> Starlight Glimmer's failed revenge schemes > by MrAquino > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Starlight Glimmer's Failed Revenge Schemes > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starlight Glimmer ran through the cave's tunnels, knowing very well where she was going and how she can get her vengeance upon the ponies who stopped her, especially Twilight Sparkle!!! She already had a plan, and it involved someone huge, some dragon! She pushed a large boulder, entering the cave where her acquaintance should be at. "Harold!" She yelled, her voice echoing in the cave. "Get your Scaly tail over here!!!" Silence. "HAROLD!!!" Where's a dragon when you need him to burn a town to the ground!? she thought to herself. She turned around to close the entrance to the cave, but stopped as she saw a note on the boulder. "What's this?" She levitated the piece of paper to her face and read it. Dear Starlight Glimmer, I apologize if I am not here as we discussed. I'm sorry to say, but waiting inside that cave for months has been nothing but boredom, and, as you can expect, I had a lot of naps. Some of the town's local ponies persuaded me to move me out of my cave: a unicorn that tried to charm me into taking me precious jewels away, a pink earth pony that was utterly annoying, a tomboy rainbow maned pegasus that kicked me (it hurts a lot), an earth pony farmer with a really nice looking hat, a unicorn that looked a bit like a grape, and a frightening yellow pegasus. I had to move out, but if we meet, I promise I'll get you something nice... probably a new wagon or a designer flag for your town. Sincerely, Harold D. Dragon III P.S. Thanks for the treasure! I won't starve in the upcoming years, thanks to you! P.S.S. I left you a bag of gold coins behind a rock that looks like a turtle. It has at least 1000 bits in it. Starlight Glimmer growled at the letter and screamed, tearing the letter into pieces!!! "HAROLD!!!" She yelled "ALL OU HAD TO DO WAS SIT DOWN AND GUARD THE ENTRANCE FROM UPCOMING PONIES!!! BUT NO!!! YOU SLEPT ON THE JOB, HAROLD!!! YOU SHOULD'VE STAYED AWAKE, HAROLD!!! IF YOU NEEDED ENTERTAINMENT, YOU COULD'VE TOLD ME THAT AND I WOULD'VE GOTTEN YOU COMIC BOOKS, HAROLD!!!" She took deep breaths, snorting out of her nostrils, then she began to calm down. "Alright Starlight... just... cool off. You may have lost your town... your own means of getting revenge... and all you have is this big, empty cave... with a rock in the shape of a turtle." Oh yeah! Bits!!! she walked to the turtle shaped rock and pulled a bag behind it, seeing all the bits. "Alright, now... the town of Ponyville." She walked to the cave's entrance and peeked down to the town below. Everything was as it should be: the town hall, sweet apple acres, the schoolhouse, the giant crystal castle, the- "GIANT CRYSTAL CASTLE!?!?!?" she rubbed her eyes with her fore-hooves and indeed, saw a giant crystal castle that was never there before. "That was never there before! Unless... OF COURSE!!! Twilight Sparkle!!! Wait! Her castle's... here!?" Then she got an idea, an awfully, wonderful idea. "Oh yes! This is beyond perfection! Rest now, Princess Twilight Sparkle, for this will be the final rest you will have, for I, Starlight Glimmer, will have her revenge!!!" She stood on her hind legs as clouds formed right behind her and shot out lightning. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" She tripped over a pebble, and began to tumbled down the side of the mountain, missing the growing patches of flowers to her left & right, and instead hitting the jabbed rocks, bruising her coat. Right on the bottom, on the left was some pillows, in between was some cacti, and to the right was a trampoline. Starlight fell into the cacti, leaving multiple pricks to her coat. As added insult to her injury, a lone lightning bolt came down and struck Starlight, causing the unicorn to twitch uncontrollably for a few seconds. Her coat was burned, and a lone, cross eyed pegasus with a blonde mane came down on her cloud. "Are you okay, miss?" She asked "I didn't mean to scare you while you were laughing up there, nor did I wanted you to fall down into the missing patch that I forgot to plant the flowers on, along with the cacti below. Is there anything I can do to help?" Starlight coughed out some smoke "...Give me... a good... five minute nap." Starlight replied, falling down and sleeping. "Okey Dokey, Miss!" She flew away, leaving Starlight alone to herself Vengeance... tomorrow... Sleep... for now. Starlight