second floor was the medical room, run by medical programed Sentinel Guardian's. The medical room was capable of holding up to seventy five patients. On the third and forth lower deck was merely storage. On the second lower floor Nightwing and Ranger were walking quite fast to the medical room. It didn't take long for the medical room to come into sight, and with a ruff push Nightwing pushed through the double door which swung freely. Upon entering the room Nightwing's sensitive ears heard the sound a screaming mare. Which was, of course, Rainbow Dash. Looking to his left Nightwing saw both Lightning Strike and Applejack on the sides of the medical bed trying to hold down the forelegs and backlegs of a struggling Rainbow Dash. Rainbow screamed and shouted in pain as her body writhed in pain. Behind Applejack was one of Nightwing's Guardian's who had a medical cross symbol carved into the armor's forehead. "For pete's sake will ya give us a' hoof?!" Applejack turned her head to the Guardian and shouted at said Guardian behind her. The Guardian looked at Applejack and simply replied, "No, you are not authorized by Nightwing to give me orders." "Guardian, activate code order seven." Nightwing told to the Guardian. "Captain Nightwing code order confirmed, eliminate Lightning Strike." The Guardian said, holding up its right hoof and a lightning ball appeared in its hoof. Which made Lightning turn pale. "Gah! I mean code seventeen, code seventeen!" Nightwing clarified the code order quickly. "Code order seven belayed, code seventeen accepted." He Guardian restated, making the lightning ball disappear, and the Guardian's body began to come apart piece by piece as it stretched over Rainbow Dash's body until three golden bars wrapped themselves around Rainbow Dash, preventing her from moving. Applejack wiped away the sweat on her forehead with a sigh, only to glare at Nightwing. "An' just where in tarnation have you been?!" She pointed to Nightwing. "I was busy talking to a colt who traveled through time from the future to have a discussion with me." Nightwing said honestly. "...wha." Applejack asked confused. Nightwing shrugged. "Hey don't look at me, your the one who always says that honesty is best policy." Nightwing approached Rainbow Dash. "Now then, what bug seems to have infected our patient today?" Nightwing asked examining Rainbow Dash. "Can I get some help here?" Nightwing asked. Upon his request two Guardian's appeared at the end of Rainbow's bed. "What are your orders Captain Nightwing?" Both Guardian's asked. "I'm gonna need some medical equipment." Nightwing said. And a Guardian left and returned with multiple tools. "Alright, let's see what the problem is." Nightwing said opening up Rainbow Dash's left eye. The moment that Rainbow's left eye was open everyone saw that it was no longer the same. What was once a cherry red/pink eye was now a fully yellow eye full of fear. "Oh colt, that's not good." Nightwing muttered. "What'd ya mean 'not good'?" Applejack asked worried. "Rainbow Dash is suffering from a type of fear spell, a spell that weakens the magic and strength of its victim. It keeps eating away at the victim filling her with her greatest fears making her live in her own nightmare." Nightwing explained. "Well ya better figure out how to help her." Applejack threatened. "I already did that." Nightwing held up his crystal, it flashed dark blue, and then he collapsed. A Guardian approached Nightwing, picked him up, and sat him on the bed next to Rainbow Dash's. "What just happened?" Lightning asked. The Guardian turned to Lightning Strike and answered, "Captain Nightwing's subconscious has traveled in Rainbow Dash's to remove the fear spell at its source." Magic is everywhere. It flows through our very blood. This magic can be used to do incredible things, one such magic is known as mind magic. Shadow casters were the ones who discovered and magnified this type of magic. Mind magic consists of reading minds, hypnosis, truth seeing, and traveling through the subconscious. When Nightwing first became Luna's student she taught him how to travel into a Pony's mind. Of course only Luna could travel through dreams but many could travel through the mind. Both dreams and mind traveling lead to the subconscious but traveling through a dream is much easier than traveling through the mind. Why? Because when mind traveling it's like trying to shove a pin into a stone rock whereas traveling through a dream is like putting a pin in a pillow. When someone is traveling through the pony's mind the mind of said pony is fully aware of the travelers existence, meaning if the traveler is to stumble upon something he isn't supposed to, the mind will cease up and do everything in its power to destroy the intruder. Now back to your least favorite/favorite OC. "Hallways. It's always hallways." Nightwing grumbled staring down what seemed to be an endless hallway full of multiple doors. Nightwing was standing in a somewhat medium sized hallway full of doors on each side of the wall. Beside each door was a wax lit candle the lit up the hallway. The floor was covered in a rainbow style carpet which wasn't surprising to Nightwing. "Okay, let's find out what's making you so afraid?" Nightwing asked out-loud beginning his walk through the hallway. He knew the three rules of mind traveling. Rule one, never go invade on the dark secrets that the pony hides. Rule two, always check to make sure that the mind hasn't considered you a threat to the subconscious. Rule three, check throughly on the memory you see, cause if you do something really stupid then your gonna die. Rule one was very easy to follow because if the memory was a dark secret then it'd be covered in chains and black locks. Rule two would be more difficult cause you never know when the mind is gonna attack you, but considering that it was Rainbow's brain Nightwing was in he didn't worry to much about that. As for rule three, he planned that from the beginning. As our main character walked through the hallway he began to pass by multiple doors that were locked down by chains and black locks. Nightwing soon came to a halt as a sudden thought occurred to him. He had no idea what he was looking for. Sure he had been under the fear spell by that yellow alicorn which made him experience.....his most awful nightmare. But he had no idea what Rainbow Dash was suffering from. "Excuse me." A sweet and soft voice came from behind Nightwing. In instinct he spun around behind him and saw no one there. Then looking down he saw a small filly Fluttershy who had half of her face covered by her pink mane. With a kind smile she asked, "Are you looking for something?" Nightwing stared at the filly for a couple of seconds before saying, "Your Rainbow Dash's angel aren't you?" The filly Fluttershy put a hoof to her mouth and giggled. Her reply was a nod. "Your correct Mr. Nightwing. I'm the voice inside Rainbow Dash's head that tells her all the good things that she should do." "Funny...you don't look like the normal angel's I've seen inside the subconscious?" Nightwing scratched his head. "Wait, if your the angel then who's the devil?" "That would be me." A dry and sinister voice replied. Once again Nightwing spun around to see that another filly was behind him. Only this one wasn't Fluttershy, instead it looked like a filly of an alicorn Twilight. Instead of normal neat fur the devil Twilight's fur and mane were more unkempt. Her eyes were not purple instead they were blood red. She also had vampire fangs and vampire ears. Nightwing looked back and forth between the filly Fluttershy and the devil Twilight before saying, "Why is Rainbow Dash's and angel look like Fluttershy instead of herself?" Nightwing asked. "I can understand Twilight being the devil, but I can't for Fluttershy." "Because despite how dusty Rainbow's brain is, it still knows how to keep this place running. Also, if both the Angel and devil were like Rainbow Dash then both would have enough ego that they'd never come to a compromise on a decision." The devil Twilight explained. "Right...figures." Night sighed. "Listen, the mind may not know this but it's under a fear spell. Rainbow Dash is currently experiencing her darkest memory and she's slowly fading away. If we don't do something then she will surely die." "We are already aware of that." The Angel Fluttershy responded. "Why do you think the mind hasn't attacked you yet?" The devil Twilight said. "Okay, so can you get me to the memory that's being affected?" Nightwing asked. "Were already there." The Angel Fluttershy said. Turning to his left Nightwing was now 100 percent sure that he was standing in front of the affected memory. In front of him was a steel door that looked like it was a door that a half aged dragon could fit through. Not to mention the number of chains that wrapped themselves around it so that it kept the large door sealed. In the center of the chains was a large black lock that kept the chains in place. Not to mention the faint yellow glow that seeped out of the cracks from the doorway. Now came the hard part. Nightwing knew that once he tried to unlock the door the mind would instantly reject him from doing so. And since this was Rainbow's darkest secret, it meant that the mind would do everything in its power to stop him from trying to unlock it. "This is gonna sting." Nightwing sighed as he used his complex crystal to pull on the lock. As expected the door didn't like what Nightwing was doing so it instantly counter attacked as yellow chains erupted from the creaks in the door. The yellow chains slithered across the floor towards Nightwing at lightning speed. And before he could even counter the chains they had alread wrapped themselves around his legs, wings, back, neck, head, and muzzle. The moment the chains made contact with Nightwing's skin he instantly felt a stinging sensation as the chains burned his skin. "Nnnngrrrgh!" Nightwing cringed as his skin continued to burn. But the heat was nothing compared to the burning fires he felt long ago. His body begged Nightwing to stop, he could feel his body loosing strength. But his mind refused to accept the request as he continued to try and break the lock. The said lock was slowly beginning to crack as the complex crystal continued to pull and pull against it. Until with one mighty heave it shattered and the door was slightly pulled open. Nightwing only needed a glimpse of the inside to get there as he vanished and reappeared behind the door. As the door closed behind him Nightwing panted and cringed from the pain that the yellow chains had caused. Burn marks were clearly visible on his entire body. Of course this was all in his head and of it was real, but that didn't stop Nightwing from feeling pain. After a while the pain had somewhat slowly died down just enough for him to move. Sitting up he saw that he was in a house. A cloud house in particular. In fact it looked like just a normal cloud Pegasus house, nothing to rich nothing to poor. Just a normal house. Examining the room even more Nightwing saw that he appeared to be in the living room. Looking around once more he saw that there was a kitchen, upstairs, and dining room. All of which were completely normal. Which had confused Nightwing even more. If this was her most traumatic moment then why did everything look so normal? "Mom?" A young voice asked behind Nightwing. Nightwing once again found himself spinning around to see a young filly with cyan fur and a rainbow mane. In front of the filly was a grown mare with cyan fur, green eyes, and a jet blue blue mane. The mare was about to step out the main door and she had a worried and shocked look on her face. "Mommy where are you going?" The filly asked. The mare looked hesitant to answer the filly. But Nightwing knew she was trying to think of a lie to get away. "I'm sorry." The mare shut her eyes and looked away before racing out the door, shutting it behind her. "Mommy!" The filly shouted. Running up to the door, pulling against the door handle trying desperately to open the door. But it wouldn't budge. As this all happened Nightwing's ears perked up as he heard a faint sobbing. Turning Nightwing saw that the sobbing was coming from a grown up Rainbow Dash. "So this is your most horrible memory huh?"Nightwing approached Rainbow. Rainbow didn't pay any attention to how Nightwing was here. Instead she asked, "Why?" "Why? Why your mother left you at a young age? I don't know, but she must've had a good reason for leaving." Nightwing gave a somewhat good response. "Why are you of all ponies here?" Rainbow groaned. "Discord would've been a better choice than you." "Ouch. That almost stings more than those yellow chains." Nightwing joked. "But in all seriousness, why is this your most horrible memory? I mean sure, your mom left you when you were young and that can be very traumatic I guess. But honestly, it doesn't seem that traumatic." "Yeah like you'd understand what its like to lose someone you once love at eight years old." Rainbow Dash said. At that moment Nightwing grabbed Rainbow by the neck so that he could stare Rainbow right in the eyes. "Unless you have gone through the exact pain that I've felt you have no right to say anything along those lines to me." Nightwing growled. "What are you talking about?" "I take it you failed history class. When I was young ponies believed that my kind were nothing but monsters that needed to wiped away from the world. And because of that they hunted down every vampire batpony and killed them. I watched as my father, sister, and mother all died and I couldn't do a single thing to stop it." Nightwing explained. "When I was under the fear spell I watched as my family died over and over again. But it was more than that. I felt my entire race slowly dying from the hooves of the ponies." "...oh." Rainbow Dash was speechless. "But you still have a mother out there, somewhere. You just have to find her." Night extended his hoof. "So come on, you aren't gonna find her stuck in here." Back on the airship Twilight had been race walking down the ship trying her best to remain a little bit of posture. After getting some directions from multiple Guardian's, Twilight had discovered the location of the engine room. Turning a corner in the hallway, Twilight saw the double doorway that lead to the engine room. And as expected two Guardian's were standing guard at the door. When Twilight approached the doorway the two Guardian's immediately blocked her. "Move out of the way." Twilight ordered. The Guardian's didn't move. "Identify." The Guardian asked. Sighing Twilight responded, "I am Princess Twilight Sparkle. Fourth princess of Equestria. I am the princess of friendship." "Identity unknown." The Guardian said. "There is no authorized user by the name 'Princess Twilight Sparkle'." Twilight mentally slapped herself. She forgot that Nightwing was the one that had programed the Guardian's therefor he gave them an identity that wasn't hers. So what kind of identity could he have given them unless- A dark and horrific thought occurred to Twilight. She knew exactly what identity Nightwing had programed inside the Guardian's and she was a little reluctant to say it. But Flash was on the other side of the door which meant that she had no choice. With a defeated sigh Twilight said, "My name is Princess Sporkal. The princess of dragon poo." "Identity confirmed. Welcome princess of poo." The two Guardian's moved and the door to the engine room opened. "Note to self. Banish Nightwing to the armpits of Tartarus." Twilight grumbled, walking in the engine room. As the author probably told you in chapter twelve airships are fueled by magic. But magic isn't just a liquid that you can pour into the engine. No you have to absorb it. And that's exactly what the reactor was made to do. In the center of the engine room was a large spherical thing that looked kinda like a large fire ball. Multiple large rings rotated around the large fire ball in a sphere 360 degrees. The large ball hovered above a circle device with numerous buttons and levers which were maintained by multiple Guardian's. But next to the circle device, observing the engine, was Flash and Fluttershy. Flash was dressed in a royal guard enchanted gold armor breastplate. The head piece was nowhere to be found. Fluttershy was dressed in a Everfree green light armor which provided speed over defense. Both were talking about something based on tactics and decision. As they were talking both Flash and Fluttershy caught a glimpse of Twilight. Wishing not to be a third wheel in the conversation, Fluttershy told Flash they'd talk later and walked off. Twilight approached Flash cautiously. "Hey..." Twilight introduced pretty awkward like. "Hey..." Flash greeted can with the same level of awkwardness. "So.....how ya been?" Twilight smiled weakly. Flash shrugged. "I'm okay. I'm not completely fine, what with the fact I was turned to stone." "Oh..." More awkward silence. "Twilight are you okay?" Flash asked. "Am I okay?" Twilight took offense. "I just saw you turned to stone, my assistant Spike is currently being controlled by another element, and Nightwing declared me the 'princess of poo'-" Flash snorted. "It's not funny." "Sorry. Look, I get that your probably angry-" "That's an understatement. Shadow joked. "-But, I want you to know that I'm here to help you in anyway I can." Flash said, trying his best to calm his mare friend. "Ya wanna hug?" "....yeah. A hug would be very nice right now." Eight hours had past and the five airships were still on their way to the Crystal Empire. Inside the lead airship on first lower floor in one of the rooms, Rarity slept in a rocking hammock asleep. Watching the mare sleep, not creepy at all, was Silver Platter. Who was smiling at the blissful sleeping mare. "She's more beautiful in her sleep." Silver said softly. "Why Silver Platter." The Mare's voice said in Silver's head. "Do you have a crush on this mare?" 'That would be an understatement.' Silver replied to the mare's voice. "Ooh la la. I smell romance!" The Mare taunted. 'Whatever, I'm not in the mood for your jokes.' "Well you better be in the mood for this, I've detected five other Elements of Chaos onboard." 'What?! Which ones?' "I'm not sure about the other four. But I can detect the Element of Mischief onboard." Before Silver could say anything else Rarity grumbled and groaned as she began to wake. Her eyes fluttered open as she rubbed them. Only for them to shoot open as she sat bolt upright. "Sweetie bell!" Rarity screamed. "Rarity!" Silver shouted as he ran to her bed (hammock) side and held her down. Rarity thrashed and kicked. "Let me go! I need to save her!" "Rarity calm down, your not gonna be able to help in your current state." Silver stated. Rarity's thrashing began to slowly cease as she ran out of energy to move. "I-I-I-..." Rarity stuttered. "I understand that you wanna help your sister, but there's nothing we can do. I'm sorry." He said, trying his best to help his friend. "*sigh* It's not your fault Silver dear." Rarity sighed. "I just wish that I wasn't so...helpless." "Your not helpless-" "Yes I am." Rarity interrupted. "I was the reason Spike turned into that hideous dragon once again and my little sister is probably trying to defend herself from one of those alicorn brutes." "It seems that the Element of Generosity is not aware of the Element of Love's power." Before anyone else could say another word the main door opened and a Guardian walked in. "Is miss Rarity at full health?" The Guardian asked. "Um...yes I seem fine." Rarity answered. "Wait a minute. Where's that Nightwing he has no right to cast spells upon a lady!" Rarity said hotly. The Guardian stepped forward in a hostile position. "You will make no threats to the Captain. Any threats will be targeted as an attempt of assassination and will be treated with defense protocols." "Stand down Guardian." Nightwing said, upon entering the room. "Order received Captain." The Guardian said returning to its normal posture. "You." Rarity growled, glaring her eyes at Nightwing. "You better return me back to my sister this instance before I do something unladylike." "Please," Nightwing rolled his eyes. "You clearly don't understand that I can't just put you back where your sister is right? Even if I did, you wouldn't last two minutes with her, the only thing you'd do is get in the way." Nightwing said before turning to the guardian. "Prep both of them for battle. Will be arriving sooner than we thought." "Yes sir." The Guardian saluted. > Chapter twenty eight. Now with pictures! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Far south from the battle airships the battle between the three Sin's and the three Light's was taking place. Of course the first moments were confusing due to the fact that Cheese appeared out of nowhere and everyone inside was teleported to who knows where. But it didn't take long for everyone to push aside that moment and focus on the now. Currently Applebloom and Timor were both sparring off aways from the others. Meanwhile, the now in control of their powers, Scootaloo and Sweetie Bell faced Odium, Cupiditas, and the still mind controlled large dragon with glowing red eyes Spike. When Silver Platter vanished the crystal dome that shielded the group from Odium and Cupiditas crumbled piece by piece. With no dome both Spero and Amare gave full control back to their hosts. Now the five had landed on the ground as no one moved at all, they only stared at one another each waiting for the other to make a move. "Host Scootaloo." Spero said within Scootaloo's mind. "I understand that this may be sudden but understand that we had to remain hidden in hopes that the three Sin's would not find us." 'It's alright...ummm.' Scootaloo's thought trailed off as she forgot the name of the one inside her head. "Spero." The Element of Hope answered. 'Spero right, sorry about that. Anyways, I want to know why I was chosen as the Element of Hope and when I was chosen." Scootaloo asked. "That is unwise, our opponents are right in front of us and could attack at any moment-" 'I don't care!' Scootaloo cut Spero off. 'I want an answer and I want it now.' "...*sigh*...as you wish. You were chosen when you had faced great Fear and defeated it." 'But when did I become the Element of Hope?' Scootaloo emphasized 'when'. "It was when you had faced your nightmares and showed that you could be a powerful weapon against the three Sin's. Their were others who showed great strength but the child of light and darkness commanded that we choose you." Spero explained. 'Child of light and darkness?' Scootaloo asked. "Yes, the child of the first Alicorns that had existed in the beginning of time." Before the conversation between host and Element could continue Odium shouted, "Hey!" Everyone turned to Odium. "I've had enough time waiting for something to happen." He glared at Scootaloo. "You and I have a score to settle, Spero." "Be careful Host Scootaloo." Spero warned. "Our opponent is Odium, the Element of Rage. While he lacks in brains he makes up for it in strength." "Yeah, I think I already got that." Scootaloo said, readying herself to fight. Odium was the first to act. Motioning his hoof to Scootaloo the large dragon gave a vicious roar as it charged forwards towards Scootaloo. Now Scootaloo's first instinct was to fly upwards and dodge the attack. There was just one problem, she couldn't fly. Which sucked because she could really use right about now. "Allow me to help you." Spero said as Scootaloo's eyes glowed blue. And in almost an instant she changed. Armored Scootaloo Her body became engulfed up in a light blue aura. Blue pieces of armor began to build itself onto Scootaloo's body as it covered her back, belly, legs, and neck. From the neck piece a blue aura helmet built itself onto her head. The helmet covered the entire head and face, two metal ear-like things sprouted from the back of the head that covered her ears. The face of the helmet was a T like shape where Scootaloo was able to see out of. Two holes formed on the body sides of the armor which allowed her wings to sprout out of. The blue aura armor affected the wings as well. What was once a pair of feathered Pegasus wings was now a wing that was made of three blue blade like things. At first Scootaloo thought that she wouldn't be able to fly with such wings, but her opinion was dramatically changed as she jumped off the ground and sailed into the sky at impossibly fast speed. Spike came to a halt as his head flowed Scootaloo flying upward. Opening his mouth a large amount of green flames was fired at Scootaloo. The green inferno came so close to Scootaloo that she had no time to dodge the attack. Her only option, besides being burned to a flaming corpse, was to block it. Hovering in place Scootaloo crossed her forelegs in front of herself in hopes that it might be able to give a somewhat shield against the green flames. And just like that a large blue aura shield appeared in front of her. Once the green flames had reached to where Scootaloo was, the flames went past Scootaloo unaffected except for the flames that burned against the shield. The terrifying thought that the shield might break loomed in Scootaloo's head, but the shield never faltered or cracked. "Do not be afraid Host Scootaloo. You power is fueled by your hope, it cannot exist without it." Spero tried to reassure her Host. "Okay." Scootaloo said, pushing aside the fears and doubts that she had felt. The green flames had passed Scootaloo and evaporated into the atmosphere. All but the blue aura shield was the only thing that was hit by the green flames. Lowering her forelegs the blue shield disappeared. "Good job." Odium said from behind Scootaloo. Whipping her head around Scootaloo was met with the angered face of Odium. A red ball that pulsed violently with raged magic hovered a few inches above Odium's hoof. "Your just like Spero aren't you. Always defending, never attacking when you should." Odium spat. "It disgusts me." "Oh yeah." Scootaloo gritted her teeth. "Well if you want offense." She paused, extending her right hoof as a blue aura sword emerged. "You bet your flank that I'm gonna bring it!" Scootaloo charged. "Soooo..." Sweetie bell said. "Are we gonna fight?" Cupiditas shrugged. "Nah, will let them fight and once their done it'll be our turn." 