The Revenge of the Shadows

by YangSoulSplitted

First published

An oath to take revenge on Celestia, Sombra, Chrysalis and Nightmare Moon against Twilight, Sunset Shimmer and the Mane Six, who will win?

Being a Princess requires a lot of things, and even the most peaceful of them get enemies, Celestia is the perfect example of it, after Luna vanishing into thin air and the Princess fo the Sun and Love turned into crystals, Twilight has another mission, to fight and defeat the three mayor threats to Equestria... But... what if the power of friendship is not enough to win over them?

Oath from the Shadows

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It all started with those wretched ponies…

Sombra, the greatest King of the Crystal Empire, was defeated not only once, but twice! First by the Great Sisters, the gave a fight and were strong opponents, but the second was by some pathetic ponies and their pet dragon! And nevertheless their leader is now a Princess! And to finish his humiliation, the descendant of an Amore was ruling now over them!

Everpony have forgotten about his services in the past, what he meant for the Princesses, their story together had quite an interesting turn of events 2000 years ago, when Discord was defeated.

Everypony was saying the same, and he was actually happy for Luna and Celestia, his dearest friends, they were powerful enough to beat Discord with the elements of harmony.

“It wasn’t an easy task… but we did it, you can rest at peace, for Discord is long gone” said Celestia with a solemn tone, she was so beautiful in that moment, her mane wasn't rainbow-colored, it was pink but still flowing, and of course, she wasn't that tall, it seems that eternity does that to ponies when they have all that power, a week of celebration was held in honor of the two sisters, Celestia and Luna were crowned as Princesses and everything seemed to en happy, but Life has a heinous habit of ruin things just when they seems to be perfect, and that's what happened.

Sombra was the Royal Advisor and Recruiter for new students for both, Celestia and Luna, until one day, a stranger came into the castle, claiming that he had one power that could make Celestia’s lose and would boost his and Luna's, and so, a big magic duel was held to prove the unicorn wrong, his name was Moonshadow.

“Prepare to see that the power of Light is not the only one that can be powerful!” the duel lasted for long time, no one could tell if it was two or six hours, watching them fight was simply… mesmerizing.

It ended up in a win for Celesia, but still, Moonshadow gave a big fight, so he became teacher on the “Night Arts” as he named them, Luna and Sombra joined his lessons and before they knew, he had power over the fears and hate on everyone’s hearts and Luna just boosted her powers over night and Moon, but also over dreams and nightmares, but he rose against Celestia, Sombra and Luna protected her and vanished Moonshadow to a place where he couldn’t hurt anyone… or so they thought…

But it seems that his power had a price, most of his students became evil, so did Sombra and so did Luna… everypony got a punishment, he got vanished as well from his beloved Crystal Empire… but Luna didn’t, she got another chance… talking about favoritism… but no… he wouldn’t stand it… his horn was still around the Empire… and from the ashes he shall rise… but first… he would have to join forces, first, Chrysalis, and then Luna…
He swore to the Darkness… He would get his revenge and he would help his fellow comrades to do so… or he shall die trying, this time, for good.

The First Attack

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It was a beautiful day in Ponyville, the sun shining, the fillies playing in the school's yard, some ponies already selling their goods in the market and Princess Twilight and company spending a little time in the throne room at Twilight's Castle.

“It’s nice to have a day off from anything that threatens Equestria, isn’t that right girls?” Twilight looked at the other 5 ponies and they nodded smiling warmly.

“I can’t remember the last time I could change my manedo!” Rarity said looking herself in the mirror "So chick I could be posing for PhotoFinish's new line of clothing!" Applejack and Rainbow Dash laughed loudly as they most of the times did.

“Honey, your mane is the same!” said Applejack rising an eyebrow “Or at least I see the same mane you've always had” Rarity sighed and shook her head in disapproval.

“Some ponies simply don’t get the trends of…” before she could finish her thought, the room's door slammed open and a messenger from Canterlot went running inside.

“Princess Twilight! Princess Twilight!” everyone jumped on their seats and looked at the desperate messenger, it was a flying messenger, but for some reason he was running, and considering the sweat in his forehead he seemed to have put extra speed on this task “Princess Celestia requires your presence in Canterlot as soon as you can! Is… Is… King Sombra… he came back! Somehow… he made it back from the death!” the room was quiet, you could hear the murmur of the ponies outside questioning themselves of what could be so important and dangerous that the messenger was pale as chalk, everypony turned to Twilight, her eye widened and you could tell she was shaking a little.

“That cannot be!” Twilight said trying to control the shake in her voice “We defeated him years ago!” the messenger nodded.

