I'm Sorry Octavia

by Luminous Spark

First published

This is a sequel to the 'I Am Octavia' video on youtube. What happens is that vinyl go see octavia's concert but doesn't get in. What will happen? Read the story I'm not sayng it here..

I saw 'I Am Octavia' on youtube and got so sad that I wrote this. This is what I thought would have happened after the video. It is going to lead up to a clopfic I'll do eventually as the next chapter. Also, I might do one for 'Stranger-PMV' video and The Order fanfic because they're really sad too.:fluttercry: I have got to stop watching/reading sad stuff damnit.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZvGGGHekU4 (I Am Octavia)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1rvLsXpOH4 (Strangers-PMV)
http://www.fimfiction.net/story/150003/1/the-order/the-order (The Order(this really needs a happy ending.)

I'm Sorry Octavia

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*riiiiing* Octavia's phone rang just as she just finished the first part of her concert. When she looked at her phone and saw it was Vinyl she had a slight thought of disgust, but reluctantly she picked it up to see what she had to say. "Hello?", she said in her Canterlot accent.

"Octy, oh am I so glad to here your voice.", she said feeling relieved to be talking to her friend.

"What do you want? You didn't show up to my concert.", she said with an annoyed tone.

"But I did. I left my recording session to come and see you. I even tried to get past the bouncer out here.", she said starting to whimper.

"I don’t believe you Vinyl.", Octavia said getting really annoyed now. "Goodbye." She was about to hang up when the bouncer spoke up.

"Wait Miss.", he said getting her to stay on the phone. "It's true. She said that she told Neon that she had to go to your concert. Heck, she even punched me in the face while trying to get in."

"Sorry again sir.", she said in an embarrassed tone.

"I would have done the same thing if I wanted to see someone I cared about as much as you care about her." "Okay. Wait there I'll be right out.", she said as she hung up. She put her instrument in her dressing room and went to the front doors to go see Vinyl. When she got out there she saw the bouncer had a bruise on his chin. "Vinyl.", she said when she noticed her friend sitting on the ground next to the bouncer.

"Oh Octy.", she said overjoyed to see her friend.

Octavia pulled her in and hugged her tightly. "You really came. Thank you.", she said smiling still hugging her.

"Oh Octy", she repeated herself, "I'm so sorry." Vinyl started to cry profusely.

"It’s okay.", she said patting her friend on the back.

Vinyl pushed away. "No. It's not okay. I ignored you time after time never taking any time for you. I kept denying you your request for me to go to your concerts and I almost lost you as a friend. I'm so sorry Octavia. I'm…so…..", she trailed off crying harder than before.

Octavia moved towards her sad friend. She wiped her tears from Vinyl's eyes. "Come on there's no reason to cry now. You're here that's all that matters. To me the concert could have been a disaster and you just being here would have made it so much better for me.", she said in a reassuring tone, "I accept your apology."

"Oh thank you. Thank you Octavia.", she said hugging her friend with a few tears falling down here cheeks and onto the ground.

"You want to come in and watch the rest?", she said as she pulled away from her friends hug.

"Yes. I would like to.", Vinyl stated as she wiped the few tears from her eyes and walked into the auditorium with her.

After about half an hour the concert ended and they all stood up clapping and cheering, especially Vinyl. She went to go back outside to wait for her.

When Octavia came out she had not only her cello in its case, but she also had a present for Vinyl. It was a decent sized box with a white ribbon around it. "This is for you. I was going to give it to you tomorrow but since you went through all this trouble I thought you should get it today. It cost quite a bit and it's something to for being the best friend I've ever had.", she said cheerily.

Vinyl opened it and saw a brand new pair of headphones. She smiled brightly.

"I know you've been saying you needed a new pair so I decided to buy you these. I even personalized it for you. Take it out and look.", Octavia said in anticipation to see what Vinyl though of it.

She took it out of the box and turned it around to see that is was one of the new models of headphones. As for the personalization it had Vinyl's cutie mark on one said with blue going from it towards the middle of the arch of the headphones where it gradated to black and had Octavia's cutie mark on the other side.

"That's not even the best part. Turn it over.", she gestured to the underside of the arch. Vinyl turned it over and saw some text. She noticed the red hearts on either side of the message and read what was stitched into it.

"To my very best friend Vinyl. Love, Octavia.", she said trying to suppress her tears. "It's…it's…beautiful.", she said as she sniffled trying to keep from bawling her eyes out on the spot. "Thank you Octavia. I got you something as well.", she said as she put her new headphones around her neck. "It's at home though. Here I'll help you with that.", she said as she carried Octavia's cello case home for her. It wasn't all to heavy for her since she exercised as often as she could.

When they got home Vinyl went and put her cello case in her room. She then walked back to her room and went to get her Octavia's present. When she came back she had a flat object rapped in paper with a grey bow on it. "It took me two years to save up enough money to buy this.", she said as she handed her the present. Octavia carefully tore the paper off and squealed in delight. It was a book with every song by the famous pony composer Behoofen. Octavia had a collection of a few songs from other artists, but none from him. He was her favourite one of all.

"How many bits did it cost?", she asked assuming it to be a decent price.

"Oh it was just a few…..thousand.", Vinyl responded. Octavia was shocked.

"Wow Vinyl, you didn’t have to spend that much on something for me."

"My Octy deserves only the best.", she said as she kissed her on her cheek.

So at the end of the day Octavia had her friend see her concert and Vinyl kept hers from leaving. All in all it was a good day for everypony. Especially what happened later for the both of them.