> Short Stories > by I Like Pie > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Pessimist > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I first met my best friend Diamond Tiara a long time. We were both extremely young and both of our parents were really rich. We were bound to become the best of friends. Every since the day we met the two of us have been like two peas in a pod. We have shared textbooks, pencils, and lots of other random stuff. I really like hanging out with her but sometimes she's cruel, mean, and very insensitive. Every once in a while I think about not being friends with her but still I never ditch her. If I left her I'd have no friends what so ever and my social life would be in utter shambles. Even if I try to make new friends nopony would be nice to the bully's best friend. I think I will always stick with Diamond Tiara. She is my only good option. I guess I am just in a situation that kind of sucks a lot and I can't get out of it. > Trap > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy wakes up to the sound of her many animal friends. She yawns, calmly gets out of bed, and soars out of her bedroom. Her animal friends then greet her with many hungry expressions. Fluttershy gives them all a bright grin. "Don't worry. I'll get you guys some breakfast." She trots over to huge pantry that's bolted to a wall. She swiftly opens it up. A look of confusion and surprise then appears on her face. The pantry is totally empty except for a couple of bowls. She turns around to tell her friends the horrrible news but she then spots Angel Bunny who lays on the floor with a large bulge in his belly. "Angel, do you know were the food is?" She asks innocently. A look of shock and horror quickly spreads across his fluffy face. He springs to his feet and bounces away from the shy Pegasus as fast as he can. Looks like I now know who the culprit is, she thinks with a huge smile on her face. > Time > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Princess Celestia, Lately I've been thinking about life. Every single day of it is so precious. Each day there are tons of opportunities for growth, learning, and so much more. In one day a you could teach a pony a valuable lesson on friendship, learn something important, or save all of Equestria if you put your mind to it. In every moment I try to put my best hoof forward (especially when I feel really horrible or when nothing is going right). I think trying to be the best I can be really makes me feel great and it also helps me walk through life. Yours Truly, Twilight Sparkle. > Bliss > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Sparkle sit in a rocking chair with a huge and heavy book in her hooves. She gently rocks herself back and forth while she quickly reads the many words upon the book's pages. "Twilight? Twilight!" Spike yells loudly and very worriedly from a distance. Twilight drops the large book. When it hits the castle's crystal floor a loud thud fills the air. She then quickly gets to her hooves. Looks like I'm not going to be able to finish this book today, the purple alicorn princess thinks as she lets out a loud and drawn out sigh. She then begrudgingly races out of the room. > Desprate > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Sparkle enters Rainbow Dash's house that is huge mess. Many items are spread haphazardly across the floor and dressers are turned over. "Rainbow?" Twilight asks. A large, red, and rubber ball soars in Twilight's direction. She ducks as the ball goes over her head and then bounces away from her. Rainbow Dash's head then quickly and immediately pops out of a pile of many objects. A couple of items are tangled in her colorful mane and tail. "What in all of Equestria is this!" She points at the huge mess, narrows her eyes, and raises her eyebrows. Rainbow flies out of the mess and shakes off some objects out of her mane. "I was looking for my Daring Do plushie and I made as mess." "Why don't you just buy a new one?" Twilight asks with a confused expression on her face. "Mine's really rare." "It'll probably show up eventually." "Yeah. Or I'll just have to deal with this huge mess I created.." > Coffe > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mayor Mare's sits at her humongous desk in her small office. She rests her head atop a pile of papers and she is fast asleep. The office's door then suddenly swings open and the mayor's secretary trots in. Once the secretary spots the mayor she lets out a soft and long sigh. "Mayor?" The secretary asks as she gently pokes the tan earth pony. She slowly and tiredly raises her head off of the desk. She then yawns and opens her eyes. "What did I miss?" "I assume you want a large cup of coffee?" The secretary stares worriedly at her. She yawns again and nods in response. "Caffeine?" The secretary slowly and nervously chews her lower lip. Yes, please. Also put two cubes of sugar in that cup." Immediately after she speaks the mayor slams her head against the papers again, closes her eyes, and quickly goes back to sleep. She'll need it, the secretary thinks as she softly laughs a little bit. > Letter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash, Ever since the two of you visited Griffonstone it has been a better place and I have also been able to make a bunch of new friends. I hope you guys visit Griffonstone again some time. I think it would be awesome if you could meet my new friends. They're really nice. You'd like them a lot. From, Gilda.