> A Glimpse of Starlight > by Sunshine Celery Stalks > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: The Weapon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1: The Weapon Teen prodigy Twilight Sparkle, researcher extraordinaire and famed mare of Canterlot City itself stepped off a rusted train before pushing her bangs back and looking towards both the sun and the moon clear above the equestrian skies. She stood on beaten stone tiles at a worn train station which lead to a shabby old village, located far north and a little ways away from the Crystal Empire. She ran a hoof through her mane again before removing her sunhat and placing it in her knapsack. Her crimson scarf rustled with the chilly winds as she exited the station, making her way up the path of the village and attempting to avoid the thick snow which was stacked on the sides. The unicorn smirked softly to herself as she was also a little relieved. "At least these villagers keep the path clear. It'd be pretty troublesome otherwise." As Twilight Sparkle made her way further down the path, she sighed heavily as she managed to get close enough to already form an idea of what the village was like. She'd heard rumors that the north wasn't doing too well due to the war efforts, and regions where Nightmare Moon managed to pass through were typically the most affected by the war. Thankfully, the war was finally coming to an end and Nightmare Moon and Princess Celestia believed they could discuss some sort of truce with one another. Twilight never understood why the mare of the moon had to be so adamant on controlling everything in Equestria, but as long as the two princesses could manage to find some sort of middle ground that was all that mattered. Twilight glanced down wearily as she used her magic to pull out a written letter before reading over it again. As she did so, she absently made her way into the town made up of old withered wooden houses and chimney smoke filling the air. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dear Twilight Sparkle, I thank you again for taking on this task upon yourself, for I'm sure it is a lot to ask that you depart from your friends and family at such a pivotal moment in time. Thankfully, with hopes of peace between the followers of the night and day, we can focus on other more dire matters that have also drawn cause for my attention. As you know as my faithful advocate of magical research, we can never be certain that the threats of the followers of night will always remain at bay, and there are rumors of powerful magical artifacts located throughout the vast land of Equestria. I have acquired the location of one of these particular artifacts. It is known as the Magic Buster, or the Anti-Magic Shell. Surprisingly, it is an artifact of recent mention, and I have no idea about its origins or how it came about to Equestria in the first place. But what's more important is the fact that it is rumored to have the ability to rid any creature of its magical capabilities. I'm sure you're asking yourself how such a powerful artifact could ever exist, let alone where to find it. As you know I have many close allies, whom of which are willing to share with me such valuable information. We have managed to pinpoint its location to a small village in the north, further east from the Crystal Empire. But as you know relations between the Empire and the other kingdoms are quite shaken, and Princess Cadence is adamant on not becoming involved with the war whatsoever. So I ask that you avoid announcing yourself publicly in the northern regions to avoid complications with the crystal ponies. Please Twilight, locate this artifact, learn all you can about it, and if possible bring it back to Canterlot to be further studied. Such an item could help a great deal with the war effort should we ever need it. Sincerly, Princess Celestia ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Twilight sighed heavily before using her magic to place the letter back in her knapsack, then pulling out another letter which she unwrapped and spread so she could read it over a second time. This one brought a wide affectionate smile to her face however. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TWILIGHT SPARKLE! You know who this is! How dare you leave the Great and Powerful Trixie behind once again on another of your daring adventures!? The other unicorns are all saying you have embarked to find a Great and Powerful artifact! What is the meaning of this!? You would dare leave Trixie behind once more!? Do you know no shame!? Once you return to Canterlot, I hope you expect a great deal of lecturing! HMPH! .........Sincerly, the Great and POWERFUL Trixieeeeeee! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Twilight closed her eyes, still unable to wash away that smile before placing the letter away in her knapsack casually. She then looked ahead as she focused on exploring the village once more, back to her mission. "Right, now let's see if we can manage to acquire this artifact." As Twilight trotted through the town, down the snow crusted stone tiles, she couldn't help but notice the run down atmosphere of the village even more. Everypony looked so poor, lacking money, decency, and common courtesy for the most part. Twilight now wore a crooked expression, as if hesitant to speak to anypony before stopping someway between midtown and heading on over to one of the random casual restaurants. She made her way inside, thankfully graced by beautiful orange lighting from the multitude of candles which warmed up the nice cozy wooden place. She stepped right up to the counter, before tapping a rusted little bell. "Um, excuse me?" A random earth pony almost immediately popped right up from behind it. He cackled wildly before eyeing her. "Frozen carrot!?" He held up a frozen carrot in front of the unicorn with a hopeful expression. Twilight eyed it momentarily before pushing it out of the way. "Uh, no thank you haha. I was actually hoping that you could shed some light on a mysterious rumor I've heard from ways away. I've actually come to town to confirm the truth behind this rumor if possible." The earth pony blinked a bit, before suddenly becoming serious. He eyed the other patrons of the restaurant before looking closely at Twilight Sparkle and then muttering. "Ah, should've known you were one of them fancy types. Ya look the look. Anyhow, ya probably know what I'm gonna say next don't ya?" He began cleaning a glass with a napkin before glancing back over at her. "No information is for free." Twilight smiled a bit as she was just relieved he knew something. She gave him an interested smirk with half closed eyes before using her telekinetic magic to pull out a small baggy of coins. "I'm just happy you happen to know something." She tossed the bag atop the counter before smirking softly and raising a brow. "So what can you tell me about the rumor? You do know what I'm talking about right?" The rugged earth pony grabbed hold of the bag before opening it and making sure the coins were legitimate. He nodded to Twilight and made his way to the back of the kitchen, taking some time before coming out with a single piece of torn paper. He said nothing as he slide it atop the counter, nodding to Twilight to take it with her as if it had all the information she required. Twilight excitedly grabbed hold of the piece of paper as she looked over it with anxiousness. "Oh this is just so-....eh?" Her eyes widened as her brow raised as well when she looked at it. Her expression gradually worsened before she looked utterly offended. "Wait a second!" She shoved the paper in the pony's face as all that was on it was an "=" symbol. She snarled, "What am I supposed to do with this!?" The earth pony wore a cold expression before turning around and heading back towards the kitchen again. "The old nurse. I can say nothing more." Twilight raised a hoof at him in an angered manner. "H-Hey! Wait a second! You still-" but suddenly blocking her path was two older stallions who also wore cold expressions, as Twilight cringed and sighed, before making her way out of the restaurant. "Jeez, I get it I get it, I'm leaving now." As she made her way out, she only sighed again, utterly disappointed with the information she was given. "Old nurse? Some equal symbol? What the heck am I supposed to do with tha-OOF!" And before she could finish, she was bumped into by something smaller. Twilight glanced down to catch sight of a hooded little filly whom was now on her bum and rubbing her head. Twilight reached out to her in concern. "Hey there, are you okay? That's why you gotta watch out where you're go-" But the filly shook her head, regaining her composure before she eyed Twilight with wide paranoid eyes. Her coat was a light pale purple color as her mane was a darker shade of purple mixed in with segments of turquoise. She almost immediately stood up and hurried off and past Twilight without saying anything. Twilight's gaze followed the filly all the way up to her departure as the unicorn sighed with her eyes closed. "Uh, do all ponies here have to be so weird all the time here?" She peered ahead before trotting on further into the town again. "But I guess I shouldn't be so judgmental, the war has taken its toll on a lot of ponies. They must be really suspicious of strangers." Twilight continued throughout town until she came across a mare who was selling frozen vegetables behind a shabby wooden stand. Twilight didn't hesitate to approach this one either with a smile. "Um excuse me, might you be able to help me?" The mare smiled, tilting her head to the right. "That depends honey! Do you have any bits!?" Twilight shuddered as she groaned, opening her knapsack and pulling out another small sack of bits and tossing them in front of her. The mare continued to wear that happy smile before looking at the sack and then back at Twilight. "Now how may I help you today!?" It was hard for Twilight to hide her obviously annoyed demeanor as she muttered. "Do you know anything about the old nurse? Or even this symbol?" She showed the paper to the mare with a heavy sigh, doubtful she knew anything. The mare's eyes closed halfway as she pointed a hoof in one particular direction. "Yes, Nurse