“But he is back… and I’m afraid… I’m afraid your brother is the witness to prove it…” in that moment Twilight said nothing and rushed to the window and jumped, opening her wings and flying top speed to Canterlot, was her brother hurt? Dead? No! He had to be okay! He was protected by the Crystal Heart and Cadence’s love! He couldn’t be death…

When she got there she didn’t care that her wings were sore, she didn’t care her headache and thirst, she just wanted to see her brother… but what she saw was…

“Crystal… he’s… he’s a Crystal…” Shining Armor was there, standing, his pose suggested that he was trying to escape, but… from who? His mane, his skin, everything was covered in a black crystal, his eyes were widened, and his brows were frowned and his mouth was open, after she stared to the statue a minute or so, she noticed the hanging note on his neck, Twilight rapidly took the note and read it:

To the three princesses, one shall keep her life and three shall be under my control.
Resistance is futile.
If you dare to send somepony after me they’ll end up like your beloved Royal Guardian.
King Sombra.

Twilight was frozen in her place, she couldn’t believe it… was her brother death? Obviously he wasn’t moving… meaning he couldn’t breathe! But Discord was petrified and he was still alive… so… maybe there was hope for her brother, right?

“Twilight!” she turned to the motherly voice of Princess Celestia and ran to her open wings “My dear student… I’m sorry you had to see this…[” her embrace was soft and caring but that wasn’t enough for Twilight.

“Is… Is he dead?” Celestia shook her head softly making Twilight feel slightly relieved.

“He’s not, so please, Twilight, stop troubling your head” Celestia sighed and Twilight rose her sight “It is my fault, I should have made sure that Sombra was actually death” Twilight then remembered someone as important as his brother.

“How is Cadence?!” Celestia looked down the young princess and gave a warm smile while undoing the embrace.

“Sad, frightened and confused, just like you, please, go and take a bath, you need to calm down, Shining Armor is fine, your friends will arrive soon” Twilight nodded and went to take that so much needed bath, she was sweaty and the soreness in her body started to show up… at least Shining Armor was fine.

After some hours she went outside the Bathing Hall and went to her former room as a former student in Canterlot, it still had her belongings, back at the time when the only threat was Nightmare… Moon…

“Oh no… Princess… Princess Luna” if Sombra was there again, it meant that Nightmare Moon could also break free from Luna’s control…

“How dare you, Twilight?]” Twilight jumped in her place because of the surprise and turned to the voice of the Princess of the Moon “I’d never let Nightmare Moon regain control again!]” her face was frowning with anger “I understand that you’re afraid of Sombra, but you must not worry, is Sombra alone” Twilight sighed and nodded.

“Please accept my apologies princess… is just… did… did you read the note it came with…” she swallowed the word “statue” “with my brother? It said…” Luna nodded.

“I did, but Sombra and I have nothing in common… not… not right now” Twilight looked at her, she scanned the Princess but she could only see that her eyes were had a little water in them... was she crying? “Sombra and I… we had something when we were young… that until…” a moment of silence passed before Luna cleared her throat and looked at Twilight “Don’t worry Princess Twilight… I’ll never be Nightmare Moon again, not even if my life depended on it” and with that she left, leaving Twilight alone in the hallway.
Luna was walking to her room thinking if Sombra would be so stupid to ask her to become part of his plan… of… of what?

“Of regaining our former power, my dear moonlight” she turned everywhere, magic shining in her horn.

“Show yourself Sombra! Or I’ll…” she then received a kiss on her lips, she blushed like mad but that didn’t stopped her from launching a blast of magic in front of her.

“I remember those days, you and me, alone… and your beautiful mane…” Luna received soft strokes in her mane and soft kisses in her neck “Can’t we go back in time… just for tonight?” an invisible hoof went down her back sending shivers through her spine “For the real battle begins…” Sombra appeared at her side kissing her neck “Tomorrow at sunrise…” and with those words Luna and Sombra kissed with passion and went under Luna's blankets.

Playing With the Stallions

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Luna was so happy she could’ve died there and wouldn’t regret a thing.

Okay, maybe having sex with the one who turned Shining Armor into crystal, but he’s not dead.

Or the fact that she betrayed her sister by loving Sombra, but she wasn’t the one to blame! Damn heart does what it wants!

And let’s be real, Sombra knows what to kiss, how to kiss and when to kiss.

“I need to say” he whispered to Luna’s ear making her blush “Even after a millennia, you’re still that really sensible mare I fell in love with” he kissed Luna’s neck softly making the Princess giggle like a fool foal.

