The Flutterdash adventure

by SylveonAKASteven2Desmond

First published

A Fluttterdash adventure!!! Join the story as me, Rainbow Dash came to an adventure with the mane 6 especially Fluttershy

If you want to see Flutterdash stories, You'll have a great time with the stories I made(maybe)
I tried to put some references in the story to let you guys know the story better.
Join me, Rainbow Dash, as I join an adventure with the mane 6, especially my best friend Fluttershy
You could click off if you don't like Flutterdash stories(seriously) BUTT recommend read it
Please comment if you want to say how good or bad I am or give me some vocab. and grammar mistakes. Really appreciate what you tried to improve the story.

31st June 2015
This story is sadly on hiatus because I'm going to try something very suprising. I will make Cupcakes 2, a sequel to one of the best stories in the fandom. If I could finish Cupcakes 2, I will return to this Flutterdash story. But my plan is that this story will have the mane 6(especially Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash) do some youtube to some of the best games you could think of. Games include GTA 5, Minecraft, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare 2, Plants vs zombies, 1,2 and Garden Warfare, Black ops Advanced Warfare and etc.
5th August 2015
I might do the whatever i said up top but before that, Rainbow Dash will do the dare that she lost against Fluttershy. #RainbowDashDiapered :pinkiegasp:
11th September 2015
My ideal time to finish cupcakes 2 will be at least to November. Also some editing in a chapter 1 reference. And today is the 9/11 the day that 3000 ponies that went up to the sun of Celestia. RIP my pony strangers:raritydespair:. Have a great day(although maybe not because it's 9/11 but yeah, you get what I mean)
12th March 2016.
See you at fanfiction guys :)

Chapter 1

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It was a Friday afternoon as the mane 6 of us headed back to Ponyville on a train. Apple Jack’s helping Twilight Sparkle carry both of their books back to Twilight’s library. Pinkie Pie and Rarity were giving each other gifts they bought that day. As Fluttershy’s going to say goodbye to me, I felt something bothering me. I almost trade one of my best friends for the final episode of Daring Do book this morning. It made me feel like I just messed up what I really am: Element of Loyalty. Just then, Fluttershy noticed about my worriedness, since she knows me because she’s my best friend.

“What’s wrong Rainbow Dash?” She asked in bewilderedness

“I felt unhappy for almost trading my best friend for a stupid book” I answered, feeling a bit worried

Fluttershy saw the look on my face. I almost cried for my life everytime I think about it. ”Don’t be worry about that. It was just an accident and you made the right choice before I got harmed” She looked at me blushing, or was she…

I’m still looking at my hooves trying to forget about what I just did. “But I think I need a punishment for doing so. I mean I’m the Element of Loyalty and I failed to do that.”

“Are you sure you’re good with the decision?”

“Sure, I need a punishment like for example when we we’re fillies and we get spanked everytime we didn’t listen to our mentor. What do you think?”

Her wings stiffened as I mentioned the word ‘spanked’. I don’t know why she was shocked as I said that word. Maybe she remembers of her parents spanking her or something like that. I shrugged it off because she’s really shy. But I saw her particularly different than the original Fluttershy I met every day. She seems braver but awkward and she always says things without even had to pause for a freaking second. My mind just goes blank when she answered finally:
“Well…Alright. I do it because you asked”

I was actually really shocked when I heard she said yes to my idea. Fluttershy was pretty shy and she always says no if I said that. I mean, she’s the Element of Kindness. I know all of the others, too. Twilight is Element of Magic, Applejack is Element of Honesty, Rarity is Element of Generosity, and Pinkie Pie is Element of Laughter. Wait, why am I talking out of the topic? Back to where I just said. I think she was just caring for me so she did it.

We went back to Fluttershy’s cottage and get prepared for my punishment. For the whole time flying, I refuse to look straight or even look at Fluttershy. When we get there, Fluttershy told Angel, her pet rabbit, about what we’re going to do.