'He's more peaceful than the others.' Sweetie thought. "That's because the Element of Greed is more manipulative than the others." Amare warned. "So be on your guard." Continues strikes and slashes were drawn as Scootaloo's blue sword clashed against Odium's more brutal looking sword. Each attack, whether it was dealt by Scootaloo or Odium, it was either dodged or blocked by the swords target. "It seems I was wrong Element of Hope." Odium grinned, savoring ever detail of the battle. "Apparently you do have a spine." "Yeah, and I'm gonna kick you back to whatever Tartarus you came from with it." Scootaloo threatened. "Calm yourself Scootaloo, if you are not careful Odium will feed off of your hatred." Spero warned. "Don't care!" Scootaloo shouted slashing her sword at Odium. Who simply dodged the easily sighted attack. "You should listen to Spero, Element of Hope." Odium grinned. "A guide is nothing but a burden if not listened to." "Shut your mouth and fight." Scootaloo growled, a faint glow of red could be seen from inside her helmet. With a roar Odium charged at Scootaloo and Scootaloo did the same. Both swords crashed against the other as Scootaloo glared at Odium and Odium glared at Scootaloo. Both tried to use their strength to overpower the other but it was no use as both became entrapped in a standstill. That is until a wicked smile grew across Odium's face as his horn lit up. Scootaloo only had a five second window to dodge the attack. Which was enough time for her to do something really stupid. She reared back her head, and headbutt Odium in the face. Odium flared back as he howled in pain from the unexpected attack. Scootaloo flew back as well, her head not in pain but a bit shaken up. Odium growled at Scootaloo in rage as he growled. The growl grew into a fully mature roar as red magic flared from his wings and body. The red magic then began to go upwards seeping into a small red ball that had formed above his horn. As more magic seeped in the larger the ball grew. And grew. And grew. And grew. Until it was the five times the size of the small ball before. Scootaloo hovered in awe at the large sphere of menacing red magic. "Oh colt." Scootaloo muttered in fright. "Do not let fear take control of you." Spero warned. "Rember that you have the light of Hope. You can do this, you must believe in yourself and in others." But how could she believe. How could she possibly believe that she could defeat this alicorn who showed incredible power. She was just a Pegasus that could barely fly, fighting against someone who was a bucking alicorn. As the thoughts of doubt and fear continued to flow through her mind the blue armor that protected her began to crack and falter. Thoughts of seeing her friends defeated and broken flashed into her head. Tears were on the verge of bursting out of her eyes at the sight of her broken friends. "Perish Element of Hope!" Odium roared as he chucked the red sphere at Scootaloo. Despite its size the sphere traveled at incredible speed. Soaring straight at Scootaloo who hovered unable to move. Her eyes flashed a bright blue before completely vanishing. "I'm afraid." Scootaloo whimpered. Unable to move Scootaloo was met with full collision with the red sphere. The sphere pushed the filly downwards towards the ground. The blue armor that protected Scootaloo was beginning to break off piece by piece. When the sphere had made contact with the ground a loud KABOOOOOM!!!! Erupted from the ground as a red mushroom cloud formed on the crater. "Scootaloo!" Sweetie Bell shouted towards the crater. "I did not think Spero would fall prey to fear." Amare said in astonishment. "Sweetie, you must fight Cupiditas. You won't be able to help your friend without defeating Cupiditases first." Sweetie was about to retort but became aware that she was no longer where she once was. What was once a rocky and grassy plane was now an empty void of total darkness. Well I wouldn't call it a void cause there was a floor. But other than that, it looked like empty space. "Hehehehehe." Cupiditases chuckle echoed throughout the void/empty space/cheeseburger. Sweetie frantically searched around the void/empty space/yes I said cheeseburger, I'm hungry. "Poor Element of Love." Cupiditas sighed. "It's such a powerful thing. But it's greatest power is its greatest downfall." "Show yourself!" Sweetie demanded. "Let me tell you a story, Element of Love." Cupiditas said, ignoring anything Sweetie said. "Long ago there were two Elements of Love. Both siblings, both cared for each other to the end. But then a certain someone came and severed that bond between the two siblings. A pony." Cupiditas chuckled as the old memories came back to him. "It's funny how a simply pony came between two powerful beings. The two Elements fell in love with the pony. But only one could have his love. And guess what? The pony chose one of the siblings while the other was left with nothing but heartbreak." Cupiditas said venomously. "But the heartbroken sibling hated his sister. Hated everything that she had. So the sibling decided that if he could not let the pony love him he would take her and make her his. And so the sibling evolved. It was no longer an Element of Love." Cupiditas said appearing right behind Sweetie and whispered in her ear, "And became the Element of Greed." Goosebumps ran all over Sweetie Bell's skin at the sound of Cupiditases words. Acting on impulse Sweetie turned around, her horn glowed pink as she was ready to send a magic blast right towards Cupiditases way. But she stopped as the one behind her was not Cupiditas. It was First Base. "Base?" Sweetie asked in bewilderment. First Base said nothing, only smiled. From behind First Base came Dinkie sharing the same smile as Base. The two locked eyes and kissed each other. Sweetie's eyes shrunk in awe and fear at the sight she was seeing. Her mind commanded that her body move, that she needed to look away. But both refused, standing still she was forced to watch the display. Cupiditas appeared next to Sweetie once again. "Love has two paths, one leads to happiness and beauty while the other leads to heartbreak." Cupiditas said. "My sister got to travel down the path of happiness while I was left to travel down the road of heartbreak. But you don't have to walk down that path Sweetie Bell." Cupiditas smiled. Sweetie's eyes became fully orange, showing her a new image. Instead of Dinkie and First Base now Sweetie Bell and First Base were kissing each other. "Abandon the Element of Love, abandon the road of heartbreak and get everything that you deserve. Go on." Cupiditas said, an orange orb appeared in front of Sweetie. "Take what belongs to you." "No!" The orange in Sweetie's eyes faded away as she shook her head. Opening her eyes she was no longer in a void/empty space/I really want a cheeseburger. Looking in front of her she saw that the one who was responsible for getting her out of the trap was a colt earth pony with brown fur and a light orange mane. "Button Mash?" One rock, two rocks, red rocks, blue rocks. Rocks of all kind fell onto the pile of rocks which Scootaloo was buried in. Without the blue light of hope to protect her, Scootaloo had taken the full amount of pain from the falling rocks. Surprisingly the large red magic ball that struck Scootaloo didn't really hurt, it just shoved her towards the ground. "H-h-h-host...Scoo-oo-oo-taloo...are...y-y-yo...yo-u-u-u...alright-t-t?" Spero's voice started to glitch inside Scootaloo's head. "Spero..." Scootaloo coughed and grunted in pain, her head turned over to her left to see a large Boulder had crushed her wing, left forehoof, and left hind leg. "I don't think I'm doing to well." "Y-y-o-our..lef-f-ft...wing...I-I-I-is dammmmmaged...hop-p-pe not deeeeeeetected..." Spero's voice said in a glitch state. Yeah, that was obvious alright. Scootaloo gazed at the empty sky above her. Not a cloud to be seen for miles. That small taste of sky was enough for Scootaloo to crave for it ten times more. But now she couldn't. Just like before, she had been chained back to the ground only able to stare hungry at the sky. Yes the light of hope was very weak in Scootaloo now. There was little chance for the small light to even be able to live anymore. But there was a chance. And somepony took it. Suddenly the large Boulder that had crushed Scootaloo's left hind leg, left forehoof, and left wing began to wiggle. Then it wiggled some more. This continued until the large Boulder was heaved forward as a Pegasus colt pushed the Boulder. The colt grunted and wheezed from the sheer weight of the large rock but he was able to push it off Scootaloo's left limbs. Once her eyes had adjusted Scootaloo was able to see the full detail of the colt. "Rumble?" The wind whistled as it blew past Sweetie Bell, Cupiditas, and Button Mash, adding more of the dramatic tension to the moment. Cupiditas scoffed then spoke, "Who are you?" "My name is Button Mash...and well...I'm gonna fight you to protect Sweetie Bell." Button said trying his best to not to look intimidated but was beginning to crack under the pressure. Cupiditas stared at Button Mash quizzically before he burst out laughing. "Pfthahahahaha!" Cupiditas laughed. "You joking right?" Cupiditas asked like he had just heard the funniest thing in his life. "Your no Elemental." Cupiditas said as he began to approach Button. "Your no Alicorn. No unicorn. No Pegasus. No." He paused stand but two feet from Button. "Your just an earth pony, the lowest form of a pony. One who was not granted magic or flight. And from the looks of it I'd say you don't even have a fourth of normal earth pony strength." "Leave him alone!" Sweetie Bell shouted. Cupiditas smiled at those words. "You care for this one don't you?" Cupiditas asked. "Good, you can watch him die." "NO!" Sweetie Bell shouted, her horn and eyes became engulfed in pink magic as she released a pink magical blast which push Cupiditas far away. Button rushed to Sweetie Bell. "Button...what...what are you doing here?" Sweetie huffed. "I came to help. Listen, you can beat this guy I know you can." Button said. "I can't..." Sweetie whimpered. "I just...I just can't." "Hey look at me." Button said, losing his hoof underneath Sweetie Bell's chin and raising it up to face him. "You need to stop focusing on him." Sweetie's eyes widened at that. "Oh don't give me that look, everyone knows that you've had a crush on First Base since the day you first saw him. But just because he loves someone else doesn't mean that you have to live with heartbreak your whole life. So come on." Button offered his hoof to Sweetie Bell. "Let's kick this bad Guy's butt all the way back to Tartarus, together." At first Sweetie just stared aimlessly at the hoof. But the thoughts of heartbreak and saddness began to slowly drift away as she took his hoof. "Love reestablished." Amare said. "What are you doing here?" Scootaloo groaned. A bit of anger/frustration inside her voice. "I couldn't leave you behind." Rumble said, carefully picking up Scootaloo and setting her back to a rock. "Why did you come to help me? You could've gotten yourself hurt. Or worse..." Scootaloo couldn't finish her sentence. "Don't go all sappy on me Scoots." Rumble said. "But it's true." Scootaloo retorted. "The red guys an alicorn who's probably twice as strong as Celestia...and I'm just a filly Pegasus who can barely fly." "Don't say things like that." Rumble growled. "So what if...whatever-his-name-is, is an Alicorn. Your Scootaloo, the mare who acted all tough in face of danger. Remember that time we all tried to get our cutie marks in animal tracking?" Scootaloo chuckled weakly. "How could I forget? Sweetie Bell and Button couldn't stop screaming when that timberwolf came out of nowhere." "Yeah that was funny." Rumble smiled. "But you didn't run, you stared down that timberwolf and didn't budge and inch." Scootaloo's eyes fell to the ground. "That's only because you were there to back me up." "Then let me back you up one more time." Rumble said. Scootaloo stared blankly at Rumble before saying, "Deal." "Hope detected." Spero said. As the battle between the Elements of Hope, Rage, Love, Greed, Will, and Fear continued on in the south, in the far north the five battle airships had entered into the cold area near the north. Due to the temperature being somewhere around negative eleven degrees Fahrenheit at the deck of the airships anyone who was made of flesh, and wasn't one of Nightwing's Guardian's, was now equipped with a warm coat that protected them from the now icy winds. Aboard the lead airship, in the second level, an unhappy looking Twilight Sparkle was marching her way to the chart room to have a lengthy discussion with Nightwing. Walking up the stairs she levitated a purple fleece coat onto herself, along with some boots, pulling the hood over her head, and a pair of ski goggles. Now fully clothed Twilight opened the door to the outside and was met with the howls of the icy winds. Twilight walked out and shut the door behind her as she made her way to the chart room. Upon reaching the chart room Twilight swung the door open and entered. Pulling up her goggles she could see that her plan had taken a major u-turn when she saw that Nightwing wasn't in the room, but rather someone else whom she wasn't really alright talking to. Fluttershy. The shy Pegasus mare held her hooves up to mouth trying to suppress her gasp by the sudden intrusion. Twilight blushed lightly from embarrassment that she had startled one of her closest friends. "I-I-I'm sorry." Twilight stammered. "I didn't mean to disrupt you." Fluttershy slowly removed her hooves from her mouth and sighed, "It's okay Twilight, you just startled me that's all." Fluttershy said softly. "Well...you wouldn't happen to know where Nightwing is would you?" Twilight asked, a distaste met her mouth upon speaking his name. "I...I don't, sorry." Fluttershy said softly once more. "Well...tell me if you see him okay?" Twilight said as she began to walk out the door. "Twilight wait." Fluttershy said a bit hesitant. Twilight stopped and turned to face her shy friend. "Yes?" She asked. Fluttershy shifted uncomfortably under the sheer weight of the suspension. But after taking a deep breath she said, "We...you and I...need to talk." "Um...okay." Twilight said turning 87 percent of her attention to Fluttershy. "It's about Flash...I'm sure he's already told you about me being his adopted sister and all. But he told me...he told me..." Fluttershy struggled to say the words. Her mind simply refused to believe that her dearly beloved friend and princess was capable of doing such an awful thing. "Fluttershy, it's okay. Take your time." Twiligh's words of reassurance barely scratched the hard metal of Fluttershy's problems. With another deep breath she said, "Nightwing has told me that you...you erased my brother's memories and replaced them with ones so that he would fall in love with you." Fluttershy's words shot straight into Twilight's heart. "I...don't want to believe it." She began to choke. "Twilight, you were one of my closest and best friends. The thought of you doing something so cruel...I just can't imagine something like that...so please." She began to to beg, tears forming in her eyes. "Please tell me you, Princess of Friendship and Harmony, didn't do something like that. Please." Twilight could no longer look at Fluttershy. Her head fell down as her eyes stared blankly at the floor, wishing that maybe it could give her an answer. And one came. She could lie. Say that Nightwing was just playing a cruel joke just to spite Twilight. But it would've been a lie, a lie to Fluttershy. How could she bare to face herself in the mirror after lying to her friend about something that crucial. She made her choice. "Fluttershy...I...I'm sorry but..." Twilight wasn't able to say another word. "So it's true..." Fluttershy's voice began to fill with hate and sadness. "You...took away my brothers memories...memories of his brother Lightning Strike...his mom and dad...even me...why?" Why? Why did Twilight do it? The answer was simple. Greed. Greed had taken over Twilight and consumed her. In that state she refused to let Flash love her, and made sure that he would always love her. But it soon turned towards guilt. She felt guilty that she had done something so horrible and wished that she could undo what had been done. But no matter what type of spell she could've casted it would result in completely destroying Flash's brain. Twilight opened her mouth to say something. But out of nowhere Nightwing appeared on the table. "Why are you two not ready for battle?" He demanded. "Did my Guardian's not inform you all that we will be arriving soon? Get ready." And with that Nightwing vanished once again. > Chapter twenty nine. Old friendships never fade > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the Crystal Empire, there were no Pegasi. Therefore, there was no pony to manage the weather. The only thing thing that controlled the weather was the Crystal Heart. Which was once again a very stupid decision. The weather was a major turning point in wars. During a battle, Equestria won by making it snow, hail, and rain acid for a total of four days. Which destroyed the enemies crops and buildings. But there were some advantages to letting the Crystal Heart have complete control of the weather. The main reason is because that the Crystal Heart can detect any threat to the Crystal Empire and counteract on the attack. However this leads to a disadvantage because if the Crystal Heart were to be destroyed the whole Empire would be completely vulnerable. But what didn't make sense was the reason why the Shadowbolts hadn't taken care of the problem. Nightwing knew that they were the military force of the Empire, but it was possible that they had been infiltrated and taken down. Hundreds of possibilities rushed through Nightwing's head. It was the only thing he could really do to keep his mind off the cold. Which was the cause of someone either destroying the Crystal Heart or taking control of it. Which wouldn't really be that surprising. While Nightwing was planning for ways to invade the Empire, on the the decks below Flash was walking down the hall. Humming a tune as he walked Flash seemed very calm and content with himself. In fact he was so calm that Shadow was beginning to get sick of it. "For the crying out loud how can you be smiling?!" Shadow demanded in Flash's head. "You were turned to stone, are currently marching towards a possible battle, and to top it off you just welcomed the mare who wiped your memories." "So?" Flash asked the voice outloud as if nothing was wrong. "So?!" Shadow yelled as if he had been insulted. "Your telling me that despite everything that has happened you have the concept to....oh no." Shadow's sudden tone change from angry to frightened made Flash frown in confusion. But before he could say anything Shadow immediately spoke, "Sentry forget everything I just said, none of it matters now just make sure you get as far away from here as possible!" "But-" "There's no time for but's! Just get away before its to late and he-" Shadow immediately stopped talking as the lights above Flash suddenly went out. Uneasiness fell upon Flash as he searched aimlessly through the now dark hallway. His wings spread out as he was ready to attack anything that came near him. Or at least until he could see anything thanks to the sudden change in Lighting. But as soon as Sentry's eyes began to adjust to the dark they once again blinded as all the lights immediately switched back on. "Gah!" Flash groaned, covering his eyes from the burning pain. When he was sure that he couldn't be blinded anymore Flash uncovered his eyes. And in front of him was a...a...I'm not really sure what the heck is currently hanging upside down from the ceiling. It looked like a pony figure but had four spider-looking legs coming out of both of its sides, a pair of bat ears, along with monkey hands on its forehooves, a pigtail on its rump, and it wore a ninja mask... also it was hanging by a strong looking strand of web that hung from the ceiling. "What...the..." Flash rubbed his eyes hoping that he was suffering from a side effect from the sudden blast of light to his retinas. Nope, it was still there. Shaking his head Flash asked, "Who...no, what are you?" Flash corrected. "Me?" The weird looking creature asked. "Yes you...what the heck are you?" Flash repeated. "I..." The creature paused for dramatic effect. "Am the Bat-Spider-Monkey-Pig-Ninja of Doom!" I'm not addressing the creature as that. Flash flattened his brow, sighed, and facehoofed. "Cheese, get out of that costume I know it's you." The creature removed his Ninja mask and the face of the second most party hard pony was revealed. Cheese Sandwich. "Awwww." Cheese whined childish. "How'd you know it was me?" "I remember you drew a picture of that very same...thing, when we were kids." Flash answered. "But how could you possibly remember what the picture looked like?" Cheese asked landing on the floor and removing his costume. "Let alone know that I drew it?" "Cheese, it was a picture of a literal abomination that looked exactly like what you just wore. Plus you made those two ponies puke the instant they saw it." Flash cringed. "Oh right, the stallion was proposing to a mare and when he puked he got vomit all over the the ring." Cheese rolled onto his back and burst out laughing. "Quickly while he's left himself vulnerable. Strike him now!" Shadow demanded. 'What?! No!' Flash said back. "What do you mean no? Do you have any idea what will happen if you let him live?" "No idea, can you give me some suggestions?" Cheese asked. "What?" Flash asked, thinking that Cheese was talking to him. "Not you silly." Cheese chuckled, closing the distance between him and Flash, and tapped against his forehead. "Your little friend in there that keeps yelling." '...Care to explain?' Flash asked Shadow. "Hey, I warned you of what would happen if he remained alive. Not my fault any more." Shadow huffed. 'Awwww," Cheese cooed. "You guys thought about removing me from existence. That's so sweet." "...Cheese are you okay?" Flash asked in a cautious tone. "Define 'okay'." "'Okay'. As in fine, nothing wrong, a normal state." Flash listed. "Oh." Cheese said before pondering on the thought. "... Yes, yes I'm fine, nothing's wrong, and I'm in a normal state." "He's not lying. Insanity is his normal state." "Cheese is not insane." Flash insisted. "Right Cheese-" Flash choose that it was the best decision to stop talking right then and there as Cheese's current actions spoke for themselves. In the total of six seconds Cheese Sandwich was riding a unicycle while balancing a barrel of wine on his nose all while juggling the following. An apple, a binder, a cow, a knife, a piece of literal fire, a rock, a base ball, a whiteboard, a cannon, and of course a three layer cake, which he took a bite out of every time it passed in front of him. "Oh. Gulp. I'm. Gulp. Sorry. Gulp. Flash. Gulp. Did. Gulp. You. Gulp. Say. Gulp. Something?" Cheese asked. Every time he drank from the wine he said 'gulp'. Literally said the word 'gulp' every time he slurped from the barrel. "You were saying?" Flash ignored Shadow's judgement and simple approached Cheese. After dodging the angry cow, Flash asked, "Cheese why did you want to come here?" "Oh right." Cheese said, continuing to juggle. "I came here to tell you that the name of the voice inside your head is-eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" Flash cocked his head in confusion. Cheese obviously didn't just say straight up 'eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee'. But rather a high pitch sceeeeeee noise overlapped every sound that Flash tried to hear. That's all that Flash could hear as Cheese suddenly went on and on about something that was inaudible. "......................-Patty cakes were spilled everywhere." Cheese finished. "Wha-" "Shhhhhhhhhhh." Cheese placed a hoof on Flash's lips, preventing him from speaking. "I know it's a lot to take in but don't worry. It'll all make sense soon enough. Till then, see yah!" Cheese laughed as a pair of rockets suddenly formed on the unicycle and rocketed him straight upwards and crashed through the ceiling. The deck of the main airship was full of Guardian's who were in charge of scraping off the wet and heavy snow on the ship. Along with many scraping off the snow on the wings and engine. One of many weaknesses of airships wasn't snow, it was the fact that when snow melts it turns into water and once water floods the engine you can't really move anymore. Also packed snow is really heavy so if too much is on the ship it wouldn't fly for long. But the major problem was when snow turns into water, cause water would leak into every crack and crevice of the ship. So when Cheese Sandwich's unicycle rocket busted through the top deck and melted the nearby snow a problem had begun. Said unicycle rocket engines cut out as Cheese landed gracefully on the deck, all while catching the unicycle, the apple, the binder, the knife, the literal piece of fire, the rock, the base ball, the whiteboard, the cannon, and obviously the three layer cake, which he then took a bite out of. But he didn't catch the cow, for the cow's name was Dave. And Cheese owed Dave thirteen bits due to him losing a pro stats lacrosse game. So he let Dave plummet back through the ship. "Wait, where's the-" Cheese's unanswered question was answered as the wine barrel splashed on one of the Guardian's was covered in red wine. "Never mind." Cheese chuckled. Before any guardian could try and possibly take down Cheese, the door to the map room flew open and a very unhappy looking Nightwing walked out. The Guardian's all stopped what they were doing and saluted to their creator. "Guardian." Nightwing approached a guardian, a calm and boiling anger in his voice. "What is the cause of this racket?" Nightwing asked, and then he became aware of the water dripping into the hole in the ship. "And why is there a hole there?" "Captain Nightwing." The Guardian addressed its creator. "Subject known as "Pickle tickler" has created a hole in the ship." "...what?" Nightwing asked, his anger replaced with confusion. But when he saw Cheese waddling towards the railing of the ship so that he could dump all of his stuff off the side of the ship. "Never mind." Nightwing sighed walking towards Cheese. "Is it me, or did the cow make this stuff lighter?" Cheese joked as he dropped all of the stuff down the ship. "Oh hey Nightwing, what's u-ow ow ow ow ow ow ow!" Cheese whined in pain as a blue aura covered his ear and began to pull upwards on his ear. Nightwing then dragged Cheese by the ear towards the hole in the ship. Once they were in front of the ship Nightwing released Cheese from magic. "Cheese, or should I say 'Pickle Tickler'. Did you do this?" Nightwing pointed to the hole. "And second, did you mess around with my Guardian's programming?" "Yes. Yes to everything. You can say what you will, but I did it. And I will not be judged by-OW OW OW!" Cheese yelled in pain once more as Nightwing pulled on his ear again. "Take this seriously!" Nightwing barked. "We're marching with an invasion force towards an entire Empire that is possibly getting ready to shoot us down the second we get within eighty miles of the empire. And you are blowing holes in my ship like this is some kind of circus. And-" "Captain Nightwing." A Guardian tried to speak with its maker but Nightwing yelled back, "Let me finish!" He yelled at the Guardian before turning his attention back to Cheese and coming muzzle to muzzle with Cheese. "And to top it all off I'm pretty sure that you are just plain out crazy-no crazy doesn't begin with what you are. Your insane, the wrong kind of insane. The kind of insane where they put you in a five foot re-enforced steel straight jacket and put you in a cell that's layered with enchanted gold and Silver, steel, Crystalline Jade, and a literal wall made of pure diamonds. And when they put you there, you can bet your life that I'll be there to drag you and throw you straight in the room and seal every door shut. Because Cheese Sandwich I do not like you, I never have. Ever since you came back you've been nothing more then a pestering piece of trash that just won't go away. So there you have it Cheese, I hate you. I. Hate. You." Cheese kinda stared into Nightwing's blood red eyes. Tears forming in his eyes. Cheese sniffled as the tears began to flow down his cheeks. But not for the reason you might thing. "Oh Nightwing." Cheese cried. "Yes. Yes. Yes a thousand times yes." Cheese said wrapping his hooves