“And you, Sombra, are as charming as ever…" Luna said in a soft voice while she stood up from her bed and then sighed "but I can’t let you do any more harm!” Luna rapidly turned and her horn shone with night magic making some shadows tie up Sombra, the stallion only smirked sexily and winked at Luna.

“I didn’t know you were into this Luna, this is a new phase that I love, unfortunately” with a dark shine from his horn the ties were undone and looked at Luna “I can’t let you stop me, if Nightmare Moon is not coming out the nice way, I’ll have to make her out the harsh way!” Sombra sent a black stream of magic at Luna but was casted off by a light yellow shield in front of her.

“Sombra, please, stop!” Celestia was standing at Luna’s door, Twilight at her right and Cadance at her left “I don’t want to hurt you again” the stallion laughed and smiled with evil shining in his eyes.

“Celestia, your reign is over, is time for shadows to take over, and if you’re not giving your crown willingly, sweet Luna here will suffer, just like you made her suffer a thousand years ago” Sombra smirked and Celestia turned her sight to Luna, worry and fear in her eyes.

“I can handle him sister! Do it, kill him!” Luna said angrily, Sombra sighed with boredom.

“Sisterly love” the stallion’s horn shone again and a giant wall of black crystals rose slowly from the ground, Celestia rapidly shot a yellow ray from her horn but Sombra protected himself from it with a black and red magic shield, Twilight and Cadence also sent magic spells towards Sombra, but the shield didn’t break, Luna was trying to attack him, but a part of her, a part she thought lost, didn’t allow her to hurt Sombra.

Little by little the crystals rose until they touched the ceiling, and it was only Sombra and Luna, Celestia, Cadence and Twilight started launching explosion spells but the wall of crystals didn’t budge at all.

“I am at your mercy Luna, decide, engage in battle or join me” Luna snapped from… whatever she had and launched several star-shaped rays at Sombra, he rose a shield made of crystals, the spells just bumped on it. After that, Sombra smiled blocking more of Luna’s spells, silver-colored rays, dark-blue streams of magic, he even could fade a gray-colored smoke, a sleeping spell perhaps? “I’m just going to tell you something Luna, you’re playing with the stallions now!”

All the room’s lights dimmed so the only thing Luna could see was her hoof in front of her, and suddenly Sombra´s voice could be hear all around the room.

By the darkness’ power!
Hate, Fear, Vanity, cruelty, wrath, revenge, sadism,

Sarcasm, superiority, nightmares, power, phobias, sadness, madness,
Grudges, uncertainty, ignorance, schemes, revolts, poison, darkness!

While saying that, images of ponies in distress appeared in front of Luna, and for every word they said, more images appeared and then started circling around Luna, every time faster.

Hate, Fear, Vanity, cruelty, wrath, revenge, sadism,
Sarcasm, superiority, nightmares, power, phobias, sadness, madness,
Grudges, uncertainty, ignorance, schemes, revolts, poison, darkness!

The images then disappeared and only Sombra- or at least his silhouette- remained standing at the other side of the room, surrounded by a black smoke.

We know that you are part of the Royals,
They have power to put us on the run

With a spark more smoke appeared, but Sombra did the contrary

Well, forgive our laughter and smiles
You’ll fear us and know we can fight them too

Sombra said behind Luna, who jumped and turned in his direction, magic ready in her horn, but he just banished with a poof, and other Sombra said the last with a wink, making Luna blush and more angry

You’re playing with the stallions now,
You’re playing with the stallions now.

He slowly walked with a malefic grin in his face but Luna just growled.

“Is that so?” asked Luna defiantly and sent a stream of magic, but suddenly she became surrounded by Sombras, and the one that she could hit only vanished with another poof.

Ev’ry horn that’s shining, Casts a new spell

Sombra’s horn shone green and two Sombra’s said at the same time.

You’re playing with the stallions now

And then the other Sombras started chanting.

By the darkkness’ power!

Sombras started cricling Luna, she pointed and shot but the ones that poofed were replaced by other Sombra right away.

You’re playing with the stallions now

And again, that dreadful chanting.

Hate, Fear, Vanity, Cruelty!

Luna couldn’t focus, which was the real Sombra? When did he learned how to clone himself?! So she did a desperate move, she did a wave of lunar magic but it crashed against a big shield surrounding all Sombras.

You’re playing with the stallions now

Wrath, Revenge, Sadism, Sarcasm

Luna tried again the lunar magic wave but then it crashed doing no damage, so she tried to fled but more Sombras blocked her path.

Quit the basic magic!
You’re fighting royals, darling
Make a whole show of it, now!

Luna turned to the Sombras singing, they were pointing at her with their hooves.

Make stronger attacks, darling
You’re playing with the stallions now!

