> RariJack > by defender_Blitz__Eloi > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Do Me A Favor > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After Twilight left, everything has gotten slow again. Equestria and everyone living in it have gone back to their normal lives, just like humans would do. All the students attending Canterlot High School have gone to summer vacation. Including human Applejack and Rarity. Applejack has been of course hanging out with her friends. But, she has been working hard picking apples in Sweet Apple Acres with her relatives. She loves doing her job. But with the loud sounds of the cow bell, she is done for the day. (cow bell rings) "HOO-WEEE!! What a long workin' day of pickin' apples," yelled Applejack. "You said it sis," replied Applebloom. "Hold on, ya'll think that Big Mac over there has been pickin' more apples than us?" she asked. "It does look like Mac has picked more apples than us today." said Applebloom. "Whatever." "SUPPER TIME, APPLES!!!" yelled out Granny Smith. "OOOHHH finally , I'm starving." "So am I big sis." Applejack, Applebloom, and Big Mac made their way home where supper was waiting. Tonight was a big supper for once. It literally looked like a Thanksgiving feast. But of course, the Apples ate like theres no tomorrow. "Granny Smith, you made yourself useful for once," said Applebloom with her mouth full. "Excuse me???!!!" "UUMMM, nothin'." "Ya'll better not be sayin' anything about her job.......... again." replied Applejack. After a little argument, Applebloom looks out the dining room window and notices a light coming down the road to Sweet Apple Acres. As the light gets brighter, she stands up and sees that it is a purple smart car pulling up the the barn. "Umm, we have a random visitor up ahead." "Lets go check it out ya'll." All the Apples go to the barn where the smart car pulled up. They didn't want to get close since they didn't know who it was. Eventually, the car turned, the driver's door opened, and popped out a beautiful lady yelling.............. "APPLEJACK, DARLING!!!!!!" Everyone gasped in confusion to see that it was Rarity who arrived at 7:00 in the night. It was a little awkward and funny at the same time to. Why is Rarity here? Rarity comes to hug Applejack in a very hyped way. "What in the hay is going on right now?" she asked. "Oh hello Applejack, hello Apple Family." greeted Rarity. "Would you mind explainin' to me what ya'll are doing here in such a hurry??!!!" "I'm glad you asked. Could the rest of you go back in your home to whatever you were doing?" "We were having supper." said Applebloom. "Yes, that. I would like to speak to Applejack alone out here." she pleaded. "Well alright. Come on Apples." replied Granny Smith. The Apples, excluding Applejack went back in the house. Which left Applejack and Rarity along for a conversation. "What are ya'll doing Rarity?" she asked. "I'm so happy I found you darling. I need an EXTREMELY important favor from you Applejack." "Which is?" "In 2 days, I am required to send a "piece of art" to Sapphire Shores for her new art collection. I have tried so many different types of painting. There all good......... BUT NOT FANTASTIC!!!!! I need something that is going to WOW that woman that is Sapphire Shores. I have one last idea that should work and it involves a beautiful darling........ like you." They both blush. "What are you coming up to Rarity?" "Applejack, I need you to help me with this very special piece of art tomorrow. I am going to paint you." she said. "But, why me?" she asked. "Besides our other friends, I sense something in you. You express your country life in a spectacular way. You're my best friend. You're strong. You're honest. You're beautiful. You my darling would be perfect for the painting. Now I say, please Applejack, please help me." she pleaded. "Well...... alright. I would never let a friend down in a situation like this." "OOHHH THANK YOU Applejack, I appreciate this, I could just kiss you right now, but I won't darling." Applejack blushed. "I want you to arrive at my boutique at around 5:00 P.M, Sweetie Belle will escort you. When she is done, there will be instructions waiting for you on a chair in my bedroom. I won't take long for supplies, just wait in there. One more thing, you can't tell anyone else about this, only your family are allowed to know about this. Do you understand darling?" "Yes, I'll try my best to be there ya'll." she says in a weird way. "Well then that settles my business here. (she hugs Applejack) I'll see you tomorrow Applejack. Thanks for this great opportunity." "My pleasure." Rarity then moves back into her car, turns on the engine, and goes off into the moonlight. Applejack is almost brain dead