”Angel, Project 7864746368” Angel looked confused but just nodded and jumped to the storage to get stuff for my punishment.

“How could you know all the numbers?” I asked when Angel got into the storage.

“You’ll understand” Fluttershy answered my question

I think it’s like a secret code covered by telephone numbers. I just forgot about the idea. I sat on the couch stomach down watching Fluttershy’s magazine and then something grabbed my wings and covered it up. When I look up, Angel was putting my wings into heavy wing gloves that were used to stop Pegasus and Alicorns from flying away. I tried to break free to my wings but it’s too heavy, I can’t fly away. Just then, Fluttershy came back from the kitchen.

“Fluttershy, can you get my wings out of here?” Just then I saw her with a lot of weapons like a wooden shovel, iron shovel, bamboo, wooden stick, samurai sword, etc. Then another thing I saw was Fluttershy wearing black and the only thing she didn’t cover was her cutie mark and her face. She looks like a ninja or samurai going to war. I had a tingly feeling that made me think that it was terrible and something was getting really hard.

“Wow, what’s with the costume and why did you put my wings on with these gloves for?” I asked looking at her curiously and worried.

She looked down sheepishly, “You asked for a punishment so I give you one. The gloves stop you from flying away and Rarity said that the costume gives you the mood and here I am in these clothes”.

“But what are we doing here?” I asked her again

“You’ll see for yourself” A geeky smile appeared on her face, replacing the sheepish one. Then something hit my head and everything went dark. After I got a chance to brace myself and everything went into full color again, my hooves are all tied up and I’m hanging upside down. All the animals got their weapons like if…their fighting me? I was terrified.

“Welcome to your doom, Rainbow Dash” A voice beamed through the crowd of animals. It sounds like…Fluttershy? Just then I saw her in the costume I asked earlier. Her evil grin made me feel pretty scared and prayed for Celestia that she isn’t trying to kill me. The look on her face made me feel that my wish would never happen.

“Are you going to spank me with those animals and their weapons?” I asked, frightened

“We’re not going to spank you” She answered after I calmed down

“Wow, so funny. You guys are doing this trick which is actually really stupid now that I think of it” I teased Fluttershy back, still a bit worried

“We’re not spanking you, we’re going to hit you, to your doom Rainbow Dash” Her smile became more evil and…awkward. She’s wearing something on her forehead which looks like an animatronic robot moving around her head. My eye pupils shrank as I saw the thing.

Then a noise came from my flank and it hurts badly. Fluttershy used the bamboo and hit into my flank right near my cutie mark. I screamed begging for her to stop. But then all the animals came and hit me with whatever they have. One hit into my back. Fluttershy focused on my cutie mark. Angel hit on my stomach and my chest. All the rest tried to hit me, making the scene as chaotic as meeting Cristiano Ronaldo or Lionel Messi and trying to have autograph or pictures with them. I took a lot of pain and I cried like a foal. I cried and begged for Fluttershy that she’s going to forgive me and stop doing this torture. But she remains silent and hit me more intense. I cried and cried until all I can only do then was sob. I closed my eyes and took the punishment. I’ve never felt the same way about Fluttershy for everything she did to me, which feels like in a perfect and the most brutal torture chamber in the world, at least in Equestria though. It’s crazier than Rarity’s dare challenge by running around her house for 2 hours and then drink my own sweat. Finally after a few minutes which to me were like an hour, she stopped. The smell of rotten flesh flew through the air and my whole body aches, cuts and bruises appeared a lot of it. Then Fluttershy got into the kitchen and got a bucket of boiling water.

“Are you sorry for what you did?” She asked. I just shook my head because she was way TOO evil and I want to see what she was up to next.