The other Sombras kept their sinister chanting, while the other two Sombras made a strange dance, Luna tried her best spells but they only bounced, when they finished the dance, they touched their horns and a big stream of dark green and red magic hit Luna at its full power making her crash on a wall.

You’re playing with the stallions now
You’re playing with the stallions now

Luna slowly stood up and made a silver-colored shield, but the Sombras where only circling around her

By the might of the Dark
You’ll never defeat us
Defeat our great dark power…
You put up a front
You put up a fight
And just to show we feel no spite
Nightmare Moon shall be our girl

They poofed into thin air and suddenly one appeared behind Luna- the part that wasn’t protected- and sent her flying with a magic shot, then, she was received with the other Sombra’s hooves in her face, after that, another shot of magic made her fly again against another wall, and finally, both Sombras appeared in front of her

But first, love, it’s time to bow
Or it's your own grave you'll dig, boy
You're playing with the big boys now
Playing with the big boys

While they were singing, Luna became surrounded in a strange smoke and started floating, and everything went black for her.

Meanwhile, in the other side of the wall nothing could be seen, nothing could be heard, and nothing could be done, until the crystals vanished and revealed Celestia’s worst fear, Luna was gone, so was Sombra.

The Nightmare Within

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It was night, Luna could feel it, her horn was itching to raise the moon to its proper place in the sky and place the stars where they belonged, that urge made her wake abruptly thus making her fall from her bed, she slowly got up and looked around her, it wasn’t a prison cell, actually… it was a very comfortable place, her bed was covered by blankets made of black silk, a big window was covered in curtains made of dark blue satin and she could even see a balcony behind that window… wait... a balcony! Her moon! Her duty! Without thinking she ran to it and raised the moon up, she had to tell her sister she was okay… wait… she was… okay? She received way too many hits for her just to be okay!

“I see you’ve recovered” Luna jumped in her place and turned quickly, facing Sombra who was standing in the door.

“Sombra! You’re going to be sorry for this! As soon as I leave, you’ll never be able to get me” Sombra laughed and slowly walked to Luna, she opened her wings and flew away, she flew quick and without getting chased by anypony she was… free? “Wait…” she said to herself while stopping her flight “Sombra… Sombra wouldn’t let me go away! He had to do a lot of things…” Suddenly a hoof softly stroke her mane.

“I didn’t have to do anything, Luna, you did everything for me, I only had to fight you but you made it way too easy, you can leave, but I can rest assured, that whenever I go to your dorm you won’t attack me unless your sister is around” Luna launched a blast of lunar magic, but again, Sombra had no trouble on blocking it.

“That’s not true! Wait… how are you standing by my side? You can’t fly!” Sombra pointed down and Luna saw a bridge of dark crystal going from the balcony to the spot they were.

“It is true, Luna, but enough of that" his horn shone with a black gelam and Luna got trapped in a black bubble "We are going to get Nightmare Moon out" Luna's face went pale and started hitting the bubble, but it was too strong.

"I'll never free Nightmare Moon again, and if you think I'll cooperate you're wrong! You'll have to kill me first!" Luna's eyebrows were frowned, but Sombra just laughed while walking back to the castle.

"That my dear, won't be necessary, yet" Sombra's voice was calmed, he wasn't threating at all "Chrysalis is actually eager to see you again dear Princess"

Luna sighed and tried to find out where she was, obviously near to the Crystal Empire, Cadence's Castle could be seen, obviously far away, she could see mountains and snow, they must have been near Yakyakistan, that's it!

"Sister, I am fine, but soon I will not be, I am prisioner of Sombra and it seems that Chrysalis is with him, send Twilight and her friends as quick as possible, I am not sure the exact location but it must be near Yakyakistan, please sister, do haste she thought and formed a moonlight orb with her message inside it, it seems that the bubble didn't canceled her magic "To Canterlot, dear moonlight, please hurry the orb shone and immediately flew away, Luna sighed in relief and looked at Sombra, they were getting to the balcony.

"I sure hope you cooperate Luna, if you don't, you'll suffer, but Nightmare Moon will come outside one way or another.

"And I sure hope you are ready for what is coming at you Sombra" Luna said with disdain "That little affair of us was a reminder of what is long lost" Sombra jumped to the balcony, Chrysalis was already there, waiting.

"Well hello darling" Chrysalis said with a smirk in her face "It seems that the rebel Princess wanted to escape! Isn't that delightful?" she turned into Celestia and started laughing "Oh dear Luna! Now I see you are not as stupid and useless as I thought!" Chrysalis and Sombra laughed at that, Luna's face was becoming red with anger and shame.