around Nightwing's neck. "Yes Nightwing. Of course I'll marry you." Nightwing reeled back in surprise his eyes wide with shock from what his ears just heard. But his shock increased even more as a dark purple blur shot right into the front of the ship, cracking and splitting up the wood and kicking up sawdust. Once the dust had settled the blur became clear and revealed that it was a dark blue Pegasus wearing a Shadowbolt uniform. Only thing that was off about the Pegasus was the fact his eyes were fully red. The Shadowbolt snarled at Nightwing and instinctively flew towards him. Not wishing to be punched Nightwing retaliated by using his crystal to shoot a blue beam at the Shadowbolt, pushing the Shadowbolt off the boat. Cheese blinked twice before turning to Nightwing and said, "Not gonna lie, but this might put a kink in our relationship." "Get off!" Nightwing yelled, shoving Cheese away from him. "Right, wanna safe all that stuff for the wedding." Cheese said, "But who should we get to marry us?" "Captain Nightwing." A Guardian approached Nightwing and said, "multiple hostile' safe closing in on the lead airship, numbers average around one hundred and sixty two. All Pegasi." "But that was a Shadowbolt." Nightwing addressed the obvious. "Why did he attack us?" "Maybe you can ask her?" Cheese suggested, pointing above the guardian. Before anything could be said another purple and black blur crashed right on top of the guardian, smashing it to pieces. Irritated by the fact that there were now Three holes in his ship Nightwing was ready to drop kick someone right off the ship. However his drop kicking attitude faded as the Shadowbolt that had smashed his Guardian revealed herself. "Nightshade?" Nightwing asked confused. As the Shadowbolt that had smashed into the ship was indeed Nightshade. Only thing was her eyes were completely red. "Killllll..." Nightshade groaned like a lifeless doll before spreading her wings and flying right at Nightwing. Surprise attacks are not fun. (No duh). They happen at the worst times possible. One minute you could be resting in your bed nothing wrong with your day. Then the next thing you know, three Shadowbolts break through the wall and try to kill you. In Ranger's case that exact situation happened. Three Shadowbolts broke through the wall, saw Ranger, pounced on him, began to continuously beat on him, and then Ranger beat the everything crap out of em. Literally for one. "You guys don't put up much a fight do yah?" Ranger asked the three beaten Shadowbolts. One was embedded in the wall, another thrown through the other wall, and the third one was smashed into the floor. Attention, Attention! A Guardian's voice said over the intercom. The Flag ship is under attack from multiple hostiles known as Shadowbolts. By order of Captain Nightwing, do not use any lethal forms of attack on these hostiles. Also the Captain has requested, and I quote, 'If anyone blows anymore holes in my ship I will freeze you in a three foot thick block of ice, slide you off the plank into a volcano, then I will freeze the lava inside the volcano as you watch the lava seeps into the ice and slowly close in on your immobilized body and see wether you die of organ failure or burnt to death'. That is all. When the intercom had hung up Ranger's eyes shrunk to pinpricks as he slowly looked at the three Shadowbolts he had beaten along with the newly made multiple holes in the ship. Normally he'd think Nightwing would be bluffing with that sort of thing but he soon remembered that this was Nightwing he was talking about. So he did the smart decision and bolted away from the scene faster than a Jackrabbit hyped on Cocaine. Things are like a freaking lightning bolt. -or burnt to death'. That is all. "Jeez Nightwing, could you be anymore dark?" Flash asked sarcastically as he rammed foreleg into one of the Shadowbolts face. Like what had happened to Ranger, Shadowbolts were busting into the ship left and right like a pincer attack. Luckily the Flagship was only filled with Guardian's and like... Thirteen ponies, I don't know I'm to tired to do math right now. Anyways, after Cheese had blasted through the ceiling Flash decided that he should go to the showers to make sure he wasn't dreaming. On the way to the shower a dark purple blur had busted through the wall and charged at Flash. Thankfully he had training due to him being a royal guard. Sure it wasn't top of the line training but it was enough for him to retaliate against the Shadowbolt and knock him out. However just like a hydra, if you cut off one head two more will take its place. And as soon as Flash had knocked out the Shadowbolt, two more had busted through a wall in front of him. Both wore a mask that covered their muzzles along with red glassed goggles. "Ah Tartarus." Flash groaned as the Shadowbolts charged at Flash. But before they could come in contact, a black sharp tentacle with a red outline sprouted out of Flash's back and thrusted itself towards the second Shadowbolt, forcing it down on the Shadowbolt, it pushed her down to the floor, breaking up the floor and knocking the Shadowbolt unconscious. A bit bewildered by the sudden action of defense Flash wouldn't be able to block the other Shadowbolt. But his body then moved on its own, making him duck down so that he would avoid the Shadowbolt. But as the Shadowbolt was flying over Flash he had left his belly wide open. For some reason Flash's body acted on its own once more. He winced in pain as he could feel something moving upwards inside his right foreleg. Holding his foreleg up, a katana blade cut open his hoof and extended upward. Realizing what was about to happen, Flash used his left hoof to grab his right hoof and jerk it away from the Shadowbolt's body. However he wasn't fast enough to prevent the blade from stabbing the Shadowbolt's wing and slicing it open. "You idiot!" Shadow yelled at Flash. "Why did you make me miss?!" "I'm not killing anyone." Flash answered, groaning in pain as the katana blade began to sheathe itself back inside his hoof. "Why not?" Shadow demanded. "Because there's no need to kill him, it isn't my right to kill him." Flash shot back. "There's no such thing as a 'I don't have a right to kill' there's only kill or be killed. There's never been a thing were you don't have a right! "Whether it existed or not doesn't matter. I'm not killing this guy and you can't change my mind." "....Fine." Back on the top deck, Nightwing and Nightshade were both fighting each other. Nightwing had the advantage of his complex Crystal which allowed him to cast spells whereas Nightshade had the advantage of being more nimble and faster than Nightwing. However Nightshade was an Allie and someone Nightwing didn't really want to hurt, so he just kept moving away or dodging any attack that Nightshade threw at him. As the battle went on, Nightwing began to notice that her attacks were beginning to look very....sloppy. And before you ask yourself, yes, while this battle was happening Cheese Sandwich was sitting against the railing of the ship, flipping through pages of a book full of alters and places one would go for a wedding. "So what year do you think we should get married? Summer, fall, spring, winter? Ooh, maybe we can get married on the moon, that'd be an interesting wedding don't you think? Wait, which one of us would be the bride or the groom? Hey Nightwing which do want to be, the bride or the groom?" Cheese asked. Nightwing glared at Cheese viciously, "For the love of whatever God exists, we are not getting married!" "Ah your nervous, ever bride is like that. I guess that makes me the groom huh? So who should my first mare be? My sister? Pfffft, she'd be the last pony I'd want at my wedding. Ooh I know, I'll ask Pinkie, she loves wedding party's!" Cheese said. "Why don't you ask her to marry you instead of me?!" Nightwing screamed jumping back from Nightshade's punch. "Oh don't be ridiculous Nightwing, even though it'd be legal to marry both you and Pinkie, I don't think either of you would be happy sharing me." Cheese smiled. "She can have all one-hundred percent of you for all I care!" Nightwing shouted. "By the way I just remembered." Cheese looked up from his book, a serious look on his face. "You didn't propose to me with a ring. So I guess that means I need to give you a ring along with you giving me a ring. So what kinda ring you want?" "One that I can use to beat you upside the head with." Nightwing answered flatly. "I see, we'll just put that off for now. Who do you think we should get to marry us?" At this point Nightwing didn't bother to deal with Cheese's nonsense and decided it would be best to focus his attention on the pony that was trying to beat him to a pulp. "Nightshade why are you doing this?" Nightwing asked. "Your apart of the Shadowbolt's. You protect the Crystal Empire from any threat, so why the heck are you attacking us?!" Much like any normal pony would say, Nightshade's response was, "killll." She hissed. "Ugh, you're just like a broken record. Repeating the same word over and over and over. But the solution to fix any broken record is all ways the same." Nightwing said. "By beating the living daylights out of it." To easy. Yes that was the word that would describe the current situation. It was to easy. Taking over the Crystal Empire was much to easy. All that the hooded pony had to do was let Sollertis use his Shadow casting on the Crystal Heart and just like that, she had complete control of every Crystal Pony in the Empire. Minus Cadence, Shining Armor, and their child who's name currently escapes the author. Now to describe the scene. The Crystal Empire was still all shiny and bright, but everyone's eyes were completely red. Minus the ones in charge, who were in order, The Hooded Pony, the leader of the Fallen Order and currently looking over her/his new controlled Empire. Stollertis, resurrected earth pony who was currently staring very angrily at the Crystal Heart, which spun at a very fast speed and was now bright red. Mortem, the one who resurrected Stollertis from the dead, was leaning against a one of the crystal pillars that supported the Crystal castle with his fore and backleg's crossed. Starlight Glimmer, the descendant of the Wizard, was currently barking orders at all of the Crystal ponies from a wooden stand. And the Crystal Ponies would salute and then do as they were told without any sight of hesitation. Yes it was much to easy the Hooded one had thought. But he/she knew that the final part to her/his plan was nearly complete. All he/she needed now was a certain Vampire Batpony and a certain artifact that was hidden beneath the Empire since Sombra's imprisonment and then his/her goal would finally be achieved. Continuing to stare ahead at the crystalline structure that the Crystal Ponies had been ordered to build, the Hooded pony spoke, "What news do you bring me?" She/he asked, as if he/she were talking to the howling wind. "I bring word on the assault on Nightwing and his five raider airships." A ghostly voice replied. Unfazed by the chilled voice the Hooded Pony turned around, behind her/him was a room that was covered in darkness. And from that shadowed room came a pool of red and black goo that oozed its way towards the Hooded One. The Goo then be an to rise, cracking and squishing as both flesh and bone began to be created in the form of a pony. From the hooves to the pony's neck the black and red goo flowed to the top of the neck beginning to form the pony's face and mane. The pony was a stallion with fur that was faint dark looking yellow. The small and final piece of the goo reached to the top of the stallion's forehead where it began to rise up and curve backwards, forming a curved unicorn horn. The Stallion's mane and tail were black with the outline of it being dark red. The Stallion unicorn opened his eyes revealing that they were blood red. Despite the color change this Stallion is Comet Tail. Once friend of both Flash Sentry and Nightwing, now a dark powered being. The Hooded Pony asked, "And what news do you bring me of the assault on Nightwing and his five raid airships?" Comet Tail replied with a smile, "Only the news to tell you that those Shadowbolts have engaged the leading airship...or at least I think it was the lead airship. It was the biggest airship compared to the other airships. Whatever, the point is they have so far failed to retrieve Nightwing due to the fact that he has a large army at his disposal." "So do we." The Hooded Pony replied, turning back to the railing on the balcony. "One that is equal to Nightwing's Guardian's." "If your army is equal to Nightwing's then why didn't you send them to retrieve Nightwing instead of sending those mindless Shadowbolts?" Comet Tail asked. "And I'm speaking literally right now when I saw they are mindless. We pretty much turned their brains to soup, gathered all of them in the center of the Empire, and then Starlight ordered them, and I quote, 'Go capture Nightwing and bring him back here.' That's it, no strategy, no battle plan, not even a simple direction, Just 'go here, there's a guy named Nightwing that you need to bring back here.' Do you see how stupid that sounds?" "When you say it like that it does sound stupid." The Hooded Pony replied. Comet Tail stared at the Hooded One confused, "...Uh...I don't think your supposed to agree with me." "I'm not, the entire purpose of me sending the Shadowbolt's was to simply get rid of them and Nightwing's army in one fell swoop. You see, I knew that it would only a matter of time before Nightwing figured out that the way to release the Shadowbolt's form the Shadow Casting spell was by making the brain suffer from a blow directly to the head. Doing so would resort in causing the brain to 'reboot' and they would no longer be under Stollertises control." The Hooded Pony explained. "Wait, how are you gonna take out both the Shadowbolt's and Nightwing's army in on fell swoop exactly?" "A couple of weeks ago we came upon a Pegasus who had control of the sky itself. It took both Bloodwing, Starlight, and myself to capture this Pony. And now that we have both the Shadowbolt's and Nightwing's army in one spot we will unleash this pony upon them." Atop of a mountain where the winds howled and snow whipped a large box was being guarded by two creatures. "They call this cold? This is but a mere cold shower compared to the winters in my homeland." Bloodwing scoffed. Bloodwing was a male Griffon with black feathers covering his entire body, sides, top, and bottom. On his neck were multiple white feathers that stuck to his neck and face. His pupils were red but the once white back part of his eyes was now pitch black. "Oh do not act so high and mighty will you?" Thicket snapped at Bloodwing. "The cold is a sign of death, it must occur so that new life can be give by Nature." Bloodwing rolled his eyes. "You Deer and your belief of nature, You know there was a time when a kingdom, full of deer who didn't believe in this 'Nature Goddess', existed." "You mean the Outsiders?" Thicket raised an eyebrow then scoffed. "Please, those deer were nothing more than savages. Believing that only the Deer should exist in this world any other race was considered vermin." "Isn't that technically what you currently believe now?" Bloodwing asked. "NO!" Thicket shouted as though he had just been insulted. "Don't you dare compare me to those...Weeds. They turned their backs on Nature and so they have payed the price for doing so." "But I thought your religion believed that Ponies were the...'weeds'...'in Nature's'...'Garden'?" Thicket gave Bloodwing a blank look. "No. Just, no. Just hearing you trying to explain my ways is torturous enough." Now it was Bloodwing's turn to give Thicket a flat look. "Okay then smarty pants." He lightly mocked. "Why don't you educate me on your so called 'beliefs'?" "No thanks." Thicket denied the request properly. "I wouldn't want to waste the brain cells." Thicket began to turn away form Bloodwing but an eagle's claw gripped itself onto Thicket's shoulder. The claw spun Thicket around, causing him to come muzzle to beak with Bloodwing. "Look," Bloodwing started, "I've been dead for two hundred years. Now I know that's something you wouldn't understand, but I've missed a lot since then. So how about instead of just sitting here doing nothing we talk about something important. Okay?" At first Thicket wanted to spit right in his face a venomous 'no'. But Bloodwing did suffer from being away from this world for so long. So the least he could do was talk to him. Besides, he was getting tired of the wind yapping at him. With a sigh Thicket said, "Alright, but I'll have to give you short version due to you having no teaching on our beliefs." Bloodwing grinned, happy that he had won the debate. And so, still grinning, he let go of Thicket and sat on the ground, waiting anxiously for the story to be told. "I'll start at the beginning." Thicket began. "There were two races, the Deer and the Ponies. And-" Thicket cut himself off as Bloodwing jerked his claw into the air. "*sigh* yes Bloodwing?" Bloodwing lowered his claw and asked, "What about the Zebras, and Yaks, and Maremaids, Changelings, and Dragons, and Daemons, and Griffons, especially the griffons?" "If you must know, the Other races didn't exist before both the Deer and the Ponies. And before you ask, yes there's proof, we have fossils of both ponies and deer dating back before any others existed." Thicket said frustrated. "Where was I? Oh yes, when both the deer and ponies had been created both had received a gift from nature. The deer cherished and cared for the gift that nature had given them. Whereas the ponies destroyed their gift, turning it into something in their own image and-" Thicket found himself cut off once more by the claw that stuck up from Bloodwing's arm. "Yes Bloodwing?" Thicket lowly growled, feeling like a teacher trying to explain the the works of science from an individual perspective to a retardant foal. "What was this gift that nature gave you?" Bloodwing asked. Thicket narrowed his eyes and replied, "The name of the gift from Nature is forbidden to be spoken." Thicket said very seriously. "I see, carry on." Bloodwing smiled. "Fine, after the gift was given and the ponies had recreated Nature's gift we refused to be anything like them. So we distance ourselves from the ponies, that is until we decided that the ponies were nothing more than a weed in Nature's garden. But Nature came to us and told us that all life is sacred and must be protected. So we decided that the ponies had a purpose in this world and-" Thicket was cut off a third time, but this time not by Bloodwing but by two pink crystal's that appeared in front of both Thicket and Bloodwing. Both knew exactly what was to happen. Both picked up a crystal and in a pink flash they both vanished. When the two were no longer near the box a loud 'clank' came from the inside of it as the front piece of the box began to slowly lift up. Only for it to be completely blown off by a yellow ball of lightning. A pair of angry yellow eyes could bee seen inside the box along with an essence of pure hatred. Remember how I said that there were no Pegasi in the empire, yeah what I meant to say was that there were no Pegasi that managed the weather in the empire. So before any of you that actually care say anything I just wanted to clarify that. All good? What am I saying you don't have a say in this story so back to the under siege airship. On the top deck of the lead airship, Nightwing was panting from his battle with Nightshade. Who was currently unconscious on a pile of broken wood on the second floor. Even though he was annoyed by the fact that another hole had been made in his ship. But at least he was able to take down Nightshade without killing her....hopefully. Nightwing turned his head to Cheese and sure enough, he was still flipping through the book full of stuff for weddings. "Your serious about this wedding thing aren't you?" Nightwing asked flatly. Cheese looked up from his book and stared at Nightwing. And he still stared. And stared. And then his face became confused. Without saying a word he closed up the book and sat it aside. He then approached the bow (front end of the ship) all without saying a word. Nightwing wanted to ask Cheese what on earth he was doing but he stayed quiet because Cheese was being serious. And when Cheese gets serious you know something is wrong. Anywho, Cheese approached the railing of bow and leaned against it. Sticking his muzzle up his sniffed the air, then he stuck out his tongue and licked his hoof then pointed it in the air. Nightwing could no longer resist the urge, with a sigh he asked, "Cheese, what the heck are you doing?" Nightwing asked, half regretting himself for asking fearing that he wouldn't like Cheese's answer. Cheese put down his hoof and slowly rotated his head towards Nightwing. When half of his face was facing Nightwing a really unsettling looking smile was plastered on his face. When Cheese was completely facing the now very unsettled Nightwing he said, "Winter is coming." Have you ever had that feeling? You know, that one feeling that makes you think that something evil and scary is behind you? I don't know why I'm directly asking you reader seeing as how you cannot speak. But yeah, Flash was currently feeling that feeling of the feeling of being watched. Except it was multiplied by fifty. And it wasn't just Flash. Silver, Ranger, Thorn, and Lightning Strike all shared the same feeling. That feeling that something evil was just around the corner. That heart-raising feeling you get knowing that something terrible was about to happen. That feeling you get when half of yourself is telling you, "Go on, check it out. There might be a guy selling coffee make of sweets there." Where the other half of yourself is screaming, "RUN! RUN YOU RETARDED MOTHERBUCKER! RUN BEFORE WE GET TERRORIZED BY THE FAT GUY IN THE FAKE EASTER BUNNY COSTUME!!!" But you know, it could've been anything. Like a sweet angelic being that bestows love, sunshine, lollipops, and cookies along with bunny's, kitty's, puppies, and anything else that's fluffy and cute. "SHAAAADDDDOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWW!!!!" Or it could be an Element of Chaos seeking complete and total annihilation of the Element of Shadow. A.K.A Flash Sentry. Everyone on the lead airship fumbled and tripped on themselves as the airship began to creak and rock as the wind suddenly became more violent and rapid. Once the wind had died down and everyone had gotten their bearings back Nightwing stood up and addressed one of the Guardian's. "Guardian!" Nightwing addressed the Guardian closest to him, who saluted in response. "Execute order Twenty-one!" The Guardian saluted once more, flew up to Cheese, and Punched him in the face. Cheese reeled back in pain. While Nightwing slightly chuckled. "Ah...a punch to the face always makes my day." Nightwing smiled before getting serious again. "Guardian execute order twelve. Target: adjacent airships. Leave me, Cheese, Flash, and Lighting Strike here." "The Guardian saluted before spreading its mechanical wings and flying off. "Whatsh order twelves meansh?" Cheese asked, suppressing the pain in his face with his hooves. "Evacuation." Nightwing answered. When order twelve had been activated, every guardian all over the ship began rounding up everyone who was technically living and carried off to an adjacent airship. Of course not everyone was all that pleased with what was happening. It took seven Guardian's to pin down and fly Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash, who was carried in a hospital bed. While the others didn't put up a fight because the Guardian's explained what was happening. Inside the ship both Flash and Lightning were carried up to the top deck of the airship. "Okay Nightwing, what the heck is going on?!" Lightning yelled over the howling wind. "Well, if you must know, I've executed order twelve!" Nightwing yelled back over the wind. "You mean the order that makes the Guardian's say the most racist things about the unicorns?!" Flash asked. "No, that's order three hundred and thirty three, I'm talking about order twelve!" Nightwing yelled back. "The order that makes the Guardian's take every living thing onboard and evacuate it to the nearest and safest place!" "So why weren't we evacuated?!" Flash asked. "Because of him!" Nightwing pointed at the sky above them. In front of the black and 'storm of death itself' clouds was a large tornado. And it was heading straight for the airship. Also at the center of it was a bright yellow...looking...thingy.......yes. A bit shocked by the fact a ginormous cylinder of spinning air was heading right for them Flash and Lightning Strike were unaware that their manes had changed. Flash's hair had become black with red tips and Lightning Strike's mane became bright orange. And then for some reason the wind died down. Along with the tornado as it faded away. The black clouds remained along with the bright yellow...thingy. Said thingy then descended down until it landed on the deck of the ship. When the yellow light slowly faded away a Pegasi pony stood their directly facing at Flash. "Cousin?!" Both Flash and Lightning shouted in confusion. Indeed it was both Flash and Lightning's cousin Soarin. Soarin looked just like himself minus the fact his eyes were completely yellow and small yellow sparks erupted from his eyes. His bright blue fur was stained with snow and dirt. "Nimbus." Shadow whispered. "That's not your Cousin you two." Nightwing said. "That's someone else." Nightwing turned back to face Soarin. "What do you want?" Soarin narrowed his eyes and replied with a voice full of venom, "I have no quarrel with any of you here. My business is with the Element of Shadow." Flash's eyes became completely engulfed in black. "Nimbus." Flash pleaded. Flash was unable to say anything else as a yellow beam pushed him backwards through the map room. The wooden wall bursted into splinters upon impact. Soarin spread his wings and was about to leap onto Flash but was tackled by Lightning Strike. The two rustled on the deck for a while until Lightning pinned Soarin." "What the heck's gotten into you Cousin?" Lightning demanded. "I told you that I have no quarrel with you Element of Scorch!" Soarin growled. "I only wish to kill an old friend of mine. But if you wish to interfere." Soarin paused, as Lightning Strike began to suddenly float up and off of Soarin. "Then you'll die just like him!" Soarin yelled, a massive gust of wind hit Lightning with a force so powerful it sent him flying far away from the ship. Soarin stood up, dusted himself off, then began to walk towards the hole in which he had made when he had hurled Flash through it. *SMACK* And then a pancake was slapped onto his face. The pancake stuck to Soarin's face as he turned to the one who had thrown the pancake. Cheese Sandwich. Who was smiling brightly. Soaring lifted his hoof, a yellow ball of lighting formed on his hoof. The lightning ball then started to flatten itself out along with it becoming longer and more narrow until it looked like a yellow spike of lightning. And then the pancake exploded. Creating a blast so powerful if knocked Soarin right off the ship. "Why do you have exploding pancakes?" Nightwing asked Cheese. "Because, Dear." Cheese emphasized, making Nightwing shiver. "If there's one thing I've learned in life, it's that aliens who don't wear purple