She smiled and answered, “Well good, we’re not done yet” Then she pours the bucket into me. The boiling water almost burnt me for good and I cringed in pain because it was really brutal. After that she brought another bucket of rubbing alcohol and uses her towel and rubs it on my body, making me scream and cried because she has far too much potential for killing ponies and it hurts so badly. I then become tired and a blackout happened to me. I woke up unconscious and she was trying to make me become a pet by giving me a leash. It’s even more painful than the time Pinkie Pie give me a treatment of death which cut my stomach in half with a chainsaw, turn it back to normal with a big, sharp, toxic needle, drug me and then try to rape me while I’m really unconscious. Then the door opened and something stabbed Fluttershy in the back. She died after that. A shadow which looks really familiar with two yellow eyes appeared near the door. It was Zecora.

“Fluttershy said she would not hurt anypony. But after I saw you got tortured by Fluttershy, I’m definitely sure this is a clone. Let’s investigate this problem.” Zecora smiled and look at the clone’s dead body. We investigated the clone. First, we found out the animatronic thing it wore on its head was a neuron transmitter which controls the animals action and thought. Second, it has eye contacts to make me thought she was the real Fluttershy. Third, it was actually from…King Sombra. And finally, the clone is made out of metal. Just as we found out all 4 things that the clone was different from the real Fluttershy, the rest of the mane 6 came and the clone disappeared, leaving a Ponypad on the floor.

“What just happened? Why are you so red and purple like if you’re being hit so badly?” Twilight asked as I grabbed on the Ponypad

“Actually, the Fluttershy that we met today was actually King Sombra’s clone” I answered her question

Applejack tried to disagree, “But that doesn’t explain why you are beaten so badly like that”

Zecora spoke up for me, “Rainbow asked the clone for a punishment because she almost traded a book for her and while she was busy talking to you guys about what she did, King Sombra must have ponynapped Fluttershy and trade her with a clone. The clone did Rainbow’s punishment by beating her badly and controls the animals using a neuron transmitter to hit her more. Then it pours hot boiling water into her and then cleans her with freaking rubbing alcohol. If I didn’t went in in time and kill it, she might become Fluttershy’s pet or even her own slave or King Sombra’s. Then it evaporates and we found this Ponypad”

“You must hurt really badly, right Dashie?” Pinkie Pie asked me

“It still sores right now, duh” I answered. It actually still hurts even though it’s like an hour already since the punishment was all over.

“Let’s just see what it has to do with now” Rarity ended the conversation and we finally get to the Ponypad. It only has album so we checked it out. It had recorded 1 video, which was named to the mane 6 and especially you Rainbow Dash. We opened it and saw Fluttershy’s picture.

“Hi girls, I’m stuck in King Sombra’s palace” the real Fluttershy in the Ponypad talked to us in fear, “I’m so dead right now. Tonight at my cottage, you guys need to save me. Step on a pressure plate near the entrance and you’ll be teleported to his palace. The only person who could battle King Sombra is Rainbow Dash, since she’s my best friend. The rest can only spectate. There will be a time limit, if you can’t kill King Sombra in 5 minutes; I’m going to be drowned to death. I asked Celestia to turn Rainbow Dash from a Pegasi to an Alicorn just as they fight each other. The magic can only be held in 5 minutes and you’ll become a Pegasi back to normal after that. Rainbow Dash, my life is on your hooves. Please help me” Then the screen flashed and the Ponypad evaporated in the air. So she needs me and I had to save her. After a few minutes of silence, Zecora finally said something:

“Well, we shouldn’t let her down or dead. We should save her because-“


Just then, the CMC, including Button Mash, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Applebloom, and Babs Seed smashed through the door, making all of us surprised.

“Why are you guys here?” Button asked in awe

“We are discussing about saving Fluttershy” Rarity answered, “She is captured in King Sombra’s palace and tonight we need to save her. And guess what, the only person who can rescue her was Rainbow Dash. She will become an Alicorn while she was fighting King Sombra”

The CMC then just stared at me awkwardly. Babs Seed looked away with shivers in her brown skin. Scootaloo shook her head. Button raised his head. Sweetie Belle just opened her mouth. Applebloom just nodded. They had to face the truth that I’m going to be an Alicorn. I don’t know how I look like if I’m an Alicorn. It would be really weird to tell. Let’s fast forward a few hours.