confused about what just happened and what will happen tomorrow. She needs to think about it in bed over the night. She makes her way back home. "So big sis, what in the hay was that all about?" asked Applebloom. "She asked me for another one of her "fancy", "classy" projects that mean everything in the world." "Ya'll must be serious." says Applebloom. "For her......... it is, very." After supper, Applejack gets herself ready for bed. Yet she is still wondering. Is this "art" really important for Rarity. Since when did Rarity care about making art than making fashion. It must be her thing. "Why is Rarity trusting me for this special art project?" she asked herself. "Might as well wait for tomorrow. Besides, I can't reject a friend like....... Rarity." > Welcome to the Boutique > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Its Friday morning, Applejack didn't have a good sleep last night wondering about tonight at Rarity's. She doesn't what to expect. Yet she made a promise for a true friend. But for Applejack, it was still a regular day. She had breakfast and went off for another day of apple picking. "Uuhhh, I can't even pick apples right because, I can't think straight." says Applejack "Everythin' alright sis?" asked Applebloom. "That favor that Rarity asked me last night........ I will be doing that favor tonight." "But what's the problem?" "It is a really weird favor, involving Rarity painting a "piece of art" of me." "Oh, well ya'll should be confident about tonight if so. Right Big Mac?" "Yup." (Applejack blushes) "Well, if ya'll say so. I'll try to be confident tonight." "Thats the spirit sis." The Apples continued their day of picking apples. Applejack then felt more confident for herself. She doesn't know what to expect. Yet she still had a slow day picking apples. But it was eventually over in the afternoon. Around 4 P.M, Applejack made her way to Rarity's home/boutique. She came up to door, she knocked, and popped Rarity's younger sister. "APPLEJACK!!!! RARITY WAS RIGHT. YOU DID COME!!!!" yelled Sweetie Belle. "Howdy Sweetie, is Rarity home yet?" she asked. "No, Rarity left to buy supplies about 10 minutes ago. She said she'll be back at 5 P.M for the painting." "Well, alright then. Rarity said theres instructions for me to do in her bedroom." "Ohh, so thats the note she wrote and left for you on the chair for the painting." "Note? Chair?" "Yeah. Here I'll take you to Rarity's bedroom where its waiting for you." "Sure thing." Sweetie Belle escorted her to Rarity's bedroom. As the bedroom door opened, the first thing Applejack sees is a table and next to it is the chair and note Sweetie was talking about. In front of it is a tall stool and a wooden stand with a blank canvas. The only things missing were paint and Rarity. "Thanks for bringing me here Sweetie Belle. I'll take it from here." "Alright Applejack, you got this. I'll see after the painting." Sweetie Belle leaves. Applejack walks up to the chair to see what to expect later. She picks up the note to read what it what the instructions are. My Darling Applejack, All the steps you are about to read are very important to do. They are very simple. The point of these steps is for you to ready to be painted by the time I arrive with paint. I appreciate that you are going well this so far. Thanks a lot. Here are the steps: 1. Take off all your clothes, you need to be completely naked. 2. I placed a robe on my bed, put it on and keep it on until I return and tell you what to do. 3. Place all your clothes aside in the floor away from the painting area, except your hat. 4. I want you to keep your hat. You're going to need it. 5. Sit on the chair and wait for me to return. This is all you need to do for me until I arrive. Please be patient Applejack. I'll be home soon for the painting. Once again, thank you so much Applejack for helping me with this. I adore you for this offer so much darling. Love, Rarity P.S: For your comfort, theres some apple pie on the table for you until I come back. Applejack is surprisingly speechless. She had no idea if she should follow what it says, or just jump out the window and run away. "I don't what to say. Should I do this?" she told herself. (she sighs) "I'll have to do it, this is for Rarity." But for Applejack, Rarity is a better friend to her than the others. She didn't want to disappoint Rarity, she is going to follow the instructions. Step 1, Applejack set aside her hat, she unbuttoned her top first, revealing her beautiful, tan, smooth chest and breasts. Her bottom was next, removing her shoes, socks, skirt, and underwear. Applejack was completely nude, revealing her smooth, top to bottom body. Step 2, she place all her clothes, besides her hat far from the canvas. Step 