Memories: Another Time

by Wishes

First published

Scootaloo has grown up...Can she still make time for her friends?

Scootaloo has it all: a job with the Wonderbolts, Rainbow Dash's friendship, her very own fans, and her own Cutie Mark.

But one night she starts having odd dreams that she finds confusing...dreams about her childhood. She doesn't know the meaning of all this...and the two ponies she had supposedly forgotten that have been a large part of her past.

Then she begins to realize the truth: Has she forgotten the two friends that made this all real?

This is my first fan fiction!

Inspired by Veggie55's comic, "Better Days"

Chapter One: Dreams

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Scootaloo grinned proudly at the sky.

With the soft plush cloud under her hooves, she could feel the world bowing down to her, the cool breeze flying through her mane, and the melody of the birdsong in the distance. Beautiful.

"Hey, Scoots."

Turning, Scootaloo recognized the familiar cyan mare quickly. "Oh, hi Rainbow," Scootaloo answered, "What up?"

Rainbow Dash was Scootaloo's friend since she was a filly; a role model to her, even before she earned her cutie mark. It seemed like just yesterday she'd been doing a couple of tricks and she had gotten it. She glanced at her flank, noticing how the pink butterfly seemed to be on fire. It meant that she was fast, on her wings and her scooter.

She could remember in her fillyhood her small scooter she rode in; though every time she thought of that memory, there was something about it that made her feel empty.

"The sky's up, for one," Rainbow Dash joked, "but anyway, why aren't you at the after-party? You did great out there, kid. You should be swimming in autographs by now."


"Yeah, sure. I remember when I just got invited to join the Wonderbolts. I am, Captain! You're like me, squirt. Soon you'll take on my job."

Scootaloo felt excited. Rainbow Dash was a great leader, as captain of the Wonderbolts, and autographs were one of the steps to Rainbow Dash. But...

"Oh, sorry Rainbow, but I don't think I can make it--"

"Make it?" Rainbow interrupted teasingly, "Then what do you mean by standing on a cloud with nothing else to do, huh, squirt?"

"I mean, I don't think I want to go." Scootaloo said, "I think I'll just stand on a cloud with nothing else to do."

"Your loss," Rainbow Dash said simply, and flew away.

Sure enough, as Scootaloo glanced back at her friend, there stood the large Cloudsdale Stadium. It was large, yes, filled with many lights. Nearby, Scootaloo knew, there were throwing their usual Wonderbolt After Party. Scootaloo didn't bother to learn where exactly the after party was being held, because she knew that she wasn't going to attend anyway.

Not bothering to think about it anymore, she stood up on the cloud--the only reason she bothered to miss the always-terrific After Party. The skies were blue and perfect; some other clouds floated past her cloud peacefully. Cloudsdale wasn't usually like this, though; she was on the edge of Cloudsdale, actually. Cloudsdale was more South, and she hadn't bothered to actually stand on Cloudsdale's very own cloud-land. She had a special, more personal feeling when she stood, or laid, on a solitary cloud, and it didn't come when she stood on Cloudsdale's mushed-together entirely large cloud-piece.

When nightfall came, Scootaloo began to feel sleepy; her hooves stretched out as she fell into a sleeping position on the plush cloud. Her eyelids drooping...

"Hey, sleepyhead, you missed the after party," said a gentle, familiar voice, waking her up slightly.

"Oh, hey, Spit," Scootaloo replied sleepily, glancing at the brilliant gold pegasus standing behind her.

"It was cool," Spitfire went on, silently laughing at the nickname Scootaloo gave her, "Soarin' accidently tipped over the punch bowl while he was trying to impress Rainbow with a trick. It would've been funny if the punch didn't spill all over the DJ's controls."

"Aren't they lovebirds," Scootaloo muttered pleasantly.

"Everypony thinks that," Spitfire laughed warmly, "They claim they're not. But I've seen them together a million times and I guess having their hooves on each other isn't something normal friends do."

Scootaloo laughed.

"Anyway, do you want to come hang with us?" Spitfire asked, "Rainbow Dash wanted to relive her memories and throw a sleepover for all the Wonderbolts. Do you have anywhere else to go?"

"No, I'd love to go--I'm pooped. Time to hit the hay...literally."


"To get to the other side! Get it?" Rainbow Dash laughed.

There was a silence.

"Rainbow Dash, how is that even funny?" Scootaloo asked.

"Anyway," Rainbow Dash said, "I think everypony's tired by now. C'mon, bedtime, now!"

The sleepover was held in Cloudsdale's suburban parts, in the Wonderbolt's chosen suite in Cloudsdale for staying through traveling to performances and everything. Scootaloo was excited and amazed by all the different parts of Equestria she got to visit and travel through; Rainbow Dash, however, was another story. She liked the traveling and all, but she preferred to laze around in the same place all day, or preform a few tricks than take a nap. She was the kind of pony who liked to have a personal life, rather than an outgoing, social one.

But Wonderbolts were supposed to be like that--if they were very social, they didn't have much time to train, preform, and travel...and they'd probably miss their own friends back in someplace and it would become a mess. Rainbow Dash had told Scootaloo all the possibilities when she asked just when she began to be a Wonderbolt, though it seemed more like an excuse to be lazy.

There were sleeping bags scattered across the room. This all reminded Rainbow Dash of her old friends back in Ponyville before she got invited to be in the Wonderbolts--Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy. It seemed to remind her of their old sleepovers...

There was something about two of the names--Applejack and Rarity. Something unsettling, urging her to figure it out but it seemed like she had forgotten. Did she Apple-buck with Applejack? Make a dress with Rarity? It seemed impossible to her, but it might have been true.

Glancing around the Suite room, there were a few lamps lit allowing her to look around. All of the Wonderbolts--Soarin', Spitfire, Blaze, Firestreak, Fleetfoot, High Winds, Lightning Streak, Misty, Rapidfire, Silver Lining, Wave Chill, Storm Chant, and of course--Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash--were there in their own personal sleeping bags. They all wore their own personal comfy PJ's that resembled their Wonderbolt costumes. Scootaloo wore a silk dark blue one.

"I don't feel so tired," Firestreak explained, his fiery mane looking even more fiery than before, "I just drank a couple of grape sodas, and I think I'm hyper from the caffeine."

"That's not healthy, Firestreak," Misty smiled slyly.

Misty and Firestreak had a good lasting friendship, and they just decided to take it to the next level. Just like Soarin' and Rainbow Dash.

"Um..." Rainbow said, speechless.

"Hey, uh, Rainbow, before we go to sleep could we play some game?" Soarin' suggested.

"Truth or Dare? Please?" Storm Chant pleaded. Storm Chant was young, but older than Scootaloo. He was just recruited, but Scootaloo was still the youngest Wonderbolt there was.

"Truth or Dare sounds entertaining, Rainbow," Spitfire agreed.

"Let's play, then."

Everypony sat in a circle to begin the game. Rainbow Dash was starting.

"Okay. I'll go first." She put a bottle on its side and spun it around.

When the bottle stopped spinning, it pointed to Misty.

"This isn't spin-the-bottle, you know, Rainbow," Misty said, waving her light yellow hoof at the bottle, "It isn't how you play Truth or Dare."

"It's my way," Rainbow Dash said coolly, "Spin the bottle. Whoever it lands on, the person who went before gets to ask truth or dare to somepony. Whoever doesn't answer to a truth or doesn't do a dare is a chicken!"

There was something to the chicken word. She was thrust into a short memory--without any pictures, just a voice. "Scoot-Scootaloo!" the voice shouted, that seemed to come from a young filly with a slight cowpony accent, "Scoot-Scootaloo!"

The voice seemed familiar, but she just couldn't seem to put her hoof on it. Probably another little mistake she had forgotten about her past.

"Scootaloo! Earth to Scootaloo!"

Shaking herself out of her memories, she awoke. "Huh?" she wondered aloud, dizzily.

"Truth or Dare?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Um..." Scootaloo hesitated. She loved dares, because they were so fun. But whenever she played Truth or Dare she always chose dare, and she also liked trying new things. What would truth be like? "Truth."

Rainbow smiled. "Okay..." she said, "What was the most embarrassing moment of your life?"

"Embarrassing? Um...well...there was one time where I was trying to do something and I got all muddy with pigs and all. And there was another time I tried to do something and I got cards flying in my face and I had to stay home and heal all of my paper cuts...and there was another time when I tried singing and I made a fool of myself..."

"Crusading for your cutie marks, huh? I remember those times!" Rainbow Dash said, "We are the Cutie Mark crusaders..."

"We are the who?"

"Ah, never mind. Okay, spin the bottle!"

"Um....oh, yeah. Okay." Scootaloo spun the bottle. It landed on Misty.

"Me?" Misty said, pointing her hoof at herself, "Me?"

"Yeah, you," Scootaloo laughed, forgetting about her answer, "Truth or Dare?"

"Of course I choose Dare," Misty giggled.

Scootaloo smiled slyly. "I dare you to kiss any pony in this room."

Misty blushed. "Truth..." she began to say.

"Chicken!" she interrupted. "Chicken, chicken, chicken! Bwak, bwak, bwak!"