hats one weakness isn't pancake batter so if you plant explosives in the pancakes the aliens won't come to steal your lucky charms." "...Cheese, I feel like you need to see a therapist." Nightwing said hoarsely. "I did that once, but by the end of the session the therapist was running all over the place yelling at the top of her lungs 'dear god someone help me I can't find my bacon bites!' along with some random barking." "...I don't want to accept the fact your telling the truth." "RAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!" Soarin screamed as he landed viscously on the deck. However he had landed so hard that the second him came in contact with the floor he went straight through it. "Come on!" Nightwing complained. "Is it really that difficult to not blow holes in my ship?!" "By the way, I'm curious as to why no ones tried blowing up the balloons?" Cheese asked. "I mean without those were gonna plummet straight to the floor." "Cheese, are just immensely stupid?" Nightwing asked. "No, but I have been known to shoot milk out of my nose from time to time." "What-" Nightwing was cut off as another mighty roar echoed from the ship. A yellow beam of electric energy shot upwards from the hole. Cutting both balloons that held the ship up in half. At first nothing happened. Then the ship began to fall. Not wishing to become a blood splat on the ground Nightwing casted the spell Shadow Stalking. Disappearing in the blink of an eye, Nightwing reappeared in front of Flash, hoisted him up and wrapped his foreleg onto his shoulder, and disappeared once again but this time he reappeared on the ground aways from the ship. As Nightwing watched the ship plummet he remembered that Cheese was still on the ship. "..." So Nightwing did the right thing and used his Shadow Stalking spell to save Cheese Sandwich. "..." I said, Nightwing did the right thing and used his Shadow Stalking spell to save Cheese Sandwich. Nightwing did nothing but watch the ship plummet. The author sighed as he walked away from his book, walking off screen the sound of rummaging and banging was heard. The author then walked back to the book but this time he was holding a mallet in his hand with the white words 'COMMON SENSE' written on it the head of the mallet. The author then physically picked up the words he wrote down and aimed them above the page in his book like a chisel. And with the mallet he began to nail down the words into the book. "Nightwing. Did. The. Right. Thing. And. Used. His. Shadow. Stalking. Spell. To. Save. Cheese. Sandwich!" The author said, viscously beating each word into the book. "Ow ow!" Nightwing groaned as his head felt like something was being hammered inside of his head. "Ugh, fine!" Nightwing groaned as he vanished and reappeared this time with Cheese Sandwich. "So...why did it take so long to save me?" Cheese asked. "Because of reasons, let's just leave it-" Both Cheese and Nightwing disappeared. Leaving only Flash to remain. A yellow blur escaped from the airship that was being plunged towards the ground, the blur sped its way towards Flash. But before it come in contact with him Flash blocked the blur by catching both of the blur's bright yellow hooves. The blur was Soarin, or at least it looked like him. His entire body was engulfed in a yellow aura of lightning. His eyes pure white. Flash slowly raised his head, his eyes completely blood red. Soarin snarled as soon as he saw the red eyes. "You finally show yourself. Thunderstorm." Soarin growled, his voice changed to a more ghostly kind. "Why are you doing this Nimbus?" Flash asked, his voice changed too making him sound more like Shadow. "Why are you doing this. Nimbus your my fri-" "Don't you dare call me that!" Soarin yelled, the yellow aura of lightning around him increased in violent movements. "I am not your friend, I am your enemy! I always have been ever since you betrayed me!" "What are talking about? I never once betrayed you!" Flash shot back. "You even dare lie about it! I will smite you were you stand Thunderstorm!" "-at that, wait what?" Nightwing said. Both Cheese and Nightwing reappeared onboard one of the smaller airships. Multiple Guardian's stood in shock at the two suddenly appeared ponies. A Guardian regained its stature and approached Nightwing and saluted. "Captain Nightwing, I have informed everyone on the other ships of the current situation. However I regret to inform you that we lost multiple supplies aboard the flagship." "Um...yeah...okay..." Nightwing said a bit shaken. "Um...how close are we to the empire?" "It's right there." The guardian pointed. Both Nightwing and Cheese leaned over the railing where, sure enough, the Crystal empire stood. Or at least the large castle was anyways, the border of the large circle was covered in a 360 degree angled wall of crystal that stretched fifty feet high. Tiny blobs that were clearly Crystal ponies moving back and forth between the wall and a certain part in the empire. "Warning, multiple flying objects are heading towards us!" A Guardian warned. Looking back to the empire more tiny blobs could be seen coming from the empire, only thing was that they were flying. And heading straight for the airship Nightwing was on. When the blob's became visible they revealed to be completely crystallized ponies. But not the citizens of the empire but rather a pony figure made entirely out of crystals. A pair of crystal wings were fashioned on the crystallized ponies along with a visible ball of fire seen inside their chests. Nightwing turned to his Guardian's and said "Guardian, alert all Guardian units. Order one. Target; those crystallized ponies. Do not target the empire's citizens, I repeat, do not attack the Empire's citizens." "Order received." The Guardian saluted, it's golden wings spread as it darted towards its target. Endless, nothing is endless really. There's always a wall at some point. It's probably just really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, far away. This thought kept appearing inside Flash's head as he floated aimlessly through the black and crimson red void. He knew that he was currently inside the Element of Shadow. He knew because every time he slept he would always appear here and just float around. Sometimes he would see visions of those that once use the Element of Shadow before him and times that he wouldn't he would just float around, or at least until he woke up. Which didn't really make that much sense, the last thing Flash remembered was that his cousin suddenly appeared, and then he ended up here. But why? "Hehehehehehehe." A ghostly voice chuckle echoed through the 'supposedly' void. Flash groaned in annoyence. "What do you want Dark Side?" A black portal opened up next to Flash. Black and red goop began to ooze out from beneath the hole until the pony Dark Side appeared. An exact copy of Flash but his fur was darker, his mane and tail black with red outlines, and his eyes completely blood red. A wicked grin was plastered on his face. Dark Side looked up and said, "That stupid Thunderstorm. To think he'd make a reckless move such as this." Flash's eyes widened in response. "Did you-" With a wave of Dark Side's hoof the supposedly endless void disappeared. Replaced with the scenery of a bright blue sky. Flash's wings began to flap as he stabilized himself in the air. Once that was accomplished he stood in awe at the city before him. "Welcome Sentry. To the kingdom of Timbucktu!" Dark Side introduced the large city. Timbuktu was a city that floated in the sky as buildings stood on the clouds. In the heart of the city was the castle in which the king of Timbuktu stood. "Wha-...but...I..." Flash sputtered, amazed at the sight before him. "Don't choke on your tongue Sentry." Dark Side joked. "Why...why are we here?" Flash asked. Dark Side's grin grew larger. "I'm glad you asked. Follow me, I'm gonna tell you a story." Dark Side said as he descended down towards the city. Flash following Dark Side's lead. The two landed on the cloud-made road. Nearly hundreds of Pegasi were talking with one another where others were flying above the city. It truly did live up to the name 'closest experience you'll ever get to heaven'. And it was a lot like heaven. "Timbuktu. There isn't a Pegasus alive that doesn't know the tale of this wonderful city." Dark Side said. Flash directed his attention towards Dark Side. "Why did you bring me here?" "I brought you here to tell you a story." "The story of Timbuktu?" "No." Dark Side said flatly, "I brought you here so I could tell you the story of those two." Dark Side pointed behind Flash. Behind Flash was a playground made of solid clouds. The playground had a rock climbing wall, a swing set, and a large building in the center of it made of metal bars and plastic floors and of course, it was covered with kids. Kids who were running around, laughing, playing, screaming (screams of laughter), and other stuff. But Dark Side was pointing towards two kid Pegasi who were playing on the swing. Both were colts and obviously Pegasi, but the one on the left had dark grey fur, a silver/light light grey mane, and green eyes. The colt next to him had yellow fur, a slightly dark white mane that was neatly combed, and sky blue eyes. Flash turned back to Dark Side and asked, "What do those two kids have to do with anything?" "See the colt with the grey fur?" Dark Side asked, Flash nodded. "That kid is Thunderstorm, the future wielder of the Element of Shadow and the colt next to him is Nimbus, the future wielder of the Element of Sky." "Wait...you mean-" Flash was cut off as Dark Side placed his hoof over Flash's mouth. "Sorry, but there's no time for questions. Let us fast forward shall we?" With a wave of his hoof the city vanished only to be replaced with a classroom full of other Pegasi. In the middle of the classroom sat both older looking versions of both Nimbus and Thunderstorm. The teacher walked to the front of his desk and cleared his throat, catching the entire classes attention. "Good morning class, we have a new classmate." The teacher introduced, looking behind him he said in a calming voice, "you may come out miss, I promise they won't bite." The teacher glared at one of the students. "At least most of them don't anyway." The pony that the teacher glared at mumbled something in response. Behind the teacher was a mare with cyan blue fur, green eyes, and a rainbow mane. "This mare's name is Sky." Dark Side introduced the mare. "In time she, along with both Nimbus and Thunderstorm, will become very close friends. In fact," Dark Side paused as the scenery changed once more. This time they were on a large cliff, were an older looking Sky's head rested upon an older looking Nimbuses shoulder. Both staring off at the beautiful sight of the moon. "Those two became something more than friends." "I don't understand." Flash stated. "What does this have do with...well...anything?" "This has to do with nothing." Dark Side answered. "At least, it has nothing to do with anything just yet." "But-" "Hush." Dark Side shushed Flash. "Let me finish this story." Dark Side said, continuing the story. "About three years later," Dark Side said, the scene changed to the throne of King Orion. A stallion Pegasus with a grey beard and mane, his fur was a light brown and his eyes were a shade of sky blue. A Pegasus holding a red pillow in its mouth approached the king. Laid neatly on the pillow were two gems, one was a black gem with a red outline that hissed with venom. The other was a yellow gem with a blue outline that buzzed with electricity. "Isn't that-" "Yes." Dark Side answered Flash's unspoken question. "What you are seeing is both the Element of Shadow and the element of Sky. You see, both Nimbus and Thunderstorm were chosen to wield these two elements. And when they did they became the most powerful Pegasi in the whole kingdom. However," Dark Side paused, the scene changed once more. This time the houses and homes inside the kingdom of Timbuktu had been set ablaze. "Even with both the element of Shadow and element of Sky in their possession. Nothing could stop the destruction that was about to occur." ... ... ... ... ... ... The story is still going. "Why did you just cut off like that?" Flash asked. "Reasons." Dark Side answered. "Now shut up and listen. About a couple of months after both Thunderstorm and Nimbus became the bearers of the elements of chaos an attack happened. I'm sure you know of the ones responsible for this attack?" "Of course I do. Changelings." Flash answered. Indeed it was Changelings. Black bug like creatures that looked like pony Alicorns. They swooped down upon the homes of ponies. Assaulting everyone that was their enemy. Fires were set ablaze due to someone leaving their oven on in their house and that caught on fire. And then some changelings caught on fire. And in a panic and hoping to douse the flames they ran all over town hoping to find some waster they could dunk in. But of course in their panicked state the changelings set other things of fire. Thunderstorm's pov Sounds of thunder and screams filled the ears of the royal guard. From King Orion himself he ordered that all royal guards be sent to the city and defend the ponies. Thunderstorm couldn't help but worry about his friend Nimbus. While it was true that Nimbus could handle anything thrown at him, thunderstorm didn't want to take any chances. After all they were under attack by some kind of unknown thing. So it was safe to say that he should check up on his friend. But despite his clearly superior power Thunderstorm was a soldier. Therefore he took his orders very seriously and obeyed them no matter what. So he was very pleased to know that his commander ordered him to go pick up his friend. Thunderstorm had put on his golden armor and helmet. He rushed his way out of the castle, And was sent flying backwards into the wall by a green blast. Thunderstorm wasn't sent through the wall but rather made clearly visible large cracks in it. The armored back plate did little protection against the blast as Thunderstorm fell to the floor. Thunderstorm groaned in pain from the sudden impact as he slowly lifted himself up. "Well, well, well." A mischievous voice hissed. Thunderstorm lifted up his head to meet the face of Queen Chrysalis. Her slender black insect body swayed as she approached her injured prey. "Aren't you full of surprises? I can tell that you have some fight in you." Chrysalis chuckled. "I don't care who you are." Thunderstorm said, red and black waves began to crack and bend his injured body back into place. "But you are attacking my home, threatening my friends, so I can't allow to show you any mercy." Thunderstorm said, the black wrapped hilt of a katana appeared in the ground. Thunderstorm reached for the hilt and grabbed it. Slowly pulling it out of the ground, unsheathing the blade from the ground. Chrysalis eyes widened in shock then she glared at Thunderstorm. "It seems that I have underestimated you little pony. However, I good strategist," Chrysalis paused, a green portal opened up next to her. Her full of holes horn glowed sickly green, pulling out a weapon of her own out of the green portal. A sword with a silver hilt was pulled out of the portal, in the middle of sword's guard was a symbol that looked looked like an upside down star. The blade of the sword was that of a large katana looking blade but on the blunt side of the blade was a metal black rode that the blade was attached to. But what made Thunderstorm uneasy was the hellish looking orange fumes that smoked off of the blade. He couldn't understand it but for some reason just looking at the sword seemed to cause pain to Thunderstorm. "I took this sword from a griffon temple a couple of years back. I didn't think I would have much use of it because I don't really care that much for sword's." Chrysalis said examining the sword as it twirled and rotate in a green magical aura. "Of course there were times I was bored and I practiced my blade on...combatants." Chrysalis grinned, happy thoughts of what the blade had done to her opponents filled her head. True, she rather preferred using deception and her silver tongue to defeat her opponents, she found it very pleasing to turn flesh into mere pieces of confetti. But eventually as time went on she grew tired of sword. The joy of ending the existence of others vanished. But now was a time that she needed the blade, now it could kill someone worthy to cross swords with such a blade. Now, was the time that the fire of joy she had been longing for could finally be reignited. Nimbus and Sky were happy. No, they were happier than happy. If such a word could describe the happiness between the two I would surely use it. After all, nothing could've made the couple happier than Nimbus proposing to Sky. The two had been a couple for three years and lived in a two story home, provided by the government, that consisted of three bedrooms, a dinning room, a kitchen, a living room, two bathrooms, an office, and a porch outside where a metal table covered by a red umbrella sat. Yes both Sky and Nimbus were very happy about their lives. But that didn't stop Sky from worrying about Nimbuses safety. In fact she was currently worrying very deeply as Nimbus put on his Golden Horseshoes. "Do you have to go?" She asked worried. Nimbus turned to his beloved fiancé. He gave a warm smile to his beloved, his smile made her slightly calmer. "Don't worry, you know how strong I am. I'll beat these guys up and come back home before you have dinner ready." "Well...then I want to come with you, I want-" "No." Nimbus said sternly. "If you come with me you might get hurt, or worse. And I could never forgive myself if something like that ever happened." Nimbus said as he approached Sky and gave her a gentle kiss on the forehead. "Don't worry, I'll be fine. You've seen what I'm capable of right?" "Well yes but-" "But nothing. You will be safe here. I need to go out and help Thunderstorm." "Somebody mention me?" Both Nimbus and Sky turned their heads in surprise. There, standing in front of the back door, was Thunderstorm. His mane and tail was still black with a red outline, his eyes still red with his pupils slit. A warm smile spread across his face at the two beloveds. "Thunderstorm!" Nimbus smiled happily, running up to Thunderstorm and embracing him in a bearhug. "How ya doing buddy?" "Oh you know, some Changelings blood here some changelings blood there." Thunderstorm said. Nimbus released Thunderstorm in confusion. "Changelings?" He asked curiously. "Yes changelings. They are what's attacking us this very instance. Nasty little things are able to change their shape, race, and form. And what's worse is they possess the magic of a unicorn, the speed of a Pegasus, and the strength of an earth pony. Their basically miniature Alicorns." Thunderstorm explained. "What about the fourth division. Or the royal guard. Or even king Orion himself?" Nimbus asked, worry and doubt began to fill his voice. Thunderstorm shook his head. "The fourth division is to spread out to help everyone. The Royal guard are taking the big hits from these bugs at the high castle. And King Orion..." Thunderstorm was unable to finish, his head dropped down, pain and tears could be seen to start forming on his face. "Has fallen." Complete and total silence along with a major case of shock entered the room. King Orion was the most powerful Pegasus in the entire kingdom. He was even slightly stronger than both Nimbus and Thunderstorm combined. To think that their great and powerful King had fallen was unimaginable. Nimbus stumbled back a bit in shock as he balanced his weight on the kitchen table. "They will pay for this." Nimbus growled. "No." Thunderstorm stepped in. "The entire kingdom is in shambles, our forces are to spread out, and we are leaderless. We have no choice but to flee." Nimbus looked at Thunderstorm as if he had just called him a dog faced monkey baboon on steroids. "Did you loose half of your brain cells or something?" Nimbus asked very seriously. "Why would we flee? No wait, why would the thought of fleeing even occur to you?" Nimbus asked. "I've known Thunderstorm my whole life, and he would not once ever consider the possibility of fleeing a fight." "Your right, that's why I'm not running but I'm asking you to leave." "Are you crazy, I'd rather die than leave my home!" Nimbus raised his voice. "And would you stay and fight knowing that Sky and your child will die!" Thunderstorm yelled back. Nimbuses eyes widened. He looked over to Sky who was slightly blushing and looking at the floor. "Are...are you..." Nimbus choked and sputtered. Sky looked up to her beloved. "Yes, I wanted to keep it a surprise." "You see Nimbus. I care about both of you. I couldn't bear the thought of you two and your unborn child dying and couldn't prevent it. So please...leave so that your child can live and grow." "Yes...your right." Nimbus said. Sky, who had become overjoyed with her beloveds decision, jumped at him and embraced him with open arms Thunderstorm smiled with glee as both Sky and Nimbus were hugging one another with joy. But the moment was short lived as the sound of a sword piercing through Nimbuses chest echoed throughout the entire house. Nimbus looked down and saw the steel blade that had pierced his chest. Total shock once more entered the house as Nimbus looked behind him. Where he saw the one responsible for his fatal wound. Thunderstorm. Nimbus fell to the ground limp as the blade was pulled from his chest. A pool of blood began to from from his spilled blood. His eyes began to feel heavy. His vision blurred and his ears echoed with a loud ring. The only thing he saw was his dearly beloved being held back by Thunderstorm, the sound of crashing glass as multiple Changelings entered the house. But before he died pure rage filled his heart. The wonderful and fond memories of his friend were no more. Thunderstorm was no longer recognized as Nimbuses friend. Now he was someone who he was going to kill. And he would give no mercy. > Chapter Thirty. Child of the Sky > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- STILL IN THE PAST Pain. There's nothing in the world (or at least nothing that I can think of) that is worse than pain. For someone to wield the very weapon that harnessed such a devastating power was unbelievable. Yet here Thunderstorm was, lying in a pool of his blood. Chrysalis had absolutely destroyed him, cutting off his foreleg, his hind leg, gouging out his left eye, and gutted his very insides. Yes it was very painful, it was even more painful as black and red magic began to rearrange his body back into place. But it was not this pain that was causing tears to mix with Thunderstorms blood. It was the pain of what Chrysalis had planned to do. For some reason she was able to peer into his mind and relived every moment of Thunderstorm's in mere seconds. After learning of Nimbus and his power, Chrysalis took the shape of Thunderstorm and headed towards the house of both Nimbus and Sky. Thunderstorm wanted to follow but Chrysalis had not cut off his wings but rather burnt them until both the undercoat of flesh and some visible parts of the bone could be seen. Of course the Element of Shadow was healing his body but see we have this really stupid thing called nerves. You already know what nerves are and they do? Good, cause I'm gonna tell you anyway cause I'm that kinda guy. Nerves are these things in our enter body that send signals to our brain. And these nerves send us signals such as touch, taste, hear, see, and smell. Of course this includes pain. Basically, when you feel pain your brain is screaming at you, 'DEAR GOD THIS IS PAINFUL. FOR THE LOVE OF THE ALL MIGHTY BAGEL MAKE IT STOP!!!'