"Talking seriously now Luna" said Sombra smirking "Your magic became way too weak" Crhysalis nodded.

"I remember the first time we fought" said the changeling turning into her real form "I could barely stand after that! And you were as fresh as a lettuce! From the three of us, you were the most powerful"

Sombra faded the bubble away after gently putting the Princess in the floor.

"Please, surrender before my sister banishes both of you" the two royals laughed.

"Why would she banish us?" said Crhysalis while making her horn shine green.

"When her own sister will be against her?" Sombra's horn shone black again and suddenly, Luna felt a big sword go thorugh her heart while Chrysalis and Sombra chanted something she couldn't understand, deeper and deeper, the sword touched a part in her heart she thought forgotten, a scream tore apart the silence of the night for both, Yakyakistan and the Crystal Empire, a scream of pain, then one of rage and then, the dark laughter of three Monarchs, ready to reign with an iron hand

The Second Strike and a Melodious Return

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"Princess Luna is nowhere to be found, Candence is going back to the Crystal Empire, Celestia is just sitting in her thorne like nobody's business..." Twilight was a wreck of nerves in that moment, in front of her she had a whole map of Equestria al covered in red marks, they kept looking for Cadence everywhere in Equestria, but they couldn't find Luna, the only place they couldn't reach was Yakyakistan, a strange snowstorm attacked the place and it was impossible to pass "CAN SOMETHING IN THIS DAY BE WORSE?!" the other five ponies looked at each other nervously, but Rarity decided to be the first one to talk.

"I can think a lot of things that can be worse chere" she said smiling "And none of them has happened, so please, calm down, your mane is a mess and let's not talk about those bags under your eyes! tres laid" everypony went pale after Rarity said that and slowly walked away.

Twilight's eyes twitched and slowly turned herself to face the white pony.

"tres laid? You know what is tres laid?!" Rarity's eyes widened in surprise and she started walking backwards, Twilight was walking at her slowly, magic in her horn shining and ready "Tres laid is that your own brother is a f..." Twilight growled and spit the word out "a FUCKING crystal, that your former foal-sitter, now sister-in-law, is so sad that she can't even cast a simple spell" Twilight's eyes watered a bit but she kept shouting "Tres laid is that the mare you thought was the greatest power in Equestria can't move a finger because she is so busy with other stuff and to..." she growled more and spit the word again "and to FUCKING finish!" she said cornering Rarity completly "you know you can't do a thing because you are as useless as a filly because you can't even think of a place a stolen Princess might be" after that she fell into the floor and started crying, Rarity looked at her and sighed.

"I'm so sorry darling, I was just trying to be helpful and take your mind away from this" Twilight looked at Rarity and cried more, it wasn't easy to yell at your friend, plus the pressure of the kingdom and finally the fear of what could happen with Princess Luna and still be standing at peace.

"I'm such an insensible pony, I'm so sorry!" Twilight's head was buried beneath her hooves but Rarity just smiled, it must be hard to be Twilight, after all, she was Celestia's favorite! She had to cope with tons of pressure.

"Chere please calm down" she said softly "come on, we'll have a nice bubble bath and tomorrow you can think of everything else" suddenly, a surprise gasp made Twilight raise her head.

"Moonlight message!" Twilight's horn shone with magic and Luna's message was heard all over the castle, they had a clue, but then Twilight remembered something "Cadence!"


The cold at the Crystal Empire was colder, the snow was colder, the hot chocolate wasn't as hot as it used to be, the bubble bath wasn't so enjoyable, the sheets of her bed were cold.

"Oh Shining... I should've taken best care of you..." Cadence was crying, laying down in her bed, stroking in a circular pattern the place where Shining Armor would be laying down with her.

"Oh dearie, calm down" Cadence closed her eyes and turned her head.

"Chrysalis..." Cadence said without emotion, she just was laying there, useless, defenseless.

"Soon, you'll be with him... soon all your troubles will go away" Chrysalis purred and smiled, Sombra appearing aside Cadence

"Good night your Highness" Sombra then stabbed Cadnece in her heart and made his horn shine and Cadence's heart slowly became a dark crystal.

"Enjoy your crystalized self, for us will reign for now on" Chrysalis said with actual excitment.

"Long live the Shadows" Sombra purred and the last words that Cadence could say was.

"Thank you..."


Adagio, Aria and Sonata were now old women, since they took power from their necklaces and Twilight and co. did everything they could to destroy them.

"My, my, you really are hedious" they looked around the alley they lived now, no one could be seen, no one could be heard, only that strange female voice "Up here you idiots!" they looked up at the moon and there she was.

