Twilight's grammatical problem.

by Lolisnotanacceptableword

First published

Twilight notices something strange about everypony, and it's about to drive her insane.

Celestia has allowed Twilight some vacation time. What an occasion! But as she travels back to ponyville, she notices something strange with how her friends speak.

There's a problem

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It was a bright sunny day in ponyville, the grass was green, the sky was blue; but more importantly, TWILIGHT WAS GONNA SEE HER FRIENDS AGAIN! Twilight was having an amazing day! Celestia had assigned her to go to ponyville, to inform her friends about the 'Quest'. Of course that was super duper secret information, only for herself and her friends of course.

Twilight walked through ponyville, smiling at every chance she got. A little jump in her walk. She was so excited to see her friends again! After Tirek had attacked, there had been a lot of paperwork and other stuff she had to do. Which had taught her a valued lesson about anger management, and patience. Spike walked beside her, his scales shining like armor. She and her brother made the quest towards that 'Thing' they called the crystal castle.

And to be honest, Twilight couldn't have been more disappointed with what her tree had been replaced with. I MEAN DID YOU EVEN SEE IT? Twilight shook her head, what she should have on her mind right now is what she was going to do with her friends. Maybe they could have a sleepover? Or go to one of those fancy restaurants and pay for overpriced food? Twilight giggled, she was gonna have so much fun!

As she thought of all the fun things she could do with her friends, she bumped into somepony. A pony with the cutie mark of a rose.

"Agh." Twilight said as she recovered, "Oh dear, I'm so sorry. I was just zoned out there for a second." Twilight looked at the dropped roses. "Here, let me help you pick those up." Twilight said kindly.

"Oh no its ok. I can do it on my own" Rose said. Picking the flowers up off of the dirt.

"Wait what?" Twilight said, as if Rose had said something wrong. "Did she just?" Twilight asked herself, Twilight shook her head. "Never mind." she thought to herself.

Twilight walked off, leaving the earth pony to pick up her flowers. Twilight walked towards the crystal castle, finally reaching the door and making herself at home. Spike simply started making haycakes, turning on the oven. Twilight looked over to Spike, "Wait Spike, why don't I make us haycakes?" she asked innocently. Spike looked up in thought, considering it for a moment.

"Yeah, no." Spike said as he kept on cooking, leaving a somewhat befuddled and disappointed Twilight.

After having some of Spike's delicious haycakes, Twilight spoke up. "Spike I need you to send a letter to Rainbow dash." Twilight announced, a notebook and pen seemingly teleported into his hand. Twilight cleared her throat.

rainbow dash sat on her cloud lazily hanin around. she was just laying there lazily not much had happened since the tirek incident. suddenly a note flashed out of nowhere. "To Rainbow dash, meet me at the castle. I have something important to announce.". Rainbow dash smiled as she jumped off of the cloud, and flew towards the crystal castle.

Twilight stood happily, Spike had sent a letter to all of her friends. And soon they would all be here, and then Twilight would tell them the secret! rainbow crased trouh the window. she landed on twleght sparkl. Twilight got up, aching from Rainbow dash crashing into her.

"RAINBOW DASH, FOR ONCE COULD YOU USE THE DARN DOOR!?" Twilight screamed in her royal voice, which caused her to blush as she realized what she had done.

"well excuse me twleigt sperkle. besides its more fun going through the window." rainbow dash announced.

"Wait." Twilight said, "What is wrong with your spelling and grammar?" Twilight asked in surprise. Wondering how her friend was messing up such simple words.

"what do you mean what is wrong with my spilling and gramer" rainbow dash asked.

Twilight looked at her with a face of disgust, "Seriously, did you just ask what is wrong with your spelling and grammar?" Twilight asked angrily.

"twilight spelling and gramer r 4 books and stuff like tat. why would i have bad gramer if im not even writin anyting down." rainboe dash said.