So here we are at King Sombra’s palace at the edge of the Everfree forest where he decided to set his palace after we stepped on the pressure plate. But he didn’t keep his promise because after we went in. The others were trapped in a sealed one-way-glass which I could see in but Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie can’t see out. They also had to fight changelings who were at first, I thought have poor performance. My friends were beaten hard and I knew he really wants to get us destroyed. The only person who had kept the promise was Celestia. After King Sombra was about to say something, I found out that I had a small horn appear sticking out of my forehead. I knew this isn’t going to be easy. We fought each other 5 minutes and I lost my horn. I am really exhausted. I still haven’t got out of my habit for rushing too much. I was going to faint but then King Sombra threw me up in the air about 2 km. Just then, I remembered when I got my cutie mark when I did the Super Sonic Rainboom, which was smashing into the ground at sound speed and made a rainbow and then fly up before hitting the ground. I’m a Pegasi, not an Alicorn. I flew really high and smash down to the ground trying to use all my energy I have left. I used the Super Sonic Rainboom to destroy King Sombra. I smashed down into him. The motivation of killing him was to help my friends. That’s why friendship is magic, that’s what makes the Elements of Harmony. After the smash, my vision started to blur. The last thing I saw were Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie was set free, Fluttershy stepped out of a tank full of water, and King Sombra’s body desynchronized into the air. I was then fainted. I can’t seem to feel anything strange. I fainted with a smile of happiness saving my friends.

I woke up the next day in the hospital. Turns out everyone’s okay, except for me of course. The first person I saw were the rest of the mane 6 of us, including the real Fluttershy. I need a rest so I asked everyone to go out. I’m still really weak. There’s only Fluttershy who had refused to go out. She just smiled at me and then, out of the blue, leaned close and she kissed me. I tried to protest but I’m way too weak to do it. I was soon melted with it and I kissed her back. Her tongue then explored my mouth and I didn’t even care about it. It tastes like strawberries. She then pulled away to catch her breath and my lips were covered with her saliva. I tried to wipe it off because it was way too disgusting now that I had chance to brace myself. When I started to focus, I found out that she kissed me like if she means it. I was shocked to see her kissing me. I suddenly felt a chill swept through me. She was actually kissing me! I didn’t think she was going to do that. I felt awkward to see what she did to me.

“I…I…I” I was almost speechless. It took me forever to finally said something
”Why did…you do that?”

Fluttershy smiled at me and answered “That was a kiss I give you for saving me”

I was then in love with her. I think she was pretty shy to do that. 'That was not going to be good' is what my mind thought as she stepped away from the room.

Chapter 2

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*3 months later*

“Dashie, where are you?”

“Rainbow Dash, where are you?”

I’m getting half excited half scared. It was a hide and seek we played which was part of a Truth or Dare game that we played. I forgot to mention that Fluttershy and I made it in the Wonderbolts tryout. We are now true Wonderbolts. We’ll be flying in the air with others for the next 1 and a half months later. Fluttershy was now different than the one that I talked about 3 months ago. She was braver and, awkwardly, become faster than me when running counts. She can also now do the Nature Rainboom, which was like jacking my Super Sonic Rainboom and then having her cutie mark on each end and also spawns butterflies in. I think it’s a bit better than mine, even though it was a bit slower than mine, of course. At the tryouts, we stole first, which was me, and second, Fluttershy of course, with my frenemy Lightning Dust in third. After the announcement, Fluttershy jumped into me with a smile on her face for being that good at the tryout, which was like in the whole Equestria. The top 3 will be Wonderbolt masters and will be travelling throughout Equestria. I was happy she made it through that high.

Oops, out of the topic again. Sorry.:rainbowderp:

I was waiting at a birch tree with my heart beating really fast. It’s only 2 minutes left before I’ll win the challenge.

*32 minutes ago*

“Okay Rainbow, it’s your turn for the final dare”

I have lots of things I would want her to do. I remember myself winning Scootaloo at hide and seek and I gave her a tickle torture. I want Fluttershy to know about it. It made me think of the dumbest thing I’ve ever think of my whole life. It was a very big risk.