"Nightmare Moon!" Adagio said excitedly.

"That's right, now, how about we do business" the sirens looked at the mare in the moon and smiled evilly.

"What do you have in store for us?" Adagio asked raising an eyebrow.

Suddenly, a necklace appeared in their necks making them recover their younger selves.

"We're listening" Adagio said with a mischevious smile on her face.

"First, transportation" a portal opened in front of them "Welcome back to Equestria, Dazzlings"

Under Their Reign

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Morning strangely came... Luna was still doing her work to raise and lower the moon on its proper time.

"This is odd..." Celestia said after finishing her main duty, her steps could be heard all around her room but she needed loneliness, she knew what everyone was thinking, that she didn't cared for her sister, that she couldn't find her because she didn't want to, but they were wrong, Luna was already with Sombra, and she knew what Sombra meant to her sister once... "I'm so sorry sister, but I promise I'll save you" she then teleported to the throne room, Twilight and her friend were already there.

"Princess Celestia! Good Morning" Twilight quickly went near her and bowed, her mane and eyes showed that she couldn't sleep at all "I sent guards at Yakyakistan, but the snowstorm still is attacking the place, it seems that..."

"That Luna is, in fact, there?" Celestia asked trying to hide her anger, Twilight just nodded, it wasn't Twilight's fault, Yakyakistan's snowstorm time was around that time of the year and since they took that into consideration it was obvious that they didn't considered Yakyakistan or near the nation as a hiding spot for Sombra and their allies.

"Y-Yes..." said Twilight a little ashamed "I, uh..." she gulped "I sent two rescuing teams equiped with snow-clearing spells" Twilight smiled but Celestia only sighed.

"Any notice of my sister?" Celestia asked trying to smile as she always did around Twilight.

"Only the Lunar message she sent" Twilight looked at Celestia a little worried, she was trying to smile, but obviously she couldn't "are you okay, Princess?" Celestia didn't answered, maybe Twilight's voice was too low, so she didn't give it importance, everypony looked at Celestia and then she sighed.

"Applejack, could you please bring me a big barrel of cider please? I know it's not something a Princess should do, but I really need to clear my mind" Applejack nodded and went running to wherever they had cider "Fluttershy, dear, after I drink a mug or two, would you like to come with me to the royal gardens?" Fluttershy nodded softly "and Rarity..."

Suddenly, a gasp of surprise could be heard from the base of the castle.

"Listen Canterlot!" Twilight became pale, that voice... that voice was Adagio's, but that couldn't be, could it? They had no powers! And of course, they couldn't go back to Equestria! "We are the Dazzlings, and there is a message we'd like you to listen!" everypony went to the balcony.

Oh-whoa-oh Oh-Whoa-oh
You didn’t know that they’re here
Oh-whoa-oh Oh-Whoa-oh
Now that you’re under their reign

Twilight had no doubts now, those three singing were the Sirens, wha was Sombra's plans?!

"Princess we can't let them sing!" she looked at Princess Celestia but she didn't answered, this time, Twilight's voice was loud an clear so she talked louder but it didn't fo a thing, everypony seemed to be... under the siren's spell.

Blinded by all this sun
And fooled by all this stupid love
They had a very good chance
Now, good bye dear Princess Cadence

An image of a statue in a cell froze Twilight's blood, Cadence was a statue made of crystal, she was in a laying pose with her head looking at someone "Cadence..."

They got the magic, makes you fear them
Got the power to destroy you
They’ll say “jump” and you’ll do so!
Let the old Princesses go!

An image of Luna, Cadence, Twilight and Celestia appeared and was torn apart, appearing in its place an image of Chrysalis, Sombra and Nightmare Moon.

They got the magic, got the darkness
Heed them since this is their ruling
They’ll bring darkness, they’ll bring fear
Princess Celestia, goodbye dear!

Suddenly, Celestia also turned into crystal, Twilight realized that she was too mesmerized by the spell and saw Sombra's horn dug into Celestia's heart, she shot a stream of magic, but Sombra only dissappeared.

You didn’t know that they came
Now that you’re under their reign

Chrysalis also appeared in the room smiling with mischief.

"Well dear Princess, he hope you would be mesmerized by their singin as well... but since you're not, you'll have to become crystal the harsh way" Twilight just teleported before Chrysalis or Sombra could attack.

Listen and mark all of my words
Soon you’ll find you don’t have a choice
Captured in the web of their scheme
Soon everything will come along

Sombra teleported too leaving Chrysalis alone, who only turned her sight to the other 5 ponies, she slowly turned into Celestia.