. Unfortunately, Thunderstorm didn't have any pain killers on him at the moment so he was forced to suffer the pain of his regenerating body. But despite the horrible pain he was feeling, he slowly got up. He was missing half of his walking limbs, his wings were burnt off, his insides were slowly growing back, and his eye had been gouged out. But none of that mattered, just as long that Thunderstorm was able to get to Nimbus and Sky before it was to late. Mustering what strength he had left he vanished. And reappeared in the house of both Nimbus and Sky. Thunderstorm coughed up blood as he collapsed onto the floor. The pain doubled once more, Thunderstorm was on the bring of death, but the Element of Shadow refused to let its host die. Thunderstorm heaved and panted, his body ached in pain as he grabbed the countertop of the dining room table, lifting himself up. Only to face the horror before him. Thunderstorm's eyes widened, the pain he had felt immediately disappeared only to be replaced by an even greater pain as he stared at the limp bodies of both Nimbus and Sky. A stab wound was visible in Nimbuses chest and his neck had been sliced open. It didn't make sense, but Nimbus wasn't healing. For some reason their was no lightning appearing on his body and was healing his wounds. Instead all that their was was just a dead Nimbus. Thunderstorms eyes then wandered to Sky, whose neck had been snapped. Thunderstorm slowly made his way towards Sky. When he had reached her Thunderstorm planted his ear on Sky's belly. Silence. And more silence. And more silence. Thump-thump Then there was a noise. The sound of a soft heart beat. By some miracle Sky's baby was still alive. Thunderstorm could not bring his friends back from the dead. But he could make sure that their child could live. A red bubble appeared in Thunderstorms hoof, he slowly lowered the bubble until it sank into Sky's body. Pulling it back up, the tiny form of a pony escaped the belly of Sky inside the bubble. The tiny child was curled up into a ball. Thunderstorm coughed up more blood as he reached inside his chest and pulled out the gem that represented the Element of Shadow. He regretted the fact that he was unable to save his two close friends. But the least he could do, was make sure that their child had the chance to live. Dead bodies and burning buildings. The stench of rotten flesh burning in the noon day sun stung the air. Utter horror was placed upon Flash's face as he stared at the burned and ruined kingdom. Dark Side however wasn't fazed in the slightest by the current events. In fact he was smiling at the burning city. "I don't understand." Flash said. "What does this have to do with anything?" Flash asked. Dark side smiled at Flash. "To shed some light on the current situation. And also to let her see the truth." Flash raised an eyebrow in confusion. But when he looked behind him he saw that he wasn't alone with Dark Side. But rather both Dark Side and Flash were greeted by a Pegasus mare with yellow fur, blue eyes, and a rainbow mane where the back of it had been braided. "Flash Sentry, meet Cloud. The daughter of the Sky." Dark Side introduced. BACK IN THE PRESENT AND IN REALITY The sound of roaring thunder boomed throughout the battlefield between Flash (who is possessed by Thunderstorm) and Soarin (who is possessed by Nimbus). The fight between the two had become very intense. Soarin had wrapped himself in lightning making him travel at an unbelievable speed. Flash was emitting a black and red aura that increased his speed as well. The two Elemental's raced against each other at record breaking speed. Dealing blows at times they got close to each other before backing off and racing away. The two raced side by side each other trying to push the other back. The two flew up against a mountain and twirled upwards. Black and red mixing with yellow magic flew up the hill until they ran out of ground and hovered into the air. Flash and Soarin's punched each other. A loud bang echoed through the field, the punch was so massive it sent Soarin and Flash flying backwards until they caught themselves and balanced themselves in the air. Soarin growled with rage as a yellow pike of lightning appeared in his hoof. In response, Flash lifted his hoof as a black and red ball appeared in it. "I will ask once more my friend." Flash almost sounded like he was pleading. "Why are doing this? Why do harbor anger towards me?" "You know damn well why!" Soarin yelled, throwing the pike of lightning like a spear. Flash reacted by throwing the red ball straight at the oncoming pike of lightning. When the two came in contact with the other they erupted in a massive sphere of yellow, black, and red magic. Lightning and Shadow magic collided with each other as the massive sphere gave off sparks of lightning and raging black and red tendrils. When Flash had thrown the small red and black sphere at the oncoming pike of Lightning he had left himself wide open. Soarin took advantage of this opportunity and blitzed towards Flash. Soarin tackled Flash causing the two to have no room for their wings to grab onto the air around them and fly. And so they plummeted towards the ground. "Why are you doing this Nimbus?!" Flash demanded as he wrestled against Soarin in the free fall. "Do you harbor anger towards me because I couldn't protect you and Sky-" Flash was cut off as the hoof of Soarin was able to wiggle itself away from Flash's and punched him in the face. "How dare you even try to speak her name!" Soarin yelled with complete and unyielding rage. "I will end you right here and now!" Soarin yelled, holding up his right foreleg a yellow ball of lightning appeared. But was completely useless as Flash kicked off of Soarin and crashed into the ground. As did Soarin. Both groaned in pain as they sat up. Black and red magic had already begun to crack, bend, and heal his body. The same went for Soarin as Yellow lightning began to heal his body as well. "This is pointless my friend." Flash stated. "We cannot beat each other, not while we wield the Element's that have the power to heal us." "I don't care." Soarin groaned. "I don't care if you can heal, I don't care if all of my attacks are useless against you. None of that matters any more. All that matters is that you die here and now by my hoof!" Soarin began to raise his voice in anger. "If I have to die to achieve that so be it! If I'm to burn in the fires of Tartarus in the afterlife, then I'll make sure that you will burn with me!" "No creature may harm those I hold dear." Flash began to recite an oath. "No force will yield me from protecting my home. May those that dare scorn thy name of my lord and King be struck down with unyielding force. Give me strength so that I will have the power to protect my ponies and friends. The gift of this strength I will use to protect those I hold dear. And not for the deeds of evil." Flash said, a black ball completely void of any red appeared in his hoof. "Do you remember the oath we gave when we received the Element's of Chaos? The oath that we gave to protect our proud and wonderful kingdom. Not to use our power for evil and vengeance! Do you remember that oath Nimbus?!" "The kingdom of Timbuktu is no more Thunderstorm." Soarin reminded Flash. "It was burned to the ground along with that oath. We are nothing more than two soldiers who have no kingdom. No home. No family. Nothing!" Soarin grew even more angry than before. A lightning pike appeared in his hoof once more, this time it was not yellow but instead it was completely red. There was no more use in trying to use words on Soarin. Words had no place in the battlefield as they would on,y fall upon deaf ears. The only type of language that was known on the battlefield was the way you fought your opponent. So if Flash had to beat the trash that was clouding Soarin's mind to get through to him. Then so it would be. ONE THOUSAND YEARS BACK IN THE PAST In a village far from the ruins of Timbuktu lived the peaceful earth ponies. The village consisted of twenty wooden houses, a river, and a large and plentiful field of crops and farms. Houses where waterwheels spun through the water in peace. The entire village consisted of earth ponies except for one. A Pegasus filly who was eight years old, was picking water out of the well with a metal bucket. The filly was none other than Cloud, the daughter of both Nimbus and Sky. The young filly hummed to herself happily as she carried the bucket of water back to her house. Completely unaware that she was being watched by three ponies. "Can she-" Flash was about to ask until Dark Side answered his question. "See us? No, we are merely seeing the memory of Cloud." "I almost forgot about this." The adult Cloud said in amazement. "To think that I could forget something like this my whole life." Flash turned to Dark Side once more with an agitated look. "You still haven't told me why your showing me all of this." Dark Side rolled his eyes. "I suppose it's time for me to tell you...the...the..." Dark Side tried to say the word but couldn't bring himself to say the word. "Truth?" Cloud guessed. "Yes that. I've been meaning to shed some light on the past of Thunderstorm so that we can end the fight between both him and Nimbus?" "And how do you plan on doing that?" Flash asked. "Simple. Cloud will take over and show Nimbus what truely happened." Dark Side said. "But...I don't even know how to take over Flash's body yet." "Oh don't even bother trying to lie to me Cloud. Obviously you know how to take over Flash's body. I've seen you do it to him when he's sleeping." Dark Side pointed out. "Wait...if you know about that then that means..." Cloud's eyes widened in horror as she clasped her mouth and her cheeks turned bright crimson red. Seeing the look on Cloud gave Flash an uneasy feeling. "Um...what does-" Cloud cut Sentry off by grabbing his shoulders and screamed, "I was just curious! I swear I didn't mean any disrespect by it. It's just that I always questioned what stallions always do for...you know...fun." "Wait...what exactly have you done with my body whenever I sleep?" Flash asked, a little scared of the answer. "Ummm..." Cloud trailed off. A CERTAIN TIME IN THE PAST BUT THE AUTHOR DOESN'T KNOW THE EXACT TIMELINE SO SLAP YOURSELF IN THE FACE BECAUSE THIS IS SOMEHOW YOUR FAULT In the peaceful town of Ponyville, all was quiet in the silent night. Nothing could be heard except for sound of crickets chirping. All was asleep, minus those that were awake during the night. In the castle of friendship Royal Guard Flash Sentry was sound asleep in the guest bedroom. He had been given the room and was allowed to receive the wonderful gift of sleep every night thanks to Twilight's orders. Of course Flash protested against her judgement and said that he should guard her during the night. It wasn't until Twilight threatened to send him to the center of the sun that he agreed to her terms. And so he slept. And then he awoke. But this wasn't Flash who was awake, instead it was Cloud's soul that now controlled Flash's body. Flash removed the covers and walked out the bed. Flash then walked up to the dresser and looked at his reflection in the mirror. He then began to admire the way he looked, his muscles, his wings, and his posture. After having a good look at himself Flash grinned. It was now time for him to the very thing he had always wanted to do. Beat the hell out of everything in sight. And that's exactly what he did. "Stuff?" Cloud half heartedly chuckled. Unsatisfied with the answer he was given, Flash turned to Dark Side, "What has she been doing to me in my sleep?!" He demanded. "Believe it or not, it's not as bad as you might think." Dark Side shrugged. "But your avoiding the situation Cloud, take control of Flash's body and show Nimbus the truth." "But...I... I can't." Cloud stammered. "Can't or won't?" "Both!" Cloud shouted. "Look, do you just not want to do this because we've sent Flash into a state of panic because we haven't told him what you do to him when he sleeps?" Dark Side asked, pointing to the currently depressed looking Flash. "Or because your too afraid to face your own father!" "You don't understand!" Cloud yelled as she matched the height of Dark Side's voice. "I'm just now learning that my own father is currently possessing some innocent pony and is fighting Thunderstorm and you just expect me to just waltz on out there and tell him, 'Hey there Nimbus, I'm your long lost daughter from about a thousand years ago. You want some tea and crumpets while we catch up?'" Cloud mocked. It was at this point in the story where the reader would expect someone to give Cloud some reassuring words of courage to motivate her into getting out there and talking some sense into her father. Unfortunately Flash was in a state of depression so that left Dark Side to give her some motivation. And Dark Side gave her the greatest form of motivation there was. And slapped her in the face. "Knock it off." Dark Side said calmly. "Stop letting fear control your actions. Whether you like it or not both the Element of Shadow and the Element of Sky are going to be caught in a eternal struggle because they will both heal whatever wounds are made. The only way to put a stop to their stupid fight is by showing Nimbus the truth." "First, ow!" Cloud cringed, holding her red cheek. "Second, doing that is easier said than done." Dark Side rolled his eyes. "Fine, if force won't motivate you then maybe this will." Dark Side said, a wheel of film appearing in his hoof. A piece of tape was placed on the wheel with the words 'Cloud's nocturnal missions' written on the tape. "On this here tape is a full documentary of everything you've done to Flash every time he's gone to sleep. Now then you have two options. One,-" And just like that Cloud was gone in the blink of an eye." Back outside of Flash's head the battle between both Flash and Soarin was beginning to show some signs of slowing down. But as the battle had dragged on, the land had taken the large blow from the fight. Boulders and rocks turned into nothing but dust, snow turned from bright white to pitch black, and the whole landscape was on the bring of total destruction. But Flash wasn't fighting at one hundred percent. He couldn't bring himself to use his full power on Soarin, he just couldn't. Flash decided that attacking Soarin head on was a very stupid idea. So he resorted to hiding behind one of the large rocks that had managed to not be destroyed during the battle. Flash had to think of a way he could stop Soarin without injuring him. Easily failed possibilities raced through his head. That is until a massive pounding began to bang inside his head. Flash softly cried out in pain, clutching his head as the pounding grew louder and heavier. From inside his head there came a gentle and soft voice that spoke, "Sorry Shadow, but I'm taking over now." Flash's eyes widened. He knew of the voice all to well, but to think that she would be emerging now was almost unthinkable. "What do you think you're doing girl?" Flash demanded. "You can't possibly face the Element of Sky-" "You mean my father?" Cloud corrected. Flash's shock doubled. "How did you...Dark Side, of course." "Don't worry, I'm not angry at you for not telling me. I completely understand why you did it, but I want, no, need to speak with my father." With that said Flash's body began to become engulfed in a blinding white light. It was a light that shined so brightly that it touched the sky itself. Unfortunately it gave away the location of where Flash had been hiding. Soarin easily saw the beacon of light that pierced through the dark grey clouds above. Soarin landed a couple of feet away from the Boulder, a lightning pike appearing in his hoof. He raised it and was ready to throw it. And then someone emerged from behind the rock. A Pegasus mare, with yellow fur, blue eyes, a rainbow mane where the back of it had been braided, emerged. Soarin stopped. Still as a statue, Soarin was unable to remove his eyes from the mare before him. Not because she was the daughter of Nimbus, but because she resembled Nimbuses beloved, Sky. Nimbus wanted to believe his eyes, he wanted to believe that the one before him could've been Sky. But his mind knew better, he knew that the Element of Shadow was a deceiver, a trickster, a lier. He would not be tricked so easily. Soarin once more raised his hoof, ready to strike down the one that dared to even slightly mock the form of Nimbuses beloved. But it was put to a stop as Cloud closed the distance between her and Soarin. Placing her hoof on his forehead, the charred and ruined battlefield had vanished. Replaced with the scene of Nimbuses house. Soarin also vanished, in his place now stood Nimbus. "Why did you bring me here Thunderstorm?!" Nimbus demanded, believing that the mare before him has Thunderstorm. Cloud spoke in a calmer and more quite tone than her father, "To show you the truth." She said, motioning her hoof to the right. It was almost like he was staring into the past. There, right in the very home that Nimbus and Sky had purchased, was Thunderstorm. Running Nimbus through with a viscous looking blade. The blade should've have felt nothing more than mere paper cut. But Nimbus could never forget the sting and pain that blade had caused. But the pain that the blade had caused couldn't even hold a candle to the sting of his friends betrayal. "Why are you showing me this?" Nimbus demanded. "I've already told you." Cloud said, still calm. "To show you the truth." Nimbus looked away, he knew of what happened next and he could not bring himself to watch it once more. *SNAP* The sound was able tear Nimbuses heart in half. He did not see it, but he knew that it was all to real. Sky had been killed. With her neck snapped, her body had become limp as she fell to the ground. Thunderstorm chuckled as he sheathed the sword and walked out, the changelings following behind. The hatred that Nimbus bearded towards Thunderstorm had begun to grow as he stared into the cold dead eyes of Sky. And then something occurred to him, supposedly Thunderstorm was right next to him. It was almost to easy. But then something halted his actions. The real Thunderstorm appeared in the kitchen, his body mangled and beaten. He was in tremendous pain as his body was healing itself. And then you probably know the rest, Thunderstorm walks over to Sky, takes the unborn child out of the womb, gives the child the Element of Shadow, and then Thunderstorm dies. As the unborn child floated in the black and red sphere the Element wasted no time in merging itself with the child. Once the gem had disappeared into the child's body, the sphere rocketed upwards, breaking through the roof. Both Nimbus and Cloud followed the sphere as if they were ghostly spirits. The two followed the sphere as it flew into a cave, where it hovered above the ground. As time passed the little filly grew and grew until it would no longer have any use for the sphere. But the little filly stayed inside the sphere for five years, and in that time the Element of Shadow was filling the young Filly's head with knowledge of how to speak, walk, write, learn, and other. Then the time came where the little filly no longer needed the sphere. And then she walked to a village, where she grew up and that other stuff. And then the vision faded. BACK IN THE REAL WORLD Soarin stared incredulously at Cloud. His jaw unhinged and his eyes wide. Cloud smiled awkwardly as she gave Soarin a hug. "I'm so happy I get to meet you dad." Soarin looked at Cloud. The hatred he had felt for his friend had dispersed, replaced by the joy of seeing Nimbuses daughter. His eyes ceased glowing yellow and began to fill with tears as he returned the hug to Cloud. Clutching onto her, he started to cry, tears flowing uncontrollably down his cheeks and onto Cloud's fur. Cloud buried her face into Soarin's chest, slightly crying herself. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Soarin whimpered over and over again. "You have nothing to be sorry for my friend." A new voice entered. Soarin looked up and in front of him stood Thunderstorm. "And you said that you never cried." Thunderstorm slightly smiled. "Thunderstorm. I'm...I'm so sorry for what I did." "Hey, it's alright. I blame myself for everything, I let that changeling take my form and hurt the ones I cared for. But your here, my best friend." "Don't just stand there you big jerk, come over here and give us all a hug." Cloud said. Thunderstorm nodded and embraced both Soarin and Cloud. As the two hugged they failed to notice that they were slowly turning to dust. But they did not care, they were happy and that's all that mattered. And their entire body's weren't turning to dust but rather their skin was, washing away leaving behind the body of both Flash Sentry and Soarin. But as the three vanished into the wind they were smiling. It was a wonderful smile, a smile of joy, a smile of peace, a smile of reunion. It was a smile of happiness. > Chapter thirty one. Identity revealed > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE CRYSTAL EMPIRE The sky was lit up with blue lightning colliding with crystallized ponies. Large numbers of Guardian's battling against a smaller force of Crystallized ponies. While the battle between the Guardian's and Crystallized ponies waged on, the two airships carrying the ground troops had begun to descend. While the other two airships remained in the air, covering the two descending airships. On board the descending airship, Fluttershy had equipped herself in light green deer armor. She looked behind her one more time at her army. A large number of organized Deer soldiers stood firmly behind her. All ready to lay down their lives for their Abber suserro. But Fluttershy was worried, no, worried didn't come close to the feeling. She was terrified, terrified of what might befall those she led. What if they failed, what if they all died before evening setting hoof on the battlefield, what if- All these dreadful thoughts were instantly washed away, as a calm hoof grabbed her shoulder. Fluttershy looked to her left, and there was Thorn. Equipped with normal green deer armor and a warm smile on his face. The smile brought warmth to Fluttershy's heart, it was almost as if the smile was washing away all the fear and terror that she had felt. With Thorn by her side, she felt that she could've done anything. The airship jerked forward, causing the entire large force to lurch forward before regaining their balance. The sound of a loud clank echoed through the ship, the large door in front of the force began to slowly open up like a drawbridge. Thorn looked back to Fluttershy with a reassuring smile. "You ready?" He asked. Fluttershy nodded. She took a deep breath before staring out into the battlefield. She drew her sword and without a moment of hesitation she charged forward. Her army following their leader with their lives in her hooves. Nightwing never received the same lessons as Twilight did when Celestia taught her. Instead of being taught in friendship and magic, Nightwing was taught in strategies, planing, being clever, and being able to solve puzzles in quick paces. Of course their where times he was sent to learn about magic and rarely friendship, but he cared little about those assignments. There were times that he commanded fake troops, on a fake battlefield, against a fake enemy. And every time he would win. But this time it was different than the training battles. This time their we're lives on the line, on both sides. Onboard the airship that Nightwing was on, in the map room there was a circular wooden table. A third dimensional diamond shaped programable crystal hovered above the table. Projecting an exact three dimensional magical aura image of the battlefield. Nightwing was used to how the battlefield worked, the first thing he had to do was split multiple parts of the field apart. The hologram on the table was immediately separated into four areas. The airships, which were covered in blue, the sky layer, which was covered in yellow, the ground layer, which was covered in yellow, and the Crystal Empire, which was covered in red. With the four layers established, Nightwing then received a visual of his troops. The hologram was then lit up with tiny yellow Guardian figures flying in the sky layer, along with tiny sized Crystallized red ponies that were engaging the Guardian's. On the ground layer was an organized group of tiny green deer figures charging towards the Empire. Nightwing also knew that he was facing someone who was, without a doubt, not stupid. There was most likely a trap nearby and the Deer army was about to hit it soon. The ground shook and the snow became less flat and smooth as the deer army charged forward. That is until a bright light shined from the sky. Fluttershy skidded to a halt as the deer company did the same. Fluttershy turned to the light to see that it was two flares. One yellow, the other black. Before landing the Guardian's informed all troops what each flare meant. Yellow meant caution, and black meant enemy. Since both were fired at the same time the combination meant 'beware of the enemy'. "GAAHH!" Fluttershy turned in fright, seeing the source of the scream. On of the deer soldiers had been hit with some kind of magic. And in an instant, multiple crystallized ponies climbed up from underneath the snow. "Form up! Defensive position one!" Thorn yelled. Fluttershy was pushed back as multiple deer troops began to surround their leader. It was the shape of a circle, with Fluttershy in the center. The more heavy troops moved up front. Their armor was a lot like any normal deer armor, except their was a jaw piece that covered the muzzle and connected to the helmet. The more heavier troops were equipped with full body shields where a U shaped hole was cut on the top, the purpose of this design was to allow the heavy troops to lay their spears on, so that if anything came close to the circle it could be stabbed or pushed back. In the middle of the center were the more average deer soldiers. Equipped with a light shield and broadsword, along with normal green deer armor. In the inner area of the circle was the light armored troops, equipped with normal looking green deer armor except it had less protection than the other armor's, allowing them to be more nimble and move faster. They were also equipped with bows and arrows, along with small daggers. And in the very center of the circle was both Fluttershy and Thorn. Fluttershy's ears folded, hoping that they would block out the sound of deer crying out in pain as they were continuously assaulted by Crystallized ponies. It was a horrible sound, and what's worse was that it was all her fault. She was the leader, and as the leader she had to lead her troops, but she was afraid. Scared out of her mind, hoping that all of this was a bad dream, a dream that she could just wake up from. A crystallized pony jumped high into the air. Leaping over the three sections of the defensive circle. The crystallized pony's eyes glowed red, its target was Fluttershy. And she was helpless to do anything against it. But the crystallized pony was instantly forced away from the circle as a rainbow blur tackled the pony towards the ground. Both the deer and crystallized ponies stopped, staring in amazement at what just happened. Arising from the downed crystallized pony was Rainbow Dash. And she looked absolutely pissed. "Fluttershy!" She yelled, her anger not directed towards the enemy but rather towards her best friend. Fluttershy slowly rose from the circle, half of her face hidden behind her mane. "You need to stop hiding like a scared filly! Your the Ababa Sasero for crying out loud, your like the queen of every deer in Equestria. Start acting like it!" "It's pronounced Abber suserro Rainbow Dash." A country voice said. Behind Fluttershy was Applejack, a slight frown on her face. "Now listen Sugar, I know ya've probably had yerself on heck of a tuff day. What with ya being turned to stone and all. And to be honest...I ma'self am having a hard time trying to grasp the situation. But listen to me." Applejack grabbed both of Fluttershy's shoulders and looked her straight in the eyes. "You are their leader. Only you can do this." Fluttershy looked down as Applejack released Fluttershy from her gripped. Slowly she grabbed her sword. She hatted violence, but when her subjects were being treated the way they were it sparked something inside her. A fire of anger roared inside of Fluttershy. Without hesitation she charged forward, her army following behind. Ready to lay down their lives for their Abber suserro. On the Crystal empire, the Hooded one walked calmly down one of the hallways. Comet Tail walking beside the Hooded one. Levitating beside the hooded one was a five pointed star looking object made of a clear crystalline material. "You have the final piece, now what will you do with it?" Comet Tail asked. "I'm afraid you are incorrect my Rook, we have not yet achieved the final piece to complete my plan, but it is within our grasp." The Hooded one stated. "Speaking of which, what is it that you plan to do once you have all of these pieces?" "You will know in due time." The hooded one replied. "But for now it is time to initiate phase three of our plans." "Phase three?" Comet Tail asked. "It seems that might not be necessary, seeing as their heading right towards us." The Hooded pony stopped and turned towards Comet Tail. Even though he could not see the Hooded one's face, Comet tail knew that he/she was glaring at him. Comet Tail rolled his eyes. "Fine fine, I'll do it. But I won't be happy about it." Comet tail closed his eyes. His horn became enclosed with red and black magic. The walls to the hallway began to crack and shake beneath the weight of Comet's magic. Onboard the ship Nightwing was on. The glass windows to map room shattered outwards as red and black magic began to resonate from the room. The Guardian's that occupied the room were instantly thrown from the room. The only two that remained in the room were both Cheese and Nightwing. Who both just plain out confused as to what was happening. Then they vanished. And then they reappeared. But not onboard the airship but rather someplace else. They're hooves were met with hard white grayish rocks. Of course they were still in a state of confusion, unaware of what was happening. Cheese then looked up, and was immediately aware of where he was. He tapped Nightwing's shoulder and pointed up. Nightwing followed Cheese's hoof and looked up. And say the earth. And then he became aware of where he was. He was on the moon, Nightwing had been teleported to the moon. "Huh...how did I not recognize the ground?" Nightwing asked himself. He looked to Cheese. And immediately flattened his brow. Cheese's face was turning blue, he grasped his neck in a desperate attempt to keep air in is body. Nightwing facehoofed and groaned. "Cheese..." Nightwing stopped himself, thinking of the pros and cons of letting Cheese die from air lose. Of course the pros outweighed the cons, until Nightwing thought of the wrath he would receive if his Teach found out he let an innocent Stallion die. Nightwing sighed and grabbed Cheese's shoulder. "Cheese, breath. The moon