Misty rolled her eyes. "Okay, I guess," she said. Misty wasn't very talkative, she was usually silent and listened. All goody-goody, but performed some mean tricks.

She scooted next to Firestreak. Their eyes met and they both smiled. Then it all happened.

Misty scooted back to her spot. "That wasn't very bad," Misty replied dreamily to Scootaloo, "That wasn't very bad at all."

"Okay, Misty," laughed Scootaloo, "Spin the bottle."

Misty smiled, and the bottle spun.

"Goodnight! Lights out, everypony!" Rainbow Dash said.

Spitfire was the first to fly into her sleeping bag. "What, no ghost stories?"

"It's 2:00 in the morning, I think we can tell ghost stories tomorrow."

"You think but you don't know!" Scootaloo replied.

They all laughed. Rainbow Dash rolled her scarlet-colored eyes and blew out the candlesticks without warning.

"G'night," Scootaloo said.

"Good night," answered some other pegasi.

The day was done. The glowing full moon brightened up the night. It was dark, but forever peaceful.

Scootaloo comfortably slipped more into her sleeping bag, and whispered silent prayers for tomorrow.

"Hey, Scootaloo, how's it all going?"

A familiar though unrecognizable earth pony walked up. She had a childish, slight accent, and a generally filly voice. She looked young, matching her voice. Her coat color was a pale, light grayish olive. Her mane was a floppy-like brilliant amaranth, which resembled her old filly mane only it was flatter and had more curved, softer edges. Her eyes were like a bright orange sunset, to be specific a brilliant gamboge. Her voice made her seem related to...Applejack?

What was going on? Did she wake up already?

"Hey Scoots, been a long time since I seen you here!"

Another voice, a little more mature and girly, came from another filly pony. Her coat was light gray, her mane a mix of grayish mulberry and pale, light grayish rose. Her eyes were earthy, like sap green. She seemed to be a unicorn. According to her voice, she also seemed to be a good singer. Scootaloo couldn't really tell from an immediate meet, just it seemed like she knew her before. Maybe in another life. Seeing all that...would she be a sister of Twilight? No, Twilight Sparkle didn't seem to have any sisters. Rarity? Most likely.

Scootaloo tried to speak, but could not. Suddenly, the scene changed. She was in some kind of grayish but seemingly suburban place...Ponyville? It was by some kind of schoolhouse. All she really remembered from childhood was her playing with a shy, oddly thin pegasus...Featherweight! Yes...she used to have a crush on him, but she stopped playing with him after a while...but why?

It was nighttime. The moon shined just like it did when she fell asleep. There was a bunch of applause...applause?

She walked to the back of the school building...there was a stage set up, and a bunch of ponies watching it. Nopony seemed to notice her, Scootaloo saw, so she must have been invisible.

She walked into the audience to blend in, and suddenly the show began to start.

First, there were the recognizable Snips and Snails, two ridiculously amusing unicorns, doing a simple, entertaining magic trick. Next up were two cute, enjoyable ponies on roller skates reciting a dramatic but wonderful poem. After most of the shows were done, the last one came. The lights turned off for a moment, and three faces appeared. Three that were most recognizable. It was the two ponies she saw before and...her? As a filly? It couldn't have been! She didn't even know those ponies!

The three ponies wore hilarious makeup, and the pony who seemed to be her as a filly was the main singer--singing terribly. Humorous.Suddenly, she remembered something like that. When she sung and made a fool of thinking her talent was being funny and all. It just wasn't it, though.

But why did it leave out those two ponies? Now, she did not even recognize them. What was happening?

The scene changed again. The next scene showed her and the other two fillies swimming, climbing, playing cards...everything they did seemed to end in failure. Sure, she remembered it...but it all left out those two ponies in all her memories of it.

Suddenly, the scene changed for one last time.

She saw herself as a young teenager. The skies were blue and the sun showed the bright light of day. She was in a park-like place, but it seemed empty except for them. It was remembered, but of course, it all left out the two ponies. The two ponies were pretty now, especially the unicorn. They were talking, but she couldn't hear whatever they said. Suddenly, after a few flips, the filly that resembled Scootaloo went down on a cloud. She smiled with glee. The earth pony said a couple of things, then let the young Scootaloo go back to whatever she was doing. But these words were special, Scootaloo knew, because they were the only ones Scootaloo could actually hear.

"Do the butterfly."

The Butterfly was a hard trick. She knew when she was young she'd been practicing for months, to be specific a year and three months. She remembered this memory. But all of it seemed close to...

Her eyes widened as she saw herself preform the butterfly. Up, up, up, then right, left, down...spin...

Finally a firework-like butterfly appeared in the blue skies. It was a beautiful sight. Scootaloo didn't even know how she could even do it with that combination, but she didn't know how unicorn magic worked either. It had something to do with spinning around the sun at the perfect timing...

Suddenly, a pretty butterfly appeared on her flank. The butterfly mark that helped her be recruited by Spitfire. The butterfly that made everything happen.

It was done.

Scootaloo blinked. Everything was clearer now, literally.

Flying quickly out of her sleeping bag with full energy, she flew to Rainbow Dash's sleeping bag. It was easy, because the moon brightened up the empty night.

Scootaloo shook Rainbow Dash gently.

"Uh...huh...Pinkie Pie, no more pranks...I'm tired...I'm..." She waved her hoof way.

Scootaloo shook Rainbow Dash a little harder.

"Pinkie..." Rainbow Dash said, and one of her eyes opening, "Pie?"

"Scootaloo, what are you doing at this time? It's five in the morning! You'll be tired!"

Scootaloo sighed. Rainbow was always like this.

"Rainbow Dash," Scootaloo asked, interrupting Rainbow's complaints, "Do you still know where Twilight lives?"

Chapter Two: Invites To The Past

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The world awoke with beauty.

The rising sun brightened the fields with its bright oranges, yellows, and reds; Shadows danced across the ground with mischief and laughter.

It was another day for Applebloom.

Her hooves pushed the blanket off her pale yellowish body--grayish olive, actually. Her older sister Applejack, who was a fully grown mare now, had told her it reminded her of vanilla while being exposed to the sunlight.

Applejack... Applebloom loved her sister dearly, no doubt. They went on so many adventures together that were unforgettable...especially the seemingly never-ending Cutie Pox experience. From then on she learned to never lie and be honest, like her sister who she was so proud of--being the element of Honesty and saving Ponyville and Equestria more than once! 'Course it was something she wanted to show off. With Applejack's strong hooves and hard-working, down-to-earth, dependable attitude, and no mention her carefulness, patience, and reliable personality which made room for everypony, she was everything Applebloom wanted in a sister.

She heard a soft creak. A glow of light entered her room, as did a familiar shadow.

"Wakey, wakey, Applebloom..." a gentle voice spoke. Of course she remembered that twang and accent.

"Oh, hey, Applejack..."

Applebloom uncomfortably shifted her laying position in bed. Glancing at the clock, she read the small, glowing red numbers. Because of her work, she earned enough bits to get a small, digital clock.

"It's 4:30, Applejack," Applebloom groaned, "It's too early to get up. Isn't there 30 more minutes to sleep?"

Applejack thought for a minute. Then she nodded.

"Exactly, Applebloom!" Applejack laughed warmly, "But now that you're fully awake, you can't sleep, can ya?"

"Um..." Applebloom began.

"Never mind that," Applejack said, "That's not the real reason ah woke ya up. Big Macintosh told me that there's ah big order of apples coming and we need ta get up early and buck some apples."

"How can I help, exactly?"

Her special talent wasn't baking or bucking, nothing like that. It was art; any kind...actually. From paintings to sketches to doodles to posters to play scenery to illustrations to fashion to toys to interior design...her specialties was architecture and carpentry, though she was still extremely talented at everything else to do with art--she just favorited them above others because they had some sort of special feeling.

She smiled as she glanced at her cutie mark: an apple-shaped palette, covered with different neon colors.

Applebloom still had strong earth pony strength, and that was what helped her do all those things, even if she didn't have the carefulness of magic to help her; she either used her mouth with some time, or attempted to grip on to a pencil or paintbrush with her hooves and failing.

She still helped with the farm, though, and used her best skills to make Sweet Apple Acres look perfect.

"Oh, that," Applejack said, "Big Mac also told me ya was goin' to Manehatten for some building design thing..."

"...Architecture..." Applebloom corrected.

"...and ya need to pack ya'll bags for the trip, dontcha?" Applejack answered.

"Isn't that like...a week from now?"

"Preparation is important, Applebloom. You don't know...maybe it'll be moved up and you would have to quicken your packing. It's going to take time, and I want you to think about what ya pack, alright?"

"Also, sis," Applebloom said, "You've been to Manehatten. What's it like?"

Applejack was about to speak, but she shivered. "'ll know when you get there," she smiled. "After all, you'll fit in better than ah did when ah was a little filly."

"Aw, sis," Applebloom responded, "But how will I know?"

"You'll know," Applejack said, stepping parshally out of the room, then faced her little sister, "And don't be scared, Applebloom. I know...I just know that you'll be alright. After all, you don't really belong here. You need ta travel!"

"Don't say that," Applebloom scolded, "Ya know I'll miss ya and Big Mac as much as I will Sweet Apple Acres. Okay?"