3, she found the white robe on the bed and put it on it fitted her perfectly. All Applejack had to do now is sit on the chair, maybe eat some apple pie, have her hat ready, and wait. > Paint Me, Love Me > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Applejack waits for about 45 minutes, she looks out the window and finds that Rarity was pulling up to the boutique. She then notices that Rarity is bringing along a large bag filled with whatever supplies she brought. Applejack is still thinking about what will happen. "I have a very weird feeling 'bout this." she said to herself. "I',MM HOME EVERYBODY!!!!!" yelled Rarity. "Rarity, you're finally home." said Sweetie Belle. "Yes darling, I'm home, is Applejack here and ready." "Applejack arrived about 45 minutes ago, she should be ready for you upstairs." "Very well, hopefully this painting doesn't take all night." "Good luck Rarity." "Thanks darling." Rarity walked up to her bedroom where Applejack was waiting for her. When she opened the door, she was surprised to see that Applejack followed the instructions she left her. "ABOUT TIME RARITY!!!!" she yelled. "I know Applejack, I'm finally here." "NOT THAT, THE INSTRUCTIONS. Whats with me goin' naked?!!!" she asked angrily. "I'm really sorry Applejack, this is apart of my painting. Just relax darling." "Fine, I'll play along with this. Does this involve me goin' completely naked?" "Yes, does that upset you?" "Right now not really, my body needs some cool air." "Very well, I'll set up the paint. Rarity then set up all the paint she needed. The colors she brought were the colors of Applejack's skin and her eye color. She even brought colors for the background and some paint brushes. She was ready to paint. "Ready darling?" "Yes Rarity." "Alright, please remove your robe." Giving a very red blush, Applejack slowly removed her white robe, revealing again her beautiful country body, top to bottom. "Now, sit down on the chair." Applejack then sat on the chair, having her hat in her hand. "If you don't mind, I will put your body in a position for the painting." "Ya'll please be gentle." Rarity tilted her head a little low, then a little to the left so Applejack will be looking up. Her waist was tilted as well with her upper body facing straight at the canvas. She then placed one hand on her stomach and made her hold the hat with her other hand and cover both her breasts with her hat. She looked perfect. "You look perfect darling. Do not move an inch." "I feel like I'm about to have sex with you. Sorry." "Don't worry Applejack, this will not take a long while." "If you say so." "Keep your head in that position, I want your eyes on me. Now give me a good lovely look." Applejack kept doing what Rarity told her to do. She looked sexy. Rarity finally began the painting. Silently, she outlined Applejack's upper body, since that is the only part that she needs for the painting. The painting as low as her top waist. After she outlined, she drew in the more important details, like her face and the hat over her breasts. Her hair came next, going down the page, she drew her blonde hair and gave it the details need. Then her belly button, her luscious smile, and her standing out eyes. She has completed the whole outline. Rarity began to paint Applejack's skin color which took some time. Her belly button and sides had to be colored a little darker. She then painted her hair the same natural color, golden blonde. She then colored her eyes very carefully, painting it white and then painting her pupils bright green. Lastly, she got black paint and painted her eyebrows, eyelashes, and any other small details. After that, she has completed to paint Applejack. She then had to paint the background, which was simple to do. She painted the background red and she painted three apples. One red delicious, one golden, and one granny smith apple with a black outline. The painting was finally done. The painting had to dry over the night. "Can I move now?" "Now you can Applejack." "UUHHHH! Finally, I feel so frozen." "Well, thank you so much for your help with this painting." Without saying anything, Applejack walked over to Rarity's bed looking down at it. She then threw her hat aside on the floor and placed her left hand slowly on one of her but cheeks. She then gave the same look she had on her face for the painting, looking at Rarity. Finally, she slowly walks up to Rarity, still naked, and puts one hand around her waist and the other on her leg. "I know one way I'll thank you. This will take all night." she says in a lovely way. Applejack lifted Rarity's leg right when the room when silent right Applejack land Rarity kissed, right....... on........ the......... lips. "What are you saying darling?" "You