Twilight and the Smoke Alarm

by theirishbrony

First published

It is a peaceful night for all of Ponyville, but Twilight isn't going to have that night.

Twilight and Spike are sleeping in Ponyville in peace when the unthinkable worst possible thing happens... the smoke alarm goes off. What shall Twilight do?!

Part one

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All was quiet in the clear peaceful night as Luna’s moon slowly moved across the sky, bathing everything in a cold light. Downwards from the sky sat the small town of Ponyville; all lights were off and an incredible calmness reigned the streets. Some party animals were still awake and were gathered in an underground basement, which was used as a night club. But there was another particular building that’s more of our interest.

The library, which was made out of a tree housed a unique unicorn; one that would not be having a pleasant night. This unicorn was the one and only Twilight Sparkle, Celestia’s most faithful student and protégée.
Twilight was fast asleep, wonderfully and peacefully resting in her bed. The covers and pillows were a shade of color that seemed to match the mare perfectly; her mane was groomed and styled… for now. Nearby in his basket slept a small purple scaled dragon that puffed smoke out as he dreamt of what dragons dreamt.

All was calm… until.

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

“Wahhh!” Twilight screamed as she jolted awake in panic at the loud noise that pierced her eardrums. She looked around desperately in every direction of the dark room, intent on finding the source. She finally gave up as the sound droned on and turned on the lights. She observed a thin line of smoke escaping her number one assistant’s mouth.

“Ugh, Spike! How many times have I told you not to smoke snore, it sets off the smoke alarm!” the unicorn yelled, looking at the baby dragon who was still fast asleep, unbothered by her shouts.

“Yes Rarity” he muttered, smiling slightly. “I love you too” he moved his head forward, pucked his lips and kissed a little framed photography of the mare of his dreams.

Twilight facehoofed at this and trotted over to the smoke alarm, which was on the ceiling and still beeping loudly.

What was I thinking when I decided to buy this stupid hellish artifact. ‘Oh Twilight my dear, you simply must buy a smoke detector, with Spikey Wikey growing so fast he’ll probably start having problems with the fire. Now, you don’t want to see your library in ashes because the fire of my big and strong Spikey’ Rarity said. ‘Yeah gal, you really should, it’s always handy, believe me, my flank has been saved several times by it… and I live in a cloud house that’s 80% water…’ Rainbow encouraged ‘Wacky waving inflatable hoof flailing tube ponies and smoke alarms, wacky waving inflatable hoof flailing tube ponies and smoke alarms’ said the Celestia’s damned salespony” She groaned as an aura surrounded her horn and flicked the power switch.

“Ah, much better” she said once the beeping stopped, her ears ringing and feeling hot.

The purple mare proceeded to climb back into bed and try to continue to sleep. She hates waking up at midnight, it always makes her next day’s studies less efficient, and that made her cranky. She flipped the light switch and closed her eyes.


“Ugh, are you kidding me?” Twilight groaned as she climbed out of bed once again.

She walked back over and looked up at the alarm. “Stupid thing, I turned you off! How can you still work?”

Her horn glowed purple once again as she unplugs the alarm. Convinced that it won’t make any more noise, she goes back to bed and falls asleep.


“Oh for my dear mentor’s name, just shut up already!” she yelled at the ceiling.

Her face beginning to glow a light red, Twilight hoped out of bed and stomped over to the smoke alarm, passing Spike who was still fast asleep and kissing the picture’s frame.

Her horn glows once again as she brings the alarm in front of her face and rips the battery out forcefully.

“There, now there’s no way you can make noise now, you infernal gadget” she giggled.

The mare slowly trotted back to bed, checking behind her every few seconds to make sure the alarm wouldn’t make that dreaded Beep.

Once comfortable in bed she closed her eyes and fell asleep.


Twilights eyes shot open at the sound she despised so much. “What the buck!”

She picked up several pillows and covers as she made her way to the irritating device. She threw it on the floor with a loud thud as it hit and started to pile pillows on it.

“Twilight?” a voice called out in the dark.

She responded at her name and looked behind her to see the two green glowing eyes of Spike.

“What in all of Equestria are you doing?” he asked.

“Oh nothing, you… you just go back to sleep Spike.” she giggled maniacally, going back to burying the smoke alarm.

“Ok…” Spike said, giving her an odd look. “I’ll just… go back to… bed” he said before falling asleep.

“Yes… hehehe… sleep… sleep well my assistant… because this thing will never make a sound again. Oh I promise!” Twilight laughed frantically, ear twitching.

Once she was done, the stack of pillows and sheets towered 10 hoofs high. Underneath it was the small white device that caused her so much pain.

“Yes… make no more noises tonight…” she freakishly grinned as she went back to bed, which was bare of anything comfortable, save the mattress.

“Yes… no more noises for tonight…” she repeated as her eyes closed.

The darkness that surrounded her started morphing into a huge white room, the throne room of the Canterlot Castle. Celestia herself started walking towards her and gave her hug.

“Hello my dearest student, I was actually about to look for you, I want to tell you something.”

“Yes?” asked the excited lavender unicorn.

“I wanted to know if you would like to become my right hoof, you will stay here with me by my side all day and all night. I’ve already started making the modifications on the throne, so you can sit with me and talk of whatever you want to talk with me.”

“What? Really? YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES!” she screamed in excitement, hopping in circles around her mentor.

“Yes, now listen very carefully, to become my right hoof you only have to do one thing, but you can’t fail so listen closely” said the sun goddess, inching closer to Twilight “What you have to do is


“Gahhhh!’ the unicorn yelled as her mane burst into flames. “This has gone too far, you don’t mess with Celestia, not even in MY dreams… No… much less in my dreams! You’re going to pay…you’re doomed devilish artifact, I shall destroy you!” she yelled, walking towards the pile of covers and pillows.

Her horn flashed a deep purple and without warning the pile explodes in a fit of feathers and cloth.

Left sitting there in a wasteland of singed threads was the smoke alarm, not a scratch on it… for now.

Twilights eyes glowed white as she took a nearby book and continually smashed it to pieces. After she stopped, she looked at it to find it in many shards of plastic and wires. Unsatisfied, her horn glowed once again and she set fire to the remains, turning them to a pile of ashes. Her horn glowed one last time and a powerful wind came and blew the ashes out the window.

“Hehehe there, you’re destroyed and out of my life, forever and ever…” she smiled, ear still twitching and head leaning to one side.

Spike who had been watching the whole time with wide eyes and a gaping mouth slowly laid back down and went to bed.

Happily victorious, Twilight slowly trotted back to bed and jumped in. Because of the lack of covers, she curled up in a ball and fell asleep. “Victory is as sweet as they say…

All was once again quiet and peaceful.