"Okay," Applejack confirmed, "Just come to breakfast in a few minutes, 'Kay? It's 4:39 now, so I'd think ya better hurry."

"So do you," Applebloom laughed, just as her sister left her room.

Applebloom thought for a while. Applejack did go to Manehatten, at the time her friend Rainbow Dash preformed a sonic rainboom and Applejack realized that Sweet Apple Acres was were she truly belonged. Rainbow's Sonic Boom also did a lot of things more than that, too--it helped the rest of the Mane Six, what the six pony friends called themselves, earn their cutie marks too. She loved her sister. A lot.

In no more than a few minutes she was in the kitchen eating up apple pie with apple cider and apple dumplings: a little Apple Family favorite. The kitchen table was covered with a Granny Smith-sown checkered light green-and-white blanket with little pictures of apple cutie marks on the green squares.

As Applebloom looked at the tablecloth, she noticed tears forming in her eyes. Granny Smith's funeral was roughly a year ago, and the Apple family was mourning for her. She died from old, old age, because unlike Princess Celestia, she was not immortal. Thankfully she wrote every Apple secret down day by day in her family journal named The Applebook, and Applejack remembered every last rule to the family Zap Apple Jam recipe.

"Mmm..." Applebloom complimented, licking her lips, finishing off an apple dumpling, "Yum, yum, yum!"

Applejack laughed. "Thank ya, Applebloom!" she said, satisfied.

Since Granny Smith died, Applejack had been the cook; she was a good cook, of course, sometimes even better than Granny, so it was obvious she should have had the responsibility of being the 'mother' of the family when Granny passed away.

Applebloom burped.

"Pardon, Applebloom!" Applejack exclaimed.


They turned to Big Macintosh, who had finished all his cider and food. He smiled. All he seemed to say was that...and the disagreeing version of it, even with his family. But he also said a few things else, and he didn't really like attention.

"Mail's here," he said, trying to get the attention away from him, the full-grown stallion.

"Oh, yeah, mail!" Applejack said, and she went out the door, obviously to the mailbox.

A few seconds later, she entered, with a couple of envelopes in her mouth. She didn't have anywhere else to put them, and it wasn't as gross as it was thought to be. She sputtered them on the table, then sort them out.

"Two for me..." she said, taking two envelopes, one that read 'bills' and another reading 'from Pinkie Pie'. "Probably another party invitation," she muttered, though there was much happiness in her voice, when she realized who it was from. "Three for Big Mac," she said, pushing three to him, which could be anything really--invitations to dates, one thing. Lots of mares wanted him as their groom, smooth, mysterious, hard-working and handsome. But he wasn't much on Romance, he knew how to be romantic but he really didn't like to all that much.

"And, one for Applebloom," she smiled, and pushed the last one to her.

"Huh?" Applebloom wondered. She really didn't get much mail, and she didn't like to. Like Big Mac, she didn't enjoy too much attention.

She flipped it over to the stamp side...but there was no stamp where it was supposed to be. Just some careful cursive handwriting that read To: Applebloom.

"That's odd and mysterious," she said with a twang. She gotten that from her family, of course.

"What's odd and mysterious?" Applejack asked, peeking over at the mail.

"Never mind," Applebloom muttered, ripping the envelope away from her sister's eyes. She wouldn't understand.

"Oh, alright, little Miss Independent," she said laughing warmly.

Applebloom smiled, and opened the envelope. Applebloom heard another sound, but soon realized it was her sister opening up the newspaper. 'There is always something to learn,' she said, 'Either that or some interesting gossip being spread 'round'.

Applebloom was about to read the parchment inside of the envelope when her sister interrupted the silence and her reading.

"Ah, lookie here, Applebloom! Says the Wonderbolts Another Successful Show an article written by Letter Spark! Scootaloo's doin' well, huh?"

Applebloom thought for a second, then she grimaced. Scootaloo never messaged when she promised she would, and never told her anything. Applebloom almost forgot about her but then remembered their promise Scootaloo broke in the treehouse...

"Okay, now that we're going our own separate ways, I think we'll have to contact." Applebloom said, smiling with glee.

It was right after they had gotten their cutie marks. Scootaloo was quickly admitted to the Wonderbolts, Sweetie Belle found an agent and was going to do singing and acting, and Applebloom was working for a company called Fruit Art.

"How about we promise each other?" Scootaloo asked. "It is what best friends do, anyway, and we're basically best friends."

"Yeah, great idea!" Sweetie Belle agreed, "I have another idea, too!"

She put her hoof in the middle. The rest all followed, putting their hooves on top of Sweetie Belle's.

"Tomorrow is a new day,
Let us never forget,
That we used to play,
Or it makes us regret."

Sweetie Belle tilted her horn forward and it glowed a bit, then stopped. When she was done, she was sweating a bit.

"Huh?" Applebloom asked. "What did that do? Did you just make it up?"

"It's supposed to bond our hearts, and yes, yes I did. I know it's stupid, but..."

"It's awesome, Sweetie Belle," Scootaloo said, but when she lifted her head Sweetie Belle was crying.

"What's wrong, Sweetie Belle?" Applebloom asked, "That was good. Really good. Nothing to cry about!"

"That's not why I'm crying, Applebloom," she said, looking in her eyes with a smile on her face, tears soaking her cheeks, "It's just that I'm so sad, and kind of happy, that we've grown up, and achieved what we wanted to...our cutie marks, our life..."

Applebloom smiled in respond...

And Scootaloo broke their promise--their bond--and forgot about them; how could she? She was the one who helped her get her cutie mark, and help her be part of the Wonderbolts...

Well, that made it seem like she was the one who made Scootaloo forget...

"Applebloom," Applejack said, lifting up her head with a hoof, "What's wrong? Why're cryin' all of a sudden?"

Applebloom realized that she was crying. She wiped her tears away.

"Nothin', Applejack, nothin' at all," Applebloom responded, "I 'little carried away about somethin'."

"You're hidin' things from me, Applebloom," Applejack said worriedly, "Whats is it?"

"Nothin...I don't want to talk bout it."

"Alright..." Applejack said, "Alright."

Applebloom had a mental sigh of relief. She needed to be more careful of her actions. She knew that her sister was trustworthy, and that was a good thing and all, but she couldn't bare to tell her her problems. It was going to lead to something...she knew...and that something ain't pretty.

She pushed the memory out of the way, and opened the note she seemed to have forgotten while reliving her memories. Inside was the same cursive handwriting on the envelope, so it wasn't very hard to read. But when she finished she jumped up, then raced out the door. Before Applejack could call her back to the table, she slammed the door with odd excitement and mystery. Odd.

Applejack did not know what had caused this. It was just something weird, everything happening after she read her mail.

The mail that she didn't fold down all the way, with ink peeking out:

Dear Applebloom,
I am an old friend. I am sorry to say that I have done something horribly. I hope you haven't forgotten me.

I just want to say I'm so very sorry for what I did. This seems like my first letter to you since I left Ponyville. I hope you forgive me. That's all I'm hoping.

If you want to know who I am, please go to the tree house that I remember so clearly now at midnight.

I just can't bear to tell you in a letter my sorrow and hope for remembrance all in a letter. It'd be painful for me to not express my true feelings and wait for you to forgive me. This is too much.

Hope You Have Hope For Me,

Chapter Three: Sweetie Letter

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Sweetie Belle awoke with a soft groan.

The day was awfully pretty to her, though every day seemed to have some beauty in some way or another to her.

She pushed her blankets off her body with her hooves, and smiled at the morning light. It seemed to shine on her in a special way that accentuated the thing she was most proud of--her cutie mark.

It was a pretty one of course: a pink heart with little light pink swirls coming out at the sides. Sweetie Belle didn't know what it really represented specifically, but she knew mainly that it meant she was good at singing. No, she was fantastic at singing...not that she was conceded or anything, though.

She listened to the birds softly singing outside her window. Smiling, she sung along to the simple but beautiful tune.

There was a window right behind her bed. Her bed had silver-colored headboards and backboards, and the blankets and pillows were all the color of her mane. The bed sheet was white: the color of her coat. The walls were all fuzzy and pink, and the carpet was a candy purple color. The door, obviously, was right in front of her bed.

She glanced at the fuzzy walls. They reminded her so much of Opal, Rarity's old cat. She had sadly passed away, but they made sure to bury her in the boutique's backyard. Rarity didn't speak much for two weeks after that, but soon she was fine. Sweetie Belle hoped, at least.

Sweetie Belle rolled over and looked at her mini clock. It wasn't digital, but in the middle there was a picture of her and the clock hands as her hooves. She was extremely famous, so of course they just had to make a clock like that. As a famous singer, of course.

"8:14," she muttered to herself.

Even though she was rich, she still liked to spent time with her sister. That was why she still slept while not touring in her sister's boutique.

Her sister didn't really mind, she had grown, married, and had a little filly of her own. Their filly wasn't exactly Sweetie Belle's favorite, though, but if spending sisterly time was what came out of behaving well with her sister's filly, that was what she had to do.

Suddenly, the door slammed open and her sister came in.

"Sweetie Belle!" she moaned, her voice dramatic even though she new better as a fully grown mare, "You were supposed to get up an hour ago! Even if you are a princess..."