Joy lives further into town on the far corner. One should be able to see a large cross hanging over her place, although its quite worn and broken. I cannot help you further I'm afraid." Twilight's expression brightened before she did a hoof pump, and regarded the mare with a wide and happy smile. "Thank you! Thank you so much!" She didn't hesitate to proceed further off in the direction the mare directed her, anxious to find this supposed nurse. Deep within her home, the old nurse, a kind and fair looking unicorn, was busy pouring herself some coffee. She had a dirty white coat, and beautiful orange mane while also wearing a drape much like the other villagers, raggedy and brown in color. Her home had a cozy atmosphere to it, although it lacked any particular form of lighting, just as she liked it. She was graced by the light of the shaded skies, giving off a mesmerizing white glow where it could in dark places. She situated herself into a worn old wooden seat by the table, before using her magic to tap on a nearby record player with a smile. She soon leaned her head back with a chuckle. "Aaaaah, this is nice." Knock knock knock! Her brow twitched as she sighed and leaned up slowly. "Well, I guess I did have to open my big mouth." She rose before casually placing her coffee upon a nearby table and making her way over to the door. "I'm coming, do be patient please." As she opened the door slowly. Standing in front of her doorway was the most strange and vibrant purple unicorn she'd ever seen. The nurse's eyes were wide with surprise as she blinked. "Researcher Twilight Sparkle?" Twilight's eyes widened herself in that moment. "H-Huh? You know who I am?" The nurse raised a hoof to her heart in what almost looked like dismay. "W-What might you be doing here might I ask?" Twilight blinked a bit herself before just peering at this unicorn in question, already taking her nervous demeanor into account. "I'm not here to cause any trouble ma'am if that's what you're thinking. I'm only here to do some of my famed research, and I heard that you're the pony to ask, so if you don't mind I'd like to borrow some of your time?" She closed her eyes and smiled cheerfully. "NO!" The Nurse snapped. Twilight's eyes widened. "What?" The nurse was adamant. She stomped a hoof and placed the other on the edge of her open door. "I said no Twilight Sparkle! N-Now please, l-leave me alone! Return to Canterlot! There's nothing waiting for you here!" She slammed the door shut. Twilight blinked for another moment as she eased into a look of relief. She actually appeared more pleased than one might expect as she leaned her side against the door and spoke out to the unicorn. "Hey! You know I'm smart right? It's obvious to me you never expected anypony to come snooping around, so I guess not even you knew that rumors could spread so quickly huh?" She paused with a heavy sigh as she looked at the freshly fallen snow with a cold hollow look. "But the fact of the matter is, that your denial of what I'm looking for before I even mentioned it, only confirms that it is in truth actually here." She glanced back at the door. "And that you're the pony who knows exactly where I need to go to find it." She peered back down at the snow. "Isn't this artifact better in the hooves of the followers of day rather than the followers of night? I'm sure you've heard those rumors at least, haven't you?" She remained silent from then on. The old nurse trembled from within her home as tears swelled in her eyes as she gripped at her mane with a frightened expression. Soon enough she just buried her head into her knees and started to sob without even explaining why. Twilight could hear the crying going on from inside, she sighed and closed her eyes and looked towards the sky with a frown. Twilight now sat within the old nurse' home as they both sat at an old wooden dinner table. The nurse remained silent for some time as she wore a broken expression. Twilight continued to look at her with obvious concern. "H-Hey, are you going to be alri-" But the nurse cut her off abruptly with a question. "What do you plan to do with the artifact?" Twilight flinched a little as she looked somewhat offended. "H-Hey, we can talk a little first you know, I don't want you to get the wrong i-" But she continued to cut her off adamantly. "I asked what you plan to do with it!" Twilight cringed before sulking a little and sighing. "Well, researching it, and then taking it back to Canterlot." The nurse glared at her. "And then what?" Twilight glanced up before tilting her head to the right. "Well, researching it some more and then keeping it safe." The nurse continued to glare. "And you're telling me you don't plan to use it in the war?" Twilight hesitated for a moment before frowning. "No, we don't. The war is ending, so we just plan to keep it safe." The nurse frowned herself before rising and heading off further into the back. "I will arrange for the artifact to be delivered here later on tonight, so remain hidden outside beside the house across the street. The moment the sun crosses the moon and night takes claim over day, the artifact