followed the Princess of Friendship with the best disguise she could afford: a pair of square shaped glasses that had bushy eyebrows on top, a weird nose that's said to come from a lost race of creatures called humans (according to the store employee named "Lyra Heartstrings"), and a large, bushy mustache below on it. The princess of Friendship was busy going to the local salon, most likely fixing her truly messy & filthy mane from who knows what, along with a baby dragon. That's it! Starlight thought to herself While her mane is in the dryer, I'm going to bring the heat up to her and set her on fire!!! She will taste my fiery wrath!!! Twilight and the dragon entered the store, followed by Starlight, who proceeded to shimmy along the walls to avoid being detected by her. She used a potted plant as her environmental disguise, watching Twilight as her mane went under the fan. "That's it." Starlight said, her horn glowing with the aura slowly, making the fan become hotter "relax, Twilight. Relax while I burn into your-" "Hello there!" A voice yelled. Starlight jumped and screamed a bit, falling behind her cover. Twilight's ears perked under the fan, but she shrugged and continued with her business. Starlight looked to see her interrupter: one of the twins that ran the spa (Blue with a pink mane, Lotus) and a pegasus with ridiculously tiny wings and huge muscles. "Look at this, Bulk Biceps!" Lotus exclaimed "We have a new customer! Ma'am, do you know what this means?" "Uh... I get to have a free day?" Starlight asked "Almost! You get Bulk Bicep's special massage for free!" "...Special massage!?" "The best in Ponyville! You ready, Bulk Biceps?" "YEAH!!!" the stallion yelled in a really loud voice "LET'S DO THIS, LITTLE PONY!!!" Before starlight could react, Bulk Biceps abs grabbed her by her face, muffling her screams as he dragged her into another room, breaking through a wall to get to another room! Twilight's ears perked up and she turned to see the broken wall. "What was that?" the princess asked "That's just Bulk Biceps taking another pony to our massage room." Aloe replied with a sigh "but it looks like we need to get another wall fixed... again." "Don't worry about it! I'll fix it." Her horn glowed, and all of the wall's pieces stuck back together like glue, muffling the now screaming out loud Starlight Glimmer as Bulk Biceps used his... techniques to giver her his massage. Starlight Glimmer came out of the spa, walking really stiff as her back was cracked inward, her head leaning to the right, both of her front hooves on her back, and her hind legs were the only thing moving, though she like how a pony does with their legs stuck in a large chunk of ice. With one step, she fell into a bush on her right side, and watched as Twilight came out in total bliss, though her dragon comrade was also moving like her, but not losing balance. "You got lucky, Twilight." Starlight whispered to herself in pain "And I envy you & your kind, little dragon." Starlight, in her tactical snowsuit, found Twilight and her friends preparing winter to arrive. Alright then, she thought to herself With my new freezing spell, Twilight will become the snow that will come, and when Spring arrives, every bit of her will melt, and she will be no more!!! "Look!" One of Twilight's friend's, Fluttershy, pointed. "Cloudsdale!" For some weird reason, Starlight looked up with the others, seeing the great Cloudsdale had lightning striking everywhere and black smoke coming out. "What in the name of Celestia is going up in there?" Another one of Twilight's friends, Applejack, asked. "...Prepare yourselves everypony!" Twilight announced "Winter is coming!" Duh! Starlight thought to herself Doesn't she know: winter always comes at this time! I mean, what's gonna happen? Are they just gonna fire a giant snowball at us and- "Everypony! Lookout!" "Lookout?" She asked herself. Everypony ran by her, not even acknowledging that she existed, and she looked up, seeing a giant snowball heading her way. "Oh Ponyfeathers." The giant snowball landed on Starlight's horn, then it exploded, firing Starlight across the ground until she hit the very bottom of her momentary home, the cave in Ponyville's local mountain. She got out of the snow, feeling whoozy, until she felt a rumble. She looked up and saw an avalanche heading her way. Before she could scream, a bunch of snow fell down on her, surrounding her in snow and ridding her of her snowsuit. Her coat was now exposed to the cold, and she began to sneeze, as she was