"...Singer....," Sweetie Belle interrupted.

"...doesn't mean that you can lay back and enjoy yourself every day! I'm here to teach you to be hard working and you'd better get used to it now your tour is coming! Waking up every day at 6:00...really..." her sister said.

"But Rarity..." Sweetie Belle complained, "I'll miss you and all but just before all my waking up early and going to bed late thingies I want to have some time to 'lay back'."

Rarity hesitated, then changed the subject. "I'll try to be there, your concert, of course," she said, then flipped her mane, "But there's so much to do. Like Starfire and Ruby are really going to wait..."

"Ruby?" she muttered to herself.

Ruby was Rarity's filly and brat that hated Sweetie Belle's guts. She was the princess, but Rarity thought she was a fine jewel. The only thing Sweetie Belle thought was good about Rarity's opinion in ponies were her friends and Starfire. Starfire was Rarity's colt, her groom. The wedding was fantastic, and they had their first anniversary already. But the baby shower was horrific, just like the baby...

"Did I hear someone say my name, Mommy?" a familiar voice said.

A shadow hopped into the room, along with a sinister pony. She was small and light blue and her mane was beautifully combed and purple. Her eyes were a great, dark red, one of the reasons why she was named Ruby. The other reason was Rarity's cutie mark. She seemed beautiful on the outside, but she was evil on the inside.

"Oh, hi, squirt," Sweetie Belle said happily.

"Don't call me squirt!" Ruby squealed. Her voice was high and childish, because she was a child. A squealing, complaining, picky one at that.

"Sweetie Belle! Be nice to Ruby," she scolded. Then she turned to her unicorn child, who was frowning with fake tears in her eyes. "Come on. Breakfast's waiting."

Ruby was very lazy. That was why Rarity had to use her unicorn magic to pick her up and get her to the breakfast table.

For what Sweetie Belle knew, she was a disgrace to the family. But there were no waits.

She hopped onto the floor and transported herself to the breakfast table.


"Oh, Sweetie Belle, finally, you're here," Ruby teased.

Ruby was the only pony there besides Sweetie Belle. Rarity must have dropped Ruby here and went to work on a dress probably.

"Two seconds, squirt," Sweetie Belle laughed, "It was only two seconds. Learn your time, alright?"

"I know my time!" Ruby claimed, "And don't call me squirt or I'll tell mommy!"

"I'm the touring superstar that can move out whenever I want," Sweetie Belle said coolly, "You're just the little bratty squealing tattletale."

Ruby whimpered.

"Mail's here," Rarity announced as she walked fancily into the room. Her horn glowed as she carried three pieces of mail with her magic, "Two for you, and one for me."

She gave two envelopes to Sweetie Belle.

"Probably fan mail," Sweetie Belle muttered.

"Oh, don't suspect that all the time," she said, "And the silver one looks important. Very."

True, it didn't look like usual fan mail to her. Oh well.

"What about me?" whined Ruby, "Why can't I have fan mail?"

"Um...Because you don't have a tour soon. Sweetie Belle's got to prepare..."

"It's in a week or so, Rarity..."

Sweetie Belle and Rarity had developed magic better than before. Sweetie Belle knew a few advanced tricks for help with her signing and singing and fan mail, and Rarity advanced her magic so it could help with her fashion. Her buisness was booming so far, as a role model to some but they were undiscovered ponies to Rarity.

Sweetie Belle used her magic to open the envelopes. First, the regular one. She wanted to save the cool envelope for later. Save best for last, that was the saying.

Sighing as she finished reading the letter, she threw it in the garbage. "Fan mail," she muttered, "Again."

Rarity smiled at her sister. She had finished reading her letter already too. Now she used her magic to hold up a newspaper to her face to read. When she seemed to finish reading a sentence, her expression changed.

"Oh, Sweetie Belle," she said, almost purring, "What a wonderful friend you have! I don't really enjoy roughian sports but I do love popularity. Here: Another Successful Show an article written by Letter Spark. Oh, you made a good choice hanging to-be Wonderbolt!"

"You too, Rarity," Sweetie muttered, playing back her memories, an angry expression growing on her face, "You too."

Sweetie Belle disliked the way Scootaloo treated her for the past. They never messaged--well, Scootaloo never messaged--but Sweetie Belle sent emails and letters of all sorts but never got any reply. Sweetie Belle almost forgot about her until she remembered her promise made in the old tree house they had...

"Okay, now that we're going our own separate ways, I think we'll have to contact," Applebloom said, smiling joyfully.

It was right after they had each earned their cutie marks. Scootaloo, having a butterfly, joined the Wonderbolts with Rainbow Dash, Rarity's friend. Sweetie Belle found an agent who loved her music and promised to make her famous, and Applebloom, with an apple-shaped palette, was working for a company called Fruit Art because of her amazing art talent and work with Apples.

"How about we promise each other?" Scootaloo had asked. "It is what best friends do, anyway, and we're basically best friends."

"Yeah, great idea!" Sweetie Belle agreed gleefully, "I have another idea, too!"

She put her hoof in the middle. The rest all followed, having their hooves on top of Sweetie Belle's.

"Tomorrow is a new day,
Let us never forget,
That we used to play,
Or it makes us regret."

Sweetie Belle tilted her horn forward, and squeezed her eyes shut. Chanting a rhythm in her head, she finished it. When she was done, she realized she was sweating a bit.

"Huh?" Applebloom had asked, curiously, "What did you do? Did you just make it up?"

"It's supposed to bond our hearts, and yes, yes I did. I know it's stupid, but..."

It was supposed to bond their hearts. But, actually, it was more supposed to go as the poem did: if one forgotten their friendship, they would forget them entirely. It was something to regret, surely. But it wasn't a very strong curse. It could be broken by only a little magic...

"It's awesome, Sweetie Belle," Scootaloo seemed to lie, and used her hoof to lift her head.

What she didn't know was that she was crying. Tears filled her eyes and the other's expressions changed.

"What's wrong, Sweetie Belle?" Applebloom asked, "That was good. Really good. Nothing to cry about!"

Sweetie Belle had known these were good friends. They cared about her. Obviously.

"That's not why I'm crying, Applebloom," she said, looking in Applebloom's eyes with a small smile on her face, feeling tears soaking her cheeks, "It's just that I'm so sad, and kind of happy, that we've grown up, and achieved what we wanted to...our cutie marks, our life..."

Now they seemed like they weren't the Cutie Mark Crusaders anymore. It seemed like they were nothing special. But they were. They were best friends...real best friends...

Sweetie Belle smiled at the thought of it.

Sweetie Belle grimaced.

That was why. Scootaloo had gone and forgotten about them. Now she had forgotten them entirely. Or so it was...

"Oh, Sweetie Belle, you're crying! That's uncool," she said, but in a worried voice, wiping her tears away, "Are you okay?"

"Of course she's okay!" Ruby said, but received a glare from Rarity.

"Shut up squirt," Sweetie Belle muttered softly so only Ruby could hear.

Ruby gasped, but continued eating her food, only angrily.

Suddenly, she remembered the silver envelope she just only have forgotten about.

Using her magic, she flipped it over to see the stamp. She loved seeing the cool designs of stamps from fan mail, and sometimes--just sometimes--they were inspiration for her songwriting hobby. But the envelope was odd. There was no stamp, or address for that. There was only cursive writing that read: To: Sweetie Belle. It seemed hoof sent...

"That's odd," she muttered to herself.

"What's odd?" Ruby squealed, not knowing the meaning of personal space and pushing her big head against Sweetie Belle.

Sweetie Belle snatched it away before she could see it. "Nothing, squirt," Sweetie Belle said angrily, "None of your buisness."


"Oh, Ruby, don't be so selfish," Rarity said, then nodded at Sweetie Belle understandingly, "Auntie Sweetie Belle needs her own space and you don't need to know her buisness. It's not very nice and it won't make you a good mare when you grow up."

"But Mommy..."

"No buts, darling. Mommy's just trying to teach you to be nice." Rarity said, then looked back at the newspaper article she seemed to be reading.

Ruby whimpered. She always whimpered when she felt defeated.

When Rarity wasn't looking, Sweetie Belle stuck her tongue out at Ruby, who whimpered some more.

Looking back at the envelope, she carefully opened it. She could reuse the envelope sometime else, and that would be good for her. Very good.

Suddenly, her eyes widened as she read the letter, inky cursive making up the words.

A tear appeared in her eye.

Dear Sweetie Belle,
I am an old friend. I am sorry to say that I have done something horribly. I hope you haven't forgotten me.

I just want to say I'm so very sorry for what I did. This seems like my first letter to you since I left Ponyville. I hope you forgive me. That's all I'm hoping.

If you want to know who I am, please go to the tree house that I remember so clearly now at midnight.

I just can't bear to tell you in a letter my sorrow and hope for remembrance all in a letter. It'd be painful for me to not express my true feelings and wait for you to forgive me. This is too much.

Hope You Have Hope For Me,

All she knew was that she was having plans that night.

Chapter Four: Treats, Tea, and Twilight

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Ding, Dong.

Twilight Sparkle groaned.