They got the darkness, got the hatred
Got the magic, got the greatness
They will reign and you’ll succumb
What has happened can’t be undone

She went to the place Celestia was before she made her dissappear to the cells in Sombra's Castle.

They got the wisdom, got the experience
You’ll obey to their great brilliance
Canterlot will be the first
Then Equestria will be theirs!

Sombra reappeared with Twilight's statue, he seemed bruised and tired.

"She was a hard one, but at the end we won" Chrysalis nodded smiling and made Twilight's statue dissappear as well "She was writing something... I guess I caught her when she was just starting, the book was blank"

You didn’t know that you fell
Now that you are under their reign
You didn’t know that you fell
Now that you are under their reign

There were new monarchs in Equestria, and no one would stop them, and since the elements of harmony were out of service, they were going to be the ruling force from that day on.

"Sunset, your backpack is shining" said a human Rarity.

or... would they?

Here Comes the Sunset!

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Even after Twilight appeared in her palace the sirens' song could be heard all around Ponyville, meaning everypony was mesmerized by them.

"Where is it?" Twilight ran to her thorne and grabbed the book where she normally wrote to Sunset Shimmer and took a quill, but suddenly, Sombra poofed in the room.

"Stay still and nothing bad will happen to you" he smirked "or at least nothing painful" he summoned a blast of crystals and aimed at Twilight, but with a spark from her horn the crystals teleported and hit Sombra instead.

Twilight rapidly summoned a wall that separated Sombra from her and wrote as fast as she could.

Sunset, I need your help, the Dazzlings have returned to Equestria, Nightmare Moon, Chrysalis and Sombra joined forces, Equestria is in danger, use the mirror in Canterlot to come back, please hurry. Twilight Twilight did another spell and all the letters and everything that was written dissappeared from every page, in that moment, Sombra made the wall explode, Twilight launched the quill at him, it missed by little but it whistled when it passed near Sombra's ear.

"Now, now Princess, you're doing this too hard" he growled, but Twilight kept casting spells, he had no option but to take the easy way, at least two spells, a bursting and a burning spell hit him and it surley hurt, so he summoned a crystal that dug into Twilight's heart turning her into a crystal herself, fortunately, the message was already sent.


"Shining?" Sunset asked raising an eyebrow "Rarity, all that glitter is already affecting you" Rarity giggled and shook her head denying it.

"au contraire! Dashie, you saw it, right?" Rainbow growled but nodded.

"I already told you I'm Rainbow Dash! Or just Rainbow! Stop calling me Dashie! It makes me 30% less cool!" Rarity just giggled again and looked at Fluttershy.

"Actually Shimmer, it did shine, maybe is Twilight?" Sunset took out her book and checked the las page she wrote on and read the new message that appeared, and she read it again, and again, and again her face becoming paler every time she re-read it.

"Is everything alright sugar cube?" asked Applejack a little worried, Sunset started shaking after some minutes and her eyes opened way too wide.

"Hey look! She put face paint on! now she's almost white!" shouted Pinkie Pie in a tone that showed she was impressed "Now we can make her look like a clown!" Rainbow Dash gasped and put a finger near her nosetrils, she wasn't breathing.

"Alright, make way!" suddenly, all the cafeteria could hear a great slap, and a girl falling with her chair to the ground.

"Tres bien, chere, you killed her" Rarity sighed while shaking softly Sunset's shoulder "I wonder if she is even conscious" after some seconds Sunset woke up and sighed relieved.

"Oh, dear, I had the worst nightmare! I was dreaming of you girls!" she said giggling "We were sitting in the cafeteria and my backpack shone and the book I use to contact Twilight had the worst message ever" she got up still giggling and looked at them, trying to ignore the stinging on her cheek "it... it wasn't a dream right?" the other girls shook her head, after that she went out running followed by the other five girls.

"Whoa! What's the matter Sunset?" Rainbow was the only one that could actually keep her pace, she was smiling, but she had to accept that this was a little awkward, everyone kept staring at them.

After getting to the statue where the portal was located Sunset looked at Rainbow, the others were far behind.

"Listen, Rainbow, I need you girls to cover me, Equestria is in danger, Twilight herself asked my help!" she sighed but Rainbow only put a hand on her shoulder and nodded "thanks, see you!" Sunset jumped thorugh the portal and fel over her hooves.

Sunset looked around and nodded to herself, she made her horn shine and made some simple defensive spells.

"Perfect, this should do for now..." she thought for a moment but a voice in the air froze her blood.