getting a cold herself. "Oh gweat!" She said with a stuffy nose "This is gowwa be a wong witta." Today is going to be the best night ever... for Starlight, that is! Tonight was the Grand galloping Gala, and she knew she had to be prepared for this. She had on her best dress with a ball mask to hide her face and a golden ticket to the gala (which she stole from another pony's mail under the name of "Ms. Hoofypants"). She approached to the Grand galloping Gala's doors, seeing her rival, Princess Twilight Sparkle, next to the other Princess, Celestia. Two birds with one stone! She thought to herself. She was blocked by the guards out of the door. "Ticket, please." the guard to the right spoke in his gruff voice "But of course," Starlight replied, pulling out her ticket "it's me, Ms. Hoofypants, here to attend the grand galloping gala!" The other guard looked & squinted at the ticket. "Alright," he said "you can go in." "Thank you, Gentlecolts." She walked inside Suckers! she thought. She walked ahead to Twilight Sparkle As soon as she shakes your hoof, you take her cutie mark away! And, you look at Celestia in the eye, tell her that her time has now ended, and- Loud blaring made her jump and lose her focus. "Announcing the Chairmare of Orphanages around Equestria," A pony announced "Ms. Hoofypants!!!" "Ms. Hoofypants!!!" An orange pegasus filly exclaimed, running and hugging the disguised Starlight! "What the-!?" Starlight yelled. "Oh thank you! Thank you so much for finding me a home in Ponyville! My parents are awesome! I'm so glad you helped me out!" "Uh... yeah... you're welcome." She looked up to her and tilted her head to the side. "Don't you remember me?" "Oh! I do! It's... uh... um... er-" "And you look much younger than you did. How's that possible?" "Well... you see... I-" "And how'd you lose a lot of weight? Last time I saw you, you were as plump as Mrs. Cake at Sugar-cube corner. And Speaking of Mrs. Cake, are you both still friends, or what?" Starlight began to sweat and internally panic "Uh... Well... we're... doing-" "Come on Scoots," the pegasus named Rainbow Dash said, flying and taking the filly away "let's leave Ms. Hoofypants alone! She needs all the confidence to get her special somepony!" "Oh yeah!" Scoots replied, following Rainbow Dash "Bye Ms. Hoofypants!" "Uh... bye." Starlight waved back. She shook her head Alright! she continued her train of thought Just get to the princesses, take their talent away, and- Loud blaring was heard again. "GIVE ME A BREAK!!!" "ANNOUNCING THE SPIRIT OF CHAOS," The announcer began again "DISCORD AND HIS GUEST... erm... THE SMOOZE!!!" The Smooze!? Starlight turned around, seeing the fabled Lord of Chaos himself, Discord in an orange suit & top-hat, and a green, pony sized pile of goo wearing a blue top-hat, a red bow-tie, and had a smile on it. Starlight stared in disbelief on what she saw, ignoring everything else around her, watching the smooze swallow one of the announcer's trumpets whole & grew a bit, and it slimed it's way around. Then she realized it: her mask had gold on it! She looked and saw the Smooze just inches away from her! "NONONONONONONO!!!" She yelled, turning and running away! She was chased by the green blob for a few moments, but Discord came out of the sky in a flash, holding a large diamond. The Smooze was distracted by the diamond, and Starlight let out a sigh of relief. No more games! she yelled to herself It's time to crash this party!!! Starlight noticed both Princess standing where ponies had their own table, talking to each other. She grinned to herself. The perfect sneak attack! She thought to herself with a mischievous smile. She approached behind Twilight and her horn glowed, ready to take Twilight's cutie mark away! Loud screaming was heard behind a door, making Starlight jump, canceling her spell in the process! Twilight ran ahead to open the door, allowing her pompous friend, Rarity, to enter, all covered in Slime! DANG IT!!! That smooze is making me look like a fool!!! As soon as she thought about it, Discord locked the Smooze away in a closet. ...Huh... guess that'll work. The lights then turned off, and instead of panicking, she used this to her advantage! She snuck up on the unsuspecting Princess Twilight & Celestia, her horn glowing and ready to take both princesses cutie marks away. "I've only got these tiny, mixed matched wings and even I can fly better than Twilight Sparkle, am I right!?" Discord's voice spoke in the microphone. Starlight's horn stopped and she looked to the