Her hoof slid against the bindings of colored books alphabetically ordered. She couldn't find the book anywhere, and that wasn't an exceptional outcome for her.


She heard soft footsteps. Soon enough, she saw her dragon Spike on the stairs. He had a frown on his face.

"Get me the copy of Advanced Mind Magic," she said simply, "And while you're at it, open the door. It's rude to keep ponies waiting."

Spike nodded, then sighed.

"I'll get it," he said lamely, walking slowly towards the door.


Waiting for somepony, or, in their case, somedragon, to open the door was boring.

"This is taking longer than I thought," Scootaloo told Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash had led her to Twilight Sparkle's home---well, tree--in Ponyville. She knew the unicorn harnessed a great and powerful magic which must have improved much during her long days away from Ponyville, being a Wonderbolt longer than Scootaloo was. Rainbow Dash was absolutely sure that Twilight Sparkle knew a way to fix this...this "amnesia"...and bring back all her memories of her old friends.

Finally, the door, slammed open...

In front of the two pegasi stood a familiar looking purple-and-green dragon. He blinked his eyes, his grimace changing into a comforting, welcoming smile that seemed to have some surprise and excitement to it. He had grown, surely. He was a foot, probably, taller and larger in size than he was when Rainbow Dash left to be a Wonderbolt.

Suddenly, as soon as he had started to smile, he ran off. When he came back, next to him was a grumpy looking, messy-mane purple unicorn. When she had realized the company, her expression changed also.

"Rainbow Dash! Oh, hello, Scootaloo! I haven't seen you two in a while."

"Talk about it..." Spike grumbled, "She hasn't gone out of the library for days!"

"Oh, shush, Spike," Twilight Sparkle scolded.

"Um..." Rainbow began to say.

"You can both come in," Twilight said, trotting into the library. Rainbow and Scootaloo followed behind her.

Scootaloo flew in gently. Looking around, she noticed books, books, and more books on the walls. Rainbow Dash did say that Twilight Sparkle loved to read.

"Do you want any tea? Cookies?" She asked, but before Rainbow Dash or Scootaloo could answer, her horn glowed, there was a popping sound, and tea and cookies on a tray appeared right before their very eyes on a table that also came out of nowhere, along with two chairs.

"Um...sure..." Rainbow Dash said, "You've improved your magic, haven't you?" She slid into the chair, Twilight Sparkle taking the other one.

It was an awkward time for Scootaloo.

Twilight glanced at Scootaloo with understanding. "You'd like a chair? Or I know some books you'd love to read while you take some cookies and tea."

"Oh, it's okay. I'm not hungry...but I like the reading idea. I always love a good book."

Twilight smiled. "Which book?"

"Daring Do, please." Scootaloo loved the series, and was on the last book. She planned to read the series over and over again...

"You've gotten her interested, haven't you?"

Rainbow nodded, then hesitated.

"Um...listen, Twilight...we have something important we'd think you could fix..."

"Oh, Rainbow, don't worry," Twilight Sparkle laughed warmly, "I think you need some rest. Same with Scootaloo."

There was another popping noise. She glanced at Scootaloo.

"The book's upstairs waiting for you now," she said kindly, " you sure you're not hungry? I'd hate to be rude to my guests."

"It's fine..." Scootaloo replied, and went on the way up the stairs. She truly wasn't hungry. They had stopped at a restaurant and had gotten some food; Rainbow Dash only wanted a snack, so she should have been hungry now.

She wondered...


"Have you known? Rarity made a new fashion line, and it's totally in!"

"No, I've been traveling. But I've read the news a bunch of times, and I've heard that Cloudsdale..."

Scootaloo eavesdropped on the two friend's conversations. She knew it wasn't right...but...she was just so bored. The book she was reading was interesting, but she just wasn't in the mood for books right at the moment, which was pretty rare. Her small eyes peeked out from a corner in the wall separating something Twilight Sparkle called the Guest Room, that connected to a banister that showed the front room of the library.

She sure fixed the place up, Scootaloo had noticed. There were doors, more rooms, and the newest furniture. Twilight knew the art of transporting, not only herself, but other things, Scootaloo had heard. She also heard that Twilight heard that she was going to get guests, so had prepared cookies and tea for the company. But she was surprised that it was her old friend!

Scootaloo knew other things she transported. For example, the Daring Do book she didn't want to read. Not only did she do that she also transported a bean bag to the guest room so she could sit on it...

"Scootaloo, come down here please," Twilight Sparkle's kind voice echoed through the rooms.

Scootaloo flew down from the banister. Twilight was waiting for her, horn-ready. She must have not eavesdropped on the most important parts of the conversations, because Scootaloo didn't know what this was about.

"Stay still, Scootaloo," Twilight advised, "This a memory spell. It will help you regain your memory...hopefully."

Scootaloo did. Her mind raced, but soon it was blank...

Applebloom. Sweetie Belle. Applebloom. Sweetie Belle...

When she awoke from some sort of dream, she was dizzy. Very.

"Huh..." she said.

"Don't worry," Twilight smiled, and helped Scootaloo up, "The dizziness will go away."

"How do you know...?"

"Books, basically," Twilight Sparkle said gently, "Other than that, I've used the spell before."


Rainbow Dash turned to Twilight, who looked her in the eyes.

"So, you'd better be on your way," Twilight Sparkle said, "And be sure to stop on the way to the other's places. I'm sure they'd like to see you."

"Oh, and Twilight?"

"Yes, Scootaloo?"

"I want to send a letter, but I think you could send it faster than me..."

Spike walked up, with a feather and scroll in his claws. He smiled. "I'm ready whenever you are."

Chapter Five: Walk Until Midnight

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It was dark and gloomy.

Rustles came from every direction; Applebloom, herself, would admit that she wasn't very confident about this.

She had told her sister a good, fat lie to make her trip to the tree house private, between her and the anonymous pony who had sent her the letter. She was sure that it was safe and had a good purpose--it had to be. If Applejack found out about the lie she was sure her sister was never trust her ever again...being a disgrace as her sister being the element of honesty, especially since Applebloom didn't remember the good reason she had told herself when she had read the letter why she shouldn't tell her sister what it said.

All she remembered was that it was a good reason...

Her hoofsteps made a little 'pitter-patter' sound as she jogged.

She was sure midnight wasn't very far away--it was 11:57, so it was only a few minutes until the anonymous pony revealed his or her identity.

Applebloom looked down at her hooves, than at the dirt path she was on that seemed to keep extending forever and ever. She knew that it was the path to the treehouse...she was sure about it. Especially the scent of the paint she used on the treehouse that she followed.

The treehouse came with many memories, no doubt about it. It was where the "Cutie Mark Crusaders", a club including Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo (two old but close friends of hers), had earned their cutie marks, even if they had been the last ones in their class to earn them. Ironically, they had all earned their cutie marks on the same day and same hour of the day.

That day, the best day of their lives, was also the worst--the day when they had to leave each other, and where Scootaloo, the one Applebloom believed was a betrayer, had left the title of being their friend.

Applebloom, when she was younger, didn't see her obvious talent of art even though it was right in front of her eyes, she had easily remembered. Applebloom remembered a song they did--where Sweetie Belle should have sang, Scootaloo should have danced, and Applebloom should have done all the art to it. It was embarrassing--she couldn't dance at all...

She had fixed up the treehouse, though, she had remembered, with her art skills. She painted it, had the boards all fixed up, cleaned it...

It needed a lot of fixing.

Caw, Caw! Crows? Applebloom didn't remember crows in Ponyville, and especially not on the pathway to the treehouse. But it was a long time ago since she had visited--wasn't it?

Applebloom smiled as she remembered another memory. It was one about the crusading. Boy, did she love crusading. It was just so!

It was Cutie Mark Crusaders Bird Watching. They stood behind some bushes for hours with different kinds of tools they had borrowed...

It really wasn't much fun, being silent. But it was fun when Scootaloo got flies all over her mane when she didn't notice...

Applebloom missed those times; she really, truly did. Her eyes began to fill with tears...

Soon she stepped into a small piece of land. It was not very perfect, or attractive. It was covered with leaves that crunched when she stepped onto them, and branches of old trees had fallen onto the ground. It wasn't a very convenient floor.


In front of her was just a pile of old memories. The treehouse...the one Applebloom believed could last until the end of time...was old and dirty and just like it was before she had fixed it up. It was unsuitable for the three old friends to walk into, though...but she bet that her friends weren't even here to try to see if it was correct...


Applebloom jumped. Who had said her name? It was somepony, though, she knew, not a cow or a donkey...

"Applebloom? Is that you?"

Somepony came out of the shadows. She could tell that it was midnight.

"Sweetie Belle?"

Applebloom stood shocked as she saw the old friend, looking as beautiful as always, looking just as curious and shocked as her.

Applebloom's world felt dizzy. Her mind raced, her heart quick.

And she did the bravest thing she could do in front of a friend...cry.

Chapter Six: Applebloom?

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"Sweetie Belle?"

The familiar, sweet voice rang through her mind over and over again. Why was Applebloom here? And this time? Was she the mysterious anonymous pony who had sent her the letter? Everything didn't fit. She had never forgotten Applebloom, and Applebloom to her. The only pony who did...