isn't a cold giant rock floating in the sky, it has a breathable atmosphere." With that Cheese exhaled and took in a large gust of air. "Thank Goodness! For a second there I was worried." "Uh huh." Nightwing rolled his eyes. "So, two things. One, why are on the moon?" Cheese asked. "I don't know, someone must have teleported us here." "Okay. Two, what's that?" Cheese pointed behind him. Nightwing looked behind him and his eyes widened. Behind them was a castle, with two large towers attached to a main building that towered above a large town. But the castle looked as though it was utterly destroyed, it's stone cracked, its structure was barely stable, and the town looked as though it had suffered the same fate as the castle. Nightwing had read about the castle, but not once ever saw it with his own eyes. "The Lunar Arce." Nightwing said. Back at the crystal empire the ship Nightwing had been aboard had crash landed. The final one in the sky was now above the empire. It jerked to a stop and from the bottom of it, ropes fell down until they reached the ground. Guardian's began to slide down the ropes until reaching the ground. Occupied by the Guardian's was Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie, Ranger, and Silver Platter all landed. A guardian approached Twilight. "Princess Sporkal. Orders from captain Nightwing have ceased. Adaptive program tells me to take orders from you." Pinkie giggled at Twilights nickname. "As your leader I demand that you refer to me as Twilight." "Command not acceptable." The Guardian replied. "Well then override." "Override not available. Your orders Princess Sporkal." "Just...just search the area for Nightwing so I can Beat him into a pulp." "Unable to achieve command." "Why not?!" Twilight demanded. "Where is he, the mother bucking literal moon?! "Correct, Captain Nightwing is currently on the 'The mother bucking literal moon'." Meanwhile on said moon, Nightwing and Cheese were walking along a path through the demolished town. Broken homes, deserted houses, and silent streets. There was no sound, there was no living thing, there was nothing. "Geez what happened to this place?" Cheese asked. "It looks like it's been through a war zone." "That's because it has." Both Nightwing and Cheese halted. Turning to see the Hooded Pony standing on a broken building. "Behold, the last city of the Shadow Knights. The kingdom of Lunar Arce. This kingdom was once filled with the last Vampire batponies that wanted to escape the Order's wrath. But their last kingdom was destroyed when Nightmare moon was banished here." The hooded one said, dropping down from the building and landing on the ground. "Did she ever tell you Nightwing. Did your beloved Teach ever look you in the eye and told you that she killed the very last of your kind?" "...no." Nightwing croaked. "No. Of course she didn't. How could she? After all it wasn't as if she could even remember such a gruesome thing. But that matters little, because I will finally bring justice to those that have done wrong." And just like that, both Nightwing and Cheese were instantly taken out as multiple black tendrils erupted from the shadows and knocked out both Cheese and Nightwing. Comet tail appeared and picked up Cheese. He looked to the hooded one. "Dispose of him, we have no need for his mischief." Was the Hooded one's response. Back on earth, outside of the crystal empire. The deer army was continuing its charge forward towards the empire in a Flying V battle formation. Fluttershy and Thorn lead the charge, where Applejack and Rainbow Dash aided the sides. Any crystallized ponies that came close were immediately pushed back. The plan was going very well. That is until the battle regiment was met with a large crystal wall in front of them. Fluttershy halted along with the rest of the army. "That wall is made of Crystalline Jade." Thorn announced. "We won't be able to do anything against it." The crystalline Jade wall was massive. It looked almost impenetrable. KABOOOOOM! That is until the sound of one thousand thunderous storms colliding all at once rang through the air. All eyes were almost instantly blinded as a red, black, yellow, and orange beam sailed through the sky and struck the wall. Crystalline Jade is able to absorb both magic and kinetic energy. Unfortunately, like everything in existence, it melts at a certain degree. And that's what happened to the wall, it began to melt. Pieces of cracked and fractured crystalline Jade fell from the wall as the multi colored beam drilled into the wall. Finally the wall caved in, and a large chunk of it fell forward. Pushing both the air and snow beneath it outwards. A massive gust of high flying snow was sent forward. The heavy armored deer stepped forward, planting their shields into the ground in a crescent shape that shielded the army from the blast. "Brace yourselves!" One of the heavy armed soldiers shouted. The gust of air and snow was immensely powerful. Trying its best to push back the shields from the army. But the army stood firm, not willing to budge an inch from where they stood. And just like that, the large gust vanished. The air returned to normal. There was no wind, no howling snow, just plain everyday air. "Sorry about that Sis. Didn't think of what might happen if the wall fell down." A voice said. Fluttershy, along with the rest of the army, looked to the top of the large piece of destroyed wall. On top of it was Flash Sentry, who's mane and tail were black with red tips and his pupils turned red. Lightning Strike, whose mane and tail had turned a bright shade of orange along with his eyes. And Soarin, whose mane and tail turned a bright yellow along with his eyes. Fluttershy smiled happily at the sight of her brothers and cousin. When Flash, Lightning Strike, and Soarin all landed they were both welcomed with a kiss from their sister. "I don't think this is the time or place for kisses cuz." Soarin chuckled. "Oh...good point." Fluttershy agreed. Then she slapped Soarin on he cheek. "Ow!" Soarin hissed. "What was that for?" "That was for you disappearing for almost a month. Where the hay have you been?!" Fluttershy demanded. "We don't have time for this." Lightning Strike said. "Come on, we have to go give some assistance to Nightwing." THE MOON Nightwing slowly came to. His senses beginning to reawaken and sharpen. When he was somewhat awake he became aware of his location. He was in a large room that looked to be the size of four football fields. Multiple pillars supported the ceiling, but some of the pillars were cut down and broken. A ripped and cut red mat stretched across from the front of the room all the way to the end. Nightwing tried to move but his body refused, looking down he saw the cause of his restrictions. His entire body had been chained to one of the pillars that remained unscathed. The chains wrapped around his fully opened bat wings. The chains that were binding Nightwing to the pillars were not made of mere iron or silver. The chains were made of brimstone, a rare ore that was mined inside the far depths of Tartarus. Brimstone was said to be 'the chain's that bind evil to the eternal fire'. It was mostly used on Dragon's and Demon's. It was also something that ponies used on Vampire Batponies. Nightwing's memories bled deeply into his mind, reminding him of the pain that these chains had once caused to him. He winced in pain from the chains, parts of his body stung from the immense heat. "Ah, your awake." Nightwing looked to his left. Where the hooded one was walking towards Nightwing, a black metal chair levitating beside the hooded one. The Hooded Pony sat the chair in front of Nightwing, it's back facing Nightwing. The Hooded pony sat in the chair, resting her/his forelegs on the top rail. "......Let me guess, this is the part were you tell me your life story and why your doing all of this?" Nightwing guessed. "Unfortunately no. I will not be revealing my plans until the time is right. I will however reveal to you my story and who I am." The hooded one said. Her forelegs pulled down the hood. Revealing a black pony head figure with no eyes, mouth, nostrils, ear holes, or anything detailed. The hooded one raised their crystal, the black shadow began to unwrap itself from the hooded one's head. Revealing her face. Yes her. The hooded one was a mare with grey fur, bright red long mane, red eyes with black slits for pupils, and two fangs that slightly popped out of her mouth. "As you probably have already guessed, I am one of the Vampire Batponies that survived the Order's holocaust." The mare said. "My name is Moon Stone." "I knew it." Nightwing slightly smiled. "I knew I wasn't the only one, I knew I wasn't the only one who had survived." "Yes, but it is sad that you and I must be enemies." Moon said. "Quit your mumbling, tell me how you survived, are their others who survived, tell me everything." Nightwing rambled on. "Enough! How can you be excited at a time like this, I'm going to get revenge on those who destroyed our race." Her face turned into a smile. "And your going to help me." "When you say 'I'm going to help you' do you mean that your gonna mind control me to do your dirty work or are you going to somehow turn me to the dark side or something?" Nightwing asked. Moon Stone sighed. "Do you know what a Shadow Knight is Nightwing?" Nightwing looked at Moon Stone like she just asked him if he knew what a circle was. "Of course I know what a Shadow Knight is, it's a vampire Batpony capable of wielding a complex crystal and is part of the main military force of the Lunar Empire. Course when they all died the vampire population was destroyed by the Order." "Your correct. Or rather, half correct." Moon Stone said as Nightwing raised his eyebrow. "The part of where only Shadow Knight's can use complex crystal's is false. Any one can use a complex crystal, but it was our kind that believed only those worthy could wield a complex crystal." "So I take it your not a Shadow Knight?" Nightwing asked. "No, if I was I wouldn't need you for my plans." "If you need a Shadow Knight, what do you need me for? I mean for all I know I could not be a Shadow Knight." Nightwing suggested. "Tell me Nightwing, what do you know of the Shadow Ponies?" Moon Stone asked. "You mean the Umbrum?" Nightwing puckered his lips and looked up in deep thought. "...um...not a whole lot. I know that they were once any normal creatures, but soon they were consumed by their shadow's and turned into something monstrous. And also they were sealed away by the ruler of crystal Empire a while back." "Yes...but did you know that some of the Umbrum possessed vampire Batponies and thus came the birth of the Shadow Knights." "So what your saying is-" "There's currently an Umbrum soul inside of you. Or rather the Umbrum soul has merged with yours." "Okay...so I've got a Shadow Ponies soul inside of me...that's some nightmare fuel. But why do you need my soul?" "All will be revealed in due time, don't fret." Moon Stone sinisterly smiled *wham!* Both Nightwing and Moon Stone turned their heads to the double door that Starlight had burst through. She was panting out of breath from the running she had done. "Oh for the love of-breath! There is an atmosphere on the moon, you can breath." Nightwing groaned. "I...know...that." Starlight panted. Nightwing was about to say something else but it was immediately muffled as a piece of black duck tape was placed on his mouth. Nightwing could only speak in the famous tongue of 'tape on mouth'. A truly beautiful way of speech, to bad no one can fully understand it. "Calm down Starlight, tell me what news you wish to deliver." Moon Stome said. "Okay...we have company." Starlight said, regaining her breath. "How many?" Moon Stone asked, her tone turning serious. "By Bloodwing's report, twelve have somehow made their way to the moon." Starlight said. "I see. Send everyone to defend this place at once, they will not halt my plans." Moon Stone said, placing her hood back over her head as a shadow began to wrap itself around Moon Stone's face. "Take Nightwing to the Ion Stone. I will take it from there." > Chapter thirty two. Separate occurrences > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The moon. The giant rock circling the earth that you will always see when you peer out of your window at night. Yes it is a truly wonderful, beautiful, and amazing thing. Or at least it was. There was a time that the moon was home to many creatures. Batponies, Shadow ponies, Moon ponies, and of course the famous Vampire Batponies. Back then the moon wasn't always a desolate and uninhabited place. I mean it was still a giant rock that floated in space, but there was life on it. Empires were constructed, King's and Queen's were crowned, and life was happy. And then Nightmare Moon was banished to the moon. And everything went to Tartarus. Nightmare Moon had completely annihilated everything on the moon. The once empires that stood high and proud on the empire were brought to ruin. The Shadow Knight's that protected the creatures of the Moon were wiped out, the Shadow Ponies fled to the Crystal Empire, the Batponies went into hiding, and the Moon Ponies were imprisoned on the moon along with Nightmare Moon. Yes the moon had become a horrible place after Nightmare Moon's banishment. And few had dared to set foot on its surface since then. But twelve ponies had dared to set hoof on the moon. They were Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Pinkie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, Thorn, Flash Sentry, Lightning Strike, Soarin, Ranger, and Silver Platter were all teleported to the moon. Since the battle for the Crystal Empire was still under way, Twilight had ordered the Guardian's to take back the Empire without hurting any live ponies. Fluttershy gave the same orders to her army as well. Once the twelve had all met up, Twilight teleported them all to the moon. Unfortunately teleporting to the moon is no simple task, so it wasn't that much of a surprise to everyone when Twilight collapsed from exhaustion. Her legs shook and wobbled as she tried to lift her weight. She was a bit surprised as Flash helped her up and wrapped her foreleg around his shoulder. "So Nightwing is in there huh?" Fluttershy asked, indicating towards the Lunar Arce. "Yep, he's in there alright." Lightning Strike said. "Wait!" Pinkie jumped. Darted her head from left to right, the shoved her nose to the ground. Inhaling deeply, she sniffed like she was a bloodhound. "What is it Girl? What'cha pick up?" Applejack asked. Pinkie slowly lifted her head from the ground. And bolted. Taking off at the speed of a bullet she sprinted towards the city in front of the Lunar Arce castle. "...should we follow her?" Ranger asked with hesitation. "Probably for the best, Celestia knows what might happen to those's she'll come across." Rainbow Dash said. "Don't you mean 'Celestia knows what might happen to her if she comes across the enemy'?" Ranger asked. "No." Twilight shook her head. The group the ran after the speeding demon known as Pinkie. In the city of Lunar Arce Cheese Sandwich wandered aimlessly through the town. Without any clue as to where he was. It was strange, one minute he was casually moon walking on the moon with his betrothed, Nightwing, and the next thing he knew he had awoken in a completely different part of the city with a capital L drawn on his forehead with a sharpie. He had to give the drawer some credit, his L's looked really spiffy. Cheese Sandwich the came to a halt. His hairs began to stand on end, his heart was pounding loudly, his stomach had butterflies inside of it. All signs pointed to one thing that Cheese knew all to well. But before he could even register a single action or word he was tackled by a pink blur. A ball of brown and pink rolled around the path until the ball unfurled and Pinkie landed on top of Cheese. "Cheesy!" Pinkie yelled gripping Cheese tightly and crushed him with a mighty bear hug. "Pinkie!" Cheese yelled gripping Pinkie and giving her a large bear hug of equal proportions. "I missed you so much Cheese." Pinkie smiled, slowly her face came closer and closer to Cheese's. She was about to kiss Cheese, until He placed his hoof on her muzzle. Somehow, he had put on a black tux. He looked away from Pinkie with a pained look on his face. "I cannot." Cheese said dramatically. "Cheese...whatever do you mean?" Pinkie asked. She too had somehow magically put on a white dress with white dress slippers and a white sinamay hat that had a pink flower tied around the top of the hat. "I am...betrothed to another." Cheese said, unable to look Pinkie in the eyes. A dramatic tone enters the area as Pinkie gasped. "Who is this scoundrel!" Pinkie demanded. "He...is..." Cheese paused. "You." Pinkie gasped once more. "Marry me Cheese Sandwich." Cheese turned away. "No." "Why?!" Oh screw this. bibbidi bobbidi boo, the rest of gang showed up. "Awwww, do you have to ruin our fun?" Pinkie whined. You were about to recite a scene from something that could've potentially gotten sued for. So yeah, I had to put a stop to it somehow. "But we were just having fun." Cheese said. And that's fine, but you can get in a lot of trouble for reciting things that are protected by copyright. "But-" No buts. There is no room in this story for butts. "Hehe." Pinkie giggled. "You spelled 'butts' instead of 'but'. ....you know what? I'm done. Do whatever it is you wish, just don't blame me when the space cats come to arrest you. "Space what now?" Cheese asked. "What are two talking about?" Lightning Strike asked. Both Cheese and Pinkie whirled around to the rest of the group that stood before them. Without a moment of hesitation, Cheese Sandwich leaped into the air and landed in front of everyone, with twelve straws in his hoof. Noticing the confusion on everyone's faces Cheese rolled his eyes. "What, have none of you crackers ever heard of drawing straws?" Cheese asked. "We've heard of it, but why are you offering to play it?" Twilight asked. "Look, there are twelve straws. Two with the number one on it, two with the number two on it, two with the number three on it, two with the number four on it, two with the number five on it, and two with the number six on it. Nightwing is somewhere in that castle and I'm pretty sure that he could be anywhere. So we should all split up and try to find him." "I guess that's a good idea, but there's thirteen of us and only twelve straws." Flash stated. "Then there'll just have to be an odd guy out, any takers?" Cheese asked. Ranger stepped forward. "I think I should do it." "Wonderful, now everyone draw straws and let's do this." Cheese smiled. Twilight cursed under her breath, understanding why Nightwing didn't exactly get along with Cheese in the first place. It had only been ten minutes and in that time Cheese had already stated three fourths of the dictionary. The numbers of those who were chosen in order, Silver Platter and Rarity got the number '1' Lightning Strike and Applejack got '2' Flash and Fluttershy got '3' Soarin and Rainbow Dash got '4' Pinkie and Thorn and Ranger got '5' And Cheese Sandwich and Twilight got '6' Once the everyone had their numbers chosen they all set off in different directions in hopes to find Nightwing. The moment that Twilight knew that everyone was drawing straws she immediately disapproved of the method. The entire point of the method was to create random teams of two. Their was no strategic methods involved, it was nothing more than random guessing. And that of course irritated Twilight. And more irritation was piled on as Cheese kept on running his mouth about the inside's of someone named 'Dr. Seuss'. "Hey, stop thinking about how irritating picking straws is and focus." Cheese Sandwich said, getting right up in Twilight's personal space. "Huh?" Twilight asked curiously. Cheese shook his head in disappointment. "Your so busy with your head in the clouds you failed to notice the giant door that's right in front of us." Cheese pointed to the large black double door that stood before them. "Seriously, you must be really high, because I don't think anyone could've missed that. I mean look at the size of that thing, how could you not see it?" "Quick patronizing me." Twilight grumbled, using her magic to swing the doors open. The two entered through the door and walked into a room. A large one at that. A torn red rug that stretched from the door the two entered in all the way to the other side of building laid beneath their hooves. "It's about time." Both Cheese and Twilight instantly braced themselves for combat. Twilight's lit with purple magic and Cheese pulled out his signature anti-tank rifle 'Da Penetrator'. From the the far end of the room a pony walked along the red rug. But it was no normal pony, in fact it had been the very pony in which the two were trying to find. "Nightwing?" Cheese asked the pony, lowering his cannon, or Da Penatrator as he liked to call it. Indeed it was Nightwing. The Vampire Batpony with red eyes, dark grey fur, and dark blue mane and tail. Along with a very unhappy look on his face. Yep that's him. "What the Tartarus do you two think your doing here?" Nightwing asked. "Actually, more importantly, how did you two get here?" "Would you believe me that if I told you that we got here because you brought me here and that princess Twilight brought others here because she has a teleportation spell capable of transporting multiple ponies from point A to point B?" Cheese asked. "Um...yes?" Nightwing said half confidently. And was then shot with in the chest by a purple beam. The beam plowed Nightwing through multiple pillars before he was practically engraved into the wall parallel to Twilight and Cheese. Cheese was a bit suprised by the sudden outburst of Twilight and turned to her and asked, "Wow, you must be really really smart. I mean, I had no idea that you even had the slightest thought that the pony right before us wasn't the actual Nightwing but in fact was an imposter." "That wasn't the actual Nightwing?" Twilight asked, half suprised and half disappointed. "...okay...moving on." Cheese said turning to the Nightwing imposter. "Hey you." Cheese shouted to the imposter. You can drop the act now, we know that your not Nightwing. Good try though." A light purple ring appeared around the Nightwing imposter. The ring began to skim it's way down from the imposters head all the down to its hind legs. Revealing that it was Starlight, big surprise. Slowly, Starlight began to pull herself from the wall she had been forced into. She fell to the floor, her injured limbs shook and trembled as they tried to support the weight of the ponys body. "I knew that many ponies disliked Nightwing-" "Dislike doesn't even come close." Twilight said, practically demanding that Starlight change the word she had just used. "Hate-" "He wished" "Despise-" "Yeah right." "Loathe?" "I suppose that's closest estimate." Twilight said, not complete satisfied with the word. Starlight held her head with her hoof in frustration and said, "For crying out loud, how many enemies does this one pony have?!" Starlight demanded. "Let's see." Cheese paused, pulling out a book and a pair of readers glasses which he placed on his muzzle. He opened the cover and licked his hoof. Turning the page he adjusted his glasses and cleared his throat. "Let's see, there's Celestia, Twilight, Whomever is in charge of this whole scheme thing, that one pony who kept him as a slave for two years, Cerberus, about half the demons in Tartarus, some guy named Micky, everyone one associated with the Democrats, Dairy Queen, some country called Turkey-" "ENOUGH!" Starlight shouted, her magic blew away the book and Cheese's glasses. "Boy...the library's gonna be very mad after I show them what happened." Cheese sighed. "Cheese." Twilight tapped his shoulder. "Evil pony right in front us." "Oh yeah. Don't worry Twilight I've got a completely awesome and full prove plan." Cheese said with complete confidence. "And this plan is?" Twilight asked. "Sacrifices must be made." "Wha-" Twilight was cut off as Cheese lifted Twilight from underneath and hoisted her high above his head. Standing on two legs Cheese screamed, "Here take a sacrifice!" And chucked Twilight at Starlight. When the two collided they both tumbled about as Cheese made his daring escape. "Have fun." He smiled as he dashed his way out the door. It was said that no sound could ever be heard on the moon. Of course this saying is false due to their being a breathable atmosphere and all. But the reason that saying exist's is because silence fell on the day all life on the moon ceased. Nothing moved. Nothing spoke. Nothing lived. There was only silence. And the ruins that were filled with the unbreakable silence. There was only on time that the unending and unbearable silence had been broken. The moment Nightwing had first set hoof on the moon. The silence had been broken by the click of a pair of hooves. Nightwing learned of his races extinction that day. He learned that his whole race had been extermination in the blink of an eye. It seemed impossible, practically unbelievable. How could a population of more than three million Vampire Batponies be pushed to the brink of extinction. Unfortunately Nightwing learned of that as well. A battle had taken place between the Shadow Knight's, the Sentinel's, and the Order. Each army had their reason to fight in the battle. The Shadow Knight's fought in hopes that they could defend themselves from the order. The Sentinel's fought to prevent the large army of Shadow Knight's from taking over Equestria. The Order fought to rid their land of the vermin they called the Vampire Batponies. In the end, the battle ended with all three army's troops dead. All three fell to the terror that all feared. Nightmare Moon. The creature had eliminated all three army's with hardly any problems at all. With their forces in ruin, an evacuation had been ordered to all Vampire Batponies to return to the moon for safety. Some refused. Others fled to the moon, seeking shelter from the Order. But when Nightmare Moon was banished by Celestia, she did not know that over three million souls had evacuated to the Moon. And as you might've guessed, They were all slaughtered. It wasn't until after Luna's return that the world learned of the extinction of the race. Not in any time or in any history had a race gone extinct. Not one, not These things Nightwing knew all to well. And he had walked through all of the ruins the were spread across the earth. And not one of them had anything that seemed like something that could be used to have destroy Equestria or something along those lines. And that puzzled Nightwing. He took a moment to look at his surroundings once more. He had been moved to a somewhat medium sized room. There wasn't any pillars, He had gone down three flights, and Moonstone was fiddling with some kind of device. He was still in brimstone chains, so for he time being he was stuck and could do nothing about it. Amongst the silence there was a form of awkwardness between both Soarin and Rainbow Dash. The two had been walking for an hour now without saying a word to each other. The two wanted to start some kind of conversation but couldn't think of a good way to start one. "Um-" the two said at the same time, making the two cringe. "You first-" the two said in unison once more. "So... Um..." Soarin's eyes wandered, not even daring to look Rainbow in the eyes. "Yeah..." Rainbow Dash looked down swaying