“So what do you choose, Fluttershy? Choose Truth or Dare?”

She hesitated for a while and finally chose her decision,”I choose…dare”

Just as I thought,”It’s easy. We’ll play a simple game of hide and seek. You’ll choose anypony in Ponyville to help you. I’ll be the hider. You and the somepony will be the seekers. If you could find me and catch, or at least tackle me, within 30 minutes, you win. If its 30 minutes and I’m not getting caught, I’ll say times up and I win. If you win, you could tickle me for 10 minutes free and I’ll be your foal for a month. If I win, you’ll be tickled by me for 10 minutes and you had to be my foal for a month. You can’t protect yourself while being tickled. How does that sound?” I winced at her.
“Oh it’s on Dashie” And then she chewed on my ear and tugged it hard.

“Ouch, why did you do that for?”

“To warn you that you’ll lose, Rainbow Dash” She smiled and licked on my ear trying to stop the pain.

“Okay it tickles. Stop it. So who do you choose?”

“I think I’ll choose…Scootaloo”

“Why did you choose her?” I asked.

“I want her to get revenge on hide and seek torture you did” she answered.

I retreat my previous statement.:rainbowderp:

*Back to the present*

As Scootaloo and Fluttershy got near my tree, I was terrified. I thought I might lose. But then they went to an oak tree behind a bush. I tried to be brave by going out of the tree to run as fast as I can, since I know they might be setting a trap. Just as I walk out the tree, the seekers team jumped out of the bush, just missing me a few centimeters. I ran to a safe distance.

“You can’t catch me girls” I shook my flank teasing them. Then I ran as fast as I can to stop her from capturing me.
I ran until I got exhausted. I saw Fluttershy shortening the distance between me and her. Why is she running so fast? I thought as I ran with all my energy. It was only a few seconds left until I won when a pair of hooves tackled mine and I stumbled onto the ground, making me face planting painfully. Luckily I’m alright but Fluttershy already caught me. I’m too crazy to do the dare after this happened. Scootaloo came to the both of us, and hi-hoofing Fluttershy. I shouldn’t have run. Instead maybe I should fly instead. That time I panicked too much that I don’t have time to think. Just as I turn myself up, Fluttershy smiled at me and started helping me stand up.

“Are you alright, Rainbow?” Fluttershy asked me

“I’m alright, just hurting my head, that’s all” I smiled at her. She giggled and then gave 5 chocolate bars to Scootaloo.

“Thanks for helping me. Here’s a prize for you helping me in this game. It sure secured me and your friend relationship”

“Thanks Fluttershy. I hope you’ll have a ‘great time’ with Rainbow Dash” She winced at me,”I’m meeting the rest of the CMC at the tree house. See you sometime” She zoomed through her scooter to Sweet Apple Arc. , leaving the both of us in the path.

“So, we’ll go up to the backyard near my house near Rainbow Falls and you could do the ‘torture’ you’re going to do. Then the next day we’ll start to do the foal challenge we dared.” I nervously said to her as she looked at me, making me feel more nervous.

We flew up in the sky heading towards the place I called home. It was a floating house on a cloud, a mansion to be precise. I bought it 2 months ago. It cost me 180 million bits to buy it and Twilight, now an alicorn, ask me 10 bits to levitate the house up to the cloud. The money was actually from the money the Wonderbolts captain Spitfire, the one and only person that I had admire a lot ever since I was a filly, for joining the master Wonderbolts masters. She was better than me at that time, since that time I’m autistic if you don’t know, and she got in the Wonderbolts way younger than I was. Also, she’s still better than me. Her normal speed would be my supersonic Rainboom speed.

Why did I keep going out of the topic? Sorry.:rainbowderp:

After the flight, Fluttershy suddenly hold a broom in the yard and face it near me. The 3 months memory hit me hard. I jumped back and accidentally almost kicked into Fluttershy.