Sweetie Belle lifted her old friend's head with her hoof. Streams of tears ran down her face, and she had shut her eyes tightly as if she did not want to see anything.


"Sweetie Belle..."

The soft groan came from her friend's mouth. Her eyes slowly opened, wiping her tears away with her hoof.

"Sweetie Belle..." she repeated.

Her eyes met Sweetie Belle's. She looked serious, but forgiving. For what reason?

"I forgive you, Sweetie Belle..."

A smile grew on her face. What was she talking about, anyway?

"What do you mean..."

"I got your letter, Sweetie Belle," Applebloom said, her smile hardening, "I forgive you. But I don't know why...I've never forgotten you and you never forgotten me. You've sent me letters every month...I did too. Just...I never have forgotten you. I never will."


"You are forgiven." Applebloom patted her friend's back. A single tear came from her left eye.

"What are you talking about, first of all?" Sweetie Belle asked, "It's true I've sent you a letter every month, and you did too, but I just don't know why you keep talking about forgiveness. I thought that was you who should be forgiven."

"You got that letter? It wasn't from me, that's what I know."

Sweetie Belle shook her head, as if to recall her memories. She sure did have that specific, suspicious letter that sent her here, but...was it or was it not from Applebloom?

"Okay, let me get this straight," Sweetie Belle said, thoughts and wonders mixed in her mind, "We both got a letter from an anonymous pony who led us both here at midnight, hoping for forgiveness from both of us. And...and the pony left us?"

"Maybe he's late for the appointment," Applebloom suggested, her cheeks turning bright red.

"It isn't a 'he' shouldn't be a he. Females are more emotional and care more about friendships than males," Sweetie Belle replied, "Not discriminating or anything. It's just that...that it sounds more like a girl. A girl pony. But it's a maybe for either genders."

"It's not about the genders, Sweetie Belle!" Applebloom replied, "Be a detective. Clues, anyone?"

Sweetie Belle nodded. She looked off at the woods, the sky looking clear and dark. The moon glowed in the darkness surrounding the two friends. She nodded understandingly, then jumped at her conclusion.

"Oh! Who was our old friend who left us and had forgotten about us? Who would be sorry? Who?"

"Cutie Mark Crusaders, I got it!" Applebloom announced.

"I did first," Sweetie Belle claimed, "But anyway, to just ask...who?"

"Scootaloo," Applebloom said.

"You know, it's ironic if Scootaloo sent us the letter," Sweetie Belle replied, "Just before I read it my sister said that Scootaloo was in the newspaper. Being a Wonderbolt, and all."

"Mine, too," Applebloom laughed, "Really, really ironic."

Suddenly, there was a rustle. The two friends both jumped at the sudden noise.

"Ugh," Applebloom said, "I hate that. It kept happening when I was walking here. There's leaves everywhere, and the crunching sounds are just disgusting."

"Yeah," Sweetie Belle confirmed, "When I came on the path, it happened to me all the time. I get all scared--just to realize it's nothing but a squirrel or a rabbit! But other than that, have you heard those crows?Their cawing? I didn't know there were crows on the path."

"Me neither," Applebloom admitted, "It's kind of scary, I'll confess."

There was another rustle.

"Oh, hey squirrel," Sweetie Belle teased, waving her hooves around in an obviously fake frightened manner, "Come and get us!"

The rustle began again. And it came out.

And this time, it wasn't a squirrel or a rabbit.

Chapter Seven: A Midnight Reunion

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Scootaloo groaned.

She flipped her mane wildly. Dirt flew on the ground around her as her eyes shut tightly.

All she could think about at the moment was how much those prickly thorns in the bushes had hurt her hooves and how surprised her friends would be when she walked out of the treehouse...

"Scootaloo? What are you doing here?"

The annoyed squeal was frightening. Who was there? Were they following her?

Opening Scootaloo's eyes slowly and gently, she officially called her dramatic entrance a fail. Sure, she had reclaimed her easy memories from Twilight Sparkle, who let them stay awhile more (Scootaloo easily eavesdropping more on her friend's conversations with Twilight). It had hit her hard like a brick, but afterwards, as Twilight said, the dizziness and confusing pain went away.

Just as she had confirmed what she had seen, Scootaloo knew it was midnight. She was late.


The two mares standing next to each other in front of Scootaloo had stern expressions. They didn't look so happy and were obviously curious and surprised to what she was doing and why she was doing it.

"Scootaloo!" Applebloom exclaimed angrily, "What's the meanin' of this?"

"I'll explain. Now. Just...sit down, okay..."

The three friends sat down on the wet grass. Applebloom and Sweetie Belle sat next to each other, Scootaloo sitting in front of them both. Scootaloo was worried--scared that her friends would not forgive her. It seemed....

"I was the one who sent you both the letter." Scootaloo blurted.

"Aha! We knew it!" Applebloom grinned.

"Ah...just...please...don't say anything until I am finished. Okay?" Scootaloo pleaded.

They both nodded.

"Okay," Scootaloo continued.


", that's it. Comments?" Scootaloo asked.

Scootaloo could not believe how calm she was explaining every detail of her adventure to the friends who might not forgive her for what she had done. She'd admit that she was worried.

"Wow. Wow." Applebloom replied, shaking her head with confusion.

Sweetie Belle smiled, nudging Applebloom (who smiled in response to her friend's nudge).

"I think that you just made a mistake," Sweetie Belle commented sweetly, "I forgive you."

She nudged Applebloom again.

"Stop nudgin' me okay?" Applebloom sighed, then turned to Scootaloo, with a hopefully forgiving expression.

"Ah forgive you." Applebloom smiled. It was a true one.

Scootaloo felt tears form in her eyes. She smiled back, and soon she found her arms wrapped around her friend's bodies.

"You're the bestest friends a pony could have..."

"You too!" Sweetie Belle said, "And Applebloom!"

"I love ya guys," Applebloom laughed.

"" Scootaloo said, scooting a little away from her friends and looking up at the sky, "Do you think we could talk later? It's midnight..."

"My place!" Sweetie Belle laughed, "Carousel Boutique, tomorrow! I'm sure Rarity wouldn't mind."

"Sure!" Scootaloo giggled.

"Me too," Applebloom replied, "Applejack says I can go and visit some ol' friends every once in a while!"

"Just saying," Sweetie Belle smiled slyly, nudging Scootaloo, "Rarity's daughter isn't really known for being nice, by the way. And she's a big fan of the Wonderbolts. She'll go crazy...more than she already is."

Applebloom laughed kindly. "Applejack's not married yet," Applebloom said, "But she's dating. It's not much, really. It's a nice, generous stallion named Winter Lion. Applejack says he's brave and daring, but also gentle and kind...and dreamy."

They all laughed.

"I'll be there," Scootaloo said.

And with that, she flew off to the darkness, following the path lit up by the beautiful moonlight.

She couldn't believe that it all went so well.

Chapter Eight: Hugs and Kisses from Ruby

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"Sweetie Belle!"

Ruby was annoyed at her aunt's behavior and attitude, but that didn't mean she couldn't get anything from her.

Sitting on the edge of her soft bed with a plush toy in her hooves, she began to think. Soon, she saw her aunt's face peeking from the doorway.

"What, you miserable little brat?"

The words stung on her skin. Sure, they used to fight a bunch and tease each other but usually Sweetie Belle had the words that hurt. She was young, and Sweetie Belle...a touring musical sensation, who couldn't take it easy on her niece. What kind of sensation was that?

Ruby was up to making up. She wanted to be friends...not to fight...with her aunt. After all, her aunt was a teenager, not way older than she would become, her birthday coming up real soon. She kind of felt like a sister to her...


"What?" Sweetie Belle groaned.

Ruby didn't really know what to say. She wasn't reading parent magazines, and she was only very young. So she decided to take it cool, and say things that she meant, with truth in her eyes.


Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes. She walked over to her niece and sat next to her on the bed. It was a soft, regular bed, good for foals to bounce on.


"You want to tell me something, right?" Sweetie Belle predicted.

Ruby could only nod her head weakly. Somehow, whenever Sweetie Belle was there with her, there was something really missing in her heart...something that made her weak. That was why Sweetie Belle always won with the insults.


"Come on." Sweetie Belle said, "I know what you want to tell me."

"You do?" Ruby asked shyly. Her face reddened.

"Yep. I can see it in your eyes," Sweetie Belle sighed, "Friendship, isn't it?"

"Nope, truce." Ruby said, almost squealing.

"Same thing."


Ruby smiled and giggled. Her aunt loved to correct her mistakes, probably to have her learn herself. But usually she never payed attention to the good parts, only the bad.



"Also, um...Sweetie Belle," Ruby said slowly, "Rarity said you had a friend coming over. Who is it?"

Sweetie Belle smiled warmly. Ruby felt a true little niece now...a true sister if Sweetie Belle could only be.

"If you're curious, it's Scootaloo and Applebloom," Sweetie Belle grinned, "Scootaloo the Wonderbolt and Applebloom the artist."

Ruby jumped on her bed, bouncing up and down on the springy mattress. Her loving expression turned to excitement and joy.

"OMG!" Ruby shouted, "Wonderbolt? Coming to our house?"

Sweetie Belle held her hoof up and Ruby immediately stopped jumping. She fell onto the carpet floor of her bedroom.