"King Sombra talking here, those who want to resist to our ruling should be careful" you could say he was on a twisted good humor "After our little show here in Canterlot, the other 5 elements of harmony were arrested and their magic nullified, so if you still want to resist is okay" Sunset raised an eyebrow, that didn't sound villanous at all "You can decorate your homwtown's park, your house or something else with your statue that I will gladly make by sticking my horn deep into your heart, so it's up to you" Sunset was shaking, she was going to need more spells that was for sure... and of course a new set of elements of harmony...

"Girls... let's do this" she went back to the mirror, thinking what to do next.


"So tu sum it up" Rainbow said now as a pegasus "We are here to fight an oppresive king, a maniac Queen and what should be Vice Principal Luna, but with her "evil mode" on?" everypony turned to Sunset who was smiling a little ashamed.

"Uh... yeah, but you forgot about the Dazzlings, they're here too..." Applejack got near Sunset and sighed.

"Sugarcube, Ah don't want to be tha rain on yahr parade" she took a deep breath "but we did all that 'cause Twilight was 'round!" Sunset felt a pinch on her heart.

"I was Celestia's number one before Twilight!" she said excited and trying to hide that she was actually hurt "We only need a plan, first, we get to Canterlot" she looked thorugh the window to Ponyville, posing her eyes on the train station.

"But they are supposed to be in jail!" shouted Rarity really worried "My hair will rot in jail!" Fluttershy got near her and raised a hoof.

"That won't happen, we could be crystal statues by that moment" Sunset facehooved and sighed.

"We'll need cover then, Rarity can you make something with the curtains? Some traveling capes?" Rarity looked at the Palace's curtains and nodded.

"It won't be haute couture but sure... only one thing darling" she looked down at her hooves and then at Shimmer "How am I supposed to do it?"

Sunset growled, this was going to be a lot harder than she thought, but she had to do it, for Twilight, for Celestia and for Equestria.

To the Rescue of the Harmony

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After a little class on how to do magic, Sunset and her friends were ready to leave, Rarity did some simple, yet useful traveling capes, they made sure it wasn't an expesnive fabric to start with, since it wasn't silk, satin or other fabrics Rarity mentioned they went to the Kitchens and filled some bags with groceries, they had to be prepared.

"Now" said Sunset Shimmer a little nervous and peeking outside the door "We'll have to be quick, and try not to call attention, we'll get some disguises and make up, you are supposed to be on the dungeon" she looked at everypony, then she realized something.

This might not be her brightest idea. Applejack didn't know how to use a lasso in her pony form, Rarity's magic is still uncontrollable, Rainbow Dash's flight wasn't as steady and well... Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy were the only ones that didn't changed that much in their pony forms.

"What are you thinking sugar cube?" Applejack popped her head out the door "Watching nothing odd comin' ahr way?" Shimmer nodded and finally decided to go out the kitchen, they were already there... and there was no turning back... not until they freed the Princesses and the Elements.

"So what is the plan now dear?" Rarity asked trying to look calmed "Is not like I'm afraid about getting crystalized or anything like that..." failing on doing so of course "but I'd like to have an idea of our next move"

"That's right!" said Rainbow flying to Sunset "Are we gonna kick some flanks? Are we going to rescue some Princesses?! Oh I feel like..." Rainbow was interrupted by Sunset's magic, making her voice go away.

"Keep it down Dash, we don't want to get caught" Sunset looked everywhere around, but there didn't seem to be any guards... that was really odd, normally Twilight should have guards around...

"I feel like Daring Do..." whispered Dash excitedly, suddenly, a guard went out running, he seemed to be scared, his eyes widened, his face was pale and he seemed a little bruised.

"Help me! They'll turn me into a dark monster! Please don't let them!" out of nowhere, a big dark crystal rose from the floor, stabbing the stallion's heart, and slowly turning into dark crystal "Run..." he said in a faint voice "Run, now that you can..." the girls were shaking, specially Rarity, she seemed plaer than ever and about to faint.

"I peek, with my little crystal... intruders!" Sombra's voice was heard all over the castle, Shimmer had only one thing to shout to the others.

"Run!" everyone started running trying to find an exit, fortunately they had Pinkie Pie.

"Turn a right!" Pinkie shouted, her Pinkie Sense tingled again "Crystal incoming! Careful Shimmer!" Pinkie shouted worried, Shimmer jumped to a side and barely evaded the crystal, shouting directions and warning about dangers, Pinkie finally got them out.

"Mah family's barn! Where the hay is it?!" shouted Applejack while putting her traveling coat, which covered her face and cutie mark.

"Not far, come on everyone!" they ran away just in time to avoid a massive wall of pointy crystals, after that an alarm could be heard, now all Equestria knew that there was someone against the three new Kings, that gave them hope, but for the girls, that gave them fear, lots of it.