will unveil itself to you. Do not be so hasty in your approach, and do not touch it. Lest you regret it for the rest of your life." She continued on her way, leaving the room and leaving Twilight to her own thoughts and concerns. Twilight continued to sit there with a baffled expression. What the hay is with the ponies in this town? Twilight followed the instructions to the letter as she wore a heavy frown as well. Later on in the day she hid beside the house with little worry or concern. She continued to watch the nurse's home from afar, simply waiting until the weapon would somehow emerge from the home. She appeared skeptical, up until the point something finally started to happen. She watched with wide eyes as she hurriedly hid herself further, and suddenly approaching the home and knocking on the door was the same hooded filly from earlier. Twilight couldn't help but rise a little in surprise as she muttered to herself. "What the? Her? She's the one delivering the artifact?" The door soon opened as Nurse Joy stood in the open doorway with a hollow expression. She looked upon the child who regarded her with a bright and enthusiastic smile, before Nurse Joy put on a false smile, and embraced the child in a hug. She proceeded to guide the little filly into her home, whereas after the filly was inside, she immediately eyed Twilight Sparkle and regarded her with a nod. Soon afterwords, she shut the door behind the both of them, as everything that happened within became a mystery to Twilight. Twilight continued to watch, peaking over a small pile of snow with a confused look. W-What's going on? Soon enough, Nurse Joy opened the door again as the filly exited her home with a loaf of bread. The filly turned around and gave Nurse Joy a thankful stare before turning around and beginning to trot off. But before she did, Nurse Joy called back to her as the filly obeyed the command, and it was with her next action that Twilight couldn't believe what she saw. Nurse Joy lifted the filly's brown rags, and unveiled a cutie mark which was revealed to be an equal symbol, exactly the same as she'd seen on the paper. Twilight nearly burst from her hiding spot. W-Wait, this little filly is actually connected to the artifact!? Nurse Joy then tugged on the rags as if flattening and tidying it up, obviously a ruse to allow Twilight to see what she needed to see. The filly closed her eyes and smiled at Nurse Joy again before trotting off merrily back from the direction she came. Twilight watched the filly depart skeptically, before eyeing Nurse Joy again with suspicion. Nurse Joy simply glared at Twilight before abruptly turning, and slamming the door shut behind her. Twilight had her brow raised, as she watched the filly continue to trot off before looking back at Nurse Joy's home, realizing it was apparent she wasn't coming back out. So Twilight looked back at the filly, before secretly trailing after her. The filly eventually arrived at her home, surprisingly a small little shack located some distance away from the town all by itself. Her small piece of land also consisted of an old beaten barn nearby, obviously no longer in use at this point in time. The filly opened her door, as the inside of the home was already lit with candles, all cozy for her to prepare for bed. She shut the door behind her upon entering, before taking off her raggedy drape with magic, hanging it up, and then placing the bread on the table and shaking herself off like a dog. She yawned softly as she made her way to a nearby fireplace and began picking at the coal with a fire iron, humming a soft tune along the way. Knock knock knock! The filly paused as her eyes widened and she glanced back with haste and worry. "H-Huh?" Knock knock knock! "Hey excuse me? Little filly? Are you in there?" The filly raised the fire iron towards the door as she gulped and wore a cautious expression, lowering her head a little. She called out to the individual at the door with obvious hesitation. "What, w-what do you want? You're not supposed to be here!" "Please! All I want to do is talk to you for a bit! I promise I'm nice!" The filly gulped as she was still hesitant. She lowered her fire iron before slowly trotting over to the door with worry. She used her magic to slowly open it, peaking out of the crack to see who was there. She took a moment to glance up, eyeing the individual for some time as her eyes widened at the sight of her. It was the same unicorn she'd bumped into earlier. "W-What is it?" The unicorn smiled brightly down at her with an almost devious chuckle. It was obvious that for some odd reason, she was extremely glad to see her, which the filly couldn't positively determine why. The unicorn lowered her head. "Can I come inside?" The filly hesitantly glanced back, avoiding eye contact as she muttered. "Can't you just ask out there?" The unicorn rose her head before chuckling again a little and shrugging. "Weeeeell to be completely honest with you, I'm actually really cold and standing out here it's pretty hard to concentrate." She smiled down at the filly again. "And your home is so cozy looking, pretty