stage. Twilight, Starlight thought to herself, cracking a smile Can't fly!? "Hey!" Twilight Sparkle yelled. Celestia giggled at the joke. AND CELESTIA AGREES!?!?!? I'm saving her for last!!! "What is he doing!?" Twilight asked "I think they're... jokes?" Rainbow Dash inquired. "MAUD!!!" The pink one named Pinkie exclaimed "JOKES!!!" "My favorite." a very plain looking pony with an emotionally detached voice simply said. Maybe a few jokes won't hurt. Starlight thought. A watermelon appeared right next to Discord. "Knock Knock!?" Discord began. Silence fell, as his jokes were awful. "...You were suppose to say 'Who's there?' This is the most basic of jokes!!!" He slammed the watermelon with a mallet, covering the crowd in Watermelon juice & seeds. "You're the most basic of jokes." Maud commented. Everyone, including Starlight, laughed hard! Starlight herself, fell to the floor, rolling along the floor, crying her eyes out! The moment was cut short. "What.. is that!?" Twilight yelled "My cover's blown!!!" Starlight yelled, turning and running towards the door, but stopped as the Smooze began to pour over everyone! Starlight was covered in the smooze's ooze from head to hoof. If she's lucky, they didn't notice! "Oh yeah, Smooze! Face the power of Starlight Glimmer!!!" She shot at the ooze below her, but saw nothing had happened at all. She looked up, seeing the ponies around her struggling to get free. You got lucky there, Starlight. She thought to herself Don't announce your name UNTIL Twilight's defeated!!! Starlight watched as a green earth pony with licorice looking mane began to whinny, making the Smooze go from it's pool form into a larger form of itself, nearly touching the ceiling. Note to self: take lessons from that hippy and calm smoozes with it before taking over Equestria. The crowd cheered for the pony, as Twilight was now open. NOW'S MY CHANCE!!! She ran to Twilight, her horn glowing, but was stopped by some royal guards! "Hey!" She yelled "What's the big deal!?" "That's the big deal!" one of the guards said, pointing at somepony. Starlight turned around, only to see what was a pony like her, but older looking, plump, and wore rounded glassed. "That's Ms. Hoofypants!" Another guard yelled. OH NO!!! Starlight yelled in her head. "Do you really think you can go around and act like me!?" Ms. Hoofypants yelled in a threatening voice "I may be seen as a sweet & kind old lady who helps orphans around here, but the second somepony tries to take my place, it's horseshoes off!!!" Starlight swallowed hard. "What are you gonna do to me?" She asked. "Just this." She extended her right hoof out and looked as if it was going to deliver a right hook. Starlight winced, but felt two taps on her shoulder instead. She opened her eyes and saw Ms. Hoofypants, standing and smiling. "...was that it? I must say, that's not as bad as-" Ms. Hoofypants delivered an uppercut with her right hoof, punching Starlight so hard, she actually flew right through ceiling. "LET THAT BE A WARNING TO YOU!!!" Starlight screamed as she flew so high, she orbited around the moon and fell back to Equestria, crashing into a dumpster filled with dirty diapers! Starlight climbed out of the dumpster, aching all over her body, moving really weakly. "... Next time... Twilight." She said to herself, before falling to the floor and passing out. Starlight Glimmer had the best plan ever, something that will not only get rid of Twilight herself, but her friends as well!!! She would use a monster to attack Ponyville, and not just any monster, something that was relatively new that everyone would call a bug-bear! Starlight peeked around a corner of a house, watching her plan as the Bug-bear fought off Twilight and her friends. "That's it," she said to herself "Go my bug-bear, make them rue the day when they thought they can get rid of Starlight Glimmer!" Her ears perked up when she heard music playing. Turning, she saw what was two loudspeakers connected to a DJ board on wheels, played by a white unicorn with multiple ponies on top, going at a high speed until it flipped over a golden scepter with Twilight's head on it, heading into Ponyville's hall. ...This town has got to be the weirdest in Equestria. she thought to herself. Hey eyes widened as she saw what looked like a giant purple sea monster with a decorative looking hair piece and mustache. She froze in fear, as she remembered her childhood nightmare "S-S-SEA MONSTER!!!" She turned around and ran away, screaming her head off. The scream was so loud, the