> "Shantae" and the Equestrian Curse > by The Gamer Master Archive > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > We Love Burning Ponyville! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Great, this is just great! I go to a convention dressed up as Shantae in a male form, then this jerk just gives me Shantae's Lamp and now I'm in a land where I don't I am!" I started talking out loud. "How do you think I feel?! I'm not in control of my own body now! And I know what's to come of that Lamp! It can steal my magic!" The voice belonging to the Half Genie Shantae replied back. "Look, Shantae, I know and I'm sorry, but we don't have control of our situation. We're both angry, but we need to calm down and assess the situation." I answered. "You seem pretty calm headed for a teenager, Patric." "Well, at this point, that's all we can do until we're able to get some idea on where we are. Maybe we should try asking for information." "That's a good idea. Let's go!" I should probably explain some things. Originally, I was a teenager named Patric. I decided to go to my first convention and before I even go there, this random guy just puts Shantae's lamp on me and I'm gone! And speaking of Shantae, when I arrived in wherever I was, I seemed to completely transform into Shantae, with full control of her body, with her spirit still inside. Either way, now we need to find out where we are and see if this whole same body thing is reversible. As I was walking around, looking for someone to talk to, I eventually heard a voice behind me. "It's one of those Genies! Get Princess Twilight!" Apparently, this voice was female as I saw a few ponies running away from me. No, this can't be what I think this is. "Crap, we're in Equestria. More specifically, Ponyville." I said face-palming. "Where?" "It's a town in a country completely run by ponies I used to watch in a show. The citizens here are incredibly fickle." I said as I avoided some of the Royal Guard trying to attack us. "Wait, you watched a show about ponies? Seriously?!" Shantae replied snickering all the way. "See if your snickering if we get into a fight with one of the main characters!" I said as I was whipping Royal Guards with my/ Shantae's hair. As we went on I kept whipping Royal Guards that attempted to harm or capture me as surprisingly had platforms in the sky being shot down by Unicorn Magic. At the end of it was Twilight Sparkle's Castle. "Finally we're here! Maybe we can explain our situation to her!" I said walking up to the castle. Before I could get to the door, a ball of magenta colored magic appeared and revealed an angry Princess Twilight Sparkle. "So you are the genie! I may have fought you before, but you won't win this time!" She said getting into a battle stance. "Wait! You have the wrong genie! I've never seen you befo-" "Save it! This time I will defeat you for those I care about!" She shouted charging at me. I screamed and jumped out of the way of her Fire Dash. When she finally stopped dashing, she began firing Fireballs at me. As she finally tired out I began to attack with my hair and after I got three hits in she began to attack again. Though it was in the same pattern. Three more hits later and she was down for the count as some red flares began to leave Twilight's body! "I think I know what to do!" I said as I brought out Shantae's Lamp and began to suck up the energy. Turns out, this was some kind of fire magic! "I've lost again! Do your worst genie! Just please don't hurt my little ponies anymore!" She begged of me as I walked over to her. "I don't know which Genie you're talking about, but I just got here! If you'll allow me to explain my situation, then I'm sure we can find out who's giving Genies a bad name!" I replied giving her my hand. "How can I trust you! After what Genies did to us, how do I know you won't betray us eventually?!" "I don't know that, just let me explain my situation!" "I think that would be a wise idea." A calmer voice answered me. As I looked towards the location of the voice, I saw 3 large ponies, one white with a rainbow mane, one slightly smaller blue one with a nighttime style mane. There was also a pink pony with a magenta, purple and goldish mane. All three of them had large unicorn horns and large wings. Obviously, these were the Princesses of Equestria. "Now shall we hear your explanation, Ms. Genie?" She said leading me into the Castle. As I walked in, i and Twilight were on different sides of the Princesses. Most-likely to stop us from battling again. "So, Genie, what is thou story?" Princess Luna asked me. I told them all my story about how I was transported here as Shantae from my original world and how I tried to find someone to explain where I was. After the story I told Twilight began to walk up to me. Ms. Shantae, as a Princess of Equestria, I would like to apologize to you for all the trouble I've given you. I didn't know you're situation and attacked you without listening to you." She said as she and the other princesses bowed towards me. "It's okay, really. I mean you didn't really do that much damage to me. At all in fact." I said with a smirk on my face. The other Princesses gasped at this. "Twilight wasn't even able to beat you?!" Cadence asked me. I shook my head 'no'. "Then it's a good thing you're on our side because about a few days before you arrived there was another Genie that arrived, however, unlike you, her intentions were dark and heinous. My guess is the reason Twilight confused you for the other Genie is because of how similar you two look." "It can't be who I think it is! It just can't!" Shantae was screaming in my head. "Princess Celestia, do you have a mind reading spell so Shantae can talk to all of us instead of just me?" I asked her. "I believe I do but I thought you were Shantae?" "You're in her body?" Twilight questions. "Correct." I said as Celestia casted the spell to reveal Shantae's spirit next to me. "This Genie you mentioned, in what ways did she look like me?" "Well the foul Genie looked largely similar to you by means of attire and tiara, however she also has a red mane. Or hair as you Genies called it." Luna replied. "I have no idea, what did she call herself?" "The foul Genie called herself, Bahira to my knowledge." Celestia answered. "She set up areas to keep her powers extremely strong. We need somebody to go to these areas. We originally sent the Elements to get to those areas but we haven't heard back. I know that after how we've treated you two you may not want to do this for us but-" "I'll do it." Shantae and I both said. "This Genie is giving this Half Genie a bad name." I answered. "Plus I'd like to find out more of this 'Bahira' we're up against." "Shantae of another world, we greatly appreciate you accepting this quest." Celestia said bowing to me. "Good luck my little Genie."