her foreleg back and forth, kick up some rocks. "Dear God this is just...just no." A voice came from the shadows in front of Soarin and Rainbow Dash. "Who's there!" Soarin demanded. "Well that all depends I guess." A golden armored claw struck the ground. "By this time I suppose it's only natural for people to forget an old relic like myself." Another golden claw struck the ground, making Dash flinch just a bit. "My name is Bloodwing, I am a divine soldier of the Greyclaw family." A griffon armored in gold plated armor all over his body except for his face entered into the light. "And I know this might be a bit straight forward, but could you do me a favor and drop dead?" He asked. "Wha-Tartarus no!" Dash yelled, spreading her wings she took off, flying rapidly towards Bloodwing. And was immediately put to a full halt as Bloodwing grabbed her by the neck and shoved her towards the floor. She was pushed into the floor with a powerful force that was strong enough to make her one with the floor. "Dash!" Soarin yelled. Bloodwing's eyes glared down upon Rainbow Dash. She could feel his cold dead black eyes practically boring their way into her skull. "The average mare Pegasi is usually three times faster than the average of the stallion Pegasi. However-" Bloodwing removed his claw from Rainbow Dash's neck and caught Soarin's punch. "The average stallion Pegasi are normally stronger than the average female." A wicked smile began to spread across his face, his eyes staring deep into Soarin's. "But I think you and I both know that your no normal Pegasus." Soarin's response was a glare of his own. His pupils changed from emerald green to a dark yellow. A strange magical mist the same color of his pupils began to spill out of his eyes. The air around them became a bit thicker than normal and colder as well. Soarin lifted his other foreleg, a lightning ball formed above it. "I might not be the smartest in Equestria. But even I know what happens when lightning strikes gold." Soarin said, the ball of lightning began to flatten itself out and form a pike-like bolt of lightning. "Hmmmm." Pinkie 'hmmmm' as she closely inspected one of the cracked bricks that held together the remains of the ruined castle. "Well?" Ranger asked, anxiously waiting for her response. "Hmmmm." Detective Pinkie did another one of her world famous 'hmmmm's. She stroked her nonexistent beard, acting as though she was a wise hermit. Finally she lifted her head from the stone and faced Ranger. And she gave him a look that she never wished to give. A look of seriously serious seriousness. "You were right." She groaned. "We have been going in circles." Ranger sighed. "See what did tell you, I was sure that we had passed the rock fifty times now." "First of all mr. Over exaggeration, we've only passed it thirty one times, not fifty." Pinkie pointed out. "Second?" "Hm?" "What's the second thing?" "What second thing?" "You said first of all, that means you should have a follow up sentence to say." "Oh...well that's it." "Then don't say 'first of all' if you don't have a follow up sentence." "Okay fine, sheesh." Pinkie rolled her eyes. "So we've been currently going in circles for a while now, how do we know where to go?" "We could try to retrace our steps?" Ranger suggested. "But we've been going in circles all this time, we'll just get even more lost than we already are." Pinkie said. "Let's just go ask for directions." "From who?!" Ranger demanded. "This place looks completely deserted." "Well there's somebody coming this way, we could go ask him or her for directions." Pinkie said bouncing away. "I've got a bad feeling about this." Ranger groaned, walking after Pinkie. Outside of the castle, both Flash and Fluttershy were observing the buildings that stood in front of the castle. "So sis?" Flash looked to Fluttershy. "How have you doing, you know, running a kingdom and all." "It's not as hard as you might think." Fluttershy said. "The High Council is in charge of most of the paperwork and..." Fluttershy shook her head. "What am I doing?" "What do you mean, your having a conversation with me." "No not that. It's just that, this day has been so bizarre. First we were turned to stone, then we had to go to the Crystal Empire were an army of my Deer are fighting and I'm not there to help them, and now we're on the moon trying to find Nightwing." "Well...when you put it like that, today does seem like a pretty crazy day." Flash said. "Quite so." Flash and Fluttershy stopped. Both looked to one of the buildings that was somewhat still standing. On the roof of said building was a unicorn who was lying on the roof who both Flash and Fluttershy knew. "Comet Tail?" Flash raised an eyebrow. The unicorn stood up and leaped off the building and in front of Flash and Fluttershy. Revealing that the unicorn was indeed Comet Tail. But he look different, his mane was red with a black lining and his pupils were completely black. "Comet Tail...how did you get here?" Flash asked. "Oh you know used some magic here and there and just like that it I'm on the moon." "But-agh!" Flash cringed, a massive pounding entered his head. "What's the matter best bud, having a bad headache?" Comet Tail smiled. 'I think it's best that I take over Flash.' Dark Side said. 'Trust me, your not gonna want to see this.' Flash's mane turned black the tips turned crimson red, his eyes turned the same shade of red as his mane, and a smile grew on his face. He turned to Fluttershy and said, "Sorry about this, but I don't think you should see this as well." Fluttershy was about to say something but the words were unable to escape her mouth as a black tendril arose from her shadow and knocked her out. Making sure she was completely unconscious, Flash turned to Comet Tail. "It's been a while hasn't it Devourer?" "Indeed it has, Ravager." Comet Tail said. The two stared at one another. Wicked smiles worn on their faces, anxiously waiting for the other to make a move. They both knew that the fight that was about to start could only end one way. "So Moonstone." Nightwing spoke. "Why the clones?" "I told you before, I have no reason to discuss my plans with you." Moonstone replied. "I know that, but why clones? And more importantly why combine the DNA of Vampire Batponies and ponies?" "Did you even bother to listen to what I just said?" Both Moonstone and Nightwing had entered a elevator looking thing and we're heading down. And they had been going down for a while. It had been so long that Nightwing wasn't even sure if they were even on the moon anymore. "Somewhat, I have a good idea of what your plan is, but why the clones?" Nightwing asked once more. "Argh! It was a failed experiment okay?!" "So it was an experiment?" Nightwing said. "Let me guess, you thought that you could erase a ponies DNA and replace it with Vampire DNA. But you didn't account that DNA can't be removed, you can only add to it. Therefore you must've thought that if you added Vampire DNA that it would've overridden the pony DNA. But instead the two merged and created a hybrid, not a vampire or a pony. But instead it was mutation of both. Am I right?" "Shut up." Moonstone growled. "Now that I have a clear understanding of the clones, there's just one last thing that doesn't add up." His tone became serious as he looked directly at Moonstone. "Where do I fit in in this whole plan of yours?" Moonstone remained quiet. "That time you sent Clutterstep out to stop us from finding you base, you made sure that you killed both Flash and Lightning Strike. But not me and Comet Tail. Little did I know that you actually took Comet Tail when I was trapped in that dream world Starlight created. But why do you need me?" "I will be so easily tricked." Moonstone growled. "Really. You think that if you can ignore me you won't give me any details on your plan, well you are mistaken-" Nightwing was cut off as his body was thrown against the elevator wall. The chains began to tighten around him as Moonstone approached him. "Do not think that you can outsmart me, I have waited far to long for this day to pass and I will not let it be ruined by you." ding The elevator doors opened and Moonstone stepped out, levitating him to follow. When Nightwing got a glance at the new room he was in his eyes widened in shock. They had entered a large, no, a massive, no, a humongous room that seemed to capable of holding fifty hoofball fields. The room was shaped like that of a sphere, and in the center of it was a large shard of what had a close comparison to a complex crystal. Only, bigger. Circling around the large crystal was a steel walkway with railings. On the opposite side of the elevator door was what appeared to be a large tunnel that the large crystal could fit in. In front of the elevator was a strange looking wide control panel with all kinds of buttons and levers. The chains that Nightwing was bound by came to life. Stretching outwards toward the large crystal. "Even now it draws you to its very self." Moonstone said. "What is that thing Moonstone?" Nightwing demanded. "It is called Empyrion. The Master Crystal." Moonstone answered. > Chapter thirty three. Goodbye > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Are you okay?" "Huh?" Rarity said in a daze. "I asked if your alright? You seemed like you weren't all here." Silver Platter stated. "Oh, sorry." Rarity blushed in embarrassment. "It's just that...I'm worried." "About Spike?" Rarity whirled her head to Silver, "Yes...how did you-" "To be honest I've been worried too, I know that what he doing wasn't his fault. Someone was controlling him, I could feel it. But I don't think that everyone else is gonna view it that way." "You have a point. I don't know who thought they could use one of my friends as a puppet but their gonna regret they ever dared lay a hoof on my Spiky." "That reminds me. What is the relationship between you and Spike?" Silver asked. "What do you mean? Where just friends." Rarity said. "Are you sure? Cause I don't think he knows that." "Oh dear...I know we had a few...romantic moments but, I see him as a little brother not someone I love." Rarity explained. "Have you told him this?" Silver asked. "...No, I've been meaning to tell him but....." "Your afraid that you'll break his heart?" "Not just break it, I'm worried that I will shatter it to nothing but pieces." "Geez." Silver rubbed the back of his head. "I don't think you'd go that far." "I don't know...maybe I'm just being paranoid." Rarity said. "Or maybe I'm not being paranoid enough. Or maybe-" "Woah woah, easy." Silver calmed Rarity. "Look, when we rescue Nightwing and get back to Equestria, you can tell Spike exactly how you feel. And don't worry, I'll be there to back you up ever step of the way." "Thanks..." She smiled. "Arrogant! Smartass! Jerk! Piece of dirt! I hope you choke on hoof!" These were but a few among many curse words that Twilight yelled as she fired spell after spell towards Starlight. "Are you yelling at me, or the pony who left you here?" Starlight asked, Twilight's response being a laser bolt fired at Starlight. "You. No wait, Cheese! Both!" She yelled. "Woah!" Starlight jumped, just barely dodging a laser bolt. "Can you at least give me a moment to take a break?" "No mercy!" Twilight yelled her magic doubling in both size and power. "Hellooooo?" Pinkie's head popped out from behind the door, peering into the room. "Is there anyone here?" Ranger asked somewhat softly. "If you are please say something." Thorn said in a same tone of hush. Hold on. Both Pinkie and Ranger turned their heads beneath them to see Thorn. "Wait when did you get here?" Ranger asked. Thorn looked up and answered, "What do you mean 'when did I get here'? I've been here the whole time." "Really? Wow, you deer guys are really quiet." Pinkie said. Thorn rolled his eyes, swinging the door fully open, Pinkie fell on top of Ranger since they didn't have anything to lean on. "Come on you two lets go." "Hang on we're coming." Ranger groaned. The room was full of shelves that were packed with books. The two pony's, and deer, made their way past what soon came to be countless row after row of bookcases. Until they saw what lied in front of them. Before them was a separate and much larger room which held bookshelves that seemed to be as big as towers. And yes, they were all full of books. "Wow." Pinkie said in awe. "Makes you wonder how many trees were murdered to make this." "Nature gave us the gift of trees so that we could live. From trees we have wood, paper, water, food, and the rebirth of new trees." Thorn explained. "Wise words Deer." Everyone froze. Their heads turned to the left where a pony was reading a one of the books he had pulled from one of the shelves. "But I find the whole religion a bit blasphemous, to say the least." The pony said, placing a bookmark in the book before closing it up and putting it back on the shelf. "Who are you?" Ranger asked. "I sense a bit of hostility in your voice, perhaps you think that I am a villain?" "We aren't going to assume anything, we just wanted to know who you are." Thorn said, keeping his guard up. "Very well. My name is Mortem the Necromancer." Mortem introduced himself. "Wait." Pinkie halted the conversation. Pulling out a pair of reading glasses and a dictionary. Opening it up she searched through the book trying to find the word she was searching for. Her hoof skimmed across page after page, searching for the word. Once her hoof fell on the word she gasped. "Holy cow! You can raise the dead?!" Pinkie screamed, throwing away the glasses and book. "In a way...yes. Please do be quiet, we are in a library after all." Mortem said. "That's so coooool." Pinkie whispered. Thorn looked at Mortem with a scowl. Mortem noticed this and asked, "Have I displeased you somehow Deer?" "My name is Thorn not Deer. And how dare you impose that you can resurrect the dead." Thorn said with hostility. "Ah yes. Forgive me I forgot, to your kind death is a form of rebirth. When we die our bodies are given to the earth, nature herself comes and deconstructs your body for the earth to eat." Mortem said. "But what I said is true, I can resurrect the dead. Let me give you an example." The room seemed to drop fifty degrees. It was as if everything had became cold and dark. A black pool began to form in front of Mortem. A bubble erupted from the pool, followed by two more. Then five and soon multiple. From the bubbles a head began to emerge from the pool. Followed by a body. When the corpse had risen from the pool and the body was completely visible Thorn gasped in horror. Before them stood a Doe with empty eyes, a grayish brown coat of fur, and a hole in her left ear. The moment Thorn saw the corpse his anger was fully unleashed. "How dare you!" Thorn yelled, a large vine erupted from the floor and sped its way towards Mortem. Before the deadly vine could strike Mortem the Doe moved in front of the vine, halting its advance by striking its tip with a spear that had a blade the size of a short sword. "Thorn, why did you do that?" Ranger asked. "That Doe is General Pinewood. She wields one of the five holy artifacts. How dare you defile her body with your magic!" Thorn spat. "Oh do not worry, her soul is still with your beloved...'Goddess'. Mortem shivered in disgust at the word. "I'm just borrowing her body and mind, that's all." It was now Ranger's turn to frown. "So in other words, your using her body like a puppet?" "In a way yes. Do you have an issue with that?" Mortem asked. "Indeed I do." Ranger said, cracking his hooves. "I'm not gonna sit by and let you use someone as a puppet just because their body is vacant." Mortem sighed. "And here I was hoping that we could solve this peacefully. Oh well, I suppose I'll have to wait before getting back to my book." "Master Crystal huh?" Nightwing said. "And just what does this 'Master Crystal' do?" "Tell me Nightwing, do you know what makes a Shadow Knight?" Moonstone asked. Nightwing raised an eyebrow. "Where did that come from? You should know the answer yourself, you do have a Complex Crystal of your own after all." "What if I told you that I'm not a Shadow Knight?" Moonstone asked "Then I'd call you a big fat liar." Nightwing answered. "But your ears tell you differently don't they? They know that I'm not lying which means that you know I'm not lying." "...okay so maybe your not lying. But why does it matter?" "Anyone can use a Complex Crystal. It is nothing more than a number of programmable crystals crammed into one. The Crystal requires no magic from the user, instead it downloads spells and stores them inside the Crystal. But why were the Shadow Knight's the only ones who used them?" Moonstone asked, staring directly into Nightwing's eyes. "I think you know the answer to my question, don't you Nightwing?" Nightwing remained silent, staring back at Moonstone. "The answer is an Umbrum." Moonstone answered. "A long time ago, when the Vampire's lived on the earth, they lived in the far north. The Umbrum would try to destroy the Vampire Batponies but proved very little success against the complex crystal's. So they found another way. When a Vampire Batpony is born an Umbrum would make its way into its body and try to replace the newborn's soul with its own. The result was always the same, the Umbrum's soul could never replace the Batponies instead it would merge with the soul. Thus a new tradition had begun." Moonstone turned away from Nightwing. Her Complex Crystal in her right hoof and Nightwing's Crystal in her left. "Scientists proved that those who's souls had merged with an Umbrum's had the power to summon a 'Night Howler'. An entity made completely out of magic that took the form of anything it's user wishes it to be." Moonstone said, placing both crystals on the console. The two crystal's began to glow intensely as the Master Crystal began give off a strange aura. "This 'Night Howler could be summoned anytime its master wished, if the user so desired. But there was another thing that made the Night Howler special." Moonstone turned to Nightwing. "It's magic could be used to do unimaginable things." Nightwing wondered what she meant by that as the chains that were binding him began to levitate. No, it wasn't the chains that were being levitated, but rather Nightwing himself. To his horror he realized that he was moving straight towards the Master Crystal. He began to struggle, wiggling his body in hopes that he could somehow get his wings free and get away from the Crystal. He didn't know what it was, but every fiber in his being was telling him to stay away from the Crystal. But he could not stop himself from getting closer to the Crystal. Soon Nightwing was beginning to press against the surface of the Crystal, it was as if he was being forced into the Crystal. And then he began to slip into the Crystal. The Master Crystal became like jello, sucking Nightwing into the Crystal. He tried to pull his hooves out but they became suspended in the Crystal, almost like they were frozen. Soon the Crystal had eaten Nightwing, his body completely absorbed by the Master Crystal. He couldn't move, couldn't see, couldn't hear. All he could do, was let out a scream of pain. "So this is where you've been hiding Devourer!" Flash laughed, Black tendrils striking against other black tendrils from Comet Tail. "To think you've chosen this fool to be your host." "Oh trust me Ravager." Comet Tail smiled. "This Unicorn is anything but a fool. Unlike you and that Pegasus, Comet Tail and I have merged souls. We are one." "Oh please." Flash rolled his eyes, appearing in front of Comet Tail he uppercut him in the jaw. Comet Tail sailed through the air before he crashed. "Spare me your lies, we both know that no element can truly merge with a host. It's impossible, the host would disappear from existence if such a thing happened." Comet Tail emerged from the crater he fell in. "True, but my host has a lot of hatred for yours." "Really?" Flash said unamused. "You seem to think that I'm more stupid than you. Why would Comet Tail have any hatred towards Flash?" "Beats me." Comet Tail shrugged. "But enough chit chat, let's get back to fighting shall we?" "Yes, let's." A soft *boom* rumbled throughout the hall. Shaking up dust and loose pieces of stone. "Okay that time you heard it right?" Lighting Strike asked. "As much as I don't wanna, but yer right." Applejack sighed. "So what should we do?" "I don't know. Part of me feels like I should go towards the explosions. While the other part of me is shouting 'don't go you'll get killed'." 'I said nothing of the sort!' Scorch retorted. "Wasn't talking to you." Lighting mumbled under his breath. "So what should we do?" Applejack rubbed her chin. "We all came here in search of Nightwing. An' with what I've seen from him I think it's safe to assume-" Understanding exactly where Applejack was going to point to. "Right then we head towards the explosions." *KABOOOOOM* The wall that separated the hallway from the outside collapsed. Two figures bursting through the wall forcefully pushed both Applejack and Lightning through the other wall and outside, creating a large dust cloud. "Ow." Lighting groaned, getting up. "Hey Applejack, you alright?" "Yeah. I'm alright." Applejack said, swiping the dust off her shoulder as she straighten out her hat. "Well look what we have here. Long time no see Element of Scorch." Lightning whipped his head around to see his brother, Flash, with a smile on his face. "Oh hey Bro, what's up with the color change in your mane?" He asked. Flash looked at him with a puzzled look before he noticed it. "That's right, you've never technically met me have you?" "What do you mean by that?" Lighting asked. "ARRRGH!" A loud voice boomed with anger from across the three. "Talk later, fight now." Flash said, a red and black sphere appearing in his hoof. "Um...okay." He said before turning to his partner. "Applejack do you want to stay and fight or go find Nightwing?" "Which do think?" Applejack asked, cracking her hooves. "Alrighty then." Lighting said, a sphere of lightning formed in his hoof. "If your just gonna use your casting magic then don't even bother fighting." Flash said. "We're up against someone who is an Elemental. So don't pull any of your punches." "Heh, wasn't planing on it anyways." Applejack smiled, only for it to instantly vanish as she became aware that someone was missing. "Flash...where is Fluttershy?" She asked in a demanding tone. "You mean this guys sister?" Flash said, pointing to himself. "I knocked her out so she wouldn't get hurt. Trust me, she is not gonna wanna see this fight go down." A pony began to approach Flash and the other two. The dust cloud that was covering the silhouette's presence was swiped away as Comet Tail roared at the top of lungs. "Wait, Comet Tail?" Lighting Strike lowered his lightning ball. "How did you-" Before Lightning Strike could finish his question Comet Tail had teleported himself in front of him and shot him in the chest with a magical blast. But Lightning didn't move, instead he stood his ground and returned Comet's blast with a punch to the cheek. "What the Tartarus Comet?!" Lightning yelled. Clutching his chest where a burn mark had been placed. "That isn't Comet Tail element of Scorch. Well, technically he is, but he's also not really thinking straight so we're gonna have to beat some sense into him." "Sounds good to me." Lightning growled, a lightning ball formed in his hoof. "What is this?" Nightwing said, his voice echoing throughout the large pink void he was wandering through like a feather though empty space. "Where am I? Who am I?" He asked, only to receive silence as his answer. "Hello? Is anyone there?" Then a picture formed in front of him. It was a two dimensional rectangle that showed a fight going on between Thorn, Pinkie, and Ranger against a Doe and some other pony. It was strange how Nightwing knew the names of the two earth ponies and the deer. Another screen appeared. This one showed a fight going on against Soarin, Rainbow dash, and some Griffon wearing gold armor. Another screen appeared, one where Twilight and Starlight were facing off. Another screen appeared, this one showed a fight going on between Lightning Strike, Applejack, and Flash fighting against Comet Tail. Nightwing knew the names of the ponies were, but he didn't have any memory of them. "Can you hear me Empyrion?" A voice echoed throughout the pink void. "Who are you?" Nightwing asked. "Who am I?" "My name is Moonstone." The voice answered. "And your name is Empyrion. You are the moon, it is yours to command but you must do as I say." "Okay." Nightwing said, unsure if he should trust the voice or not. "I want you to activate the Empyrion cannon. Do as I command Empyrion." "Empyrion cannon?" Nightwing asked. "How do I...yes...yes I understand Moonstone." The ground rumbled. As if a large earth quake had just occurred. Rocks bounced, dust became unsettled from its place, and everything shook. The moon itself had come alive, shaking and creaking. And then. The silence that had completely wrapped itself around the moon was broken. *CCCCCRRRRRAAAAAAACCCCCCCCKKKKKKK* A large line divided the moon in half horizontally. The line that now divided the moon in half began to grow. The two halves of the moon that separated themselves revealed a mechanical underbelly between the two halves. And in the center of the underbelly was a large tube. The two halves come to a screeching halt. The large tube in the center of the under belly began to extend outwards. Reaching out at about 3'000 feet in the shape of what appeared to be a large barrel for a cannon. Meanwhile back in Equestria. Everyone gazed in both shock and confusion at the moon, none knew of what it meant, nor did they understand as to what it was. "What in tarnation is that?!" Applebloom shouted to the pinned Timor. "How should I know?" Timor replied, his face underneath Applebloom's hoof. "I haven't the slightest idea as to what that think is. But I have a good idea." "Elaborate." Applebloom glared. "Woah now, that's a big girl word. How did you-" Timor's quip was interrupted as Applebloom struck him in the face. "OW! Learn to take a joke!" "I will ask one more time. What. Is. That. Thing." Applebloom said in a suppressed angry tone. "Can't you see that large tube on it. I'll give you three guesses to figure out what it does." Timor smiled. Applebloom's eyes widened. He head whipped upwards to the moon. Then back to Timor. She leaned down and whispered in his ear. "If I come back and find out that you've hurt my friends while I'm gone, I am going to plow you straight through the ground to a place deeper than Tarturus." Applebloom whispered. Backing away from Timor, a large amount of green magical energy surrounded Applebloom. She readied herself and leaped into the air at sonic speed. Leaving a blushing Timor by himself. "You had to pick a mare, didn't you Element of Will." Timor muttered. Applebloom soared high into the sky. Past the clouds and past the atmosphere until she stared at the enormous cannon before her. "Hear me Empyrion." Moonstone said to the Crystal. "I want you to target Equestria with the Empyrion cannon, and destroy it." Nothing happened. Only silence remained in the room. "Did you hear me Empyrion?" "I heard you. But I did not understand." Nightwing's voice responded. "The order you are requesting, it will result in the death of millions of lives." "I want you to look at the times when Nightmare Moon was banished." Nightwing did so. A screen appeared in front of