act more than a friend around me." "You........." "I love you Rarity." Applejack kissed her on the lips again. Rarity finally enjoyed it. "I....... I love you too." Applejack and Rarity began to make out again until Rarity decides to do something fun. Rarity sits on the for a few seconds to remove her socks and shoes. She then stands back up to remove her upper half of her skirt and then her braw. She then removes her lower half of her skirt, revealing a beautiful, shiny white body, top to bottom. She finally looks at Applejack with a good look on her face. Applejack does the same face, walks up to her and holds her by her but cheeks. Rarity grabs her by the shoulders. They begin to make out again. Eventually, they were laying on Rarity's bed, one on top of the other. "Ya'll sure about this Rarity?" says Applejack in a quiet voice. "Of course darling, you and I are perfect for each other." she says in the same voice. As they make out again, Rarity lowers herself to lick Applejack's breast. They both are enjoying it so much. "Ooohhhh, Rarity. Ya'll know what to do." "Of course I do , I'm the one and only Rarity........" Eventually, she stopped and Applejack started to do the same to Rarity. Yet Rarity had a better reaction. "OOHHHHH YEESSSS APPLEJACK!!" she yelled "Calm yourself down Rarity." After, they both did the same thing. They got one hand and massaged each other's vaginas, slowly. "Uuuhhhhhh yes Rarity, ya'll get in there." "You too should get me as well darling." "Alright." .......................... "Uuhhhhh, Applejack, I love you so much right now. "I love you too Rarity." "This painting better be good." "Don't worry, it will be darling." They both then stopped and Applejack then layer on top of her. She then rubbed her stomach and her body over Rarity's, very smooth. Rarity did the same with her body for Applejack. They were moving so smooth over each other. "Rarity......" "Yes Applejack?" "Just yesterday, you and I were only "friends", look at us now." she says. "What do you mean?" "You and I must love each other so much up to now." "I love you, with all my heart, Rarity." she sobs. "I will always love you too Applejack." she sobs too. "Aaahhh, oohhhhhh............." It was Saturday morning. Applejack was fast asleep, still naked in the bed. While Rarity has woken up to get ready and send the painting to Sapphire Shores. She was about to leave around 8 A.M, then Applejack woke up from bed. "Mornin' Rarity." "Good morning darling. Please get ready to leave. I'm locking the house when I leave." "Alright then." Applejack got up and got ready to go back home. She cleaned up, picked up her clothes, put them on, and was ready to leave. Applejack and Rarity left the boutique and made their way to the car. "Well then darling. I tell what happened at Sweet Apple Acres when I arrive." "Good luck over there............. darling." "One last kiss?" Applejack and Rarity kissed one last time. Rarity started the car and she went off in the horizon. Applejack then started to walk back to Sweet Apple Acres. On the way back, she had so many thoughts. She wonders if Rarity will be appreciated for her painting. All she can think of is her affection for Rarity. She loves her. She proved it too because she actually called Rarity................. "Darling". RariJack. > Epilogue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Its almost noon, Applejack would have arrived earlier home, but she stopped for breakfast at Sugar Cube Corner. When she arrived, she noticed that Big Mac and Applebloom were already picking apples in the fields. She of course had to join them. "Hey sis, did it take all night for that painting?" asked Applebloom. "Nah, I stayed to sleep with her for the night, sorry." "O--kay, next time tell us that you're staying for a sleepover, right Big Mac?" "Yup." he says. "I'm just worried that Rarity may not get the spotlight from Sapphire Shores." Right when she said that, Rarity's vehicle pulled up at the fence. Surprisingly, Rarity leaped out of her car, she climbed over the fence, and ran as fast as she can to Applejack. She even started to cry. "OOHHH, APPLEJACK!!!!!" "Oh no Rarity, did she not like the painting?" Rarity then looked up with an adorable smile. "She didn't like it................... SHE LOVED IT!!!!!" "She did? I'm so happy for you Rarity." "How can I repay you darling?" "Ya'll don't need to, I have friends, including you Rarity." Still sobbing a little, Rarity went up to hug Applejack with glee. They were both so happy to know that Sapphire loved the painting, created by a fashionista. Because of that, Sapphire allowed Rarity to name the painting. Rarity even had the honors to sign her name for an official painting. "Sweet Apples" created by Rarity.