“Are you alright Rainbow?” She looked at me.

“I hurt my head once more but I’m fine. Anyway what were you doing with the broom?”

“I was just going to clean the backyard first. It’s so messy here. Plus, I seem attracted to choirs.”

“You made me remember what happened 3 months ago.”

She suddenly hugged me and then, for some reason, knocked me on the floor.

“Remember what happens when you lose a dare hide and seek?” She giggled

“No, please don’t Fluttershy!” I screamed like a filly.

And with that, she pulled one of the feathers on my wings then tickled me using her mouth, while her front hooves suddenly rub on my cyan fur.

“Who’s the champion in hide and seek now?” She spit out my feathers then picked on another and continued tickling

“Please stop Fluttershy; please stop ha…ha…ha”

She was not being easy on me. Every time I tried to curl into a ball, strong creamy yellow hooves stomped on my legs to stop my action. The more the worse, her tickle became intense and I could almost feel my stomach flying out.
After the torture, I’m wet noodles (sort of). It was crazy. Fluttershy helped me stand up. This is not her fault of course. I keep on failing to stand up due to the predicament. I feel like a foal trying to stand up for the first time in his/her life. After I got a chance to stand up, Fluttershy hugged me and both of us fell because I was way too weak to hold another pony’s weight.

She started to be some kind of pet dog because she started licking my face. Her tongue was very warm and it gave me another torture. It was not like last time but being licked in the face sometimes makes me feel annoying. She keeps licking while I just hugged her with a face of happiness. Now that I think of it, being licked by Fluttershy is not as bad as being licked by Tank, my pet turtle/tortoise. She slowly come off with my face and started to aim at my neck. Another tickle torture occurred and I giggled as she started to make my neck become damp. My face was full of her strawberry taste saliva but I don’t want to wipe it off. She gave me another torture while her front hooves suddenly grabbed on my head.
Finally, it stopped. A breath of pleasure came from Fluttershy’s mouth. I feel so shy that I turned around to hide my blush. I think Fluttershy was blushing too. If this is not from the dare, it might have meant that Fluttershy is a pervert. We just smiled at each other as Luna raises the moon. But then a sudden light came and Fluttershy has to duck her head into my chest. The light was so bright I literally tried to close my eyes. Then the light formed into a familiar alicorn that all Equestria knows: Celestia herself. Not everyone thinks she’ll have a very scary and eye breaking appearance. But almost everyone thinks so.

“You two seems to be having fun, right?” She asked with a little giggle.

“I kind of loss a dare in hide and seek so I kind of got a tickle torture” I answered, “But are you watching us the whole time?”

“Actually, not only I watched you.” She answered

Then, Celestia used her magic and appeared the rest of the four princesses, including Cadence, Luna, and Twilight Sparkle.
But wait, why did Cadence and Twilight didn’t have wings? Fluttershy rushed to Twilight, who was, I think, sleeping with the other princesses.

“Why are 2 out of 3 of them lost their wings?” Fluttershy asked as she saw her friend.

“The truth about this is about to be revealed.” She said. And with that, her spells lead us to a big presentation board near my house.

“Your friends are actually in the Wonderbolts, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash” The images appeared on the board, revealing all our friends with wings.

“But how are they in the Wonderbolts? At least Rarity, Applejack and Pinkie Pie aren’t...Why does the picture show them with wings?”

“The truth is that they use mechanical wings that they can use using their minds” Celestia shivered as something was about to happen

“But are they captured?” Fluttershy rushed to the board

“To be exact, all Wonderbolts, your friends, the CMC and the other 2 princesses are captured by Queen Chrysalis.” Celestia answered quietly. “They extract the power and all the ponies became Earth ponies. But the powers were kept in a bottle where you must destroy or else Chrysalis will use these powers to rule Equestria and worse, the world!”
I was shocked! Alicorn magic was even better than the friendship magic. How did this happen?

But who raised the moon? Is it Celestia?