Bug-bear's ears flinched, turning it's head to Starlight, and began to chase after her, ignoring Twilight and her friends. Starlight turned, seeing the bug-bear chase after her. "NONONONONO!!! ATTACK THEM, NOT ME!!!" The bug-bear roared and flew after her! "What was that?" Rainbow Dash asked "I don't know," Rarity replied "but whatever it was, it at least got rid of the bug-bear." "Ah sure hope it wasn't anypony we knew." A.J commented "I just hope the bug-bear isn't mad at us for what we do." Fluttershy spoke sympathetically. "Maybe it was Starlight Glimmer coming back and using the bug-bear as a mean of revenge against us!" Pinkie inquired. They all turned to Pinkie. "I can't say for sure." Twilight replied. Then she jumped "THE WEDDING!!! Let's go, girls!!!" Starlight stood among the crowd, watching Twilight Sparkle and the princesses stand and give off a speech. She could tell just be Twilight's stance and her eyes, the princess hasn't slept in a while. Yes, Twilight. she thought to herself Have your rest for tonight... rest in peace, that is. The pink Alicorn lead Twilight to her room, and Starlight followed, tiptoeing around and avoiding looking like somepony suspicious. They arrived into one of the over glorified towers that served as guest rooms, and Starlight peeked into the room, seeing what's happening. She listened to what was happening "So the dragon's gonna be in charge of making sure she's asleep?" She asked herself "This is going to be easier than I thought! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" The pink Alicorn came out of the room and stared at Starlight. Starlight stood on her hind legs and they both awkwardly stared at each other. "Do I know you?" the alicorn asked "Uh... Magic kindergarten?" Starlight returned. The alicorn tilted her head and squinted her eyes, and Starlight began to sweat. "Oh! I remember! Ms. Hoofypants! You sure did lose a lot of weight when we first meet each other! Hope to talk to you later!" She walked away. Starlight blinked to herself, then shook her head. "Alright, Starlight. We need a way to hide ourselves in her room." Starlight wore a ninja suit above Twilight's bed, using a fishing pole to raise & lower herself to her target while hanging above the ceiling. She waited for her perfect moment as the dragon patrolled around the room. Come on, she said internally Go out! You can't be here forever with what's going on! As soon as she thought of that, the dragon ran outside as a bird chirped in the distance. "It's show time!" Starlight commented. She lowered herself down and saw the snoring princess of friendship, lying in her bed, happily sleeping. "Hello, Twilight Sparkle. If you can hear me, you should know that I've been trying to get you this whole time, but you seem to never notice me at all! Now, you will notice me, and you will-" Chirping was heard as a bird flew inside the room and landed on Twilight's horn. "Hey! I'm doing a monologue here!!!" The bird chirped back, ignoring her. Starlight was ready to slap the bird, but heard footsteps closing in. She reeled herself back up, as the door opened, and the dragon came back in. The dragon successfully got rid of the bird, but ran outside as louder noises were heard. Starlight reeled herself down, back to the sleeping princess. "Alright," she continued "As I was saying: you will notice me, and you will fall down and kneel before me! Starlight-" "Is that you... Flash Sentry?" Twilight spoke , raising her head up, still half asleep. "What!? No! It's-" Twilight hugged Starlight around and held her in place. "Have I ever told you how handsome you were?" "Uh... Twilight... I'm trying to-" "I mean, all the guards have been nothing but white, grey, or black coated figures, but you, Flash, you're a yellow orange." "... Uh... yeah... I am! Now please, rest you head down and we-" "I've always had a thing for yellow and orange! Sure Applejack's stubborn and may not get my stuff, and Fluttershy is... well... shy, but you... you seem to understand me." "I do, Twilight, but please, you need to-" "Kiss me!" "...WHAT!?!?!?" "As a princess, I order you... flash Sentry... to kiss me!" Twilight's front legs wrapped around Starlight's neck. Starlight struggled to get out of Twilight's grip, but the Alicorn is proving herself to be strong. Twilight reeled Starlight's head in and puckered her lips. Starlight was close to screaming, but Twilight locked her lips with hers, and they both kissed! Starlight now really struggled to free herself, as not only was Twilight kissing