please share some of that warmth with me? I promise I'll make it up to you fully once I'm done." She closed her eyes with a smile. The filly looked at the unicorn skeptically still, then back towards the floorboards, then back up to the unicorn before thinking to herself. W-Well, she seems nice enough. I-I guess it wouldn't hurt letting her inside. The filly stepped back from the door. "Okay, but um, please don't make a mess or anything." She opened the door fully for the unicorn to enter as she immediately turned around and began making her way back to the fireplace. She was shaking a little, still obviously nervous based on her demeanor. The unicorn made her way into the house as she shook herself off and removed her scarf before hanging it up alongside the filly's drape. She smirked before eyeing around the place and smiling, a bit more impressed in response. "This is a nice place actually for a filly! Do you live here by yourself?" She eyed the filly slightly nervous, just attempting to make idle conversation for now. The filly glanced back at her as she mumbled. "Um, yea." Twilight didn't press any further than that. She knew that the filly was more than likely an orphan, and it wasn't surprising seeing as the war took away many parents from little ones. Although she didn't want to make assumptions either. "So um, I'm sure you want me to get straight to the point." Twilight eyed her cutie mark in particular of the equality symbol. "What's your cutie mark mean?" The filly's eyes widened as she glanced back at Twilight worriedly again, before rising to all fours and beginning to pat off her bed blankets. "It, it means that all ponies should be happy as they are. And, um, we all should treat each other nicely. Why?" The filly suddenly gave Twilight an extremely anxious expression with wide eyes as she practically demanded an answer. "Y-You're the first pony to ask that!" Twilight made her way over to the kitchen table before taking a seat. "Just curious. That's a very beautiful representation to have." Twilight's gaze suddenly became serious. And has absolutely nothing to do with what I'm looking for. "But your cutie mark aside, I've heard rumors in this town little filly, rumors that there is a very special artifact hidden away here. An artifact capable of removing ponies magic from them under the right circumstances. I'm a researcher and I've come to find and take this artifact for my research if possible." The filly shuddered, now appearing shattered mentally by Twilight's proclamation, consumed by fear. Twilight casually leaned back in her seat and closed her eyes with a smile. "And all the townsfolk have pointed me in one direction, you." Before she heard the sudden sound of a quick dash, which caused her to open her eyes and then seeing before her, the little filly was already in close proximity to her with her horn glowing as she was reaching out to touch her. Twilight's initial reaction was confusion and shock. Was she being attacked right now? And at that precise moment she thought about what the nurse said. Do not be so hasty in your approach, and do not touch it. Twilight's eyes widened further in realization, as in that instant she disappeared in a vapor of violet smoke. The filly crashed and tumbled against the wall before hurriedly rising and breathing heavily in her panic. Twilight reappeared some distance from her as she still had trouble gathering her thoughts as she looked at the filly, now veiled in an aura of her own magic. She stuttered, "You, y-you're the artifact!?" She shook her head in confusion before raising a hoof. "Wait, I promise I won't hurt you, you're too precious! I'd-" before she heard the swift motion of a blunt object coming straight for her from behind and she ducked, as the fire iron was aiming to knock her out completely. She continued, "I'd do anything to keep you safe!" The filly was still panicked as she shook her head in fear. "Liar! You just want to experiment on me!" Before charging the unicorn. Twilight sidestepped the filly before turning around, attempting to avoid her touch at all costs. "I'm not lying to you!" She stumbled back, tripping on the corner of the blanket as she rolled to her side and then instinctively raised a hoof at her. "W-Wait!" And the filly already had her fire iron raised over the unicorn's head. "LIAR!" Before swinging it down like a cleave. Twilight's eyes widened further as only a second later, all she saw was empty black space. It only felt like a moment later before Twilight opened her eyes, staring straight at the ceiling of the cottage. She immediately leaned up, gripping at her chest before hurriedly glancing around only to see an empty shack. "T-The artifact!" She looked towards the doorway, to see not only was her knapsack missing, her scarf was missing as well. She turned around slamming her hoof on the floor. "DARNIT!" She hurriedly rose to all four hooves, and made her way for the door before swinging it open and running outside, shutting it behind her. While hiding under the bed trembling a bit with a worried look was a filly, before a look of relief came over her. "Got ya."