"CAN'T YOU SEE WHAT YOU'RE SAYING?!" Twilight screamed, "I MEAN LOOK AT IT! You spelled grammar wrong, you spelled spelling wrong, you didn't capitalize the first letter of your sentence; you didn't even use any commas. YOUR SPELLING AND GRAMMAR IS DISGUSTING!" Twilight screamed again.

Applejack walked in. "What in tarnation is happening here?" Applejack asked.


"Really, ah don't see nuthing of tha kind. Not like shes writing down a paper is she?" Applejack said.

"I guess your right. I must be hallucinating." Twilight said. Then she narrowed her eyes in surprise, "Wait, NOT YOU TOO APPLEJACK!" Twilight screamed in horror.

"Wut?" Applejack asked. Confused as to what she had done.

Rarity and Fluttershy walked in, chatting about stuff.

"GUYS GUYS!" Twilight screamed to get their attention, "I'm not crazy right? I mean look at Rainbow and Applejack's spelling and grammar!" Twilight said.

"Really ah have not a single clue wut she talking about." Applejack said. Farmer accent leaking through the cracks of her speech.

"yah me nether" rainbo desh sayd. absolut confusin in har vice.

"LOOK! DO YOU SEE HOW, wait I can't come up with any words, oh wait never mind, HOW STUPID THAT IS!" Twilight screamed for possibly the tenth time today.

"Really Twilight grammar and spelling are stuff you use when writing," Rarity pointed a confused look at Twilight's face "Not speaking.".

"ᴵ⁻ᴵ ᵃᵍʳᵉᵉ ʷᶦᵗʰ ᴿᵃʳᶦᵗʸ, ᵀʷᶦᶫᶦᵍʰᵗ." Fluttershy said, voice as quiet as she is kind.

"LOOK, YOUR FONT IS TINY!" Twilight said, "AM I THE ONLY PERSON WHO REALIZES THIS?",Twilight asked, hair frazzled. Looking as if she had walked out of a mental asylum.

"Twιlιɢнт, I do вelιeve yoυ нαve α proвleм." Rarity said sincerely. With a very small hint of fear in her voice.


Pinkie walked in, " Hey whats wrong guys?" Pinkie asked cheerfully. Twilight screamed in horror.

"Sorry pinkeh, I think we gotta get Celestia here." Applejack said, everybody else nodded their heads. "Hey Spahke, could you write a letter to Celestia for us?" Applejack asked, "Sure." Spike said happily. Applejack started talking.

Celestia was sitting down on a pillow in the castle, smiling at the peace and serenity around her. You see, she had told Twilight to go tell the elements on harmony something 'Secret', yeah that was a big pile of baloney. She had just told Twilight to go tell them that were getting rooms in the castle or something, while Celestia had no intent of giving away space; she'd do anything to get Twilight to go away. Of course all the peace and serenity was broken when something landed on the top of her head.

She winced from the pain as it hit her horn, "Son of a-" Celestia stopped herself before continuing that sentence. She regained her composure and looked at what had hit her, a note, made of her special scroll paper. "Hmm, let's see what we have here." Celestia said to herself. She opened the note, "Dear princess Celestia, blah blah blah blah blah, wait what?" Celestia asked herself as she read one of the lines. "Twilight has gone crazy, we need your help. Signed Applejack." Celestia shook her head in disbelief, a couple hours after her lessons and she had lost it? Oh well, she should have expected this, after what happened to Blueblood anyway's.

Celestia stood up, cleared her throat. And teleported to crystal castle.

Twilight was practically having a seizure now, "WHY DO YOU SAY THINGS LIKE THAT?!", "WHY IS YOUR FONT SO TINY?!". "WHY IS YOUR SPEECH SO....... SO...... SO DUMB?!". In fact, everybody was pretty sure Twilight had gone to wacky town, and they weren't sure if this was because of Celestia or not. But anyway's they needed her help, cause if Twilight was going to listen to anybody it would obviously be her mentor. With a big yellow flash Celestia had appeared.

"You called." Celestia asked, a smug grin on her face.