Just then, a bunch of changelings came and electrocuted Celestia.

“Go without me. You need to…destroy the bottle” And then she fainted and we rushed as fast as we can to Queen Chrysalis’ place. It was easy to find: The Twilight Kingdom. It was now black crystal. The kingdom has a very gigantic banner with Chrysalis’ face on the top. Changelings suddenly came and rushed to the both of us as we we’re still shock.

“Go, Fluttershy, I’ll distract them.” I answered quickly and she rushed to the castle.

After 20 minutes, I defeated every single one of the changelings. I rushed inside and saw Fluttershy. She was in the power sucking chamber. She had her mouth tied. I ran to her and tried to get her out. After she could speak again, the only thing I heard was “Rainbow Dash, watch out behind you”

Then Pam!

There goes the blackout.

After I woke up, I was in another chamber which is only a few centimeters away from Fluttershy. Actually, it’s the same one and we’re next to each other.

“Well, well, well, the love couple is back!” boomed a voice from the back.

It was the evil queen!

“I know already about both of your secrets already, you don’t have to worry.”

How did she…?

I looked at Fluttershy. She looked at me back.

“So you do have a relationship with me?” I asked her

She nodded and blushed. Still that prettiest blush I’ve ever seen.

After a very silent moment, she finally squeaked “Yes, yes I do”

I started blushing also. My cheeks became red and I slowly tried to say something. So the kiss that I got from Fluttershy in the last 3 months was not only saving her but also because she’s in love with me.

“That’s enough of romance. I’ll finally get revenge on my husband!”

Wait a second. Is she revenging us (especially me) for killing King Sombra?

“Wait. Since you killed the king, maybe I’ll do the sucking to Fluttershy first then.” Queen Chrysalis hit a button and for some reason, accidentally hit the one which releases the both of us. She used her magic to try to kill us. But then, I said something I couldn’t have said.

“I could help you!”

“But how?” The evil queen asked

I think Celestia could help.

“Celestia will help you to bring King Sombra back to life.” I said. I saw a very big wand. “Actually I could.”

I hold the cane and then for some reason, it killed Chrysalis immediately just because of giving her the wand. Now that I knew, Fluttershy said what it is.

“It is a Twilight cane. The second best magic besides the Alicorn magic. I’ve read it in a fiction book of Doctor Hooves.”

“We need to get the other awake again” I saw Spitfire and Twilight Sparkle at my range.

We saw the bottle lying on the floor waiting to be destroyed. We tried to smash it into the ground but it’s like solid rock. On the bottom, it wrote: TO DESTROY THE BOTTLE, FIRST WATCH A VIDEO BY PRESSING A BUTTON ON THE CANE. THEN THERE'S TWO SEALS IS NEAR WHERE THE TWILIGHT CANE IS. PUT YOUR HOOVES THROUGH AT THE SAME TIME WITH ANOTHER PONY TO OPEN THE BOTTLE.

We pressed the button gave us this video:

After the video of which Fluttershy cried a bit with tears fell off her eyes. Even mine wanted to scream out water. It was from the time the mane 6 died except of Twilight. She was the only person who could save ponies from extinction.

We then saw two seals with an illuminate symbol.

“Get ready Fluttershy” I said as we got ready to put our hooves in.

Both of us put our hoof in. It is like electricity or something (I don’t know). Whatever it was, after the bottle was open, Fluttershy fainted and we both saw nothing but pitch black.

*2 days later*

I and Fluttershy woke up with a scream as we ended up in hospital. Dr. Hooves was there. We saw the rest of our friends and it turns out, Queen Chrysalis did the revenge was to avenge her husband King Sombra (you’ll understand why in part 1) we’re both fine but we almost died because the seal sucks our blood like vampires to open the bottle. Fluttershy jumped to me and we kissed again. Her strawberry smell was still like every day. Our tongues battle each other and after a very long d’aws from our friends, we finally pulled off. Both of us blushing at our friends made the others laugh in our shame.

Now I remembered, it’s going to be a long month