"Not yet," Sweetie Belle laughed, "It's actually two Wonderbolts. Two. Scootaloo's friend Rainbow Dash is coming to see Rarity after the couple of years they've left each other. It's a Wonderbolt's break for the season, and they really don't want to miss it by training and all. So most of them are going to see their friends."

"Two?" Ruby's mouth left hanging open.

"Yep, now you can jump up and down on your bed again if you'd like with excitement."

Ruby did as she was told. She kept jumping, her smile growing more and more.

Sweetie Belle smiled. She truly, truly loved her niece.

But just as she was about to leave, she heard a familiar voice, whose whine changed to a kind plead.

"Sweetie Belle...could we talk?"

Sweetie Belle hopped back onto the bed next to her niece. She nodded.

"What about?"

"Um...why you were so depressed."

Sweetie Belle nodded again. "Oh, yeah," she said, "Well, the only thing I'm looking forward today was the visit from Scootaloo and Applebloom, and Rarity's probably happy to see Rainbow Dash."

"Yep, me too," Ruby giggled childishly, "But doesn't Rainbow Dash have other friends?"

"One...two...three...four...five..." Ruby continued, "Five of them, including Rarity Six."

"Oh, you see," Sweetie Belle explained, "Rainbow Dash has this friendship with Scootaloo. They're touring Ponyville together so they can catch up on everything they've missed, along with their friends."

"Like you and Rarity," Ruby grinned at her information.

Sweetie Belle caught that grin. It was not only about how Ruby was understanding and interested.

It was because finally, after a long time of hatred and insults, Sweetie Belle and Ruby were finally bonding.

Chapter Nine: Scootaloo the Amazing

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Ding, Dong!

Sweetie Belle grinned at the sound of the doorbell. She knew for a fact that Scootaloo, with or without Applebloom, was standing right outside her house this very second.

It was a burst of happiness and excitement that just exploded inside of her.

Putting down all the things she was holding with her magic, she rushed to the door and opened it up. Sure enough, the famous Wonderbolt was at her doorstep.

"Scootaloo..." Sweetie Belle could only say. Other than that, she was speechless even from a predictable visit from her old friend.

"Hey, Sweetie Belle," Scootaloo said, "Rainbow's here, too." She waved her dark orange hoof at the Wonderbolt next to her, with her familiar stylish rainbow mane and tail.

Sweetie Belle's mouth hung open. Not at the fact that they...Rainbow and Scootaloo...Wonderbolts, visiting her and her sister, it was that Sweetie Belle had a friendship with Scootaloo that had paused.

"Um...where's Applebloom?" Scootaloo asked.

"...And Rarity?" Rainbow Dash wondered politely.

Sweetie Belle seemed to finally find her voice. She blinked.

"Applebloom's not here yet," Sweetie Belle replied, "And Rainbow, Rarity's upstairs in Room. Working on a dress for a very important customer, I think."

Rainbow nodded, than raced upstairs, leaving behind a faint, temporary ribbon of rainbow in her path. It disappeared as quick as it came, though.

Sweetie Belle looked in Scootaloo's eyes. She felt her eyes beginning to water, but Scootaloo's weird words stopped her.

"You look...busy."

Sweetie Belle wiped the tears from her eyes. She shrugged, than realized what Scootaloo meant.

"Oh, my mane?" Sweetie Belle asked, transporting a mirror right in front of her, " niece Ruby did that. I think we're finally bonding, after a couple of years of Relative Wars."

They both giggled.

Sweetie Belle touched her floppy mane, than glanced at the mirror once more. Her regular, cotton-candy like purple-and-pink mane was tied into unfashionable ribbons unprofessionally, hair sticking out in different places. Her tail was much the same way, only some parts had blue washable marker scribbles.

"Also," Sweetie Belle said, changing the subject, "While we wait for Applebloom, I'm sure that we could pull up a chair and there might be tea and cookies in the kitchen."

Scootaloo shook her head. "Oh, no..." Scootaloo said, "I've had enough tea, trust me. But I'm kind of hungry."

Sweetie Belle smiled. "Coming right up!"


The air blew in quickly. The sun shone brightly. And Scootaloo was hungry.

Well, not as hungry as Soren was after every show.

Scootaloo shifted uncomfortably in her seat. Sure, the wooden chairs and tables fit the casual, light, girly theme and they were nice and flat, but it was something that made her uncomfortable about the place.

Sweetie Belle came into the room. She had a pink and purple apron on with doilies on the ends; her mane was fixed a bit, leaving only a few ribbons behind which looked perfect in the places they were put.

Scootaloo recognized the tune. She heard a small, thin whistle, knowing it to be Sweetie Belle's beautiful voice even through a whistle. It was one of Sweetie's romantic pop songs, Scootaloo knew, the ones heard on the radio while hanging out with other Wonderbolts and not recognizing it was her friend behind the speakers.

It was a sad moment, but after tons of crying she got used to it and seemed to push her tears away before she could even get to wet salt in her mouth. Ugh.

Sweetie Belle, with no trouble at all, was carrying the floating tray with her magic obviously.

"So..." Sweetie Belle said as she placed the tray on the table.

Scootaloo nodded, glancing at the food put in front of her. Than she sort of glared at a cup.

"It's not tea, by the way," Sweetie Belle explained, "It's pop. Not like the type of music, the soda. Soda pop. It''s favorite...Diet Rainbow."

Scootaloo laughed, remembering Soren's crush on Rainbow Dash.

"Where'd you get that information?"

"Gossip magazines," Sweetie Belle smiled, "And before you can ask, yes, I read them, from Rarity's desks. She doesn't care. Anyway, I couldn't find any cookies, so I got you S'mores. Okay?"

Scootaloo nodded. "Fancy to casual, I see."

Sweetie Belle laughed.

It was, in her heart, like somepony had pressed the play button on their friendship.

Applebloom's Arrival

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Applebloom stood outside Carousel Boutique patiently waiting. Her eyes peeked in the window to bright lights; nopony seemed to be home, because she had rang the bell a hundred times at least without any answer.

Knock. Knock.

Applebloom put her hoof on the door. The knock was loud and clear, and surely if anypony was home they would've heard it.

As quickly as she had knocked, a recognizable, fancy, fully-grown mare came to the door. Her purple mane was curled as usual and her diamond cutie mark gleaming in the sunlight.

"Hello, Rarity," Applebloom began politely, "Is Sweetie Belle home?"

Rarity nodded, smiling.

"Yes, they're talking in the kitchen right this moment, eating up S'mores."

"They're?" Applebloom wondered aloud.

"Yes, 'They're'," Rarity answered, "I'm sorry to say that you're awfully late. Scootaloo arrived early so they're talking away, as I said."

"Oh..." Applebloom nodded, looking down at her hooves, "Oops."

"Come in, anyway. Better late than never,"

Applebloom followed the mare's instructions. She hopped onto the floor of the Boutique. Usually, customers went to the front; but at the back of the boutique was Rarity's part of the house. It was nice, either way.

She stopped right before entering the kitchen. Applebloom could hear voices from the room, one girlish one and another kind-of-scratchy voice.

"And she said...'to get to the other side'..."

"Oatmeal, are you crazy?"

"And she flipped around and did a double sonic rainboom!"

"Oh and..."

There was an awkward pause. Applebloom wasn't sure what was going on.


A familiar voice squealed her name, and she fell to the ground with a thump, revealing her hiding place. Sweetie Belle looked at Scootaloo, shrugged, then glanced at Applebloom.

"Were you eavesdropping on us?" Sweetie Belle asked suspiciously.

"" Applebloom muttered, "Yeah. Sorry."

They both laughed. "No need," Scootaloo answered, "Come on. We have a lot to catch up on."


" then Applejack said to Diamond Tiara, 'You ain't comin' back here for any Zap Apples now, ya hear?"

They all laughed. Listening to tales about their old enemies were fun, especially the parts where they became defeated. Like Diamond Tiara.

Scootaloo smiled at the information, but was eager to hear about her hometown, Ponyville. Since Sweetie Belle had been traveling so much for concerts and world tours, Sweetie didn't know much and should be interested in the topic too.

Glancing at Sweetie Belle for a split second, she blurted, "How about Ponyville?"

Scootaloo hesitated, since the two ponies were staring at her uncomfortably, then continued. "I mean, what about Ponyville?" Scootaloo said, calmly, "It's nice to hear about your farm and all, but you were, like, the only one who stayed here. Sweetie Belle went on tours and I couldn't visit because of my shows."

Sweetie Belle nodded, slowly. "Yeah," she agreed, "I went to all different places, meeting all different ponies, but even if I spent my days here in the boutique I was usually inside songwriting or practicing my singing, training my vocal chords for my next concert. So I agree, I didn't really catch up on all the inside information of the town."

Applebloom laughed softly. "Of course you didn't, but you don't have to be so dramatic about it," she giggled, "Okay. If I miss anything, just ask me."

Applebloom cleared her throat, and began slowly.

"Okay. You know, before y'all left, remember Twist? My old friend?"

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo nodded in reply.