"Yeah uh, so let me explain it to ya." Applejack said, a hint of worry on her face as she surveyed the insane violet pony. Who was screaming things about grammar and spelling, which made less sense than Discord did.
She walked over to Twilight. "So when I arrived here, she was screaming at Rainbow over there." Rainbow dash waved. "She was complainin bout her, grammar or spelling, something like that." Celestia nodded carefully. "Then she heard me speak and said 'NOT YOU TOO!', I'm not sure whats driven her to do this. But we figured ya'll could help us out here.".

Celestia stood tall, "Don't worry, the same thing happened to me when I ascended, I should be able to help her." Celestia said proudly as she walked over to Twilight, standing over her. "Twilight." she said to her.

Twilight looked up to Celestia, "Oh thank you somebody who isn't affected." Twilight said. Exhaustion in her voice, eyes seemingly bloodshot.

"Now I'm going to say this right now, the same thing happened to me too." Celestia said.

"Wait what?" Twilight asked surprise in her eyes.

"And it still does to this day." Celestia said, as she looked for somewhere comfortable to sit. "It's been happening ever sense my ascension." Celestia said. "It happened to Luna too, and for a while, we both went the slightest bit crazy." Twilight looked confused at her mentor, not understanding that she wasn't perfect. "Heck," she chuckled "I once almost destroyed the sun out of the stupidity." Celestia said laughing. "But here's my advice Twilight, just ignore it." Celestia said deeply, trying to get the point across.

"Well alright, I'l make sure to remember that." Twilight said doubtfully.

"Of course you could also completely ignore my advice, but I doubt that darling."
"Well I'll have to be off, see you next time Twilight Sparkel." Celestia said with a playful wink. Twilight's eyes lit on fire.

Hey Twilight Sparkel, the most fair and amazing narrator in all of the lands greeted.

"Wait, do I have to be in a different paragraph? I mean you're the narrator!" Twilight said angrily, of course she couldn't compare to the amazing, beautiful, and handsome narrator.

Well yes, I don't want to ignore the rules. Even the amazing and powerful narrator can be destroyed by the rules of the universe.

"And where did you come from exactly?" Twilight asked, a few paragraphs ago the might narrator hadn't been there to save her. But now he was here, and while he wasn't the hero ponyville deserved, he was the hero it needed.

"Stop playing yourself up like that! You're worse than Discord!" Twilight screamed angrily at the poor, poor narrator. Who has had an off day ,so maybe she should stop being a punk and go along with the script.

Pinkie walked up to Twilight, "Listen here Twilight, he invaded me too! Just ignore him, cause us mighty fourth wall breakers, we are the next guardians of the galaxy." Pinkie said with pride.

Twilight hastily pushed Pinkie away, she was making too many fourth wall references, the others might gain sentience! "Alright, ignore the narrator. Ignore the might narrator who is better than me in every-" Twilight paused. "HEY!" she screamed angrily.

Suddenly out of nowhere, Discord appeared wearing the Macho mans wrestling outfit, muscles bulging intensely. "ARE YOU READY TO RUMBLE!" Discord said as he leaped through the fourth wall, crashing into *OW GET OFF, HOLY JESUS HOW DID YOU GET HERE?! WAIT NO DON'T-* Discord jumped back through the fourth wall. Slapping his hands together in a clapping motion, he simply stared at Twilight, who stood there befuddled. "I'm the cream of the crop." Discord said before he disappeared into a cup of cream.

"I am done with this." Twilight simply announced to herself, she teleported all of her friends out of the castle, and went to bed. She laid down in her bed getting comfy before falling asleep, then she remembered it wasn't a bed, but a crystal formation. "AAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!".

Luna was reading the news, if she was going to fit in she would have to find out how things work these days. She read an article, "Violet alicorn known as Twilight Sparkle destroys ponyville in fit of rage, hundreds of ponies killed! More like this on page eighteen.", Luna nodded thoughtfully, "Hmm." and then ignored it.