him. It showed Nightmare Moon slaughtering vampire Batponies. There was no mercy, no sign of restraint, only death and carnage. "Nightmare Moon, and all of the ponies that live in Equestria, are guilty for the deaths of the vampire Batponies. All I seek is justice, now do as I command. Aim the cannon and destroy Equestria!" Moonstone ordered. "As you wish." Nightwing's voice replied. The room began to glow. Massive amounts of magical energy began to spike as pink balls of magic, of various sizes, were pulled out from the walls and into the Master Crystal. Which began to vibrate very violently. The Master Crystal continued to absorb magical energy, glowing very brightly until it became blinding. And in an instant, it vanished. *BOOOOOM* A loud boom echoed throughout the moon as a massive missile made of pink magic was blasted out of the large cannon. And sailed straight towards the earth. But there was something in its way, or rather someone. Applebloom stared down at the large missile of magic racing towards her. No fear in her eyes, nor any sign of backing down from the magic. She closed her eyes and extended her right hoof, where green magic began to form. She knew what would help in this situation and she knew that it was going to put a massive strain on her. The green magic she was using had formed into a massive baseball bat. She gripped the bat and heaved it upward. Resting it on her shoulder. "Okay, just gonna hit that large magic thing back at the moon. No pressure." She told herself. The missile she was speaking of was still sailing towards her, showing no sign of stoping. Applebloom readied her bat. She waited until the missile was in range. And swung. Now because there is a large space between the moon and the earth large sounds have a hard time making any noise on the earth or moon in empty space. But if there was, your ears would bleed at the sound of the magic missile pushing against the green bat, of equal size, as the bat pushed against the missile of magic. Applebloom groaned in pain and discomfort as she put every last ounce of energy she had into pushing the missile back. Then the missile began to be slowly pushed back. She could feel her bat moving forward and the missile getting easier to move. Until the missile gave in. With all of its momentum spent the missile was thrown backwards by the bat. Applebloom panted, her bat dissolving into green dust. She looked up and saw that the missile had been shot over the moon. She sighed in both relief and disappointment. Then her ears perked up. Her body acting on its own she looked back to the cannon. A pink bubble formed at its mouth. *BOOOOOM* Another shot. Another pink missile had been shot and was sailing towards Applebloom. She tried to make another bat but it would turn into dust. She stared at the missile heading towards her. Showing no sign of moving, she knew that she could block the blast if it just hit her. Applebloom closed her eyes as the missile came closer And closer And closer And closer. And then vanished. Applebloom opened one eye. Then the other. And stared, bewildered at what was in front of her. What was once a death missile racing towards Applebloom was replaced by Lightning Strike. Who was in a very sour mood. "Arrrghhhhh!" He groaned in frustration. "I can't believe Comet Tail would pull a nasty trick like that!" For those who are in the dark allow me to shed some light on the situation. You see, after the first shot had been deflected by Applebloom and the second shot had been fired, Comet Tail had teleported Lightning Strike in front of the magic missile in hopes that it would destroy him. However the moment that Lightning was in front of the missile, and he actually came in contact with it, the magic was absorbed into his body. Lightning turned around to see an injured Applebloom. "Hey, you okay there?" He asked. "Y...yeah." Applebloom blinked, making sure that she wasn't seeing things. "Who...who are you?" "Names Lightning Strike. I'm looking for a prick by the name Nightwing. You wouldn't happen to know where he is would you?" Lighting asked. "No I haven't...wait you can?" Applebloom said to herself. "Well hurry up and do it already." "Um..." Lighting Strike paused, unsure that he should interact with the filly. "Wait he's where? Your sure? Your absolutely sure?" Applebloom continued to talk to herself. "So...who are you talking too?" Lightning asked cautiously. "Never mind that. Nightwing is in the center of the moon." "He's where?!" Lightning whipped his head back to the moon. Where sure enough the large cannon was preparing to fire another blast. "Io-I mean...my friend says that the quick pest way to get to him is through that cannon." Lightning stared at Applebloom bewildered. "You mean that your friend wants me to fly down that cannon to rescue Nightwing?!" "My friend also says that the source of the cannons power is coming from there as well. Lightning looked back to the moon. "GRAAAAAAGGGGHHHH!!!" He shouted furiously. "Fine!" With that his body set aflame. Fire danced across his body as he propelled himself towards the cannon on the moon. Flames shot out of his back hooves. *BOOOOOM* The cannon fired another missile, is soared towards Lightning, who then absorbed it. *BOOOOOM* Another missile was shot, it sailed towards Lightning and it came in contact with him. The missile pushed Lightning back a few feet before disappearing into his body. "Hey buddy, can you do me a favor and just...you know...not absorb so many of those things?" Scorch asked. "And why should I do that?" Lightning asked back. *BOOOOOM* Another shot, another collision that pushed Lightning back a few feet before dispersing into his body. "Well you see here's the thing, your a Pegasus. Which means that you can't exactly take in so much magical energy. Cause see if you do, your going to literally explode." "So?" *BOOOOOM* "So?! In case you didn't know this, if you die then I die. And I'm a fan of living you know." Lightning came in contact with the blast. The two pushed against the other until the missile began to shrink, pieces of it going into Lightning. "And will you please stop absorbing them?!" *BOOOOOM* This missile only took seconds to reach Lightning, the two collided before the missile turned into pieces and entered Lightning. Then he stopped, his once orange flames turned Pink and violent. Dancing across his whole body Lightning panted. "You see what did I tell you, your body's taken in to much magic. I can't keep up, if you take in anymore magic you'll die." "Don't care." Lighting said flatly. The cannon just feet away from him. "I'm so close. No way I'm giving up now." Lightning said, his body in pain. He propelled himself into the cannon, his wings flying rapidly as he sailed into the cannon. Then something came into view. It was a room, a room with a huge Crystal in the middle of it, and in the Crystal was Nightwing. His target in sight Lightning flew faster. Only to se that pink balls of magic were being formed at the entrance of the cannon. The balls mashed themselves together, forming a large ball of pink magic. The ball warped itself into a missile and launched. *BOOOOOOOOOOOOOM* The sound of the explosion was increased tenfold as the missile sailed down the cannon. Practically instantly colliding with Lightning. The two forces pushed back against the other, lightning tried to absorb the missile but his body refused to do so. Every single part of his body was in pain, he roared as he tried to push back against the missile. "Can I just say that YOU ARE WITHOUT I DOUBT THE STUPIDEST HOST I'VE HAD! What part of 'You can't absorb anymore magic' do you not understand?! It's just not physically possible." "BUCK PHYSICS!" Lightning roared. The missile then began to shrink, and shrink, and shrink, and shrink, until it completely disappeared. Causing Lightning to rocket forward and collide with the Master Crystal. A large splitting crack formed where he had struck it. "Hey Jackass. How yah doing?" Lightning asked the suspended Nightwing who was still stuck in the Crystal. "Don't worry, I'm gonna get you out of there, kick the tar out of whoever's behind this, and be done with this horrible day. Sound good?" Nightwing saw everything unfold on the screen in front of him. Who was the pony that was talking to him, why was he here. Millions of questions raced through his head. "Alright, let's get you out of-" Time slowed down, a light blue sword of magic had penetrated through Lightning's side. Lighting coughed up blood, falling down he hit the platform. Hard. Lightning shook as he tried to stand up. His legs shook and blood dripped from his open wound. Another sword appeared above Lightning and struck him through the back. Lightning yelled in pain, his body forced down. He tried to stand up again, spreading his wings. Only for two more swords two appear and struck each wing. He landed on his back, forcing the blade in his back to be pushed through deeper. "My my. You are persistent." Moonstone said, her voice of icy venom. Her hoof steps echoed across the platform as she approached Lightning. "But you are in the way of my plans. Yield, or I will kill you." Lightning smiled, his whole body shook as he began to rise. "Then you might as well go ahead and kill me, because as long as there is still blood in my heart, I will never give up." "Very well then." Moonstone said, two swords appeared and struck Lightning in the chest. The two blades shuffled around, cutting a hole in Lightning's chest, but Lightning didn't yell he wouldn't give her the satisfaction. "You said that as long as there is blood in your heart you'd never give up." Moonstone repeated Lightning's words. Her magic ripped Lightning's heart from his chest, still beating in her hooves. It began to beat faster and faster. "Then let me fix that shall I?" The heart beat grew faster And faster And faster And faster And then it stopped. Leaving only silence in the room. > Chapter thirty four.Disappearance > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nightwing was confused. There was something boiling inside his gut. He felt...something. He couldn't explain the feeling. It felt like...anger. Anger towards Moonstone, but also...sadness towards the Pegasus. He didn't know why he felt these emotions. He didn't know the Pegasus. He didn't have any reason to help him. Then why was he feeling this way? These questions wandered through Nightwing as he watched the Pegasuses body fall. His heart tossed back into the hole it had been pulled out from. The pink flames that once covered his body began to be extinguished. Revealing his Red spiky mane, and cold dead eyes. "Empyrion, there should be no more interferences." Moonstone said, not even caring about the pony's life she had taken. "Target Equestria and destroy it at once-" Ding The elevator doors were busted down from their slides, flying forward before hitting the floor, startling both Nightwing and Moonstone. "Nightwing my love I've come to save you!" Cheese sandwich shouted as he exited the elevator. "Finally, twenty fourth time was the charm." "Cheese...sandwich? Wait. How do I know that pony's name?" Nightwing wondered. "You." Moonstone addressed Cheese. "How are you alive? I thought Comet Tail killed you?" "Comet Tail. A unicorn. I feel like...I feel like I should know him." Nightwing said. "No. You told Comet Tail to get rid of me, that you had 'no need for my mischief'." Cheese repeated. "Anywho, on a separate note." Cheese paused looking up at Nightwing. "Why are you letting this girl boss you around friend? The Nightwing I know wouldn't let someone like her," Cheese pointed to Moonstone. "To boss you around and give you orders. Come on, show me that rebel spirit you have." "Don't bother." Moonstone said. "He can't hear you, he can only hear my voice." Cheese was about to retort with a really funny quip, but his eyes laid on Lightning. Motionless and not looking very alive. Cheese zipped over to Lightning, a smile on his face. "What do you think your doing ya lazy bum." Cheese joked. "Sleeping on the job like that, can't you see that Nightwing needs our help?" Then he saw it. The heart that had once beat with a raging spirit, was now quietly resting in a hole in Lightning's chest. He stared at the corpse. It was kinda ironic really, Lightning was someone who was as hot as a lightning bolt yet here he was, his body ice cold. "Are you sick or something Nightwing?" Cheese asked, not averting his eyes from Lightning. "How could you just sit there and watch Lightning Strike get killed. Did you feel nothing for him? Sure he wasn't there for you when you were young but he came all this way to save you. And you just stood there and watched him die. Well then, if think I'm gonna let you just sit there and watch me die. Then I've got a surprise for you-" Cheese went silent. He could no longer speak due to his entire body turned to stone. "I've grown tired of your useless words." Moonstone said, blue aura swords appearing beside her. 'Lightning Strike...my...my friend?' Nightwing thought. His mind in complete pain, he knew the Pony's name but he didn't know why. Who was he, who was the pony? The answer was in his head, trying to force its way to the surface. But it was stuck, sandwiched between his mind and skull. Until it popped. "Moonstone." Nightwing's voice came from the Crystal "Yes what is it Empyrion?" Moonstone asked. "I think you've forgotten my name. Nightwing stated. Moonstone stopped. Her head slowly turned to the Master Crystal, her eyes instantly widened. Cracks began to form on the Crystal "See, my name isn't Empyrion. It's Nightwing!" the Crystal glowed intensely, blinding Moonstone. And then it shattered. Scattering into multiple pieces of broken Crystal. When Moonstone had looked back to where the Master Crystal once she was shocked once more. What stood before her was Nightwing, and behind him was a blue aura Wolf that was five times bigger than Nightwing. It growled at the sight of Moonstone, who regained her composure and smiled. "Well well, you are a quick learner. I didn't think that you'd be able to summon your Night howler so quickly." Moonstone said, only to receive a glare from Nightwing. "What? Do you think that I should be afraid of you? Please, we both know you won't kill me." "Let's test your theory shall we?" Nightwing responded. The atmosphere was tense. To tense, way to tense. The tension was to tense for anyone to handle. One wrong move could result in complete defeat. Starlight knew this, she knew of the risks that were present. But what choice did she have, if she didn't move then she'd lose. With a sigh she used her magic and moved. "And that's checkmate." Twilight smiled triumphantly, her rook slid across the board and captured Starlight's queen. Starlight looked over each possibility her king could move. Sure enough it was Checkmate. With a sigh Starlight tapped her king, knocking it down. "I don't get it, I took away your Rook and Queen. Yet you still beat me." "That's because you sacrificed your pieces to try and win, when I used my pawns to bring back my important pieces." Twilight explained. After a drainage of magic between the Alicorn and unicorn Starlight proposed a battle of wits to decide who would be the victor. Twilight accepted the challenge and beat Starlight. "But that doesn't make sense. In chess you are the one in control, you order your pieces and they do as you say. You sacrifice the weak so that the strong may grow." Starlight said. Twilight shook her head. "Your thinking about it all wrong, while it is true that pawns are the weakest, they can become the strongest. Just because their weak doesn't mean their useless. Every piece has its importance, you just have to find it." "That's not what I was told." Starlight muttered. "And just who told you that?" Twilight asked. "I can't say. But she is our leader, she promised me a world where the strong would rise against the weak, and that I could be apart of that world if I joined her." "A world were only the strong live is wrong. We're are all equal, pony or not. It doesn't matter if we seem different from each other. Because we all have a place in this world." Twilight said. "And what? You want me to come with you and join your world? What makes you think that I would even want to be apart of such a world? What could I gain?" Starlight asked. Twilight rubbed her chin, thinking long and hard about her answer. "Friendship." Twilight answered. "Friendship?" Starlight asked. Twilight nodded. "You sound like a cheesy superhero right now, you know that right?" "Cheesy or not it's the truth. Equestria is full of friendship. Ponies smiling, playing, loving one another. Why wouldn't you want to be apart of that?" Twilight asked. Starlight looked away from twilight. "Your afraid. Your afraid of opening your heart because it was broken before." "Shut up. You don't know any-eep!" Starlight yelped. Twilight had closed the distance between her and Starlight, embracing her in a hug. "It's okay, I promise that your heart will never be broken again." Starlight wanted to push away, part of her wanted to call her a number of racial slurs. But she found her hooves wrapping around Twilight. Tears began to roll down her eyes, she buried her face in Twilight's chest, hoping that Twilight wouldn't see her crying. "There there." Twilight patted Statlight's head. "It's okay, tell me everything from the beginning." starlight whipped away some of her tears and nodded. As she began her tale the two weren't aware that a certain deer was listening in. The Night howler roared with rage in its voice. It charge towards Moonstone who created a bubble Sheila around her. The Night howler pounded and snapped against the shield. Till it broke through. The shield shattered like glass, the Night howler opened its jaws ready to snap Moonstone in half. Only for Moonstone to vanish before the Night howler could feast on his prey. Moonstone appeared behind Nightwing. Hoping that she might've been able to knock him unconscious. Nightwing knew that Moonstone was behind him, and whirled around. Punching Moonstone in the face. "I'll take that back thank you very much." Nightwing said, grabbing his complex Crystal out of Moonstone's hooves. Moonstone landed on her hooves skidding across the floor. Once she had come to a stop the Night howler leaped into the air towards Moonstone. Who then vanished. Nightwing put on his Crystal and used Shadow stalking. Moonstone and Nightwing appeared, both had summoned an aura sword. The two swords clashed, pushing against the other. The two leaped back from the other. Nightwing summoned five other swords which sailed towards Moonstone. Moonstone summoned five other swords of her own. The swords met and began clashing with the other, striking and blocking. "Face it Nightwing, you can't beat me. We are both equally matched in magic." Moonstone stated. Nightwing responded by firing a laser through her left foreleg, a small hole appeared in its place. "Magic? Yes. Smarts. You wish." Moonstone growled, ignoring the pain. Her Crystal glowed brightly, then it unleashed a powerful laser. Nightwing did the same. The two beams collided, stuck in a constant struggle of pushing the other back. There was a growl behind moonstone, she turned around to see the Night howler heading towards her. She moved her Crystal to where the beam sliced the Night howler in half. But in doing so she had left herself open. A sharp pain came from Moonstone's left hoof. She roared in pain as she tried to grab her hoof. But there was nothing there. Then it dawned on her, she gazed to her left. Her missing hoof with her complex Crystal on the ground before her. It became obvious as to what happened. Nightwing's night howler charged towards Moonstone, who would then destroy it with her beam. Leaving her open Nightwing used his beam to cut her left hoof off. And since her Crystal was connected to her left hoof she was unable to use magic. Which meant that she was unable to stop Nightwing from driving a sword through her chest. Which he did so with gusto. Moonstone coughed up blood, which she spat on Nightwing's face. She smiled, "You won't kill me." She chuckled, gurgling some of the blood in her throat. "I know you...you don't kill." Nightwing looked Moonstone dead in the eye. "Your already dead." He said. Two other swords appeared, and struck her through the heart. The white part of her eyes turned black, her body turning to ashes like a paper thrown into a flame. She was no longer alive, her body void of her soul. With her body disintegrated Nightwing stood back, gazing at the pile of ash that was once a living creature. No. She wasn't alive. She was nothing but a walking corpse. A zombie. Something that should've never existed. With a sigh Nightwing walked to the Complex crystal that laid on a pile of ash. He picked it up and stared at. Lost in thought at what might've happened. A strange sensation shot through Mortem. He looked puzzled for a minute, before he realized what it was. With a sigh he raised his hoof. "Stop." He said flatly, black aura surrounding Ranger, Thorn, and Pinkie. "It seems as though Moonstone has died. Very well then." He turned to the three ponies who were suspended in air. "The victory is yours, I'll be taking my leave now." With that Mortem disappeared as a black flash lit the room. The doe that had been fighting the group of three turned to ashes and the Black aura that held then vanished. The three fell to the ground in a confused state. Well, two of them were confused. Thorn was angry. "You coward! Get back here and take you death like a Stallion!" Thorn shouted to where Mortem disappeared. "Um...doesn't your religion teach you to kind and peaceful?" Ranger asked. Thorn took a deep breath and a moment to collect his thoughts. "Your right, I'm sorry. That was very wrong of me." "We should go regroup with the others." Pinkie suggested. "How are gonna do that? We all spit up remember, they could be anywhere." Ranger added. "Don't worry, I can find them all with an easy message. But to do so were gonna have to go outside." Pinkie said, bouncing her way towards the exit. "So Devourer, care to tell me what this so called 'hatred towards my host' is all about?" Flash asked, dodging Comet Tails strike. "Now where would the fun be if I told you? Wouldn't it make more sense to keep you in the dark?" Comet Tail asked, a hoof colliding with his face. "I don't care for whatever it is ya two are talking about." Applejack said, ramming her hoof in Comet's face. "What I want to know is what did ya do to Lightning?" Comet Tail, not fazed in the slightest by Applejack's punch, turned his head to face her. His red eyes boring into hers. His horn glowed red and black, three black tendrils grew from his sides and arched up. They struck at Applejack. And they would've hit two had Flash not teleported her next to him. "If you want to know what happened to the Element of Scorch I'm afraid neither he nor I will be able to give you an answer. I know that he was teleported in front of that cannon. But his power disappeared." "Wait...what cannon?" Applejack asked. "Oh you know, the big cannon right there." Flash pointed to the absolutely massive tube that was far away from them. "How long has that been there?" Flash stared at Applejack with a dumbfounded look, his mouth slightly opened. "Your...your joking right? You mean to tell me that you never noticed that?" "Well, not really no." "What do you mean no?! How could you miss something like that?! It's a giant massive cannon that's been sending earth...moonquakes throughout the entire moon!" "Well maybe I was to busy dealing with him ta notice!" Applejack shouted back at Flash. "You mean to tell me that you were so busy fighting him that you didn't notice a quake capable of tearing down a city?!" "Well I'm sorry if I didn't notice it! But just because I didn't notice something doesn't mean you have to get all hostile over it!" "FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! WILL YOU TWO JUST SCREW EACH OTHER AND BE DONE WITH IT!!!" Comet Tail shouted at Flash and Applejack. "I have had enough of this. I will end this battle here and now!" "Correction. I will be the one to end this battle." From out of nowhere, Mortem appeared. He had a somewhat disappointed expression on his face. Comet Tail glared at the pony before him. "What are you doing her Mortem?" He demanded. "Move or I might accidentally kill you." "Do not try to threaten me with empty words." Mortem shot back. "Moonstone has failed. And Starlight has been turned to the enemy's side. The mission has failed, so we are leaving." "What!?" Comet Tail shouted in rage. "I'm not going to take orders from you. I will ask you one last time. Move or I will-" "Atlas." Comet Tail was unable to finish. His eyes rolled back into his head and his body became limp. He fell to ground with a thud. "Like I said before, do not threaten me with empty words." Mortem repeated. His magic picked up Comet Tail and the two disappeared. "Well...I guess we should go find the others." Flash said flatly, walking away. "Wait what?! Ya mean we're jus' going to ignore what jus' happened?" Applejack asked. Flash looked back to Applejack. "What more can we do? That one guy....., Mortem I think his was, he said that their mission had failed. So they've all left and now we have to leave." Flash said. His eyes and mane returning back to normal. And was immediately tackled by a yellow blur. "Foul demon! Let go of my brother at once!" Fluttershy yelled at Flash, her hooves clamped down on his throat. "Sis...please...get off...your...choking me." Flash wheezed. "Oh...sorry Flash. I thought you were...you know, possessed." Fluttershy slightly chuckled, getting off of Flash. Before glaring at him. "I'm still mad that you knocked me out for no reason. Where is Comet Tail anyways?" "He left...I don't know where but he gone." Flash answered. "Come on we have to go find the others." Flash froze. Fluttershy froze Applejack froze Everything froze Soarin and Rainbow Dash racing down a hallway. Completely frozen as though they were encased in ice. Rarity and Silver Platter, in the the middle of a conversation. Were frozen was though they had been encased in ice. Pinkie pie in mid air, a smile on her face without a care in the world along with Thorn and Ranger behind her, were frozen as well. Twilight hugging a crying Starlight in her hooves was also frozen. And Nightwing. Clutching the dead corpse of Lightning Strike with tears in his eyes, frozen in both time and space. All that rested on the moon had become still. Frozen in both time and space. It stood, unable to move and unable to stop what was about to happen. A red and orange vertical crack formed in front of the moon. A crack of equal size compared to the moon. A crack in space in time. Then the moon began to move. Slowly it shifted towards the crack. As if it was being pulled towards it by a leash. Only for it to stop once more. Another crack formed, one that was blue. The moon began to be pulled towards the blue crack. As the moon got closer to the blue crack it began to open like a mouth. It wasn't long until the blue crack swallowed the moon. When it had done so the blue crack began to close. As did the red and orange one. Until the two cracks closed. And time started once again. Those that inhabited the earth filled it with cries. Each full of panic and fear. While each voice was different. They were all centered around one thing. The moon was gone. And no one knew how or why it had happened.