"Well, Diamond Tiara strikes again, cuz I heard Twist had a cute very special somepony, and she was so happy that before her first date she bought this expensive though pretty red dress but he dumped her at last minute for the snobby Diamond Tiara! And it was at the hottest club in Ponyville! How about that."

"Waste of money, I'd say," Sweetie Belle explained, "But love takes flight, beginning from the heart and soul."

"I'd never be caught in the latest club with a special somepony," Scootaloo replied, "I'd be up in the clouds, over the club, sharing a milkshake."

Sweetie Belle and Applebloom glared at her, but their glares soon faded into laughter as the joked around about it.

And Applebloom couldn't stop this special feeling growing inside her heart.


Scootaloo began to laugh when Applebloom told another joke. Sweetie Belle joined in, taking another S'more but choking on it while giggling crazily. Applebloom's eyes wandered from Sweetie Belle to Scootaloo. They were just three friends...three close friends sharing a joke.

Applebloom's mouth turned to a smile sundae topped with delight and appreciation. Her friends made up the cherry on top.

And all was peaceful.


~Author's Note
Sorry for the late update. I was working on a new fan fiction and had tons more to do. Sorry.

And if you want to suggest anything for any next chapters of the fan fic to help me update chapters more often, then that'd be great.

I think there might be at least two more chapters until the end of the story. So comment and criticize, I don't care which.

Sorry about the bad grammar and spelling errors. I'm only good at the meaning of literature and not really the specific details. Sorry about it.

A Sweetie Ending

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Sweetie Belle shivered. Even if it was the middle of summer, the wind blowing in the breeze was still cold. The three friends had prepared another 'Cutie Mark Crusaders' meeting at Rarity's boutique, and of course, as the element of Generosity, she did not mind.

The popular singer felt the soft cloth of the scarf she borrowed from her sister brush against her coat. Her eyes blinked, but her eyelids were growing heavier. A long day needed some rest, especially for the famous.

Sweetie Belle trotted to the boutique, needing a short nap. Her head was dizzy and her mane was messy and her eyes were off-focus, so of course.

But she was growing more and more tired every minute, and she couldn't possibly make it to the boutique in time.

Collapsing on the hard, dirt pathway, she began to dream about friendship.


"And the singer collapses on the floor!"

Sweetie squinted. Her head hurt, realizing she collapsed onto the floor. But that seemed like paparazzi to her, though it was coming from only one voice.

A familiar voice.

Sweetie Belle jumped up, recognizing the white, skinny stallion immediately.


Yeah. It was him. She'd recognize the white feather anywhere. Especially that squeaky, unnaturally high-pitched voice of his, though lower than his filly voice. It was still a voice, wasn't it...?

"Yes, superstar? Living the dream, being a singer and everything?" Featherweight eyed her cutie mark, as Sweetie Belle eyed his.

"Nothing changed, huh?" Sweetie asked, "Boring work days? How about family?"

Featherweight blushed. "I live alone...."

"Very special somepony?"

"I got dumped a few times..."

Sweetie Belle blushed. "Who could dump somepony like you?"

"Well, it's time I met somepony right for me, right?"

The words he chose hit Sweetie Belle hard. Turning around and checking her hooves, she noticed Featherweight had a watch.

"Do you know what time it is?"


Scootaloo glanced at Applebloom, and they both giggled.

Meeting each other on the way to Carousel Boutique, they had walked together and talking about their day, but it didn't slow them down.

Knock, knock.

Almost immediately, they were answered by Sweetie Belle and a tall white stallion. His curvy hairstyle was familiar as his eyes matched his hair color, and nopony could mistake the feather cutie mark.

"Featherweight?" the two answered.

"Uh...hope you don't mind, girls," Sweetie Belle said, "But I ran into Featherweight today and we had a little reunion...and...well, boom, he's my very special somepony."

Featherweight blushed.

"We don't mind," Scootaloo said, Applebloom nodding in agreement.

"Also...I need to tell you something..." Sweetie Belle said, "Come on in."

"Me too," Applebloom replied nervously.

There was a slight pause.

"Me three," Scootaloo almost whispered.

They came in and sat at their usual table in the kitchen, where Sweetie Belle got some S'mores and juice.

Everypony sat down, and all was quiet. Featherweight couldn't stop blushing, Scootaloo turned away, and Applebloom and Sweetie Belle shared awkward looks, until Sweetie Belle finally spoke.

"I need to go today," she said sadly, "I have a tour and I finished packing up my things this morning. It'll take a long time, I'm guessing."

Applebloom nodded awkwardly. "I'm going on a trip too," she nodded as she spoke, "I'm leaving right after this conversation."

There was a hesitant, weird silence. Then it was Scootaloo's turn.

"I got some mail today," she said in a hoarse whisper, "Rainbow Dash...there's an emergency I need to go take care of."

Featherweight blushed again, this time a magenta color. "I'm going with Sweetie Belle on her tour."

He took a S'more and bit into it. It was followed by Sweetie Belle, Applebloom, and finally Scootaloo, who seemed to be having a mental breakdown.

"What 'time is it?" Applebloom asked blandly to Featherweight, crunching on a S'more.

"3:35, why?" Featherweight replied curiously.

"It's time for me to go to the train," her eyes teared up, "Sorry guys. I'll miss ya."

Sweetie nodded, there was a burst of light, and her bags appeared. "Yeah, me too. See you afterwards, Scoots. Featherweight?"

Featherweight blushed again, and came along.

Everything rushed. It was too fast. Too fast for all her friends to leave her all at once.

"How about you?"

Scootaloo shook her head. "Don't worry about me," her voice was shaky, "I don't go until 6:00, and I can fly there myself."

Featherweight raised an eyebrow. "Staying here? Don't you have a hotel room?"

Scootaloo shook her head again. "Checked out," she mumbled.

Their eyes met, but Scootaloo pulled away. "Again, don't worry about me," Scootaloo was almost crying, "I'm fine. I just want to be alone for a second."

Featherweight nodded, and trotted out the door, willing to catch up with the others.


Scootaloo collapsed onto the table in tears. Everything she's been through came back to her, and it was too emotional for her to handle.

Making her words clear, though knowing her friends wouldn't hear, she spoke.

"I won't forget you."

Author's Note: Just to make this clear, this is NOT the ending. It will be followed by an Epilogue.

Thanks for all the viewers! :) I hope there could be more!

If you want more Slice of Life stories like this, comment about it and what you'd like! I take requests and suggestions!


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Scootaloo wiped a tear from her face. Her eyes met with her close friend, but Rainbow's eyes seemed to fade away, and she couldn't stand it.

Turning away, she wiped another tear away.

But she couldn't tell lies her whole life. Rainbow Dash was dying, and it was up to Scootaloo to keep the Wonderbolts and everything else alive. Starting with facing the truth.

She turned back to Rainbow Dash, with a faint smile.

"I wish you could stay with me forever," she mumbled.

Rainbow Dash smiled back, kind of grinning. Her hospital bed may not be fashionable, and her colors may be dull, but she would stay in Scootaloo's heart forever. Forever. Forever...

"Scootaloo," Rainbow Dash said weakly, "I know you know this too, but you're my friend. My favorite friend from the Wonderbolts, my favorite friend besides the five other girls I've grown up with. But they're something and you're something too, and you're something else. You give me a special feeling when you're around, and I enjoy that feeling. That feeling is a new kind of friendship, a friendship that you created. You're like a sister to me. You've always been."

Scootaloo's heart pounded, and her eyes began to water with happiness. She never had a family, and Rainbow Dash felt like her mother to her ever since she was a little filly.

Rainbow Dash continued, her smile slowly growing bigger and bigger. "I want you to carry on me. Carry on Rainbow Dash. And that means I want you to take over my spot as leader of the Wonderbolts, ever since Spitfire has been too weak to lead it. I want you to be me, and carry on the cyan mare's wishes for you right now."

Suddenly, Twilight Sparkle entered the room, the door opening softly and gently.

"Hello, Rainbow Dash, hello Scootaloo," she said softly, closing the door.

"Hello," Scootaloo answered painfully, glancing at Rainbow Dash.

"Scootaloo, I need to talk to you," Twilight Sparkle kept her soft tone as she pulled Scootaloo away from the hospital bed, "I know you've been through a lot, and we haven't sent Princess Celestia a letter for a long time, so how would you like to send her one?"

"I'd be glad to," Scootaloo gulped, nodding, "Really."

Twilight Sparkle smiled, and held up a piece of paper and a quill to her face. "You may begin," she laughed silently, "I've learned to do this ever since Spike left for the Dragon Migration."

"Alright. Dear Princess Celestia," Scootaloo began, glancing at Twilight Sparkle, who was trying to keep up with the pegasus' words, "I have learned a lot from my adventure. Friendship is an enjoyable thing, no doubt it, but it's also a responsibility. I should never forget my friends or family, or anypony for that matter who is close to me in any way. From, your faithful subject, Scootaloo."

Scootaloo smiled as she looked at the unicorn's calligraphy, and while reading it over she felt emotions taking over.

Trotting over to the pegasus, she saw her fading. No, dying.

"I'm sorry," Scootaloo whispered.

"It's not your fault," Rainbow Dash said.

Her weak eyes closed, and her colors dulled.

"I'll remember you..." Scootaloo said.