her in a drunkenly sleep way, but hoofsteps were heard outside! Her head got out with a pop, and she reeled herself back to the ceiling "Come back, Flashy!" And just like that, she fell to her pillow and was fast asleep. "THAT PONY'S CRAZY!!!" Starlight yelled to herself. Starlight was nearly half asleep while dangling above the floor, as the Dragon kept opening the door every few minutes, and talked to somepony outside who had a problem that, in most parts, could be easily solved by themselves. Lazy civilians. she thought to herself. Then she fell asleep right above, snoring with the Princess herself. With what felt like a minute was actually some hours, as Starlight woke up with a snort, hearing an uproar of ponies outside! Her reel broke, and she fell to the floor! The doors opened, and the dragon tried to keep it close while the ponies acted like zombies and tried to break it down! Starlight hid under the bed and kept quiet, unsure of what will happen. She wasn't caught, as Twilight & the crowd left her alone on the guest room. She got out from under her bed and stretched her legs out. "Today was a failure," she said to herself "just... go home and plan for our next revenge scheme!" She exited through the front door, but was greeted with Ms. Hoofypants again! "We meet again, impostor!" she growled. Starlight stepped back until she was near the open window! "Ms. Hoofypants! Listen! I didn't mean to pose as you again! The princess just thought of me as you, and... well... uh-" Ms. Hoofy pants grabbed Starlight and threw her out of the window, throwing her so hard, she circled and screamed around the planet until she landed face first in her mountain hideout in Ponyville! She fell onto her back, feeling the pain on her face & muzzle, spitting out a tooth! Her eyes were blurred, as three fillies surrounded her. "Look mommy!" Starlight spoke, lifting her tooth with her magic "I lost a tooth! The tooth filly's coming, right!?" "... There's something wrong with her." One of the three fillies spoke "Think we should help her?" Another asked "Nah," the final quipped "she's probably crazy." Starlight Glimmer followed Twilight Sparkle as she walked next to some yaks. When I take Twilight's cutie mark away, Starlight schemed not only will Twilight & her kingdom fall, nut the yaks will see me as their ruler, and they will bow to me!!! Twilight teleported away and reappeared inside the pink pony's home, as Starlight knew. "Oh no you don't!" She ran ahead, but stopped at the Yaks. "Hello there, Yak representatives." "Leave Yaks alone!" The middle & most likely leader of the yaks spoke "Yaks wait for purple princess to return!" "I understand, but you see, I'm a... friend... to Princess Twilight Sparkle, and though she says your cake is being prepared, it's actually ready!" "What pink pony says is true?" "I am!" "Hm... Yaks try vanilla extract balance cake." The yaks walked into Sugar-cube corner, followed by Starlight Glimmer. Alright, Twilight Sparkle, She thought to herself Now you're going to fall today and- "YAKS SMASH!!!" The yaks yelled. Before Starlight could react, she was thrown around the store, crashing & breaking into the walls, and was used as a weapon against everything that wasn't alive, including the floor! She could only see Twilight for half a second as she teleported away, most likely getting some space away from the raging yaks, along with the blue mare with a mane that looked like cupcake frosting. After a few minutes of being thrashed around, the yaks took deep breaths and calmed down, walking away as if nothing happened. Starlight laid on the floor, covered in rubble, as she a painful wheeze. Twilight's other friends ran over her, crushing her body, adding insult to her injuries. "...Never trust yaks." she said to herself Starlight stalked the princess of friendship as she walked around Canterlot along with a light blue unicorn who's mane looked like toothpaste, a cream colored unicorn with a very fluffy looking mane, and her supposed twin that was yellow with a blue mane, all sitting inside a doughnut shop eating, well, donuts. Today, you'll finally be mine, Twilight Sparkle! She yelled internally This will be the final day I do this, and I will get my vengeance on you!! Her stomach growled. Mane, I really need to eat something! She ducked as they exited the store. "Revenge later," she said to herself "For now, Donuts!" She walked into the doughnut store and ordered herself some delicious goods to eat. Starlight followed Twilight as she followed another unicorn that really resembled her, but was cream colored, wore glasses & a black vest, and her mane was red & had a purple stripe in it. The princess has a twin sister!? she asked herself. So it seems that I need to get rid of Twilight AND her sister!!! Hold on... what about her family? Do I need to get rid of them as well!? ... Nah, they'll be excellent slaves! Just wait until they come out of the library. After a few minutes of waiting, both Twilight and her 'sister' came out, with the sister having a curious look as Twilight bounced to an area. Walking on Sunshine there, Princess? She followed them and saw them enter another one of Canterlot's pillars, as Twilight used a key to enter. THIS IS HER HOME!?!?!? Yes!!! I can learn all of her dirty secrets and use them against her! she ducked into a bush as Twilight and the other unicorn exited. "I can't believe I need to revisit all our 'friends' to learn about Haycard's method." Twilight's sister spoke "Oh come on, Moondancer," Twilight replied "it'll be fun! Plus, aren't you hungry?" "...Fine!" Is she Twilight's polar opposite or something? Starlight asked herself But to the restaurant! Starlight sat in her seat inside the restaurant, watching and listening to the Princess's friends and her talk, holding her menu to hide herself. She would eat something here, but the costs were WAY above how much she could afford: A simple salad was about 600 bits! She really isn't into making friends, is she? Starlight inquired, watching the action with Twilight & the other ponies. With me around, she'll have all the friends she can have! She watched as Moondancer left the restaurant in a fit of rage. The other ponies and her dragon left the restaurant. "Finally!" She yelled, dropping her menu "Time for action!" "Ahem!" A waiter spoke, stooping Starlight. "Your bill." Starlight took the bill and looked at it. "500 bits!?!?!? For what!?!?!?" "For eating our customary breads." "But they're free!" "Free if you order something." Starlight reached into her bit bag. "Alright! Here's your... lousy... bits." Her bag was empty. The waiter gave a stern look and she chuckled awkwardly, followed by a sigh of defeat. "Take me to the dishwasher." She stood right up and followed the waiter in the back to clean the dishes. We'll get the dishes done today, then we'll get our revenge tomorrow!!! Starlight waited inside a bush, seeing Twilight, Moondancer, her dragon servant, and her friends & other ponies having fun at what was a party. My attempts at being sneaky have failed! she yelled to herself Now, it's no longer a good thing to be sneaky, now's the time to go and- "Whatcha doin'?" a mare's voice asked. Starlight let out a sigh on annoyance. "Go away!" She replied "Can't you see I'm planning!" "Are you seeking revenge against my friends and I because we overthrew you on your ideals of true equality and freed that town that you never bothered to name, Starlight Glimmer?" Her ears perked and she turned her head right behind, seeing the all too familiar pink pony next to her! "Plus, they weren't fully equal! Unicorns still used their magic and the pegasi still flew, so it wasn't fully equaled out, just... monitored." Starlight jumped out of the bush and ran away, screaming her head off!!! "What was that!?" Twilight asked "Bye Starlight! Hope to see you next episode!" "...That was Starlight Glimmer!?" "Yep! Don't worry, she won't be much of a problem!" "How can you tell?" At that moment, Ms. Hoofypants walked in between the two. "Excuse me," she spoke "but I have so business to attend to... GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE COWARD!!!" Ms. Hoofypants ran at a speed unimaginable by her old age, dropping her old & gentle ways and turned into the polar opposite! Twilight stood with a blank expression, seeing a Starlight being tossed into the air with a scream & coming back down, landing Celestia knows where. Ms. Hoofypants came back with a smug. "There, that should handle her for now." "...Remind me not to get on your bad side." Twilight replied. Starlight fell from the sky and landed into another cave. She regained her vision and saw a very familiar looking Dragon. "Starlight!" the dragon exclaimed "Glad to see you dropped by, even if you did break through my cave." "...I hate yo so much!" Starlight replied, falling face first to the floor and passing out. Harold shrugged and gently hugged her in his arms and scratched behind her ears. Starlight leaned into his fingers and smiled, followed by some purring. "Better?" "...Much better."